View Full Version : How I bedded my SIL or vice versa?
07-12-2005, 11:00 PM
This SIL better than any other KTV hostesses...Wa Lau Chui Nua...(Keep it cumming)
07-12-2005, 11:00 PM
This SIL better than any other KTV hostesses...Wa Lau Chui Nua...(Keep it cumming)
09-12-2005, 12:10 PM
Bro Beng..
ur story REALI SOLID!!
Pls continue asap!!:D
09-12-2005, 12:15 PM
Beng Ah, Bro Beng! Lauahbeng - it is way past 3am liao!!! Pls continue the story and let us have a wonderful weekend! U da man!
09-12-2005, 12:47 PM
Bros, the next 2 instalment may be a bit dry. But I thought it is necessary for the completeness of the story..
The rest of the evening I was lost in my dreams. The rest of the families were having fun BBQ and swimming in the pool. But their uncle Beng was quietly reading his book by the poolside.
I was never concentrating on my book. My mind was full of my lovely SIL. Would SIL do a bbbj for me at 3 am? Would SIL want me to eat her pussy at 3 am? Would not it be nice if me and SIL did a 6-9 together? Would we make love at 3 am? Would I be able to bring her to her orgasm fast enough before I exploded? Would we…..wah.. I really siao liao…
The whole world just seemed to stop. Everyone seemed to be erased from my mind. My mind was filled with only SIL and me. Only the 2 of us.
By 1 am, the whole place was quiet. I was still ‘reading’ my book by the poolside but no one was around the pool anymore. Those who need to drive back home already did. The chalet now was left with my parents in law, my SIL and her hubby, 3 kids of my elder brother in law, my ex wife and myself. And of cos the maid ( hehehe encounters with the maid I will do it in another story after I finished ‘How I bedded my SIL”)
The kids, though their parents had gone back home, were used to sticking to my parents in law. They were also used to me being the lone ranger, allowing me to stay outside the pool late into the night. My ex-wife lagi used to me reading or playing computer games over night (so as to avoid having sex with her). So me staying by the pool reading the book was nothing extraordinary to them.
2 am passed. Woot.. soon soon liao…kekekeke…my dick started to semi-erect thinking of SIL and me by the pool alone… ALONE!
3 am passed. Yes! Its time! SIL would appear anytime. What would she be wearing? Would she put on the heavy perfume that I liked? My heart was beating faster than usual liao. PREPARE FOR WAR! Lalalalallaala
3.30am passed. WTF! She needed so long to prepare herself for me meh?
4 am passed. CCB! She let me go fly kite alone??
5 am passed. No sign of her. Sianz liao…
5.30 am I heard noises in the kitchen. Saw the maid had waken up, working on the breakfast for the family.
“Hi Beng, didn’t sleep? Missing me?” The maid gave my a slutty smile. When there was nobody around, I didn’t want her to call me ‘Sir’. We were used to it. (Will leave the relationship with the maid for another story)
I decided to sit at the sofa in the sitting room, at the same time enjoying the view of the maid’s 36C swaying around. The maid was happy to show them off to me.
By 6 am, I heard footstep coming from upstairs and saw SIL coming down, dressed in office attire. Our eyes came into contact. I was hoping a teasing eye contact but didn’t get one. SIL moved her eyeballs towards the pool, implying to me to move out and talk. She went out first. I called out for the maid to prepare one kopi kosong and one kopi si and moved out to the poolside too.
To be cont...
09-12-2005, 01:21 PM
When I was seated down beside SIL, she moved and sat opposite me.
“Beng, we need to talk. We are doing things that will hurt our loved ones.” She started.
“What have we done? Did we make love to each other?” I replied.
“Beng, dun bluff ourselves. What we had done is already out of line. You are married to my sis and I still do all those things with u. I feel very guilty and dirty. I am not your KTV gals, I am not a slut. We should put a stop to it.” SIL eyes were so red that I knew she didn’t sleep also.
“I quarreled with Nick just now, or should I say we quarrel everyday. But he is still my husband and I do not want to hurt him by doing things with you. I will put a stop to it. FULL STOP.” SIL continued.
She stood up and walked off! KNNCCB. I ordered her kopi not even here yet she went off. I sat there like an idiot dunno what to do. I thought she liked the way our ‘relationship’ blossomed. Then suddenly she put a stop to it. I was too stunned to make any replies nor brainwashing to her.
Honestly, I had never failed to fuck the girl that I wanted all this while, be it a KTV girl or my office subordinates or my clients. It might sound bragging but it was true. After a few minutes of stoning in my brains, my hunter hat slowly crept into my head. I began to strategize……
SIL mentioned that she and Nick quarrel a lot, which meant that they were unlikely to have sex much. Which also meant that SIL would definitely fall into any lusty encounter, bearing in mind her age group for woman was most demanding for sextifaction.
to be cont..
09-12-2005, 01:31 PM
After a few minutes of stoning in my brains, my hunter hat slowly crept into my head. I began to strategize……
Wah bro...u and bro Reemer could be "brothers" hahhahaha
Both bonk SIL and both have this "hunter" thingy....;) BM
09-12-2005, 01:48 PM
wah piang bro lau beng, dun leave us all bua ti tiao (half sky hanging) leh.......still in motherland working ah???? continue with the strategy leh:D
09-12-2005, 02:45 PM
what ? The Maid :eek: TOO !!! You are the MAN !! can't wait for that ! and unexpected siah, no show from ur SIL ! but interesting to see how the thinggs will unfold !
Go Hunter !!
09-12-2005, 02:46 PM
Bro Lau Ah Beng. Can't withstand myself for not putting a reply in your thread. :p
Everytime I read your story. My dick will definately stand up and feel like rushing off to toilet for a quick release. Haha. This was definately one of the best stories ever written for yr 2005. My kudos(salute) to you. Don't stop and keep it coming.
Your story did remiind me of my past that I has a fantasy for my SIL too whereby I use to send her back everynight back to her home. Her hubby either work late or at home waiting for her. This has been going on for a yr plus and not sure is it I sensitive to it or somehow her eye sight did shown something to me. Only thing is I keep telling myself that she is my SIL and her sis is my wife. Think that also prevent me for having any further thoughts to it but got a few times I imagine I was bonking her while doing it with my wife. Heehehe. My wife and her did looks alike. So that was only just a fantasy of me over my SIL. ;)
09-12-2005, 11:08 PM
u r good, bro beng....
10-12-2005, 04:41 AM
Damn bloody sex-cellent good! i have been reading fm start to now n hooked !!!
yah the last part when SIL said 'feel guilty but yet enjy n oso having problems/quarrels wif husband', this is so common...but like u said, this oso presents opportunity.....but think let her initiate 1st is better..
wow! keep the story cumming.....
12-12-2005, 07:30 PM
nice story bro.. up for you
13-12-2005, 08:23 PM
bro LauHBeng,
u the man... take your time, dun rush, I believe that you'll give us the best quality story... once again, U the MAN!!!! ;)
sexy rabbit
15-12-2005, 05:18 PM
bro Beng, alot of brother camping here waiting u koe??:p
16-12-2005, 03:29 AM
brother brother brother... read ur story liao then really hooked liao man... comon man... dun keep us waiting... CUM to US brother beng... :D
19-12-2005, 12:45 AM
Wah, Beng Gor, You are the MAN! My salute to you...
This is one good wonder of stories......please, keep it coming.
Cheers, and happy stay in China.
19-12-2005, 11:53 AM
beng...good arh.....up ur points since the story can up my didi...:D
waiting...waiting...waiting for ur instalment
19-12-2005, 12:37 PM
Hi bros,
Sorry for the no show recently. As I am trying hard to wrap things up in China before flying back to Singapore on the 21st, really got tied up with real life work.
Will carry on my encounters when I am in Singapore.
Thanks to all bros here supporting me. Love u all deep deep. lol
19-12-2005, 12:53 PM
Like that cannot leh, must quickly have one Christmas edition before 25th...
Now everytime i visit my in-laws I look at my SIL differently:cool:
19-12-2005, 02:04 PM
keep it up i love ur stories
19-12-2005, 02:32 PM
Bro Beng, in the spirit of Xmas, be kind and charitable and give us another segment at least to tide us through this Xmas season PLEASE PLEASE!!!!
19-12-2005, 07:33 PM
This is the first and only thread in SBF that I?follow from start to end!!!
Excellanto. I am glued to this!! Well Done!!
