View Full Version : Thread for UpZ exchange for bros and sis :) ......
14-07-2015, 05:12 PM
Priority will goes to Bros who have 5 points and above first.
Those below 4 points will be in order of who up me first.
Upped List: Frenchman123456, Smoky
New Post Needed: Marlboroken
Returning List
Priority List (5 & Above): KohOnly21, anotherlife, BeautyHunter, Voltaredonda
Return List (4 & Below): -
Completed List: JustHorny(Today)
Target: 1000 Points
Minimum 3 points for Exchange!
14-07-2015, 05:13 PM
Returned List: Bigbirdbird (Just!)
Need Post Needed: Bitch, Watssupp
To be Up List: Bababoo, Wu Song Jr, BeautyHunter
Minimum 3 points for exchange.
14-07-2015, 05:17 PM
Anyone want to exchange with a 2 pointer?
There is no queue currently.
For those who dun mind to exchange, please do rem to leave ur nick behind.
Up will be return daily. Thanks!:)
To UP list: Empty
Pending New Post: Ken1234
Already UP list: mePoke, Koiz, guess67, PeaceKris, dysfunk, Botakhead2, ClownTeaser, Javabeans, kopigaogao, NaughtynSensual, TwinTowers, ProjectAlice, Cignobilis, PPGirl, Pompous, 69sex, sanuuk, 002nabe, Pink2577, BMW69, Prince7, xtr3, Treemon99, kiko, Scombridae, macktamer, Saltyraw, WOOHOO, YangAog, HayDay, SimplyUnperfect, apple77, oxeso, Lemon2, hornyhubby, Truthful, Acegik, FavorOne, Spicy98, black84, siam66, sexylanjiao, conly, bunty, TanWM, humhum, Charcoalfilter, shiokshiokrelax, SnowLeopards
Exchange of points welcome. Min power of 6 .
Left to right
To be upped : dyelook
Upped : bigangry ; BikinisLover ; otamay ; 222nge ; GeGe ; diputs1269 ; SEAJ ; w810_76 ; wohaha96 ; gunner77 ; plsfloodme
New post needed :
Need to spread some reputation around before I can up ___________ again.
14-07-2015, 05:42 PM
13+ to up daily.
Exchange for min power of 6 & above. Priority Q for min power of 10 & above.
Only ONE in up list queue now. Fast return.
Please PM me after up and I will return fast :)
14-07-2015, 07:18 PM
14-07-2015, 08:11 PM
+7 pts returned. Anyone for pts exchange? All welcome :D
Supervert up 7 points :)
14-07-2015, 08:23 PM
Just up you.
Hi Bro plsfloodme, I've in return upped your points. Cheers! :)
Hi Bros & Sis out there, I'm definitely welcome anyone with at least 2-Power Points who can help to up my points. Pls state your SBF nick in the "Comment" column so as I can in return up back your points. Pls also ensure that your latest posting is less than 48-hours old. Thanks. :)
Awaiting next in-line for me to up their points.
beautyhunter, iHappy555
List of bros whom I need him to pm me his latest posting so as I can in return up his points. Thanks. :)
norice, bad^boi, virtualman, raiderxp, Rams75, wan25w, AVSPOP, Nemesis_v, shawnanderson, indignant, Driftmaster, gouflook, spatbrain, snowcap, happyguy801, howck001, elth, Sal1234, mariosuper, Honestkeith, Flinger(?), B-52, skyleon, iceboy29125, tanner132, sing-a-poo, dom1976
14-07-2015, 08:25 PM
7 and above points for exchange. Apologies to 6 and below. I will lower the rates in due time. No offence to anyone :)
Updated return favour list:
I will be returning on a daily basis or as per forum's system daily allowance. Please be patience and do ensure that your post are valid for points adding :)
Upz 8 to join the queue...cheers!
To upz list, empty
14-07-2015, 08:53 PM
Uplist - 2
No LIMIT for limited time ONLY! Sure return favour.
Just an update bro, +12 rep, returned.
Love 6969
14-07-2015, 09:31 PM
Anyone wanna exchange :)
14-07-2015, 09:31 PM
Anyone for Xchange? tks in advance :D
14-07-2015, 10:04 PM
Anyone for Xchange? tks in advance :D
Ah Pink up :)
14-07-2015, 10:38 PM
Anyone wanna exchange :)
Kt up you :)
14-07-2015, 11:34 PM
Any brothers keen to exchange points? Min 3pts & above preferred. No queue left.
14-07-2015, 11:38 PM
Just cleared my queue. Min 5pointers and above to trade :)
14-07-2015, 11:52 PM
+7 pts returned. Anyone for pts exchange? All welcome :D
hi bro upped u to 265 ... cheers
15-07-2015, 12:00 AM
Up list empty.... Who is next ?? :D
15-07-2015, 12:04 AM
Auspicious & Lucky 13 points open for exchange ONLY with 4 POINTS and above for the time being
My humble return list: Returned to hard2
Returning on a daily basis
PrinceWilliam (Post is expired. PM sent to request for new post)
hard2 (Post is expired. PM sent to request for new post)
Eternal Luck
U7899 (Can't find you - System says no such nickname :confused:)
For those keen to exchange points, minimum Power +4
No offence to others. Thanks in advance for the gracious support :D
Kindly PM me if I have missed anyone who had up me but I think all are on my list though :D
15-07-2015, 12:40 AM
Just an update bro, +12 rep, returned.
Up u 9 for exchange...
15-07-2015, 02:17 AM
returned +8 to Polar.Bear.. :)
15-07-2015, 06:22 AM
Anyone wanna exchange :)
Upz you my points to trade.
15-07-2015, 06:34 AM
Any bro here wanna exchange some reputation points? Minimum 0.1... :)
15-07-2015, 07:16 AM
+7 pts returned. Anyone for pts exchange? All welcome :D
Upz you 3 points to exchange.
15-07-2015, 08:17 AM
bumpz for bro GM for tHis long weekend
15-07-2015, 08:54 AM
7 points for exchange
Exchange of points welcome. Min power of 6 .
Left to right
To be upped : ( empty )
Upped : dyelook ; bigangry ; BikinisLover ; otamay ; 222nge ; GeGe ; diputs1269 ; SEAJ ; w810_76 ; wohaha96 ; gunner77 ; plsfloodme
New post needed :
Need to spread some reputation around before I can up ___________ again.
15-07-2015, 09:41 AM
Good morning. :) Wishing all a nice day.
15-07-2015, 10:02 AM
Kindly up me and put your nick in the comment section in this format ( Exchange points - your nick ) so that i can take note and return you the favour. Thank you !
To-up-list :
backy ( Bro , please PM me your latest post )
Sen5es ( Bro , please PM me your latest post )
inluv07 ( Bro , please PM me your latest post )
胡's your daddy!
15-07-2015, 10:12 AM
My humble points added to you to trade.
+2pts rtn. thank you!
1-2pts bro can exchange with me. Thank you, foxyapple
In Queue: Scombridae, siam66, truthful, cignobilis
15-07-2015, 10:48 AM
Kindly up me and put your nick in the comment section in this format ( Exchange points - your nick ) so that i can take note and return you the favour. Thank you !
To-up-list :
backy ( Bro , please PM me your latest post )
Sen5es ( Bro , please PM me your latest post )
inluv07 ( Bro , please PM me your latest post )
ah rat
胡's your daddy!
15-07-2015, 10:50 AM
Priority will goes to Bros who have 5 points and above first.
Those below 4 points will be in order of who up me first.
Upped List, Waiting for Return: Frenchman123456 [25/6/2015]
New Post Needed: Marlboroken
Returning List
Priority List (5 & Above): anotherlife, BeautyHunter, Voltaredonda, Pervy sage, HonestCrook
Return List (4 & Below): -
Completed List: Smoky, KohOnly21(Today)
Target: 1000 Points
Minimum 3 points for Exchange!
15-07-2015, 12:06 PM
points for xchange
赵惟依 tuigirl
15-07-2015, 12:10 PM
Returned List:
WatssupZ / oxeso / madpig88 / Sailsingapore / beautyhunter / PeaceKris / snowcap / Hurricane88 / HonestCrook / SureScore / Goalie / Swagelock /
venussg / Clownteaser / hairy_abalone / DarthRevan / Koiz / 's your daddy! / simifly / siam66 / Coldblood99 / SimplyUnperfect / VoltaRedonda /
kristoa7 / Cash8877 / cignobilis / Baigonggong / WOOHOO /
Queue List:
Need New Post:
MarlboroKen / tnuc111 / saas
Target: 300 Points
Minimum 5 points for Exchange!
15-07-2015, 12:28 PM
Lucky 7 Up! Returned :D
Return 7 bananas, :D
15-07-2015, 01:48 PM
Ah Pink up :)
Just return up.
Up list - 2
15-07-2015, 01:57 PM
Return 7 bananas, :D
Ups you 3 pts bro.
15-07-2015, 02:12 PM
Just up you.
Up u 9 for exchange...
15-07-2015, 04:23 PM
Looking for upz, can someone help thks. Will return
15-07-2015, 04:29 PM
Pending Up§ in Queue§ (Left To Right)
songest/marlboroken/mmking/Lamborghini/Kalv/smartke/Slyer/Sexy_lion/fatspider/Young Hero/fullofrubbish/ho-lee/JokerDeBest/Swagelock/SeanSky/NorthEast/BowieKnife/ngengheng/voltaredonda/p00t/GeylangFc/REYA/Submarinez/snowcap/nitecrawllerr/guess67/masterwanker/CherryPickle/Chaeoz/Jorje/wittyman/mobliepod/anotherlife/lglg666/JoySeeker/seabass
Returned up today - > nocturnal1984
min 10 power to trade
power 20 and above bros can cut que
15-07-2015, 05:33 PM
Exchange of points welcome. Min power of 6 .
Left to right
To be upped : ( empty )
Upped : dyelook ; bigangry ; BikinisLover ; otamay ; 222nge ; GeGe ; diputs1269 ; SEAJ ; w810_76 ; wohaha96 ; gunner77 ; plsfloodme
New post needed :
Need to spread some reputation around before I can up ___________ again.
