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View Full Version : Bad TN shop in Singapore

25-06-2005, 01:06 PM
Hello bro, i think TN shop is getting out of hand, they r here to cheat us n make us feel stupid, i personally feel that we should join hand to make them no business, so as to provide us with good service.I would like to start with those TN shop in Changjiang n People's park centre, i found that nowaday they are terrible, they may charge u $20 half hour, in fact once u lie down, they dun massage for u but just touch here a bit n there a bit, then start to ask for special service, i feel that is not fair to us, bcos it ended up we are paying $20 to abt $40 juz for the room n usually we just completed 3/4 of the time, so bro pls avoid all those shop in tis two area,thanks.

25-06-2005, 01:27 PM
I think TN shop is getting out of hand, they r here to cheat us n make us feel stupid, i personally feel that we should join hand to make them no business, so as to provide us with good service.I would like to start with those TN shop in Changjiang n People's park centre, i found that nowaday they are terrible, they may charge u $20 half hour, in fact once u lie down, they dun massage for u but just touch here a bit n there a bit, then start to ask for special service, i feel that is not fair to us, bcos it ended up we are paying $20 to abt $40 juz for the room n usually we just completed 3/4 of the time, so bro pls avoid all those shop in tis two area,thanks.

You are the customer, you have the deciding factor. They are not using their neh nehs to push you inside what. Unless you are very vulnerable to their request lah. Tell you something, TNs are launching everyweek, so how are you gg to stop them? Think!!

25-06-2005, 05:44 PM
You are the customer, you have the deciding factor. They are not using their neh nehs to push you inside what. Unless you are very vulnerable to their request lah. Tell you something, TNs are launching everyweek, so how are you gg to stop them? Think!!
Bro i'm not here to stop, we need to educate them, teach them the rule of the game, eliminate them when neccesary.Is as simple as that if u name massage service than u got to provide, not as a room charge.The hit n run attiude by them cannot be negotiate, they must know who's the boss n how to play the game, not turn around the table.

25-06-2005, 06:04 PM
wah cool down leh..............

I sense hotness in this thread!!!!



25-06-2005, 09:17 PM
Bro i'm not here to stop, we need to educate them, teach them the rule of the game, eliminate them when neccesary.Is as simple as that if u name massage service than u got to provide, not as a room charge.The hit n run attiude by them cannot be negotiate, they must know who's the boss n how to play the game, not turn around the table.

To being with, are you in anyway, coerced into taking up the (non-existant) massage, or are you enticed by the juggling boobs which seem so welcoming?

Well, I for one know what I am in for when I patronise such Tuina outlets. The same understanding applies to most of my friends. And I believe most people here are well aware of the situation.

I simply treat the mere S$20.00 as 'rental' for the 'premise'.

25-06-2005, 11:12 PM
Well, for what i think, bros here shd know that the gals in tn are looking for extra money and forget abt the main course. frankly speaking, taking up half hour massage is a waste of money if really want a proper massage b4 special. The time is short so the gals just anyhow press press then ask for special liao. They don earn much from massage that's why they have to get it from special. For example, half hour massage the most they get only around $6-$8. So sometimes is not that they purposely do that but is bo bian.

I do admit that some tn gals really cannot massage. I also encounter some that only playing piano. Got once i go a tn and the gal asked whether i want to take up half hour massage. Straight away i rejected 'cos i know that she sure only touch touch for few mins and ask for special liao. Massage to me covers 70% of the whole session so if the massage is bad, i will not do special. Will rather go to GL and look for my "老乡好" (old flame) heehee...... :D

Just a few ceents of my opinion. Hope bros here won't be offended...... :)


26-06-2005, 09:58 AM
wah cool down leh..............

I sense hotness in this thread!!!!



Nothing to worry pal. Cool! :cool:

Bro i'm not here to stop, we need to educate them, teach them the rule of the game, eliminate them when neccesary.Is as simple as that if u name massage service than u got to provide, not as a room charge.The hit n run attiude by them cannot be negotiate, they must know who's the boss n how to play the game, not turn around the table.

I think we should have some self-control over ourselves. Meaning that you got to plan your budget wisely and not nitpick after the session. I mean just look at Happy TN thread. At first massage + specials at most cost you <$70 and you look at last few thread, all girls asking for more, even snatching our bro's wallet to check their remaining. Some customers spoilt the market, can't blame them. They have the liberty to give, the girls gladly accept. Two-way transaction. But ultimately it's up to you whether you want to call on them.

