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29-01-2016, 03:35 PM
Tiagong u suan SIAM ah...
UP you for WUJI post!

Don't just hide here n Rot! You got something to said to siam say to his face.

29-01-2016, 04:21 PM
Don't just hide here n Rot! You got something to said to siam say to his face.

Not happy zap me lor...

29-01-2016, 04:22 PM
Tiagong Xi Jinping bro chu power...
Stocks rally Lai Liao...
Huat ah!

29-01-2016, 04:44 PM
Tiagong u suan SIAM ah...
UP you for WUJI post!

Tiagong you buay gum SIAM ah...
Not happy ZAP him lor...


29-01-2016, 06:43 PM
Tiagong you buay gum SIAM ah...
Not happy ZAP him lor...


Fark Serious?

29-01-2016, 09:20 PM
Fark Serious?

Not happy zap me lor...
Cutoff time tomorrow noon...
So LIMPEH can go buy 4D...
HUAT ah!

29-01-2016, 09:22 PM
Fark Serious?

Hello everybody .. The dog is looney Liao. Asking everyone to zap IT.

29-01-2016, 09:24 PM
Buay Chup Toa Jit Par Suay

29-01-2016, 09:24 PM
Not happy zap me lor...
Cutoff time tomorrow noon...
So LIMPEH can go buy 4D...
HUAT ah!

Limbei challenge u to go challenge moderator. Tiagong a few waiting for ur challenge so they can beat u this dog

29-01-2016, 09:24 PM
Just a suggestion you might want to use this post whenever he posts .

My humble 2 cents worth .

UP you for good post!
Give SL some work to do...
Mai idle Clone in SBF...

29-01-2016, 09:25 PM
UP you for good post!
Give SL some work to do...
Mai idle Clone in SBF...

Your spoon already caked with shit u still want to continue stirring? Neber ask your boyfriend buy new shit-stirring spoon for u ar?

29-01-2016, 09:33 PM
Tiagong you buay gum SIAM ah...
Not happy ZAP him lor...


Ask u a personal question can? Why u buey gam Siam?

29-01-2016, 09:39 PM
Ask u a personal question can? Why u buey gam Siam?

Good question...
I also want to know why Hippo buey gam with Siam...

29-01-2016, 09:43 PM
Good question...
I also want to know why Hippo buey gam with Siam...

Let me put it to you this way:

Johnbass, personal question, why YOU buey gam bro Siam?

29-01-2016, 10:14 PM
Let me put it to you this way:

Johnbass, personal question, why YOU buey gam bro Siam?

Not I start one hor...
You go ask Siam why he BOJI wants to zap LIMPEH lor...
LIMPEH teaching him and other zappers a lesson nia...

It shares open at 100 on 24/12 at 10pm ... let the trading begins ...hehee ....:D

29-01-2016, 10:28 PM
Not I start one hor...
You go ask Siam why he BOJI wants to zap LIMPEH lor...
LIMPEH teaching him and other zappers a lesson nia...

One question, why you keep repeating your words ?:p

29-01-2016, 10:28 PM
Not I start one hor...
You go ask Siam why he BOJI wants to zap LIMPEH lor...
LIMPEH teaching him and other zappers a lesson nia...

Are u saying the whole SBF is boji since everyone wants to zap you?
You want to teach Everyone a lesson issit?

29-01-2016, 10:38 PM
Are u saying the whole SBF is boji since everyone wants to zap you?
You want to teach Everyone a lesson issit?

Everyone is you say one lor...
Got so many zaps in the 1st place a not...
LIMPEH haven't chu my POWER 3 leh...

29-01-2016, 10:51 PM
Tiagong You dunno DH that well ....

DH dunno how to write chinese one leh .

Me passing by nia , pls carry on .

ps: Dont zap me hor !


You are DH right ?
I read from some thread this Johnbass very frequent use wrong nicks post.
Did you use the wrong nick too when making this post ?
Or you are ... :eek:

30-01-2016, 12:03 AM
One question, why you keep repeating your words ?:p

IT is lost for words while SL KKJ is inside ITS mouth...


30-01-2016, 12:22 AM
Wait till you reach my postcount then issue challenge hor...

Do not zap Johnbass in the Matters of the Heart sub-forum and Adult Discussions about Anything Under the Sun sub-forum.

Zap in these two sub-forums will turn into a Up.

Just passing by today only

30-01-2016, 12:22 AM
Everyone is you say one lor...
Got so many zaps in the 1st place a not...
LIMPEH haven't chu my POWER 3 leh...

Do not zap Johnbass in the Matters of the Heart sub-forum and Adult Discussions about Anything Under the Sun sub-forum.

Zap in these two sub-forums will turn into a Up.

Just passing by today only

30-01-2016, 12:23 AM
Not I start one hor...
You go ask Siam why he BOJI wants to zap LIMPEH lor...
LIMPEH teaching him and other zappers a lesson nia...

Do not zap Johnbass in the Matters of the Heart sub-forum and Adult Discussions about Anything Under the Sun sub-forum.

Zap in these two sub-forums will turn into a Up.

Just passing by today only

30-01-2016, 01:11 AM
Do not zap Johnbass in the Matters of the Heart sub-forum and Adult Discussions about Anything Under the Sun sub-forum.

Zap in these two sub-forums will turn into a Up.

Just passing by today only

UP you for WUJI post!


30-01-2016, 02:05 AM
Everyone is you say one lor...
Got so many zaps in the 1st place a not...
LIMPEH haven't chu my POWER 3 leh...

If they ever approach the right samster with the initial starting with a " ... " then the God can't help you :D, he started in the year 2003, at that time, there was a Clone War BTW OKTs, he built freaking tons of hundreds active cloning. I saw his works before. Is really Awesome :D His pm box is active till now. :D

A Gentle Reminder

30-01-2016, 11:11 AM
Everyone is you say one lor...
Got so many zaps in the 1st place a not...
LIMPEH haven't chu my POWER 3 leh...
wah Chief Exicitement Officer issue warning to you...
going to zap your karchng...
you say offer $$$ can zap you to negative or not???
your POWER 3 can tahan $$$ POWER or not???

30-01-2016, 11:48 AM
If they ever approach the right samster with the initial starting with a " ... " then the God can't help you :D, he started in the year 2003, at that time, there was a Clone War BTW OKTs, he built freaking tons of hundreds active cloning. I saw his works before. Is really Awesome .His pm box is active till now. :D

A Gentle Reminder


:D :cool:

30-01-2016, 11:50 AM
You are DH right ?
I read from some thread this Johnbass very frequent use wrong nicks post.
Did you use the wrong nick too when making this post ?
Or you are ... :eek:

若要人不知,除非己莫为 :rolleyes::D

30-01-2016, 12:47 PM
Everyone is you say one lor...
Got so many zaps in the 1st place a not...
LIMPEH haven't chu my POWER 3 leh...

PUSSY ran away liao...
SL chu SPERM power on your JiBye face...

30-01-2016, 01:30 PM
PUSSY ran away liao...
SL chu SPERM power on your JiBye face...

Up u again for wuji post.

sex crusader
30-01-2016, 02:29 PM
Do not zap Johnbass in the Matters of the Heart sub-forum and Adult Discussions about Anything Under the Sun sub-forum.

Zap in these two sub-forums will turn into a Up.

Just passing by today only

Can I copy your sig? This is to help to spread the msg across!:D

30-01-2016, 02:39 PM
Can I copy your sig? This is to help to spread the msg across!:D

Tiagong some of the message was copied from SL...
I also copy liao...
You faster copy...


30-01-2016, 06:11 PM
Do not zap Johnbass in the Matters of the Heart sub-forum and Adult Discussions about Anything Under the Sun sub-forum.

Zap in these two sub-forums will turn into a Up.

Just passing by today only

wah Chief Exicitement Officer issue warning to you...
going to zap your karchng...
you say offer $$$ can zap you to negative or not???
your POWER 3 can tahan $$$ POWER or not???

PUSSY ran away liao...
SL chu SPERM power on your JiBye face...

Up u again for wuji post.

Can I copy your sig? This is to help to spread the msg across!:D

Tiagong some of the message was copied from SL...
I also copy liao...
You faster copy...


Farking Serious...
Play SO BIG ah...
Tiagong the more you all repost SL's posts and spam other threads...
The more points LIMPEH get wor...


