View Full Version : A Swinging Fantasy (Real Story)

24-03-2013, 11:52 PM
I want to share my new beginning into the swinging lifestyle here, the story is real and it took place just very recently. The veterans here might find my story very amateur but its still a first for me so I hope you will bear with me.

Certain details has been changed by me to protect a fellow bro here and his wifey as to protect their privacy.

Until today I am still getting the high of it so I just thought I wanted to share this experience here.

I am an average Joe, 30 yrs old this year, holding a salary job.
I am a big guy due to my previous stint in body building, I am 180/90kg but I am more big built than flabby.

I been a member in SBF for a couple of years now and my favourite section is of course the orgy/ swinging section.

My wifey ‘s job requires her to travel most of the time, so I am normally very free (and bored) on weekends. As you guys know, as you aged, friends, buddies, brothers tends to disappear after they get settled down and have kids or wife don’t let them out.
I have been an avid fan of swinging, I don’t swing yet so I am only a fan now yea ?

I have always the dark fantasy of having sex with another couple with wifey and proceeding to the next step to full swap, its abit of mixed fantasy plus jealously and it never fails to get me a hard on.
Swinging has always been a fantasy that exist in the internet for me and whenever I watch shows and movies about these fantasies I have always tried to question the dark side of me whether I would dare to go for full swap if I ever get that chance.

Swinging fans like me would be all too familiar with the shows
1) Playboy Swing
2) Skin to the max
3) Swingers (dutch)
4) Screw my wife please series
5) Wife Switch
6) Swingerakce
7) Neighbourhood Swingers
And of course the legends that exist among us

1) Undertables 99
2) Colourblinds
3) Privcho
4) Joe and Cel
5) Peterpans

It was a usual another boring Saturday night alone, I was as usual browsing SBF and as you know, the odds of a single guy getting hit in the Swingers’ section is near to 0, unless you are very yandao or you have a decent tool like 7”-9”. I don’t consider mine small maybe about 6” but we have to respect people ‘s criteria, I am also not the type who likes to bug pple which I am sure a lot of couples here get.

I am not a cheapo looking for free fucks, there are plently of budget bonks in the dome but its just the Swinging lifestyle that just fascinates me.

So as usual, I was browsing through all the threads on the couples section where 1 particular thread caught my eye.

It was a couple looking for soft-swinging or singles guys but no criteria stated.

I just though I try my luck by giving a little introduction of myself, however with my mighty weight of 90kg although I think most couple would have turned me down without meeting me anyways.

So, the send button was hit and I went to take a bath due to the hot weather. I remember it was a very humid Saturday night at 1AM.

When I came back into my room however, I saw my MSN popup indicating a new email has arrived, I just thought it was just another spam mail as it was already 1am into Sunday morning.

However, to my very present surprise, the email was from the bro and he replied;

“ Yes, you may come, but you will have to come now as my girl is falling asleep soon”

I was still half surprise but also abit half skeptical but no harm trying, I gave him my contact and soon I was on KPE heading into town.

Its abit lame but in my heart I was wondering, Is it a scam ? is it a aeroplane business ? is it some big fat old ang mo with a ugly pinoy chick (sorry to all pinoy lovers, but this is really what I thought of) ?

With shaking hands I typed

“ bro I am here”
Within seconds I got a reply; the vibration actually caused my heart to miss a beat.
“ Ok give me awhile”
As I stood outside the hotel, I was still wondering whether it’s a wrong thing to do….
A fat lady in her 50s, seemingly a typical PRC auntie came out from the hotel lobby and gave me a stare for like 5 sec and then return into the hotel.
I was like siao liao, oh no…. see wad pple say ? if its too good to be true it probably is….theres no free lunch in this world ? see, you wasted your time and money…blah blah

Just then the phone rang, it was from the bro, is he going to reject me ? am I going to reject him ? but I thought no matter wad, be a gentleman and at least buy pple a drink or sorts right ? take it as making another friend.
Bro: Hi bro you here ?

Me: yea I am just outside the lobby

Bro: why don’t you just come on in ?

Me: Ok lor….

As I walk in, a decent Chinese guy around my age sitting in the lobby.

Me: Hi bro, I am dave, thanks for inviting me..

Bro: No problem, I am Don (name changed), have a seat..

So I thought he was going to tell the Fat PRC auntie is going to reject me,
actually I do hope she reject me but…

Don: actually another bro will be joining us, you don’t mind right ? My girl was actually tired… so shes resting in bed now

Me: (oh, so not the prc?) yes its ok, I try my best liao, sorry man if I am taking up your time

Don: Its ok, another bro is actually rushing down so we will have to wait for him anyway. So anyways, we are very new into this.. so you will likely just be at the side and watch ok ?

