View Full Version : Some queries for hiv positive ppl......~:(

19-10-2005, 12:38 PM
Its been close to 2 years since i had unprotected sex......very worried i got hiv.........till now, not much symptoms, im still pretty ok.....how r chances i will be fine...?

Also ill be doing my ORD blood test next week.....even more worried...If i tested positive....what will happen to me?......go jail?will they announce?

i would like to be kept it private if im positive...any chances?

19-10-2005, 01:15 PM
The only way is to get tested. You can do it at Afa and no need to give your name. If positive(which I don't think you would be), you will be required to take another test known as the Western Blot. Result will be known in 2 weeks time. The Afa counsellor will follow up with you each step of the way. It's only when you needed treatment in S'pore that MOH will get to know and the law will apply. If you are married, your spouse will be informed and ask to go for test also.

So stop worrying, drop by Afa every Tuesday, Wednesday evening 7pm to 9pm and Saturday 1.30 to 3pm. Once you know you are negative, the feeling is simply incredible. Meanwhile, if you want to have sex, wear a condom. And remember, condom for both BJ and FJ.

19-10-2005, 01:19 PM
dun worry la.. when i ord that time.. the ppl there nvr test my blood they juz ask if u gt go overseas or nt if gt then do blood test.. if dun haf.. then dun need to do.. if u scared ppl wil know then lie to the medics that u nvr go overseas.. dun worry bro

19-10-2005, 02:47 PM
From what I gathered, Afa will not disclose your name unless you wish to seek treatment. They can only advise you what you can do next. When you consented, they will refer to MOH as they do not do treatment and dispense medication. MOH will filed in their record and followed up on your case. If you are married, under the law, they are empowered to inform your spouse. They will also do contact tracing, like which WL you visited and so forth and where possibly you had contracted it from. Until such point you are so sick, many years from now when full blown AIDS developed, will they exercise their lawful power to place you inside CDC for treatment, so that you won't go around spreading it, anyway by that time, you will be so sick, where got mood right. CDC is also known as the dying place for AIDS patient. I understand some people refuse to give consent to inform MOH and went to Thailand to seek treatment instead.

Don't think of all this. Just go for test and know for sure. When you worry, you panicked and think of all sort of crazy things. The counsellor I spoke to at DSC and Afa relates that those who are infected are really the high risk and commando type. They engaged in wild raw sex, including anal sex and mass orgy. Some got it overseas especially in Batam and Cambodia. For us local boys who cheong HC and GL, more likely we are to get other STDs than HIV. But please please remember, wear condom! And don't try anal, no matter what others say, all you get is more tightness..thats all and you condom may also break due to friction as anal does not produce vaginal fluid...there are millions more gems inside anal than vaginal...your risk jumps hundreds of times than vaginal sex... take it that God created vagina for us to put our penis in and not the anal...

19-10-2005, 05:00 PM
Hi bro,
I think Bro dt3305 has covered most of the areas. If you went overseas for training / attachment, then i think it will be compulsory for you to take a blood test. Last time, go to OZ for 1 week attachment, also MO force me to take test ~ sianz. And no bro...you will NOT be jailed if you are tested positive. Being HIV+ is not a crime...unless you go around having unprotected sex while knowing you are positive. However, even if you are not required to take a blood test, i think going for a HIV test at AfA is a great idea. At least you will not be thinking this and that. You pay $20, get a receipt, counsellor call out your no., ask you why you want to take test, what 'activities' you engage in, etc. Then go to another room to prick your finger for your test. Wait 20 mins for your result. Counsellor call out your number, and drum roll...results. Quick, reliable and professional. As you did not say who you had unprotected sex with, i cannot give you much advice except go for the test. The people at AfA will be able to guide you along. If you go for the conventional HIV test, it takes 1 day ~ 2 weeks for your results to be out. At the AfA site, only 20 mins. If negative, you happy happy. If positive, as bro dt3305 said, have to get blood drawn for a Western Blot test to be done at SGH. Result to be out ~2 weeks.

19-10-2005, 05:01 PM
Sorry, double entry. Don't know how to delete

20-10-2005, 12:41 PM
This is a true story of what happened to one of my worker. She is a malaysian in her early 40s. During her annual medical checkup for her work permit renewal, she was tested positive for HIV by our company doctor. She was then referred to SGH for a 2nd test and also came back positive. The report was read by me and bopian, I have instruct my HR to termiante her permit as required by MOM. The worker was devastated and crying non stop. After counselling her, it was gathered her husband had passed it to her.

She is now back in Malaysia. Her family members had chased her out and she is renting a house with her 20 yrs old daughter. Her husband has MIA. She is on medication and subsidy program from the health ministry of malaysia. It has been almost 2 years since she was diganoised. My HR still call her and she is coping well, being on medication. Her health is ok but with more frequent sickness from flu and outbreak of skin rashes. Really feel sad for her as she was one of my best worker.