30-01-2016, 07:08 PM
Farking Serious...
Play SO BIG ah...
Tiagong the more you all repost SL's posts and spam other threads...
The more points LIMPEH get wor...


Eh Babi... You collect points first lah...
Later mai say LIMPEH never pang chance hor...


30-01-2016, 07:18 PM
Farking Serious...
Play SO BIG ah...
Tiagong the more you all repost SL's posts and spam other threads...
The more points LIMPEH get wor...


Lol nice number 168. :D hope people don't get jelly hor

Just hopping by nia

ah rat
30-01-2016, 07:57 PM
Just hopping by nia

Sis,when you hop to Singapore zia :D

30-01-2016, 08:09 PM
Lol nice number 168. :D hope people don't get jelly hor

Just hopping by nia

Steady lah...
Thank you hor...
Tomorrow buy 4D sure HUAT ah!

30-01-2016, 09:18 PM
Steady lah...
Thank you hor...
Tomorrow buy 4D sure HUAT ah!

Do not zap Johnbass in the Matters of the Heart sub-forum and Adult Discussions about Anything Under the Sun sub-forum.

Zap in these two sub-forums will turn into a Up.

30-01-2016, 09:21 PM
Do not zap Johnbass in the Matters of the Heart sub-forum and Adult Discussions about Anything Under the Sun sub-forum.

Zap in these two sub-forums will turn into a Up.

Try to keep up with LIMPEH leh...

30-01-2016, 09:22 PM
Try to keep up with LIMPEH leh...

Do not zap Johnbass in the Matters of the Heart sub-forum and Adult Discussions about Anything Under the Sun sub-forum.

Zap in these two sub-forums will turn into a Up.

30-01-2016, 09:50 PM
Mai later no one post in SBF...
Become LIMPEH's fault again...

30-01-2016, 09:56 PM
Mai later no one post in SBF...
Become LIMPEH's fault again...

Do not zap Johnbass in the Matters of the Heart sub-forum and Adult Discussions about Anything Under the Sun sub-forum.

Zap in these two sub-forums will turn into a Up.

30-01-2016, 10:23 PM
Do not zap Johnbass in the Matters of the Heart sub-forum and Adult Discussions about Anything Under the Sun sub-forum.

Zap in these two sub-forums will turn into a Up.

Thank you for your contribution hor...
Keep UP the excellent work...

30-01-2016, 10:31 PM
Do not zap Johnbass in the Matters of the Heart sub-forum and Adult Discussions about Anything Under the Sun sub-forum.

Zap in these two sub-forums will turn into a Up.

Up u for a good post!

30-01-2016, 10:42 PM
Mai later no one post in SBF...
Become LIMPEH's fault again...

Do not zap Johnbass in the Matters of the Heart sub-forum and Adult Discussions about Anything Under the Sun sub-forum.

Zap in these two sub-forums will turn into a Up.

Just passing by today only

30-01-2016, 10:43 PM
Can I copy your sig? This is to help to spread the msg across!:D

This senior request, who don't dare to accede?
May I request your help to get 10 of your Bros to have same sig? :p

30-01-2016, 11:07 PM
This senior request, who don't dare to accede?
May I request your help to get 10 of your Bros to have same sig? :p

Play SO BIG ah?
You all diao water got how many zappers Liao?
Mai say LIMPEH never pang chance leh...
CNY coming soon...

30-01-2016, 11:11 PM
Play SO BIG ah?
You all diao water got how many zappers Liao?
Mai say LIMPEH never pang chance leh...
CNY coming soon...

Scared liao ah?
Ask your back-up come Fark your pantat lah...
Bodoh Peh Babi...


30-01-2016, 11:15 PM
Scared liao ah?
Ask your back-up come Fark your pantat lah...
Bodoh Peh Babi...


LIMPEH sibei scared lor...
Peace ai mai?
Then LIMPEH let you all win...

30-01-2016, 11:22 PM
Watching this on streaming now...
Power sia...
Tio hoot by Bear also buey si...
Film until very realistic...

30-01-2016, 11:22 PM
LIMPEH sibei scared lor...
Peace ai mai?
Then LIMPEH let you all win...

You should say.... Zap me loh

30-01-2016, 11:24 PM
You should say.... Zap me loh

Apparently that didn't work quite well...

30-01-2016, 11:25 PM
LIMPEH sibei scared lor...
Peace ai mai?
Then LIMPEH let you all win...

Sure or no? Don't back down Hor. Delete your account now and we will write a moratorium declaring peace.

30-01-2016, 11:32 PM
Sure or no? Don't back down Hor. Delete your account now and we will write a moratorium declaring peace.

Wah... U speak for your gang ah?

30-01-2016, 11:47 PM
Wah... U speak for your gang ah?

Relac, after u delete your account, we will enter u into wikipedia as the world worst shit stirrer. You can blog your journal and the terrorist will invite u for speeches n talks. You will be the Anthony Robin of the shit stirring world.

30-01-2016, 11:49 PM
Watching this on streaming now...
Power sia...
Tio hoot by Bear also buey si...
Film until very realistic...

Do us a favour and become irrelevant.

30-01-2016, 11:50 PM
Relac, after u delete your account, we will enter u into wikipedia as the world worst shit stirrer. You can blog your journal and the terrorist will invite u for speeches n talks. You will be the Anthony Robin of the shit stirring world.

Why u sound more scared than me ah?
I sell you my account instead, ai mai?

30-01-2016, 11:57 PM
Why u sound more scared than me ah?
I sell you my account instead, ai mai?

I don't touch shit. There are lots of thing I do but I draw the line with this.

31-01-2016, 12:04 AM
I don't touch shit. There are lots of thing I do but I draw the line with this.

Dun want then I keep my account lor...
HUAT ah!

31-01-2016, 12:37 AM
Dun want then I keep my account lor...
HUAT ah!

Peace kee lan.

31-01-2016, 02:27 AM
Thank you all for the ZAPs... I mean UPs!
HUAT ah!

SnowLeopards found a very cunning post by IT. :D

The above post by IT shows that IT made the people of this forum stupid. :eek:

All zaps targeted at IT should stop until further notice.

Do not fall for the scheming trap by IT. :cool:

31-01-2016, 10:25 AM
SnowLeopards found a very cunning post by IT.

The above post by IT shows that IT made the people of this forum stupid. :eek:

All zaps targeted at IT should stop until further notice.

Do not fall for the scheming trap by IT.

This forum is blessed with diverse users.

I hope you get the picture. :D


JohnbassIV found a very cunning post by SL...
The above post by SL shows that SL made the people of this forum stupid...

31-01-2016, 10:56 AM
JohnbassIV found a very cunning post by SL...
The above post by SL shows that SL made the people of this forum stupid...

If I read your mind correctly, you plan to post in orgy today. Backside 7days itch.

31-01-2016, 11:25 AM
Apparently that didn't work quite well...
ai mai any football match-total goal-ODD or EVEN-banned for life...
THIS will work well...

31-01-2016, 11:31 AM
If I read your mind correctly, you plan to post in orgy today. Backside 7days itch.

My son is too scared to post because IT knows the points have no use.
IT is still begging for points just like the father who beg me not to expose that bastard.
The son is equally stupid like the father.

31-01-2016, 01:14 PM
Today's 4D 1st prize tip... 218...
Last number ownself go pick hor...
HUAT ah!

31-01-2016, 01:21 PM
Please refer to my sig, ta.

Today's 4D 1st prize tip... 218...
Last number ownself go pick hor...
HUAT ah!

31-01-2016, 01:42 PM
JohnbassIV found a very cunning post by SL...
The above post by SL shows that SL made the people of this forum stupid...

Tiagong u have turned the forum upside down.

31-01-2016, 02:33 PM
Please refer to my sig, ta.

Tiagong tomorrow STI is rising...
HUAT ah!

31-01-2016, 03:23 PM

31-01-2016, 04:32 PM
+1.5 LEVANTE @ 1.75$
1x2-LEVANTE @ 9.30$


31-01-2016, 06:20 PM
I am selling the 2016 Johnbass spirit dog doll for $25.

Grab while stock last


Note: not sold with needles, needles sold separately.

