View Full Version : Sports Arbitrage
25-01-2014, 11:44 PM
What is Sports Arbitrage?
Sports Arbitrage is a technique that uses odds at two or more bookies (bookmakers) to make a guaranteed profit. If you back all possible outcomes at a sports event at different bookies (bookmakers) with different odds, it is possible to make almost close to risk free profits.
Disclaimer: When I say almost close to risk free, it is based on the bookies (bookmakers) contractually fulfilling their obligations.
Now, before anyone gets their panties wet and start claiming it is a scam, I am not making any sales here, period. I am just stating the facts.
25-01-2014, 11:51 PM
25 Jan 2014
Manchester City Versus Bacelona on 19 Feb 2014
Place bet on Over 2.5 in this match with Interwetten,
Place bet on Under 2.5 in this match with Marathonbet,
Odds at Interwetten for Over 2.5 are currently at 1.7. Place $61.
Odds at MarathonBet for Under 2.5 are currently at 2.7. Place $39.
Now here is the maths behind it
If Over 2.5 goals; you make $103.70 with interwetten.
If UNDER 2.5 goals, you make $105.30 with marathonbet.
Total stake: $61+$39 = $100.
Returns: 3.7% with Interwetten and 5.3% with Marathonbet.
Huat Ah!
26-01-2014, 12:03 AM
25 January 2014
Event: Crystal Palace versus Hull City
Event Date: Wednesday January 29, 2014
Event Type: Over and Under
Pinnacle,, is offering for this match Over 2.5 goals at 2.71. Place 37.84 on this result.
Interwetten,, is offering for this match under 2.5 goals at 1.65. Place 62 on this result.
If goal score is over 2.5, pinnacle will pay you $102.54.
If goal score is under 2.5, Interwetten, will pay you $102.30.
Returns: 2.56% with Pinnacle and 2.46% with Interwetten.
Huat Ah!
26-01-2014, 12:18 AM
25 January 2014 Tips
Event: Nigeria versus Argentina
Event Date: 26 June 2014
Event Type: Cross Market
MarathonBet is offering Nigeria with Asian Handicap of (1.5), which means Nigeria gets 1.5 goals first at 1.90. Place wager of $54 on this result.
Interwetten, a -1 handicap to Argentina, which means they will lose 1 goal from final result. Odds offered at $2.20. Place wager of $46 on this result.
Now, lets go through the final results:
Nigeria loses 3 goals. Interwetten will pay out.
Nigeria lose 2 goals. Interwetten will pay out.
Nigeria loses 1 goal. Marathonbet will pay out. Because Nigeria has 1.5 handicap.
Nigeria draws. Marathonbet will payout because Nigeria has 1.5 handicap.
Argentina wins by 1 goal. Marathonbet will payout because Nigeria has 1.5 handicap.
Argentina wins by 2 goals. Interwetten will pay out.
Argentina wins by 3 goals. Interwetten will pay out.
Now lets see the stake and odds.
MarathonBet: 1.90 x 54 = $102.60
Interwetten: 2.20 x 46 = $102.20
Returns: 2.6% on MarathonBet and 1.2% on Interwetten.
Huat Ah!
26-01-2014, 12:25 AM
Someone just asked me how much I make a year. My last years revenue was at $400,000 from arbitrage. And my previous year was at $300,000.
I roughly spend about 2 hours a day choosing my arbs. Hope this helps.
26-01-2014, 02:10 AM
I am just doing a survey if anyone wants to read more this....
26-01-2014, 03:21 AM
26 January 2014
Event: Iran Versus Nigeria World Cup 2014
Event Date: June 17, 2014
Event Type: Over and Under
Bookmakers involved: SBOBet, Ladbrokes and MarathonBet.
SBOBet: Over 2 goals. Place $50 on $2.02.
Marathonbet: Under 2.5 goals. Place $31 on 1.63.
Ladbrokes: Under 1.5 goals. Place $19 on 2.7 odds.
If under 2.5 goals, Marathonbet and Ladbrokes will payout.
If 2 goals, Marathonbet and SBO will pay out.
