View Full Version : SB
29-12-2013, 11:17 AM
I have been looking for a replacement SB for a while - because my current super SB has gone overseas.
My current SB is the best I had for many years... but good things can't last as she has just gone overseas.. anyway I will be waiting for her to come back.
So I came to this thread. I am sick of FL.. even the best FLs - those that you RTFs many times.. they are still FL.. they can still turn around and not know you - not responding to you, steal your money etc etc.. or simply ask you to f... off. There are good FLs for sure - but they are far and few in between.
I had SBs in the past - the last one was in 2009.. (prior to that I had a couple too - all not too bad). It was one of most horrifying experience .. not that she was no good.. she was good.. beautiful, gfe, good in bed, anything that you would want in a SB. But the last couple of months with her was tortuous.. I can't share much as she is someone that the public will know.
She gave me many months of happiness but also many months of pain. So I thought I would not have another SB until I met this current one. She is by far the best.. she has her pain as well.. but I wouldnt swap her for anyone else. Too bad she has to leave Singapore for a while.
Ok. So I came here to look. I contacted... and some contacted me via PM. I should say about 7 or 8 potential SBs. Some after 1 PM just disappear.. did not even communicate much. Some exchange emails.. and then stop. Some exchange numbers for whatsapps. Some have wechat or line. So right now after 2 weeks or so - I am in contact with some of them.
My terms are simple. Meet first for coffee/meal.. and if the initial chemistry is right - to go for a paid session (to be negotiated). After the session, we both can decide to proceed and negotiate or go separate ways. Some may not want to go for session - thinking that they are not FL - well it is up to them - but I will not commit to a SB if I have not tried and know if we have "chemistry" on bed. If she is not comfortable, we can have further dates - 2 or 3 more..
But generally the response is slow. Even those with phone numbers - exchange of messages is slow and sporadic.. as if they are not really interested. One is interested.. but she is overseas now. Another one wants to meet but I am worried because she has a bf.. and I don't want to get involve with a SB with BF. And mostly, even those that advertise here - their response is slow.. don't reply PMs or just 1 liner. don't reply email for days. I think the basic protocol is to exchange phone numbers or at lease line or wechat... so that we can chat a little and make arrangement. Without these basic - I wonder how serious they are to be a SB. Already before SB the communication is so bad.. how to trust that they can be a good SB? Likely to MIA...
Just my thoughts and experience. Anyone has better experience let me know.
I am due to meet some real soon.. so I will keep all posted
29-12-2013, 11:23 AM
Snr bro,
Me darn curious abt the "public figure SB" u had .... Lols .... :D
Good luck for ur search ....... :)
29-12-2013, 11:33 AM
Snr bro,
Me darn curious abt the "public figure SB" u had .... Lols .... :D
Good luck for ur search ....... :)
Obviously I can't share...
But I not in hurry to find SB so I am not lowering my standard too much.. just tahan for my SB to come back.
29-12-2013, 01:45 PM
Good afternoon infinitumus,
Thanks for sharing your invaluable encounters and experiences with sugar babies. Your concise writeout does provide a good insight into the temperamental behavior of these sugar babies. In addition, your method of overcoming their temperaments/objections again serves as a good guide for those would be sugar daddy.
You come across to me as a sugar daddy who treat your sugar babies respectfully and fairly. This is derived from the way you communicated clearly and firmly about the do's and don't s and your recognition of their good behavior by rewarding them with gifts, spa packages or holidays. More importantly, you allow them the freedom of private space without intruding into their social lives.
I must say that I find your article both refreshing and informative.
Happy New Year!
Oh, one last question? Any special meaning to your nick? It is partially derived from the word "infinity"?
29-12-2013, 01:45 PM
Good afternoon infinitiumus,
Thanks for sharing your invaluable encounters and experiences with sugar babies. Your concise writeout does provide a good insight into the temperamental behavior of these sugar babies. In addition, your method of overcoming their temperaments/objections again serves as a good guide for those would be sugar daddy.
You come across to me as a sugar daddy who treat your sugar babies respectfully and fairly. This is derived from the way you communicated clearly and firmly about the do's and don't s and your recognition of their good behavior by rewarding them with gifts, spa packages or holidays. More importantly, you allow them the freedom of private space without intruding into their social lives.
