View Full Version : Thread for UpZ exchange for bros and sis :) ......

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15-10-2015, 08:45 AM
:) Good morning

15-10-2015, 09:04 AM
ups you +4 :D

7 plus pts given.. Uplist empty.. Searching for people to up.. :p

15-10-2015, 09:13 AM
Exchange of points welcome. Min power of 6 .

For those who upped me please leave your nick. No nick how to return ? Thank you .

Left to right

To be upped : ( empty )

Upped : ctchua ; izaaat ; happy88 ; wally888 ; <<totally>> ; KhunVi ; tualampar ; bk81665 ; howl ; memorablez ; dcrusader ; reading ; rayzz ; Teekoleong ; epiphany01 ; Funkygoodboy ; koebshaq0_0 ; lookingaround

New post needed : tcc11 ; siegheart

Need to spread some reputation around before I can up ___________ again.

15-10-2015, 09:18 AM
Latest upz : Izaaat Next on target list : (too long to list)

Exchange acknowledgements :
*Special mention :
All higher power bros who put me in their queue and return my upz
Most points (+48) received to date > Naka_Timo
Upped and immediately added me as a friend > eBonkie
Unable to return as acct was removed > drrtt
Did not meet their req or/and upped me 1st esp when they are higher power (+5) >
Ho-Lee, Kass, Volcano, Xtr3, CTChua, Kuan_Aik_Hong, Surbana, Wally888, GohZXC, NewYorker88, FatSpider, SunHuan-Con, Bunty, VoltaRedonda

To compliment :
humhum (no new post), roamario (no new post), Launua2, Alpha001, .....
(Note : Priority given to those higher power than me. Returning up once every week/fortnight for the rest.)

Awaiting their return :
17-04-2015 08:10 AM big_ben
21-04-2015 10:08 AM SiPayChun
24-04-2015 10:13 AM Pikadrian83
07-05-2015 09:13 AM WOOHOO
08-05-2015 09:51 AM Nato17
22-05-2015 09:09 AM archer69
29-05-2015 08:23 AM terminator33
09-06-2015 09:00 AM Amour
12-06-2015 09:12 AM assrammer
28-06-2015 10:25 AM look4fats
10-07-2015 08:54 AM aqurean
11-07-2015 08:56 AM tinalam
04-08-2015 09:28 AM @h-BeN
14-08-2015 09:21 AM superdelta

* * * Alert : Search function returns result off by 2-3 pages. * * *

15-10-2015, 10:38 AM


Balance return list:

slut (Post expired)
saas (Post expired)
ReelSchnick (Post expired)

Please PM me if I have left your name out? Thank you :)

15-10-2015, 11:07 AM

15-10-2015, 12:55 PM
Anyone want to exchange with my humble 2 point ? ( NB : u need to have at least a power 1 to trade )

15-10-2015, 02:23 PM
Up you 7 pts in return..

Uplist empty.. All exchange welcome.. :D

Hi Bro, up you my 4 humble points.

Thank you

15-10-2015, 02:26 PM
please trade points with me

currently uplist is +2

15-10-2015, 02:36 PM
Trade points? (min 4-pts for exchange).

Updated uplist:


No new post - matterhorn, devil11, saltasalta, tuyet, Conquer, kimemma

Owl888 (need to spread some rep pts)
222nge (need to spread some rep pts)
Wally888 (need to spread some rep pts)
Justl00king (need to spread some rep pts)

15-10-2015, 02:58 PM
Looking to exchange points. Min 5 points.

15-10-2015, 04:27 PM
Welcome bros who wanna exchange but min 7 & above only.

Thanks Bro

ExChange... Trade....SharinG POINTS :D

HappY ThursdaY :)

15-10-2015, 04:56 PM
Thursday exchange

15-10-2015, 05:00 PM
7 points for exchange :D

Points returned.

Uplist - 2

Minimum 7 points to exchange.

15-10-2015, 05:14 PM
Hi Everyone

5 points to be given away daily, please feel free to up my points too :D

All are welcomed! :)

15-10-2015, 05:31 PM
Fruits Combo For Exchange
( 10 durians + some mangoes + some longans )

http://imgur.com/Ez52SS3.jpg + http://imgur.com/qxM145p.jpg + http://imgur.com/rRGTVQr.jpg

All are welcome

Next stop ... ynotial ... 16/10

Delivery List > Scandiacus ... Bravo002 ... tomyumgong ... sleeping ... AceAmando ... ???

Post expired / PM sent .... empty ... please PM me if you have make a new post

15-10-2015, 05:40 PM
Anyone want to exchange with a 3 pointer?

There is no queue currently

For those who dun mind to exchange, please do rem to leave ur nick behind.

Up will be return daily. Thanks!:)


To UP list: NIL

Pending New Post: Ken1234

Already UP list: mePoke, Koiz, guess67, PeaceKris, dysfunk, Botakhead2, ClownTeaser, Javabeans, kopigaogao, NaughtynSensual, TwinTowers, ProjectAlice, Cignobilis, PPGirl, Pompous, 69sex, sanuuk, 002nabe, Pink2577, BMW69, Prince7, xtr3, Treemon99, kiko, Scombridae, macktamer, Saltyraw, WOOHOO, YangAog, HayDay, SimplyUnperfect, apple77, oxeso, Lemon2, hornyhubby, Truthful, Acegik, FavorOne, Spicy98, black84, siam66, sexylanjiao, conly, bunty, TanWM, humhum, Charcoalfilter, shiokshiokrelax, SnowLeopards, JustANewbie, vampangel, Sleepyguy2, Pervy Sage, snowcap, Botakhead, BK4ever, Babarella, HunnyCame888, Gem08, foxyapple, MPLover, Happyman007, austin69, ah rat, Jiaobin, Supervert, hayhay1, launua2, JJMagic, roamario, heiyaoguai, PeroPero, El Bistro, Spector69, FishingPartner, 99099, hoian, kp338, VRossi1980, chaku, andrew101, NastyThaiboy, happy88, wally888, slyer, NZKiwi, BallsOfFire, Kingsle, conquer, szczesny, Steventan, johnkim, is not enuff, Reya, Informer, Dom1976, AhSoonNo1, Brother3, Mastodonman, 3MOQ

15-10-2015, 05:56 PM
Exchange of points welcome. Min power of 6 .

For those who upped me please leave your nick. No nick how to return ? Thank you .

Left to right

To be upped : ( empty )

Upped : ctchua ; izaaat ; happy88 ; wally888 ; <<totally>> ; KhunVi ; tualampar ; bk81665 ; howl ; memorablez ; dcrusader ; reading ; rayzz ; Teekoleong ; epiphany01 ; Funkygoodboy ; koebshaq0_0 ; lookingaround

New post needed : tcc11 ; siegheart

Need to spread some reputation around before I can up ___________ again.

15-10-2015, 07:11 PM
Pending Up§ in Queue§ (Left To Right)
Young Hero/SeanSky/CherryPickle/mobliepod/hardone/InnocentStar/Mandin/RenaCross/SirRumble/222nge/BrillantKnight/lonebonker/ShiningGlory

Young Hero/SeanSky/CherryPickle/mobliepod/hardone/InnocentStar/Mandin/RenaCross/

Returned up today - > JollyOne

min 8 power to trade
power 20 and above bros can cut que

15-10-2015, 07:45 PM
7 goalies to up daily.

uplist - 1

All welcome to exchange.

sc slayer
15-10-2015, 07:49 PM
Want to exchange upZz?

15-10-2015, 08:15 PM
up list empty


15-10-2015, 08:33 PM
Upped u bro Conquer.

Uplist: coldblood99, bmw69 (both post expired)

Any pointers are welcum to trade.

15-10-2015, 09:05 PM
Appreciation ! :)

T.Q. v. much to bro Goalie for returning favour wif his valuable points ! :)...Greatly appreciated !...Cheers !

returned 7 pts bro

15-10-2015, 09:14 PM
Hi Everyone

5 points to be given away daily, please feel free to up my points too :D

All are welcomed! :)

Up 3 furby :p

15-10-2015, 09:41 PM
10 points for exchange. Minimum power 4 pls.

Uppz u bro! :D

15-10-2015, 11:05 PM
Upz Today: johnkim (+5 to 965)

Upz Next: Informer

Anyone keen to exchange?? :D
5 humble points to be given out...

Post Expired: Priority will be given
Goldrabbit / saas / artie / *scape

To Up List:
Queue finishing soon...

Oct 15
johnkim / biggorilla / vampangel / wohaha96 / Supervert / Prince7 / ShaolinHamster
Sep 15
badboys / Furby85 / jay.lay / lifeduo / HayDay / Acegik / clinton / hamsapkwai / Javabeans / Andrew101 / Sleepyguy2 / mantaray73 / CoCk shoCk / johnboy / Lemon2 / pervy sage
Aug 15
Wu Song Jr / grey82 / Slide2Despair / kp338 / wittyman / Sexy_lion / HonestCrook / manu_07 / joHnnyBoy90 / bunty / anotherlife / Reya / DevilChan78 / volcano / MMKing / Botakhead2 / wally888 / Spicy98 / Cash8877
Jul 15
apple77 / Slyer / powerkid / MarlboroKen / YangAoG / guess67 / S.B.Y.1 / dysfunk / Treemon99 / hairy_abalone / JoySeeker / Tho66 / FunnyHippo / plsfloodme / Baigonggong / mePoke / NastyThaiboy / NorthEast / starbuck / watssupp
Jun 15
BulleYe / owl888 / conquer / Intltuk / TanWM / Yakuza / snowcap / crackpod / beautyhunter / ah rat / El bistro / jonnn / simple2kee / kiko / JJmagic / Coldblood99 / waikeekee / oldslywolf / Feetlover
May 15
bbbjkim / HornyYoungBoy07 / dyelook / smoky7 / tuyet / surbana / bababoo / justhorny / skyscrape / sc slayer / Woei / fafafa123 / Kuan Aik Hong / Goalie / SureScore / Cafu / hardone / WOOHOO / siam66 / fdomme / kristoa7 / 胡's your daddy! / curiousSG / Tundrawolf / sunhuan-con / FatSpider / SimplyUnperfect
Apr 15
Ho-Lee / Pink2577 / ebonkie / ctchua / Kingsle / Scombridae / President / igor123 / 002nabe / Sen5eS / madpig88 / cignobilis / bk4ever / NaughtynSensual / macktamer / ngengheng / Mplover / blueboat / Bukit Mewah / DarthRevan / Rasta Marley / Clownteaser
Mar 15
Justanewbie / Koiz / sailsingapore / Truthful / voltaredonda / ProjectAlice / PPGirl / Simifly / PeaceKris / Tingtonglove / szczesny / oxeso / formula1 / Hurricane88

15-10-2015, 11:10 PM
just returned +8 to discordpiggy :)

15-10-2015, 11:22 PM
Up you 7 pts in return..

Uplist empty.. All exchange welcome.. :D

up u 6 :)
any bros wana trade???

15-10-2015, 11:29 PM
10 points upped for exchange.

15-10-2015, 11:52 PM
7 points for exchange :D

16-10-2015, 12:09 AM
Welcome bros who wanna exchange but min 7 & above only.

points return....bros who have rep points of 5 and above for exchange..:p

16-10-2015, 12:17 AM
Queue list is empty. Bros wanna trade points?:)

16-10-2015, 12:45 AM
Hi bro ynotial ... just delivered the fruits combo to you ... thank you for waiting ... cheers !!!

