View Full Version : Ever discover money missing after visting FL?
27-11-2013, 06:37 PM
Ever experienced this? Scenario is simple. You patronise an FL with a known amount of money in your pocket. Later, you discover that you are missing more money then what you paid to the FL. Example, you go in with six $50 notes. You pay her with 4 of those notes and you should have 2 leftover. Later in the day, you discover that you only have 1 left, although you have not spent it.
If you have, kindly recount your story. If you never post this story before, I assume you are not sure exactly what happened. For benefit of doubt and not unnecessarily effecting the reputation of the FL, please don't post her name. Just reveal the first letter of her name.
To the supporters of a certain FL, I never name anyone in this post, so please don't jump to any conclusions. Just want to see how often these things happen in general.
Jocoal and ipman, please refrain from posting your stories here for the moment... let's not create any bias.
27-11-2013, 07:01 PM
I once almost got robbed by the FL, luckily I saw her through the reflection from the mirror. I was showering and she was digging thru my wallet. When she saw me looking, she quickly put my wallet down and pretended to be packing the bed
Please be careful when visiting her guys, her name is c*****a. Service not bad though. If only she didn't resort to stealing I would rtf her alreadh
27-11-2013, 08:29 PM
up u my 1 humble point to support.
that is why we should never ever let our belongings out of sight when patronizing FLs...
28-11-2013, 01:43 AM
Haha. You really hate that FL so much that you muz publicise this meh?
Anyway, agree wif the others, always keep an eye on your belongings at all times.
Same applies 2 the gals. Most, I think 90% leave their belongings out.
I can easily fish out a few hundred bucks or see their IC n do damage 2 them later. God knows, some ppl have stolen from the gals before.
28-11-2013, 02:13 AM
Of course it happened before.. But it is not very common.. Even legendary girls will resort to "stealing" when they are desperate.
I had this girl.. I am quite a regular.. That is why I let my defence down. Just before I met her at Lavender - I walked over to Horne road to withdraw 1000 and walked to the hotel.. I paid for the room using lose notes..
I am regular visitor of this girl - her service is tip top and normally we will french, undress and go to shower together.. And then back to the bed. After the need normally we will bath together as well. But this time, she took shower first by herself.
I showered after her. When I paid her.. as I took out my wallet, I immediately know something wrong as the orientation of the wallet is wrong!. I checked and I knew immediately $200 was missing. However, I did not confront her.. I gave her the money.. and looked at her.. her body language betrayed her.. I checked the inner compartment of my wallet - I have a $1000 note.. it was still there.
As I am her regular, I did not want to blow up the issue. However, I did feedback to the OKT as I wanted the OKT to counsel her. I was not asking for the money back.. In fact, when we left the hotel.. I told her : "don't do it again. Take it as a gift from me". she looked down and away.
After this incident:, when we new girls, I will normally keep the door open while I bathe so that I can see my pants/wallet.
For RTF girls that I am comfortable with.. normally, bath together before/after - so how to steal? The same girl that took my $200, I met her again and before the session, I paid her.. (normally I pay her after). then I told her - after paying you I only have $300 left.. If you need more, please tell me. She got the hint. After the deed, I gave her $50 tips.
28-11-2013, 02:15 AM
After stealing from you, you still give her business?
If I were you, avoid!
Not being mean, but why let them make money off you again?
If I get lousy service from a shop or restaurant, wont go back there again
28-11-2013, 07:12 AM
After stealing from you, you still give her business?
If I were you, avoid!
Not being mean, but why let them make money off you again?
If I get lousy service from a shop or restaurant, wont go back there again
This girl is quite special.. we go a little way back.. I am quite sad that she did not ask me for the "additional" instead of taking it herself. I would have given her if she is that desperate.
Other than taking the additional, the sessions were exceptional.. I guess it was a moment of "greed" or "weakness" or "desperation" that drove her to that.
28-11-2013, 09:07 AM
No lah, I don't hate, period. Just want to raise awareness (for any FL) so that we all be more careful. It is good for the FLs as well, if all bros are more careful, there is less chance of misunderstanding or false accusations. I'm sure some of the FLs will read this too and learn something.
Agree, it can happen reverse... customer steal from FL. And has been reported in SBF before.
I only ask about money missing. But customer and FL can just as easily take photo of IC and use it for blackmail... :eek:
Frankly... a lot trust going on in here.
Haha. You really hate that FL so much that you muz publicise this meh?
Anyway, agree wif the others, always keep an eye on your belongings at all times.
Same applies 2 the gals. Most, I think 90% leave their belongings out.
I can easily fish out a few hundred bucks or see their IC n do damage 2 them later. God knows, some ppl have stolen from the gals before.
