View Full Version : Guilt is eating me up

24-11-2005, 10:52 PM
I have protect sex(bj/fj) with an FL 2 months ago. Last month went for test(GP, should be the latests test method) turns out negetive. Do i need to go for another test next month? Or Am i just thinking "toooooooooo" much after tons of research of HIV on the net. "I WANT TO QUIT"!

25-11-2005, 12:56 AM
It is understood that the incubation for HIV and other viruses such as genital herpes can be as long as 6 mths. If it is bacterial related diseases such as syphillis, it would have shown up quite early.

If it bothers you, go for another test another 4 mths time. Tests do not cost much money anyway.

25-11-2005, 12:31 PM
It is understood that the incubation for HIV and other viruses such as genital herpes can be as long as 6 mths. If it is bacterial related diseases such as syphillis, it would have shown up quite early.

If it bothers you, go for another test another 4 mths time. Tests do not cost much money anyway.

I think for HIV, the window period has been reduced to 1-3 mths according to the AFA counsellors. 3 mths can confirm the results. But then for the other viruses, the incubation are longer, like Bro Jpimp has mentioned.

25-11-2005, 01:41 PM

You went the right way and had protected sex (BJ and FJ). That means you have put yourself at minimal risk. I am sure if you ask any HIV educator, they would have told you, you need not go for a test. However, if the only way you can allay your fears is to go for a test, then go ahead. If you are willing to wait, then your GP can do, otherwise, a quick way is to go for the AfA test. Results are out in about 15 mins. Details of the time and venue are in my signature. Another thing is not to research too much, or else sooner or later, you will experience some symptom and deduce it to be HIV related. Go an expert and let them assess your risk. Best of luck!

26-11-2005, 11:40 PM
I think i need some mental couselling too. have been losing weight(1.5kg)

27-11-2005, 10:25 AM
I think i need some mental couselling too. have been losing weight(1.5kg)

Bro! sometimes, if u tink too much, u will lose weight. Dun worry too much. Life has to go on. :)

Ur protected BJ n FJ is confirm safe. If there is no leakage in the condom, then u need not fret over it. If u r doing raw then thats a different thing bro.

It is ok to have sex. Thats y there are legal WL in GL. They are regularly monitored by DSC. So if u stick to GL WL, n with protected FJ n BJ, u shd be fine. It is normal to have paid sex for singles, u noe sometimes we do have urges.

27-11-2005, 11:51 AM
Thx bro Sorin, you can go be a counselor liao lol. i think after i take my test next month i will feel ok liao thx.

27-11-2005, 12:03 PM
Bro FL_Noob,
Don't be too worried. The odds are going to be you will test negative. Protective sex puts you at minimal risk, that's why i wonder why so many people want to risk it all. Tsk..tsk. Anyway, let us know how the results go ok?

27-11-2005, 12:05 PM
"I WANT TO QUIT"!U must have good resistance to tempation. I have been wanting to quite for ages but now stop quiting. Damn, they are quite addictive .......

27-11-2005, 12:33 PM
Thx bro Sorin, you can go be a counselor liao lol. i think after i take my test next month i will feel ok liao thx.

Bro, i not counsellor standard lah. Haha, i myself also cannot tahan the temptation leh. Have to rely on counsellors to help me too.


27-11-2005, 11:41 PM
I hope bros who want to quit can quit successfully. Give some spare throughs to the person who cares about you. Cherish them quit taking risk.

28-11-2005, 12:09 AM
btw bros "minimal risk" means 1/1000 next to 0??

28-11-2005, 01:05 AM
btw bros "minimal risk" means 1/1000 next to 0??

Hi FL Noob, i have 2 qns for you..

qn.1 -Do you have a steady GF and She is getting it on a regular basis? if so, is that the main reason why you are so paranoid? If so,

qn.2 - I do agree with the other Bros about your status, One bonk, Tested -Ve and assuming you stayed clean during the period from your first bonk and now, you are very safe...

It's Psychological, you are now feeling the guilt of a "socially Unacceptable" act, which "punishes" you for you "naughty" behaviour.
First step to this is to take a few deep breaths and counter the negative thoughts....

Make up your mind on whether you wanna Screw around, or put your limits to just HJ, Etc...

So when you "happen" to enter a HC, TN or any other possible fuk joint, you will b mentally prepared and not caught up in this predictiment again.