20-12-2005, 04:48 AM
Bro Lauhu Beng
At this hr (5.00am), i m still reading ur post when i need to get ready for work 2molo...u should know how power ur stories are!
I am your avid reader nw...
21-12-2005, 03:42 AM
Hi bros,
Sorry for the no show recently. As I am trying hard to wrap things up in China before flying back to Singapore on the 21st, really got tied up with real life work.
Will carry on my encounters when I am in Singapore.
Thanks to all bros here supporting me. Love u all deep deep. lol
Bro Beng, What time u touch down and what flight number ah?
I already standby Banners and 200 supporters to Welcome Hero Beng! :p
21-12-2005, 10:54 AM
Hi bros,
Sorry for the no show recently. As I am trying hard to wrap things up in China before flying back to Singapore on the 21st, really got tied up with real life work.
Dear Bro Beng,
I sms you twice yesterday while I was at Suzhou, try to get the updates...:D . Well, you must be busy....:(
Anyway, I hope you have settled you things here.
22-12-2005, 12:37 AM
the longer the wait, the sweeter it is but not too long la. Await your Christmas present.... with thanks
24-12-2005, 01:38 AM
Christmas got 12 days ..... may i request Bro Beng for a writeup at least one everyday ? :p
Kam Sia !! :D
27-12-2005, 01:33 AM
Bro Beng,
do you know that:
i) eat medicine
ii) pay "saman"
iii)boss' order
iv)kena gun shot
all these CAN WAIT...
but Your story... CANNOT WAIT!!!:D
02-01-2006, 02:34 PM
please continue uncle Deng ...can't wait any long
sexy rabbit
04-01-2006, 03:48 PM
Uncle Beng,
I have been camping here for so loooooog already. from last year to this year. Pls cont. with your storey. Last heard you already left PRC liao. right??
Cannot tahan, your story very good.. so don't keep us camping here for so long. OK
09-01-2006, 03:52 AM
Beng.... y so not free to continue?? u hooked up with some PRC gal liao izzt? :D
09-01-2006, 07:41 AM
think he forgot about SB already:(
09-01-2006, 11:42 AM
No continuation of story????
Or did SIL find out about this?? If she did, my sympathies go out to you. You must have been put in a difficult position :o and I fully understand why story cannot go on.
Rest of bros, let's just add more rep to uncle Beng for the great effort so far and acknowledge his contributions to many wonderful nights spent reading this thread... :p
10-01-2006, 01:52 PM
Brother Beng,
I never thought I say this to a guy (and I am not gay).... But PLEASE PLEASE come back soon.... I miss you :p
10-01-2006, 07:00 PM
Beng Oh Beng, oh where are u ????????? Me too, not gay, but i miss u too....logging on everytime hoping to find u but m always so disappointed...
Pls come bac to SB... :(
11-01-2006, 02:44 AM
No continuation of story????
Or did SIL find out about this?? If she did, my sympathies go out to you. You must have been put in a difficult position :o and I fully understand why story cannot go on.
Rest of bros, let's just add more rep to uncle Beng for the great effort so far and acknowledge his contributions to many wonderful nights spent reading this thread... :p
"Pecah lobang" alredi....???
Anyway, many thanks for keeping us entertained this long...
As a sign of appreciation:
Baris.....Hormat...Senjata! Followed by 21 Shots of canon.....
11-01-2006, 10:08 AM
"Pecah lobang" alredi....???
Anyway, many thanks for keeping us entertained this long...
As a sign of appreciation:
Baris.....Hormat...Senjata! Followed by 21 Shots of canon.....
Kawalan Homatan..... Hormat Panji2.......Hormat Senjata......:D
Tembak............(fire freely in symphony)......:D
06-02-2006, 12:47 AM
yo old beng where you? mia? please continue leh....
06-02-2006, 03:08 AM
Wow... beng.. really solid sia your story... make me fantasy sia.... hahaha quickly update us mroe leh.... gone missing liao har ??? impt stuff should attend first but dun forget us reader man ~ ~ kin kin kin :)
16-02-2006, 02:09 PM
Dear Beng, where have you gone to? We all miss your story and many of us at SBF are still awaiting your continuation!
16-02-2006, 04:52 PM
Mr lauhBeng,
ur story damn swee ahz... read oso can get hard-on ler...
No power to upz u lar. Sorry abt that.
Fast fast continue leh.
20-02-2006, 03:27 AM
Uncle Beng..Plss Cum Back...the Whole SBF is waiting for you...NI ZAI NA LI....
21-02-2006, 05:59 PM
Hehe bros,
Thanks for your superb support. I was forced to do an emergency brake on the story mainly due to the fact that I suspected my ex-wife family came to know about these posts. It started to affect few people that I was acquainted to last time
As such, I chose to let things settle down, stay low profile for a couple of weeks more and see how it goes before I carry on my stories.
Bros, sincerely thank you for your kind patience.
Cheers bros
21-02-2006, 06:32 PM
Sorry bro, to hear abt that, it is not good to carry on then. It is important that you must not be affected. I want to thank you for all you post, cheers
21-02-2006, 06:59 PM
Hehe bros,
Thanks for your superb support. I was forced to do an emergency brake on the story mainly due to the fact that I suspected my ex-wife family came to know about these posts. It started to affect few people that I was acquainted to last time
As such, I chose to let things settle down, stay low profile for a couple of weeks more and see how it goes before I carry on my stories.
Bros, sincerely thank you for your kind patience.
Cheers bros
Welcome back bro! Eagerly waiting here for the continuation...
21-02-2006, 07:03 PM
Yo bro Beng,
Sounds a bit serious leh, hope things will eventually calm down. I think its a good idea to lie low for awhile. Bros here will understand, we won't kill the goose that lays the golden eggs. Haha... :D
21-02-2006, 07:10 PM
bro Beng,
support u to take a well deserve rest... all the best and hope to hear from you soon...
21-02-2006, 11:32 PM
Hehe bros,
It started to affect few people that I was acquainted to last time.
As such, I chose to let things settle down, stay low profile for a couple of weeks more and see how it goes before I carry on my stories.
Dear Bro Beng,
Since the last sms, you suddenly disappear. It really makes me ponder what has happened. I do hope that the situation is not serious. Glad to see you are back.
I totally agree with fellow bros, you should take a break. No matter how, family comes first.
You take care, if you are back here, may be we can have coffee together.
Good Luck!
22-02-2006, 10:08 AM
Hehe bros,
Thanks for your superb support. I was forced to do an emergency brake on the story mainly due to the fact that I suspected my ex-wife family came to know about these posts. It started to affect few people that I was acquainted to last time
As such, I chose to let things settle down, stay low profile for a couple of weeks more and see how it goes before I carry on my stories.
Bros, sincerely thank you for your kind patience.
Cheers bros
Beng, glad to know that u r well and alive!!!! No worries bro, we just waiting for your next installment!
22-02-2006, 12:14 PM
Hehe bros,
Thanks for your superb support. I was forced to do an emergency brake on the story mainly due to the fact that I suspected my ex-wife family came to know about these posts. It started to affect few people that I was acquainted to last time
As such, I chose to let things settle down, stay low profile for a couple of weeks more and see how it goes before I carry on my stories.
Bros, sincerely thank you for your kind patience.
Cheers bros
you shall not even post this......
22-02-2006, 03:05 PM
you shall not even post this......
Are you the one stopping Beng from posting?? Ur reply is interesting indeed. Pls enlighten us bro's here!
22-02-2006, 03:20 PM
Are you the one stopping Beng from posting?? Ur reply is interesting indeed. Pls enlighten us bro's here!
no lar, what I meant was, if he were to stay low profile, he shall not even disclose too much information like "family members" already reading posts from here etc.....
of course I would love to continue reading such story, regardless it's real or fake.
28-02-2006, 03:20 PM
Bro , please cummmmmmmmmmmmm back to us
06-07-2008, 12:24 AM
Bro beng,
i seriously hope that things are ok for you now. i'm impressed with your story, and i have read all 21 pages of this thread tonight. i'm of course very very keen to know the entire story. do pm me, if possible. would like to hear some updates about your situation.
06-07-2008, 06:51 PM
I couldn't imagine you actually dug this thread out of nowhere...circa 2005??!
This thread has one of the most hits I believe.
But I also believe TS will not return due to his own private concerns.
Let us all grant him his rightful peace of mind and privacy now.