31-01-2016, 08:29 PM
+1.5 LEVANTE @ 1.75$
1x2-LEVANTE @ 9.30$


LIMPEH help u cut ONG LAI hairstyle...
Sure HUAT ah!

31-01-2016, 08:52 PM
Not happy zap me lor...

Do Not Exchange Points With Johnbass.
Do Not ZAP Johnbass In The Matters Of The Heart Sub-Forum & Adult Discussions About Anything Under The Sun Sub-Forum As ZAPS Turns To UPS.


31-01-2016, 09:01 PM
Johnbass the Siao Gao running amok since yesterday :rolleyes:
Leaving behind IT, trails of gao sai and paw prints :cool:

Siao Gao, your gao sai and paw prints lead us to where you reside ;) you drives a black colored car from a Japanese car company. :p

31-01-2016, 09:05 PM
+1.5 LEVANTE @ 1.75$
1x2-LEVANTE @ 9.30$


LIMPEH help u cut ONG LAI hairstyle...
Sure HUAT ah!

Oops... FT 3-1
ONG LAI head also cannot help you...

31-01-2016, 09:10 PM
Mr Sammyboyfor

Could you please move Johnbass recent post to Orgies section ? Lets see how can people zap him to negative

Bro, brilliant idea ! :D

31-01-2016, 09:22 PM
Johnbass the siao gao, slowly shiver over my last 2 postings in this thread :rolleyes:
I going koon now :p
Wish you horrifying nightmares :cool:

Don't run amok okay ? :D

31-01-2016, 09:54 PM
Johnbass the Siao Gao running amok since yesterday :rolleyes:
Leaving behind IT, trails of gao sai and paw prints

Siao Gao, your gao sai and paw prints lead us to where you reside ;) you drives a black colored car from a Japanese car company.

Bro, brilliant idea !

Johnbass the siao gao, slowly shiver over my last 2 postings in this thread
I going koon now
Wish you horrifying nightmares

Don't run amok okay ? :D

Farking Serious...
Your gang de CSI Power sibei TOKONG sia...
Mai sexpose my address and car plate number hor...

31-01-2016, 10:31 PM
Farking Serious...
Your gang de CSI Power sibei TOKONG sia...
Mai sexpose my address and car plate number hor...

Tiagong i csi your main email liao. Goatfucker@gmail.com

31-01-2016, 11:30 PM
You are DH right ?
I read from some thread this Johnbass very frequent use wrong nicks post.
Did you use the wrong nick too when making this post ?
Or you are ... :eek:

Si Ginna ..mai sexpose me leh .

My fren de fren tell me I never use wrong nick .

Huat u understand !


31-01-2016, 11:42 PM
Si Ginna ..mai sexpose me leh .

My fren de fren tell me I never use wrong nick .

Huat u understand !


Tiagong tomorrow all the "black colored car from a Japanese car company" jiat lat liao...
Not my fault hor...

01-02-2016, 12:56 AM
Tiagong tomorrow all the "black colored car from a Japanese car company" jiat lat liao...
Not my fault hor...

You're a motherless dog

01-02-2016, 10:39 AM
Tiagong the 40 thieves cannot find Ali Baba's house cos' all marked with same pattern...
Later I also go mark my neighbors' house and black Japanese cars...

01-02-2016, 03:22 PM
Do not zap Johnbass in the Matters of the Heart sub-forum and Adult Discussions about Anything Under the Sun sub-forum.

Zap in these two sub-forums will turn into a Up.

Just passing by today only

01-02-2016, 04:30 PM
If they ever approach the right samster with the initial starting with a " ... " then the God can't help you :D, he started in the year 2003, at that time, there was a Clone War BTW OKTs, he built freaking tons of hundreds active cloning. I saw his works before. Is really Awesome :D His pm box is active till now. :D

A Gentle Reminder
Is it possible to pay for his service to zap Johnbass to negative-1???

01-02-2016, 05:42 PM
Is it possible to pay for his service to zap Johnbass to negative-1???

Not possible

The true facts might able to convince him

I only know he is in BKK after that incidents

cause it went from online onto real life and that's how

there's 3 particular clause on administrator signature till now :D

01-02-2016, 06:02 PM
Not possible

The true facts might able to convince him

I only know he is in BKK after that incidents

cause it went from online onto real life and that's how

there's 3 particular clause on administrator signature till now :D

Farking Serious...
Thank you for the history lesson...
Otherwise the SI GINNAs still think Pia Water very easy...

01-02-2016, 06:44 PM
Farking Serious...
Thank you for the history lesson...
Otherwise the SI GINNAs still think Pia Water very easy...

Dun be so naughty, try to be at peace with them

I can't watch over your back all the times

Good luck :D

01-02-2016, 06:48 PM
Dun be so naughty, try to be at peace with them

I can't watch over your back all the times

Good luck :D

How I know they so serious one...

01-02-2016, 06:56 PM
Farking Serious...
Thank you for the history lesson...
Otherwise the SI GINNAs still think Pia Water very easy...

When your day comes u cannot even run back to Malaysia to hide lor...

01-02-2016, 06:56 PM
How I know they so serious one...
nobody is serious...
only you fear losing...
tio bo???

01-02-2016, 07:01 PM
When your day comes u cannot even run back to Malaysia to hide lor...

Farking Serious...
How you know I going back Malaysia for CNY?
Your CSI Power more TOKONG than chaku...

01-02-2016, 07:02 PM
nobody is serious...
only you fear losing...
tio bo???

And Everyone else fear my points...
Tio Bo?

01-02-2016, 07:08 PM
And Everyone else fear my points...
Tio Bo?
only 252 points n not 2520 points...
wat to fear???
wat I no YOU fear betting with me...

01-02-2016, 07:31 PM
And Everyone else fear my points...
Tio Bo?
only 252 points,you talk like 25200 points...
later negative points you cry father cry mother...

01-02-2016, 09:02 PM
Farking Serious...
You bully Chiobu Blurri ah?
You all still say I bully Chiobu Alice...
My bad... You all more people... White also can say Black lor...

Bumpz thread for a excellent show here !!! :eek: ... *clap ! clap ! clap ! * ... Huat Ah !!! :D ... Lol

01-02-2016, 09:18 PM
Farking Serious...
You bully Chiobu Blurri ah?
You all still say I bully Chiobu Alice...
My bad... You all more people... White also can say Black lor...


Do not zap Johnbass in the Matters of the Heart sub-forum and Adult Discussions about Anything Under the Sun sub-forum.

Zap in these two sub-forums will turn into a Up

01-02-2016, 09:33 PM

Do not zap Johnbass in the Matters of the Heart sub-forum and Adult Discussions about Anything Under the Sun sub-forum.

Zap in these two sub-forums will turn into a Up

Bump bump :D

01-02-2016, 10:25 PM
Not happy zap me lor...

01-02-2016, 10:29 PM
Another horrifying nightmares for the siao gao :D
Going koon now :D

01-02-2016, 10:55 PM
Another horrifying nightmares for the siao gao :D
Going koon now :D

U so early koon ah?
Hope you don't get nightmares of me having more Points and Power...

01-02-2016, 11:50 PM
U so early koon ah?
Hope you don't get nightmares of me having more Points and Power...

How u get so many ppl to "UP" you aH ?

SIC leh ...


02-02-2016, 12:11 AM
How u get so many ppl to "UP" you aH ?

SIC leh ...


One word : underdog

02-02-2016, 07:46 AM
How u get so many ppl to "UP" you aH ?

SIC leh ...


Must be my "GOOD" relationship with people here...

02-02-2016, 08:40 AM
Must be my "GOOD" relationship with people here...

Lol....please be honest! How much money have u bribed those uppers?:rolleyes:

02-02-2016, 02:17 PM
Lol....please be honest! How much money have u bribed those uppers?:rolleyes:

The SON OF A BITCH use ITS KAR CHNG to bribe people.
Exchange points and those zaps which IT cheat people and turn to ups is all the tricks IT have.
Lets see how long can this CHEEBYE FACE continue.

02-02-2016, 02:44 PM
The SON OF A BITCH use ITS KAR CHNG to bribe people.
Exchange points and those zaps which IT cheat people and turn to ups is all the tricks IT have.
Lets see how long can this CHEEBYE FACE continue.

