View Full Version : What if you kanna IT?

03-05-2005, 03:33 PM
I don’t know if any of the bros here watched the TV program on Channel U last night. It was about AIDS cases in Sillypore. Based on statistics, on average, 4 ~ 5 new cases were found everyday. It is expected that, in 5 years time, there will be 15000 additional cases adding to the present numbers. And that number is expected to be increased. I was surfing ABF while watching that program. Then, it set my mind into thinking mode.

What if you were diagnosed HIV+ (touch wood)? What will you do? Let me recount my ex-neighbor’s misfortune. When I was young, I lived in a one room flat with my family in Jalan Bukit Merah (near Alexandra Market, opposite of OG factory). I had a very close neighbor who lived a few units away from mine. We used to play around in the neighborhood with other kids. He was a few years senior than me; so naturally, I regarded him as my big brother. My father was in a bad relationship with his family and always gets into quarrel. My ex-neighbor’s father was a drunkard and a wife beater. Whenever he came home drunk, he would beat up his wife and him badly. My ex-neighbor was brought up in this kind of environment. During that period of time, I witnessed him picking up smoking, drinking, sniffing glue, smoking ganja, stealing, etc. But he never tempted me into picking up those bad habits. He was a rotten apple to everybody’s eyes but to me, he was still the same big brother. My father even caned me for getting too close with him. It was one of the family violents which made ex-neighbor ran away from home. Since then, I have lost contact with him and he never came back home. My family and I stayed there for about 10 years before we moved to another HDB flat in the other side of Bukit Merah (near Bukit Merah View and Tiong Bahru).

It was beginning of this year when I accidentally met my ex-neighbor’s sister. I didn’t recognize her in the beginning; she was the one who call me to my attention. We came out on one of the weekends after that. We had a long chat and catch up some old times. It was then she told me, my ex-neighbor had died of AIDS a few years back. He contracted the disease when he was 17 and passed away at 25. He weighed barely 35 kg when he passed away. Before he contracted the disease, he was active in both local and Thailand sex industries. I was stunted when she told me. Even though I did not see my ex-neighbor for more than 15 years, I can still feel something is lost within me. I never realized someone I knew would died of this incurable disease. Since then, I cut down on my cheonging activities and going for more healthy lifestyle.

It never crossed my mind to share my ex-neighbor’s misfortune until last night. I hope it will serve a message to all the cheonging bros out there. It’s never too late to stop; you’ve got nothing to lose. Cherish with what you have now.

Thank you for your kind attention.


03-05-2005, 04:36 PM
Thanks you for shareing. Has a good day to you! :)

10-05-2005, 05:40 PM
yeah...give mi something to ponder about...

10-05-2005, 08:38 PM
I don’t know if any of the bros here watched the TV program on Channel U last night. It was about AIDS cases in Sillypore. Based on statistics, on average, 4 ~ 5 new cases were found everyday. It is expected that, in 5 years time, there will be 15000 additional cases adding to the present numbers. And that number is expected to be increased. I was

I too got worry about the rate of new cases.......4 to 5 Everyday, Goodness that is a fast rate.
What can the person do if kanna, suffer utntil the last day arrive....


Answer is simple, stop all Cheonging, keep a healthy life-style........but can you do that ?

10-05-2005, 09:53 PM
Bro shadowlunar04

Sad to hear that,all i can say cheong at own risk n pls do so with protection.

4-5 per day really scary,wonder y

11-05-2005, 12:02 AM
Bro shadowlunar04

Sad to hear that,all i can say cheong at own risk n pls do so with protection.

4-5 per day really scary,wonder y

Most of them contracted the disease from overseas. Those countries have lesser awareness in health concious. But, that doesn't means it is safer to cheong locally. As most of the cheongsters knew, the FLs here do not go for medical check up on regular basis. Most of them are hit and run cases. Part timing here for a couple of weeks and go back to their countries. They are considered potiential source for spreading the disease and STDs.

11-05-2005, 07:53 PM
Most of them contracted the disease from overseas. Those countries have lesser awareness in health concious. But, that doesn't means it is safer to cheong locally. As most of the cheongsters knew, the FLs here do not go for medical check up on regular basis. Most of them are hit and run cases. Part timing here for a couple of weeks and go back to their countries. They are considered potiential source for spreading the disease and STDs.

Understand that most of PRC working in TN shop are on short term, earn and run, no medical chheck up........guess these are the highest risk

11-05-2005, 11:53 PM
Condoms protect against all STDs, right? Looks like we have a choice - stop the lifestyle or take the risk. If you take the risk, at least play safe. Maybe double CDs. Anyway, a cure may come any time.

12-05-2005, 12:25 AM
Condoms protect against all STDs, right? Looks like we have a choice - stop the lifestyle or take the risk. If you take the risk, at least play safe. Maybe double CDs. Anyway, a cure may come any time.

Sorry, bro. I have to correct some of your statements here. Condoms do not protect against all STDs. It merely reduce the risk of it by preventing direct fluid contact. Condoms can offer up to a certain percentage of prevention if it is worn properly. Putting on double will not help in reducing the risk. Clinical results have proven that the percentage of a double condom is similar to a single one.

The best cure for any disease is prevention and prevention for AIDS is DON'T DO IT. You may say a cure will develop in the future. But take a look at CANCER, it has been around even longer that AIDS. An effective cure for it, is not available even in the present days. Even if the vaccine for AIDS is found tomorrow, do you think anybody can just afford to pay for the treatment? Just take a look at our medical pricing here. You can work, you can die but you cannot fall sick in this country. Even if the virus does not kill you in the end, the medical bills will.

