View Full Version : s3xcy. KL info and weekly ktv gathering
30-09-2014, 05:19 PM
As I get quite a few requests for info every week, I thought I might as well create a thread and put in certain infos that most people coming to kl may be interested in.
Also this thread will serve as annnoucement board for ktv outing that I am planing. Those who happen to be in kl can come and join if interested.
A brief description of myslef, 40ish, balding but young at heart.
I used to check forums like sammyboy n those from Malaysia but they tend to more focus on spas and freelancers etc. Myslef I like to have a drink, sing some songs n relax. Gals, well more for the company than outright sex.
I started inviting people to meet for drinks and from there organized weekly ktv outings. After a while the group got bigger and we began exploring any ktv that was recommnended. From there I started my own forum in Delphi.
Now more than a decade on, we still have weekly outings on Friday and adhoc ones as and when anyone needs a drink.
So if ur in kl and need a drink, we gladly include u in.
Usually our outings we tend to go for value for money so each session we try to cap exp to rm200. Unless its to a more,exp joint or its a small outing.
Gals is on ur own
30-09-2014, 05:23 PM
a clean full day spa for both genders.
for less than rm100 u can stay here for few hours to r3lax and unwind. eat and get a massage. tgere is gym and some games. movie room etc.
great place to go to kill time when in kl.
30-09-2014, 05:36 PM\thaiclubkl
thai club is a regular pub club in heart of suktan ismail. this place during weekdays frequented by office workers avoifing the rush gour trafic.
here u will find 70 plus viet gals that will accompany u for tips. some may even go out with u to party at ktv or even back for overbight.
best time to go is 7pm . before 8pm is super crazy hour where 2 towers is rm220. else 1 tower is rm130.
after happy hoursvone bucket of 5 bott is ard rm80.
gals will fly and accompany few tables. min tips is rm 50.
when u get here the gals will apprpaxh u. dun like what u see justvtell them u waiting for ur viet gf.
always get into the negoriations early on and tell them what u expect from them . if they willing then nego price. overnighters can be had for rm600. ifbthere is chenistry n ur lucky u can nego down.
most gals would like to get out of thai club by 11pm.
30-09-2014, 05:45 PM
best place to stay is in bkt bintang. most of the places u wanna check out wil be walking distance.
a rough idea how to get f4om one place to another is to use the monorail as ur compass.
I al2ays use times square as reference point.
places of interest nearby.
if ur standung in front of tim3s sq looking to tge building opposite. that is the berjaya sompo or berjaya general insurance buikding.
there is a 7 eleven and a starbucks on lower ground. here just behind tge outket is a ktv.
Himawari. has local gals and now even have package prcs.
go during happy hour as its more afoordable.
in the same building on 3 floor. tyere is crown ktv. just local gal but tge rooms ar3 not so nic3. and just 4 rooms have attached toilets.
her3 its cheap beer n gals fly whole night. but draw back is u may b3 left alon3 most of the night.
30-09-2014, 05:50 PM
behind berjaya insurance is tge famous plaza lowyat. tgis is kl s computer n handphone hypermarket. beside tgat will be Federal.hotel and royale bintang.
walk towards royale bintang and u will find the imfamous dodgy sun kompl3ks. here is a mid high end ktv with som3 nice prcs.
this is cherry blossom ktv. its on the basement level. this place will vurn a msll hole in ur pocket
30-09-2014, 05:52 PM
back to times sq. if u just follow tge monorail. u will r3ach sg wang or lot 10 station. at lot 10 if u walk away fr9m sg wang in the direct8on of tge new pavilion mall. u will reach fahrenheit 88. in tgis mall tyere is veilin ktv. again mid high end. local and prcs n viets.
30-09-2014, 05:55 PM
from sg wang monorail station. fillow it to the wisma gebting station. as u walk u can seee maybank on ur right and hsbc banj on ur l3ft.
inside hsbc bank. 10 floor is genesis spa. 11th floor is tge new livello10 ktv.
min 5 buckets of beer for emall room. cost 700
spabking new room and good sound system. u can b4ing thai club gals here to party. cheaper tagt way.
gals here few tgat butterfly. rest are package. 3 hrs at rm 476
30-09-2014, 05:58 PM
from sg wang statiin to wisma gebting station. u will reach a big traffic junction. at this junctiin if u turn left and walk a few blo ks down u will r3ach wisma mpl.
5gis is where E2 spa is . same mgmt as saboon.
there is a high end ktv her3. club 3. locals
30-09-2014, 06:00 PM
if ur standing infront of wisma mpl. across tge road u will see a slopinv rd tgat lead to2ards shabgrila hotel.
just before shang. tge is menara pan global where Wawa Club ktv is. mid high end joint . local gals.
30-09-2014, 06:02 PM
wqlk towards shangrilla. at the traffic junction. on the right is wherr tgai club is. on tge left is concorde hotel where hard r9ck cafe is.
at concorde as u head away from tgai club. opp the junction is r3naissance hotel. tgis is where tye high end ktv demacau is
30-09-2014, 06:03 PM
opps failed to mrntion. behind fahrenheit 88 and starhill is tge famous high end ktv bintang palace.
30-09-2014, 06:06 PM
ok back to times sq. if ur facing out. turn right and into the small road . tgere is a building which houses alliance bank. tgis is where v3gas ktv is. high end . nowdays lots of prc
walk further doen u will.pass bougainvillea apt and tgen tge I famous saboon block.
saboon has spa and ktv.
if u travel.on budget. u can use tye spa and stay over 8n those cocoons type beds. just like in japan
saboon ktv. drink not very exp but u n33d to book gals a m8n 6 hrs at rm700 plus
30-09-2014, 07:01 PM
however. nowdays I seldom frequent ktvs with local gals.
I prefer tgose mid low end ktvs with viets but these joibtsvare usally not in the heart of town.
a few of these ktvs.
a. temptation menara pgrm cheras
b. meridian shamelin perkasa
c. meridian bdr puteri puchong or lulu as its formerly known.
d. gate g in connaught avenue.
e. F4 in mutiara kompleks jalan ipoh
f. Aventinus bdr menjalara
30-09-2014, 09:44 PM
Sifu sexcoure,
Btw aventinus and Meridien bdr puteri. Which is better?
Where is this meridien bdr puteri?
01-10-2014, 12:15 PM
aventinus used to be really good. viet gals in bikini etc. but nowdays srocks unsure. aventinus is above ambank in menjalara. good for tgose staying in bandar utama.
meridian bdr puteri is same area as citibank bdr puteri puchong.
same row as al radhji bank . two doors away from cha time.
merdian u need to pre book room to aviod dissapo8ntment.
small rooms u can get away by opening 3 happy hour paclage. gals if u select b4 7 or 8pm its rm 70 fly for 4 hrs. but after its rm100. tups seperate.
thisbplace u need atleast 4pax to share the fuxed cost as its qyite high. ard rm200 to open a room. plus the beer u xan average down to ard 170 to 180 perpax.
01-10-2014, 01:04 PM
for ktvs with prcs
most fuys will tend to go saboon ktv as there used to be quite a few pretty prcs there and the package includes bonk. recently the quality n quantity has dropped.
if u want complete paxkages. saboon runs a few ktv with package gals.
1. saboon ktv
overall the gal booking is for 6 to 8 hrs include bonk. rm 700 pkus.
2. rich city. wisma indah jalan tun razak
tgis is a proper ktv . diff type of gals available. package for 3 hrs. per huorvbook8ng etc
3. wonderland ktv . behind wisma shaw in pudu (just 3 mins fr9m saboon)
u can think tgis is a spa disguised as ktv. just go in get 3 buckets of beer. select a gal for 3 hrs. have fun bonk n go
if u want proper ktv with tgosevfreelance prcs that works tge circuits. tgese places are consider3d bight club and gals booking aline range from 600 to 1k just sitting table. some may overnight but that can start at 1.2k to 2k in total.
nearest to times sq will be vegas but not recommended.
cherry blossom in sun complex is good. also walking distance.
furama hotel behind times sq has a ktv at the basement. tgis also not too pricey.
deluxe is slightly higher price but I would rate a better probability to get some good gals. there is a mcd leading to the ktv. some prcs gals will wait there for customer to pivk up or for the mommybto call them for parade.
my top choice. cherry blossom then deluxe
there are few other ktvs like veilin . emico. etc.
emico will be good during happy hours. go there 6 to 9pm select prc on butterfly. if ur happy then extend for the night. prcs here are resident gals. quality not many syts.
surprisingly places like seremban has a good population of prcs gals. if u drive to kl. can consider spending abight in ser3mban. cheap beer. galss on fly up to 11pm for tips. gals maybe tgise small town gals from china but the fun is getting 2 or more gals per guy in tge room. cheap thrill.
seremban also has a nice spabkibg clean high end ktv called modern stage. beer per crate at 3 to 400. adter 9 booking rm 60 per hour. its beside tge hotel at terminal 2.
01-10-2014, 01:07 PM
guys. b3st way to contact me is use my email. cause I may not xheck the board's. email I get notification on my phone.
[email protected]
provide me ur wechat id . we can communicate tgru tgat.
its good when ur in town and need adhoc infos
01-10-2014, 01:42 PM
a clean full day spa for both genders.
for less than rm100 u can stay here for few hours to r3lax and unwind. eat and get a massage. tgere is gym and some games. movie room etc.
great place to go to kill time when in kl.
mix changing and shower ? and any "job" offered ...if not fuck off .! You are in the wrong fucking so hai !!!!
01-10-2014, 03:03 PM
some off the beaten path places.
if ur not that young and alone in kl. just looking for a sip of beer and company. here are s9me places u can check out.
1. mexico pub ktv
located behind jalan imbi (from times sq. walk toward vegas ktv to the sg wang junction. walk till u reach hong leong bank. turn right and walk toward the play grd. at the play grd u can see a tourist souvenir shop selling local delicacies . opp that is mexico. just look out for the neon lights. its on first floor . )
this place used to be pub to find retired local pub gals. now its like tgai club but in a dodgy setting. after all this place has been ard for 30 years. diff is. here u need to book the gals. at rm30 an hour. u can nego for st n longterm at fuji hotel opp this place.
good and cheap fun one bucket beer is rm70. min 5 buckets can get u a smalll room for privacy ra5ger than sing song. but rooms r alwayss full.
2. kampung ku beer garden
tgere is 2 outl3ts. here serve prcs only and most r just soso with few gems. beer slightly more exp 1 bucket 4 bott at rm 70.
first outlet is hard to find without a local.
second outlet is tge 2 storey shops near furama hotel in pudu.
tge first outlet has a main area like beer garden. then 2 indorr areas. on3 for sing song the otger like movie room.
just grab a prc and talk cock and see where it can lead on
02-10-2014, 11:25 AM
For Thai Gal lovers.
usually thai gal can only bee found in spas and not ktv. now however there is a trend for thai gals in flower hanging joints.
loads of these are springing up like mushrooms.
like in tgailand. there is performances bands shpws dance etc. gals has various categories. singers dancers cayote models etc. they all will make sure u have an awesome time. ur drinks will dissapper in a wink as gals are used to downing liquor straight from the bottles.
but ktv with thai gals in kl? u may get a small group of 4 to 5 in some ktvs butvseldom abwhole ktv dedicated to thai gal.
maze and meridian in puchong have the few odd thai gals and some smaller ktvs around kl. the inly one ktv thatvis dedicated to tgaibgals is poseiden in cheras. near caliber hotel.
if u knowbtgis website. then u will know thatvits associated with the famous sam of maluri and yes ckub and subaru.
yes also operated yes club in mount kiara and yes 2 at pgrm. bith very happening joints with tons of gals.
another famous joint in mt kiara is oss. scott garden pixie lux. heart of kl pixie mansion behind butter factory. and even the ex champion ktv in pudu has been turned into a thai flower joint called east.
pj sunway also has its fair share. the notable one being hot seat ckub in sunway.
most people would like to pick up these gals. u can buy all tge flowers and drinks u want but u may not end up with anything.
then there is thos3 super handsome smooth talker who has been n out of tgailand . these people will most likely be able to oick up the gals. however there is an unwortten rule in most clubs.
when the club closes. the mgmt have cars r3ady to semd them back. shud the gal wantvto go back on her own or her customer wanna send her. she must produce a receipt for a tiara to be let out of the club.
in short. u may just need to spend 300 to 500 on a bar fine ro get her to join u.
02-10-2014, 02:18 PM
oo just to add.
kuchai has got a few places with thai gals.
1. secret garden. where thai gals come in ard 9pm . here gals quality soso with one or two gems. like it here as can sing till 10pm and the gals are bot so pushy on drinks n flowers. just few flowers as tips will do
2. QQ
used to have quite pretty thai hals but recently quiey down.
3. titan
is ine huge warehouse near kfc turned into a guge club.
been raidef few times and recntly changed its name. hope tgings will be better.
