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24-06-2005, 01:09 AM
just like to check with you guys here as i am quite confused with this.
had a bbbj about 5 weeks ago and had been worried since then.
went to sata for a check up on veneral disease and i pass the test after 5 weeks of last encounter.
what does veneral disease cover???? gonoeria??? std??? or other sexual disease??? hiv????
anyone pls advise.
thank you.
24-06-2005, 01:20 AM
Which Sata u went to ?
24-06-2005, 03:32 AM
If all bros who go for BBBJ are going to get worried and ask for advise, I think this forum is going to be very boring leh.....
First of all, I thought SATA do check ups on TB????? Waaa, now also got other checks too arh?
Secondly, don't know why you didn't ask SATA what does veneral disease cover when you went for the check and instead ask here? You're paying for a check up which you don't know what the check up is for?
By the way, they don't use the term VD anymore, they use STD.
26-06-2005, 02:57 AM
If all bros who go for BBBJ are going to get worried and ask for advise, I think this forum is going to be very boring leh.....
First of all, I thought SATA do check ups on TB????? Waaa, now also got other checks too arh?
Secondly, don't know why you didn't ask SATA what does veneral disease cover when you went for the check and instead ask here? You're paying for a check up which you don't know what the check up is for?
By the way, they don't use the term VD anymore, they use STD.
well, i don't think asking for advise is wrong here. Yes, i am worried that's why i am asking for a question here. It is a matter of life ok??? I do know "ai chiong mai kia si" But this is not the point here ok? I am trying to be responsible for my actions here and if just in case i got any virus, i would not pass it to anyone.
Yes, sata can check for VD (which is written on the paper) which you say is now called STD. I went to check up with my family for a normal health check up which include this. You want me to ask this kind of in front of them?
Come on, i know you are senior here, u do know lots of stuffs than those junior like me but i don't think that's the way for a senior to treat a junior this way!
I am planning to do the test on DSC centre soon and i wish to know what kind of test which i could skip and which test i should go for..... did not expect seniors here to treat newbies this way!
26-06-2005, 04:18 AM
generally, blood test will cover both std and hiv.
the chances of transmission of std through bbbj is very low, though there is still a chance of contracting std. if u do not show symptoms of std within the next few wks, den u shld be alrite. but nevertheless, do go for a blood test if u r worried or unsure. U will feel better at ease to be certified as clean. meanwhile pls use condom so as to protect urself as well as others. Dun be selfish!
26-06-2005, 06:09 PM
Bro softdrink,
Irregardless of senior or junior, the pt is not to worry excessively. Like i always say, the best is if u stay loyal to one partner but if u cant. and cant help but worry after each chiong session..DSC is the best place to go too.cos they hav checks that covers all STDs, if ur really worried.and the fees are affordable cos heavily subsidised by govt. But some docs inside really one hell kinda attitude when u tell them ur worried tis or tat..Ask for one blood test that tests for all STDs, i think each Std test cos one price even though ur drawing ur blood only once . Hope ur fine though bro..Cheers and dont over-worried :)
26-06-2005, 06:28 PM
agree.. dsc best i think.. anyway any bro know whats sata stands for?
30-06-2005, 02:13 PM
agree.. dsc best i think.. anyway any bro know whats sata stands for?
Singapore Anti-Tuberculosis Association (SATA)
30-06-2005, 02:30 PM
generally, blood test will cover both std and hiv.
the chances of transmission of std through bbbj is very low, though there is still a chance of contracting std. if u do not show symptoms of std within the next few wks, den u shld be alrite.
1. The risk of transmission for STDs such as Herpes, Hepatitis B, Syphillis etc via unprotected oral sex is NOT very low. In fact, transmission of these infections via oral sex is very common.
2. Many STDs.. eg Chlamydia, Herpes, HPV don't exhibit any symptoms whatsoever so NEVER assume that you're OK just because there are no visible symptoms.
3. If you don't know your facts, you should refrain from making comments. It does no favours for anyone... least of all those who are worried about being infected.
01-07-2005, 02:27 AM
1. The risk of transmission for STDs such as Herpes, Hepatitis B, Syphillis etc via unprotected oral sex is NOT very low. In fact, transmission of these infections via oral sex is very common.