If 3 goals, SBOBet will pay out.
Profit: 1% for SBOBet, 0.53% for MarathonBet and Ladbrokes will pay out 1.2%.
Huat ah!
26-01-2014, 06:44 PM
Seriously seems like no one seems to be interested in learning how to arbitrage. Strange that when I give people tips no one seems interested.
I will continue this thread another few days and see if anyone really is interested in learning.
26-01-2014, 07:41 PM
I guess it's not no one is interested. Everyone got their own way of betting. Your terms very chim. In short just wining by small percentage each game, I guess not everyone is interested in that. To win that amount you are saying, you need quite a big capital otherwise the winnings just ikan.
26-01-2014, 07:49 PM
I guess it's not no one is interested. Everyone got their own way of betting. Your terms very chim. In short just wining by small percentage each game, I guess not everyone is interested in that. To win that amount you are saying, you need quite a big capital otherwise the winnings just ikan.
Not really. I average about 10-25% per month ROI. I started out using very little capital learning the trade; then began to pour in more capital. The reason I started going into arbitrage trading is because it is ALMOST risk free. The risk being that the Bookermakers go bankrupt overnight. But that happening is small; but still possible. The other risk being not being able to match the odds quickly enough.
You pointed out correctly that I use money to earn a percentage. It is definitely better than using huge labour to earn. Anyway, I deploy roughly anywhere between 2k to about 3k per arb trade. My requirements are that it must be within 6 hours and it must be at least 1% above.
In a day, I roughly find between 10-30 over opportunities, but that means splitting my capital among different bookies and then transferring back to the other bookmakers when they are almost out of funds.
The other downside is that I am playing in USD, so I am open to forex issues.
26-01-2014, 08:04 PM
January 26, 2014
Teams: Karlskrona HK versus Asploven
Match Type: Over and Under
Bookmakers: Pinnacle & Ladbrokes
Date: 26 January 2014 @ 11 pm
1. Look at Pinnacle for Over 5.5. Odds currently are at 2.29. Odds found here. ( HalSve 3&descr=1). Place $444.2. If final score is over 5, Pinnacle will pay out $1017.21.
2. Look at Ladbrokes. Odds ( found here at $1.83. Place 560 on Under 5.5. If final score is less than 5, Ladbrokes will pay out $1024.80
Total Capital Used: $1004.2
Total Score (if below 5) - Ladbrokes payout - $1024.80. Profit $20.60
Total Score (if above 5) - Pinnacle Payout - $1017.21. Profit $17.21
Now, the above is a LIVE EXAMPLE of what will take place in 3 HOURS From NOW!
Returns seems little I am sure a lot of people are going to say. But multiply that amount 20 times or even 50 times per day. That is a comfortable side income.
Hope the above explains it.
Huat Ah
26-01-2014, 08:06 PM
I forgot. For people who are learning, use DECIMAL POINTS. Do not use 5/6 odds etc. You will get screwed very fast if you do.
26-01-2014, 08:20 PM
January 26, 2014
Teams: Chelsea Versus Stroke (FA Cup)
Match Type: Cross Markets
Bookmakers: Interwetten & Bet365
Date: 26 January 2014 @ 11 pm
1. Go to Interwetten and look for Chelsea giving European Handicap -2 to Chelsea. The odds are at 3.10. Place 330 on that odd.
2. Go to BET365 and look for Stroke to win with Asian Handicap of 2.5 goals. Odds for that are at 1.67. Place 670 on stoke.
Now, lets go through the ABOVE example. In any soccer game, there is a win, lose and draw. However, we are able to negate any draw simply because Bet 365 is giving 2.5 goals first. That 0.5 basically ensures there is NO DRAW.
Payout for either win/lose/draw is therefore $10.60 or $11. Again, it does not sound like much. But what have you effective wagered? 1K. Now, you can speed up the process like using 3k per match and that would give u $31.80 and $33 per match. Repeat the whole process 20-50 times a day. That would give u roughly about 600 to 1k a day.
Hope that helps in people understanding how it is done.