Mai jealous of LIMPEH's 260 points hor...
You can try to use your kar chng to bribe others to zap me...
Dunno worth how much...

02-02-2016, 03:23 PM
Mai jealous of LIMPEH's 260 points hor...
You can try to use your kar chng to bribe others to zap me...
Dunno worth how much...

Continue to SELL your KAR CHNG for spread the virus.

02-02-2016, 03:40 PM
Continue to SELL your KAR CHNG for spread the virus.

Not happy zap me lor...

02-02-2016, 08:04 PM
Very long never chu LIMPEH HUAT YOU formula...

Under 2.5 goals
2-Feb Sheff. Wed - Burnley (1.58)
3-Feb Watford - Chelsea (1.67)

HUAT ah!

03-02-2016, 07:59 AM
Very long never chu LIMPEH HUAT YOU formula...

Under 2.5 goals
2-Feb Sheff. Wed - Burnley (1.58) - FT 1-1 HUAT AH!
3-Feb Watford - Chelsea (1.67)

HUAT ah!

Tiagong tonight will HUAT...
Mai say LIMPEH never SIC hor...

03-02-2016, 11:34 AM
Tiagong tonight will HUAT...
Mai say LIMPEH never SIC hor...
tiagong you cut ONG LAI hairstyle...
you only dare to take win less odds...
very good,ai mai bet???

03-02-2016, 01:22 PM
tiagong you cut ONG LAI hairstyle...
you only dare to take win less odds...
very good,ai mai bet???

Hoot $1000 win $580 wor...
Still small ah?
No wonder you all like to play so BIG here...
But in the end still lose...

03-02-2016, 02:26 PM
Hoot $1000 win $580 wor...
Still small ah?
No wonder you all like to play so BIG here...
But in the end still lose...

Why dun you play a bigger version tat you post openly except non zap sub forum for 3 FUCKING days instead of one day ? That might be more excited for everyone else whenever logging it :D Fairness, I'll stays neutral, Not To Interfere At All Times. Show them what you got in your Fucking Storeroom :D Convince Everything.

03-02-2016, 03:27 PM
Why dun you play a bigger version tat you post openly except non zap sub forum for 3 FUCKING days instead of one day ? That might be more excited for everyone else whenever logging it :D Fairness, I'll stays neutral, Not To Interfere At All Times. Show them what you got in your Fucking Storeroom :D Convince Everything.

That will never happen because IT knows what will the outcome be. :D

03-02-2016, 03:44 PM
Why dun you play a bigger version tat you post openly except non zap sub forum for 3 FUCKING days instead of one day ? That might be more excited for everyone else whenever logging it :D Fairness, I'll stays neutral, Not To Interfere At All Times. Show them what you got in your Fucking Storeroom :D Convince Everything.

Play so BIG ah?
Tiagong CNY 3 days holidays...
Zappers busy go 拜年...
Later say not counted again...

03-02-2016, 03:56 PM
Play so BIG ah?
Tiagong CNY 3 days holidays...
Zappers busy go 拜年...
Later say not counted again...

take this chance to show off...

03-02-2016, 04:24 PM
take this chance to show off...

Mai lah... I very humble one...

03-02-2016, 06:33 PM
Siao gao go check your clones now :rolleyes:;):cool:

03-02-2016, 06:39 PM
Siao gao go check your clones now :rolleyes:;):cool:
Hahahaha .... Huat Ah !!! :D

03-02-2016, 06:56 PM
Siao gao go check your clones now :rolleyes:;):cool:

We also can see ah?
SIC leh...
Want to see how many PUSSY clones Johnbass the PUSSY have...

03-02-2016, 07:49 PM
Siao gao go check your clones now :rolleyes:;):cool:

Tiagong you chak the wrong dog...
Not happy go zap him lor...
WUJI boh?
But think you will run first after seeing his Power...

Join Date: Jul 2005
Location: DogHouse
Posts: 139
My Reputation:
Points: 733 / Power: 11

03-02-2016, 07:52 PM
Hahahaha .... Huat Ah !!! :D

Huat ah !!! :D

03-02-2016, 07:53 PM
We also can see ah?
SIC leh...
Want to see how many PUSSY clones Johnbass the PUSSY have...

Siao gao clones start up the Yellow aircon van :D

03-02-2016, 08:47 PM
Siao gao clones start up the Yellow aircon van :D

Soon IT will UP the blue van...

03-02-2016, 09:47 PM
Siao gao clones start up the Yellow aircon van :D

Hahahaha ... so many clones cannot use Yellow van lar ... must use Yellow lorry leow !!! :D

03-02-2016, 10:26 PM
Hahahaha ... so many clones cannot use Yellow van lar ... must use Yellow lorry leow !!! :D

Ha ha Yellow lorry maybe also need more :D
Siao gao now silent, IT login logout checking IT clones see which up the Yellow lorry :rolleyes:;)

03-02-2016, 10:36 PM
Ha ha Yellow lorry maybe also need more :D
Siao gao now silent, IT login logout checking IT clones see which up the Yellow lorry :rolleyes:;)

Power 2 talk like Power 3...
Not happy zap me lor...

03-02-2016, 10:38 PM
Mai lah... I very humble one...

Ya right. Tomorrow I strike toto 4D n big sweeps.

03-02-2016, 10:48 PM

Do not zap Johnbass in the Matters of the Heart sub-forum and Adult Discussions about Anything Under the Sun sub-forum.

Zap in these two sub-forums will turn into a Up

Bump bump :D

03-02-2016, 10:59 PM
??? What does it prove????

Prove that his sexpose fail lor...
Sexpose liao, others also cannot recognize, or not interested...
Btw, Siam UP you points, you still suan him...
Steady Pom Pi Pi lor...

03-02-2016, 11:04 PM

Do not zap Johnbass in the Matters of the Heart sub-forum and Adult Discussions about Anything Under the Sun sub-forum.

Zap in these two sub-forums will turn into a Up

no offence to the seniors and Bros .... Please to share the following:

Do not zap Johnbass in the Matters of the Heart sub-forum and Adult Discussions about Anything Under the Sun sub-forum.

Zap in these two sub-forums will turn into a Up.

Just passing by today only

Bump bump :D

03-02-2016, 11:37 PM
Prove that his sexpose fail lor...
Sexpose liao, others also cannot recognize, or not interested...
Btw, Siam UP you points, you still suan him...
Steady Pom Pi Pi lor...

U come out. I give you points too.

he where got sexpose. Just talk big.

03-02-2016, 11:51 PM
Wah .45 Lai Liao.

04-02-2016, 12:12 AM
Prove that his sexpose fail lor...
Sexpose liao, others also cannot recognize, or not interested...
Btw, Siam UP you points, you still suan him...
Steady Pom Pi Pi lor...

Go orgy Ma... Waiting for new year ?

04-02-2016, 12:14 AM
Big cannon want to up u but u still want to hide here and rot.

04-02-2016, 12:22 AM
Mr Sammyboyfor

Could you please move Johnbass recent post to Orgies section ? Lets see how can people zap him to negative


Do not zap Johnbass in the Matters of the Heart sub-forum and Adult Discussions about Anything Under the Sun sub-forum.

Zap in these two sub-forums will turn into a Up

no offence to the seniors and Bros .... Please to share the following:

Do not zap Johnbass in the Matters of the Heart sub-forum and Adult Discussions about Anything Under the Sun sub-forum.

Zap in these two sub-forums will turn into a Up.

Just passing by today only

Do not zap Johnbass in the Matters of the Heart sub-forum and Adult Discussions about Anything Under the Sun sub-forum.

Zap in these two sub-forums will turn into a Up.


Bump bump :D

04-02-2016, 07:34 AM
Originally Posted by Johnbass
Very long never chu LIMPEH HUAT YOU formula...

Under 2.5 goals
2-Feb Sheff. Wed - Burnley (1.58) - FT 1-1 HUAT AH!
3-Feb Watford - Chelsea (1.67) - FT 0-0 HUAT AH!

HUAT ah!

2 SICs 2 WINs...
100% hit rate for year 2016!
LIMPEH wins again...

04-02-2016, 07:52 AM
why no time to TCSS with me ??? :rolleyes: .... busy painting your SB ??? :eek: ... Lol

Tiagong someone said afternoon then start show...
But now so early start liao...
Buey koon ah?

