View Full Version : Batin in KL
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03-05-2007, 09:55 AM
Kudos to this post. Long time never read such interesting FR.
One cum must take three entities to post one FR? Why dun you guys register separately and post your own FR?:confused:
Anyway points on the way to encourage more contributions.:cool:
Rodimus Prime
03-05-2007, 10:05 AM
Hahaha... yes, a good read.
But I will reserve my comments after your SkyRiver FR. Let's see how your FR on SkyRiver turns out. :rolleyes:
03-05-2007, 12:25 PM
But I will reserve my comments after your SkyRiver FR. Let's see how your FR on SkyRiver turns out. Kekeke.....dun so stingy lah. After all, also never read your FRs yet you have already 40+ pts. Give one or two also no problem.:rolleyes:
Btw sorry to have miss you at the last TCSS. Maybe we can meet up in the near future.:p
Rodimus Prime
03-05-2007, 04:30 PM
..... After all, also never read your FRs yet you have already 40+ pts. .............
Senior SSH,
Please go here. I remembered you gave some comments after my first FR. :rolleyes:
03-05-2007, 04:35 PM
Please go here. I remembered you gave some comments after my first FR. mistake. Never expected you to really search for your previous FR.:p
Luckily already gave you pts for that.:D
03-05-2007, 05:15 PM
We normally recce places together and one day after having lunch at our fave banana leaf restaurant (kanna, beside lisa de inn) we saw an interesting banner opposite the road which read "NOW OPEN TRADITIONAL MASSAGE". How could we resist, we then went over and did our recon and found out more info and came back to the place just a couple of hours ago and below is OUR FR
Wah, now I very interested to visit this place. Dunno to go Bro Leeman's place or this one. Or two places? By the way, isn't this place very close to Bro Leeman's old place?
I have to say the two bro who go batin and enjoy a bit kiamsiap la coz never tip.
03-05-2007, 06:31 PM
I realized 2 months ago that Zest signboard taken out in SS2 and Atria. I did not bother to get down, walk up to find out if still open or not.
Any bro got idea if they moved or something?
It is one place I like to go coz they have real doors not cloth curtain + nice playful girls and quite cheap. They charge only for the massage and everything else is nego with girl directly. Many times I get to undress the girls and batin for rm70 (i think this is v. cheap). massage rm55/ hour. I miss them......
Remember 1 girl i touched down there...... She was a bit wet and said after massage that she felt a bit shy but she like it..... from me.
Just sharing coz my next session probably this weekend. Will post FR then...... if Got good things to write.
03-05-2007, 11:58 PM
Waaa bro(s) Grim(s)! Nice FR endeed! Looks like you all had fun, well except maybe Grim C who came back out with heavy ladden balls lol :D
Upping you ASAP!
04-05-2007, 09:58 AM
Passed by the place mentioned by Brothers Grimm (you write fairy tales also?). Looks quiet with one small banner. I very tempted to drop by.......... should do so this weekend and FR.
04-05-2007, 10:06 AM
Looks like you all had fun, well except maybe Grim C who came back out with heavy ladden balls lol :D
fren...i think those r nothin compare to No.19:D
04-05-2007, 12:14 PM
Kudos to this post. Long time never read such interesting FR.
One cum must take three entities to post one FR? Why dun you guys register separately and post your own FR?:confused:
Anyway points on the way to encourage more contributions.:cool:
Oh... Bro Shiok thank you so much for your kind words of encouragement...
Our FR writing skills were made possible thanx to all our brothers at SBF... We have dared to venture out and explore so many interesting activities only after reading a series of encouraging reviews contributed by all our fellow samster bros at SBF. We would like to take this opportunity to once again thank all SBF bros. Thank you...
Bro shiok the reason we decided to maintain one account isn't due to the fact that we are lazy to maintain an individual account each but like you mentioned the word 'interesting' FR... we decided to do something unconventional.
Instead of us 3 Bro Grims individually post an FR... we thought why not we create 1 account and post all 3 FR's in it. Although we 3 majmuk Bro Grims work and reside at different locations we make it a point to meet up almost everyday. Even when we head out we normally hang out together... So we have this sort of understanding that we recce/cheong together then share the experience with one another once we were done.
We also thought since we are goin to batin/cheong at the same MP/HC/SPA simultaneously... why not write an FR where we can also simultaneously share our experience with all our fellow sifu Bro Samsters. We wanted to create a situation as though we were at a mamak during a TCSS session and the 3 of us are sharing the experience with all of our bros at SBF so everyone will be able to read 3 different entities POV and how we handled the situation all in one single post...
Having said that I hope all our sifus and Bros at SBF understand why we decided to write an unconventional FR for your reading pleasure. I would also like to thank all the bros who have generously 'up-ed' our points and encouraged us to write more FR's. Other bros who think that our FR style is unconventional but interesting pls do up our points so we shall make all our future FR's as interesting as possible..
04-05-2007, 12:21 PM
Wah, now I very interested to visit this place. Dunno to go Bro Leeman's place or this one. Or two places? By the way, isn't this place very close to Bro Leeman's old place?
I have to say the two bro who go batin and enjoy a bit kiamsiap la coz never tip.
Bro al-pharqkiu pls don't mistake us for being kiam-siap... Actually only the hourly massage goes to the Capt. Other than that the batin fee goes straight to the ML...
So we thought RM50 for a batin straight to the ML is decent... besides, any 'extra' service that you get depends how u convince them... If you have a good GFE relationship with them then they will willingly do it at no extra cost... Besides we have the habit or returning to ML's with some 'gifts' as a +++en of appreciate for their service during our last visit. :D
04-05-2007, 12:35 PM
Waaa bro(s) Grim(s)! Nice FR endeed! Looks like you all had fun, well except maybe Grim C who came back out with heavy ladden balls lol :D
Upping you ASAP!
Hahahaha... thank you so much for your encouragement bro DKKL... Looks like we have to return for a quick trip to another batin session for the sake of Bro Grim C before we jump to SKY RIVER.... Hehehehe...
Passed by the place mentioned by Brothers Grimm (you write fairy tales also?). Looks quiet with one small banner. I very tempted to drop by.......... should do so this weekend and FR.
Bro al-pharqkiu if you want to make a booking pls PM me and we will pass u Capt. Ken** 's no...
As a matter of fact any bros at SBF who are interested pls PM us for Capt's no. Pls do mention that you got his contact no from the 3BROTHERS and we will make sure Capt gives you a service as good as possible since we know him very well... Thank you all once again... :D
04-05-2007, 12:57 PM
k......the reason we decided to maintain one account isn't due to the fact that we are lazy to maintain an individual account each but like you mentioned the word 'interesting' FR... we decided to do something unconventional.
Have 2 say any Fr is better than no FR. So kudos on the FR n Kudos 4 being original. But it does raise a minor issue.
Each contributor has his own style of writing, humor, opinion n dislike. So by reading some of the posts by the bros here we can get a feel of waht tis or tat dude is all abt. It form impressions. But by reading all Frs under one nick and replying post wif the same nick. I dunno who is the one who reply tat post. A?? B??? or C???? It will be difficult 2 relate 2u.
For instances; even I have not met Bro DD, I kinda know he has a wide range of very expletive words, passionate guy. With Bro Naemlo n his famous avatar, u kinda know he is those mua chap straight in your face guy, straight forward guy. N of course , the Prof and his writing... show he very learned. I maybe wrong but it form certain impressions 4 me n I can relate 2 them in tat basis until I get 2 meet them.
Just 2cts worth.:)
04-05-2007, 02:32 PM
FR TIME !!!!
The proverbial bones were ‘itching’ as the saying goes. I was in the MP capital of Kuala Lumpur – Kuchai Lama – cruising the streets and counting the number of MP’s in the area. After reading the FR’s about L****, I thought I’d give it a whirl. It’s not that easy to locate despite the huge sign that was displayed at the front of the joint, but at an elevation of 5 storey high you’d have to be either with a stature of a giant or, as in my case, nearly sprained my neck muscles, craning to ascertain that I had come to the right address.
Entrance at the ground floor was rather pathetic – dingy and littered with rubbish. Went to the back of the staircase where the lift was located and called for it. MP was located at the top floor, so dutifully pressed the right button. Lift car grounded to a halt and the doors opened. Found myself in a dimly-lit lobby with a bench and a shoe-rack. The sublimal message was strong and clear so I sat down, took off my shoes and socks and left them on the rack. Went up to the door which had the standard magnetic lock on it and pressed the door bell. The door opened and I found myself in a surprisingly pleasant reception tastefully decorated and anointed in the style of pseudo-balinese. OKT was behind a teak desk serving as a counter. He looked up and asked if I had any regular. Replied in the negative and requested for recommendation. He ran through the various packages available and suggested I go for the 120 package which includes massage, candle-waxing and batin. I had never tried the candle-waxing so I said yes, and left it up to OKT to recommend a good, strong ML. All the services were entered into a computer – the world of IT has penetrated the industry!!
Was led along a corridor which was lined on both sides with partitioned cubicles, each with an opening defined by a heavy curtain to provide ‘privacy’. The ‘room’ I had was surprisingly very generous in proportion – about 9’x9’. In the centre of it was the usual white linen-covered mattress with a pillow. On it was a folded towel. Lighting was provided by a wall-mounted lamp turned down low which I assumed was controlled by a dimmer switch.
I took off all my clothes, ignored the bathrobe that was hanging on the wall, and lay down with a towel over my midriff. About 5 min. later a slim-looking lady came in. Took me awhile to seize her up in the near darkness. Height about 5’2”, long hair hanging au naturelle, & smallish boobs (hard to determine as she was wearing a t-shirt a couple of sizes too large for her).
Started my usual chatting with her. Name was Lina (I think) an NL from Sabah. Been here close to 1 year but have been working at various MP’s in the area. She took out a rolled up stick of paper from her little service basket and lit up one end of the stick. Told me to turn on my side and stuck the stick into my left ear. There was a continuous gushing sound as the stick burnt. All this while I felt rather stupid because there wasn’t anything else to do – dare not even move my hands for fear of knocking over the stick and set the place on fire. Lina was trying to make it less boring by repeatedly ‘rubbing’ my shoulders. It was a futile attempt as it felt so ‘fake’. I didn’t blame her a bit as I thought she must be equally worried about committing arson with a slip of her hand!!
So the whole damn thing was repeated on the right ear and at the end of about 20 minutes she unraveled the candle-waxing stick and showed me with a triumphal smile on her face and announced that the lump of blackish gob was my ear wax. Very romantic indeed, I thought sarcastically.
Time for massage. Started off with the toes and feet and slowly worked her way up the calves and thigh. It was just normal stuff until she started kneading my inner thighs. I opened up my thighs invitingly and to my delight she obliged by massaging the joint where thigh meets balls. To show my appreciation I writhed and lifted my buttocks to get closer to her hands. She started tickling my balls with her finger nails, and boy, was I in heaven!!! Little bro was in a very uncomfortable position especially with a hugh hard-on. She sportingly grabbed hold of little bro and did a few reverse batin stroke.
I nearly cried out loud in protest when she stopped and continued on with massaging the buttocks and back. When finished she asked me turn over on my back. In the maneuver I intentionally let the towel slip off. She did not bother to cover me up again but started with massaging my arms and hands. Went back down to the feet, cracked my toes with professional-sounding snaps and then slowly worked up the thighs again. By that time little bro was standing to attention. She did her finger-feathering trick again around the groin & scrotal area but not touching didi. I deliberated on whether I should commence roaming exercise. Fortune favours the bold, so ever so gradually I started to stroke her thigh and buttocks. She did not complain. Got bolder and asked if I could touch her boobs. Tak boleh, came back the answer but since it was said with a smile I took it as the opposite and stroke her boobs. It was a bit disappointing because she was obviously not the well-endowed type, and the bra felt hard to the touch with all the obvious padding in it. Told her, sudah tak boleh tahan. She smiled and said, sekejap ya, and left the room.
Couple of minutes later, she came back with a little basin of warm water. Sat in between my legs which I gently wrapped around her waist. She then proceeded to massage the entire groin area and gently rolled my balls in her fingers. It’s a very strange sensation but very erotic. Pulled the foreskin right back to expose the glans and with some oil gently rubbed it in a twisting action with her fingers. With all the built-up tension it didn’t take me long to squirt all over her hands and my tummy. She slowly eased the action but not stopping altogether. Was a nice touch as I really enjoyed basking in the after-glow of a strong orgasm. She then gave me a good wipe down with the still warm water and then announced that the session was over. With a smile on her face she disappeared out of the curtained door leaving me to dress…….
ML : Lina (could be Leena)
Age: 24 (so she said)
Height: 5’2”
Build: Slim
Boobs: Airport runway
Massage: 3/10 (low score due to not real genuine massage, lack strength)
GFE: 7/10
Sensuality: 9/10 (had to put this in to balance the low score for ‘massage’)
Batin: 8/10
04-05-2007, 06:00 PM
I dunno who is the one who reply tat post. A?? B??? or C???? It will be difficult 2 relate 2u.
Aaahh... no worries... i get u... but as u have read our FR already... u did realize that we mentioned and segregated GRIM A,B,C with our individual FR respectively...
The 3 of us wrote our own FR from the same com in succession of A, B then C in our own words and style. Haha... like i said we hang out with each other so often that as soon as we are done with any batin/spa session we would get together at one of our homes and write our FR together... If any one of us had an individual experience we would also post a FR clearly stating which one of us GRIM(s) had done it... If we had a group session we will wait till we find the time to meet up and post it together...
As i had mentioned earlier we want to give our fellow SBF bros FR's from 3 different entities POV all in one read for all SBF bros reading pleasure...
If it is just replying posts or responding to a PM it is 90% of the time done by me GRIM B who pretty much manages the account.
Well this is our first FR on SBF so in future when we write more FR's with obviously GRIM A or B or C clearly stated you will be able to learn our character. :) Hope this clears your doubt... BTW bro jjmyarea you should check out this place we mentioned. Still new and very clean... Capt. Ken** is also a very friendly man... Cheers
04-05-2007, 06:10 PM
Oh I forgot to mention... to avoid confusion in future when we reply any post we shall clearly indicate at the bottom with a signature of which bro GRIM has replied your post. Thank you and sorry for all the confusion... Cheers :D
04-05-2007, 08:15 PM
Wed spending around half an hour to find bro leeman joinst at TTDI but fail. then directly drive myself to sri hastamas and spend another half an hour at last i found bro leeman new joinst. but first felt dam sad cos i ring the bel for more then 7 time but no one open the door for me. hm... since i take so much time to just look for that place. sure i won't give up. go dn n sit at the mamak for a tea tarik. wait until saw one guy come dn then pay the bill rush up. finally haha i get in. then only got one gal available cos she say only got two gal workin that day. whatever ON.
ML: M*K*
Nation: Philipino
age: 24
body: I think is B but is just ok for me.
MS: 7.5/10
BT: 8/10 it wasn't a real n nice batin but overall i feel good
AR: din ask for it
DMG: 90 for the package
05-05-2007, 02:08 AM
Time for a FR from me now this thread is glowing red hot again :D
Went to my fav spot @ Kepong Metro Prima to test out some new PRC stock the captain had informed me they had gotten.
Think i'm getting to be platinum member there or something since I seem to get the same room everytime, maybe sometime they will rename it to Max Memorial room hehehe. Seriously its the only room big enough for me lol
Anyway, the girl comes in very attractive face n figure. Name Lily. She looks abit mixed maybe have some Thai or something in her. Speaks Chinese only few English sentences, but later find out she writes very good english so we could TCSS like that at least..
As always (and mentioned by other bro's FR's), communication meltdowns and inabilities are sometimes fun and sometimes disaster. For me, its usually fun and leads to lots of laughs and whatnot.
She starts out with neck n shoulder massage, think all girls in this joint went to same massage class becos most are same and very good standard massage. Works her way down and at one point sits infront of my head kneeling while doing the oil on the back.
This girl seems to like beeing on top though becos most of the lower part and leg massage she does straddling me wich I have no complaint about, all a good sport plus she's tiny so no weight at all hehe
Now she comes to the ass part wich she does meticulously and with great eager - gotta love chicks like that.
She goes and sits in opposite end of me put legs under my torso and lift me up and procedes to do a very nice ball and didi massage from below, we're talking pure milking the bull experience here! After a while i look back at her and give her that cannot tahan anymore look she asks me to flip over and gives me the full on oily batin.
Best part of this is she does it slow mostly but get this really horny look in her eyes and starts to close eyes and give tiny moans and groans even throwing kisses towards the little bro woah. She fingers the ass a bit on the outside as well while stroking.
Before I know it, I unload and she keeps stroking for what seems to be ages while wiping me off.
After this, as to my wish she continues with some after massage of the leg and thighs but something new as well she gets on top of me while im on my back so she's on top real cowgirl style while massaging chest area. Of course gotta autoroam on the outside for this and she doesnt mind.
Brings me tea afterwards and we chit chat a bit in akward english mixed with writing and she generally lets off a really nice GF experience. Overall highly enjoyable visit and have to recommend this girl to others.
Name: Lily
Age: 27
Boobs: 5/10 - quite small and looks like padded bra but i'm not a breast man anyway so dont care hehe)
Body: 7/10 - petite and perky overall with a very nice ass very firm to grab
Face: 6/10 - Pretty normal looking girl but very sweet and smiley face and eyes
Massage: 7/10 - Very good massage, but have to several time tell her to ease off on her handling
Batin: 8/10 - Good marks for the moan and licking of lips and such, made it even better
Damage: RM140 for 90 minutes (2x45 min sessions)
RFM: Of course, her and the 2 other regulars i'm using at this place..
07-05-2007, 12:06 AM
[QUOTE=-grim-;2002188]Hi everyone,
This is our first post and i hope you guys find it useful. The reason i say OUR is because we are three separate entities with one being grim A which is of brown origin, grim B which is of black origin and grim C which is of yellow origin. We are a typical majmuk group of friends who just want to have fun.
We normally recce places together and one day after having lunch at our fave banana leaf restaurant (kanna, beside lisa de inn) we saw an interesting banner opposite the road which read "NOW OPEN TRADITIONAL MASSAGE". How could we resist, we then went over and did our recon and found out more info and came back to the place just a couple of hours ago and below is OUR FR
Being the only one with experience with batin in the group... I called up Capt. Ken** and asked to reserve 3PRC's. Seeing that the place is new, the only had 3girls who were readily available. What good luck i thought. Just nice for my brothers and me. Haha. I then went ahead to room no 2 and stripped as the PRC walked in. She started off with a dry massage on my back and tried to communicate with me in Mandrin. Alas being someone who is of brown origin i couldn't understand jackshit. Haha... So we proceeded with sign language as she attempted to teach me Mandrin. As she was massaging she had amazing GFE. She used her nails to give me a very sensual massage via scratching my chest and ass and back and even my didi area... It was very enjoyable.