I must say that I find your article both refreshing and informative.
Happy New Year!
Oh, one last question? Any special meaning to your nick? It is partially derived from the word "infinity"?
29-12-2013, 01:55 PM
Good luck with your search, we should never compromise on quality. ;)
Happy weekend bro! :)
29-12-2013, 02:24 PM
Good afternoon infinitiumus,
Thanks for sharing your invaluable encounters and experiences with sugar babies. Your concise writeout does provide a good insight into the temperamental behavior of these sugar babies. In addition, your method of overcoming their temperaments/objections again serves as a good guide for those would be sugar daddy.
You come across to me as a sugar daddy who treat your sugar babies respectfully and fairly. This is derived from the way you communicated clearly and firmly about the do's and don't s and your recognition of their good behavior by rewarding them with gifts, spa packages or holidays. More importantly, you allow them the freedom of private space without intruding into their social lives.
I must say that I find your article both refreshing and informative.
Happy New Year!
Oh, one last question? Any special meaning to your nick? It is partially derived from the word "infinity"?
No special meaning.. but you are smart.. when i registered lone time ago.. it was along the like of infinity.. but somehow it end up as such.
I only want SB to treat us as human and respect.. definitely I don't suppose they will love me.. but at least treat, respect and care about "our feelings" as a man. In return I do the same. Like my current SB - I do encourage her to have friends.. even with guys going after her (anyway I can't really stop, can I?.. I can't be there for her forever - but once she finds a bf.. I expect her to inform me - that is all.
29-12-2013, 03:03 PM
cut and paste from my post in another thread....
There are many genuine SD around (me included) but SB.. real one.. far and few in between.
firstly. Most of them can't make it. They are not what they claim. Some said they are slim.. when probed further said.. not skinny.. then comes slightly meaty.. to me - that is a world of difference..
Secondly, they want monthly advance payment. I won't pay monthly advance payment - at least not in the first month. Normal mode for me - weekly payment.. after few weeks, we can then decide. For those monthly payment, after payment, they will give all sorts of excuses not to meet.
For me, I set fixed schedule to meet.. days of the week. If there are any clashes, then we adjust accordingly.. acccording to the agreed times to meet per week. Good SB will surprise me with additional meeting.. (not necessary sex).
Thirdly, being responsive. Some of them are not responsive. Even on the day of meeting, they can be uncontactable.. and give some crap reason like busy or sleeping ...
If they do well - make the SD happy, be responsive.. normally they will get more than what they bargain for.. - including shopping, expenses paid holiday, spa treatment, gifts..
On the other hand, I don't interfere with their lives. Except one thing : no boy friend. I had one SB who had a boy friend.. - it is terrible. And I don't want any trouble with bf.. Hence this is a golden rule for me.
Second thing - they cannot sleep around. Of course I cannot 100% check and confirm.. but they cannot get caught. If I become suspicious.. then I may pay to investigate.. but really not pretty if the truth is out. So I warn SB well in advance.. - if they want to f... around, don't meddle..
Otherwise they can do what they like - clubbing, going out with friends.. or whatever.. I don't really care so much. As long as when meeting me - no rush and dedicate time to me.
29-12-2013, 03:04 PM
And definitely cannot do FL.. but sometimes you will find that they are so stupid to do FL - which can be easily caught..
29-12-2013, 04:55 PM
Bro, since u have been dating a sb that is of a public figure i guess $ shouldnt be a problem for u if not demanding sky high prices. Then i would suggest u look elsewhere for a real sb. i had escorts that became my sb, lower end of 5figure sum mthly will get a gd enough sb with delication n professionalism if this is wat u r looking for. personally i look into this, well i paid n i expect a certain level of committment, delication n professionalism. thats the min i expect of a sb...
those looking for sd here r mostly just into this profession, they may not be si much into giving n pleasuring but more into fulfilling own's needs 1st. but the real sb will most likely cost an arm or leg... as for here mostly r loking at 3-5k mthly. well, certain expectations cant be too high... many towkays go ktvs buy watches, house, car for the ktv gals there. all aspiring sb should look into the kind standard that the ktv gals can provide, at least emotionally able to "eat" the man up. if u gotta the man's heart, the rest follow. but many sb wannabes dont... thats the problem with most sg sb... they dun wanna learn.
ps: if anyone feel offended by this remark, pls skip this reply. no offense to anyone.