Fruits Combo For Exchange
( 10 durians + some mangoes + some longans )

http://imgur.com/Ez52SS3.jpg + http://imgur.com/qxM145p.jpg + http://imgur.com/rRGTVQr.jpg

All are welcome

Next stop ... Scandiacus ... 17/10

Delivery List > Bravo002 ... tomyumgong ... sleeping ... AceAmando ... ???

Post expired / PM sent .... empty ... please PM me if you have make a new post

16-10-2015, 01:07 AM

Have up your points. cheers.....

16-10-2015, 01:12 AM
Welcoming exchange of points !!! Return of +7!!!

Returned List:
WatssupZ / oxeso / madpig88 / Sailsingapore / beautyhunter / PeaceKris / snowcap / Hurricane88 / HonestCrook / SureScore / Goalie / Swagelock /
venussg / Clownteaser / hairy_abalone / DarthRevan / Koiz / 's your daddy! / simifly / siam66 / Coldblood99 / SimplyUnperfect / VoltaRedonda /
kristoa7 / Cash8877 / cignobilis / Baigonggong / WOOHOO / lonebonker / InnocentStar / ah rat / Crackpod / bababoo / MarlboroKen / Rasta Marley /
BlueCondor / esssinine / Ho-Lee / vrossi1980 / wally888 / mantaray73 / Sexy_lion / fatspider / topcook1 / gasscut / ctchua / bunty / guess67 /
clinton / fdomme / tnuc111 / formula1 / powerkid / Andrew101 / manu_no7 / S.B.Y.1 / slyer / owen10 / justhorny / cyberkoh88 / simple2kee /
Nitro Trans / PeroPero / Tingtonglove / waikeekee / hamsapkwai / Greenfrog / lglg666 / skyscrape / nitecrawllerr / Devil Reds / NorthEast /
apollo / NaughtynSensual / Wu Song Jr / skyleon / bulleye / wittyman / mazda1947 / menshealth / DevilChan78 / Smoky7 / badboys / memorablez /
ShaolinHamster / Prince7 / happyman007 / reading / lazuka / surbana / Lamborghini / joe fox / justl00king / Kalv / jy8987 / Yakuza / Supervert /

Queue List:
Tho66 / REYA / CoCk shoCk /

Need New Post:
saas / hardone / fdomme / songest /

Target: 1000 Points
Minimum 5 points for Exchange!

16-10-2015, 01:41 AM
thanks for the points


Thank you bro marshall84 & Funkygoodboy for the return upz :D

Anyone keen to exchange for my +10 daily? :)

16-10-2015, 02:41 AM
Queue list is empty. Bros wanna trade points?:)
Bro, 16upz for u :)

Uplist empty, min 6pts to exchange

16-10-2015, 06:13 AM
Welcome bros who wanna exchange but min 7 & above only.

16-10-2015, 06:17 AM
upz! lhwalong
Good morning. Many thanks for your generous up. Greatly appreciated. :) Have a nice weekend.

Shoot To Target
16-10-2015, 06:25 AM
[QUOTE=memorablez;13708151]Uppz u bro! :D[/QUOTE

Up you 7 for exchange.

16-10-2015, 07:29 AM
I just up you 12 roaring points!
Good day to you too!

Good day :p

16-10-2015, 07:43 AM
10 points for exchange. Minimum power 4 pls.

16-10-2015, 07:47 AM
Today: Returned up to Bro Taramis

Returning on a daily basis (PM sent to these 2 persons requesting for new posting but no replies.)

PrinceWilliam (Post is expired)
xlao (Post is expired)



U7899 (Can't find you - System says no such nickname :confused:)

For those keen to exchange points, minimum Power +4

Kindly PM me if I have missed anyone who had up me but I think all are on my list though :D

16-10-2015, 08:30 AM
Good day kind soul, happy to see that plenty of kind soul had be helping me up my humble point & power... Thanks....

Good morning. Queuing for your kind considerations. Many Thanks. :) Wishing you a nice day.

16-10-2015, 08:32 AM
Desire to INCREASE your Rep Points level?
Desire to INCREASE your Rep Points level?
Desire to INCREASE your Rep Points level?
Desire to INCREASE your Rep Points level?
Desire to INCREASE your Rep Points level?
Desire to INCREASE your Rep Points level?
Desire to INCREASE your Rep Points level?

I m READY to provide you wiz
48 points (on Normal Request) Upz or 83 points (on Special Request) Upz.. :p

Just click "agree" to add rep pts to my postings & await for good returns.. Act Now! Don't Wait!

PM me if Special request svc is required for those who are positive status wiz no power level & minimum 10 postings
(subjected to registered accounts from yr 2001 to 2006)

P/S:Those who recommend suitable accounts will also be rewarded. Those who have pro-actively upz me, pls pm me to return ur kindness.

16-10-2015, 08:58 AM
Exchange of points welcome. Min power of 6 .

For those who upped me please leave your nick. No nick how to return ? Thank you .

Left to right

To be upped : ( empty )

Upped : ctchua ; izaaat ; happy88 ; wally888 ; <<totally>> ; KhunVi ; tualampar ; bk81665 ; howl ; memorablez ; dcrusader ; reading ; rayzz ; Teekoleong ; epiphany01 ; Funkygoodboy ; koebshaq0_0 ; lookingaround

New post needed : tcc11 ; siegheart

Need to spread some reputation around before I can up ___________ again .

16-10-2015, 11:17 AM
Hi Bros & Sis out there, I'm definitely welcome anyone with at least 2-Power Points who can help to up my points. Pls state your SBF nick in the "Comment" column so as I can in return up back your points. Pls also ensure that your latest posting is less than 48-hours old. Thanks. :)

Awaiting next in-line for me to up their points.

List of bros whom I need him to pm me his latest posting so as I can in return up his points. Thanks. :)
norice, bad^boi, virtualman, raiderxp, Rams75, wan25w, AVSPOP, Nemesis_v, shawnanderson, indignant, Driftmaster, gouflook, spatbrain, snowcap, happyguy801, howck001, elth, Sal1234, mariosuper, Honestkeith, Flinger(?), B-52, skyleon, iceboy29125, tanner132, sing-a-poo, dom1976, Aceyfox, BC77

16-10-2015, 11:55 AM
Up you 7 for exchange.

Up you 7 points :D

16-10-2015, 12:03 PM
Exchange of points welcome.

16-10-2015, 12:34 PM
[QUOTE=memorablez;13708151]Uppz u bro! D[/QUOTE

Up you 7 for exchange.

Upzzz you Bro Shoot To Target : Cheers from Sailsingapore !!


16-10-2015, 12:48 PM
up u 6 :)
any bros wana trade???

7 pts returned.. :D

16-10-2015, 12:51 PM
Anyone want to exchange with my humble 2 point ? ( NB : u need to have at least a power 1 to trade )

16-10-2015, 01:47 PM
Queue list is empty. Bros wanna trade points?:)

Will Up you 1 point later for consideration :)

16-10-2015, 01:48 PM
Trade pts? (Min 4pts)


16-10-2015, 01:57 PM

Wish You A Wonderful Weekend Ahead.


16-10-2015, 03:37 PM
10 points for exchange. Minimum power 4 pls.

Up you my humble 4 points bro.

Have a great weekend!


16-10-2015, 03:47 PM
[QUOTE=memorablez;13708151]Uppz u bro! :D[/QUOTE

Up you 7 for exchange.

Bro, Juz upped u with 10 points. Cheers.

16-10-2015, 04:20 PM
Looking to exchange points. Min 5 points.

16-10-2015, 04:24 PM
Will Up you 1 point later for consideration :)

Ok thks, I will return depending on the queue, I can only up until tomorrow afternoon this time.

16-10-2015, 04:38 PM
Am new here. Anyone kind enough to guide me through the point system?

16-10-2015, 05:03 PM
Anyone want to exchange with a 3 pointer?

There is no queue currently

For those who dun mind to exchange, please do rem to leave ur nick behind.

Up will be return daily. Thanks!:)


To UP list: NIL

Pending New Post: Ken1234

Already UP list: mePoke, Koiz, guess67, PeaceKris, dysfunk, Botakhead2, ClownTeaser, Javabeans, kopigaogao, NaughtynSensual, TwinTowers, ProjectAlice, Cignobilis, PPGirl, Pompous, 69sex, sanuuk, 002nabe, Pink2577, BMW69, Prince7, xtr3, Treemon99, kiko, Scombridae, macktamer, Saltyraw, WOOHOO, YangAog, HayDay, SimplyUnperfect, apple77, oxeso, Lemon2, hornyhubby, Truthful, Acegik, FavorOne, Spicy98, black84, siam66, sexylanjiao, conly, bunty, TanWM, humhum, Charcoalfilter, shiokshiokrelax, SnowLeopards, JustANewbie, vampangel, Sleepyguy2, Pervy Sage, snowcap, Botakhead, BK4ever, Babarella, HunnyCame888, Gem08, foxyapple, MPLover, Happyman007, austin69, ah rat, Jiaobin, Supervert, hayhay1, launua2, JJMagic, roamario, heiyaoguai, PeroPero, El Bistro, Spector69, FishingPartner, 99099, hoian, kp338, VRossi1980, chaku, andrew101, NastyThaiboy, happy88, wally888, slyer, NZKiwi, BallsOfFire, Kingsle, conquer, szczesny, Steventan, johnkim, is not enuff, Reya, Informer, Dom1976, AhSoonNo1, Brother3, Mastodonman, 3MOQ

16-10-2015, 05:49 PM
Exchange of points welcome. Min power of 6 .

For those who upped me please leave your nick. No nick how to return ? Thank you .

Left to right

To be upped : ( empty )

Upped : ctchua ; izaaat ; happy88 ; wally888 ; <<totally>> ; KhunVi ; tualampar ; bk81665 ; howl ; memorablez ; dcrusader ; reading ; rayzz ; Teekoleong ; epiphany01 ; Funkygoodboy ; koebshaq0_0 ; lookingaround

New post needed : tcc11 ; siegheart

Need to spread some reputation around before I can up ___________ again .

16-10-2015, 07:17 PM
13+ to up daily.

Exchange for min power of 5 & above. Priority Q for min power of 10 & above.

Only ONE in up list queue now (that need fresh post).

Please remember to PM me after up and I will return fast :)

Love 6969
16-10-2015, 08:05 PM
Anyone wanna exchange points :)

sc slayer
16-10-2015, 08:10 PM
Want to exchange upZz?

16-10-2015, 08:42 PM
List cleared! For bros who dont mind my 4 apple seeds pls up for me. Leave ur nick behind. I will return the help. Thx bros! :D

16-10-2015, 09:04 PM
Just returned up bro BMW69.

Uplist: Coldblood99 (post expired)

Any pointers welcum to exchange.

16-10-2015, 09:04 PM
Good day kind soul, for now I can able to return point to you all...
Do continue to up my point and I'll return point to you(PM NickName Pls)....


16-10-2015, 09:21 PM
Have up your points. cheers.....