04-02-2016, 07:58 AM
Bump bump :D

266 points and increasing...
Your bump not working leh...
Must be your SI GINNA gang lazy... Never bump enough...
HUAT ah!

04-02-2016, 08:48 AM
266 points and increasing...
Your bump not working leh...
Must be your SI GINNA gang lazy... Never bump enough...
HUAT ah!

Must be humble.

04-02-2016, 09:15 AM
Must be humble.

Tiagong after each win must celebrate mah...

04-02-2016, 09:57 AM
Boss has been giving everyone here very good and accurate medical information. Just a few details to add:.

UP DoctorTan for good post!
My friend de friend de friend recovered from shingles after 1 month...

Tiagong your sub-forum should be next zap free zone...
Else people cannot go see doctor...
Steady boh?

04-02-2016, 12:39 PM
UP DoctorTan for good post!
My friend de friend de friend recovered from shingles after 1 month...

Tiagong your sub-forum should be next zap free zone...
Else people cannot go see doctor...
Steady boh?

U will never recover from HIV and that is a fact...

04-02-2016, 12:44 PM
UP DoctorTan for good post!
My friend de friend de friend recovered from shingles after 1 month...

Tiagong your sub-forum should be next zap free zone...
Else people cannot go see doctor...
Steady boh?
100% win,very good...
lai la bet ODD OR EVEN,ai mai???
Tiagong maybe no more zap free zones & newbie section & soccer section also can up or zap...
then you canot post anymore...

04-02-2016, 01:18 PM
why no time to TCSS with me ??? :rolleyes: .... busy painting your SB ??? :eek: ... Lol

I trust the Siam boy

Let me help summarize...
Power42 gan Power21+Power45 gan Power10 gan Power8...
Means Siam still losing wor...
Jiayou leh...
Mai Lao Kiu later apologize and play exchange points again hor...

04-02-2016, 01:36 PM
Wah .45 Lai Liao.

Simi 45 ? :confused:

04-02-2016, 01:36 PM
Mr Sammyboyfor

Could you please move Johnbass recent post to Orgies section ? Lets see how can people zap him to negative


Do not zap Johnbass in the Matters of the Heart sub-forum and Adult Discussions about Anything Under the Sun sub-forum.

Zap in these two sub-forums will turn into a Up

no offence to the seniors and Bros .... Please to share the following:

Do not zap Johnbass in the Matters of the Heart sub-forum and Adult Discussions about Anything Under the Sun sub-forum.

Zap in these two sub-forums will turn into a Up.

Just passing by today only

Do not zap Johnbass in the Matters of the Heart sub-forum and Adult Discussions about Anything Under the Sun sub-forum.

Zap in these two sub-forums will turn into a Up.


Bump bump :D

04-02-2016, 01:40 PM
Go Orgy sub-forum jiak popcorn see show loh....
Power10 talk like Power1000...

04-02-2016, 02:13 PM
IT losing ITs clones faster than IT gaining cheating points :D

04-02-2016, 02:22 PM
Go Orgy sub-forum jiak popcorn see show loh....
Power10 talk like Power1000...

I posted at Orgy section wait for IT :D
IT Boji go Orgy section ? :rolleyes:

IT ONLY know how to Mouth talk testicles shiok :D

I forever see IT NO UP !!! :cool:

04-02-2016, 02:29 PM
IT losing ITs clones faster than IT gaining cheating points :D

Which clones in moderation Liao?
SIC leh... I lost track...

04-02-2016, 02:58 PM
I posted at Orgy section wait for IT
IT Boji go Orgy section ? :rolleyes:

IT ONLY know how to Mouth talk testicles shiok :D

I forever see IT NO UP !!! :cool:

When u communicate with IT must give some exception lah...
IT is a patient at IMH leh...
Maybe never jiak medicines that why behave like a Farking Psycho...

04-02-2016, 03:02 PM
100% win,very good...
lai la bet ODD OR EVEN,ai mai???
Tiagong maybe no more zap free zones & newbie section & soccer section also can up or zap...
then you canot post anymore...
JB worried no more zap free zones & also worried newbie & soccer section also can up or zap...
JB tiagong only,dun worried...
no we bet minus points for football match,ai mai???

04-02-2016, 03:21 PM
I posted at Orgy section wait for IT.
IT Boji go Orgy section ? :rolleyes:

IT ONLY know how to Mouth talk testicles shiok :D

I forever see IT NO UP !!! :cool:

Bump bump :D

04-02-2016, 05:24 PM
Bump bump :D

My son has no balls so how can testicles be shiok?
Maybe IT suck SnowLeopards' testicles until IT shiok.

04-02-2016, 06:12 PM
My son has no balls so how can testicles be shiok?
Maybe IT suck SnowLeopards' testicles until IT shiok.

Ha ha :D

Bump bump :D

04-02-2016, 08:41 PM
Bump bump :D

UP you for UPPING good post!


04-02-2016, 08:56 PM
UP you for UPPING good post!


Up u for being so fake.

04-02-2016, 11:46 PM
IT just picak IT own lobang again :D
Crystal clear who is the senior nick using IT to stir ha ha :D
Hearday that senior nick is a big buaya :rolleyes:

05-02-2016, 12:11 AM
IT just picak IT own lobang again :D
Crystal clear who is the senior nick using IT to stir ha ha :D
Hearday that senior nick is a big buaya :rolleyes:

Farking Serious...
SIC the buaya nick leh...

05-02-2016, 07:26 AM
IT just picak IT own lobang again :D
Crystal clear who is the senior nick using IT to stir ha ha :D
Hearday that senior nick is a big buaya :rolleyes:

Farking Serious...
Like that you also can catch "red-handed"...
Your CSI Power sibei TOKONG lor...
SIC the senior nick leh...
Mai pattern more than badminton like Siam hor...

05-02-2016, 08:56 AM
Farking Serious...
Like that you also can catch "red-handed"...
Your CSI Power sibei TOKONG lor...
SIC the senior nick leh...
Mai pattern more than badminton like Siam hor...

Boji Johnbass only dare to fuck around in Zap free zone. :)

Johnbass cheebye mouth always spouting nonsenses.

05-02-2016, 11:15 AM
CNY sure HUAT Liao lor...
LIMPEH wins again!

05-02-2016, 01:42 PM
Boji Johnbass only dare to fuck around in Zap free zone. :)

Johnbass cheebye mouth always spouting nonsenses.

UP you for good post!

05-02-2016, 02:38 PM
U come out. I give you points too.

he where got sexpose. Just talk big.

Chee bye ... no guts to talk to my face ... only can cum here talk behind my back ... what a asshole !!! :mad:

05-02-2016, 02:42 PM
Farking Serious...
Like that you also can catch "red-handed"...
Your CSI Power sibei TOKONG lor...
SIC the senior nick leh...
Mai pattern more than badminton like Siam hor...

Chui tak lan lar ... your good friend the big fuck haolian * lawyer * infinitiumus now boji talk to me leow ... you still want to talk what ??? :rolleyes:

05-02-2016, 03:40 PM

I'll see you on the front line soon or later again

You sounds like DemonHunter.

Please go zap it

FP BOJI zap DH one lah...

Tiagong You dunno DH that well ....

DH dunno how to write chinese one leh .

Me passing by nia , pls carry on .

ps: Dont zap me hor !


You are DH right ?
I read from some thread this Johnbass very frequent use wrong nicks post.
Did you use the wrong nick too when making this post ?
Or you are ... :eek:

Si Ginna ..mai sexpose me leh .

My fren de fren tell me I never use wrong nick .

Huat u understand !


IT just picak IT own lobang again...
Crystal clear who is the senior nick using IT to stir ha ha.
Hearday that senior nick is a big buaya

Bump bump :D

05-02-2016, 03:55 PM
Bump bump :D

No head no tail...
All different posts...
Dunno you bump simi lanjiao...

05-02-2016, 03:56 PM
Chui tak lan lar ... your good friend the big fuck haolian * lawyer * infinitiumus now boji talk to me leow ... you still want to talk what ??? :rolleyes:

Not happy zap me lor...

05-02-2016, 03:57 PM

I'll see you on the front line soon or later again

You sounds like DemonHunter.

Please go zap it

FP BOJI zap DH one lah...

Tiagong You dunno DH that well ....