30-12-2013, 11:23 AM
Feels exactly the same bro.
30-12-2013, 05:29 PM
First of all, like reading your post.
Good job bro....
Personally, i dont think we can get decent SB over what you mentioned in your post....(i wish i can get local babe too...but havent found as of now..)
Why dont you try getting overseas babe? eg. Prc girl? or Girl working in factories in sg...Know quite a few frens BY them....think they dont cost a bomb too...
Heh....Anyway, just my own opinion...
Have a nice day ahead and enjoy hunting...
cut and paste from my post in another thread....
There are many genuine SD around (me included) but SB.. real one.. far and few in between.
firstly. Most of them can't make it. They are not what they claim. Some said they are slim.. when probed further said.. not skinny.. then comes slightly meaty.. to me - that is a world of difference..
Secondly, they want monthly advance payment. I won't pay monthly advance payment - at least not in the first month. Normal mode for me - weekly payment.. after few weeks, we can then decide. For those monthly payment, after payment, they will give all sorts of excuses not to meet.
For me, I set fixed schedule to meet.. days of the week. If there are any clashes, then we adjust accordingly.. acccording to the agreed times to meet per week. Good SB will surprise me with additional meeting.. (not necessary sex).
Thirdly, being responsive. Some of them are not responsive. Even on the day of meeting, they can be uncontactable.. and give some crap reason like busy or sleeping ...
If they do well - make the SD happy, be responsive.. normally they will get more than what they bargain for.. - including shopping, expenses paid holiday, spa treatment, gifts..
On the other hand, I don't interfere with their lives. Except one thing : no boy friend. I had one SB who had a boy friend.. - it is terrible. And I don't want any trouble with bf.. Hence this is a golden rule for me.
Second thing - they cannot sleep around. Of course I cannot 100% check and confirm.. but they cannot get caught. If I become suspicious.. then I may pay to investigate.. but really not pretty if the truth is out. So I warn SB well in advance.. - if they want to f... around, don't meddle..
Otherwise they can do what they like - clubbing, going out with friends.. or whatever.. I don't really care so much. As long as when meeting me - no rush and dedicate time to me.
30-12-2013, 05:30 PM
those looking for sd here r mostly just into this profession, they may not be si much into giving n pleasuring but more into fulfilling own's needs 1st. but the real sb will most likely cost an arm or leg... as for here mostly r loking at 3-5k mthly. well, certain expectations cant be too high... many towkays go ktvs buy watches, house, car for the ktv gals there. all aspiring sb should look into the kind standard that the ktv gals can provide, at least emotionally able to "eat" the man up. if u gotta the man's heart, the rest follow. but many sb wannabes dont... thats the problem with most sg sb... they dun wanna .
Bro, generally I agree with you. I currently gave a sb but she is out of country for a while. So I am just exploring for short term engagement. I am not desperate just trying my luck - sometimes there are gems to be discovered - not in the way I expected. Of course I am realistic that the standard here is not there.
Thanks for your post.
30-12-2013, 05:34 PM
your nick name catch duckie attention... Quackkkkkkkkk
first time i thought its somekind of hippopotamus? QUACKKKKKK QUACKKK QUACKKKK!!! :D :D :D
Duckie wish u a great luck finding new SB.. HUAT AHHH!!!!! :D
31-12-2013, 12:02 AM
Although it is difficult to find a good sb (the sb according to my requirements) - it is fun though.
I can compromise on certain - like being non-exclusive - like for some sb they just want to meet once a week - for a smaller fee.. it is doable. The most important thing is "chemistry".
What I can't accept is upfront monthly payment - cos I have been burnt many times - they will MIA after meeting once or twice.. I will only pay monthly payment after the "relationship is stable" - at least 2 months or so.
And "trial" - some say is trial for me it is not. Sexual chemistry is important. How can I part with my money and agree and after 1st meeting find that cannot click "sexually"? And already paid in advance? Does not make sense.