Harvest's Completed Up List:
Hurricane88, jy8987, JoySeeker, me siam bu, powerkid, whizzard, gasscut, sponge05, Rickey, tuyet, Lamborghini, lazuka, octman, Andrew101, Kalv, SureScore, geylangfc, waikeekee, S.B.Y.1, sunhuan-con, Goalie, chochochang2, xxxdreamer, hairy_abalone, surbana, Reya, basfreak, DarthRevan, venussg, wittyman, cumexplorer, DrPussy, Apollo, songest, ShaolinHamster, SwageLock, HonestCrook, slyer, compgen, ipay4six, NorthEast, qizai, SailSingapore, President, fullofrubbish, Ktmakmak, 胡's your daddy, BlueCondor, formula1, masterwanker, hardone, clinton, fdomme, kiko, kristoa7, kirk, marlboroken, Baotohk, SilentMan, FeiGohGoh, Sexy_lion, Josh_Ray, Naka_Timo, guess67, owen10, manu_no7, Jorje, ReelSchnick, Doubledare, hamsapkwai, wally888, Tho66, SirRumble, MMKing, crackpod, 1deg, i^Xi0n, BonBonWin, BrillantKnight, Joe Fox, AceAmando, devilchan78, Mandin, nitecrawllerr, ctchua, ShiningGlory, ah rat, The Old Nite, CoCk shoCk, badboys, pervy sage, smoky7, reading, SEAJ, JollyOne, RapidoBoy, simifly, korean, Cafu, dyelook, p00t, howgoodisthat, KobeTopGun, buzett, smartke, snowcap, Justhorny, Botakhead, ArowanaBullet, ahpek64, sbftiankon, Ramirez, tinalam, lglg666, bababoo

Post Expired:
vvoh, xxxdreamer, justfuckit, ZacMissile, Zihao83, sgiceboy, krazykat, saabking, RisingShadow, nocturnal1984, ReddySpeed, Zacelfron, RisingDick, CherryPickle, Young Hero, superman67, GeGe, InnocentStar, lovecim, BenjiGlory, RenaCross

To Up Next:
memorablez, bunty, bbbjkim, Tingtonglove, cyberkoh88, owl888, wohaha96, voltaredonda, jay.lay, skyscrape, greenfrog, more

16-10-2015, 10:18 PM
7 goalies to up daily.

uplist - 1

All welcome to exchange.

16-10-2015, 10:51 PM
Up you my humble 4 points bro.

Have a great weekend!


Many thks bro!

10 points for exchange. Minimum power 4 pls.

16-10-2015, 11:20 PM
Many thks bro!

10 points for exchange. Minimum power 4 pls.

up you with my points

hope u return

16-10-2015, 11:52 PM
Upz Today: Informer (+5 to 273)

Upz Next:

Anyone keen to exchange?? :D
5 humble points to be given out...

Post Expired: Priority will be given
Goldrabbit / saas / artie / *scape

To Up List:
No Queue!!!

Oct 15
Informer / johnkim / biggorilla / vampangel / wohaha96 / Supervert / Prince7 / ShaolinHamster
Sep 15
badboys / Furby85 / jay.lay / lifeduo / HayDay / Acegik / clinton / hamsapkwai / Javabeans / Andrew101 / Sleepyguy2 / mantaray73 / CoCk shoCk / johnboy / Lemon2 / pervy sage
Aug 15
Wu Song Jr / grey82 / Slide2Despair / kp338 / wittyman / Sexy_lion / HonestCrook / manu_07 / joHnnyBoy90 / bunty / anotherlife / Reya / DevilChan78 / volcano / MMKing / Botakhead2 / wally888 / Spicy98 / Cash8877
Jul 15
apple77 / Slyer / powerkid / MarlboroKen / YangAoG / guess67 / S.B.Y.1 / dysfunk / Treemon99 / hairy_abalone / JoySeeker / Tho66 / FunnyHippo / plsfloodme / Baigonggong / mePoke / NastyThaiboy / NorthEast / starbuck / watssupp
Jun 15
BulleYe / owl888 / conquer / Intltuk / TanWM / Yakuza / snowcap / crackpod / beautyhunter / ah rat / El bistro / jonnn / simple2kee / kiko / JJmagic / Coldblood99 / waikeekee / oldslywolf / Feetlover
May 15
bbbjkim / HornyYoungBoy07 / dyelook / smoky7 / tuyet / surbana / bababoo / justhorny / skyscrape / sc slayer / Woei / fafafa123 / Kuan Aik Hong / Goalie / SureScore / Cafu / hardone / WOOHOO / siam66 / fdomme / kristoa7 / 胡's your daddy! / curiousSG / Tundrawolf / sunhuan-con / FatSpider / SimplyUnperfect
Apr 15
Ho-Lee / Pink2577 / ebonkie / ctchua / Kingsle / Scombridae / President / igor123 / 002nabe / Sen5eS / madpig88 / cignobilis / bk4ever / NaughtynSensual / macktamer / ngengheng / Mplover / blueboat / Bukit Mewah / DarthRevan / Rasta Marley / Clownteaser
Mar 15
Justanewbie / Koiz / sailsingapore / Truthful / voltaredonda / ProjectAlice / PPGirl / Simifly / PeaceKris / Tingtonglove / szczesny / oxeso / formula1 / Hurricane88

16-10-2015, 11:57 PM
please trade points with me

currently uplist is +2

Thanks to all the bros who upped me

Please be patient while I up you bros.

Will definitely up you in time!

Done list:
jy8987, VoltaRedonda, owl888, loneyheart, hairy_abalone, lazuka, Jimfairy, justfuckit, Hurricane88, SureScore, PeaceKris, Swagelock, mplover, JJmagic, madpig88, macktamer,venussg, Slyer, Justanewbie, Scombridae, cignobilis, Clownteaser, Koiz, cash8877, President, szczesny, 002nabe, xxjasonxx, formula1, DarthRevan, vrossi1980, guess67, SimplyUnperfect, ctchua, DrPussy, tnuc111, bulleye, mePoke, fdomme, woohoo, Sailsingapore, JoySeeker, saas, marlboroken, S.B.Y.1, dysfunk, Sexy_lion, Baigonggong, Kingsle, wittyman, clinton, Prince7, fatspider, Reya

List to up in order of those who up me:
cheehongkia (No fresh post)
Saltyraw (No fresh post)
tundrawolf (No fresh post)
anotherlife (No fresh post)
lovecim (No fresh post)
ipay4six (No fresh post)
kristoa7 (No fresh post)
KohOnly21 (No fresh post)
igor123 (No fresh post)
mmking (No fresh post)
snowcap (No fresh post)
Rasta Marley
El bistro
胡's your daddy
Wu song jr
CoCk shoCk

16-10-2015, 11:58 PM
points return....bros who have rep points of 5 and above for exchange..:p

up u 6 :)
any bros wana trade???

16-10-2015, 11:59 PM
Anybody with minimum of 4 points are welcome to exchange points with me. Up list now empty.

17-10-2015, 12:26 AM
Welcoming exchange of points !!! Return of +7!!!

Returned List:
WatssupZ / oxeso / madpig88 / Sailsingapore / beautyhunter / PeaceKris / snowcap / Hurricane88 / HonestCrook / SureScore / Goalie / Swagelock /
venussg / Clownteaser / hairy_abalone / DarthRevan / Koiz / 's your daddy! / simifly / siam66 / Coldblood99 / SimplyUnperfect / VoltaRedonda /
kristoa7 / Cash8877 / cignobilis / Baigonggong / WOOHOO / lonebonker / InnocentStar / ah rat / Crackpod / bababoo / MarlboroKen / Rasta Marley /
BlueCondor / esssinine / Ho-Lee / vrossi1980 / wally888 / mantaray73 / Sexy_lion / fatspider / topcook1 / gasscut / ctchua / bunty / guess67 /
clinton / fdomme / tnuc111 / formula1 / powerkid / Andrew101 / manu_no7 / S.B.Y.1 / slyer / owen10 / justhorny / cyberkoh88 / simple2kee /
Nitro Trans / PeroPero / Tingtonglove / waikeekee / hamsapkwai / Greenfrog / lglg666 / skyscrape / nitecrawllerr / Devil Reds / NorthEast /
apollo / NaughtynSensual / Wu Song Jr / skyleon / bulleye / wittyman / mazda1947 / menshealth / DevilChan78 / Smoky7 / badboys / memorablez /
ShaolinHamster / Prince7 / happyman007 / reading / lazuka / surbana / Lamborghini / joe fox / justl00king / Kalv / jy8987 / Yakuza / Supervert /
Tho66 /

Queue List:
REYA / CoCk shoCk /

Need New Post:
saas / hardone / fdomme / songest /

Target: 1000 Points
Minimum 5 points for Exchange!

17-10-2015, 06:21 AM
I dont mind HAHAHAHA
Good morning. My humble pts. Many thanks. :) Have a nice day.

17-10-2015, 06:30 AM
points for exchange


17-10-2015, 06:55 AM
7 points for exchange :D

17-10-2015, 08:02 AM
Today: Up to Bro chaichai_star

Returning on a daily basis (PM sent to these 2 persons requesting for new posting but no replies.)

PrinceWilliam (Post is expired)
xlao (Post is expired)


CuriousSG (Post expired)
ArthurPatricia (Post expired)
joannelee (Post expired)

U7899 (Can't find you - System says no such nickname :confused:)

For those keen to exchange points, minimum Power +4

Kindly PM me if I have missed anyone who had up me but I think all are on my list though :D

17-10-2015, 08:18 AM
Thanks bro & sis.

Had just returned (utmost last bro/sis) and upped points for:-
Foxyapple, NorthEast, 胡's your daddy!, Swagelock, ShaolinHamster, Waikeekee, dyelook, Goalie, SureScore, Hurricane88, SimplyUnperfect, Tingtonglove, kristoa7, jayboy, S.B.Y.1, Kingsle, Clownteaser, dysfunk, koiz, PeaceKris, Rasta Marley, Szczesny, wu song jr, bunty, Pink2577, snowcap, DarthRevan, jjmagic, woohoo, prince7, spicy98, Tho66, Sexy_lion, clinton, ctchua, PPGirl, wittyman, powerkid, bk4ever, johnnyboy90, nastythaiboy, Sailsingapore, iphone1s

Next in queue:-
lonebonker, songest, mplover, vrossi1980, voltaredonda, oldslywolf, wally888, cash8877, baigonggong, HonestCrook, ho-lee, manu_no7, esssinine, fisheye84, ProjectAlice, truthful, Steventan

Priority given as no latest post to up and missed turns:-
saas, chaosdc

Priority list bros & sis, kindly send me a PM to alert me you have a latest post for me to upzz your rep.

Bro and sis who had upped my points but I missed out your name, kindly drop me a PM pls. Thanks for the exchange.

17-10-2015, 08:57 AM

6 and above points for exchange. Apologies to 5 and below. I will lower the rates in due time. No offence to anyone :)

For the past 5 days, I have returned to the following brothers:


Updated return favour list: (Balance 7 to return)

Fion.18 (Please make a new post)
Josh Ray

I will be returning on a daily basis or as per forum's system daily allowance. Please be patience and do ensure that your post are valid for points adding :)

I will not be posting for the obvious reason as the list is getting too long, hence will post once every 5-7 days or till my list is cleared :D

17-10-2015, 09:07 AM
Exchange of points welcome. Min power of 6 .

For those who upped me please leave your nick. No nick how to return ? Thank you .

Left to right

To be upped : ( empty )

Upped : ctchua ; izaaat ; happy88 ; wally888 ; <<totally>> ; KhunVi ; tualampar ; bk81665 ; howl ; memorablez ; dcrusader ; reading ; rayzz ; Teekoleong ; epiphany01 ; Funkygoodboy ; koebshaq0_0 ; lookingaround

New post needed : tcc11 ; siegheart

Need to spread some reputation around before I can up ___________ again .

17-10-2015, 09:13 AM


Balance return list:

slut (Post expired)
saas (Post expired)
ReelSchnick (Post expired)

Please PM me if I have left your name out? Thank you :)

17-10-2015, 09:14 AM

Wish You A Wonderful Weekend Ahead.


17-10-2015, 09:18 AM
Welcoming exchange of points !!! Return of +7!!!