It won't be right to hassle him anymore. I thought that even thanking him would be absurd to whoever may be involved.
I think on our part as readers, let's just let this thread die off in order not to worsen any emotional damage to the parties involved in one way or another.
06-07-2008, 07:45 PM
This is the best story I have ever read but when things come to an end, we really need to let go. Thanks for the wonderful story TS:)
09-07-2008, 01:53 AM
Bro Beji, bro Bangster, bro scout,
Great that u guys like the story. Guess few bros might like the story cos its mostly real and down to earth :)
I got over the problematic issues in 2006 though still busy with work now. Will get back once I have the chance to clear some block leave and finish up the stories.
Thanks to all bros!
09-07-2008, 03:24 AM
wah steady man beng.
i read from page 1 till here !
all the best!
09-07-2008, 05:41 AM
Really thanks to some brothers who dug this thread out again, else I'm really missing out one of the best most action packed stories in SBF :p
09-07-2008, 05:27 PM
Wah lao, I read thru 21 pages hoping to get a good ending, but bro beng leave us dry and high... Hopefully he can complete his story one day... True or not also nevermind, but I can definitely relate to bro Beng. Its 5.30pm now. Time to go home. Will try to post my episodes with my SiL when I have time... Haven't actually bedded her yet, but have gotten fairly close to it before.... Not as close as bro Beng though... Anyways, I wanna leave now before ERP starts at 6pm. Bro Beng, please try to continue your story k....
09-07-2008, 06:23 PM
I got over the problematic issues in 2006 though still busy with work now. Will get back once I have the chance to clear some block leave and finish up the stories.
Alright man!!! Beng is staging a comeback!!!
09-07-2008, 07:10 PM
its time to set up camp here again!!!
09-07-2008, 10:12 PM
Let's us all give a big welcome back to our TS!:p
09-07-2008, 11:11 PM
Bro Beji, bro Bangster, bro scout,
Great that u guys like the story. Guess few bros might like the story cos its mostly real and down to earth :)
I got over the problematic issues in 2006 though still busy with work now. Will get back once I have the chance to clear some block leave and finish up the stories.
Thanks to all bros!
Brother Glad to hear you again !! and things are alright (remember the days when I read your thread and started worried for you...on the contrary, I hope all these were that you are just excusing yourself from the responsibility to write more) Anyway, as fellow samster its good to know you are still kicking a storm :D
Many Cheers
12-07-2008, 01:59 PM
Dear bros,
Please allow me to carry on with my encounters which I give me great memories. The instalments may be inconsistent due to my work commitment. Hope brothers can bear with it.
Nothing much happened after that and we left the chalet on that same day. Everybody seemed happy about the chalet outing except me. knn I thought I would have the chance to bonk SIL at that time. After so many years when I thought about it, I should have felt better since it was the first time I felt my SIL pussy (although it was with my hand and not my didi). Hehe brothers reading this thread please do not flame me for one thing ---- I actually didnt wash my hands for a few hours after fingering SIL at the basin in the chalet. I kept placing my fingers closed to my nose and breathing in hard.. hahaha.
After the chalet event and her telling me about her rocky relationship with her husband, our relationship (be it lustful or normal in laws relationship) deteriorated drastically. We used to sms or talked over the phone but that was even non existence after that. Even the usual teasing at my Father in law's place was nil. SIL even changed a maid ( from a 24 yo to a 35yo MILF!!!). That MILF maid was like a leech to her shadowing her eveywhere my SIL moved in my in law's house. It was clear that SIL was avoiding me.
However, the situation improved a bit a few months later when I took medical leave and went home early one afternoon. When i opened the door I saw my SIL in my house taliking to my wife (re-cap...... my ex-wife now. Jessie). I said hi to her while my heartbeat increased. I joined them in the sofa and learnt that SIL and her husband were going for holiday to Europe for close to 2 weeks. The purpose was to improve their already rocky marriage. My wife seemed to know about and agreed to let SIL maid parked at our house for that period. knn the sisters had been talking alot all these months when me and SIL had no contact. I wondered if they had talked about Beng figuring SIL or not.... I was damn scared. Would both sisters confront me at that same time? I drifted into my own world and could hear the cligging sould of my 2 balls shrinking and hitting one another....
"Sir, coffee or tea?" suddenly a timid voice pulled me out of my dream. It was my SIL's maid, Ah Ash. By the way I did not bother to remember her name as she was plain jane except for her C cuppers. The maid gave me a shock and I almost jumped.
"Beng why you so stone? Dont feel well still stay here for what? Tell you dont work so hard for your work dun listen. Tell you sleep early dun listen. Tell you dun watch what you eat dun listen. Now then get sick....sdfsdfsfdfsdf" That was my wife. Guess bros here will understand.. Knn haven't reached senior citizen already nag so much.
My SIL, first time since so many months, looked at my directiona and smiled at me! I melted......
"errr.... give me plain water." As I looked at Ah Ash, I noticed her 35C. She also wanted to laugh at me but could see that she controlled and she walked into the kitchen.
Having been embarassed in front of the ladies by my cocky wife, I excused myself to the toilet in the kitchen. Could still hear my wife complaining about me to SIL. I wondered if SIL would say something to defend me since I had brought her song song experience before...
As I was moving behind Ash (the maid), I noticed from behind she looked good. Her butt was firm for her 30 plus age. I could sensed that she was those flirtish type by looking at the way she swayed her ass while she walked. When we went into the corridor towards the kitchen, where we were off the radar from the sitting room, Ash turned her head around and threw me a smile. I smile back and wincked at her. To my surprise, she wincked back at me, all the while keeping her smile. Although I had mentioned her plain jane looks, it grew on me at that point in time. Although I was on MC, my little brother never fail me when in need. Immediately I could feel the marikita stance. While we were near to the kitchen, I (being the so called "gentleman") stepped forward and opened the kitchen door for her.
"Nononono sir, I open for you"... Guess the maid was blown off by Beng the gentleman.
"Its ok, its my pleasure to serve pretty like you" Beng the hunter... here we go again... hahaha..
"hehehehehehe.. nono.. sir I am just a miad".
As we struggled at the kitchen doorway, her butt bounced a few times at my didi. She got to noticed it and started to blush. After a few more struggles, I noticed that she butt bounced me a few more times.
"sir.... " she pointed at my tent and ran into the basin area.
As I needed to walk pass her to reach the toilet, my eyes were locked at her body. She also turned to my direction and smiled at me.
"You will be staying here for how long?" I asked.
"About 3 weeks. Mum (refering to my wife) very fierce. I scared." her smile was getting more slutty..
"Dun be scared, I protect you. I treat you very nice ok?" I said.
"Really! Thank you sir! You so nice!" I could see her relieved mode.
"How to thank me? One kiss ok?" I pointed at my cheek.
Immediately she planted a kiss at me, start giggling and pushed me into the toilet.
"AH ASH!!! GET me another tea!!!!" the monster wife shouted across the living room.
Ash wincked at me and rushed to that monster....
To be continued..... Next Chapter we will have a short experience with SIL in my house.
12-07-2008, 02:09 PM
WOW! bro LHB .. It has been a long wait for this sequel and I thank you deeply ;) for your continuation ... cheers.
12-07-2008, 04:17 PM
Welcome back bro LHB, like your starting pt of the stort already!:D
12-07-2008, 08:17 PM
omg TS pls post more regularly ok?? hope your workload isnt so heavy so u can post here more :) hahahaha anyway its the best! keep it up!
12-07-2008, 10:40 PM
Great TS come back liao....dont run away ok..i protect u...
13-07-2008, 11:21 AM
Yeah back. Pitch 10 men tent here....everyone gather round hahaha....quick the more u post the more we can up ur pointzss!!!:cool:
13-07-2008, 01:01 PM
Dear bros,
Here we go.....
Ash wincked at me and rushed to that monster....
After my toilet break, I went to the bedroom and rest while the sisters talked in the sitting room and Ash busy in the kitchen.
After an hour or so, both sisters came into my room.
"Beng you rest ba, Jess passing me some clothing for my tour then I need to go liao. Thanks for allowing Ash to park here." SIL told me and sat at the end of the bed where was close to my feet. My wife then turned her back from us and started open the cupboard searching for the clothes. SIL today was wearing red coloured spagetti and matching white hot pants. Knn when she sat down, the outline of her black G-string was visibly clear. That was the same butt that I had been eyeing for the last few years. That was also the same butt which contained the pussy that I fingered at the chalet..... Hmmmm how nice if I could feel the warmth of her pussy again.. with or without the G-string I didnt give a damn. But of course with G-string would be perfect.....
