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Ah Dez
05-07-2002, 12:46 AM
Originally posted by KID278

I have bonked the heng heng cow many times already but never got any special luck so far leh......hehehe......:D


Hummmm... i always get special "luck".... or should i add.... special service.....

05-07-2002, 01:24 AM
bro SF, nice to meet you too and good FR skills.

Well we missed 3rd prize on the 4D pool ... so close yet so far .... whatever will be will be.

Good Luck on your career too. See you around.

Originally posted by SF Chongster

I had a great time meeting the regulars at homebase on 02jul.
Any luck with the pooled 4D king?

05-07-2002, 01:44 AM
bro dez, ya lah you always so good with the GL ladies .. the apple among their eyes ...... hunk among the crowd ....... beast among the animals ... ha ha ha

Originally posted by Ah Dez

Hummmm... i always get special "luck".... or should i add.... special service.....

05-07-2002, 02:29 AM
I am compiling a list of gals that partys at HQ. If I miss out any, can any kind brothers please add on. Will also do a daily update of the party gals.

AC Milan
Ai Lee
Ann Qi
Bai Her
Bai Xue
Bao Er
BiBi2 - on leave
Blue Diamond
Blue Ocean
Boss (or Best, cannot read the hand writing)
Ching Ching
CoCo L16
Fang Ling
Fei Xue
Hai Chew
Hai San - elusive
Hai Yan - on 1 month leave, back in end July
Hello Kitty
Hui Yu - on 1 month leave, back in mid July
Jia Ling
JoJo L20
Kar Leng - on 1 month leave
Lee Wen
Mei hui
Mei Yee
Mimi (chinese L14)
MJ - on one month leave back in end July
Mong Er
Mong Na
Mun Mun (new) - on one month leave back in end July
Mun Mun (old)
Peh Peh
Pei Yi
Ping Ping - on one month leave back in end July
Pinky - elusive
Poh Yee
Qiu Lian
Sexy Yuki - on one month leave back in end July
Small Ivy
Sony - on 'run water' leave, back soon
Spore Ice
Sze Sze
T one
Tong Tong
Xiao Mei
Xiao Qing
Xiao Yun Qua
Xin Zi
Xiu Wen - on 1 month leave, back in mid July
Yan Er
Yan Hong
Yee Yee
Ying Ying
Yoki L20
Yoko L16
Yoko L28 - on leave till 10/7
Zhen Zhen L18
Zhen Zhen L28 (new) ava Xiao Zhen
Zhen Zhen L28 (old)
Zing Zhi
Zu Er

On 04072002
Xiao Qing, Tim Tim, Mandy, Sammi 1, Zu Er, Italy, Yee Yee, AA, Carol, Chelsea, Yoko L16, Jaguar, MG, Bao Er, Mei hui, Xiao Mei, BM, Maggie, Mong Ting, Lee Wen, S1, T one, AA1, AC, Dolphin, Xiao Yun Qua, Jebby, Zhen Zhen L18, Lily and many others.

Watch this thread for the latest GL gals updates

Ah Dez
05-07-2002, 05:08 AM
Ho Ho.. can add a Jane B into the List tomorrow..

But too bad... i won't be the 1 to bonk.. DAMM!!!...

Anyway... pinky is not elusive lah... just that her house, damm terlok...

Next time.. want to call her.. let me know lah... i help you get.. comfrim faster than OKT..

SF Chongster
05-07-2002, 08:59 AM
Hey Dez!

I'm still interested to go bonk Pinky.
C U later at base camp tonight?

BTW thanks for the words encouragement on my first local FR.
With luck will see another one tonight.

Also check out my best experience FR over in international FR.

05-07-2002, 11:58 AM
bro dez, I thought you already bonk them on your bed last night wat .... ha ha ha

well as for Pinky just let it be, there are nothing you or me can do to help.

Originally posted by Ah Dez
Ho Ho.. can add a Jane B into the List tomorrow..

But too bad... i won't be the 1 to bonk.. DAMM!!!...

Anyway... pinky is not elusive lah... just that her house, damm terlok...

Next time.. want to call her.. let me know lah... i help you get.. comfrim faster than OKT..

05-07-2002, 12:41 PM
bro SF, don't know if Pinky is working today. you can try Xiao Zhen, Sony or Jane B too ... all cute cute one.

Originally posted by SF Chongster
Hey Dez!

I'm still interested to go bonk Pinky.
C U later at base camp tonight?

BTW thanks for the words encouragement on my first local FR.
With luck will see another one tonight.

Also check out my best experience FR over in international FR.

05-07-2002, 12:50 PM
bro chinalgal, please don't KNN here .... anyway we not seow on only go to HQ so that we don't seow cheong now ... ha ha ha
Which do you prefer?

Originally posted by chinalgal
KNN,u all seow-on?

SF Chongster
05-07-2002, 12:52 PM
Hey King! You guys gonna be down today?

If so, I bring some Japanese goodies down.
(Snack cakes lah! Really, you guys, say Jap only think of one thing only <Sigh>)

Ah Dez
05-07-2002, 02:00 PM
Originally posted by SF Chongster
Hey King! You guys gonna be down today?

If so, I bring some Japanese goodies down.
(Snack cakes lah! Really, you guys, say Jap only think of one thing only <Sigh>)

Ok...i not sure if pinky is working lah.. but if you can't get her, then get xiao zhen..or small ivy. Jane B seems to put on some weight.

I think of jap?? well..... ermmm...... F lah!

05-07-2002, 02:04 PM
bro SF, I will be going ... so will bro crystal, bro gary and a few others ..... see you there.

Hmmmm sushi ... my fav.

Originally posted by SF Chongster
Hey King! You guys gonna be down today?

If so, I bring some Japanese goodies down.
(Snack cakes lah! Really, you guys, say Jap only think of one thing only <Sigh>)

Ah Dez
05-07-2002, 02:23 PM
Hummmm.... someone said that singtel is going back soon?? anyway.. that is HIS info.. MY info say liao.. she already seldom work nowadays liao... and going back?? i don't think so. She just taking a break only.

Got other girls who are COMFRIM going ones....

05-07-2002, 02:30 PM
bro dez, who are the other gals that are CONFIRM going .... not my princesses I hope ... tell me and I better bonk them fast.

Originally posted by Ah Dez
Hummmm.... someone said that singtel is going back soon?? anyway.. that is HIS info.. MY info say liao.. she already seldom work nowadays liao... and going back?? i don't think so. She just taking a break only.

Got other girls who are COMFRIM going ones....

Ah Dez
05-07-2002, 02:36 PM
I already say inside info liao... so how to tell you, promise the girls not to Bao Do.

Just wait for my hints...

Won't be hard to catch.....

Later you complain that everytime i get special service again.

05-07-2002, 02:37 PM
Tommy house so happening ar?....got to change from Malaysia to GL liao^_^.. daz next week on bo?

05-07-2002, 02:41 PM
Special Service Agent dez .... don't like that leh, Heng Heng Cow I also recommend to you liao ..... ha ha ha ... just kidding, better keep your words to the gals, we MUST be men of our words, right.

Never mind I going to go do some SS work myself now...... milk milk milk ... ha ha ha

Originally posted by Ah Dez
I already say inside info liao... so how to tell you, promise the girls not to Bao Do.

Just wait for my hints...

Won't be hard to catch.....

Later you complain that everytime i get special service again.

05-07-2002, 02:44 PM
bro xiang, you cum to HQ before what you should know that we just like to have fun ... inside and outside the room .. hee hee hee

btw, where is HQ overseas guest, bro jb ... still suffering from post WC moods?

Originally posted by Xiang
Tommy house so happening ar?....got to change from Malaysia to GL liao^_^.. daz next week on bo?

Ah Dez
05-07-2002, 02:58 PM
Originally posted by cuntking
bro xiang, you cum to HQ before what you should know that we just like to have fun ... inside and outside the room .. hee hee hee

btw, where is HQ overseas guest, bro jb ... still suffering from post WC moods?

Xiang... you wait lah...

As for Cheong.. he busy trying to get free fucks from beer garden.. 16 year old girl... oei.. not forgetting her 32C assets..


Marigold HL Milk

05-07-2002, 03:29 PM
Originally posted by Ah Dez

Xiang... you wait lah...

As for Cheong.. he busy trying to get free fucks from beer garden.. 16 year old girl... oei.. not forgetting her 32C assets..


Marigold HL Milk

Heard somebody wanna break my legs. Wait limpeh break yr cock then u know, Hahahahhaha

Limpeh almost score hat trick as promised but the bloody old fart took me out to bring in circus clown, Denilson. KNN!!!!

So when u wanna play soccer with me at Talma Rd football field?

Best striker in the world,


SF Chongster
05-07-2002, 04:14 PM
Wah liao eh! Sian ah!
Cannot make it down tonight.....
You guys go party hard, but don't tear down the place without me!

CU next week...

06-07-2002, 12:08 AM
Mr Ronal(dil)do, WC is over, please go home and enjoy your Brazilian samba ..... you feel horny then cum to GL and party. GL Cup forever

Originally posted by Ronal(dil)do

Heard somebody wanna break my legs. Wait limpeh break yr cock then u know, Hahahahhaha

Limpeh almost score hat trick as promised but the bloody old fart took me out to bring in circus clown, Denilson. KNN!!!!

So when u wanna play soccer with me at Talma Rd football field?

Best striker in the world,


06-07-2002, 12:27 AM
bro SF, see you next week with your jap goodies .... hee hee .. but tomorrow the Auzzie Bear returns to HQ, hope that he will not finish all the sushi as his Chilli not around ... ha ha ha

Originally posted by SF Chongster
Wah liao eh! Sian ah!
Cannot make it down tonight.....
You guys go party hard, but don't tear down the place without me!

CU next week...

06-07-2002, 12:54 AM
Sony and Mei Zhi are back working on Friday and had party at HQ.

06-07-2002, 01:48 AM
A change in format as advise by the good SAF brothers.

I am compiling a list of gals that partys at HQ. If I miss out any, can any kind brothers please add on. Will also do a daily update of the party gals.

AC Milan
Ai Lee
Ann Qi
Bai Her
Bai Xue
Bao Er
BiBi2 - on leave
Blue Diamond
Blue Ocean
Boss (or Best, cannot read the hand writing)
Casino - on leave
Ching Ching
CoCo L16
Fang Ling
Fei Xue
Hai Chew
Hai San - elusive
Hai Yan - on 1 month leave, back in end July
Hello Kitty
Hui Yu - on 1 month leave, back in mid July
Jia Ling
JoJo L20
Kar Leng - on 1 month leave
Lee Wen - start leave in July
Mei Hui
Mei Yee
Mimi (chinese L14)
MJ - on one month leave back in end July
Mong Er
Mong Na
Mong Ting
Mun Mun (new) - on one month leave back in end July
Mun Mun (old)
Peh Peh
Pei Yi
Ping Ping - on one month leave back in end July
Pinky - elusive
Poh Yee
Qiu Lian
Sammi1 - om leave from 15 July
Sexy Yuki - on one month leave back in end July
Small Ivy
Spore Ice - elusive again
Sze Sze
Tim Tim
T one
Tong Tong
Xiao Mei
Xiao Qing
Xiao Yun Qua
Xin Zi
Xiu Wen - on 1 month leave, back in mid July
Yan Er
Yan Hong
Yee Yee
Ying Ying
Yoki L20
Yoko L16
Yoko L28 - on leave till 10/7
Zhen Zhen L18
Zhen Zhen L28 (new) ava Xiao Zhen
Zhen Zhen L28 (old)
Zing Zhi
Zu Er

New Party Gals On 05072002
Hong Hong, Sharon & Xiao Ying

Watch this thread for the latest GL gals updates

Ah Dez
06-07-2002, 07:49 AM
jane b and pinky should be back today...

i might pop by the place later in the evening..

06-07-2002, 11:55 AM
bro dez, I may not be going down..... so you going for a tama or ta bao? ... hee hee hee

Please help me update the Party Gal List in this thread if I am not there at HQ tonight .... Thanks.

Originally posted by Ah Dez
jane b and pinky should be back today...

i might pop by the place later in the evening..

06-07-2002, 10:30 PM
Bro cuntking, so have you tried Mei Hui?


07-07-2002, 12:08 AM
Bro cuntking,

gd meeting you down at HQ the other nite
hope to see u around and the other bro as well.

btw the 1st room on the right ( room jus behind the counter) is the chinese room, rite?

07-07-2002, 03:14 AM
bro zyxel, not yet ...... today reach HQ late and was told that she was in the room with bro gary ... when they cum out, she look tired so I skip and no bonk again.

BTW "shooting star" on monday?

Originally posted by zyxel01
Bro cuntking, so have you tried Mei Hui?


07-07-2002, 03:20 AM
bro reborn, yes the 1st room on the right is a chinese room. Why? You use the poles well ... ha ha ha

Originally posted by reborn
Bro cuntking,

gd meeting you down at HQ the other nite
hope to see u around and the other bro as well.

btw the 1st room on the right ( room jus behind the counter) is the chinese room, rite?

07-07-2002, 03:39 AM
Yesterday was my enlistment to SAF HQ, but juz before my reporting,
took a walk to the glorious golden triangle to have a vew of the exoctic
dragons. As the night still young, only see a couple of the normal red and green
dragons. None of the black and gold dragons can be found yet.

Went to HQ, sat for a while before the gd old tommy came over and ask
my preference. Since this is my 1st shot at GL150, i stated my case: GF feeling,
BBBJ CIM. Waited for tommy’s recommendation then came in a party of 4 friends.
Heard that they looking for Jaguar (off duty) and Cola ( got to wait?) Tommy came
back to me with a gal whom suit the bill but she jus didn’t caught my eye so reject the
What surprises me is that after that gal left, even before I speak my mind about her, tommy
spoke what's on my mind: she’s got everything that I wanted but the face is too a bit cannot make it.

Then decided to try my luck on the hit list I compiled. Asked for the elusive Han Shan and Teresa
both taking a break be back only next month. It seem to me that today
may not be able to unload after all , so told tommy I willing to wait for a better gal that comes
to his mind. Went for a walk around golden triangle….

Back at HQ around 9. and surprise surprise, got to meet up with the regular bro cuntking. Had a small chat
and he’s waiting for one gal for almost a couple of hrs liao. But gd things should go to those who wait. Then king gave me the thumbs up for sammie1, so i suppose there shldn't be a problem this time round

Then tommy said in another 10 minutes will be my turn with sammie1 who was one of king's fav as well. Then I thought, her boobs must be something cos i suppose thaz 1 of king’s trademark.

I must say my wait so far has been quite worthwhile. Sammie1 sure got a nice figure, at least a natural
34Bor C pair of boobs and quite busty. Short sparkling bottoms which reveal a pair of sleek shapely legs. As for her looks,
definitely better than the one introduced to me earlier.

I followed her to the rm while eyeing on her pair of legs, a turn on for me. Behind close doors, the aroma of the room is starting to get me into the mood for action as she started to strip. Gosh her boobs is quite spectecular as in my mind thinking what to do with it. Her nipples were reasonable proportion but dark, at least it’s point and non-inverted. Can’t wait to unleash my devilish tongue on them and give them a good licking (with applied suction as well). Her bust was jus as big as well, like those that u see on VCDs

Proceed on with the normal shower while she gave me a gd wash on my ass and my hot rod. She’s quite a chatty and friendly gal as she dried me and told me lie with my back facing up. But hey hey, I said I can’t. Why? Smiling at her I told her too hard liao if lie down will be quite uncomfortable and so she took my didi and bend it parallel to the bed. J . Next is the catbath. As she uses those big soft melons of her to give me a wonderful massage, my hand itchy so stretch out and went for those succulent boobs and trying to do some tunning and see if I can get my favourite radio station on the air.
I muz say if can afford, I rather pay every day for such massage method rather to waste money in getting one of those wat “OSIM 3 in 1 massaging chair”. No fight lah.

Started playing my two rambutans below, giving gentle stroke as she start to lick the shaft of my hot and stiff rod. Can’t wait for her to engulf my long deprived didi by that sluttish mouth of hers. The BBBJ was one that is gentle and slow, assisted by periodic stroke of my rambutans and accompanied with seductive moans. As she was having another gd suck of her life, I wasted no time in teasing those dark nipples of her. I just couldn’t let them stay down there and CBL. Using my fingers, I softly caress the area around the nipples but was careful not the touch the important part. Went round and round in circles, until I was quite sure that by this time the 2 big nipples have ripen and are ready to be harvested. As delicate as I would, those wonderful fingers of mine begin to plug them as I would do to grapes.But it seems that they wouldn’t come off that easily, they really need some fine twisting and turning to help make the harvest a more enjoyable one. I have to compliment her on her gd effort but guess I may be too gd for her. Although she spent quite a while,in fact 2 attempts to give a gd suck, I was not on the verge of cumming.

As I had some problem with my back, so LL try not to indulge too much in doggie. But I did let her have a gd ride. As she cap me and holding my wanting to penetrate rod, she guide it to her secret chamber, slowly. As she enegaged slow ride, her moan (a bit fake with the trademark saying “OH.. F*** ME”) was a turn on. From time to time I treated myself to a gd suck on her boobs again…boy has she changed me to a boob lover? As the pounding of her ass kept going, I know in my mind soon a higher state of consciousness will take over. And that happened in less than 10 mins of serious pounding. Defying the force of gravity, the essence of life in its most concentrated and purest form made its debut into the real world with a few power jerks that send them off flying but to their dismay, they found themselves to be trapped only in some rubber. Within seconds, all were dying off and in moments, the entire clan was wiped out. Sign…..

Look: 6.5 (7 when she let her hair down )

Boobs: 7.5 ( 36, real and soft, dark proportional nipples, seem to be always in the erected state)

AR: skip
BBBJ: 6.5 ( slow, gentle stroke but a gd effort, taking her own time )

FJ: 7 ( gd loud moan to turn u on, accommodating)

Overall: 7

Hope my next attack won’t be too long and the gals to return by then…

07-07-2002, 04:06 AM
I am compiling a list of gals that partys at HQ. If I miss out any, can any kind brothers please add on. Will also do a daily update of the party gals.

AC Milan
Ai Lee
Ann Qi
Bai Her
Bai Xue
Bao Er
BiBi2 - on leave
Blue Diamond
Blue Ocean
Boss (or Best, cannot read the hand writing)
Casino - on leave
Ching Ching
CoCo L16
Fang Ling
Fei Xue
Hai Chew
Hai San - elusive
Hai Yan - on 1 month leave, back in end July
Hello Kitty
Hong Hong
Hui Yu - on 1 month leave, back in mid July
Jia Ling
JoJo L20
Kar Leng - on 1 month leave
Lee Wen - start leave in July
Mei Hui
Mei Yee
Mimi (chinese L14)
MJ - on one month leave back in end July
Mong Er
Mong Na
Mong Ting
Mun Mun (new) - on one month leave back in end July
Mun Mun (old)
Peh Peh
Pei Yi
Ping Ping - on one month leave back in end July
Pinky - elusive
Poh Yee
Qiu Lian
Sammi1 - om leave from 15 July
Sexy Yuki - on one month leave back in end July
Small Ivy
Spore Ice - elusive again
Sze Sze
Tim Tim
T one
Tong Tong
Xiao Mei
Xiao Qing
Xiao Ying
Xiao Yun Qua
Xin Zi
Xiu Wen - on 1 month leave, back in mid July
Yan Er
Yan Hong
Yee Yee
Ying Ying
Yoki L20
Yoko L16
Yoko L28 - on leave till 10/7
Zhen Zhen L18
Zhen Zhen L28 (new) ava Xiao Zhen
Zhen Zhen L28 (old)
Zing Zhi
Zu Er

New Party Gals On 06072002
LS, Jolin, Ya Wen, CK & Kinky

Top Party Gal For the Day
Sammi 1

Watch this thread for the latest GL gals updates

07-07-2002, 11:08 AM
Originally posted by cuntking
bro zyxel, not yet ...... today reach HQ late and was told that she was in the room with bro gary ... when they cum out, she look tired so I skip and no bonk again.

BTW "shooting star" on monday?

bro cuntking, I thought you have waited for her that night when I came with my friend?

I hope I can go on Monday. I have an appointment on that night, and if time permit, I will go to HQ by 9:30pm.


07-07-2002, 04:06 PM
bro zyxel, that night she did not cum lah .... ok see you at HQ on Monday. SMS me when you on the way and I will ask Tommy to book the Star cruise for you ... hee hee

Originally posted by zyxel01

bro cuntking, I thought you have waited for her that night when I came with my friend?

I hope I can go on Monday. I have an appointment on that night, and if time permit, I will go to HQ by 9:30pm.


07-07-2002, 04:20 PM
Hi everyone,

fun flame me if i didnt write a good FR. first time writing a FR.
Me usuallu go Cat40 so was the first time to try a Cat150. A total world of difference it seems. in terms of friendliness and patience

Went down to T**** 1612 on Sat afternoon .. damm bloody hot weather ... cool down rapidly .. talk to T**** and said it's my first time calling a Cat150 and asked for recommendations ... he say let me try a gentle-type , not the commando type first .. ok onz ...

less than 10mins ... car pulled up and a lady in a tight yellow dress walk in ... first impression .. friendly and chatty, small breast ... but sufficienrt to hold and little hair at the bottom (which i like) ... proceed to room behind the counter (chinese room ??????) and the game starts

shower together and she clean your whole body for you ... after which ... rubbing her whole body over you ...

proceed to bed .. kiss my whole body from neck till toe (hmm i dun like ppl kissing my toe though, duno if u bros prefer it)
after which a nice mint BJ .... loves the mirror on top ..... plus her face when you BJ you ... damm shiok ....

after that ... riding on me (nice and gentle) and finished off by missionary ..

overall, i find her nice and friendly .. a whole of difference from CAT40 who are only interested in finishing you off fast.

no per task ratings given as me not up to standard to give such ratings ...

07-07-2002, 05:40 PM
Bro cuntking,

where got time?? too busy dealing with their pair of
wonder tits liao..

07-07-2002, 11:50 PM
BiBi2 is back to work, earlier than expected.

08-07-2002, 12:10 AM
Originally posted by cuntking
BiBi2 is back to work, earlier than expected.

Did she go away Bro King ? I had her last saturday and she was working this Saturday as well. I don't thinks he went away.



08-07-2002, 12:14 AM
bro jang, maybe you brought her overseas with you ... hee hee hee... she was mising for a few days lah. Today saw her partying.

Originally posted by Jang5556

Did she go away Bro King ? I had her last saturday and she was working this Saturday as well. I don't thinks he went away.



08-07-2002, 12:23 AM
Originally posted by cuntking
bro jang, maybe you brought her overseas with you ... hee hee hee... she was mising for a few days lah. Today saw her partying.

Bro King, Nah went away alone, no girls in sight. That's why levels so high and Susan kenna terok terok on Saturday when I got her hehehehe

OK on the BB2 bit.



08-07-2002, 12:36 AM
Saw Susan before I leave HQ today ..... I still not game for Nasi Lamak leh ... she is still working so you are not so good after all ... hee hee hee

Anyway the japanese customer who was with her was very happy and even asked Tommy for a business card, he looked blur and wrote his name and number on a piece of paper .... ha ha ha

Let's exchange business card at GL business centre..... Dr Cunt here ... hee hee

Originally posted by Jang5556

Bro King, Nah went away alone, no girls in sight. That's why levels so high and Susan kenna terok terok on Saturday when I got her hehehehe

OK on the BB2 bit.



