View Full Version : Looking for discreet fun

26-04-2014, 06:59 PM
Hi ladies out there,

Looking for some discreet fun. PM me if your interested.

Looking for ladies in their twenties

27-04-2014, 07:25 AM
This standard of posting ?
U expect people to pm u?

Tks for the sunday morning laugh...

27-04-2014, 09:22 AM
Hahaha.. nice try..

27-04-2014, 09:42 AM
even if get pm, will not be from some young, pretty and shapely one...

i suggest you go to other threads like freelance locals or prc, pay for it, then have chance.

27-04-2014, 12:41 PM
Thanks for the advice. Still new here.

I'm 24 this year. Height 179cm. student. Look for FB.

27-04-2014, 01:05 PM
Sorry, i'm new to this.

27-04-2014, 03:00 PM
even if get pm, will not be from some young, pretty and shapely one...

The young, pretty and shapely ones, only want to be SB! :eek: lol

Sorry, i'm new to this.No worries bro, u never try..u never know. ;)

Good luck! :)

27-04-2014, 06:01 PM
Sorry, i'm new to this.

use some common sense..go and do some research before you post

27-04-2014, 08:20 PM
Hi ladies out there,

Looking for some discreet fun. PM me if your interested.

Looking for ladies in their twenties


You are no longer discreet liao....

Go to the club and hook if you dunn wish to pay. Or other social media. I dunn think you are get any gal here unless u looks like andy lau or beckham.

27-04-2014, 09:01 PM
Go to the club and hook if you dunn wish to pay. Or other social media. I dunn think you are get any gal here unless u looks like andy lau or beckham.

Hmm.. sorry i gotta disagree on the above statements.

Firstly, when you go to club, you still have to pay for cover charge and drinks for the ladies.

So it is a payment in other form and it does not guarantee a bonk.

Secondly, if you look like Andy Lau or Beckham, you don't even have to come here to look for gals as most of them will take initiative to befriend you. :D:p