View Full Version : Thread for UpZ exchange for bros and sis :) ......
19-12-2015, 01:58 AM
Anyone keen to exchange for my +10 daily? :)
19-12-2015, 06:02 AM
Yo bro.....
Have up your points for exchange....
Cheers :)Yo bro, 16upz return done :)
min 6pts to exchange
19-12-2015, 06:49 AM
Good morning, 7 points for exchange
Returned you ...:D
Good morning. My humble upz for your kind considerations. Many thanks. :) Have a nice weekend.
19-12-2015, 07:35 AM
14 points for exchange daily
19-12-2015, 08:06 AM
empty upz list... fast trade...anyone?
have a nice weekend!
19-12-2015, 08:20 AM
up u 11 points :)
+12 points upped.
Minimum 7 points for exchange.
Exchange of points welcome. Min power of 6 .
For those who upped me please leave your nick. No nick how to return ? Thank you .
Left to right
To be upped : more
Upped : sammmysiao ; skunky ; marc5 ; skypiea ; Young Hero ; jay.lay ; evetan86 ; Black Page ; deathryuk ; Bluezben ; Josh_Ray ; cash8877 ; iSaigon ; abbie mayo ; sweetgemss ; hcbj ; braxlex ; sc slayer ; JoeHope ; Colot ; tatata21 ; Submarinez ; PocketRocket ; masterwanker ; siegheart ; watsunder ; brunt ; Cheekopek ; nokia3510 ; sleeping
New post needed :
Need to spread some reputation around before I can up ___________ again .
Pervy Sage
19-12-2015, 09:23 AM
7 upped for exchange.
8 lacy thongs for u.
Thanks for helping me reach 3000pts!
19-12-2015, 09:38 AM
7 upped for exchange.aloius returned10pts
19-12-2015, 09:42 AM
Desire to INCREASE your Rep Points level?
Desire to INCREASE your Rep Points level?
Desire to INCREASE your Rep Points level?
Desire to INCREASE your Rep Points level?
Desire to INCREASE your Rep Points level?
Desire to INCREASE your Rep Points level?
Desire to INCREASE your Rep Points level?
I m READY to provide you wiz
48 points (on Normal Request) Upz or 83 points (on Special Request) Upz.. :p
Just click "agree" to add rep pts to my postings & await for good returns.. Act Now! Don't Wait!
PM me if Special request svc is required for those who are positive status wiz no power level & minimum 10 postings
(subjected to registered accounts from yr 2001 to 2006)
P/S:Those who recommend suitable accounts will also be rewarded. Those who have pro-actively upz me, pls pm me to return ur kindness.
19-12-2015, 09:52 AM
right back at ya :
Upz you bro ;)
Love 6969
19-12-2015, 11:30 AM
Anyone wanna exchange :D
Min. 4 points
19-12-2015, 12:09 PM
Anyone wanna exchange pts?
19-12-2015, 12:44 PM
Anyone want to exchange with my humble 2 point ? ( NB : u need to have at least a power 1 to trade )
19-12-2015, 01:44 PM
paiseh, paiseh ……
this old car rep power = 0
needs rep power 1 to move, to exchange points
anyone cares to up me?
19-12-2015, 03:18 PM
Anyone want to exchange with a 3 pointer?
The queue is empty
For those who dun mind to exchange, please do rem to leave ur nick behind.
Up will be return daily. Thanks!:)
To UP list: NIL
Pending New Post: Ken1234, johnboy
Already UP list: mePoke, Koiz, guess67, PeaceKris, dysfunk, Botakhead2, ClownTeaser, Javabeans, kopigaogao, NaughtynSensual, TwinTowers, ProjectAlice, Cignobilis, PPGirl, Pompous, 69sex, sanuuk, 002nabe, Pink2577, BMW69, Prince7, xtr3, Treemon99, kiko, Scombridae, macktamer, Saltyraw, WOOHOO, YangAog, HayDay, SimplyUnperfect, apple77, oxeso, Lemon2, hornyhubby, Truthful, Acegik, FavorOne, Spicy98, black84, siam66, sexylanjiao, conly, bunty, TanWM, humhum, Charcoalfilter, shiokshiokrelax, SnowLeopards, JustANewbie, vampangel, Sleepyguy2, Pervy Sage, snowcap, Botakhead, BK4ever, Babarella, HunnyCame888, Gem08, foxyapple, MPLover, Happyman007, austin69, ah rat, Jiaobin, Supervert, hayhay1, launua2, JJMagic, roamario, heiyaoguai, PeroPero, El Bistro, Spector69, FishingPartner, 99099, hoian, kp338, VRossi1980, chaku, andrew101, NastyThaiboy, happy88, wally888, slyer, NZKiwi, BallsOfFire, Kingsle, conquer, szczesny, Steventan, johnkim, is not enuff, Reya, Informer, Dom1976, AhSoonNo1, Brother3, Mastodonman, 3MOQ, smoky7, Iridiumphone, sbfuck, larsen, SirLance, abeltan, Sailsingapore, Nitro Trans, plantronic, andylee28, Rasta Marley, badboys, madpig88, Alpha001, cashcow, jerrystockton, Tingtonglove, kp338, SingaHarimau, crackpod, wongcarl, FUNNYANDHORNY, TomMAffolter, lickman, sg50, SkyIsMighty, Milobing, HornyKingKong, SibueyJiaLat, Froster, Bravo002, handsomethe2nd, MichaelWinn, Dixon, volcano, levine, derrickboy, lobangkingz
19-12-2015, 04:30 PM
Last three Bros to exchange points +11, pm me.
19-12-2015, 05:13 PM
Siam66 Exchange shop is now closed :o
Hi bro cashcow... 1 X'mas hamper (19 items) have just been delivered to you .... thank you for waiting :)
Advance ... to you :D
Delivery date / time > Xxon (20/12*5.15pm) ... Bail1234 (21/12*5.15pm) ... knightscorpio (23/12*5.15pm) ... informer (24/12*5.15pm) ... woooot (25/12*5.15pm) ... aloius (26/12*5.15pm) ... closed
Post expired / Pm sent > hot1168 (21/11) ... please PM me if you have make a new post
Abbie Mayo
19-12-2015, 05:23 PM
empty upz list... fast trade...anyone?
have a nice weekend!
Upped sir 6 for exchange.
Exchange of points welcome. Min power of 6 .
For those who upped me please leave your nick. No nick how to return ? Thank you .
Left to right
To be upped : more
Upped : sammmysiao ; skunky ; marc5 ; skypiea ; Young Hero ; jay.lay ; evetan86 ; Black Page ; deathryuk ; Bluezben ; Josh_Ray ; cash8877 ; iSaigon ; abbie mayo ; sweetgemss ; hcbj ; braxlex ; sc slayer ; JoeHope ; Colot ; tatata21 ; Submarinez ; PocketRocket ; masterwanker ; siegheart ; watsunder ; brunt ; Cheekopek ; nokia3510 ; sleeping
New post needed :
Need to spread some reputation around before I can up ___________ again .
19-12-2015, 05:46 PM
Hi Everyone
5 points to be given away daily, please feel free to up my points too :D
All are welcomed! :)
Milking time :D
please trade, any points willl do
please trade brothers
19-12-2015, 06:45 PM
7 upped for exchange.
Returned you.
Thanks and cheers!
Any one wanna exchange points?
(Min 7 pts plz)
19-12-2015, 06:52 PM
Hi Big Sister80, have just upped u my low 2-pointer. Hope u don't mind the xchange. Thanks sis;)
Hi Big Sister80, have upped u on 15/12/2015. Hope to have the xchange completed by u. If u do not wish to return, do kindly just let me know. Thanks;)
19-12-2015, 07:02 PM
Upz you bro ;)
Hi bro bigbirdbird, have just upped ur pts. Request for ur kind xchange.;)
19-12-2015, 07:17 PM
Thanks the following bros for your points.
1) Vrossi1980 (return today) - latest
1) Spicy98 2) Simple2kee 3) REYA (latest)
4) manu_07 (latest)
1) Woohoo 2) Supreme_madness 3) Kp338
4) Topcook1 5) Surbana
Kindly be patient for me to regain power before I can return the favour.
PS : Attention to all bros, I would kindly ask for a temporary stop on giving me points until I have returned to the remaining bros on my queue list. Currently I have 9 bros waiting for me to return them. Appreciate all your kind understanding.
Big Sister80
19-12-2015, 08:59 PM
+8 for u. :)
7 upped returned.
19-12-2015, 08:59 PM
+12 points upped.
Minimum 7 points for exchange.
Return 11 pts :)
Anyone want to exchange?
19-12-2015, 10:52 PM
Looking to exchange points. Min 5 points.
20-12-2015, 12:07 AM
13+ to up daily.
Exchange for min power of 5 & above. Priority Q for min power of 10 & above.
NONE in up list queue now.
Please remember to PM me after up and I will return fast :)
sc slayer
20-12-2015, 12:35 AM
Want to exchange upZz?
20-12-2015, 02:01 AM
13+ to up daily.
Exchange for min power of 5 & above. Priority Q for min power of 10 & above.
NONE in up list queue now.
Please remember to PM me after up and I will return fast :)
up 5 happy to trade :D
20-12-2015, 03:44 AM
Up up and away... :D
20-12-2015, 06:07 AM
Up up and away... :D
Bro, 16upz for u :)
min 6pts to exchange
20-12-2015, 06:15 AM
Want to exchange upZz?
Bro. Upz you +8 for exchange.
Anyone wants to exchange points? My queue is EMPTY.
20-12-2015, 06:18 AM
Hi Bros & Sis out there, I'm definitely welcome anyone with at least 2-Power Points who can help to up my points. Pls state your SBF nick in the "Comment" column so as I can in return up back your points. Pls also ensure that your latest posting is less than 48-hours old. Thanks. :)
Awaiting next in-line for me to up their points.
List of bros whom I need him to pm me his latest posting so as I can in return up his points. Thanks. :)
norice, bad^boi, virtualman, raiderxp, Rams75, wan25w, AVSPOP, Nemesis_v, shawnanderson, indignant, Driftmaster, gouflook, spatbrain, snowcap, happyguy801, howck001, elth, Sal1234, mariosuper, Honestkeith, Flinger(?), B-52, skyleon, iceboy29125, tanner132, sing-a-poo, Aceyfox, BC77
20-12-2015, 07:44 AM
Good morning, 7 points for exchange :D
please trade, any points willl do
please trade brothers
20-12-2015, 08:33 AM
+12 points to up.
Minimum 7 points for exchange.
20-12-2015, 08:38 AM
please trade, any points willl do
please trade brothers
Just upped you.
Min 3 points.
Exchange of points welcome. Min power of 6 .
For those who upped me please leave your nick. No nick how to return ? Thank you .
Left to right
To be upped : Sal1234
Upped : more ; sammmysiao ; skunky ; marc5 ; skypiea ; Young Hero ; jay.lay ; evetan86 ; Black Page ; deathryuk ; Bluezben ; Josh_Ray ; cash8877 ; iSaigon ; abbie mayo ; sweetgemss ; hcbj ; braxlex ; sc slayer ; JoeHope ; Colot ; tatata21 ; Submarinez ; PocketRocket ; masterwanker ; siegheart ; watsunder ; brunt ; Cheekopek ; nokia3510 ; sleeping
New post needed :
Need to spread some reputation around before I can up ___________ again .
Love 6969
20-12-2015, 11:01 AM
Anyone wanna exchange points :)
Min. 4 points
20-12-2015, 11:17 AM
Desire to INCREASE your Rep Points level?
Desire to INCREASE your Rep Points level?
Desire to INCREASE your Rep Points level?
Desire to INCREASE your Rep Points level?
Desire to INCREASE your Rep Points level?
Desire to INCREASE your Rep Points level?
Desire to INCREASE your Rep Points level?
I m READY to provide you wiz
48 points (on Normal Request) Upz or 83 points (on Special Request) Upz.. :p
Just click "agree" to add rep pts to my postings & await for good returns.. Act Now! Don't Wait!
PM me if Special request svc is required for those who are positive status wiz no power level & minimum 10 postings
(subjected to registered accounts from yr 2001 to 2006)
P/S:Those who recommend suitable accounts will also be rewarded. Those who have pro-actively upz me, pls pm me to return ur kindness.
Rasta Marley
20-12-2015, 11:30 AM
7 upped returned.
Hi Big Sister80, 12 Litres of Sexual Fluids have just been added into your fuel "tank" :D
20-12-2015, 12:08 PM
points for exchange
20-12-2015, 12:16 PM
right back at ya :)
+15 added & joining n the Q! :D
20-12-2015, 01:43 PM
Anyone want to exchange with my humble 2 point ? ( NB : u need to have at least a power 1 to trade )
20-12-2015, 02:47 PM
Hi bro bigbirdbird, Request for ur kind xchange.;
Favours Returned ;)
20-12-2015, 03:10 PM
Anyone want to exchange with a 3 pointer?
The queue is empty
For those who dun mind to exchange, please do rem to leave ur nick behind.