28-11-2013, 09:37 AM
Of course it happened before.. But it is not very common.. Even legendary girls will resort to "stealing" when they are desperate.
I had this girl.. I am quite a regular.. That is why I let my defence down. Just before I met her at Lavender - I walked over to Horne road to withdraw 1000 and walked to the hotel.. I paid for the room using lose notes..
I am regular visitor of this girl - her service is tip top and normally we will french, undress and go to shower together.. And then back to the bed. After the need normally we will bath together as well. But this time, she took shower first by herself.
I showered after her. When I paid her.. as I took out my wallet, I immediately know something wrong as the orientation of the wallet is wrong!. I checked and I knew immediately $200 was missing. However, I did not confront her.. I gave her the money.. and looked at her.. her body language betrayed her.. I checked the inner compartment of my wallet - I have a $1000 note.. it was still there.
As I am her regular, I did not want to blow up the issue. However, I did feedback to the OKT as I wanted the OKT to counsel her. I was not asking for the money back.. In fact, when we left the hotel.. I told her : "don't do it again. Take it as a gift from me". she looked down and away.
After this incident:, when we new girls, I will normally keep the door open while I bathe so that I can see my pants/wallet.
For RTF girls that I am comfortable with.. normally, bath together before/after - so how to steal? The same girl that took my $200, I met her again and before the session, I paid her.. (normally I pay her after). then I told her - after paying you I only have $300 left.. If you need more, please tell me. She got the hint. After the deed, I gave her $50 tips.Wow really ur that kind hearted if another person in your place would have report police or okt.I take it as learning lesson always bring less cash or open the toilet door,most of fl,s gave excuses Ohh,already taken her shower along the way,now I be extra alert thks to every one bring awareness:)
28-11-2013, 02:35 PM
Oh I forgot another good method .....
Juz bring the exact amount n give to her!
If not, juz bring extra 20 dollars for example.
Don't think the FL will be so insane to steal 20 or 10 and make it so obvious
28-11-2013, 02:38 PM
Wow really ur that kind hearted if another person in your place would have report police or okt.I take it as learning lesson always bring less cash or open the toilet door,most of fl,s gave excuses Ohh,already taken her shower along the way,now I be extra alert thks to every one bring awareness:)
Call the police a bit difficult la.
Cos the police n hotel staff go 2 the room n start asking questions, then will know the guy call chicken n she is a chicken.
Better way will be 2 call okt but even he cant do much also.
28-11-2013, 02:40 PM
I only ask about money missing. But customer and FL can just as easily take photo of IC and use it for blackmail... :eek:
Frankly... a lot trust going on in here.
Don't really see FL taking ic n blackmail customer.
the wife n family probably will believe the man instead.
more successful, will be 2 steal ic n borrow from ahlong but steal ic will also be damn crazy
28-11-2013, 02:43 PM
This girl is quite special.. we go a little way back.. I am quite sad that she did not ask me for the "additional" instead of taking it herself. I would have given her if she is that desperate.
Other than taking the additional, the sessions were exceptional.. I guess it was a moment of "greed" or "weakness" or "desperation" that drove her to that.
aiyah! we go thru that too la.
sometimes, we think there's chemistry or fondness between 2 parties but the gal only view the man as a walking atm lor.
how many times, we receive lovey dovey sms but few months later, don't even know who we are! haha
in truth, if the chemistry is there, she can ask. maybe ask u to book more cos she needs the money instead of asking for 200 extra
10-12-2013, 05:44 PM
FUcker SBOBEN , is underOKT ! I knw who r u?! U every time write an bad thing about this girl about that girl or maybe u write another OKT !
But only some OKT no SBOBEN write bad !!
SBOBEN , dango 1289 , Louis Vuitton , BOTAKHEi ! Is same person ! SBOBEN!
SBOBEN everytw me write an bad thing here or write another OKT , than got SBOBEN under OKT will can get more cust ?! That why , why moderator haven't ban here , even SBOBEN post many thing here , write bad thing here the moderator never want delete ! Coz moderator , know SBOBEN r under some OKT !
First ,SBoben post at here FL doom L/SG - moderator ady delete the thread but he still haven't enough ! Post again at fl domo 3- !!!
He is nosy people . Bastard ?! He post a new thread say bad thing about me .
Before he also open new thread post OKT bad thing ?! How mant time he want posting ?! His purpose is make trouble , other brother here holding him then increase his point . This thing had been stopped , but he has to continue to confuse right and wrong . SBOBEN , you don't want stop talking , u still want what ?? what are you still arguing ? Or are you looking forward to write I wrote that one of the worst ? Or waiting until I die ? You just want stop ? Or still waiting for someone else to increase your point ? You're not a man , even animals as . Overly , not u say u want go report , why u still at there posting ?!