08-07-2002, 12:42 AM
Originally posted by cuntking
Saw Susan before I leave HQ today ..... I still not game for Nasi Lamak leh ... she is still working so you are not so good after all ... hee hee hee

Anyway the japanese customer who was with her was very happy and even asked Tommy for a business card, he looked blur and wrote his name and number on a piece of paper .... ha ha ha

Let's exchange business card at GL business centre..... Dr Cunt here ... hee hee

Bro King,

Susan is not the one tired after the session. I am hehehe As for the kenna terok terok, I meant I emptied my tanks all over her and it was a mess !!! Hmmm, maybe too much information here. Sorry.



08-07-2002, 01:03 AM
so bro jang, I think she has too much white coconut milk from you and that's why she taste so good today for the jap guy at HQ

Originally posted by Jang5556

Bro King,

Susan is not the one tired after the session. I am hehehe As for the kenna terok terok, I meant I emptied my tanks all over her and it was a mess !!! Hmmm, maybe too much information here. Sorry.



08-07-2002, 01:30 AM
Originally posted by cuntking
so bro jang, I think she has too much white coconut milk from you and that's why she taste so good today for the jap guy at HQ

Bro King,

I hope she didn't have any more coconut milk from me. She had to redo her makeup and I was not even aiming there heheheh If I remember, she had a very long shower after our session.

As for Jap guys, she seems to have a lot of Jap customers.



08-07-2002, 01:36 AM
bro jang, Sony is another jap customers fav GL gal .... many of them at HQ always ask for her ..... maybe because they support their own products SONY ... hee hee

Originally posted by Jang5556

Bro King,

I hope she didn't have any more coconut milk from me. She had to redo her makeup and I was not even aiming there heheheh If I remember, she had a very long shower after our session.

As for Jap guys, she seems to have a lot of Jap customers.



08-07-2002, 02:13 AM
I am compiling a list of gals that partys at HQ. If I miss out any, can any kind brothers please add on. Will also do a daily update of the party gals.

AC Milan
Ai Lee
Ann Qi
Bai Her
Bai Xue
Bao Er
Blue Diamond
Blue Ocean
Boss (or Best, cannot read the hand writing)
Casino - on leave
Ching Ching
CoCo L16
Fang Ling
Fei Xue
Hai Chew
Hai San - elusive
Hai Yan - on 1 month leave, back in end July
Hello Kitty
Hong Hong
Hui Yu - on 1 month leave, back in mid July
Jia Ling
JoJo L20
Jolin L20
Kar Leng - on 1 month leave
Lee Wen - start leave in July
Mei Hui
Mei Yee
Mimi (chinese L14)
MJ - on one month leave back in end July
Mong Er
Mong Na
Mong Ting
Mun Mun (new) - on one month leave back in end July
Mun Mun (old)
Peh Peh
Pei Yi
Ping Ping - on one month leave back in end July
Poh Yee
Qiu Lian
Sammei - on one month leave back in August
Sammi1 - om leave from 15 July
Sexy Yuki - on one month leave back in end July
Small Ivy
Spore Ice - elusive again
Sze Sze
Tim Tim
T one
Tong Tong
Xiao Mei
Xiao Qing
Xiao Ying
Xiao Yun Qua
Xin Zi
Xiu Wen - on 1 month leave, back in mid July
Yan Er
Yan Hong
Ya Wen
Yee Yee
Ying Ying
Yoki L20
Yoko L16
Yoko L28 - on leave till 10/7
Zhen Zhen L18
Zhen Zhen L28 (new) ava Xiao Zhen
Zhen Zhen L28 (old)
Zing Zhi
Zu Er

New Party Gals On 07072002

Top Party Gal For the Day

Watch this thread for the latest GL gals updates

08-07-2002, 02:15 AM
Originally posted by cuntking
bro jang, Sony is another jap customers fav GL gal .... many of them at HQ always ask for her ..... maybe because they support their own products SONY ... hee hee

Bro King,

Not to jump off the subject but any idea if Kar leng is back yet ?



08-07-2002, 02:17 AM
bro jang, she is one one month leave and not back yet.

Originally posted by Jang5556

Bro King,

Not to jump off the subject but any idea if Kar leng is back yet ?



08-07-2002, 02:25 AM
Originally posted by cuntking
bro jang, she is one one month leave and not back yet.

Bro King,

Know that just cannot remember when the month started !! hehehehe

Now this girl gives slow and steady service plus have those fantastic melons.....



08-07-2002, 10:12 AM
Originally posted by Jang5556

Bro King,

Know that just cannot remember when the month started !! hehehehe

Now this girl gives slow and steady service plus have those fantastic melons.....



Yes, that's right. She also likes to be serviced, and I like that, cos I like to service the gal too.


08-07-2002, 10:25 AM
Originally posted by zyxel01

Yes, that's right. She also likes to be serviced, and I like that, cos I like to service the gal too.


Bro Zyxel,

That's not it. Actually she is lazy and is happy to let Bros do whatever they want with her. She can then just lie there and moan and groan. No need to work. bwhahahahah Quite a smart one this girl !!



08-07-2002, 10:35 AM
Originally posted by Jang5556

Bro Zyxel,

That's not it. Actually she is lazy and is happy to let Bros do whatever they want with her. She can then just lie there and moan and groan. No need to work. bwhahahahah Quite a smart one this girl !!



It's ok for me... I am more hardworking than the gals. That's why I dun like Zhen Zhen of L18, the one with the sultry face and big titts. Cannot service her at all. Maybe cannot click lah... Looks like bro omnia had a different treatment from her...


08-07-2002, 11:52 AM
Originally posted by zyxel01

It's ok for me... I am more hardworking than the gals. That's why I dun like Zhen Zhen of L18, the one with the sultry face and big titts. Cannot service her at all. Maybe cannot click lah... Looks like bro omnia had a different treatment from her...


Bro, the other one who seems to liek beings erviced is Yoko. Service, service, service and then when you look up, she looks at you through half closed eyes and says 'f**k me !! Wah lao... steam



PS Have not been with Zhen Zhen in a while but if I remember her, she wants to do it all so she has full control and can either keep it going or end it quick.

08-07-2002, 12:24 PM
bro zyxel, when I tried her also got restrictions, she is the type thay gives a good service but do not allow everyone to service her ...... maybe other brothers just click better with her or they more handsome than us .... hee hee.... each to his own, I also click better with some other gals ... like my princesses ... ha ha

Originally posted by zyxel01

It's ok for me... I am more hardworking than the gals. That's why I dun like Zhen Zhen of L18, the one with the sultry face and big titts. Cannot service her at all. Maybe cannot click lah... Looks like bro omnia had a different treatment from her...


08-07-2002, 12:45 PM
bro jang, again I have to ask which Yoko L16 or L28 ... Yoko L16 is still in my list .... got more targets these days but staying focused one target at a time ... not forgeting to repeat my princesses .... hee hee ... must use my ammo wisely

Originally posted by Jang5556

Bro, the other one who seems to liek beings erviced is Yoko. Service, service, service and then when you look up, she looks at you through half closed eyes and says 'f**k me !! Wah lao... steam



PS Have not been with Zhen Zhen in a while but if I remember her, she wants to do it all so she has full control and can either keep it going or end it quick.

08-07-2002, 01:00 PM
Originally posted by Jang5556

Bro, the other one who seems to liek beings erviced is Yoko. Service, service, service and then when you look up, she looks at you through half closed eyes and says 'f**k me !! Wah lao... steam



PS Have not been with Zhen Zhen in a while but if I remember her, she wants to do it all so she has full control and can either keep it going or end it quick.

Yes, Yoko is also good. She is one of my fav also. Enjoys sex as well.

Bro cuntking, I believe bro jang is talking about Yoko of L28.


08-07-2002, 01:06 PM
ok got it .... I also enjoyed my session with her ... now waiting to try Yoko L16 ... btw bro zxyel, why you don't enoy your session with her? ... no two way traffic?

Originally posted by zyxel01

Yes, Yoko is also good. She is one of my fav also. Enjoys sex as well.

Bro cuntking, I believe bro jang is talking about Yoko of L28.


08-07-2002, 01:12 PM
Originally posted by cuntking
ok got it .... I also enjoyed my session with her ... now waiting to try Yoko L16 ... btw bro zxyel, why you don't enoy your session with her? ... no two way traffic?

She allows me to rub her pussy and lick and suck her titts, but somehow I dun feel the sexitement like I have with Jaguar, xin xin, etc. Something is still missing.

She is ok, service is good, just no chemistry. Dun be mistaken.

Guess we just cannot click....


08-07-2002, 01:17 PM
bro zyxel, looks like I must try her but may not click too after seeing her so many times but never try

Originally posted by zyxel01

She allows me to rub her pussy and lick and suck her titts, but somehow I dun feel the sexitement like I have with Jaguar, xin xin, etc. Something is still missing.

She is ok, service is good, just no chemistry. Dun be mistaken.

Guess we just cannot click....


08-07-2002, 02:03 PM
went down to T's place on 2.7.02 at ard 1300hrs look for Celine was told she is on MC and ask for Pinky, also not available. So ask T to recommend and he recom Leewen, well not really to my liking as i not really a boob's man so didn't really enjoy the session. After the session hang ard at the place for a while and saw a numbers of brothers hanging at his place and T told me most are from Sammy forum but i did not go forward to intro myself maybe if I happen to see you guys again I will intro myself. Anyway as Leewen can't satified my lust so i go for another round saw a leggy lady in white walking out of the place ask T who is that Yuki her name so ask T to place the booking while I go draw money for bonking. When I came back was told alot more brothers are waiting so he recommended MG a petite 25+yo, she really give me a better time then the previous gal.

my rating on MG

looks : 8/10(I like peitite gals)
boobs : 8/10 (a handful b-cups)
bbbj :7.5/10(almost cim)
fj : 7/10(allow multiple position)

08-07-2002, 06:37 PM
Originally posted by cuntking
bro zyxel, looks like I must try her but may not click too after seeing her so many times but never try

Bro King,

I was talkinga bout Yoko from L28. She is the sex hound. I have also tried Yoko from L16. OK but doesn't do much for me. Also a little bit on the thin side if I remember right. However the service is very good. Stick her next to Maggie on girls that you should try just to see what else is out there.



09-07-2002, 12:16 AM
bro jang, ok will put Yoko L16 on my list too ... saw that you had the other OG (with fake boobs... a big No No for me) ... hee hee

Originally posted by Jang5556

Bro King,

I was talkinga bout Yoko from L28. She is the sex hound. I have also tried Yoko from L16. OK but doesn't do much for me. Also a little bit on the thin side if I remember right. However the service is very good. Stick her next to Maggie on girls that you should try just to see what else is out there.



09-07-2002, 12:46 AM
My first FR since my return from studies in Sydney. Yeah finally finished all my units!

Headed to Tommy's at 1612 and he was all smiles at the return of the RSM. Took me on an orientation tour of his joint and I made a booking for the China room. Wanted to call for Chilli Padi but she had gone back for her one month break. The QM then asked me if he had any gals in mind given my kinks and he took just a minute before coming up with the name of Sammi1. After a short wait of 20 mins, she came breezing in with a chirpy smile. Betchamygollywow, she bore a slight resemblance to Wenfang, as well as Lucy Liu, as mentioned by someone else in another thread. Perky ass and fairsized tits. Bloody pretty gal and a little skinny but I like my gals lean.

In the room she removed her raiment to reveal 100% natural C cup tits and a lean body to die for. Chatted and realised she had been around in a few Western countries, which explained her excellent command of the English language. After the shower, she got me to lie on my front and that's where the fun began. Starters saw her kissing down my back, while concentrating on the back of the knees where the nerves are concentrated. Good technique, especially when she started gently biting my buttocks, which sent spasms coursing through my body. Flipped me to the front where she proceeded to give me a reasonable and long BBBJ, though nowhere as good as Chilli Padi. Had a feel of her titties and they felt so wonderfully natural.

Could not endure anymore and got on top after being capped. Pumped her gently while locking tongues with her. Pussy was quite tight, which made me gasp in pleasure. Pumped her at length before switching to doggy where I surrendered my man juice in a torrential deluge, which left us gasping and sweating. She cleaned me up and we chatted about her experiences and life in general. For a young lady, she's quite matured, even given her diverse career. Forgot abt the time and we left the room 15 mins overtime. She pecked me on the way out, only to be grabbed by the dude after me. Total GFE experience. No regrets!

Looks 8/10
Body 8/10
Tits 8/10
BBBJ 6/10
FJ 7/10
Frenching - yes, ask first
RTF - fuck, yes!

The RSM scores again!

09-07-2002, 01:05 AM
FR of [XX] by Weapon Officer dez - GL gal AA

Those guys that know me, knows that I am currently into the 14th day of my conquest, but only a few is really worth mentioning. Girl [XX] is one of them. I was so satisfied with her that I went back for her the very next day.
Here is a FR about my 2nd visit to her. Was there waiting for her as "T" told me that girl xx is in his house and is busy. So I just sit there watch TV and drinking tea. Then I heard the sounds of high heels walking out and T indicated to me that she is out. She was going to sign out on the book, when Tommy told her that I was waiting for her. She took a quick glance towards me gave me a sweet smile and I know that she still remember the session we had just the day before.So i decided to try her again.
Inside the room, we had the usual chat and she said that she is going to conquer me today as she had lost the battle the previous day. I gave her a smile and ask her to” Try me”. She came and holds my hand and we proceed to the shower. The bath was SOP but she made it up with a friendly chat and her laughter, she just can’t stop talking something good as it tells me that she is totally comfortable with me. The Foreplay starts in the shower, as she give me a warm water Bj, as she kneel down on the floor, she gave me that kind of CFM face, really would want to bang her immediately but I know that this is a good indication that many good things to come.
Out of the shower, we dried ourselves. Then we proceeded to the bed, she ask me to lie down on my back and she start to lick me downwards. Frm my neck down to my left leg, then up to my butt, before down my right leg. I must say that I really enjoy it, kind of kinky feeling. Then she asks me to turn around and start to lick my chest down to my knees. I must say that I was rather itchy. But somehow her soft morns cover up for that. She then asks me to lift my butt up while placing a pillow under it. She asks me to lift my legs up high as she AR me. I don’t really like AR, but I must comment that her AR is real good. But as this is my 2nd time coming to her, I know that I am not here for her good AR, but her service. Then she start to BBBJ me, she took out a condom from her bag, without stopping, put on my cap and ask me wat positions I want to do. For other girls, they would usually just cap and ride you on top, but for her, she asked me what I want and I know that it is time to take control. I told her the usual as yesterday and she understood immediately, giving me a big smile. I sat at the edge of the bed while she sat on my thighs. She slowly guides my little brother into her honey cave and starts to shake. We didn’t really have to use any strength as all I had to do is to use my legs to shake front and back and the momentum will push my brother in and out. I guess that she was rather enjoying it and hug me tightly. After a few mins, I ask her to hook her legs around my waist while 1 hand holding her butt, the other holding her waist and I stood up. I start to pump and she morn really loud. I was rather worried that the moaning might be too loud, but after a while, WHO CARES!!.. The louder then Better. So I start to quicken my pace and bend lower each time to increase the penetration. She really enjoys it and hugs me tightly and keeps saying “SHUNAGGGG” Which means shiok in Chinese. This really spur me on and I keep bending lower until her butt can touch the floor and I just pause at that position for a while and wonder if I am servicing her or she is supposed to service me. But she gave me that CMF look and that “give it to ME “ look, I really cant take it and carry her up and start with the motion again… she keep screaming “shuang” “shuang” and I just keep the pace up. Then after a while she sank into my arms, legs losing the strength and told me to out her down. I slowly put her on the bed and she was really exhausted but she still gave me that CMF look and ask me what other pattern I have. I immediately took her butt and start fucking her sideways. She moans and held my hands tightly. Seems that she really enjoy it, but I was not over yet. After a few mins, we decide to change positions again, this time ..DOGGIE!!… I grab her ass and slowly insert in, woah.. shiok!!.. And she starts moaning again.. I was pumping and pumping, at the same time squeezing her ass. Woah, real shiok, nothing to say , just bang. Then I stretch forward to play with her tits she lean backwards to give me a better touch while at the same making that forever horny “shuang” “shuang”. Then I was thinking what else I can do, but she just lost strength in her arms and collapse onto the bed. She turns around looking at me with the surprised kind of look. She climbs on to me and we did in the YingYang Stance. We kind of coordinated well together and both of us were really enjoying it. She tries her best to keep up with the pace but then she fell backwards onto the bed. I thought that that is the end of her, but she keep moving her waist while lying down, so I lie down also and we did the Wide-Open stance and sicors. She just wont stop moving and moaning. After a while, I think I was time to end off. We move into missionary but not totally that, we move her legs around, from spreading legs wide to putting them on my shoulder, to sideways, to pushing her knees to touch her breast. Many positions, many tricks. But time to end of everything with a big bang. Open her legs wide and start my engine. Start at 1st gear slowly and at the same time touching her tits. Then I quicken my pace. I really quicken… huff puff… in, out IN Out!!…none stop!!..Faster than Anyone else!!..I want The whole of Gl to know that we Are fucking!!.. she Moan real loud this time.!!..but who cares!!..Louder!!!..LOUDER!!!… She was like…ARRGGGG!!!!…LAI LAI LAI!!!….” [Come come in Chinese].. I was pumping still pumping!!.. I wont stop till I shoot!!…Then I feel it coming!!… “LAI LIAO” I said… She scream another “SHUANG”!! and ask me to move even faster!!” Dong Kuai DIAN!!! I gave her a few more hard and fast trusts and I unload into her.She gave a satisfying moan and hug me real tight.i was on top of her for the next few mins, totally exausted I can see the sweat dripping down from her breast and feel my sweat on my back. I just lie down on her and we chat for a few mins and she said that seldom guys can last that long with so much action. She said that even guys who are 24-27… who tried carrying her, can’t even pick her up for more than 1 min.While some cant even shake properly as it need both party to move at the same time. I gave her a smile and she gave me a peck on the cheek, holding my hands, we went into the shower to clean up. After the cleaning up, she said that she has problems standing up, her legs are kind of jelly I hold her hand, we sat down on the bed to talk she tell me that she lost again.After a short chat, we stood up and walk out of the room.
I was totally satisfied. Oh… did I forget to say that her damm hp was ringing a lot of times, I think the okt was calling her, but she just refuse to listen , even when we finish , only when I ask her to listen, then she pick up. Good attitude here. Definitely worth my 2nd trip at her. Definately my 3rd session with her is not far around.

Overall- she not really that pretty, only about average
Not really tall,not really big boos.
But I really like her service.
Quite chatty young girl.

09-07-2002, 01:08 AM
FR on XiaoMei [27/01/2002] by Weapon Officer dez - GL gal Pinky

After chionging a few days of ktv, I decided to give tommy a visit. After making a few calls to the rest of the team to meet up at base.
I sat there for some time, thinking whom I should try. After some recommendations from the team and tommy, I set my heart to conquer XiaoMei today.
She holds my hand as we walk towards the room and gave me a very sweet and innocent smile, which melt me immediately. As we undress, she came over to help me. I was rather happy with this service and was hoping for better things to come.
In the washroom was rather SOP, simple chatting and cleaning, but her sweet smile and innocent looking face break all barriers and we start to chat like long lost friends. She washes me from my ear to legs. Something different was that she cleans my little brother thru my legs as she squads behind me. Went out of the bathroom, after drying ourselves, we proceeded onto the bed, She asked me to turn over and she start to lick me, especially my ears, licking them clean, then she proceed on to my arms, before reaching my ass. She asked me to turn over and now, she start to attack my front, slowly starting from my ears down, before give me a BJ.She even play with my little brother by holding it up and said “ testing testing 123!”I must say that her Bj is rather good, she slowly lick the tip, before slowly moving on, before I knew it, she engulf my whole into her mouth, I was really enjoy it. No tissue papers to clean, no fake moans during the foreplay, I was starting to enjoy myself for the 1st time in many weeks! She then put on an umbrella for my little brother before we proceed to real action.
We started with she on top, before sitting on me, she asked me why my hands were restless as I didn’t bother touching her, before she shyly smiled at me. I just smile back and said that I was enjoying myself. I can see that she got rather big assets and it would be a big waste not to touch, but I was enjoying so much that this matter never came across my mind. After that we tried sitting upright. But we have some coordinating problems and I told her to forget it. Then we proceed to missionary position. I start slowly before increasing the speed, our noses touches as I lean forward with each trust. Just when I know I was going to cum, I quicken my pace and she moans louder, as I explode into her, she gave me a tight hug and I really enjoyed it. She sensed that I was rather tired, so she offered me a massage and we chit chat for a while. Then i asked her what she had for dinner as i taste some fish smell when we frenched,she told me that she had fish noodles for dinner and was surprised that i can smell as she was her mouth 3 times and even smoke before that. She gave me that innocent sorry kind of look. I melt again.
After that was the SOP of cleaning up. I was rather disappointed with myself as I was rather out of form, but she thought that her service was no good and tried to ask me about it, she really hopes to make her customers enjoy and say that she try to make it better next time if I ask for her again. After that, we sat on the bed and chat for a while as we have some time left. We chat about lots of stuffs and before we know it, it was time to go, we got up, holding hands together, she asked me for a good bye kiss, which I gave willing. Walk out of the place with pictures of each other in our mind. All things have to come to and end. But I will be back for her and she knows that I definitely would.


Comments—I definitely will be looking for her in the near future. She is someone who is out to satisfy her customers.
But I just like her attitude. Sweet-looking girl. Slow and steady kind of service.
I gave her the 2nd spot in my list.

09-07-2002, 01:09 AM
FR on REDBULL by Intelligence Officer lousytu - GL gal MJ

I reached headquarters earlier than the rest of SAF and found out that REDBULL is already in the house. What luck. I waited for her while I relaxed, watched TV and chit chat with T. Once again, there is no doubt about the great customer service.

When REDBULL saw me, she smiled so sweetly. I knew immediately that she remembered me. While we walked towards the room, we made small talk and I was shocked when she stroked Mr dick thru the pants. Boy am I in for a good time.

I was not disappointed. The moment the door was closed, we were engaged in a lip lock and passionate kissing. Slowing she unbuttoned my shirt and I unzipped her long flowing dress while we were lock lip to lip, tongue to tongue. She told me softly, that she would keep the high heels on and that we would do it in a porn movie fashion. Ooh, excitement rushes thru my veins the moment I heard it. While still kissing, we removed each others under clothing which meant that we had to bend down. Finally, our lips separated when she stood up and while I was still in the kneeling position, I took her nipples in my mouth and caress it with my tongue. She liked it.

We kissed passionately for a while as she lowers herself this time and took me into her mouth. It was heaven as I look down on her. The image of us in the mirror got me further aroused.

She turned around to face the bed and bent over inviting me to enter her. As I entered her, I could feel that she was well lubricated. This was not gel, it was her own wetness as she have not had the chance to put any gel. For me, I had always wanted to do a girl this way and it was a dream come true (the high heel was an important part of the package). She was enjoying herself tremendously too. With her high heels still on, we move further into the bed while I doggied her. Our rhythm was good and well coordinated.

To my surprise, she turned around and took me in her mouth (WOW! HEAVEN). Then she changed position to missionary. That was a wonderful way to make a transition. Then I enter her and we moved away. She was really into it, as I was too. We move together as I continued to pump. She was in "heaven". With one hand she held my palm tightly while the other hand was grabbing our clothing (we didn't have time or bothered to hang them up) as if holding on for her life. I was all the more excited by this and pumped away. "Harder" she said and I gave her all I got when I heard it. She took Mr dick in the mouth again and then changed to laying on her right side (my request). I lifted her left leg and enter her. The excitement was unreal. I finally came and we laid there holding each other. We had spent about 25 to 30 minutes thus far. But the best 25 minutes I had ever spent in the longest time.

We talked for sometime. She told me her legs were still trembling (it was true, I felt it). Damn I am satisfied….. as I really love a woman who enjoys me.