DH dunno how to write chinese one leh .

Me passing by nia , pls carry on .

ps: Dont zap me hor !


You are DH right ?
I read from some thread this Johnbass very frequent use wrong nicks post.
Did you use the wrong nick too when making this post ?
Or you are ... :eek:

Si Ginna ..mai sexpose me leh .

My fren de fren tell me I never use wrong nick .

Huat u understand !


IT just picak IT own lobang again...
Crystal clear who is the senior nick using IT to stir ha ha.
Hearday that senior nick is a big buaya

Bump bump :D

05-02-2016, 04:00 PM
No head no tail...
All different posts...
Dunno you bump simi lanjiao...

IT lost for words to rebutt so as usual IT act blur :D

05-02-2016, 04:39 PM
Not happy zap me lor...

Cheeby Johnbass and fuck the person who clone this account. Tiagong he has a mouth that shape like cheebye. Always waiting for a cock to fill.

05-02-2016, 05:07 PM
IT lost for words to rebutt so as usual IT act blur :D

Cheeby Johnbass and fuck the person who clone this account. Tiagong he has a mouth that shape like cheebye. Always waiting for a cock to fill.

You all thinking what I'm thinking?
SIC leh...
But I think you all more blur than me wor...
Kiang But Mai Geh Kiang hor...
LIMPEH wins again!

05-02-2016, 06:26 PM

I'll see you on the front line soon or later again

You sounds like DemonHunter.

Please go zap it

FP BOJI zap DH one lah...

Tiagong You dunno DH that well ....

DH dunno how to write chinese one leh .

Me passing by nia , pls carry on .

ps: Dont zap me hor !


You are DH right ?
I read from some thread this Johnbass very frequent use wrong nicks post.
Did you use the wrong nick too when making this post ?
Or you are ... :eek:

Si Ginna ..mai sexpose me leh .

My fren de fren tell me I never use wrong nick .

Huat u understand !


IT just picak IT own lobang again...
Crystal clear who is the senior nick using IT to stir ha ha.
Hearday that senior nick is a big buaya

Bump bump :D

05-02-2016, 06:26 PM
No head no tail...
All different posts...
Dunno you bump simi lanjiao...

IT lost for words to rebutt so as usual IT act blur :D

05-02-2016, 07:28 PM
IT lost for words to rebutt so as usual IT act blur :D

Not happy zap me lor...

05-02-2016, 07:34 PM
Do not zap Johnbass in the Matters of the Heart sub-forum and Adult Discussions about Anything Under the Sun sub-forum.

Zap in these two sub-forums will turn into a Up.

Do not exchange points with Johnbass !!

05-02-2016, 07:35 PM
My ladyboy doing what IT does best. ;)

Attempting to create conflicts between users and get them to pin on one another for ITs own gains.

Such a pathetic loser.


Mr Sammyboyfor

Could you please move Johnbass recent post to Orgies section ? Lets see how can people zap him to negative


Do not zap Johnbass in the Matters of the Heart sub-forum and Adult Discussions about Anything Under the Sun sub-forum.

Zap in these two sub-forums will turn into a Up

no offence to the seniors and Bros .... Please to share the following:

Do not zap Johnbass in the Matters of the Heart sub-forum and Adult Discussions about Anything Under the Sun sub-forum.

Zap in these two sub-forums will turn into a Up.

Just passing by today only

Do not zap Johnbass in the Matters of the Heart sub-forum and Adult Discussions about Anything Under the Sun sub-forum.

Zap in these two sub-forums will turn into a Up.


Bump bump :D

05-02-2016, 07:45 PM
Waaa .... so fast throw in the towel leow ??? ... I haven't even started yet :rolleyes: ... Lol ... limpeh brainless & childish ??? ... it is still better than you this big fuck Kpo & haolian si ginna .... dun know anything about all this ... better keep your chee bye mouth shut lar ... so what you are very rich & very educated ... this is a sex forum wor ... dun need to come here and show off , understand ???... want to show off ... go to Raffles place during lunch time ... stand there and shout ... I am the richest & most well educated in SBF !!! .... Lol ... let this be a CNY lesson for you ... if you still want to carry on your lanjiao attitude here ... next time limpeh will gan le gan ka par ling tao

Farking Serious...
Act like Big Fark after win Internet quarrel...
Lai, LIMPEH treat you drink sugarcane juice...
Tiagong is your favorite...


05-02-2016, 08:31 PM
Cheeby Johnbass and fuck the person who clone this account. Tiagong he has a mouth that shape like cheebye. Always waiting for a cock to fill.

IT mouth is always filled with cum lah...
Tonight must be a quiet night for IT as everyone go Chinatown liao...


05-02-2016, 09:23 PM
IT just picak IT own lobang again :D
Crystal clear who is the senior nick using IT to stir ha ha :D
Hearday that senior nick is a big buaya :rolleyes:

SIC leh ... who's the Buaya ?

Not happy zap me lor...

05-02-2016, 09:24 PM
You all still fighting? Why now got so many crossfires?

05-02-2016, 09:24 PM
Farking Serious...
Act like Big Fark after win Internet quarrel...
Lai, LIMPEH treat you drink sugarcane juice...
Tiagong is your favorite...


You don't Jibye and bring out the sugarcane for Jibye


05-02-2016, 09:25 PM
Not happy zap me lor...

Are u johnbass err i mean IT?

05-02-2016, 09:31 PM
Are u johnbass err i mean IT?

Tiagong I am Johnbass ...but its only Tiagong .

why ? wanna zap me har ?

*demonhunter shivers in the cold*


05-02-2016, 09:44 PM
SIC leh ... who's the Buaya ?

Not happy zap me lor...

The buaya is close to you...
Mai say LIMPEH never SIC hor...

05-02-2016, 10:15 PM
The buaya is close to you...
Mai say LIMPEH never SIC hor...

Fark Serious ...

Dont be a Jibye and SIC 100%


05-02-2016, 10:31 PM
Fark Serious ...

Dont be a Jibye and SIC 100%


JiBye lah...
U must ask the real JiBye (Johnbass) to SIC 100%...

05-02-2016, 10:34 PM
Bump bump :D

SIC leh ... who's the Buaya ?

Not happy zap me lor...

Power12 gan Power2...
GG Liao...

05-02-2016, 10:48 PM
I thrust the Siam boy

Tiagong you 2 also got 1 leg one...

05-02-2016, 11:45 PM
Power12 gan Power2...
GG Liao...

Good example of how the dog tries so much to stir shit. :rolleyes:

You must have lost so much in life to reach a new low. :cool:

06-02-2016, 12:22 AM
U dont have to show us yr backside...everyone knows that u are a ladyboy or gay!:D please dont disturb ppl's good thread la! Get lost to somewhere else!:mad:

Another SI GINNA trying to be OKT...
WUJI you come here...
LIMPEH teach you a lesson...

06-02-2016, 12:28 AM
Good example of how the dog tries so much to stir shit.

You must have lost so much in life to reach a new low.

My ladyboy doing what IT does best. ;)

Attempting to create conflicts between users and get them to pin on one another for ITs own gains.

Such a pathetic loser.


Mr Sammyboyfor

Could you please move Johnbass recent post to Orgies section ? Lets see how can people zap him to negative


Do not zap Johnbass in the Matters of the Heart sub-forum and Adult Discussions about Anything Under the Sun sub-forum.

Zap in these two sub-forums will turn into a Up

no offence to the seniors and Bros .... Please to share the following:

Do not zap Johnbass in the Matters of the Heart sub-forum and Adult Discussions about Anything Under the Sun sub-forum.

Zap in these two sub-forums will turn into a Up.

Just passing by today only

Do not zap Johnbass in the Matters of the Heart sub-forum and Adult Discussions about Anything Under the Sun sub-forum.

Zap in these two sub-forums will turn into a Up.


Bump bump :D

06-02-2016, 12:31 AM

I'll see you on the front line soon or later again

You sounds like DemonHunter.

Please go zap it

FP BOJI zap DH one lah...

Tiagong You dunno DH that well ....

DH dunno how to write chinese one leh .

Me passing by nia , pls carry on .

ps: Dont zap me hor !


You are DH right ?
I read from some thread this Johnbass very frequent use wrong nicks post.
Did you use the wrong nick too when making this post ?
Or you are ... :eek:

Si Ginna ..mai sexpose me leh .

