View Full Version : All bros, pls help!!!!
16-08-2005, 07:25 PM
Was in Bangkok recently to relive myself cos too long never sex liao.. Chiong massage parlor on my 1st and 2nd day and subsequently got a fl to come back to hotel with me on the 3rd night. Everythign is ok, sex is great and protection seems sufficient (always condom on when having fj or bj)...though I do enjoy the occasional unprotected oral on the pussies
Unfortuantely, it has to happen on the 4th day whereby I went to poisedon and saw this very chio syt and got her for a bonk. Sex with her was great as she is pretty tight down and underutilsed I guess. As usual, the finale is a shot in her pussy and when I withdrew, I saw no bubbles at the front of the fact the condom was clinging to my entire member and my sperm (not sure if its includes her juices). I was utterly shocked and no words could describe my feelings at that time....only regrets and I fucking blaming myself for not checking the protection duirng the bonk, though I know that all is too late now...
I was doing missionary all the way and enjoying her tight pussy and that explain why I didn't bother to check during the bonk. Though she assure me that everything is fine (think due to her inexperience as she saw the condom still in one piece), nothing could calm me down at that moment. I quickly washed up, paid her and left the place.
I am now back in singapore but still amazed at what had happen. Can some bros here could give me some advice on what to do next? Whats exactly could have happened during the sex to cause this??? Shes really young.... 20 yrs old and pussy is tight....can I assume that the chances of her having hiv is lower??? What shoudl I do next??
HELP!!!! :(
16-08-2005, 08:25 PM
I'm assuming from what you write that your condom broke. Am I right about that?
If yes, then the next thing you should do is to get yourself checked.
I do believe you posted to get some assurance from us that everything will be ok and all. But such is not always the case. Please get yourself check to get a peace of mind or get help in case the worst happen. Either way there would be a resolution.
and good luck.
16-08-2005, 09:18 PM
....... when I withdrew, I saw no bubbles at the front of the fact the condom was clinging to my entire member and my sperm (not sure if its includes her juices). I was utterly
HELP!!!! :(
A little bit confusing here with the words u wrote... :confused:
17-08-2005, 12:13 AM
I am a bit confuse by your description. what do you mean by condom clinging on, and then the part about pussy juice? In any case, do not worry unduly. the risk of infection on a single exposure is very low, less than 1%. That is, provided that the girl is HIV positive and infectious in the first place. As an occasional cheonger, I have my share of condom slips and breaks. These things happens once in a while. Just 2 months back, my condom slips off and I only realised it after the bonk. I was surprised to see my bro without condom when I withdrew from the China mei-mei after cumming. Then realised that the condom still in her pussy (pushed quite deep into her somemore). Did not realise it came off in the heat of the passion. Later have to finger it out. haha, quite an experience :) I did get worried after that but I keep telling myself it is a risk if I want to play. You must keep yourself sane by focusing on your work or other things and go for anonymous test in 4-6 weeks. I am going to Kelantan Lane for testing tomorrow as part of my regular test and the timing is just nice as the exposure was around 8 weeks already (by the way, I test once every six months). Since you are into this, you should get into the habit of regular testing too. Wish me luck. :cool:
17-08-2005, 07:57 AM
I advice u to go for a check out. Nothing beat that confirmation by a certified doctor.
17-08-2005, 08:52 AM
if u scared of hiv, there's a window period about 6 mths, advise u to keep safe meanwhile
if stds, then look out for symptoms or usual growths, discharge from genitals
17-08-2005, 09:28 AM
I think your experience is same as what I've gone through with the HC girl. I assumed you meant the condom is still on when you withdrew right? In that case, it should be ok. Having some cunt juice on the condom is normal. But do check carefully if your genital area has no cuts or lesion...
I will be going DSC for full test in 3 weeks time...