Me: I am ok, actually I been a swinging fan and I have always been keen…just that you know, wifey travels often plus shes a very conservative person.
Ok, just to share abit on my wife, she works for a giant MNC and needs travel most of the time, shes wasbrought up in a traditional family and very protected family. So her sexuality is a tough nut to crack and get to really let go, we were childhood sweethearts and met in Poly and then Uni before tieing the knot recently.

I have tried many times to at least to test her abit on soft swinging but always get the answer like I am crazy or I am suggesting something insane, I guess its just takes time.
Wifey is petite, about 160cm/ 45kg. Shes more to the cutey pie type than really chio… not on an on par comparison but in her younger days, she do get quite abit of comments she looks like Ruby Lin…


However our sex lifee is actually very routine, everything is more like going thru the motion, shes not a very high sex drive person but she do knows how to enjoy, but it do takes abit of warming up. Ok back to the story…

Don: My girl too is not convinced initially

Me: Wa so how did you do it then ?

Don: I have tried very hard so its soft swinging for now, but tonight you and another bro will just watch and then if shes warm up probably you can just touch but no kissing ok.

Me: Of course, no problem, I believe in the swinging community respect is the code.

Very soon another bro arrived and we were on our way up. As the room door opened, it was dark and a long haired lady was lying in bed with the blankets on.

Bro Don then hopped on to the bed and whisper something to her…The lady whispered back but I can feel we were actually interrupting her sleep.

She got up to the bath room, when the toilet door opened and theres more light, my heart skipped a beat again.

She was wearing a very hot halter neck beach dress and she was tall, about 170cm.


I always have a fetish for tall girls as you know my wife is petite plus the hot beach dress compliment her figure very well. Her side view and back view actually looks abit like Phyllis Quek, its abit slutty but yet demure at the same time.


The mood was very tense.. i was half expecting not to go thru but i know, this is a given, we should not force, the other bro feeltit also

Other bro: errr bro, did we catch you at the wrong time ??

Me: yes bro, if we are disturbing feel free to let us know, we can….

Don: Its ok, just wait awhile

just then, the toilet door opened and Mrs.Don walked out…..

25-03-2013, 12:12 AM
First to camp!!!

25-03-2013, 12:37 AM
Don went up to hold her hand together they walked to the edge of the bed...

They started frenching so i think we all understood its all-go !

Bro Don then unhooked the halter neck dress....

although the room was dark, i could see a nicely shaped pair is C cuppers, at this point my little bro inside my pants was throbbing with pressure and i guess the other bro there too.

I have read by right even when watching, the normal rule to be polite was to be naked as well but i was wasnt really sure if this was the correct thing to do...

The other bro slowly unzipped his pants.. noting no objection from bro Don side, i undid mine too.

At this point i guess the room temp easily went up by 2 deg, Mrs. Don was kneeling on the floor blowing Bro Don....

The low slurping sound echoed through the room and both the other bro and started jerking off faster and faster.

Bro Don then undid the full dress and wow, Mrs Don was pantyless.

She stood there with her body contours reflecting light from the street lamps and the faint light through the toilet doors,

Her body actually reminded me of Yin Yi... if anyone here remembered her photos... it not really big boned, but very well proportional...

The C cuppers and perky butt will certainly turn heads on the streets with that nice beach dress.

Bro Don then began to do a standing doggy with Mrs Don half inclined onto the edge of the bed, the sounds of fleshes knocking and Mrs Don echoed through the room, Bro Don then signalled to both us to...

with light caress i squeeze the soft and bouncing C cuppers at the same time i was hoping not to have big reaction from Mrs. Don.

I could feel blood pressure into my dick... the view at that point was an instant turn on.

i could feel the force from Bro Don pushing her boobs up and down and me at the same time grabbing it, the other bro from the other side must be enjoying himself as well.

Bro don then went to the bed and the rest of us follow. He began to to finger her and the other bro and myself both helped to hold up each of her legs.

Mrs. Don i think cummed at least 3 times in that position, i began kissing her thighs and then her toes ( i know some girls got a fetish for that) and Mrs Don moan even louder... i was actually wondering at this point whether the next room can hear us.

Bro Don then signalled us to her pussy, i rubbed her clit and it was wet with juices flowing out just like you always see in jap porn, the bottom was of the bed sheet was a wet patch so i guess bro don did a good job....

after some rubbing, i inserted my finger in, trying to be careful.. some of my ex gfs are very sensitive to fingers but the faster i went the louder Mrs. Don went....

at this point, bro don asked Mrs. Don, do you want him to put his fingers in ? but my finger was already in.... i tot i did the wrong stuff and quickly withdrew

to my pleasant suprise, Mrs. Don suddenly grabbed my hand and pull my hands to her pussy.... i dont know why but this gave me another instant hard on...