09-07-2002, 01:10 AM
[XX] by Intelligence Officer lousytu - GL gal AA

It was a warm Saturday afternoon when I reached T’s place. Sat down, chit chat with T and checking out the girls that came in and out at the same time. Real nice looking girls. The girl I was looking for was not working so I had to choose another target.
After a while, T has already arranged 3 possibilities for me.

Soon [XX] arrived. I have seen her a couple of times before and needless to say she looked stunting as usual.
The walk to the room was rather quiet. I hate the “first time”, where you don’t know the girl and she don’t know you. The chemistry is just not strong. As we entered the room and before I could even undress, my phone rang. Damn, this is the 2nd time such a thing had happen. Spoke to the caller, while [XX] had already undressed. I was watching her slowly and rather gracefully lowering her long flowing dress. It was getting very hard to focus on my phone conversation. All I wanted was for this “jerk” to hang up. But this guy was very long winded.
[XX] started to tease me but kept silent. She caressed me while she slowly undid the shirt buttons. It was very exciting, like doing something but trying not to get caught. Then she proceeded to the belt and jeans. Piece by piece my clothing was removed. “Come on, jerk, finish with it… I need to do work” ranged in my mind. Coupled with the CFM face, she was really torturing me. Finally, that guy hung up.
In the shower, we kissed briefly as she cleansed me. It was however a turn off as she kept her lips rather sealed. I wondered why… Found out later that she is suffering from nose block and couldn’t kiss for too long a time due to the need to breathe.
I dried myself and then laid on the bed. She asked me to roll over and started to gently kiss and lick my back. Like Doomas appropriately described the “very feathery-light catbath with those soft, dofu lips of hers” was simply awesome – it was strong enough to feel and yet light enough to give the right sensation. It is difficult to put in words but no other has come close to achieving this. She then proceeded to AR, with the same lightness, the sensation was beyond belief. The best AR I had thus far. She then proceeded to BBBJ Mr Dick. This was too good and I quivered a few times due to the sensation. At that moment, I thought that she was the best at BBBJ…But someone else took that position a few hours later.

Penetration was achieved with her riding me while I laid face up. Her strokes were good but somehow we couldn’t get the rhythm right (not my favourite position anyway)… so I sat up and kissed her while shifting the centre of gravity. Then in a swift move, with Mr Dick still inside the cave, I positioned her in missionary and pump away. At first her legs were spread apart while I pump and she was really getting excited with louder and louder moans. She was already cumming and was encouraging me to pump harder and faster. The sensation of pulling Mr Dick to the brink of exiting the cave and then pushing him all the way in was beginning to take a toll on me too… it had already taken a toll on [XX] too many times. Finally Mr Dick gave up his cargo load.

She then turned around and was ready to be doggied. Wow, surprise, surprise, I was really surprised as I didn’t ask….maybe she thought that I wanted to. Anyway, time was up and I wanted to reserve energy for someone else. I hope I have not let her down though… come to think of it, I should have went for it. Why, cause I had another 3 sessions sometime later that day. Altogether 5 times, once [XX], once [perfect6] and trice someone else…I digest..sorry.
During the shower, she commented that of all her lovers, she respected SAF the most. Qualify it by saying that the members of SAF are so young yet so skillful… all gentlemen who have treated her very well. She added that she enjoyed being with us but it tires her. This last part worries me slightly though.

She is definitely worth repeating.

09-07-2002, 01:13 AM
[Perfect6] by Intelligence Officer lousytu - GL gal Wen Fang

She was beautiful. Definitely, one of the most beautiful bodies I have seen in GL. Immediate, I signaled T that I would like to try her. It was my luck, I guess, as she was available there and then. I had [XX] a few hours ago and was still hot for some action. [XX] was great, mind you, but Mr Dick needed more action.

We greeted each other in a rather former way as we do not know each other. I really dislike such starting point… but this couldn’t be avoided. She helped me to undress before we hit the shower. After squatting down to wash my legs, she filled her mouth with water and engulfed Mr Dick. This was a totally different sensation but It was wonderful. It would have been better if the shower head was raining water on both of us. (may be I will ask her next time… but I serious doubt it will happen ‘cause it will take ages for the hair to dry). This was the 2nd time someone had done this type of BBBJ to me… her skills though different was obviously superior. (The girl who did it to me the first time managed to deep throat Mr throbbing Dick....the FR on her was finished but somehow lost….. still looking for it). I digest again… she sucked Mr Dick with such vigor that there were resounding pops generated from the action.

We dried ourselves within the shower, both complaining that the room was too cold. She had turn off the air-conditioner earlier, but the room was still cold. She gently positioned herself on top on me and I took a mental picture of her image in the ceiling and wall mirrors. Her figure was perfect from every angle. She proceeded to gently kiss my body and stroke Mr Dick who has been saluting since the shower. As she kissed, she deliberately “missing” Mr Dick until she had completed her routine. Finally Mr Dick got the attention he needed and what a pleasure it was. Her BBBJ was fantastic, the best I had ever had thus far. (I thought I had seen the best earlier in the day (i.e. [XX]) but as the saying goes "There is always a higher mountain"). She positioned herself between my legs while continuing the BBBJ. Looking at her as I lay on the bed with her butt pointing up and legs spread …. what a sight… one that would stick with me for a long time to come.. I was getting very aroused just from the sight of her small waist and well proportion hips. I was tempted to do her doggie there and then. Using a pillow, she propped up my hips while she continue to pay attention to Mr Dick. Very soon, I realized what she was up to, as she pull herself away and caressed my balls. But she didn’t stop there and proceeded to AR. The sensation is wonderful. Finally go back to Mr Dick.

We French kissed as I lay her down on the bed. She morned as I gave her some pleasure. Her nipples where standing up right as I lick, kissed and sucked them. Instinctively, she opened her legs as I shifted into position. It was lovely and felt like I was about to do it for the first time with a serious girl friend. Slowly, but surely, Mr Dick proceeded to explored the cave. As he entered, her face showed signs of pleasure. She was wet and ready. As Mr Dick began his slow probing. She was responsive during our love making and we move as if we have been lovers for a long time. Our motions were in sync, which drives us all the more closer to climax. She was engulfed in the sensation as well rocked together. Then she turned over to doggie position and Mr Dick once again began his probing. The sight of her in this position under me … wooo … unbelievable. A few times, just for a few seconds, she lifted her head to sneak a look at me through the mirror in front of her as Mr Dick pumped away. She looked awesome. I was in heaven.

Very soon, Mr Dick could carry the heavy burden any more but he was still rock solid and ready to continue. But time was not on our side. As we stepped out of the room, I complimented her on her BJ skills and she issued a challenge to BJ till I come on our next rendezvous. (ps. no-one has managed to do that before…. Lets see if she can break the record) Looking forward to it. She would definitely be one of my regular girls.

09-07-2002, 01:15 AM
FR on XiaoMei [27/01/2002] by Intelligence Officer lousytu -
GL gal Pinky

It has been a while since I wrote an FR. The reason was simple, the sessions I had were not great. It was a rather dry season, but that all changed when I had Pocari again on 26/01/2002 and subsequently XiaoMei on 27/01/2002. They were like an oasis in the desert. A thirst quenching drink which I needed.

Ah Dez messaged me. Damn, he is already at T’s place and I am on the MRT….. 1 more stop and I would be home. Just for him, I got down and took the train heading in the opposite direction. Soon I reached at HQ.

Sat down and had a discussion (compare notes) with T and Dez. This rather serious discussion was interrupted by a sweet looking fox which had stepped out of HQ. T knowing that I would probably like her, almost chased after her but I told him that I would try her next time. He then arranged XiaoMei for me. He said that although I have not tried her before, she would definitely suit me. Soon another brudder arrived and we continue to compare notes. CuntKing arrived just as XiaoMei stepped in. He was rather envious that I got to try her before him…… despite the fact that he waited 1 week for her. I thought, if king wanted her that “badly”…. She must be worth it.

After she had signed it, she reached out and held my hand as we walked towards the room like lovers on honeymoon. Exchanging sweet little chit chat, we slowly undressed.
I was getting aroused from the sight of her slowly removing her dress to reveal a set of well develop treasure and the innocent girlfriend look on her face. She joyfully led me to the shower and began to shower me thoroughly. I was taken by surprised when she reached from behind and washed my dick. It was a totally new sensation and it was causing me to become rock solid.

After drying up, she asked me to lie on the bed facing down, as she climbed behind me and gently kissed me from top to bottom. She was really getting me arouse as she reach the balls. Kissing the area gently, it was sending shivers down my spine. Yet, skillfully she had not touching the balls. She continued her teasing around the area before kissing and licking those longing balls. It was an awesome sensation.

After complimenting Mr Dick, she gently took him in. Slowly she lowers her mouth down and tries to touch the base of the shaft, the wetness of her mouth, coupled with the motion of her head moving up and towards me was giving me a real kick. She continued her strong effort for the longest time which I was totally enjoying.

After the usual and rather turn-off event of capping, she lower herself on me. Slowly yet surely, it was going in. It “pains” me however to see her having difficulty lowering herself on me….. I could feel the pain of entrance too. But finally, it went in and she began to rock away. I was looking at her, taking in her beauty. In a moment of passion, I raised my head and gave her a kissed on the nose. She laughed in a GF manner and said “where got people kiss on nose one?” (in chinese). Smiling, from the event, we were then locked in a passionate French kiss. Still lip-locked, I rose to sitting position as she rocked away. I was however, having problems with the rhythm and she sensed it. So I laid her down (with consent) into missionary. Getting my stance, I began to pump. She was really getting into it and her face was shining from pleasure…..soon she was biting her finger and trying to control herself from screaming by covering her mouth. The excitement generated encouraged me to continue to give her more pleasure. She was enjoying this and to get more pleasure, she pushed her left hand against the wall behind her so that I could go deeper, then in a moment of excitement; she hit her right hand against the same wall …. Pain appeared on her face for a moment but was instantly overcome by the face of passion. Despite concerns for her hand, she encouraged me to carry on as she was too shiok to feel the pain. With the encouragement that she needed more pleasure, I have her everything I got…. in return, she was responding to each and every stroke….. resulting in a fireworks finale.

I would definitely get her again.

09-07-2002, 01:16 AM
Opertation XX by Chief Trainer robintan - GL gal AA

Location - Secret Hideout
Time - 1600 hrs

After escape from the prison, immediated call for backup. Romanto radio back say he will join me.So i proced to our secret hideout with caution. Since time is running out, i faster hijack a tank and rush down.
When reach there, T is outside waiting.I greet him and exchange password. All clear he say and romanto waiting inside.
Once inside...T say he need to go out for a mission...and he be back at 1800 hrs when everyone gather....okie so before he go...Ask him to call the secret agent XX.
Romanto and me making small talk as I wait for XX
Then from a distance I saw her, she smile as she came into view.
Not bad.I think.I give T a thump up and give romanto a wink before I proceed To the room.As I walking there, I put my arm round XX wrist, and she give me a CFM look.This is going to be interesting.I thought to myself.
Once inside, we make small talk and proceed hand in hand to the bath.She wash me slowly and as she benddown,she give me a CFM look and without warning swallow my whole little bro inside her mouth wow she give a hot and cold BBBJ my bro slowly stand attention....damn shiok....after drying myself I lie on the bed waiting. she give me a CFM look again....I tease her and she pound on me making me lie on my back as she slowly doing massage with her tounge..wow she got a strong tounge .She slowly lick her way down south and up again...then without warning she attack my ass with a fury that I had a shock...I thought she using her finger but through the mirror I can see that she licking me....wow damn shiok..she really try to force her way in...then she turn me around and start to lick me all over my nipple and down.She start to lick my balls give it a gentle suction each time she pass it..shiok.before I finishing enjoying that moment she put my bro into her mouth and deep throat it....wow she then do BBBJ and ass rim then bbj....wow shiok.
Before I know it the cap is on and she ride me real hard...I start to thrust upward in keeping up with her rythm.As she riding me, I start to roll and give her breast the long overdue attention I sat up and lick and suck on her erect nipple as she continue to ride me. Then I carry her up and start to pump her in the standing position.al the while she is moaning with pleasure.After a while I put her down and start to pump her in the missionary position.she start to kiss me all over as I fasten my rythm.As I fasten my pace...her moan get louder and she start to thrust her pelvis up in keep with my rythem.Suddenly she lock me in her grap as she moan in pleasure. NO NO NO...I tell her this is not the end...I smile as her as I turn her around....get ready...I warn her before I ram my erect dick into her cunt from behind....In and out...nice and slow.....she start to pant heavily and moan inpleasure....i slowly increase the tempo as she increse her volome. Finally I give the last few hard thrust and cum deep inside her.After that we just lie there a while.she say her leg cramp so I give her a little massage. She smile and tell me next time see SAF must run away all so power and last so long....Then we proceed to bath .after cleaning up we walk out of the room like BGR with my hand round her waist...
Overall...like her attitude....good and tend to make u feel welcome. Maybe deserve my 2nd visit...

09-07-2002, 01:18 AM
FR [Red Bull] by Man-at-arms romanto - GL gal MJ

After receiving SMS coded message, the [RedBull] had return to the enemy base. Immediately took an urgent transport down to defend our HQ. When reached there Ah Dez already sparring with her, then Gary arrived at the scene waiting for his weapon firing.

After the queue, finally decided to take the challenge to pinch down the legendary commando [RedBull].

Looking at first sight she doesn’t caught my eyes, as she is not pretty (as from my standard of view) & figures are not fantastic. She is rather slim & more like Ah lian looks with long shoulder length hair.

Inside the room I was sitting on edge of the bed & removing shoe, while we were chatting & suddenly she came from behind with her hands all over my chest & unbutton my shirt at the same time. As I enjoying her move, my hand also responded caressing her breast with my other hand down under to her ass. She continued rubbing on my nipples & we french each other like couples. Finally removed all my clothing & she grab my dick while blowing me real deep inside her juicy mouth. Then she asked for shower to clean all my body.

After drying was lying on the bed patiently waiting for her attack, she was rather busying preparing for all the software & hardware to take her chance to paralyze her opponent. All of a sudden she jump on the bed looking seductively at me, while she started to aroused me with her tongue licking from my chest straight down to my brother. She was really moving like a snake crawling all over my body, without pause her lips mounted on my rock hard brother. She was licking with deep suction motion teasing my sexual desire to the peak higher than Everest……….OOH…AHHH ….Song Ah.
While she was busy with her both hands & mouth, my itchy hands already swimming across the Pacific Ocean with mountain & evergreen forest. From the twitching body & sexology movement until we were in the 69 position, she suck me vigorously deeply in her powerful vacuum weapon. Then she made her move pulling me in sitting position as she holds me tightly with her lips roaming all over my face. To show no mercy I licked her soft tender sweet melon, thirsting for her breast milk. While we were caressing with the entire loving act in sit up motion, she just moved her warmth pussy onto my harden dick without my notice. When I feel the sensations on my dick, it had already deep inside her juicy cunt. Immediately I started to jerk my body intact firmly with her. Wow…it was so warm inside her cunt, made my rock hard brother steaming & pumping like a piston inside the engine. With all the lust & sexual inspiration turned her into doggy & rammed her real hard with every single stroke. Feelings that little brother was still not satisfying to release the load pinned her on her lying on her back facing me & we kiss & french deeply. Little brother was beginning to charge in fiercely with her left legs high onto my shoulder while she lying on her left side. Furiously I was pushing all my way in the most highest revolution……..AAHAHAHHH finally shoot all my sperm.
After cumming lying on her body to grasp for a breath & relaxing for all the energy released.

It was really an enjoyable session with [RedBull]
The best fuck I had in 2002.

09-07-2002, 01:20 AM
[J] FR by Document Specialist skyliner - GL gal JoJo L16

Report to Hideout Thunderbird on Sat at 1915hrs. Stalking softly in, was approach by informer T. Lead me to one of the cell that is empty and went off to get me some tea. Check the area around and found that today rather quiet. T come back and served me my Tea. Request to interrogate Prisoner CP without hesitation. Nah Beh, T reply that after being interrogate by CuntKing and Gang on Thursday, today still unconscious in own prison cell. T then said that there is a prisoner that is suitable to be interrogated by me…J.

After a while, J came in and we proceeded to the interrogation cell to begin her interrogation. Stripped her down and inspected her thoroughly. Talk a bit of cock before going for water treatment. Action started. Rub Rub and oil my weapon for me. Rather SOP. Proceeded back and using her Bod, start to attack me by stuffing my face into her petite bombs. I guess they are around B-C cup size. Then the usual catbath start with her licking all over my body with slurping sound all over. Lick all the way to my weapon and with a gulp, slide it into her mouth. Woah, FULL CONTACT. Make me Buay Tahan. Lucky for me, I have a lot of control so didn’t succumbed to her mouth. Shift her head down and start to lick my butt. I reject as I don’t rather like assrim. So position me into doggie position and continue to BBBJ under me. Damn erotic seeing my reflection in the mirror. After 5 mins, and twist her body so that her dark forest is in front of me. Licking and fingering like no tomorrow while she slurping my bayonet. Switch around, she start to mount on top on me and to my surprise, she have already cap me with her mouth. Start with riding and tuning up the stereo. After a little while, switch position to doggie. BANG Bang Bang. Switch to missionary. Bang again while she tuning her stereo volume higher and higher until I worried that outside can hear. Gripped my things with her legs, hands grapping my back and push me together with my motions with screaming away. Can feel the sweat all over her body and feel slippery sliding all over. Going faster and faster like a hydraulic pump pumping into her. Pressure mounts up until pipe explodes into her. Finally, pressure release.

Start in that position for a while, while we both pant with exertion. After recovering, she turns me on my back and gives me a massage to loosen up. After it, talk cock on the bed for a while and then the SOP wash up. Then proceed to the counter to pay up and report the mission summary to T. Very Satisfactory results.

Face: 7 (cute)
Figure: 6.5 (boobs a bit small but very soft)
Bj: 7.5
FJ: 7.5 (Rather tight. Maybe mine too big! ha ha)

Too bad, CuntKing came soon after I left. Like to see how you look like.

09-07-2002, 01:23 AM
Re: XX FR by manhorse - GL gal AA

yup, she smells good, have smooth skin, a real turn slim sexy figure (dressed or undressed), is a good kisser depending (hehe), gf friendly. Good bj? hooum depends, fantastically shiok for me (really click during 69). normal fj.....depends again as she prefer to be guided.
she's a good lover, very considerate & definitely a good kisser,
willing & accomodating but don't like it rough.

09-07-2002, 01:25 AM
New Service Queen - Chilli Padi FR 17012002 - GL gal Lisa

I was mobilised at 1400hrs to go to HQ as new gal (less than a week) has arrived at HQ. When I was there heard that bro doomas was her first customer and she is serving her second. Bro Kai xin was also at HQ and waiting, so I chat a bit with him. After half an hour this petite gal in pink dress came out, very normal face, so cannot match the standard of bro kai xin. I recalled a the previous night a super cheonging friend of mine (more than 10 years in GL) said she is excellence in service and made gave him CIM and a second time ….. no gals had did that to him for long long time. Hence I decided to try out this T secret weapon.

In the room, as we undress she looked at me with those young innocent eyes (btw she is just 21) and melted me with her smile. Saw the boobs, small for my liking but her nipples is pinkish and big like grapes.

Went into the wash room, quite SOP …. Water, soap, water ……. Then she suddenly went down and gave me a bj …… so she got a few tricks, not bad for a new gal. Went out and while drying up we chatted, before we went on the bed, she ask if I prefer her to be gentle like gf or wild like she raping me ……….. WOW innocent looking but customer oriented (full of patterns). Just told her to do which ever she want.

She smiled and kiss me, before paying attention to my ears … licked them clean, neck and nipples. As she start her bj again, she was doing it very well …….. she will look at me with that innocent look and ask “song?” I just smiled back and the went on sucking deeper and faster …….. wanted so hard to make me CIM but after a good long try, I told her that I had never CIM. She still don’t give up changes position to 69 to bj.

From that position I was I was treated to the view of her prefect oyster, so pink and tight. I started to finger her and she moans, as I quicken the pace she moans louder and bj faster. When I push my finger deeper, her legs shook and I realized that her oyster is hardly my two finger tip size ….. almost like fresh from the sea.. YO! In the 69 position, she went to AR me (I dun let gals AR me) but it feels good, so did not stop her …… so AR can be enjoying if done well. Put on a cap and went on to fj

Her fj positions also quite a few, fully used every corner of the bed, not wanting to go into details because the most sensation part is still the tightness of her oyster and she is moaning like she is really doing it for the first time. At the final missionary position, as I open the oyster, it fought back, not wanting to let me have the pearl. Must have the precious pearl, I tired to open from all directions and all ways. Finally I lifted her legs to access the oyster better and thrusted my tool fully in, her leg shook like they were about to detach from her body …… I carried on opening and she will locked me with her legs tightly to prevent my tool from moving, so used my tool to go round the oyster and her legs went weak like jelly, I seized this opportunity and gave her a few good deep thrust and cummed …………. Her again locked me tightly and I cummed in her tight, wet and sore oyster ……….. soon my tool then withdraw with the pearl but she wants the pearl back (uncap my tool) and try to snatch back with her mouth ……….. she suck me dry and said see she can make me CIM …… ha ha like that also count.

The rest was SOP. So for brothers are really into service type, she is defiantly the service queen.

09-07-2002, 01:26 AM
XX FR - GL gal AA

As I went down to HQ today, saw bro romanto and bro gary already there finished attacking, RED BULL and XONX. For me don’t know who to call, so ask them to recommend and they both said XX. Since most of the team had already attacked XX with good feedback, I might as well join in.

She arrived and went to a room, before we undress she said she had never been up to the Penthouse before, so I took her hands and lead her upstairs to my favorite room 8. Once inside she gave me a loving smile and with her model looks, really make me fell good.

After she undresses, realized that her boobs is small for my liking but her attitude was good. Since there are FRs on her in the SAF thread I will just highlight the main points.

She starts in the washroom with hot water bj.
Smells good.
Smooth skin.
Sexy and slim figure.
Allows frenching but no really a good kisser.
Very good and friendly attitude.
Good bj and normal fj.

Even bro dez, was surprise to see me try her as he know that I go for bigger boobs but like what he says her service will surplus that minor factor of lack of big assets.

Then bro dez tried Pirate Ship, we went for dinner. After that both bro gary and bro romanto went for second round of (D24) durian. Both of them gave her their 2 thumbs up.

09-07-2002, 01:28 AM
Sweet 16 gal – (POP / Xiao Mei) FR - GL gal Pinky

I was re call to HQ on a hot Sunday afternoon by bro dez and upon arrival Tommy says Xiao Mei is back but got a customer waiting. Pissed man, I had been trying to get her for one week after the feedback from bro Kai Xin but she off and today she back but already got customer waiting……… oh it is our bro lousytu waiting ………. Ok lah, at least he can test water for me. She came in in her little pink dress and was like a 16 year old school gal going to a party and smiled sweetly at us.

Wait and chit chat with bro dez …… bro kai xin came and told him I was waiting for Sweet 16. After a good 45 minutes, bro lousytu came out with a great smile, winked at us and give 2 thumbs up. Then as bro dez had to go off and his gal not here yet, I also waited one week liao, so let our young brother go first lor…………. Another 50min …….. another happy brother.

In the room, she smiled sweetly and tried to take off my belt but could not so I told her my weapon under high security system and she laugh ….. such an innocent gal. So we undress ourselves and wow her boobs are big for her slim body. Went to the wash room and she ask me like a little gal if the water temperate was right ….. the rest was SOP but we had some small talk. Dried up and on to bed.