15-07-2015, 06:18 PM
Favor returned to Bro JustANewbie
Anyone want to exchange with a 2 pointer?
There is no queue currently.
For those who dun mind to exchange, please do rem to leave ur nick behind.
Up will be return daily. Thanks!:)
To UP list: Empty
Pending New Post: Ken1234
Already UP list: mePoke, Koiz, guess67, PeaceKris, dysfunk, Botakhead2, ClownTeaser, Javabeans, kopigaogao, NaughtynSensual, TwinTowers, ProjectAlice, Cignobilis, PPGirl, Pompous, 69sex, sanuuk, 002nabe, Pink2577, BMW69, Prince7, xtr3, Treemon99, kiko, Scombridae, macktamer, Saltyraw, WOOHOO, YangAog, HayDay, SimplyUnperfect, apple77, oxeso, Lemon2, hornyhubby, Truthful, Acegik, FavorOne, Spicy98, black84, siam66, sexylanjiao, conly, bunty, TanWM, humhum, Charcoalfilter, shiokshiokrelax, SnowLeopards, JustANewbie
15-07-2015, 06:21 PM
Priority will goes to Bros who have 5 points and above first.
Those below 4 points will be in order of who up me first.
Upped List, Waiting for Return: Frenchman123456 [25/6/2015]
New Post Needed: Marlboroken
Returning List
Priority List (5 & Above): anotherlife, BeautyHunter, Voltaredonda, Pervy sage, HonestCrook
Return List (4 & Below): -
Completed List: Smoky, KohOnly21(Today)
Target: 1000 Points
Minimum 3 points for Exchange!
15-07-2015, 06:48 PM
Supervert up 7 points :)
Upz you back with thanks.
15-07-2015, 08:12 PM
I've up you
Return 7 bananas, :D
sc slayer
15-07-2015, 08:17 PM
Want to exchange upZz?
15-07-2015, 08:30 PM
Return 7 bananas, :D
Upz +10 for exchange! Cheers
15-07-2015, 09:05 PM
Returned List:
WatssupZ / oxeso / madpig88 / Sailsingapore / beautyhunter / PeaceKris / snowcap / Hurricane88 / HonestCrook / SureScore / Goalie / Swagelock /
venussg / Clownteaser / hairy_abalone / DarthRevan / Koiz / 's your daddy! / simifly / siam66 / Coldblood99 / SimplyUnperfect / VoltaRedonda /
kristoa7 / Cash8877 / cignobilis / Baigonggong / WOOHOO /
Queue List:
Need New Post:
MarlboroKen / tnuc111 / saas
Target: 300 Points
Minimum 5 points for Exchange!
Up 8 claws :D
15-07-2015, 09:20 PM
Anybody willing to trade with a 3 pointer?
Minimum also 3 points to exchange! :D
15-07-2015, 09:30 PM
points for xchange
赵惟依 tuigirl
Wu Song Jr
15-07-2015, 09:35 PM
Priority will goes to Bros who have 5 points and above first.
Those below 4 points will be in order of who up me first.
Upped List, Waiting for Return: Frenchman123456 [25/6/2015]
New Post Needed: Marlboroken
Returning List
Priority List (5 & Above): anotherlife, BeautyHunter, Voltaredonda, Pervy sage, HonestCrook
Return List (4 & Below): -
Completed List: Smoky, KohOnly21(Today)
Target: 1000 Points
Minimum 3 points for Exchange!
7 brotherly fists :D
Big Huat Arh !!!
15-07-2015, 10:08 PM
7 and above points for exchange. Apologies to 6 and below. I will lower the rates in due time. No offence to anyone :)
+13 added & joining in the Q. :D
15-07-2015, 10:11 PM
Nite ups for all :D
15-07-2015, 11:18 PM
Upz for exchange?
15-07-2015, 11:30 PM
Upz Today: FunnyHippo (+5 to 271)
Upz Next: Tho66
Anyone keen to exchange?? :D
5 humble points to be given out...
To Up List:
JoySeeker / hairy_abalone / Treemon99 / dysfunk / S.B.Y.1
Jul 15
FunnyHippo / plsfloodme / Baigonggong / mePoke / NastyThaiboy / NorthEast / starbuck / watssupp
Jun 15
BulleYe / owl888 / conquer / Intltuk / TanWM / Yakuza / snowcap / crackpod / beautyhunter / ah rat / El bistro / jonnn / simple2kee / kiko / JJmagic / Coldblood99 / waikeekee / oldslywolf / Feetlover
May 15
bbbjkim / HornyYoungBoy07 / dyelook / smoky7 / tuyet / surbana / bababoo / justhorny / skyscrape / sc slayer / Woei / fafafa123 / Kuan Aik Hong / Goalie / SureScore / Cafu / hardone / WOOHOO / siam66 / fdomme / kristoa7 / 胡's your daddy! / curiousSG / Tundrawolf / sunhuan-con / FatSpider / SimplyUnperfect
Apr 15
Ho-Lee / Pink2577 / ebonkie / ctchua / Kingsle / Scombridae / President / igor123 / 002nabe / Sen5eS / madpig88 / cignobilis / bk4ever / NaughtynSensual / macktamer / ngengheng / Mplover / blueboat / Bukit Mewah / DarthRevan / Rasta Marley / Clownteaser
Mar 15
Justanewbie / Koiz / sailsingapore / Truthful / voltaredonda / ProjectAlice / PPGirl / Simifly / PeaceKris / Tingtonglove / szczesny / oxeso / formula1 / Hurricane88
Post Expired: Priority will be given
MMKing / MarlboroKen
HYB07 - Can't find user name. Search showed "Invalid User specified "
15-07-2015, 11:59 PM
Auspicious & Lucky 13 points open for exchange ONLY with 4 POINTS and above for the time being
My humble return list: Returned to hayhay
Returning on a daily basis
PrinceWilliam (Post is expired. PM sent to request for new post)
Eternal Luck
U7899 (Can't find you - System says no such nickname :confused:)
For those keen to exchange points, minimum Power +4
No offence to others. Thanks in advance for the gracious support :D
Kindly PM me if I have missed anyone who had up me but I think all are on my list though :D
16-07-2015, 12:05 AM
Anybody willing to trade with a 3 pointer?
Minimum also 3 points to exchange! :D
upped u to 87 cheers
16-07-2015, 06:14 AM
Seeking bros with MIN REP 8 to exchange only.
16-07-2015, 07:25 AM
Look Nice ...
UpZ :D
Hi Bro beautyhunter, I've in return upped your points. Cheers! :)
Hi Bros & Sis out there, I'm definitely welcome anyone with at least 2-Power Points who can help to up my points. Pls state your SBF nick in the "Comment" column so as I can in return up back your points. Pls also ensure that your latest posting is less than 48-hours old. Thanks. :)
Awaiting next in-line for me to up their points.
List of bros whom I need him to pm me his latest posting so as I can in return up his points. Thanks. :)
norice, bad^boi, virtualman, raiderxp, Rams75, wan25w, AVSPOP, Nemesis_v, shawnanderson, indignant, Driftmaster, gouflook, spatbrain, snowcap, happyguy801, howck001, elth, Sal1234, mariosuper, Honestkeith, Flinger(?), B-52, skyleon, iceboy29125, tanner132, sing-a-poo, dom1976
16-07-2015, 07:26 AM
Return 7 bananas, :D
Have up your points bro. cheers.....
16-07-2015, 07:33 AM
Return 7 bananas, :D
+2 for you.
16-07-2015, 08:34 AM
Point exchange min 4 point
16-07-2015, 08:38 AM
return UP ... :D
Good morning. Many thanks for your return. Most nice/kind of you. :) Have a nice day.
Men come to Petain, very horny, horny.
Wls are happy - honey, honey, money, money, big money.
16-07-2015, 08:55 AM
7 points for exchange
Exchange of points welcome. Min power of 6 .
Left to right
To be upped : seabass
Upped : dyelook ; bigangry ; BikinisLover ; otamay ; 222nge ; GeGe ; diputs1269 ; SEAJ ; w810_76 ; wohaha96 ; gunner77 ; plsfloodme
New post needed :
Need to spread some reputation around before I can up ___________ again.
16-07-2015, 09:41 AM
My latest updated list:
Done List:
sgpiggybank jy8987 anotherlife Kalv NorthEast qizai HonestCrook Shaolinhamster 胡's your daddy manu_no7 sponge05 basfreak Hurricane88 SureScore Goalie crackpod chochochang2 songest hairy_abalone tuyet Swagelock KimEmma waikeekee Rickey powerkid ebonkie Tnuc111 i^Xi0n Lamborghini saas Slyer compgen lazuka shiningGlory MMking clinton Josh_Ray formula1 ah rat bulleye Reya cumexplorer cash8877 justfuckit xxxdreamer President vvoh guess67 wittyman hardone venussg hamsapkwai esssinine BlueCondor fdomme masterwanker Jorje DrPussy S.B.Y.1 Sexy_lion Kristoa7 nitecrawllerr Wu song jr Joyseeker loneyheart Just100king pomrakthai tailgunner Sex crusader Kyc2110 DarthRevan shctaw VoltaRedonda Best123 smartke simifly simple2kee
To Up List:
(empty from today)
Waiting for new post: (pls pm me if you have new post.)
me siam bu 513513 Steveben ipay4six Apollo p00t fatspider buzett Fat Fatt marlboroken farkadipa Chaeoz lglg666
Min 7 pls. Thanks.
16-07-2015, 10:15 AM
took the 1.5hr package and no regret.
Pleasant looking with nice figure *ahem*
thanks TS for this wonderful gem.
+2pts rtn. thank you!
1-2pts bro can exchange with me. Thank you, foxyapple
In Queue: siam66, truthful, cignobilis
16-07-2015, 11:05 AM
Anybody willing to trade with a 3 pointer?
Minimum also 3 points to exchange! :D
Up u 6 bro...
16-07-2015, 11:36 AM
Priority will goes to Bros who have 5 points and above first.
Those below 4 points will be in order of who up me first.