My bedroom set up was in such a way that the cupboard was directly facing my bed. As I was lying down on bed with SIL seated at the end of the bed, so both me and SIL was facing the opening of the cupboard while my wife's back was facing us. Meaning my wife will not be able to see things happening between me and SIL! God blessed I had no mirrors in the cupboard too!
Since that chalet encounter, me and SIL had not been in contact. As such, although I had the ill intention, I did not dare to make the first move in using my toes to carress SIL. However, to my pleasant surprise, SIL started to use her nails to run along the bottom of my feet. The very first caress for months! Immeditely the electric feel was transformed into an unknow energy and it shot right up to my hard on! She was doing it so slowly.... from the base of my feet... to my toes, making sure each and every of my toes was being covered by her wonderful nails. Every touch of hers caused an itch at my didi and the itch was growing at an accelarating rate as the seconds went by.....All that while she was having a non-stop conversation with my wife. Woot! doing that in my wife's presence was an exciting adventure that no words could described. Dong Dit Dit Dong Dit Dit... my heart was pacing like siao. From my feet, she moved her fingers circling my ankle then slowly moving up to my lower legs, brushing my leg hair, trying to reach my knee-cap. She was executing the seduction with her back facing me so that she could watch her own blood sister. As I was enjoying the sexy massage from SIL, I was waiting inpatiently for her hands to reach my kneecap then my already erected brother. Would she had the space to reach the summit? Would she be able to over strech her wonderful arm to reach the summit?
When her hands reached my kneecap and was doing her sensual massage by circling it, I could see that it was the furthest she could hit due to our positional constraint. Should I adjust my body and moved further down the bed so that she could reach where I wanted her to massage? While I was toying with that idea, her hand suddently did a full retreat!
"Nah sis, this is all I have for you." My wife stood up and showed SIL. "You take your time to choose, I urgent need go pang sai" Throwing down the clothes, my wife ran to the bedroom toilet and locked the toilet door.
Almost the same timing when I heard the toilet door lock clicking, I had a warm body in riding position on top of me. Next came SIL's sexy lips onto my lips. Ah....... the familiar perfume raging into my nostril and travelled to my head... i mean to both my heads! Of course her saliva tasted as great! SIL's tongue hungrily searched for mine as we tongue fought like no tomorrow. Actually where need to search for my tongue, SIL....... my tongue was always ready for your sexy tongue. I was all the while ready for SIL's fluid, be it from her mouth or her pussy.
In the meantime, her legs were opened with her pussy grinding powerfully against my dick. The perfect position in Dynasty classic came into picture except that I was lying flat down now. My hands went striaght to her B cuppers searching for the already erected nipples. SIL tongue started to move away from my desperate lips and made its way from my my neck and finally my ear....
"Beng, I miss you never call me? You know me and hubby no sex for very long?...eer....ahhhhh... beng beng why never call me?" SIL whispered like a cat into my ear, blowing her horny breath into it. "I want to eat you.. wana eat you... u want me to.....taste you? Tell.. me.. Deng....beng........hmmmmm,..... Beng....."
Before I could answer, SIL moved her lips to mine and we were locked in dreamland again. Her hands were finding its way from my thigh to my prick. She wanted to feel my brother, flesh to flesh! Then again, as fate fell on me, she retreated immediately when we heard the flushing of the toilet! knnpcc everytime like that!
SIL stood away from me, adjusted her dress while I quikly get the balnket and covered my erection. Wife came out of the toilet and left with SIL with the clothes. Being courteous, I got up from the bed and sent SIL to the doorstep. When my wife was opening the gate for SIL with me and SIL behind her back, SIL did the magic of the year..... She stroked my nose in double quick time with her middle finger. Woot!! smell of pussy juice! Till today, I still did not understand how on earth she got the time and space to dripped her finger with her pussy juice.
To be continued.......
13-07-2008, 01:50 PM
Sensational story .. keep it coming at frequent intervals bro n dont ever go AWOL .. ;)
13-07-2008, 01:56 PM
Sensational story .. keep it coming at frequent intervals bro n dont ever go AWOL .. ;)
keke thanks for your support bro.. But I cant do it so often leh..
Work commitment.. Nevertheless, I will try my very best.
Once again, Thanks!
13-07-2008, 03:42 PM
yes bro hurry give us more
13-07-2008, 04:27 PM
Brother Beng
Glad to see you back with your SIL adventures. Dun stop and keep them and us cumming please :p
My humble points to you for sharing bro.......
13-07-2008, 04:51 PM
13-07-2008, 05:12 PM
You the man
14-07-2008, 02:37 AM
keep going bro.. nice one..
14-07-2008, 03:53 AM
nice.. like season 2.. continue from cliffhanger ending of season 1
14-07-2008, 04:20 PM
OMG dude!!!! pls dun stop!!! hahahaha :o
14-07-2008, 05:13 PM
Very nice. Thanks TS for sharing. :D
14-07-2008, 09:54 PM
Very nice TS. Please don't let us wait too long. Tks!:)
17-07-2008, 08:24 PM
It is time you return ... you had one super long vacation previously ... hope you are thinking of taking another long one? ;)
17-07-2008, 08:36 PM
Please do continue with your stories...dont leave us high n dry..:p
17-07-2008, 09:49 PM
Dear Bros,
Glad that bros like the sequel. I will try my best to submit my instalments by this Saturday.
Cheers! :)
17-07-2008, 10:09 PM
Glad that bros like the sequel. I will try my best to submit my instalments by this Saturday.
I will be looking forward ... else will definitely dispatch the MPs ;)
18-07-2008, 01:14 AM
Dear Bros,
Glad that bros like the sequel. I will try my best to submit my instalments by this Saturday.
Cheers! :)
Well if you need to leave out certain important facts, feel free to do so. Safety first :D
18-07-2008, 09:01 PM
dramatic happening if there is look alike picture added will definately melted many brothers here. Good work keep the cum dripping
19-07-2008, 10:26 AM
Dear Bros,
Glad that bros like the sequel. I will try my best to submit my instalments by this Saturday.
Cheers! :)
Oh gosh saturday here liaoz....hee hee *rubbing hands wif glee*.... camping here wif breakfast lunch and dinner....till OC comes hee hee:D
19-07-2008, 01:13 PM
Thanks to the bros where up my points. Thank you!!!
I will try my best to submit 2 instalments over this weekend. Enjoy bros :)
Here we go...
Nothing happened much during the next one week or so except some flirtish glances with Ash. There were a few occasions when ash, wife and myself were watching TV in the hall while Ash and me were throwing glances at one another. Though nothing happened, but doing that with the wife around was totally another exciting experience. When my wife was around, Ash behaved timidly except the few wincks with me. There were also a number of times when Ash passed me drinks and I purpose brushed her hands, with my wife around but not looking. Haha brothers would think that Beng was too cheapo into such cheap thrills.
Ash was about 1.6m and weighed about 50 to 55 kg, fleshy type. Short hair, not even reaching her shoulder. As i had mentioned earlier, her melons were huge at 35C and her butt was nice to watch. In the house Ash dressed normally ---- T shirt and short to knee level pants. Sometimes she wore shirts given by SIL which was a bit tight on her, which I did not mind at all. From the cothes hanging at my balcony, I learnt that she was always on tight fitting T shirt and short hot pants when me and my wife were at work but when we got home ash would change to more decent dressing.
There was an encounter which worth mentioning, after Ash had been with us for more than a week. After groceries shopping at Shop N Save, 3 of us were in my car when I needed to detour my car for my wife to a nearby place to collect some documents from her colleagues. Me and my wife were seated in front while Ash was seated right behind my wife in the car. We reached there earlier as her colleague was in the midst of a bath. As such we parked our car along the small lane behind some shophouses and waited in the car. As it was my wife's habit to read the night time chinese newspaper, she was engrossed to the papers once I stopped the car.
"Ash, can see the stack of files by your side? Get me the Economist." Seeing my wife reading papers, I also sian nothing to do. Ash carry the whole stack of files, about 20cm to 30 cm thick, put them on her lap and started fliiping through to find my magazine.
"Sir.... cannot find..." Ash was desperately going through the files.