Also another good sign for you....

Just imagine, if you capped and kenna HIV, STD or Aids.. then probably the whole world also kenna... Who will be safe? they didnt invent that product for nothing...

HIV transmits thru bloud or fulids... unless you did not disclosed you ate your Cunt on the first round with you have sores .....

Anyway,you Fuked Smart on the first round and you should keep it that way, so you would have to worry and the other bros wouldnt be worried for you..


28-11-2005, 01:15 AM
i understand the feeling u sitting at home, feeling helpless..

ur chance of aids is non existant, even if u have unprotected sex ur percent is like 2%? and that is if your partner has AIDS, so end up is like tio toto like that kind of odds. With a condom, u are safe so dont worry.

u might as well worry about being knocked down by car if you are worrying about this!

28-11-2005, 10:17 AM
qn.1 -Do you have a steady GF and She is getting it on a regular basis? if so, is that the main reason why you are so paranoid? If so,

No bro i don't have a gf, i am still single. The main reason is that i have a family that cares about me alot. I went to try cause i am single and lonely, then now feeling regret about it, cause if anything happen the ones who suffer most is not me, it will be my family who cares about me.

qn.2 - I do agree with the other Bros about your status, One bonk, Tested -Ve and assuming you stayed clean during the period from your first bonk and now, you are very safe...

I am too paranoid to go for another bonk, i think this feeling will at least last for years.

i understand the feeling u sitting at home, feeling helpless..

Bro currently now i am wait for my ns enlistment letter. I am really "Sitting at home, feeling helpless.."

28-11-2005, 06:49 PM
maybe you are not used, just like first day go pri sch nervous, its physcological u are safe, anyway take it easy

28-11-2005, 06:59 PM
btw i have HSV type 1 outbreak 2 times after 1 month from the session but then i have that virus since i was like 14 years old(not yet to have any expose). i wonder will the virus of HSV increase it's load when another person infect you again.

29-11-2005, 07:16 PM
OMG i just heard from the news on radio saying all 31 province in china have people infected with HIV and by year 2010 it will be around 10 million(If i remember correctly) people in china infected. May a cure be found. RAW is WAR(learn from other bros here).

29-11-2005, 10:55 PM
OMG i just heard from the news on radio saying all 31 province in china have people infected with HIV and by year 2010 it will be around 10 million(If i remember correctly) people in china infected. May a cure be found. RAW is WAR(learn from other bros here).

I believe the real number will be much much much higher. China is known to cover up disease stats (remember the SARS fiasco?). Added to that the stigma and the lack of testing sites/equipment, that number could easily be 100 million.

30-11-2005, 07:11 PM
I just have a similar problem with FL_NOB...guilt feeling...and paranoid...
I did "cunnilingus" with the worker last week.


Should I go for the HIV test?

01-12-2005, 12:05 PM
It is better to go to allay the fears. 1 - 3 months period, 1 first month take once then 3rd month take once.

01-12-2005, 01:00 PM
It is better to go to allay the fears. 1 - 3 months period, 1 first month take once then 3rd month take once.

Where did u go for the test? Is the test safe? How much the cost?

01-12-2005, 01:24 PM
I just have a similar problem with FL_NOB...guilt feeling...and paranoid...
I did "cunnilingus" with the worker last week.
Should I go for the HIV test?
The risk from cunnilingus is the same as oral sex, ie low risk. As mentioned by Bro FL_Noob, you can go for a baseline test at 1 month and a conclusive test at 3 months.

01-12-2005, 05:04 PM
I just have a similar problem with FL_NOB...guilt feeling...and paranoid...
I did "cunnilingus" with the worker last week.


Should I go for the HIV test?

OMGzzz... Pls dont go down on the worker... better check whether you had any sores in your mouth... (aka, slammed my toothbrush in my gums causing it to bleed...) the "Goodies" can easily enter through the new source...
so Bcareful...

there are some tips for those Hardcore Cunt eaters... use [plastic cover] LOL...

Anyway, OPt for a HJ.... haha, bros just wanna have fun rite... the Ejeculate is the same... how you preceive is the best part... the mind works wonders...


if you are not prepared to Kenna Aids or HIV or any other STD, pls.... Stay away from FJ.... GO for Titty Massage MAX>...


