View Full Version : What is the "Random Questions" answers?

20-05-2013, 06:31 PM
When u forget ur password u can reset by providing ur email address. But Im not sure what is the answers to the Random Questions. Dont rem I set any random qns.....

Anyone can help?

Big Sexy
20-05-2013, 07:35 PM
you didnt set the random question,
Sam implemented as additional security feature to prevent bot attack.
the answers to those questions are pretty easy..
you can expect questions like.. Singapore English is known as _____
Surely you know the answer to that:D;)

When u forget ur password u can reset by providing ur email address. But Im not sure what is the answers to the Random Questions. Dont rem I set any random qns.....

Anyone can help?

20-05-2013, 09:09 PM
Dear moderator, I've seen some rubbish spammish postings by bots in Newbie sections. Perhaps its time to upgrade the security features such as implementing a recaptcha ;)

Big Sexy
20-05-2013, 09:40 PM
thanks for the suggestion, but i think we have adequate security feature in place for now. for the odd ones that got thru the filter, majority of it are detected and removed by the system pretty fast..

Do let us know if you see a surge in those bot post. thanks ;)

Dear moderator, I've seen some rubbish spammish postings by bots in Newbie sections. Perhaps its time to upgrade the security features such as implementing a recaptcha ;)

20-05-2013, 10:31 PM
Sure will. The bot postings flooded another forum I frequent beyond recognition. I'll be vigilant and hope it does not happen here :)

21-05-2013, 04:25 AM
Dear moderator, I've seen some rubbish spammish postings by bots in Newbie sections. Perhaps its time to upgrade the security features such as implementing a recaptcha ;)

The random questions do a far better job than ReCaptcha that has been hacked to death and is now pretty much worthless.


21-05-2013, 08:37 AM
I'm trying out a game based captcha. Let me know how it goes and whether you encounter any problems.