She then proceeded to rub a wonderful smelling oil all over me and continued to rub me down. Now comes the interesting part. Its BATIN TIME BABY!!!! which cost me RM50. Seeing that we formed a GFE connection my hands were already all over her as i proceeded to put my hands inside her shirt and played with her rather hefty sized tits. She then proceeded to kiss me on the cheek, neck and down to my nipples. GOD DAMN DID IT FEEL GOOD. As she was stroking my didi she gave me the 'porno look' by sticking her tongue out and moaning at me. I couldn't take it and started grabbing her tight ass real hard. LOL. She got excited and grabbed my hand harder tempting me to squeeze her ass even more. Haha. What could i say... I was in a position were i couldn't say NO to her. Haha. As i was about to reach my climax i had one hand playing with her hair, cute face and button nose. While the other hand was waaaaaay to busy grabbing her tight ass as though i was looking for my car keys in between the sofa cushions and creamed all over myself. We continued our conversation and even sang a Mandrin song together (Yong Shing Liang Ku) and then my kuku also couldn't stand anymore..
Name: Judy
Age: 26
Face: 6.5/10 (typical China kampung look.. i love it)
Body:6/10 (i love some love handles)
GFE: 9/10
Massage: 6.5/10
Batin: 6/10 (love the porno look and sounds and free tit+ass grab)
RTM: High posibility
Damage: Rm48 massage + Rm50 batin
Today damn so tired and so boring, After ready through brother Grim FR, decide to have a try since the place is just near by my house...emmmif not mistake this MC have operate last year around world cup time. Just donno suddenly close down, and now open again, so just go there and have a try...
The enviroment is nice and relax..I pick up JUDY to have a try..Not bad.
The beginning she give me a back massage as same as mention by Brother Grim..ya the best part is when she massage u ass...i thing u have to try it and only know the best part. During the massage, we have a conversation, from the conversation, Judy said their boss plan to open another MC at Puchong near by Tesco area around Mid May. emmm total ML there 6, there are, Judy, Crystal, Xiue Li, Mandy, Sheley and YaoYao..Just today Crystal no work....
Emmm Judy give me a good massage, when going to batin time, she try to auto rim your ass togather with massage your didi, wau...damn siok man..
then she will try to kiss u, and suck u nipple...walau leh...really like GF feel leh..and she damn so manja.manja... when she massage togather with kissing my body, she try to lay beside you, haiyoo didi damn up there ...cannot tahan, asking she can raba raba..she said yes...and offer me to suck her tits,
emmm i thing she got 30A cup kuah..not so big...small size..
Totally what i can said is this is the 1sttime in my life the best gf feel ML that i even been.
Thanks for Brother Grim FR...really "song" men..hahahaha..Judy asking when u come again..hahahaha..Coz she said she remember you the 3 guy come togather and waiting u guys come again..
Name: Judy (PRC)
P/s : temporary this place with PRC girl only as wat OKT told me.
Age: Near 28 (she told me 1 )
Face: 6.5/10
Boob : around 28 to 30 A
GFE: 9/10
Massage: 7.5/10
Batin: 6/10 (Very siok, just like japanese AV, can kiss, raba raba ass, boob and even "outside Hai"):D
RTM: High posibility
Damage: Rm48 massage + Rm50 batin
The place open from 12 after noon untill 11pm..
07-05-2007, 01:22 AM
Today damn so tired and so boring, After ready through brother Grim FR, decide to have a try since the place is just near by my house...emmmif not mistake this MC have operate last year around world cup time. Just donno suddenly close down, and now open again, so just go there and have a try...
The enviroment is nice and relax..I pick up JUDY to have a try..Not bad.
The beginning she give me a back massage as same as mention by Brother Grim..ya the best part is when she massage u ass...i thing u have to try it and only know the best part. During the massage, we have a conversation, from the conversation, Judy said their boss plan to open another MC at Puchong near by Tesco area around Mid May. emmm total ML there 6, there are, Judy, Crystal, Xiue Li, Mandy, Sheley and YaoYao..Just today Crystal no work....
Emmm Judy give me a good massage, when going to batin time, she try to auto rim your ass togather with massage your didi, wau...damn siok man..
then she will try to kiss u, and suck u nipple...walau leh...really like GF feel leh..and she damn so manja.manja... when she massage togather with kissing my body, she try to lay beside you, haiyoo didi damn up there ...cannot tahan, asking she can raba raba..she said yes...and offer me to suck her tits,
emmm i thing she got 30A cup kuah..not so big...small size..
Totally what i can said is this is the 1sttime in my life the best gf feel ML that i even been.
Thanks for Brother Grim FR...really "song" men..hahahaha..Judy asking when u come again..hahahaha..Coz she said she remember you the 3 guy come togather and waiting u guys come again..
Name: Judy (PRC)
P/s : temporary this place with PRC girl only as wat OKT told me.
Age: Near 28 (she told me 1 )
Face: 6.5/10
Boob : around 28 to 30 A
GFE: 9/10
Massage: 7.5/10
Batin: 6/10 (Very siok, just like japanese AV, can kiss, raba raba ass, boob and even "outside Hai"):D
RTM: High posibility
Damage: Rm48 massage + Rm50 batin
The place open from 12 after noon untill 11pm..
Hahahahaha.... thats the way man... Kudos to u bro PJ_chris.
Looks like they want us back there.... thats good news... Hehehehe...
To all the other sifu and fellow bro samsters... please do try this MP out... you guys will not regret the experience... :D
-GRIM A, B & C-
07-05-2007, 06:39 PM
This FR might not be relevant in this ‘batin’ thread …… anyway here goes:
There are times when too much of a good thing (meaning ‘batin’ is boring. Last week I’ve decided that I’d like a change and visit a real serious massage place. Asked around me mates and they recommended a joint in Kuchai Lama specializing in Thai massage. Yep, the painful type for masochistic individuals.
Arrived at the place with a huge signage on the front of the shop lot announcing its name R*** specializing in Thai therapy. As I have mentioned before Kuchai Lama is the capital of MPs in KL with outlets like L****, K******, Chr***** etc. The entrance to R*** is very like L****. Walked up to the Lift Lobby and called the lift. I forgot what floor it was on & was in a slight panic when I noticed some good Samaritan has marked the word ‘massage’ next to the ‘1’ button. The lift took me up to the right floor and I found myself pressing the door bell next to a very darkly-tinted glass door. Doubts formed in my mind about this ‘serious’ joint. The security measures didn’t quite jive with its claim.
Got in and started asking young guy behind a desk what is available. He rattled off the usual : massage sessions with & without oil etc etc but no mention of batin or special services. Maybe it was a clean place after all. I decided on a 1-hr session of oil-less thai massage (genuine thai massage is a dry massage without oil) for authenticity.
Led through a door into a dark room at the front of the lot where curtained-off cubicles lined the walls. It was pretty dark and some thai music was being played in the background. I went behind the curtains and decided to ignore the ‘kung-fu’-type pants on the mattress. Wasn’t intentionally done in anticipation of hanky-panky business, but I did not like the idea of it on in the near darkness where there was no guarantee of whether the garment was ‘clean’. Instead I covered my groin with a rather coarse towel and waited.
After a short while a ML came in. She was in her early thirties, had long black hair, white shapeless T-shirt & dark long pants. Couldn’t quite see her face in detail but as my eyes got accustomed to the darkness I found her to be quite pretty in a peasantry way. Her big sparkling eyes were her best assets.
Gave me a smile and when she realized I did not have the pants on gestured that I should put them on. I hand-signed back ‘no’. She did not insist and proceeded to wipe my feet with a hot towel. Another ML came into the room and rattled off in thai which was responded by my ML in the same lingo. There goes my plan to chat her up.
Thai massage is very different from the normal batin-type massages where the latter is more of a feel-good sensation, and the former a real test of pain endurance. The ML (I didn’t bother asking for her name) spent about 40 minutes on both my legs bending them into all sorts of contortions which I’d never thought possible. The pressure exerted was close to bringing tears to my eyes. And it appeared that she was hell-bent in trying to separate my muscles from my bones. In that sort of conditions any thought of sexual gratification didn’t even have a chance to germinate.
Interestingly enough at the end of working on my lower body she suddenly took hold of my didi and hand-signed that it is ‘lembik’. I did not expect that at all and replied ‘sakit’ hoping it was a clever retort. She giggled and started on my arms and hands. The style was the same ie. pain and more pain!
After that it was the back’s turn to be subjected to the torture. It was more elbow and knee, finishing off with her treading my entire back with her feet. Soon the hour was up. I painfully got up, struggled into my clothes and half hobbled out to pay at the counter.
Amazing thing was when I stepped out of the building into the brilliant sunlight my whole body actually felt good. The time during the massage was torturous but as the pain subsided a great sense of relief was experienced.
Afterthoughts: For those who want a genuine massage to feel good physically I greatly recommend this place. However, for those who also want to feel good but sexually, I wouldn’t rule out the possibilities either. I have a feeling that the MLs might be offering special services on the side without the management’s knowledge.
ML name: Didn’t ask (Genuine Thai girls)
Body : 6/10
Looks: 6/10
Batin: Didn’t ask
GFE: Not applicable but friendly without communication.
Massage: 9/10
Dmge: 40 per hour
08-05-2007, 01:59 PM
Bro al-pharqkiu if you want to make a booking pls PM me and we will pass u Capt. Ken** 's no...
How come I didn't see this earlier?
Last weekend, my cock was feeling depressed suddenly. Since I was near Sri Hartamas, I decide take him and check out Bro Leeman's place. Round and round and round finally found Bestari. But not sure which one is the shop. Went up to one called Lifestyle and did not see Bro Leeman there so asked for him. The guy at counter looked at me a bit weird. So I go away.
Decided to check Grim Brother's suggestion. This is actually the old place where Bro Leeman used to operate. This is confirmed.
Only Mandy was available and I did not want to wait, so took her. She looked quite old (later found out 30+. I think she got 40). She came in when I taking off my clothes. She never shy or look away also. I like brave girls.
Started with massage on my back. Very good. She did not even use oil yet. Very strong hands. Later, was told by Captain that she's the best for massage. I took 1 1/2 hour. About 15minutes later, she start to use oil. Massage is really good. Long time never had like this good massage. Back, than leg, than head (the one with nose, eyes and mouth).
Than she asked the Q. I pretend dunno and ask how much. She say anything but start from rm50. I told her only if can AR. She said OK. Naturallly my cock very happy now. Roaming only top and managed to get her to show breasts. They are quite nice and quite big. Didn't want to suck on it, just play around. Tried to roam down from behind. At first she resisted, but finally let me put my hands. But since I got short hands, didn't feel much.
Her hands was playing with my cock. I have to say, it is nothing really great and very straight-forward can see its just a handjob. some others at least try to batin and play the balls a bit.
Since i got 1 1/2 hour, i told her not to rush out my juice. continued to play with her breast for close to 20-30minutes than finally my cock so happy till he throw up! ;)
Continued to massage for a while more since I got time. Than finally time up. Paid her, went outside talk with Captain Ken for a while and than paid and left. A few times this Mandy was looking at her phone checking time. So I don't really like. If I drop by here, I will try others. The rest seems very fun.
But I tempted to visit Bro Leeman's place. Long time never meet him also. Got sign board or not?
09-05-2007, 06:01 PM
This FR might not be relevant in this ‘batin’ thread …… anyway here goes:
There are times when too much of a good thing (meaning ‘batin’ is boring. Last week I’ve decided that I’d like a change and visit a real serious massage place. Asked around me mates and they recommended a joint in Kuchai Lama specializing in Thai massage. Yep, the painful type for masochistic individuals.
Arrived at the place with a huge signage on the front of the shop lot announcing its name R*** specializing in Thai therapy. As I have mentioned before Kuchai Lama is the capital of MPs in KL with outlets like L****, K******, Chr***** etc. The entrance to R*** is very like L****.
went to the same last last nite. Was shown the price list 1 hr RM 50 Promotion RM 40. The promotion ends at 8 pm. Told the guy at the reception it's only 8.20 pm, if he gives me promo price, I might come again. He said yes and I took the @ hr session without oil for RM 70.
was led to a curtain partitioned room and a ML in her 20s massaged. Pretty good standard Thai massage. She massaged my thighs right up to almost the balls. Almost the end, ask her if she does batin, she say no, She speaks little bit of English and Cantonese.
After massage was offered tea at the reception. Chatted with the gut who told me they hv another HC in Kepong. Also told me business no good in Kuchai Lama; can't cover expenses, might decide to close end of the month if buisness does not improve..
09-05-2007, 06:08 PM
Errr U can PM me(private message me) and i be happy to assist! Cheers
hey bro. i sent u a PM, please check. thanks in advance.:)
After reading thru' bro Grim and PJ Chris posts, i realized that maybe my favourite haunt has re-opened. Ok so yesterday decided to pop by there at around 3pm. Oh great! It was open and there was a yellow banner stating something like Traditional Massage.
Walked up and the guy opened the door for me. He offered me a drink first and explained to me the gals and price structure. IT's RM 48 per hr and the gals available are all PRCs. As mentioned by bro Grim and PJ Chris, the gals are: Mandy, Judy, Yoyo, Crystal (Is she the same CRystal as before? ) and the rest i can't remember. I asked Kenny for recommendation, and he chose Yoyo for me.
Nice recommendation as i like well-endowered gals. This gals boobs are quite big and nice pink nipples. yummy! But too bad she doesn't allow ppl to suck! I only managed to lick it passionately. Looks wise still ok for me. The massage is reasonable strength. The best part is she would sit in front of my head and that's where i can caress her smooth thighs. This gal is really GFE, talking to u about everything... and she would also lie on ur chest while giving u a HJ, licking ur nipples and ALSO raping my ear. U heared that before? she was sticking her tongue into my ear and furiously digging it. How to tahan? Finally exploded and my cum must have gone all over the place. Phew!
ML Name: Yoyo
Age: I guess should be 25+
She used to work in the MP at Chow Yang
Looks: 6.5/10
Massage: 6.5/10
Boobs: 8.5/10
HJ: 7/10
GFE: 8/10
RTF: Definitely.
DAmage: RM 48 + RM 100(tips)
That's all. Would post my FR when i try Judy and others! :p
10-05-2007, 08:02 PM
went for a massage cum batin session at dj/kfc-joint. got a sabahan (cant remember name liow, think age 23 or so). msg so so.. maybe 7/10 at most. during msg keep 'accidentally' touch my didi. after bout 40mins msg, she asked to turn side for frontal attack. while she’s massaging on my penis.. keep saying big la, handsome la, this la that la craps.. so decided to sabotage her la since she sort of inviting me like that. started with fondling her breast from outside but shyly pushed me away. try a few times more.. and she gave-in la. then proceed to go inside her bra coz quite obstructing. again didn’t allow at 1st but finally ok too. then quickly pulled down her t-shirt n bra. now that her breast is fully exposed, me quickly suck her nipple. started moaning a bit so must continue lor like that, meanwhile she’s still doing the HJ (think she’s so much better at msg penis rather the my body lar..hahaha). then she wanted to kiss me pulak.. scare a bit n asked her kiss other body parts instead coz I’m already fully naked anyway. bout 15min pass still not cum yet then she asked why so long. tipu tipu told her use hand sure long 1. then she also pretended I think by asking how to make it cum faster...hahaha of course asked her to suck it lor. didnt want to at 1st. anyway, since she’s still talking crap that i look like some japanese/korean actor, i decided to try my luck n push it a bit. i stood up n place my penis right in front of her face (while she’s still sitting) n tried to stuff it in her mouth la. she shy away, then TCSS a bit more n she’s finally blowing it. but I think she was very afraid the boss would know coz while she sucking it (again, i think her sucking skill much better than her msg skill), she keep looking/checking on the curtain/entrant location. finally can’t tahan liow.. grab her head n manage to even CIM..hahaha actually 2 weeks no release liow so she complained why so much coz at 1st she thought just swallow it then after few shots still got so she use the towel to dry me up instead. she cleaned up her face/mouth n waited for me to dressed up while still talking crap bout wanting to be my gf or something, cepat cepat entertain her a bit then get out of the room since feels a bit tired too. overall, a satisfying batin session.. b4 leaving tip her too for her good HJ/BJ srv..
11-05-2007, 01:42 AM
Hmmm... seems like this thread is red hot again... Nice... I'm glad all the SBF Bro's who visited the MP I mentioned were sex-tified...
11-05-2007, 04:42 PM
anybody knows the address to leeman's place? i looked up & down in this thread, kanot jumpa leh. ive PM-ed leeman also, no response. aiyaa. water need to releasee!
11-05-2007, 05:35 PM
aiyaa. water need to releasee!
12-05-2007, 05:09 PM
went to Bro Leeman's new place in sri hartamas couple weeks ago.. tehre was only 1 pino gal working... she asked if i wanna wait for other gals 2 come back or wanna let her massage... i was attracted by her boobs and smile so i decided to take her...
the massage was not bad... good strength (mayb i was the first tat day)... when it comes to batin... i asked if i can touch her.. she said not included in the standard package... then i said i'll tip her and she agreed to take off her top and let me roam her top.. her boobs and nipples are big... and she allows me to suck her nipples and kiss her breast and neck too... she was a bit high and keep asking me to stop but i ignored it...
here is the stats:
look: 7/10
boobs: 9/10
attitude: 8/10
damage: 90 + 50 tips
ps. went back to this place again today but it was all locked up and no lights... the sticker sign board on glass door oso took off oredi... bro leeman, is this place still operating? please advice
13-05-2007, 08:48 PM
Due to Licence cant Approve! I m shifting to Cheras Mihajah (near UE3) near Landmark Shark Disco!
Pls do watch my Update! Thsi MP is fully Licence and Its Ready! Approx 2 weeks from now! Huge relaxing Hall with Astro!
cheers and hope to see ya all soon there!
13-05-2007, 10:07 PM
Due to Licence cant Approve! I m shifting to Cheras Mihajah (near UE3) near Landmark Shark Disco!
Pls do watch my Update! Thsi MP is fully Licence and Its Ready! Approx 2 weeks from now! Huge relaxing Hall with Astro!
cheers and hope to see ya all soon there!
so good....hope u will open it very soon.....i cant find ur place in TTDI
16-05-2007, 10:35 PM
This is my first FR and before i start, i want to thank all the bro that share their experiences here. Now i guess is my turn to share.
Was a little tired yesterday so decide to go for a massage. Trying to look for a place called pink panther in puchong but i think it was closed down. So, went down along that road and to my luck i saw this place called meridian aroma theraphy. Went in and orderd for an hour massage for RM45. The ML came in and was pretty with big boobs. She immediately asked me why not take package. I asked her what is in the package and she answered with batin which only cost RM80. So i agreed. she started with my back shoulder and lower back. It was slow and nice. Quite strong which is to my liking. Than she will do my lower leg and go up to the thigh. finally she will massage my ass. i like it and she will massage my balls from there too. after that, she asked my to turn over and immediately expose my didi. She that did not proceed straight to the didi but will massage the inner thigh first. will massage the balls and straight to the anus. very nice feeling. than end with a hj.
ML Name: Mary
Age: 28++
Looks: 6.5/10
Massage: 8/10
Boobs: 8.5/10 (C cup)
HJ: 8/10
GFE: 6.5/10
RTF: will consider (most probably try someone else first)
DAmage: RM 80
17-05-2007, 02:12 PM
Bro Itto, Yoyo looks like 35 to me.
17-05-2007, 08:14 PM
seems now even prcs are doing batin - and have tried one pretty good prc at sri hartamas
17-05-2007, 08:41 PM
seems now even prcs are doing batin - and have tried one pretty good prc at sri hartamas
where is it exactly in sri hartamas?
