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View Full Version : confused

22-07-2005, 09:07 PM
can anyone tell me wat is lau chio, lau goh and lau swee? any lau swee with massive E cup boobs and a solid figure in any hc? also include lau chios as well

23-07-2005, 11:05 AM
can anyone tell me wat is lau chio, lau goh and lau swee? any lau swee with massive E cup boobs and a solid figure in any hc? also include lau chios as well

If you dunno what is lau swee, then why are you asking where to find lau swee with E-cups?

23-07-2005, 11:35 AM
can anyone tell me wat is lau chio, lau goh and lau swee? any lau swee with massive E cup boobs and a solid figure in any hc? also include lau chios as well

...hmm... -37.....wat happened?? ask too many stupid question ?? r u not sillypoean ?

23-07-2005, 01:29 PM
He seems to have fetish for lau chio & "Massive E cuppers". Majority of his questions are about this 2 pet subjects asking which HC, where, lau chio with E cup or not, how much? etc

He asked too many questions but zero Frs, that's why -39pts. He doesn't seem to wake up or learnt his lesson huh.

23-07-2005, 02:07 PM
can anyone tell me wat is lau chio, lau goh and lau swee? any lau swee with massive E cup boobs and a solid figure in any hc? also include lau chios as well

Lau ..... old
Chio ......sexy
swee ..... pretty
goh .... really old....hope you know what I mean.

24-07-2005, 11:18 AM
can anyone tell me wat is lau chio, lau goh and lau swee? any lau swee with massive E cup boobs and a solid figure in any hc? also include lau chios as well

school holiday ??

24-07-2005, 11:28 AM
As easy as ABC............kindergarden