02-10-2014, 02:25 PM
kepong side.
near the old odean cinema. now tai thong rest.
1. wong kok . as in the name of a place in hk.
here is another funny place where its all thai gals. just for tips n flowers. not very pushy too.
since mentioning here. there is another joint at the end of tgis row. pub cum ktv called ho chi minh. just recent chbaged bame to somerging 9. club 9?
here cheap viet gals to accompaby u. 9 to 3am just pay rm60 in bill for fly and extra tips to gal min 50.
beer 8 cans rm90. 5 pacakges get u a room . neeed pay exyra for fruits n mommy
03-10-2014, 05:51 PM
spas in kl.
most from sg will know saboon n e2.
some spas worth mentioning.
1. Genesis spa. 10 floor menara hsbc jln suktan simail.
2. federal hotel spa. once famous for serving ex miss malaysia contestant and high profile models
3. cititel spa at midvalley.
4. boulavard hotel spa at the gardens
5. crowne princess pj spa. local gals taht quiet outstanding.
6. skyriver at fahrenheot 88. used to have the best colectiin of prcs.
7. fuji spa at ex champion ktv.
8. maluri hotel sams. koreans russian prc etc
for tgose here on business wanting a clean spa with just a lil extra. the dorsett hotel has an exec spa . squekybclean image but u still can getva handjob.
if ur not sur3 if ur business partners in kl is a like minded person. u can bring him here to just guage his acceptance levels
kl do offer alot of bang n go places but I wont go into details here
04-10-2014, 02:28 PM
pj side.
mostly high mid joints
1. mercury
near rothmans rd avout. tgis has made a name for wild wild malay gals. dun expext too mny syts. but if its a gal who will do everytging to u then tgis is it.
2. crystal
just beside tropicana mall. used to have malays syts who are mild mannered n wild. tge infamous ktv gro tagt was killed used to work here. a high profile people was implicated vut found not gulity.
3. c3
same mgmt as mercury. lits of nl and nice set up. sit at loubge durg hh to view the gals. if u see soentgibg u like boom tgem for bight sessiin in room
4. empress in armada
used to have tons of prc and mobgollians. locals handful
5. president at atria.
high end exclusiv3 stuff. prcs n locals
04-10-2014, 02:42 PM
pj side some affordavle ktv
1. wild cats in seapark
a bit dodgy . mostly viets with small community of pinoy n locals. hh rm58 pkus for all u can drink beer. after 5 jugs ard 350
2. club 66 kota damansara near tune hotel
viets. decent sound system n room. beer is affordable.
3. aventinus dbr menjalara just after the bu tol on ldp
just above the ambank.
viets in bikinis. decent rooms n sound system
04-10-2014, 02:45 PM
subang n sunway
1. glitter in summit
r3ally exp but not worth the moeny
2. billion club in holiday villa the ex atlantis
renovated and local vals
smaller joints
1.usj 19 mall ktv
same mgm5 as meridian. tons of viet. but rooms maybe not up to mark.
2. infinity in sunway mentari
viet gals. a bit dodgy. not cheap
3. sunway butterfly
viets and has been ard for some 5ime. tend to have wilder type of viet gals.
08-10-2014, 11:56 AM
planned outing ruesday 14 oct.
either temptation pgrm orblivelli 10
depemds on how many people want to take ovrrbighters from thai club.
budget drinkn maximum 200.
9pm to 3am.
interested just email me
08-10-2014, 01:17 PM
idea behind tgis is to try and make it a value for money outing for all.
if all notvlooking to take overnight . then the obvious choice is temptation. tons of gals u can take on butterfly from 9 to 2am. afyer that u can book for 90 an hour.
xhepa beer and nice sound system. rooms r ok.
if overnight. at temp u can book gal for it . rate after 2am for 8 hrs is rm 700
so assume u take gal fly from 9 to 1am then book an extra hr to 2am then book overnightvfrom 2am to 10am. cost to u 90 plus 90 pkus 700 excluding tips. exp
if u get a gal from tgai club. total overnight is rm 600. and quality could be beyyer.
so why livello after thai club? u can walk frcthai club to livello in less than 10 mins. n livelli spanking new n affordable.
budget 200 for beer 150 for gal . 350.
Bro Sexcuore, you are the man once again. This thread is becoming a wikipedia of some sorts. I look forward to Oct 14th and don't mind trying out Livello (since its new). By the way just a note on one of your post, if I am not wrong butter factory has closed down. I can't remember the new club that has taken over but you are right with Pixie Mansion behind (formerly Neverland).
08-10-2014, 04:10 PM
question on getting to cititel spa.
cititel is in midvalley mall. obvious way to get there is by cab but if u wanna try u can get there using komuter trains. esp easy if u stay in sentral or ard pj or subang which is near a ktm komuter station.
once ur at midvalley u will exit at the north wing where jusco is. walk toward thevcenter court and rurn left. go down to groubd floor where coffee bean is. there is a small lane just beside coffe bean leading to cititel hotel. u will pass by a chinese rest.
just walk pass the lobby to teh lifts and pressb3rd floor.
get out and walk towards spa reception.
theybwill give u a locker key to keep valuables.
there is a eating area. just go there and the captain will look into ur needs. best. do find out which gal u wamna book. and book in advance. some hit gals will have their time fully book until late hrs.
u dun need to stay in hotel. just tell captain u want to use hitel room n pay extra.
some special gals dun parade. and tgey use hotel rooms only.
08-10-2014, 05:59 PM
Bro Sexcuore, you are the man once again. This thread is becoming a wikipedia of some sorts. I look forward to Oct 14th and don't mind trying out Livello (since its new). By the way just a note on one of your post, if I am not wrong butter factory has closed down. I can't remember the new club that has taken over but you are right with Pixie Mansion behind (formerly Neverland).
yea. I just remeber it being butter factory.
the new pixie mansion not really my cup of tea. I wasbsitting at the last sofa furtest away from stage. but the led board rays is really blinding. gal wise..... errrr..... haha. entertainmentvasbnot as good as oss.
09-10-2014, 10:59 PM
Bro, doyou have any info on the dmg for crystal and club66?
10-10-2014, 09:28 AM
Bro, doyou have any info on the dmg for crystal and club66?
club 66. is cheap beer. but to get a room tgere is min spent . if remember correctly 488 60 cans.
gals fly
crystal is local gal k5v. price like me4cury or c3. if wanna explor3 best just go during hh
13-10-2014, 07:33 PM
Bro, if u want go to enjoy at Diamond/Golden Pheonix at PGRM, near temptation & yes2.. Let me know.. Maybe we can meet there.. I always go there everyday.. Hehehe my wechat id : melratm
Cheers.. Fengtau fengtau... 😆
14-10-2014, 04:07 PM
thabks bro.
diamond pricey. rooms r good. sound system good. nvr tried to sing there tough. there is ground level room n upstairs rooms. gals tend to be more playful but selection not that many. have friend who goes diamond too. experienced leacing that place at noon time.
oh ya. there is a chinese 30s mommy in diamond. not bad looking haha
yes 2 . sure burn hole in pocket. it a nice n enjoyable place. I know some of the mgmt people. same group as subaru and sam.
added ur wechat
14-10-2014, 06:20 PM
Awesome bro these info are precious! Support support. I will be heading to Seremban for a wedding reception this Saturday. Will layover in KL on Sunday night. Will wechat ya to see any outing on that night or not. See ya soon bro..
15-10-2014, 06:35 PM
Awesome bro these info are precious! Support support. I will be heading to Seremban for a wedding reception this Saturday. Will layover in KL on Sunday night. Will wechat ya to see any outing on that night or not. See ya soon bro..
cool. seremban does have so.e nice kt to visit too. affordable.
cheap thrill . haha
20-10-2014, 11:12 AM
Awesome bro these info are precious! Support support. I will be heading to Seremban for a wedding reception this Saturday. Will layover in KL on Sunday night. Will wechat ya to see any outing on that night or not. See ya soon bro..
waited for u reply yestrrday. where u wnet??
27-10-2014, 01:02 AM
was stuck in seremban and failed to get back to kl..
can only join you end of the year..
27-10-2014, 11:51 AM
was stuck in seremban and failed to get back to kl..
can only join you end of the year..
ok. tge ktv qingren in tmn ast got raided few days ago.
more than 30 gals up police van.
30-10-2014, 01:49 PM
over the past weeks. met up with few group n individual fo4ummers.
tgese days the ktv goers t3nd to be really youngish haha.
but all know how to party n enjoy themselves.
anyways. if u guys in town just pop me an e mail.
next big outing planned for 14 nov fri if u guys in town.
over the past weeks. met up with few group n individual fo4ummers.
tgese days the ktv goers t3nd to be really youngish haha.
but all know how to party n enjoy themselves.
anyways. if u guys in town just pop me an e mail.
next big outing planned for 14 nov fri if u guys in town.
Either they are getting younger or we are getting older...hahaha
Pity can't make it for the 14 Nov but will be in town from 18th - 21st Nov. Let's try to arrange an outing on one of those days when I am in town too. Cheers buddy!
30-10-2014, 05:24 PM
Anyone around today? I am staying in hilton free Tonight and Tomorrow night.
30-10-2014, 06:03 PM
Either they are getting younger or we are getting older...hahaha
Pity can't make it for the 14 Nov but will be in town from 18th - 21st Nov. Let's try to arrange an outing on one of those days when I am in town too. Cheers buddy!
haha. no priblems. u k ow us. tues n fri out. orher days adhoc. can be 5 days in a row. haha
w ewait for u
30-10-2014, 06:05 PM
Anyone around today? I am staying in hilton free Tonight and Tomorrow night.
hilton. nothing nearby. have 5o take cab either to pj or kl.
today no planned acti iti3s la. tomorrpw shud have.
email me ur wechat.
[email protected]
31-10-2014, 12:10 AM
Ad d me I send you email le
haha. no priblems. u k ow us. tues n fri out. orher days adhoc. can be 5 days in a row. haha
w ewait for u
Yup, I know the routine already. Looking forward to it.
31-10-2014, 12:54 PM
Yo Bro Sexcuore! We are young at heart too! Haha
Yo bro jhua! My schedule not out yet but should be 3rd week of Nov. Can't wait to see you guys again!
Meanwhile have fun and enjoy!
Yo Bro Sexcuore! We are young at heart too! Haha
Yo bro jhua! My schedule not out yet but should be 3rd week of Nov. Can't wait to see you guys again!
Meanwhile have fun and enjoy!
Great timing! Should be able to catch up with you then.
31-10-2014, 06:01 PM
Yo Bro Sexcuore! We are young at heart too! Haha
Yo bro jhua! My schedule not out yet but should be 3rd week of Nov. Can't wait to see you guys again!
Meanwhile have fun and enjoy!
ur apple bong buddy is in to2n since yesterday. hahaha
31-10-2014, 06:12 PM
Hi ... just to add latest live field report on Saboon & Skyriver.
The current stock of Thai / Indon / Viet at Saboon is average in quality; only mei mei is still okay (got few 7/10). The one I took gave one dragon service for RM 238. The rest of nationalities is RM 188.
Skyriver currently have MM / Viet / Indon. Took one Indon ... tall with killer body. Damage RM 198. Super service this one.
31-10-2014, 07:25 PM
Oo...Bro I!!! Haha he is cool!
Will he be back on third week Nov too?
Bro Sexcuore! Please harvest for me..haha
01-11-2014, 03:31 PM
Hi ... just to add latest live field report on Saboon & Skyriver.
The current stock of Thai / Indon / Viet at Saboon is average in quality; only mei mei is still okay (got few 7/10). The one I took gave one dragon service for RM 238. The rest of nationalities is RM 188.
Skyriver currently have MM / Viet / Indon. Took one Indon ... tall with killer body. Damage RM 198. Super service this one.
thanks for the update.
ya saboon nowdays gal quality not as gopd as last t8me.
01-11-2014, 03:32 PM
Oo...Bro I!!! Haha he is cool!
Will he be back on third week Nov too?
Bro Sexcuore! Please harvest for me..haha
sure. we have quite a few people who has access. so its easier now. haha
01-11-2014, 03:34 PM
Ad d me I send you email le
nice outing yesterday. too bad u had to leave early. plan ur time well next rd. haha.
02-11-2014, 11:40 PM
hmmm.... bad news for thai club lovers. seems tgis place just been raided yet again. sigh
02-11-2014, 11:56 PM
Interesting thread. Support support.
Cheong with Bro Sexcuore the last time when I was in KL.
See you soon.
03-11-2014, 02:09 AM
Interesting thread. Support support.
Cheong with Bro Sexcuore the last time when I was in KL.
See you soon.
alwaya welcome..
03-11-2014, 08:15 PM
Hi bro sexcoure,
Any place to recommend if we want to go at lets say 12-5pm Happy Hour?