Before I went on my back, told her no AR and she then say she will lick near the ass but not into it …….. very service orientated. She gave my back a good body ruba with those pure natural boobs and my weapon also stand, then she started lick my ass and legs, the pressure was strong and the warmth was transferred.

Turned me round ruba my chest and licked my ears, went very deep in and kissed my neck. Cupped my face with her small hands and frenched ……… like I was her first b/f. My nipples were then turned to rocks by her wonderful kitten licks. Then came the best part, her bj, before she starts she gave me a CFM look and told me to tell her if she was too hard ……… I was think you little gal think you so good and smile at her ……….. wow, as she suck and suck, ……deep throat still not enough, pushed her whole mouth against my groin ……….. applied pressure on very cm of my weapon as she slowly suck upwards and at the tip she will use her well trained tongue to go round my weapon tip …….. one of the best bj I had in my life, now I know not to underestimate young pretty gals like her.

Cannot tahan liao, pulled her up and necked her, frenched her and gave her boobs the reward of treating my weapon so well. She started moaning and buried my face between those love balls while I went on to finger her tight virgin hole. Her love potion started to flow and her moanings increased.

Soon she was ready to give me her virginity, capped me as she scared her mother scolds and started to ride me. She first put the tip of my weapon into her well lubricated virgin hole and her face went like she was in pain but after inserting fully she gave fascinated look of love and hate at the same time. As we move to each others motion, she looked at me with half smile half CFM look. As I quicken the pace she sudden grab my arms tightly and flick her neck backwards with her soft smooth hair rocking like a pendulum.

Then I went as deep as I can, she screamed, pulled me up and again buried me in her valley of love. Went on to feast on those love balls. In the missionary position, she puts a pillow under her back and I rode her ……. Cannot enjoy full penetration so switch to doggie at the edge of the bed, wonderful …sliding in and out of her virgin hole, feeling the tightness of it and the wetness from it was making those sounds of pleasure.

As we picked up the motion of pleasure, her hands were firmly holding on to the side of the bed. Flip her over, lifted her towards me, thrust deep and cummed. This is what I call a great virgin f..k ohhh …. The tightness and the wetness from her love hole ……….. the rest is lost in the memory lane.

09-07-2002, 01:29 AM
BBBJ QUEEN – (Vampire Lover) FR - GL gal Hai San

King returns to the loving arms of the cat 150 of GL, service which is not comparable!

Arrived at HQ late and there were already quite a few people, looks like the group is getting bigger. Bro romanto was already inside with his lover and bro dez already make appointment with his lover. Bro robin out of touch after 2 weeks MIA …. He even forgot which lor was HQ ….. ha ha

Saw my lover but she had to call it an early day so too bad. I thought this was going to be bad last attack before CNY for me, no more target ……. re called my good attack with Chelsea on 31/12/01, what memories.

Then a gal appeared at the counter and my eyes almost drop …… I had been waiting for Vampire Lover for 6 WHOLE WEEKS!!! The last time I did her on a Monday in Nov 2001, she was the gal who was able to make me cum in her mouth and knowing she was an ang pai asked her when she will be working, she said Wednesday, so that following Wed I went to look for her but she was not working ……. And I ask T so many times till I thought she quitted, but today here she was again in a tight leopard dress showing her white cleavage. Some times don’t believe in fate also cannot, it was all planned for me … lover knock off, dream gal appears.

Once in the death room, she attacked like a vampire hungry for blood, tearing my clothes piece by piece. Me then started to bless the room with holy smoke, after her clothes caught fire and she have to undress, giving me the view of her wonderful pendulums. As she moves the white round and tasty pendulums moved from side to side trying to put me under her dark spell. Went into a daze but recover by having a holy bath in the river of God. She started to chant and trust me she chant a lot, so if you cannot take her chanting, give her a miss.

On the coffin, she again went for the kill ….. sucked my nipples hard while using the blood smelted fingernails of hers to scratch my chest. Then went for my neck, have to put on a good fight moving away from her. Soon the sweet smell from her hair capture my soul and the movements from her soft pendulums rubbing up and down my chest with those harden pendants giving me the freezing sensation….I was frozen. Known the best has yet to cum. I attacked her pendulum, making them stop and praying to those harden pendants with the scriptures from my fingers. She then went into trance, swinging her head side to side and spoke in the language of tongue.

To recover herself, she moved away, downwards and licked the area near my cross to my weak spot at the knees with her fingers scratching my cross from time to time. Knowing that the cross will be the ultimate to her fate, she had to used her special method to attack me, her “suckion of life”! This method is the most powerful one I had ever encountered, besides putting the whole cross into her cave of flame and deep throat you. She tries to peel of the skin of my cross side by side, layer by layer. Then at the tip of my cross she throws flames from her cave, using her flame thrower going round and round, bit by bit the tip of my cross gets burnt. Remembered my first encounter with, so I went into mediation so as to tahan better. She never gives up and tried all methods, even attacked the bells under my cross. It was so powerful that a ‘pop’ sound could be heard each time she rings a bell. I think her motto is to suck the life out of all her attackers!

As the flames died down, she looked up and complimented that I had improved, so she remembered me. Next she covered my cross so that it will not light up her dark tunnel. As the cross was about to enter, she said that she did not use the specially brewed evil potion (KY) but only the natural juices and ask me to be gentle. I am the vampire slayer, how to be gentle with the vampire ……… but she treats me so well and could not take my life away ……… with the tip of my cross just at the entrance of her dark tunnel, she shook. I slide in a bit and pulls out, repeated a few times and after more of her natural love potion flows and she was getting comfortable with my cross I went in all the way, she hugged me so tight and shout the language of tongue again. As she refused to let me go, the cross just circled in her dark tunnel looking for the dark pearl, core of her evil.

She attacked my neck for blood and scratch my arms harder. Went on have a good view and attack her pendulums, gave her pendant a summon she will never forget too ……. she soon went weak and I started thrusting the cross in and out of the dark tunnel, adding light in her soul to bring her to the world off holiness. Her body shook and shiver as she tries to push me away but her dark tunnel is getting the light from my cross and her legs locked my body ….. it was love and hate at the same time for her ………… her soul was swinging between Hell and Heaven ………….. between Good and Evil!

To cleanse her soul once and for all, to free her from all evil, the cross found the dark pearl and gave it the most heavenly punishment, sliding, slicing, cutting and thrusting it. So the bright glow of white hole light cum from the cross and even at the same time, her dark tunnel was baptized in the over flowing of her love potion. Her new born tunnel closed and hugged my cross with so much gratuity, refusing to let it go. Even the Holy vampire lover hugged me with much admiration and the window of our souls were lock for that flash of time. Although she was cleanse but we still belong to a different world and there are more vampires waiting for my cross.

Face: 7.5 (pretty)
Figure: 7.5 (short for my height but slim)
Boobs: 8 (not bad, better if bigger)
BJ: 10++++ ( I had issue the challenge to the SAF team, all who can pass her bj then can say no gal can make them cum by bj)
FJ: 8.5 (very real moaning and reacting like it was really good)
Attitude: 7.5 (all was good but too chatty for me and some times, you feel she just wasting time)

09-07-2002, 02:18 AM
After almost 6 days of no bonking to conserve my power potions for my princesses, was disappointed to know that they had not start work yet. Ask for the gal top on my target list also not around. Super sian but super horny too … went through my target list while watch the gals parade by … Pinky, Sammi1, Sony, Xiao Zhen, Jean, Queen ….. making my beast instinct growing out of control …… Emelda, saw her last week when she was rejected by a customer but I was talking on my hp so missed her. Placed my order and thank goodness she was working but must wait. While waiting, meet a few brothers from the forum .. hi, those that promised me to write FRs, better don’t bluff me … or else next time no ice-cream for you … hee hee

About an hour later, she arrived … tall and slim gal with nice legs. Once in the room she help me take off my top, before stripping herself, could see that she has a slight tummy and her boobs are slightly more than a handful to grab with pinkish brown nipples. Asked her if she has eaten, she said she had put on 2 kg and is now on diet … gals will be gals …. 2 kg only what!

SOP bath and dry up. On the roman bed, she asked me to lay on my bad while she start servicing me … so horny that I forgot to tell her no AR for me. Her short, up and down strokes of catbath was quite stimulating but too wet for my liking. Her boobs ruba ruba was much like HC style from butt to neck and repeats. She loves to lick my ears which I return her the flavour later. Her AR is long but I do not enjoy it.

The front catbath is more detailed every part was taken care of fingers, neck, ears (again), nipples, legs and even arm pits… hmmm. BJ is long and skillful but weak and not the aggressive type which I like. Then she commented that I was so hard … of course lah 6 days never unload.

After capping me skillfully, something well learnt in her years in GL, she started ridding me as well as sucking my nipples. Not a bad ridder and nice boobs to fondle with but before I could suck milk. She request for a change to missionary. Slowly kissed her neck and lick her ears. My motor started pumping, she kiss my neck again and the motor warms up to faster piston movement. Starts to kiss her and find her a good kiss, warm and soft. Only when my motor transmission gets deeper and more forceful, she starts to moan and tongue fight me. Before motor over heats I cumed to cool things. While still in her arms we hug and kiss before washing up.

Overall not a bad bonk but it was good enough to get the horniness out of my inner beast instinct.

09-07-2002, 02:31 AM
I am compiling a list of gals that partys at HQ. If I miss out any, can any kind brothers please add on. Will also do a daily update of the party gals.

AC Milan
Ai Lee
Ann Qi
Bai Her
Bai Xue - not working
Bao Er
Blue Diamond
Blue Ocean
Boss (or Best, cannot read the hand writing)
Carol - on 1 month leave, back in early August
Casino - on leave
Ching Ching
CoCo L16
East - on 1 month leave, back in early August
Fang Ling
Fei Xue
Hai Chew
Hai San - elusive
Hai Yan - on 1 month leave, back in end July
Hello Kitty
Hong Hong
Hui Yu - on 1 month leave, back in mid July
Jia Ling
JoJo L20
Jolin L20
Kar Leng - back but elusive
Lee Wen - start leave in July
Mei Hui - elusive again
Mei Yee
Mimi (chinese L14)
MJ - on one month leave back in end July
Mong Er
Mong Na
Mong Ting
Mun Mun (new) - on one month leave back in end July
Mun Mun (old)
Peh Peh
Pei Yi
Ping Ping - on one month leave back in end July
Poh Yee
Qiu Lian
Sammei - on one month leave back in August
Sammi1 - om leave from 15 July
Sexy Yuki - on one month leave back in end July
Small Ivy
Spore Ice
Sze Sze
Tim Tim
T one
Tong Tong
Xiao Mei
Xiao Qing
Xiao Ying
Xiao Yun Qua
Xin Zi
Xiu Wen - on 1 month leave, back in mid July
Yan Er
Yan Hong
Ya Wen
Yee Yee
Ying Ying
Yoki L20
Yoko L16
Yoko L28 - on leave till 10/7
Zhen Zhen L18
Zhen Zhen L28 (new) ava Xiao Zhen
Zhen Zhen L28 (old)
Zing Zhi
Zu Er

New Party Gals On 08072002
Jean, Xin Xin, Emelda, Happy, Ann Ann and Queen

Top Party Gal For the Day

Watch this thread for the latest GL gals updates

09-07-2002, 02:34 AM
Kitty is on leave

09-07-2002, 10:19 AM
The last time I did her was in late April of 2002, then she went on leave. She supposed
to come back in one month time, back was delayed due to personal reasons and only came
back to work on 2nd week of July 2002. I was activated by bro cuntking on the news that
she has returned, and I quickly went down to HQ (1612) to get her. It was about 9:45pm
that night. Reached the HQ, and she was already standing at the counter talking to Tommy,
and waiting for my arrival. Once I reached the glass door, she quickly opened the door
for me and welcomed me with a big smile. Yes, the smile that I missed for 2 months.

She is still that pretty (to me), with long straight hair, in her white long gown. Tommy
jokingly asked me to sign in as she is waiting for me. We went to the roman room (rm 5).

In the room, we sat down and had a long chat. I asked her why overshot one month leave, and
catch up on what has happened, etc. Then she started to help me undress, and then she undressed
herself. As she turned around to hang her gown, she was only in her sexy g-string (white), and
wow... her sexy butt still turns me on. I hugged her from the back and caressed her titts and she
moaned softly and we frenched. Then she took out her panty and we went to the shower room.

In the shower, we had the longest shower I ever had. We were frenching, groping like lovers. She also
bj me in the shower. After that on to the bed. She took her time to prepare herself and the necessary
toilet papers.

She then started to lick my body and french somemore. I told her to lay down and said that I want to service
her. I started to lick and suck her nipples. She moaned and said that it was so good, and did not feel so
good for a long time. I began to rub her pussy. Oh... I love her pussy lips, like abalone. I fingered her cunt
and she moaned louder and shivering and twitching her hip. I then lifted her hip and licked her pussy. It was
already wet. She screamed with esctacy. I then turned around and did 69 with her. She began to bj me. Then
I laid on the bed and let her service me. She did the usual cat bath from head to toes. Then bj. I realised
her bj skill has gone down. I could not feel much, and my dick got soften. She became worried, and tried to
revive my dick by more bj. After a while, it came slightly harder, and quickly put on the condom.

I told her to lay down and I inserted her cunt in missionary. I realised her cunt has became tighter, and that
made my dick harder and became total attention. I pumped for a while, then switch to doggie, and then push her
flat on the tummy and fucked her doggie with her legs closed togther. Wow... that was really shiok man...
Then changed back to missionary, and then my fav sideway. I pumped harder and faster and she was screaming all
the way, and I finally cummed. I was very tired after that. I laid beside her and then we frenched and chatted.

Then to the shower and put on clothes and a goodbye kiss and out of the room.

Still the same gal with the same great attitude. She also admitted that her skills has degraded slighly, due to
the absence and lack of practice.

A very satisfied session for me.

Rating (in my opinion):
looks: 6.5/10 (ok looking, with long straight hair, dyed red)
body: 7/10 (slim, and quite a nice butt, well toned body)
titts: 7/10 (34B, nice nipple, slight enhanced but still quite soft)
pussy: well trimmed, and her labia is very obvious, and tight too
bj: 6.8/10 (skill has gone down)
AR: did not do, guess she forgot about it
FJ: 8.5/10 (responsive)
Frenching: yes and passionate

SF Chongster
09-07-2002, 10:55 AM
Hey King!
Can confirm that Pinky off the elusive list.

I very single minded lah!

09-07-2002, 11:01 AM
bro SF, she has been working hard for the past two days and had the most session at HQ yesterday ... the top party gal.

Originally posted by SF Chongster
Hey King!
Can confirm that Pinky off the elusive list.

I very single minded lah!

09-07-2002, 11:20 AM
bro zyxel, I am glad operation "Shooting Star" is a great success. Sorry could not wait for you ... knew that you will take a long time with her ... hee hee

Originally posted by zyxel01
The last time I did her was in late April of 2002, then she went on leave. She supposed
to come back in one month time, back was delayed due to personal reasons and only came
back to work on 2nd week of July 2002. I was activated by bro cuntking on the news that
she has returned, and I quickly went down to HQ (1612) to get her. It was about 9:45pm
that night. Reached the HQ, and she was already standing at the counter talking to Tommy,
and waiting for my arrival. Once I reached the glass door, she quickly opened the door
for me and welcomed me with a big smile. Yes, the smile that I missed for 2 months.

09-07-2002, 11:39 AM
Went down to HQ today. As usual, Tommy came over to ask is there anyone that I'm going to request. Asked for Yoko but he said got to wait for a long time, so he went around the house trying to figure out whihc gal is more suitable for me. In the end, he got SONY for me. She was actually waiting for her driver to come but find her quite attractive, so gave her a try.

As usual, went into the room, she help me took off my clothes and keep commenting that I looked like some HK actors. (Wondering if she's carrying my favour). Then in for the bath, washed every part of my body from throat to sole.

Moving on to the bath, she started very fast. Jump straight to licking my neck all around and slowly moving towards down my body. Made some horny sound although quite fake, still manage to gets me errected. sucked my toes as if she's sucking a baby's dick and that's the best part man.

Then asked me to turn over, gave my butt a gentle smack. Wow... felt so wonderful and she's quite a bit playful too. Start the catbathing and to my surprise, she put a mint flavour sweet into her mouth before starting to licking my ass. Wow......... the feeling was so high and the only time when i got this treatment was when I was in HK. So i asked her how she knew this stunt, she just said someone taught her lor. Licking my ass for ard 3 mins and then the BJ began. Same thing, with the mint sweet, your dick felt so cooling, yet hot at the same time. in HK, this stunt is called "Ping Huo" - Ice Fire. The more she licked, the more my little bro couldn't take it and luckily she stop to ask me if it's enough. If not, guess before doing the FJ, I would already have cum.

Gentlely she put on the cap for me and start by getting herself on me. Nice slow smoothing pumping and from slow to fast. Could see that she's quite exhausted so requested to change a position. Change to doggie and she groans really loud. So scare that others will hear us. Hehehe..... Change different positions and after I cum, she gave me her thumbs up. Then follow by the massage. Although not as professional, still consider quite ok. Then proceed to the bathroom again and then she asked for my number. So I gave her and she gave me a goodbye kiss.

At the counter, finally I met bro cuntking. Chat for awhile and I make a move.

Overall ratings:

Looks: 6.5 - 7 (quite sweet looking)

Attitude: 8 (very friendly)

BJ: 8.5 (until now still cannot forget the "Ping Huo")

FJ: 7.5 (very willing to try out different positions with you)

Overall ratings: 8/10

Any fellow brothers had tried her before too??

09-07-2002, 12:45 PM
was at tommy place yesterday around 4.30, first time there, good environment and deco. tommy serve me, ask him if those internet guys around, he say not here yet. well, maybe next time we can get to meet again.

ask for crystal, did not know there were 2 crystal in cat 80. Had the malaysian 1 in mind, but end up with the singapore 1. Not tommy's fault as i did not know there were 2 crystal, and did not ask him.

name : Crystal
looks : 6.5
figure : 8 (36D at least with no tummy)
BJ : 6.5 ,sop but hard working
AR : NA (request not to do when she about to start)
FJ : 7 (can change position, except abit loose)
Attitude : 8 (very friendly and abit of gf style)
Overall : 7.5 (good for big boobs lover, 7.5 cause cat 80 with this type of figure, attitude, looks quite good liao.

09-07-2002, 02:44 PM
Originally posted by cuntking
I am compiling a list of gals that partys at HQ. If I miss out any, can any kind brothers please add on. Will also do a daily update of the party gals.

New Party Gals On 08072002
Jean, Xin Xin, Emelda, Happy, Ann Ann and Queen

Watch this thread for the latest GL gals updates

So the new party girls has included one of my fav eh?? Hmmm... maybe I should go there and give her a surprise!


09-07-2002, 11:29 PM
bro kp, saw her again today and was tempted to try her but thinking of you ...... I restrained ... hee hee hee

Originally posted by kaypoh69

So the new party girls has included one of my fav eh?? Hmmm... maybe I should go there and give her a surprise!


09-07-2002, 11:54 PM
Hi King....me might be going to HQ tomolo...so wonder if by any chances can see you there????

10-07-2002, 12:04 AM
well should be around but cannot confirm timing .... give me an SMS before u go down lah

Originally posted by smiler
Hi King....me might be going to HQ tomolo...so wonder if by any chances can see you there????

10-07-2002, 12:06 AM
Originally posted by cuntking
well should be around but cannot confirm timing .... give me an SMS before u go down lah

Will do........see ya:cool:

10-07-2002, 12:34 AM
saw this gal partying at HQ today, her first day in GL.

Doris is quite tall but slighty tanned with flabby tummy fats. The mole at her upper lips is quite sexy but she lack of milk.

Feedback from the brother that tried her, SOP as a new gal but good attitude ... may not allow frenching (today used the excuse that she has a cold).

Quite blur .. sign in without putting house number and time ... hee hee

10-07-2002, 12:51 AM
Originally posted by cuntking
bro kp, saw her again today and was tempted to try her but thinking of you ...... I restrained ... hee hee hee

Thanks for the respect & brotherhood, I trust u to uphold the honour...swee!! PM or call me when u free!

Brother in Bonk

10-07-2002, 12:54 AM
bro kp, you not in Chinatown with bro CK? no recall by your darling ... hee hee

btw, don't have your HP lah ... when you going to teach me shoot pool ... me newbie in shooting leh ... ha ha ha

Originally posted by kaypoh69

Thanks for the respect & brotherhood, I trust u to uphold the honour...swee!! PM or call me when u free!

Brother in Bonk

10-07-2002, 01:02 AM
for the past few nights consecutively, I have been driving along L16 but could not fing 1612.
Can brothers provide direction, please?

10-07-2002, 01:05 AM
bro acquiredtaste, as you drive along L16, you will pass by Hotel 81. On the left hand side there is a Private carpark, go in and park in any available lots and 1612 is the first house at the entrance of the carpark

Originally posted by acquiredtaste
for the past few nights consecutively, I have been driving along L16 but could not fing 1612.
Can brothers provide direction, please?

10-07-2002, 01:11 AM
Originally posted by cuntking
bro kp, you not in Chinatown with bro CK? no recall by your darling ... hee hee

btw, don't have your HP lah ... when you going to teach me shoot pool ... me newbie in shooting leh ... ha ha ha

Was with that hypersex CK and ended up with the Xiao Jiang...really nice tits..had her 2 nites in a row liao...really standard like 150 girls...going back in 2 more days. Today got some problems so I come home relax and ponder.

Dun learn so much pool leh...wait I in GL cannot tan jiak (earn living) no money to bonk!

Ball Lover

10-07-2002, 01:15 AM
Originally posted by cuntking
I am compiling a list of gals that partys at HQ. If I miss out any, can any kind brothers please add on. Will also do a daily update of the party gals.

AC Milan
Ai Lee
Ann Qi
Bai Her
Bai Xue - not working
Bao Er
Blue Diamond
Blue Ocean
Boss (or Best, cannot read the hand writing)
Carol - on 1 month leave, back in early August
Casino - on leave
Ching Ching
CoCo L16
East - on 1 month leave, back in early August
Fang Ling
Fei Xue
Hai Chew
Hai San - elusive
Hai Yan - on 1 month leave, back in end July
Hello Kitty
Hong Hong
Hui Yu - on 1 month leave, back in mid July
Jia Ling
JoJo L20
Jolin L20
Kar Leng - back but elusive
Lee Wen - start leave in July
Mei Hui - elusive again
Mei Yee
Mimi (chinese L14)
MJ - on one month leave back in end July
Mong Er
Mong Na
Mong Ting
Mun Mun (new) - on one month leave back in end July
Mun Mun (old)
Peh Peh
Pei Yi
Ping Ping - on one month leave back in end July
Poh Yee
Qiu Lian
Sammei - on one month leave back in August
Sammi1 - om leave from 15 July
Sexy Yuki - on one month leave back in end July
Small Ivy
Spore Ice
Sze Sze
Tim Tim
T one
Tong Tong
Xiao Mei
Xiao Qing
Xiao Ying
Xiao Yun Qua
Xin Zi
Xiu Wen - on 1 month leave, back in mid July
Yan Er
Yan Hong
Ya Wen
Yee Yee
Ying Ying
Yoki L20
Yoko L16
Yoko L28 - on leave till 10/7
Zhen Zhen L18
Zhen Zhen L28 (new) ava Xiao Zhen
Zhen Zhen L28 (old)
Zing Zhi
Zu Er

New Party Gals On 08072002
Jean, Xin Xin, Emelda, Happy, Ann Ann and Queen

Top Party Gal For the Day

Watch this thread for the latest GL gals updates

Yo Bros !