Bro don then switched place with me and started bonking her missionary... alternatiing with finger at the same time.. i was by the sides fondling her boobs while all of a sudden Mrs. Don grabbed my dick and start jerking it off.....

The pressure suddenly went ballistic but i tried very hard to tone it down coupled with all the JG/ breathing and whatever technique i can remembered....

We went a long way from just watching....will there be more ?????

25-03-2013, 12:48 AM
TS, good introduction. Camping for more....:)

25-03-2013, 01:01 AM
Camper number 2

25-03-2013, 01:48 AM
Nice story by TS, looking forward to next update.

25-03-2013, 02:31 AM
Good story bro, looking fwd to more

25-03-2013, 02:46 AM
Awaiting next installment

25-03-2013, 02:57 AM
Camping for more

25-03-2013, 08:49 AM
Nice ~ ... please continue... awaiting next chapter.

25-03-2013, 09:51 AM
Wow nice!!! Camping here for more :)

25-03-2013, 10:12 AM
Wow nice story to share bro.

Looking forward for more...


25-03-2013, 12:19 PM
hot..... waiting to know how u convince ur wife to swing...


25-03-2013, 12:36 PM
Nice start and interesting built up of the characters.

Keep it going

25-03-2013, 12:42 PM
thanks for the honesty and the sharing! it makes people viewing it have some thoughts as well

25-03-2013, 06:15 PM
camping here liaoooo

25-03-2013, 07:35 PM
camping here

26-03-2013, 12:28 AM
Hi guys, sorry for the wait

Went for dinner with the bro and chat alot on the liftstyle... the process of gettiing the wife/gf into the liftstyle

Hopefully there be another chance soon :o

ok heres the continuation

so we went from just watchinng to actually Mrs.Don now jerking off two cocks now with her left hand and right hand, and all this time bro don attacking her juicy cunt ( i just learn from Bro over dinner he can actually make his wife squirt :P)

I know boundaries are being pushed but the momentum is there and we all know theres no turning back.

Both the other bro and me are now naked, so its 3 guys and 1 girl naked on the bed coupled with the sweltering heat from our body.

just imagine this picture, Mrs Don lying nude with the legs folded up exposing her wet and i forgot to mention well shaven pussy.

Although she was in her 30s, her pussy was still very nice ( if u watch jap porn u know how some pussies can have a 2big flaps which is kind of turned off).

on her right was me brushing back her long silky hair and her left hand on my dick and the bro on the right in the same position with his dick in Mrs.Don hands.

Bro don was thrusting his fingers in with momentum and with each thrust Mrs Don's moan got louder and louder. Suddenly she stop jerking us and she crimped her legs and shiver, i think she came again.

Bro Don then signalled me to change position with him, he went over and push his wet dick into Mrs.Don 's mouth, he pushed his shaft in all the way and Mrs Don gagged.... it was my turn to finger her again, i started slow because i felt she was going dry... but as i gain momentum her wet juices filled my fingers again and very it was dripping wet....

at this point bro don lifted her legs higher and wider apart


he then signalled me to the wet juicing pussy.... i wan thinking is he telling me to go down on her ? i would love to taste the wet pussy but again....

they are new swingers... am i pushing my luck ?

b4 i could decide, bro don got off the bed and they went to the standing doggy again


so we all stood up and stood by the side while bro don pumped her furiously again, Mrs.Don suddenly moan very loudly and she got very high because she suddenly grab me nearer and held on tightly to me. the sight of the bouncing boobs swing back n forth got the better of me and i kneel down and gave her breast a good lick while she was being pumped from the back.

after 10mins of pump we retreated to the bed again, she started jerking both of us again but what Bro Don mentioned next stun me, dear, can we do it off the bed ? i was, do wad ?

26-03-2013, 08:34 AM
Wow Bro! interesting story, can wait for more. Wish I was in your shoes. :D :D

27-03-2013, 08:28 PM
Interesting story leh bro......Any new updates ? Dun juz stop there leh;)

28-03-2013, 01:12 PM
Waiting got part 3 :o

29-03-2013, 04:33 PM
Steamy FR. Can really feel the whole scenario from TS's good write-up.

Please continue. :)

06-04-2013, 02:07 PM
Bumped up this post to encourage more posts from TS. :)

06-04-2013, 04:56 PM
standing by for nex post..

07-04-2013, 06:43 PM
what a build up! cant wait for the next update@@

07-04-2013, 07:45 PM
Interesting! :D

07-04-2013, 10:08 PM
Sexifying bro. Keep it going. Cheers

07-04-2013, 10:16 PM
nice one keep coming