My fren de fren tell me I never use wrong nick .

Huat u understand !


IT just picak IT own lobang again...
Crystal clear who is the senior nick using IT to stir ha ha.
Hearday that senior nick is a big buaya

Bump bump :D

06-02-2016, 12:31 AM
No head no tail...
All different posts...
Dunno you bump simi lanjiao...

IT lost for words to rebutt so as usual IT act blur :D

06-02-2016, 12:36 AM
Another SI GINNA trying to be OKT...
WUJI you come here...
LIMPEH teach you a lesson...

Eh Sundal...
Your OKT abandon you since you never bring enough commission for your OKT ah?
Puki lah...
Told you not to pay people to Fark you liao...
Somemore never pay advertising fees to BOSS...
Cheapo Fark...


06-02-2016, 12:05 PM
Bump bump :D

wah you also hot Huat U formula !


Me passing by nia

06-02-2016, 03:38 PM

I'll see you on the front line soon or later again

You sounds like DemonHunter.

Tiagong You dunno DH that well ....

DH dunno how to write chinese one leh .

Me passing by nia , pls carry on .

ps: Dont zap me hor !


You are DH right ?
I read from some thread this Johnbass very frequent use wrong nicks post.
Did you use the wrong nick too when making this post ?
Or you are ... :eek:

Si Ginna ..mai sexpose me leh .

My fren de fren tell me I never use wrong nick .

Huat u understand !


IT just picak IT own lobang again...
Crystal clear who is the senior nick using IT to stir ha ha.
Hearday that senior nick is a big buaya

Bump bump

No head no tail...
All different posts...
Dunno you bump simi lanjiao...

IT lost for words to rebutt so as usual IT act blur

Bump bump :D

06-02-2016, 04:52 PM
Bump bump :D

UP u for UPPING WUJI posts!

06-02-2016, 05:07 PM
Lai, LIMPEH HUAT YOU formula....

Birmingham C - Sheff Wed
Under 2.5 goals (1.67)

HUAT ah!

07-02-2016, 11:49 AM
Lai, LIMPEH HUAT YOU formula....

Birmingham C - Sheff Wed
Under 2.5 goals (1.67)

HUAT ah!
CLAYPOT for the rest of the year...

07-02-2016, 01:06 PM


07-02-2016, 05:25 PM
Sorri guys and i know its cny ! But i see this jibye dog creating nick like moderator or silent reader and creatng havocs ! Really sei pokkai gao!( in Cantonese!):mad:

07-02-2016, 05:42 PM
Sorri guys and i know its cny ! But i see this jibye dog creating nick like moderator or silent reader and creatng havocs ! Really sei pokkai gao!( in Cantonese!):mad:

CNY Huat you, understand?
You are whose de clone ah?
You caught those nicks "red-handed"?
Not happy zap those nicks lor...

07-02-2016, 05:50 PM
Sorri guys and i know its cny ! But i see this jibye dog creating nick like moderator or silent reader and creatng havocs ! Really sei pokkai gao!( in Cantonese!):mad:

Fark Serious?

07-02-2016, 05:55 PM
CNY Huat you, understand?
You are whose de clone ah?
You caught those nicks "red-handed"?
Not happy zap those nicks lor...

LOL...So you finally admitted that your a jibye dog!:eek: I read his post also naber mentioned your nick ler?:confused: 不打自招!:rolleyes: Buaysong zap me lor!:rolleyes:

07-02-2016, 08:14 PM
LOL...So you finally admitted that your a jibye dog!:eek: I read his post also naber mentioned your nick ler?:confused: 不打自招!:rolleyes: Buaysong zap me lor!

LIMPEH say those nicks also never say you...
不打自招 also...
Like that you don't understand...
CNY HUAT you, understand?

07-02-2016, 09:42 PM
Note to Johnbass. We know you have fake boobs and SL love to teh your neh neh. Please note more local clubs are refusing you entry because of yesterday's incident when one of your silicon breast Broke and all hell broke lose. Below is an excerpt from the club's announcement:

The club’s management quickly evacuated the venue and it has been closed since for cleaning and disinfecting. However, there was a post on their Facebook page today announcing the club would be reopening tonight, but with a new policy. “We hope our guests understand, but to ensure the safety of patrons and staff we have implemented a strict ban on breast implants at our club. Our door staff have received training on distinguishing between real and fake and will be squeezing in case of any doubts. Thank you for coming!”

07-02-2016, 10:18 PM
Note to Johnbass. We know you have fake boobs and SL love to teh your neh neh. Please note more local clubs are refusing you entry because of yesterday's incident when one of your silicon breast Broke and all hell broke lose. Below is an excerpt from the club's announcement:

The club’s management quickly evacuated the venue and it has been closed since for cleaning and disinfecting. However, there was a post on their Facebook page today announcing the club would be reopening tonight, but with a new policy. “We hope our guests understand, but to ensure the safety of patrons and staff we have implemented a strict ban on breast implants at our club. Our door staff have received training on distinguishing between real and fake and will be squeezing in case of any doubts. Thank you for coming!”
Fark serious!:eek:

07-02-2016, 11:05 PM
Tiagong it is safe to post in Orgy sub-forum Liao...

07-02-2016, 11:17 PM
Tiagong it is safe to post in Orgy sub-forum Liao...

Lets GO !!!!


07-02-2016, 11:32 PM
Lets GO !!!!


Play SO BIG ah...
You go 1st...

07-02-2016, 11:50 PM
Tiagong it is safe to post in Orgy sub-forum Liao...

You looking for new shit to stir and makan ah?
Going to CNY already and you still Farking suay...


07-02-2016, 11:52 PM
You looking for new shit to stir and makan ah?
Going to CNY already and you still Farking suay...


Not happy go post in Orgy sub-forum lor...

08-02-2016, 05:19 PM

08-02-2016, 09:23 PM
Farking Serious...
News 5 just showed Chiobu very happy with car sharing RYDE...
Mai say I never SIC new platform to sian chiobus...


08-02-2016, 10:27 PM
Is waynelimyenyew related to Johnbass ?:confused: They have similarity:mad:

08-02-2016, 10:38 PM
Is waynelimyenyew related to Johnbass ?:confused: They have similarity:mad:

Siang Lai Eh?
Tiagong chuaweiting related to you too?
You have similarity...

09-02-2016, 10:44 AM
Johnbass it is safe to post in ANY subsextions as Boss had declared zap free zone for all threads. Post while you have the chance. Don't say I no SIC.

You end up Russian jail,

the Mafia will pour broken glasses down your arse____:D$*.


09-02-2016, 09:58 PM
Help my friend de friend de friend post in correct forum...

Bike forum moderator damn cb
2 weeks back I went to see doctor cause when pee got burning sensation and have white discharge. Urine test show that I kena gonorrhea.
Doctor gave me antibiotics and injection, now ok liao.
So i went bike forum posted on one of the thread, can go search 'God's Mouth 神之口'.
The moderator there damn cb 1, keep delete my posts, i post pic link to my lab test result also tio deleted.
Got one cheongster said he also kena gonorrhea around same time as me after he visited the mp, then afew other ppl open up, said they quite worried, want to go check up.
Just now went to check the thread, some of their posts also tio removed already, and thread got locked.
Really damn cb 1 the bike forum moderator.

10-02-2016, 10:42 AM
If you have taken my suggestion, you will not be in this current situation

Help my friend de friend de friend post in correct forum...

10-02-2016, 10:48 AM
If you have taken my suggestion, you will not be in this current situation

Farking Serious...

10-02-2016, 10:55 AM
Remove zap-free zone also never give warning...
Buey steady lah...

10-02-2016, 11:01 AM
You dig your own graveyard

Farking Serious...

10-02-2016, 11:08 AM
You dig your own graveyard
Not my fault hor...
New year new nick?
Deadpool sounds better?

10-02-2016, 12:25 PM
There's nothing much anymore

You just lose your main Allies

You have to show why the FUCK needs to support you unconditional ?

Not my fault hor...
New year new nick?
Deadpool sounds better?

10-02-2016, 12:28 PM
Shit stirrer at its best!

Good example of how the dog tries so much to stir shit.

You must have lost so much in life to reach a new low.