Up will be return daily. Thanks!:)
To UP list: NIL
Pending New Post: Ken1234, johnboy
Already UP list: mePoke, Koiz, guess67, PeaceKris, dysfunk, Botakhead2, ClownTeaser, Javabeans, kopigaogao, NaughtynSensual, TwinTowers, ProjectAlice, Cignobilis, PPGirl, Pompous, 69sex, sanuuk, 002nabe, Pink2577, BMW69, Prince7, xtr3, Treemon99, kiko, Scombridae, macktamer, Saltyraw, WOOHOO, YangAog, HayDay, SimplyUnperfect, apple77, oxeso, Lemon2, hornyhubby, Truthful, Acegik, FavorOne, Spicy98, black84, siam66, sexylanjiao, conly, bunty, TanWM, humhum, Charcoalfilter, shiokshiokrelax, SnowLeopards, JustANewbie, vampangel, Sleepyguy2, Pervy Sage, snowcap, Botakhead, BK4ever, Babarella, HunnyCame888, Gem08, foxyapple, MPLover, Happyman007, austin69, ah rat, Jiaobin, Supervert, hayhay1, launua2, JJMagic, roamario, heiyaoguai, PeroPero, El Bistro, Spector69, FishingPartner, 99099, hoian, kp338, VRossi1980, chaku, andrew101, NastyThaiboy, happy88, wally888, slyer, NZKiwi, BallsOfFire, Kingsle, conquer, szczesny, Steventan, johnkim, is not enuff, Reya, Informer, Dom1976, AhSoonNo1, Brother3, Mastodonman, 3MOQ, smoky7, Iridiumphone, sbfuck, larsen, SirLance, abeltan, Sailsingapore, Nitro Trans, plantronic, andylee28, Rasta Marley, badboys, madpig88, Alpha001, cashcow, jerrystockton, Tingtonglove, kp338, SingaHarimau, crackpod, wongcarl, FUNNYANDHORNY, TomMAffolter, lickman, sg50, SkyIsMighty, Milobing, HornyKingKong, SibueyJiaLat, Froster, Bravo002, handsomethe2nd, MichaelWinn, Dixon, volcano, levine, derrickboy, lobangkingz
20-12-2015, 03:42 PM
Up up and away... :D
3 points added to trade.
20-12-2015, 05:11 PM
Siam66 Exchange shop is now closed :o
Hi bro Xxon... 1 X'mas hamper (19 items) have just been delivered to you .... thank you for waiting :)
Advance ... to you :D
Delivery date / time > Bail1234 (21/12*5.15pm) ... knightscorpio (23/12*5.15pm) ... informer (24/12*5.15pm) ... woooot (25/12*5.15pm) ... aloius (26/12*5.15pm) ... closed
Post expired / Pm sent > hot1168 (21/11) ... please PM me if you have make a new post
20-12-2015, 06:05 PM
Desire to INCREASE your Rep Points level?
Desire to INCREASE your Rep Points level?
Desire to INCREASE your Rep Points level?
Desire to INCREASE your Rep Points level?
Desire to INCREASE your Rep Points level?
Desire to INCREASE your Rep Points level?
Desire to INCREASE your Rep Points level?
I m READY to provide you wiz
48 points (on Normal Request) Upz or 83 points (on Special Request) Upz.. :p
Just click "agree" to add rep pts to my postings & await for good returns.. Act Now! Don't Wait!
PM me if Special request svc is required for those who are positive status wiz no power level & minimum 10 postings
(subjected to registered accounts from yr 2001 to 2006)
P/S:Those who recommend suitable accounts will also be rewarded. Those who have pro-actively upz me, pls pm me to return ur kindness.
Exchange of points welcome. Min power of 6 .
For those who upped me please leave your nick. No nick how to return ? Thank you .
Left to right
To be upped : Sal1234
Upped : more ; sammmysiao ; skunky ; marc5 ; skypiea ; Young Hero ; jay.lay ; evetan86 ; Black Page ; deathryuk ; Bluezben ; Josh_Ray ; cash8877 ; iSaigon ; abbie mayo ; sweetgemss ; hcbj ; braxlex ; sc slayer ; JoeHope ; Colot ; tatata21 ; Submarinez ; PocketRocket ; masterwanker ; siegheart ; watsunder ; brunt ; Cheekopek ; nokia3510 ; sleeping
New post needed :
Need to spread some reputation around before I can up ___________ again .
please trade, any points willl do
please trade brothers
Abbie Mayo
20-12-2015, 06:55 PM
Hi Big Sister80, 12 Litres of Sexual Fluids have just been added into your fuel "tank" :D
Upped sir 6 for exchange.
20-12-2015, 06:58 PM
Return 11 pts :)
Anyone want to exchange?
Upped U bro.
(Min 7 pts plz)
20-12-2015, 08:21 PM
Bro. Upz you +8 for exchange.
Anyone wants to exchange points? My queue is EMPTY.
+8 for u. Cheers!
20-12-2015, 08:23 PM
Upped sir 6 for exchange.
Return with 9... Thanks!
Fast trade..empty upz list.
20-12-2015, 09:01 PM
+12 points upped.
Minimum 7 points for exchange.
11 points returned :) thanks
Anyone for exchange?
Big Sister80
20-12-2015, 09:09 PM
Hi Big Sister80, 12 Litres of Sexual Fluids have just been added into your fuel "tank" :D
7 returned. Thank you.
20-12-2015, 11:32 PM
Returning Favour ! :)
Upz u with 3 crabby burgers for exchange. Cheers.
Hv just returned favour to bro dom1976 wif my +9 cherries !...boosting UP^^his points from 541 to 550 ! :)...T.Q. bro for upping my points 1st !...Cheers !
plzz note my latest uplist....Exbro1, skyleon, sexcrusader, vampangel, grey82, AbbieMayo, ChinaAngel, Evetan86
(will need to take some time to return to all the bros listed...T.Q. for the patience )
20-12-2015, 11:33 PM
+8 for u. Cheers!
Hi bro Pleasure_empire, have upped you. Request for xchange if it is ok with u since u did not indicate a minimum point for xchange. Thanks.;)
20-12-2015, 11:57 PM
Thanks the following bros for your points.
1) Simple2kee (return today) - latest
1) REYA (latest) 2) manu_07 (latest)
1) Woohoo 2) Supreme_madness 3) Kp338
4) Topcook1 5) Surbana 6) Spicy98
Kindly be patient for me to regain power before I can return the favour.
PS : Attention to all bros, I would kindly ask for a temporary stop on giving me points until I have returned to the remaining bros on my queue list. Currently I have 8 bros waiting for me to return them. Appreciate all your kind understanding.
21-12-2015, 12:20 AM
Humble 2 up for sharing. :D
21-12-2015, 12:21 AM
7 returned. Thank you.
Upped you my humble 2. :D
20 CLass
21-12-2015, 12:34 AM
Exchange points????
21-12-2015, 12:45 AM
Welcoming exchange of points !!! Return of +7!!!
Up & Returned List:
Tho66 / REYA / CoCk shoCk / Just_Did_It / Botakhead / smartke / meatvegelove / hardone / masterwanker / compgen / pervy sage / feigohgoh /
Jorje / anotherlife / doubledare / buzett / JollyOne / Naka_Timo / AceAmando / shctaw / ramirez / qizai / El bistro / jason.8987 / Denniswhite /
Cafu / grey82 / ngengheng / Ktmakmak / sunhuan-con / 1deg / dyelook / Aceyfox / bigbirdbird / 222nge / tarma69 / Kingsle / johnkim /
Bluezben / jay.lay / Steventan / rayzz / friendly /
Queue List:
ipay4six / wohaha96 /
Need New Post:
saas / fdomme / songest / roomai / koebshaq0_0 /
Target: 1500 Points
Minimum 5 points for Exchange!
21-12-2015, 12:46 AM
Exchange points????
Lucky 8 Up! :D
21-12-2015, 12:49 AM
Exchange points????
16 good deeds done :D
21-12-2015, 12:50 AM
Exchange points????
Tequila 7-Up :o
sc slayer
21-12-2015, 01:31 AM
Want to exchange upZz?
please trade, any points willl do
please trade brothers
21-12-2015, 06:36 AM
Hi Bros & Sis out there, I'm definitely welcome anyone with at least 2-Power Points who can help to up my points. Pls state your SBF nick in the "Comment" column so as I can in return up back your points. Pls also ensure that your latest posting is less than 48-hours old. Thanks. :)
Awaiting next in-line for me to up their points.
List of bros whom I need him to pm me his latest posting so as I can in return up his points. Thanks. :)
norice, bad^boi, virtualman, raiderxp, Rams75, wan25w, AVSPOP, Nemesis_v, shawnanderson, indignant, Driftmaster, gouflook, spatbrain, snowcap, happyguy801, howck001, elth, Sal1234, mariosuper, Honestkeith, Flinger(?), B-52, skyleon, iceboy29125, tanner132, sing-a-poo, Aceyfox, BC77
21-12-2015, 07:33 AM
+12 points to up.
Minimum 7 points for exchange.
Bro. Upz you +8. .
Anyone for exchange? My queue ( 1): pleasure_empire
21-12-2015, 08:03 AM
Exchange points????
Up you my humble 4 points.
21-12-2015, 08:09 AM
Have up your points for exchange...
Hi Big Sister80, 12 Litres of Sexual Fluids have just been added into your fuel "tank" :D
21-12-2015, 08:14 AM
Desire to INCREASE your Rep Points level?
Desire to INCREASE your Rep Points level?
Desire to INCREASE your Rep Points level?
Desire to INCREASE your Rep Points level?
Desire to INCREASE your Rep Points level?
Desire to INCREASE your Rep Points level?
Desire to INCREASE your Rep Points level?
I m READY to provide you wiz
48 points (on Normal Request) Upz or 83 points (on Special Request) Upz.. :p
Just click "agree" to add rep pts to my postings & await for good returns.. Act Now! Don't Wait!
PM me if Special request svc is required for those who are positive status wiz no power level & minimum 10 postings
(subjected to registered accounts from yr 2001 to 2006)
P/S:Those who recommend suitable accounts will also be rewarded. Those who have pro-actively upz me, pls pm me to return ur kindness.
21-12-2015, 08:30 AM
Latest upz : Skypiea Next on target list : (too long to list)
Exchange acknowledgements :
(Note: I will no longer list the nicks of those who returned my points as there is 4k character limit when composing a message.)
So here's a BIG "Thank You" to all
*Special mention :
All higher power bros who put me in their queue and return my upz
Most points (+48) received to date > Naka_Timo
Upped and immediately added me as a friend > eBonkie
Unable to return as acct was removed > drrtt
Did not meet their req or/and upped me 1st esp when they are higher power (+5) >
Ho-Lee, Kass, Volcano, Xtr3, CTChua, Kuan_Aik_Hong, Surbana, Wally888, GohZXC, NewYorker88, FatSpider, SunHuan-Con, Bunty, VoltaRedonda, SimiFly, Rasta Marley, Halogen019, Tiko, Retepoet, Prince7, Wu Song Jr, AnotherLife, BadBoys
To compliment :
humhum (no new post), roamario (no new post), .....
(Note : Priority given to those higher power than me. Returning up once every week/fortnight for the rest.)
Awaiting their return :
17-04-2015 08:10 AM big_ben
21-04-2015 10:08 AM SiPayChun
24-04-2015 10:13 AM Pikadrian83
08-05-2015 09:51 AM Nato17
12-06-2015 09:12 AM assrammer
11-07-2015 08:56 AM tinalam
04-08-2015 09:28 AM @h-BeN
14-08-2015 09:21 AM superdelta
17-09-2015 10:19 AM Woei
03-10-2015 09:06 AM dcrusader
10-10-2015 09:50 AM ml1138
15-10-2015 09:10 AM izaaat
20-11-2015 08:44 AM Lionelboi
23-11-2015 08:29 AM atoz67
* * * Alert : Search function returns result off by 2-3 pages. * * *
Exchange of points welcome. Min power of 6 .
For those who upped me please leave your nick. No nick how to return ? Thank you .
Left to right
To be upped : ( empty )
Upped : Sal1234 ; more ; sammmysiao ; skunky ; marc5 ; skypiea ; Young Hero ; jay.lay ; evetan86 ; Black Page ; deathryuk ; Bluezben ; Josh_Ray ; cash8877 ; iSaigon ; abbie mayo ; sweetgemss ; hcbj ; braxlex ; sc slayer ; JoeHope ; Colot ; tatata21 ; Submarinez ; PocketRocket ; masterwanker ; siegheart ; watsunder ; brunt ; Cheekopek ; nokia3510 ; sleeping
New post needed :
Need to spread some reputation around before I can up ___________ again .
21-12-2015, 10:13 AM
Bro. Upz you +8. .
Anyone for exchange? My queue ( 1): pleasure_empire
+12 points returned.
Min 7 points for exchange.
21-12-2015, 11:57 AM
In queue to be upped by me in exchange (in order):
Will return the favour to all, once I get my power back. Kindly be patient. Thanks to all, who have upped me.
baigonggong, raw1, clinton, ShaolinHamster, pilter, Tho66, justanewbie, bk4ever, WOOHOO, REYA, madpig88, Swagelock, wally888, Kingsle, kopigaogao, kristoa7, bulleye, curiousSG, szczesny, S.B.Y.1, ah rat, JJmagic, cash8877, DevilChan78, ebonkie, Andrew101, bababoo, ctchua, vrossi1980, Sexy_lion, voltaredonda, nastythaiboy, Rasta Marley, Spicy98, truthful, manu_no7, PeaceKris, NaughtynSensual, SureScore, Goalie, Koiz, Hurricane88, Clownteaser, powerki, Sailsingapor
21-12-2015, 12:05 PM
Exchange points????
up u 8 brudder
21-12-2015, 12:34 PM
Have clear all ... anyone wanna trade? PM me
CoCK ShoCk
21-12-2015, 01:17 PM
Up you my humble 4 points.
5 ShockerS returned
21-12-2015, 01:33 PM
Looking to exchange points. Min 5 points.
Rasta Marley
21-12-2015, 01:51 PM
Have up your points for exchange...
Hi Bro randily, 12 Litres of Sexual Fluids have been duly replenished directly into your fuel "tank" :D
Current Fuel Waiting List:
Bro plantronic: awaiting new post
Bro abbie mayo
Bro Eternal Luck
21-12-2015, 02:52 PM
Anyone want to exchange with my humble 2 point ? ( NB : u need to have at least a power 1 to trade )
Hi bro.I want your points. Hope that I will be in your queue.I had already upped you with my humble 2.
