View Full Version : The Mystery of Subidowa
30-08-2013, 10:18 PM
First and foremost, Power Tan is obligated to give subidowa his due respect as a successful person in life having to own a Maserati. He may be lacking in 'seh' but certainly not a complete wash out from what he himself has claimed to be. However, what he has been posting regularly seems to be contradictory such as
Mink tonite?
For a man who is rich enough to own a Maserati, given his status isn't it natural for him to write a proper clubbing proposal than just a P1 standard one liner? Isn't it natural of him to list down the details ie. treating/sharing of bill, is his Maserati coming in full tank etc.? At first glance of his liner message one would have thought it was posted by Boyboy1313. This looks pretty weird coming from a man who owns a Maserati.
In another instance, Power Tan is again confused with his claimed status at the war of words exchange between subidowa and another forummer
U are a sour grape??? U mean u actually envy him and wanna join him in the quest for AIDS??? U must be crazy....
Yandao only got a bit of use nia.... He can't be more yandao than G dragon, Andy lau, Jin cheng wu and Arron KWOK nor even close to be as successful and rich. So no use saying yandao here la... Maybe if he is very rich, as rich as those superstars then i be really impress ahaha....
He can reject the ktv girls but that doesn't mean he won't get anything. He exposed himself to dangers who can he blame next time??? HAHA just a matter of time?
First and foremost for a man with 'seh' Power Tan is not shy to tell subidowa the hard fact that it's always easier to get diseases from wild clubbing girls than KTV girls. The reason is simple, 99% of the clubbing male population will not hesitate to do a clubbing girl raw as all of them would choose to believe that it's safe to do so. On the contrary, only 1% would do raw with a KTV girl as the fear of getting infected by them is always there. So would one believes that 99% of the clubbing male population are entirely disease free? I believe for a man who owns a Maserati it will not be difficult for him to work out the probability.
All these are puzzling and confusing, even for a man with the 'seh' like Power Tan. One certainly needs to own a Maserati to understand a Maserati. ;)
Ah Wee
31-08-2013, 06:34 AM
Wee ah wee, now I understand why the constant praises for you when I go for outing. I am wondering whether it is possible to witness your seh or preferably a live demo. Knowing u lead a busy life,thus giving u plenty time to schedule some time for us. Unlike some who drives a ma sha ma ti car, likelyhood to idle away his time.
Oh, did you forget to mention that he has a liking to speak like a parrot? That will be another distinctive feature one would notice. :D
31-08-2013, 09:55 AM
Wow u start a thread for me????
U like me so much la...... Thank you.... I didn't know u give in to my seh and decided to follow me....
31-08-2013, 10:01 AM
Eh just to clarify things about the clubbing invitation...
I think there is no need to list down so many things for clubbing....
I only want to find the correct pple to go so for fast and effectiveness i just write who wanna go and list down the budget.....
Those can afford it and wanna go will pm me to go together.... Those dunno wanna go or not then ask me a lot of this and that dun bother to msg me.
For me clubbing is easy just bring along the minimum budget and split the cost evenly. Not so difficult.
Thanks TS for stating about this.... Now pple pls read about the only 2 requirements to go clubbing together.
1) Got the budget
2) Wanna go dun fly plane
31-08-2013, 11:13 AM
Well said TS! Although I heard about your seh,but yet to believe my eyes.
Maserati,my only dream. You some how made it sound like "ah cat ah dog" also can drive.
Masersti = Bak Sai Ran Ti (Hokkien) :D
31-08-2013, 11:15 AM
Wee ah wee, now I understand why the constant praises for you when I go for outing. I am wondering whether it is possible to witness your seh or preferably a live demo. Knowing u lead a busy life,thus giving u plenty time to schedule some time for us. Unlike some who drives a ma sha ma ti car, likelyhood to idle away his time.
Oh, did you forget to mention that he has a liking to speak like a parrot? That will be another distinctive feature one would notice. :D
Power Tan isn't aware that he speaks like a parrot. For a man with Maserati like subidowa he should come out with a well draft clubbing proposal to ensure only people of his league get to club with him. With flashy cars and fatty wallets, girls will flock to them like bees to hives while they quack together with all their might.
However, making girls pussy wet with voice is on another level. It is an art no amount of parrot talking can master. An art exclusive to the only man with 'seh'
Power Tan
Ah Wee
31-08-2013, 11:17 AM
Power tan sir!