Returned List:
WatssupZ / oxeso / madpig88 / Sailsingapore / beautyhunter / PeaceKris / snowcap / Hurricane88 / HonestCrook / SureScore / Goalie / Swagelock /
venussg / Clownteaser / hairy_abalone / DarthRevan / Koiz / 's your daddy! / simifly / siam66 / Coldblood99 / SimplyUnperfect / VoltaRedonda /
kristoa7 / Cash8877 / cignobilis / Baigonggong / WOOHOO / lonebonker / InnocentStar / ah rat / Crackpod / bababoo / MarlboroKen / Rasta Marley /
BlueCondor / esssinine / Ho-Lee / vrossi1980 / wally888 / mantaray73 / Sexy_lion / fatspider / topcook1 / gasscut / ctchua / bunty / guess67 /
clinton / fdomme / tnuc111 / formula1 / powerkid / Andrew101 / manu_no7 / S.B.Y.1 / slyer / owen10 / justhorny / cyberkoh88 / simple2kee /
Nitro Trans / PeroPero / Tingtonglove / waikeekee / hamsapkwai / Greenfrog / lglg666 / skyscrape / nitecrawllerr / Devil Reds / NorthEast /
apollo / NaughtynSensual / Wu Song Jr / skyleon / bulleye / wittyman / mazda1947 / menshealth / DevilChan78 / Smoky7 / badboys / memorablez /
ShaolinHamster / Prince7 / happyman007 / reading / lazuka / surbana / Lamborghini / joe fox / justl00king / Kalv / jy8987 / Yakuza / Supervert /
Tho66 / REYA /

Queue List:
CoCk shoCk / Botakhead / koebshaq0_0 /

Need New Post:
saas / hardone / fdomme / songest /

Target: 1000 Points
Minimum 5 points for Exchange!

Love 6969
17-10-2015, 09:40 AM
Anyone wanna exchange :)

17-10-2015, 09:44 AM
Anyone keen to exchange

17-10-2015, 09:49 AM
Many thks bro!

10 points for exchange. Minimum power 4 pls.

Have up your points. cheers......

17-10-2015, 10:13 AM
Welcoming exchange of points !!! Return of +7!!!

Returned List:
WatssupZ / oxeso / madpig88 / Sailsingapore / beautyhunter / PeaceKris / snowcap / Hurricane88 / HonestCrook / SureScore / Goalie / Swagelock /
venussg / Clownteaser / hairy_abalone / DarthRevan / Koiz / 's your daddy! / simifly / siam66 / Coldblood99 / SimplyUnperfect / VoltaRedonda /
kristoa7 / Cash8877 / cignobilis / Baigonggong / WOOHOO / lonebonker / InnocentStar / ah rat / Crackpod / bababoo / MarlboroKen / Rasta Marley /
BlueCondor / esssinine / Ho-Lee / vrossi1980 / wally888 / mantaray73 / Sexy_lion / fatspider / topcook1 / gasscut / ctchua / bunty / guess67 /
clinton / fdomme / tnuc111 / formula1 / powerkid / Andrew101 / manu_no7 / S.B.Y.1 / slyer / owen10 / justhorny / cyberkoh88 / simple2kee /
Nitro Trans / PeroPero / Tingtonglove / waikeekee / hamsapkwai / Greenfrog / lglg666 / skyscrape / nitecrawllerr / Devil Reds / NorthEast /
apollo / NaughtynSensual / Wu Song Jr / skyleon / bulleye / wittyman / mazda1947 / menshealth / DevilChan78 / Smoky7 / badboys / memorablez /
ShaolinHamster / Prince7 / happyman007 / reading / lazuka / surbana / Lamborghini / joe fox / justl00king / Kalv / jy8987 / Yakuza / Supervert /
Tho66 / REYA /

Queue List:
CoCk shoCk / Botakhead / koebshaq0_0 /

Need New Post:
saas / hardone / fdomme / songest /

Target: 1000 Points
Minimum 5 points for Exchange!

+10 upzzz bro.. cheers

17-10-2015, 10:44 AM
+10 upzzz bro.. cheers

upped u bro.:D


(Min 7 pts plz)

17-10-2015, 10:45 AM
Trading time。

17-10-2015, 10:50 AM
Anyone keen to exchange

Up 1 ace :D

17-10-2015, 10:51 AM
Exchange of points welcome.

+6 for you bro

17-10-2015, 11:23 AM
+10 upzzz bro.. cheers

Uppz u bro!

17-10-2015, 11:24 AM
Upz for pts xchange cheers

17-10-2015, 11:43 AM
upped u bro.:D


(Min 7 pts plz)

7 up for you to exchange.

17-10-2015, 11:59 AM
Welcome bros who wanna exchange but min 7 & above only.

17-10-2015, 12:44 PM
Anyone want to exchange with my humble 2 point ? ( NB : u need to have at least a power 1 to trade )

17-10-2015, 01:11 PM
Have up your points. cheers......

Many thks bro!

10 points for exchange. Minimum power 4 pls.

17-10-2015, 01:24 PM
Hi Bros & Sis out there, I'm definitely welcome anyone with at least 2-Power Points who can help to up my points. Pls state your SBF nick in the "Comment" column so as I can in return up back your points. Pls also ensure that your latest posting is less than 48-hours old. Thanks. :)

Awaiting next in-line for me to up their points.

List of bros whom I need him to pm me his latest posting so as I can in return up his points. Thanks. :)
norice, bad^boi, virtualman, raiderxp, Rams75, wan25w, AVSPOP, Nemesis_v, shawnanderson, indignant, Driftmaster, gouflook, spatbrain, snowcap, happyguy801, howck001, elth, Sal1234, mariosuper, Honestkeith, Flinger(?), B-52, skyleon, iceboy29125, tanner132, sing-a-poo, dom1976, Aceyfox, BC77

17-10-2015, 02:01 PM
Pending Up§ in Queue§ (Left To Right)
Young Hero/SeanSky/CherryPickle/mobliepod/hardone/InnocentStar/Mandin/RenaCross/SirRumble/BrillantKnight/ShiningGlory/Rasta Marley

Young Hero/SeanSky/CherryPickle/mobliepod/hardone/InnocentStar/Mandin/RenaCross/

Returned up today - > lonebonker

min 8 power to trade
power 20 and above bros can cut que

17-10-2015, 02:06 PM
+6 for you bro

Upz you my points for exchange.

17-10-2015, 04:16 PM
Many grateful thanks to bros Xiaolaopo ... Abbie mayo ... meatvegelove ... SilentMan ... ArowanaBullet for your kind upz ...have added everyone into my delivery list oreadi ... cheers !!!

Hi bro sleeping ... just delivered the fruits combo to you ... thank you for waiting ... cheers !!!

Fruits Combo For Exchange
( 10 durians + some mangoes + some longans )

http://imgur.com/Ez52SS3.jpg + http://imgur.com/qxM145p.jpg + http://imgur.com/rRGTVQr.jpg

All are welcome

Next stop ... Bravo002 ... 18/10

Delivery List > AceAmando ... Xiaolapo ... Abbie mayo ... meatvegelove ... SilentMan ... ArowanaBullet ... ???

Post expired / PM sent .... scandiacus ... tomyumgong ... please PM me if you have make a new post

17-10-2015, 04:38 PM
Looking to exchange points. Min 5 points.

17-10-2015, 05:04 PM
Looking to exchange points. Min 5 points.

Hello bro, I upped your points for exhange, thank you! :cool:

17-10-2015, 05:16 PM
Trade points? (min 4-pts for exchange).

Updated uplist:


No new post - matterhorn, devil11, saltasalta, tuyet, Conquer, kimemma

Owl888 (need to spread some rep pts)
222nge (need to spread some rep pts)
Wally888 (need to spread some rep pts)
Justl00king (need to spread some rep pts)

17-10-2015, 05:36 PM
Exchange of points welcome. Min power of 6 .

For those who upped me please leave your nick. No nick how to return ? Thank you .

Left to right

To be upped : ( empty )

Upped : ctchua ; izaaat ; happy88 ; wally888 ; <<totally>> ; KhunVi ; tualampar ; bk81665 ; howl ; memorablez ; dcrusader ; reading ; rayzz ; Teekoleong ; epiphany01 ; Funkygoodboy ; koebshaq0_0 ; lookingaround

New post needed : tcc11 ; siegheart

Need to spread some reputation around before I can up ___________ again .

17-10-2015, 05:46 PM
Anyone want to exchange with a 3 pointer?

There is no queue currently

For those who dun mind to exchange, please do rem to leave ur nick behind.

Up will be return daily. Thanks!:)


To UP list: NIL

Pending New Post: Ken1234

Already UP list: mePoke, Koiz, guess67, PeaceKris, dysfunk, Botakhead2, ClownTeaser, Javabeans, kopigaogao, NaughtynSensual, TwinTowers, ProjectAlice, Cignobilis, PPGirl, Pompous, 69sex, sanuuk, 002nabe, Pink2577, BMW69, Prince7, xtr3, Treemon99, kiko, Scombridae, macktamer, Saltyraw, WOOHOO, YangAog, HayDay, SimplyUnperfect, apple77, oxeso, Lemon2, hornyhubby, Truthful, Acegik, FavorOne, Spicy98, black84, siam66, sexylanjiao, conly, bunty, TanWM, humhum, Charcoalfilter, shiokshiokrelax, SnowLeopards, JustANewbie, vampangel, Sleepyguy2, Pervy Sage, snowcap, Botakhead, BK4ever, Babarella, HunnyCame888, Gem08, foxyapple, MPLover, Happyman007, austin69, ah rat, Jiaobin, Supervert, hayhay1, launua2, JJMagic, roamario, heiyaoguai, PeroPero, El Bistro, Spector69, FishingPartner, 99099, hoian, kp338, VRossi1980, chaku, andrew101, NastyThaiboy, happy88, wally888, slyer, NZKiwi, BallsOfFire, Kingsle, conquer, szczesny, Steventan, johnkim, is not enuff, Reya, Informer, Dom1976, AhSoonNo1, Brother3, Mastodonman, 3MOQ

17-10-2015, 08:03 PM
Upz back today with thanks: FunnyHippo

17-10-2015, 08:22 PM
Trade points? (min 4-pts for exchange).

Updated uplist:


No new post - matterhorn, devil11, saltasalta, tuyet, Conquer, kimemma

Owl888 (need to spread some rep pts)
222nge (need to spread some rep pts)
Wally888 (need to spread some rep pts)
Justl00king (need to spread some rep pts)

upz you bro!

17-10-2015, 08:43 PM
power 4 for exchange. Anybody?

17-10-2015, 11:07 PM
Appreciation ! :)
returned 7 pts bro
Many thanks to bro mazda1947 for returning favour so promptly with his valuable points ! :)...Greatly appreciated !...Cheers !

sc slayer
17-10-2015, 11:19 PM
Want to exchange upzZ?

17-10-2015, 11:38 PM
Want to exchange upzZ?

Upped u bro.

Uplist: coldblood99 - no new post

Lets trade bro, any point welcum.

18-10-2015, 12:40 AM
points for exchange


18-10-2015, 01:03 AM
Welcoming exchange of points !!! Return of +7!!!