Hi, my humble 2 pts too. Thanks. :) Wishing all bro/sis a wonderful week.
21-12-2015, 03:49 PM
Anyone want to exchange with a 3 pointer?
The queue is empty
For those who dun mind to exchange, please do rem to leave ur nick behind.
Up will be return daily. Thanks!:)
To UP list: NIL
Pending New Post: Ken1234, johnboy
Already UP list: mePoke, Koiz, guess67, PeaceKris, dysfunk, Botakhead2, ClownTeaser, Javabeans, kopigaogao, NaughtynSensual, TwinTowers, ProjectAlice, Cignobilis, PPGirl, Pompous, 69sex, sanuuk, 002nabe, Pink2577, BMW69, Prince7, xtr3, Treemon99, kiko, Scombridae, macktamer, Saltyraw, WOOHOO, YangAog, HayDay, SimplyUnperfect, apple77, oxeso, Lemon2, hornyhubby, Truthful, Acegik, FavorOne, Spicy98, black84, siam66, sexylanjiao, conly, bunty, TanWM, humhum, Charcoalfilter, shiokshiokrelax, SnowLeopards, JustANewbie, vampangel, Sleepyguy2, Pervy Sage, snowcap, Botakhead, BK4ever, Babarella, HunnyCame888, Gem08, foxyapple, MPLover, Happyman007, austin69, ah rat, Jiaobin, Supervert, hayhay1, launua2, JJMagic, roamario, heiyaoguai, PeroPero, El Bistro, Spector69, FishingPartner, 99099, hoian, kp338, VRossi1980, chaku, andrew101, NastyThaiboy, happy88, wally888, slyer, NZKiwi, BallsOfFire, Kingsle, conquer, szczesny, Steventan, johnkim, is not enuff, Reya, Informer, Dom1976, AhSoonNo1, Brother3, Mastodonman, 3MOQ, smoky7, Iridiumphone, sbfuck, larsen, SirLance, abeltan, Sailsingapore, Nitro Trans, plantronic, andylee28, Rasta Marley, badboys, madpig88, Alpha001, cashcow, jerrystockton, Tingtonglove, kp338, SingaHarimau, crackpod, wongcarl, FUNNYANDHORNY, TomMAffolter, lickman, sg50, SkyIsMighty, Milobing, HornyKingKong, SibueyJiaLat, Froster, Bravo002, handsomethe2nd, MichaelWinn, Dixon, volcano, levine, derrickboy, lobangkingz
21-12-2015, 04:02 PM
points for exchange.
21-12-2015, 04:17 PM
Exchange points????
Upped you 3 points for exchange.
21-12-2015, 04:44 PM
Thank you bro menshealth for the return upz :D
Anyone keen to exchange for my +10 daily? :)
21-12-2015, 04:50 PM
Exchange points????
My humble points added for exchange.
sc slayer
21-12-2015, 04:54 PM
Want to exchange upZz?
21-12-2015, 05:12 PM
Siam66 Exchange shop is now closed :o
Hi bro hot1168... 1 X'mas hamper (19 items) have just been delivered to you .... thank you for waiting :)
Advance ... to you :D
Delivery date / time > knightscorpio (23/12*5.15pm) ... informer (24/12*5.15pm) ... woooot (25/12*5.15pm) ... aloius (26/12*5.15pm) ... goo_ey (27/12*5.15pm) ... closed
Post expired / Pm sent > bail1234 (21/12) ... please PM me if you have make a new post
Exchange of points welcome. Min power of 6 .
For those who upped me please leave your nick. No nick how to return ? Thank you .
Left to right
To be upped : ( empty )
Upped : Sal1234 ; more ; sammmysiao ; skunky ; marc5 ; skypiea ; Young Hero ; jay.lay ; evetan86 ; Black Page ; deathryuk ; Bluezben ; Josh_Ray ; cash8877 ; iSaigon ; abbie mayo ; sweetgemss ; hcbj ; braxlex ; sc slayer ; JoeHope ; Colot ; tatata21 ; Submarinez ; PocketRocket ; masterwanker ; siegheart ; watsunder ; brunt ; Cheekopek ; nokia3510 ; sleeping
New post needed :
Need to spread some reputation around before I can up ___________ again .
21-12-2015, 05:59 PM
Hi Bros & Sis out there, I'm definitely welcome anyone with at least 2-Power Points who can help to up my points. Pls state your SBF nick in the "Comment" column so as I can in return up back your points. Pls also ensure that your latest posting is less than 48-hours old. Thanks. :)
Awaiting next in-line for me to up their points.
List of bros whom I need him to pm me his latest posting so as I can in return up his points. Thanks. :)
norice, bad^boi, virtualman, raiderxp, Rams75, wan25w, AVSPOP, Nemesis_v, shawnanderson, indignant, Driftmaster, gouflook, spatbrain, snowcap, happyguy801, howck001, elth, Sal1234, mariosuper, Honestkeith, Flinger(?), B-52, skyleon, iceboy29125, tanner132, sing-a-poo, Aceyfox, BC77
Thanks bro, return my humble 8 points :)
Abbie Mayo
21-12-2015, 07:57 PM
Bro. Upz you +8 for exchange.
Anyone wants to exchange points? My queue is EMPTY.
Upped sir 6 for exchange.
21-12-2015, 09:01 PM
Upped U bro.
(Min 7 pts plz)
11 pts returned :)
Anyone for exchange?
21-12-2015, 10:17 PM
11 pts returned :)
Anyone for exchange?
Up u 9 bro....
Big Sister80
21-12-2015, 10:42 PM
Exchange points????
Upped 7 for exchange.
21-12-2015, 11:02 PM
21-12-2015, 11:36 PM
Ready to exchange points, has clear all my waiting list.. pm me when you have upped me so that i can return you faster..
22-12-2015, 12:40 AM
Exchange points????
Auspicious +14 up :D
22-12-2015, 12:41 AM
Welcoming exchange of points !!! Return of +7!!!
Up & Returned List:
Tho66 / REYA / CoCk shoCk / Just_Did_It / Botakhead / smartke / meatvegelove / hardone / masterwanker / compgen / pervy sage / feigohgoh /
Jorje / anotherlife / doubledare / buzett / JollyOne / Naka_Timo / AceAmando / shctaw / ramirez / qizai / El bistro / jason.8987 / Denniswhite /
Cafu / grey82 / ngengheng / Ktmakmak / sunhuan-con / 1deg / dyelook / Aceyfox / bigbirdbird / 222nge / tarma69 / Kingsle / johnkim /
Bluezben / jay.lay / Steventan / rayzz / friendly / wohaha96 /
Queue List:
ipay4six /
Need New Post:
saas / fdomme / songest / roomai / koebshaq0_0 /
Target: 1500 Points
Minimum 5 points for Exchange!
22-12-2015, 12:42 AM
Exchange points????
Up 11 points
Minimum 5 points for exchange
胡's your daddy!
22-12-2015, 01:00 AM
Exchange points????
Humble 8 points for exchange :o
22-12-2015, 02:39 AM
Ready to exchange points, has clear all my waiting list.. pm me when you have upped me so that i can return you faster..
Up you bro :D
22-12-2015, 05:34 AM
(Min 7 pts plz)[/QUOTE]
up you back sis....:p
22-12-2015, 06:19 AM
Thanks bro & sis.
Had just (utmost last bro/sis) exchanged points with:-
Foxyapple, NorthEast, 胡's your daddy!, Swagelock, ShaolinHamster, Waikeekee, dyelook, Goalie, SureScore, Hurricane88, SimplyUnperfect, Tingtonglove, kristoa7, jayboy, S.B.Y.1, Kingsle, Clownteaser, dysfunk, koiz, PeaceKris, Rasta Marley, Szczesny, wu song jr, bunty, Pink2577, snowcap, DarthRevan, jjmagic, woohoo, prince7, spicy98, Tho66, Sexy_lion, clinton, ctchua, PPGirl, wittyman, powerkid, bk4ever, johnnyboy90, nastythaiboy, Sailsingapore, iphone1s, lonebonker, mplover, vrossi1980, wally888, cash8877, baigonggong, HonestCrook, ho-lee, manu_no7, esssinine, ProjectAlice, truthful, Steventan, dom1976, sunhuan-con, Exbros, jay.lay, hamsapkwai, raw1, skyleon, vampangel, Pervy Sage, curiousSG, CoCk shoCk, qizai, DevilChan78, oldslywolf, justanewbie, ebonkie, 1deg
Next in queue:-
Priority given as no latest post to up and missed turns:-
saas, chaosdc, songest, voltaredonda, fisheye84,
Priority list bros & sis, kindly send me a PM to alert me you have a latest post for me to upzz your rep.
Bro and sis who had upped my points but I missed out your name, kindly drop me a PM pls. Thanks for the exchange.
22-12-2015, 06:38 AM
14 points for exchange daily.
22-12-2015, 07:29 AM
Thanks bro, return my humble 8 points :)
Bro, 16upz for u :)
min 6pts to exchange
22-12-2015, 07:35 AM
"Don't let the opinions of the average man sway you.
Dream, and he thinks you're crazy.
Succeed, and he thinks you're lucky.
Acquire wealth, and he thinks you're greedy.
Pay no attention. He simply doesn't understand."
- Robert G. Allen
22-12-2015, 08:09 AM
+8 for u. Cheers!
Upz you back+8.
Any one for exchange?
22-12-2015, 08:14 AM
Genuine or fake as long as buyers happy ok lo. Nobody point a gun at us to buy their stuff.
Hi Bro avkaki, I've just in return upped your points. :)
Hi Bros & Sis out there, I'm definitely welcome anyone with at least 2-Power Points who can help to up my points. Pls state your SBF nick in the "Comment" column so as I can in return up back your points. Pls also ensure that your latest posting is less than 48-hours old. Thanks. :)
Awaiting next in-line for me to up their points.
List of bros whom I need him to pm me his latest posting so as I can in return up his points. Thanks. :)
norice, bad^boi, virtualman, raiderxp, Rams75, wan25w, AVSPOP, Nemesis_v, shawnanderson, indignant, Driftmaster, gouflook, spatbrain, snowcap, happyguy801, howck001, elth, Sal1234, mariosuper, Honestkeith, Flinger(?), B-52, skyleon, iceboy29125, tanner132, sing-a-poo, Aceyfox, BC77
22-12-2015, 08:40 AM
Good morning, 7 points for exchange
Exchange of points welcome. Min power of 6 .
For those who upped me please leave your nick. No nick how to return ? Thank you .
Left to right
To be upped : ( empty )
Upped : Shiok ; Sal1234 ; more ; sammmysiao ; skunky ; marc5 ; skypiea ; Young Hero ; jay.lay ; evetan86 ; Black Page ; deathryuk ; Bluezben ; Josh_Ray ; cash8877 ; iSaigon ; abbie mayo ; sweetgemss ; hcbj ; braxlex ; sc slayer ; JoeHope ; Colot ; tatata21 ; Submarinez ; PocketRocket ; masterwanker ; siegheart ; watsunder ; brunt ; Cheekopek ; nokia3510 ; sleeping
New post needed :
Need to spread some reputation around before I can up ___________ again .
22-12-2015, 09:48 AM
Desire to INCREASE your Rep Points level?
Desire to INCREASE your Rep Points level?
Desire to INCREASE your Rep Points level?
Desire to INCREASE your Rep Points level?
Desire to INCREASE your Rep Points level?
Desire to INCREASE your Rep Points level?
Desire to INCREASE your Rep Points level?
I m READY to provide you wiz
48 points (on Normal Request) Upz or 83 points (on Special Request) Upz.. :p
Just click "agree" to add rep pts to my postings & await for good returns.. Act Now! Don't Wait!
PM me if Special request svc is required for those who are positive status wiz no power level & minimum 10 postings
(subjected to registered accounts from yr 2001 to 2006)
P/S:Those who recommend suitable accounts will also be rewarded. Those who have pro-actively upz me, pls pm me to return ur kindness.
22-12-2015, 10:16 AM
Welcoming exchange of points !!! Return of +7!!!
Up & Returned List:
Tho66 / REYA / CoCk shoCk / Just_Did_It / Botakhead / smartke / meatvegelove / hardone / masterwanker / compgen / pervy sage / feigohgoh /
Jorje / anotherlife / doubledare / buzett / JollyOne / Naka_Timo / AceAmando / shctaw / ramirez / qizai / El bistro / jason.8987 / Denniswhite /
Cafu / grey82 / ngengheng / Ktmakmak / sunhuan-con / 1deg / dyelook / Aceyfox / bigbirdbird / 222nge / tarma69 / Kingsle / johnkim /
Bluezben / jay.lay / Steventan / rayzz / friendly / wohaha96 /
Queue List:
ipay4six / Ash_christiano / tuyet /
Need New Post:
saas / fdomme / songest / roomai / koebshaq0_0 /
Target: 1500 Points
Minimum 5 points for Exchange!
22-12-2015, 10:58 AM
Up you my humble 4 points.
UP you 10 points back bro!
For bro who have up me I will up u one by one as I can only up one bro daily.
Any other bro wanna trade?
Upzzz done so far
1deg, sexy_lion, crackpod, slyer, NorthEast, BBHumper, andrew101, Rickey, tinalam, justl00king, Kalv, chatlovers, VoltaRedonda, kristoa7, Kingsle, best123, Laoba, Hurricane88, p00t, Pervy Sage, powerkid, VRossi1980, SureScore, PPGirl, shctaw, mplover, Rasta Marley, manu_no7, owen10, esssinine, sailsingapore, hamsapkwai, 222nge, clinton, S.B.Y.1, owl888, jay.lay, Josh_Ray, ctchua, sbftiankon, skyscrape, ebonkie, kyc2110, FEDERER801, Kuan Aik Hong, ExBro, JustANewbie, Spicy98
22-12-2015, 11:18 AM
Just upz u bro with 3 humble pts. Cheers.Return your upz. Thanks, bro.