Upped List, Waiting for Return: Frenchman123456 [25/6/2015]
New Post Needed: Marlboroken
Returning List
Priority List (5 & Above): BeautyHunter, Voltaredonda, Pervy sage, HonestCrook, Bigbirdbird, Wu song jr
Return List (4 & Below): Xflamez
Completed List: anotherlife (Today)
Target: 1000 Points
Minimum 3 points for Exchange!
16-07-2015, 12:24 PM
points for xchange
赵惟依 tuigirl
16-07-2015, 12:35 PM
Anyone want to exchange with my humble 2 point ? ( NB : u need to have at least a power 1 to trade )
16-07-2015, 12:45 PM
Desire to INCREASE your Rep Points level?
Desire to INCREASE your Rep Points level?
Desire to INCREASE your Rep Points level?
Desire to INCREASE your Rep Points level?
Desire to INCREASE your Rep Points level?
Desire to INCREASE your Rep Points level?
Desire to INCREASE your Rep Points level?
I m READY to provide you wiz
48 points (on Normal Request) Upz or 76 points (on Special Request) Upz.. :p
Just click "agree" to add rep pts to my postings & await for good returns.. Act Now! Don't Wait!
PM me if Special request svc is required for those who are positive status wiz no power level & minimum 10 postings
(subjected to registered accounts from yr 2001 to 2006)
P/S:Those who recommend suitable accounts will also be rewarded. Those who have pro-actively upz me, pls pm me to return ur kindness.
16-07-2015, 01:13 PM
Returned List:
WatssupZ / oxeso / madpig88 / Sailsingapore / beautyhunter / PeaceKris / snowcap / Hurricane88 / HonestCrook / SureScore / Goalie / Swagelock /
venussg / Clownteaser / hairy_abalone / DarthRevan / Koiz / 's your daddy! / simifly / siam66 / Coldblood99 / SimplyUnperfect / VoltaRedonda /
kristoa7 / Cash8877 / cignobilis / Baigonggong / WOOHOO / lonebonker /
Queue List:
Need New Post:
MarlboroKen / tnuc111 / saas
Target: 300 Points
Minimum 5 points for Exchange!
16-07-2015, 01:25 PM
Return 7 bananas, :D
up u 8 brther
16-07-2015, 02:21 PM
16-07-2015, 04:09 PM
My latest updated list:
Done List:
sgpiggybank jy8987 anotherlife Kalv NorthEast qizai HonestCrook Shaolinhamster 胡's your daddy manu_no7 sponge05 basfreak Hurricane88 SureScore Goalie crackpod chochochang2 songest hairy_abalone tuyet Swagelock KimEmma waikeekee Rickey powerkid ebonkie Tnuc111 i^Xi0n Lamborghini saas Slyer compgen lazuka shiningGlory MMking clinton Josh_Ray formula1 ah rat bulleye Reya cumexplorer cash8877 justfuckit xxxdreamer President vvoh guess67 wittyman hardone venussg hamsapkwai esssinine BlueCondor fdomme masterwanker Jorje DrPussy S.B.Y.1 Sexy_lion Kristoa7 nitecrawllerr Wu song jr Joyseeker loneyheart Just100king pomrakthai tailgunner Sex crusader Kyc2110 DarthRevan shctaw VoltaRedonda Best123 smartke simifly simple2kee
To Up List:
(empty from today)
Waiting for new post: (pls pm me if you have new post.)
me siam bu 513513 Steveben ipay4six Apollo p00t fatspider buzett Fat Fatt marlboroken farkadipa Chaeoz lglg666
Min 7 pls. Thanks.
Upzzz you Bro TINALAM :) Cheers from Sailsingapore :D
Exchange of points welcome. Min power of 6 .
Left to right
To be upped : seabass
Upped : dyelook ; bigangry ; BikinisLover ; otamay ; 222nge ; GeGe ; diputs1269 ; SEAJ ; w810_76 ; wohaha96 ; gunner77 ; plsfloodme
New post needed :
Need to spread some reputation around before I can up ___________ again.
16-07-2015, 05:37 PM
Anyone want to exchange with a 2 pointer?
There is no queue currently.
For those who dun mind to exchange, please do rem to leave ur nick behind.
Up will be return daily. Thanks!:)
To UP list: Empty
Pending New Post: Ken1234
Already UP list: mePoke, Koiz, guess67, PeaceKris, dysfunk, Botakhead2, ClownTeaser, Javabeans, kopigaogao, NaughtynSensual, TwinTowers, ProjectAlice, Cignobilis, PPGirl, Pompous, 69sex, sanuuk, 002nabe, Pink2577, BMW69, Prince7, xtr3, Treemon99, kiko, Scombridae, macktamer, Saltyraw, WOOHOO, YangAog, HayDay, SimplyUnperfect, apple77, oxeso, Lemon2, hornyhubby, Truthful, Acegik, FavorOne, Spicy98, black84, siam66, sexylanjiao, conly, bunty, TanWM, humhum, Charcoalfilter, shiokshiokrelax, SnowLeopards, JustANewbie
16-07-2015, 05:53 PM
Uplist - 1
No LIMIT for limited time ONLY! Sure return favour.
16-07-2015, 07:42 PM
My latest updated list:
Done List:
sgpiggybank jy8987 anotherlife Kalv NorthEast qizai HonestCrook Shaolinhamster 胡's your daddy manu_no7 sponge05 basfreak Hurricane88 SureScore Goalie crackpod chochochang2 songest hairy_abalone tuyet Swagelock KimEmma waikeekee Rickey powerkid ebonkie Tnuc111 i^Xi0n Lamborghini saas Slyer compgen lazuka shiningGlory MMking clinton Josh_Ray formula1 ah rat bulleye Reya cumexplorer cash8877 justfuckit xxxdreamer President vvoh guess67 wittyman hardone venussg hamsapkwai esssinine BlueCondor fdomme masterwanker Jorje DrPussy S.B.Y.1 Sexy_lion Kristoa7 nitecrawllerr Wu song jr Joyseeker loneyheart Just100king pomrakthai tailgunner Sex crusader Kyc2110 DarthRevan shctaw VoltaRedonda Best123 smartke simifly simple2kee
To Up List:
(empty from today)
Waiting for new post: (pls pm me if you have new post.)
me siam bu 513513 Steveben ipay4six Apollo p00t fatspider buzett Fat Fatt marlboroken farkadipa Chaeoz lglg666
Min 7 pls. Thanks.
Jus upped u +8.Cheers........
16-07-2015, 09:06 PM
Priority will goes to Bros who have 5 points and above first.
Those below 4 points will be in order of who up me first.
Upped List, Waiting for Return: Frenchman123456 [25/6/2015]
New Post Needed: Marlboroken
Returning List
Priority List (5 & Above): BeautyHunter, Voltaredonda, Pervy sage, HonestCrook, Bigbirdbird, Wu song jr
Return List (4 & Below): Xflamez
Completed List: anotherlife (Today)
Target: 1000 Points
Minimum 3 points for Exchange!
Kt up you :)
16-07-2015, 09:35 PM
joining in the q:D
16-07-2015, 09:50 PM
Returned List:
WatssupZ / oxeso / madpig88 / Sailsingapore / beautyhunter / PeaceKris / snowcap / Hurricane88 / HonestCrook / SureScore / Goalie / Swagelock /
venussg / Clownteaser / hairy_abalone / DarthRevan / Koiz / 's your daddy! / simifly / siam66 / Coldblood99 / SimplyUnperfect / VoltaRedonda /
kristoa7 / Cash8877 / cignobilis / Baigonggong / WOOHOO / lonebonker /
Queue List:
Need New Post:
MarlboroKen / tnuc111 / saas
Target: 300 Points
Minimum 5 points for Exchange!
Upz 8 for trade...cheers
To upz list, empty
16-07-2015, 10:12 PM
Just up you.
returned +8 to Polar.Bear.. :)
16-07-2015, 10:27 PM
13+ to up daily.
Exchange for min power of 6 & above. Priority Q for min power of 10 & above.
Only ONE in up list queue now. Fast return.
Please PM me after up and I will return fast :)
16-07-2015, 11:05 PM
Being in this forum for so log but still power 0, can anyone bro or sis up my power?
Just up you.
Give 7 balls :D
16-07-2015, 11:35 PM
Hi Bro beautyhunter, I've in return upped your points. Cheers! :)
Hi Bros & Sis out there, I'm definitely welcome anyone with at least 2-Power Points who can help to up my points. Pls state your SBF nick in the "Comment" column so as I can in return up back your points. Pls also ensure that your latest posting is less than 48-hours old. Thanks. :)
Upz Today: Tho66 (+5 to 2998)
Upz Next: JoySeeker
Anyone keen to exchange?? :D
5 humble points to be given out...
To Up List:
hairy_abalone / Treemon99 / dysfunk / S.B.Y.1 / guess67
Jul 15
Tho66 / FunnyHippo / plsfloodme / Baigonggong / mePoke / NastyThaiboy / NorthEast / starbuck / watssupp
Jun 15
BulleYe / owl888 / conquer / Intltuk / TanWM / Yakuza / snowcap / crackpod / beautyhunter / ah rat / El bistro / jonnn / simple2kee / kiko / JJmagic / Coldblood99 / waikeekee / oldslywolf / Feetlover
May 15
bbbjkim / HornyYoungBoy07 / dyelook / smoky7 / tuyet / surbana / bababoo / justhorny / skyscrape / sc slayer / Woei / fafafa123 / Kuan Aik Hong / Goalie / SureScore / Cafu / hardone / WOOHOO / siam66 / fdomme / kristoa7 / 胡's your daddy! / curiousSG / Tundrawolf / sunhuan-con / FatSpider / SimplyUnperfect
Apr 15
Ho-Lee / Pink2577 / ebonkie / ctchua / Kingsle / Scombridae / President / igor123 / 002nabe / Sen5eS / madpig88 / cignobilis / bk4ever / NaughtynSensual / macktamer / ngengheng / Mplover / blueboat / Bukit Mewah / DarthRevan / Rasta Marley / Clownteaser
Mar 15
Justanewbie / Koiz / sailsingapore / Truthful / voltaredonda / ProjectAlice / PPGirl / Simifly / PeaceKris / Tingtonglove / szczesny / oxeso / formula1 / Hurricane88
Post Expired: Priority will be given
MMKing / MarlboroKen
HYB07 - Can't find user name. Search showed "Invalid User specified "
17-07-2015, 12:07 AM
Auspicious & Lucky 13 points open for exchange ONLY with 4 POINTS and above for the time being
My humble return list: Returned to bk81665
Returning on a daily basis
PrinceWilliam (Post is expired. PM sent to request for new post)
Eternal Luck
U7899 (Can't find you - System says no such nickname :confused:)
For those keen to exchange points, minimum Power +4
No offence to others. Thanks in advance for the gracious support :D
Kindly PM me if I have missed anyone who had up me but I think all are on my list though :D
17-07-2015, 12:16 AM
Returned List:
WatssupZ / oxeso / madpig88 / Sailsingapore / beautyhunter / PeaceKris / snowcap / Hurricane88 / HonestCrook / SureScore / Goalie / Swagelock /
venussg / Clownteaser / hairy_abalone / DarthRevan / Koiz / 's your daddy! / simifly / siam66 / Coldblood99 / SimplyUnperfect / VoltaRedonda /
kristoa7 / Cash8877 / cignobilis / Baigonggong / WOOHOO / lonebonker / InnocentStar /
Queue List:
ah rat / Crackpod /
Need New Post:
MarlboroKen / tnuc111 / saas
Target: 300 Points
Minimum 5 points for Exchange!