Returned List:
WatssupZ / oxeso / madpig88 / Sailsingapore / beautyhunter / PeaceKris / snowcap / Hurricane88 / HonestCrook / SureScore / Goalie / Swagelock /
venussg / Clownteaser / hairy_abalone / DarthRevan / Koiz / 's your daddy! / simifly / siam66 / Coldblood99 / SimplyUnperfect / VoltaRedonda /
kristoa7 / Cash8877 / cignobilis / Baigonggong / WOOHOO / lonebonker / InnocentStar / ah rat / Crackpod / bababoo / MarlboroKen / Rasta Marley /
BlueCondor / esssinine / Ho-Lee / vrossi1980 / wally888 / mantaray73 / Sexy_lion / fatspider / topcook1 / gasscut / ctchua / bunty / guess67 /
clinton / fdomme / tnuc111 / formula1 / powerkid / Andrew101 / manu_no7 / S.B.Y.1 / slyer / owen10 / justhorny / cyberkoh88 / simple2kee /
Nitro Trans / PeroPero / Tingtonglove / waikeekee / hamsapkwai / Greenfrog / lglg666 / skyscrape / nitecrawllerr / Devil Reds / NorthEast /
apollo / NaughtynSensual / Wu Song Jr / skyleon / bulleye / wittyman / mazda1947 / menshealth / DevilChan78 / Smoky7 / badboys / memorablez /
ShaolinHamster / Prince7 / happyman007 / reading / lazuka / surbana / Lamborghini / joe fox / justl00king / Kalv / jy8987 / Yakuza / Supervert /
Tho66 / REYA /

Queue List:
CoCk shoCk / Botakhead / koebshaq0_0 / Just_Did_It /

Need New Post:
saas / hardone / fdomme / songest /

Target: 1000 Points
Minimum 5 points for Exchange!

18-10-2015, 01:10 AM
Exchange of points welcome. Min power of 6 .

For those who upped me please leave your nick. No nick how to return ? Thank you .

Left to right

To be upped : ( empty )

Upped : ctchua ; izaaat ; happy88 ; wally888 ; <<totally>> ; KhunVi ; tualampar ; bk81665 ; howl ; memorablez ; dcrusader ; reading ; rayzz ; Teekoleong ; epiphany01 ; Funkygoodboy ; koebshaq0_0 ; lookingaround

New post needed : tcc11 ; siegheart

Need to spread some reputation around before I can up ___________ again .

hi bro! upz u! :) cheers!

18-10-2015, 01:22 AM
Hi bro Bravo002 ... just delivered the fruits combo to you ... thank you for waiting ... cheers !!!

Fruits Combo For Exchange
( 10 durians + some mangoes + some longans )

http://imgur.com/Ez52SS3.jpg + http://imgur.com/qxM145p.jpg + http://imgur.com/rRGTVQr.jpg

All are welcome

Next stop ... tomyumgong ... 19/10

Delivery List > AceAmando ... Xiaolapo ... Abbie mayo ... meatvegelove ... SilentMan ... ArowanaBullet ... ???

Post expired / PM sent .... scandiacus ... please PM me if you have make a new post

18-10-2015, 02:01 AM
Anyone to exchange points? :D

18-10-2015, 03:03 AM
hi bro! upz u! :) cheers!
Bro, 16upz for u :)

Uplist empty, min 6pts to exchange

18-10-2015, 03:47 AM
[QUOTE=sailsingapore;13710068][QUOTE=Shoot To Target;13709044]

[CENTER]Upzzz you Bro Shoot To Target : Cheers from Sailsingapore !!


points return.....:p

18-10-2015, 04:21 AM
Anyone keen to exchange for my +10 daily? :)

18-10-2015, 06:33 AM
Bro, ... upz! ...

Good morning. Many thanks for your generous upz. Very grateful. :) Have a nice day.

18-10-2015, 08:12 AM
7 points for exchange :D

18-10-2015, 08:19 AM
Thanks bro & sis.

Had just returned (utmost last bro/sis) and upped points for:-
Foxyapple, NorthEast, 胡's your daddy!, Swagelock, ShaolinHamster, Waikeekee, dyelook, Goalie, SureScore, Hurricane88, SimplyUnperfect, Tingtonglove, kristoa7, jayboy, S.B.Y.1, Kingsle, Clownteaser, dysfunk, koiz, PeaceKris, Rasta Marley, Szczesny, wu song jr, bunty, Pink2577, snowcap, DarthRevan, jjmagic, woohoo, prince7, spicy98, Tho66, Sexy_lion, clinton, ctchua, PPGirl, wittyman, powerkid, bk4ever, johnnyboy90, nastythaiboy, Sailsingapore, iphone1s, lonebonker

Next in queue:-
songest, mplover, vrossi1980, voltaredonda, oldslywolf, wally888, cash8877, baigonggong, HonestCrook, ho-lee, manu_no7, esssinine, fisheye84, ProjectAlice, truthful, Steventan

Priority given as no latest post to up and missed turns:-
saas, chaosdc

Priority list bros & sis, kindly send me a PM to alert me you have a latest post for me to upzz your rep.

Bro and sis who had upped my points but I missed out your name, kindly drop me a PM pls. Thanks for the exchange.

18-10-2015, 08:54 AM
hi bro! upz u! :) cheers!

Nine-Up! :D

18-10-2015, 09:09 AM
Today: Up to Bro curiousSG

Returning on a daily basis (PM sent to these 2 persons requesting for new posting but no replies.)

PrinceWilliam (Post is expired)
xlao (Post is expired)


ArthurPatricia (Post expired)
joannelee (Post expired)

U7899 (Can't find you - System says no such nickname :confused:)

For those keen to exchange points, minimum Power +4

Kindly PM me if I have missed anyone who had up me but I think all are on my list though :D

Love 6969
18-10-2015, 09:14 AM
11 points to 900

Anyone wanna exchange :)

18-10-2015, 09:18 AM
Exchange of points welcome. Min power of 6 .

For those who upped me please leave your nick. No nick how to return ? Thank you .

Left to right

To be upped : ( empty )

Upped : ctchua ; izaaat ; happy88 ; wally888 ; <<totally>> ; KhunVi ; tualampar ; bk81665 ; howl ; memorablez ; dcrusader ; reading ; rayzz ; Teekoleong ; epiphany01 ; Funkygoodboy ; koebshaq0_0 ; lookingaround

New post needed : tcc11 ; siegheart

Need to spread some reputation around before I can up ___________ again .

18-10-2015, 09:19 AM
hi bro! upz u! :) cheers!

Thank you bro. Have a nice day. :)

18-10-2015, 09:47 AM
Anyone to exchange points? :D

Exchange Bro, up you my humble 4 points.

Have a great weekend!

18-10-2015, 10:16 AM
10 points for exchange. Minimum power 4 pls.

18-10-2015, 10:17 AM
7 points to up daily.

Uplist - 1

All welcome to exchange.

18-10-2015, 10:37 AM
Upped u bro.

Uplist: coldblood99 - no new post

Lets trade bro, any point welcum.

Up 3 humble points :D

18-10-2015, 10:45 AM
7 up for you to exchange.

upped u in return.


(Min 7 pts plz)

18-10-2015, 10:47 AM
Hello bro, I upped your points for exhange, thank you! :cool:

Clinton ups +8 cheers

18-10-2015, 11:06 AM
11 points to 900

Anyone wanna exchange :)

Up 1 ace :D

18-10-2015, 11:25 AM
Welcome bros who wanna exchange but min 7 & above only.

18-10-2015, 11:30 AM
Anyone keen to exchange

18-10-2015, 11:32 AM
Uppz u bro!

return+10 upzz with thx bro...

sc slayer
18-10-2015, 11:43 AM
Want to exchange upZz?

18-10-2015, 12:12 PM
Looking to exchange points. Min 5 points.

7 return to you bro. Thank you.

Shoot To Target
18-10-2015, 12:16 PM
[QUOTE=Shoot To Target;13709044]

Bro, Juz upped u with 10 points. Cheers.

Bro, just return 7 to you.

18-10-2015, 12:54 PM
Hello all, trading time.

18-10-2015, 12:58 PM
7 up for you to exchange.

Upzzz you Bro MORE : Cheers from Sailsingapore !!


18-10-2015, 01:02 PM
Please trade with me.

18-10-2015, 01:27 PM
Up list empty....

18-10-2015, 01:33 PM
10 points for exchange. Minimum power 4 pls.

Tingtong up :)

18-10-2015, 01:37 PM
Uppz u bro!

Harvest's Completed Up List:
Hurricane88, jy8987, JoySeeker, me siam bu, powerkid, whizzard, gasscut, sponge05, Rickey, tuyet, Lamborghini, lazuka, octman, Andrew101, Kalv, SureScore, geylangfc, waikeekee, S.B.Y.1, sunhuan-con, Goalie, chochochang2, xxxdreamer, hairy_abalone, surbana, Reya, basfreak, DarthRevan, venussg, wittyman, cumexplorer, DrPussy, Apollo, songest, ShaolinHamster, SwageLock, HonestCrook, slyer, compgen, ipay4six, NorthEast, qizai, SailSingapore, President, fullofrubbish, Ktmakmak, 胡's your daddy, BlueCondor, formula1, masterwanker, hardone, clinton, fdomme, kiko, kristoa7, kirk, marlboroken, Baotohk, SilentMan, FeiGohGoh, Sexy_lion, Josh_Ray, Naka_Timo, guess67, owen10, manu_no7, Jorje, ReelSchnick, Doubledare, hamsapkwai, wally888, Tho66, SirRumble, MMKing, crackpod, 1deg, i^Xi0n, BonBonWin, BrillantKnight, Joe Fox, AceAmando, devilchan78, Mandin, nitecrawllerr, ctchua, ShiningGlory, ah rat, The Old Nite, CoCk shoCk, badboys, pervy sage, smoky7, reading, SEAJ, JollyOne, RapidoBoy, simifly, korean, Cafu, dyelook, p00t, howgoodisthat, KobeTopGun, buzett, smartke, snowcap, Justhorny, Botakhead, ArowanaBullet, ahpek64, sbftiankon, Ramirez, tinalam, lglg666, bababoo, memorablez

Post Expired:
vvoh, xxxdreamer, justfuckit, ZacMissile, Zihao83, sgiceboy, krazykat, saabking, RisingShadow, nocturnal1984, ReddySpeed, Zacelfron, RisingDick, CherryPickle, Young Hero, superman67, GeGe, InnocentStar, lovecim, BenjiGlory, RenaCross

To Up Next:
bunty, bbbjkim, Tingtonglove, cyberkoh88, owl888, wohaha96, voltaredonda, jay.lay, skyscrape, greenfrog, more

18-10-2015, 01:53 PM
Upz you my points for exchange.

+6 return to u bro

18-10-2015, 02:00 PM
Anyone want to exchange with my humble 2 point ? ( NB : u need to have at least a power 1 to trade )

18-10-2015, 03:19 PM
points for xchange


18-10-2015, 04:14 PM
7 return to you bro. Thank you.

Jus upped u +8

18-10-2015, 04:19 PM
Anyone want to exchange with a 3 pointer?

There is no queue currently

For those who dun mind to exchange, please do rem to leave ur nick behind.