18-05-2007, 04:09 PM
Went to Aroma@Sri Petaling. The place looks classy and is actually a spa, not just a massage joint. The massage rates as follow
1 session (45 mins) - RM78
2 sessions - RM138 (add RM50 for each subsequent 45 mins)
The above rates are inclusive of food (fried noodles, curry chicken and soups) and drinks (hot drinks and coke), as well as unlimited usage of pool, sauna, etc.
I was greated by a transexual OKT. He(she) explained the rates to me and I told her I wanted only 1 session. I told her to give me the youngest ML they have.
After sauna, shower, etc for about 20 mins, I was ushered into a room. The room is slightly bigger than the average-sized MC room, with door and curtains.
A CKT SYT named Ivy walked in and asked me to lie down on the bench. More details as follow:
ML: Ivy (#7)
Age: 20s
Body: Slim
Boobs: Small, around 32A
Massage skills: 3/10
Extras: RM50 for HJ, RM100 for naked HJ (dunno whether have FJ as she was having period)* paid directly to her
AR: Yes, but limited due to her period
GFE: 4/10
Batin/HJ Skills: 3/10
Remarks: after some sweat talk, she allowed me to licked and suck her breasts. The nipples are nice and erect. No FK though.
Cost: RM78 + RM100
WIR: Yes, but for a different girl.
18-05-2007, 05:32 PM
Went to Aroma@Sri Petaling. The place looks classy and is actually a spa, .
fren, u sure u got this right?
18-05-2007, 05:49 PM
fren, u sure u got this right?
Yes. There is sauna, etc.
18-05-2007, 08:21 PM
Extras: RM50 for HJ, RM100 for naked HJ (dunno whether have FJ as she was having period)* paid directly to her
I wonder your naked massage refer to her being totally clotheless or only topless.:confused:
19-05-2007, 04:37 AM
I wonder your naked massage refer to her being totally clotheless or only topless.:confused:
Maybe means she massages outside the clothes on people - in that case should be free :D
If she doing FJ and have period, why da hell show up for work those days hmm.. but nice info bro..
20-05-2007, 04:58 PM
Dear all bros, can anyone let me know if the ever popular Suki from Bro Leeman's MP in TTDI still there? Will drop by there soon.
21-05-2007, 02:51 PM
Thai Massage USJ1
After a very long week at work, decided to drop by an old haunt of mine. Haven't been there for the past 2 months.
Reached there around 8pm was greeted by both the owner and Thai OKT. Told them I wanted the dry Thai Massage for 1 and half hour. Owner assigned Ann for me.
The FR as follow:
ML : Ann (Tomyam Chiang Rai)
Type : Medium size, 38 years old
Face : 4/10
Body : 4/10
Thai Massage : 8/10
Balls Massage : 6/10
GFE : 5/10 but accommodating. Allowed me to lick, suck and bite (little bit lah) nipples.
A/R : Yes (but limited to the top part only, because she had PMS. SHIT)
WIR : For a younger ML
Cost : 70 (Massage) + 50 Tips
21-05-2007, 02:54 PM
HAR? . :confused: i think a WL still can give u AR even if she is having period ...
can AR but I dont dare to go too deep into certain areas....
21-05-2007, 02:55 PM
I wonder your naked massage refer to her being totally clotheless or only topless.:confused:
naked except for sports panties...
21-05-2007, 02:57 PM
Maybe means she massages outside the clothes on people - in that case should be free
If she doing FJ and have period, why da hell show up for work those days hmm.. but nice info bro..
Yah lah ... Those with PMS should stay at home... damaged reputation of outlet only... besides wasting cheongsters' money....:)
21-05-2007, 06:49 PM
Trying one mp at kip now place is nice. Receptionist is good n pretty. Clean n bali stlye. Massage lady skill not bad too. Will comment later now time 2 enjoy.
22-05-2007, 04:02 AM
Noticed a new (?) place opened up at MidValley mall in the carpark entrance to escalators of all places! Looks to be all Thai massages offered from around RM75 and up. Called Thai Ode**ey.
Doubt they got batin though, but anyone got any info on this place?
Dear all bros, can anyone let me know if the ever popular Suki from Bro Leeman's MP in TTDI still there? Will drop by there soon.
Suki still there.
22-05-2007, 11:53 AM
Suki still there.
Many thanks bro.:) But how come not many talk about her lately.
22-05-2007, 01:17 PM
Yesterday evening, decided to drop by my regular MC near Carrefour Sri Petaling.
FR as follow:
ML : Nana (my 2nd time with her)
Age : 20s
Type : PRC SYT
Face : 4/10
Body : 7/10
Butt : 7/10
Massage : 8/10
HJ : 6/10
AR : Yes (very wet and hairy down there)
DATY : No, not safe
GFE : 10/10 except that she talked too much
WIR : Yes
Cost : 50 per hour + 50 tips
22-05-2007, 03:09 PM
Noticed a new (?) place opened up at MidValley mall in the carpark entrance to escalators of all places! Looks to be all Thai massages offered from around RM75 and up. Called Thai Ode**ey.
Doubt they got batin though, but anyone got any info on this place?
Thai Odessey is a clean place. If ure looking for Batin, then ure in the wrong place. Ive been to the one in One Utama. It has a few branches and is strictly massage with no extras. Unless if u can persuade the ML to do one for u, then its a different story.
23-05-2007, 02:01 AM
Thai Odessey is a clean place. If ure looking for Batin, then ure in the wrong place. Ive been to the one in One Utama. It has a few branches and is strictly massage with no extras. Unless if u can persuade the ML to do one for u, then its a different story.
Thanks for the info bro. Actually I dont mind "clean" places. Getting tired of so-so massages so wont mind a decent professional one - even without hanky-panky :)
Kinda gave it away also I thought, they actually have massage chairs outside the walkway where people walk from car and up :D
23-05-2007, 06:25 AM
Went to Aroma@Sri Petaling. The place looks classy and is actually a spa, not just a massage joint. The massage rates as follow
The above rates are inclusive of food (fried noodles, curry chicken and soups) and drinks (hot drinks and coke), as well as unlimited usage of pool, sauna, etc.
I was greated by a transexual OKT. He(she) explained the rates to me and I told her I wanted only 1 session. I told her to give me the youngest ML they have.
After sauna, shower, etc for about 20 mins, I was ushered into a room. The room is slightly bigger than the average-sized MC room, with door and curtains.
A CKT SYT named Ivy walked in and asked me to lie down on the bench. More details as follow:
ML: Ivy (#7)
Age: 20s
Body: Slim
Boobs: Small, around 32A
Massage skills: 3/10
Extras: RM50 for HJ, RM100 for naked HJ (dunno whether have FJ as she was having period)* paid directly to her
AR: Yes, but limited due to her period
GFE: 4/10
Batin/HJ Skills: 3/10
Remarks: after some sweat talk, she allowed me to licked and suck her breasts. The nipples are nice and erect. No FK though.
Cost: RM78 + RM100
WIR: Yes, but for a different girl.
A spa that cost RM178 Massage ONLY and some makan also sauna! A ML that tells U she having period Gee....What Next???Does not do AR due to period too! I haffta upgrade my MP or i be catching flys soon at my MP! I hope for The next 10 years we all be having sensual massage by ROBOTS ML...I ll programm them into THE TOP ML(all artifical Intell and all women u all can FEEL) Hahaha
23-05-2007, 02:47 PM
A spa that cost RM178 Massage ONLY and some makan also sauna! A ML that tells U she having period Gee....What Next???Does not do AR due to period too! I haffta upgrade my MP or i be catching flys soon at my MP! I hope for The next 10 years we all be having sensual massage by ROBOTS ML...I ll programm them into THE TOP ML(all artifical Intell and all women u all can FEEL) Hahaha
Wah bro leeman,
Your TTDI HC can also cost a fair bit!
RM 68 (1.5 hrs massage) + RM 45 batin + RM100 (Suki's services)
Total: RM 213
23-05-2007, 11:46 PM
The next 10 years we all be having sensual massage by ROBOTS ML...I ll programm them into THE TOP ML(all artifical Intell and all women u all can FEEL) Hahaha
I dont know about you all, but I think I would get kind of a sour taste in mouth sucking on a robot's neh neh - possibly even metallic! :D
24-05-2007, 12:09 PM
Went to Goldfinger in Medan Putra. Price quite fair RM38/ session. Most of the girls there are really good in massage. Been offered batin by a Punjabi+India ML, didnt want as I was there for a pure massage. Batin will cost RM38 for 15 min. Worth for a try for those bros who are looking for a clean massage.
24-05-2007, 03:02 PM
Report from The STAR dated Thursday 24 May 2007 :-
The heat is on massage parlours in Ampang
MASSAGE parlours in and around Ampang area are now operating in discreet ways to lure customers.
Ampang Jaya Municipal Council (MPAJ) enforcement officer Addy Hissham Elias said some massage parlours were luring people to a transit place before taking them to the actual place of operation.
“Massage parlour operators are getting smarter in operating their businesses. A multipurpose shop in Ampang Point was sealed recently because it was operating a massage parlour at the back portion of the shop.”
Addy added that some massage parlour operators were conducting business during the day because they were aware of MPAJ's operation to seal premises at night.
“There are even some operators who use two shops, where one will be used as the entrance and from which customers will be led through a secret door to the other shop,” he said.
The MPAJ enforcement department has sealed 36 premises. The latest shops sealed are located in Pandan.
Seven massage parlours have had their licences cancelled based on operating hours, partitions, misuse of premises as well as not complying with rules and regulations.
According to MPAJ's statistics, there are 33 massage parlous with licences as of May.
MPAJ Public Relations officer Norhayati Ahmad said some of the operations were carried out with the help of the Ampang police. They monitored activities involving entertainment centres.
“We have conducted 520 operations so far and will continue to do more throughout the year.”
She said 15 percent out of 8,000 businesses were operating without renewing their licences and that MPAJ had sealed five shops last week.
She also added that MPAJ welcomed feedback from the public on shady business operations.
--- KatoeyNewsNetwork
Just came back from the MP at S19. As per my earlier report, wanted to try Judy. Before going there, made a call first to avoid any dissapointment. Reached there and saw a guy coming there after finishing his business. Ok, now i'm going up to do my business.
Once inside, 3 PRCs are sitting there. Sally, Michelle and Yoyo. The first two looks a bit mature and Michelle is a bit meaty. Yoyo looks slighty younger - which i had tried before. Judy hasn't come out so sat down and TCSS with these three gals for a while.
Finally, it's my turn to TFK. Yes, that's my purpose anyway. Stripped and laid on the bed. Massage is pathetic, however Judy would give u some erotic touches using her fingernails...and she would touch those sensitive areas, like ur asscrack, balls, etc. This is similar as per one bro has mentioned before in the earlier thread. She also didn't ask me whether i want HJ, she just grab my balls and rod and started playing with them... she also would suck ur nipples and earlobes to make u high. As usual, my hands would start autoroaming her two peak. But alas, her boobs are a bit too small to my liking. I prefer big boobs which i think yoyo fits the bill. Anyway, had my fun of playing and finally shoot my cum all over the place. U bros better not step in that room coz the carpet floor is flooded with my cum - :rolleyes:
Overall, this experience is quite "shiok" just like one of the bros have mentioned before. Judy is quite GFE and i think i recommend to others who want to try.
Name: Judy
Age: In the range of 27 - 28 (assumption)
Looks: 6+
Massage: 4
HJ: 7+
RTF: Definitely
Damage: RM 48 + RM 50
25-05-2007, 10:20 AM
Here's my FR for a recent MP visit in Puchong:
ML : Kiki
Type : CKT, MILF, Slim, from Ipoh
Face : 6/10
Body : 7/10
Boobs : Small
Massage : Good 8/10 (she used to work at Dynasty Jalan Ipoh)
HJ : 9/10
AR : Yes
Cost : 100 for 2 hours + 50 tips
WIR : Yes
25-05-2007, 10:28 AM
A spa that cost RM178 Massage ONLY and some makan also sauna! A ML that tells U she having period Gee....What Next???Does not do AR due to period too! I haffta upgrade my MP or i be catching flys soon at my MP! I hope for The next 10 years we all be having sensual massage by ROBOTS ML...I ll programm them into THE TOP ML(all artifical Intell and all women u all can FEEL) Hahaha
Yo Bro Leeman,
Any chance of you cloning Suki?
27-05-2007, 10:00 PM
Wah bro leeman,
Your TTDI HC can also cost a fair bit!
RM 68 (1.5 hrs massage) + RM 45 batin + RM100 (Suki's services)
Total: RM 213
Only if you request Suki service, which you willing pay after negotiate with Suki. But its a good experience for who never tried before. Otherwise, I think its ok pricing.
28-05-2007, 10:41 AM
Went there last week in the afternoon. According to the boss, there's 7-8 NL, a few Bakso and 1 Vietcong.
I took the VC. Cannot remember her name. FR as follow:
Name : Sudah lupa
Type : MILF, late 20s
Face : 5/10
Body : 6/10 Slim
Boobs : Very Small and Flat
Massage : 7/10 (surprisingly quite good)
Batin : 7/10 (no complaints here)
GFE : 5/10
AR : Yes, and allowed me to suck her nipples
Cost : 69 (for 1 hr massage + Batin) + 20 tips
WIR : Maybe
28-05-2007, 07:34 PM
hey leeman, i dropped by your place today
went there today about 3pm. was greeted by mr. leong and told him that leeman's recommendation. place is good and the cubicle is pretty big but then you still can hear those fellas next door talking loudly. he asked me if i've got a masseur in mind or am i first time. told him it's my first time here and he recommended me with Joanne. Although her face a bit on the downside, nonetheless she's very friendly and accommodating.
Name : Joanne
Age: she claims to be 25
Face : 4/10 (sorry la but i got to be honest in it.)
Body : 6/10 Slim
Boobs : I'm guessing a B
Massage : 6/10 she could've done better
Batin : 7/10 (no complaints here)
B2B massage : 7/10
AR: Yes.
Cost : RM93 (for 1 hr massage + Batin) + RM80 for B2B
WIR : Yeah, want to try out other chicks
30-05-2007, 08:11 AM
Any Bro here know a MILF previously from JJ MP Puchong, now doing FL in Puchong? Would appreciate if any bro would share her contact, hear that she is very gud service :D
30-05-2007, 08:06 PM
Hi Bros,
Haven't been MC for months already.
This Afternoon during lunch time, feel like having a massage instead of eating, went rounding near my office, found a new place, according to them, they just open for 2 months.
Went in greeted by a PRC, and there were few PRC ML sitting down Look like is a PRC joint. offered me RM 70.00 for 2 hours
Name: X**o Yen
age: dunno (look like near 30++)
GFL: Yes
Massage: 7.5/10
batin: 7/10
Allow lick, suck & bite nipple, can touch mei mei also
damage: 38 massage +50 tips
p/s: I asked for a FJ, she say boss not allow, but she say if i book her for outside massage pay the boss RM150.00 (3 hours) then can FJ... (dunno true or not)
Happy Batin
31-05-2007, 10:57 AM
After reading some wonderful comments from other site about XXXXX at the above MP, I decided to check out for myself.
The MP is not difficult for me to find as I have been to several of the neighbourhood MPs.. $P, P$k Y^^g, ^T, M**nli**t.
OKT Susan greeted me and gave me a cup of hot chinese tea. She remarked something like i havent been here for long time. Actually this was my first time but I did not tell her that. After somemore small talk, she ushered me to the room at the end (good, more privacy). I told her I want XXXXX. She explained the charges to me-
Massage 55 (1hr), 100 (2hr)
Massage + HJ 100 (1hr)
Massage + HJ + BBBJ 130 (2hr)
ML came in dressed in minishorts and tight tshirt and proceeded to remove my underwear. I asked her to go soft as this is my first time with her. Dont want to go back home with bruises for HM to be suspecious about. (want to eat outside.. oso have to smart a bit)
The massage part was passable and uneventful, except that I noticed that ML was a very slim CKT MILF in her 20s with long hair, nice smooth and soft skin. Wow!!
After massaging the back and legs (even her was butt massage), she asked me to turn around. She then proceeded to massage the front part of legs, then hands, and then... surprise...
Without any hint, she started removing her tshirt and bra. Small breast with nice nipples. She then took out a small wet hand towel and wipe my dick nipples and ass.
Next, she started licking and sucking my nipples while at the same time giving me a HJ. After awhile, she proceeded to BBBJ while standing on top of me with her legs on either side. Damn those slim long legs look tasty...
I started kissing and licking her thigh and between her legs. She tried to resist but I could feel her shaking (remember, she still had her shorts on). I moved upwards until my tongue was inside her shorts. She stopped me and told me no.... I guess to DATY. I tried to finger her but couldnt locate her hole (very thick forest of hair) while continuing to lick and kiss her thighs.... my left hand playing with her left nipple.....
She poured some oil on my dick and started massaging him/it furiously.... he/it erupted... and it was all over.
FR ratings as follow:
Name : XXXXX
Type : 20s CKT MILF
Face : 8/10
Body : 8/10
Massage : 5/10
GFE : 8/10
BBBJ : 8/10
HJ : 8/10
FK : Not allowed
DATY : Not allowed
Cost : 130 (pay to the front counter) + 20 tips for her
WIR : Of course
* sorry all the senior bros, I have to be careful....
31-05-2007, 05:36 PM
Yesterday, after 7 hours of driving from the east coast to KL, i went straight to my favorite Pandan Indah MP to have my body massaged. Before reaching the place, i saw the MPAJ truck and felt a little uneasy. But what the heck. I went up and was shown the room. There was one malay/thai girl and 2 chinese girls. I opted for one of the chinese as i've tried the malay/thai girl. I put off my shirt and pants and put on the towel. Later one of the girl hurried into my room and ask me to put back my shirt and pants. This can't be good, I said to myself. Like gaban, i quickly put on everything and rushed out. No danger yet but they must be informed by somebody downstairs. I went to the toilet, take a pee and realised i wore my shirt inside out. Outside, i asked politely to leave the mp and they asked me to come again. They asked if the handphone battery cover they found in the room is mine.. and it is mine. Must have slipped while doing the gaban action.
OK where to go now?. Must go massage. Must go massage. My mind was telling me. OK.. how about Cheras. Never been to Cheras before. Cheras should be safer i was thinking. I drove to cheras and go round2 the place and lastly arrived near the Cheras Leisure Mall. No where to park. So I parked in the mall's paid parking. I walk down to the shoplots and saw this chili mp sign. I walked further and saw another chili tomato mp. What is this kind of massage?. Do they use chili or what?.. I was very curious so i went up. First i see tomato. I went up somemore and then i saw chilli. I looked inside and they was malay girl. One greeted me and another girl who is chubby was sleeping on the sofa. The one who greeted me looks petite and kind of sweet but the one sleeping looks funny. She was wearing a spaggeti strap and have huge boob maybe because of her chubbiness. But looks kind of sexy. I was shown the room and i stripped naked and put on the towel. I was given the chubby girl. She looks kind of scary sometimes so i take off my glasses.