01-12-2005, 06:54 PM
OMGzzz... Pls dont go down on the worker... better check whether you had any sores in your mouth... (aka, slammed my toothbrush in my gums causing it to bleed...) the "Goodies" can easily enter through the new source...
so Bcareful...

there are some tips for those Hardcore Cunt eaters... use [plastic cover] LOL...

Anyway, OPt for a HJ.... haha, bros just wanna have fun rite... the Ejeculate is the same... how you preceive is the best part... the mind works wonders...


if you are not prepared to Kenna Aids or HIV or any other STD, pls.... Stay away from FJ.... GO for Titty Massage MAX>...


Yes, that thing I should not do. :(
So, if there is no any sores or bleeding, how the virus come to inside the body or blood nerves? through the throat?
Does the listerine help to kill the virus? I washed my mouth by Listerine when I came back home.

01-12-2005, 09:43 PM
if you are not prepared to Kenna Aids or HIV or any other STD, pls.... Stay away from FJ.... GO for Titty Massage MAX>...

Most of us here i believe don't think about that when we see a stunning FL or WL. After session then regret. I promise this will be my last and ever bonk with FL or WL until they found a cure for HIV.

01-12-2005, 09:58 PM
Most of us here i believe don't think about that when we see a stunning FL or WL. After session then regret. I promise this will be my last and ever bonk with FL or WL until they found a cure for HIV.

Bro! same...tot it will be last bonk...but in the end boh leh, still cunt control. Hope can quit also...

HJ n Boob job shd be ok.

01-12-2005, 10:40 PM
find a good porn site and start downloading then wank life away.

02-12-2005, 12:54 AM
hi guys.. any chances of being infected by just petting ? eg. touching all over the body

02-12-2005, 10:17 AM
Yes, that thing I should not do. :(
So, if there is no any sores or bleeding, how the virus come to inside the body or blood nerves? through the throat?
Does the listerine help to kill the virus? I washed my mouth by Listerine when I came back home.

The virus cannot enter the body through the alimentary canal (digestive system) so if you swallowed the virus, unless there is a cut or sores in your mouth or throat the virus cannot enter. It will be digested in the stomach. Stuff like Listerine kill bacteria not viruses, so its pretty useless to rinse with that. Oral sex has low risk for HIV virus but is a mode of transmission for other germs like gonorrhea or syphillis or herpes so do be careful henceforth.

For HIV you can get tested at the anonymous testing clinic at DSC on Tue/Wed between 6:30 and 8 and on Sat between 1:30 and 3:30. Testing is best done about 1-3 months from exposure and is very reliable. Results are known in 20 minutes and is very reliable.

There is currently no anonymous testing site for other STD's.

Actually if you can't resist having oral sex, try to get a dental dam (I don't know if this is available in Singapore). This is a barrier between the vagina and the mouth. You can make your own at a pinch, by snipping a condom down the length and holding it against the girl's pussy. Use plenty of water based lubricant if you don't fancy the taste of latex! :)

02-12-2005, 10:45 AM
no unless there is open wound.

02-12-2005, 02:11 PM
hmm.. can i be infected with anything by just touching her boobs and doing a boob fuck ? eg. herpes ?? (cuz i understand that it can be transmitted through skin to skin contact) .. pardon me for being such a noob..

02-12-2005, 04:12 PM
Herpes, yes if there is a herpes sore and you shove your d**k there.

02-12-2005, 04:25 PM
sigh.. even herpes attacks the boobs?? so do u guys recommend me going down to check the wls out?? i mean .. i just wanna have a touch of their boobs that's all ..

02-12-2005, 04:52 PM
hi guys.. any chances of being infected by just petting ? eg. touching all over the body
Bro, there is NO RISK at all from petting.

02-12-2005, 06:19 PM
no unless there is open wound.

Can u explain more detail about open wound by example?
How about thrush?
If the gum or teeth is sore/hurt but not bleeding when I touch it/push it by tounge, is it included?

Thank u

03-12-2005, 12:25 AM
counting down the days for check up (18)

03-12-2005, 01:10 AM
I just have a similar problem with FL_NOB...guilt feeling...and paranoid...
I did "cunnilingus" with the worker last week.