2. Many STDs.. eg Chlamydia, Herpes, HPV don't exhibit any symptoms whatsoever so NEVER assume that you're OK just because there are no visible symptoms.
3. If you don't know your facts, you should refrain from making comments. It does no favours for anyone... least of all those who are worried about being infected.
On the basis of scientific evidence such as that presented above, some social-service organizations are now issuing guidelines that place oral sex in a low-risk category. One of these groups is the AIDS Commision of Toronto, Canada. Ed Johnson, director of education for the commission, says, "Because different organizations are saying different things - and there is often great discrepancy between them - we took every study available into consideration and, through the Canadian AIDS Social Coalition, came out with a statement that anal and oral sex cannot be considered of equal risk." Johnson's group then developed three catetories of risk, placing oral sex in the "minimal/theoretical" risk category. Unprotected anal or vaginal sex is in the high risk category; abstinence is listed as no risk.
Wayne Blankenship of the Tuscon AIDS Project, which is following Canada's lead, says that in the United States "We're so invested in having to see transmission in either black or white terms that we've painted ourselves into a corner. A real issue is that there is nothing positive said officially about any form of sex between men. This is a disservice to those trying to make rational choices."
While admitting that "no one would say that there's a 100% guarantee that oral sex won't transmit the virus," Blankenship says critics have sensationalized his group's guidelines as "advocating that people should be having oral sex without a condom. But that's not what our information is about. It's about the relative risk."
According to Kevin Armington, coordinatior of medical information for Gay Men's Health Crisis (GMHC) in New York City, the group's "safer sex" guidelines emphasize "safe, creative sexual activities." GMHC educational materials recommend either using a condom during oral sex or; if no condom is used, refraining from ejaculating in a partner's mouth. The group's concern over possible transmission through oral sex is based on several letters in the mid 1980s in the British medical journal The Lancet, which reported that a few people who claimed that they had participated in no other sexual activities than oral sex nonetheless became infected. Several I.V. drug-using lesbians have reportedly passed the virus to their partners through oral sex. This, GMHC argues, indicates that oral sex is not in a no-risk category.
Marcus Conant, a physician in San Francisco who sees a large population of AIDS patients, emphasizes, "You have to ask what is meant by 'low risk' - which does not mean 'no risk'. If you mean low, you have to decide what risks you are willing to take." Conant draws on the analogy of risks that people take every day: "On a California freeway you have a 1-in-4,000 chance of being killed; in a lightning storm, a 1-in-12,000 chance of being struck. A pregnant woman has about a 1-in-8,000 chance that her baby will have a severe birth defect. The risk of getting HIV from oral sex is clearly lower than 1 in 4,000 but whether it's lower than 1 in 12,000, I don't know.
"People are caught back in a 1983 frame of mind and haven't [stopped to think], Now anyone can get tested," Conant continues. "I wouldn't [advise people] to have rectal sex with anyone without a condom, but they might engage in something that has a low risk - if both were negative and being tested periodically."
01-07-2005, 02:29 AM
Is oral sex safe?
It is documented that unprotected oral sex is presumably much more safer than unprotected anal sex or even unprotected vagina intercourse. For one, the lining of the anus is thinner and more susceptible to breakage than the mouth. Besides, getting semen out from the mouth is much easier than from the anus. Hence, is it totally safe? Not at all. There are many risk factors that you may not be aware of. Like unprotected sex, unprotected oral sex has its risk as well. Gums or teeth diseases are an open door to receiving STDs (Sexually Transmitted Diseases). It is known that herpes can be can be transmitted from genitals to mouth or mouth to genitals during unprotected oral sex. It is also a fact that the risk is much lower for the receiver, that is, the person being sucked or licked than the person performing that acts. For the person performing the act, the risk of transmission would be much lower if your gums are healthy and if you do not let the man come in your mouth, or if it is a woman, if she is not menstruating. Such preventive measures are always not sufficient. You may have cuts or ulcers in your mouth that you may not be aware of. Besides, a man is unable to tell you when he is ejaculating.
How to make oral sex safer?
