View Full Version : I was diagnoised with GONORRHOEA

28-11-2005, 04:07 PM
I was given a jab, and some anit-biotics. Me still feel very upset about it. Any bros can share their experience?

Any implications havin it?


28-11-2005, 04:35 PM
You will still few pain when urinating for the next couple of days. The pain is like your cock is on fire and after that you will recover.

Next time remember to wear a raincoat!

Take care!

Big Sexy
28-11-2005, 05:11 PM
read here


post 17 to 19. :)

28-11-2005, 05:13 PM
I was given a jab, and some anit-biotics. Me still feel very upset about it. Any bros can share their experience?

Any implications havin it?


You will be well after finished some cocktails + injections within 14 days.

29-11-2005, 10:23 AM
Always wears a condom...you are lucky you got gonorrhoea only and it is curable...if at spur of moment and you dont have a condom...then use HJ...dont do it and regret and worry later...

29-11-2005, 02:09 PM
I was given a jab, and some anit-biotics. Me still feel very upset about it. Any bros can share their experience?

Any implications havin it?

mind sharing where you suspect you got it from...for the benefit of the other bros..

The GL Stalker
29-11-2005, 06:23 PM
Best bet would be from FL/s, plus higher odds from overseas. Bet the WL must be damn fucking chio with a killer bod, see already father mother son name forget, possibly also bluff you she still virgin or you must be damn bloody drunk then kenna raped.

Usually gonorr comes comes with chlamydia nowadays. If doctor fucked up you may need to visit again to get stronger anti-biotic medication for chlamydia. Count yourself lucky not with HIV. Otherwise honk gan already.

30-11-2005, 07:32 AM
I was given a jab, and some anit-biotics. Me still feel very upset about it. Any bros can share their experience?

Any implications havin it?


you might still be luckier than ppl like me. STD is curable (except AIDS lah), but like my didi got fungus and the doctor said it will be frustrating as normal STD could be cured in 2 weeks, but mine might irritate me for long time. So, take it easy. Be careful next time.

30-11-2005, 01:49 PM
I was at Afa last evening for my routine test. While waiting for my result, saw a young gal went into the room with counsellor to get her result. Next thing I heard was loud crying and screaming...and another 2 counsellor went into the room...didn't get to see the gal's face but felt sorry for her. Another 2 guys sitting near me also heard it and they appeared damn nervous...

my number was called...went into room and result is negative...counsellor tells me to be good boy and dont ever try unprotected sex...you sleep with one gal...you are sleeping with all the gems she gotten from all the men she slept with...great advice.

so no RAW please....you won't want to end up as another statistic...

30-11-2005, 02:20 PM
she got hiv?

30-11-2005, 02:39 PM
I guess you just have to feel sorry for the gal. There must be a reason she went for the test, maybe she had unprotected sex with her bf or some guy. I think in Singapore, we should be glad that we have an organisation such as AfA to conduct anoymous test otherwise i do not know how many of us will step up to test ourselves. I think the young gal will need all the counselling and help that she can get. We, as individuals should also behave as responsibly. Scientific research have shown that it is easier for the virus to transmit from male to female than female to male. When you go RAW, you not only endanger yourself but other people as well. Be responsible, if you are sexually active, go for a test routinely. It costs only $20 at AfA and results are available in 20 mins.

30-11-2005, 08:46 PM
It costs only $20 at AfA and results are available in 20 mins.
The law might be amended to allow the real anonymous test. The suggestion is to let the customer buy the test kit and do it by themselves.

Any way, somebody here has such kind of kit already. Maybe I will get one. At afa, your name will be recorded if positive if I am not wrong

30-11-2005, 09:12 PM
Any way, somebody here has such kind of kit already. Maybe I will get one. At afa, your name will be recorded if positive if I am not wrong

Dear Bro beck8,
At AfA, even if you are tested positive, your name will not be recorded. What they will do is to counsel you and ask you to seek a referral to CDC for treatment. If you do not grant permission for them to release your name, they will not do so. At DSC, polyclinics, hospitals or any GPs, however, if you are tested positive, they are compelled by law and directive to report you to MOH and CDC, even if you do not allow them to do so. The self test kit has not been launched yet, and if i am not wrong it is awaiting final clearance from MOH.

30-11-2005, 09:44 PM
Yah...so sad for this gal...last time i went to AFA too...saw a gal walked out weeping... i don't know why and what happened to her. It has been 2 yrs then.

To brothers who wana quit pls quit. I wana quit too but dunnoe can anot. Going down to AFA this sat. Any bros wana meet up?

01-12-2005, 01:46 AM
Dear Bro beck8,
At AfA, even if you are tested positive, your name will not be recorded. What they will do is to counsel you and ask you to seek a referral to CDC for treatment. If you do not grant permission for them to release your name, they will not do so. At DSC, polyclinics, hospitals or any GPs, however, if you are tested positive, they are compelled by law and directive to report you to MOH and CDC, even if you do not allow them to do so. The self test kit has not been launched yet, and if i am not wrong it is awaiting final clearance from MOH.
I don't trust them that my name will not be recorded. I will wait for a true anonymous test be fore I get tested. One that I don't have to give a name and I can call up for results by using a number given to me.

01-12-2005, 11:42 AM
I have been to Afa numerous time for the test and let me assured you, you only filled up a survey form. No name given. They just give you a number which is also your receipt number. The counsellor will never ask for your name. If you still dont believe, I can go down with you. PM me...

01-12-2005, 11:47 AM
she got hiv?