22-12-2015, 11:20 AM
Ups you my humble 4 points, have an great festive seasons coming.
22-12-2015, 11:31 AM
5pts to exchange
22-12-2015, 11:55 AM
In queue to be upped by me in exchange (in order):
owl888: Need latest post
grey82: Need latest post
Will return the favour to all, once I get my power back. Kindly be patient. Thanks to all, who have upped me.
vampangel, baigonggong, raw1, clinton, ShaolinHamster, pilter, Tho66, justanewbie, bk4ever, WOOHOO, REYA, madpig88, Swagelock, wally888, Kingsle, kopigaogao, kristoa7, bulleye, curiousSG, szczesny, S.B.Y.1, ah rat, JJmagic, cash8877, DevilChan78, ebonkie, Andrew101, bababoo, ctchua, vrossi1980, Sexy_lion, voltaredonda, nastythaiboy, Rasta Marley, Spicy98, truthful, manu_no7, PeaceKris, NaughtynSensual, SureScore, Goalie, Koiz, Hurricane88, Clownteaser, powerki, Sailsingapor
22-12-2015, 12:54 PM
Anyone want to exchange with my humble 2 point ? ( NB : u need to have at least a power 1 to trade )
22-12-2015, 03:27 PM
Points returned to Bro lonebonker
Anyone want to exchange with a 3 pointer?
The queue is empty
For those who dun mind to exchange, please do rem to leave ur nick behind.
Up will be return daily. Thanks!:)
To UP list: NIL
Pending New Post: Ken1234, johnboy
Already UP list: mePoke, Koiz, guess67, PeaceKris, dysfunk, Botakhead2, ClownTeaser, Javabeans, kopigaogao, NaughtynSensual, TwinTowers, ProjectAlice, Cignobilis, PPGirl, Pompous, 69sex, sanuuk, 002nabe, Pink2577, BMW69, Prince7, xtr3, Treemon99, kiko, Scombridae, macktamer, Saltyraw, WOOHOO, YangAog, HayDay, SimplyUnperfect, apple77, oxeso, Lemon2, hornyhubby, Truthful, Acegik, FavorOne, Spicy98, black84, siam66, sexylanjiao, conly, bunty, TanWM, humhum, Charcoalfilter, shiokshiokrelax, SnowLeopards, JustANewbie, vampangel, Sleepyguy2, Pervy Sage, snowcap, Botakhead, BK4ever, Babarella, HunnyCame888, Gem08, foxyapple, MPLover, Happyman007, austin69, ah rat, Jiaobin, Supervert, hayhay1, launua2, JJMagic, roamario, heiyaoguai, PeroPero, El Bistro, Spector69, FishingPartner, 99099, hoian, kp338, VRossi1980, chaku, andrew101, NastyThaiboy, happy88, wally888, slyer, NZKiwi, BallsOfFire, Kingsle, conquer, szczesny, Steventan, johnkim, is not enuff, Reya, Informer, Dom1976, AhSoonNo1, Brother3, Mastodonman, 3MOQ, smoky7, Iridiumphone, sbfuck, larsen, SirLance, abeltan, Sailsingapore, Nitro Trans, plantronic, andylee28, Rasta Marley, badboys, madpig88, Alpha001, cashcow, jerrystockton, Tingtonglove, kp338, SingaHarimau, crackpod, wongcarl, FUNNYANDHORNY, TomMAffolter, lickman, sg50, SkyIsMighty, Milobing, HornyKingKong, SibueyJiaLat, Froster, Bravo002, handsomethe2nd, MichaelWinn, Dixon, volcano, levine, derrickboy, lobangkingz, lonebonker
22-12-2015, 03:54 PM
Exchange points????
Up you +6.
22-12-2015, 05:05 PM
Looking to exchange points. Min 5 points.
22-12-2015, 05:14 PM
Siam66 Exchange shop is now closed :o
Hi bro bail1234... 1 X'mas hamper (19 items) have just been delivered to you .... thank you for waiting :)
Advance ... to you :D
Delivery date / time > knightscorpio (23/12*5.15pm) ... informer (24/12*5.15pm) ... woooot (25/12*5.15pm) ... aloius (26/12*5.15pm) ... goo_ey (27/12*5.15pm) ... closed
Post expired / Pm sent > empty ... please PM me if you have make a new post
Exchange of points welcome. Min power of 6 .
For those who upped me please leave your nick. No nick how to return ? Thank you .
Left to right
To be upped : ( empty )
Upped : Shiok ; Sal1234 ; more ; sammmysiao ; skunky ; marc5 ; skypiea ; Young Hero ; jay.lay ; evetan86 ; Black Page ; deathryuk ; Bluezben ; Josh_Ray ; cash8877 ; iSaigon ; abbie mayo ; sweetgemss ; hcbj ; braxlex ; sc slayer ; JoeHope ; Colot ; tatata21 ; Submarinez ; PocketRocket ; masterwanker ; siegheart ; watsunder ; brunt ; Cheekopek ; nokia3510 ; sleeping
New post needed :
Need to spread some reputation around before I can up ___________ again .
22-12-2015, 06:43 PM
Empty up-list:
Minimum 5 points for exchange
sc slayer
22-12-2015, 07:13 PM
Want to exchange upZz?
22-12-2015, 07:28 PM
13+ to up daily.
Exchange for min power of 5 & above. Priority Q for min power of 10 & above.
NONE in up list queue now.
Please remember to PM me after up and I will return fast :)
22-12-2015, 08:23 PM
+7 beanies for u :)
Hi, up u back , thanks! :D
To Up List:
wohaha96, dyelook, curiousSG, cashcow, masterwanker, Nitro Trans, compgen, owl888, Sleepyguy2, S.B.Y.1, mePoke, jay.lay, dysfunk, tinalam, Slyer, truthful, starbuck, surbana, badboys, hairy_abalone, anotherlife, madpig88, powerkid, SirLance, REYA, tuyet, voltaredonda, pervy sage ,DarthRevan, norigo77, RapidoBoy, chochochang2, Mito, Abastor, 1deg, Spicy98, meatvegelove, CoCk shoCk, grey82, ZacCommand, jc_wtc, fullofrubbish, Exbros, SilentMan, lobangkingz, CherryPickle, Doubledare, ctchua, p00t, El bistro, Treemon99, Eternal Luck, Informer, ReelSchnick, Cafu, Xxon, bulleye, Naka_timo
Josh_Ray, kristoa7, Sailsingapore, esssinine, hamsapkwai, smartke, Lamborghini, Tho66, DevilChan78, cash8877, Rasta Marley, raw1, Kingsle, manu_no7, reading, simifly, guess67, ramirez, Chaku, Clownteaser, Koiz, vrossi1980, PeaceKris, mplover, bk4ever, hardone, mantaray73, Sexy_lion, JJmagic, Kalv, marlboroken, justanewbie, bbbjkim, ah rat, basfreak, sponge05, ebonkie, SureScore, Goalie, Hurricane88, BMW69, Rickey, Laoba, wittyman,HonestCrook, Jorje, Swagelock, Cumexplorer, 胡's your daddy!, waikeekee, ShaolinHamster, NorthEast, Apollo, Drpussy, clinton, NastyThaiboy, Pervy Sage
22-12-2015, 09:44 PM
Bro, 16upz for u :)
min 6pts to exchange
Thanks bro, return 8 to u already :)
22-12-2015, 09:53 PM
Empty up-list:
Minimum 5 points for exchange
Upz Today: gilaxes (+5 to 1602)
Upz Next:
Anyone keen to exchange?? :D
5 humble points to be given out...
Post Expired: Priority will be given
Goldrabbit / saas
To Up List:
No Queue!!
Dec 15
gilaxes / bananaman00 / MichaelWinn / Silentreader88 / 222nge / Battersea / Froster / bluezben / Sanuuk / Sniper-sg / d2r2ddd
Nov 15
artie / Nzkiwi / Bravo002 / justl00king / Alpha001 / BMW69 / raw1 / drag28nick / jin81 / Andylee28 / Mastodonman / Tailok
Oct 15
gasscut / compgen / topcook1 / Harvest / Informer / johnkim / biggorilla / vampangel / wohaha96 / Supervert / Prince7 / ShaolinHamster
Sep 15
badboys / Furby85 / jay.lay / lifeduo / HayDay / Acegik / clinton / hamsapkwai / Javabeans / Andrew101 / Sleepyguy2 / mantaray73 / CoCk shoCk / johnboy / Lemon2 / pervy sage
Aug 15
Wu Song Jr / grey82 / Slide2Despair / kp338 / wittyman / Sexy_lion / HonestCrook / manu_07 / joHnnyBoy90 / bunty / anotherlife / Reya / DevilChan78 / volcano / MMKing / Botakhead2 / wally888 / Spicy98 / Cash8877
Jul 15
apple77 / Slyer / powerkid / MarlboroKen / YangAoG / guess67 / S.B.Y.1 / dysfunk / Treemon99 / hairy_abalone / JoySeeker / Tho66 / FunnyHippo / plsfloodme / Baigonggong / mePoke / NastyThaiboy / NorthEast / starbuck / watssupp
Jun 15
BulleYe / owl888 / conquer / Intltuk / TanWM / Yakuza / snowcap / crackpod / beautyhunter / ah rat / El bistro / jonnn / simple2kee / kiko / JJmagic / Coldblood99 / waikeekee / oldslywolf / Feetlover
May 15
bbbjkim / HornyYoungBoy07 / dyelook / smoky7 / tuyet / surbana / bababoo / justhorny / skyscrape / sc slayer / Woei / fafafa123 / Kuan Aik Hong / Goalie / SureScore / Cafu / hardone / WOOHOO / siam66 / fdomme / kristoa7 / 胡's your daddy! / curiousSG / Tundrawolf / sunhuan-con / FatSpider / SimplyUnperfect
Apr 15
Ho-Lee / Pink2577 / ebonkie / ctchua / Kingsle / Scombridae / President / igor123 / 002nabe / Sen5eS / madpig88 / cignobilis / bk4ever / NaughtynSensual / macktamer / ngengheng / Mplover / blueboat / Bukit Mewah / DarthRevan / Rasta Marley / Clownteaser
Mar 15
Justanewbie / Koiz / sailsingapore / Truthful / voltaredonda / ProjectAlice / PPGirl / Simifly / PeaceKris / Tingtonglove / szczesny / oxeso / formula1 / Hurricane88
Abbie Mayo
22-12-2015, 10:34 PM
Empty up-list:
Minimum 5 points for exchange
Upped 6 to sir for exchange.
please trade, any points willl do
please trade brothers
22-12-2015, 11:55 PM
Want to exchange?
Pervy Sage
23-12-2015, 12:30 AM
8 pink lacy thongs for you....
Thanks for helping me reach 3000pts!
Thanks bro & sis.
Had just (utmost last bro/sis) exchanged points with:-
Foxyapple, NorthEast, 胡's your daddy!, Swagelock, ShaolinHamster, Waikeekee, dyelook, Goalie, SureScore, Hurricane88, SimplyUnperfect, Tingtonglove, kristoa7, jayboy, S.B.Y.1, Kingsle, Clownteaser, dysfunk, koiz, PeaceKris, Rasta Marley, Szczesny, wu song jr, bunty, Pink2577, snowcap, DarthRevan, jjmagic, woohoo, prince7, spicy98, Tho66, Sexy_lion, clinton, ctchua, PPGirl, wittyman, powerkid, bk4ever, johnnyboy90, nastythaiboy, Sailsingapore, iphone1s, lonebonker, mplover, vrossi1980, wally888, cash8877, baigonggong, HonestCrook, ho-lee, manu_no7, esssinine, ProjectAlice, truthful, Steventan, dom1976, sunhuan-con, Exbros, jay.lay, hamsapkwai, raw1, skyleon, vampangel, Pervy Sage, curiousSG, CoCk shoCk, qizai, DevilChan78, oldslywolf, justanewbie, ebonkie, 1deg
Next in queue:-
Priority given as no latest post to up and missed turns:-
saas, chaosdc, songest, voltaredonda, fisheye84,
Priority list bros & sis, kindly send me a PM to alert me you have a latest post for me to upzz your rep.
Bro and sis who had upped my points but I missed out your name, kindly drop me a PM pls. Thanks for the exchange.
23-12-2015, 12:41 AM
Thanks bro, return 8 to u already :)
Have credited yr account with my humble pts.
Merry Xmas!
23-12-2015, 01:04 AM
Welcoming exchange of points !!! Return of +7!!!
Up & Returned List:
Tho66 / REYA / CoCk shoCk / Just_Did_It / Botakhead / smartke / meatvegelove / hardone / masterwanker / compgen / pervy sage / feigohgoh /
Jorje / anotherlife / doubledare / buzett / JollyOne / Naka_Timo / AceAmando / shctaw / ramirez / qizai / El bistro / jason.8987 / Denniswhite /
Cafu / grey82 / ngengheng / Ktmakmak / sunhuan-con / 1deg / dyelook / Aceyfox / bigbirdbird / 222nge / tarma69 / Kingsle / johnkim /
Bluezben / jay.lay / Steventan / rayzz / friendly / wohaha96 / Ash_christiano /
Queue List:
ipay4six / tuyet /
Need New Post:
saas / fdomme / songest / roomai / koebshaq0_0 /
Target: 1500 Points
Minimum 5 points for Exchange!
23-12-2015, 05:07 AM
Desire to INCREASE your Rep Points level?