Just some of my thoughts. No offence, bro. :)

15-05-2005, 04:40 AM
It never crossed my mind to share my ex-neighbor’s misfortune until last night. I hope it will serve a message to all the cheonging bros out there. It’s never too late to stop; you’ve got nothing to lose. Cherish with what you have now.

bro, tks for ur reminder. sorry to hear abt ur ex-neighbour's plight. pls take care.

03-06-2005, 07:34 PM
It never crossed my mind to share my ex-neighbor’s misfortune until last night. I hope it will serve a message to all the cheonging bros out there. It’s never too late to stop; you’ve got nothing to lose. Cherish with what you have now.

Agreed bro. I have stop all cheonging for quite a while already. I cherish my health and family. The fear of HIV is enough to stop my didi from rising to the occasion :)

04-06-2005, 05:11 AM
I have made a decision to stop..... watch this folder... if I ever do it again...it will be noted down as a log.... :P

04-06-2005, 11:36 AM
Firstly, bros if u all wanna cheong, use a condom lar, even for BJ. No point say scared scared den go do RAW, I know some cb kia, force themselves RAW into FL, so whose fault? As long as u take the precautions, please do not be too afraid. If u wanna be commando, den be prepared to face the consequences. HIV is everywhere, anyway also can kanna, but just to note, Indonesian Islands has the highest prevalence rate. So please cheong smartly.

04-06-2005, 12:03 PM
Firstly, bros if u all wanna cheong, use a condom lar, even for BJ. No point say scared scared den go do RAW, I know some cb kia, force themselves RAW into FL, so whose fault? .

Agree. RAW is definitely a no no. To those inconsiderate ones, I will they have only themselves to blame should they kanna IT!! :eek:

04-06-2005, 01:09 PM
come to tink of it.. FLs are actually quite scary.. for example, one brother in the forum intro this FL but this FL suay suay got Aids one (touch wood touch wood) den all other brothers wana try her, den sibeh jia lat liao lor.. percentage of brothers kana is quite high i muz say.. well.. for me, best thing is still find a stable gf and settle down lor.. if she nt skilful still can train until skilful, if ur kuku jiao kana e virus, cant cure le. 请各位兄弟三思而后行。

04-06-2005, 02:30 PM
I also think it's best to just find a stable girlfriend/wife and restrict myself to bonking her. The stakes are just too high for me to risk any form of STD. But for those who cheong and don't worry about the risks, I give u my salute.

12-06-2005, 02:59 AM
I don’t know if any of the bros here watched the TV program on Channel U last night. It was about AIDS cases in Sillypore. Based on statistics, on average, 4 ~ 5 new cases were found everyday. It is expected that, in 5 years time, there will be 15000 additional cases adding to the present numbers. And that number is expected to be increased. I was surfing ABF while watching that program. Then, it set my mind into thinking mode.

What if you were diagnosed HIV+ (touch wood)? What will you do? Let me recount my ex-neighbor’s misfortune. When I was young, I lived in a one room flat with my family in Jalan Bukit Merah (near Alexandra Market, opposite of OG factory). I had a very close neighbor who lived a few units away from mine. We used to play around in the neighborhood with other kids. He was a few years senior than me; so naturally, I regarded him as my big brother. My father was in a bad relationship with his family and always gets into quarrel. My ex-neighbor’s father was a drunkard and a wife beater. Whenever he came home drunk, he would beat up his wife and him badly. My ex-neighbor was brought up in this kind of environment. During that period of time, I witnessed him picking up smoking, drinking, sniffing glue, smoking ganja, stealing, etc. But he never tempted me into picking up those bad habits. He was a rotten apple to everybody’s eyes but to me, he was still the same big brother. My father even caned me for getting too close with him. It was one of the family violents which made ex-neighbor ran away from home. Since then, I have lost contact with him and he never came back home. My family and I stayed there for about 10 years before we moved to another HDB flat in the other side of Bukit Merah (near Bukit Merah View and Tiong Bahru).

It was beginning of this year when I accidentally met my ex-neighbor’s sister. I didn’t recognize her in the beginning; she was the one who call me to my attention. We came out on one of the weekends after that. We had a long chat and catch up some old times. It was then she told me, my ex-neighbor had died of AIDS a few years back. He contracted the disease when he was 17 and passed away at 25. He weighed barely 35 kg when he passed away. Before he contracted the disease, he was active in both local and Thailand sex industries. I was stunted when she told me. Even though I did not see my ex-neighbor for more than 15 years, I can still feel something is lost within me. I never realized someone I knew would died of this incurable disease. Since then, I cut down on my cheonging activities and going for more healthy lifestyle.

It never crossed my mind to share my ex-neighbor’s misfortune until last night. I hope it will serve a message to all the cheonging bros out there. It’s never too late to stop; you’ve got nothing to lose. Cherish with what you have now.

Thank you for your kind attention.


This is what we call - seeing is believing. Where most people are, we often think that everyone we see on the street is strong and healthy until you witness the terminal stage of AIDS patients, that is the most horrendous part of the whole episode - even looking into the image in the mirror makes you feel you are looking at a pack of bones - all sunken, and completely wasted.

Be safer than you can ever imagine, say no to HIV/AIDS