View Full Version : The Ultimate Foreplay

10-04-2013, 03:23 PM
Some people like to break up their story in a few posts, and look for followers and supporters. And perhaps gain points. I won't adopt that style. I know I am good. I know my story is Hot. I don't even care about points. As I am having a good life as of now, I am just intending to share my past experiences and story. Feel free to read the whole story, the starting may be a bit slow but it is a build up. I may break up the story into bits if forum limits my post as it was about 5 microsoft word pages long. Here goes.

I do not know about true hypnosis but I have always been fascinated by it. Many fall prey to the allure of power, and this power of getting full control over another human mind has always been a great temptation, a fantasy.

My story today is about a technique I have developed, and it involves both hot sex and subtle hypnosis. It can be viewed by others as nothing to do with hypnosis, but yet for sure it will be an interesting, and erotic view on things.

The prologue begins with this 25 year old Singaporean boy, playing on the “chat w strangers nearby” app. For those that do not know, it is an app that allows you to look through strangers(in your country), and send them a message to chat. There are many hot, pretty, sexy young ladies that are on this app, but naturally not all of them would reply to your “Hellos” and “Care for a chat” as probably for every girl, 100 guys are messaging them. Thankfully, blessed with a great education and far above average mind, interesting lines have managed to get some girls to continuously chat with me. Think of the app as a funnel system, you may try your luck with 100 girls, 20 actually reply you, 10 continuously chat with you, 4 might agree to go on a date, and maybe 2 might let you in their pants. The subject today I will name as Jessica (not real name). A little bit of interesting conversations, flirting, saying the right lines, and exchange of pictures later, she was open to me accompanying her to an expo/exhibition/sale. And so the story begins…

Met her at the train stop near the exhibition, immediately complimented her, “Wow Jess you are prettier than your picture”. Got a big smile out of her and she cocked her head to the side and said “You are more handsome than your picture too, and so tall!”. I smiled. This was a good start. For those still new to the seduction game, remember, the first 15mins is the first impression, and is critical. Besides constantly being in conversation and making jokes and giving compliments, I was also checking out how luscious this sweet young thing looked. She gave you that sort of feel that she was past 19, but before 21. I looked at the pretty pink dress she was in, noticing that the end of her skirt was just slightly shorter than average. Taking in the splendor of her smooth white, slim thighs trailing up to whatever was under her skirt, left much to be imagined. She had the slimmest of waists, it looked like you could wrap it all around with just one arm, that would be easy to grab when entering her from behind in doggy style. The fabric of her dress was thin, I could clearly make out the shape of her butt cheeks. She did not have a large ass like Jennifer Lopez, but the tight young Asian kind of ass, perky and full of tease. I could imagine if we went to a club how good that tight perky ass would feel when grinding my cock. Her breasts, proportional to her slim figure, nothing humungous , but seemed just large enough to cup with your hands and give a good squeeze. She had a smooth complexion, and large puppy eyes, batting her eyelids when she spoke with a certain ‘come fuck me’ look. It was almost irresistible this sweet young delicacy. But never get lost in your own thoughts and stare at the fuckable areas for too long. I was quick to analyze her body a few seconds it took perhaps, while she looked away. Though it felt like an eternity and my blood was building up below. Re-engaging her in humourous conversation, we entered the crowded exhibition.

Usually I would hate crowds, as I tend to be tall, walk fast and dislike people blocking the pace of my strut. But a crowded exhibition would prove to be opportunity. After awhile of walking side by side, which turned out to fail a lot, I would lag behind her or she behind me as the flow of human traffic was just too heavy. I resorted to putting my hand around her waist. Woah, it felt really good, her fabric was smooth, and I could feel the soft but little amounts of flesh around her hip and waist. I pulled her and guided her a little while walking through the crazy traffic of bodies, and said “Hope you don’t mind I’m quite used to putting my hand around female friends’ waists. And I don’t want to lose you in this crowd.” Of course these were all lies, all techniques, it was to break the ice for physical contact, to appear confident and wanted by other ladies, and to make the girl feel they are cared for. She smiled a bit and said “It’s okay, it’s really crowded” and step one of physical contact was done not even 10% of the way into the day. This would prove to be useful as I would be holding her waist almost throughout the day after that, even in not crowded areas like in the shopping mall.