"Aiyo Beng, why you so MaFan one... search yourself lah. Your own things you know best lah. Cannot stand you..." My wife's nagging would start anytime.. anywhere.
I tilted my body 45 degree towards my left and laid my left hand onto the stack of files which were on Ash's lap. I saw Ash was still busy flipping through the files when I suddenly had the naughty thought. I held onto her hand while still looking at the stack of the files. Ash froze for a second, acted as if nothing happened but not looking at me. Her eyes were glued to side mirror on the left of my wife. Clever girl! She was keeping a watch for us. I could feel her hands doing rythmatic tighting at my hands. I did not understand but such little thrills got blood rushing to my little brother and the atmosphere suddenly became so sensual..........
To be continued....
19-07-2008, 01:31 PM
yeah gd one continue more interested with u n ur SIL
19-07-2008, 01:50 PM
yeah gd one continue more interested with u n ur SIL
Thanks bro Fowler09.
Sometimes I got zap for being not hitting directly on the sex with my SIL but most of the responses I recieved didnt mind my lengthy and sometimes detoured encounters. Hehe hope you bear with it if I detour a bit.
Thanks for showing interest in this post. Cheers!
19-07-2008, 01:53 PM
waiting patiently for next installment ... :p
19-07-2008, 02:25 PM
waiting patiently for next installment ... :p
Hehe bro DarkAsh,
Thanks for the supporst all this while. Great to have ex-supporters like you. Mhuack! hahahaha.
By the way, the maid's name is real. Is not taken from your nick one hor. kekekekeke
I dun dare tok cock too much, later let pple zap for wasting too much time toking cock here then submitting my instalment.
Cheers! lalala
19-07-2008, 03:18 PM
Hehe bro DarkAsh,
Thanks for the supporst all this while. Great to have ex-supporters like you. Mhuack! hahahaha.
By the way, the maid's name is real. Is not taken from your nick one hor. kekekekeke
I dun dare tok cock too much, later let pple zap for wasting too much time toking cock here then submitting my instalment.
Cheers! lalala
Bro power leh....when you cominng back to S'pore. Long time no drink with you liao. Call me. pm you my number liao...
19-07-2008, 03:34 PM
Bro power leh....when you cominng back to S'pore. Long time no drink with you liao. Call me. pm you my number liao...
Hehe bro, I semi-retired liao. Job commitment too much on me.
Hehe we still find a day to catch up the good memories.
Stay in touch bro.
19-07-2008, 03:42 PM
Mhuack! hahahaha... dont mhuack in public bro, it gives me goose bumps... kekeke :eek:
By the way, the maid's name is real. Is not taken from your nick one hor. kekekekeke ... this one really had me thinking!
Just dont AWOL bro..
19-07-2008, 04:26 PM
Dear bros,
As promised, this is another instalment for your viewing pleasure. Hope you guys dont mind I detour a bit on maids....
I decided to explore further. With my second finger (bros, my angmos sucks. is that our index finger?) and my middle finger, I started to do slow massage on the front and back of her palm....very slow tickling. I took my time to move my fingers from her palm to the channels in between fingers. Duplicating the action of jerking me, she did the same thing to me, stroking the channels between my fingers. My hard-on was getting worse....All that while my eyes were glued at the files while hers on the side mirror.
"Oei... can find your magazine or not?" My wife asked while still too engrossed with her newspaper.
"Do'nt know where I stuck it leh. Ash helping me to find too." I replied facing my wife momentarily. At the same moment, I could feel Ash gave me another tight squeeze to my hand and moved her fingering to the tip of my middle finger. She was now circling her thumb at the tip. Hmmm though its still my finger, I felt it was as if she was carresing my dick head. I believed Ash was having the same idea too....hmmmmm...
I decided that the tease of fingers was too much to take and I wanted to take a step further. I gave Ash's hand a final squeeze and moved my hand below the stack of files, onto her knee. Ash was wearing conservatively on that day as my wife was with us. She was wearing a pair of of tight cycling shorts, those that covered her tightly up to her knee level. Placing my hand onto her kneecap with the feel of the fabric was not too shiok at that time. However, Ash was extremely co-operative (or horny?). She automatically pulled her shorts further up so that I could access her skin direct. As I travelled my palm and fingering activities from her knees to her inner thigh, I could sensed that she was slowly opening her legs wider and wider. To my pleasant surprise, her legs were well-toned. The feel of her inner thigh was nice to touch.
Ash's legs were opening further and her her hand were holding on to my left hand that was giving her the pleasure she desperately needed. With her eyes still checking on the side mirror of my car, watching out for my wife who was reading her papers, she could only communicate to me with her hand. Her hand was carressing mine at one time, and when she liked the spot that I was touching, she would give me a squeeze. Ash was excited like me, as I could feel it from her trembling hands. That went on for a while until I decided to put a stop to it as it was too risky.
"I think it (the magazine) should be here." I said. With that, I positioned myself away from my driver's seat and stretched myself nearer to Ash. I withdrew my left hand from Ash and replaced it with my right hand as I acted to focus on the files. I slided my right hand from her inner thigh and reached for her pussy. At the same time, Ash moved her body forward so that I could have easier access to her cunt. Even though it was covered with her underwear and her shorts, I could feel that her pussy was wet. She did not dare to move or grind against my finger but could tell that she liked it. She trembled and was pushing against my fingering. The excitement of cheating in the presence of the wife was too much to take. If wife was not in the car, I would sure fuck Ash there and then.
"Not here, ai...., forget it. I think I left it in office." Being the cool headed Beng, I withdrew my hand and went back to my driver's position facing the front. Of course my wife started her usual nagging at me but I would not bother to mention here. Looking into the rear mirror, our eyes met. On top of a mischevious smile from Ash in return for what I had done, I had a look from her with hunger and fire behind her eyes....hmmm wondered if I could bring that tease up to the next level one day....
After my wife gotten the documents from her colleague, we set off to home with a constant erection throughout..
To Be Continued.........
19-07-2008, 04:38 PM
Hi bro LauHbeng
Ur thread is the best........much alive after so long lay off.....hope u can continue..........dun leave me or us and everyone hanging though.
19-07-2008, 04:44 PM
Hi bro LauHbeng
Ur thread is the best........much alive after so long lay off.....hope u can continue..........dun leave me or us and everyone hanging though.
Haha Thanks bro for your support.
Will try my best. kekekeke
From Anfield (oops!!!)
19-07-2008, 06:18 PM
Nice story TS... More pls... :D
19-07-2008, 06:42 PM
TS don't stop.:D
19-07-2008, 06:48 PM
bought popcorns and beer waiting for coming parts.:)
19-07-2008, 09:11 PM
your story damn solid sia bro!! haha... so glad you come come back and complete it! i finished the entire tread in 1 sitting sia!
19-07-2008, 10:40 PM
Haha Thanks bro for your support.
Will try my best. kekekeke
From Anfield (oops!!!)
Bro doesn't matter u from anfield or old trafford.....our goal is universal......pls continue ur SIL one.....very steamy man:D
19-07-2008, 11:49 PM
Dear bros,
Lai liao!!!
After my wife gotten the documents from her colleague, we set off to home with a constant erection throughout..
Thereafter me and Ash had not much chance to hanky panky except for a few bums and glances until that day when SIL was supposed to be back to Singapore. I was having a lunch appointment with a client when wife called telling me to fetch SIL and Nick (recap : SIL's hubby) in about 4 hours time. She wanted me make a trip back home to fetch Ash along so that Ash could go striaght home with SIL from the airport.
My job involved lots of entertainment, be it cheonging niteclubs or lunch appointments. I cultivated a very bad habit when I had heavy appointments during lunch time as I felt headache after that. At that point in time, the ti-ko instinct over the maid was over taken by the pain in my head, BIG head i meant. Furthermore the wheather sucked, hot like an oven. I decided to make a trip back home immediately after the lunch appointment to have some rest before setting off again in 3 hours time to wife's office, picked her up and then to the airport.
When I reached home and opened the door, Ash jumped up from the sofa. Could see that she was either kooning or resting in the sofa. hehe as idle as me.. ate snake during work hours.
".... Sir sorry sorry I tired lah. Dun tell my 2 mums ok?" First thing she did was to apologise with the guilty look in her face. As it was a humid day, I could see that she was sweating but didn't bother to bio too much at her cos of my headache.
