View Full Version : Cum Swollowing...

29-09-2005, 03:50 PM
hmmm... i know most of the guys love thier cum to be swollow especially while the gals giving blowjob for thm. But what actually contain in the cum juice of the guys? Is there any effect if we swollow it?[/
Just like how the japanese AV does, thy love to cum it on the body n rub it all over. Some ppl would says tat the cum juices was good for the body skin, is tat true? (sounds abit funny) :confused:

30-09-2005, 10:20 AM
Hiya innocent girl


in spite of what you might hear about the nutritional value of semen, it's not high in calories. Besides the 200 to 500 million sperm in the average male ejaculate, semen is made up of sugar, water, enzymes, protein, zinc and citric and ascorbic acid (a.k.a. vitamin C), but there's not enough of anything to cause any harm or good, for that matter.

Big Sexy
30-09-2005, 12:04 PM
hmmm... i know most of the guys love thier cum to be swollow especially while the gals giving blowjob for thm. But what actually contain in the cum juice of the guys?

let's clear up the difference between sperm and semen. Semen — also known as ejaculate — is the fluid containing sperm that is ejaculated during sexual excitement. It is composed of seminal fluid from the seminal vesicles, fluid from the prostate, fluid from the Cowper's gland, and sperm. Sperm move from the testicles to the seminal vesicles through tubes called the vas deferens. In the seminal vesicles, they mix with other fluids to form semen.

A tablespoon of semen contains approximately six calories. Semen does contain protein, but it also contains all kinds of chemicals and minerals, including water, sugar, calcium, chlorine, magnesium, nitrogen, vitamin B12, and zinc. But it does not contain enough of any of these things to be considered "nutritious."

Is there any effect if we swollow it?[/[/COLOR][/I]

Not unless it is has a sexually transmitted infection in it. A woman can't get pregnant from swallowing ejaculate — the liquid that carries sperm.

30-09-2005, 12:12 PM
let's clear up the difference between sperm and semen. the liquid that carries sperm.

Bravo, bro. Clear explanation. Thank you.

30-09-2005, 12:36 PM
A tablespoon of semen contains approximately six calories. Semen does contain protein, but it also contains all kinds of chemicals and minerals, including water, sugar, calcium, chlorine, magnesium, nitrogen, vitamin B12, and zinc. But it does not contain enough of any of these things to be considered "nutritious.".

plus it contains all the virusus and bacteria of that person

Big Sexy
30-09-2005, 01:16 PM
already stated there...

plus it contains all the virusus and bacteria of that person

30-09-2005, 06:06 PM
plus it contains all the virusus and bacteria of that person

Provided the person is a disease carrier or infected with some disease, then yes disease-causing viruses or bacteria will be present. Normal healthy ppl do have harmless bacteria on every part of the body too. :)

01-10-2005, 11:36 AM
let's clear up the difference between sperm and semen. Semen — also known as ejaculate — is the fluid containing sperm that is ejaculated during sexual excitement. It is composed of seminal fluid from the seminal vesicles, fluid from the prostate, fluid from the Cowper's gland, and sperm. Sperm move from the testicles to the seminal vesicles through tubes called the vas deferens. In the seminal vesicles, they mix with other fluids to form semen.

A tablespoon of semen contains approximately six calories. Semen does contain protein, but it also contains all kinds of chemicals and minerals, including water, sugar, calcium, chlorine, magnesium, nitrogen, vitamin B12, and zinc. But it does not contain enough of any of these things to be considered "nutritious."

Not unless it is has a sexually transmitted infection in it. A woman can't get pregnant from swallowing ejaculate — the liquid that carries sperm.


Are you a Doctor?? :)

01-10-2005, 11:59 AM
I once heard from a lady fren of mine who allow her bf to cim, told me that the cum had taste...n the taste differ depending on wat the guy had been eating for the past 24hrs.....
she told me that once she ask her bf did he take ant medicine for the past 24hrs, cos his sperm had the medicine taste, n the bf was like :eek: n said that he did take some medicine for the past 24 hrs....

dunno how true this is...mayb some sistas will like to share? :rolleyes:

01-10-2005, 12:50 PM
i not too sure whether is that good for skin or not,all i know is most of the time the gals always complaint that the taste was so bitter :D :p

01-10-2005, 01:03 PM
take pineapple lo...sweet taste.