She's from JB and her massage was good actually. She was quite hard on my body but i felt great and I didn't feel any muscle pain after the massage. She was looking sexy with her cleavage opened and i was asking about her chubiness. "You mmg kuat makan ke?" I asked. She said no. She have a big body frame I can tell by piching2 her body and i took that opportunity to touch her breast and other areas like her stomach and back from inside her shirt. I asked how much is the batin. She said 50 ringgit. I said to expensive. Normally the batin is 38 ringgit.. i told her. She replied, if you think it's expensive then don't take it. So i didn't. If i was given a much prettier girl I will easily accept 50 ringgit to be charged on me for the batin session. But i do let my didi opened during the frontal massage and the girl did not bother to cover it up.
After knowing TTDI joints, I have not been to my usual joint in KL, Con**rde Hotel HC for quite sometime. Was around the corner yesterday and decided to go in and check out. Talk to usual OKT, and was informed they have PRC ML. OKT recommended No. 47.
FR as follow:-
No. 47
Name: duno bother to ask
Age: early 20
Face: 5/10
Massage: 6/10
HJ: 5/10
raba: yes
Massage: 98
HJ: 50.
Tried to convince her to take off her top but failed. But manage to raba into her shirt and to the boobs. she claimed 38C but I think smaller. Nice and firm. I tried to convince her to do boobs massage and pay her more but she refused.
The OKT told me they have 7 PRC ML, some only pure massage, only one can FJ but OKT don't recommend.
Was at TTDI last week and have SUKI, service as wonderful as usual.
Bro Leeman, when is the new outlet opening.
03-06-2007, 02:55 AM
I massaege + batin at I-Zen, Cityview at Cheras.. not bad lah
Tim Bodycare at PJ.. no good.. fuhh.. the oil they use very panas one.. and smelly too..
Where got Sarawakian girl working in MP, PJ area lahh..
A young one.. ok.. :)
04-06-2007, 10:57 AM
Was around the Cheras Connaught area and decided to check out a MP facing the main road. Reached there around 5pm. From the outside/downstairs, the place seemed like clean, with no hanky-panky... only shiatsu types.
Immediately, the CKT male OKT ushered me into a room. Damn something different... all 3 sides of the cubicles are covered with mirrors...... sure reminds me of SR.
They only have NL there. So I asked for a SYT. OKT said OK and left. Minutes later a NL SYT came in.
FR as follow:
Name : *****
Age : 20s
Type : Slim, NL SYT, quite fair with long straight hair like one of those in Tv shampoo commercial
Massage : 5/10
Batin/HJ : 5/10
AR : Yes
Cost : Around 100
WIR : yes, they got quite a few nice young NLs
04-06-2007, 11:13 AM
FR as follow:
Massage : 5/10
Batin/HJ : 5/10
AR : Yes
Cost : Around 100
WIR : yes, they got quite a few nice young NLs
Bro, got AR ??
04-06-2007, 12:00 PM
Was around the Cheras Connaught area and decided to check out a MP facing the main road.
Is the name of the MP start A? with pink signboard?RM38 per session?
04-06-2007, 12:22 PM
Bro, got AR ??
Yes, got AR.
05-06-2007, 02:56 PM
Hi bros,
im a newbie here but been following the threads for months now
anyway, just wanna share my FR. im a frequent batin lover but never get any FJ action from the ladies. Anyway, heres my FR
S***i S***i MP, Puchong
A bit problem locating the place. Went there last Thursday 8pm. Had to climb a flights of stairs. Damn, the place looked really cozy and clean. When I reached there, I was greeted by CKT (forget his name liao. in his 30s, I guess)
The place was quiet. There were some chairs near the counter. I had to sit for like 10 mins before a lady is available. free chinese tea, as always.
I told the OKT that I wanted massage and asked for the rate. It was RM60 for 60 minutes. he then ushered me into a dark room located at the end of the corner. my ML was a sabahan in her 30's.
ML : S****
Face : 5/10
Body : Surprisingly OK 7/10
Massage : 9/10 (one of the best i ever had)
HJ : 7/10
AR : Yes
GFE : 4/10
Cost : 60 (massage) + 30 (HJ)
05-06-2007, 10:36 PM
guys need ur suggestions, any HC that have pretty malays? in kl or klang valley, thanx
06-06-2007, 09:05 AM
there's a lot of that in KL. just try lar if u wanna be adventerous like me.
but if u cannot tahan, i have a few recommendations
u can go to Sunway, opposite Pyramid
go behind the Caltex, turn left
A**** MP. go in and ask for M*****
trust me, she got a body to die for...
for more suggestion, just PM me
06-06-2007, 05:53 PM
u can go to Sunway, opposite Pyramid
go behind the Caltex, turn left
A**** MP. go in and ask for M*****
trust me, she got a body to die for...
for more suggestion, just PM me
yo bro
any kang tao there
06-06-2007, 05:57 PM
kang tao? sorry i dont understand chinese
maybe u can teach me some :)
still newbie hehehe
07-06-2007, 06:06 PM
cun ar that place in wat gal...any reco can pm me
07-06-2007, 06:41 PM
Report from The Malay Mail dated Sunday 3 June 2007 :-
Urut batin : Good money in a few easy steps
Good money in a few easy steps
KUALA LUMPUR : Earning more than a graduate fresh out of college and serving two to three ‘Mak Datins’ a day are among the ‘perks’ masseuses working with some of the innocent-looking traditional massage centres are enjoying.
The good money comes from giving urut batin which a worker describes as: “Just masturbation, as far as I know”.
These are the goingson behind these outlets, according to the Muslim Consumer Association which tipped off Weekend Mail. We sent an undercover team to two of the centres which provided services of a sexual nature.
One outlet was located a few hundred metres from the Ampang Jaya district police headquarters while the other was situated near a Pandan Indah police pondok.
Located in shopping areas and busy spots like banks, restaurants and car workshops, it’s hard to imagine any hanky-panky going on behind the doors of these parlours.
Aside from the usual services, such as aromatherapy massages, foot refl exology and ear candling, the parlours also offer erotic massage or urut batin.
Urut batin is a form of traditional Malay massage that helps the body circulate more blood to the penis while increasing the strength of erections to improve sexual stamina.
PPIM project director Noor Nirwandy Mat Noordin revealed that Malay women accounted for more than 90 per cent of those working in massage parlours.
“Gone are the days when masseuses used to be foreign workers. What’s worse is, we found out that many were doing it with the knowledge of their husbands or boyfriends. The job brings in a lot of money, even more than what a degree-holder may earn in a month.” Two of our reporters went undercover to find out more about this business — one posing as a customer while the other applied for works as a masseuse.
Report from The Malay Mail dated Sunday 3 June 2007 :-
‘Urut batin’ becomes a pleasure outlet
KUALA LUMPUR : This reporter went to a parlour above a supermarket with the Ampang Jaya district police headquarters just a couple of metres away.
Outside, there is a big signboard bearing its name in Chinese and Malay besides a drawing of a woman massaging a man. Near an elevator, where one has to use to reach the third fl oor where it is located, there is another signboard on the wall with a picture of foot soles, also in Malay and Chinese.
At the centre, a woman in a pair of drawstring pants and a T-shirt, who called herself Siti, opened the semi-tinted glass door halfway. The door was equipped with an alarm.
She greeted me with a smile and asked if I wanted a massage. When I said yes, she told me she was working alone as the others had yet to arrive.
“Can you come back in 20 minutes? I have a customer now. I’ll be finished by then.” “Okay. So, there’ll be more masseuses coming later?” I asked.
“Yes,” she replied.
“So how much for the massage?” I asked.
“If you want an hour’s body massage, it’s RM50. Two hours for RM100.
“We also have urut batin here.
It’s an additional RM40. Try lah,” said the 28-year-old from Tawau, Sabah.
“Can I choose anyone or will there be someone you’ve already assigned?” I asked.
“You can,” she said. She gave me a card with a cell phone number on it before I left.
At 7.30pm, I returned with a photographer. This time, a male worker, who identifi ed himself as Lee, greeted us.
He told me that the other part-time masseuses could not make it when I asked him if I could choose a masseuse to massage me. The man, whom I later found out was a supervisor there, also told me that Siti was a good masseuse.
Lee asked me if I also wanted urut batin. I agreed and he went inside, probably to alert Siti to get ready. When he returned, Lee led me to a room. There were eight rooms without doors, just curtains.
After several minutes, I waited on the mattress. I spent the next 90 minutes with Siti who again confirmed if I wanted urut batin.
She said she had been working for three years, earning at least RM3,000 a month.
“It depends on how many customers I get. The most I got was RM5,000. I earn more doing urut batin as I keep RM40. For massages, we keep half.” I asked if it was normal for other masseuses not to turn up for work.
“They are working at other centres. They come here if there are no customers at their regular place. This happens often. That’s why I have to massage four to five men a day,” said Siti, adding that the parttimers are mainly Malay women or Sabahans.
She said there is no ‘extra’ service there when I asked about it.
Siti also refused to give her cell phone number, saying that I can call the number on the card given earlier. I then paid her RM40 and the remaining RM50 to the man at the counter.
I went to the second parlour in Pandan Jaya, Cheras, a few days later.
The charge was only RM86 for a normal body massage and urut batin.
When I fi rst went there the same day, I went to the parlour in Taman Dagang. The receptionist, a man in his 20s, said they have girls from Penang, Kuala Lumpur, Sabah and Sarawak. He also said that they offered urut batin.
“The pretty one is from Sabah, but she’s not available. I can get her if you want.” He said masseuses cannot be selected by customers but he would try to get the one I wanted. I told him that I would come back.
The parlour, on the second floor of a corner-lot shophouse, was also 100m away from the Pandan Jaya police base.
When I went there again, I met the same man at the counter. After registering, he led me to a room but I told him that I needed to go to the washroom.
He pointed me in the right direction. To get to the washroom, I passed by the massage rooms before I saw a sauna room with a sign that said ‘Out of order’.
The centre was better than the fi rst one as it was well-decorated and had background music. Although the room was a bit warmer as it did not have a private air-conditioner, it was big. There was no door but it was covered with two layers of curtains.
I then met Susan, a petite 25-year-old from Penang, clad in a track bottom and a bodyhugging T-shirt. She said she had been working for three years but was having a rough patch in her relationship with her boyfriend who knows what she does for a living.
I asked if she massages customers outside, but she said no. She said they get to keep half of the charges.
“Everything is paid to the centre. We only get half.”
Report from The Malay Mail dated Sunday 3 June 2007 :-
‘It’s just masturbation’
KUALA LUMPUR : ‘Linda’, 27, from Kedah, earns a living as a masseuse at a parlour in Subang Jaya where she has been working for fi ve months.
Her salary is based on commissions. An hour’s worth of traditional or Thai massage, at RM40, enables her to pocket half the fees.
On an average day, she will massage three to fi ve customers, netting her RM60 to RM100 daily. On a busy day, she may earn up to RM200.
Her customers, mainly male and regulars, usually want something ‘extra’ — urut batin.
“But it’s just masturbation,” said Linda.
It sounds shocking and Linda said she was uncomfortable with the idea of touching strange men’s private parts in the beginning but “I soon got used to it”.
A half-hour session of urut batin goes for RM50 in addition to the RM40 the customer has to pay for an hour’s massage.
Minus her employer’s cut, Linda is RM70 richer after one and a half hours.
She said her customers were mostly white-collared workers in their late 20s to 40s, and frequented the parlour after office hours.
“I used to feel sick when customers asked for urut batin.
Some are married. It doesn’t seem right to be paying someone to touch them when they have wives.
“There are even those who wanted sex and come up with excuses like their wives aren’t too attentive in the bedroom,” said Linda, who denied having sex with customers.
“Some of girls are bullied into doing what customers want, so we try our best to help each other out when that happens.
“As there are no doors in the massage rooms, we can hear what goes on.”
--- KatoeyNewsNetwork
07-06-2007, 06:44 PM
Report from The Malay Mail dated Sunday 3 June 2007 :-
Something ‘extra’ to cure sore muscles?
KUALA LUMPUR : This reporter fi rst ‘applied’ for a job as a masseuse at the Ampang Jaya centre.
Ringing the door bell, I was greeted by a woman in her 30s who ushered me in and told me to wait while she attended to a customer.
Soon after, a man walked in and asked if he could help. I asked if there was a job opening. The man, a supervisor, gave his name as ‘Lee’ and asked if I had any experience.
After some small talk, he went straight to the point and said if there were male customers with “certain” requests, would I be able to handle them? “I think so,” I said.
“It’s not just giving the thing a ‘shake’. You need to do it the proper way. So, I’ll need to see how you do it. It’s all right if you’re not good at it. I’ll have to teach you then,” he said.
He stood and beckoned me to go to one of the rooms at the back.
“What’s happening now?” I asked.
“I need you to show me what you can do,” he said.
“Don’t I have to attend a course first?” I asked.
“Oh sure, but they cost RM300 to RM500. The men don’t come here for ‘real’ massages anyway. They only say they want one but what they want is the other thing,” he said.
Lee explained that rather than go for the traditional or Thai massages, the men prefer aromatherapy.
“I’ll be frank with you. Have you touched a man here?” he said, pointing to his crotch.
“Uh. Just my boyfriend’s. I haven’t really touched many before.” Lee came back and sat down on the sofa.
“Adik, I’m sure you’re aware that this job brings good money but there are some risks. The men would want you to touch their private parts and they will ask for sex.” “Would I have to give them sex then?” I asked.
“No, we tell them we don’t offer such a service,” he said unconvincingly.
My phone rang, my colleague was on the other line.
“Is that your boyfriend?” Lee asked. “Does he know you plan to work as a masseuse?” “Yes, but I didn’t tell him about the urut batin bit,” I said.
“I understand. Some of the girls have boyfriends or are married, but it takes an understanding partner to accept this sort of occupation,” he said.
“If my boyfriend knew the truth, he’d get mad,” I said.
The second job hunt took place at a massage parlour in Subang Jaya. I was attended to by a woman who was at the counter but my application was rejected on grounds that they had enough masseuses.
However, a short chat with the woman on what I could expect to do as a masseuse if given the job elsewhere yielded some interesting information.
--- KatoeyNewsNetwork
08-06-2007, 07:48 PM
leeman? lol....:D
Hahahaha i was outstation.....Errr how does really Batin works ah? Seriously me haven try a GOOOOOD One Yet! Anyway...........
Hi bros! Sri hartarmas has been close down! We just started BZ today at Cheras Miharja and here is the address: No 23-1(1st Floor) JLN Lombong Tmn Cheras Miharja(UE3) Behind Shark Disco and near Raven Disco! U be able to C Naseer Nasi Kandar Mamak and we are just approx there!
See ya all bros there! Pls do Pm me for more information on our ML and Rates!I will sure all bros will love this MP! Class and so comfy! ....most important its a licence MP!
10-06-2007, 05:26 AM
Here is additional Infor! Operation time 12-12 Pls do call me direct for Sbf special rates for Massage
10-06-2007, 01:32 PM
Here is additional Infor! Operation time 12-12 Pls do call me direct for Sbf special rates for Massage
Sorry, i am not too familiar about KL area but is it far away from Cheras Jusco? Thanks in advance.
11-06-2007, 05:52 PM
Was at Sen Spa for a quick facial after being told my favourite Apple wasnt working :p
Wah, didnt know u also so vain pot like TSH and YSH, go for facial... hurhurhur :p
11-06-2007, 08:21 PM
Wah, didnt know u also so vain pot like TSH and YSH, go for facial... hurhurhur
I bery cheap one... only common employee not like u big time businessman ... muahahaha. So have to have facial... not like u, smooth and fair skin, easy to attract mm :p
11-06-2007, 10:34 PM
I bery cheap one... only common employee not like u big time businessman ... muahahaha. So have to have facial... not like u, smooth and fair skin, easy to attract mm
Nbzzz, i am the common employee leh... u are the boss mah, so got money to splash to impress the mm's... hurhurhur :D . As for attracting mm, that one u go ask your "scout" hor...
hahaha... nolar...i actually opted for facial after being informed that Apple wasnt working... Sort of wanted to try the facial+basic massage coz i read from another forum that the massage is done by the a MILF (39yrs old who has a 20yr old daughter).. Wah..then true enough i got my facial from a chio mid-age woman+her daughter... heheheh ..
Wah, this one even bigger boss... go for facial also do tarma one... kekeke :p
12-06-2007, 09:17 AM
Talking about facial girl, :rolleyes: i got good memory hor, smooth skin, slurp slurp
12-06-2007, 02:47 PM
I was in Puchong 2 days ago and my didi went itchy. I went to PP. The place has got no walls now.. just thick curtains. Was given Ra**el, an NL sabahan girl. She said she is married for 2yrs (what the heck, i'm married for 6 yrs). I asked for 2 hours massage and a batin but later turn out to be 1 hr massage and 1 hr batin with more than 30 mins of just a HJ (something which i'm proud off). The girl is quite skinny with fair skin and she got something like a tumor or extra skin on her right ear. I thought it was he hair clip or ribbon at first. She looks kinda cute like a secondary school girl. AR not allowed.
13-06-2007, 05:34 PM
bro leeman.. ur TTDI join still operate?
14-06-2007, 04:48 AM
bro leeman.. ur TTDI join still operate?
Yes as usual 7 days a week from 12noon-12 :)
any malay chick in TTDI? :D
16-06-2007, 09:58 AM
[QUOTE=jerrystockton;2043934]Went to Goldfinger in Medan Putra. Price quite fair RM38/ session. Most of the girls there are really good in massage. Been offered batin by a Punjabi+India ML, didnt want as I was there for a pure massage. Batin will cost RM38 for 15 min. Worth for a try for those bros who are looking for a clean massage.[/QUO
I am so sorry , can anybody tell me where is this MEDAN PUTRA or Golfinger ??? besides , this mp got any PRC or any local chinese ( wat age ? ) , got HJ services or not ??
16-06-2007, 10:56 AM
I was at the place visit by Grimm Bros about 2 weeks ago (1st of 2 visits). I think signboards was removed.
Anyway, it was late and only 3 girls working that night. I had one Thai girl. Forgotten name. Massage was quite good. Soft where needed, hard where required.
At a glance, she has quite cute face. She is also quite playful at times, touching my didi and then asking why didi awake.
After massage for half hour or so, she asked the standard. i asked how much and she said 100! WTF?!? Last time I came, 50 was batin and even covered tips. If I generous and service was good, then I give more. But she said if AR, must be another 50. Stupid........ Started to say she's going back to Thailand soon, etc............... At rm100, I can probably get Suki from Bro Leeman.
Anyway, negotiated with her and agreed to rm80. Didi was desperate. Breasts was quite big but not pink. I was a bit turned off already but didi still wanted. Not much GF feel.
In the end, quite disappointed. Oh ya..... I think I got slightly more than 1 hour but she seem like time keeper. Always look at watch. Maybe she wants to go home coz its late.
16-06-2007, 11:03 AM
Went to the Bro Grimm's place. Captain was not there.
Anyway, I got Sally. Or something like that. Massage was so-so. Then she asked the standard question.
At first din really want but after she begged. Ya, she actually like begged for service and said today not many customer and many more reasons until i kesian already. And she so manja.
So I gave in and suddenly, she no longer manja. Hmmmm........ Everything become so standard again. So again, not so happy ending. Damage was rm50+rm50.
