View Full Version : P.E
23-11-2014, 05:06 PM
People who has P.E will know how irritating it is. Even if the girl wanna go back with you, you also scared u cum in no time.
Any good clinic or doctor to recommend?
24-11-2014, 11:22 PM
People who has P.E will know how irritating it is. Even if the girl wanna go back with you, you also scared u cum in no time.
Any good clinic or doctor to recommend?
TS, theres so many threads on PE. Go browse thru lah..
29-11-2014, 02:03 AM
People who has P.E will know how irritating it is. Even if the girl wanna go back with you, you also scared u cum in no time.
Any good clinic or doctor to recommend?
Nothing is more effective than putting in time and effort to train your pelvic muscles and also mental preperation to control PE.
With the multiple researches and tests these days, PE is no longer a rocket science. It is all about muscle control, and mind to body control. Supplements are only effective if you do the exercises rountinely.
Clinic and medicine can only do as much as helping yourself.
04-12-2014, 12:03 AM
Hi TS,
Priligy is the only medication approved for PE. All you need to do is to pop this pill 1 hour before intercourse and you will definitely be able to last much longer during sex. I have some feedback from patients that they don't 'feel as much' though they last much longer. So it depends if you prefer to last longer or to feel very pleasurable during intercourse.
Feel free to contact my clinic for an appointment if your interested.
04-12-2014, 01:55 AM
Wah...Educated doctor also come SBF to tout for business ah? Lol.
Btw, Prilligy can get for $85 a pack dont need waste money n pay consultation.
04-12-2014, 04:43 PM
Hi TS,
Priligy is the only medication approved for PE. All you need to do is to pop this pill 1 hour before intercourse and you will definitely be able to last much longer during sex. .
Damn hypocrite. Pop pill 1hour before sex for PE is fine but pop pill 1hour before sex for ED is not? What bullshit is this? Doctor somemore...
08-12-2014, 12:21 AM
Enolagay, unfortunately PE has no cure yet. PE is more of a heightened excitability (psychological or otherwise) quite common in younger men.
Unlike ED which has a cure now. The ED1000 has a 70-80% response rate.
So if you can cure ED, or take Viagra (or worse still some pills not authorised by HSA) forever, which would you choose? The choice is obvious.
08-12-2014, 09:20 AM
Spend few k and only 70-80% success rate? Then if not successful got refund?
08-12-2014, 10:08 PM
numb spray. foreplay. breathing techniques.
12-12-2014, 05:08 PM
Enolagay, unfortunately PE has no cure yet. PE is more of a heightened excitability (psychological or otherwise) quite common in younger men.
Unlike ED which has a cure now. The ED1000 has a 70-80% response rate.
So if you can cure ED, or take Viagra (or worse still some pills not authorised by HSA) forever, which would you choose? The choice is obvious.
All salesman also say they sell the best things la. It gets interesting when a doctor got to stoop to be a salesman. That's really interesting.
Other doctor/s in this forum don't need to stoop to this level n definitely commands much more respect. That's even more obvious.
23-12-2014, 05:58 PM
People who has P.E will know how irritating it is. Even if the girl wanna go back with you, you also scared u cum in no time.
Any good clinic or doctor to recommend?
Not a difficult problem to solve. Plenty of delay cream or spray ard to pump ur whore all night long :-)
09-01-2015, 02:54 AM
I tried a '"wet tissue" kind of product, it's quite effective but the girl can't blow u raw, cause she will have numbness in her mouth too. That's why Looking for a solution that can solve it Once and for all. Tried those exercise but doesn't work. Anyway, $85 for the pills, where to get?
09-01-2015, 11:09 AM
Hi, I've bought n try a certain delay product in a form of wet tissue which work very well of me which I think should share here. The effect is awesome. It can last about half an hour least. No side effect at all. And the best part is, it's economical.
09-01-2015, 06:39 PM
Hi, I've bought n try a certain delay product in a form of wet tissue which work very well of me which I think should share here. The effect is awesome. It can last about half an hour least. No side effect at all. And the best part is, it's economical.
But she can't blow u raw ya? Cause she will taste the substance from the wet tissue
09-01-2015, 08:01 PM
First u apply dan wait for abt 10mins for the skin to absorb dan wash with clean water. Afterwhich, no one no u have apply anything cuz it's
11-01-2015, 01:07 AM
Hi, I've bought n try a certain delay product in a form of wet tissue which work very well of me which I think should share here. The effect is awesome. It can last about half an hour least. No side effect at all. And the best part is, it's economical.
Durex performa also something like this. The woman will say she feel numbness after she bj. She thought she going to get stroke n got panic. But since it causes numbness, will it numb the vagina as well, making the woman no feeling?
11-01-2015, 01:54 AM
Durex performa also something like this. The woman will say she feel numbness after she bj. She thought she going to get stroke n got panic. But since it causes numbness, will it numb the vagina as well, making the woman no feeling?
Uh.. it is applied within the condom... how will it affected her?
Unless condom is wore inside out. Or that guy removed for bj.
Yes, all "Delay" products need you to wash your bro first before bj or inserting.
29-01-2015, 03:35 AM
Sorry, I'm new here. What's PE?
29-01-2015, 01:25 PM
Sorry, I'm new here. What's PE?
Premature ejaculation.
29-01-2015, 05:02 PM
Sorry, I'm new here. What's PE?
physical education.
We always have PE classes in schools.
30-01-2015, 05:12 AM
Premature ejaculation.
Thank you.
30-01-2015, 09:30 AM
Non-Medicine Ways of managing PE. I don't say 'cure' because PE is not a disease. BTW my favorite is pelvic floor exercises.
1. Positions and Techniques
So called ‘passive positions’ can help delay ejaculation. The most common position talked about is ‘woman-on-top’. There are actually studies to show that this delays ejaculation.