01-10-2005, 01:04 PM
I once heard from a lady fren of mine who allow her bf to cim, told me that the cum had taste...n the taste differ depending on wat the guy had been eating for the past 24hrs.....
she told me that once she ask her bf did he take ant medicine for the past 24hrs, cos his sperm had the medicine taste, n the bf was like n said that he did take some medicine for the past 24 hrs....

dunno how true this is...mayb some sistas will like to share?

maybe is truth,i remember once my ex gf asked me to eat more orange or pineapple,she said the taste will be different :eek: :eek:

01-10-2005, 01:41 PM
I once heard from a lady fren of mine who allow her bf to cim, told me that the cum had taste...n the taste differ depending on wat the guy had been eating for the past 24hrs.....

This is true to some extent. I noticed when I lick the clitoris of gals who smoke and dun smoke, there's always a difference in taste. More bitter.I know of a few gals who told me that the sperm of smokers taste more bitter.

Ask your friend to drink some alcohol lor. Haha... Literally a shot of vodka-sperm... :p

01-10-2005, 03:11 PM
i not too sure whether is that good for skin or not,all i know is most of the time the gals always complaint that the taste was so bitter

hmmm?? :eek: izzit? I thought the cum should be tasted in Salty? well, tats wat i did taste for once b4...

01-10-2005, 03:34 PM
hmmm?? :eek: izzit? I thought the cum should be tasted in Salty? well, tats wat i did taste for once b4...

my ex-gal also always eater my cum ...shes does told me very salty ,so kind like shshi taste also .....but if taste 2/3 times ,become addict to eat cum.....but its very nice sex to do , i did eat her cum too ...... :D

02-10-2005, 12:46 AM
Hi bros,

Whaha! that means the gals can ask for a variety of flavours when cim?hahaha!So they can taste better? like chocolat flava or even candy flava.

Yah, personally tink cim is no good(maybe gf/bf relationship is ok) but gl wl no lehz..not good to the wls and us. :)


02-10-2005, 12:59 AM
Hi bros,

Whaha! that means the gals can ask for a variety of flavours when cim?hahaha!So they can taste better? like chocolat flava or even candy flava.

Yah, personally tink cim is no good(maybe gf/bf relationship is ok) but gl wl no lehz..not good to the wls and us. :)


of course lah? taste ok lah , cannnot all gals also lick mah ,relationship i means .WLS also lick ? ......you got addict lah ...haha :D

02-10-2005, 01:15 AM
of course lah? taste ok lah , cannnot all gals also lick mah ,relationship i means .WLS also lick ? ......you got addict lah ...haha

Hi bro, hehe no lah, i not referring to the gals cum here, i mean juz my personal thoughts on the art of cim and the taste of cum. Come to tink of it i nvr lick WL there b4 so i dun noe hows the taste like :D Addicted to eating abalone??kekeke!


02-10-2005, 01:24 AM
Hi bro, hehe no lah, i not referring to the gals cum here, i mean juz my personal thoughts on the art of cim and the taste of cum. Come to tink of it i nvr lick WL there b4 so i dun noe hows the taste like :D Addicted to eating abalone??kekeke!


how i going to tell u the taste ,my g/f tatse good cause she is very beatiful mah, right ? depend who u taste , maybe WL teaste better ,how i know............ ,if u want to taste WL pussy better dont post here lah ...............later no one want to chat to u here ...hahahaha :D

02-10-2005, 06:40 PM
Well, wats my opinion about the licking/sucking stuff, I perhaps tat we should be keen to tell wat we request b4 start doing tat. Wat i mean is tat i dun mind if tat guy telling me or asking me to wash my privite part if he thinks i'm not clean enuff. (But so far i dun really been thru tat problem yet... Cos I'm always clean myself well!) Hahaha... I'm being honest enuff to let the guy know tat he doesnt smell nice, hopefully he go for a wash 1st too. We should do tis, so that we can enjoy the process of no matter on Giving or Receiving the Blowjob. Dont u agree? *wink* ;)