This is wat i call King Of GL ! KNN ! I really salute u :D

Cheers !!!

10-07-2002, 01:24 AM
bro kp, whatever will be will be .... I also got a headache this afternoon before going to HQ ... now after shooting, ok liao..... aiya we just shoot some friendly pool games lah .. see you around

Originally posted by kaypoh69

Was with that hypersex CK and ended up with the Xiao Jiang...really nice tits..had her 2 nites in a row liao...really standard like 150 girls...going back in 2 more days. Today got some problems so I come home relax and ponder.

Dun learn so much pool leh...wait I in GL cannot tan jiak (earn living) no money to bonk!

Ball Lover

10-07-2002, 01:27 AM
bro wisely, "King" is just a name (like any others) the brothers that had met me, call me in GL ... I am just a normal bonker .... with a higher urge for cunts .. hee hee

so you have anymore "bao" lobangs ... hee hee ... too bad I only interested in big meat baos ... ha ha ha

Originally posted by wisely

Yo Bros !

This is wat i call King Of GL ! KNN ! I really salute u :D

Cheers !!!

ah bee
10-07-2002, 01:31 AM
Bro wisely i totally agree wif u abt bro king ability to bonk so many beauty of GL. KNN...really must ' pei fu' those super bonker out there. Sometimes envy them too....hehehe....but too poor to bonk like them. :p

10-07-2002, 01:37 AM
Originally posted by ah bee
Bro wisely i totally agree wif u abt bro king ability to bonk so many beauty of GL. KNN...really must ' pei fu' those super bonker out there. Sometimes envy them too....hehehe....but too poor to bonk like them. :p

What's there to envy? Today ppl like king and me may be bonking everyday...but I'm sure your turn will come... dun envy us... if you're young, earn your worth... end of the rainbow, I might be the one to envy u! It's just that while we can afford, then we just enjoy to the fullest.

The fortune wheels are always turning.

Look Up brother

10-07-2002, 01:47 AM
bro kp, well said ... good inspiration to the younger ones to make more money to bonk ... hee hee hee ..... I think we should enjoy while we can and not wait for our weapons to be rusty and depend on some blue pills to bonk .... just like I cannot tahan those old man driving a sports car with a pretty young gal driving at 50km ...... cannot speed cannot shoot!

btw, I may be in GL almost everyday but I DO NOT bonk everyday lah .... and I got no ff ... like you .... ha ha ha


Originally posted by kaypoh69

What's there to envy? Today ppl like king and me may be bonking everyday...but I'm sure your turn will come... dun envy us... if you're young, earn your worth... end of the rainbow, I might be the one to envy u! It's just that while we can afford, then we just enjoy to the fullest.

The fortune wheels are always turning.

Look Up brother

10-07-2002, 01:59 AM
Today afternoon after my last post in the forum, receive many SMS from the SAF brothers (including some elusive ones) showing their concern and arranging for an Urgent Recall at HQ. Thanks for your all your support, anyway let’s party on.

Picked up bro ming along the way and talk about his trip overseas. Upon reaching HQ there were no parking space, so just park behind some cars and went in … quite packed liao. Again, my princesses are not back and top target no around .. sian … some more with a headache. Just sit around and wait for the rest of the brothers to fall in. Chit chat about the forum and some kind words from the guys as well as each one of them carrying on their bonking session. Even when the joint is packed and rooms had to be borrow from next door, I still no target. Hungry so went to makan dinner.

Back at HQ and wanted to leave but T says that there is a new gal (2 weeks old) by the name of Crystal in the room and will gam me. So wait to look see, when she cums out ….. saw a petite gal with over flowing boobs but still not in a mood …. She called back her base and smiled at me with her cute cute face. “Shot teo liao”, tell T I want and she signs in.

In the room, I want to relax and we had a long talk ….. she used to be from GL one year ago, work for two months went back and met with an accident, so rested for a year and just got back last week. This explained for a long scar on her left leg .. quite a turn off but her friendliness as well as good upper body ….. big boobs (for her size) with reddish big easer nipples turned me on…. Nice long flowing hair too with a sweet scent that turns me on.

Back to her service, wash SOP but tend to get my hair wet. No catbath of my upper body expect for her sucking of nipples, she seems to prefer to lick my legs ….. bj is very long and hardworking but only one position. She love my nuts as I love balls ….. spends a long long time lick, sucking and teasing my nuts till they were like well polished apples … bright red. During FJ, she asked who on top and I told her to start, tries her best to ride me but I think too painful for her legs, so she request to switch.

In missionary, I kissed her neck and drink her milk … she starts moaning … sucking my nipples while I pump her. Frenching is allowed with lots of tongue go dancing, I like it. Soon I cumed.

After she wash up, she made a call to her Mum and I learnt that she actually still needs to go for another operation to remove the screws in her leg … poor gal, no wonder she is still working … so all gentle brothers who are not into commando and can ignore her lower body, try her and be nice.

We do what we can, help who we can, share information and move on. This is life.

10-07-2002, 02:01 AM
Originally posted by cuntking
bro kp, well said ... good inspiration to the younger ones to make more money to bonk ... hee hee hee ..... I think we should enjoy while we can and not wait for our weapons to be rusty and depend on some blue pills to bonk .... just like I cannot tahan those old man driving a sports car with a pretty young gal driving at 50km ...... cannot speed cannot shoot!

btw, I may be in GL almost everyday but I DO NOT bonk everyday lah .... and I got no ff ... like you .... ha ha ha


Ya lor bro King, so scary to think our days of bonking will be limited and then dependant on that Blue Pill...oh shit! Nabei...u and me encourage ppl to earn money to bonk!!! kekeke... we like Saturn leh...wait TPK punish us...ahahaha!

BTW, simi is ff????


10-07-2002, 02:04 AM
Originally posted by cuntking

After she wash up, she made a call to her Mum and I learnt that she actually still needs to go for another operation to remove the screws in her leg … poor gal, no wonder she is still working … so all gentle brothers who are not into commando and can ignore her lower body, try her and be nice.

We do what we can, help who we can, share information and move on. This is life.

Wah piangz....really touched me sia....got sob story in GL...I better dun call her...wait I cry in the room with her!

Well, all in all, cheongsters like u still are humans after all... our senses intact.

No Entry Crystal

10-07-2002, 02:15 AM
yes bro kp, we are also flesh and blood but if you like that say and no one call her, where is she going to get money to operate?

you fogot about love and lust ... hee hee

Originally posted by kaypoh69

Wah piangz....really touched me sia....got sob story in GL...I better dun call her...wait I cry in the room with her!

Well, all in all, cheongsters like u still are humans after all... our senses intact.

No Entry Crystal

10-07-2002, 02:42 AM
I am compiling a list of gals that partys at HQ. If I miss out any, can any kind brothers please add on. Will also do a daily update of the party gals.

AC Milan
Ai Lee
Ann Ann
Ann Qi
Bai Her
Bai Xue - not working
Bao Er
Blue Diamond
Blue Ocean
Boss (or Best, cannot read the hand writing)
Carol - on 1 month leave, back in early August
Casino - on leave
Ching Ching
CoCo L16
Crystal (Cat 80, SG)
Diamond - injuried
East - on 1 month leave, back in early August
Fang Ling
Fei Xue
Hai Chew
Hai San - elusive
Hai Yan - on 1 month leave, back in end July
Hello Kitty
Hong Hong
Hui Yu - on 1 month leave, back in mid July
Jia Ling
JoJo L20
Jolin L20
Kar Leng
Lee Wen - start leave in July
Mei Hui - elusive again
Mei Yee
Mimi (chinese L14)
MJ - on one month leave back in end July
Mong Er
Mong Na
Mong Ting
Mun Mun (new) - on one month leave back in end July
Mun Mun (old)
Peh Peh
Pei Yi
Ping Ping - on one month leave back in end July
Poh Yee
Qiu Lian
Sammei - on one month leave back in August
Sammi1 - om leave from 15 July
Sexy Yuki - on one month leave back in end July
Small Ivy
Spore Ice
Sze Sze
Tim Tim
T one
Tong Tong
Xiao Mei
Xiao Qing
Xiao Ying
Xiao Yun Qua
Xin Xin
Xin Zi
Xiu Wen - on 1 month leave, back in mid July
Yan Er
Yan Hong
Ya Wen
Yee Yee
Ying Ying
Yoki L20
Yoko L16
Yoko L28 - on leave till 10/7
Zhen Zhen L18
Zhen Zhen L28 (new) ava Xiao Zhen
Zhen Zhen L28 (old)
Zing Zhi
Zu Er

New Party Gals On 09072002
Doris and Crystal (Cat 150)

Top Party Gal For the Day
Quite a few today .... Auguat, Pei Yi, Xin Xin and Yan Er

Watch this thread for the latest GL gals updates [/B][/QUOTE]

10-07-2002, 05:41 AM
Originally posted by cuntking
bro kp, whatever will be will be .... I also got a headache this afternoon before going to HQ ... now after shooting, ok liao..... aiya we just shoot some friendly pool games lah .. see you around

shoot the pocket one lah....hehehe.......:D only one player...


Ah Dez
10-07-2002, 05:43 AM
Originally posted by kaypoh69

Wah piangz....really touched me sia....got sob story in GL...I better dun call her...wait I cry in the room with her!

Well, all in all, cheongsters like u still are humans after all... our senses intact.

No Entry Crystal

Hor.... another "breakable" girl like mun mun???


10-07-2002, 12:50 PM
bro dez, she is different from Mun Mun lah .. more like those cute cute ones that you like ... just that a pity she had meet with a bad accident and still have to work ... sob sob sob

Originally posted by Ah Dez

Hor.... another "breakable" girl like mun mun???


10-07-2002, 10:23 PM
hi Brubber CUNTKING,

I'm new to the GL150 scene, can brudder please enlighting me
if i will to visit 1612 after 10pm, will i still be able to request some
of my type of girls such as PEI YEE, BLUE DAIMAND and AUGUST base on the FR read on the threat. ????????????? or have to
go straight to their HOME BASE.

Please advice !!!

Thanks BRUBBER CUNTKING ( our Senior Samster )::confused:

10-07-2002, 11:29 PM
bro sotongchew, I always advise the brothers try not to go to get gals after 1030pm, given your case, Pei Yee is out of question as her last call (customer) is at 10pm, so even going to her home base no use.

As for August and Blue Diamond, you can try and get .... one word of advise, don't just based on FRs .. there are 200+ GL gals, lets say half of them work average of 8 sessions (angpais abt 12+ sessions, PCNs about 6+ session) ... so about 800 sessions in GL and suppose 10% of the bonkers (80 session) are from the forum, 50% repeats (40 sessions), we are suppose to get 40 FRs in the here but if we get 4 FRs here a day ... big bro sammy will be a very happy man.

So all those guys who still owe me FRs ... please write them soon ... or less no ice cream for you ... ha ha ha

Originally posted by sotongchew
hi Brubber CUNTKING,

I'm new to the GL150 scene, can brudder please enlighting me
if i will to visit 1612 after 10pm, will i still be able to request some
of my type of girls such as PEI YEE, BLUE DAIMAND and AUGUST base on the FR read on the threat. ????????????? or have to
go straight to their HOME BASE.

Please advice !!!

Thanks BRUBBER CUNTKING ( our Senior Samster )::confused:

11-07-2002, 01:26 AM
I am compiling a list of gals that partys at HQ. If I miss out any, can any kind brothers please add on. Will also do a daily update of the party gals.

AC Milan
Ai Lee
Ann Ann
Ann Qi
August - not working
Bai Her - not working
Bai Xue - not working
Bao Er
Blue Diamond
Blue Ocean
Boss (or Best, cannot read the hand writing)
Carol - on 1 month leave, back in early August
Casino - on leave
Ching Ching
CoCo L16
Crystal (Cat 80, SG)
Crystal (Cat 150)
East - on 1 month leave, back in early August
Fang Ling
Fei Xue
Hai Chew
Hai San - elusive
Hai Yan - on 1 month leave, back in end July
Hello Kitty
Hong Hong
Hui Yu - on 1 month leave, back in mid July
Jean - sick
Jia Ling
JoJo L20
Jolin L20
Kar Leng
Lee Wen - start leave in July
Maybo - not working
Mei Hui
Mei Yee
Mimi (chinese L14)
MJ - on one month leave back in end July
Mong Er
Mong Na
Mong Ting
Mun Mun (new) - on one month leave back in end July
Mun Mun (old)
Peh Peh
Pei Yi
Ping Ping - on one month leave back in end July
Pinky - half day
Poh Yee
Qiu Lian
Sammei - on one month leave back in August
Sammi1 - om leave from 15 July
Sexy Yuki - on one month leave back in end July
Small Ivy
Spore Ice
Sze Sze
Tim Tim
T one
Tong Tong
Xiao Mei
Xiao Qing
Xiao Ying
Xiao Yun Qua
Xin Xin - not working
Xin Zi
Xiu Wen - on 1 month leave, back in mid July
Yan Er
Yan Hong
Ya Wen
Yee Yee
Ying Ying
Yoki L20
Yoko L16
Yoko L28 - on leave till 10/7
Zhen Zhen L18
Zhen Zhen L28 (new) ava Xiao Zhen
Zhen Zhen L28 (old)
Zing Zhi
Zu Er

New Party Gals On 10072002
Blue Ice and Hai O

Top Party Gal For the Day
Sammi 1 and Sony

Watch this thread for the latest GL gals updates

11-07-2002, 01:59 PM
ha low hang tais, this tommi ho ho, got me a ho keng bo mei jakuar. Make me ho siong, I late for work today, lo sia face black black but I happy happy.

11-07-2002, 04:23 PM
Virgin Outing to Gelang and decided that 1612 was the plan to go.
Tommy was cordial and invited me to sit and drink tea. He asked me who I was looking for and I decided on the infamous Jaguar and he told me that I had just missed her. So he asked me what was my preference and I said... like Jaguar. So he recommended Singapore Ice. I had no problems so I just agreed.

After 5 minutes, she arrived.... Tommy led us to the Roman Room... or romantic room (not sure what he called it).
Mirrors on top and sides.

Once we entered the room, she locked the door and started stripping in front of me... nothing sexy, just like her job. Then she started to undress me. I figure she very rough like want to break my shirt buttons.

She then led me to the bathroom. SOP shower just wash everything. Finish... went out she dried me off. then standing in the middle of the floor area, she started kissing my back and all. The moved to a kneeling position where she started with her BBBJ.

All this while, that fake moan.... Cannot bear it! Didn't tell her to shut-up either.

Then she led me to the bed... I told her I haven't come in a long time. And she said that she'll let me come, then she'll massage me and if I could, she'll let me come again. So she gave me a BBBJ with 69. Finally I CIM. She went to the bath room to rinse her mouth. and she took a wet towel to wipe me off. Then she told me to roll over and gave me a massage. After sometime, she started again with the licking and touching. and Some Ass Rimming.... Should be longer..

Rolled over and she fed me a breast for suckling... Interesting. Started with the BBBJ again and let me touch and finger her pussy.

Then she capped my brother... all this while the mirrors gave a good view of what was going on.

And she mounted me. And she went one way, another way, and another way.... all this while she made sure I could see the insertions from the mirrors. Then she made me sit up and I finally came.

Another quick massage, shower and I left. $150 poorer but two time quickie.

All in all, a good experience for a first timer.

Remember to pay at the front counter.

Looks: 7/10
Breasts: 6/10 (implants?)
BBBJ: 7/10 (Moaning.... bad)
FJ: 8/10

Ah Dez
11-07-2002, 04:35 PM

Moans are fake... Breast.. also fake

11-07-2002, 04:49 PM
Originally posted by Ah Dez

Moans are fake... Breast.. also fake

bro how was ur joline???????

Ah Dez
11-07-2002, 05:05 PM
Originally posted by hotdick69

bro how was ur joline???????

FR on jolin is here..


11-07-2002, 11:50 PM
bro slider, looks like you have a 'high' bonk with GL elusive Ice ..... shhh shhh ... don't tell CNB that you hot her at HQ ... hee hee

Originally posted by slider1234
Virgin Outing to Gelang and decided that 1612 was the plan to go.
Tommy was cordial and invited me to sit and drink tea. He asked me who I was looking for and I decided on the infamous Jaguar and he told me that I had just missed her. So he asked me what was my preference and I said... like Jaguar. So he recommended Singapore Ice. I had no problems so I just agreed.

After 5 minutes, she arrived.... Tommy led us to the Roman Room... or romantic room (not sure what he called it).
Mirrors on top and sides.

Once we entered the room, she locked the door and started stripping in front of me... nothing sexy, just like her job. Then she started to undress me. I figure she very rough like want to break my shirt buttons.

She then led me to the bathroom. SOP shower just wash everything. Finish... went out she dried me off. then standing in the middle of the floor area, she started kissing my back and all. The moved to a kneeling position where she started with her BBBJ.

All this while, that fake moan.... Cannot bear it! Didn't tell her to shut-up either.

Then she led me to the bed... I told her I haven't come in a long time. And she said that she'll let me come, then she'll massage me and if I could, she'll let me come again. So she gave me a BBBJ with 69. Finally I CIM. She went to the bath room to rinse her mouth. and she took a wet towel to wipe me off. Then she told me to roll over and gave me a massage. After sometime, she started again with the licking and touching. and Some Ass Rimming.... Should be longer..

Rolled over and she fed me a breast for suckling... Interesting. Started with the BBBJ again and let me touch and finger her pussy.

Then she capped my brother... all this while the mirrors gave a good view of what was going on.

And she mounted me. And she went one way, another way, and another way.... all this while she made sure I could see the insertions from the mirrors. Then she made me sit up and I finally came.

Another quick massage, shower and I left. $150 poorer but two time quickie.

All in all, a good experience for a first timer.

Remember to pay at the front counter.

Looks: 7/10
Breasts: 6/10 (implants?)
BBBJ: 7/10 (Moaning.... bad)
FJ: 8/10

12-07-2002, 12:34 AM
bro hotdick, nice meeting you .. so my turn to ask you ... how is Yoko? Where is your FR?

Originally posted by hotdick69

bro how was ur joline???????

12-07-2002, 12:44 AM
bro buddhavv, before you get flame, please read this thread .... a few pages back I had given directions to 1612 where Tommy is based. As for contact number ... sorry we don't post numbers here.

Originally posted by buddhavv
Where is Tommy's place? and the contact no.

12-07-2002, 01:00 AM
Win is back at work from her leave and party at HQ today. Looks like an eurasian, tall and slim.

12-07-2002, 01:06 AM
Originally posted by cuntking
Win is back at work from her leave and party at HQ today. Looks like an eurasian, tall and slim.

bro cuntking,,,,thanks for the warm reception at HQ today....
was reali fun talking to u all...
so i left abit too early ezit?? miss seeing win....
wah,,,,ur description of her sounds like someone i wan to bonk...
see u again soon,,,mayb tomorrow going down also.

12-07-2002, 01:10 AM
I am compiling a list of gals that partys at HQ. If I miss out any, can any kind brothers please add on. Will also do a daily update of the party gals.

AC Milan
Ai Lee
Ann Ann
Ann Qi
Bai Her
Bai Xue
Bao Er
Blue Diamond
Blue Ice
Blue Ocean
Boss (or Best, cannot read the hand writing)
Carol - on 1 month leave, back in early August
Casino - on leave
Ching Ching
CoCo L16
Crystal (Cat 80, SG)
Crystal (Cat 150)
East - on 1 month leave, back in early August
Fang Ling
Fei Xue
Hai Chew
Hai O
Hai San - elusive
Hai Yan - on 1 month leave, back in end July
Hello Kitty
Hong Hong
Hui Yu - on 1 month leave, back in mid July
Jaguar - leave
Jia Ling
JoJo L20
Jolin L20
Kar Leng
Lee Wen - start leave in July
Mei Hui
Mei Yee
Mimi (chinese L14)
MJ - on one month leave back in end July
Mong Er
Mong Na
Mong Ting
Mun Mun (new) - on one month leave back in end July
Mun Mun (old)
Peh Peh
Pei Yi
Ping Ping - on one month leave back in end July
Poh Yee
Qiu Lian
Sammei - on one month leave back in August
Sammi1 - om leave from 15 July
Sexy Yuki - on one month leave back in end July
Small Ivy
Spore Ice
Sze Sze
Tim Tim
T one
Tong Tong
Xiao Mei
Xiao Qing
Xiao Ying
Xiao Yun Qua
Xin Xin - not working
Xin Zi
Xiu Wen - on 1 month leave, back in mid July
Yan Er
Yan Hong
Ya Wen
Yee Yee
Ying Ying
Yoki L20
Yoko L16
Yoko L28
Zhen Zhen L18
Zhen Zhen L28 (new) ava Xiao Zhen
Zhen Zhen L28 (old)
Zing Zhi
Zu Er

New Party Gals On 10072002
Win, OG WH06 and Fang Fang

Top Party Gal For the Day
Lee Wen

Watch this thread for the latest GL gals updates

12-07-2002, 01:27 AM
bro dirtbike, it was raining and cold .. glad to know you felt so warmth at HQ ...... Win looks fresh from her leave, btw not forgeting about OG too the one I pointed out to you going into the taxi, be prepared for a good time partying ... hee hee

Originally posted by dirtbike08

bro cuntking,,,,thanks for the warm reception at HQ today....
was reali fun talking to u all...
so i left abit too early ezit?? miss seeing win....
wah,,,,ur description of her sounds like someone i wan to bonk...
see u again soon,,,mayb tomorrow going down also.

12-07-2002, 08:15 AM
Originally posted by cuntking
bro dirtbike, it was raining and cold .. glad to know you felt so warmth at HQ ...... Win looks fresh from her leave, btw not forgeting about OG too the one I pointed out to you going into the taxi, be prepared for a good time partying ... hee hee

Bro King, this OG is the one you are recommending is it ? Just came back ?

12-07-2002, 11:17 AM
bro jang, yes that's the one ... she back in Spore but not working yet.

Originally posted by Jang5556

Bro King, this OG is the one you are recommending is it ? Just came back ?

12-07-2002, 12:32 PM
Originally posted by cuntking
bro jang, yes that's the one ... she back in Spore but not working yet.

So are you lining up queue ticket number one to see her ??hehheheeh

12-07-2002, 12:35 PM

yoko from l16 lei... superb pr skill, tried her yesterday

12-07-2002, 01:11 PM
bro jang, already saw her lah and I no need to 'Q' to bonk her .. her OKT already reserve the first session for me .... got once she wants to end work but I want so she also make me Sextisfied first .. hee hee .. but the problem, even her OKT do not know when she will start work .... have to tie rubber band first..... ha ha ha

Originally posted by Jang5556

So are you lining up queue ticket number one to see her ??hehheheeh

12-07-2002, 01:16 PM
Originally posted by cuntking
bro jang, already saw her lah and I no need to 'Q' to bonk her .. her OKT already reserve the first session for me .... got once she wants to end work but I want so she also make me Sextisfied first .. hee hee .. but the problem, even her OKT do not know when she will start work .... have to tie rubber band first..... ha ha ha

Bro King, no need to tir rubber band it seems. There are other fish in the sea !!! Anyway, your other princesses are not back yet is it ?

12-07-2002, 01:19 PM
bro sean, she is in my target list but not the top one.

Good PR skills but we are there to make love not talk love ..... hows her service level? so unless you share your FR and make me gain ... she will have to wait to get the king's treatment ... hee hee

Originally posted by Sean_c

yoko from l16 lei... superb pr skill, tried her yesterday

12-07-2002, 01:25 PM
bro jang, need to stay focused liao .. cannot anywhere shoot my royal sperm .. hee hee

Only the top one of my taget list is worth waiting ... almost one week liao ... very elusive if not very 'hot' ... but good stuff are worth the wait ... right?