17-07-2015, 01:14 AM
points for xchange
赵惟依 tuigirl
17-07-2015, 02:14 AM
Just up you.
Just returned +8.. :)
17-07-2015, 03:24 AM
Hi Everyone
4 points to be given away daily, please feel free to up my points too :D
All are welcomed! :)
17-07-2015, 05:25 AM
Jus upped u +8.Cheers........
done thank you:p
17-07-2015, 07:48 AM
Deleted. Sorry double posts. Apologies
17-07-2015, 07:50 AM
blackpussy up ...My uplist almost complete. All wanting to exchange pts welcome.
Good morning. Many thanks for your generous up. Very nice/kind of you. :) Have a nice weekend.
17-07-2015, 08:07 AM
Nice knickers....
Hi Bro iHappy555, I've in return upped your points. Cheers! :)
Hi Bros & Sis out there, I'm definitely welcome anyone with at least 2-Power Points who can help to up my points. Pls state your SBF nick in the "Comment" column so as I can in return up back your points. Pls also ensure that your latest posting is less than 48-hours old. Thanks. :)
Awaiting next in-line for me to up their points.
List of bros whom I need him to pm me his latest posting so as I can in return up his points. Thanks. :)
norice, bad^boi, virtualman, raiderxp, Rams75, wan25w, AVSPOP, Nemesis_v, shawnanderson, indignant, Driftmaster, gouflook, spatbrain, snowcap, happyguy801, howck001, elth, Sal1234, mariosuper, Honestkeith, Flinger(?), B-52, skyleon, iceboy29125, tanner132, sing-a-poo, dom1976
17-07-2015, 08:10 AM
joining in the q:D
Ah Pink up back :p
Exchange of points welcome. Min power of 6 .
Left to right
To be upped : ( empty )
Upped : seabass ; dyelook ; bigangry ; BikinisLover ; otamay ; 222nge ; GeGe ; diputs1269 ; SEAJ ; w810_76 ; wohaha96 ; gunner77 ; plsfloodme
New post needed :
Need to spread some reputation around before I can up ___________ again.
17-07-2015, 09:03 AM
Returned List:
Queue List:
ah rat / Crackpod /
Have up your points. cheers...
Love 6969
17-07-2015, 09:26 AM
Anyone wanna exchange :)
17-07-2015, 09:37 AM
+2pts rtn. thank you!
1-2pts bro can exchange with me. Thank you, foxyapple
In Queue: siam66, truthful, cignobilis
Up you bro
17-07-2015, 10:16 AM
Upz you 6 horny durians :eek: .... in exchange for your 2 foxy apples :p ... kekeke ....:D
+2pts rtn. LOLs! can! i let you nibble on my 2 foxy apples, when u want? :D
u like fruits only or u fruit seller?! i buy fruits from u can?!
1-2pts bro can exchange with me. Thank you, foxyapple
In Queue: truthful, cignobilis, HayDay
17-07-2015, 10:34 AM
done thank you:p
check your user CP :D
17-07-2015, 10:41 AM
Any bro wanna exchange some reputation points? Minimum 0.1 point... :)
Kindly remind me if I have not returned any of your previous favor.
17-07-2015, 10:56 AM
Any bro wanna exchange some reputation points? Minimum 0.1 point... :)
Kindly remind me if I have not returned any of your previous favor.
1 salmon for you :)
17-07-2015, 11:03 AM
This is to Wish all muslim bros/sis here a "Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri" !.:)
...marking the end of Ramadan ! ...
Enjoy ! :D
Next upzz...bro Young Hero...
17-07-2015, 11:03 AM
Want to xchange
17-07-2015, 11:11 AM
Just up you.
Return u 9 bro...
17-07-2015, 11:31 AM
Priority will goes to Bros who have 5 points and above first.
Those below 4 points will be in order of who up me first.
Upped List, Waiting for Return: Frenchman123456 [25/6/2015]
New Post Needed: Marlboroken
Returning List
Priority List (5 & Above): Voltaredonda, Pervy sage, HonestCrook, Bigbirdbird, Wu song jr, Bunty
Return List (4 & Below): Xflamez
Completed List: BeautyHunter (Today)
Target: 1000 Points
Minimum 3 points for Exchange!
17-07-2015, 12:28 PM
done thank you:p
$12 flower for you :p
17-07-2015, 12:32 PM
Returned List:
WatssupZ / oxeso / madpig88 / Sailsingapore / beautyhunter / PeaceKris / snowcap / Hurricane88 / HonestCrook / SureScore / Goalie / Swagelock /
venussg / Clownteaser / hairy_abalone / DarthRevan / Koiz / 's your daddy! / simifly / siam66 / Coldblood99 / SimplyUnperfect / VoltaRedonda /
kristoa7 / Cash8877 / cignobilis / Baigonggong / WOOHOO / lonebonker / InnocentStar /
Queue List:
ah rat / Crackpod / bababoo
Need New Post:
MarlboroKen / tnuc111 / saas
Target: 300 Points
Minimum 5 points for Exchange!
17-07-2015, 01:41 PM
Pending Up§ in Queue§ (Left To Right)
songest/marlboroken/mmking/smartke/Slyer/Sexy_lion/fatspider/Young Hero/fullofrubbish/ho-lee/JokerDeBest/Swagelock/SeanSky/NorthEast/BowieKnife/ngengheng/voltaredonda/p00t/GeylangFc/REYA/Submarinez/snowcap/nitecrawllerr/guess67/masterwanker/CherryPickle/Chaeoz/Jorje/wittyman/mobliepod/anotherlife/lglg666/JoySeeker/seabass
Returned up today - > Kalv
min 10 power to trade
power 20 and above bros can cut que
17-07-2015, 02:23 PM
Anyone want to exchange with my humble 2 point ? ( NB : u need to have at least a power 1 to trade )
17-07-2015, 02:36 PM
Want to xchange
Upz you 3 points to exchange.
17-07-2015, 02:39 PM
7 points for exchange
17-07-2015, 02:41 PM
Want to xchange
Upz you my points for exchange.
Rasta Marley
17-07-2015, 02:45 PM
12 Litres just added for Bro Deathryuk :D
Fuel list now empty :cool:
17-07-2015, 02:58 PM
Up you bro
Joining your queue, upz you 2 points.
17-07-2015, 03:03 PM
points for xchange
赵惟依 tuigirl
17-07-2015, 03:08 PM
up for exchange?
Jensen Ang
17-07-2015, 04:00 PM
100% return and please up with confidence.
Min 5 points to trade.
My current wait list.
Jus Thorny (I have up you before previously)
Hamsapkwai (updated post needed)
Apollo (updated post needed)
Reelsnhnick (updated post required)
Luckyknight (updated post required)
Bulleyes (no such nick)
Risingdick (updated post required)
Skycarpenter (updated post required)
Kirk (updated post required)
17-07-2015, 04:06 PM
100% return and please up with confidence.
Min 5 points to trade.
My current wait list.
Jus Thorny (I have up you before previously)
Hamsapkwai (updated post needed)
Apollo (updated post needed)
Reelsnhnick (updated post required)
Luckyknight (updated post required)
Bulleyes (no such nick)
Risingdick (updated post required)
Skycarpenter (updated post required)
Kirk (updated post required)
Up you 7. Pls add me on your uplist:p
Exchange of points welcome. Min power of 6 .
Left to right
To be upped : ( empty )
Upped : seabass ; dyelook ; bigangry ; BikinisLover ; otamay ; 222nge ; GeGe ; diputs1269 ; SEAJ ; w810_76 ; wohaha96 ; gunner77 ; plsfloodme
New post needed :
Need to spread some reputation around before I can up ___________ again.
17-07-2015, 05:52 PM
Favor returned to Bro vampangel
Anyone want to exchange with a 2 pointer?
There is no queue currently.
For those who dun mind to exchange, please do rem to leave ur nick behind.
Up will be return daily. Thanks!:)
To UP list: Empty
Pending New Post: Ken1234
Already UP list: mePoke, Koiz, guess67, PeaceKris, dysfunk, Botakhead2, ClownTeaser, Javabeans, kopigaogao, NaughtynSensual, TwinTowers, ProjectAlice, Cignobilis, PPGirl, Pompous, 69sex, sanuuk, 002nabe, Pink2577, BMW69, Prince7, xtr3, Treemon99, kiko, Scombridae, macktamer, Saltyraw, WOOHOO, YangAog, HayDay, SimplyUnperfect, apple77, oxeso, Lemon2, hornyhubby, Truthful, Acegik, FavorOne, Spicy98, black84, siam66, sexylanjiao, conly, bunty, TanWM, humhum, Charcoalfilter, shiokshiokrelax, SnowLeopards, JustANewbie, vampangel
17-07-2015, 06:43 PM
Anyone wanna exchange?