20-06-2007, 02:36 AM
Hi all bros... as you can see from my points, i'm a newbie in this forum. i have been following this thread in the last few months and i find it really helpful forum for people like me looking for kang thou :p
without TCSS much, here is my virgin FR.
i've been visited couple of MPs around my area. mmmm... let's start with this MP. I was driving along jln genting klang in one afternoon to look around for new kang thou. a huge banner with the word "tranditional message" attracted my sight. without think much immediately drive in the shop lots area and park my car. walk up to first floor and greeted by a NL SYT (look 6/10). get to know that she is also one of the ML there. as usual, asked for the rate and kind of packages they have and opt for 1 hour ginger oil message.
she then leads me to a room with walls. although there are no doors but i like that they hv double layer curtain. first layer is the normal thin curtain and follow by the second layer which is pretty thick and it was in 'L' shape which closes the entrance completely. in other words, more privacy and more 'deals' can be negotiated la.... the room was acceptable and comfortable.
then, i undressed myself (completely) and waited for 5 mins. a SYT NL came in. she looks cute in her tight T-shirt and pretty shy (which i like... kinda innocent type). as usual, she started message from my legs up to my inner thigh, follow by buttock and my favourite part, my back. surprisingly, her message was great at least to my liking. next, asked me to flip over and finished the message on my head (big one yah :D ). she was pretty quiet throughout the session. i need to keep asking questions to make her talks more.
eventually, i heard the question "nak buat batin keh?". this is the moment i've been waiting for. of course yes lor... without giving me the chance to negotiate more, she quickly leave the room to register my batin session at the counter and came back with additional clothes and tissues. she started with my jingle bells... looks professional. later moved on to my DD but this part doesn't show professionalism anymore, more to HJ. then i asked can raba raba and she replied "hanya tangan jer". waahh... then i mei faster sit up and start touching her hands, arms, head, ears and back. then i try her limit to raba her boobs. although i was blocked by her arms but still managed to feel it a little. i tried couple of times but she still blocked it. then, i stopped forcing her and moved my hands to touch her whole body (except the boobs). as usual, the session ended when i released my loads. strangely, she laugh when i loaded. seems she's happy to see men loaded. i did asked but she didn't reply, instead she asked my to lay down and clean me up with the additional clothes and tissues.
here are my comments:
name: mary
age: 22
face: 7/10
height: ~150-155cm
boobs: ~32A
message: 9/10
AR: yes... but not the private part
GFE: 5/10
HJ: 6/10
Damage: 53 message + 50 batin (for 15 mins), kinda expensive
Return: most likely... to try out other MLs or maybe ask for mary again to establish a better relationship hope to get access to the guarded part.
btw, the SYT who greeted me at the counter is actually her cousin sister. hhmm... another reason for me to revisit this MP
that's all for my FR and hope you enjoy it
P/S: my post get rejected because i've used 8 smilies face which i only allow for 2. hhmmm... why limit this? anyway, it's a good lesson for a newbie like me.
20-06-2007, 02:53 AM
Hi all bros... as you can see from my points, i'm a newbie in this forum. i have been following this thread in the last few months and i find it really helpful forum for people like me looking for kang thou :p
without TCSS much, here is my virgin FR.
i've been visited couple of MPs around my area. mmmm... let's start with this MP. I was driving along jln genting klang in one afternoon to look around for new kang thou. a huge banner with the word "tranditional message" attracted my sight. without think much immediately drive in the shop lots area and park my car. walk up to first floor and greeted by a NL SYT (look 6/10). get to know that she is also one of the ML there. as usual, asked for the rate and kind of packages they have and opt for 1 hour ginger oil message.
she then leads me to a room with walls. although there are no doors but i like that they hv double layer curtain. first layer is the normal thin curtain and follow by the second layer which is pretty thick and it was in 'L' shape which closes the entrance completely. in other words, more privacy and more 'deals' can be negotiated la.... the room was acceptable and comfortable.
then, i undressed myself (completely) and waited for 5 mins. a SYT NL came in. she looks cute in her tight T-shirt and pretty shy (which i like... kinda innocent type). as usual, she started message from my legs up to my inner thigh, follow by buttock and my favourite part, my back. surprisingly, her message was great at least to my liking. next, asked me to flip over and finished the message on my head (big one yah :D ). she was pretty quiet throughout the session. i need to keep asking questions to make her talks more.
eventually, i heard the question "nak buat batin keh?". this is the moment i've been waiting for. of course yes lor... without giving me the chance to negotiate more, she quickly leave the room to register my batin session at the counter and came back with additional clothes and tissues. she started with my jingle bells... looks professional. later moved on to my DD but this part doesn't show professionalism anymore, more to HJ. then i asked can raba raba and she replied "hanya tangan jer". waahh... then i mei faster sit up and start touching her hands, arms, head, ears and back. then i try her limit to raba her boobs. although i was blocked by her arms but still managed to feel it a little. i tried couple of times but she still blocked it. then, i stopped forcing her and moved my hands to touch her whole body (except the boobs). as usual, the session ended when i released my loads. strangely, she laugh when i loaded. seems she's happy to see men loaded. i did asked but she didn't reply, instead she asked my to lay down and clean me up with the additional clothes and tissues.
here are my comments:
name: mary
age: 22
face: 7/10
height: ~150-155cm
boobs: ~32A
message: 9/10
AR: yes... but not the private part
GFE: 5/10
HJ: 6/10
Damage: 53 message + 50 batin (for 15 mins), kinda expensive
Return: most likely... to try out other MLs or maybe ask for mary again to establish a better relationship hope to get access to the guarded part.
btw, the SYT who greeted me at the counter is actually her cousin sister. hhmm... another reason for me to revisit this MP
that's all for my FR and hope you enjoy it
20-06-2007, 10:11 PM
Nice FR bro. Have upped you my single point for the day for it..
By the way, you write AR: but not private part - AR in my eyes is Ass Rimming so how to avoid private part :confused: :p
21-06-2007, 01:57 AM
name: mary
age: 22
face: 7/10
height: ~150-155cm
boobs: ~32A
that's all for my FR and hope you enjoy it
Wow...nice FR bro, this place in KL rite? when i go there will try this gals!! how much for 1 slot? thks...
21-06-2007, 07:46 AM
Wow...nice FR bro, this place in KL rite? when i go there will try this gals!! how much for 1 slot? thks...Read the FR again. The price is stated there.:rolleyes:
21-06-2007, 09:23 AM
Nice FR bro. Have upped you my single point for the day for it..
By the way, you write AR: but not private part - AR in my eyes is Ass Rimming so how to avoid private part :confused: :p
hahaha, exactly, that things will slap on her forehead when she give AR, how not to touch when giving AR????
21-06-2007, 10:48 AM
Nice FR bro. Have upped you my single point for the day for it..
By the way, you write AR: but not private part - AR in my eyes is Ass Rimming so how to avoid private part :confused: :p
I'm sure you all taikors know he means AutoRoam.
21-06-2007, 10:50 AM
Nice FR bro. Have upped you my single point for the day for it..
By the way, you write AR: but not private part - AR in my eyes is Ass Rimming so how to avoid private part :confused: :p
I'm sure you all taikors know he means AllowRoam.
21-06-2007, 11:31 AM
looks like some cheongsters r too horny to remember the words!
21-06-2007, 11:44 AM
hahaha, exactly, that things will slap on her forehead when she give AR, how not to touch when giving AR???? now I believe you would know that AR has several intepretations.:p
21-06-2007, 11:50 AM now I believe you would know that AR has several intepretations.:p
I know, just wanna make fun out of it....AR can be Annual Return
22-06-2007, 01:15 AM
yo bro Max, thanks for your point.
i'm so sorry bros, i alwiz mix up AR = autoroam :p
yes, the place is at KL, along jln genting klang.
22-06-2007, 06:03 AM
my friend also have batin at genting klang before....
but he suggest me not to go for uda dara at genting klang setapak cause those ML's quality very worst...worst untill he tells me he potong stim when he saw the ML! mayb got pretty one working there but my friend no luck lar~
never try batin b4 but after see bro's FR i think will go try it out~
i got some question cause i never go massage center b4...
actually can we choose ML before massage??:D
22-06-2007, 08:00 AM
i got some question cause i never go massage center b4...
actually can we choose ML before massage??:DAt some small joints, you can actually see the MLs sitting around. You can then request your choice. Most cases, you will be shown to the room first and then wait for the ML.
Another option would be to know the boss of the MP and he will then let you choose.:p
23-06-2007, 01:08 AM
Read the FR again. The price is stated there.:rolleyes:
Thanks Bro...
23-06-2007, 05:03 PM
I recently went to his Massage Theraphy center at Ampang point - on top of the Ampang Yong Tau Foo shop opposite Ampang puteri hospital. a young 25 year old NL by the name of Melissa. age: should be 25
price: usual price rm120 for 1hour massage and 20 mins batin
body: a bit plump but she has a pair of nice tits
massage: 6/10
auto-roaming: yes, allowed with unhook the bra, can suck her nipples also
during the massage, got chat a bit with melissa, very friendly.
27-06-2007, 01:50 AM
Hahahaha i was outstation.....Errr how does really Batin works ah? Seriously me haven try a GOOOOOD One Yet! Anyway...........
Hi bros! Sri hartarmas has been close down! We just started BZ today at Cheras Miharja...
hey bro leeman, i went to your new MP at Cheras Miharja (NF) last weekend and i was quite disappointed la. i reached there at 5.30 Sat and the receptionist told there is only ONE ML working that day. :confused:
where are the rest? PRC, NL, Pino etc...
since i've planned to try out a new place that day and i've pretty high expectation too, so i gave it a try to take the only ML. hhhmmm... i considered lucky also because i'm the only customer at the moment or else, dunno how long i've to wait or i might have left without waiting.
besides disappointment, i do feel comfortable when i was in the MP. the interior is good where i past a small pond before i reached my rooms. once in the room, i get myself naked (completely) and lay on my chest to wait for the ML. 5 mins later came the ML, she is an Indo with a pink singlet and jeans. nothing to shout for the massage, kind of met the minimum requirement. but, i enjoyed the moment when she massage my ass @. really shiok leh... when i was laying on my back and she was massaging my hands, i oredi started autoroam her boobs (with permission from her of course). walaueee... what a huge boobs... shiok!
when she began batin, i whisper in her ear to ask for topless batin and the next thing i got is "awak bagi tips nanti ya". i think a while and agreed to it bcos it was an extra service (even without bra) on top of normal batin. once she took off her shirt and bra, i start my mission to kiss and suck her tits while she is still doing HJ. after that i lay down again on my back (btw, i was sitting while kissing her boobs) and at the same time pulled her down to lay on top of me where her 2 huge boobs pressing on my chest. i continue kissing her neck and ears and of course squeezing her boobs at the same time. at this moment, she can't continue her HJ but rather enjoying my kisses and touches. since she is so enjoyed, i proceed to try my luck to ask more, and again i whisper in her ear to ask for BBBJ. instead of rejecting my request she replied "berapa tips awak bagi?". wwaauuu.... then i asked her "berapa awak nak?". without think much she replied rm 100. my eyes opened as wide as the cow's testis and told her with rm 100 i can get a FJ. after some negotiation, managed to deal at rm 65 where she also agreed for CIM. she allowed me to loose the jeans's button for me to finger her. what a wonderful day hehehe... and indeed, while she was BBBJ my hand was busy fingering her. she was really wet and heard a little moan from her. abt 10 mins, i released my load in her mouth while she was still BBBJ. Really satisfied!!! I went for a shower and paid her the tips before i settled my bill at the counter.
name: Lina or Nina (can't remember)
age: 29
type: indo
look: 6/10, chubby look but sweet
massage: 5/10, good for those wanna sleep during massage
boobs: 34b (my guest) with small tits.
AR: yes, allow to finger her and basically suck & lick her top freely.
BBBJ: yes, 9/10. she BBBJ without hand when i was about to unload
CIM: yes, 10/10
FJ: no
GFE: 9/10
Return: yes, when more MLs available.
Damage: 80 (massage + batin) + 65 for extra
btw bros, i'm not really sure what is the market range for extra service that i got this round. issit paying rm65 is too high or low or just reasonable? please advice. thks.
bro leeman, when do you think your MP will be in full operation? meaning not only with 1 ML but various type of MLs. i'm looking forward for your update and i'll definately revisit your place.
27-06-2007, 10:37 AM
Nice Fr up there...make me steam liao!
keep it up bro...
27-06-2007, 03:30 PM
name: Lina or Nina (can't remember)
age: 29
type: indo
look: 6/10, chubby look but sweet
massage: 5/10, good for those wanna sleep during massage
boobs: 34b (my guest) with small tits.
AR: yes, allow to finger her and basically suck & lick her top freely.
BBBJ: yes, 9/10. she BBBJ without hand when i was about to unload
CIM: yes, 10/10
FJ: no
GFE: 9/10
Return: yes, when more MLs available.
Damage: 80 (massage + batin) + 65 for extra
Bro RB-Man great FR! This looks like joint I need to stick my hands and other body parts on!
27-06-2007, 11:56 PM
hey bro leeman, i went to your new MP at Cheras Miharja (NF) last weekend and i was quite disappointed la. i reached there at 5.30 Sat and the receptionist told there is only ONE ML working that day. :confused:
where are the rest? PRC, NL, Pino etc...
basically suck & lick her top freely.
BBBJ: yes, 9/10. she BBBJ without hand when i was about to unload
CIM: yes, 10/10
FJ: no
GFE: 9/10
Return: yes, when more MLs available.
Damage: 80 (massage + batin) + 65 for extra
Thanx for the FR Bro! I try the best i can to find more ML soon! Will update sooni find an egg.......But wait it hatches 1st Bro some need training!
28-06-2007, 12:31 AM
Thanx for the FR Bro! I try the best i can to find more ML soon! Will update sooni find an egg.......But wait it hatches 1st Bro some need training!
bro leeman... while waiting for the eggs to hatch maybe you can transfer some MLs from other branch to help out first la... temporary mah :p
customer 1st impression is veli important for new business, especially servicing business like MP. whether they return or not will depends on this 1st impression :D. anyway, keep it up and i'm still waiting for the eggs to hatch.
28-06-2007, 12:44 AM
Nice Fr up there...make me steam liao!
keep it up bro...
steam leh.... honestly, when i was writing this FR i'm still enjoying the sensation moment i had that day with the ML. the more i write the more i steam!!! sei beh song ah.... :D
can't wait to pay 2nd visit but too bad, bro leeman said need to wait for the eggs to hatch :(. no choice but wait lor.
btw all RB sifu, any nice MP + ML to share around KL?
after so many HJ MP, would like to share a serious MP without hanky panky service. ML really pro in massage. sometimes, we really need to have a good massage to release stress. stay tune....
28-06-2007, 09:36 AM
Love your FR. Go of most of the spa around KL, talk to captain, tell them to their face "I want massage, no hanky panky" They normally have 1 to two good one there.
Else try xiang xin at bukit bintang. Open concept, no room, only see thru silk hang around. Nice MP, nice environment, no hanky panky.
28-06-2007, 01:17 PM
For a no hanky-panky massage place I would recommend on own experience the Thai Odyssey outlets. Mostly Thai girls working there and its veeeeery good massage, use tiger balm on the back and do spinal rolls and what not.
Highly recommended, they have outlets at 1 Utama, Midvalley, JB City square and Jusco Seremban to name a few.. I have only done the midvalley one, near jusco entrance at car park.. Only have 3-4 private rooms there so maybe have to book in advance.
About RM100 for 2 hour, RM89 for 90 minutes no tipping required..
30-06-2007, 02:49 PM
Went to O**** Inn last week for the massage package.
Captain recommended me a girl, so I went in the room and waited. 2 minutes later there was a knock on the door and came in this okay looking prc. I decided to take a shower first and she just waited patiently on the bed. Communication was nil (0) as i cant speak nor understand mandarin. The massage was okay only, and the she popped the question. HJ for 50, FJ for 100. I agree to the hj and it really just a hj, nothing else.
Name : Siew Ling
Age: below 25 yo
Type: PRC
Look: 6/10, chubby but fair
Massage: 5/10
Boobs: 32B
HJ : 5/10
AR: Yes, but without removing anything for HJ, if FJ then different.
FJ: Yes for rm100
RTM : Nope.
Damage: RM 88 for massage, RM 50 for the extra.
Went L*** D* I** a few days back. Had a look at their service girls and ALL also cannot make it so decided to just go for a massage.
Went into the room, high bed configuration. A local chinese girl walked in, was very friendly. Massage was nice and soothing, asked me what I wanted after the massage was finished then I asked her back, what she offered, she said 50 for hj and 120 for fj. Then I was like what about just bj, she said 120 so I opt for just the hj. And during the hj i tried to AR, she dont let me touch her boobs, she said can touch other parts but not there.
In my mind I was thinking nothing really that nice to touch other than there on her body, her tummy and her ass quite big . . the HJ was good though, finished and she showered me and we bid our goodbyes.
Name : May
Age: 32 yo
Type: local
Look: 6/10, chubby, got tummy
Massage: 8/10
Boobs: 32B
HJ: 8/10
FJ: Yes for rm120
Damage : RM 83 for massage, RM 50 for the extra service.
30-06-2007, 04:05 PM
Oscar Inn, right?
Lisa de Inn, right?
Do I win anything? :D
01-07-2007, 02:26 AM
Oscar Inn, right?
Lisa de Inn, right?
Do I win anything? :D
isn't there a rule not to mention the full name of the MP? if that is the case then i don't think you deserve anything from your answers lo... :p
01-07-2007, 12:54 PM
No, there is no such rule.
I posted that because I find it pointless. If I can decipher the names so can everyone including the anti-vice.
01-07-2007, 01:48 PM
No, there is no such rule.
I posted that because I find it pointless. If I can decipher the names so can everyone including the anti-vice.
agree with you.
01-07-2007, 03:21 PM
One way the masking could help, would be fact that this forum wouldnt come up in any search results in Google and whatever if searching for that perticular MP/HC. But since already been typed 100s of times not much point in masking in future..
But I agree, i am sure the MIB already know about this place :p
02-07-2007, 04:44 PM
you are going to get a good smacking from the seniors here :p
lan kiang chor ho, mai kay kiang......... haha.............
isn't there a rule not to mention the full name of the MP? if that is the case then i don't think you deserve anything from your answers lo... :p
03-07-2007, 01:01 AM
you are going to get a good smacking from the seniors here :p
lan kiang chor ho, mai kay kiang......... haha.............
sorry bro retepoet, i'm not hokkien so don't really get what you mean above. can anyone translate?
anyway, this is a public forum and everyone is free to make their own posting. so whether the full MP name is provided or not is up to individual to judge/decide. but for me, i'll still prefer PM rather then mention it in the public. otherwise, what is the purpose of having the PM function in the forum. :)
03-07-2007, 02:11 AM
Am I a Samster..? :confused:
07-07-2007, 04:12 PM
I am a newbie and this is my first FR. So please forgive me if I make any mistake or for not using the right abbreviations.
Last night I was feeling very horny and went to the MP that Brothers Grim recommended (opposite Kanna Banana Leaf Restaurant. If I did not remember wrongly the name of the chain is “R*l*x K**sk”). It took me a while to find that shop as it is located on the 2nd floor and the sign was very small. This MP is above the motorcycle repair shop and as I stepped in I asked for Captain Ken** but he is not around. So a PRC inside asked me whether I want to take a massage or not (duh! Of course, why would I step into you shop if I wasn’t intending to have a massage session)
The same girl that greeted me at the door led me into the room. The girl asked me whether I have any ML that I am familiar with. I then asked who is available (I was actually thinking of getting either Judy, Crystal or Xue Li). She said only 3 girls available (ML1, ML2, and Xue Li [sorry lah, cannot remember too many names] :o). So you cheongsters know which one I picked la. I stripped naked and lie down on the mattress waiting and kinda excited to see how Xue Li looked like.