Up will be return daily. Thanks!:)


To UP list: NIL

Pending New Post: Ken1234

Already UP list: mePoke, Koiz, guess67, PeaceKris, dysfunk, Botakhead2, ClownTeaser, Javabeans, kopigaogao, NaughtynSensual, TwinTowers, ProjectAlice, Cignobilis, PPGirl, Pompous, 69sex, sanuuk, 002nabe, Pink2577, BMW69, Prince7, xtr3, Treemon99, kiko, Scombridae, macktamer, Saltyraw, WOOHOO, YangAog, HayDay, SimplyUnperfect, apple77, oxeso, Lemon2, hornyhubby, Truthful, Acegik, FavorOne, Spicy98, black84, siam66, sexylanjiao, conly, bunty, TanWM, humhum, Charcoalfilter, shiokshiokrelax, SnowLeopards, JustANewbie, vampangel, Sleepyguy2, Pervy Sage, snowcap, Botakhead, BK4ever, Babarella, HunnyCame888, Gem08, foxyapple, MPLover, Happyman007, austin69, ah rat, Jiaobin, Supervert, hayhay1, launua2, JJMagic, roamario, heiyaoguai, PeroPero, El Bistro, Spector69, FishingPartner, 99099, hoian, kp338, VRossi1980, chaku, andrew101, NastyThaiboy, happy88, wally888, slyer, NZKiwi, BallsOfFire, Kingsle, conquer, szczesny, Steventan, johnkim, is not enuff, Reya, Informer, Dom1976, AhSoonNo1, Brother3, Mastodonman, 3MOQ

18-10-2015, 04:59 PM
Looking to exchange points. Min 5 points.

18-10-2015, 05:21 PM

Bro, just return 7 to you.

Upz +10 for exchange! Cheers

18-10-2015, 05:43 PM
Exchange of points welcome. Min power of 6 .

For those who upped me please leave your nick. No nick how to return ? Thank you .

Left to right

To be upped : b00bs

Upped : ctchua ; izaaat ; happy88 ; wally888 ; <<totally>> ; KhunVi ; tualampar ; bk81665 ; howl ; memorablez ; dcrusader ; reading ; rayzz ; Teekoleong ; epiphany01 ; Funkygoodboy ; koebshaq0_0 ; lookingaround

New post needed : tcc11 ; siegheart

Need to spread some reputation around before I can up ___________ again .

18-10-2015, 05:53 PM

Bro, just return 7 to you.

up u 6 bro...

18-10-2015, 05:58 PM
no queue in the uplist, any more exchange ?

18-10-2015, 06:04 PM

Wish You A Happy And Beautiful Sunday.


18-10-2015, 06:32 PM
Trade points? (min 4-pts for exchange).

Updated uplist:


No new post - matterhorn, devil11, saltasalta, tuyet, Conquer, kimemma

Owl888 (need to spread some rep pts)
222nge (need to spread some rep pts)
Wally888 (need to spread some rep pts)
Justl00king (need to spread some rep pts)

18-10-2015, 07:14 PM
Good day kind soul, those who up my point will return you soon...
Do kindly up my humble point.....


18-10-2015, 09:45 PM
7 points to up daily.

Uplist - 1

All welcome to exchange.

18-10-2015, 09:47 PM
Harvest's Completed Up List:
Hurricane88, jy8987, JoySeeker, me siam bu, powerkid, whizzard, gasscut, sponge05, Rickey, tuyet, Lamborghini, lazuka, octman, Andrew101, Kalv, SureScore, geylangfc, waikeekee, S.B.Y.1, sunhuan-con, Goalie, chochochang2, xxxdreamer, hairy_abalone, surbana, Reya, basfreak, DarthRevan, venussg, wittyman, cumexplorer, DrPussy, Apollo, songest, ShaolinHamster, SwageLock, HonestCrook, slyer, compgen, ipay4six, NorthEast, qizai, SailSingapore, President, fullofrubbish, Ktmakmak, 胡's your daddy, BlueCondor, formula1, masterwanker, hardone, clinton, fdomme, kiko, kristoa7, kirk, marlboroken, Baotohk, SilentMan, FeiGohGoh, Sexy_lion, Josh_Ray, Naka_Timo, guess67, owen10, manu_no7, Jorje, ReelSchnick, Doubledare, hamsapkwai, wally888, Tho66, SirRumble, MMKing, crackpod, 1deg, i^Xi0n, BonBonWin, BrillantKnight, Joe Fox, AceAmando, devilchan78, Mandin, nitecrawllerr, ctchua, ShiningGlory, ah rat, The Old Nite, CoCk shoCk, badboys, pervy sage, smoky7, reading, SEAJ, JollyOne, RapidoBoy, simifly, korean, Cafu, dyelook, p00t, howgoodisthat, KobeTopGun, buzett, smartke, snowcap, Justhorny, Botakhead, ArowanaBullet, ahpek64, sbftiankon, Ramirez, tinalam, lglg666, bababoo, memorablez

Post Expired:
vvoh, xxxdreamer, justfuckit, ZacMissile, Zihao83, sgiceboy, krazykat, saabking, RisingShadow, nocturnal1984, ReddySpeed, Zacelfron, RisingDick, CherryPickle, Young Hero, superman67, GeGe, InnocentStar, lovecim, BenjiGlory, RenaCross

To Up Next:
bunty, bbbjkim, Tingtonglove, cyberkoh88, owl888, wohaha96, voltaredonda, jay.lay, skyscrape, greenfrog, more

Upz Today: Harvest (+5 to 1620)

Upz Next:

Anyone keen to exchange?? :D
5 humble points to be given out...

Post Expired: Priority will be given
Goldrabbit / saas / artie / *scape

To Up List:
No Queue!!!

Oct 15
Harvest / Informer / johnkim / biggorilla / vampangel / wohaha96 / Supervert / Prince7 / ShaolinHamster
Sep 15
badboys / Furby85 / jay.lay / lifeduo / HayDay / Acegik / clinton / hamsapkwai / Javabeans / Andrew101 / Sleepyguy2 / mantaray73 / CoCk shoCk / johnboy / Lemon2 / pervy sage
Aug 15
Wu Song Jr / grey82 / Slide2Despair / kp338 / wittyman / Sexy_lion / HonestCrook / manu_07 / joHnnyBoy90 / bunty / anotherlife / Reya / DevilChan78 / volcano / MMKing / Botakhead2 / wally888 / Spicy98 / Cash8877
Jul 15
apple77 / Slyer / powerkid / MarlboroKen / YangAoG / guess67 / S.B.Y.1 / dysfunk / Treemon99 / hairy_abalone / JoySeeker / Tho66 / FunnyHippo / plsfloodme / Baigonggong / mePoke / NastyThaiboy / NorthEast / starbuck / watssupp
Jun 15
BulleYe / owl888 / conquer / Intltuk / TanWM / Yakuza / snowcap / crackpod / beautyhunter / ah rat / El bistro / jonnn / simple2kee / kiko / JJmagic / Coldblood99 / waikeekee / oldslywolf / Feetlover
May 15
bbbjkim / HornyYoungBoy07 / dyelook / smoky7 / tuyet / surbana / bababoo / justhorny / skyscrape / sc slayer / Woei / fafafa123 / Kuan Aik Hong / Goalie / SureScore / Cafu / hardone / WOOHOO / siam66 / fdomme / kristoa7 / 胡's your daddy! / curiousSG / Tundrawolf / sunhuan-con / FatSpider / SimplyUnperfect
Apr 15
Ho-Lee / Pink2577 / ebonkie / ctchua / Kingsle / Scombridae / President / igor123 / 002nabe / Sen5eS / madpig88 / cignobilis / bk4ever / NaughtynSensual / macktamer / ngengheng / Mplover / blueboat / Bukit Mewah / DarthRevan / Rasta Marley / Clownteaser
Mar 15
Justanewbie / Koiz / sailsingapore / Truthful / voltaredonda / ProjectAlice / PPGirl / Simifly / PeaceKris / Tingtonglove / szczesny / oxeso / formula1 / Hurricane88

18-10-2015, 09:52 PM
+6 beanies :)

Exchange of points welcome.

18-10-2015, 10:12 PM

18-10-2015, 10:28 PM
11 points to 900

Anyone wanna exchange :)

hit ur target liao

18-10-2015, 11:54 PM
Up 3 humble points :D

Favor returned.

Thanks bro.

Uplist: coldblood99 (post expired)

Any points welcum to trade.

18-10-2015, 11:58 PM
7 up for you to exchange.

Bro, Juz upped u with 10 points. Cheers.

19-10-2015, 12:12 AM
Hi Bros & Sis out there, I'm definitely welcome anyone with at least 2-Power Points who can help to up my points. Pls state your SBF nick in the "Comment" column so as I can in return up back your points. Pls also ensure that your latest posting is less than 48-hours old. Thanks. :)

Awaiting next in-line for me to up their points.

List of bros whom I need him to pm me his latest posting so as I can in return up his points. Thanks. :)
norice, bad^boi, virtualman, raiderxp, Rams75, wan25w, AVSPOP, Nemesis_v, shawnanderson, indignant, Driftmaster, gouflook, spatbrain, snowcap, happyguy801, howck001, elth, Sal1234, mariosuper, Honestkeith, Flinger(?), B-52, skyleon, iceboy29125, tanner132, sing-a-poo, dom1976, Aceyfox, BC77

Thanks to all the bros who upped me

Please be patient while I up you bros.

Will definitely up you in time!

Done list:
jy8987, VoltaRedonda, owl888, loneyheart, hairy_abalone, lazuka, Jimfairy, justfuckit, Hurricane88, SureScore, PeaceKris, Swagelock, mplover, JJmagic, madpig88, macktamer,venussg, Slyer, Justanewbie, Scombridae, cignobilis, Clownteaser, Koiz, cash8877, President, szczesny, 002nabe, xxjasonxx, formula1, DarthRevan, vrossi1980, guess67, SimplyUnperfect, ctchua, DrPussy, tnuc111, bulleye, mePoke, fdomme, woohoo, Sailsingapore, JoySeeker, saas, marlboroken, S.B.Y.1, dysfunk, Sexy_lion, Baigonggong, Kingsle, wittyman, clinton, Prince7, fatspider, Reya, Tho66

List to up in order of those who up me:
cheehongkia (No fresh post)
Saltyraw (No fresh post)
tundrawolf (No fresh post)
anotherlife (No fresh post)
lovecim (No fresh post)
ipay4six (No fresh post)
kristoa7 (No fresh post)
KohOnly21 (No fresh post)
igor123 (No fresh post)
mmking (No fresh post)
snowcap (No fresh post)
Rasta Marley
El bistro
胡's your daddy
Wu song jr
CoCk shoCk

19-10-2015, 02:10 AM
Hi bro tomyumgong ... just delivered the fruits combo to you ... thank you for waiting ... cheers !!!

Fruits Combo For Exchange
( 10 durians + some mangoes + some longans )

http://imgur.com/Ez52SS3.jpg + http://imgur.com/qxM145p.jpg + http://imgur.com/rRGTVQr.jpg

All are welcome

Next stop ... AceAmando ... 20/10

Delivery List > Xiaolapo ... Abbie mayo ... meatvegelove ... SilentMan ... ArowanaBullet ... ???

Post expired / PM sent .... scandiacus ... please PM me if you have make a new post

19-10-2015, 03:41 AM
Clinton ups +8 cheers

points return.....:p

19-10-2015, 05:26 AM
my uplist is empty

please trade

19-10-2015, 05:51 AM
+6 return to u bro

juz return upz you with 12 points bro

19-10-2015, 06:13 AM
power 4 for exchange. Anybody?
Happy Monday. Thanks for your generous up. Greatly appreciated. :) Have a nice week.

19-10-2015, 06:16 AM
Welcome bros who wanna exchange but min 7 & above only.

19-10-2015, 06:28 AM
Hi Bros & Sis out there, I'm definitely welcome anyone with at least 2-Power Points who can help to up my points. Pls state your SBF nick in the "Comment" column so as I can in return up back your points. Pls also ensure that your latest posting is less than 48-hours old. Thanks. :)

Awaiting next in-line for me to up their points.

