View Full Version : FB recruited by GF

23-03-2013, 12:42 PM
This is not much of a story, but was wondering if there are bros here who have FBs approved by GF/Wife. Even better, anyone whose FB is GF/Wife's friend and she played a role in establishing the FB relationship?

My friend is one such lucky bas***d. Maybe one in a hundred thousand. He is in this forum and might be reading this too, but I am sure he won’t mind me sharing as long as I don’t include any identifiable information. Maybe if I was courageous enough, I should have been in his (enviable) position. But damn :P.

Ok, here goes the short story. Let me call my friend 'L' (lucky guy), his GF as 'G', and his FB as 'X'.

G and X comes from the same town in their country and were friends from secondary school. Me and L are from another country and race. I came to SG for uni just like the other three and didn’t know any of them before. During the orientation camps and stuff, I became good friends with G. I liked her (anyone would), but since we are of different races, I wasn’t sure if I should try to get into a relationship. Even more importantly, I wasn't sure if she was ok with the idea, and didn’t want to bring awkwardness into the friendship (ok, she probably wouldn’t have shown any awkwardness, but I would have always felt uneasy if I made an unsuccessful attempt) by hinting to her. She looks well above average, and the best thing about her is that she is a GEM of a person. We used to go out for various activities, just as normal friends. Many a times, X also joined us. X was quite a looker, but her character (too much of a career lady), while very ok, is not something I would want in my gf/wife. Her expectations from a BF is high too.

As time passed by, we all got more friends, and became more involved in things to fill up our CVs with. Inevitably, we started meeting less and less. In year 3, G went for exchange to the west. And soon, she got involved with L, whom I didn’t know at that time. I had a bit of regret (she was indeed open to other races), but eventually was happy for her. She even used to chat with me to know more about my culture and language etc. L and me became friends online too. Few months later, G and L lost their virginities to each other and having regular sex. X went to a different place for exchange, and started having a thing for ang mo guys (but never acted on it).

When they all came back after the exchange semester was over, I became good buddies with L - our characters and likings are quite similar. G tried a bit to get me and X into a relationship, but eventually realized that it was just impossible. X used to comment that we (me and L) are both handsome though. G and L had (and still has) a very strong relationship, the only possible incompatibility is in the frequency of sex. G likes it no more than like 2 times a week, but when she does it, she is a tigress (according to L). However, L wants it much more frequently (and claims to be able to perform well, though I can’t vet that :P), and this was a cause for minor quarrels.

Eventually, I too got into a relationship (ironically, she is not from my race either). X, all this while never had a boyfriend given her high expectations. However, she was a very horny virgin, and her knowledge of G and L having sex only made it worse (G and X were in adjacent rooms in the hall, and L used to visit G regularly). X used to masturbate and watch lots of porn, got vibrators, but it wasn’t helping. She was not able to concentrate on her crucial final project because of this. One day, X nearly had unprotected sex with a random guy she met in a pub, but had the nerve to say stop to him the last moment, saying she didn’t want to lose virginity to a total stranger (poor him). X used to update G about all these. G used to tell all these to L, and he used to mention ‘jokingly’ that maybe he can help her. G knew it probably wasn’t entirely ‘jokingly’ though, given his horniness.

Finally, G came up with a plan. Since she had a horny bf and a horny friend, she decided that they can be FBs, provided some conditions are met. She discussed with both parties separately, got them to agree (which was hard, as X was very skeptical about it at first, and L was initially thinking that G is testing him), and made them sign a "contract" (yes, a written one). L showed it to me (not entirely voluntarily, but he couldn’t hide all these from me for too long), and the excerpts (from my memory, there were some 2-3 more which I can’t recall) are given below.

Either of 3 parties can call it off anytime without assigning any reason, others will respect it and friendship has to be continued as though nothing ever happened.
For X and L, behavior outside the room and inside their minds will be just like that of friends. Boundaries will be respected and won’t be crossed. X will join their dates only occasionally, just like how it was before.
X will make all efforts to date others and find a partner, and getting sex will not reduce her motivation to do so. X will not do it other than with L until she finds a bf. Once she finds a bf, the arrangement will lapse.
G has the right to watch X and L doing it, but X will not make efforts to watch G and L doing it. (G likes watching, but doesn’t fancy being watched)
No 3 some ever.
X and L will always use a condom (which was waived later as X started getting Depo shots).
No one else other than the 3 will know.
G reserves the right to change any of the conditions above at her discretion. If not acceptable to any of the parties, the arrangement will lapse immediately.

So far, all but the condition that a 4th party will not know has been honoured (I knew it, though it was mostly through my PI skills). From the T&Cs above, if you haven’t guessed it, G works in a bank now !.

That solved X's and L's problems, and all of them graduated with flying colours. Once they graduated, the 3 took a 2 room apartment together, with
X and G in one room, and L in another (for parents and distant friends)
L and G in one room, X in the other (for close friends)
X and G in separate rooms, and L shuttling between the two, though he spends most of the time in G's room (in practice).

This arrangement has been on for nearly 4 years now. G, L and X together have toured the whole of Asia in these years, having all the fun. X still haven’t found a bf, but hopes to hook up with an ang mo once she goes for higher studies in Australia (where she hopes to settle eventually). G and L are getting married soon and to have a baby immediately and before X goes off, so that L will not be deprived of sex (G doesn't want to have much sex while pregnant), and hopes to get some help from X in taking care of the baby during the first few months after delivery.

Bottom line - L had been living a dream for the past 4 years. He is incredibly lucky to have a gf like G.

PS :
Sorry if the usage L,X,G etc are confusing. I couldn't think of suitable names to give them.
Please dont ask me to continue the 'story', I have already mentioned whatever is relevant =)

23-03-2013, 06:00 PM
delete post

07-04-2013, 03:25 AM
Interesting set up. Looking forward to more! Cheers, ...........

07-04-2013, 08:43 AM
My life has never been so interesting and sexciting like this :mad:

07-04-2013, 11:12 AM
My life has never been so interesting and sexciting like this :mad:

Neither has mine leh ...

07-04-2013, 11:14 AM
i up yr rep also.