You must ask youself this Q. TNs are not specialise in massage and "everyone" knows that. It's provide cheap thrills for "extras." If you think you wanna omit the half-hour session. Negotiate, talk terms with them. Straight to the point go for "extras," if they don't relent, move on to the next. Avoid.

26-06-2005, 12:36 PM
Hi Bro nukebomb,

I think there are many recommendation in SBF on which HC or TN that offer both good massage and "special". Do a search here before you go down to any HC or TN next time. That will save a lot of frustration.

Happy bonking


26-06-2005, 12:43 PM
To being with, are you in anyway, coerced into taking up the (non-existant) massage, or are you enticed by the juggling boobs which seem so welcoming?

Well, I for one know what I am in for when I patronise such Tuina outlets. The same understanding applies to most of my friends. And I believe most people here are well aware of the situation.

I simply treat the mere S$20.00 as 'rental' for the 'premise'.
Bro u pay for $20 to rent the place like boh hua leh, outside rate $10 per hr proper bedroom, proper bathroom, got privacy, how to compare!

26-06-2005, 12:52 PM
Bro u pay for $20 to rent the place like boh hua leh, outside rate $10 per hr proper bedroom, proper bathroom, got privacy, how to compare!
Bro nukebomb,
ai yah, how can compare one thing to one thing, you must see it as total paackage mah, the place, plus the gals, plus the service altogether wan.

If compare serbit, wow, lidat then many bros say GL 150 service good, all the rest CMI, then GL has customers only lor...but reality not so what...

If say, juz compare place, like you say $10/hr, dat place got provide gals or not, dun have mah rite?

Juz my 2 cents sharing.

26-06-2005, 12:54 PM
You must ask youself this Q. TNs are not specialise in massage and "everyone" knows that. It's provide cheap thrills for "extras." If you think you wanna omit the half-hour session. Negotiate, talk terms with them. Straight to the point go for "extras," if they don't relent, move on to the next. Avoid.
Yes i want for the special too but do u realise that wat the PRC gals think, in their mind is " Wah singaporean money very easy to earn leh, they are very stupid no need to massage them, they came here juz for sex, even they dun like our service so how, we juz aim for next stupid guy, tis place cannot cheat liao close lah, go another place open lor, they also na wo meh pan fai."

26-06-2005, 12:58 PM
Actually when a joint advertise their rates below 30 bucks, I know I can forget about the massage. In this instance, half an hour will be sufficient for the specials becoz I seldom kena those gals who really know how to maasage at a sub $20 joint.

My focus will be only one...specials...get it and off I go... :D

26-06-2005, 12:59 PM
Hi Bro nukebomb,

I think there are many recommendation in SBF on which HC or TN that offer both good massage and "special". Do a search here before you go down to any HC or TN next time. That will save a lot of frustration.

Happy bonking

Yes bro Hanxinco88,

Yes i know there r gd one, is juz like wat the STPB does blacklisted those bad rep retail shop, or HDB does blacklisted those bad rep contractor, so SBF also need to blacklisted those bad rep TN shop.

26-06-2005, 01:01 PM
Yes i want for the special too but do u realise that wat the PRC gals think, in their mind is " Wah singaporean money very easy to earn leh, they are very stupid no need to massage them, they came here juz for sex, even they dun like our service so how, we juz aim for next stupid guy, tis place cannot cheat liao close lah, go another place open lor, they also na wo meh pan fai."

This is what they think. Be it. If this TN I can't get what I want (In terms of scv & $$) I go another TN lor. Ta men ye no wo meh pan fai ma. :cool:

26-06-2005, 02:16 PM
well if you are really looking for a good massage, it would take at least
90 mins for full body. Only the legal no hanky panky ones will offer these
service, as it requires skill.

the shops around chinatown, is more for people looking for a quickie.
you go in, pay 20 to the boss, the ladies will get another 20 for HJ.
so i guess you are rite to say its a rip off joint. but like what bro clubmed
posted, the 20 is for rental of the bed :)

what we can do is post the good shops and the bad ones
will just die off naturally. just have to be carefull.

some more establish TN shops will offer 90 mins, whereby the first 60 is
for real massage and the next 30 mins (depending on you) will be
reserved for specials.

so if you find any good TN shops just post in the forums, for the rest to know.
if we petronize the good shops, the bad ones will just die off... and the
gals will go work in KTV hahahahahha.

27-06-2005, 04:37 PM
Bro nukebomb,
ai yah, how can compare one thing to one thing, you must see it as total paackage mah, the place, plus the gals, plus the service altogether wan.