List of bros whom I need him to pm me his latest posting so as I can in return up his points. Thanks. :)
norice, bad^boi, virtualman, raiderxp, Rams75, wan25w, AVSPOP, Nemesis_v, shawnanderson, indignant, Driftmaster, gouflook, spatbrain, snowcap, happyguy801, howck001, elth, Sal1234, mariosuper, Honestkeith, Flinger(?), B-52, skyleon, iceboy29125, tanner132, sing-a-poo, Aceyfox, BC77

19-10-2015, 06:34 AM
Good day kind soul, those who up my point will return you soon...
Do kindly up my humble point.....


Just up u :)

19-10-2015, 07:06 AM
juz return upz you with 12 points bro

My humble points added for exchange.

19-10-2015, 08:43 AM
My humble points added for exchange.

+7 returned.. :D

19-10-2015, 08:46 AM
Today: Up to Bro Brother

Returning on a daily basis (PM sent to these 2 persons requesting for new posting but no replies.)

PrinceWilliam (Post is expired)
xlao (Post is expired)


owl888 (Up before, unable to return)
ArthurPatricia (Post expired)
joannelee (Post expired)

U7899 (Can't find you - System says no such nickname :confused:)

For those keen to exchange points, minimum Power +4

Kindly PM me if I have missed anyone who had up me but I think all are on my list though :D

19-10-2015, 08:47 AM
Trade points? (min 4-pts for exchange).

Updated uplist:


No new post - matterhorn, devil11, saltasalta, tuyet, Conquer, kimemma

Owl888 (need to spread some rep pts)
222nge (need to spread some rep pts)
Wally888 (need to spread some rep pts)
Justl00king (need to spread some rep pts)

19-10-2015, 08:59 AM
Good morning, 7 points for exchange

19-10-2015, 08:59 AM
7 return to you bro. Thank you.

16 good deeds done :D

19-10-2015, 09:10 AM
I just up you 12 roaring points for exchange!

Thank You!

Hello bro, I upped your points for exhange, thank you! :cool:

19-10-2015, 09:12 AM
My uplist now empty.. All welcome to exchange :p

19-10-2015, 09:36 AM
Exchange of points welcome. Min power of 6 .

For those who upped me please leave your nick. No nick how to return ? Thank you .

Left to right

To be upped : ( empty )

Upped : b00bs ; ctchua ; izaaat ; happy88 ; wally888 ; <<totally>> ; KhunVi ; tualampar ; bk81665 ; howl ; memorablez ; dcrusader ; reading ; rayzz ; Teekoleong ; epiphany01 ; Funkygoodboy ; koebshaq0_0 ; lookingaround

New post needed : tcc11 ; siegheart

Need to spread some reputation around before I can up ___________ again .

19-10-2015, 09:38 AM
Anyone keen to exchange
Good morning. Up my humble pts. Thanks. :) Wishing all a nice week.

19-10-2015, 09:57 AM

Be helpful and kind to one another – that is really great.

In this way, everyone benefits and appreciates.


Pervy Sage
19-10-2015, 11:01 AM
Aiming for 3000pts to get power 8

For bros with 7pts & above pls pm me and state clearly if you prefer a return of 8 pts

19-10-2015, 11:16 AM
empty upz list

8 points for fast trade

19-10-2015, 12:31 PM
Anyone want to exchange with my humble 2 point ? ( NB : u need to have at least a power 1 to trade )

19-10-2015, 12:59 PM
Good day kind soul, those who up my point will return you soon...
Do kindly up my humble point.....


Upzzz you BRO MILF_LOL : Cheers from Sailsingapore !!


19-10-2015, 01:01 PM
Exchange Bro, up you my humble 4 points.

Have a great weekend!

Have a good week.. 7 points returned..

All exchange welcome :p

19-10-2015, 01:01 PM
[QUOTE=HornyYoungBoy07;13719218]Trade points? (min 4-pts for exchange).
Here's 5 to you, young horny boy


19-10-2015, 01:29 PM
All points exchange welcome.. :D

19-10-2015, 01:48 PM
my uplist is empty

please trade

19-10-2015, 02:55 PM
All points exchange welcome.. :D

Just upped you.

Minimum 7 points to exchange. No queue.

19-10-2015, 03:08 PM
Pending Up§ in Queue§ (Left To Right)
Young Hero/SeanSky/CherryPickle/mobliepod/hardone/InnocentStar/Mandin/RenaCross/SirRumble/BrillantKnight/ShiningGlory/Rasta Marley/howgoodisthat/lifeduo/sexrookie

Young Hero/SeanSky/CherryPickle/mobliepod/hardone/InnocentStar/Mandin/RenaCross/SirRumble/BrillantKnight/ShiningGlory/Rasta Marley/howgoodisthat/lifeduo

Returned up today - > surbana

min 8 power to trade
power 20 and above bros can cut que

19-10-2015, 03:25 PM
Trade points? (min 4-pts for exchange).
Here's 5 to you, young horny boy


Just upped you for exchange.

Minimum 3 points to exchange.

19-10-2015, 03:51 PM
Have a good week.. 7 points returned..

All exchange welcome :p

+6 for you bro

19-10-2015, 04:57 PM
All exchange welcome

Shoot To Target
19-10-2015, 05:12 PM
Just upped you.

Minimum 7 points to exchange. No queue.

Just add 7 to you for exchange.

19-10-2015, 05:35 PM
Exchange of points welcome. Min power of 6 .

For those who upped me please leave your nick. No nick how to return ? Thank you .

Left to right

To be upped : ( empty )

Upped : b00bs ; ctchua ; izaaat ; happy88 ; wally888 ; <<totally>> ; KhunVi ; tualampar ; bk81665 ; howl ; memorablez ; dcrusader ; reading ; rayzz ; Teekoleong ; epiphany01 ; Funkygoodboy ; koebshaq0_0 ; lookingaround

New post needed : tcc11 ; siegheart

Need to spread some reputation around before I can up ___________ again .

19-10-2015, 05:42 PM
Exchange of points welcome. Min power of 6 .

For those who upped me please leave your nick. No nick how to return ? Thank you .

Left to right

To be upped : ( empty )

Upped : b00bs ; ctchua ; izaaat ; happy88 ; wally888 ; <<totally>> ; KhunVi ; tualampar ; bk81665 ; howl ; memorablez ; dcrusader ; reading ; rayzz ; Teekoleong ; epiphany01 ; Funkygoodboy ; koebshaq0_0 ; lookingaround

New post needed : tcc11 ; siegheart

Need to spread some reputation around before I can up ___________ again .

7 up for u...

19-10-2015, 05:43 PM
Looking to exchange points. Min 5 points.

19-10-2015, 05:46 PM
10 points for exchange. Minimum 4 points please.

19-10-2015, 06:16 PM
Anyone want to exchange with a 3 pointer?

There is no queue currently

For those who dun mind to exchange, please do rem to leave ur nick behind.

Up will be return daily. Thanks!:)


To UP list: NIL

Pending New Post: Ken1234

Already UP list: mePoke, Koiz, guess67, PeaceKris, dysfunk, Botakhead2, ClownTeaser, Javabeans, kopigaogao, NaughtynSensual, TwinTowers, ProjectAlice, Cignobilis, PPGirl, Pompous, 69sex, sanuuk, 002nabe, Pink2577, BMW69, Prince7, xtr3, Treemon99, kiko, Scombridae, macktamer, Saltyraw, WOOHOO, YangAog, HayDay, SimplyUnperfect, apple77, oxeso, Lemon2, hornyhubby, Truthful, Acegik, FavorOne, Spicy98, black84, siam66, sexylanjiao, conly, bunty, TanWM, humhum, Charcoalfilter, shiokshiokrelax, SnowLeopards, JustANewbie, vampangel, Sleepyguy2, Pervy Sage, snowcap, Botakhead, BK4ever, Babarella, HunnyCame888, Gem08, foxyapple, MPLover, Happyman007, austin69, ah rat, Jiaobin, Supervert, hayhay1, launua2, JJMagic, roamario, heiyaoguai, PeroPero, El Bistro, Spector69, FishingPartner, 99099, hoian, kp338, VRossi1980, chaku, andrew101, NastyThaiboy, happy88, wally888, slyer, NZKiwi, BallsOfFire, Kingsle, conquer, szczesny, Steventan, johnkim, is not enuff, Reya, Informer, Dom1976, AhSoonNo1, Brother3, Mastodonman, 3MOQ, smoky7

19-10-2015, 06:36 PM
My uplist now empty.. All welcome to exchange :p

Jus upped u +8

19-10-2015, 07:51 PM
Please trade with me.

Hi Bro, returned you 4 points.

Thank you

19-10-2015, 07:57 PM
Hi Everyone

5 points to be given away daily, please feel free to up my points too :D

All are welcomed! :)

19-10-2015, 08:25 PM

19-10-2015, 08:37 PM
7 points to up daily.

Uplist - 1

All welcome to exchange.

19-10-2015, 09:33 PM
Fruits Combo For Exchange
( 10 durians + some mangoes + some longans )

http://imgur.com/Ez52SS3.jpg + http://imgur.com/qxM145p.jpg + http://imgur.com/rRGTVQr.jpg

All are welcome

Next stop ... AceAmando ... 20/10

Delivery List > Xiaolapo ... Abbie mayo ... meatvegelove ... SilentMan ... ArowanaBullet ... ???

Post expired / PM sent .... scandiacus ... please PM me if you have make a new post

19-10-2015, 10:02 PM
[QUOTE=HornyYoungBoy07;13719218]Trade points? (min 4-pts for exchange).
Here's 5 to you, young horny boy


Just sent you 3 burgers

19-10-2015, 10:12 PM
Just add 7 to you for exchange.

up u 6 :)
any bro wana trade???

Rasta Marley
19-10-2015, 10:13 PM
Just add 7 to you for exchange.

Hi Bro Shoot To Target, I have just added 12 Litres of Sexual Fluids into your fuel "tank" :D

19-10-2015, 10:21 PM
13+ to up daily.

Exchange for min power of 5 & above. Priority Q for min power of 10 & above.

Only ONE in up list queue now (that need fresh post).

Please remember to PM me after up and I will return fast :)

19-10-2015, 11:12 PM
Upz Today: topcook1 (+5 to 4654)

Upz Next:

Anyone keen to exchange?? :D
5 humble points to be given out...

Post Expired: Priority will be given
Goldrabbit / saas / artie / *scape

To Up List:
No Queue!!!

Oct 15
topcook1 / Harvest / Informer / johnkim / biggorilla / vampangel / wohaha96 / Supervert / Prince7 / ShaolinHamster
Sep 15
badboys / Furby85 / jay.lay / lifeduo / HayDay / Acegik / clinton / hamsapkwai / Javabeans / Andrew101 / Sleepyguy2 / mantaray73 / CoCk shoCk / johnboy / Lemon2 / pervy sage
Aug 15
Wu Song Jr / grey82 / Slide2Despair / kp338 / wittyman / Sexy_lion / HonestCrook / manu_07 / joHnnyBoy90 / bunty / anotherlife / Reya / DevilChan78 / volcano / MMKing / Botakhead2 / wally888 / Spicy98 / Cash8877
Jul 15
apple77 / Slyer / powerkid / MarlboroKen / YangAoG / guess67 / S.B.Y.1 / dysfunk / Treemon99 / hairy_abalone / JoySeeker / Tho66 / FunnyHippo / plsfloodme / Baigonggong / mePoke / NastyThaiboy / NorthEast / starbuck / watssupp
Jun 15
BulleYe / owl888 / conquer / Intltuk / TanWM / Yakuza / snowcap / crackpod / beautyhunter / ah rat / El bistro / jonnn / simple2kee / kiko / JJmagic / Coldblood99 / waikeekee / oldslywolf / Feetlover
May 15
bbbjkim / HornyYoungBoy07 / dyelook / smoky7 / tuyet / surbana / bababoo / justhorny / skyscrape / sc slayer / Woei / fafafa123 / Kuan Aik Hong / Goalie / SureScore / Cafu / hardone / WOOHOO / siam66 / fdomme / kristoa7 / 胡's your daddy! / curiousSG / Tundrawolf / sunhuan-con / FatSpider / SimplyUnperfect
Apr 15
Ho-Lee / Pink2577 / ebonkie / ctchua / Kingsle / Scombridae / President / igor123 / 002nabe / Sen5eS / madpig88 / cignobilis / bk4ever / NaughtynSensual / macktamer / ngengheng / Mplover / blueboat / Bukit Mewah / DarthRevan / Rasta Marley / Clownteaser
Mar 15
Justanewbie / Koiz / sailsingapore / Truthful / voltaredonda / ProjectAlice / PPGirl / Simifly / PeaceKris / Tingtonglove / szczesny / oxeso / formula1 / Hurricane88

19-10-2015, 11:31 PM
Upz Today: topcook1 (+5 to 4654)

Upz Next:

Anyone keen to exchange?? :D
5 humble points to be given out...