Not u say u want go report me ? Why u still at here write & posting ? Stupid !
U never find me , u can say bad thing here GOOD ?! I'm waiting IDIOT ! What u still want argue ?!
U come out meet me , if u have the guys ?!
But I think u dint have , coz u just a dog . So u always posting & posting . Even moderator delete your thread!
Bastard SBOBEN(DOG)(DOG) ! No wrong, he is nosy!!
nov2013 member dun talk cock please. stupid must be kato clone.
anyway guys here please do not trust some of the FR here, yes not all is fake but MOST OF IT IS FAKE. ESP the ratings 8/10 9/10 10/10 omg really price $280 is ok but service blackface etc totally not worth it, anyhow book 1 FL also attitude better then her.
not trying to spoil people business but this FL here is really horrible. unless she learn to buckup and learn to know that without us customer she is nothing else this shits will always be the same. from her point of view she always think she is right. customer old wrong, customer wan lick wrong customer request for too much = troublesome ask too much. come out open leg is 1 thing but come out open leg and wan earn money better learn how to suck it up at times, unless you tell me customer try raw,or abuse you or SM or BDSM, else i dun see why is it wrong service stated never do, den better dun put, wan do also do properly dun fucking give a 20sec bbbj on the tip like a joke then ask why dun like your service or what. you as a girl should know if customer enjoy or not enjoy your service if you dunno then suggest stop posting and quit cause i will be here everyday as long as your service is still fuckup and still trying to act high up.
NOsY people !!!
Are you a dog? Bark at someone else's thread
Each time just talking & want people up your point ! People write calista you do not go for help. You are not very help him? ! Why ? Scare people reduce your score ! Only know how Jump slope alienate ! U get out of here ! Bastard !
U open new thread , & say . To all 2013 nov member pls don't find FL . Whatever u write an FR no people will believe your FR !. Must after one year u use an account .STUpiD ! IDiOT ! U at SBf here always write bad thing ! OkT or FL !
U always say Bad ! What right have you to criticize me?! Who r u ?!!
You criticize yourself better !!! Fucker SBOBeN !!
I did not ! But u always say YeS !!!
Always at here affect business OkT or Fl !!!
U think u who ?!!!!
U at here say FaKe ? U have try me before ?
U say fake ? How I have FR 2006 ? 2009 ?
I'm start 2013 Nov !!
yes bro her picture all fucking white, real life is abit dark colour... now starting to suspect picutre is photo shoped.
Still don't want enough ?! Post at here say the wrong thing ,!
Fucking shit !!!! Bastard SBOBeN !!!
U have nothing can say ! U say I'm photoshop !!!
If you have the courage, you came out to see me. ?Fucker SBOBEN ?!
U never see me u can confirm & write at here ??! U Fucking SHIt ?!
Dark Color ?! Who have dark color ?! Jibai ! You're too far !
White skin, you should be talking to is black, what is the truth?
You come out meet me ? See it's have ?! KNS !!
nov2013 member dun talk cock please. stupid must be kato clone.
anyway guys here please do not trust some of the FR here, yes not all is fake but MOST OF IT IS FAKE. ESP the ratings 8/10 9/10 10/10 omg really price $280 is ok but service blackface etc totally not worth it, anyhow book 1 FL also attitude better then her.
not trying to spoil people business but this FL here is really horrible. unless she learn to buckup and learn to know that without us customer she is nothing else this shits will always be the same. from her point of view she always think she is right. customer old wrong, customer wan lick wrong customer request for too much = troublesome ask too much. come out open leg is 1 thing but come out open leg and wan earn money better learn how to suck it up at times, unless you tell me customer try raw,or abuse you or SM or BDSM, else i dun see why is it wrong service stated never do, den better dun put, wan do also do properly dun fucking give a 20sec bbbj on the tip like a joke then ask why dun like your service or what. you as a girl should know if customer enjoy or not enjoy your service if you dunno then suggest stop posting and quit cause i will be here everyday as long as your service is still fuckup and still trying to act high up.
NOsY people !!!
Are you a dog? Bark at someone else's thread
Each time just talking & want people up your point ! People write calista you do not go for help. You are not very help him? ! Why ? Scare people reduce your score ! Only know how Jump slope alienate ! U get out of here ! Bastard !
U open new thread , & say . To all 2013 nov member pls don't find FL . Whatever u write an FR no people will believe your FR !. Must after one year u use an account .STUpiD ! IDiOT ! U at SBf here always write bad thing ! OkT or FL !