Uplist - empty.
17-07-2015, 06:43 PM
7 brotherly fists :D
Big Huat Arh !!!
Bro ..return ur 7 brotherly fists wif 21 Slashing Samurai Swords ..tks bro ..
17-07-2015, 09:29 PM
Bro ..return ur 7 brotherly fists wif 21 Slashing Samurai Swords ..tks bro ..
Up 8 claws :D
ah rat
17-07-2015, 09:57 PM
Any exchange up :D
17-07-2015, 11:46 PM
Thanks to all the bros who upped me
Please be patient while I up you bros.
Will definitely up you in time!
Done list:
jy8987, VoltaRedonda, owl888, loneyheart, hairy_abalone, lazuka, Jimfairy, justfuckit, Hurricane88, SureScore, PeaceKris, Swagelock, mplover, JJmagic, madpig88, macktamer,venussg, Slyer, Justanewbie, Scombridae, cignobilis, Clownteaser, Koiz, cash8877, President, szczesny, 002nabe, xxjasonxx, formula1, DarthRevan, vrossi1980, guess67, SimplyUnperfect, ctchua, DrPussy, tnuc111, bulleye, mePoke, fdomme
List to up in order of those who up me:
cheehongkia (No fresh post)
Saltyraw (No fresh post)
tundrawolf (No fresh post)
anotherlife (No fresh post)
lovecim (No fresh post)
ipay4six (No fresh post)
saas (No fresh post)
17-07-2015, 11:51 PM
+2pts rtn. LOLs! can! i let you nibble on my 2 foxy apples, when u want? :D
u like fruits only or u fruit seller?! i buy fruits from u can?!
In Queue: truthful, cignobilis, HayDay
Really ??? :eek: .... lol .... me not fruits seller lar ... just a fruits lover thats all :p ...kekeke....anyway I have just delivered some mangosteens to you too.... enjoy :D
18-07-2015, 12:09 AM
Upz Today: JoySeeker (+5 to 4814)
Upz Next: hairy_abalone
Anyone keen to exchange?? :D
5 humble points to be given out...
To Up List:
Treemon99 / dysfunk / S.B.Y.1 / guess67 / YangAoG / powerkid
Jul 15
JoySeeker / Tho66 / FunnyHippo / plsfloodme / Baigonggong / mePoke / NastyThaiboy / NorthEast / starbuck / watssupp
Jun 15
BulleYe / owl888 / conquer / Intltuk / TanWM / Yakuza / snowcap / crackpod / beautyhunter / ah rat / El bistro / jonnn / simple2kee / kiko / JJmagic / Coldblood99 / waikeekee / oldslywolf / Feetlover
May 15
bbbjkim / HornyYoungBoy07 / dyelook / smoky7 / tuyet / surbana / bababoo / justhorny / skyscrape / sc slayer / Woei / fafafa123 / Kuan Aik Hong / Goalie / SureScore / Cafu / hardone / WOOHOO / siam66 / fdomme / kristoa7 / 胡's your daddy! / curiousSG / Tundrawolf / sunhuan-con / FatSpider / SimplyUnperfect
Apr 15
Ho-Lee / Pink2577 / ebonkie / ctchua / Kingsle / Scombridae / President / igor123 / 002nabe / Sen5eS / madpig88 / cignobilis / bk4ever / NaughtynSensual / macktamer / ngengheng / Mplover / blueboat / Bukit Mewah / DarthRevan / Rasta Marley / Clownteaser
Mar 15
Justanewbie / Koiz / sailsingapore / Truthful / voltaredonda / ProjectAlice / PPGirl / Simifly / PeaceKris / Tingtonglove / szczesny / oxeso / formula1 / Hurricane88
Post Expired: Priority will be given
MMKing / MarlboroKen
HYB07 - Can't find user name. Search showed "Invalid User specified "
18-07-2015, 03:12 AM
returned gasscut +8..:)
18-07-2015, 03:26 AM
Ah Pink up back :p
Ah Pink up :)
Return wif my humble point wif tks .. :D
18-07-2015, 04:17 AM
Up you 7. Pls add me on your uplist:p
Perfect +10 points added :D
18-07-2015, 07:27 AM
7 points for exchange :D
El Bistro
18-07-2015, 08:35 AM
Any exchange up :D
6 dinings for you :D
18-07-2015, 09:08 AM
Ah Pink up back :p
Returning +3. Hv a gr8 wkend.
Exchange of points welcome. Min power of 6 .
Left to right
To be upped : ( empty )
Upped : seabass ; dyelook ; bigangry ; BikinisLover ; otamay ; 222nge ; GeGe ; diputs1269 ; SEAJ ; w810_76 ; wohaha96 ; gunner77 ; plsfloodme
New post needed :
Need to spread some reputation around before I can up ___________ again.
18-07-2015, 09:27 AM
13+ to up daily.
Exchange for min power of 6 & above. Priority Q for min power of 10 & above.
Only ONE in up list queue now. Fast return.
Please PM me after up and I will return fast :)
18-07-2015, 09:44 AM
upz brothers
Love 6969
18-07-2015, 10:03 AM
Anyone wanna exchange :)
18-07-2015, 10:07 AM
Can help to up me?
18-07-2015, 10:11 AM
Give 7 balls :D
Jus upped u +8. Cheers........
18-07-2015, 10:18 AM
Upz you my points for exchange.
+2pts rtn thank you
1-2pts bro can exchange with me. Thank you, foxyapple
In Queue: cignobilis, HayDay, Koiz
18-07-2015, 10:24 AM
Thanks for ur point ..
Good morning. Many thanks for your generous up. Very nice/kind of you. :) Have a nice weekend.
18-07-2015, 10:25 AM
Really ??? :eek: .... lol .... me not fruits seller lar ... just a fruits lover thats all ...kekeke....anyway I have just delivered some mangosteens to you too.... enjoy :D
hello! can pls leave nick let me rtn +2
pls mai anyhow give me mangosteens, u want nibble foxyapples can just order, it will be delivered to you :eek::D
18-07-2015, 10:48 AM
8 points for quick trade
To upz list...empty
18-07-2015, 11:06 AM
Returned List:
WatssupZ / oxeso / madpig88 / Sailsingapore / beautyhunter / PeaceKris / snowcap / Hurricane88 / HonestCrook / SureScore / Goalie / Swagelock /
venussg / Clownteaser / hairy_abalone / DarthRevan / Koiz / 's your daddy! / simifly / siam66 / Coldblood99 / SimplyUnperfect / VoltaRedonda /
kristoa7 / Cash8877 / cignobilis / Baigonggong / WOOHOO / lonebonker / InnocentStar / ah rat /
Queue List:
Crackpod / bababoo / Rasta Marley /
Need New Post:
MarlboroKen / tnuc111 / saas
Target: 500 Points
Minimum 5 points for Exchange!
18-07-2015, 12:20 PM
Returned List:
WatssupZ / oxeso / madpig88 / Sailsingapore / beautyhunter / PeaceKris / snowcap / Hurricane88 / HonestCrook / SureScore / Goalie / Swagelock /
venussg / Clownteaser / hairy_abalone / DarthRevan / Koiz / 's your daddy! / simifly / siam66 / Coldblood99 / SimplyUnperfect / VoltaRedonda /
kristoa7 / Cash8877 / cignobilis / Baigonggong / WOOHOO / lonebonker / InnocentStar / ah rat /
Queue List:
Crackpod / bababoo / Rasta Marley /
Need New Post:
MarlboroKen / tnuc111 / saas
Target: 500 Points
Minimum 5 points for Exchange!
Up u 9 bro...
18-07-2015, 12:41 PM
Anyone want to exchange with my humble 2 point ? ( NB : u need to have at least a power 1 to trade )
18-07-2015, 01:47 PM
Hi Bros & Sis out there, I'm definitely welcome anyone with at least 2-Power Points who can help to up my points. Pls state your SBF nick in the "Comment" column so as I can in return up back your points. Pls also ensure that your latest posting is less than 48-hours old. Thanks. :)
Awaiting next in-line for me to up their points.
List of bros whom I need him to pm me his latest posting so as I can in return up his points. Thanks. :)
norice, bad^boi, virtualman, raiderxp, Rams75, wan25w, AVSPOP, Nemesis_v, shawnanderson, indignant, Driftmaster, gouflook, spatbrain, snowcap, happyguy801, howck001, elth, Sal1234, mariosuper, Honestkeith, Flinger(?), B-52, skyleon, iceboy29125, tanner132, sing-a-poo, dom1976
Have a good day.
Stay healthy and be happy.
18-07-2015, 02:26 PM
12 Litres just added for Bro Deathryuk :D
Fuel list now empty :cool:
Thks Bro, Up you liao :D
18-07-2015, 03:08 PM
Any bro wanna exchange some reputation points here?
Kindly remind me if I have not returned any of your previous favor. :)
18-07-2015, 03:44 PM
Any bro wanna exchange some reputation points here?
Kindly remind me if I have not returned any of your previous favor.
Upz you bro ;)
18-07-2015, 04:16 PM
Pending Up§ in Queue§ (Left To Right)
songest/marlboroken/mmking/smartke/Sexy_lion/fatspider/Young Hero/fullofrubbish/ho-lee/JokerDeBest/Swagelock/SeanSky/NorthEast/BowieKnife/ngengheng/voltaredonda/p00t/GeylangFc/REYA/Submarinez/snowcap/nitecrawllerr/guess67/masterwanker/CherryPickle/Chaeoz/Jorje/wittyman/mobliepod/anotherlife/lglg666/JoySeeker/seabass/hungten/DevilChan78
Returned up today - > Slyer
min 8 power to trade
power 20 and above bros can cut que
18-07-2015, 04:40 PM
points for xchange
赵惟依 tuigirl
18-07-2015, 04:46 PM
Thks Bro :D
Have up your points bro. cheers.....
18-07-2015, 05:33 PM
Any bro wanna exchange some reputation points here?
Kindly remind me if I have not returned any of your previous favor. :)
Me bro, just upped you 3 pts.