Throughout the earlier portion of our day, I would be joking around, telling a bit of my life and stories, and at the same time asking her questions or digging about her life and history, to try and figure out what kind of girl she actually was. Some of the jokes I told would be really hilarious, and she would laugh uncontrollably and be put in a state of ‘really comfortable’ with the guy. I took the chance to initiate step two, “comfort with sudden contact”, which really is tickling the girl when she is laughing crazily. It would just make her laugh more, try to take revenge and tickle me, and soon we were all very comfortable in poking each other’s waists, and tickling, and I even poked her butt a little. “Eh!”, she would exclaim, and try to slap my arm.

Eventually, she said she was tired. I said “Well then get on, I’ll give you a piggyback”. Surprisingly, she agreed. Step 3. Simulated one-way hugging, in a sense. She was behind me on top of me, off the floor, and I was holding her by her thighs, close to her butt cheeks. Oh the feeling of her warmth on my back, gave me a little shudder running down my spine. Her soft chest pressed against my back, how I wished my shirt was thinner. Or hers. Or both of us. Or both of us topless. The imagination started to run wild and wilder, darker and darker. Naked breasts with nipples stroking across my back. Unknowingly, I had shifted the weight of hers, and was supporting her butt cheeks more so than her thighs. Thou she seemed to be okay with it. Step 4 happened so quickly after 3. Contact with butt cheeks. Gave a little squeeze now and then, she was silent, perhaps blushing. But she could not say anything as walking with piggyback naturally there are some bounces, which push her ever so soft yet perky butt into my hungry palms.

After awhile I got tired of course, I would want to reserve my energy for the activities later on, if any. Fast forwarding a bit, after spending hours outside naturally the conversation topics eventually came around to sex. The secret here is to be mysterious yet seem experienced. I would say I have done it before, and describe about how gentlemanly I was. I could give pleasure and service and not ask for it in return in a night. I started describing explicitly how I did my service. And this my friends, is when what you have built up throughout the day, starts to reap its rewards.

10-04-2013, 03:23 PM
Subtle hypnosis technique. Build up rapport and momentum throughout the day. Use humour, be fun, spontaneous, caring too. Talk about everything and anything, and it comes to a point where your female companion is comfortable or curious about the topic of sex. Then begin your seduction. So I got her really keen and attentive listening to how I pleasured my ladies. Even though we were walking side by side, in a shopping mall, her eyes seem glazed and drifting, but her ears always leaned in close to listen. With my hand on her waist, this is what I told her…

“I like to start slow, and have a sense of sensuality and passion. I will look deep into her eyes, giving a silent message that I’m hungry, like a wild lion but patiently stalking my prey. I will be on top, while she lies comfortably on her back in the bed. And then I bend down over her, going near the lips, but missing it when she closes her eyes. She would open her eyes in surprise, where is the kiss! But by then my lips will already be pecking slowly at her neck. And she would close her eyes again, blood rushing to her ears, moaning gently. (As I said this part I gave her neck a slight rub, and then squeezed her waist closer to me. Surprisingly, she moaned, not intentionally. But that was the sounds she make when tickled. Extremely sexy sounding thou innocently.) And I would kiss different parts of her neck, while running my hands through her hair and scalp, gently massaging the scalp.

By then the girl would have her hands roaming, she would either be touching my back a little, or my hair, or the side of my face. It is time to kiss her cheeks, her beautiful face, and then her forehead. I would look into her eyes if she opened them to stare into mine, with a “you are mine tonight, little lamb” look, striking both fear and excitement into her heart. If she closed her eyes, I would surprise her and now start attacking her lips. Not a kiss, but slowly I would rub my lips across hers, from left to right, over and over. And then I would roll the bottom of her lip between my lips, her brain must be going crazy by now from all that teasing. If she hasn’t pushed her lips fully to match mine, I would grant it to her. A full solid kiss on the lips, opening and closing the little hole around my lips to create a suction, and to breathe hot air into each other’s mouths. Always stimulating more than one part at a time, I want her whole body to start to yearn for touch. As I kiss her passionately, I continue to stroke her neck, or head. Her heart rate accelerated, her hunger level rising, I would push my tongue into her mouth, and instinctively she would meet my tongue with hers. Rolling and fighting like two serpents coiling around each other going for the kill, our tongues would be swirling around each other in random motions, sometimes albeit like a dick fucking into a pussy.