29-01-2014, 11:11 AM
Hi Bro Nato17, thanks for your sharing.
I am very keen to know more. Please continue :-)
:) Appreciate your information and sharing.
30-01-2014, 01:24 AM
Hi Bro Nato17, thanks for your sharing.
I am very keen to know more. Please continue :-)
:) Appreciate your information and sharing.
You are welcome. Seems there are a few people who have pm me. Guess that shows that this thread has some interest so let me continue with this thread.
Someone asked me what is the capital needed to generate about 100 per day. The answer would be about 20k. Rule of thumb is you should be able to generate about 100% of your capital in 6 months. So normally you should be able to double your capital per year.
Again, there are times you can make more than double. That is by putting stakes on MIDDLES. Middles normally occurs in things like american football whereby you are staking on a certain score line
For example:
Capital Back 20% 20% Capital Back
These returns can be very lucrative because they bring in bigger returns. However, you need to be lucky.
I suggest placing stakes on middles also to complement your arbs.
30-01-2014, 01:29 AM
Someone also asked me how many bookies they should start with.
I don't use AGENTS period. I know that is probably going to incur some agents anger but that is not how I do it. Though ARBS are almost risk free, it is a counter party issue, which means in order for it to work, the parties involved must be LEGIT and PAYOUT. So that is why I seek out bookmakers who have licenses and not go through an agent.
You can check if the bookmaker is legit by doing some r&d on them.
30-01-2014, 01:33 AM
Someone asked me if this is a silver bullet to make money fast. I would say it is a silver bullet if you are looking for better ROI. Not every business makes money, but with this skill set, you are basically ensuring that your capital works harder than you and that you can keep up with inflation. Rough rule of thumb is you normally generate about 10-20% per month. 20% being super lucky. There will be periods whereby your funds are just sitting inside the bookmaker and not doing anything. But there are times when your funds are making you more than 1% and up to about 4-5% daily.
So that is something you will need to consider as you start arbing
30-01-2014, 01:42 AM
Look at French Soccer
Event Date: Sat February 1, 2014 at 20:59.
Event: RC Lens versus Laval
1. Go to Pinnacle Sports and look for RC Lens at 2.23 odds on Asian Handicap (-1).
2. Place $454.80 on RC Lens.
3. Go to MarathonBet and look for Laval at Asian Handicap of (1) at odds of 1.86.
4. Place $550.00 on Laval.
Winnings will be 9.40 & 18.20 respectively.
If you follow my steps exactly, if you do not win or lose, come and look for me.
If you have found my tips useful, all I ask is that you up me. :)
01-02-2014, 07:13 PM
Happy New Year to all brothers.
Had a great start to the Chinese New Year. Since Thursday I have made over 4k in 3 days.
Huat to all you brothers.
05-02-2014, 08:19 PM
Seems like a few brothers have pm me about this.
Is it possible to earn $100 per day?
Can you earn more than $1,000 per day?
The answer is yes. You can earn more than $100 per day. It is very easily done. Can I earn more than $1,000 per day? The answer is also yes.
The question really is how much is your capital that you are staking and how fast can you realize those arbs.
To make $100 per day, that works out to be 3k a month. The capital needed would be roughly about 18k thereabouts.
1k per day is possible but you will have to pump through more cash through the system that is all.
Like I said, it is supposed to be RISK FREE, however, this means both bookmakers must payout. So it is a counter party issue really.
05-02-2014, 08:29 PM
I am going to be upfront.
Is it possible to make millions with sports arbitrage per year? The answer is technically, it is possible, but you will need to have a lot of back up to make that happen. However, I have shown from my own example, that I can make anywhere between 250k to 450k per year.
A realistic goal is to expect 8-12% return on investment per month. Even property investment does not give me that type of returns, so I am happy with my current returns. Having said that, property investments are good but they are currently overpriced, and so I will just keep on doing what I do anyway at the moment.