One princess on leave, two back but not working and the other one will give her a wild farewell party before she leaves.

Originally posted by Jang5556

Bro King, no need to tir rubber band it seems. There are other fish in the sea !!! Anyway, your other princesses are not back yet is it ?

12-07-2002, 01:35 PM
Originally posted by cuntking
bro sean, she is in my target list but not the top one.

Good PR skills but we are there to make love not talk love ..... hows her service level? so unless you share your FR and make me gain ... she will have to wait to get the king's treatment ... hee hee

Bro King, I have had this Yoko also but rate her service as OK. Nothing fantastic but not bad either. Worth a try.



12-07-2002, 01:39 PM
Originally posted by cuntking
bro jang, need to stay focused liao .. cannot anywhere shoot my royal sperm .. hee hee

Only the top one of my taget list is worth waiting ... almost one week liao ... very elusive if not very 'hot' ... but good stuff are worth the wait ... right?

One princess on leave, two back but not working and the other one will give her a wild farewell party before she leaves.

Sorry Bro King, have been distracted a bit. Mood has been foul the last few days so have not been following the trend so closely. Who is the top on your list or would you rather leave that confi until you have had her. I know how the girls can suddenly become popular once they are mentioned here !!!! hehehehe

I am still aiming for the fruit girls, Apple and Orange. Also, maybe have to try the one with the papayas again - ie Kar Leng. Been a long time since I had those in my hands !!! So many girls, so little time.

12-07-2002, 01:49 PM
bro jang, she already so hard to get, once I get her I will post her FR then all will know lor ... hummm, she ia mature and good enough for boobs lovers ... shhh shhh ... even if you know, just keep mum about it first .. hee hee

Kar Leng had been working the past two days ... maybe you should drink her korean milk to 'cool' down .... how about Bai Xue ... just had my 3rd session with her yesterday, enough milk for all .. hee hee

Originally posted by Jang5556

Sorry Bro King, have been distracted a bit. Mood has been foul the last few days so have not been following the trend so closely. Who is the top on your list or would you rather leave that confi until you have had her. I know how the girls can suddenly become popular once they are mentioned here !!!! hehehehe

I am still aiming for the fruit girls, Apple and Orange. Also, maybe have to try the one with the papayas again - ie Kar Leng. Been a long time since I had those in my hands !!! So many girls, so little time.

12-07-2002, 01:59 PM
Originally posted by cuntking
bro jang, she already so hard to get, once I get her I will post her FR then all will know lor ... hummm, she ia mature and good enough for boobs lovers ... shhh shhh ... even if you know, just keep mum about it first .. hee hee

Kar Leng had been working the past two days ... maybe you should drink her korean milk to 'cool' down .... how about Bai Xue ... just had my 3rd session with her yesterday, enough milk for all .. hee hee

Bro King, OK will wait for your FR !!

Have been good boy this week so levels are rather high in my tanks. As such, all girls starting to look good hehehheh Had Apple and Orange on the list. Then added Kar Leng. Just remembered that mayeb Violet due to start work. Then as always, temped to go for Sammione again before she leaves. Wah lao, so many girls...... Now you add Bai Xue....

12-07-2002, 03:33 PM
Originally posted by cuntking
bro dirtbike, it was raining and cold .. glad to know you felt so warmth at HQ ...... Win looks fresh from her leave, btw not forgeting about OG too the one I pointed out to you going into the taxi, be prepared for a good time partying ... hee hee

oh ya,,,,that OG sure look sexalicious!!!!

12-07-2002, 10:20 PM
Sorry ....Know will kana Flame but still need to ask...
Eh... May i Know the lights-off timing for HQ and the reveille timing?
And Thank You

SF Chongster
13-07-2002, 12:07 AM
Wah Liao Eh!
Just came back from a double session with Win.

Unfortunatly something happened in the room which makes my posting very hard.(Pun intended)

Perhaps, one day, I'll reveal the true story.
It'll reside in my HDD till then
(Thanks for the suggestion to counter my delima, King!)
Until then, pls make do with just the rating system.

BTW, she gets my hearty endorsement for ppl going down.
(Er, in more ways then one....kekekeee)
Why else would gladly book her double time.

Look :8
Boob: 6.5
BJ: 8.5
FJ: 7
Attitdue : 8
Service : 8

13-07-2002, 12:35 AM
bro jang, I stay focused and ended up with no bonk today .... you not very focused hor ... so many gals you must hit with your usual 3 session per day so you can have 6 session with Apple, Orange, Kar Leng, Sammi1 and two more ... Violet still no news

Originally posted by Jang5556

Bro King, OK will wait for your FR !!

Have been good boy this week so levels are rather high in my tanks. As such, all girls starting to look good hehehheh Had Apple and Orange on the list. Then added Kar Leng. Just remembered that mayeb Violet due to start work. Then as always, temped to go for Sammione again before she leaves. Wah lao, so many girls...... Now you add Bai Xue....

13-07-2002, 12:46 AM
bro SF, PM me what is so good that she do to you, till you try her for 2 sessons leh ... if not next time no more recommendations to you ... hee hee

But you really make her so happy too, she lean on your shoulder at the counter and you sit with her until her car cums ... wow looks like you found your GL lover.... way to go .. keep it cumming!

Originally posted by SF Chongster
Wah Liao Eh!
Just came back from a double session with Win.

Unfortunatly something happened in the room which makes my posting very hard.(Pun intended)

Perhaps, one day, I'll reveal the true story.
It'll reside in my HDD till then
(Thanks for the suggestion to counter my delima, King!)
Until then, pls make do with just the rating system.

BTW, she gets my hearty endorsement for ppl going down.
(Er, in more ways then one....kekekeee)
Why else would gladly book her double time.

Look :8
Boob: 6.5
BJ: 8.5
FJ: 7
Attitdue : 8
Service : 8

13-07-2002, 01:08 AM
bro kingshawn, please go to read gentle reminder to newbies thread ..... HQ's operating hours are the same as most GL 150 Houses ..... except for today, when I left about 1130pm, there are still 5 customers in the room and 2 more waiting for her party gals in the hall.

like the way you put it reveille and lights-off times ..... ok lah tell you .....1200 to 0000hrs ... Roger? over and out!

Originally posted by Kingshawn
Sorry ....Know will kana Flame but still need to ask...
Eh... May i Know the lights-off timing for HQ and the reveille timing?
And Thank You

13-07-2002, 01:19 AM
Since the opening of new HQ, this gal had been the top gal among the party gals ...... the award of Top Party gal with most session in a day ... goes to .... *drum roll* ....... Sammi 1

8 session on Friday and 6 Session on another day

The next closest is Jaguar with 5 session in a day partying at HQ .... errr ... cannot remember which day.

I think when Tommy's house gal cum no need to go out of the house liao .... 10+ session all at HQ

13-07-2002, 01:49 AM
Finally got to bonk Celine after many attempts at T's place today, caught her in the hse as she was serving another brother there. Well is the same Celine that I used to bonk sometime back. Good attidute always put on a smiling face.

My rating for her is as follows:
Looks : 8/10 (cute gal next door)
Boobs : 7/10 (a handful but not for milkman)
Bbbj : 6.5/10(good tougue work)
AR : 6/10
FJ : 7.5/10(very responsive)

13-07-2002, 02:24 AM
I am compiling a list of gals that partys at HQ. If I miss out any, can any kind brothers please add on. Will also do a daily update of the party gals.

AC Milan
Ai Lee
Ann Ann
Ann Qi
Bai Her
Bai Xue
Bao Er
Blue Diamond
Blue Ice
Blue Ocean
Boss (or Best, cannot read the hand writing)
Carol - on 1 month leave, back in early August
Casino - on leave
Ching Ching
CoCo L16
Crystal (Cat 80, SG)
Crystal (Cat 150)
East - on 1 month leave, back in early August
Fang Fang
Fang Ling
Fei Xue
Hai Chew
Hai O
Hai San - elusive
Hai Yan - on 1 month leave, back in end July
Hello Kitty
Hong Hong
Hui Yu - on 1 month leave, back in mid July
Jaguar - leave
Jia Ling
JoJo L20
Jolin L20
Kar Leng
Lee Wen - start leave in July
Maybo - elusive
Mei Hui
Mei Yee
Mimi L14
MJ - on one month leave back in end July
Mong Er
Mong Na
Mong Ting
Mun Mun (new) - on one month leave back in end July
Mun Mun (old)
Orchid (malay gal)
Peh Peh
Pei Yi
Ping Ping - on one month leave back in end July
Pinky - elusive
Poh Yee
Qiu Lian
Sammei - on one month leave back in August
Sammi1 - on leave from 15 July
Sexy Yuki - on one month leave back in end July
Small Ivy
Spore Ice
Susan (malay gal)
Sze Sze
Tim Tim
T one
Tong Tong
Xiao Mei
Xiao Qing
Xiao Ying
Xiao Yun Qua
Xin Xin - not working
Xin Zi
Xiu Wen - on 1 month leave, back in mid July
Yan Er
Yan Hong
Ya Wen
Yee Yee
Ying Ying
Yoki L20
Yoko L16 - half day
Yoko L28
Zhen Zhen L18
Zhen Zhen L28 (new) ava Xiao Zhen
Zhen Zhen L28 (old)
Zing Zhi
Zu Er

New Party Gals On 12072002
Vivian L16, Lily (malay gal), KK and Hai Yang

Top Party Gal For the Day

Watch this thread for the latest GL gals updates

13-07-2002, 09:06 AM
Originally posted by cuntking
bro SF, PM me what is so good that she do to you, till you try her for 2 sessons leh ... if not next time no more recommendations to you ... hee hee

But you really make her so happy too, she lean on your shoulder at the counter and you sit with her until her car cums ... wow looks like you found your GL lover.... way to go .. keep it cumming!

Hello cuntking! People secret you also want to know? You never see they can click so well even outside the room? But pls remeber to tell him the cow's story...............hehehehe

Anyway nice meeting you Bro SF, saw you twice previously, but never introduce myself. Don't be shy next time just join in to have fun............;)


13-07-2002, 12:05 PM
ai ya bro ming I know then if I try her the next time I will know if they really got something special or she is just sepecial with everyone lah

Yah lor, so many people looking they still lean lean here, touch touch there and whisper sweet talks at each other ..... we get free show also not bad lah .... hee hee

the cow story ... I leave it to bro prime lah

Originally posted by ming

Hello cuntking! People secret you also want to know? You never see they can click so well even outside the room? But pls remeber to tell him the cow's story...............hehehehe

Anyway nice meeting you Bro SF, saw you twice previously, but never introduce myself. Don't be shy next time just join in to have fun............;)


SF Chongster
13-07-2002, 01:09 PM
Hi Guys!

Neber hear the full cow story yet.
Care to enlighten.

BTW I know what you all thinking....
I may be Newbie to GL but by no ways newbie to cheonging.

Sometimes must be willing to be bluffed to create suspend disbelief.
Like watching movie mah. For the 2 hours, you believe whats happening on screen to be real no matter how fantastic, then can enjoy.
But after the show, have to get back to reality.

Win is a nice gal. Until proven otherwise, why not believe that. She dun take big hammer and "Kah" me can liao.

SF Chongster
13-07-2002, 01:15 PM
Wah liao!
Just noticed I finally got promoted to "Samster".

Machem live lose viginity like that...cannot pretend and act blur liao.

BTW, I did'nt remember getting any "Hang Bao" from Sammy after posting my first FR...kekekeee

And great to meet you ming!

This weekend I kinda busy but should have time to post one for my Overseas FRs.

Which one you all want to here about?
My ONS in Thailand (Ironic...go there and avoid pros but got hooked up with a Jap freebie instead)
How I kenna "Chopped" in Japan.

13-07-2002, 03:40 PM
Originally posted by SF Chongster
Hi Guys!

Neber hear the full cow story yet.
Care to enlighten.

BTW I know what you all thinking....
I may be Newbie to GL but by no ways newbie to cheonging.

Bro SF

I think You got me all wrong, I mean join together within the Bros at Lobby than i make fun of you and so on (next time see us around just join in and joke)..............hehehe.............if sitting at the lobby the whole day just watching the gals also damn boring............that the reason i like the company of Bros Cumdinger, Druids, Prime, Acher, Cuntking, Ah dez and others................:)


13-07-2002, 07:11 PM
Originally posted by cuntking
bro jang, I stay focused and ended up with no bonk today .... you not very focused hor ... so many gals you must hit with your usual 3 session per day so you can have 6 session with Apple, Orange, Kar Leng, Sammi1 and two more ... Violet still no news

Bro King,

I had totally no discipline today. Like you said, had to do the three session thing so hit Celine, Kar Leng and Sammione. Didn't even bother calling Apple, Orange or Diamond... too many girls.....

Violet they say starts on Monday.

Yoko L28 is back.



14-07-2002, 12:39 AM
dear all bro,
wanted to try out this place that bro recommended n i was at Lor 16 on friday night but i couldn't located house no. 12. can any bro please direct me......
sorry to all bro for asking this.....just want to try out different types of rooms and hope to meet some bro here.

14-07-2002, 02:28 AM
bro ming, you enjoy is enjoy hor, don't touch touch here and touch touch there ... wait charge you extra ... hee hee

aiya give bro SF sometime, once he becum KON like you syre got many things to say one ........ we will make him share bout his international experience with us the next time rather than waiting for his FRs

Originally posted by ming

Bro SF

I think You got me all wrong, I mean join together within the Bros at Lobby than i make fun of you and so on (next time see us around just join in and joke)..............hehehe.............if sitting at the lobby the whole day just watching the gals also damn boring............that the reason i like the company of Bros Cumdinger, Druids, Prime, Acher, Cuntking, Ah dez and others................:)


14-07-2002, 02:57 AM
bro jang, you had scored your usual hat trick again .. well done and I am sure those 3 gals were good bonks ...... you got Sammi 1 .... u lucky guy ..... she was like tied up at home today, looks like there are many readers here and secretly go attack her at her base

thanks for the rest of the info

Originally posted by Jang5556

Bro King,

I had totally no discipline today. Like you said, had to do the three session thing so hit Celine, Kar Leng and Sammione. Didn't even bother calling Apple, Orange or Diamond... too many girls.....

Violet they say starts on Monday.

Yoko L28 is back.



14-07-2002, 03:41 AM
bro Kobelco, I had given the directions to another brother in page 41 of this thread under "cannot find 1612" ... please have a look

Originally posted by Kobelco
dear all bro,
wanted to try out this place that bro recommended n i was at Lor 16 on friday night but i couldn't located house no. 12. can any bro please direct me......
sorry to all bro for asking this.....just want to try out different types of rooms and hope to meet some bro here.

14-07-2002, 03:54 AM
Today Tong Tong party at HQ for the first time and Teresa was also back from her leave and was partying at HQ .... both had bloated a lot since the last time I saw them ... well let's hear how did the fat gals sing. Any FRs by the bonkers?

14-07-2002, 04:26 AM
Originally posted by cuntking
Today Tong Tong party at HQ for the first time and Teresa was also back from her leave and was partying at HQ .... both had bloated a lot since the last time I saw them ... well let's hear how did the fat gals sing. Any FRs by the bonkers?

Walao eh...dun be so mean lar....

Use words like fat and bloated!!!

Bway tahan....might mislead the newbies to think they r bonking OBESE , severely overweight walking ball of FATS & Cellulite!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hahahahahahaha........

Damn Mean Too,


14-07-2002, 04:34 AM
"Sorry!", the Fat Man had mislead .... they are still good gals bonks.... just more huggable ... hee hee

You punish me by not giving me the ice cream to eat but PLEASE do not banned me from drinking milk ... ha ha ha

Originally posted by CumKing

Walao eh...dun be so mean lar....

Use words like fat and bloated!!!

Bway tahan....might mislead the newbies to think they r bonking OBESE , severely overweight walking ball of FATS & Cellulite!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hahahahahahaha........

Damn Mean Too,


14-07-2002, 05:01 AM
I am compiling a list of gals that partys at HQ. If I miss out any, can any kind brothers please add on. Will also do a daily update of the party gals.

AC Milan
Ai Lee
Ann Ann
Ann Qi
Bai Her
Bai Xue
Bao Er
Blue Diamond
Blue Ice
Blue Ocean
Boss (or Best, cannot read the hand writing)
Carol - on 1 month leave, back in early August
Casino - on leave
Ching Ching
CoCo L16
Crystal (Cat 80, SG)
Crystal (Cat 150)
East - on 1 month leave, back in early August
Fang Fang
Fang Ling
Fei Xue
Hai Chew
Hai O
Hai San - elusive
Hai Yan - on 1 month leave, back in end July
Hai Yang
Hello Kitty
Hong Hong
Hui Yu - on 1 month leave, back in mid July
Jaguar - leave
Jia Ling
JoJo L20
Jolin L20
Kar Leng
Lee Wen - start leave in July
Lily (malay gal)
Mei Hui
Mei Yee
Mimi L14
MJ - on one month leave back in end July
Mong Er
Mong Na
Mong Ting
Mun Mun (new) - on one month leave back in end July
Mun Mun (old)
Orchid (malay gal)
Peh Peh
Pei Yi
Ping Ping - on one month leave back in end July
Pinky - elusive
Poh Yee
Qiu Lian
Sammei - on one month leave back in August
Sammi1 - on leave from 15 July
Sexy Yuki - on one month leave back in end July
Small Ivy
Spore Ice
Susan (malay gal)
Sze Sze
Tim Tim
T one
Tong Tong
Vivian L16
Xiao Mei
Xiao Qing
Xiao Ying
Xiao Yun Qua
Xin Xin - not working
Xin Zi
Xiu Wen - on 1 month leave, back in mid July
Yan Er
Yan Hong
Ya Wen
Yee Yee
Ying Ying
Yoki L20
Yoko L16 - half day
Yoko L28
Zhen Zhen L18
Zhen Zhen L28 (new) ava Xiao Zhen
Zhen Zhen L28 (old)
Zing Zhi
Zu Er

New Party Gals On 13072002
Tong Tong and Teresa

Top Party Gal For the Day

Watch this thread for the latest GL gals updates

14-07-2002, 05:11 AM
You missed out the massage Ah Soh that came today....kekekekekeekee.......

Massage lover,


14-07-2002, 03:44 PM
Originally posted by cuntking
bro jang, you had scored your usual hat trick again .. well done and I am sure those 3 gals were good bonks ...... you got Sammi 1 .... u lucky guy ..... she was like tied up at home today, looks like there are many readers here and secretly go attack her at her base

thanks for the rest of the info

Bro King,

was planning on stopping at Celine and Kar Leng but Sammione came free so took her. Yeah, she should be doing wall to wall service until she leaves. Going to her home I guess is the smart way of ensuring you get the girl.

Celine and Kar Leng nice and gentle. Was a bit tired so did not dare go for my rough and ready Susan, BB2 or Sing Ice. Kar Leng still very healthy in the chest and have loads of milk heheheheh



14-07-2002, 11:10 PM
did some one posted on a carina lau look alike FR the last time?
care to share again>?

14-07-2002, 11:55 PM
ah ming,

been away for less than a week .... seems like it's time for ur next dose of potion liao ..... !!

Originally posted by ming

Bro SF

I think You got me all wrong, I mean join together within the Bros at Lobby than i make fun of you and so on (next time see us around just join in and joke)..............hehehe.............if sitting at the lobby the whole day just watching the gals also damn boring............that the reason i like the company of Bros Cumdinger, Druids, Prime, Acher, Cuntking, Ah dez and others................:)


15-07-2002, 12:17 AM
Originally posted by druids
ah ming,

been away for less than a week .... seems like it's time for ur next dose of potion liao ..... !!

Bro druids

Welcome back, nice to know that you are alive and kicking.......hehehe


15-07-2002, 12:17 AM
Originally posted by cuntking
bro Kobelco, I had given the directions to another brother in page 41 of this thread under "cannot find 1612" ... please have a look

thank u king.....hope to meet u guys
will give FR after my visit.....

15-07-2002, 12:26 AM
bro CK, did not know that your search for the X-factor gals had lead to massage Ah Sohs ... hee hee

Originally posted by CumKing
You missed out the massage Ah Soh that came today....kekekekekeekee.......

Massage lover,


15-07-2002, 12:28 AM
thank you .... was away to Merlin Academy for the "The Ultimate Magic Potion Part II, version 5.1196" update course ....

Originally posted by Prime2000

Bro druids

Welcome back, nice to know that you are alive and kicking.......hehehe


15-07-2002, 12:32 AM
Originally posted by druids
thank you .... was away to Merlin Academy for the "The Ultimate Magic Potion Part II, version 5.1196" update course ....

Druids, need you to update me.......my magic doesn't seems to work anymore........jia liat........


15-07-2002, 12:36 AM
gotta check my record first ... think u din buy any potion subscriptions from me .....

Originally posted by Prime2000

Druids, need you to update me.......my magic doesn't seems to work anymore........jia liat........


15-07-2002, 12:58 AM
bro jang, I had also failed to stay focused today ....... Sammi1 was at HQ and I focus focus but by late night my target still not here and I saw her cuming out with a customer, focus on that hour galss figure and CFM face, she wink wink and I am a goner .... hee hee

Originally posted by Jang5556

Bro King,

was planning on stopping at Celine and Kar Leng but Sammione came free so took her. Yeah, she should be doing wall to wall service until she leaves. Going to her home I guess is the smart way of ensuring you get the girl.

Celine and Kar Leng nice and gentle. Was a bit tired so did not dare go for my rough and ready Susan, BB2 or Sing Ice. Kar Leng still very healthy in the chest and have loads of milk heheheheh



15-07-2002, 01:03 AM
Originally posted by cuntking
bro jang, I had also failed to stay focused today ....... Sammi1 was at HQ and I focus focus but by late night my target still not here and I saw her cuming out with a customer, focus on that hour galss figure and CFM face, she wink wink and I am a goner .... hee hee

Bro King, you are as weak as me. hehehehe Jang weak ok. King weak ? Then Sammione will rule the world bwhahahahah

BTW, what she wearing today.... saliva dripping from my chin hehehehe

BTW2, how her service ?



15-07-2002, 01:10 AM
bro druids, welcome back .... btw why is Jaguar out of your target list?

Originally posted by druids
ah ming,

been away for less than a week .... seems like it's time for ur next dose of potion liao ..... !!

15-07-2002, 01:33 AM
bro jang, she is wearing that sliver dress that ties at her neck and can see her g-string one if the light shines at a certain angle .... so you tell me how to be strong?

She is still a cock teaser .... till we train her more after she cums back from her 6 weeks leave.

Originally posted by Jang5556

Bro King, you are as weak as me. hehehehe Jang weak ok. King weak ? Then Sammione will rule the world bwhahahahah

BTW, what she wearing today.... saliva dripping from my chin hehehehe

BTW2, how her service ?



15-07-2002, 01:40 AM
Originally posted by cuntking
bro jang, she is wearing that sliver dress that ties at her neck and can see her g-string one if the light shines at a certain angle .... so you tell me how to be strong?

She is still a cock teaser .... till we train her more after she cums back from her 6 weeks leave.

Bro KIng, OK, in light of what she was wearing, cannot blame lah. Only way is don't go down so cannot see and cannot be teased. But then again, i didn't go down, I read your description of her dress and am tempted again bwhahhahaha Terrible. Weak. Sammione to rule the world.......

6 weeks ah ? No training somemore. She will foret everything she has learnt so far hehehehe



15-07-2002, 01:55 AM
bro jang, too late ... I had given her the last Farewell Dance ... she will be leaving our shores by Monday noon time ... but there will be other gals around .... she is still the best Cock teaser, looks like I will save more $ these 6 weeks ... ha ha ha

Originally posted by Jang5556

Bro KIng, OK, in light of what she was wearing, cannot blame lah. Only way is don't go down so cannot see and cannot be teased. But then again, i didn't go down, I read your description of her dress and am tempted again bwhahhahaha Terrible. Weak. Sammione to rule the world.......