1. One of the most effective barrier is to use a condom when performing fellatio on a man. Many people would complain that condoms have a rubbery taste and lessens the sensation on the penis. Spermicides on the condoms may also numb the tongue. However, there are many condoms available. Use a condom with taste or a condom that is thinner.
2. When performing cunnilingus on a woman, you can use a latex dental dam instead. Dental dams are effective prevention of STDs in oral sex. Most dental dams are manufactured with flavors to cater to different tastes.
3. For preventive measures, for the man, avoid coming in someone's mouth. Spit out the semen immediately.
4. Should a sore or discharge appears on your partner's penis, or if you suscept a weird odor or sores on the vagina, avoid having oral sex or sex for that matter.
5. Do not brush or floss your teeth right before you have oral sex. Flossing and brushing may tear the lining of the mouth, increasing the exposure to viruses. If you wish to freshen your breath before kissing, try a mouthwash instead.
6. Avoid deep thrusting in oral sex. Such highly physical form of oral sex may increase the risk of infection because they may cause damage to the throat tissues increase susceptibility for throat-based gonorrhea, herpes and abrasions
01-07-2005, 02:31 AM
1. How risky is oral sex as compared to anal sex?
Oral sex is considered less risky for several reasons. First, the mucus membrane lining the mouth is much tougher, thicker, and more resilient than the anal canal, so it is more difficult for HIV to break through. Also, it is easier to remove infectious fluids from the mouth than from the anal canal. To remove precome or semen from the mouth after oral sex, a person can spit out the semen precome and gargle with water, mouthwash, hydrogen peroxide, or alcohol. (We recommend spitting and/or gargling instead of swallowing, just in case the semen, precome, or penile fluids contain blood or other agents such as gonorrhea or chlamydia which can infect the throat.) Finally, recent reports in the scientific literature say that saliva in the mouth contains enzymes which can help neutralize the virus.
2. How risky is insertive oral sex as compared to receptive oral sex?
Receptive oral sex or "giving a blow job" is considered more risky because of the potential that more HIV-infected fluid will enter the body. When someone is giving a blow job, not only is there the potential exposure to semen and precome, there is also the potential exposure to blood from a penile cut, sore, or abrasion, or even from an irritated piercing.
Furthermore, if the man receiving the blow job has another infection in addition to HIV, he may have an unusually high level of HIV present in his body fluids. This is because his immune system may not be as efficient at controlling, HIV since it is also trying to contain the other virus or bacteria. An added problem is that if the additional infection is localized in the penis, then there will probably be urethra inflammation. If so, his penile fluids may contain high levels of 'infection-fighting" white blood cells, which unfortunately also contain HIV. All this could amount to increased infectiousness.
Getting a blow job is considered a very low risk sexual activity. In general, if someone is getting a blow job and has no cuts, scratches or sores on his penis, the possibility of his being exposed to HIV is lower. If the man giving the blow job has good oral hygiene and his mouth is free of infection, then the inserter's penis is primarily being exposed only to saliva. Getting a blow job might also be safer than giving one because ejaculating might flush out the virus. Urinating and washing the penis also reduce the chances of HIV infection and of additional infection.
All this notwithstanding, it is still possible that someone's penis might be exposed to blood or other HIV-infected fluids during a blow job. This might occur if someone has an abrasion or scrape in his mouth which might bleed or if for example, during multiple-partner sex (group sex), he carries in his mouth the remnants of another person's penile fluids or blood from one blow job to the next.
3. Is precum infectious? If so, is it as infectious as semen?
Two studies have isolated HIV from precome but the potential for HIV infection from precome is most likely minimal under normal circumstances. Exposure to precome probably poses less risk of HIV infection than exposure to semen for two reasons: it has fewer infectious particles of HIV per milliliter than semen and even if a lot of precome is discharged into the mouth during oral sex, it is still less than the amount of semen the mouth or throat is exposed to by an ejaculation.
Now, onto the main discussion. There are two sides to the phenomenon of how supposedly "low-risk" oral sex becomes a high-risk activity resulting in infection: the infectiousness of the HIV-positive partner, and the susceptibility of the HIV-negative partner. I would like to go through the important factors involved in each side of the general phenomenon of ncreased-risk oral sex, and then to report our study data specifically.