If compare serbit, wow, lidat then many bros say GL 150 service good, all the rest CMI, then GL has customers only lor...but reality not so what...

If say, juz compare place, like you say $10/hr, dat place got provide gals or not, dun have mah rite?

Juz my 2 cents sharing.
Yes bro i see it as a total package, i pay $20 half hr in TN shop and i pay $35 no limit of time in HC, i can watch movie, sauna, steambath, hot pool, cold pool, etc.

27-06-2005, 04:41 PM
Actually when a joint advertise their rates below 30 bucks, I know I can forget about the massage. In this instance, half an hour will be sufficient for the specials becoz I seldom kena those gals who really know how to maasage at a sub $20 joint.

My focus will be only one...specials...get it and off I go... :D
It is y singaporean always like to compromise, we always educate ourself to adapt to envoirment, when u r the boss be the boss.

27-06-2005, 04:46 PM
This is what they think. Be it. If this TN I can't get what I want (In terms of scv & $$) I go another TN lor. Ta men ye no wo meh pan fai ma. :cool:
Yes, ta men ye na ne meh pan fai but oni when u try it then u know, how abt others brudder out there, r we here save their every coins, yes i think so, if we hv try somethings bad keep others inform, they know where's the place worth the money n where not, through that we can help the better one to grow, let the better soil blossom with better flower.

27-06-2005, 04:49 PM
what we can do is post the good shops and the bad ones
will just die off naturally. just have to be carefull.

We can post the good one but if we dun post the bad one how to kill them?

27-06-2005, 04:56 PM
I always prefer to go JB Hc to relax as the spending there is cheaper and more relax. But also to some bros out there time consuming is one big problem that they have to take a day leave or time off or even MC just to go there to relax, for me its worth to try. If you really want to relax and you have a day off in weekday, "mai tan liao", drive to JB or take a bus there as weekday is not as conjested as weekend.
I did try 1 or 2 times a month in S'pore Tuina shop when I couldn't have time to go JB to relax. But frankly speaking to paid the amount of money spend in the Tuina Shop, I would rather spend in JB HC as it is more worth it.

27-06-2005, 06:40 PM
Yes bro i see it as a total package, i pay $20 half hr in TN shop and i pay $35 no limit of time in HC, i can watch movie, sauna, steambath, hot pool, cold pool, etc.
Juz stick to your HCs, btw, where hv u been to, good ones share with us? bad ones share oso... :D

28-06-2005, 01:58 AM
:) Bros, just go to the TN or HC which suit u. Some like lau chio, some like SYT, some like big boobs, some like cheap gers. How to decide which is good? So post in all the info & let other bros decide for himself. Everyone can have their own chioce and pay whatever he think is suitable.

28-06-2005, 09:15 AM
the shops around chinatown, is more for people looking for a quickie.
you go in, pay 20 to the boss, the ladies will get another 20 for HJ.
so i guess you are rite to say its a rip off joint. but like what bro clubmed
posted, the 20 is for rental of the bed :)

Luckily it is the boss who do for me, so I just need to pay the "rental"... :D

28-06-2005, 09:26 AM
I don't know whether this is the place to post my recent visit to Tianjin massage at Circular Road. Was there about a week ago to try as the price of $28 for 1 hour is a good deal. This is a PRC joint and the ladies are just average (late 20s and 30s range). I took one of them (didn't bother to remember name - nothing outstanding in looks anyway). The massage is average as the ladies here are into specials and that is their objective and usually pops up the question after half an hour of presssing here and there. I had opted for FJ as I managed to swing a $80 deal and why not for that price? Although the FJ was nothing shout about - she only wanted to do missionary but what I had observed is quite shocking and like to warn fellow bros here. Before we started the FJ, she said that the massage bed is too narrow and proceeded to place the towel from the massage bed to the carpeted floor (that I doubt very has been cleaned at all) and we did the FJ there. It was not comfortable as the carpeted floor is the heavy duty type. After we are done, it was another shocker and I swear this will be my last visit. She immediately took the towel and folder it up nicely and place it on the massage bed to be ready for the next sucker. Both the large towel and small one for the head were recycled for the next customer. I was there just after lunch time and I really don't know whether the same set of towels will used for the rest of the day. I scolded her for not washing the used towels and she said that the boss insists that it they do not look dirty ok to reuse.

So bros, avoid this place until they improve on the hygience and stop cutting corners. No wonder their price is so attractive.