U always say Bad ! What right have you to criticize me?! Who r u ?!!
You criticize yourself better !!! Fucker SBOBeN !!
I did not ! But u always say YeS !!!
Always at here affect business OkT or Fl !!!
U think u who ?!!!!
U at here say FaKe ? U have try me before ?
U say fake ? How I have FR 2006 ? 2009 ?
I'm start 2013 Nov !!
yes bro her picture all fucking white, real life is abit dark colour... now starting to suspect picutre is photo shoped.
Still don't want enough ?! Post at here say the wrong thing ,!
Fucking shit !!!! Bastard SBOBeN !!!
U have nothing can say ! U say I'm photoshop !!!
If you have the courage, you came out to see me. ?Fucker SBOBEN ?!
U never see me u can confirm & write at here ??! U Fucking SHIt ?!
Dark Color ?! Who have dark color ?! Jibai ! You're too far !
You come out meet me ? See it's have ?! KNS !!
10-12-2013, 06:46 PM
FUcker SBOBEN , is underOKT ! I knw who r u?! U every time write an bad thing about this girl about that girl or maybe u write another OKT !
But only some OKT no SBOBEN write bad !!
SBOBEN , dango 1289 , Louis Vuitton , BOTAKHEi ! Is same person ! SBOBEN!
SBOBEN everytw me write an bad thing here or write another OKT , than got SBOBEN under OKT will can get more cust ?! That why , why moderator haven't ban here , even SBOBEN post many thing here , write bad thing here the moderator never want delete ! Coz moderator , know SBOBEN r under some OKT !
First ,SBoben post at here FL doom L/SG - moderator ady delete the thread but he still haven't enough ! Post again at fl domo 3- !!!
He is nosy people . Bastard ?! He post a new thread say bad thing about me .
Before he also open new thread post OKT bad thing ?! How mant time he want posting ?! His purpose is make trouble , other brother here holding him then increase his point . This thing had been stopped , but he has to continue to confuse right and wrong . SBOBEN , you don't want stop talking , u still want what ?? what are you still arguing ? Or are you looking forward to write I wrote that one of the worst ? Or waiting until I die ? You just want stop ? Or still waiting for someone else to increase your point ? You're not a man , even animals as . Overly , not u say u want go report , why u still at there posting ?!
Not u say u want go report me ? Why u still at here write & posting ? Stupid !
U never find me , u can say bad thing here GOOD ?! I'm waiting IDIOT ! What u still want argue ?!
U come out meet me , if u have the guys ?!
But I think u dint have , coz u just a dog . So u always posting & posting . Even moderator delete your thread!
Bastard SBOBEN(DOG)(DOG) ! No wrong, he is nosy!!
nov2013 member dun talk cock please. stupid must be kato clone.
anyway guys here please do not trust some of the FR here, yes not all is fake but MOST OF IT IS FAKE. ESP the ratings 8/10 9/10 10/10 omg really price $280 is ok but service blackface etc totally not worth it, anyhow book 1 FL also attitude better then her.
not trying to spoil people business but this FL here is really horrible. unless she learn to buckup and learn to know that without us customer she is nothing else this shits will always be the same. from her point of view she always think she is right. customer old wrong, customer wan lick wrong customer request for too much = troublesome ask too much. come out open leg is 1 thing but come out open leg and wan earn money better learn how to suck it up at times, unless you tell me customer try raw,or abuse you or SM or BDSM, else i dun see why is it wrong service stated never do, den better dun put, wan do also do properly dun fucking give a 20sec bbbj on the tip like a joke then ask why dun like your service or what. you as a girl should know if customer enjoy or not enjoy your service if you dunno then suggest stop posting and quit cause i will be here everyday as long as your service is still fuckup and still trying to act high up.
NOsY people !!!
Are you a dog? Bark at someone else's thread
Each time just talking & want people up your point ! People write calista you do not go for help. You are not very help him? ! Why ? Scare people reduce your score ! Only know how Jump slope alienate ! U get out of here ! Bastard !
U open new thread , & say . To all 2013 nov member pls don't find FL . Whatever u write an FR no people will believe your FR !. Must after one year u use an account .STUpiD ! IDiOT ! U at SBf here always write bad thing ! OkT or FL !
U always say Bad ! What right have you to criticize me?! Who r u ?!!
You criticize yourself better !!! Fucker SBOBeN !!
I did not ! But u always say YeS !!!
Always at here affect business OkT or Fl !!!
U think u who ?!!!!
U at here say FaKe ? U have try me before ?
U say fake ? How I have FR 2006 ? 2009 ?