"Wah lau no problem lah. Just go ahead and rest. I also come back and rest like you. We are human Ash. By the way, later wake me up at 5.30 pm we go fetch mum then go airport fetch your the other real mum. Why sweat so much? Go take a bath lah. Just remember to wake me up ok? I wont tell them one lah" With that, I walked into my bedroom, on the air-conditioning, stripped into my underwear, jumped into my bed and started to go for my nap. The giddiness was killing me. If not for it, who knew I might take the opportunity to bonk the maid since we had few hours of exclusivity. hmmm...
"Sir... sir... sir... you sleeping? I brought warm water and panadol for you." Sub conciously I heard the maid knocking at my bedroom door. I was thinking wah piang that type of maid really not too bad. She so caring to realise my bad headache, my wife would never do that.
"Door is not locked Ash, just come in." Being a lazy ass, I didnt even bother to get up of bed. My bad headache was too much on me, extinguishing the hunter or gentleman instinct in Beng. I thought that I was going to fall sick and the blinking wife still wanted to be driver. knn.....
To Be Continued
20-07-2008, 12:00 AM
continue don't stop. Juz up U.... more more.........
20-07-2008, 05:48 AM
Wah! bro LHB, you sure know how to hold my juice from spilling .. More please ... dont end installment like this ... :confused:
20-07-2008, 07:43 AM
Bro LauHBeng
Pls continue leh.....anyway, to show my appreciation....see your usercp.:D
20-07-2008, 09:31 AM
Dear Bros,
Thanks for the points. Thank you!
Here comes another one.... Have pleasure.
"Door is not locked Ash, just come in." Being a lazy ass, I didnt even bother to get up of bed. My bad headache was too much on me, extinguishing the hunter or gentleman instinct in Beng. I thought that I was going to fall sick and the blinking wife still wanted be to be driver. knn......
"Sir, water here" Ash passed me the glass of water and unexpectedly she took the initiative to slide 2 panadols into my mouth with her hand, touching my lips and brushed my lips with her soft fingers. Without second thought, I took the pills and finished the drink in one gulp.
Ash was standing on the left of bed, which was just next to me. "Sir, still pain? You look terrible?" She looked into me with concern.
"Ya... very bad headache. Its common. And when nobody is around dun call me sir here sir there la. Call me Beng" I answered, eyes half closed. But psycologically felt better with her concern and knowing that the effect from the 2 pills would come within the next half hour. I started to use my knuckles to rolled against my head.
"Yes Beng..." She took the empty glass from me and started to make her way out of the bedroom.
Before shutting the door, she asked, "Beng I used to massage for my parents back in home. They also have headache problems. You want me to do it for you?"
"Ok. It would be great." Still bitten by the pain in the head, that was the best offer from the sweatest voice ever.
She closed the door and moved herself to my bed so that she was seated just by my side. I was lying stomach up with a blanket over me.
She started by placing her 2 hands over my head, that area which was just beside my eyes and started the massage. Honestly it felt great adn released much of the pain almost immediately. I closed my eyes and enjoyed the massage. I was feeling much better....... hehehe... and when the pain was slowly easing away...... my ti-ko instict was BACK!!!!!!
My eyes were kept closed but instead I was using my smelling senses. Hmmmm smell of shampoo and soap! Ash had just taken a bath before she came in! Ladies smell the best when they just finished their bath. Hmmm the smell of shampoo was transformed into my sensual drugs, flowing the the correct veins in my lower body. hmmmm..
As I had a blanket was over me, I didnt think Ash noticed about my erection. She was concentrating in doing a great job in the head massage. Probably I had treated her nice enough over the last 2 to 3 weeks and the unspelt teas over that period that she really wanted me well.
I opened my eyes a little and caught her attention. She smiled at me asking, "Beng, feel better? Just relax its still early. If I massage you until you sleep, I wake you up at 5.30. Just relax ok?" How come her average plain jane looks was growing into me? She was using much of her strength on my head to ease my pain......
To Be Continued..............
20-07-2008, 10:37 AM
he best moment have arrived, don't stop now TS!:D
20-07-2008, 04:55 PM
erotic and stimulating as usual .. Beng going for the kill and the next one i hope is you SIL ... really hope you get back to SIL soon and avoid detours ... ;)
20-07-2008, 06:08 PM
That is the moment we are waiting for, cuming cuming soon!:D
20-07-2008, 08:00 PM
Play with fire is alway fun if you manage it properly. I dare not play with fire because I not good in managing it.
20-07-2008, 11:26 PM
Nice story! Keep it up! :)
21-07-2008, 12:17 AM
nice story.. i salute u bro.. playing with fire sia.. haha
21-07-2008, 11:02 AM
looks like ash getting bedded by beng...right beng2 :D
21-07-2008, 11:54 AM
Sure kena bang.. but I am more interested on the hot SIL part...
Keep it flowing.... :D
21-07-2008, 03:04 PM
TS... wru? Continue pls... great story... waiting here
21-07-2008, 07:18 PM
Hehe bros, lai liao lai liao.
Enjoy.. Weekdays I have to slow down a bit. Paiseh.
I opened my eyes a little and caught her attention. She smiled at me asking, "Beng, feel better? Just relax its still early. If I massage you until you sleep, I wake you up at 5.30. Just relax ok?" She was using much of her strength on my head to ease my pain.
"Ok Ash, Thank you." I said as I moved my left hand, which was hidden under my blanket, and lightly placed it acrossed her lap. It was only at that point in time that I noticed that Ash had changed to a set of cleaner clothes because I could smell "Softlan". She was in very black tight top (those that cover her upper body till the stomach but will show off the stomach if she raise her hand) which brought her assets standing out. I could see that it was huge and it seemed firm. Should I grabed at them? Or should I just pulled tha top up and started to mouthed each of them? She was wearing a mini skirt, not too short though. G-string? Or those swimming trunk-like undies? Hmmm I was a horny bastard.
Guess she was getting ready in advance for the airport trip later from the way she dressed. Or was she trying to advance our on-off teasing to the next level? hmmmmm....My little Beng hidden in the blanket was twicking... though her massage on my BiG head was hard.
As bros would know, massage could not be just focusing on one point of the body. Ash started to pressed around my head, from forehead to eyes to cheek to top of the head. When the maid tried my bring her hands to hit the back of my neck, she had to shift her body towards my head in order to do so. With that, she brough her legs up to the bed and was lightly pressing against the side of my stomach, albeit with a blanket seperating us. As she struggled to reach the back of my nexk, she had to come close to my face. Her breasts were just inches away and the smell of her recently bathed body was killing me. My eyes were staring into her assets while she massaged my back. I was in haven. My left hand was not idling. My hand had already shifted naturally from her lap and was now holding onto her butt, massaging it though its still outside her skirt.
Just when I decided that it was time to bury my head into her boobs, the maid moved away from my neck and said, " Beng, can you shift a bit, I cant reach your neck." When saying that, she placed her palm on my face and caress it liked talking to a kid.
"How?" I asked, hands still rubbing her butt.
"hehe sit up can?" She planted a kiss on me. My cock screamt!
As I sat up, i kicked the blanket away showing off my erection though still with an underwear.
Ash climbed to the bed and moved behind me, her legs spreading to accomodate my butt towards her. Woot! She was wearing a mini-skirt, meaning that she had to pushed her skirt to her waist in order to have this position. Though I could not see it for myself, the imagination brought an extra pump to my heart... and of course to my erection. Both my hands automatically placed onto her thigh and lightly massaged them with no purposed direction.
Ash was now massaging my head while I did the same to her thighs. As I was closed to naked except my underwear, I would feel the body heat generating from the maid's body. As the head massage went on for a few minutes, I could feel Ash shifting closer to me. She was slowly moving closer to my back as the massage carried on until to the point when her front was pressed against my naked back! At the moment when her front and my back came into contact, for sure I confirmed that she was not wearing a bra! My back was sticking onto her braless front! She withdrew her legs and took a kneel position behind me. With that, her breasts were grinding my back aaahhhhh....
To Be Continued.....
21-07-2008, 08:00 PM
you song, I beh song..... post some more leh....... :D
21-07-2008, 09:22 PM aaahhhhh.... BENG dont stop .. kekeke :D
21-07-2008, 09:46 PM
i am cumming liao
22-07-2008, 12:55 AM
Dear all Brothers,
I just registered at SBF..
This story is great.. makes u wonder whether to get a maid 1st or to marry a woman with a sexy sister 1st?