Post Expired: Priority will be given
Goldrabbit / saas / artie / *scape

To Up List:
No Queue!!!

Oct 15
topcook1 / Harvest / Informer / johnkim / biggorilla / vampangel / wohaha96 / Supervert / Prince7 / ShaolinHamster
Sep 15
badboys / Furby85 / jay.lay / lifeduo / HayDay / Acegik / clinton / hamsapkwai / Javabeans / Andrew101 / Sleepyguy2 / mantaray73 / CoCk shoCk / johnboy / Lemon2 / pervy sage
Aug 15
Wu Song Jr / grey82 / Slide2Despair / kp338 / wittyman / Sexy_lion / HonestCrook / manu_07 / joHnnyBoy90 / bunty / anotherlife / Reya / DevilChan78 / volcano / MMKing / Botakhead2 / wally888 / Spicy98 / Cash8877
Jul 15
apple77 / Slyer / powerkid / MarlboroKen / YangAoG / guess67 / S.B.Y.1 / dysfunk / Treemon99 / hairy_abalone / JoySeeker / Tho66 / FunnyHippo / plsfloodme / Baigonggong / mePoke / NastyThaiboy / NorthEast / starbuck / watssupp
Jun 15
BulleYe / owl888 / conquer / Intltuk / TanWM / Yakuza / snowcap / crackpod / beautyhunter / ah rat / El bistro / jonnn / simple2kee / kiko / JJmagic / Coldblood99 / waikeekee / oldslywolf / Feetlover
May 15
bbbjkim / HornyYoungBoy07 / dyelook / smoky7 / tuyet / surbana / bababoo / justhorny / skyscrape / sc slayer / Woei / fafafa123 / Kuan Aik Hong / Goalie / SureScore / Cafu / hardone / WOOHOO / siam66 / fdomme / kristoa7 / 胡's your daddy! / curiousSG / Tundrawolf / sunhuan-con / FatSpider / SimplyUnperfect
Apr 15
Ho-Lee / Pink2577 / ebonkie / ctchua / Kingsle / Scombridae / President / igor123 / 002nabe / Sen5eS / madpig88 / cignobilis / bk4ever / NaughtynSensual / macktamer / ngengheng / Mplover / blueboat / Bukit Mewah / DarthRevan / Rasta Marley / Clownteaser
Mar 15
Justanewbie / Koiz / sailsingapore / Truthful / voltaredonda / ProjectAlice / PPGirl / Simifly / PeaceKris / Tingtonglove / szczesny / oxeso / formula1 / Hurricane88

Return u 14....

19-10-2015, 11:42 PM
for exchange.

Have up your points bro. cheers....

20-10-2015, 12:12 AM
List cleared! For bros who dont mind my 4 apple seeds pls up for me. Leave ur nick behind. I will return the help. Thx bros! :D

20-10-2015, 12:28 AM
7 up for u...

Bro, Juz upped u with 10 points. Cheers.

20-10-2015, 01:41 AM
Desire to INCREASE your Rep Points level?
Desire to INCREASE your Rep Points level?
Desire to INCREASE your Rep Points level?
Desire to INCREASE your Rep Points level?
Desire to INCREASE your Rep Points level?
Desire to INCREASE your Rep Points level?
Desire to INCREASE your Rep Points level?

I m READY to provide you wiz
48 points (on Normal Request) Upz or 83 points (on Special Request) Upz.. :p

Just click "agree" to add rep pts to my postings & await for good returns.. Act Now! Don't Wait!

PM me if Special request svc is required for those who are positive status wiz no power level & minimum 10 postings
(subjected to registered accounts from yr 2001 to 2006)

P/S:Those who recommend suitable accounts will also be rewarded. Those who have pro-actively upz me, pls pm me to return ur kindness.

20-10-2015, 02:12 AM
Hi bro AceAmando ... just delivered the fruits combo to you ... thank you for waiting ... cheers !!!

Fruits Combo For Exchange
( 10 durians + some mangoes + some longans )

http://imgur.com/Ez52SS3.jpg + http://imgur.com/qxM145p.jpg + http://imgur.com/rRGTVQr.jpg

All are welcome

Next stop ... Xiaolapo ... 21/10

Delivery List > Abbie mayo ... meatvegelove ... SilentMan ... ArowanaBullet ... ???

Post expired / PM sent .... scandiacus ... please PM me if you have make a new post

20-10-2015, 03:43 AM
my uplist is empty

please trade

20-10-2015, 06:18 AM
Welcome bros who wanna exchange but min 7 & above only.

20-10-2015, 06:54 AM
Thanks bro & sis.

Had just returned (utmost last bro/sis) and upped points for:-
Foxyapple, NorthEast, 胡's your daddy!, Swagelock, ShaolinHamster, Waikeekee, dyelook, Goalie, SureScore, Hurricane88, SimplyUnperfect, Tingtonglove, kristoa7, jayboy, S.B.Y.1, Kingsle, Clownteaser, dysfunk, koiz, PeaceKris, Rasta Marley, Szczesny, wu song jr, bunty, Pink2577, snowcap, DarthRevan, jjmagic, woohoo, prince7, spicy98, Tho66, Sexy_lion, clinton, ctchua, PPGirl, wittyman, powerkid, bk4ever, johnnyboy90, nastythaiboy, Sailsingapore, iphone1s, lonebonker, mplover

Next in queue:-
vrossi1980, voltaredonda, oldslywolf, wally888, cash8877, baigonggong, HonestCrook, ho-lee, manu_no7, esssinine, fisheye84, ProjectAlice, truthful, Steventan

Priority given as no latest post to up and missed turns:-
saas, chaosdc, songest

Priority list bros & sis, kindly send me a PM to alert me you have a latest post for me to upzz your rep.

Bro and sis who had upped my points but I missed out your name, kindly drop me a PM pls. Thanks for the exchange.

20-10-2015, 07:07 AM
Just add 7 to you for exchange.

My humble points added for exchange.

20-10-2015, 08:08 AM
Gd Morning all.

20-10-2015, 08:32 AM
Welcome bros who wanna exchange but min 10 & above only.

20-10-2015, 08:49 AM
Hi Bros & Sis out there, I'm definitely welcome anyone with at least 2-Power Points who can help to up my points. Pls state your SBF nick in the "Comment" column so as I can in return up back your points. Pls also ensure that your latest posting is less than 48-hours old. Thanks. :)

Awaiting next in-line for me to up their points.

List of bros whom I need him to pm me his latest posting so as I can in return up his points. Thanks. :)
norice, bad^boi, virtualman, raiderxp, Rams75, wan25w, AVSPOP, Nemesis_v, shawnanderson, indignant, Driftmaster, gouflook, spatbrain, snowcap, happyguy801, howck001, elth, Sal1234, mariosuper, Honestkeith, Flinger(?), B-52, skyleon, iceboy29125, tanner132, sing-a-poo, Aceyfox, BC77

20-10-2015, 08:58 AM
Trade points? (min 4-pts for exchange).

Updated uplist:


No new post - matterhorn, devil11, saltasalta, tuyet, Conquer, kimemma

Owl888 (need to spread some rep pts)
222nge (need to spread some rep pts)
Wally888 (need to spread some rep pts)
Justl00king (need to spread some rep pts)

20-10-2015, 09:00 AM
Good morning, 7 points for trade :D

20-10-2015, 09:01 AM

Be helpful and kind to one another – that is really great.

In this way, everyone benefits and appreciates.


20-10-2015, 09:04 AM
empty upz list

8 points for fast trade
Favor returned.
Thanks bro.

Uplist: coldblood99 (post expired)

Any pointers r welcum to trade.

20-10-2015, 09:17 AM
Return u 14....
Please leave your Nick if you Up me so I can return your support!!Cheers mate!!!Minimum 4 points for exchange

Next to be up back in return :Nil

My humble +4 for exchange.

20-10-2015, 09:45 AM
Exchange of points welcome. Min power of 6 .

For those who upped me please leave your nick. No nick how to return ? Thank you .

Left to right

To be upped : ( empty )

Upped : phua2908 ; b00bs ; ctchua ; izaaat ; happy88 ; wally888 ; <<totally>> ; KhunVi ; tualampar ; bk81665 ; howl ; memorablez ; dcrusader ; reading ; rayzz ; Teekoleong

New post needed : tcc11 ; siegheart

Need to spread some reputation around before I can up ___________ again .

20-10-2015, 10:04 AM
Today: Returned up to Bro discordpiggy

Returning on a daily basis (PM sent to these 2 persons requesting for new posting but no replies.)

PrinceWilliam (Post is expired)
xlao (Post is expired)


owl888 (Up before, unable to return)
ArthurPatricia (Post expired)
joannelee (Post expired)
Big Sister80

U7899 (Can't find you - System says no such nickname :confused:)

For those keen to exchange points, minimum Power +4

Kindly PM me if I have missed anyone who had up me but I think all are on my list though :D

20-10-2015, 10:18 AM


Balance return list:

slut (Post expired)
saas (Post expired)
ReelSchnick (Post expired)
Wu Song Jr

Please PM me if I have left your name out? Thank you :)

20-10-2015, 10:22 AM
Jus upped u +8

Points returned.. My uplist cleared.. All exchange welcome

20-10-2015, 10:27 AM
my uplist is empty

please trade

20-10-2015, 10:41 AM
Anyone interested to exchange points with me too? Will return your kind gesture in the same manner. Kinly lieave your nick behind. Thanks :)

20-10-2015, 11:47 AM
up for exchange brothers

20-10-2015, 12:40 PM
+7 kukus given.. :p
Happy New Week.. :D
Good afternoon. Many thanks for your generous kukus. Most grateful. :) Have a nice week too.

20-10-2015, 12:48 PM
Still hungry after lunch ??? ... maybe my Fruits Combo can help ... kekeke

Fruits Combo For Exchange
( 10 durians + some mangoes + some longans )

http://imgur.com/Ez52SS3.jpg + http://imgur.com/qxM145p.jpg + http://imgur.com/rRGTVQr.jpg

All are welcome

Next stop ... Scandiacus ... 21/10

Delivery List > Xiaolaopo ... Abbie mayo ... meatvegelove ... SilentMan ... ArowanaBullet ... howgoodisthat ... ???

Post expired / PM sent .... empty ... please PM me if you have make a new post

20-10-2015, 01:04 PM
+6 for you bro

+7 returned.. :p