6 weeks ah ? No training somemore. She will foret everything she has learnt so far hehehehe



15-07-2002, 02:02 AM
Originally posted by cuntking
bro jang, too late ... I had given her the last Farewell Dance ... she will be leaving our shores by Monday noon time ... but there will be other gals around .... she is still the best Cock teaser, looks like I will save more $ these 6 weeks ... ha ha ha

Ahhh..... bye bye Sammione... stay safe. Remember what King has told you and apply it when you come back heheheheheh

As for saving $, I doubt it. Think you will find someone to replace her teasing for 6 weeks.



15-07-2002, 02:15 AM
Then you will have to train me to Focus!

Easier said then done, still waiting for my princess ... then also must have KK, Maggie, Karen, Zu Er, Candy, Mei Hui, Mei Zhi, Ocean, OG, BiBi, Baby, Ai Le, Win, Xiao Yu, Yoko, Yuki, San San, MJ ... the list is ever growing like mu lust for cunts ... hee hee

Originally posted by Jang5556

Ahhh..... bye bye Sammione... stay safe. Remember what King has told you and apply it when you come back heheheheheh

As for saving $, I doubt it. Think you will find someone to replace her teasing for 6 weeks.



15-07-2002, 02:22 AM
Originally posted by cuntking
Then you will have to train me to Focus!

Easier said then done, still waiting for my princess ... then also must have KK, Maggie, Karen, Zu Er, Candy, Mei Hui, Mei Zhi, Ocean, OG, BiBi, Baby, Ai Le, Win, Xiao Yu, Yoko, Yuki, San San, MJ ... the list is ever growing like mu lust for cunts ... hee hee

I think you will be ok as have yet to see or hear of anyone who can be as much of a CK as sammione hehehehehe

Looking at your list, I thought some like Maggie eliminated already.... OG repeat.... Karen. Repeat ? Like I said before, so many girls, so little time.... Easiest is to make sure you don't do repeats till you finish your list above.



15-07-2002, 02:32 AM
oh yes one more GL gal CK to add to the list.

bro jang, the names above I just anyhow say one ... my point is that there are many gals around and they cum and leave, so it is tough to finish all the gals .. repeats are just for quality assurance

Originally posted by Jang5556

I think you will be ok as have yet to see or hear of anyone who can be as much of a CK as sammione hehehehehe

Looking at your list, I thought some like Maggie eliminated already.... OG repeat.... Karen. Repeat ? Like I said before, so many girls, so little time.... Easiest is to make sure you don't do repeats till you finish your list above.



15-07-2002, 02:37 AM
Originally posted by cuntking
oh yes one more GL gal CK to add to the list.

bro jang, the names above I just anyhow say one ... my point is that there are many gals around and they cum and leave, so it is tough to finish all the gals .. repeats are just for quality assurance

Bro King, you say CK ? Quite good but watch the use of helmets with this girl also. Been know to try and slip you in without !!

As for the girls, I actually went through a point of only trying new girls. Never repeat. Now it is almost always repeats. Like you said, could be tough on the FR's !!!

15-07-2002, 02:43 AM
bro jang, CT goes home lah so it is CH but I not sure from which house ... Tommy and my shifu recommended to me before.

aiya, we also have moods ... last year I go for new targets, begining this year I only repeats then back to new targets again ... now mix mix lor ... more important is to have a good party .. right?

Well, you decide on the FRs thing ... I too busy here to reply you there.

Originally posted by Jang5556

Bro King, you say CK ? Quite good but watch the use of helmets with this girl also. Been know to try and slip you in without !!

As for the girls, I actually went through a point of only trying new girls. Never repeat. Now it is almost always repeats. Like you said, could be tough on the FR's !!!

15-07-2002, 02:49 AM
Originally posted by cuntking
bro jang, CT goes home lah so it is CH but I not sure from which house ... Tommy and my shifu recommended to me before.

aiya, we also have moods ... last year I go for new targets, begining this year I only repeats then back to new targets again ... now mix mix lor ... more important is to have a good party .. right?

Well, you decide on the FRs thing ... I too busy here to reply you there.

Bro King, don't care aboutthe FR thing lah. Have a good time like you said.

CH ? Or CK ? CK I know, CH I don't.

15-07-2002, 02:54 AM
bro jang, I cannot stay focused liao, getting sleepy ...... CK lah ..... you try liao? How?

Originally posted by Jang5556

Bro King, don't care aboutthe FR thing lah. Have a good time like you said.

CH ? Or CK ? CK I know, CH I don't.

15-07-2002, 03:00 AM
Originally posted by cuntking
bro jang, I cannot stay focused liao, getting sleepy ...... CK lah ..... you try liao? How?

I also ending after this post I think....

CK is good. After all, she is the best at tahma with Susan so you know she is good and willing to try !!! And CK listens. She always ask how her performance is and she is very interested in what you have to say !! Good all round. Different look. See my FR in the other place.

Worth a try. She is on my repeat list. Tits not bad also...



15-07-2002, 03:10 AM
Went to Tommy's place yesterday around 3.30pm. The weather was warm. Tried to get my princess Mei Zhi but she is not at work yet. Told by tommy that she is a 'datuk' class gal who only work on happy days. Alright, tried asking for Joleen and she was not free. Then tommy suggested to me that he will check who is available and I would choose from there. Agreed and he came back with MJ. Heard some good comments from the FR. Confirmed with Tommy that she is supposingly quite tall, charming, slimming and good service. Gave a green light and she checked-in at 10 mins later. She is not that tall to me but I took it as she looks decent and quite attractive in a unique way.

Proceeded to room for action. Had a few opening small talks b4 stripping naked. She is quite good in her PR skills. Because normally, I don't really talk much with gals in GL. Proceeded to the bathroom. She gave me a thorough wash including my feet. From then I knew there would be some action later for that purpose.

Had a great foul play and cat bath on bed. Except for her Oscar winning moans and 'klik-klok' effects while doing cat bath. That's a bit of irritating but may be that's her trade mark as well. Didn't stop her for doing that. Just continue to enjoy. Saw a mole at her 'mei mei' which is right at the opening. Quite a turn-off but always bear in mind that nobody is perfect. The BBBj and cat-bath took quite sometime and that shows that she is a very service oriented gal. Wipe my body off when her saliva was too much. Very thoughtful indeed.

Started off the FJ while she is on top. She is kinda aggressive kind which is totally opposite from her decent look. Kept on grabbing my hands to cup and squeeze her breast aggressively. At times, she would squeeze herself while I am not doing so.

Due to my likings are for GF type. My didi took a long time to cum and it sleeps at times when her moans was too loud and fake. But this didn't deters her effort of making me cum. My didi died on me for 3 times during the whole session. She took off the cap and blew it standing everytime it happens. Tried BBBjing me to cum as well. But I still didn't cum, told her a few times to give up but she wouldn't and kept on telling me that she is not tired. I felt so bad though. During the last attempt after BBBjing me, I tried to do her on doggie within the last 10 mins. Finally, I cummed. I apologized to her for making her sweaty and tired. She was very nice and accomodating. She told me that she sweats easily and it's her job to make me cum although she has to work till the final minute.

Got a quick bath and dressed up. Wished her goodbye and sat outside for a while to get a smoke. Saw August leaving.

In short:
Looks: 6/10 (decent, accomodating and pretty in a very unique way)
Body: 6/10 slim and 160-165 (may be)
Boobs: C 6.5/10(or smaller, very large dark nipples. can match red dates)
BBBj: 8/10 (one of the best and very hardworking)
FJ: 9/10 (give her a 9 because of her endurance and hard work. If she minus off her exaggerating sound effects then it should be even better)
RTF: Not likely because she is not my type. It won't be easy for me to cum if I see peculiar things on gal's mei mei.

She is the best service oriented gal around throught out my experience in FJs. I would rate her 5 star for that.

Sorry for my long winded FR. Cheers.

15-07-2002, 03:19 AM
I went down at around 6 on Sat. Tommy asked me anything in mind... since I am comming here for relax. he asked me you like to try young this time (since I am just 20 plus) I told him ok young but good service. Tommy said he recommend Diamond he said she is new but later I found out from her that she is here for nearly 3 months. 10 mins later lady in white dress arrived... can say that she is really young 22 in fact. Normal "hi and hey" then proceed to room she took of her clothes and I saw white G string wow turned me on already. But kindda disappointed that she dun help me undress or rubba rubba. well but it's ok new I guess. Then the rest in the shower is SOP. we chatted about each other life during 10 mins shower! Then action begin. she just pushed me to the bed (btw I was at Chinese Room) then I guessed "wow this gal new but like tough action". Then she straight AR without cat bath I am like "wow again". then I tuned her nipples which is pinkish and firm but B cup I think. Then she bbbj me and proceed to 69. sorry guys but the rest is really nothing to shout about just change 3 or 4 position then I cum. look at the time and left about 15 mins. she just wash some cum with tissue and lied beside me we chatted then she hj me while talking then my bro up again then she bbbj me but guess kindda tired so finished up the section.

15-07-2002, 03:34 AM
On Sunday(today) after so so section with Diamond on Friday, procced to Tommy house again for my third adventure. As usual or strange.. on sunday nobody there man. So he and I chatted about what 's my life in overseas and stuffs. He even said just now King was here and he really took his hats off to bro cumking for bonking every single day hehe. this time when he asked me I straight away said I wanna try commando after so so section on Friday. then i said how about Yoko..? he said "good choice! you revised your homework!" he straight away called in said she is heading here now. wow. my luck or what I dunnoe but tommy said she only start working today after gone back Malaysia. Then later the lady in technicolor stripes top with Long Jean skirt came in. Tommy shouted "wow there she is your Yoko" she looks maturere than last 2 years ago when I bonked her. but since I heard new good stuffs about her well heck care. we went into Roman room which is her choice. Then she took of her clothes wow... G string again! she took of facing me and teasingly. I told her that I had tried her before and she recalled but can't. then she askd me why I only spak english... then I have to briefed about my background in shower. then she hj me awhile in 10 mins shower. then asked me to dried myself and then I laid on the bed. she straight away asked me to in doggy position and AR me. damn! that damn shiok! but she skipped steps isn't she..? then she catbath which is damn ticklish and she laughed! then I retured favour her by 69. I licked her clits like no tomorrow. btw her cunt look"nice' I dunnoe what I am talking but just nice to look man. then I put in one inger she stoped bbbj and turned back look at me in CFM face. then I put another one, she moaned. then my left hand put another one in her ass. she damn hard on and start saying"yeah baby baby" plus I suck her pussy like motor. 5 mins later she just can't help but shouted I am cumming! (I know she is legend but I thik I really managed to do that!) then I asked her let's try doggy but whether she misunderstood me or what! she just said "U wanna try?'" and guided my dick into her ass!. I was shocked but damn shiok also. 1 mins later it slipped out then she put in again and said she long time never ass fuck! damn she must be hungry for that. I just ramming her and also noticed that no cap on me. I fucked her ass while fingering the pussy. she even ut on of her finger inside her pussy man! 2 differnet fingers plus my dick in her ass. after 5mins she cummed like no tomorrow again! wetting all my hands. but I still haven cum. due to her ass tightness I cummed after another 5mins. I closely looked at her ass and my cum dripping out which is damn tirn on. she looked but herself and said" wow that's alot" I think I spilled some on teh matress alos cuz never wore cap. (haha sorry bro who use Roman room after my section haha)
then she went in to shower and told me with CFM look" I will come back!" wow seem she has more in store for me!. Then she came back and started lying on my arms and tole me her birthday is on 13 and she will be on leave on 14 and 15 she will go back to Malaysia for a month. she said call her on birthday to atleast wish her. she told me I am best ass fuck ever(dun belive her so much). Then she just sroking my dick and wow up again. then she said"wow that why young man are strong!" she then anyhow bbbj me with vangence which even freaked me out then she just monunted on me. only few second I found out that I NEVER EVER SEEN ANY BLOODY CONDOM IN THIS SESSION!!!!
which freaked me out only now!!!(does I need to ask her meh..? I thought all are standard) but that time I am hard on and she keep riding me and saying all the dirty words she ever know. then I switched to missionary but still can't come. the time is already 45 mins. Then I patched myself together for last ram. then all my cum spilling out of her pussy. eventhough this time she is more noisy but dun think she cummed after first 2 cummings. Then she brought me to showers. washed up. later exchange hp number and asked me to call her anytime I want her service. and also reminded me not to forget her birthday. Then we ended up our session by long and passionate kiss for 1mins.

Sorry guys I dun have teh habit of rating so I hope you bros forgive me. Since this is my first FR ifanything short of your expection... my aplogy to bros.
Reminder: Yoko will be off starting from 13th.

15-07-2002, 03:46 AM
I am compiling a list of gals that partys at HQ. If I miss out any, can any kind brothers please add on. Will also do a daily update of the party gals.

AC Milan
Ai Lee
Ann Ann
Ann Qi
Bai Her
Bai Xue
Bao Er
Blue Diamond
Blue Ice
Blue Ocean
Boss (or Best, cannot read the hand writing)
Carol - on 1 month leave, back in early August
Casino - on leave
Ching Ching
CoCo L16
Crystal (Cat 80, SG)
Crystal (Cat 150)
East - on 1 month leave, back in early August
Fang Fang
Fang Ling
Fei Xue
Hai Chew
Hai O
Hai San - elusive
Hai Yan - on 1 month leave, back in end July
Hai Yang
Hello Kitty
Hong Hong
Hui Yu - on 1 month leave, back in mid July
Jaguar - leave
Jia Ling
JoJo L20
Jolin L20
Kar Leng
Lee Wen - start leave in July
Lily (malay gal)
Mei Hui
Mei Yee
Mimi L14
MJ - on one month leave back in end July
Mong Er
Mong Na
Mong Ting
Mun Mun (new) - on one month leave back in end July
Mun Mun (old)
Orchid (malay gal)
Peh Peh
Pei Yi
Ping Ping - on one month leave back in end July
Pinky - elusive
Poh Yee
Qiu Lian
Sammei - on one month leave back in August
Sammi1 - on leave from 15 July - 24 Aug
Sexy Yuki - on one month leave back in end July
Small Ivy
Spore Ice
Susan (malay gal)
Sze Sze
Tim Tim
T one
Tong Tong
Vivian L16
Xiao Mei
Xiao Qing
Xiao Ying
Xiao Yun Qua
Xin Xin
Xin Zi
Xiu Wen - on 1 month leave, back in mid July
Yan Er - leave
Yan Hong
Ya Wen
Yee Yee
Ying Ying
Yoki L20
Yoko L16
Yoko L28
Zhen Zhen L18
Zhen Zhen L28 (new) ava Xiao Zhen
Zhen Zhen L28 (old)
Zing Zhi
Zu Er

New Party Gals On 14072002
Judy and BiBi1

Top Party Gal For the Day

Watch this thread for the latest GL gals updates

15-07-2002, 03:54 AM
Originally posted by druids
ah ming,

been away for less than a week .... seems like it's time for ur next dose of potion liao ..... !!

Ya! The shipment of heneg-heng potions container would be arriving on the 23th this month........kekeke


15-07-2002, 03:58 AM
Originally posted by cuntking
bro CK, did not know that your search for the X-factor gals had lead to massage Ah Sohs ... hee hee

Everything is possible...............kekekeke............Am i right bro CK?????hehehehe


15-07-2002, 04:01 AM
Originally posted by cuntking
bro ming, you enjoy is enjoy hor, don't touch touch here and touch touch there ... wait charge you extra ... hee hee

aiya give bro SF sometime, once he becum KON like you syre got many things to say one ........ we will make him share bout his international experience with us the next time rather than waiting for his FRs

That's the reason i offer my massage service to bro prime.........you never see meh............you i am not interested..........:p


ah bee
15-07-2002, 04:46 AM
Can any bro who frequent 1612 give me some direction pls. i was walking along lor 16 tonite but i found out there r 2 hse 12. which of it is the legendary tommy hse? a bit pai seh to go in and ask. ok 1 is the 2 storey hse nearer to lor 18 and the other is the 4 storey hse with big carpark in front. btw, when i pass by the 4 storey hse i saw i blue mazda 323 'SDR7XXXD' leaving the hse... hehehe. i wonder it belong to any bro in the forum. ermm...saw some china FL along lor 20 too. have they migrate from talma rd?:D

15-07-2002, 11:23 AM
bro ah bee, Tommy house is the one 4 storey hse with big carpark in front, the other house at WH rd 12 ia a Tom Yam house.

Originally posted by ah bee
Can any bro who frequent 1612 give me some direction pls. i was walking along lor 16 tonite but i found out there r 2 hse 12. which of it is the legendary tommy hse? a bit pai seh to go in and ask. ok 1 is the 2 storey hse nearer to lor 18 and the other is the 4 storey hse with big carpark in front. btw, when i pass by the 4 storey hse i saw i blue mazda 323 'SDR7XXXD' leaving the hse... hehehe. i wonder it belong to any bro in the forum. ermm...saw some china FL along lor 20 too. have they migrate from talma rd?:D

15-07-2002, 12:17 PM
bro ming, please reserve a dozen for me ... hee hee

as for your message, I rather let the gals do it ... ha ha ha

Originally posted by ming

Ya! The shipment of heneg-heng potions container would be arriving on the 23th this month........kekeke


15-07-2002, 01:13 PM
Originally posted by cuntking
bro ming, please reserve a dozen for me ... hee hee

as for your message, I rather let the gals do it ... ha ha ha

halo halo .... i'm the authorised supplier for the heng heng potion hor .... since when i got competitor liao .... ah ming wat happen to my exclusive rights !!!???

15-07-2002, 02:08 PM
you two go and sort it out .... I only want the goods delivered intact not smashed up ..... bro druids how's your trip you got try bro zyxel's 'chi bak luos' at Mint hotel?

or again you are well stock up and going to HQ to unload ... hee hee

Originally posted by druids

halo halo .... i'm the authorised supplier for the heng heng potion hor .... since when i got competitor liao .... ah ming wat happen to my exclusive rights !!!???

15-07-2002, 03:01 PM
Originally posted by cuntking
you two go and sort it out .... I only want the goods delivered intact not smashed up ..... bro druids how's your trip you got try bro zyxel's 'chi bak luos' at Mint hotel?

or again you are well stock up and going to HQ to unload ... hee hee

honestly after the bkk trip realli not in the mood for anything else
anyway got the spells to use rubberband liao from the master ... hehee ...

15-07-2002, 03:09 PM
bro druids, the rubberband spell no use lah .... his waterfall too much force for him to handle ..... hee hee

Originally posted by druids

honestly after the bkk trip realli not in the mood for anything else
anyway got the spells to use rubberband liao from the master ... hehee ...

15-07-2002, 06:04 PM
Originally posted by cuntking
bro druids, the rubberband spell no use lah .... his waterfall too much force for him to handle ..... hee hee

my rubberband spell is different ..... sexy type R wan ....

16-07-2002, 12:10 AM
Today, asked for my BB princess, Lee Wen and found out that she had already gone on leave two days again ... forgot to say bye to her .... focus too much on the up and cuming BB princess, Sammi1 who has also went on leave

16-07-2002, 12:32 AM
Violet was partying at HQ on her first day back working in GL, she is still that bright and cheerful ... to me at least ... hee hee

Welcome to the Joint!

16-07-2002, 12:42 AM
Originally posted by cuntking
bro Kobelco, I had given the directions to another brother in page 41 of this thread under "cannot find 1612" ... please have a look

bro king.....i found the place this evening, its quite a nice place and i tried the Chinese Room with Sony.......
quite a nice gals when i saw her.
service is SOP.... nothing special to shout about....

16-07-2002, 12:46 AM
bro Kobelco, Sony .... I had her when she was very new (2nd day in GL) and she was SOP but the feedback on her now are good and there are a few brothers that at stuck with her these days at HQ ...... hmmm ... each to his own or is your expectations too high .. hee hee ..... or you prefer the commandos ... she more of a gentle type.

Originally posted by Kobelco

bro king.....i found the place this evening, its quite a nice place and i tried the Chinese Room with Sony.......
quite a nice gals when i saw her.
service is SOP.... nothing special to shout about....

16-07-2002, 01:48 AM
I am compiling a list of gals that partys at HQ. If I miss out any, can any kind brothers please add on. Will also do a daily update of the party gals.

AC Milan
Ai Lee
Ann Ann
Ann Qi
Bai Her
Bai Xue
Bao Er
Blue Diamond
Blue Ice
Blue Ocean
Boss (or Best, cannot read the hand writing)
Carol - on 1 month leave, back in early August
Casino - on leave
Ching Ching
CoCo L16
Crystal (Cat 80, SG)
Crystal (Cat 150)
Dolphin - run water leave, back mid next week
East - on 1 month leave, back in early August
Fang Fang
Fang Ling
Fei Xue
Hai Chew
Hai O
Hai San - elusive
Hai Yan - on 1 month leave, back in end July
Hai Yang
Hello Kitty
Hong Hong
Hui Yu - on 1 month leave, back in mid July
Jaguar - leave
Jia Ling
JoJo L20
Jolin L20
Kar Leng
Lee Wen - one month leave, back mid August
Lily (malay gal)
Mei Hui
Mei Yee
Mimi L14
MJ - on one month leave back in end July
Mong Er
Mong Na
Mong Ting
Mun Mun (new) - on one month leave back in end July
Mun Mun (old)
Orchid (malay gal)
Peh Peh
Pei Yi
Ping Ping - on one month leave back in end July
Pinky - elusive
Poh Yee
Qiu Lian
Sammei - on one month leave back in August
Sammi1 - on leave from 15 July - 24 Aug
Sexy Yuki - on one month leave back in end July
Small Ivy
Spore Ice
Susan (malay gal)
Sze Sze
Tim Tim
T one
Tong Tong
Vivian L16
Xiao Mei
Xiao Qing
Xiao Ying
Xiao Yun Qua
Xin Xin
Xin Zi
Xiu Wen - on 1 month leave, back in mid July
Yan Er - run water leave
Yan Hong
Ya Wen
Yee Yee
Ying Ying
Yoki L20
Yoko L16
Yoko L28
Zhen Zhen L18
Zhen Zhen L28 (new) ava Xiao Zhen
Zhen Zhen L28 (old)
Zing Zhi
Zu Er

New Party Gals On 15072002
Iris, Wine and Violet

Top Party Gal For the Day
Yoko L28

Watch this thread for the latest GL gals updates

16-07-2002, 10:54 AM
Yes, it was my first time trying BiBi2. Cuntking was surprised, but it was really first time.
She has that wow... 34C titts. Actually I also like big titts, but I do not discount those with
small titts. If you noticed, I like to post photos of big titts gals.

Got her at Tommy's place after an hour of waiting. Finally, got BiBi2. She has a slight Japanese
look on her face, and very cheerful. Talks alot. SOP shower. On the bed, she began her catbath.
Her licking of my nipples is stimulating, which I can't get from most other gals. She seem to enjoy
it. Her bj was very good, and her hand was stroking, rubbing my dick all the time when she is not
bj. I cannot tahan long. I pulled her to the side, laid her down and then sucked her nipples.
Rubbed her pussy, and she moaned. She pushed my finger into her cunt and I finger fucked her. She
then asked me to suck her nipple (in English), and she used her own finger to rub her clit. She was
maoning and quivering. Then suddenly, I could feel her cunt closed tighly on my finger, and her hip
jerked up, and I know she cummed. She smiled and said shiok. I then frenched her for awhile.