Prefer KTV, budget mid end
03-11-2014, 08:17 PM
Hi ... just to add latest live field report on Saboon & Skyriver.
The current stock of Thai / Indon / Viet at Saboon is average in quality; only mei mei is still okay (got few 7/10). The one I took gave one dragon service for RM 238. The rest of nationalities is RM 188.
Skyriver currently have MM / Viet / Indon. Took one Indon ... tall with killer body. Damage RM 198. Super service this one.
Hi bro, how is E2 now? u being to lately?
03-11-2014, 08:33 PM
Thanks for the info.
04-11-2014, 01:53 AM
Hey Bro,
New to KL looking for AUTHENTIC korean girls here as i will be staying here for 2-3 months any good recommendations or ktv to visit thanks
04-11-2014, 02:12 AM
Bro, new to KL club scene. Currently I'm at beach club at Ampang, saw Thai club at the junction of Jalan Perak. This is the thai club you talking about? And the building at the Thai club got some joint and any joint can recommend?
04-11-2014, 02:38 PM
Hi bro sexcoure,
Any place to recommend if we want to go at lets say 12-5pm Happy Hour?
Prefer KTV, budget mid end
most ktv open late. happyvhrs is usually 5pm onwards to 9.
mexico opens the earliest arx 2pm can go in but no gals. sit at pub n drink. just to be out of the afternoon sun.
am sure u N try saboo and ask them to arrange ope room after 2pm. but not cheap. gals must b9ok min 6 hrs
04-11-2014, 04:07 PM
Bro, new to KL club scene. Currently I'm at beach club at Ampang, saw Thai club at the junction of Jalan Perak. This is the thai club you talking about? And the building at the Thai club got some joint and any joint can recommend?
yes. tahts thai club. but too bad this place was raided couplr days ago. beside fgai club is a hotel. there is a small s0pa tgere.
07-11-2014, 06:05 PM
for tgose who are ko9king for a place to chill ard 3pm.
u can try secret garden in kuchai. opems early 10 big bitt 220.
gals viet come in ard 5pm. tgai after 9pm.
subday closed
09-11-2014, 02:15 PM
Hi bro, how is E2 now? u being to lately?
Hmm ... let see. The last time I been there is about three months back. Parade MM not so good. Think in term of relativity, Saboon & SR are better option.
10-11-2014, 09:58 AM
most ktv open late. happyvhrs is usually 5pm onwards to 9.
mexico opens the earliest arx 2pm can go in but no gals. sit at pub n drink. just to be out of the afternoon sun.
am sure u N try saboo and ask them to arrange ope room after 2pm. but not cheap. gals must b9ok min 6 hrs
Hi bro, thanks for the advice.
BTW, are you familiar with Port Dickson area? My friends are also heading there on Sat. Anything to recommend?
10-11-2014, 05:58 PM
Hi bro, thanks for the advice.
BTW, are you familiar with Port Dickson area? My friends are also heading there on Sat. Anything to recommend?
port dickson . no bro. seremban yes.
if u gungho enuff can try skyriver papaya farm. qyite a few ktv 8n tmm ast bbut now lesser gals due to immi raid. tge best one is modern stage. other include qingren . famois etc.
some in seremban two which are small but relatively new.
as for spa. mostly didgy ones.
13-11-2014, 07:40 PM
Tomorrow outingvin pgrm chreas.
anyone interested just email me ur contact.
14-11-2014, 12:58 PM
Saboon no good le? Damn long no go there (been just going massage in Kepong each time I come KL lately), but just arrived today and cos staying near Times Square today so thought go there while waiting to check in. Any other suggestions then?
14-11-2014, 03:41 PM
Saboon no good le? Damn long no go there (been just going massage in Kepong each time I come KL lately), but just arrived today and cos staying near Times Square today so thought go there while waiting to check in. Any other suggestions then?
spa. saboon damn good last time. now tgey r just like any other spa. so not to sya tgey r not gopd as tge rest.
try skyriver at the back of fahrenheit 88 or cititel in midvalley for a change
14-11-2014, 08:53 PM
Went Skyriver this afternoon. Chose a VN girl. Quite sweet and good gfe though not much on the boobs side. Sat there and had a very long chat with the captain after I was done, and saw one girl that was repeatedly being picked. Think cos of her pretty huge boobs (I don't quite know how to tell size, but that was pretty big la). Didn't get to choose her earlier though cos she was with someone else then. But quite a few not bad looking ones. But seeing how others were posting about giving tips, I guess that's one difference from Saboon? Unless I read wrongly and actually no need give.
15-11-2014, 06:38 PM
tips. some massage ladi3s and working ladies expect it cause rhey give better service or they r more knowlesgable.
but even if u dun give it ok. guwss if u want to see her and gope she will be happy to sew u. then tip lo
18-11-2014, 03:33 PM
a note to all bros look8ng to go for happy hour in local gal joibts.
do book and arrange with momny earlier so that tgey can get some of the top gals to go q9rk earlier. most preety or hot gals usually come laye and work sad hours only.
18-11-2014, 07:29 PM
also is u r going thai club.
go before 8. u can purxhase 2 towers foe 220.
and get in b4 9pm to aviod pating cover.
18-11-2014, 11:01 PM
Hi bros,
I'm from australia and will be in KL in January on holiday. I plan to see what the sex industry there is like and i've been doing some research. All countries have customs to themselves and something which is common in SEA is ktv and I'm not sure I understand it (I don't think there is such a thing here in aus).
From what I've read, it's a place where you can hire a karaoke room as well as some female company. You can all eat/drink and sing but sex is not included in the price, but you can negotiate it with the woman if you fancy it. Am I correct in my understanding here bros?
Thanks for helping a foreigner get the lay of the land
19-11-2014, 08:58 AM
Hi bros,
I'm from australia and will be in KL in January on holiday. I plan to see what the sex industry there is like and i've been doing some research. All countries have customs to themselves and something which is common in SEA is ktv and I'm not sure I understand it (I don't think there is such a thing here in aus).
From what I've read, it's a place where you can hire a karaoke room as well as some female company. You can all eat/drink and sing but sex is not included in the price, but you can negotiate it with the woman if you fancy it. Am I correct in my understanding here bros?
Thanks for helping a foreigner get the lay of the land
ktv is a custome originating for japan.
after sometime it evolved i to ktv for businessmen to entertain clients.
anyways ur right on tge theory of ktv. but when u actually get there its all a out what u wanna get out of it.
its like going to a strip club. ru going to sit there n watch the gal fromafar. or u wanna get i to the action.
for ktv. most of us use it for a kind of meeting of mates for drink. usualky a weekly th8ng. some come to release stress . some for tye gals. some just to dri k.
there r those wbo voes to ktv alone.
so depe ds on what u wanna get out of it.
21-11-2014, 04:14 PM
was talking to some guys the other day as we were passing bintang palace.
topic was on was u expect from a high end ktv that can set u back 10k a night just for 3 to 4 pax.
was it thats tgey have the most beautoful gals?
or the wildest gals ?
lavish settings or deco. exp drinks?
obviously all the avove is true but is that it?
any tots on tgis?
22-11-2014, 10:59 PM
Hi bro sexcuore. I will be in kl in December. Would love to join join u guys if there is an outing. U mentioned diamond is expensive. Whats the dmg like compared to other ktv around?
23-11-2014, 12:57 AM
Going KL 1st week Dec. Hopefully can find some time to meet up.
23-11-2014, 05:49 PM
I will be in KL for one night on Tuesday 25th, catching a flight the next day at noon. Any activities planned ?
24-11-2014, 12:34 PM
Hi bro sexcuore. I will be in kl in December. Would love to join join u guys if there is an outing. U mentioned diamond is expensive. Whats the dmg like compared to other ktv around?
diamond every 3 hrs they will ask u order more beer. per paxkage ard 200 plus. not inclusive of momny tips and fruits etc.
temptation just opp diamond lots cheaper n lots of gals
24-11-2014, 12:35 PM
Going KL 1st week Dec. Hopefully can find some time to meet up. ur we har or whats app
24-11-2014, 12:42 PM
I will be in KL for one night on Tuesday 25th, catching a flight the next day at noon. Any activities planned ?
usually tuesday n fridays yes.
just email me ur contacy n will confirm with u
24-11-2014, 08:39 PM
Greeting to all! Safe and sound home!
Thanks bro sexcuore for the arrangement!
Party at Lulu with you guys rocks!!!
Met up again with Bro A the dice king!
Bro K and young gangs of party goers(you know who you are!)
And bro sexcuore i super agreed we are getting old in age but hey still young in heart.
Too bad i can't be in KL for long but till the next time we will be miss! Also the rest of the bros there!
Stay in hype in vibes and enjoy life!!!
25-11-2014, 09:48 AM
Greeting to all! Safe and sound home!
Thanks bro sexcuore for the arrangement!
Party at Lulu with you guys rocks!!!
Met up again with Bro A the dice king!
Bro K and young gangs of party goers(you know who you are!)
And bro sexcuore i super agreed we are getting old in age but hey still young in heart.
Too bad i can't be in KL for long but till the next time we will be miss! Also the rest of the bros there!
Stay in hype in vibes and enjoy life!!!
haha. old is gold.
appreciate old caring types. haha
25-11-2014, 10:31 AM
Hi, just landed in Kl and will be here till Friday. Any ktv outings these few days or recommendations for bars to pick up girls ard klcc area?
25-11-2014, 10:37 AM
Maybe should come join you guys one day considering how I been coming up KL almost every week lately. But usually from Fri noon/evening to Sun night. Just sometimes longer.
25-11-2014, 11:19 AM
Bro Soblur, I do come up to KL once a month. In Friday night and out Sunday afternoon. Let's plan. I usually end up at BC alone. And depending on quality of the pho may or may not end up buying take away. Would like to check out other places with bros with similar objective. Any other bros keen?
25-11-2014, 02:04 PM
Hi, just landed in Kl and will be here till Friday. Any ktv outings these few days or recommendations for bars to pick up girls ard klcc area?
thai club at tg3 junction where hard rock and sha grila is.
tons of viet gals
25-11-2014, 02:05 PM
Maybe should come join you guys one day considering how I been coming up KL almost every week lately. But usually from Fri noon/evening to Sun night. Just sometimes longer.
w3ll no harm try8ng 4ight? haha
28-11-2014, 02:02 PM
So Bro s3cxy, what is the planning for Dec?
28-11-2014, 03:10 PM
So Bro s3cxy, what is the planning for Dec?
well we can just follow rhe bormal rourine or do a theme outibg if tgere is enuff takers.
30-11-2014, 02:59 PM
well we can just follow rhe bormal rourine or do a theme outibg if tgere is enuff takers.
Count two of us in .
30-11-2014, 07:24 PM
Went Skyriver this afternoon. Chose a VN girl. Quite sweet and good gfe though not much on the boobs side. Sat there and had a very long chat with the captain after I was done, and saw one girl that was repeatedly being picked. Think cos of her pretty huge boobs (I don't quite know how to tell size, but that was pretty big la). Didn't get to choose her earlier though cos she was with someone else then. But quite a few not bad looking ones. But seeing how others were posting about giving tips, I guess that's one difference from Saboon? Unless I read wrongly and actually no need give.
Indeed comprehensive information and thanks bro.
I've read the whole thread and went to sky river in the afternoon. Once game in saw a pretty pretty girl walk around. i'm not sure if she's already picked up by someone so i just sit and wait. OKT came by and introduced the price for different category, prc is slightly higher and the others are same. Told OKT to go with VN and Thai first. There is one really hot however face is normal. Because i'm a good looking fan so decide to change, then the pretty pretty girl II met just now stand in queue so of course i choose her. She's from Laos, so this is my first time with Laos girl. Service is acceptable, GFE is good. The girls there are all good looking and nice shape. Need to try more times.
01-12-2014, 09:24 AM
Indeed comprehensive information and thanks bro.
I've read the whole thread and went to sky river in the afternoon. Once game in saw a pretty pretty girl walk around. i'm not sure if she's already picked up by someone so i just sit and wait. OKT came by and introduced the price for different category, prc is slightly higher and the others are same. Told OKT to go with VN and Thai first. There is one really hot however face is normal. Because i'm a good looking fan so decide to change, then the pretty pretty girl II met just now stand in queue so of course i choose her. She's from Laos, so this is my first time with Laos girl. Service is acceptable, GFE is good. The girls there are all good looking and nice shape. Need to try more times.
seems quality at skyriver still good but no more spa facilities.
01-12-2014, 08:07 PM
few good comments of gal quality for tgis spa inside peral point hotel old klanf rd. not in town but ard 5 min from midvalley if trafgic is good.
no facility to speak of. but gals both local n fpreign available.
there is even a slim 18yo malay gal there.
04-12-2014, 12:01 AM
Hey guys, any outings for this weekend?