Another thing that has been lucratitive previously was doing google arbitrage. That is another huge beast altogether, but now it has died. I knew of at least 2 companies that made 50 million a year doing nothing but google arbitrage. So really do keep an open mind. :)
06-02-2014, 12:57 AM
Hi bro, firstly I am curious what arbs program u using coz I Blv u depends on the program to get the arbing right? And I'm quite sure after sometime all this bookmaker will start to limit ur bet limit alr right? Could be as fast as even after few bets they would start to limit ur bet limit
07-02-2014, 12:59 AM
Hi bro, firstly I am curious what arbs program u using coz I Blv u depends on the program to get the arbing right? And I'm quite sure after sometime all this bookmaker will start to limit ur bet limit alr right? Could be as fast as even after few bets they would start to limit ur bet limit
I have my own custom software built from a developer in SG.
You are correct, some of the bookmakers will start to limit the bets. However, there are other ways around it. Use betfair for liquidity if you need to.
One way of telling if u are arbing is you are in SG but betting on games like in Iran etc. That is a big big give away. So try to concentrate on bigger games.
07-02-2014, 01:03 AM
Hi bro, firstly I am curious what arbs program u using coz I Blv u depends on the program to get the arbing right? And I'm quite sure after sometime all this bookmaker will start to limit ur bet limit alr right? Could be as fast as even after few bets they would start to limit ur bet limit
You should be able to tell which places have arb friendly and those that are not. Anyway, if you arb, you will be surprised when you first receive bet limits put on you; it is a good feeling in the sense you know that are doing something right when the casinos/sportsbook recognize that you are doing something correct. EG, they can't ban you and basically telling you to Fuck Off pls. :) At the same time, that means you have lost a place to arb. But you will get a hang off it really.
07-02-2014, 01:39 AM
am interested to learn. however am not sure if that easy, cause think the market should be rather efficient in correcting the odd and the hard part is with identifying the pair that could be arbitraged fast enough before other know about it. Also, what the optimal betting site you will recommend one to start with? Thanks!
07-02-2014, 07:34 AM
am interested to learn. however am not sure if that easy, cause think the market should be rather efficient in correcting the odd and the hard part is with identifying the pair that could be arbitraged fast enough before other know about it. Also, what the optimal betting site you will recommend one to start with? Thanks!
There are reasons why arbs occur in the market.
One obvious reason which a lot of newbies starting out miss is that bookmakers already "ROUND" their books, so it does not matter if you arb or not; they don't lose money. Which now leads to this. If Bookmaker A has already rounded his/her books, then it maybe a marketing ploy to basically get you to play sportsbooks in the hope that you will play their casino games. Basically a marketing strategy. Eg, they lose maybe $20-$50 by offering you higher odds but you may lose your entire capital bankroll in the casino games they offer.
In most markets, it should be efficient in correcting odds. That I concur. However, like I mentioned above, marketing maybe a reason why odds occur that way.
A optimal stake in a match without causing too much disruption is around 3K-5k thereabouts. At 1%, this does not sound like much, but always look in terms of multiples times you are repeating the cycle.
Like I mentioned before you can get softwares to do the arbing calculations for you. They are quite ok, but I customized my own because I knew what I wanted and could get better value long term.
Hope my answer helps.
07-02-2014, 07:41 AM
Let's take the two big boys of Internet gaming, SBOBet and IBC.
Let's assume that they have different odds for two different teams, in order for an arb to occur, both SBOBet and IBC must have selected a different winner to win. The arb normally is about 1-5% depending on how SBOBet or IBC rounds its books. But it may not be very obvious to you.
Now, let's say you are placing bets with AGENTS here on SBF, if you come across opportunities like this, bet on both SBOBet and IBC if they offer and you will surely see at the end of the day the agent's complaining on how you play. Not because u have done anything wrong, but because u have SUCCESSFULLY done turnover with them and that is what I call Bonus Bagging and thus owe you a bonus on both ends of the game.
The AGENTS here hate it for sure.
07-02-2014, 03:33 PM
I had a few brothers pm me about sports arb and indicating their interest to know more. I don't have a problem sharing, but sometimes their pm storage is low.
So for those brothers who do not have enough storage, please go ahead and type your response here. I will try hard to reply your message here.
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