I kissed, licked and sucked her nipples again. Then I turn around to 69 with me on top, and I licked
her pussy, while she bj me. After awhile, I got up and wanted to fuck her, when I noticed that she
had already put on the condom for me. She immediately turned to doggie position. I inserted my dick
into her cunt, and she got up and let me squeeze her titts and I also rubbed her clit from that position.
She was moaning in esctacy. I then pumped awhile, then pushed her down flat on the bed with her legs
closed, and pumped slowly. She moaned louder, and she used her butt to squeeze my dick. It was very good
shiok... I told her I almost cum, I stopped her. Then I rested a while, and wanted to pull out my dick,
when I suddenly felt the urge of cumming, and I told her cannot tahan. So I continue in that position and
pumped harder, and then cummed. Stayed on top of her for a while, then pulled out the soft dick.

She massaged me, and then we had a long chat about life, etc, until time was up and we had sop shower and out
of the room.

Overall a good session.

Ratings (in my opinion):
looks: 6.5/10 (Jap look with smiling face all the time)
body: 6.5/10 (plump, but smooth and fair skin)
titts: 8/10 (big with 34C, real and natural)
pussy: 7/10 (well trim pubic hair, with good cunt muscle)
bbbj: 8/10 (good suction, very stimulating)
AR: 6.5/10 (very short)
fj: 8/10 (very responsive, enjoys her work)
french: yes


16-07-2002, 01:07 PM
bro zyxel, ok ok I believe it is your first time with her but it will not be the last ... hee hee

You surprise me again ... you into big melons that's new ... Xin Xin and Jaguar not that big what ... suddenly thirsty is it ... ha ha ha

Originally posted by zyxel01
Yes, it was my first time trying BiBi2. Cuntking was surprised, but it was really first time.
She has that wow... 34C titts. Actually I also like big titts, but I do not discount those with
small titts. If you noticed, I like to post photos of big titts gals.

16-07-2002, 01:09 PM
Originally posted by cuntking
bro zyxel, ok ok I believe it is your first time with her but it will not be the last ... hee hee

Yup, once you get trapped between BB2's legs, no escape hehehheh



16-07-2002, 02:05 PM
yah yah ... hear it from bro jang ... she is one of his top 3 you know, so he still got his balls stuck ... ha ha

Originally posted by Jang5556

Yup, once you get trapped between BB2's legs, no escape hehehheh



16-07-2002, 02:30 PM
bro ming, no wonder you go missing this week ... you darling go on run water leave liao .... you can train one whole week and flood her with all your new stock of potions .. hee hee

But I think you should give up on her, so what if she smiles at you .... most of the gals that go HQ also smile at me ... and you are better looking than me leh.

Originally posted by ming

Ya! The shipment of heneg-heng potions container would be arriving on the 23th this month........kekeke


16-07-2002, 02:39 PM
Originally posted by cuntking
yah yah ... hear it from bro jang ... she is one of his top 3 you know, so he still got his balls stuck ... ha ha

Everything stuck. When you are in there and you finish and she don't want to let you go, you are stuck and stuck good. Then again, it is quite a nice place to be stuck heheheheh



16-07-2002, 02:53 PM
bro jang so you got anything stuck there and lost in the "black hole", her next customer will be a lucky guy, got free gift .... ha ha ha

Originally posted by Jang5556

Everything stuck. When you are in there and you finish and she don't want to let you go, you are stuck and stuck good. Then again, it is quite a nice place to be stuck heheheheh



16-07-2002, 03:01 PM
Strenghten men’s energy (on bed) & heals kneecap problem

DIY - Ingredients
2-3 Big tomatoes - remove skin (remove seeds for weak stomach)
3 Medium Lady Fingers
1 Tb Green Lemon Juice
1 Tb Sugar
1/4 Cup water
Blend all of it together

Remember this is just for your info...got this from some health remedy book. Though it would be quite interesting stuff for those who need it.

16-07-2002, 03:07 PM
To make orders please fill in the following and fax it to: 6 888 8686

Contact No.:
Credit Card No.:
Expiry Date:

To make payment by cheque or money order, please mail your cheque or money order to: P.O. 6969 Jalan Heng Heng. Singapore 262626

Heeheehee...seriously MAKE YOUR ORDER/S NOW or REGRET

Originally posted by cuntking
bro ming, no wonder you go missing this week ... you darling go on run water leave liao .... you can train one whole week and flood her with all your new stock of potions .. hee hee

But I think you should give up on her, so what if she smiles at you .... most of the gals that go HQ also smile at me ... and you are better looking than me leh.

16-07-2002, 03:23 PM
Originally posted by cuntking
bro jang so you got anything stuck there and lost in the "black hole", her next customer will be a lucky guy, got free gift .... ha ha ha

Bro King,

No after playing, always collect all your equipment or you will be in touble on the next hole heheheheh



16-07-2002, 03:46 PM
Originally posted by cuntking
bro ming, no wonder you go missing this week ... you darling go on run water leave liao .... you can train one whole week and flood her with all your new stock of potions .. hee hee

But I think you should give up on her, so what if she smiles at you .... most of the gals that go HQ also smile at me ... and you are better looking than me leh.

But most gals don't smile at me you know? I better looking than you meh, making fun of me again............but i like it..............kekekeke


16-07-2002, 03:53 PM
Originally posted by cumdinger
To make orders please fill in the following and fax it to: 6 888 8686

Contact No.:
Credit Card No.:
Expiry Date:

To make payment by cheque or money order, please mail your cheque or money order to: P.O. 6969 Jalan Heng Heng. Singapore 262626

Heeheehee...seriously MAKE YOUR ORDER/S NOW or REGRET

So how your adventure yesterday? For this week just training and more training for me............;)


16-07-2002, 05:55 PM
Originally posted by cumdinger
Strenghten men’s energy (on bed) & heals kneecap problem

DIY - Ingredients
2-3 Big tomatoes - remove skin (remove seeds for weak stomach)
3 Medium Lady Fingers
1 Tb Green Lemon Juice
1 Tb Sugar
1/4 Cup water
Blend all of it together

Remember this is just for your info...got this from some health remedy book. Though it would be quite interesting stuff for those who need it.

Bro CD, after that apply it on the dick or drink it ah?


16-07-2002, 05:59 PM
Originally posted by cuntking
bro zyxel, ok ok I believe it is your first time with her but it will not be the last ... hee hee

You surprise me again ... you into big melons that's new ... Xin Xin and Jaguar not that big what ... suddenly thirsty is it ... ha ha ha

Aiya cuntking, like I said, I like big titts, but gals with small titts with good service also can. I have even tried the big titts GL40 gal at L4H23 G30, also 34C real and natural, like BiBi2's. Shiok man. Notice I like Anna Ohura pics?

Now you know why I kept asking about Lee Wen...


16-07-2002, 06:39 PM
Drink lah I guess...but if u like can apply oso, than can get double effect...heehee

Originally posted by zyxel01

Bro CD, after that apply it on the dick or drink it ah?


16-07-2002, 06:42 PM
Ai yah...don't say liao...me getting weak liao, must start exercising again. But the bonk good even thou I was weak...I had MG. She veri hard working, she BJ me for almost 40mins...than 15mins of action. I think I oso going for training liao...heehee

Maybe we can start a training club...heehee

Originally posted by ming
So how your adventure yesterday? For this week just training and more training for me............;)

16-07-2002, 10:05 PM
Originally posted by cumdinger
Ai yah...don't say liao...me getting weak liao, must start exercising again. But the bonk good even thou I was weak...I had MG. She veri hard working, she BJ me for almost 40mins...than 15mins of action. I think I oso going for training liao...heehee

Maybe we can start a training club...heehee

Bro CD

You try my recommendation yesterday, never disappointed you correct? It look like we going for the same types of dishes nowsadays, so finally she enjoy more or you?

Training club, good suggestion! I more interested in running, been running for continuos for three day for 7km. Soon i would reach my target of 10km per run. How? Bro cd you interested can always sms me for a run. Bro cuntking you don't go swimming wait more hair drop as the pool water will spoil your hair, wanted to join us? Bro druids & prime how about you all? Excerise can release stress too than after the run go GL for a bonk and it would be more enjoyable.............;) ..............after that sure leg weak weak and walk like a crab..................kekekeke


17-07-2002, 12:14 AM
Originally posted by ming

Bro CD

You try my recommendation yesterday, never disappointed you correct? It look like we going for the same types of dishes nowsadays, so finally she enjoy more or you?

Training club, good suggestion! I more interested in running, been running for continuos for three day for 7km. Soon i would reach my target of 10km per run. How? Bro cd you interested can always sms me for a run. Bro cuntking you don't go swimming wait more hair drop as the pool water will spoil your hair, wanted to join us? Bro druids & prime how about you all? Excerise can release stress too than after the run go GL for a bonk and it would be more enjoyable.............;) ..............after that sure leg weak weak and walk like a crab..................kekekeke


Ming, no thanks.......I have enough training at my work site. Sun tanning, weight lifting, hill climbing etc, etc........already very weak liao at the end of the day.......how to bonk if I go running some more.........sure become snake.............hiaz...........


17-07-2002, 12:47 AM
bro jang, good to know that if not the next shooter also got problem, cannot put into the hole ... ha ha ha

Wa liao she very the hot at HQ today ...... at least 5 sessions.

Originally posted by Jang5556

Bro King,

No after playing, always collect all your equipment or you will be in touble on the next hole heheheheh



17-07-2002, 12:56 AM
bro ming, don't be shy lah ... you are one of the best looking among us, just that you look so blur blur that the gals scared of you ... hee hee

Originally posted by ming

But most gals don't smile at me you know? I better looking than you meh, making fun of me again............but i like it..............kekekeke


17-07-2002, 01:06 AM
bro zyxel, nice to see you at HQ in less than 24 hrs .. you are a horny man ... hee hee

Got your point about your preference of gals ..... Lee Wen must wait another month .... let's hope that operation "cat hunting" will start soon ... *wink wink*

Originally posted by zyxel01

Aiya cuntking, like I said, I like big titts, but gals with small titts with good service also can. I have even tried the big titts GL40 gal at L4H23 G30, also 34C real and natural, like BiBi2's. Shiok man. Notice I like Anna Ohura pics?

Now you know why I kept asking about Lee Wen...


17-07-2002, 01:10 AM
If I go running with you guys, you no need to run liao .... *sing* "I feel the earth move under my feet" .... ha ha ha

Originally posted by ming

Bro cuntking you don't go swimming wait more hair drop as the pool water will spoil your hair, wanted to join us? Bro druids & prime how about you all? Excerise can release stress too than after the run go GL for a bonk and it would be more enjoyable.............;) ..............after that sure leg weak weak and walk like a crab..................kekekeke


17-07-2002, 01:16 AM
Today HQ welcome the Dark Knights (the brotherhood of FL fighters) who made a pit stop to look see look see .... nice to meet you bro larry, moonface and altw as well as two other brothers that I did not get the nicks. Some of you guys look familiar.

Hope that you guys got your killings against the dragon gals at Chinatown but heard that it was pretty quiet.

17-07-2002, 02:16 AM
thanks to the brother who ask me to take TERESA just now around 8+. but i think celine still suit me best as she look like my ex GF hehe. as for celine , for those who want to get better get it fast as she is going to have her 1 month break soon.

long time no post liao dunno want to write WHAT.......

happy chionging:p

17-07-2002, 02:20 AM
bro dnjazz, she is good hor .... told you she is an angpai and a must try .. but put on a bit too much weight, perfer the old her. How about a brief FR on what happen in the room (which one you use?), so that we can know if she is still that good.

Originally posted by dnjazz
thanks to the brother who ask me to take TERESA just now around 8+. but i think celine still suit me best as she look like my ex GF hehe. as for celine , for those who want to get better get it fast as she is going to have her 1 month break soon.

long time no post liao dunno want to write WHAT.......

happy chionging:p

17-07-2002, 02:54 AM
I am compiling a list of gals that partys at HQ. If I miss out any, can any kind brothers please add on. Will also do a daily update of the party gals.

AC Milan
Ai Lee
Ann Ann
Ann Qi
Bai Her
Bai Xue
Bao Er
Blue Diamond
Blue Ice
Blue Ocean
Carol - on 1 month leave, back in early August
Casino - on leave
Celine - half day
Ching Ching
CoCo L16
Crystal (Cat 80, SG)
Crystal (Cat 150)
Dolphin - run water leave, back mid next week
East - on 1 month leave, back in early August
Fang Fang
Fang Ling
Fei Xue
Hai Chew
Hai O
Hai San - elusive
Hai Yan - on 1 month leave, back in end July
Hai Yang
Hello Kitty
Hong Hong
Hui Yu - on 1 month leave, back in mid July
Jaguar - leave
Jean - leave
Jia Ling
JoJo L20
Jolin L20
Kar Leng
Lee Wen - one month leave, back mid August
Lily (malay gal)
Maybo - elusive
Mei Hui
Mei Yee
Mimi L14
MJ - on one month leave back in end July
Mong Er
Mong Na
Mong Ting
Mun Mun (new) - on one month leave back in end July
Mun Mun (old)
Orchid (malay gal)
Peh Peh
Pei Yi
Ping Ping - on one month leave back in end July
Pinky - elusive
Poh Yee
Qiu Lian
Sammei - on one month leave back in August
Sammi1 - on leave from 15 July - 24 Aug
Sexy Yuki - on one month leave back in end July
Small Ivy
Spore Ice
Susan (malay gal)
Sze Sze
Tim Tim
T one
Tong Tong
Vivian L16
Xiao Mei
Xiao Qing
Xiao Ying
Xiao Yun Qua
Xin Xin
Xin Zi
Xiu Wen - on 1 month leave, back in mid July
Yan Er - run water leave
Yan Hong
Ya Wen
Yee Yee - half day
Ying Ying
Yoki L20
Yoko L16
Yoko L28
Zhen Zhen L18
Zhen Zhen L28 (new) ava Xiao Zhen
Zhen Zhen L28 (old)
Zing Zhi
Zu Er

New Party Gals On 15072002
Rose, Karen, LV and V Nie

Top Party Gal For the Day
Yoko L28 & Yoko L16

Watch this thread for the latest GL gals updates

17-07-2002, 02:56 AM
FR on Teresa

Once in room we proceeded to strip she & me, & shower. We talk over anything under the star. After coming out from the shower she dried up for me & proceeded to do the main business.

She starts to french with me than slowly she starts to go down from my neck to the nipples & the dick. Blowed for a good 15mins with me lying on the bed, after that she also rode me on top, she facing me and facing the side , than we both sit up and carry on for about 3 mins lastly finish in missionary.

As i'm a bit of tried , she ask me to turn over and lied face down and give me a massage. while massging we chat a bit. than wash up and before leaving the room we exchange a few kisses.

End of my report

i dunno if she still up to her old standed or not....... as this is the 1st time i get her. my next target sammi1 or repeat celine, or AA suggested by tommy

happy chionging:p

Ah Dez
17-07-2002, 09:06 AM
Alamak.... i also pretty long never go down liao....

haiz... look at my postings nowadays... patatic..

17-07-2002, 10:50 AM
Got to HQ with Yoko on my mind. I asked for her the previous day but had to wait.
When I reached the house, I was standing at the counter looking at the sign-in book, and then
Tommy's phone rang. Immediately, he asked me "Yoko of L28 ok?", and I quickly said "ok ok!".

Waited for few minutes and she arrived. Still that same matured but attractive look. In her
white gown with the "S" shape when looking from the side. In the room, we started chatting, and
she said that she recognised me, after about 6 months, wow...

In the shower, it was sop. On the bed, she asked me if I want full service, I said "of course".
She turned me to face the bed and started licking (catbath) my back. She paid lots of attention
on my asshole with her tongue. Licked my balls from the back. Very shiok feeling. Then turned to face
her, and the catbath continued. Her licking of my nipples was also stimulating, like that of BiBi2.
She also rubbed her titts on my chest, and we frenched. I then laid her on the bed, and I began to
service her. She maoned when I sucked and licked her nipples. Her nipples became hardened and
erected. She closed her eyes in esctacy. Then I rubbed her pussy with my finger, and she moaned louder.
I alternated with finger and rubbing, and she stopped me and asked if I intended to make her cum. I
reply yes, and she said make her cum twice.

I continued the rubbing faster and faster, and she was squeezing her titts with esctacy and moaning and
murmering "cuming... cuming...", and then suddenly she jerked her hip up with great force and she cummed.
She smiled and said that was shiok. We frenched again with passion. Then I knelt up and positioned my dick for her to bj. She sucked and licked like a pornstar, looking at me like one too. I told her
to put on the condom, and she bj somemore before putting the cap on.

I inserted my dick into her cunt in the missionary position. Immediately, she squeezed my dick with her
powerful cunt muscle. It was realy really tight. I could not even pump. She said that we must do it
slowly, as she wants to enjoy. I stayed in that position without pumping and frenched for a fw minutes.
Then I pumped slowly, and she moaned with esctacy, squeezing her titts by herself. I licked and sucked her
titts again, and she was moaning with joy. Then I turned her to my favourite sideway position, and pumped
slowly but harder. She was in great esctacy now. Her eyes were wide opened as she was moaning louder and
louder, and she was jerking her hip to coordinate with my pumping. After a few more hard and fast pumps, I
cummed and she also cummed. We frenched for a while, and then had our sop shower, and a goodbye kiss before
leaving the room. We talked on the way to the counter while she put her arm round my waist.

Overall another great session.

My ratings (in my opinion):

looks: 6.8/10 (matured, but attractive)
body: 7.5/10 (slim, and nice butt)
titts: 7/10 (nice and natural about 33B, with nice brown nipples)
pussy: 7.5/10 (soft, wet, powerful muscle, very very few pubic hair-countable)
bj: 7.5/10 (pornstar style with hand rubbing and lots of saliva)
AR: 7.5/10 (stimulating and tongue fuck, long)
fj: 8/10 (responsive, enjoys it)
frenching: yes


17-07-2002, 11:41 AM
bro dez, no point lah ... you busy at work wat..... saw your newly decorated joint ..... not bad quite outstanding among those old shophouses.

Originally posted by Ah Dez
Alamak.... i also pretty long never go down liao....

haiz... look at my postings nowadays... patatic..

17-07-2002, 12:03 PM
bro zyxel, not you you ... bro archer and I also shouted "LAI LOR!"

Originally posted by zyxel01
Got to HQ with Yoko on my mind. I asked for her the previous day but had to wait.
When I reached the house, I was standing at the counter looking at the sign-in book, and then
Tommy's phone rang. Immediately, he asked me "Yoko of L28 ok?", and I quickly said "ok ok!".


17-07-2002, 12:57 PM
As I may not going down to GL these few days after some advise from bro jang and may not log in here too. Who wants to help update the Party gals list in this thread?

If not, must get my shifu, Mr S, who is there everyday to SMS me the updates liao.

17-07-2002, 01:58 PM
Originally posted by cuntking
bro jang, good to know that if not the next shooter also got problem, cannot put into the hole ... ha ha ha

Wa liao she very the hot at HQ today ...... at least 5 sessions.

Must be because of Bro Puffdaddy's FR on her !!!!



17-07-2002, 02:03 PM
Originally posted by cuntking
As I may not going down to GL these few days after some advise from bro jang and may not log in here too. Who wants to help update the Party gals list in this thread?

If not, must get my shifu, Mr S, who is there everyday to SMS me the updates liao.

Wah lao, Bro King, don't say my advise not to go down leh. After all your kaki like Bro Zyxel, Kaypoh and gang etc come wack me for taking your company away from them !!!

Running scare...



17-07-2002, 03:57 PM
Originally posted by cuntking
If I go running with you guys, you no need to run liao .... *sing* "I feel the earth move under my feet" .... ha ha ha

That's the reason why we invite you so that we can run fatser or else...................hehehehe


17-07-2002, 04:11 PM
Originally posted by Jang5556

Wah lao, Bro King, don't say my advise not to go down leh. After all your kaki like Bro Zyxel, Kaypoh and gang etc come wack me for taking your company away from them !!!

Running scare...



Fear not, U are our beloved chairman...ur wish is our command....kekeke...

King, what happened?? SMS let me know leh....issit Yoko? lucky I swear I never tested Yoko cos she never appealed to me at all.

Dudes Committee

17-07-2002, 04:59 PM
Originally posted by kaypoh69

Fear not, U are our beloved chairman...ur wish is our command....kekeke...

King, what happened?? SMS let me know leh....issit Yoko? lucky I swear I never tested Yoko cos she never appealed to me at all.

Dudes Committee

What ? That you will wack me for telling Bro King not to go GL ?

Hmmm, this second bit is intriguing..., I tested both Yoko. Anything I should be aware of ? hehehehe


Kaypoh Jang

17-07-2002, 05:10 PM
Originally posted by Jang5556

What ? That you will wack me for telling Bro King not to go GL ?

Hmmm, this second bit is intriguing..., I tested both Yoko. Anything I should be aware of ? hehehehe


Kaypoh Jang

No lah...we will never have the power to dissuade King from participating in his favourite pastime...

Intriguing?? Maybe I also confused by his sudden call for not going to GL... tot it had to do with infamous Yoko.


17-07-2002, 05:34 PM
hi bros in sin!
so does the new party house only offer cat 80 and 150?
anyone going down on fri night?

17-07-2002, 05:44 PM
Originally posted by kaypoh69

No lah...we will never have the power to dissuade King from participating in his favourite pastime...

Intriguing?? Maybe I also confused by his sudden call for not going to GL... tot it had to do with infamous Yoko.


heheheh Well, maybe he decided to broaden his horizons and add other stuff to his GL experience !!!!

OK, not really following about Yoko so will leave that one for another day hehheheh



PS Getting weak here also. Good thing have already got plans for this evening and cannot go down to GL !!

18-07-2002, 01:21 AM
Originally posted by cuntking
bro Kobelco, Sony .... I had her when she was very new (2nd day in GL) and she was SOP but the feedback on her now are good and there are a few brothers that at stuck with her these days at HQ ...... hmmm ... each to his own or is your expectations too high .. hee hee ..... or you prefer the commandos ... she more of a gentle type.

Bro king,
2 day din log-on and so fast it gets 3 more pages.....
well i guess the only thing i miss with Sony is that no frenching.....like doing something without completing.......
well must try out more to c who suit me.....
ever tried Celine at other house in Lor 28 and still remember about her.....quite miss her but very difficult to get her again.... always got to wait but i'm only on missionary then got to go back to work....

18-07-2002, 01:38 AM
bro Kobelco, we are a happening, kp and talk a lot group lah ... hee hee.

Then next time you wait for a few gals at the same time, just give your order list to Tommy and tell him, you will take whoever is cums first.

As for Sony, she will be hot in HQ soon as today an long-time not back, oversea regular of Tommy's had tried her. Given his lack of GL lust for so long he should be camping at HQ for the next few weeks ... hee hee ... Welcome back, Mr S** ... nice catching up with you.

Originally posted by Kobelco

Bro king,
2 day din log-on and so fast it gets 3 more pages.....
well i guess the only thing i miss with Sony is that no frenching.....like doing something without completing.......
well must try out more to c who suit me.....
ever tried Celine at other house in Lor 28 and still remember about her.....quite miss her but very difficult to get her again.... always got to wait but i'm only on missionary then got to go back to work....

18-07-2002, 01:54 AM
bro eikichan, yes the party gals available here are Cat 80 and Cat 150. .... unless you interested in those cat 50 aunties (above 40 yrs old) .. hee hee

Well there are always some brothers from the forum there, you can ask Tommy if anyone from the internet there and he will point out to you. If not look for my shifu, Mr S.

Originally posted by eikichan
hi bros in sin!
so does the new party house only offer cat 80 and 150?
anyone going down on fri night?