View Full Version : i'm turning 19 but something that happened 4years back has been haunting me...

02-04-2013, 04:14 PM
yes.. i don't mind divulging my past since i don't think i know anyone in this forum..
but 1year ago... i was still in secondary 5..
i had this ex boyfriend who is 4years older than me.. he was from a local jc..
and at that point of time he was in the army so he has a lot of time when he booked out..
i've very good impression of him cause he was smart, and doesn't look like pervert.
so one day he decided to come over since my parents are both working and the house is empty during the day and it was a public holiday that day.
out of the blue my dad came back home as earlier as i expected..
my dad doesnt enter my room cause i'm a lady.. so he gives me the space.
but then at this point.. so my ex bf was panicking... i told him not to worry and assured him that my dad does not enter my room at all..
the next moment.. he grab me onto the bed and things happened from them... i was in pain but couldn't scream and he did it even harder...
after that day i broke up with him and i did not confide this matter to my father and mother...
up till today the images are still in my head... very vivid images of him assaulting me.
is he a psycho?
everytime when i walk back home... i turn my head to the back to look out for him...
i'm very afraid he would approach me.

LOVE THE DAILY DOSE (http://www.howcomeyouarehere.blogspot.com)

03-04-2013, 09:52 AM
to put it bluntly..u had been raped..and now the truama is still huanting you...u need help to get out of this.

03-04-2013, 09:58 AM
It's hunting u now, speak up to someone older than you or to your family... They will understand, maybe you feel it's not wrong to tell someone that you have been rape but keeping it inside yourself isn't helping at all.

03-04-2013, 10:24 AM
sorry to hear about your past. it was not your fault.

i am a bit lost. your thread titled said something happened 4 years ago, but you then mentioned last year.

it is a serious crime if it is 4 years ago as you were still a minor. if 1 year ago, it is still not too late to report to the police if you want to.

any way, i think you need to speak to a councilor if you are still schooling. if not, maybe seek some free help. look up aware website.

03-04-2013, 11:51 AM

please click on above link.... all the best to you !!

03-04-2013, 12:01 PM
dear sis, why did u break up with your ex after tat time? did he initate the breakup or u did?

03-04-2013, 12:46 PM
I'm a normal guy I look for gals to bed but I dun rape.example india rapes cases we r human beings not animals.even for animals they fight n win then winner takes all even animals dun rape some animals even need to express to females in order to mate. Lets court gals do it in the nature way n not rape

Respect to all females

03-04-2013, 01:16 PM
sad to hear that...
i think you have to speak to someone to overcome the fear within you.

03-04-2013, 01:25 PM
Please make a police report as you had been RAPED. Date rape is still rape.

03-04-2013, 01:31 PM
dear jessicatan94...
u have been raped...please report immediately to the police...
there is no statute of limitations for rape...
but the longer u wait...the more the images haunt and affects u...
get it out of your mind / system as soon as possible...

03-04-2013, 02:32 PM
There is no need to swim up the stream. Its just time that that has past.

03-04-2013, 02:32 PM
OK, now she Sec 4, 1 year back is Sec 3, so its 15YO, her ex-BF confirmed "rape" case.

But title is I'm turning 19, something happened 4 years back.

I'm confused, really confused. How old is TS? and when this happened?


03-04-2013, 04:40 PM
Hi Sis, his action is forced sex on you without consent is rape. Worst still if happened 4 yearsago, so you are below the age of 15 then sex with a minor is also an offence. :mad:

03-04-2013, 05:05 PM
sorry to hear about your past. it was not your fault.

i am a bit lost. your thread titled said something happened 4 years ago, but you then mentioned last year.

it is a serious crime if it is 4 years ago as you were still a minor. if 1 year ago, it is still not too late to report to the police if you want to.

any way, i think you need to speak to a councilor if you are still schooling. if not, maybe seek some free help. look up aware website.

sorry was a typo...
given i wrote this in the wee hours..
i am just glad i'm fine now.. but just this lingering phobia..

03-04-2013, 05:27 PM
Have sis replies anyone?

03-04-2013, 05:27 PM
Ts is afraid of the aftermath after the deed is exposed, like friends shunning her,parents chiding her,etc. Important thing is not to keep it to yourself,best is approach a councillor and ask for options and consequences. Bottling up to yourself will worsen the situation as u have already lost confidence in future.

03-04-2013, 06:24 PM
Post is troll. I've deleted my advice.

This is a clone of lordofsg. I see a SIG that points to howcomeyouarehere.blogspot.com in the original post.

Be discerning. Who the hell confesses rape and abortion in an online sex forum?

03-04-2013, 09:28 PM
Post is troll. I've deleted my advice.

This is a clone of lordofsg. I see a SIG that points to howcomeyouarehere.blogspot.com in the original post.

Be discerning. Who the hell confesses rape and abortion in an online sex forum?

good csi there.

the story is like no head no tail. the years dont tally.

and if the guy really afraid of the father entering the room, how would the guy even got the balls to rape the girl with the father loitering in the living room? for a lady with rape phobia, sbf is the last forum u will join and read stories. some stories here are more scary than what TS might gone through tbh.

04-04-2013, 09:37 AM
i was in pain but couldn't scream and he did it even harder...

y cannot scream???? :confused:

04-04-2013, 10:05 AM
Clearly someone is not honest. Such event I doubt one can get confused on the date. She claimed it was 4 years then 1 year??? And a panick young boy would be panicking and not having a hard on to f her...

On another post, she was seeking friendship on an older man...

I smell fish...

04-04-2013, 03:15 PM
lol, a rape victim would come to a sex forum to ask for help from perverts like us? pls la guys, this is fake. why go to a wolf den to cry for help?

04-04-2013, 03:27 PM
Yes This is a clone of lordofsg !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! with that stupid blog attached.

now change to a girl nick for ?????????

04-04-2013, 11:09 PM

05-04-2013, 09:12 AM
Yesterday I receive a unknown call from someone who claims to call wrong number. Is that you? 9631 xxx. Is that your number. Jess. Aiya. She guy gal gay clone or whatever la. We all come here juz for fun de. No one is seriously serious about anything. Jess if that not your number than I anyhow spread le arh

05-04-2013, 04:47 PM
You need to give more info..how did your ex-boyfriend go from panicking about your father to assaulting you?

If you were raped, then i'm sorry for you. But that is for the police to decide. There are a lot of false rape accusations out there, and your story doesn't seem straight. So if you were, then you MUST report to the police.