04-12-2014, 10:56 AM
Hey guys, any outings for this weekend?
usually there is on fruday nights .
hust email me ur contact. will inform qhen there is outing
06-12-2014, 08:29 AM
few good comments of gal quality for tgis spa inside peral point hotel old klanf rd. not in town but ard 5 min from midvalley if trafgic is good.
no facility to speak of. but gals both local n fpreign available.
there is even a slim 18yo malay gal there.
Oh? Pearl Point has one? Sometimes stay near there when I'm in KL. Maybe can go check out one day.
06-12-2014, 02:04 PM
Oh? Pearl Point has one? Sometimes stay near there when I'm in KL. Maybe can go check out one day.
its on 9 floor.
07-12-2014, 01:35 AM
its on 9 floor.
Wah... the girls in the website look pretty good leh... assuming its real
07-12-2014, 02:18 PM
Wah... the girls in the website look pretty good leh... assuming its real
ya not bad. but always cut away 15 percent haha
08-12-2014, 10:48 AM
Make it 30% to avoid further disapointment...any less is a bonus.haha
08-12-2014, 01:59 PM
Make it 30% to avoid further disapointment...any less is a bonus.haha
if 30 percent u cabt even recigbise the gal man hahah
09-12-2014, 12:57 AM
Skyriver currently got promotion after 12 midnight ... RM 148 for VB and RM 168 for MM. But limited stock. Seemed like they gotta change management comes Jan 2015.
Tried one local ML Sally at Genesis (Menara HSBC) ... damaged RM 248. On the meaty side (not fat) but veri good skill ... cat bath + bbbj 8/10; FJ 7/10.
10-12-2014, 02:19 PM
Skyriver currently got promotion after 12 midnight ... RM 148 for VB and RM 168 for MM. But limited stock. Seemed like they gotta change management comes Jan 2015.
Tried one local ML Sally at Genesis (Menara HSBC) ... damaged RM 248. On the meaty side (not fat) but veri good skill ... cat bath + bbbj 8/10; FJ 7/10.
good report.
a bunch of guys went e2 coupl3 days ago. say really good. even git mongollians
13-12-2014, 07:39 PM
Hi Guys, I am looking for some spas like Spa De Palace last time. Is there anymore spa like it around?? Please kindly advise, thanks
14-12-2014, 12:48 PM
Hi Guys, I am looking for some spas like Spa De Palace last time. Is there anymore spa like it around?? Please kindly advise, thanks
spa de palace is the epitome. they have something thta no one comes close. they have suites with 2 rooms and tv longue n jacuzzi. u n a mate can book two gals. sing song . jump into jacuzzi with gal and later bonk in attached room.
later come out exchange gal and repeat.
no more .
i think armada does have vip rooms but nit tgis kind of sercice
14-12-2014, 02:11 PM
spa de palace is the epitome. they have something thta no one comes close. they have suites with 2 rooms and tv longue n jacuzzi. u n a mate can book two gals. sing song . jump into jacuzzi with gal and later bonk in attached room.
later come out exchange gal and repeat.
no more .
i think armada does have vip rooms but nit tgis kind of sercice
Ya Bro sexcuore, i miss spa de palace so much. Thanks for your great reply. So i guess e2 and saboon is still the recomended place.
14-12-2014, 04:05 PM
Ya Bro sexcuore, i miss spa de palace so much. Thanks for your great reply. So i guess e2 and saboon is still the recomended place.
depends on what ur looking for. many spas have tgeir own angpai. wether meets ur requirements.
actually cititel spa crystal crowne pj have tgeir share of good local gals
14-12-2014, 05:18 PM
depends on what ur looking for. many spas have tgeir own angpai. wether meets ur requirements.
actually cititel spa crystal crowne pj have tgeir share of good local gals
A spa that can relax and burn a few hours away will do. SOP go in soak in pool, rest awhile in TV room, eat abit, wait for body cool down, ask captain for advise (prc or local chinese prefered), happy ending. hahahaha. Yes would appreciate a more relaxing environment.
15-12-2014, 05:37 AM
A spa that can relax and burn a few hours away will do. SOP go in soak in pool, rest awhile in TV room, eat abit, wait for body cool down, ask captain for advise (prc or local chinese prefered), happy ending. hahahaha. Yes would appreciate a more relaxing environment.
haha. then its the nost convenient ine tgat is nearest to u
18-12-2014, 10:23 AM
a lot of people ask me about clu bing in kl.
if ur trying to hook locals it might be hard as most go in a group of guy n gals. tgere r times when gals go in a group . chnaces bump8ng into rgen r rare.
tgey will be dri king places where ol s do go for a drink. but sure tgey r regulars n plenty of me stick to them.
thry r places where ktv hang out after work too.
so depepnds on ur luck n che istry with them
18-12-2014, 03:18 PM
going to a ktv is no big deal if ur willubg to spend big bucks. once u been to a ktv often n spend tons of money each time. the momny n mgmt makes sure u get what u want all rhe time.
be asured that she will intro all the new pretty gals tgat is starting work there. intro u tge wildest gals etc.
but if u just go once in a while n u try to get the best bang for buck most of t8me u leave dissapointed.
reading tge forum helps
but tgere r tins of other tgibgs that u need to knpw to ensure a good night out withoit burning a hole in ur ppckets.
very important to know the actual start n end times esp when it straddle happy hours and sad gpurs.
best case scenario. u n bunch of guys go for happy hours . some places start ard 5 and u can party till 9pm.
during hh. some places offer aall u can drink beer buffet. some have happy hour paxkage . some will allow the gals to butterfly. some places . when the gal butte4fly. u just ne3d to tip her for her time. usually min 50.
meaning. u play from 5 to 9. ur gal tip 50. add beer cost. usually between 150 to 300. tgat will be ur exp
now assume u go to crown ktv.
5 to 9 pm
beer rm118 for 3 jugs. each person buy 1 paxkage n share the misc cost. room fruits mommy tips at 4 pax x rm 50 each. total payable is ard rm200 each after tax n stuff.
gals rm 50 or 100. depends on the fun. sonmax u need spend rm 300 here.
which is consider3d one of the xheapest in kl offering local malays gal wgich r wild n playful.
18-12-2014, 04:49 PM
Here ia another example.
himawari ktv. same building as crown.
Happy hours tiger beer package Rm99++ 3 Jugs, continue beer package Rm99++ 3 Jugs,
Normal hours tiger beer package Rm199++ 4 Jugs,
continue beer package Rm108++ 3 Jugs,
Saturday and Sunday beer package Rm88++ 3 Jugs all night long.
from the beer pricee. himawari looks like a bwtter place than crown.
and with crown just having 4 rooms with attacjed toilet. those wgo want toiket action will be looking to shy away from crown.
just when ur about to book himawari for hh. u suddebly remember that himawari gals come to work very late asp the pretty ones or ang pai ones. most ard 7.30 or later.
so what to do?? haha
as u can see. many things to take into account .
and when ur doing it for others as well. u really need to coordinate well.
so many things can fo wrong
one guy get held up in pffice. bad weather making traffic a night mare. not much gals as tge place is full.
those seeking info need to tell me as much ibfo as possible for me to help point u tge right ktv.
20-12-2014, 12:25 PM
Here ia another example.
himawari ktv. same building as crown.
Happy hours tiger beer package Rm99++ 3 Jugs, continue beer package Rm99++ 3 Jugs,
Normal hours tiger beer package Rm199++ 4 Jugs,
continue beer package Rm108++ 3 Jugs,
Saturday and Sunday beer package Rm88++ 3 Jugs all night long.
from the beer pricee. himawari looks like a bwtter place than crown.
and with crown just having 4 rooms with attacjed toilet. those wgo want toiket action will be looking to shy away from crown.
just when ur about to book himawari for hh. u suddebly remember that himawari gals come to work very late asp the pretty ones or ang pai ones. most ard 7.30 or later.
so what to do?? haha
as u can see. many things to take into account .
and when ur doing it for others as well. u really need to coordinate well.
so many things can fo wrong
one guy get held up in pffice. bad weather making traffic a night mare. not much gals as tge place is full.
those seeking info need to tell me as much ibfo as possible for me to help point u tge right ktv.
Bro...hahaha I c marked improvement in your spelling
20-12-2014, 02:02 PM
Bro...hahaha I c marked improvement in your spelling
hahaha. i got fat thumbs ma.
when u back to kl?
20-12-2014, 03:40 PM
hahaha. i got fat thumbs ma.
when u back to kl?
already back 2 days ago bro...thinking abt u already:p
30-12-2014, 11:38 AM
tonight ktv outing ti viet ktv
31-12-2014, 12:56 AM
tonight ktv outing ti viet ktv
Too bad I Sat then in KL
31-12-2014, 11:07 AM
Too bad I Sat then in KL
do check out thai club.
again. thai club is the actual name of the place. it has ard 70bplus viet freelancer who dun work for the club. so no need buy lady drink or hang flower.
thebgals will come right up to u and ask u if u need company. if u loke just say ok. if dun just say no.
quickly get inro small talk . if u want a fal for overbight make sure u say it upfroent. if she dun. just tell her itsvok amd ask her to go.
usual just for xompany its 50 . if she stay dor lonegr time n u fwel happy tip her more .
usual for overnighy its just 600. some gals will ask more
01-01-2015, 11:45 PM
Hi Bro Secoure! Happy New Year to you and all the rest of the bro. Just got back from holiday with family. Have a great year ahead!
02-01-2015, 08:37 AM
Hi Bro Secoure! Happy New Year to you and all the rest of the bro. Just got back from holiday with family. Have a great year ahead!
same to u . have a great year ahead
03-01-2015, 11:43 AM
seem beach club and tgai club was raid3d yesterxay.
so guess few days will have lesser gal at these 2 places
15-01-2015, 12:31 PM
cny just ard the corner.
likely l3ss viets will be in kl as most will wanna go back for new year too
16-01-2015, 11:09 AM
I am staying at ritz carlton kl. I saw this golden palace ktv. Is it worth a visit? Its very near my hotel. Aventinus seems quite a distance. Thanks for any input
16-01-2015, 11:10 AM
One more advice for bros going to e2. Dont go at 3 am. Cos service not so good and the hot pool is very dirty too. Somemore the msia gals dont work till 3 am. Still best to go before 12 midnite
16-01-2015, 12:58 PM
I am staying at ritz carlton kl. I saw this golden palace ktv. Is it worth a visit? Its very near my hotel. Aventinus seems quite a distance. Thanks for any input
its a small dodgy joint.
better for u to explore m3xico just beside.
mex. lots of vi3ts . rm30 an bour booking. sit at bar area. can sing song abit.
depends on luck. but if u can get there early tger3 r s9me gems.
17-01-2015, 09:59 AM
Good thing we didnt go bintang palace. Settled for the thai club. A lot of pretty girls as described by the bros. Yesterday also got a girl overnite for 600 rm. Stupid thing was my friend also staying in same room as me and then i had to book another room....
If any bros travelling, make sure you have own room before going thai club.
Great experience. Thanks for the reviews everyone.
17-01-2015, 05:28 PM
Good thing we didnt go bintang palace. Settled for the thai club. A lot of pretty girls as described by the bros. Yesterday also got a girl overnite for 600 rm. Stupid thing was my friend also staying in same room as me and then i had to book another room....
If any bros travelling, make sure you have own room before going thai club.
Great experience. Thanks for the reviews everyone.
thai club a must go place. but there will be times when there are few or bo gals if its windy
17-01-2015, 11:51 PM
Hi sexcuore bro,
You are right. Too windy cannot. Must go early too. Lots of hot girls. These girls make singapore actresses look bad. :D
Also keen to join you guys for ktv. Next trip up should be over in kl over cny.
20-01-2015, 12:01 AM
thai club a must go place. but there will be times when there are few or bo gals if its windy
Bro, normally what time is good to go Thai club and normally how many hours for overnight? and how many shots :D
BTW, is there a chance to pick up girls in sky bar at Traders hotel?
20-01-2015, 06:01 PM
Bro, normally what time is good to go Thai club and normally how many hours for overnight? and how many shots :D
BTW, is there a chance to pick up girls in sky bar at Traders hotel?
nope. even if there were gals too exposed hha.
start atd 7 is good. all up to ur nego skills n luck.
if u leave tc early. tge gal may have many tricks to leave early. else its usually in the morning when tgey can call tgeir regular cabby to p8ck up. at wee hrs tge gals also afraid of police blocks.
20-01-2015, 09:49 PM
Any bro wanna have some fun together.