Some girls are not comfortable to have "sex" first meeting.. is ok. We can meet as many times as possible - coffee/dinner/club whatever.. until she is ready - But I won't agree to have SB without having ascertain sexual chemistry. There are dead fishes. There are those that promise you the sky and when in the room - everything also cannot.
I have met one.. claim to everything also can.. in the room told me, she don't know anything.. almost virgin.. (only sex 2 times before) and then everything also cannot.. only thing she can do is to jerk for me? Penetration is difficult as she kept closing her legs.. finger her.. pain. lick her itchy. suck her nipples - pain. kiss her - turned away.. bbbj.. don't know.. And I already agreed to pay her weekly allowance of 1.2k. Imagine. even jerking also don't know.. I have to DIY. 1.2K gone. I imagine if I paid her upfront of 4.8k?
31-12-2013, 08:38 PM
Not tried Sb. And I have similar experience. RTF my favorite best FL. Arranged to meet her in private last evening! Guess what. . Fucking aeroplane me. I messaged her a couple of times and she totally ignored me.
Funny thing is I have always been cool but this time I lost my cool! And I fucking Rtf her like over 7 times! And she fucking aeroplane me! Fuck!
01-01-2014, 12:09 AM
Haha, talking about how great your current (but overseas) sugar baby is makes most SBs feel like they cannot measure up, so maybe that's why not many reached out to you yet. Hope you find an amazing one soon! :)
01-01-2014, 12:04 PM
Haha, talking about how great your current (but overseas) sugar baby is makes most SBs feel like they cannot measure up, so maybe that's why not many reached out to you yet. Hope you find an amazing one soon! :)
I have some shortlisted.. still going through the list.
I am not in hurry nor desperate.
In fact, I do have a ready one (not from here) - just that I want to have more choices.
01-01-2014, 04:55 PM
I have some shortlisted.. still going through the list.
Good luck with your search, hope u do get a lovely chio babe. ;)
Happy new year bro! :)
02-01-2014, 08:44 PM
Good luck with your search, hope u do get a lovely chio babe. ;)
Happy new year bro! :)
The problem I have is the "choices".. hard to decide..
05-01-2014, 12:16 PM
The problem I have is the "choices".. hard to decide..
just go by what your heart tell you.....
cause you are just seeking for a short term SB sorry no offend
05-01-2014, 12:17 PM
just go by what your heart tell you.....
cause you are just seeking for a short term SB sorry no offend
yo yo sis N!!!! happy new year wishin you a awesome huat huat new year 2014 ^^
05-01-2014, 12:43 PM
The problem I have is the "choices".. hard to decide..Too many chio babes and unable to decide? That's a nice problem to have.
Happy Sunday bro! :)
just go by what your heart tell you.....
cause you are just seeking for a short term SB sorry no offendNot go by how the little bro reacts?
The babe that gives the biggest hard on, she's the one! :p lol
Happy Sunday sis! :)
05-01-2014, 01:03 PM
just go by what your heart tell you.....
cause you are just seeking for a short term SB sorry no offend
Not so simple. I have to take care of "feeling" of others as well .. Some don't like to be dumped after 2 months.
05-01-2014, 01:07 PM
Not go by how the little bro reacts?
The babe that gives the biggest hard on, she's the one! :p lol
Happy Sunday sis! :)
Not really. Else FLs may be better choice. The overall "feeling" is more important as little bro is not active every second.
05-01-2014, 01:21 PM
wish I have the spending power of mr infinitiumus and get spoilt by choices. I can only watch and read in envy. :)
good luck in your search and choices. I look fwd on more of your FRs on some of the FLs instead as I based highly on yours in my decision with my limited moolah. :)
05-01-2014, 02:47 PM
wish I have the spending power of mr infinitiumus and get spoilt by choices. I can only watch and read in envy. :)
good luck in your search and choices. I look fwd on more of your FRs on some of the FLs instead as I based highly on yours in my decision with my limited moolah. :)
I still look for FL once a while but I hardly post FR unless it is something memorable and extremely bad. And the FR tend to be short as well.
But this week need to meet up with long time regular FL to catch-up..
05-01-2014, 02:56 PM
I still look for FL once a while but I hardly post FR unless it is something memorable and extremely bad. And the FR tend to be short as well.