This story and many others r definitely better than FHM and Maxim.. i think i've wasted too much $$ on these craps liao.. will dump all these shits tomorrow and printed out all these stories and put them back on my cabinet!!
Salute to SBF..
22-07-2008, 04:07 PM
need to camp here until "beng" finish the story...
thumb up....
22-07-2008, 09:09 PM
Wah bro beng, u always left me hanging....dunno wat to do.....hehe:D
PLease do not pause for too long though
22-07-2008, 10:30 PM
Wah lau Beng what happen. I camp here every night waiting for your story. Tonite I camp here with durian which I bought from GL.
22-07-2008, 10:45 PM
Please dont stop Beng! :(
23-07-2008, 12:57 AM
Dear all Brothers,
I just registered at SBF..
This story is great.. makes u wonder whether to get a maid 1st or to marry a woman with a sexy sister 1st?
This story and many others r definitely better than FHM and Maxim.. i think i've wasted too much $$ on these craps liao.. will dump all these shits tomorrow and printed out all these stories and put them back on my cabinet!!
Salute to SBF..
My both printer and head are waiting..
23-07-2008, 11:33 AM
Dear all Brothers,
I just registered at SBF..
This story is great.. makes u wonder whether to get a maid 1st or to marry a woman with a sexy sister 1st?
Salute to SBF..
Get a Woman with a sexy sister and a horny maid!
haha :p
23-07-2008, 06:42 PM
Bro, carry on pls...
Thank you...:p
23-07-2008, 09:23 PM
Dear Bros,
Glad that you guys like the encounters.
My apologies, still busy with work.
Will try my very best to submit a final instalment on the maid then I will proceed to SIL over the coming weekend.
Hehe, thanks again bros.
23-07-2008, 09:26 PM
We will wait for your story TS.:)
23-07-2008, 09:59 PM
Will try my very best to submit a final instalment on the maid then I will proceed to SIL over the coming weekend.
Hehe, thanks again bros.
Bro pls spare me........u r torturing me and also didi.......:D
24-07-2008, 05:44 AM
Bro., Great Encounter!
24-07-2008, 02:40 PM
great story bro just upped you :D long stories are still better as it helps to build up the feeling hehe
24-07-2008, 05:01 PM
Good Story Feep It Coming :d
25-07-2008, 11:32 PM
Bro TS, please carry on..hehe
26-07-2008, 06:37 AM
Hi bros,
Thanks for the points.
Here we go...
At the moment when her front and my back came into contact, for sure I confirmed that she was not wearing a bra! My back was sticking onto her braless front! She withdrew her legs and took a kneel position behind me. With that, her breasts were grinding my back rythmatically.
"Feel good?....Beng?" She whispered into my ears, taking the opportunity to blow hot air into my ears, biting it and lickint it in a seductive manner. As we were physically too close to each other, her hands were unable to massage my head anymore. Instead, she had moved her hands from my neck, went under my armpit, to my chest and stopped at my nipples.
"mmmmm.... Beng..hmmmm can feel my body temperature? beng..." She was inhaling in my ears.
"Ash..........yes... You do that your parents....too....? yes......." I closed my eyes and let her served me.
"Beng... you like my massage........" One of her fingers still pinching on my nipples while the other was holding on to my face and she snaked her head facing mine. Her lips travelled to mine and we were locked in ecstacy. She seemed hungry as she sucked my tongue hard.
"hmmm... now for some front massage..She started to snake from my back towards the front. My hands went directly to her breasts and started the RSP (aka RUB-SQUEEZE-PINCH), all that while with her tank top on. As she was braless, I loved to see her nipple prutruding against her fabric. Her nipples were as hard as stone! With the RSP on her, she was finally able to saddle on my lap. Her legs were spreaded while mine was closed up.
I was too focused on her 2 headlights and was pushing my underwear away from my groin until she saddled on me. Wow!!! I felt hair against my dick! She didnt have her underwear on! What G-string or cotton underwear? It was kosong!!!!!!!!! This horny MILF already had intentions when she brought water to me. No bra no undies. Knn! But song!!!!
"Beng.... arrrhhh,,,,,,, Beng...... give me.... me....arrrhrh...." She was using her hot wet pussy to grind along the length of my shaft. With her natural lubricant, the grinding was so smooth and wet. Our hair, be it cb hair or dick hair, were full of her juices. That was dripping wet!
Without further fore-play, without the assistance of our hands, I shafted my swelling dick into the slippery cunt with a single stroke and started pumping.... RAW....
"Hmmm......yessssss.......aaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrrrr rreeeeeee..........yes.....harder!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!" As we were on cowgirl mode, she had the intiation. She was pumping me furiously while my hands grabbed against her ass-cheek, encouraging her by pushing her ass cheeck against me.
"Beng....... CCUMING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! CUMINGGGGG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" What the fuck? Less than 3 minutes she cuming?
"ARARRRRRRRRRRRRR!!1 Darling!!!!!!!! ..... aaRRRRRRRRRRRR!! Fuck me.....hard.... darling...." Her body tensed up and I could feel her ass-cheek muscle contracting too. Her moaning was loud! She attacked my ears with her teeth, grabbed my body agains hers and did the final rocks on me. With that I switched off my endurance mode and ejaculated my load into her......
".............." we were panting as I laid down while she stayed on top of me, my softened dick still buried inside her pussy. Suddenly she got up in double quick time and rushed to the toilet. Next I heard was rushing water. Hehe she must be worried about pregnacy.
"Will I get pregnant? Cannot, they will send me back" She asked when she came out from the bedroom toilet.
I shaked my head as I carried on with my cigratte. She climbed to my bed, hugged me and shared the my stick.
"Let's get up. Its time. Will I see you again?" She asked eagerly.
(That is another tonne of story here which I think its not so good to post here. Will do it in another series about maids after I completed SIL story)
To Be Continued....
26-07-2008, 08:20 AM
"ARARRRRRRRRRRRRR!! .... SOLID! SOLID! :D ... one of a kind :D
26-07-2008, 11:43 AM
Waiting for youe SIL story to continue.:)
I'm also looking forward to the next part of the story.
26-07-2008, 12:24 PM
Tks bro....waiting for your SIL part.....
26-07-2008, 04:23 PM
I still like you to have your SIL
26-07-2008, 08:00 PM
SIL story superb.:)
26-07-2008, 11:47 PM
Dear Bos,
Another instalment....
We reached the airport right on the time. SIL's flight had just landed but had not collected her laguage yet. After a very short while, Nick and SIL came out to the carousal and waited for their lagguages, hand in hand. At that point in time, my heart arche abit.... I was thinking .... did it meant that the couple had patched up? Why were they holding hands like coming back from a honeymoon? Knn the answers were so obvious. They were husband and wife, why couldnt they hold hands? And.. why was I feeling jealous? I had my wife, I had fucked the family maid, I had fingered my in law's pussy....what else could I expect? I would already considered the few lucky ones staying in sillipore liao.
Being the greedy Beng, I was still jealous and very not sexitifed. SIL and Nick were smiling so vibrantly. From far could already see their "happiness" liao. My heart dropped.. Somemore, SIL was as usual in her spaghetis and hot pants --- my favourite! Scenes of Nick and SIL having great sex in Europe mad my heart bled even further.
As the couple saw us and waved at the 3 of us waiting for them outside, I volunteered to help SIL carry her laguage.
"Hi Beng, thanks hor." SIL said. Bros.....that was the only words she said to me throughout the jorney back to her house!!! Just that 4 fucking words. "Hi Beng, thanks hor." "Hi Beng, thanks hor". KNN!
I tired to establish eye contact with her throughout the journey but in vain. She acted as if we had not been connected in any sexual form before. Must really give it to her lor. When we reached her hourse, I helped to carry the things up. My wife also went up. The girls chit chatted walking in front, the maid alone carrying supper in the middle and the 2 muled hubbies carrying the lagguages strolling behind. As our wheather here was humid even if it was nite time, Nick and myself were sweating like siao.
My heart was cursing : CCB go Europe cant chose summer time to go isit? KNN winter time go the clothes alone can take up one big laguage liao. Knn you all fuck in hotel in winter or summer also no wear clothes, bring so much and so heavy for fuck.
But of course being the nice nice Beng, I was always with a smile to Nick and SIL.. By the time we went into their house, Nick and myself were drenching with sweat.