I adore u and had become ur fan .... :D
I like ur way of putting messages across .... U r my idol!!! :)
31-08-2013, 11:36 AM
Eh just to clarify things about the clubbing invitation...
I think there is no need to list down so many things for clubbing....
I only want to find the correct pple to go so for fast and effectiveness i just write who wanna go and list down the budget.....
Those can afford it and wanna go will pm me to go together.... Those dunno wanna go or not then ask me a lot of this and that dun bother to msg me.
For me clubbing is easy just bring along the minimum budget and split the cost evenly. Not so difficult.
Thanks TS for stating about this.... Now pple pls read about the only 2 requirements to go clubbing together.
1) Got the budget
2) Wanna go dun fly plane
For your clubbing session to be effective your clubbing proposal must first be effective. To a man with 'seh' like Power Tan the word budget is subjective to everyone.$1000 is a budget. $10 is also a budget. For a man of your status you should only club with people of your league so that your Maserati would not go to waste. Henceforth a good and detailed clubbing proposal is important as it helps to filter away the pauper and pulls in the higher mortals.
Dressing should be included in the proposal as well. For a man with Maserati i am sure you always club in your most branded shirt and it is infuriating to be associated with a bloke dressed in Batam's POLO right? Selective association is a common thing among men of your status. Never forgets that. Fellow men of your status would also not play you out as they are accountable to their actions and images. You certainly can't expect the same for Boyboy1313 and hokkienguy right?
Whatever Power Tan has suggested will eventually play a part in scoring your goals but to the man with 'seh' himself all these are meaningless. Like what i have mentioned times before, you can take away my car, you can take away my clothes, but you can never take away my 'seh'. ;)
Ah Wee
31-08-2013, 03:41 PM
while they quack together with all their might.
However, making girls pussy wet with voice is on another level. It is an art no amount of parrot talking can master. An art exclusive to the only man with 'seh'
Power Tan
Ah WeeHence explaining it why, he remained as a parrot. Your 'seh' too hard for him to learn. As the saying goes, you cannot teach old dog new tricks, right? :D
31-08-2013, 05:54 PM
Is your seh applicable to females as well or only to males? :D
01-09-2013, 08:34 AM
For your clubbing session to be effective your clubbing proposal must first be effective. To a man with 'seh' like Power Tan the word budget is subjective to everyone.$1000 is a budget. $10 is also a budget. For a man of your status you should only club with people of your league so that your Maserati would not go to waste. Henceforth a good and detailed clubbing proposal is important as it helps to filter away the pauper and pulls in the higher mortals.
Dressing should be included in the proposal as well. For a man with Maserati i am sure you always club in your most branded shirt and it is infuriating to be associated with a bloke dressed in Batam's POLO right? Selective association is a common thing among men of your status. Never forgets that. Fellow men of your status would also not play you out as they are accountable to their actions and images. You certainly can't expect the same for Boyboy1313 and hokkienguy right?
Whatever Power Tan has suggested will eventually play a part in scoring your goals but to the man with 'seh' himself all these are meaningless. Like what i have mentioned times before, you can take away my car, you can take away my clothes, but you can never take away my 'seh'. ;)
Ah Wee
UR advice is for noobs in organising clubbing... I think u never even try organising before. What for write so much details. Just state the damage ( i also do if not during PM i will state) the place and who wanna go. THats it.... How to dress up, what to drive and HOW TO GO HOME.... is their own business. IF they wanna be no standard then i won't force them to be another one's standard...The more u list down the more they ask.
As for the masertai.... its just a car.... u can't really take it down very well huh.... If u really think it is so atas then go get it urself. Saying pple got this got that wont make them ur one hahaha... Oh u only know ur seh and ur seh means nothing to me.
Furthermore i tell u, girls are not stupid.... rich man is not better than generous man. U think pple rich but they act stingy what can u benefits from them??? THeir money won't be urs or let u use.... U can boast about ur seh. But i go clubbing, i dun drive nor spend a lot of money. Just enough is enough.... U sound as if u are the only one who can attract girls by ur own ability... There are many others also more capable than u. In addition, they have ur dream car, dream job and ur dream money. So i think u can bury urself and die liao ahhaha
01-09-2013, 08:37 AM
Hence explaining it why, he remained as a parrot. Your 'seh' too hard for him to learn. As the saying goes, you cannot teach old dog new tricks, right? :D
Wa u not in medical treatment meh. UR gf said u got aids HIV during clubbing. Better seek treatment fast...