02-10-2005, 07:28 PM
Hi bro, hehe no lah, i not referring to the gals cum here, i mean juz my personal thoughts on the art of cim and the taste of cum. Come to tink of it i nvr lick WL there b4 so i dun noe hows the taste like :D Addicted to eating abalone??kekeke!


hey , go try lah ! never try how you will know ? licking darling pussy is nothing new lah ,69 is the best postion ... :)

02-10-2005, 07:36 PM
Well, wats my opinion about the licking/sucking stuff, I perhaps tat we should be keen to tell wat we request b4 start doing tat. Wat i mean is tat i dun mind if tat guy telling me or asking me to wash my privite part if he thinks i'm not clean enuff. (But so far i dun really been thru tat problem yet... Cos I'm always clean myself well!) Hahaha... I'm being honest enuff to let the guy know tat he doesnt smell nice, hopefully he go for a wash 1st too. We should do tis, so that we can enjoy the process of no matter on Giving or Receiving the Blowjob. Dont u agree? *wink* ;)

oh , yes sure ,very agree...cleaning in important as well ,eat the cum also good for yr skll too .
some gals come fast so gals slow .....same as the guys too ,for me very hard cum but i enjoy every minutes as well as her .... :D

02-10-2005, 09:42 PM
hey , go try lah ! never try how you will know ? licking darling pussy is nothing new lah ,69 is the best postion ...

Hi bro,

Yah maybe save it for my future wife(if i have 1 next time), but maybe not try on WLs. Hygiene reasons . :)

Cheers Bro :)

02-10-2005, 10:38 PM
Wat i mean is tat i dun mind if tat guy telling me or asking me to wash my privite part if he thinks i'm not clean enuff. Hahaha... I'm being honest enuff to let the guy know tat he doesnt smell nice, hopefully he go for a wash 1st too. We should do tis, so that we can enjoy the process of no matter on Giving or Receiving the Blowjob. Dont u agree? *wink* ;)

Well, I agree what you said makes sense since it's all about hygiene. I think one factor that contributes to smell is when ladies dun part their vagina to rinse and wash during their shower and when guys dun pull down their foreskin fully to wash.

Innocentbaby and all else, just out of curiosity, besides being honest enough to tell if you smell, is it then ok if your partner tells you how he wants you to smell or taste? For example, I may want to apply some honey, strawberry flavoured whipped cream, hersey's chocolate sauce and taste her/his cum with the mentioned additives. Is it acceptable to you all? :p

02-10-2005, 11:31 PM
Well, I agree what you said makes sense since it's all about hygiene. I think one factor that contributes to smell is when ladies dun part their vagina to rinse and wash during their shower and when guys dun pull down their foreskin fully to wash.

Innocentbaby and all else, just out of curiosity, besides being honest enough to tell if you smell, is it then ok if your partner tells you how he wants you to smell or taste? For example, I may want to apply some honey, strawberry flavoured whipped cream, hersey's chocolate sauce and taste her/his cum with the mentioned additives. Is it acceptable to you all? :p

oh i love it ..........sweet taste-full :) mmmmm ,vey nice if if can think of ......

02-10-2005, 11:47 PM
Xgenre wrote: Well, I agree what you said makes sense since it's all about hygiene. I think one factor that contributes to smell is when ladies dun part their vagina to rinse and wash during their shower and when guys dun pull down their foreskin fully to wash.

(InnocentBaby's reply: Well, I guess this should depend on to whom him/herself's personal cleanliness. If thy dun even concern about the cleanliness of thier own body part, thn wats the purpose to get a shower? Why dun just jump into the drain to just wanna get wet? *Sorry no offend, just picking a example* Besides, a clean body built a health body mah~ *wink* )

Innocentbaby and all else, just out of curiosity, besides being honest enough to tell if you smell, is it then ok if your partner tells you how he wants you to smell or taste? For example, I may want to apply some honey, strawberry flavoured whipped cream, hersey's chocolate sauce and taste her/his cum with the mentioned additives. Is it acceptable to you all? :p

(InnocentBaby's reply: ...... *sweat* I'm not sure wat you try to say about "...is it then ok if your partner tells you how he wants you to smell or taste?" Well, basically wat i try to says in my previous post is that i'm honest to let thm know thy arent smell nice (I dun mean thy arent "clean" enuff) perhaps thy can give a wash on it. The same thing, I dun mind if thy tell me n let me know too in the same way. I dun think tis sounds offending to us. *Is this wat u wanna know?* Hmmm... :rolleyes: about the "Sex with Food" part... I guess this will be part of the enjoyment on Giving & Receiving BlowJob. BUT~ if only thy keep thmselve CLEAN enuff!!!)