21-10-2005, 10:04 AM
What is included in a pre-employment check up for new staff who has been just been recruited by a company? Anyone can enlighten? I wonder whether is doctor screened for HIV? Very scary if not, right?:cool:

22-10-2005, 09:18 PM
Dear threadstarter, I remember counselling u umpteen times b4 when u posted many similar threads asking the same question.

What I feel is that u r afraid of knowing that u may have already contacted the disease. What I would like to say is that it is no use crying over spilled milk, as in the rice is cooked in the case of HIV infection.

U will need to overcome your own psycological self. Try calming yourself down than look into the mirror and ask yourself what u want. Do u wish to 'really' know if u affected ? R u prepared as in mentally? If u can't take it than don't go. Live life as per normal but u will run the risk of delayed treatment if unfortunately u got it unsuspectingly.

If u mentally prepared than by all means go for a simple checkup. The way I convince myself is that if I not afraid to cheong, than must be mentally prepared to face the consequences. U can sleep soundly after if nothing wrong. (Mine is a bad example, not encouraged. No more doing it)

Go take the test mentally prepared that u already have the virus than u will not so 'jia lat' when result out.

Restrain your sexual activities to protected. If really want unprotected than find a gf or wife. The whole sammyboy samsters can tell u r okay but that does not mean u r okay. Don't deceive yourself.

Go read up the threads by bro big sexy and bongster on HIV. Can look under my helpline in my signature for councellor to talk to.

Look in the mirror and ask yourself what u want.

ps: Wait at least a month from last known 'risk' activities b4 go for HIV test.


23-10-2005, 12:25 AM
Until such point you are so sick, many years from now when full blown AIDS developed, will they exercise their lawful power to place you inside CDC for treatment, so that you won't go around spreading it, anyway by that time, you will be so sick, where got mood right. CDC is also known as the dying place for AIDS patient.

Bro, think this is not accurate, CDC do not lock you up even if you have full blown AIDS. The people in CDC are those who have no money for medication/ no one to take care of them. If you are discovered spreading even when you know if have HIV, then you will be charge in court.
Anyway if you discover your conditions early and start to take medications. It would help to build and protect your body's immune system, you might even be well enough to work. People under medication have even be known to live more than 10 years and still kicking.
People tend to goto Thailand for treatment as the medication is much cheaper. think maybe 1/4 the price in Singapore.

31-10-2005, 10:55 PM
Its been close to 2 years since i had unprotected sex......very worried i got hiv.........till now, not much symptoms, im still pretty ok.....how r chances i will be fine...?

Also ill be doing my ORD blood test next week.....even more worried...If i tested positive....what will happen to me?......go jail?will they announce?

i would like to be kept it private if im positive...any chances?

Dear Rooney

Noone can judge or tell what are your chances of contracting HIV without knowing any of your sexual history. It will also be unfair to tell you something which we only know a minute info about your predicament.

Blood test results, positive or negative, will not bring you to jail. It will be kept absolutely anonymous. There is an infectious disease act protecting all infected persons, your responsibility as an infected person and your privacy.
That said, you will be discharged from any national service liabilities and will not have to serve your reservist anymore. However, you will be made known to the Ministry of Health as part of the statistics of infected persons and for surveillence purposes.

Chances are your immediate family would have to know at some point, if you suffer from some opportunistic infections (OI) as a result of your HIV infection, which will put you at Communicable Disease Center.

Best wishes
AfA Outrach

31-10-2005, 11:08 PM
I understand some people refuse to give consent to inform MOH and went to Thailand to seek treatment instead.

Dear Samster,

AfA anonymous test clinic will absolutely not inform MOH - if one is tested positive, we will still not inform. That is the whole point of anonymous. We can only give suggestions and counsel on the next course of action or options available.

It is true that people do go Thailand for treatment, however, if by any chance treatment does not work, treatment and care would have to be done in Singapore - and you will still be reported by your hospital or clinics. All doctors are instructed to have names submitted of those HIV+ be it GP or hospitals.

Of course CDC is not a place for dying patients. It is true that patients do die there, which hospitals do not have death cases? The only reason why infected persons are warded to CDC is that this is a very specialised dept of TTSH that will render patients specialised and professional treatment to patients infected. That said, walk-ins are not allowed at CDC and all patients need referrals.

Best wishes
AfA outreach

Best wishes.
AfA outreach

31-10-2005, 11:15 PM
Hi AFA Hmor,

I understand that ur wif the AFA. I have been there many times. Though over n over again i wanted to quit, i juz couldnt... I guess it is normal rite?

Bro, have u seen any cases of anyone got HIV from bbbj?


31-10-2005, 11:17 PM
What is included in a pre-employment check up for new staff who has been just been recruited by a company? Anyone can enlighten? I wonder whether is doctor screened for HIV? Very scary if not, right?:cool:

Dear Howitzer,

It depends on the HR policies of the company. A lot of companies are not actively incorporating the clause yet in their HR policies. Check with the HR before you do the test, or the doctor because, noone can take your blood test without consent.

Best wishes
AfA outreach