Needless to say dude...we are all there for HIV test, not pregnancy test...but just think of that moment of truth...what if? Her cry and hysterical screaming really hits me...i saw her back as she enters the room...dressing like goody 2 shoe type...typical OL...shudder to think how I will react if it is me...

01-12-2005, 12:04 PM
I was at Afa last evening for my routine test. While waiting for my result, saw a young gal went into the room with counsellor to get her result. Next thing I heard was loud crying and screaming...and another 2 counsellor went into the room...

so no RAW please....you won't want to end up as another statistic...
SAD to hear that... everytime I've been to AFA... always see a few ppl who looked way too decent to be there....and some r realli young.... sighzz...

was the gal local or overseas ?

Member of The League of ExTra HorNy GentleMEN

01-12-2005, 02:19 PM
It is a sad fact, more young people are getting infected with HIV. I read in ST today that according to one infectious disease specialist from CDC, she expects the amount of HIV+ people to increase as more youngsters start having sex earlier. Some of them are ignorant of the need for safer sex and thus get infected. I guess this episode also teaches us that HIV can infect anyone regardless of how you look or how young you are. The only way you can protect yourself is to have safer sex.

01-12-2005, 02:54 PM
seems like the HIV rate in singapore is indeed very high.

Me and my friends all seen people crying walking out before when we get tested.

If by posiblities speaking, at least 4 disgnoised per week?


01-12-2005, 08:10 PM
I am guessing that she is a local Chinese OL from the way she dressed. Looks like early 30s and wearing glasses..

nowadays I find more and more gals turning up at Afa for testing...especially younger ones....even saw a student couple still in uniform(ACS?) the last time and they were kissing and giggling while waiting...damn...dont they know how serious it is the situation? But when they came out saw both laughing away and walk out...damn...when will they learn? The gal was very pretty and sexy though...can see her tiny lacy blue bra through her thin uniform...tall and slim and very hiao...

01-12-2005, 08:49 PM
I guess they are afraid too but they are trying to act as if they very zai.

Sianz, going down to AFA this sat.

Today is World AIDS Day rite?

Good brother
02-12-2005, 01:53 AM
I guess they are afraid too but they are trying to act as if they very zai.

Sianz, going down to AFA this sat.

Today is World AIDS Day rite?
Bro Sorin my best wishes for u hope u r fine and healthy....:)

02-12-2005, 08:30 PM
Bro Sorin my best wishes for u hope u r fine and healthy....:)

Yup, thanx Bro...:)


03-12-2005, 10:25 AM
There were 2 to 3 hundreds new cases every year(and the number is growing). So divide them out....you get almost 1 case everyday!

11-12-2005, 04:21 PM
There were 2 to 3 hundreds new cases every year(and the number is growing). So divide them out....you get almost 1 case everyday!

that's only for detected cases.... i think many are still undetected and carrying the virus. beware.

12-12-2005, 10:05 AM
Yah, very scary there while waiting. I advice all bros to go for hiv test if not yet. Once you have been there, you will treasure your life more and will always wear a cap even when bonking from there on! :cool:

Bro, so do you mean that if someone 100% wear cap during causal sex need not go for the test ?

12-12-2005, 01:49 PM
A small fact, HIV virus is smaller then the sperm, we all know there is a chance to get a gal preg even if u wearing a raincoat, there is a higher chance of u getting HIV while doing with someone who is carrying the virus.

I read this info somewhere in magazine n discover ch.

What I meant to say is even if u know you protected yourself every time u enjoy yourself, it is advisable you get yourself check out at least once every few months :)

My 5cents worth of advise

12-12-2005, 01:58 PM
u get yourself check out at least once every few months :)

My 5cents worth of advise

Should be "My 5 cents worth of ADVICE".

"Advise" is a verb.

12-12-2005, 02:17 PM
Should be "My 5 cents worth of ADVICE".

"Advise" is a verb.

BOSS...long time no hear from you...how are you har? :D

12-12-2005, 03:04 PM
BOSS...long time no hear from you...how are you har? :D
you want -999 har? :cool:

12-12-2005, 09:07 PM
Finally, 2 weeks of suffering had ended and was given a green light at dsc todae~~~

12-12-2005, 10:16 PM
Dot dot dot, ok now we know boss really watch over, advise and advice also he point out :o

Since on this issue of check up liao, I will give u another reason why you should go for checkup every few months if you like to take adventure.

There is STD other then HIV/AIDS that affect places other then your little brother, they affect the base of your little brother where the raincoat doesn’t cover. In early stages u may not notice these STD that cause ulcers or inflammation.

If the next adventure u participate carries HIV/AIDS, the likelihood of u getting HIV/AIDS through this ulcers or inflammation is increase higher then infection through raincoat.

I try my best to explain and there is many more reason why u should go check yourself out regularly if you are the adventurous type. I hope my small facts can motivate you more to go check check :)

15-12-2005, 07:51 AM
Thanks bro daneman. I think I mistake DSC and AfA. So AfA is not a part of DSC even though they are in the same building. AfA mainly provides anonymous HIV test and the name/IC will not be required even with positive result. Is that correct? Thanks.

BTW, when doing STD test, whether DSC will release the info to insurance comany or whatever?

Dear Bro beck8,
At AfA, even if you are tested positive, your name will not be recorded. What they will do is to counsel you and ask you to seek a referral to CDC for treatment. If you do not grant permission for them to release your name, they will not do so. At DSC, polyclinics, hospitals or any GPs, however, if you are tested positive, they are compelled by law and directive to report you to MOH and CDC, even if you do not allow them to do so. The self test kit has not been launched yet, and if i am not wrong it is awaiting final clearance from MOH.