"Bro u take a seat first. I go pong pong come out we tcss." Nick excused himself and went striaght to the shower. Selfish Bastard also never offer my ciggretes nor cold beer. Serve him right for me digging SIL. The sisters went into the bedroom and tcss. I lan lan sit on the sofa in the sitting room like an idoit watching Ash busy in the kitchen. I had a problem that I knew all along. Once I conquered a non-chinese, be it a pinoy, indon, thai or wahtever race, very seldom I would be turned on by the same girl again. As such, watching Ash busy in the kitchen was no more kick to me. Though Ash kept turning her head looking into my direction, wincked at me, swayed her ass at me, I gave a blank look. No response from my M16 anyway.
To Be Continued..............
27-07-2008, 12:25 AM
Bravo, SIL is back... quick continue.. we are dying for more.:)
27-07-2008, 01:02 AM
Yes bro. Please continue your story. Very interesting. :p
27-07-2008, 05:29 AM
very good story.......continue please:D
27-07-2008, 08:02 AM
Great stuff bro LauHBeng..........SIL is back for more.
CUm please cum!!!:D
27-07-2008, 09:10 AM
Yeah...I just love your SIL teasing your little head!!:eek:
27-07-2008, 01:26 PM
It makes us cums in for more.:D
07-08-2008, 08:27 PM
waiting for next instalment... hihihihi:D
07-08-2008, 11:26 PM
I can start camping here for next installment...:p
More please.
08-08-2008, 01:10 AM
Hi Beng - the suspense is killing me.
Pls continue
08-08-2008, 08:40 AM
Yes.. this is the first thread I look for when I come in
09-08-2008, 06:48 AM
Ah Beng, where are you. Loss again. Please continue.
Look like TS gone MIA liao. :(
11-08-2008, 05:58 AM
TS your posting comin? Nice stuff must continue Bro.:D
11-08-2008, 10:21 AM
TS, interesting story.... please continue oredi sibehsong laa..
11-08-2008, 03:28 PM
This thread is superb. it has a following like LOTR man!! Sequel after so many years yet so many pple chasing.
Thumbs up, Beng!
11-08-2008, 03:44 PM
This thread is superb. it has a following like LOTR man!! Sequel after so many years yet so many pple chasing.
Thumbs up, Beng!
Yes, maybe we should call it Lord Of The Hole !:D
11-08-2008, 09:04 PM
Ah beng u ther, knock! knock! the door...:(
12-08-2008, 02:10 AM
My neck longer than Girraffe liao ! But will wait patiently for Part 2:)
Ranchu Ng
12-08-2008, 06:58 PM
Brother, I am glue to this story...check any new story the moment I come home, keep up the good work!;)
15-08-2008, 06:42 PM
bro beng ... dont go AWOL leh! Last post in Jul now is mid Aug :rolleyes:
15-08-2008, 11:55 PM
bro beng ... dont go AWOL leh! Last post in Jul now is mid Aug :rolleyes:
Ah beng kor... Where are you???? Please dun tell me you go Chinese Ghost 7th Month Ger-Tai telling your story,... :D
16-08-2008, 01:23 AM
nice story, me read all way fm page 1 till end..
Sibei long.. keep it coming..
Will be back for more.. i am cuming..
16-08-2008, 02:00 AM
faster faster...mai tu liao...
buay tahan already :D
19-08-2008, 08:27 PM
nbz bro beng .. aiyoh! come back leh! :(
nice adventure la mr beng! nx tyme take some pix la bro. so we can enjoy da view together.:D
21-08-2008, 01:55 PM
Beng you are not having problem with the foreign girls.
It is just normal that and corr not to hump the same woman
twice less your wife, gf or FB. the rest dont worth a mention.
09-09-2008, 01:40 AM
we are still waiting
12-09-2008, 12:51 PM
nice story bro,camping here for more.
Where is SIL?????????
Miss her leh......
13-09-2008, 12:30 AM
Beng, Beng, where are you??? please continue lei.:)
13-09-2008, 02:14 PM
I have just joined and have been following the story since yesterday... Can't wait to hear from you again
Thank you
05-10-2008, 01:04 AM
jia you beng!! took me nearly 4 hrs to read till here.. do continue.. :D
08-10-2008, 04:17 PM
jia you beng!! took me nearly 4 hrs to read till here.. do continue.. :D
I am supposed to go JB today. In fact, I would have gotten back by now, if I had kept to the original schedule.... But I kept telling myself "Woodlands most likely jam lah.. Maybe I'll leave in 1 hour...."
Well, I have been telling myself that since 11am, and I am still stuck here. Just had a quick look at the woodlands traffic cam at the onemotoring site for the very FIRST time today. Now, the traffic is really freaking suicidal.... And whats worse! I realised I have also reached the end of this unfinished thread! One things for sure, the causeway is not the only place having traffic issues at this pt in time. Cos I know I am having major traffic issues down at my own "second link".... I can imagine how you guys feel following the thread for like what, 3 years?? Damn! And I only spent just 5 hours???
No wonder your SIL told you to stay away. I bet when She see you from far, she already lau chup liao...
Its great stuff! And you must be insanely good at fishing eh? :) You really got us hanging by the balls in a very very big way!
Now I really need to go..
10-10-2008, 02:16 PM
Nice story! Still waiting for next episode.
After editing afew words here and there,You can publish a book liao.
Definitely best seller in Popular, Borders, Kinokuniya, MPH & all major bookstores islandwide.
10-10-2008, 06:54 PM
Lau Beng gone liao izzt
A very long time liao he never continue his instalment
Beng.... Where are u We all miss u....r story
Show Stopper
14-10-2008, 11:55 PM
TS please come back and complete your story. :( Think too crowded down place to pitch my tent. :D
15-10-2008, 05:23 AM
Ah beng kena caught red handed by his family members liao, that's why this story is dead :p
17-11-2008, 07:24 PM
No more liao???:(
Red Blood Cell
28-11-2008, 01:26 AM
Beng.... Where were u man???? Can't wait for your encounter with SIL...
28-11-2008, 08:36 PM
MIA already ... but still good for re-reading this thread! :)
28-11-2008, 08:48 PM
My Exam ard the corner..... and i still find myself reading tis :eek:.... Sigh.... :p Bro Beng..... u got mi......:D Camping for more....... :D
05-12-2008, 03:34 AM
beng! come back!
Casanova Club
05-12-2008, 11:38 PM
camping for more
08-06-2011, 08:39 AM
Still like this thread, wish beng comes back to write
08-06-2011, 11:23 PM
wa.. i read pg1 to 30 leh.. TS faster come back!
09-06-2011, 02:27 PM
Wow..its been 3 yrs since TS Beng has updated. Come back quick, Beng!!
09-06-2011, 03:48 PM
At the end, you fucked your SIL's maid so why not amend the title?
10-06-2011, 12:15 PM
Wah Lau eh! Now already 2011!!! TS 5 Years had past, u still haven't bang ur SIL ar?:eek:
10-06-2011, 02:19 PM
Wah i also read thru the 30 pages end up with no more didi hanging up and dry :(!!! TS pLs Pls come back to contiune
This is a gd story teaser.... Good story bro beng...... All those who read sure did stand n marikita.... Lol......
12-06-2011, 10:10 PM
Nice story. Camping for more.
13-06-2011, 01:40 PM
maybe TS already run road with the sil
13-06-2011, 02:00 PM
bro half way tru leh,quick quick come back finish the story
14-06-2011, 01:22 AM
TS last login is 26 May 2011, must be still around...
14-06-2011, 03:17 PM
one of the best story i read in SBF so far.... :D
14-06-2011, 03:51 PM
Anymore of this nice story ?
14-06-2011, 10:50 PM
continue please . thanks .
15-06-2011, 01:48 AM
TS last login is 26 May 2011, must be still around...
how u know ts login at that day ...
16-06-2011, 11:14 AM
Haiyaa no more story liao....
yah, have been waiting for TS continuing posting for so long le..
think he decided to stop after all. :(
16-06-2011, 11:34 AM
I think his story has ended inconclusively. His last story was posted on 26 July 2008 thereafter no sound no picture. He might still be lurking around in SBF but he's not continuing with his story. :(
Bro Beng, if you are reading this, please give us a resolution, be it good or bad so that we can close this chapter. Thank you.
18-06-2011, 12:21 PM
TS, loved ur story!! hope u would continue.....
26-06-2011, 01:49 AM
We need more from TS, cannot just keep us in suspense mode for too long...
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