(InnocentBaby wrote: Somehow, i do get some info about how to avoid feeling sux for the taste of the cum too (Specially thanks to defconme dude!) again letting u guys know about this link.)


02-10-2005, 11:55 PM
Giving a blowjob is the ultimate pleasure a woman can give to a man.. However, it can be inhygenic if the guy doesnt clean it as u had expected, and this would 've led to an unpleasant work for urself.

03-10-2005, 12:07 AM
Giving a blowjob is the ultimate pleasure a woman can give to a man.. .

next time swallow my vitamin oki? :D

03-10-2005, 12:15 AM
next time swallow my vitamin oki? :D
Well, how would ur cum taste like?

03-10-2005, 12:16 AM

Are you a Doctor?? :)
MY good buddy used to be a LAYWER, but.. he now decide to change liao.
He will be opening his clinic soon.

but.. i think after a few year, he will decide to change job again.. next is be a politician? :D or a singer?

03-10-2005, 12:18 AM
Well, how would ur cum taste like?

hehe... wanna taste it b4 u fly? all yr stuff packed already?

03-10-2005, 12:39 AM
hehe... wanna taste it b4 u fly? all yr stuff packed already?

Sort of done with my packing .. hehe...I know u do alot of exercise, ur cum must taste well with good blend of protein and less fattening source.. :D

03-10-2005, 01:21 AM
Sort of done with my packing .. hehe...I know u do alot of exercise, ur cum must taste well with good blend of protein and less fattening source.. :D

bahahahahahaha~ tats sounds pretty attracting.... Its making ppl drool for it...

03-10-2005, 11:55 AM
hmmm?? :eek: izzit? I thought the cum should be tasted in Salty? well, tats wat i did taste for once b4...

yes,my ex gf did told me before,but i never try it cos i dont like pineapple nor oranges too :o

03-10-2005, 01:35 PM
yes,my ex gf did told me before,but i never try it cos i dont like pineapple nor oranges too :o

hmmm.... *raving*
so wat flavour do u like most to be tasted in ur cum juice? :D

03-10-2005, 02:00 PM
i enjoy ciM ....... learnt from those gals who did get a taste of my juiCE .....

sweet n no odour .... my guess is ~ depends on one's DiEt !

i eat lots of fish n fruits n vegetables...

03-10-2005, 02:24 PM
hmmm.... *raving*
so wat flavour do u like most to be tasted in ur cum juice?

i like chocolate a lot........guess i must pop in many chocolates before i wanna let the gals to taste chocolate flavour juice :eek: :D

03-10-2005, 02:27 PM
i enjoy ciM ....... learnt from those gals who did get a taste of my juiCE .....

sweet n no odour .... my guess is ~ depends on one's DiEt !

i eat lots of fish n fruits n vegetables...


me too,do enjoy cim......can make me forget my name sometime :o
didnt know your's is sweet n no odour
guess you like pineapple a lot ya :D

03-10-2005, 02:29 PM

me too,do enjoy cim......can make me forget my name sometime :o
didnt know your's is sweet n no odour
guess you like pineapple a lot ya :D

nahh .... luve cabbage and JiaJia Liang teh ...........

by the way.... u in Janny's Contact list ? c PM please

03-10-2005, 07:12 PM
Yupz, Haha, i like to drink strawberry yogurt drink for healthy reasons, tink that shd taste nice and sweet.


03-10-2005, 07:29 PM
Yupz, Haha, i like to drink strawberry yogurt drink for healthy reasons, tink that shd taste nice and sweet.


no matter straberry or yogurt ,drink with yr heart :D

17-02-2006, 11:14 AM

Since the last post, i've been doing the cum swallowing kinda often. (but its only to 1 of my buddy, yup... only for him :D ) So far he likes it alot, which cause me enjoy doing it too. lol...