21-01-2015, 12:09 AM
thai club a must go place. but there will be times when there are few or bo gals if its windy
bro sexcoure.. i have a feeling i might know u as i used to frequent to thai club or they called it TC in short...
did u join anyother forum such as $$$$$$$$$$$$$? i am using the same nick there...i used to be cheonging in singapore when i first join this forum in 2003 later change to international market in ard the world esp CP... those days.. now CP dead area ady..since im back to kl since 2005 have been in KL area cheoging for long time and familiar with most place.. mp.. ktv.. pubs...etc..
those days in TC to tapao a girl back in 2009 to 2012.. many a times i dont pay them for overnight fee... just the tips of rm50 or rm100... at most is just rm200-300 a nite... nowadays many ppl go TC spoilt the market and give too much ... sigh....
are u gonna be ard in kl during cny ... wanna go out together.. TC or ktv.. im into popiah and second preference is tomyum
21-01-2015, 11:02 AM
nope. even if there were gals too exposed hha.
start atd 7 is good. all up to ur nego skills n luck.
if u leave tc early. tge gal may have many tricks to leave early. else its usually in the morning when tgey can call tgeir regular cabby to p8ck up. at wee hrs tge gals also afraid of police blocks.
Bad luck last night in Thai club. Went there at 10:30, did not seem to find young girls but most of them are 30+ or late 20.. Few girls approach and talked to me, but were all rejected. Finally saw a SYT from Viet, and talked. She's quite new to this business(2 days she said) and I could understand a little bit what she said as she can't speak English and only a little Chinese. Got a price of 600 for overnight. Then we went back to my hotel.
And below is the FR. I asked to shower together, she refused. On the bed she directly split the seal and wanna take the condom out. I stopped her and ask for BJ, she refused again. I fingering her a while and felt she was really wet and tight - the only good part of the whole. During the action, she didn't moan a little and it was like to fxxk a dead person, changed couple position but i felt no interesting at all even in my favorite doggy. After i gave the load, she immediately asked 'wan le?' and went to bathroom for shower. it felt like shit. I didn't want to fxxk her again. This is even worse than a DIY. So decided not keep her for the night, gave her 400 and asked her to go. And she can't find the way back and asked for a taxi. So I took her to lobby and asked a taxi for her. She's so scared to see the driver and didn't want to get in and she said 'huai ren'. She's like a little girl and seems really afraid of the taxi driver. So i decided to walk with her back to Thai club, shit.... I was too nice to her.
Anyway it was very very disappointed.
21-01-2015, 08:09 PM
bro sexcoure.. i have a feeling i might know u as i used to frequent to thai club or they called it TC in short...
did u join anyother forum such as $$$$$$$$$$$$$? i am using the same nick there...i used to be cheonging in singapore when i first join this forum in 2003 later change to international market in ard the world esp CP... those days.. now CP dead area ady..since im back to kl since 2005 have been in KL area cheoging for long time and familiar with most place.. mp.. ktv.. pubs...etc..
those days in TC to tapao a girl back in 2009 to 2012.. many a times i dont pay them for overnight fee... just the tips of rm50 or rm100... at most is just rm200-300 a nite... nowadays many ppl go TC spoilt the market and give too much ... sigh....
are u gonna be ard in kl during cny ... wanna go out together.. TC or ktv.. im into popiah and second preference is tomyum
am in few forums but not the one u mentiined.
my nick in other forums are the same too.
just email me ur wechat . shud be ard kl during cny
21-01-2015, 08:11 PM
Bad luck last night in Thai club. Went there at 10:30, did not seem to find young girls but most of them are 30+ or late 20.. Few girls approach and talked to me, but were all rejected. Finally saw a SYT from Viet, and talked. She's quite new to this business(2 days she said) and I could understand a little bit what she said as she can't speak English and only a little Chinese. Got a price of 600 for overnight. Then we went back to my hotel.
And below is the FR. I asked to shower together, she refused. On the bed she directly split the seal and wanna take the condom out. I stopped her and ask for BJ, she refused again. I fingering her a while and felt she was really wet and tight - the only good part of the whole. During the action, she didn't moan a little and it was like to fxxk a dead person, changed couple position but i felt no interesting at all even in my favorite doggy. After i gave the load, she immediately asked 'wan le?' and went to bathroom for shower. it felt like shit. I didn't want to fxxk her again. This is even worse than a DIY. So decided not keep her for the night, gave her 400 and asked her to go. And she can't find the way back and asked for a taxi. So I took her to lobby and asked a taxi for her. She's so scared to see the driver and didn't want to get in and she said 'huai ren'. She's like a little girl and seems really afraid of the taxi driver. So i decided to walk with her back to Thai club, shit.... I was too nice to her.
Anyway it was very very disappointed.
luck and chemistry bro.
21-01-2015, 08:24 PM
I am staying at ritz carlton kl. I saw this golden palace ktv. Is it worth a visit? Its very near my hotel. Aventinus seems quite a distance. Thanks for any input
Last week I was also staying there ! And of course we were @ our Fave - Bintang Palace !!! Tis trip there were many Pretty PRCs !!! Surprisingly very good selection !!! :D
22-01-2015, 03:15 AM
nope. even if there were gals too exposed hha.
start atd 7 is good. all up to ur nego skills n luck.
if u leave tc early. tge gal may have many tricks to leave early. else its usually in the morning when tgey can call tgeir regular cabby to p8ck up. at wee hrs tge gals also afraid of police blocks.
My kaki and I tried 6. Kind of quiet, but still got interesting stocks. Can start earlier, except its boring to see men. hahaha. :D
22-01-2015, 03:17 AM
luck and chemistry bro.
Exactly. Ideally, should identify if gal is suitable at the thai club. If cannot, then proceed to take away.
Mine was pretty ok. She wasn't fussy. Left with me at 11 pm. And, went home only about 10 am next day. Its some luck too.
22-01-2015, 03:18 AM
Last week I was also staying there ! And of course we were @ our Fave - Bintang Palace !!! Tis trip there were many Pretty PRCs !!! Surprisingly very good selection !!! :D
Whats the damage, bro? My kaki and I stayed very near there, but scared of going in cos no FR on sammyboyforum. :(
22-01-2015, 09:04 AM
Whats the damage, bro? My kaki and I stayed very near there, but scared of going in cos no FR on sammyboyforum. :(
=> We were being "entertained" there every nite so no worries about the bill ! Most probably it was quite high as there were several of us there & mostly enjoyed babes seated on both side ! Plus also "takeaways"....even though a short distance walk back to the hotel...we needed "pretty bodyguards" !!! :D
Suggest U call them up & enquire the basic damage for room ( really big ) and drinks ! And when U are there,then check with the Mamasan for the Xtras !!! :cool:
22-01-2015, 12:55 PM
Exactly. Ideally, should identify if gal is suitable at the thai club. If cannot, then proceed to take away.
Mine was pretty ok. She wasn't fussy. Left with me at 11 pm. And, went home only about 10 am next day. Its some luck too.
ya. somer8mes u cant get worst.
now days gals shud be planning go back vietnam for cny.
those who made money would have left. tgose srill here will be desperate.
d7nwan get caught by immigration just a week or rwo away from cny
22-01-2015, 12:57 PM
=> We were being "entertained" there every nite so no worries about the bill ! Most probably it was quite high as there were several of us there & mostly enjoyed babes seated on both side ! Plus also "takeaways"....even though a short distance walk back to the hotel...we needed "pretty bodyguards" !!! :D
Suggest U call them up & enquire the basic damage for room ( really big ) and drinks ! And when U are there,then check with the Mamasan for the Xtras !!! :cool:
basic booking fees for prc ard 800. overnight 1800 onwards
room n drinks r pretty steep too.
seldim go here unless entertain or veing entertai ed.
tge regular mommy i know also balik kampung already
22-01-2015, 03:41 PM
Hey Guys..anyone can share contacts - Wechat ID for Outcall Tantric Massages.
I am there next week, would like to try this...
Thanks alot.
22-01-2015, 05:01 PM
ya. somer8mes u cant get worst.
now days gals shud be planning go back vietnam for cny.
those who made money would have left. tgose srill here will be desperate.
d7nwan get caught by immigration just a week or rwo away from cny
After cny, they come back kl for another round. Lol. My viet fling from tc was sharing that she also going to go bk holidays soon cos of cny. Would it be a ghost town at tc this coming cny? Kaki n i keen to go back one more round.
22-01-2015, 05:02 PM
Hey Guys..anyone can share contacts - Wechat ID for Outcall Tantric Massages.
I am there next week, would like to try this...
Thanks alot.
Have never tried. My pal n i always go for spa or the pub. At least u can c until u r satisfied. Outcall a bit dangerous. Lol
23-01-2015, 12:54 AM
Bad luck last night in Thai club. Went there at 10:30, did not seem to find young girls but most of them are 30+ or late 20.. Few girls approach and talked to me, but were all rejected. Finally saw a SYT from Viet, and talked. She's quite new to this business(2 days she said) and I could understand a little bit what she said as she can't speak English and only a little Chinese. Got a price of 600 for overnight. Then we went back to my hotel.
And below is the FR. I asked to shower together, she refused. On the bed she directly split the seal and wanna take the condom out. I stopped her and ask for BJ, she refused again. I fingering her a while and felt she was really wet and tight - the only good part of the whole. During the action, she didn't moan a little and it was like to fxxk a dead person, changed couple position but i felt no interesting at all even in my favorite doggy. After i gave the load, she immediately asked 'wan le?' and went to bathroom for shower. it felt like shit. I didn't want to fxxk her again. This is even worse than a DIY. So decided not keep her for the night, gave her 400 and asked her to go. And she can't find the way back and asked for a taxi. So I took her to lobby and asked a taxi for her. She's so scared to see the driver and didn't want to get in and she said 'huai ren'. She's like a little girl and seems really afraid of the taxi driver. So i decided to walk with her back to Thai club, shit.... I was too nice to her.
Anyway it was very very disappointed.
Well some days u win.. some u lose...bro u local?
23-01-2015, 09:52 AM
tonight there will be outing.
those who r in kl n have emailed me. pls contact me us8ng my wechat
try to confirm ur availa ility n 5imings
24-01-2015, 05:17 PM
Bro Sexcuore,
Is there any known clubs in jb which is similar to thai club? My kaki and I were trying to explore. But, not sure if somewhere like zon would also have similar thai club places.
24-01-2015, 08:54 PM
Bro Sexcuore,
Forgot to ask you also. Is it advisable to come over CNY to cheong?
Will there be any girls?
Regards. And, thanks. If we meet, must buy you kopi for the great advice and tips. :D
25-01-2015, 12:00 PM
Bro Sexcuore,
Is there any known clubs in jb which is similar to thai club? My kaki and I were trying to explore. But, not sure if somewhere like zon would also have similar thai club places.
not really familiar with jb.
just know ktvs.
28-01-2015, 09:30 AM
Bro Sexcuore,
Forgot to ask you also. Is it advisable to come over CNY to cheong?
Will there be any girls?
Regards. And, thanks. If we meet, must buy you kopi for the great advice and tips. :D
tgere will be gals n places to cgeong but guess lesser and maybe quality drop. most gals wgo made tgeir mobey prolly wanna go back for cny
28-01-2015, 11:19 AM
will be organising an outing on 4th feb.
Anyone keen pls email me
at viet ktv. pre cny party cum gal bday.
will be looking to book tge large room and expect 10 or more guys
28-01-2015, 06:00 PM
tgere will be gals n places to cgeong but guess lesser and maybe quality drop. most gals wgo made tgeir mobey prolly wanna go back for cny
Sigh man. It probably sounds like the case. shit. :(
Thanks for the tip bro.
29-01-2015, 01:41 PM
a friend was in thai club ard 7.45 yesterday . he say have ard 60 plus gals but not many gems .
he stayed till 12 paid 2 buckets beer 150. gal tips 100.
will be organising an outing on 4th feb.
Anyone keen pls email me
at viet ktv. pre cny party cum gal bday.
will be looking to book tge large room and expect 10 or more guys
Nice invite bro. I will definitely be there, look forward to a BIG party!!!!!
29-01-2015, 05:40 PM
Nice invite bro. I will definitely be there, look forward to a BIG party!!!!!
shoukd be quite a few people.
hope ur gal can make it. else find new one haha
31-01-2015, 02:34 PM
a friend was in thai club ard 7.45 yesterday . he say have ard 60 plus gals but not many gems .
he stayed till 12 paid 2 buckets beer 150. gal tips 100.
Bro, I was at TC yesterday (Friday) from 5.30 pm till 8pm.
Crowd not bad. Got gems, but got one viet keep coming to my table. I was like "omg.... shoooooo". She keep asking to drink with me and she was a bit old liao. Keep whining like don't like hum sup customers. Really funny cos if don't like hum sup men, then better go elsewhere. lol. She rattled on and on saying guys come here all look for pretty hostesses. First working there meh? lol.
End up, I call for my the girl I had the last round earlier in Jan 2015. My damage 135 for tower and 600 for overnight from 8 pm till next day like 11 am. Not sure if cheap, but I know the girl. Only one girl.