But this week need to meet up with long time regular FL to catch-up..
I will take note of both the memorable and extremely bad. But my budget can't match yours of course.
I think I know which is one of your long time regular FL. I haven't met up with her for a long while since she is only free weekdays and daytime hours. :(
05-01-2014, 03:16 PM
I will take note of both the memorable and extremely bad. But my budget can't match yours of course.
I think I know which is one of your long time regular FL. I haven't met up with her for a long while since she is only free weekdays and daytime hours. :(
Not only her but other regulars as well..
05-01-2014, 03:18 PM
Not only her but other regulars as well..
Tough for low level working class like myself.
05-01-2014, 03:24 PM
Tough for low level working class like myself.
You tried shannon? I wrote a short FR.. not bad.. not expensive as well
05-01-2014, 03:41 PM
I have met one.. claim to everything also can.. in the room told me, she don't know anything.. almost virgin.. (only sex 2 times before) and then everything also cannot.. only thing she can do is to jerk for me? Penetration is difficult as she kept closing her legs.. finger her.. pain. lick her itchy. suck her nipples - pain. kiss her - turned away.. bbbj.. don't know.. And I already agreed to pay her weekly allowance of 1.2k. Imagine. even jerking also don't know.. I have to DIY. 1.2K gone. I imagine if I paid her upfront of 4.8k?
Your girl sounds similar to my she 19/20 years old, private student taking diploma, stays west side, around 1.66m?
05-01-2014, 03:47 PM
You tried shannon? I wrote a short FR.. not bad.. not expensive as well
Nope I didn't. Cos frenching depends on chemistry. That's like saying no, just isn't directly.
05-01-2014, 03:49 PM
Nope I didn't. Cos frenching depends on chemistry. That's like saying no, just isn't directly.
She does french. So I guess unless you heavy smoker.. I am not sure.. cos I got to french everytime I meet her..
05-01-2014, 03:50 PM
Your girl sounds similar to my she 19/20 years old, private student taking diploma, stays west side, around 1.66m?
Don't think is the same girl.
06-01-2014, 12:01 AM
I still look for FL once a while but I hardly post FR unless it is something memorable and extremely bad. And the FR tend to be short as well.
But this week need to meet up with long time regular FL to catch-up..
yr regular FL must be very good care to recommend? :)
06-01-2014, 10:24 AM
yr regular FL must be very good care to recommend? :)
There are many wo. Some are not active here.. so I can't say much. Some are here if you monitor their threads you should see me there..
I dun give personal recommendation because each of us has different chemistry with them.
08-01-2014, 07:04 PM
Not so simple. I have to take care of "feeling" of others as well .. Some don't like to be dumped after 2 months.
That's why we have to come for a agreement which both party agree with that no body which to get hurt I use to seek for a sugar daddy too but due to look figure age I give up cause too much nasty request from them end up I'm into FL line till now....
Anyway all the best on your seeking....
09-01-2014, 08:17 AM
yr regular FL must be very good care to recommend? :)
:eek: :eek: :eek:
Ffm? Hehe
09-01-2014, 01:02 PM
:eek: :eek: :eek:
Ffm? Hehe
There is one FHM model 800 per shot. Go find .
09-01-2014, 01:12 PM
That's why we have to come for a agreement which both party agree with that no body which to get hurt I use to seek for a sugar daddy too but due to look figure age I give up cause too much nasty request from them end up I'm into FL line till now....
Huh.. Do u mean that u don't get nasty request from customers when u are FL-ing? :confused:
21-02-2015, 11:26 AM
Eh TS,
Help you bump thread lah...
Steady Boh?
Maybe you can find your CNY SB...
21-02-2015, 01:27 PM
Eh TS,
Help you bump thread lah...
Steady Boh?
Maybe you can find your CNY SB...
You dug out old thread for what.
23-02-2015, 10:46 AM
Eh TS,
Help you bump thread lah...
Steady Boh?
Maybe you can find your CNY SB...
u kiam pa isit! lols! :eek: dig out people's thread!
for a minute i thought TS is looking...
I missed out on 1 very potential SD because i don't dare to write to him...haiz! :( :p
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