18-07-2015, 06:41 PM
Up you 7. Pls add me on your uplist:p
Upz you 3 points to exchange.
18-07-2015, 07:02 PM
Favor returned to Bro Sleepyguy2
Anyone want to exchange with a 2 pointer?
For those who dun mind to exchange, please do rem to leave ur nick behind.
Up will be return daily. Thanks!:)
To UP list: Pervy Sage
Pending New Post: Ken1234
Already UP list: mePoke, Koiz, guess67, PeaceKris, dysfunk, Botakhead2, ClownTeaser, Javabeans, kopigaogao, NaughtynSensual, TwinTowers, ProjectAlice, Cignobilis, PPGirl, Pompous, 69sex, sanuuk, 002nabe, Pink2577, BMW69, Prince7, xtr3, Treemon99, kiko, Scombridae, macktamer, Saltyraw, WOOHOO, YangAog, HayDay, SimplyUnperfect, apple77, oxeso, Lemon2, hornyhubby, Truthful, Acegik, FavorOne, Spicy98, black84, siam66, sexylanjiao, conly, bunty, TanWM, humhum, Charcoalfilter, shiokshiokrelax, SnowLeopards, JustANewbie, vampangel, Sleepyguy2
sc slayer
18-07-2015, 07:17 PM
Want to exchange upZz?
18-07-2015, 07:54 PM
Up u 9 bro...
Upz you back bro
18-07-2015, 08:11 PM
Anyone keen to exchange? No queue.
18-07-2015, 08:15 PM
Returned List: Owl888 (Just!)
Need Post Needed: Bitch, Watssupp
To be Up List: Pink2577
Minimum 3 points for exchange.
19-07-2015, 12:19 AM
Upz Today: hairy_abalone (+5 to 1591)
Upz Next: Treemon99
Anyone keen to exchange?? :D
5 humble points to be given out...
To Up List:
dysfunk / S.B.Y.1 / guess67 / YangAoG / powerkid / Slyer
Jul 15
hairy_abalone / JoySeeker / Tho66 / FunnyHippo / plsfloodme / Baigonggong / mePoke / NastyThaiboy / NorthEast / starbuck / watssupp
Jun 15
BulleYe / owl888 / conquer / Intltuk / TanWM / Yakuza / snowcap / crackpod / beautyhunter / ah rat / El bistro / jonnn / simple2kee / kiko / JJmagic / Coldblood99 / waikeekee / oldslywolf / Feetlover
May 15
bbbjkim / HornyYoungBoy07 / dyelook / smoky7 / tuyet / surbana / bababoo / justhorny / skyscrape / sc slayer / Woei / fafafa123 / Kuan Aik Hong / Goalie / SureScore / Cafu / hardone / WOOHOO / siam66 / fdomme / kristoa7 / 胡's your daddy! / curiousSG / Tundrawolf / sunhuan-con / FatSpider / SimplyUnperfect
Apr 15
Ho-Lee / Pink2577 / ebonkie / ctchua / Kingsle / Scombridae / President / igor123 / 002nabe / Sen5eS / madpig88 / cignobilis / bk4ever / NaughtynSensual / macktamer / ngengheng / Mplover / blueboat / Bukit Mewah / DarthRevan / Rasta Marley / Clownteaser
Mar 15
Justanewbie / Koiz / sailsingapore / Truthful / voltaredonda / ProjectAlice / PPGirl / Simifly / PeaceKris / Tingtonglove / szczesny / oxeso / formula1 / Hurricane88
Post Expired: Priority will be given
MMKing / MarlboroKen
HYB07 - Can't find user name. Search showed "Invalid User specified "
19-07-2015, 03:41 AM
just returned +8 to acemanfred55 :)
7 bananas returned. All welcome for trade exchange.. :D
Good morning. Many thanks for your very generous up. Most kind/nice of U. :) Have a nice weekend.
19-07-2015, 06:57 AM
Have up your points bro. cheers.....
done thanks!!!
19-07-2015, 07:20 AM
up for exchange
19-07-2015, 07:33 AM
7 points for exchange
19-07-2015, 07:40 AM
I just up you 12 roaring points!
Pls up me back!
Up you 7. Pls add me on your uplist:p
Exchange of points welcome. Min power of 6 .
Left to right
To be upped : ( empty )
Upped : seabass ; dyelook ; bigangry ; BikinisLover ; otamay ; 222nge ; GeGe ; diputs1269 ; SEAJ ; w810_76 ; wohaha96 ; gunner77 ; plsfloodme
New post needed :
Need to spread some reputation around before I can up ___________ again.
19-07-2015, 09:14 AM
Wish i can masuk too, sighs
Good morning. My humble upz. Hope of some use (to 40 pts/power). :) All the best.
19-07-2015, 09:16 AM
7 points for exchange
Up you bro :)
Jus upped u +8. Cheers........
Give back 7 balls :D
19-07-2015, 10:17 AM
Auspicious & Lucky 13 points open for exchange ONLY with 4 POINTS and above for the time being
My humble return list: Returned to Eternal Luck & acemanfred55
Returning on a daily basis
PrinceWilliam (Post is expired. PM sent to request for new post)
tnuc111 (Post expired)
halforc (Post expired)
U7899 (Can't find you - System says no such nickname :confused:)
For those keen to exchange points, minimum Power +4
No offence to others. Thanks in advance for the gracious support :D
Kindly PM me if I have missed anyone who had up me but I think all are on my list though :D
19-07-2015, 10:35 AM
Oh someone please help TS with the pics posting hahahaha
suspense leh ........ very kan chiong :p
+2pts rtn thank you
1-2pts bro can exchange with me. Thank you, foxyapple
In Queue: HayDay, Koiz
胡's your daddy!
19-07-2015, 10:42 AM
Thks Bro, Up you liao :D
Humble +6 for exchange :o
19-07-2015, 10:47 AM
young hero and kukuchiao plse port for return tks
19-07-2015, 10:54 AM
Updated Uplist (minimum 4 pts pse):
Bukit Mewah (returned)
BlueCondor (just returned)
Siam66 (returned)
Owl888 (need to spread some rep pts)
Risingdick (no post)
Reddyspeed (returned)
Redfrog (returned)
Innocentstar (just returned)
No new post - matterhorn, devil11, saltasalta, renacross
19-07-2015, 11:23 AM
points for exchange
19-07-2015, 11:57 AM
7-Up for exchange (minimum 3 pointers)
19-07-2015, 12:55 PM
Some Ass Zap me 2 points, still put remarks "Humble 4 points, chh"
Want to Zap, put real username and points lah!
Returned List: Pink2577 (Just!)
Need Post Needed: Bitch, Watssupp
To be Up List: HonestCrook, ShaolinHamster
Minimum 3 points for exchange.
19-07-2015, 01:20 PM
Some Ass Zap me 2 points, still put remarks "Humble 4 points, chh"
Want to Zap, put real username and points lah!
Returned List: Pink2577 (Just!)
Need Post Needed: Bitch, Watssupp
To be Up List: HonestCrook, ShaolinHamster
Minimum 3 points for exchange.
up u 6 :)
any bro wana trade???
Any exchange up :D
Up! Up! Up!:)
19-07-2015, 02:00 PM
Anyone want to exchange with my humble 2 point ? ( NB : u need to have at least a power 1 to trade )
Love 6969
19-07-2015, 02:12 PM
Anyone wanna exchange :)
19-07-2015, 02:28 PM
Hi Bros & Sis out there, I'm definitely welcome anyone with at least 2-Power Points who can help to up my points. Pls state your SBF nick in the "Comment" column so as I can in return up back your points. Pls also ensure that your latest posting is less than 48-hours old. Thanks. :)
Awaiting next in-line for me to up their points.
List of bros whom I need him to pm me his latest posting so as I can in return up his points. Thanks. :)
norice, bad^boi, virtualman, raiderxp, Rams75, wan25w, AVSPOP, Nemesis_v, shawnanderson, indignant, Driftmaster, gouflook, spatbrain, snowcap, happyguy801, howck001, elth, Sal1234, mariosuper, Honestkeith, Flinger(?), B-52, skyleon, iceboy29125, tanner132, sing-a-poo, dom1976
19-07-2015, 03:15 PM
Pending Up§ in Queue§ (Left To Right)
songest/marlboroken/mmking/smartke/Sexy_lion/fatspider/Young Hero/fullofrubbish/ho-lee/JokerDeBest/Swagelock/SeanSky/NorthEast/BowieKnife/ngengheng/voltaredonda/p00t/GeylangFc/REYA/Submarinez/snowcap/nitecrawllerr/guess67/masterwanker/CherryPickle/Chaeoz/Jorje/wittyman/mobliepod/anotherlife/lglg666/JoySeeker/seabass/hungten/DevilChan78/1deg/joe fox
Returned up today - > Slyer
min 8 power to trade
power 20 and above bros can cut que
19-07-2015, 03:51 PM
points for exchange
Favours returned , Thanks :)
19-07-2015, 04:53 PM
Anyone keen to exchange? No queue.
Have up your points bro. cheers.....
Exchange of points welcome. Min power of 6 .
Left to right
To be upped : ( empty )
Upped : seabass ; dyelook ; bigangry ; BikinisLover ; otamay ; 222nge ; GeGe ; diputs1269 ; SEAJ ; w810_76 ; wohaha96 ; gunner77 ; plsfloodme
New post needed :
Need to spread some reputation around before I can up ___________ again.
19-07-2015, 06:04 PM
Anyone want to exchange with a 2 pointer?
For those who dun mind to exchange, please do rem to leave ur nick behind.
Up will be return daily. Thanks!:)
To UP list: Pervy Sage
Pending New Post: Ken1234
Already UP list: mePoke, Koiz, guess67, PeaceKris, dysfunk, Botakhead2, ClownTeaser, Javabeans, kopigaogao, NaughtynSensual, TwinTowers, ProjectAlice, Cignobilis, PPGirl, Pompous, 69sex, sanuuk, 002nabe, Pink2577, BMW69, Prince7, xtr3, Treemon99, kiko, Scombridae, macktamer, Saltyraw, WOOHOO, YangAog, HayDay, SimplyUnperfect, apple77, oxeso, Lemon2, hornyhubby, Truthful, Acegik, FavorOne, Spicy98, black84, siam66, sexylanjiao, conly, bunty, TanWM, humhum, Charcoalfilter, shiokshiokrelax, SnowLeopards, JustANewbie, vampangel, Sleepyguy2
19-07-2015, 07:07 PM
no Q now... anyone wants exchange?