I'm start 2013 Nov !!
yes bro her picture all fucking white, real life is abit dark colour... now starting to suspect picutre is photo shoped.
Still don't want enough ?! Post at here say the wrong thing ,!
Fucking shit !!!! Bastard SBOBeN !!!
U have nothing can say ! U say I'm photoshop !!!
If you have the courage, you came out to see me. ?Fucker SBOBEN ?!
U never see me u can confirm & write at here ??! U Fucking SHIt ?!
Dark Color ?! Who have dark color ?! Jibai ! You're too far !
White skin, you should be talking to is black, what is the truth?
You come out meet me ? See it's have ?! KNS !!
nov2013 member dun talk cock please. stupid must be kato clone.
anyway guys here please do not trust some of the FR here, yes not all is fake but MOST OF IT IS FAKE. ESP the ratings 8/10 9/10 10/10 omg really price $280 is ok but service blackface etc totally not worth it, anyhow book 1 FL also attitude better then her.
not trying to spoil people business but this FL here is really horrible. unless she learn to buckup and learn to know that without us customer she is nothing else this shits will always be the same. from her point of view she always think she is right. customer old wrong, customer wan lick wrong customer request for too much = troublesome ask too much. come out open leg is 1 thing but come out open leg and wan earn money better learn how to suck it up at times, unless you tell me customer try raw,or abuse you or SM or BDSM, else i dun see why is it wrong service stated never do, den better dun put, wan do also do properly dun fucking give a 20sec bbbj on the tip like a joke then ask why dun like your service or what. you as a girl should know if customer enjoy or not enjoy your service if you dunno then suggest stop posting and quit cause i will be here everyday as long as your service is still fuckup and still trying to act high up.
NOsY people !!!
Are you a dog? Bark at someone else's thread
Each time just talking & want people up your point ! People write calista you do not go for help. You are not very help him? ! Why ? Scare people reduce your score ! Only know how Jump slope alienate ! U get out of here ! Bastard !
U open new thread , & say . To all 2013 nov member pls don't find FL . Whatever u write an FR no people will believe your FR !. Must after one year u use an account .STUpiD ! IDiOT ! U at SBf here always write bad thing ! OkT or FL !
U always say Bad ! What right have you to criticize me?! Who r u ?!!
You criticize yourself better !!! Fucker SBOBeN !!
I did not ! But u always say YeS !!!
Always at here affect business OkT or Fl !!!
U think u who ?!!!!
U at here say FaKe ? U have try me before ?
U say fake ? How I have FR 2006 ? 2009 ?
I'm start 2013 Nov !!
yes bro her picture all fucking white, real life is abit dark colour... now starting to suspect picutre is photo shoped.
Still don't want enough ?! Post at here say the wrong thing ,!
Fucking shit !!!! Bastard SBOBeN !!!
U have nothing can say ! U say I'm photoshop !!!
If you have the courage, you came out to see me. ?Fucker SBOBEN ?!
U never see me u can confirm & write at here ??! U Fucking SHIt ?!
Dark Color ?! Who have dark color ?! Jibai ! You're too far !
You come out meet me ? See it's have ?! KNS !!
11-12-2013, 01:43 PM
Bro, you are gentleman and kind.
Of course it happened before.. But it is not very common.. Even legendary girls will resort to "stealing" when they are desperate.
I had this girl.. I am quite a regular.. That is why I let my defence down. Just before I met her at Lavender - I walked over to Horne road to withdraw 1000 and walked to the hotel.. I paid for the room using lose notes..
I am regular visitor of this girl - her service is tip top and normally we will french, undress and go to shower together.. And then back to the bed. After the need normally we will bath together as well. But this time, she took shower first by herself.
I showered after her. When I paid her.. as I took out my wallet, I immediately know something wrong as the orientation of the wallet is wrong!. I checked and I knew immediately $200 was missing. However, I did not confront her.. I gave her the money.. and looked at her.. her body language betrayed her.. I checked the inner compartment of my wallet - I have a $1000 note.. it was still there.
As I am her regular, I did not want to blow up the issue. However, I did feedback to the OKT as I wanted the OKT to counsel her. I was not asking for the money back.. In fact, when we left the hotel.. I told her : "don't do it again. Take it as a gift from me". she looked down and away.
After this incident:, when we new girls, I will normally keep the door open while I bathe so that I can see my pants/wallet.
For RTF girls that I am comfortable with.. normally, bath together before/after - so how to steal? The same girl that took my $200, I met her again and before the session, I paid her.. (normally I pay her after). then I told her - after paying you I only have $300 left.. If you need more, please tell me. She got the hint. After the deed, I gave her $50 tips.
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