When she stepped in I was not disappointed. She has quite a pair of big eyes and her looks and body are to my liking (she actually looked like one of the trainers in my ex-company that I really liked to peek at). She then started to apply some oil and begun the massage session. The massage was good and from her methods I can see that she had attended some massage training. I then asked her some basic information about herself such as age, province in China, occupation in China, where she learned her massage skills and so on to get the conversation started (from the conversation I found that the PRC greeted me on the door was Judy and Crystal left). We chatted quite a lot as she performs her mastery massage skills on me and finally……. THE QUESTION!
This part is quite interesting. She did not ask the question like other PRCs that I’ve tried in other chains. Her exact words were: “要巴丁吗? ” (means “want batin?” and she actually said “BATIN” and not 打飞机 [da fei ji]). I was really impressed. Until she asked again: “Oi Da Fei Kei Mou?” (Cantonese version of want batin or not). Asked until like that, of course cannot say no lar.
She then proceeded to rub some oil on my Didi and stroked it gently. After a while she asked me: “要从后面来吗?” (mau belakang mari?). I was thinking: “Oh my gosh, this is my fucking lucky day, didn’t have a belakang batin for a long long time already”. I quickly put myself for a behind batin position and she started playing with my asshole and juggling my balls. And then she asked started stroking my didi from behind (man, the feeling was……more than FANTABULOUS :D). Then she kept telling me that she is a newbie for behind batin (indeed, not as good as those experienced Sabahan but very very good for a PRC). I then taught her a bit on how to do belakang batin from my experience as a “batin receiver”. After about 10 minutes of belakang batin she asked me to turn in front. She was still sitting in between my legs and naturally I can’t AR lar. So I asked her to come sit beside me and then after I AR a bit I asked her to take off her top. She said normally batin where got take off shirt one. I said: “You friends Crystal and Judy also take off top lar” (thanks to Brothers GRIM). She then removed her top and I started fondling her breasts. Her nipples were long, sharp and dark (to my liking) and her pairs felt like water balloons (don’t know what else to describe them). She then asked whether her batin skills are good enough or not (she said she did not get the opportunity to learn from batin master Crystal). I then shared some of my experience with other ML with her and we both actually used my didi as a “white mouse” to experiment different methods of stroking. It was damn fun and felt like I am in paradise. While we were playing, she told me that massaging is very tiring, so I made a deal with her that the next time I visit, I am gonna give her a full body massage (I am so looking forward to it). After playing for some time (I think more than 20 minutes) she asked me whether I wanna suck her nipples (no need to ask la, who would reject?). At last, I exploded while sucking her nipplelicious tits and of course, grabbing her ass at the same time.
While I was dressing up she came and hugged me and told me to come back soon to give her a massage. And a message to Grim C, she asked you to go back and find her so that she can thank you for recommending me to her.
Name: Xue Li (雪丽)
Age: 29 (she told me not to tell anyone but brothers must share everything ma)
Face: 7.5/10 (I like her looks)
Massage: 8.0/10 (well trained)
Batin: 9/10 (not just an ordinary batin, we played a lot)
AR: 7/10 (so far only managed to tit suck, haven’t explore her Amazon down south yet, but it is only a matter of time)
GFE: 10/10 (very friendly, always concerned of how you feel during massage/batin)
RTM: 200% YES to give her a massage (in fact I am thinking of going now)
Damage: RM 48 massage + RM 50 batin (standard) + RM 5 (I gave her extra, did not intend to be market spoiler but her service was really good. And also the more you tip, the more surprise you get on your next visit)
P/S: I told her that I would recommend some brothers, so the next time you guys go just say that the guy that is over 1.9meter tall recommended.
Happy Cheonging
09-07-2007, 09:34 AM
scary experience in PJ areas.
1) SS2
went to kiosk few times and really enjoy it, then there is once i went there the shop is close door were lock i try to to knock on the door..and someone came and open up the door. she ask me is it wan to msg. got in and she lock back the door. noone were there, just 2 mls only. light were off..only the rooms light are on. while msging me someone were pressing the door bell ding dong ding dong... she said just ignore it.. dunno who is out there...MIB?... felt so insecure...
2) Atria area
went there last week too... when half way msging..suddenly outside shouting ask those gals go out...i overheard something like raid like my heart i said tiu lor... still need to go for meeting later....boss will kill me man..if i got in to that roti car... after a while the girl came in..
she said just a pre coution... my didi also no mood lioaw pay for the msg and left..
09-07-2007, 07:59 PM
scary experience in PJ areas.
1) SS2
went to kiosk few times and really enjoy it, then there is once i went there the shop is close door ...
2) Atria area
went there last week too... when half way msging..suddenly outside shouting ask those gals go out ...
walau eehh... if i were you, the first think in my mind would be "tiu lor, how to explain to the HM leh?". luckily, you still around to post ur FR :p
what time you visited the MP? i think normally the MIB will raid at night. afternoon would be safer. correct or not, all sifu?
09-07-2007, 11:42 PM
Wierd those raids, was at my fav Kepong joint some nights ago, around 11pm suddenly all MLs were asked out to front desk - there were people there to check for permits and whatnot. About 10 mins later they all came back and continued as if nothing happend..
Try telling that to a flattened didi, was in middle of the batin even, she just rolled me over like i was dogh told me to stay put - gee as if I was going to join them out at counter like this :D
She was a good girl tho, managed to get little bro working again and finished him off :cool:
11-07-2007, 12:34 AM
both also around 3pm le..
i tot afternoon is safer...
but seems like now noon also not always safe lioaw...
12-07-2007, 10:53 AM
.....was in middle of the batin even, she just rolled me over like i was dogh told me to stay put - ................
Hahaha... bro, in the middle of Batin and just rolled you over, huh??
Jst felt pity for the matress AND the flooring. Must have pierced through both, rite? ;)
Kekekeke.... joking, bro. :p So, still going strong in those batin joints, huh?
12-07-2007, 11:20 AM
Kekekeke.... joking, bro. :p So, still going strong in those batin joints, huh?Not just those batin joints. By now he should be SR Uncle Lim's godson.:p
12-07-2007, 01:49 PM
heard from my frnds that the lotus joint there got raided also, any bros care to confirm as to whether are they still operating as i'm going back to KL soon again.....
Wierd those raids, was at my fav Kepong joint some nights ago, around 11pm suddenly all MLs were asked out to front desk - there were people there to check for permits and whatnot. About 10 mins later they all came back and continued as if nothing happend..
Try telling that to a flattened didi, was in middle of the batin even, she just rolled me over like i was dogh told me to stay put - gee as if I was going to join them out at counter like this :D
She was a good girl tho, managed to get little bro working again and finished him off :cool:
12-07-2007, 05:46 PM
Hi Bro in the rooms...
Just to drop by to say HI first. I'm kinda retired from the cheongster activities for a long long time. But now kinda itchy abit ... I've been going thru this forum for a week. I find that there's a lot of new stuff even since my retirements .. haha :D.
Anyway, thanks for the info .... least, I'm still able to keep myself up-to-date info here. Well to all the current tai kor tai kor .... Keep up the good work
Guess you know what i Like ....haha ....
14-07-2007, 02:35 AM
Jst felt pity for the matress AND the flooring. Must have pierced through both, rite? Kekekeke.... joking, bro.
So, still going strong in those batin joints, huh?
Well, i took a bullet for the sake of the girls safety and place survival and pinned the matress to the floor nevermind the pain :D
Actually not going Batin so much anymore, mostly doing regular professional (cheaper) massages these days. Also - as bro shiok1968 rightly pointed out, I have found a different bodypart to insert my didi into then just a HAND lol
Next up will be the EAR :eek:
So maybe consider me semi-retired from the Batin business - MAYBE!
Uncle's godson? Hmm so thats why he look at me funny these days hehehe
14-07-2007, 01:48 PM
I am a newbie and this is my first FR. So please forgive me if I make any mistake or for not using the right abbreviations.
Last night I was feeling very horny and went to the MP that Brothers Grim recommended (opposite Kanna Banana Leaf Restaurant. If I did not remember wrongly the name of the chain is “R*l*x K**sk”).
Name: Xue Li (雪丽)
Age: 29 (she told me not to tell anyone but brothers must share everything ma)
Face: 7.5/10 (I like her looks)
Massage: 8.0/10 (well trained)
Batin: 9/10 (not just an ordinary batin, we played a lot)
AR: 7/10 (so far only managed to tit suck, haven’t explore her Amazon down south yet, but it is only a matter of time)
GFE: 10/10 (very friendly, always concerned of how you feel during massage/batin)
Happy Cheonging
boss,can tell me where the place?i want to try it,thx a lot~~hehe
16-07-2007, 02:08 AM
boss,can tell me where the place?i want to try it,thx a lot~~hehe
it's on section 19, spend the whole day and 20 RM just to find kana restaurant... becouse someone said it was on section 17 :eek: kacau... if still cant find just drop by at lisa de inn and ask where's kana curry house :D can walk already... just opposite kana
sorry cant give to much info, in case got some regulation i didnt know
TC: 48 (Msg 1 hr) + 50 (HJ)
19-07-2007, 04:48 PM
it's on section 19, spend the whole day and 20 RM just to find kana restaurant
Dude, the area so small you can spend whole day and RM20 to find the restaurant?
19-07-2007, 09:23 PM
actually after u told me the place,did some recon and found it after littlewhile. was 2 late so will try another day. not easy to find if u end up the wrong direction !! anyway, small entrance and with the words starting with R 1st flor for any bro who wants to go
20-07-2007, 04:10 PM
Recently, a ML by the name of Peggy is very famous in Puchong. Anyone have tried her?
5 Star Services with 2 Star Charges only. DAMN CHEAP.
2 hours = massage + BBBJ + CIM + FJ + AF (within 120 minutes, up to you how many rounds you can go on) = RM130.00
20-07-2007, 04:12 PM
Recently, a ML by the name of Peggy is very famous in Puchong. Anyone have tried her?
5 Star Services with 2 Star Charges only. DAMN CHEAP.
2 hours = massage + BBBJ + CIM + FJ + AF (within 120 minutes, up to you how many rounds you can go on) = RM130.00
My dear Shifu,
No one will ever beat u as the super lobang king! :p Will call u now.
20-07-2007, 04:22 PM
My dear Shifu,
No one will ever beat u as the super lobang king! :p Will call u now.
Dekuip, pls keep the contact no. P&C. Only pass to those we really know.
I really ENJOYED the Service from Peggy.
20-07-2007, 04:25 PM
bruder mind to share the location we can try also.
20-07-2007, 04:29 PM
Dekuip, pls keep the contact no. P&C. Only pass to those we really know.
I really ENJOYED the Service from Peggy.
Sure i will my Shifu, i never share contacts that i have gain from sbf.. i only share contact i gain from my non samsters frens.
Btw.. thanks for the contact.. also the funny story. hahaha.. i will attend the anual diner next month. Glad to see MK brothers again. :D
20-07-2007, 05:13 PM
Hi Bro,
I am new to Puchong. Can I know how to find Peggy in Puchong ?
21-07-2007, 04:26 AM
Wow, really a super duper GOOD deal~
21-07-2007, 05:14 AM
Sure i will my Shifu, i never share contacts that i have gain from sbf.. i only share contact i gain from my non samsters frens.
Btw.. thanks for the contact.. also the funny story. hahaha.. i will attend the anual diner next month. Glad to see MK brothers again. :D
Dekuip, tks for the Klang contact earlier. But worried now cos, no speak hokkien lei. Puchong is nearer to me than Klang. Pls PM me the contact. TQ !!!
21-07-2007, 09:47 AM
Dekuip, pls keep the contact no. P&C. Only pass to those we really know.
I really ENJOYED the Service from Peggy.
Sure i will my Shifu, i never share contacts that i have gain from sbf.. i only share contact i gain from my non samsters frens.
Btw.. thanks for the contact.. also the funny story. hahaha.. i will attend the anual diner next month. Glad to see MK brothers again. :D
Hi Bro,
I am new to Puchong. Can I know how to find Peggy in Puchong ?
Pls read!! As i have promised to my sifu, Peggy contact will not be share...
21-07-2007, 12:30 PM
Pls read!! As i have promised to my sifu, Peggy contact will not be share... Other people cannot share, then me can share or not??:p
When you free to have kopi?? Dun tell so busy until forget good friends already?;)
21-07-2007, 03:54 PM
Wasted, I'm a regular reader here, but not a regular cheongster due to limited pocket size.
For the puchong deal, really a very hard to come across deal~
Hope to have more bro here can be more caring, cause caring = sharing~
21-07-2007, 04:51 PM
Other people cannot share, then me can share or not??:p
When you free to have kopi?? Dun tell so busy until forget good friends already?;)
shiok1968, detail in MK VIP Port Info.
22-07-2007, 10:50 AM
shiok1968, detail in MK VIP Port Info.Thanks Sifu Selim.:D
Actually just joking with my good bro DeKuip.:)
22-07-2007, 11:02 AM
Other people cannot share, then me can share or not??:p
When you free to have kopi?? Dun tell so busy until forget good friends already?;)
Tot u are only in drinking lubang? Anyway bro DeKuip use to have drinks in a nice NL pub in DP.. but will visit Leeman's pub when his gang are back from Chiangmai end of this week.
25-07-2007, 11:16 PM
was at my fren's place last friday... had a few drinks at his place then decided to go for a drive at abt 1 a.m... klang town was quiet at tat time... we drove passed GC hotel and decided to go up to check out hte stocks... due to pocket limitation, we only go for massage..
had an indon.. she is abt 26~27.. huge boobs... after abt 40 mins massage, then she asked if wanna massage my didi... with 50 bucs extra.. she took off her top during hte session and allow boob sucking and kissing too...
here is the stat:
gal: #109
boobs: atleast 35D
nation: indon
massage: 7.5/10
body: 9/10
attitude: 8/10
damage: 48 + 50
26-07-2007, 09:04 PM
well, after all the recommendations by bro Sexscream, tried his Batin place yesterday.
PRC came and opened the door. Was impressed with her smile and friendliness. Told me 2 others are working and she is available. Intro herself as Yu Yu Or Yo Yo
Well looked pretty good with nice boobies. Proceeded to room for massage. I would rate the massage as very good, with sufficient strength. During the massage, we started yakking and she is very friendly. So decided to be her english sifu. Wah she pick up quite fast, man. Had a great time getting her to pronounce words. Told me she is from Xiamen.
Before I know it, she grabbed my didi from the back. Shiok shiok lar. Turned over and she insisted on massaging my back from the head position. Her boobies were resting on my face while she was straining to massage my back with me lying down. Told her to stop and she proceeded to full batin. Meanwhile her blouse was lifted and I had a full view of size 36 staring at me. How to resist????? No need to say what I did !!
Well, long story short, she had a good time and so did I. Anything but No sex please, she said. You gotta respect the girl !!
Overall rate as a 8/10 (Batin and +++++)
Appearance : 7/10, Boobs at least a 35 /36
Friendliness : 8.5/10
Body : Good curves
HJ : well, a 7.0/10 (she rushed me a bit here as I was taking my time) - minus 1 point !!
Place : many rooms but proper bath room - anyway not needed.
Told her that I will recommend more bros to "test" her - she giggled like a schoolgirl.
Up my points if bros like what I write, hehe
27-07-2007, 05:55 PM
Aha... looks like Relax Kiosk is doin well now...
Its good to know that our contribution has benefited our fellow Samsters...
For other bro Samsters who are not familiar with what i'm sayin...
PLEASE visit RELAX KIOSK at Section 17, Opposite Kanna Curry House for a "GOOD TIME!!" :D
27-07-2007, 07:35 PM
Aha... looks like Relax Kiosk is doin well now...
Its good to know that our contribution has benefited our fellow Samsters...
For other bro Samsters who are not familiar with what i'm sayin...
PLEASE visit RELAX KIOSK at Section 17, Opposite Kanna Curry House for a "GOOD TIME!!" :D
just want to correction bro grim, at section 19.... quite sure coz last time went there with taxy travel along section 17 twice. section 17 ends at Lisa de Inn's circle. :D
27-07-2007, 07:53 PM
aiyah why so distinct one?? This is a small joint and easily TUTUP. Better not be like dat next time ar
27-07-2007, 11:30 PM
aiyah why so distinct one?? This is a small joint and easily TUTUP. Better not be like dat next time ar
Eerrrr.... if someone wanted to know the details of its location they can easily read all the previous threads and get more detailed info than what i've said so it makes no diff... I'm just helping out others who haven't been keepin up with our batin thread... :rolleyes:
27-07-2007, 11:35 PM
Moving on... Me and my brothers just got back from Relax Kiosk....
We indeed had a good time... we shall post our detailed reviews soon enough... In a nut shell the summary of our outing would be... "Service: A+" :D
28-07-2007, 09:32 AM
Eerrrr.... if someone wanted to know the details of its location they can easily read all the previous threads and get more detailed info than what i've said so it makes no diff... I'm just helping out others who haven't been keepin up with our batin thread... :rolleyes:
Totally agree & got my full support on Bro Grim's stand. What is there to hide? You think the MIB will need to rely on the info from our thread to track down all these joints. Don't thinks so!
Many joints & HC would have been busted down if they really act on the info from our thread.
28-07-2007, 11:53 AM
Totally agree & got my full support on Bro Grim's stand. What is there to hide? You think the MIB will need to rely on the info from our thread to track down all these joints. Don't thinks so! Actually there is what you call the PM function. Why dun you guys make full use of it:rolleyes:
28-07-2007, 04:14 PM
Was at a MP run by a bro here. Heard a lot of it from bros here and decided to give it a try. Situated at Miharja, Cheras. Above nasi kandar. Arrive there at 2.15pm, rang the door bell and was greeted by a young, petite lady. Not sure if she’s local or not. The interior was very nice and comfy. Great work bro. She then briefed me about the packages offered. Chose the 1 hour body massage with batin. She then lead me to the room. We walk through a passage way with a few stepping stones… I was wow….bro here really gave it a thought.. thumbs up for the deco and interior..
Change into shorts provided in the room and waited. Then came a Thai lady. At 1st the dimmed lights made me not able to see her clearly. But can she is on the plump side and boobs are quite inviting. She call herself ‘M’. Then started the massage. The massage was ok, would be better if she could use a little more strength in it. Maybe U’m too skinny and she was afraid she’ll break a bone.. hahaha…Then my eyes got use to the lighting and saw her. Looks wise not in the category of pretty and can see she isn’t young. What the heck, doesn’t bother me much actually.
Then came the batin. Batin wise was more to jerking off. Place some baby oil onto her palms and started stroking. As I could not unload, I politely ask if I could AR. She said sure but with some tips. Ask for RM30. Now I think that’s a bit on the high side. Nego till RM20. Not sure if it’s still high. But anyway… off her blouse and came out the knockers. Quite a good handful as I grad hold of it. Within 5 minutes, I unloaded.