As Sammy and the rest of the bro said, whenever we chiong, there is always a risk of contracting some STDs. I always play by the following rules:
a. Condom for oral and vaginal sex
b. No licking of pussy
c. Make sure no minor cuts, abrasion on genital areas
d. Do water test on condom after business done
e. No sex when high on alcohol(you will misjudge as you will feel braver and assured yourself no risk involved in whatever you want to try).
f. Wash up and urine after sex(doctor advise urine after sex will prevent UTI)
f. Try to know the girl's background(WL, FL, WL will go for regular checkup)
g. Read this forum to gather intelligence(if WL is health conscious or willing to do raw or has done it before)
h. Cut those won't want to cut yourself...or the lady.
17-08-2005, 10:14 AM
I advice u to go for a check out. Nothing beat that confirmation by a certified doctor.
Should be "I ADVISE you to go...."
"Advice" is a noun.
17-08-2005, 10:58 AM
Should be "I ADVISE you to go...."
"Advice" is a noun.
Kekeke...........boss, maybe you should add this in your siggy? :D
17-08-2005, 12:49 PM
...though I do enjoy the occasional unprotected oral on the fact the condom was clinging to my entire member and my sperm (not sure if its includes her juices).can I assume that the chances of her having hiv is lower??? What shoudl I do next??(
Bro, try not to do any oral on their pussies, though it may be very tempting. Giving oral to a FL has a risk for STD / HIV...and unfortunately, for you as the giver...the risk is higher, especially if you are exposed to her vaginal fluids and there is a cut in your mouth...if your vagina sex exposure was protected (which i am assuming it is)...the risk should be low. But if you're unsure, i would suggest going for a baseline HIV test at 1 month and a conclusive test at 3 months. In the meantime, try to relax.
17-08-2005, 12:59 PM
Sorry if I haven't been very clear in my earlier head still going in spin now even though the experience is more than 2 wks back...
Just to clarify, I guess what happen is the condom burst during the sex and though the the condom was still intact when I withdraw, there was no bubble at the tip to contain the sperm. Not too sure what is the chances of getting hiv or stds in this case but I am realy worried! :(
On a positive note, I have decided to abstain from sex for the next 6 mths and paid sex for the future...guys, do wish me luck cos I know this is going to take a great deal of perserverence and determination.
Have tried to stop chionging a few times back but failed cos the temptation is just too strong....Not sure if any bros here have any advice on that? Apart from the not so helpful advice on pcc or cut penis off (haha, funny how some of the bro try to "drop dtone down the well"...a chinese idiom).....any other things I can do to prevent myself from going back the same route again. I really regret my actions for the past 2-3 yrs and wishes to turn a new life all over......And I do wish that this tiem going to be successful. A funny ques there any self-help group in this or other forum on how to quit the chiong scene?? Its hard to do it alone and it will help if one has support from the rest of the bros here...
Also, thanks to the really good advice and consolation from the bros here so far....ppl like longanhead and dt3305...thanks for the assurance though I do know nothing is more assuring than getting the negative test results from the doc after 6mths.
Guys, wish me luck and I wish ur plenty of it as well.......
17-08-2005, 01:01 PM
Bro, try not to do any oral on their pussies, though it may be very tempting. Giving oral to a FL has a risk for STD / HIV...and unfortunately, for you as the giver...the risk is higher, especially if you are exposed to her vaginal fluids and there is a cut in your mouth...if your vagina sex exposure was protected (which i am assuming it is)...the risk should be low. But if you're unsure, i would suggest going for a baseline HIV test at 1 month and a conclusive test at 3 months. In the meantime, try to relax.
Thanks Bro Daneman.....will follow as u advise on the HIV screening.
17-08-2005, 02:44 PM
Relax bro, there is nothing much you can do for the time being. Go for the test at 1st and 3rd month mark and the final one at 6th month mark. Meanwhile, don't engage in any sexual activity(except PCC). Lookout for any signs and symptoms of other STDs(other than HIV) on your penis and genital area, discharge, pain and so forth. If have, go straight to DSC for test and treatment. Don't go to any GP, they sometimes gives you wrong information.