Talk about taste... He is clean. Non smoker. Tatse sweet & awesome... (as how i enjoy it) but i'm not sure tat does he take alot pineapples or egg-white to provide the better taste of his cum. (hahaha...)

But there was once i swallow his cum, it taste... BITTER!!!! (Erk!) I dunno why... I did told him about tis. Himself wasnt sure bout tat too... Till thn, lately we hav it again and it makes me feel like butterfly in my stomach. Which makes me confuse n worry about the taste of his cum again... At the end, the taste come back normal. But sweeter~ *yummy*

Hahaha... for myself, I think i'm stil new in tis yet. Trying to do it, but only frequently to a 1 same person (the 1 who i felt comfortable & confidence tat he is out from disease too) Practice, practice & practice! Yet thn, I'm now started to enjoy the taste of the pre-cum either. :p

Anyway, i do appreciate & thanks to all Bros who given comment about Cum Swallowing. The advices are precious. *wink*

24-02-2006, 05:08 PM
well taste is a funny thing..I can say mine is sweet but food had for a lot to do with it.

every body has its own formula to create the semen, but eating less meat (and proteins) and more carbo hydrates, vegetables and fresh fruits may improve the taste and smell.

sperm has a unique individual taste for each male. Some males have bitter tasting ejaculate, tastes burnt, sour and strong. Other males, primarily vegetarians have ejaculate that generally tastes sweet, nut like.

24-02-2006, 05:41 PM
Hi Gals,

Mine are REDUCED SALT!!! 20% LOWER FAT!!!! HIGHER PROTEIN!!!!! AND FREE EXTRA 20%........ while stock last !!!!!!!!!!! HURRY!!!!!!!! :D

24-02-2006, 07:20 PM
well taste is a funny thing..I can say mine is sweet but food had for a lot to do with it.

every body has its own formula to create the semen, but eating less meat (and proteins) and more carbo hydrates, vegetables and fresh fruits may improve the taste and smell.

sperm has a unique individual taste for each male. Some males have bitter tasting ejaculate, tastes burnt, sour and strong. Other males, primarily vegetarians have ejaculate that generally tastes sweet, nut like.

My GOD... That's very in Depth knowledge.... even for me...
I think it might catch the attention of the Mass Media (Like Channel U) & they might Do a variety programme & rope public passers-by to do blind SEMEN Tasting???:eek:

25-02-2006, 02:45 AM
I didnt even know food has got to do with the taste of cum... I tried swallowing before but vomited it out. I dunno why~ Its seems salty to me? Or I dont get used to it. :confused:

02-04-2006, 01:37 PM
it part of chemistry the way food interact wiht the body, for instance when after beer u will find it bitter, or after vege food a bit different taste,
the base taste the same but when all the food emelents added creates a uniqueness

02-04-2006, 09:49 PM
from wat i know..
drinkiing pineapple juice will so call sweeten the taste..
;) ;)

03-04-2006, 02:35 AM
but i always have ulcers then after............is it too rich? or too heaty for my body to substain all the proteins?:rolleyes:

03-04-2006, 08:42 AM

from swallowing?

cant be

03-04-2006, 10:56 AM
Probably the guy's body is too heaty. Ask him to drink some herbal tea before cim.:D

08-04-2006, 07:51 AM
no more swallowing liao............never know got different flavours, and i worried whether will i contact diseases cause i dun bj with condom!

10-04-2006, 07:37 AM
no more swallowing liao............never know got different flavours, and i worried whether will i contact diseases cause i dun bj with condom!

hmmm?!? :confused: well, tats ur risk of doing it. If u know ur man well, n u're confidence with him tat he is free of disease... But still tats a risk. If u dare to take the risk, be dare to take ur own responesibility into tis stuff...

10-04-2006, 09:55 AM
hmmm?!? :confused: well, tats ur risk of doing it. If u know ur man well, n u're confidence with him tat he is free of disease... But still tats a risk. If u dare to take the risk, be dare to take ur own responesibility into tis stuff...
hi innocent baby, swolling cum can potential pass on a lot of diseases esp hepertites etc. you always on line but block your line. was in kl last week could'nt contact you. hehe we could have had fun.:D