My hands would be reaching under her skirt by now, feeling a bit of the smooth thighs, the round hips, a tease of the side of the butt, moving up slowly and surely towards the bra. Finding the clasp either at the back or front, I would skillfully whip it off with a pinch of the fingers, and create ample space for my hands to roam under the bra. Her toes curling and legs twisting a little from side to side, her mouth passionately locked to mine, I would give a little accidental squeeze of the boobs, and gently remove the entire bra from under the dress. By this time, all shyness and restraint gone, I would help her take off her dress. Taking a moment, a quick one, to gaze at the beautiful body before me, b4 going back to using my mouth. I kiss from the lips down the front/side of the neck, down, further down till the top of her cleavage, till I feel softer, fleshier surroundings envelop my lips. The top of her breasts. Yet although I pause, creating some anticipation, I continue kissing downwards through and beyond the cleavage, till I am past the breasts. Always pecking gently, and perhaps flicking my tongue out a little bit to create a wet spot that is warm and moist, yet turns cool quickly from the air con.

What does he want to do? Will he eat my boobies already? The girl would think. I know how they think, as I am intentionally teasing. The girls’ eyes reveal their thoughts although the only sounds that come out from the mouth are moans and “Baby, wo yao”. I start to kiss a big big circle around one of the breasts, changing lanes inside the cleavage, drawing another big circle round the other breast, with my lips and tongue. Then I start to draw a spiraling circle with my tongue that spirals smaller and smaller towards the nipple. Its like the breast is a lollipop the one with swirls, and the center is the nipple. By now, the girls’ nipples are so hard, and her hunger level is so high, she could cum from just getting her nipples sucked.

Her panties are starting to get moist as well. Did I mention while all this teasing is going on, I am stroking her inner thighs, and my rock-hard dick could be accidentally nudging at her panties where the pussy is? But let’s get back to the swirling. Her nipples hard and hungry for my hot wet mouth, my circle becomes small enough such that I am already licking the sides of her nipple. She’s going crazy she wants it to be sucked so badly, or just a touch, she’s pushing her nipple from side to side trying to cheat. Pushing it up trying to hit my mouth. But I just breathe hot warm air out of my mouth over the nipple.

Random hammers and fireworks are blasting off in her brain, she’s going mad with hunger and doesn’t know what to do. But it just feels so insanely good, this build up. I start with the same process over on the other breast, this time faster, swirling smaller n smaller circles till I lick the sides of her nipple, and this time, I put my whole mouth over it and suck. I suck so hard that it takes her by surprise, and she opens her eyes to stare for a second at my mouth over her nipple. And then I start rapidly flicking my tongue over her nipple while my mouth is still cupping her nipple area. Sucking and flicking, alternating between them, a gentle bite perhaps. Her moaning is starting to be louder now. And quicker, more intense. Her breathing heavy and hard. I flick her other nipple with my fingers while I suck and play with one nipple. And then I swap, putting my generous mouth over her other nipple and licking and sucking away.

10-04-2013, 03:24 PM
She’s so horny right now she’s already thrusting her hips upwards, and occasionally saying “Wo Yao(I want)”. She doesn’t know what to grab, she’s scratching and clawing my back, and sometimes squeezing the bedsheets and clawing those. Like a wild animal, the foreplay has brought her so much hunger and desire she really just wants to fuck right now.

I reach down and pull her panties off in a swish. “Fuck me” she says hungrily. She thrusts her hips upwards. I can see her pussy in all its entire splendor now. It’s moist and wet and looks so seductive. Makes me hard just thinking about putting my hard cock inside it. But I push her down with my palms and weight and stops her from thrusting into the air.

And I start kissing down from the bottom of her cleavage down her belly, and past the pussy, to the inner thighs. I want to tease some more, to torture her mind and body. I start kissing up from the thighs, both sides. Closer and closer to the pussy I get, kissing circles around her pussy. I make sure to give a nice big fleshy kiss from my lips all around her pussy, never touching the pussy itself, to make her so damn damn hungry. And then I start using my tongue, I draw circles around the pussy.

