View Full Version : Hotelquickly v cheap

23-11-2014, 11:00 AM

I've been using and loving the mobile app of HotelQuickly, and I think you'd love it too.
It allows me to book a hotel room on very short notice for the same night, and man, the prices are unbeatable! Much better than on the websites where I used to book.

Use this voucher to get 30 SGD off your first booking: JNGYN

Check it out: http://www.hotelquickly.com/invite/JNGYN?utm_medium=email&utm_source=mobile-app

Remember check the date when clicking, non refundable de.....

Redeem the code, u got 30 sgd credits.


06-12-2014, 02:33 PM
Mine code is: CCHUA46
This app is really good for last min booking.