There are at least five important factors involved in susceptibility to HIV infection through oral sex.
1. A person's genetics, immune system and biological history. Some individuals may have an increased susceptibility due to these factors. Some people, for example, are prone to chronic allergies such as "hay fever." During outbreaks of these allergies, the immune system is activated. The tissue lining of the throat and nasal passage might become inflamed and therefore more permeable to HIV. Also, if someone with an allergy outbreak is constantly blowing his nose, then irritation and bleeding are more likely to occur, which might create a possible route for HIV to enter his system.
I spoke with one man who believed he became infected with HIV by getting a blow job. He told me that he had a history of picking up STDs in the past from insertive oral sex, claiming to have been infected with urethral gonorrhea this way, as well. We can speculate that either due to his genetics, immune system, or some other biological factors, he was not sufficiently resistant to STDs, including HIV, when exposed during insertive oral sex.
2. Oral hygiene. First of all, most Americans across the board have lousy oral hygiene, so this factor may play less of a differentiating role than we might think. Nonetheless, if you have poor oral hygiene or are suffering from gingivitis, receding gums or periodontal disease, or have recently had oral surgery, you may be at increased risk since the virus may more readily find a port of entry into your body. Also, while it is advisable to brush and floss your teeth regularly for excellent oral hygiene, it is probably best not to engage in receptive oral sex for a few hours after flossing or heavy brushing, just in case this leaves abrasions on your gums or mucus membrane.
3. Other infection. You may be at increased susceptibility to HIV if you already have another infection or if you are exposed to HIV and another infection simultaneously. This may be true whether the infection in systemic (such as hepatitis) or localized in your mouth and/or throat (such as gonorrhea or chlamydia.) The reason a systemic infection like hepatitis may increase susceptibility is that if HIV gains entry into your body, your immune system may not be able to fully focus its power against HIV, either because it may already be trying to control another infectious agent or because it may be trying to combat two new infectious agents simultaneously. The reason a localized infection such as gonorrhea or chlamydia might increase your susceptibility to HIV infection is that the tissue lining in your mouth, throat and/or nasal passage might be inflamed, irritated, or abraded by the infectious agent, and so would be an easier target for HIV.
With both systemic and localized infections, another factor which might heighten your susceptibility is the increased amount of lymphocytes in your blood. Lymphocytes are a type of white blood cell activated during infection. Unfortunately, they are also a major target for HIV infection, and it may be easier for the HIV viral particle to locate a susceptible lymphocyte during a period when they are activated due to another infection. The same principle may also apply to other infectious agents such as a cold, flu, strep, staph, as well as to nasal and throat inflammation due to chronic allergies. In general, times when you are feeling run down are times to be more careful.
4. Drug use. The most important factor of drug use is probably the effect the drug has on a person's behavior during sex. Sex on a stimulant such as cocaine, speed, or poppers is likely to be more vigorous, prolonged and intense. Sex may also be prolonged because, on certain drugs, it can take longer to reach orgasm.
Furthermore, during sex on drugs, a person may get caught up in the moment and thus may not notice the wear and tear to his penis and/or throat. He may also be able to ignore any pain that he does feel until after the sex is completed. Study participants do report that, while on speed, the heightened sexual experience and sense of well-being take precedence over everything else--including the concern about being safe.
Study participants also report that popper use makes it easier to engage in rougher or more penetrative sex such as "deep-throating," especially if their sex partner has a large penis. In these situations, the tissue of the throat is more likely to become irritated, especially if the sex is prolonged. Moreover, there has been scientific speculation that popper use causes a dilation of the blood vessels and thus increases the risk of HIV transmission. The biological theory is that if HIV enters the tissue during the "rush" when the mucus membrane lining the mouth and throat is engorged with blood, then the virus more easily locates a white blood cell or lymphocyte to infect. finally, some scientists also believe that certain recreational drugs, such as popper can temporarily suppress the immune system and so increase a person's susceptibility to infection if exposed.