Wipe off and she gave me another 10 minutes massage on my back. Dress up and gave her RM20 but still trying her luck for more. Well since there is another 5 in my wallet, I gave her.
Walk out to the reception and only to find a young man there. Paid up and went off.
Name: ‘M’
Origin: Thailand
Looks: 6/10
Boob: 7/10
Massage: 7/10
Batin: 6/10
WIR: sure coz saw some young ML when I left.
Damage: RM85 for 1 hour massage with batin and tips RM25.
Again, great work on the interior bro.
28-07-2007, 08:58 PM
Moving on... Me and my brothers just got back from Relax Kiosk....
Anyother place to recomend?
Was at a MP run by a bro here. Heard a lot of it from bros here and decided to give it a try. Situated at Miharja, Cheras. Above nasi kandar. Arrive there at 2.15pm, rang the door bell and was greeted by a young, petite lady. Not sure if she’s local or not. .
Just drop by there for a massage.. nice place really feel like home.. Yeah the casher can do me anytime.. kekeke.. only she have bigger (.)(.)... sigh..
Even its just a shot 1 hour massage I will say not bad..
29-07-2007, 01:34 AM
MP Cheras Miharja
Name: ‘M’
Origin: Thailand
Looks: 6/10
Boob: 7/10
Massage: 7/10
Batin: 6/10
WIR: sure coz saw some young ML when I left.
Damage: RM85 for 1 hour massage with batin and tips RM25.
Again, great work on the interior bro. Thanx Bro fir your FR!
29-07-2007, 01:50 PM
Anyother place to recommend
Actually bro... to be perfectly honest we've tried a few MP's around PJ area and this place is addictive cos the service is good and it'll definitely leave u sex-tified once uve left the place...
Condition of the rooms are good as well... ambiance is equally important as the service in my opinion and this place has it both...
Try out ML: Judy, Yoyo, Shelly and mention that the 3Brothers recommended them to you and i'm pretty sure they'll give u a good service...
Currently there happens to be one new ML who was test driven by my friend and he said she was good... Oh and btw there is one more PRC coming in this week...
29-07-2007, 04:04 PM
Actually bro... to be perfectly honest we've tried a few MP's around PJ area and this place is addictive cos the service is good and it'll definitely leave u sex-tified once uve left the place...
Thanks man as you can see I am mostly handout around KL or cheras area.. will drop by there if I am around PJ..
30-07-2007, 01:01 PM
Just drop by there for a massage.. nice place really feel like home.. Yeah the casher can do me anytime.. kekeke.. only she have bigger (.)(.)... sigh..
Even its just a shot 1 hour massage I will say not bad..
Do agree on that bro boinker... she really have the looks... not sure if she's a ML herself...
30-07-2007, 01:16 PM
Even its just a shot 1 hour massage I will say not bad..
Not bad means u have screwed loh... aiya.. tot tonite wanna go recce a NL KTV with u. :o
30-07-2007, 04:25 PM
any bros here got gd lobang for batin in kepong area :) many tks in advance....
01-08-2007, 01:10 PM
i am going to sri hartamas....can any friends here introduce massage place to me..........leeman? where the location ??
02-08-2007, 11:23 AM
any bros here got gd lobang for batin in kepong area :) many tks in advance....
went to Carrefour yesterday, this shop is next next to kopitiam....MJ, HJ, BJ, FJ....'batin' not sure...overall 5/10;)
02-08-2007, 03:44 PM
5/10 only?
what's the damage over there?
02-08-2007, 05:28 PM
5/10 only?
what's the damage over there?
yeah...i would only rate her 5/10 overall, not sure with other girls ...
damage is 60/ depends on girl, mine was 70
02-08-2007, 06:51 PM
bro drydust
are u referring to the one on whereby the girls all wear a red overall :p... care to pm the name of the shop ? is is the big one with a big tv there ?
02-08-2007, 10:48 PM
this is my first ever massage experience, so fellow bro please forgive me if i say anything wrong.
went to SS19 massage center yesterday at noon, called R*L** K**S*. Had a hard time finding it, cause the sign was so small. walk up the stairs saw an office on the first floor, then continue walking up the stairs, reach the second floor peep through the window saw a few lady sitting ten proceed to walk up another floor. but half way walking i was thinking to my self, that lady at the second floor looks like there are PRC, so go back down and know at the glass panel. one lady open the door later found out that she is Judy. not bad looking.
As i am very fresh, i stand there upon entering the door and just stand until the lady told me to take off my shoe and put it at the corner then a lady who was lying at the sofa stood up and ask me to follow her.
go in to room ask me to strip naked and ask me if its my first time. i said yes then she ask me what service i wan.
I ask her back what service they got.
She reply by saying normal massage RM48
Beat Aeroplane is RM50
so i say i want massage cause really tired.
so did massage for a good 50minute. she is quite chatty talk alot. she say her name is sherlly, she got married and divorce dy, got parents and son to take care. the son is 10yo and she plan to send her son to Malaysia to study. she also say i look young and ask me how old i am. told her 23, she was stunt, say she can become my mother dy. wonder how old she really is.
after massage the back the ask me to turn arround and start masage the front part. nothing much, the the leg area, then ask me wanna start beat aero plane? then she continue to say that beat aero plan is RM50. I ask what other service got, she say body massage for RM100. then i ask wanna make love got or not, she ask me to give hp no, if she feel like making love will call me. haha, i think she trying to make me happy only. then say beat aeroplane enough she ask me to try body massage and promise i will be satisfied, then i hesitate for a moment, then say i only got RM90(really broke dy) so she say since i new RM90 can.
after agreeing, she proceed to take off her shirt and bra. then began to pour baby oil on her body and then start rubbing her body against mine. my first time doing this, feeling really good and her hand keep massaging my small bro. then she use the breast to massage my small bro, small bro standing tall like KL Tower dy. haha
then after some action moving around the put her breast near my mouth and ask me to suck her siu long pau hard. so i began feeding my self on those two pau like a hungry man who never eat for weeks while she keep massaging my small bro. the harder i suck her the harder she massage my small bro. her breast seems small cause i can fit the whole breast into my hungry mouth. dont really know how to rate the size of breast(any bro willing to provide lesson with live models, hehe). while sucking and being massage i tried to reach down to her pants and try to unzip her, but the stop me. tried to reach down few times but she stop me say i very naughty, she also say guys very greedy, give this than want more and more. haha, i reply by saying if guys are not notty, girls dont like. guess what she reply, she say that only apply to stupid girls. after that the masage me faster and faster and soon enough my small bro exploded.
actually i am still a student below 22 but never tell her lah cause i thought to myself, who will tell the truth anyway.
thats about my experience, please give some comment.
Name: Sherlly
Origin: China
Looks: 6/10
Boob: 7/10 (not saggy)
Massage: 8/10 (first time, so it seems good to me)
Batin: 6/10.
Damage: RM48 for 1 hour massage and RM100 for body massage and batin. So total spend RM148 there. izzit abit expensive? please give me some guidance bro.
any bro got any cheap good contact that is cheap or free or any one willing to sponsor this poor student? i am very keen to learn about the pleasure trade.
03-08-2007, 10:20 AM
the total cost is RM138 and not RM148. sorry for the minor error made there.
cheers bro
03-08-2007, 10:46 AM
bro drydust
are u referring to the one on whereby the girls all wear a red overall :p... care to pm the name of the shop ? is is the big one with a big tv there ? overall? dont think so.... big tv(projector) yes! u drink kopi?(kopitiam)
03-08-2007, 11:30 AM
Went to a MP in Metro Prima, Kepong. Saw the Okt, asked me why so long didnt come, just answered busy. Saw the ML who i took her last time. Okt said that there is a new CKT ML just report to work 2 days back. I said ok but just massage only. Okt puased a while and told me that she has many PRC stock who staying in nearby condo. I told her that just need massage as body damn tired, in fact i scared kena raid only.
Here are the summary
Name: Forgot
Race: Ckt
Age: 27 according to okt, but she looks like 30++
Look: 3/10
Skill: 4/10
Batin: Yes
Body: Short and a bit plum
Boobs: 34B
Autoroaming: Yes
Damange: 38 for batin / session, extra RM 50 for batin (in fact is PCC)
WIR: Yes, but not this ckt.
03-08-2007, 12:11 PM
went to Carrefour yesterday, this shop is next next to kopitiam....MJ, HJ, BJ, FJ....'batin' not sure...overall 5/10;)
My chairman, u should go 1 floor higher.. yesterday i went with DD Elite Group second ranking bro Boinker. Both of us took 1 hour 'kiok pan on mor'.. din took the massage coz need to go meet bro's Niento and Cibai CibLover and others..
Again not bad lah.. kili kulu a bit will have more fun.
Damage RM33 + 7 tip.
03-08-2007, 03:04 PM
thanks for the info from some bros here :) i went to one in metro prima last nite too, in fact i've been there b4... i must say the massage is ok but the batin is a waste of $$$ cause the ambience is a turn off... had this prob in my last visit too, while doing batin u can hear the girls talking & laughing loudly outside :( like a fish market, really turn me off.... suggest bros not to try the batin if u there thou the massage is gd..... the name is l_ t _ s and on the 1st flr... told the ML i wont be going there anymore, waste my $$$
03-08-2007, 05:11 PM
.... suggest bros not to try the batin if u there thou the massage is gd..... the name is l_ t _ s and on the 1st flr... told the ML i wont be going there anymore, waste my $$$
fren, u shud go to the 1 oppo. lotus...more pasar malam sound, only piak..piak..sound:p
.... My chairman, u should go 1 floor higher.. yesterday i went with DD Elite Group second ranking bro Boinker. Both of us took 1 hour 'kiok pan on mor'.. din took the massage coz need to go meet bro's Niento and Cibai CibLover and others..
u open 1 thread for 'kiok pan on mor la'....this is batin aka tarfeikei aka jar gugu aka gau lan thread!...but hearsay those kiok pan on mor grand master can make u unload by touching only yr. kiok pan without touching yr. gugu:eek: ...keng mou?
04-08-2007, 10:13 AM
u open 1 thread for 'kiok pan on mor la'....this is batin aka tarfeikei aka jar gugu aka gau lan thread!...but hearsay those kiok pan on mor grand master can make u unload by touching only yr. kiok pan without touching yr. gugu:eek: ...keng mou?
I open 'Kiok Pan On Ma'!!! :D hur hur..
Foot massage + body massage.
04-08-2007, 04:55 PM
bro drydust
care to pm the plc, opp lotus have meh :p i know there is 3 in that row only :( the rest is over at carrefour that side rite ?
05-08-2007, 07:49 PM
Hi Bros,
After reading several post on SS19 MP, decided to went there for banana leaf lunch plus Massage Ha Ha.
Name: Yoyo
Look: Attached link to photo for you to judge
Body: Attached link to photo for you to judge
Massage: 7.5/10
Body Massage: 6.5/10 (Not enough exp)
Damage: 50 + 100
06-08-2007, 12:38 AM
Cool initiative with the pics bro, cant believe she agreed to it :cool:
06-08-2007, 09:17 AM
Hi All bro,
tried the MP at SS19 opposite kana curry house there, i will rate all the ML there age is around 25 - 33, but they can provide you good massage with tips of 50, your hand can raba raba anywhere you want hahaha. for all those bro if you are looking for good looking ML in this place, then you will be dissapointed abit lorr :), but if you looking for good masssage with raba raba, then you can give it a try.
tried lily last week.
name: lily
age: 25-26
boobs: a cup only
massage skill: good and accomodate
batin: RM 50, good and with raba-raba :)
some girls do provide body massage like yoyo and judy. but you need to pay RM100 plus batin hehe. if you are regular, the price is negotiable hahaha.
06-08-2007, 12:21 PM
Hello! Its been a long time since I post my last FR in this thread. As some of you might know, I am a regular "Batin-hunter" in KL. Been in and out of parlours, spas and such. I also cheonged in a few spas, so I know the deal. I have read so many post regarding batin sessions in health spas. I even read some post saying that if you intend to go there just for the massage, u would fell to your knees as the ML will ask you the question, "do you want a handjob for RM50?" or "You want my special body massage? Only RM100". But it never happened to me, I was the one who would ask the question to the ML.."Do you do batin?" or "Can u massage my penis?". So I decide to try out VIP Spa at Legend Hotel. My intention was NOT to ask the question, but let the ML dominate me for a change.
So, after coming in, was led to a safe deposit box for me to keep my valuables. Proceeded to the locker room. The last time I was there was probably 3 or 4 years ago. That time, the place was nice, very new. Now, the locker looks run down with dead cockroaches in the locker. I was dissapointed as VIP was one of my fav joints back then. Didnt waste time, took a short shower, went into the sauna for a good 15mins. Then went in the hot jacuzzi and took another shower. Got up, an Indian man approached me asking me what service do I want? Told him, I want a massage. Took me to the treatment room and a lady came to my aide. She asked me want Thai lady or ladies from PRC. Since I had to wait 20mins for the next PRC, I decided to take the Siam girl. So, I stripped naked, and came in Teep. She is quite a looker but she has plump body. Maybe she was wearing that VIP SPa tshirt. Then she massaged me.. Very good massage indeed. Much better than most masage I tried. But she doesnt talk much. So I told to myself, there goes the batin session for me. After a good 90mins, the massage was done. She took a clean shorts and wore it for me. I said to myself, I should just ask her the question. But the other voice in my head said otherwise. So after some Thai stretching, I signed her tip and went back to the locker room. Went to the lounge, ate some fried rice, paid up and left. Eventhough I was a bit dissapointed with the no-batin session, I was entirely pleased by her massage. She was good. ANd in order to fulfill my need to unload, went to Cititel, cheonged and burst! LOL. Here are the ratings:
AGE: I reckon she is about 30-32, about my age.
FACE: Quite a looker
BODY: Plump (maybe because of her loose Tshirt)
BOOBS: looks nice from the outside
Friendlyness: 4/10...doesnt talk much
Damage: RM149 (90mins oil Thai massage)+RM20 (Tip)
06-08-2007, 06:30 PM
Hello! So I decide to try out VIP Spa at Legend Hotel. My intention was NOT to ask the question, but let the ML dominate me for a change.
If not mistaken for what i have read somewhere, Legend hotel is a strictly no hanky-panky spa. Any brother can verify this? Please.
07-08-2007, 01:32 PM
Report from The STAR dated Tuesday 7 August 2007 :-
‘Men bored with marital sex after five years’ of marriage
ABOUT 80% of married men face erectile dysfunction five years into their marriage because of having a single sex partner, China Press reported yesterday.
It quoted Singapore's Dr Yu Wei Siang, who is otherwise known as Doctor Love, as saying that 50% of men faced the problem with their sex partner after being married for between three and five years and 80% of them after being married for five years.
The paper said it was normal for a married couple to experience low libido after having the same partner for a long period of time.
Dr Yu was invited by the Johor Baru Tionghua Federation to speak in Johor Baru about sex on Sunday.
Most members of the audience preferred to ask questions via SMS.
He advised married couples to take the trouble to look for new environment and stimulation.
--- KatoeyNewsNetwork
09-08-2007, 01:42 AM
Introducing NL ML Ms Awien! The Famous Nl from Lotus and lavender! Reverse Batin is her speciality! Her Sensual MAssage makes Bros Float in the AIR!!!!
Cheers and enjoy!
Ps: Sori no FR as RULEZ NO 1: Dont try my own Gals Massage! Only if they provide extra....FJ/BBBJ/DATY:p
Cheras MP..... Somewhere in CHERAS....
09-08-2007, 01:57 AM
Hi Bros,
After reading several post on SS19 MP, decided to went there for banana leaf lunch plus Massage Ha Ha.
Glad you liked the place bro... Hehe...
Yoyo is very accommodative too.. ;)
09-08-2007, 08:31 AM
has anyone tried mp in kota damansara? saw a few there yesterday with big signboard 'RM35'
09-08-2007, 01:16 PM
Introducing NL ML Ms Awien! The Famous Nl from Lotus and lavender! Reverse Batin is her speciality! Her Sensual MAssage makes Bros Float in the AIR!!!!
Cheers and enjoy!
Ps: Sori no FR as RULEZ NO 1: Dont try my own Gals Massage! Only if they provide extra....FJ/BBBJ/DATY:p
Cheras MP..... Somewhere in CHERAS....
bro, where is the place u referring to.... lotus or lavender ? lotus ambience sucks man bro, like a fish market :p the lady awien is from where ? sorry & many tks
09-08-2007, 03:21 PM
bro, where is the place u referring to.... lotus or lavender ? ....tks
He was advertising his own MP somewhere near Cheras. This ML is working previously from Lavender and Lotus. Now, working for leeman.
For more info, PM him.
09-08-2007, 09:16 PM
Hi Bros,
After reading several post on SS19 MP, decided to went there for banana leaf lunch plus Massage Ha Ha.
Name: Yoyo
Look: Attached link to photo for you to judge
Body: Attached link to photo for you to judge
Massage: 7.5/10
Body Massage: 6.5/10 (Not enough exp)
Damage: 50 + 100
Looks like Ms Amy use to work in my previous MP at chow yang area PJ! A Prc ML right????
09-08-2007, 10:35 PM
Dekuip, pls keep the contact no. P&C. Only pass to those we really know.
I really ENJOYED the Service from Peggy.
Bro can pls sent me the contact > Thanks
10-08-2007, 02:33 AM
Looks like Ms Amy use to work in my previous MP at chow yang area PJ! A Prc ML right????
Yupp... i think it shld be her la bro...
Heard a few people mention to me that she
used to work in Chow Yang before...
I think even Crystal worked for you too..
10-08-2007, 12:42 PM
I went to R***** K**** SS19 based on positive recommendations from bros in this thread. Easy to find as I'm quite familliar with PJ. Walked up the rather steep stairs and rang the door bell. Waited, waited, rang one answered. I looked inside saw a hot bowl of dunno what, maybe maggi or noodle soup, so I figured to myself, "there must be some one in there". Rang again. Still no answer. After the third ring, I got fed up and left. They must've thought I was a MIB as I am a Malay as I know not many malay know of this joint. They must've saw me on the CCTV and hid themselves. I am really dissapointed, so I left and wanted to go to SS2 to unload, but parking there is really a hassle. So I head off to the nearby Lisa De Inn...
There I was greeted by an OKT and he asked want package? I was sceptical about the available girls there, so I told him I want a good rub and see if later I wanna cheong or not. I asked to view the gals, but only 2 gals working as it was early. One of them have already enggaged to someone else, so that leave me with only one gal. I told him ok la, just take the gal lorr, if no choice. Was led to a room, where there were a bed, and an open bathroom. Stripped naked, and afetr 5 mins came in the lady. OMG...she's an Aunty! Theres no way Im gonna bang her! She is a local aunty with sexy cheongsam dress. Her massage was so poor, I dreaded to take her again. after about 40 mins, she asked me wanna cheong or not? I told her I just want a handjob as I dont have appetite to screw her. Hehe. But of course i didnt say that, I just told her I have a headache. So she agreed and told me body massage is RM100. Got it for RM80. She took off her clothes, went on top of me and performed. She purposely grind her pussy with my dick so that I change my mind. I didnt change my mind but kept on sucking her nipples. What to do??? I need to unload. I noticed she has armpit hair and her pubic hair is like Taman Negara, if u know what i mean. She asked me to finger her, so I did. after about 15-20 mins, I unloaded. She proceeded to the bathroom to clean up and asked me to lie down first. Then I showered, paid her RM80, left the room and paid for massage.