There were some gems I saw, but most were quickly taken up. Really gorgeous. I was thinking.... damn.... why m I living in Singapore. :( I will be back soon from 15 to 22 feb. My kaki already (almost) confirmed his timing.
Have fun and look forward to catching up with you guys.
PS: Flying back this evening and I'm typing this reply at coffee bean, just opposite TC. hahaha. But, can't stay. Plane flying at 8 pm this evening. Wish it was 12 midnite. :(
31-01-2015, 06:46 PM
Bro, I was at TC yesterday (Friday) from 5.30 pm till 8pm.
Crowd not bad. Got gems, but got one viet keep coming to my table. I was like "omg.... shoooooo". She keep asking to drink with me and she was a bit old liao. Keep whining like don't like hum sup customers. Really funny cos if don't like hum sup men, then better go elsewhere. lol. She rattled on and on saying guys come here all look for pretty hostesses. First working there meh? lol.
End up, I call for my the girl I had the last round earlier in Jan 2015. My damage 135 for tower and 600 for overnight from 8 pm till next day like 11 am. Not sure if cheap, but I know the girl. Only one girl.
There were some gems I saw, but most were quickly taken up. Really gorgeous. I was thinking.... damn.... why m I living in Singapore. :( I will be back soon from 15 to 22 feb. My kaki already (almost) confirmed his timing.
Have fun and look forward to catching up with you guys.
PS: Flying back this evening and I'm typing this reply at coffee bean, just opposite TC. hahaha. But, can't stay. Plane flying at 8 pm this evening. Wish it was 12 midnite. :(
good to hear.
hope some gals will stay back during cny period
31-01-2015, 10:07 PM
good to hear.
hope some gals will stay back during cny period
I certainly hope so. Wahahah.
Bro, can ask ur advice on this. If book the girl whole day, is there any market rate? Say may b book 6 days, any advice on the cost? Thanks man
01-02-2015, 08:56 AM
I certainly hope so. Wahahah.
Bro, can ask ur advice on this. If book the girl whole day, is there any market rate? Say may b book 6 days, any advice on the cost? Thanks man
rm600 is norm. 500 is good.
usually guys would befriend tge gal and treat them like gf. when tgis happens. if tge gal likes u. u can get away with minimal expenses.
haha. just play by ear. offer 2.5k and see
becareful tough. if u book her for 6 days and in the middle her peiod comes. haha
01-02-2015, 02:29 PM
Wah bro, that means must fish aggressively else no good catch. Hahaha
Thanks for the tip. Lol. Ktv got gems these days? Hahaha
01-02-2015, 04:19 PM
basic booking fees for prc ard 800. overnight 1800 onwards
room n drinks r pretty steep too.
seldim go here unless entertain or veing entertai ed.
tge regular mommy i know also balik kampung already
=> Last time @ Bintang Palace I took back tis SYT PRC that juz arrived...Pretty face & nice body but disappointed that she kept telling me that the Taxi Driver was waiting for her to take her home ! Real anti climax ! Anyway I had early morning golf,so bonk her deep & hard & then good bye ! :cool:
Next nite I was much happier with tis local ( Insurance Agent ) moonlighting there ! Also Pretty and nice body & the best she gave that GFE feeling & also horny too !!! :p
Yes of course "being entertained" is the Best !!! ;)
01-02-2015, 09:50 PM
=> Last time @ Bintang Palace I took back tis SYT PRC that juz arrived...Pretty face & nice body but disappointed that she kept telling me that the Taxi Driver was waiting for her to take her home ! Real anti climax ! Anyway I had early morning golf,so bonk her deep & hard & then good bye ! :cool:
Next nite I was much happier with tis local ( Insurance Agent ) moonlighting there ! Also Pretty and nice body & the best she gave that GFE feeling & also horny too !!! :p
Yes of course "being entertained" is the Best !!! ;)
Bintang palace got local msia chinese gal freelance one? Surprised...
Thanks for the feedback. :)
02-02-2015, 01:57 PM
Nice invite bro. I will definitely be there, look forward to a BIG party!!!!!
Look like it is all ready to go on the 4-Feb? Sad i cannot join, you guys enjoy, cheers!!! :D
02-02-2015, 03:39 PM
Wah bro, that means must fish aggressively else no good catch. Hahaha
Thanks for the tip. Lol. Ktv got gems these days? Hahaha
temp last friday saw a few new gals not bad. hopefully not many will go back during cny
02-02-2015, 03:41 PM
=> Last time @ Bintang Palace I took back tis SYT PRC that juz arrived...Pretty face & nice body but disappointed that she kept telling me that the Taxi Driver was waiting for her to take her home ! Real anti climax ! Anyway I had early morning golf,so bonk her deep & hard & then good bye ! :cool:
Next nite I was much happier with tis local ( Insurance Agent ) moonlighting there ! Also Pretty and nice body & the best she gave that GFE feeling & also horny too !!! :p
Yes of course "being entertained" is the Best !!! ;)
if u paid overnight n gal wanna go off earlyu can omplaint to mommy.
being entertained also sometimes kena. people pay dr8nks we dr8 k till drop
02-02-2015, 03:43 PM
Bintang palace got local msia chinese gal freelance one? Surprised...
Thanks for the feedback. :)
some gals moon light when they were younger . althoigh tgey tried to make a normal living some just cant make it. i know qyiet a few gals who moonlight.
02-02-2015, 03:44 PM
Look like it is all ready to go on the 4-Feb? Sad i cannot join, you guys enjoy, cheers!!! :D
3rd feb willl be with a few guys in tgai cl7b. 4 th3 feb wipl be in temp. likely more than 10 guys.
pre cny party
02-02-2015, 04:27 PM
Hi Bros,
Had a bad KTV experience in KL last time, I thought can seek some guidance from you guys.
I brought my customers to a place call Sabaru(?) at Jalan Loke Yew there. I googled it haha.
Rooms were quite run down, sound system was REALLY bad, some Jacky Cheung songs also dont have wah lao. Girls actually was not too bad and fun.
1) We were charged per hour for girls to seat down, i think was 50rm or so per hour, is that the average rate?
2) Any places to recommend with decent rooms and KTV console? No need to be extravagant like Tian Shang Ren Jian. Budget 2200rm for 4 pax. exclude take away.
Thanks bros
02-02-2015, 04:48 PM
since there r request for me to get some people together for
an outing to local gal ktv.
propsoe to have a get together at himawari 2 in FNN. tgose
wgo know lawrence amd yvonne from sapphire ktv shud be
right at home.
beer during hh 3 jugs 118 ++
room just add titbits n mommy tips
gal butterfly wgole night available
propose happy hour outing. and adjourn to longue after 9pm
to save costs.
date will be on friday just before cny
tgose interested pls confirm ur names here and email me ur
[email protected]
hoping tgis will take off so that it will snowball into a weekly
local gal ktv outing. like old times
02-02-2015, 05:55 PM
Hi Bros,
Had a bad KTV experience in KL last time, I thought can seek some guidance from you guys.
I brought my customers to a place call Sabaru(?) at Jalan Loke Yew there. I googled it haha.
Rooms were quite run down, sound system was REALLY bad, some Jacky Cheung songs also dont have wah lao. Girls actually was not too bad and fun.
1) We were charged per hour for girls to seat down, i think was 50rm or so per hour, is that the average rate?
2) Any places to recommend with decent rooms and KTV console? No need to be extravagant like Tian Shang Ren Jian. Budget 2200rm for 4 pax. exclude take away.
Thanks bros
subaru 2 in loke yew used to be a prc joint and i dun think its rm50 an hour. now days ard rm80 per hour.
subaru nowdays is like a fengtao jo8nt . its part of yes group.
if u like to sing and look for decent joint
top choice
1. temptatiin.
2. gate g
3. emico
many local gal joibts also fall in ur category if u go during happy hours
02-02-2015, 06:10 PM
if u paid overnight n gal wanna go off earlyu can omplaint to mommy.
being entertained also sometimes kena. people pay dr8nks we dr8 k till drop
=> Didn't kick up a fuss ! Already told that Mamasan about it...she told me that she will make it up to me next visit there ! So till next time there then ! ;)
Sometimes U can call ahead & check with Mamasan if there are any pretty Malaysian babe that can join for Dinner before Drinks there ! Last time there was tis pretty Make Up Artist ( for Wedding )...still dream about her sometimes ! But no Extras ! So need to follow up,etc liked invitation to S'pore for weekend holiday....Was too busy to follow up ! :(
Btw Bro,can U update if there's still Las Vegas & De Macau KTV in KL ? Been to both many years ago ! :confused:
04-02-2015, 10:25 AM
=> Didn't kick up a fuss ! Already told that Mamasan about it...she told me that she will make it up to me next visit there ! So till next time there then ! ;)
Sometimes U can call ahead & check with Mamasan if there are any pretty Malaysian babe that can join for Dinner before Drinks there ! Last time there was tis pretty Make Up Artist ( for Wedding )...still dream about her sometimes ! But no Extras ! So need to follow up,etc liked invitation to S'pore for weekend holiday....Was too busy to follow up ! :(
Btw Bro,can U update if there's still Las Vegas & De Macau KTV in KL ? Been to both many years ago ! :confused:
de macau now a bit run down. vegas also bothing to shuot.
now rhe place with most prc o thibk is deluxe.
04-02-2015, 10:26 AM
was at thai club with few guys. still ok. 60 plus gal
ratio of beautiful gals not bigh ut sur3 u can find someone.
04-02-2015, 05:51 PM
Thanks for the life update. 10 more days to go tc. Hahahah.
04-02-2015, 07:54 PM
de macau now a bit run down. vegas also bothing to shuot.
now rhe place with most prc o thibk is deluxe.
=> Thank U Bro for the Update on both De Macau & Vegas ! Actually I am really surprised both are still around because I went there was so many years ago ! ;)
Where is Deluxe ? Sounds very familiar ! Maybe I went there before ! :confused:
04-02-2015, 10:33 PM
since there r request for me to get some people together for
an outing to local gal ktv.
propsoe to have a get together at himawari 2 in FNN. tgose
wgo know lawrence amd yvonne from sapphire ktv shud be
right at home.
beer during hh 3 jugs 118 ++
room just add titbits n mommy tips
gal butterfly wgole night available
propose happy hour outing. and adjourn to longue after 9pm
to save costs.
date will be on friday just before cny
tgose interested pls confirm ur names here and email me ur
[email protected]
hoping tgis will take off so that it will snowball into a weekly
local gal ktv outing. like old times
Bro! im interested in joining your outing.
Totally new to KL (just reached for 2 weeks). Will be stationed here for work.
Need a place to drink.
Do you mean 13 Feb for this outing?
05-02-2015, 02:33 PM
=> Thank U Bro for the Update on both De Macau & Vegas ! Actually I am really surprised both are still around because I went there was so many years ago ! ;)
Where is Deluxe ? Sounds very familiar ! Maybe I went there before ! :confused:
deluxe in ampabg park shopping centre.
u enter thru the lift outside . near mc b
05-02-2015, 02:34 PM
Bro! im interested in joining your outing.
Totally new to KL (just reached for 2 weeks). Will be stationed here for work.
Need a place to drink.
Do you mean 13 Feb for this outing?
still trying to find a date n may hange venue as that place not enoigh gals at the noment
05-02-2015, 03:43 PM
deluxe in ampabg park shopping centre.
u enter thru the lift outside . near mc b
=> Thanks Bro !
Maybe I have not been to Deluxe before ! Is New or already there many years ? Do they have Happy Hours ? If yes,then good idea to go there for first for Happy Hours then Nite Session @ Bintang Palace ( nearer to my Fave Hotel ) ;)
05-02-2015, 04:40 PM
=> Thanks Bro !
Maybe I have not been to Deluxe before ! Is New or already there many years ? Do they have Happy Hours ? If yes,then good idea to go there for first for Happy Hours then Nite Session @ Bintang Palace ( nearer to my Fave Hotel ) ;)
these kind of bight clubs dun have happy hours haha.
deluxe have been ard for long time. renovated and have some very nice rooms for vig partoes. u can hire a dj and tge dj have elevated platform. like clubbing.
one of the best plaves for prcs at rm 550 bookibg.
also one of the safest places
05-02-2015, 08:26 PM
these kind of bight clubs dun have happy hours haha.
deluxe have been ard for long time. renovated and have some very nice rooms for vig partoes. u can hire a dj and tge dj have elevated platform. like clubbing.
one of the best plaves for prcs at rm 550 bookibg.
also one of the safest places
=> No Happy Hour ? Then where's the most happening Happy Hour with many PRC gals to have drinks & fun ? Better still nearer to Bukit Bintang area ! ;)
Long time ago there was another happening place - Superstar ? Near JW Marriot...with many Malay gals ! Super Fun place ! U been there before ? :p
Haiz ! Really missed those times ! Hotel Delivery in the Proton Saga...PRC Babes really pretty students ! Good bonking memories ! The staffs @ the 5 Star hotel must be thinking who's horny guest ! :D
05-02-2015, 11:10 PM
deluxe in ampabg park shopping centre.
u enter thru the lift outside . near mc b
wow. my working place is at megan ave 1. just beside this ampang park shopping centre.