Desire to INCREASE your Rep Points level?
Desire to INCREASE your Rep Points level?
Desire to INCREASE your Rep Points level?
Desire to INCREASE your Rep Points level?
Desire to INCREASE your Rep Points level?
Desire to INCREASE your Rep Points level?
I m READY to provide you wiz
48 points (on Normal Request) Upz or 83 points (on Special Request) Upz.. :p
Just click "agree" to add rep pts to my postings & await for good returns.. Act Now! Don't Wait!
PM me if Special request svc is required for those who are positive status wiz no power level & minimum 10 postings
(subjected to registered accounts from yr 2001 to 2006)
P/S:Those who recommend suitable accounts will also be rewarded. Those who have pro-actively upz me, pls pm me to return ur kindness.
23-12-2015, 05:18 AM
I have nothing to exchange but will pay back if i gain my power :)
Good morning. Many thanks for your very generous return. Most grateful. :) Have a nice day.
23-12-2015, 08:09 AM
Latest upz : Ash_Christiano Next on target list : (too long to list)
Exchange acknowledgements :
(Note: I will no longer list the nicks of those who returned my points as there is 4k character limit when composing a message.)
So here's a BIG "Thank You" to all
*Special mention :
All higher power bros who put me in their queue and return my upz
Most points (+48) received to date > Naka_Timo
Upped and immediately added me as a friend > eBonkie
Unable to return as acct was removed > drrtt
Did not meet their req or/and upped me 1st esp when they are higher power (+5) >
Ho-Lee, Kass, Volcano, Xtr3, CTChua, Kuan_Aik_Hong, Surbana, Wally888, GohZXC, NewYorker88, FatSpider, SunHuan-Con, Bunty, VoltaRedonda, SimiFly, Rasta Marley, Halogen019, Tiko, Retepoet, Prince7, Wu Song Jr, AnotherLife, BadBoys
To compliment :
humhum (no new post), roamario (no new post), Holans .....
(Note : Priority given to those higher power than me. Returning up once every week/fortnight for the rest.)
Awaiting their return :
17-04-2015 08:10 AM big_ben
21-04-2015 10:08 AM SiPayChun
24-04-2015 10:13 AM Pikadrian83
08-05-2015 09:51 AM Nato17
12-06-2015 09:12 AM assrammer
11-07-2015 08:56 AM tinalam
04-08-2015 09:28 AM @h-BeN
14-08-2015 09:21 AM superdelta
17-09-2015 10:19 AM Woei
10-10-2015 09:50 AM ml1138
15-10-2015 09:10 AM izaaat
20-11-2015 08:44 AM Lionelboi
23-11-2015 08:29 AM atoz67
* * * Alert : Search function returns result off by 2-3 pages. * * *
Big Sister80
23-12-2015, 08:20 AM
Want to exchange upZz?
Upped 7 for exchange.
23-12-2015, 08:21 AM
Thanks bro.
Hi Bro Froster, I've just in return upped your points. :)
Hi Bros & Sis out there, I'm definitely welcome anyone with at least 2-Power Points who can help to up my points. Pls state your SBF nick in the "Comment" column so as I can in return up back your points. Pls also ensure that your latest posting is less than 48-hours old. Thanks. :)
Awaiting next in-line for me to up their points.
List of bros whom I need him to pm me his latest posting so as I can in return up his points. Thanks. :)
norice, bad^boi, virtualman, raiderxp, Rams75, wan25w, AVSPOP, Nemesis_v, shawnanderson, indignant, Driftmaster, gouflook, spatbrain, snowcap, happyguy801, howck001, elth, Sal1234, mariosuper, Honestkeith, Flinger(?), B-52, skyleon, iceboy29125, tanner132, sing-a-poo, Aceyfox, BC77
23-12-2015, 08:25 AM
All bros welcome to exchange.
Exchange of points welcome. Min power of 6 .
For those who upped me please leave your nick. No nick how to return ? Thank you .
Left to right
To be upped : Littlerain
Upped : Shiok ; Sal1234 ; more ; sammmysiao ; skunky ; marc5 ; skypiea ; Young Hero ; jay.lay ; evetan86 ; Black Page ; deathryuk ; Bluezben ; Josh_Ray ; cash8877 ; iSaigon ; abbie mayo ; sweetgemss ; hcbj ; braxlex ; sc slayer ; JoeHope ; Colot ; tatata21 ; Submarinez ; PocketRocket ; masterwanker ; siegheart ; watsunder ; brunt ; Cheekopek ; nokia3510 ; sleeping
New post needed :
Need to spread some reputation around before I can up ___________ again .
23-12-2015, 08:59 AM
Good morning, 7 points for exchange
23-12-2015, 09:15 AM
Good morning, 7 points for exchange
Bro Smoky7, just returned pts to u. Cheers.
23-12-2015, 09:29 AM
Upped sir 6 for exchange.
Upz you back+8. Any one else for exchange?
23-12-2015, 11:20 AM
Has just clear all backlog.. anyone wanna change
Pm me
23-12-2015, 11:53 AM
+3 for you.Return your upz. Thanks, bro.
23-12-2015, 12:54 PM
Thanks the following bros for your points.
1) REYA (return today) - latest
1) manu_07 (latest)
1) Woohoo 2) Supreme_madness 3) Kp338
4) Topcook1 5) Surbana 6) Spicy98
Kindly be patient for me to regain power before I can return the favour.
PS : Attention to all bros, I would kindly ask for a temporary stop on giving me points until I have returned to the remaining bros on my queue list. Currently I have 7 bros waiting for me to return them. Appreciate all your kind understanding.
23-12-2015, 01:21 PM
In queue to be upped by me in exchange (in order):
grey82: Need latest post
Will return the favour to all, once I get my power back. Kindly be patient. Thanks to all, who have upped me.
owl888, baigonggong, raw1, clinton, ShaolinHamster, pilter, Tho66, justanewbie, bk4ever, WOOHOO, REYA, madpig88, Swagelock, wally888, Kingsle, kopigaogao, kristoa7, bulleye, curiousSG, szczesny, S.B.Y.1, ah rat, JJmagic, cash8877, DevilChan78, ebonkie, Andrew101, bababoo, ctchua, vrossi1980, Sexy_lion, voltaredonda, nastythaiboy, Rasta Marley, Spicy98, truthful, manu_no7, PeaceKris, NaughtynSensual, SureScore, Goalie, Koiz, Hurricane88, Clownteaser, powerki, Sailsingapor
23-12-2015, 01:46 PM
Anyone want to exchange with my humble 2 point ? ( NB : u need to have at least a power 1 to trade )
23-12-2015, 02:00 PM
got it! thanks! :)
[/B]Hi, up u back , thanks! :D
To Up List:
wohaha96, dyelook, curiousSG, cashcow, masterwanker, Nitro Trans, compgen, owl888, Sleepyguy2, S.B.Y.1, mePoke, jay.lay, dysfunk, tinalam, Slyer, truthful, starbuck, surbana, badboys, hairy_abalone, anotherlife, madpig88, powerkid, SirLance, REYA, tuyet, voltaredonda, pervy sage ,DarthRevan, norigo77, RapidoBoy, chochochang2, Mito, Abastor, 1deg, Spicy98, meatvegelove, CoCk shoCk, grey82, ZacCommand, jc_wtc, fullofrubbish, Exbros, SilentMan, lobangkingz, CherryPickle, Doubledare, ctchua, p00t, El bistro, Treemon99, Eternal Luck, Informer, ReelSchnick, Cafu, Xxon, bulleye, Naka_timo
Josh_Ray, kristoa7, Sailsingapore, esssinine, hamsapkwai, smartke, Lamborghini, Tho66, DevilChan78, cash8877, Rasta Marley, raw1, Kingsle, manu_no7, reading, simifly, guess67, ramirez, Chaku, Clownteaser, Koiz, vrossi1980, PeaceKris, mplover, bk4ever, hardone, mantaray73, Sexy_lion, JJmagic, Kalv, marlboroken, justanewbie, bbbjkim, ah rat, basfreak, sponge05, ebonkie, SureScore, Goalie, Hurricane88, BMW69, Rickey, Laoba, wittyman,HonestCrook, Jorje, Swagelock, Cumexplorer, 胡's your daddy!, waikeekee, ShaolinHamster, NorthEast, Apollo, Drpussy, clinton, NastyThaiboy, Pervy Sage
Rasta Marley
23-12-2015, 03:02 PM
Upped 6 to sir for exchange.
Hi Bro Abbie Mayo, 12 Litres of Sexual Fluids have been duly replenished directly into your fuel "tank" :D
Updated Fuel/Fluid List:
Thursday 24 Dec: Bro Eternal Luck
Friday 25 Dec and thereafter: Who wants? Fluids list is currently empty :p;)
23-12-2015, 03:36 PM
Upped 7 for exchange.
Up you my humble 4 points.
23-12-2015, 03:53 PM
Anyone want to exchange with a 3 pointer?
The queue is empty
For those who dun mind to exchange, please do rem to leave ur nick behind.
Up will be return daily. Thanks!:)
To UP list: NIL
Pending New Post: Ken1234, johnboy
Already UP list: mePoke, Koiz, guess67, PeaceKris, dysfunk, Botakhead2, ClownTeaser, Javabeans, kopigaogao, NaughtynSensual, TwinTowers, ProjectAlice, Cignobilis, PPGirl, Pompous, 69sex, sanuuk, 002nabe, Pink2577, BMW69, Prince7, xtr3, Treemon99, kiko, Scombridae, macktamer, Saltyraw, WOOHOO, YangAog, HayDay, SimplyUnperfect, apple77, oxeso, Lemon2, hornyhubby, Truthful, Acegik, FavorOne, Spicy98, black84, siam66, sexylanjiao, conly, bunty, TanWM, humhum, Charcoalfilter, shiokshiokrelax, SnowLeopards, JustANewbie, vampangel, Sleepyguy2, Pervy Sage, snowcap, Botakhead, BK4ever, Babarella, HunnyCame888, Gem08, foxyapple, MPLover, Happyman007, austin69, ah rat, Jiaobin, Supervert, hayhay1, launua2, JJMagic, roamario, heiyaoguai, PeroPero, El Bistro, Spector69, FishingPartner, 99099, hoian, kp338, VRossi1980, chaku, andrew101, NastyThaiboy, happy88, wally888, slyer, NZKiwi, BallsOfFire, Kingsle, conquer, szczesny, Steventan, johnkim, is not enuff, Reya, Informer, Dom1976, AhSoonNo1, Brother3, Mastodonman, 3MOQ, smoky7, Iridiumphone, sbfuck, larsen, SirLance, abeltan, Sailsingapore, Nitro Trans, plantronic, andylee28, Rasta Marley, badboys, madpig88, Alpha001, cashcow, jerrystockton, Tingtonglove, kp338, SingaHarimau, crackpod, wongcarl, FUNNYANDHORNY, TomMAffolter, lickman, sg50, SkyIsMighty, Milobing, HornyKingKong, SibueyJiaLat, Froster, Bravo002, handsomethe2nd, MichaelWinn, Dixon, volcano, levine, derrickboy, lobangkingz, lonebonker
23-12-2015, 03:53 PM
Points exchange. Currently 0 in queue due to mountain meditations. LOL. Bros with most points will get their returns first. Take note power 5 and above eligible for exchange only.
23-12-2015, 04:34 PM
Looking to exchange points. Min 5 points.
23-12-2015, 04:35 PM
Thanks bro, return 8 to u already :)
+3 for you.
23-12-2015, 05:16 PM
Siam66 Exchange shop is now closed :o
Hi bro KnightScorpio... 1 X'mas hamper (19 items) have just been delivered to you .... thank you for waiting :)
Advance ... to you :D
Delivery date / time > informer (24/12*5.15pm) ... woooot (25/12*5.15pm) ... aloius (26/12*5.15pm) ... goo_ey (27/12*5.15pm) ... closed
Post expired / Pm sent > empty ... please PM me if you have make a new post
Exchange of points welcome. Min power of 6 .
For those who upped me please leave your nick. No nick how to return ? Thank you .
Left to right
To be upped : Littlerain
Upped : Shiok ; Sal1234 ; more ; sammmysiao ; skunky ; marc5 ; skypiea ; Young Hero ; jay.lay ; evetan86 ; Black Page ; deathryuk ; Bluezben ; Josh_Ray ; cash8877 ; iSaigon ; abbie mayo ; sweetgemss ; hcbj ; braxlex ; sc slayer ; JoeHope ; Colot ; tatata21 ; Submarinez ; PocketRocket ; masterwanker ; siegheart ; watsunder ; brunt ; Cheekopek ; nokia3510 ; sleeping
New post needed :
Need to spread some reputation around before I can up ___________ again .
23-12-2015, 06:01 PM
Desire to INCREASE your Rep Points level?
Desire to INCREASE your Rep Points level?
Desire to INCREASE your Rep Points level?
Desire to INCREASE your Rep Points level?
Desire to INCREASE your Rep Points level?
Desire to INCREASE your Rep Points level?
Desire to INCREASE your Rep Points level?
I m READY to provide you wiz
48 points (on Normal Request) Upz or 83 points (on Special Request) Upz.. :p
Just click "agree" to add rep pts to my postings & await for good returns.. Act Now! Don't Wait!
PM me if Special request svc is required for those who are positive status wiz no power level & minimum 10 postings
(subjected to registered accounts from yr 2001 to 2006)
P/S:Those who recommend suitable accounts will also be rewarded. Those who have pro-actively upz me, pls pm me to return ur kindness.
23-12-2015, 07:28 PM
Thanks bro, return 8 to u already )
Upzzz you bro sinjktcnx : Cheers from Sailsingapore !!
sc slayer
23-12-2015, 07:43 PM
Want to exchange upZz?