Her legs are trembling already, there is this big built up pressure inside her, and she’s so hungry she would run out on the street and fuck any man right now. But I take my time. Although it is time to reward her patience. I like to dirty talk now, I ask her “Do you want it”, “Do you want me inside of you”, “Does your pussy wanna get fucked”, but she cannot answer already.

Possessed by desire, all she can do is let the animal in her shake from side to side, claw at the bedsheets, roll her eyes up till the whites can be seen, and push her pussy to my face. I lick her. I lick her from the bottom of her pussy. Making my tongue rock hard and straight like a dick, I prod the bottom of her pussy, drawing a line straight up. She shivers in pleasure, the initial contact on her pussy is just too much to take. But then her body gets accustomed to it and she stops shaking, and sighs and moans in pleasure. I then make my tongue go soft, and do little tiny flicks on her pussy, around the pussy lips, at the base of the pussy, and then the middle. Saving the best for last.

“Ahhh” she exclaims, unable to distinguish reality from fantasy now, lost in her world of ecstacy. And now I go for the treasure, I breathe hot air just once over the clit, making sure it has a bit more extra moisture, and I lick it. “Ohhhhh”, a sharp and intense moan escapes her lips. I lick it again. “Uggnnhh”. She really is going crazy from this. Insanely pleasureable.

From all that foreplay and buildup. I lick faster now, big large slurps, and then rapid little flicks. Her clit is round and large and swelling from all that arousal. I suck on it, treat it like a nipple. A great strong suck. “Ugggnhh” she does her cute sounding moans again. It makes me rock hard as well, more blood swells into my cock I am approaching my hunger limit as well, gonna turn animal. Sucking and licking it and increasing the speed and intensity I just tongue fuck her clit. Drooling saliva all over her clit and pussy, her own wetness, makes the whole pussy so wet right now. Slurping sounds I make pretending her clit is a drink I have to consume, to suck up all the juice.

She’s going fucking crazy right now, hammers in the mind are gone, there are just fireworks all over the brain right now. “FUCK ME” her mind screams out but she can’t even form words with her mouth anymore. She just pushes her pussy upwards and hopes she gets to cum. I lick her clit some more as fast as I can like I wanna make her cum and I push into her pussy with a spare finger and curl upwards. Looking for the spongy rough spot, the G-spot, and giving her the most pleasurable day of her life.

Her thighs are hard now, clenched with force, pressure insurmountable. Incredible pressure of sex built up. She is looking for the orgasm now, for release. To spray all her juices out. Her moaning so high and rapid and shallow that I know she has lost all control over her body. I am so turned on by her moaning and wet pussy I finally give her what she wants. No more teasing is needed she is all wet and ready.

I get my hard big cock out and aim the head towards her pussy, and thrust it in with ease. She is so wet, it allows me to easily slip into her tight young pussy. And I start thrusting away. In and out. I do play with her nipples a little bit, flicking it rapidly to add to her arousal. I want to make her cum. I know when she cums her pussy will tense up tighten and suck and massage my dick. I want to cum right and during when she cums.

Both of us moaning and our skin burningly hot even in this air con, we fuck away. Like animals possessed the wildness and hunger in us insatiable. Horny creatures of the night I thrust in and out of her, making wet slapping sounds as I crash into her fleshy thighs and butt. The pleasure rising up to an uncontrollable level, our moans ring out in perfect harmony. Her hips thrust upwards and outwards in sync with me slamming my rock hard erection into her. It is soon. It is coming. Her eyes closed, her neck and back arched upwards, she exclaims loudy, “AhhhHHH!!” almost like a scream.

It is music to my ears. Her pussy tightens and then gushes fluids outwards, and then sucks and pulls in a peristaltic motion. I cannot hold back as well white flashes appear in my vision as I grunt out loudly “Arrrrgghhh” in one big gush I cum into her welcoming pussy. Even after cumming, I continued to thrust into her while I still maintained my fading erection. And eliciting gentle moans from her each time I thrust in and out. While moaning myself as my extremely sensitive dick after orgasm met with sloppy, wet flesh inside her pussy. It was a good night, I slowly lowered myself on top of her, and kissed her nipples and squeezed her boobs, as I kissed her lips, and noticed she was so pleasured and exhausted she could not even open her eyes. Only her breath and rising boobs up and down told me she was alive and had the best night of her life tonight.