I still think I would be more satisfied if I were treated at R**** K***K. But what to do? No one came to my aide. So its a lose-lose situation la (I lose as I wasnt satisfied enuff, R**** K**** lose because lose 1 client). So be it...
NAME: Wendy (Lisa De Inn)
Face: guess she is 40!
Body: Not solid...remember, she IS 40!
Massage: 2/10
Friendlyness : 6/10...but its like talking to an aunty rather than talking to a ML. Hehe
Batin/Body Massage: 5/10...with fake moans when i fingered her. I think its to attract my attention in banging her so that she will get more money.
Damage: RM89 (Massage)+ RM80 (Body massage)
There you go bros. :)
10-08-2007, 03:36 PM
bro putrawk,
so sorry to hear about your experience. believe me, i had my share of bad ones too
10-08-2007, 04:16 PM
guys pls help i looking for the place in ss19,cant find it regards:cool:
10-08-2007, 11:13 PM
after bro here show me the location SS19, i was going there last few day ago....unfortunetely..4 of girl is working...have to wait for 40 minute ...Then i ask the captain (kenny) ist only ss19?then he told me that another place is puchong utama and Kinara.....then he show me the location again....i straight away drive to puchong utama...after reach there...he introduce me a melay girl (forget what name) 23 age....i go inside the room n take off ...after finish massage..she ask me wan batin ? i say ok...then i ask her back got ice-cream? she tell me rm100...i say too expensive ...dont want...she ask me how much u can give me..then i answer rm80...she straight say OK!! just a few minute...KAU TIM!! And the Kinara there..i was massage by a china girl name Crista (something like that ).... a lot of sabah n china i suggest go kinara better...
*sorry cos my english very poor...hahahahaha
11-08-2007, 10:16 AM
guys pls help i looking for the place in ss19,cant find it regards:cool:Buy a street directory. Now selling at Popular for RM46 only.:p
11-08-2007, 11:51 AM
I know there are information for direction to SS19 R****K**** in this tread. That how i find my way there. For those who are interested to go, just read this tread.
Buy a street directory. Now selling at Popular for RM46 only.:p
I was also thinking for writing that too. Well, i guess horny minds think alike :p
13-08-2007, 06:22 PM
I know there are information for direction to SS19 R****K**** in this tread. That how i find my way there. For those who are interested to go, just read this tread.
The place is actually Sect 19 and not SS 19. SS19 is in Subang Jaya
13-08-2007, 08:49 PM
hi bro swinghigh,
thanks for correcting my mistake.
14-08-2007, 06:34 PM
went to one HC at..somewhere in pandan...went up and looking for malay girl..sent to a room and after changing to my war custome....a malay girl is already standing there, watch me and giggling some more....:p
well...roaming is available....but no fingering...her name is D***...
face : 5/10
masssage: 8/10
AR: yes
anyway..will try some others next time....:)
went there R***** K**** last night around 10.30p.m....closed.Can i have the captain contact coz few times went there but then always closed around that time...what time they closed actually?mind to share?Mind to PM me the contact?
Thanks all sifus and master here to share the info here. :D
16-08-2007, 01:05 PM
Just Info.
MS. Yang New Branch already in operation yesterday.
ML: 4 PRC (Ah Ping, Ah Jiao, Ah Xing, Ting Ting)
Age: Standard Answer 28 ( I believed 28 yrs is their history Ages)
Damages: RM80 (Massage + HJ + BBBJ + Tips)
New Package: RM150 (Massage + HJ + BBBJ + FJ + Tips)
16-08-2007, 01:36 PM
Just Info.
MS. Yang New Branch already in operation yesterday.
ML: 4 PRC (Ah Ping, Ah Jiao, Ah Xing, Ting Ting)
Age: Standard Answer 28 ( I believed 28 yrs is their history Ages)
Damages: RM80 (Massage + HJ + BBBJ + Tips)
New Package: RM150 (Massage + HJ + BBBJ + FJ + Tips)
Shifu, no wonder called u yest around 4:30pm cannot get thru lah.. now i know why loh.
I got the location abt this place in MK, will ask my bravest heart bro Boinker go look see later.
16-08-2007, 04:58 PM
Shifu, no wonder called u yest around 4:30pm cannot get thru lah.. now i know why loh.
I got the location abt this place in MK, will ask my bravest heart bro Boinker go look see later.
Ask boinker to translate the FR for you also. :D
17-08-2007, 03:46 AM
Bro candyass, the "inexperience" i was referring to was the "jerking off" part. i personally tried Bobo when she just arrive a few weeks ago and i must say her massage is ok + good foot reflexology coz she used to do it in HK. She's still a virgin gal so how can u expect good batin? I am sure if you chit chat wt her she wud've told you and if you hv high expectations she wud've asked her sister to come in to take over the batin part....which is exactly what she has been doing ever since she arrived. being the little ger that she is, she must have been extremely embarassed after doin batin for you so she scared u unhappy wt her technique so she cabut lah...which is what she has been doin to all the friends tat i recommended to her....even so, u cud've called her to come back or worst case scenario jz tell the reception tat you wan to give her a tip and they will call her to come out. All ML will nego tips before allowing autoroaming. Bobo is jz too naive not to ask but its no excuse not to tip her esp when u roam "inside & out". Do u knw she has a RM15k debt to settle within 3mths? How to pay back on RM20 + RM15 per client if without tips? Now tat you know the facts, pls do ur concience a favour, go back for another session wit her and give her a tip ok? I called and book her at 230pm today to give her a crash course on TFK so if you go later today or tmrw i am sure the batin wud be better.....he he! I look forward to your next FR on an improved
All Realm bros, thanks for backing me up. Look forward to futsal tmrw nite.
Just would like to bring this FR from the pass! Bobo is now call Baby and her sister is cll Joane! Baby is very dangerous! Pls be careful guys! She will Cry just infront of you telling stories being dump by BF and Utang have to pay etc....Just got a call from forum members hey Leeman can u pass 200 bucks for this poor baby! She was so sad had a hard life,just dump by BF! Word of caution! Just pay her tips only for a fair trade! Dont give her more!
Ps: i m so in love for Baby now! These nasty blood suckers Just makes me so in love with them! :D
17-08-2007, 04:01 AM
Just would like to bring this FR from the pass! Bobo is now call Baby and her sister is cll Joane! Baby is very dangerous! Pls be careful guys! She will Cry just infront of you telling stories being dump by BF and Utang have to pay etc....Just got a call from forum members hey Leeman can u pass 200 bucks for this poor baby! She was so sad had a hard life,just dump by BF! Word of caution! Just pay her tips only for a fair trade! Dont give her more!
Ps: i m so in love for Baby now! These nasty blood suckers Just makes me so in love with them! :D
brother , call me now , i lost my handphone so all my old handphones are gone ...
17-08-2007, 05:22 PM
hey guys .. im new here ..
for urut batin .. seriously i know few places .. it depends how u want the gilr is .. young .. old .. location ..
just pm me ..
19-08-2007, 01:56 PM
yesterday was a boring day.while waiting for EPL later at night, i thought i'd be a gud idea to get into my car and try to look for some enlightment outside...
after 15 mins of driving, i reached sri rampai area...can see few MP over there..i mean 2 is L**** and another one is.err..forgot the name...but very near to L****.went to lotus before,so this time, decided to try the other one...
its at the first floor.greeted by a 30's lady whos asking me if i wanna have a nice massage.of course la....then y i'm here..aiyooo!! she brought me to the room....basically,this MP only hv 4 rooms.cleanliness is ok-ok...the welcome is OK-OK.....the carpet is lousy one....but tell u,the atmosphere,is very to say it...encouraging to have a nice massage..of course im not talking bout only pro-massage ,but more to HJ lah as usual...hiayoo..where got ppl go to MP without having HJ...dun bluff me lah!:D
so changed my clothes to ,as usual.towel(short one,feel a lil bit sexy lor ...hahahahha)...then one lady,in her 30's.came in and asked me to be prepared for a nice,oily massage...hmm...thats something new....i mean the way she talked,the intonation,the gesture,everything...thats new....
so ,massage was GREAT! thats surprising...she got a very strong hand and a very gentle hands as welll when it comes to urut batin..hehe..
she massage like a pro...more or less like thai massage...she started with the soothing...then she continues with my back..and neck...frankly,shes gud at her didi,surprisingly, had a hard on while massaging my neck!!!.....
then she asked me to turn around...while she continues with my legs,thigh,stomach(yummyyy...)...the massage ended like after 50 there's 10 minutes left and she asked me whether i want batin or not..i said "thats the reason im here lah...."
so..she removed the towel...imagine the motion is all in slow-mo..she did it very one i saw in you tube...the real batin...:)
she asked me to kangkang i kangkang,then she put her legs,both,under my legs,so shes like confronting with my didi....hehe...oiled mu didi....touched it slowly and gently....rubbing here and with the head...tahts very gud one...for me lah...compared to other MP....mau cepat2...but shes not..maybe because there;s not a lot of customers she must be really carefull and jaga her customer very well..i asked her if i can roam..she said yes,but only the boobs only...hmm...thats fine for me..but cannot take off the shirt lah..just sneaking around like that...thats fine fer me as well.....
after about 5 mins of torturing the hard-on didi...i unloaded with full satisfaction....huuuuuuu.............
before she left..i asked her no,and i got her number:-)
Summary of Massage(SM)
name: reen
location:sri rampai
body: so so
boobs: 34a?
massage : fer me,thats fantastic
HJ: 16/20
recommendation: if ur somewhere in sri rampai,just have it a try...
wanna try the other one ML,saw her when i entered the room...
20-08-2007, 08:52 PM
Fellow SBF Sifu(s) and Bros...
Just PM me for location and other details regarding...
RELAX KIOSK Section 19 PJ :D
21-08-2007, 03:26 PM
Wondering got any places besides d four (Bro Leeman TTDI + Cheras, Bro Grimm Sec19 and Aroma ss2) that serve extra special special (AR +++). Used to go Zest but close downed already. Location in PJ.
24-08-2007, 12:16 PM
can anybody advise do they provide outcall service to hotel in kl city?
24-08-2007, 04:06 PM
Went to Pudu Area for Chinese Traditional Massage cause got new girl. Price increased fr rm50 to rm 60 / session. Took Ah Hong, massage not bad and not rush somemore cukup cukup 1 hour. Been offered if want to take batin however reject her politely cause her look doesnt turn me on. Saw another new lady there, look is only 2/10.
Name: Ah Hong
Look: 3/10
Age: 35 yo (no balance)
Skill: 6.5/10 (not too hard n not too soft, just nice)
WIR: if i pass by that area
Prime Time
24-08-2007, 07:32 PM
jerrystockton . Nice FR. + Point for u.
25-08-2007, 05:36 PM
hi ever cheong ka . i am here to share my batin experience.
i have 2 year batin history.
today i want to introduce the massage center in sunway, it located beside sunway pyramid.
look: so so 4/10
damage:rm50 ms rm30bj
race : indo
boob: 36G i think
age : 23-25
body :quite plam
ar : no so sien
ms skill: 4/10
cim : yes
bj skill:6/10
this is my 1st time CIM. boobs is super big but cant touch.
cheapest bj rate.
26-08-2007, 01:43 AM
IMO, with these partial names, might as well not post the FRs.
26-08-2007, 02:09 AM
IMO, with these partial names, might as well not post the FRs.
Its just an opinion. And as you have previously stated, everyone is entitled to their own choice in which they post their FRs.
Want more details, can PM the FR provider :cool:
26-08-2007, 02:44 AM
Its just an opinion. And as you have previously stated, everyone is entitled to their own choice in which they post their FRs.
Want more details, can PM the FR provider :cool:
Maybe I should just tell myself, with partials names I might as well not read.
27-08-2007, 10:44 AM
any1 hav experience at b.b.nilai?...3 urut centres ...behind cimb...saw a few prcs there. tq;)
27-08-2007, 11:05 AM
any1 hav experience at b.b.nilai?...3 urut centres ...behind cimb...saw a few prcs there. tq;)
tot wanna go look see with u today... since u said prc, sorry my chairman... u go self lah. :rolleyes:
28-08-2007, 04:57 PM
My didi itchy last weekend at night. Wanted supper. Whole body also aching. At 11pm very hard to find any place still open for massage. Tried to check out Puchong, TTDI, Sec19 but all also closed. Finally decided to try Aroma ss2 even thought I tell myself never to go. What to do, didi insist otherwise I cannot sleep.
Waited and finally got one PRC. Luangluang or something like that. Look a bit towards late 20s. Very dark, so cannot see clearly. Boobs are quite big and saggy. Nipples not pink. Started with massage but since already paid the boss rm100, she knows what to do. So 15mins into massage, I started to roam. She mentioned of tips. Didi said just pay. Told her I want to be Indiana Jones and explore everything. She said tips more.
She finally removing everything. A bit bushy. Played around with her but she was still dry. Said no-no for didi entry. Actually, my didi also started to fall asleep already. Finally after playing around for another 10-15mins, decided its enough and release my load. Nothing special about the batin. It is HJ.Then continued massage again. But since everything done, massage service started to be just like making bread. Touch here. Touch there. Move a bit here. Move a bit there. Not really massage anymore. She says she tired. So ended up my 1 hour massage was less than 1 hours.
Damage was 190. Gave her rm90 tips thought she don't deserve it. But at 12midnight, not many place still open.
29-08-2007, 04:59 PM
juz bck frm MP at F&N,
Enviro : 6/10, moderate
ML : all greatwall MILF 5/10
Skill : 8/10, i like
BJ : 5/10, light one
CB : 5/10, also light one
TFK : 8/10, hou yeh, gentle type
AR : i ii iii iiii iiiii (full bar)
Damage : 80
29-08-2007, 05:55 PM
Hello all brother,
Anyone try before Massage d'Palace in Klang? Opposite Bukit Raja Shopping Centre.
I went to meet my customer in this area, then drop by a kopitiam for's just opposite the kopitiam and maybank.
If there is bro know this place, please recommend.....
I'm going there tomorrow again...hope can give it a try.....
29-08-2007, 06:13 PM
Bro, where is MP in F&N?
Thank you
30-08-2007, 12:38 PM
Hello all brother,
Anyone try before Massage d'Palace in Klang? Opposite Bukit Raja Shopping Centre.
I went to meet my customer in this area, then drop by a kopitiam for's just opposite the kopitiam and maybank.
If there is bro know this place, please recommend.....
I'm going there tomorrow again...hope can give it a try.....
damage: RM69 ms only
m skill : 9/10 very powerful was massage by sifu
look : 3/10 sifu old already
AR : no
batin : she didnt ask
30-08-2007, 03:09 PM
Any one knows where did the MP SS2 Zest went??
Miss the good old days when u can find quality massage with reasonable roaming at a reasonable pricing in PJ area.
31-08-2007, 11:39 AM
juz bck frm MP at F&N,
Enviro : 6/10, moderate
ML : all greatwall MILF 5/10
Skill : 8/10, i like
BJ : 5/10, light one
CB : 5/10, also light one
TFK : 8/10, hou yeh, gentle type
AR : i ii iii iiii iiiii (full bar)
Damage : 80Dear Chairman, intell information from your Field Marshal Boinker states that the original place at Pudu is still better than the new joint.;)
However I always very curious to see new place. The next time you want to go down again, can let your jnior member follow you and look see look see??:p
31-08-2007, 01:57 PM
there's 2 massage parlours in SS15, Subang Jaya . Basically both these MPs are in the same row as Secret Recipe...
tried both before and this is the brief FRs :
1. T--- M-------
Girls : Only Thai .
Batin : Yes . Basically they dont call it batin there. Its "ping pong"
Massage: 9/10. Been there a couple of times and i must say that i am impressed with the massage techniques.
Autoroam : Depends on luck. Out of my 4-5 visits, i only manage to autoroam twice.
Damage : rm100 (inclusive of massage n batin)
2. C-----
Girls : CKT and NL
Batin : Yes.
Massage : 6/10. Nothing special. Basically its what you expect of a standard batin+massage parlour.
Autoroam : Yes
Damage: rm98 (inclusive of massage n batin)
**** i tried Rinn from this place before. She's a lil fat and wears heavy makeup. More of a turnoff than turn on.
Cheers. Hope this helps.
i would like to buy a vowel - E
sorry.. couldnt help myself :D
31-08-2007, 09:48 PM
Dear Chairman, intell information from your Field Marshal Boinker states that the original place at Pudu is still better than the new joint.;)
However I always very curious to see new place. The next time you want to go down again, can let your jnior member follow you and look see look see??:p
New joint is not bad too, try it yourself bro
01-09-2007, 10:57 AM
....However I always very curious to see new place. The next time you want to go down again, can let your jnior member follow you and look see look see??....
Me curious too. Can bring me along boh?? Pudu or new place... doesn't matter. :p
01-09-2007, 01:21 PM
Me curious too. Can bring me along boh?? Pudu or new place... doesn't matter. :p
I thot u in China. So free meh ???
01-09-2007, 05:15 PM
New joint is not bad too, try it yourself broLike that I wait for you to bring me.;)
03-09-2007, 09:43 AM
Marshal Boinker states that the original place at Pudu is still better than the new joint.;)
However I always very curious to see new place.
never been to the 'ori' place...but this new 1 confirmed 'hot & spicy'.....& its more convenient to me. i thought u've got personal fitness trainer..still ne massage ar?
03-09-2007, 11:31 AM
never been to the 'ori' place...but this new 1 confirmed 'hot & spicy'.....& its more convenient to me. i thought u've got personal fitness trainer..still ne massage ar?
Personal Fitness Trainer ??? Upgrade from Swimming Instructor hosay liao :p
03-09-2007, 04:47 PM
Personal Fitness Trainer ??? Upgrade from Swimming Instructor hosay liao :p
aiya TSh u long time not here u duno la...his personal trainer includes evrything...wet swimming, dry swimming, mushroom grooming...etc...kekekekk
03-09-2007, 04:52 PM
Dear Chairman, intell information from your Field Marshal Boinker states that the original place at Pudu is still better than the new joint.;)
However I always very curious to see new place. The next time you want to go down again, can let your jnior member follow you and look see look see??:p
I agreed with Boinker. Old place is better than New Place.
One more good thing about Old Place is now Ms. Yang not there, sometimes 90 minutes just paid 60 minutes money (off-cos not every one get this benefit), hahahhah.
03-09-2007, 04:57 PM
Forget to inform.
Miss Yang Old Place now got part-timer. This Part-Timer from Peng Wah Pudu.
Last Thursday when I was there, 2 Part Timer PRC (30+) show me 2 boobs (1/2 boobs each side, one person 1/2 boob x 2 side = 1 boob. 2 person 2x1 boob = 2 boobs) hahhahah.
03-09-2007, 05:32 PM
.... show me 2 boobs (1/2 boobs each side, one person 1/2 boob x 2 side = 1 boob. 2 person 2x1 boob = 2 boobs) hahhahah....
Nbzzz....likedat also can???
Shifu, u can calculate likedat means your big brain still working normally.
Can only mean one thing....... today released liao. Sperm bank empty so big brain take back control from small brain. Hahahaha... :p
FR or in MK.
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