23-12-2015, 09:00 PM
Hi, up u back , thanks! :D
To Up List:
dyelook, curiousSG, cashcow, masterwanker, Nitro Trans, compgen, owl888, Sleepyguy2, S.B.Y.1, mePoke, jay.lay, dysfunk, tinalam, Slyer, truthful, starbuck, surbana, badboys, hairy_abalone, anotherlife, madpig88, powerkid, SirLance, REYA, tuyet, voltaredonda, pervy sage ,DarthRevan, norigo77, RapidoBoy, chochochang2, Mito, Abastor, 1deg, Spicy98, meatvegelove, CoCk shoCk, grey82, ZacCommand, jc_wtc, fullofrubbish, Exbros, SilentMan, lobangkingz, CherryPickle, Doubledare, ctchua, p00t, El bistro, Treemon99, Eternal Luck, Informer, ReelSchnick, Cafu, Xxon, bulleye, Naka_timo
wohaha96, Josh_Ray, kristoa7, Sailsingapore, esssinine, hamsapkwai, smartke, Lamborghini, Tho66, DevilChan78, cash8877, Rasta Marley, raw1, Kingsle, manu_no7, reading, simifly, guess67, ramirez, Chaku, Clownteaser, Koiz, vrossi1980, PeaceKris, mplover, bk4ever, hardone, mantaray73, Sexy_lion, JJmagic, Kalv, marlboroken, justanewbie, bbbjkim, ah rat, basfreak, sponge05, ebonkie, SureScore, Goalie, Hurricane88, BMW69, Rickey, Laoba, wittyman,HonestCrook, Jorje, Swagelock, Cumexplorer, 胡's your daddy!, waikeekee, ShaolinHamster, NorthEast, Apollo, Drpussy, clinton, NastyThaiboy, Pervy Sage
23-12-2015, 09:48 PM
Festive period.
Points to be given away. ..
23-12-2015, 10:44 PM
Hi bro..
Have up you w my humble 7 points..
Festive period.
Points to be given away. ..
23-12-2015, 11:19 PM
Upz Today: Milobing (+5 to )
Upz Next: djmixologist
Anyone keen to exchange?? :D
5 humble points to be given out...
Post Expired: Priority will be given
Goldrabbit / saas
To Up List:
Queue Finishing Soon...
Dec 15
Milobing / gilaxes / bananaman00 / MichaelWinn / Silentreader88 / 222nge / Battersea / Froster / bluezben / Sanuuk / Sniper-sg / d2r2ddd
Nov 15
artie / Nzkiwi / Bravo002 / justl00king / Alpha001 / BMW69 / raw1 / drag28nick / jin81 / Andylee28 / Mastodonman / Tailok
Oct 15
gasscut / compgen / topcook1 / Harvest / Informer / johnkim / biggorilla / vampangel / wohaha96 / Supervert / Prince7 / ShaolinHamster
Sep 15
badboys / Furby85 / jay.lay / lifeduo / HayDay / Acegik / clinton / hamsapkwai / Javabeans / Andrew101 / Sleepyguy2 / mantaray73 / CoCk shoCk / johnboy / Lemon2 / pervy sage
Aug 15
Wu Song Jr / grey82 / Slide2Despair / kp338 / wittyman / Sexy_lion / HonestCrook / manu_07 / joHnnyBoy90 / bunty / anotherlife / Reya / DevilChan78 / volcano / MMKing / Botakhead2 / wally888 / Spicy98 / Cash8877
Jul 15
apple77 / Slyer / powerkid / MarlboroKen / YangAoG / guess67 / S.B.Y.1 / dysfunk / Treemon99 / hairy_abalone / JoySeeker / Tho66 / FunnyHippo / plsfloodme / Baigonggong / mePoke / NastyThaiboy / NorthEast / starbuck / watssupp
Jun 15
BulleYe / owl888 / conquer / Intltuk / TanWM / Yakuza / snowcap / crackpod / beautyhunter / ah rat / El bistro / jonnn / simple2kee / kiko / JJmagic / Coldblood99 / waikeekee / oldslywolf / Feetlover
May 15
bbbjkim / HornyYoungBoy07 / dyelook / smoky7 / tuyet / surbana / bababoo / justhorny / skyscrape / sc slayer / Woei / fafafa123 / Kuan Aik Hong / Goalie / SureScore / Cafu / hardone / WOOHOO / siam66 / fdomme / kristoa7 / 胡's your daddy! / curiousSG / Tundrawolf / sunhuan-con / FatSpider / SimplyUnperfect
Apr 15
Ho-Lee / Pink2577 / ebonkie / ctchua / Kingsle / Scombridae / President / igor123 / 002nabe / Sen5eS / madpig88 / cignobilis / bk4ever / NaughtynSensual / macktamer / ngengheng / Mplover / blueboat / Bukit Mewah / DarthRevan / Rasta Marley / Clownteaser
Mar 15
Justanewbie / Koiz / sailsingapore / Truthful / voltaredonda / ProjectAlice / PPGirl / Simifly / PeaceKris / Tingtonglove / szczesny / oxeso / formula1 / Hurricane88
24-12-2015, 12:29 AM
Anyone keen to exchange for my +10 daily? :)
Kuan Aik Hong
24-12-2015, 12:34 AM
Hi, up u back , thanks! :D
To Up List:
dyelook, curiousSG, cashcow, masterwanker, Nitro Trans, compgen, owl888, Sleepyguy2, S.B.Y.1, mePoke, jay.lay, dysfunk, tinalam, Slyer, truthful, starbuck, surbana, badboys, hairy_abalone, anotherlife, madpig88, powerkid, SirLance, REYA, tuyet, voltaredonda, pervy sage ,DarthRevan, norigo77, RapidoBoy, chochochang2, Mito, Abastor, 1deg, Spicy98, meatvegelove, CoCk shoCk, grey82, ZacCommand, jc_wtc, fullofrubbish, Exbros, SilentMan, lobangkingz, CherryPickle, Doubledare, ctchua, p00t, El bistro, Treemon99, Eternal Luck, Informer, ReelSchnick, Cafu, Xxon, bulleye, Naka_timo
wohaha96, Josh_Ray, kristoa7, Sailsingapore, esssinine, hamsapkwai, smartke, Lamborghini, Tho66, DevilChan78, cash8877, Rasta Marley, raw1, Kingsle, manu_no7, reading, simifly, guess67, ramirez, Chaku, Clownteaser, Koiz, vrossi1980, PeaceKris, mplover, bk4ever, hardone, mantaray73, Sexy_lion, JJmagic, Kalv, marlboroken, justanewbie, bbbjkim, ah rat, basfreak, sponge05, ebonkie, SureScore, Goalie, Hurricane88, BMW69, Rickey, Laoba, wittyman,HonestCrook, Jorje, Swagelock, Cumexplorer, 胡's your daddy!, waikeekee, ShaolinHamster, NorthEast, Apollo, Drpussy, clinton, NastyThaiboy, Pervy Sage
Up u 6 bro....
24-12-2015, 12:52 AM
Anyone keen to exchange for my +10 daily? :)
8-Up returned :o
24-12-2015, 01:11 AM
5 points and above for exchange at this moment. Apologies to 4 and below. I will lower the rates in due time. No offence to anyone :)
I have returned to the following forum member/s:
Updated return favour list: (Balance 5 to return)
formula1 (Post is expired)
Abbie Mayo
PPGir; via Eternally
Alpha001 (+1)
HayDay (+3)
ExBro (+4)
tonyseng (+3)
I will be returning on a daily basis or as per forum's system daily allowance. Please be patience and do ensure that your post are valid for points adding :)
I will not be posting for the obvious reason as the list is getting too long, hence will post once every 2-3 days or till my list is cleared :D
24-12-2015, 01:24 AM
Welcoming exchange of points !!! Return of +7!!!
Up & Returned List:
Tho66 / REYA / CoCk shoCk / Just_Did_It / Botakhead / smartke / meatvegelove / hardone / masterwanker / compgen / pervy sage / feigohgoh /
Jorje / anotherlife / doubledare / buzett / JollyOne / Naka_Timo / AceAmando / shctaw / ramirez / qizai / El bistro / jason.8987 / Denniswhite /
Cafu / grey82 / ngengheng / Ktmakmak / sunhuan-con / 1deg / dyelook / Aceyfox / bigbirdbird / 222nge / tarma69 / Kingsle / johnkim /
Bluezben / jay.lay / Steventan / rayzz / friendly / wohaha96 / Ash_christiano / ipay4six /
Queue List:
tuyet /
Need New Post:
saas / fdomme / songest / roomai / koebshaq0_0 /
Target: 1500 Points
Minimum 5 points for Exchange!
24-12-2015, 01:39 AM
Seeking bros with MIN REP 8 to exchange only.
24-12-2015, 06:40 AM
14 points for exchange daily.
24-12-2015, 07:32 AM
Nearly one-fifth of Americans think having a affair with the boss can lead to a better job.
Abbie Mayo
24-12-2015, 08:23 AM
Have credited yr account with my humble pts.
Merry Xmas!
Upped sir 6 for exchange.
24-12-2015, 08:45 AM
Any other bro wanna trade? Min 6pts please. Thank You
Upzzz done so far
1deg, sexy_lion, crackpod, slyer, NorthEast, BBHumper, andrew101, Rickey, tinalam, justl00king, Kalv, chatlovers, VoltaRedonda, kristoa7, Kingsle, best123, Laoba, Hurricane88, p00t, Pervy Sage, powerkid, VRossi1980, SureScore, PPGirl, shctaw, mplover, Rasta Marley, manu_no7, owen10, esssinine, sailsingapore, hamsapkwai, 222nge, clinton, S.B.Y.1, owl888, jay.lay, Josh_Ray, ctchua, sbftiankon, skyscrape, ebonkie, kyc2110, FEDERER801, Kuan Aik Hong, ExBro, JustANewbie, Spicy98, MePoke
Exchange of points welcome. Min power of 6 .
For those who upped me please leave your nick. No nick how to return ? Thank you .
Left to right
To be upped : ( empty )
Upped : Littlerain ; Shiok ; Sal1234 ; more ; sammmysiao ; skunky ; marc5 ; skypiea ; Young Hero ; jay.lay ; evetan86 ; Black Page ; deathryuk ; Bluezben ; Josh_Ray ; cash8877 ; iSaigon ; abbie mayo ; sweetgemss ; hcbj ; braxlex ; sc slayer ; JoeHope ; Colot ; tatata21 ; Submarinez ; PocketRocket ; masterwanker ; siegheart ; watsunder ; brunt ; Cheekopek ; nokia3510 ; sleeping
New post needed :
Need to spread some reputation around before I can up ___________ again .
Big Sister80
24-12-2015, 09:52 AM
Has just clear all backlog.. anyone wanna change
Pm me
7 upped for exchange.
Shoot To Target
24-12-2015, 09:55 AM
Points exchange. Currently 0 in queue due to mountain meditations. LOL. Bros with most points will get their returns first. Take note power 5 and above eligible for exchange only.
Upped bro 7 for exchange.
24-12-2015, 12:46 PM
Anyone want to exchange with my humble 2 point ? ( NB : u need to have at least a power 1 to trade )
24-12-2015, 01:17 PM
Hi Bros & Sis out there, I'm definitely welcome anyone with at least 2-Power Points who can help to up my points. Pls state your SBF nick in the "Comment" column so as I can in return up back your points. Pls also ensure that your latest posting is less than 48-hours old. Thanks. :)
Awaiting next in-line for me to up their points.
List of bros whom I need him to pm me his latest posting so as I can in return up his points. Thanks. :)
norice, bad^boi, virtualman, raiderxp, Rams75, wan25w, AVSPOP, Nemesis_v, shawnanderson, indignant, Driftmaster, gouflook, spatbrain, snowcap, happyguy801, howck001, elth, Sal1234, mariosuper, Honestkeith, Flinger(?), B-52, skyleon, iceboy29125, tanner132, sing-a-poo, Aceyfox, BC77
24-12-2015, 01:22 PM
In queue to be upped by me in exchange (in order):
grey82: Need latest post
Will return the favour to all, once I get my power back. Kindly be patient. Thanks to all, who have upped me.
jay.lay, owl888, vampangel, baigonggong, raw1, clinton, ShaolinHamster, pilter, Tho66, justanewbie, bk4ever, WOOHOO, REYA, madpig88, Swagelock, wally888, Kingsle, kopigaogao, kristoa7, bulleye, curiousSG, szczesny, S.B.Y.1, ah rat, JJmagic, cash8877, DevilChan78, ebonkie, Andrew101, bababoo, ctchua, vrossi1980, Sexy_lion, voltaredonda, nastythaiboy, Rasta Marley, Spicy98, truthful, manu_no7, PeaceKris, NaughtynSensual, SureScore, Goalie, Koiz, Hurricane88, Clownteaser, powerki, Sailsingapor
24-12-2015, 01:35 PM
Have credited yr account with my humble pts.
Merry Xmas!
Hi bro owen10, have upped u my low 2-pointer. Hope u don't mind the xchange. Thanks.;)
Btw, ur inbox is full. Unable to send u a pm.
24-12-2015, 01:40 PM
Thanks the following bros for your points.
1) manu_07 (return today) - latest
1) Spicy98
1) Woohoo 2) Supreme_madness 3) Kp338
4) Topcook1 5) Surbana
Kindly be patient for me to regain power before I can return the favour.
PS : Attention to all bros, I would kindly ask for a temporary stop on giving me points until I have returned to the remaining bros on my queue list. Currently I have 6 bros waiting for me to return them. Appreciate all your kind understanding.
24-12-2015, 01:46 PM
Hi Big Sister80, have just upped u my low 2-pointer. Hope u don't mind the xchange. Thanks sis;)
7 upped for exchange.