Should I go for the HIV test?

u CANNOT get hiv from cunnilingus....but u still can get other hiv. but curable

03-12-2005, 01:14 AM
Yes, that thing I should not do. :(
So, if there is no any sores or bleeding, how the virus come to inside the body or blood nerves? through the throat?
Does the listerine help to kill the virus? I washed my mouth by Listerine when I came back home.

listerine does help kill bad breathe, seriously give yourself a break, listerine doesnt work...

03-12-2005, 11:05 AM
u CANNOT get hiv from cunnilingus....but u still can get other hiv. but curable
What is other hiv?

03-12-2005, 09:51 PM
Bro, there is NO RISK at all from petting.

u mean not even herpes if i were to touch a 'herpes-infected breasts' (if there's such a thing at all) ??

03-12-2005, 10:52 PM
u mean not even herpes if i were to touch a 'herpes-infected breasts' (if there's such a thing at all) ??

Bro, genital herpes are only on the genitals. There shdnt be any infected breasts. Only if its transmitted from her vagina to the prick. Another type of herpes is from the mouth to the prick, which is only one sore on the prick usually. The former herpes will see quite a few sores on the prick. Hence, never have bbbj or raw. However, the unprotected part of the prick will be exposed to the virus.

As for warts, i tink it is ano-genital, meaning it can be passed from hands to the genitals.(Pls correct me if im wrong) Errm like when the hand touches the genitals and then to the genitals. Read bout this in DSC website but then i tink it is rare case.

03-12-2005, 11:49 PM
[QUOTE=Sorin^^]Bro, genital herpes are only on the genitals. There shdnt be any infected breasts. Only if its transmitted from her vagina to the prick. Another type of herpes is from the mouth to the prick, which is only one sore on the prick usually. The former herpes will see quite a few sores on the prick. Hence, never have bbbj or raw. However, the unprotected part of the prick will be exposed to the virus.QUOTE]

hi guys, can anyone confirm bro sorin's statement?? cuz i'm a breasts person and i really wanna indulge in a great 'breasts session' without any fear of herpes or any other virus.. pardon my 'noob-ness'..

03-12-2005, 11:55 PM
[QUOTE=Sorin^^]Bro, genital herpes are only on the genitals. There shdnt be any infected breasts. Only if its transmitted from her vagina to the prick. Another type of herpes is from the mouth to the prick, which is only one sore on the prick usually. The former herpes will see quite a few sores on the prick. Hence, never have bbbj or raw. However, the unprotected part of the prick will be exposed to the virus.QUOTE]

hi guys, can anyone confirm bro sorin's statement?? cuz i'm a breasts person and i really wanna indulge in a great 'breasts session' without any fear of herpes or any other virus.. pardon my 'noob-ness'..

Bro, u muz go check this website http://www.dsc-sexualhealth.com.sg

Mutual masturbation is not a risk for HIV, so boob fuck shd be ok?

There is risk in paid sex.

But the risks i guess most of the bros here are too overwhelmed with, hence wd like to quit the scene like Bro Daneman n i etc.

Paid sex is ok to go for. But must practise safe sex. Raw is War.

Just a 2 cent of my comment.


04-12-2005, 12:51 AM
well being a newbie, i'm not going there for sex yet.. just wanna try out a handjob and a boob fuck before i move on further next time.. and havving noted that there isnt any risks involved, i guess there isnt any reason for me to hold back now .. (or is there? ).. anyway, one last qns.. is there any chance of getting infected by any virus when i'm bathing with her ?

04-12-2005, 01:44 AM
Theory says no wound + protected = nearly + very close to safe.

04-12-2005, 01:49 AM
thebody site's Dr Bob says protected is "almost"(minimal till non exisitance) no risk at all.

04-12-2005, 07:06 PM
I wonder how come i am still worrying since Dr Bob says "minimal till non existance". Haiz hope all this will be over soon.

04-12-2005, 11:48 PM
gee.. does it mean yr advice cannot be trusted??

05-12-2005, 11:07 AM
I think i am just feeling guilty over it.