My ladyboy doing what IT does best. ;)

Attempting to create conflicts between users and get them to pin on one another for ITs own gains.

Such a pathetic loser.


Mr Sammyboyfor

Could you please move Johnbass recent post to Orgies section ? Lets see how can people zap him to negative


Do not zap Johnbass in the Matters of the Heart sub-forum and Adult Discussions about Anything Under the Sun sub-forum.

Zap in these two sub-forums will turn into a Up

no offence to the seniors and Bros .... Please to share the following:

Do not zap Johnbass in the Matters of the Heart sub-forum and Adult Discussions about Anything Under the Sun sub-forum.

Zap in these two sub-forums will turn into a Up.

Just passing by today only

Do not zap Johnbass in the Matters of the Heart sub-forum and Adult Discussions about Anything Under the Sun sub-forum.

Zap in these two sub-forums will turn into a Up.


Bump bump :D

10-02-2016, 12:31 PM
There's nothing permanent virtually and reality in our existence at all FUCKING times

Remove zap-free zone also never give warning...
Buey steady lah...

10-02-2016, 12:38 PM
Not my fault hor...
New year new nick?
Deadpool sounds better?

So fast game over? Click below to continue. Dun say i never SIC.


10-02-2016, 12:40 PM
Shit stirrer at its best!

Good example of how the dog tries so much to stir shit.

You must have lost so much in life to reach a new low.

My ladyboy doing what IT does best. ;)

Attempting to create conflicts between users and get them to pin on one another for ITs own gains.

Such a pathetic loser.


Mr Sammyboyfor

Could you please move Johnbass recent post to Orgies section ? Lets see how can people zap him to negative


Do not zap Johnbass in the Matters of the Heart sub-forum and Adult Discussions about Anything Under the Sun sub-forum.

Zap in these two sub-forums will turn into a Up

no offence to the seniors and Bros .... Please to share the following:

Do not zap Johnbass in the Matters of the Heart sub-forum and Adult Discussions about Anything Under the Sun sub-forum.

Zap in these two sub-forums will turn into a Up.

Just passing by today only

Do not zap Johnbass in the Matters of the Heart sub-forum and Adult Discussions about Anything Under the Sun sub-forum.

Zap in these two sub-forums will turn into a Up.


Bump bump :D

10-02-2016, 01:05 PM
Wah... I got so many fan mails in CR...
Must be all my chiobu frens miss me...

10-02-2016, 01:24 PM
Shit stirrer at its best!

Good example of how the dog tries so much to stir shit.

You must have lost so much in life to reach a new low.

My ladyboy doing what IT does best. ;)

Attempting to create conflicts between users and get them to pin on one another for ITs own gains.

Such a pathetic loser.


Mr Sammyboyfor

Could you please move Johnbass recent post to Orgies section ? Lets see how can people zap him to negative


Do not zap Johnbass in the Matters of the Heart sub-forum and Adult Discussions about Anything Under the Sun sub-forum.

Zap in these two sub-forums will turn into a Up

no offence to the seniors and Bros .... Please to share the following:

Do not zap Johnbass in the Matters of the Heart sub-forum and Adult Discussions about Anything Under the Sun sub-forum.

Zap in these two sub-forums will turn into a Up.

Just passing by today only

Do not zap Johnbass in the Matters of the Heart sub-forum and Adult Discussions about Anything Under the Sun sub-forum.

Zap in these two sub-forums will turn into a Up.


Bump bump :D

10-02-2016, 01:26 PM

I'll see you on the front line soon or later again

You sounds like DemonHunter.

Tiagong You dunno DH that well ....

DH dunno how to write chinese one leh .

Me passing by nia , pls carry on .

ps: Dont zap me hor !


You are DH right ?
I read from some thread this Johnbass very frequent use wrong nicks post.
Did you use the wrong nick too when making this post ?
Or you are ... :eek:

Si Ginna ..mai sexpose me leh .

My fren de fren tell me I never use wrong nick .

Huat u understand !


IT just picak IT own lobang again...
Crystal clear who is the senior nick using IT to stir ha ha.
Hearday that senior nick is a big buaya

Bump bump

No head no tail...
All different posts...
Dunno you bump simi lanjiao...

IT lost for words to rebutt so as usual IT act blur

Bump bump :D

10-02-2016, 01:34 PM
Bump bump :D

Not happy zap Jameshunter lor...

10-02-2016, 01:39 PM

I'll see you on the front line soon or later again

You sounds like DemonHunter.

Tiagong You dunno DH that well ....

DH dunno how to write chinese one leh .

Me passing by nia , pls carry on .

ps: Dont zap me hor !


You are DH right ?
I read from some thread this Johnbass very frequent use wrong nicks post.
Did you use the wrong nick too when making this post ?
Or you are ... :eek:

Si Ginna ..mai sexpose me leh .

My fren de fren tell me I never use wrong nick .

Huat u understand !


IT just picak IT own lobang again...
Crystal clear who is the senior nick using IT to stir ha ha.
Hearday that senior nick is a big buaya

Bump bump

No head no tail...
All different posts...
Dunno you bump simi lanjiao...

IT lost for words to rebutt so as usual IT act blur

Bump bump :D

10-02-2016, 01:40 PM
Shit stirrer at its best!

Good example of how the dog tries so much to stir shit.

You must have lost so much in life to reach a new low.

My ladyboy doing what IT does best. ;)

Attempting to create conflicts between users and get them to pin on one another for ITs own gains.

Such a pathetic loser.


Mr Sammyboyfor

Could you please move Johnbass recent post to Orgies section ? Lets see how can people zap him to negative


Do not zap Johnbass in the Matters of the Heart sub-forum and Adult Discussions about Anything Under the Sun sub-forum.

Zap in these two sub-forums will turn into a Up

no offence to the seniors and Bros .... Please to share the following:

Do not zap Johnbass in the Matters of the Heart sub-forum and Adult Discussions about Anything Under the Sun sub-forum.

Zap in these two sub-forums will turn into a Up.

Just passing by today only

Do not zap Johnbass in the Matters of the Heart sub-forum and Adult Discussions about Anything Under the Sun sub-forum.

Zap in these two sub-forums will turn into a Up.


Bump bump :D

10-02-2016, 01:42 PM
Bump bump :D

You looks like more busy then me...

10-02-2016, 01:49 PM
You looks like more busy then me...

wah you kena ANG PAU !!!

hahahahahaa ...

can go orgy section post liao


10-02-2016, 03:37 PM
You looks like more busy then me...
:eek::confused:how u get from +288 to -2? Thats 290 points. Which means 580 powers has zapped you! Scary right?

10-02-2016, 03:58 PM
:eek::confused:how u get from +288 to -2? Thats 290 points. Which means 580 powers has zapped you! Scary right?

Tiagong SBF is Farking serious business...

10-02-2016, 04:04 PM
21 points and counting...


IT is happily adding points without knowing what is happening...


Tiagong you also busy counting UP for me...
Without knowing what is happening...

10-02-2016, 05:22 PM
Number 45!
Mai say I never SIC TOTO tips hor...
The other numbers go pick yourself...

10-02-2016, 05:40 PM
Remove zap-free zone also never give warning...
Buey steady lah...

Don't thank me.

10-02-2016, 05:51 PM
:eek::confused:how u get from +288 to -2? Thats 290 points. Which means 580 powers has zapped you! Scary right?

Sister can u zap IT?

10-02-2016, 06:53 PM
Sister can u zap IT?

i have so many bros to return upz to..so john, can i zap u or not plsss:D? since u can so easily upz back from your friend de friend de friend's help :P

10-02-2016, 07:00 PM
i have so many bros to return upz to..so john, can i zap u or not?:D since u can so easily upz back from your friend de friend de friend's help :P

Mai lah...
We also friend friend mah...
I treat u jiak ice cream, you don't zap me ok?

10-02-2016, 07:08 PM
Mai lah...
We also friend friend mah...
I treat u jiak ice cream, you don't zap me ok?

5pts onli wat:p:o u can easily get your friend to upz back right?

10-02-2016, 07:43 PM
5pts onli wat:p:o u can easily get your friend to upz back right?

My friends de friends where got so many points to UP me again...
Tiagong almost used finished liao...
Next time I still need your 10 points help leh...
Steady boh?