Hi bro Big Sister80, have upped u on the 15th Dec. Sent u several pms too but no replies from u. It's ok if u do not want to xchange but kindly let me know;)
24-12-2015, 03:41 PM
Anyone want to exchange with a 3 pointer?
The queue is empty
For those who dun mind to exchange, please do rem to leave ur nick behind.
Up will be return daily. Thanks!:)
To UP list: NIL
Pending New Post: Ken1234, johnboy
Already UP list: mePoke, Koiz, guess67, PeaceKris, dysfunk, Botakhead2, ClownTeaser, Javabeans, kopigaogao, NaughtynSensual, TwinTowers, ProjectAlice, Cignobilis, PPGirl, Pompous, 69sex, sanuuk, 002nabe, Pink2577, BMW69, Prince7, xtr3, Treemon99, kiko, Scombridae, macktamer, Saltyraw, WOOHOO, YangAog, HayDay, SimplyUnperfect, apple77, oxeso, Lemon2, hornyhubby, Truthful, Acegik, FavorOne, Spicy98, black84, siam66, sexylanjiao, conly, bunty, TanWM, humhum, Charcoalfilter, shiokshiokrelax, SnowLeopards, JustANewbie, vampangel, Sleepyguy2, Pervy Sage, snowcap, Botakhead, BK4ever, Babarella, HunnyCame888, Gem08, foxyapple, MPLover, Happyman007, austin69, ah rat, Jiaobin, Supervert, hayhay1, launua2, JJMagic, roamario, heiyaoguai, PeroPero, El Bistro, Spector69, FishingPartner, 99099, hoian, kp338, VRossi1980, chaku, andrew101, NastyThaiboy, happy88, wally888, slyer, NZKiwi, BallsOfFire, Kingsle, conquer, szczesny, Steventan, johnkim, is not enuff, Reya, Informer, Dom1976, AhSoonNo1, Brother3, Mastodonman, 3MOQ, smoky7, Iridiumphone, sbfuck, larsen, SirLance, abeltan, Sailsingapore, Nitro Trans, plantronic, andylee28, Rasta Marley, badboys, madpig88, Alpha001, cashcow, jerrystockton, Tingtonglove, kp338, SingaHarimau, crackpod, wongcarl, FUNNYANDHORNY, TomMAffolter, lickman, sg50, SkyIsMighty, Milobing, HornyKingKong, SibueyJiaLat, Froster, Bravo002, handsomethe2nd, MichaelWinn, Dixon, volcano, levine, derrickboy, lobangkingz, lonebonker
24-12-2015, 05:15 PM
Siam66 Exchange shop is now closed :o
Hi bro Informer... 1 X'mas hamper (19 items) have just been delivered to you .... thank you for waiting :)
Advance ... to you :D
Delivery date / time > woooot (25/12*5.15pm) ... aloius (26/12*5.15pm) ... goo_ey (27/12*5.15pm) ... closed
Post expired / Pm sent > empty ... please PM me if you have make a new post
Exchange of points welcome. Min power of 6 .
For those who upped me please leave your nick. No nick how to return ? Thank you .
Left to right
To be upped : ( empty )
Upped : Littlerain ; Shiok ; Sal1234 ; more ; sammmysiao ; skunky ; marc5 ; skypiea ; Young Hero ; jay.lay ; evetan86 ; Black Page ; deathryuk ; Bluezben ; Josh_Ray ; cash8877 ; iSaigon ; abbie mayo ; sweetgemss ; hcbj ; braxlex ; sc slayer ; JoeHope ; Colot ; tatata21 ; Submarinez ; PocketRocket ; masterwanker ; siegheart ; watsunder ; brunt ; Cheekopek ; nokia3510 ; sleeping
New post needed :
Need to spread some reputation around before I can up ___________ again .
24-12-2015, 05:35 PM
Uplist empty almost lor!!!!
come come come...
min 6pts
24-12-2015, 05:38 PM
Can any kind bros help me out? I'm still a couple of points short from getting my power. I will definitely return the favour.
Thanks in advance.
24-12-2015, 07:36 PM
Merry christmas and a happy new year to all bros and sis
The Old Nite
24-12-2015, 09:47 PM
just upped u... bro watsunder...
24-12-2015, 10:01 PM
Hi, up u back , thanks! :D
To Up List:
curiousSG, cashcow, masterwanker, Nitro Trans, compgen, owl888, Sleepyguy2, S.B.Y.1, mePoke, jay.lay, dysfunk, tinalam, Slyer, truthful, starbuck, surbana, badboys, hairy_abalone, anotherlife, madpig88, powerkid, SirLance, REYA, tuyet, voltaredonda, pervy sage ,DarthRevan, norigo77, RapidoBoy, chochochang2, Mito, Abastor, 1deg, Spicy98, meatvegelove, CoCk shoCk, grey82, ZacCommand, jc_wtc, fullofrubbish, Exbros, SilentMan, lobangkingz, CherryPickle, Doubledare, ctchua, p00t, El bistro, Treemon99, Eternal Luck, Informer, ReelSchnick, Cafu, Xxon, bulleye, Naka_timo, bunty, Kuan Aik Hong
dyelook, wohaha96, Josh_Ray, kristoa7, Sailsingapore, esssinine, hamsapkwai, smartke, Lamborghini, Tho66, DevilChan78, cash8877, Rasta Marley, raw1, Kingsle, manu_no7, reading, simifly, guess67, ramirez, Chaku, Clownteaser, Koiz, vrossi1980, PeaceKris, mplover, bk4ever, hardone, mantaray73, Sexy_lion, JJmagic, Kalv, marlboroken, justanewbie, bbbjkim, ah rat, basfreak, sponge05, ebonkie, SureScore, Goalie, Hurricane88, BMW69, Rickey, Laoba, wittyman,HonestCrook, Jorje, Swagelock, Cumexplorer, 胡's your daddy!, waikeekee, ShaolinHamster, NorthEast, Apollo, Drpussy, clinton, NastyThaiboy, Pervy Sage
haizzzz.... me maggi goreng with black dace fish...;)
24-12-2015, 10:54 PM
Desire to INCREASE your Rep Points level?
Desire to INCREASE your Rep Points level?
Desire to INCREASE your Rep Points level?
Desire to INCREASE your Rep Points level?
Desire to INCREASE your Rep Points level?
Desire to INCREASE your Rep Points level?
Desire to INCREASE your Rep Points level?
I m READY to provide you wiz
48 points (on Normal Request) Upz or 83 points (on Special Request) Upz.. :p
Just click "agree" to add rep pts to my postings & await for good returns.. Act Now! Don't Wait!
PM me if Special request svc is required for those who are positive status wiz no power level & minimum 10 postings
(subjected to registered accounts from yr 2001 to 2006)
P/S:Those who recommend suitable accounts will also be rewarded. Those who have pro-actively upz me, pls pm me to return ur kindness.
24-12-2015, 11:22 PM
Upz Today: DJMixologist (+5 to 295)
Upz Next:
Anyone keen to exchange?? :D
5 humble points to be given out...
Post Expired: Priority will be given
Goldrabbit / saas
To Up List:
No Queue!!
Dec 15
DJMixologist / Milobing / gilaxes / bananaman00 / MichaelWinn / Silentreader88 / 222nge / Battersea / Froster / bluezben / Sanuuk / Sniper-sg / d2r2ddd
Nov 15
artie / Nzkiwi / Bravo002 / justl00king / Alpha001 / BMW69 / raw1 / drag28nick / jin81 / Andylee28 / Mastodonman / Tailok
Oct 15
gasscut / compgen / topcook1 / Harvest / Informer / johnkim / biggorilla / vampangel / wohaha96 / Supervert / Prince7 / ShaolinHamster
Sep 15
badboys / Furby85 / jay.lay / lifeduo / HayDay / Acegik / clinton / hamsapkwai / Javabeans / Andrew101 / Sleepyguy2 / mantaray73 / CoCk shoCk / johnboy / Lemon2 / pervy sage
Aug 15
Wu Song Jr / grey82 / Slide2Despair / kp338 / wittyman / Sexy_lion / HonestCrook / manu_07 / joHnnyBoy90 / bunty / anotherlife / Reya / DevilChan78 / volcano / MMKing / Botakhead2 / wally888 / Spicy98 / Cash8877
Jul 15
apple77 / Slyer / powerkid / MarlboroKen / YangAoG / guess67 / S.B.Y.1 / dysfunk / Treemon99 / hairy_abalone / JoySeeker / Tho66 / FunnyHippo / plsfloodme / Baigonggong / mePoke / NastyThaiboy / NorthEast / starbuck / watssupp
Jun 15
BulleYe / owl888 / conquer / Intltuk / TanWM / Yakuza / snowcap / crackpod / beautyhunter / ah rat / El bistro / jonnn / simple2kee / kiko / JJmagic / Coldblood99 / waikeekee / oldslywolf / Feetlover
May 15
bbbjkim / HornyYoungBoy07 / dyelook / smoky7 / tuyet / surbana / bababoo / justhorny / skyscrape / sc slayer / Woei / fafafa123 / Kuan Aik Hong / Goalie / SureScore / Cafu / hardone / WOOHOO / siam66 / fdomme / kristoa7 / 胡's your daddy! / curiousSG / Tundrawolf / sunhuan-con / FatSpider / SimplyUnperfect
Apr 15
Ho-Lee / Pink2577 / ebonkie / ctchua / Kingsle / Scombridae / President / igor123 / 002nabe / Sen5eS / madpig88 / cignobilis / bk4ever / NaughtynSensual / macktamer / ngengheng / Mplover / blueboat / Bukit Mewah / DarthRevan / Rasta Marley / Clownteaser
Mar 15
Justanewbie / Koiz / sailsingapore / Truthful / voltaredonda / ProjectAlice / PPGirl / Simifly / PeaceKris / Tingtonglove / szczesny / oxeso / formula1 / Hurricane88
24-12-2015, 11:23 PM
Returning Favour ! :)
Upped sir 6 for exchange.
Hv just returned favour to bro Abbie Mayo wif my +9 cherries....boosting UP^^his points over the 800 mark !..from 795 to 804 !! :)...T.Q. for upping my points 1st, bro...Cheers !
sc slayer
24-12-2015, 11:51 PM
Want to exchange upZz?
25-12-2015, 12:14 AM
Merry Xmas
13+ to up daily.
Exchange for min power of 5 & above. Priority Q for min power of 10 & above.
NONE in up list queue now.
Please remember to PM me after up and I will return fast :)
25-12-2015, 12:55 AM
14 points for exchange daily.
Modest 8 points returned immediately :o
Merry XMAS!
25-12-2015, 07:12 AM
Hoo hoo hoo !! Merry Christmas to all bros and sisters..
May all your wishes will come true!!
Have clear all my outstanding anyone wanna trade points.
To all Bro / Sis
25-12-2015, 09:11 AM
14 points for exchange daily.
Exchange of points welcome. Min power of 6 .
For those who upped me please leave your nick. No nick how to return ? Thank you .
Left to right
To be upped : ( empty )
Upped : Littlerain ; Shiok ; Sal1234 ; more ; sammmysiao ; skunky ; marc5 ; skypiea ; Young Hero ; jay.lay ; evetan86 ; Black Page ; deathryuk ; Bluezben ; Josh_Ray ; cash8877 ; iSaigon ; abbie mayo ; sweetgemss ; hcbj ; braxlex ; sc slayer ; JoeHope ; Colot ; tatata21 ; Submarinez ; PocketRocket ; masterwanker ; siegheart ; watsunder ; brunt ; Cheekopek ; nokia3510 ; sleeping
New post needed :
Need to spread some reputation around before I can up ___________ again .
25-12-2015, 09:25 AM
Return your upz. Thanks, bro.
ups u bro for exchange
Abbie Mayo
25-12-2015, 09:30 AM
Want to exchange upZz?
6 upped to sir for exchange.
Big Sister80
25-12-2015, 10:57 AM
Points exchange. Currently 0 in queue due to mountain meditations. LOL. Bros with most points will get their returns first. Take note power 5 and above eligible for exchange only.
7 upped for exchange.
Shoot To Target
25-12-2015, 11:00 AM
Exchange of points welcome. Min power of 6 .
For those who upped me please leave your nick. No nick how to return ? Thank you .
Left to right
To be upped : ( empty )
Upped : Littlerain ; Shiok ; Sal1234 ; more ; sammmysiao ; skunky ; marc5 ; skypiea ; Young Hero ; jay.lay ; evetan86 ; Black Page ; deathryuk ; Bluezben ; Josh_Ray ; cash8877 ; iSaigon ; abbie mayo ; sweetgemss ; hcbj ; braxlex ; sc slayer ; JoeHope ; Colot ; tatata21 ; Submarinez ; PocketRocket ; masterwanker ; siegheart ; watsunder ; brunt ; Cheekopek ; nokia3510 ; sleeping
New post needed :
Need to spread some reputation around before I can up ___________ again .
Upped 7 for exchange bro.
25-12-2015, 11:04 AM
queue cleared. need min 5pts brudders to trade points :)
25-12-2015, 11:12 AM
6 upped to sir for exchange.
Ups you my humble 4 points, Merry Xmas!!!