05-12-2005, 11:23 AM
hi all i had sex with a FL 4 days ago had protected Bj with 1 condom then went inside her for about 15 to 20 seconds with 2 condoms but decided not to have sex, should i be worried about getting hiv?? cant slp at nite cos i keep thinking about it, wat if there's leakage? wat if the condom tear that i don know off. wat if wat if

05-12-2005, 08:25 PM
hi all i had sex with a FL 4 days ago had protected Bj with 1 condom then went inside her for about 15 to 20 seconds with 2 condoms but decided not to have sex, should i be worried about getting hiv?? cant slp at nite cos i keep thinking about it, wat if there's leakage? wat if the condom tear that i don know off. wat if wat if

Bro, capped bj shd be fine. But u put 2 condoms during fj in 15-20s? Did u see if there is a leakage? was there any tear in the condoms after the fj? If no, and if there is no exhange of semen or vaginal fluid, then u r safe. Stop worrying bro... U got it right by having cappes sex n bj. But then, best is not to wear 2 condoms during the fj as this may cause friction and may cause the condoms to tear. But then, in ur case, 15-20 sec is quite short. If there is no visible tear of the condoms, u shd be ok, IMHO.

05-12-2005, 08:36 PM
For God's sake pls don't wear 2 condum and think it will be safer. Wearing 2 condum increases the risk of condum tearing.

05-12-2005, 09:20 PM
if condom tear is it very obvious? cos i didnt notice any tear cos went inside her for a short then i think better nt to have sex

06-12-2005, 12:50 AM
hi all i had sex with a FL 4 days ago had protected Bj with 1 condom then went inside her for about 15 to 20 seconds with 2 condoms but decided not to have sex, should i be worried about getting hiv?? cant slp at nite cos i keep thinking about it, wat if there's leakage? wat if the condom tear that i don know off. wat if wat if

In this case, having more does mean safer. By using more condoms, this increases the friction between the latex surface, and with frequent motion, the “excess heat” generated may just tear the condom(s). To play safe, use one and always use water-based lubricant (like K-Y Jelly).

There are many “what-ifs” in life, but do remember, life still must continue, no matter what. Be strong, play safe and go for regular testing.

06-12-2005, 01:16 AM
In this case, having more does mean safer.

In correction of the previous posting, it should read “In this case, using more condoms DOES NOT necessarily mean that it will be safer.”

For more questions, do drop us an email at [email protected].

08-12-2005, 08:45 PM
i surf a website question on hiv cases.( dsc clinic)

Question: You mention to many worried about HIV infection to get a blood draw 1 month after exposure. I'm curious what % of people would show up positive at the one month point. Thanks.

For the HIV test, 95% of those tested will show up positive in the 1st month.

hope it is helpful to all brother

11-12-2005, 01:19 AM
I am still considering whether to go for another test on the 3 rd month which is like 9 days time. Then I quit. Any advise bros?

11-12-2005, 08:54 AM
I am still considering whether to go for another test on the 3 rd month which is like 9 days time. Then I quit. Any advise bros?

Should be "Any ADVICE brothers?".

"Advise" is a verb.

11-12-2005, 11:20 AM
Opps, Thanks boss for correcting me. :D

11-12-2005, 11:31 AM
Bro FL_Noob,
Looking at you took the test at the 10th week, the probability of you testing negative in about 2 weeks time is quite high. Go ahead and have the test. I would say you would very likely collect a negative result.

15-12-2005, 12:05 AM
Counting down 6 days to the 3rd month. Does it matter to take it just a few days earlier?

15-12-2005, 08:48 PM
I think i will look at it as a double comfirmation of killing the 5% chance of the 95% negative for the first month then will not feel so stress.

20-12-2005, 09:26 AM
Yesterday i took my test with GP, the doctor say people check around 4-6 months, I hear liao very sian, bros here all say 1-3 months enough liao, since encounter is protected. I guess the GP is outdated.

21-12-2005, 09:51 PM
Yesterday i took my test with GP, the doctor say people check around 4-6 months, I hear liao very sian, bros here all say 1-3 months enough liao, since encounter is protected. I guess the GP is outdated.

3 months is the maximum window period for 3rd generation and above ELISA tests. This is largely due to the increase of the sensitivity of the test to pick up small amounts of HIV Antibodies.

WHO and most health organizations around the world have been following the 3 month mark for quite sometime. Only in cases with high risks, would an additional test atthe six month mark be warranted. So there's nothing to worry about, especially since you had a low risk encounter.

Stay Welll; Stay Safe!