I once had some red spots on my penis and the GP said I have herpes...I panicked like shit and went to see Dr Cheok. He told me it is skin irritation, gives cream to apply and the spots was gone. I later went for a blood test and HSV all much for those substandard GP. They only good for common cold and flu.
The other time I had flu like symptom 1 week after a protected encounter. The GP(different one) gave me all the antibiotic for STDs. I felt very sick during the course of medication and went to DSC to checkup. The doctor at DSC was damned pissed at the GP for anyhow giving me all the antibiotic. He told me my immune system has become weakened due to that. Test conducted for STDs all negative. From then onwards, I had stop visiting both the GPs.
Anyway, if you still have contact of the SYT, you can try to find out her status. If she is negative, chances are you are very ok.
17-08-2005, 04:07 PM
Bro anyway wat done cannot be undone
If you are worried then u better go see the doctor
This is one of my solution to you
Maybe there are some bro who can gif u a better idea.
23-08-2005, 11:12 PM
Was in Bangkok recently to relive myself cos too long never sex liao.. Chiong massage parlor on my 1st and 2nd day and subsequently got a fl to come back to hotel with me on the 3rd night. Everythign is ok, sex is great and protection seems sufficient (always condom on when having fj or bj)...though I do enjoy the occasional unprotected oral on the pussies
Unfortuantely, it has to happen on the 4th day whereby I went to poisedon and saw this very chio syt and got her for a bonk. Sex with her was great as she is pretty tight down and underutilsed I guess. As usual, the finale is a shot in her pussy and when I withdrew, I saw no bubbles at the front of the fact the condom was clinging to my entire member and my sperm (not sure if its includes her juices). I was utterly shocked and no words could describe my feelings at that time....only regrets and I fucking blaming myself for not checking the protection duirng the bonk, though I know that all is too late now...
I was doing missionary all the way and enjoying her tight pussy and that explain why I didn't bother to check during the bonk. Though she assure me that everything is fine (think due to her inexperience as she saw the condom still in one piece), nothing could calm me down at that moment. I quickly washed up, paid her and left the place.
I am now back in singapore but still amazed at what had happen. Can some bros here could give me some advice on what to do next? Whats exactly could have happened during the sex to cause this??? Shes really young.... 20 yrs old and pussy is tight....can I assume that the chances of her having hiv is lower??? What shoudl I do next??
HELP!!!! :(
Der Ruebe,
Very hot session you have had there. Condoms giving way, bursting, or tearing are quite common. However, the unfortunate thing happened to you especially when you are bonking overseas. You do not know their medical surveilliance for prostitutes and therefore you should never assume that younger gals will not give you anything nasty. In fact, it is people who have the misconception to find "young, virgin" gals having the lowest risk.
The only advice now we can provide is go for a test, within 12 weeks of exposure. You have another 10 weeks to count down before you hit a test at either AfA or DSC.
If you are still feeling worried, vexed and troubled, pls feel free to email our outreach email at
[email protected] we will provide you with more Q&A and provide you with emotional support where required.
Best wishes
AfA Outreach
25-08-2005, 09:30 PM
Guess I am least for now.
Haven't seen any abnormalities associated with stds in my privates areas after more than 9 days since this incident.
Also, just got my HIV testing today....My heart was beating so fast that my palms can feel it thumping against it when I made my call to the DSC centre. And the freaking receptionist who answered my call has the cheek to make me hold for more than 2 min...claiming that the results would still have to be verified by the lab.
I freaking going to pee in my pants liao...but luckily she senses my discomfort and told me my results negative lah...just need the lab stamp before she can revealed it over the phone.
At first (**(%$*%^*(&)(^$
Will be going for the test in 3 mths time again and rest assured that I will keep everyone updated on the results. Wish me the best of luck...
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