View Full Version : Question on private msg

27-10-2014, 08:37 PM
Hi peeps. I am new here. May I know why cant I PM anyone here?

Before messaging someone my inbox show this:

"Inbox contains 0 messages.
You have 0 messages stored, of a total 10 allowed. (Empty Folder)"

After messaging someone my inbox show the same thing:

"Inbox contains 0 messages.
You have 0 messages stored, of a total 10 allowed. (Empty Folder)"

It say I have 0 Sent Items. why?

27-10-2014, 09:42 PM
Hi peeps. I am new here. May I know why cant I PM anyone here?

Before messaging someone my inbox show this:

"Inbox contains 0 messages.
You have 0 messages stored, of a total 10 allowed. (Empty Folder)"

After messaging someone my inbox show the same thing:

"Inbox contains 0 messages.
You have 0 messages stored, of a total 10 allowed. (Empty Folder)"

It say I have 0 Sent Items. why?

bro yr msg may b sent just u never save a copy

if u want to save a copy of yr sent msg just tick t box below t option b4 u sent
u oso can request a read t receipt of t msg u sent

27-10-2014, 09:55 PM
Because you are in MOderation


28-10-2014, 01:34 AM
Because you are in MOderation


wah faggot so smart, dont play play with captain obvious leh


Big Sexy
28-10-2014, 07:29 AM
click then ewbie helpline link in my signature and read it ;)

"Inbox contains 0 messages.
You have 0 messages stored, of a total 10 allowed. (Empty Folder)"

It say I have 0 Sent Items. why?

28-10-2014, 10:03 AM
Hi peeps. I am new here. May I know why cant I PM anyone here

go "User CP" "Edit options", click on "enable PM messaging".
Go read d newbie guidelines

28-10-2014, 10:20 AM
wah faggot so smart, dont play play with captain obvious leh


I am still waiting for yr pm . name a price , I want to fuck yr backside very badly !