Can I check with you the following;
1) What time the club starts to operate?
2) do I need to call in to book a room? if need, do you have any contact?
3) how to they charge for 2 pax? Room, Beer, Gers, mummy and waiter tips?
I might try visiting this club on next Monday.
06-02-2015, 03:11 PM
=> No Happy Hour ? Then where's the most happening Happy Hour with many PRC gals to have drinks & fun ? Better still nearer to Bukit Bintang area ! ;)
Long time ago there was another happening place - Superstar ? Near JW Marriot...with many Malay gals ! Super Fun place ! U been there before ? :p
Haiz ! Really missed those times ! Hotel Delivery in the Proton Saga...PRC Babes really pretty students ! Good bonking memories ! The staffs @ the 5 Star hotel must be thinking who's horny guest ! :D
superstar closed and noved to menara mpl as club 8. but their top gun in charge of mommy left tge group.
hh with prc will just be emico. slightly cheaper beer n room paxakge wirh ģals on butterfly.
u can try saboon too but all bookibg onky 4 hrs 700 plus. can bonk.
06-02-2015, 03:15 PM
wow. my working place is at megan ave 1. just beside this ampang park shopping centre.
Can I check with you the following;
1) What time the club starts to operate?
2) do I need to call in to book a room? if need, do you have any contact?
3) how to they charge for 2 pax? Room, Beer, Gers, mummy and waiter tips?
I might try visiting this club on next Monday.
its a night club so best is ard 10ish. best call to book room.
gals booking alone is 550. beer n room 2 person not very sure. but easily 600 to 700. each person get ready 1k to be safe
06-02-2015, 10:27 PM
superstar closed and noved to menara mpl as club 8. but their top gun in charge of mommy left tge group.
hh with prc will just be emico. slightly cheaper beer n room paxakge wirh ģals on butterfly.
u can try saboon too but all bookibg onky 4 hrs 700 plus. can bonk.
=> WoW ! At least I still can recalled Superstar ! Maybe because we had too many crazy nites there ! :D
Seem liked both of Us should be about the same age & interest group ! And U are really updated on the KTV scene there ! ;)
Actually PRCs are all about the same over there or here ! It's really those Malaysian Chinese Babes especially those part timers that are more Interesting & Appealing to Me !
Anyway thanks again for the Update Bro ! Happy Weekend ! :cool:
07-02-2015, 11:51 AM
=> WoW ! At least I still can recalled Superstar ! Maybe because we had too many crazy nites there ! :D
Seem liked both of Us should be about the same age & interest group ! And U are really updated on the KTV scene there ! ;)
Actually PRCs are all about the same over there or here ! It's really those Malaysian Chinese Babes especially those part timers that are more Interesting & Appealing to Me !
Anyway thanks again for the Update Bro ! Happy Weekend ! :cool:
if u like local chinese u need to try the non corporate joints like emico. cherry blossom etc.
tg3y some how off n on can get really young n nice chicks.
just need to try few place
07-02-2015, 11:52 AM
yesterday lulu ktv polic3 checking. gals up lorry
07-02-2015, 02:52 PM
Any activity?
08-02-2015, 12:07 PM
next week. haha
08-02-2015, 02:19 PM
Yay man. Thanks. Can't wait to pop by.
Hope still got gems by then. :D
08-02-2015, 03:56 PM
Let's go out tonight ? Temp anyone ?
08-02-2015, 04:46 PM
next week. haha
Do let me know. Wish to join
18-02-2015, 06:04 PM
Let's go out tonight ? Temp anyone ?
welcome back bro
18-02-2015, 06:04 PM
Do let me know. Wish to join
welcome shawn. haha
18-02-2015, 06:05 PM
if anyone looking for place to go during cny.
temp open on first day throigh out cny.
only today rest day
23-02-2015, 08:41 PM
Keen to check out ktv. Will be in KL this thurs/fri, any gathering happening then?
24-02-2015, 10:41 AM
usually friday.
just email.ur wecbat
24-02-2015, 12:13 PM
many guys coming to kl or trying kl ktv for first time always ask me to rec a wild ktv. fro. my 7nderstanding sg viet ktvs can be pretty wild too.
anyways. just to provide some info on tge diff
gals go8ng to sg usually will be able to stay tgere for a period of 30days and if tgey choose to return . .. ma y may not be abke to do so. most gals mentality to make tge most at tge quickest posiible time.
in malaysia however. its quite norm and easy for gals to ext their stay paying less than the price of an air ticket back to tgeir to ext stay fo4 a mth and can easily ext up to 6 mths or a year.
gals in malaysia fall into 2 broad categori3s. tgose under agent or those who freelance. tgose who freelance usually hope to settle down n marry a local guy.
with tgis in mind. tge biggest diff between gals in sg n kl is i sg tgey may be more willing to do more tgings i side tge ktv room. but i kl as tge gals want to snatch a man.. they will only be very moderate.
but after saying that... if u pick th3 riggt gal and u der the right environemnt.... tgings can happen.
but norm tgings like french kiss... boobies grabbing or even finger8nv does happen i tge room but more clandestine way.
for outright stripping. blow job in room even more... u need to go for a local malay gal ktv. tgese r usually places where u entertaun clients and anytging goes if u willing to pay.
hope tgis answer question on fun n wildness in ktv
04-03-2015, 03:28 PM
planning 2 outings
1. Thursday . 5 mac . 6 pm . himawari metro pudu. local gal ktv.
budget beer 200. gals fly in bill rm 60 tips min 50
2. friday 6 mac . 9pm. temptation ktv menara pgrm. viet gals
budget beer 170. gals fly in bill 80 tips mi 50
anyone 8ntesrested just buzz me. those who dun have my contact pls emaip me direct.
cu guys
planning 2 outings
1. Thursday . 5 mac . 6 pm . himawari metro pudu. local gal ktv.
budget beer 200. gals fly in bill rm 60 tips min 50
2. friday 6 mac . 9pm. temptation ktv menara pgrm. viet gals
budget beer 170. gals fly in bill 80 tips mi 50
anyone 8ntesrested just buzz me. those who dun have my contact pls emaip me direct.
cu guys
Kung Hei Fat Choy bro! Damn tempting lah but will see you and the rest in 2 weeks' time. Lets rock n roll on the 17th March
04-03-2015, 04:43 PM
Kung Hei Fat Choy bro! Damn tempting lah but will see you and the rest in 2 weeks' time. Lets rock n roll on the 17th March
lets see who u going to pick tgis time.
havent seen ir regular gal for long time
lets see who u going to pick tgis time.
havent seen ir regular gal for long time
Yup, she is working at a different place now and I think she will be going back to vn end of March. Will check if she can pop over to temp when we are there.
04-03-2015, 06:42 PM
Yup, she is working at a different place now and I think she will be going back to vn end of March. Will check if she can pop over to temp when we are there.
oh ya. i krep forgetting
05-03-2015, 01:26 AM
Too bad won't be around. You guys enjoy!
05-03-2015, 10:45 AM
Too bad won't be around. You guys enjoy!
when in kl just gip a holler
05-03-2015, 10:54 AM
now KL really hard to find CKT KTV ?
saboon i went in Jan only have 1 :(
05-03-2015, 12:00 PM
now KL really hard to find CKT KTV ?
saboon i went in Jan only have 1 :(
u mean local chinese gal??
saboon is famous for china gals but local gals few.
try those like wawa club. emico.
but just go to a local gal flower hanging place to try luck better
05-03-2015, 02:21 PM
I was in KL last friday, meet up with bro sexcuore at temptation. I have to say that he can really party~!
I had a good time and really thank you for letting me to join you and your group. =)
06-03-2015, 02:31 PM
I was in KL last friday, meet up with bro sexcuore at temptation. I have to say that he can really party~!
I had a good time and really thank you for letting me to join you and your group. =)
anytime bro
06-03-2015, 02:33 PM
was in thai club yesterday with few guys
notbad. ard 40 gals with a few i teresting syts.
the guys just went to survey n get some gal no.
06-03-2015, 04:27 PM
today will be in temptation ktv
8ish 9pm
email me ur contact if u wish to join
[email protected]
as mentioned b4. our weekky outing is based on a simple concept. just like minded people going for a drink n a song. gals is tgere just in case. haha
for guys in kl or just coming into kl. we always say... u can go out and drink on ur own in a pub. in kl its preety norm to spen ard 150 to 200 to buy 2 buckets of beer. ie thai club after hh one bucket of tiger is rm 90.
so instead of drinking alone n in open. just come with us to a ktv. almost same cost but u have a private room where u can sing dance n hamsup ur gal.
most people will think ktv cost a bomb. it still does if u dunno where to go and dunno whatvto do.
so just have an open mind n join tge party.
we cant guarantee u that u will get a gal up to ur std . we cant guarantee u get a wild or gfe. tgat is entirely up to luck n chemistry.
today will be in temptation ktv
8ish 9pm
email me ur contact if u wish to join
[email protected]
as mentioned b4. our weekky outing is based on a simple concept. just like minded people going for a drink n a song. gals is tgere just in case. haha
for guys in kl or just coming into kl. we always say... u can go out and drink on ur own in a pub. in kl its preety norm to spen ard 150 to 200 to buy 2 buckets of beer. ie thai club after hh one bucket of tiger is rm 90.
so instead of drinking alone n in open. just come with us to a ktv. almost same cost but u have a private room where u can sing dance n hamsup ur gal.
most people will think ktv cost a bomb. it still does if u dunno where to go and dunno whatvto do.
so just have an open mind n join tge party.
we cant guarantee u that u will get a gal up to ur std . we cant guarantee u get a wild or gfe. tgat is entirely up to luck n chemistry.
Well said, wise words from the master.
06-03-2015, 06:29 PM
Well said, wise words from the master.
i just bring people togethwr. u nvr know which day is going to be a bad day for u. but if the stress is getting to u.... just holler...
i just invite otgers who r availavle n need a drink.
so over the years have a pool of guys who come out atleast once a week. haha
there r guys who i have known for more than 10 years. some just on that day.
guess its way better to release stress as it arise then hold it in till it explodes on u. cheaper than going seek treatment with phycologist . haha
08-03-2015, 03:27 PM
for tgose into massge places or just bang n go or spa.
just to give u guys an idea whats kl has to offer
on the lowest end of tge scale
tgere are some places where its like a hawker cebter with a fair bit of gals congregating in one place. this place cater to quick bangs for foreign help local uncles or those looking for cheap good fuck.
tge gals will rent rooms on top of tge shoplots . these r sleazy but cheap. usually 80 to 120 per pop depending on quality. usually tge younger ones will just be qyick bang n go . no service while milfy ladies will pronise longer sessiin n more effort to please.
some commonn places is Ace Building in jalan pasar. sap cgun hwaker center opp the ex champion ktv and a smaller joint wjere ladies will be standing at street leevl wisma indah.
if those r not ur cup of tea. tge n3xt level would be the small massage centres offering older china milf or from tgai or cietnam. tgese offficially hust offer massage but some xustomers will self nego with gals for extras. massage alone would be ard 80 and hpur. n most gals will be able to gip a decebt massage.
then there is tge b2b where massage skill of gals is virrually zero or at best piano playinh with hj or bj procide in the sessuin for 80. and if u need to bonk just add 50. pricing varies by 10 to 30 at diff joints. some of the places even offer diff environments to help set the mood. there is one called office. and as the name suggests uts an office environment. u can bonk gal on table . sofa etc. but some joibt onky have 2 common toiket shared with all customers and fals.some gals will evem shpwer u before n after the d3ed. depends on luck.
further up . u will have spas . some with faculities like pools jacuzzi n stean room somme withoutm some in shop lots and some in shopp8ng mall and some in hotels.
without facility willnbe like skyriver at fahrenheit 88. range of pric8ng usualky ard 180. tgose with facility like e2 can cist abit more.
as for tgose 8n hotels. mind u there r some in 2 star hotel yp to 5 star hotels so tge environment and price differa greatly.
cititel spa and easrin hotel spa has quite good environemnt . u can even pay extra to use hotel room instead of bormal bonk room. price range 230 plus
then there is the full scale cheong offering . one dragin service offer3d by saboon spa. not cheap.
hope tgis will give u an idea where to go
fair fair
08-03-2015, 06:45 PM
Bro, where is this office themed massage place?
fair fair
08-03-2015, 06:47 PM
Would like to try himawari at kl? Do you have any mummy contact? What's the damage? Is it all NL?