01-09-2013, 10:28 AM
UR advice is for noobs in organising clubbing... I think u never even try organising before. What for write so much details. Just state the damage ( i also do if not during PM i will state) the place and who wanna go. THats it.... How to dress up, what to drive and HOW TO GO HOME.... is their own business. IF they wanna be no standard then i won't force them to be another one's standard...The more u list down the more they ask.
As for the masertai.... its just a car.... u can't really take it down very well huh.... If u really think it is so atas then go get it urself. Saying pple got this got that wont make them ur one hahaha... Oh u only know ur seh and ur seh means nothing to me.
Furthermore i tell u, girls are not stupid.... rich man is not better than generous man. U think pple rich but they act stingy what can u benefits from them??? THeir money won't be urs or let u use.... U can boast about ur seh. But i go clubbing, i dun drive nor spend a lot of money. Just enough is enough.... U sound as if u are the only one who can attract girls by ur own ability... There are many others also more capable than u. In addition, they have ur dream car, dream job and ur dream money. So i think u can bury urself and die liao ahhaha
Lol. me think u dont really know what he is trying to say.:p
01-09-2013, 10:42 AM
As long as pple know what i am saying.... I dun care about what he is saying. What ever he says pple just zap him ( i didnt zap him)
01-09-2013, 12:19 PM
Is your seh applicable to females as well or only to males? :D
It's actually much easier for a female to attain the 'seh'. Charismatic energy can be transferred directly to a female through intimate body contact with Power Tan, the man with 'seh'. :cool:
Ah Wee
01-09-2013, 12:35 PM
UR advice is for noobs in organising clubbing... I think u never even try organising before. What for write so much details. Just state the damage ( i also do if not during PM i will state) the place and who wanna go. THats it.... How to dress up, what to drive and HOW TO GO HOME.... is their own business. IF they wanna be no standard then i won't force them to be another one's standard...The more u list down the more they ask.
As for the masertai.... its just a car.... u can't really take it down very well huh.... If u really think it is so atas then go get it urself. Saying pple got this got that wont make them ur one hahaha... Oh u only know ur seh and ur seh means nothing to me.
Furthermore i tell u, girls are not stupid.... rich man is not better than generous man. U think pple rich but they act stingy what can u benefits from them??? THeir money won't be urs or let u use.... U can boast about ur seh. But i go clubbing, i dun drive nor spend a lot of money. Just enough is enough.... U sound as if u are the only one who can attract girls by ur own ability... There are many others also more capable than u. In addition, they have ur dream car, dream job and ur dream money. So i think u can bury urself and die liao ahhaha
this is exactly what makes Power Tan so puzzled and confused about subidowa. In an instance he claimed himself to be rich, successful and only likes to club with rich people of class and status, in another instance he is telling us he is on a budget and any tom, dick and harry are welcomed to join him.
The only logical conclusion Power Tan can think of is there are actually two different person sharing the subidowa account, one rich and the other poor. one driving the Maserati sports car while the other drives a pickup by the name Maserati. In order to avoid such confusion to forummers, it's advisable of subidowa to sign off like what Power Tan has been doing in all his postings. Just do a simple sign off like 'Rgds, Maserati (car)' if you are the former and 'Rgds, Maserati (pickup)' if you are the latter.
Despite the many confusions, the only thing consistent is regardless of Maserati 1 or Maserati 2, you both lack the 'seh' that which Power Tan naturally possess. ;)
Ah Wee
01-09-2013, 04:45 PM
I think u are nuts.... hahaha....
U really dun get what i am saying at all.....
Argh.... i think i won't post back to u after this final post....
No matter rich or not rich, i firmly believe in value for money.... I dun spend a lot of money to show off nor do i drive to club. I am not on a budget and i dun wanna risk my life drink driving. That doesn't mean im poor and also doesn't mean i'm rich. In addition, none of ur businesss aahhaha u wont' be living my life anyway.
I think u still to ur "seh" and stop following me haha i have the flexibility of play many styles.... u forever cannot read me.
02-09-2013, 08:36 PM
on a saturday night at a car park near mink, subidowa was trying to have some car fun with his new pick up babe. after blabbering for a long time with no result, subidowa turned on the engine of his Maserati and boasted 'Come on, let's do it babe, both my tool and my car engine are the strongest in the world'.
The next moment Boyboy1313 suddenly appeared out of no where and said 'Excuse me sir, can you both please hurry up? That's the loudest fart i have ever heard in my life.' ;)
Ah Wee
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