25-12-2015, 12:34 PM
Anyone want to exchange with my humble 2 point ? ( NB : u need to have at least a power 1 to trade )
25-12-2015, 01:06 PM
All welcome to exchange points
25-12-2015, 01:47 PM
7 upped for exchange.
up u 8 sister
25-12-2015, 01:52 PM
Merry Xmas to one and all 😄
25-12-2015, 02:23 PM
In queue to be upped by me in exchange (in order):
grey82: Need latest post
Will return the favour to all, once I get my power back. Kindly be patient. Thanks to all, who have upped me.
justl00king, jay.lay, owl888, vampangel, baigonggong, raw1, clinton, ShaolinHamster, pilter, Tho66, justanewbie, bk4ever, WOOHOO, REYA, madpig88, Swagelock, wally888, Kingsle, kopigaogao, kristoa7, bulleye, curiousSG, szczesny, S.B.Y.1, ah rat, JJmagic, cash8877, DevilChan78, ebonkie, Andrew101, bababoo, ctchua, vrossi1980, Sexy_lion, voltaredonda, nastythaiboy, Rasta Marley, Spicy98, truthful, manu_no7, PeaceKris, NaughtynSensual, SureScore, Goalie, Koiz, Hurricane88, Clownteaser, powerki, Sailsingapor
Love 6969
25-12-2015, 02:24 PM
Anyone wanna exchange :)
Min. 4 points :D
25-12-2015, 02:32 PM
14 green apples available for exchange today.
Green apples will be return daily.
The queue is currently empty so do join in the queue if you are interested.
Thank you :)
Note: Priority will be given to bros with the HIGHEST POWER.
Next To Up List: -
New Post Required KIV List: 0808 (+11), OserbergGold (+5)
Already Up List: Lamborghini, Hurricane88, SureScore, Redapple26, simple2kee, sgiceboy, Naka_Timo, Cumexplorer, justl00king, Kalv, Nato17, xxxdreamer, waikeekee, submarinez, sex crusader, xlao, loneyheart, kyc2110, Apollo, mobliepod, Goalie, PPGirl, Rickey, sam30sg, nitecrawllerr, marlboroken, justfuckit, qizai, songest, lookingaround, NorthEast, compgen, ah rat, smartke, formula1, ShaolinHamster, clinton, wittyman, venussg, DrPussy, HonestCrook, lglg666, President, MMKing, fdomme, siam66, SEAJ, hardone, 胡's your daddy!, nocturnal1984, GeGe, sponge05, basfreak, i^Xi0n, Cash8877, aalibaba, joHnnyBoy90, laoba, SimplyUnperfect, cupid, MimeBoxer, Cafu, hayhay, beautyhunter, BMW69, bestlicker, saas, Josh_Ray, starbuck, acemanfred55, cumminology, Swagelock, watssupp, SMGG, Tnuc111, Joe Fox, Pervy Sage, JustANewbie, hornyhubby, Ramirez, macktamer, Koiz, andrew101, Hilary, ClownTeaser, Nitro Trans, justdoit, Devil-Man, PeaceKris, ProjectAlice, 002nabe, lovecim, conly, reading, oxeso, Acegik, sexy_lion, FeiGohGoh, jc_wtc, Yakuza, mazda1947, jimfairy, Javabeans, mePoke, memorablez, TingTongLove, jorje, 222nge, devilchan78, S.B.Y.1, hamsapkwai, esssinine, Woei, bunty, ken6890, Mito, guess67, shctaw, GoldRabbit, bbbjkim, Hanster, surbana, wpns, best123, snowcap, FishingPartner, Babarella, Spector69, HunnyCame888, BlueFinTuna, bk81665, masters, chaku, PeroPero, 99099, Supervert, iSaigon, Doubledare, Rasta Marley, Baigonggong, SirRumble, slyer, iphone1s, bizbiz, le113ru, Gem08, ComplainKing, BrillantKnight, masterwanker, Kuan Aik Hong, buzett, koebshaq0_0, ShiningGlory, More, AceAmando, Devil Reds, BlickBassy, Fishypartner, Abastor, takashi31400, KohOnly21, Evetan86, sleeping, Big Sister80, XiaoLaoPO, norigo77, 1deg, kthan10, sc slayer, urgg, JollyOne, GoldPool, CherryQQ, Jubilation, FookKew, b00bs, hairy_abalone, Ho-Lee, JokerDeBest, charcoalfilter, RedFrog, Lemon2, Treemon99, NRider, PowerSeh, raw1, bigbirdbird, Zacelfron, igor123, SingaHarimau, LeeHsienLoong, w00f, Greenfrog, Happyman007, VRossi1980, Raddy69, madpig88, curiousSG, Xxon, hakone, NastyThaiboy, Skypiea, BK4ever, MPLover, Truthful, JohnnyStorm, BBHumper, tarma69, mantaray73, MagicEight, Guardsmen, lion81, gilaxes, Coronet Peak, wester22, pompy, KnightScorpio
25-12-2015, 03:06 PM
Welcoming exchange of points !!! Return of +7!!!
Up & Returned List:
Tho66 / REYA / CoCk shoCk / Just_Did_It / Botakhead / smartke / meatvegelove / hardone / masterwanker / compgen / pervy sage / feigohgoh /
Jorje / anotherlife / doubledare / buzett / JollyOne / Naka_Timo / AceAmando / shctaw / ramirez / qizai / El bistro / jason.8987 / Denniswhite /
Cafu / grey82 / ngengheng / Ktmakmak / sunhuan-con / 1deg / dyelook / Aceyfox / bigbirdbird / 222nge / tarma69 / Kingsle / johnkim /
Bluezben / jay.lay / Steventan / rayzz / friendly / wohaha96 / Ash_christiano / ipay4six / tuyet /
Queue List:
*empty as of now*
Need New Post:
saas / fdomme / songest / roomai / koebshaq0_0 /
Target: 1500 Points
Minimum 5 points for Exchange!
25-12-2015, 03:16 PM
Anyone want to exchange with a 3 pointer?
The queue is empty
For those who dun mind to exchange, please do rem to leave ur nick behind.
Up will be return daily. Thanks!:)
To UP list: NIL
Pending New Post: Ken1234, johnboy
Already UP list: mePoke, Koiz, guess67, PeaceKris, dysfunk, Botakhead2, ClownTeaser, Javabeans, kopigaogao, NaughtynSensual, TwinTowers, ProjectAlice, Cignobilis, PPGirl, Pompous, 69sex, sanuuk, 002nabe, Pink2577, BMW69, Prince7, xtr3, Treemon99, kiko, Scombridae, macktamer, Saltyraw, WOOHOO, YangAog, HayDay, SimplyUnperfect, apple77, oxeso, Lemon2, hornyhubby, Truthful, Acegik, FavorOne, Spicy98, black84, siam66, sexylanjiao, conly, bunty, TanWM, humhum, Charcoalfilter, shiokshiokrelax, SnowLeopards, JustANewbie, vampangel, Sleepyguy2, Pervy Sage, snowcap, Botakhead, BK4ever, Babarella, HunnyCame888, Gem08, foxyapple, MPLover, Happyman007, austin69, ah rat, Jiaobin, Supervert, hayhay1, launua2, JJMagic, roamario, heiyaoguai, PeroPero, El Bistro, Spector69, FishingPartner, 99099, hoian, kp338, VRossi1980, chaku, andrew101, NastyThaiboy, happy88, wally888, slyer, NZKiwi, BallsOfFire, Kingsle, conquer, szczesny, Steventan, johnkim, is not enuff, Reya, Informer, Dom1976, AhSoonNo1, Brother3, Mastodonman, 3MOQ, smoky7, Iridiumphone, sbfuck, larsen, SirLance, abeltan, Sailsingapore, Nitro Trans, plantronic, andylee28, Rasta Marley, badboys, madpig88, Alpha001, cashcow, jerrystockton, Tingtonglove, kp338, SingaHarimau, crackpod, wongcarl, FUNNYANDHORNY, TomMAffolter, lickman, sg50, SkyIsMighty, Milobing, HornyKingKong, SibueyJiaLat, Froster, Bravo002, handsomethe2nd, MichaelWinn, Dixon, volcano, levine, derrickboy, lobangkingz, lonebonker
25-12-2015, 04:39 PM
Merry Xmas to one and all 😄
4 points added to you for exchange.
25-12-2015, 04:51 PM
[QUOTE=Rickey;13999922]Returning Favour ! :)
Thanks for the ups. I just returned you 10 best wishes.
To other bros who upped me, I will return based on time sequence. Thanks for the patience...:D
25-12-2015, 04:57 PM
Hi Everyone
5 points to be given away daily, please feel free to up my points too :D
All are welcomed! :)
25-12-2015, 05:18 PM
Siam66 Exchange shop is now closed :o
Hi bro woooot... 1 X'mas hamper (19 items) have just been delivered to you .... thank you for waiting :) to you :D
Delivery date / time > aloius (26/12*5.15pm) ... goo_ey (27/12*5.15pm) ... closed
Post expired / Pm sent > empty ... please PM me if you have make a new post
Exchange of points welcome. Min power of 6 .
For those who upped me please leave your nick. No nick how to return ? Thank you .
Left to right
To be upped : shoot to target
Upped : Littlerain ; Shiok ; Sal1234 ; more ; sammmysiao ; skunky ; marc5 ; skypiea ; Young Hero ; jay.lay ; evetan86 ; Black Page ; deathryuk ; Bluezben ; Josh_Ray ; cash8877 ; iSaigon ; abbie mayo ; sweetgemss ; hcbj ; braxlex ; sc slayer ; JoeHope ; Colot ; tatata21 ; Submarinez ; PocketRocket ; masterwanker ; siegheart ; watsunder ; brunt ; Cheekopek ; nokia3510 ; sleeping
New post needed :
Need to spread some reputation around before I can up ___________ again .
Rasta Marley
25-12-2015, 05:54 PM
All welcome to exchange points
Hi Bro needsing38, 12 Litres of Sexual Fluids just added into your fuel "tank" :D
25-12-2015, 05:58 PM
Merry christmas and a happy new year to all bros and sis
Merry christmas +15 returned!
25-12-2015, 06:19 PM
Hi Bro needsing38, 12 Litres of Sexual Fluids just added into your fuel "tank" :D
Appreciate bro Rasta Marley
25-12-2015, 06:26 PM
Hi Bros & Sis out there, I'm definitely welcome anyone with at least 2-Power Points who can help to up my points. Pls state your SBF nick in the "Comment" column so as I can in return up back your points. Pls also ensure that your latest posting is less than 48-hours old. Thanks. :)
Awaiting next in-line for me to up their points.
List of bros whom I need him to pm me his latest posting so as I can in return up his points. Thanks. :)
norice, bad^boi, virtualman, raiderxp, Rams75, wan25w, AVSPOP, Nemesis_v, shawnanderson, indignant, Driftmaster, gouflook, spatbrain, snowcap, happyguy801, howck001, elth, Sal1234, mariosuper, Honestkeith, Flinger(?), B-52, skyleon, iceboy29125, tanner132, sing-a-poo, Aceyfox, BC77
25-12-2015, 08:20 PM
4344Thanks Bro Black Page for support to up me
25-12-2015, 08:22 PM
Daily 5 happy for exchange, up list empty now :D
25-12-2015, 08:43 PM
Thanks Bro Black Page for support to up me
Upped your points, bro :D
25-12-2015, 08:51 PM
Upped your points, bro :D
Appreciation to bro kthan10
25-12-2015, 09:17 PM
Desire to INCREASE your Rep Points level?
Desire to INCREASE your Rep Points level?
Desire to INCREASE your Rep Points level?
Desire to INCREASE your Rep Points level?
Desire to INCREASE your Rep Points level?
Desire to INCREASE your Rep Points level?
Desire to INCREASE your Rep Points level?
I m READY to provide you wiz
48 points (on Normal Request) Upz or 83 points (on Special Request) Upz.. :p
Just click "agree" to add rep pts to my postings & await for good returns.. Act Now! Don't Wait!
PM me if Special request svc is required for those who are positive status wiz no power level & minimum 10 postings
(subjected to registered accounts from yr 2001 to 2006)
P/S:Those who recommend suitable accounts will also be rewarded. Those who have pro-actively upz me, pls pm me to return ur kindness.
25-12-2015, 11:02 PM
Hi bro....
Have up you w my humble 7 pts..:)
[QUOTE=Lawrence1713;14002073][FONT="Comic Sans MS"]14 green apples available for exchange today.
Green apples will be return daily.
The queue is currently empty so do join in the queue if you are interested.
Thank you :)
26-12-2015, 12:20 AM
8-Up returned :o
Thank you bro qizai for the return upz :D
Anyone keen to exchange for my +10 daily? :)
26-12-2015, 02:31 AM
Thank you bro qizai for the return upz :D
Anyone keen to exchange for my +10 daily? :)
just up you bro! hope to get your return soon!
26-12-2015, 04:58 AM
Who wants me fo up you ? Up list left one bro. :)
26-12-2015, 07:35 AM
14 points for exchange daily.
Exchange of points welcome. Min power of 6 .
For those who upped me please leave your nick. No nick how to return ? Thank you .
Left to right
To be upped : ( empty )
Upped : shoot to target ; Littlerain ; Shiok ; Sal1234 ; more ; sammmysiao ; skunky ; marc5 ; skypiea ; Young Hero ; jay.lay ; evetan86 ; Black Page ; deathryuk ; Bluezben ; Josh_Ray ; cash8877 ; iSaigon ; abbie mayo ; sweetgemss ; hcbj ; braxlex ; sc slayer ; JoeHope ; Colot ; tatata21 ; Submarinez ; PocketRocket ; masterwanker ; siegheart ; watsunder ; brunt ; Cheekopek ; nokia3510 ; sleeping
New post needed :
Need to spread some reputation around before I can up ___________ again .
26-12-2015, 09:25 AM
All welcome to exchange points
ups u, thanks for points sharing
26-12-2015, 09:28 AM
Can any kind bros help me out? I'm still a couple of points short from getting rep power. I will definitely help back all whom help.
Thanks in advance
Good morning. My humble upz. All the best. :) Have a nice weekend.
26-12-2015, 10:12 AM
Appreciate bro Rasta Marley
Here to exchange .. just upped you with my +9 points
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