21-12-2005, 10:37 PM
What done is done. So try not to worry bout it bro FL Noob.
Everyone first time do this kind also worry one.
I think soon u'll get over it and wanna bonk again (accept do it more cautiously)

anyway i just have some other noob question also :P

1) normally if the girl have STD or other virus (not +++ing about aids here)
if they ignore it, will it go away on it's own after some time ? If yes, how long is needed before it cure on it's own.

2) we've +++ about the chances of getting aids by licking cunts. and we know
that that's higher chances of getting non-aids virus by doing it(am i right?).
But ... what is the percentage of getting virus like STD (again, not +++ing
aides here) BY LICKING CUNT or kissing. is it like 20% ? 10 ? or what ..

thanks !

21-12-2005, 11:14 PM
my results are out, negative yay!! Time to quit. Happy bonking bros thx for the advices. :D

22-12-2005, 01:53 PM
my results are out, negative yay!! Time to quit. Happy bonking bros thx for the advices. :D

Should be.. ".. thanks for all the ADVICE".

"Advice" is a non countable noun so you don't add an "s".

22-12-2005, 02:48 PM
How common for some of us to react in such manner after the bonking. It would be crazy if you starts worrying after each bonking session. Look here, get the facts about what is protected sex all about. It's plain simple sense. Follow the below rules:

a.Wear a CONDOM for blow job and fuck job
b.don't lick cunt...it does not taste good...lick you own palm and you know what i mean...
c.don't insert finger into cunt and taste pussy juice in your mouth...believe me, its not finger licking good
d. don't try anal sex...believe me its tough to insert and the condom breaks easily..the gal also don't enjoy it except maybe a urge to shit...and anal sex has the highest risk for STDs transmission, especially the deadly HIV.
e. Condom DON'T offer protection for genital areas not covered by it...what you can do is apply a antiseptic cream at your exposed genital area before sex...after sex, wash up thoroughly with soap and reapply antiseptic cream...but no gurantee...the cream will prevent possible bacterial infection and some STDs are viral infection, not bacterial.
f. Use a branded condom and one that fits Asian size...Durex. Okamoto are battle tested and reliable.
f. Best practice? Abstain from sex and PCC but how many can do it? So stick to the above!
g. Lastly, for any reason, if you have whitish, yellowish discharge, unusual growth on genital, penis, rashes, pain on urination, sudden fever that will not go away despite taking panadol...please, please see a doctor at DSC...don't waste time reading sammyboy or other website for clues on signs and symptoms...more you read, more crazy you will go...

I am saying this from experience because I used to be on the brink of mental collapse but I have seen light at the end of the tunnel...so sepnt a minute to read my post...yes, I still bonk but with caution...very much caution...not sure about gal's background? don't bonk...drunk and want to realsie your sex fantasy...don't! you will surely regret!surprisingly WLs whether GL or HC have minimal infection rate to clients as they are professional as well as knowledgable about safe sex...

22-12-2005, 06:00 PM
my results are out, negative yay!! Time to quit. Happy bonking bros thx for the advices. :D

haha u so scare finally can relax

22-12-2005, 09:50 PM
Congrats Bro! You've finally cleared the 18th gate of hell! :D
Nothing beats the feeling of being declared NEGATIVE! :rolleyes:

Stay Safe; Stay Well!

22-12-2005, 10:57 PM
Congrats :)
good to hear that FL Noob

23-12-2005, 01:37 AM
DT3305 u gave very sensible advice. A brother in need is a brother indeed.

24-12-2005, 02:47 PM
yeah actually come to think of it now
the most economical way is to just wank off in front of my PC
after u pop, the urge is gone.

25-12-2005, 12:14 AM

25-12-2005, 12:18 AM

26-12-2005, 06:25 PM
I just save $136 yesterday...actually wanted to go BHC...but could not think of any target....manage to convince myself not to go...end up PCC watching my fav Jap VCD...after that, look at my wallet and smile....keke...

28-12-2005, 09:06 PM
I don't need to check up anymore liao hor?

30-05-2006, 01:22 PM
hi bros,

I am a newbie here and just wanna share my experience.

My fren brought me to a HC and I had my first encounter with a HC gal and had protected BJ & FJ. She had capped me with CD throughout the BJ session which was enjoyable. The FJ session was short but after withdrawal, the CD slipped off and ended up in her vagina. :eek:

Have been reading the threads and growing quite worried if I am at any risk here... :confused: any bros please advise. thanks!