Fantasy had indeed merged with reality, as remember this were just stories I was whispering into the ear of the girl I had went out with. We would that night go romantically to the beach, and some foreplay would start there. Following that we would go to a hotel and fuck exactly in every tiny detail, just like in the foreplay in bed story I just described. It was foreplay beginning from the moment I started whispering in her ear. And implanting the thoughts of wanting to fuck in her mind. Subtle hypnosis, drawing out the animal. I would continue to go out with this girl for a few more fucks after this first night, but that’s another story.

10-04-2013, 09:01 PM
You're quite a showy writer. Showoff. Heh

I like that... but I just wonder if you'll be able to keep writing now that you've shown your hand. This isn't an RPG where once you do your finish move, well it's over. ;)

Take it from one writer to another. And yes, I'll be waiting for more:)

10-04-2013, 10:22 PM
waiting for more too! ;)

09-07-2013, 12:58 PM
Camping bro...!!

09-07-2013, 02:03 PM
Wow an undead thread of mine revived!

25-07-2013, 03:32 PM
love it good reading

25-07-2013, 08:59 PM
Awesome techniques, can steal a move here and there. Hehe:p

28-08-2013, 07:34 AM
real or story?

28-08-2013, 08:54 AM
Hi goondu, this is real story.

Techniques tested and refined :)

May be useful for newer guys in the art of seduction.

Of course, every lady is different, and for this target sector, we are talking about local girls who have some sex drive, and are not very mature or super smart.

28-08-2013, 08:58 AM
nice TS! more more more! :D

28-08-2013, 11:57 AM
Been busy working and seems like there is some support to revive this old thread so I guess I'll write Chapter 2 and throw in side stories sometimes :)
Well it seems like points are needed in this SBF world to trade contacts of girls' wechat or skype sometimes, so do up me if you like my writing! (contrary to what I wrote in the beginning of Chap 1-lolhoho i don't need points-so not true!)

Chapter 2

After that first hot date with Jessica, naturally she was always on my mind. Or I should say on the 70% of my mind. As scientists say 70% of the male brain is biologically programmed to think about sex. http://www.publishersweekly.com/articles/blog/880000288/20071129/male_brain.gif

She was such a sweet young thing, super horny, and totally knew how to give CFM looks and what a man wants. I continued chatting with her through whatsapp, phone calls, skype etc frequently after our first date, casually pushing the conversations towards when our 2nd meetup would be. To be honest, my mind was no longer interested in pushing for a '2nd date', but more so for a '2nd fuck'. How could anyone blame me, after such a hot and erotic first date.

Eventually, as her passion and attraction towards me was still super high, and I was busy with sch/work till evening, she was very accomodating and agreed to meet me near my house. It was very convenient for me, if I were to get a good time in the dark parks near my house, and be able to go home in less than 10mins after that. I was totally beaming with evil delight. (Imagine a Joker face)

I actually stayed near the beach, won't reveal which one, but it took 5mins to cycle to the seaside. We agreed to have our 2nd date strolling/cycling romantically by the beach in the evening/night. I picked her up from near where she alighted from public transport, and off we went towards the seaside.
There was no rain, it was a weekday and not many joggers were around, essentially it was not a very populated park/seaside. Everything was perfect. The slight cool breeze of the sea on our cheeks caressed us, like seductive sirens of the sea. I decided to stop cycling and stopped near a wooden bench. I wanted to have some casual chit chat with her, and take a good look at the sexy siren before me.

She was in a little white top that showed a peek of cleavage, and translucent enough to know a thing or two about her bra. She was in micro shorts, so short that you could just see the bottom portions of the butt cheeks. It was such a cock tease, I was turning semi-hard already just from what she wore and imagining many many dark delights.

28-08-2013, 10:13 PM
Good story. Keep up.

26-09-2013, 04:16 AM
The Great Red Dragon approves

That is all :)

29-09-2013, 08:57 AM
with hooker no need waste so many energy la
anything you did they will be so called "seduced" anyway
they just make you thought so