19-07-2015, 07:15 PM
Clearing the up list tonight. For bros who dont mind my 4 apple seeds pls up for me. Leave ur nick behind. I will return the help. Thx bros! :D
sc slayer
19-07-2015, 07:55 PM
Want to exchange upZz?
19-07-2015, 08:12 PM
Anyone want to exchange with a 2 pointer?
For those who dun mind to exchange, please do rem to leave ur nick behind.
Up will be return daily. Thanks!:)
To UP list: Pervy Sage
Pending New Post: Ken1234
Already UP list: mePoke, Koiz, guess67, PeaceKris, dysfunk, Botakhead2, ClownTeaser, Javabeans, kopigaogao, NaughtynSensual, TwinTowers, ProjectAlice, Cignobilis, PPGirl, Pompous, 69sex, sanuuk, 002nabe, Pink2577, BMW69, Prince7, xtr3, Treemon99, kiko, Scombridae, macktamer, Saltyraw, WOOHOO, YangAog, HayDay, SimplyUnperfect, apple77, oxeso, Lemon2, hornyhubby, Truthful, Acegik, FavorOne, Spicy98, black84, siam66, sexylanjiao, conly, bunty, TanWM, humhum, Charcoalfilter, shiokshiokrelax, SnowLeopards, JustANewbie, vampangel, Sleepyguy2
Upz u +10 ! Cheers
19-07-2015, 08:42 PM
Up you bro :)
7 points returned bro
19-07-2015, 10:24 PM
points for xchange
赵惟依 tuigirl
19-07-2015, 10:47 PM
Anyone wanna exchange :)
1 salmon for you :)
19-07-2015, 10:47 PM
Just up you.
7 points returned bro
19-07-2015, 11:00 PM
Updated Uplist (minimum 4 pts pse):
Bukit Mewah (returned)
BlueCondor (just returned)
Siam66 (returned)
Owl888 (need to spread some rep pts)
Risingdick (no post)
Reddyspeed (returned)
Redfrog (returned)
Innocentstar (just returned)
No new post - matterhorn, devil11, saltasalta, renacross
20-07-2015, 12:00 AM
Anyone wanna exchange :)
ups you +4
20-07-2015, 12:21 AM
Upz Today: Treemon99 (+5 to 843)
Upz Next: dysfunk
Anyone keen to exchange?? :D
5 humble points to be given out...
To Up List:
S.B.Y.1 / guess67 / YangAoG / powerkid / Slyer / apple77
Jul 15
Treemon99 / hairy_abalone / JoySeeker / Tho66 / FunnyHippo / plsfloodme / Baigonggong / mePoke / NastyThaiboy / NorthEast / starbuck / watssupp
Jun 15
BulleYe / owl888 / conquer / Intltuk / TanWM / Yakuza / snowcap / crackpod / beautyhunter / ah rat / El bistro / jonnn / simple2kee / kiko / JJmagic / Coldblood99 / waikeekee / oldslywolf / Feetlover
May 15
bbbjkim / HornyYoungBoy07 / dyelook / smoky7 / tuyet / surbana / bababoo / justhorny / skyscrape / sc slayer / Woei / fafafa123 / Kuan Aik Hong / Goalie / SureScore / Cafu / hardone / WOOHOO / siam66 / fdomme / kristoa7 / 胡's your daddy! / curiousSG / Tundrawolf / sunhuan-con / FatSpider / SimplyUnperfect
Apr 15
Ho-Lee / Pink2577 / ebonkie / ctchua / Kingsle / Scombridae / President / igor123 / 002nabe / Sen5eS / madpig88 / cignobilis / bk4ever / NaughtynSensual / macktamer / ngengheng / Mplover / blueboat / Bukit Mewah / DarthRevan / Rasta Marley / Clownteaser
Mar 15
Justanewbie / Koiz / sailsingapore / Truthful / voltaredonda / ProjectAlice / PPGirl / Simifly / PeaceKris / Tingtonglove / szczesny / oxeso / formula1 / Hurricane88
Post Expired: Priority will be given
MMKing / MarlboroKen
HYB07 - Can't find user name. Search showed "Invalid User specified "
20-07-2015, 02:01 AM
3points for exchange thanks. plase pm me after up
20-07-2015, 03:44 AM
just returned +8 to DoubleSSS :)
20-07-2015, 06:11 AM
Thks Bro, Up you liao :D
Upz you my points to trade.
20-07-2015, 08:55 AM
Kindly up me and put your nick in the comment section in this format ( Exchange points - your nick ) so that i can take note and return you the favour. Thank you !
To-up-list :
backy ( Bro , please PM me your latest post )
Sen5es ( Bro , please PM me your latest post )
inluv07 ( Bro , please PM me your latest post )
ah rat
胡's your daddy!
Happy Monday. :D Wishing all a wonderful week.
Exchange of points welcome. Min power of 6 .
Left to right
To be upped : ( empty )
Upped : seabass ; dyelook ; bigangry ; BikinisLover ; otamay ; 222nge ; GeGe ; diputs1269 ; SEAJ ; w810_76 ; wohaha96 ; gunner77 ; plsfloodme
New post needed :
Need to spread some reputation around before I can up ___________ again.
Kindness to one another is great.
Ultimately, all of us will benefit and appreciate
20-07-2015, 09:56 AM
Just up you.
Up 8 claws :D
20-07-2015, 10:46 AM
Auspicious & Lucky 13 points open for exchange ONLY with 4 POINTS and above for the time being
My humble return list: Returned to halforc
Returning on a daily basis
PrinceWilliam (Post is expired. PM sent to request for new post)
tnuc111 (Post expired)
U7899 (Can't find you - System says no such nickname :confused:)
For those keen to exchange points, minimum Power +4
No offence to others. Thanks in advance for the gracious support :D
Kindly PM me if I have missed anyone who had up me but I think all are on my list though :D
20-07-2015, 12:18 PM
Upz Today: Treemon99 (+5 to 843)
Upz Next: dysfunk
Anyone keen to exchange?? :D
5 humble points to be given out...
To Up List:
S.B.Y.1 / guess67 / YangAoG / powerkid / Slyer / apple77
Jul 15
Treemon99 / hairy_abalone / JoySeeker / Tho66 / FunnyHippo / plsfloodme / Baigonggong / mePoke / NastyThaiboy / NorthEast / starbuck / watssupp
Jun 15
BulleYe / owl888 / conquer / Intltuk / TanWM / Yakuza / snowcap / crackpod / beautyhunter / ah rat / El bistro / jonnn / simple2kee / kiko / JJmagic / Coldblood99 / waikeekee / oldslywolf / Feetlover
May 15
bbbjkim / HornyYoungBoy07 / dyelook / smoky7 / tuyet / surbana / bababoo / justhorny / skyscrape / sc slayer / Woei / fafafa123 / Kuan Aik Hong / Goalie / SureScore / Cafu / hardone / WOOHOO / siam66 / fdomme / kristoa7 / 胡's your daddy! / curiousSG / Tundrawolf / sunhuan-con / FatSpider / SimplyUnperfect
Apr 15
Ho-Lee / Pink2577 / ebonkie / ctchua / Kingsle / Scombridae / President / igor123 / 002nabe / Sen5eS / madpig88 / cignobilis / bk4ever / NaughtynSensual / macktamer / ngengheng / Mplover / blueboat / Bukit Mewah / DarthRevan / Rasta Marley / Clownteaser
Mar 15
Justanewbie / Koiz / sailsingapore / Truthful / voltaredonda / ProjectAlice / PPGirl / Simifly / PeaceKris / Tingtonglove / szczesny / oxeso / formula1 / Hurricane88
Post Expired: Priority will be given
MMKing / MarlboroKen
HYB07 - Can't find user name. Search showed "Invalid User specified "
Ups bro.
Have a great week!
20-07-2015, 12:59 PM
Priority will goes to Bros who have 5 points and above first.
Those below 4 points will be in order of who up me first.
Upped List, Waiting for Return: Frenchman123456 [25/6/2015]
New Post Needed: Marlboroken
Returning List
Priority List (5 & Above): Bigbirdbird, Wu song jr, Bunty, loneyheart, Wittyman
Return List (4 & Below): Xflamez, Kp338
Completed List: HonestCrook (Today)
Target: 1000 Points, Minimum 3 points for Exchange!
20-07-2015, 01:05 PM
Returned List: HonestCrook (Just!)
Need Post Needed: Bitch, Watssupp
To be Up List: ShaolinHamster, Jay.lay, YangAoG, Devil Reds, Fatspider, Anotherlife, Szczesny
Minimum 3 points for exchange.
20-07-2015, 01:16 PM
Anyone want to exchange with my humble 2 point ? ( NB : u need to have at least a power 1 to trade )
20-07-2015, 04:12 PM
Free points to be given away
20-07-2015, 04:32 PM
who wan exchange up and pm me thanks/.
Exchange of points welcome. Min power of 6 .
Left to right
To be upped : ( empty )
Upped : seabass ; dyelook ; bigangry ; BikinisLover ; otamay ; 222nge ; GeGe ; diputs1269 ; SEAJ ; w810_76 ; wohaha96 ; gunner77 ; plsfloodme
New post needed :
Need to spread some reputation around before I can up ___________ again.
20-07-2015, 06:02 PM
Free points to be given away
up u 7 brother
20-07-2015, 06:08 PM
Favor returned to Bro Pervy Sage :D
Anyone want to exchange with a 2 pointer?
For those who dun mind to exchange, please do rem to leave ur nick behind.