08-03-2015, 08:22 PM
Bro, where is this office themed massage place?
one is in bdr puteri puchong. last row after giant puchong.
these outkets very secretive n dodgy. u need to know tge sop to get in.
as for gimawari just walk in. look for isabelle or yvonne
fair fair
08-03-2015, 09:02 PM
Can pm me to guide me how I can get in to the office themed massage? This is something new for me
08-03-2015, 11:03 PM
Can pm me to guide me how I can get in to the office themed massage? This is something new for me
pm ed you.
a word of cautiin. tgese days its windy and raids on tgese snall joibts have kbown to have happened very frequently.
better check.
after raid tgere coukd be hust few gals working etc.
08-03-2015, 11:11 PM
Can pm me to guide me how I can get in to the office themed massage? This is something new for me
pmed u.
but word of autiin. tgese days its qyite windy and tegse small joints have beeen known be be hit.
two bad points . if it was hit then maybe 2 or 3 gals working. if its going to be hit. dont be tgere
09-03-2015, 01:09 PM
I will be in KL this week. Any drink session that i can just join? Thanks.
09-03-2015, 01:39 PM
I will be in KL this week. Any drink session that i can just join? Thanks.
just email me ur wechat contact or mobile no
will confirm if there is any.
but do go thai club even if akone. u wont regret. best before 8pm
20-03-2015, 06:09 PM
lots of confusion on whats thai club amd thai flower hanging joints.
thai club used to be a club where locals gather n bring rgeir girl friends . it used to be a joint tgat plays music from 70s tgru 80s and nothing newer. there will be live band too.
nowdays ut has turned itself into a joint with viet gals offering theor compabiinship. those gals dun work there aand there is no lady drinks of flowers to buy. just tip rge gal. u can nego for overnight.
tgis place similar to beaxh club. the diff i would say is beaxh club has a reputation on foreigners forum to be a place to pick up gals for st or overnight. so lots of angmoh will come here to pick up gals. usualky pinoys and some ruskie uzbek typesm these gals nit r3alky into butterfly but want to fiah for o ernight and rgeir prices is higher. nowdays viets has akso influx this place.
on tgai flowrt hanging joint. no need to 3xplain as its similar wuth tgose in danok hatyai etc.
there is abitger joint that has lots of viet freelancer. in mexici pub near jalan imbi. the diff here is tgis is a pub tgat has a 32 year history. yes it has been renovated but its still a dodgy pib with some ktv room for privacy rather than sing song.
here the patrons tend to be older and gals here is for booking at rm30 and hour. there is no min hours for booking. tgis place is good for those lo9king for a drink as early as 4pm. if u have gal contact u can just calk rh3m and ask rhem report to wprk early.
just sit at the bar or at a dark corner. for ktv rooms u need to buy min 5 buckets of bwer and book early.
gals usually arrive ard 6 to 7. tgey will hang ard the lonfie area. just wavr them over if ur interested.
hope tgis makws tgings clearer for tgose who interested to have a look.
20-03-2015, 06:40 PM
the famous tgai flower hanging joints.
alot of guys probably heard of yes club and yes 2 club.
yes club used to be at kuchai . its just a notorious club fronted as a pub club joint ut in r3ality is a spa disguised . tge sop is. u p8ck a gal from parade. buy her a lady drink for the brief encounter she will try to get u hot under the collar. tgen u pay extra to onk her in a room at tge back. used to have china gals etc.
tyen tge mgmt opened yes 2 club in menara pgrm cheras.
tgis is tge first of the thai flower joint. damn good looking tgai gals and lots of fun.
later yes club in kuchai was close and renamed .
ard last year yes mgmt opn3d a new joint in mt kiara n named it yes club. tgis is a high end tgai gal flower hanging joint.
yes 2 prov3d too popular in i recent mths has been raided and gals locked up. tge mgmt took over champion ktv in pudu and renovated the grd floor to be a tgai flower hanging joing with high 3nd ktv upstairs.
yes 2 now has been renamed onyx club but still tgai fkower hanging.
some notable place tgta has tgai flower hanging.
1. scitt garden pixie luxe. s3ns3
2. mt kiara oss
3. pix8e mansiin behind pavillion.
22-03-2015, 09:01 PM
Dear esteemed bros
Still relatively new to kl and all..
I saw this kelab Casablanca..
Any bros got information?
can't see anything from outside all Black mirrors,
Front guarded by many valets and even got a reception!
23-03-2015, 09:10 AM
Dear esteemed bros
Still relatively new to kl and all..
I saw this kelab Casablanca..
Any bros got information?
can't see anything from outside all Black mirrors,
Front guarded by many valets and even got a reception!
not sur3 where tgis place ur refering to but in kl anytging thta has the worf kelab and fully tinted with heavy hor3d hands r actually slot maxhine places or internet gaming.
ifs its slot maxhines tgey will have sigb to say its for membera only
23-03-2015, 10:56 AM
Just some information on Thai Club for those who are interested.
Drink wise is quite standard, usual happy hour will have promotion for cheaper price. This place start quite early from 6plus. Reason been after 7pm, if the FL want to enter, they need to pay for cover charge, hence a lot of them will be there before 7pm to avoid the cover charge. I heard for 8pm, 9pm and 10pm entrance, the cover charge increase in step as well for these FLs, getter more expensive, hence they will try to be there early.
Mostly patron are Asian's customers. Saw a few Ang Mo, around with a bottle of beer in their hand, but usually stay for a short while and they will go out, not sure why...hahahha.
Live band there is quite entertaining, songs ranged from 70s to the latest, they also allow you to delicate.....I personally enjoy the live band session alot.
All Vietnamese FL, age vary from 20+ to 30+. Now already after TET (Vietnamese New Year), guess it is now flooded again with these gals.
Tips again vary from 50 to 100, usually push way (meaning you do not like, and want them to go after they had sit with you for a while), you can tip them 30 to 50. If you had enjoyed their accommodation, tip is usually 50 to 100 or more, depending on your liking, i do know people who tips 200 to 300 without any "ta pao". If you do not like the girl when they approach you, simply reject them saying "No", usually they will just walk away.
Like what bro S3xcy had mention countless time, Not all FL can be "ta pao", hence please check with them right from the start if you have the intention......usual is around 500 to 600. However some may request for more like 800 to 1000.
A quick walking guide (provided by our bro S3excy to me last time) from bukit bintang or imbi area, simply walk towards the main road, follow the direction of the train station from Imbi to Bukit Bintang to Raja Chulan. Continue to walk up from Raja Chulan station, the first cross junction, you simply turn right and walk another 50 steps, and you will reach the entrance to this Thai Club. 15min to 20min walk from Bukit Bintang station.
Have no chance to visit Beach Club yet (although is just a short distance away from Thai Club). Will visit there and try one day.
23-03-2015, 07:35 PM
Just some information on Thai Club for those who are interested.
Drink wise is quite standard, usual happy hour will have promotion for cheaper price. This place start quite early from 6plus. Reason been after 7pm, if the FL want to enter, they need to pay for cover charge, hence a lot of them will be there before 7pm to avoid the cover charge. I heard for 8pm, 9pm and 10pm entrance, the cover charge increase in step as well for these FLs, getter more expensive, hence they will try to be there early.
Mostly patron are Asian's customers. Saw a few Ang Mo, around with a bottle of beer in their hand, but usually stay for a short while and they will go out, not sure why...hahahha.
Live band there is quite entertaining, songs ranged from 70s to the latest, they also allow you to delicate.....I personally enjoy the live band session alot.
All Vietnamese FL, age vary from 20+ to 30+. Now already after TET (Vietnamese New Year), guess it is now flooded again with these gals.
Tips again vary from 50 to 100, usually push way (meaning you do not like, and want them to go after they had sit with you for a while), you can tip them 30 to 50. If you had enjoyed their accommodation, tip is usually 50 to 100 or more, depending on your liking, i do know people who tips 200 to 300 without any "ta pao". If you do not like the girl when they approach you, simply reject them saying "No", usually they will just walk away.
Like what bro S3xcy had mention countless time, Not all FL can be "ta pao", hence please check with them right from the start if you have the intention......usual is around 500 to 600. However some may request for more like 800 to 1000.
A quick walking guide (provided by our bro S3excy to me last time) from bukit bintang or imbi area, simply walk towards the main road, follow the direction of the train station from Imbi to Bukit Bintang to Raja Chulan. Continue to walk up from Raja Chulan station, the first cross junction, you simply turn right and walk another 50 steps, and you will reach the entrance to this Thai Club. 15min to 20min walk from Bukit Bintang station.
Have no chance to visit Beach Club yet (although is just a short distance away from Thai Club). Will visit there and try one day.
good one.
beaxh club just walk from tgai club towards klcc. its on ur left.
23-03-2015, 09:22 PM
not sur3 where tgis place ur refering to but in kl anytging thta has the worf kelab and fully tinted with heavy hor3d hands r actually slot maxhine places or internet gaming.
ifs its slot maxhines tgey will have sigb to say its for membera only
It's at sri hartamas, when turning in to sri hartamas from kerinchi link. You will see it on the left hand. Huge sign and occupying the corner shop.
24-03-2015, 09:41 AM
It's at sri hartamas, when turning in to sri hartamas from kerinchi link. You will see it on the left hand. Huge sign and occupying the corner shop.
then confirm its slot macjine.
hartamas not much to play. thevrow qhere maybank is. tge back row have a few happening places like club 7 pub woth ktv rooms upstairs . local pr.
mayvank row used to have small korean ktvs wirh some milfy prcs now unsure.
27-03-2015, 12:51 AM
master sexcuore, how much is the cost at himawari? for happy hours and sat? is Armada KTV expensive? How much is it? :confused:
27-03-2015, 09:27 AM
master sexcuore, how much is the cost at himawari? for happy hours and sat? is Armada KTV expensive? How much is it? :confused:
as general rule for himawari 1 n 2. weekdays after 9 sad hpur . weekends wgole night happy hour.
happy houra to open small room 4 jugs ard 450. after tax etc.
additiinal 3 jugs ard 140 .night paxkage for first package add ard 100 and tge rest of the add on beer another additiinal 30 per package
as for empress in armada. dont remeber happy hour pricing.
should be ard tge same as himawari night paxakges.
02-04-2015, 09:51 AM
tomorrow good friday will be in temp.
next friday 10 will have big party in twnp
03-04-2015, 12:41 PM
pm ed you.
a word of cautiin. tgese days its windy and raids on tgese snall joibts have kbown to have happened very frequently.
better check.
after raid tgere coukd be hust few gals working etc.
Bro can u pm me too? Sounds unique.
06-04-2015, 12:06 PM
Just landed in KL, will be here till this Sunday, if there is any gathering or party please feel free to let me know. ;)
06-04-2015, 02:13 PM
Just landed in KL, will be here till this Sunday, if there is any gathering or party please feel free to let me know. ;)
definately on fri.
orher days adgoc.
just email.em ur contact
06-04-2015, 04:16 PM
definately on fri.
orher days adgoc.
just email.em ur contact
Hi Bro sexcuore, thanks for the reply.
If I understood you right, you will be at Temptation this Friday 9pm? I might not available so early as I have dinner appointment with my client 7:30pm at Damansara... May I know the party will last until what time?
06-04-2015, 05:58 PM
Hi Bro sexcuore, thanks for the reply.
If I understood you right, you will be at Temptation this Friday 9pm? I might not available so early as I have dinner appointment with my client 7:30pm at Damansara... May I know the party will last until what time?
usually up to 3am.
08-04-2015, 01:48 PM
was at tc yesterday .
lots of gals. more lo9kers back in action haha
16-04-2015, 11:36 AM
sexcuore is our sifus!!!
16-04-2015, 01:04 PM
sexcuore is our sifus!!!
so free a. nothing to do adter losing ur phone ? hha
16-04-2015, 03:02 PM
Hi bro sexcoure.. i pm u .. pls check... lets plan for an outing together... will be nice to know some sbf ppl who are based in KL...
16-04-2015, 09:43 PM
What's the usual expense per outing? Read from first post about rm200?
What if I don't drink alcohol haha.. Just join in the fun:)
17-04-2015, 08:06 AM
kaimaster. i pm u my contact as u dun have wexhat.
as for outing. rm200 is the cap we put on so tgat most newbies will know tge ext of tge damage. depends on places n events. tge costs diff. but most of tgw time 150 to 170.
on non drinkers we can look into lesser costing but bear in nind ur gal will drink and there r times when tge outing is with a few pax and tgere is always a min exp for tge room. so even if u drink or dun drink the cost of outing is shared evenly. hope u understand.
its like u go tc alonevandvorder a glass of c9ke with ur rm30 cover charge. when ur gal comes ru not going to order a bucket of beer for her.
norm in ktv u need quite a bit of games n beer to lubricate ur gal so tgat u have a more fun night out.
hope tgis answer ur question
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