5. Recent immunization against an infection. The immune cells of seven out of ten HIV- uninfected individuals were more easily infected in the test tube after immunization than before immunization, the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) reported in a recent issue of "The New England Journal of Medicine." The immunization studied was the tetanus booster shot. During the temporary immune system activation which the immunization shot normally causes, the HIV-uninfected individual may be at increased susceptibility to HIV infection via unprotected anal or oral sex (with an infected partner) the study suggests. This enhanced susceptibility may last for several weeks after the immunization.
01-07-2005, 02:33 AM
my references:
there's more. juz to quote a few.
01-07-2005, 03:07 PM
my references:
there's more. juz to quote a few.
Oral sex is low risk when it comes the transmission of HIV.
Oral sex is NOT low risk when it comes to STDs such as Herpes, Hep B, Syphillis.
Read THIS!
Some people say it isn't sex. Well then how come it's causing the rampant spread of genital herpes among America's young people?
Oral sex is very popular among teens as young as thirteen. Young girls and boys participating in this kind of activity is said to be a common sight at parties of middle schoolers. The saddest part is that they donít believe they are having sex. Many really think they are protected from the emotional and physical consequences of early sexual activity because, after all, it's just oral sex.
But a study out of the University of Wisconsin has shown the impact of the oral sex rage. There are two basic types of herpes : one kind transmitted orally and the second transmitted through genital contact. In other words, orally transmitted herpes generally stays transmitted mouth to mouth and genitally transmitted herpes generally stays transmitted genital to genital.+ Studies conducted over the past 20 years have shown that only about 25 percent of the orally transmitted herpes shows up in the genitals. Now, at least according to the research out of the University Wisconsin, the ratios have reversed. Of students at that university who were newly infected with genital herpes in 2001, 78 percent had the type usually associated with oral transmission, but in the genital area.
Simply put, these data show that young people are suffering the consequences of their false sense of security of this form of "not" sex. Oral sex has become a predominant mode of transmission and spread of the most troubling form of herpes and genital herpes. While less than 10 percent of individuals who have genital herpes even know they have the virus, fully 85 percent of these individuals can still spread the virus.
In addition to causing painful symptoms in some infected individuals, herpes can also increase the risk of contracting HIV, the virus that causes AIDS.
It's time we started warning our kids about oral sex. No parent can stomach picturing his or her sweet, 15-year-old daughter giving oral sex to some high school boy. But it's happening, and these oral sex parties include the "good kids". There's lots of peer pressure to do it because, after all, itís supposedly not sex and it's supposedly just a safe, pleasurable activity. And if you do it, girls get convinced, that boy will really like you. Parents who can't imagine their son or daughter involved, just might be shocked.
And we need to warn them about more than just herpes and other diseases which are scary enough. The emotional consequences of oral sex can be just as traumatizing to a teenager as intercourse -- especially to girls. There are the same feelings of being used, of low self-esteem, of degradation.
Oral sex : it's sex, for sure. The disease rates are proving it. And the teenagers feeling emotionally used, they are proving it as well.
Joe S. McIlhaney, Jr., M.D., is president and founder of The Medical Institute for Sexual Health. A non-profit medical organization based in Austin, Tex., The Medical Institute was founded in 1992 to confront the worldwide epidemics of nonmarital pregnancy and sexually transmitted infection with incisive health care data.
02-07-2005, 03:32 AM
Pls read.
09-09-2005, 05:49 PM
Read THIS!
The link is broken.
Here is the link ( in the same site that describes about the relationship of condoms and STI(Sexually Transmitted Infections). I am no expert, but my conclusion, better be safe than sorry.
I even know a bro who uses double protection even in BJ.
To each his own, you reap what you sow (in risk-taking, lesser cover=more risk=more siok=more chances of getting undesirables).
09-09-2005, 05:54 PM
Pls read.
I read it, let me post a short description here
Chlamydia is mainly passed through sexual activity:
- vaginal or anal sex with an infected partner
- oral sex, although this is less common
- sharing sex toys
- touching parts of the body with fingers (for example, chlamydia often occurs in the eyes)
You can NOT catch chlamydia from simple kissing, sharing baths, towels, cups, or from toilet seats.
(Note italics and bold are mine)
Conclusion, nothing is 100% safe lah.
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