Up will be return daily. Thanks!:)
To UP list: snowcap, austin69, Botakhead, BK4ever
Pending New Post: Ken1234
Already UP list: mePoke, Koiz, guess67, PeaceKris, dysfunk, Botakhead2, ClownTeaser, Javabeans, kopigaogao, NaughtynSensual, TwinTowers, ProjectAlice, Cignobilis, PPGirl, Pompous, 69sex, sanuuk, 002nabe, Pink2577, BMW69, Prince7, xtr3, Treemon99, kiko, Scombridae, macktamer, Saltyraw, WOOHOO, YangAog, HayDay, SimplyUnperfect, apple77, oxeso, Lemon2, hornyhubby, Truthful, Acegik, FavorOne, Spicy98, black84, siam66, sexylanjiao, conly, bunty, TanWM, humhum, Charcoalfilter, shiokshiokrelax, SnowLeopards, JustANewbie, vampangel, Sleepyguy2, Pervy Sage
20-07-2015, 06:09 PM
Pending Up§ in Queue§ (Left To Right)
songest/marlboroken/mmking/fatspider/Young Hero/fullofrubbish/ho-lee/JokerDeBest/Swagelock/SeanSky/NorthEast/BowieKnife/ngengheng/voltaredonda/p00t/GeylangFc/REYA/Submarinez/snowcap/nitecrawllerr/guess67/masterwanker/CherryPickle/Chaeoz/Jorje/wittyman/mobliepod/anotherlife/lglg666/JoySeeker/seabass/hungten/DevilChan78/1deg/joe fox/Justhorny/simifly/GeGe
Returned up today - > smartke
min 8 power to trade
power 20 and above bros can cut que
20-07-2015, 06:30 PM
Hi Bros & Sis out there, I'm definitely welcome anyone with at least 2-Power Points who can help to up my points. Pls state your SBF nick in the "Comment" column so as I can in return up back your points. Pls also ensure that your latest posting is less than 48-hours old. Thanks. :)
Awaiting next in-line for me to up their points.
List of bros whom I need him to pm me his latest posting so as I can in return up his points. Thanks. :)
norice, bad^boi, virtualman, raiderxp, Rams75, wan25w, AVSPOP, Nemesis_v, shawnanderson, indignant, Driftmaster, gouflook, spatbrain, snowcap, happyguy801, howck001, elth, Sal1234, mariosuper, Honestkeith, Flinger(?), B-52, skyleon, iceboy29125, tanner132, sing-a-poo, dom1976
sc slayer
20-07-2015, 07:38 PM
Want to exchange upZz?
20-07-2015, 08:09 PM
Free points to be given away
Up 2 humble lemons :)
20-07-2015, 09:18 PM
Exchange anybody?
20-07-2015, 09:34 PM
Just up you.
Just returned up
20-07-2015, 09:43 PM
in the q again:o
20-07-2015, 10:18 PM
Have up your points bro. cheers.....
return you upz :D
Returned List:
WatssupZ / oxeso / madpig88 / Sailsingapore / beautyhunter / PeaceKris / snowcap / Hurricane88 / HonestCrook / SureScore / Goalie / Swagelock /
venussg / Clownteaser / hairy_abalone / DarthRevan / Koiz / 's your daddy! / simifly / siam66 / Coldblood99 / SimplyUnperfect / VoltaRedonda /
kristoa7 / Cash8877 / cignobilis / Baigonggong / WOOHOO / lonebonker / InnocentStar / ah rat / Crackpod / bababoo /
Queue List:
Rasta Marley / Ho-Lee / BlueCondor /
Need New Post:
MarlboroKen / tnuc111 / saas
Target: 500 Points
Minimum 5 points for Exchange!
20-07-2015, 10:59 PM
Upz you my points to trade.
HappY Returned
Exchange pts ;)
Priority given 3pts above
20-07-2015, 11:11 PM
Thanks all bros for the up!
20-07-2015, 11:27 PM
points for xchange
赵惟依 tuigirl
20-07-2015, 11:30 PM
Free points to be given away
6 white tadpoles had arrived. awaiting your kind return
21-07-2015, 12:19 AM
Upz Today: dysfunk (+5 to 1429)
Upz Next: S.B.Y.1
Anyone keen to exchange?? :D
5 humble points to be given out...
To Up List:
guess67 / YangAoG / powerkid / Slyer / apple77 / cash8877 / Spicy98
Jul 15
dysfunk / Treemon99 / hairy_abalone / JoySeeker / Tho66 / FunnyHippo / plsfloodme / Baigonggong / mePoke / NastyThaiboy / NorthEast / starbuck / watssupp
Jun 15
BulleYe / owl888 / conquer / Intltuk / TanWM / Yakuza / snowcap / crackpod / beautyhunter / ah rat / El bistro / jonnn / simple2kee / kiko / JJmagic / Coldblood99 / waikeekee / oldslywolf / Feetlover
May 15
bbbjkim / HornyYoungBoy07 / dyelook / smoky7 / tuyet / surbana / bababoo / justhorny / skyscrape / sc slayer / Woei / fafafa123 / Kuan Aik Hong / Goalie / SureScore / Cafu / hardone / WOOHOO / siam66 / fdomme / kristoa7 / 胡's your daddy! / curiousSG / Tundrawolf / sunhuan-con / FatSpider / SimplyUnperfect
Apr 15
Ho-Lee / Pink2577 / ebonkie / ctchua / Kingsle / Scombridae / President / igor123 / 002nabe / Sen5eS / madpig88 / cignobilis / bk4ever / NaughtynSensual / macktamer / ngengheng / Mplover / blueboat / Bukit Mewah / DarthRevan / Rasta Marley / Clownteaser
Mar 15
Justanewbie / Koiz / sailsingapore / Truthful / voltaredonda / ProjectAlice / PPGirl / Simifly / PeaceKris / Tingtonglove / szczesny / oxeso / formula1 / Hurricane88
Post Expired: Priority will be given
MMKing / MarlboroKen
HYB07 - Can't find user name. Search showed "Invalid User specified "
21-07-2015, 01:15 AM
Desire to INCREASE your Rep Points level?
Desire to INCREASE your Rep Points level?
Desire to INCREASE your Rep Points level?
Desire to INCREASE your Rep Points level?
Desire to INCREASE your Rep Points level?
Desire to INCREASE your Rep Points level?
Desire to INCREASE your Rep Points level?
I m READY to provide you wiz
48 points (on Normal Request) Upz or 76 points (on Special Request) Upz.. :p
Just click "agree" to add rep pts to my postings & await for good returns.. Act Now! Don't Wait!
PM me if Special request svc is required for those who are positive status wiz no power level & minimum 10 postings
(subjected to registered accounts from yr 2001 to 2006)
P/S:Those who recommend suitable accounts will also be rewarded. Those who have pro-actively upz me, pls pm me to return ur kindness.
21-07-2015, 01:50 AM
Exchange pts ?
21-07-2015, 02:45 AM
To return favour: (pls reply if i miss anyone out, thanks)
1. Hurricane88 (returned)
2. voltaredonda (returned) (joefox [returned too])
3. badboys (returned)
4. marlboroken (returned)
5. szczesny (returned)
6. topcook1 (given b4, dunno have to wait how long then can return)
7. Sailsingapore (returned)
8. takashi31400 (returned)
9. LeeHsienLoong (returned)
10. Jubilation (returned)
11. Rickey (returned)
12. Sexy_lion (returned)
13. NaughtynSensual (no matches on name)
14. curiousSG (returned)
15. nitecrawllerr (returned)
16. wittyman (returned)
17. Beautyhunter (returned)
18. DrPussy (returned)
19. hardone (returned)
20. Kingsle (returned)
21. clinton (returned)
22. fdomme (returned)
23. venussg (returned)
24. HonestCrook (returned)
25. simifly (no matches on name)
26. SureScore (returned)
27. Goalie (returned)
28. Lamborghini (returned)
29. saas (returned)
30. tnuc111 (returned)
31. 002nabe (no matches on name)
32. Kalv (returned)
33. Koiz (returned)
34. songest (returned)
35. Jorje (returned)
36. PeaceKris (returned)
37. Justhorny (returned)
38. JJMagic (returned)
39. loneyheart (returned)
40. compgen (returned)
41. ngengheng (no matches on name)
42. Justl00king (returned)
43. Clownteaser (returned)
44. fatspider (returned)
45. crackpod
46. jonnn
47. bk4ever
48. geylangfc (returned)
49. tuyet
Latest update: 4 more to go!
no matches on name: 4 - NaughtynSensual simifly 002nabe ngengheng
given before, need to wait: 1 - topcook1
21-07-2015, 06:17 AM
in the q again:o
Upz you my points to trade.
21-07-2015, 09:15 AM
Done.... return back! :D
Good morning nice/kind bro. Many thanks for your generous up. :) Have a nice day.
Exchange of points welcome. Min power of 6 .
Left to right
To be upped : ( empty )
Upped : seabass ; dyelook ; bigangry ; BikinisLover ; otamay ; 222nge ; GeGe ; diputs1269 ; SEAJ ; w810_76 ; wohaha96 ; gunner77 ; plsfloodme
New post needed :
Need to spread some reputation around before I can up ___________ again.
21-07-2015, 09:37 AM
Up you bro :)
+2pts rtn thank you
1-2pts bro can exchange with me. Thank you, foxyapple
In Queue: Koiz, VoltaRedonda
21-07-2015, 09:43 AM
HappY Returned
Exchange pts ;)
Priority given 3pts above
Up 5 for exchange
Cheers n thanks :)
21-07-2015, 10:53 AM
Any more fruits lovers want to exchange ??? :D
21-07-2015, 11:05 AM
7-Up for exchange (minimum 3 pointers)
21-07-2015, 01:03 PM
Priority will goes to Bros who have 5 points and above first.
Those below 4 points will be in order of who up me first.
Upped List, Waiting for Return: Frenchman123456 [25/6/2015]
New Post Needed: Marlboroken
Returning List
Priority List (5 & Above): Wu song jr, Bunty, loneyheart, Wittyman
Return List (4 & Below): Xflamez, Kp338, YangAoG
Completed List: Bigbirdbird (Today)
Target: 1000 Points, Minimum 3 points for Exchange!
vBulletin® v3.8.11, Copyright ©2000-2025, vBulletin Solutions Inc.