For active positions, you can try entering your partner while standing up and she is lying on her back. Make sure your penis is angled slightly downwards. This way, the top of your penis is rubbing against her pubic bone. This can be uncomfortable but it is the discomfort that helps delay ejaculation.
Also, try taking shorter thrusts. This minimizes the surface area of the penile shaft that is stimulated. You may think this makes it less enjoyable for your partner but you will be mistaken. Women have most nerve endings on their labia majora and minora so they can still get good sensations even with short thrusts.
Of course there is the very well known ‘Start-Stop’ Technique. This is very self explanatory. When you are about to ejaculate, stop and do something else that does not involve penile stimulation. Once you are back in control, start again. Repeat as necessary.
2. Condoms
Duh. Condoms reduce the stimulation of the penis. Use thick condoms, the thicker the better. Good options are Okamoto Goku Atsu and Durex Extra Srength.
Make sure you put on the condom early. If you have been stimulated excessively already, even putting on the condom can cause you to ejaculate.
Numbing creams also work better with condoms. Basically you apply the cream first then put on the condom. On the one hand, the cream is absorbed quicker and better leading to better effects. On the other hand, the cream does not go onto your partner and numb him/her too.
3. Squeezes and Presses
The most famous squeeze is obviously the Masters and Johnson Squeeze Technique. This can only be done properly by your partner. It is best to get a sex therapist to show you how. As a quick intro, your partner places his/her thumb on your penis frenulum and the index finger on the other side and squeeze. If done correctly, you should lose 10% to 30% of your erection. Which also means you will not ejaculate.
Another common technique is to press hard on the perineum. Don’t know where the perineum is? It is the area between the base of your scrotum and your anus. Under this area is your prostate gland.
4. Distraction
This is the most obvious I guess. You basically think of something else during intercourse. In medical school my lecturer used to say ‘Think of Margaret Tatcher naked on a cold day” (No offense to Dame Margaret Tatcher). Other things I have heard: Think of baseball. Think of Jeopardy.
Singapore version: Think of Ho Ching. :D
5. Pelvic Floor Excercises
This is rather new. An Italian study found that men who did regular Pelvic Floor Exercises for 12 weeks improved from 32 seconds to 2 minutes and 26 seconds!
How to do:
First Identify the Muscles.
Sit upright, relaxed with your knees slightly apart. Tighten your anus like you are preventing a fart. You should feel your muscles tighten and a ‘dipping’ sensation at the base of your scrotum. You can also try to stop and restart the urine flow when passing urine. You should feel the same muscles tighten.
Now that you know which Muscles to Exercise, you can start the training.
Sit upright, relaxed with your knees slightly apart. Now imagine pulling your anus and urethra into your body and SQUEEZE! You should feel the same muscles you have identified earlier working. Hold for 10 seconds then release. Rest for 10 seconds then squeeze again for 10 seconds. Work up to 12 sets if you can. Remember it is Quality not Quantity that counts. In other words, 3 hard squeezes is better than 6 half-hearted squeezes.
To end off, do 5 to 10 short and strong contractions. These are your sprints!
Set aside 10 minutes a day for these exercises. You should see results after 3 months of daily exercises.
30-01-2015, 09:50 AM
Great to have a real doctor who offer real and proper advice and not one who is commercially driven pretending to be professional. Respect!
30-01-2015, 12:25 PM
Good Info.
Non-Medicine Ways of managing PE. I don't say 'cure' because PE is not a disease. BTW my favorite is pelvic floor exercises.
1. Positions and Techniques
So called ‘passive positions’ can help delay ejaculation. The most common position talked about is ‘woman-on-top’. There are actually studies to show that this delays ejaculation.
For active positions, you can try entering your partner while standing up and she is lying on her back. Make sure your penis is angled slightly downwards. This way, the top of your penis is rubbing against her pubic bone. This can be uncomfortable but it is the discomfort that helps delay ejaculation.
Also, try taking shorter thrusts. This minimizes the surface area of the penile shaft that is stimulated. You may think this makes it less enjoyable for your partner but you will be mistaken. Women have most nerve endings on their labia majora and minora so they can still get good sensations even with short thrusts.
Of course there is the very well known ‘Start-Stop’ Technique. This is very self explanatory. When you are about to ejaculate, stop and do something else that does not involve penile stimulation. Once you are back in control, start again. Repeat as necessary.
2. Condoms
Duh. Condoms reduce the stimulation of the penis. Use thick condoms, the thicker the better. Good options are Okamoto Goku Atsu and Durex Extra Srength.
Make sure you put on the condom early. If you have been stimulated excessively already, even putting on the condom can cause you to ejaculate.
Numbing creams also work better with condoms. Basically you apply the cream first then put on the condom. On the one hand, the cream is absorbed quicker and better leading to better effects. On the other hand, the cream does not go onto your partner and numb him/her too.
3. Squeezes and Presses
The most famous squeeze is obviously the Masters and Johnson Squeeze Technique. This can only be done properly by your partner. It is best to get a sex therapist to show you how. As a quick intro, your partner places his/her thumb on your penis frenulum and the index finger on the other side and squeeze. If done correctly, you should lose 10% to 30% of your erection. Which also means you will not ejaculate.
Another common technique is to press hard on the perineum. Don’t know where the perineum is? It is the area between the base of your scrotum and your anus. Under this area is your prostate gland.
4. Distraction
This is the most obvious I guess. You basically think of something else during intercourse. In medical school my lecturer used to say ‘Think of Margaret Tatcher naked on a cold day” (No offense to Dame Margaret Tatcher). Other things I have heard: Think of baseball. Think of Jeopardy.
Singapore version: Think of Ho Ching. :D
5. Pelvic Floor Excercises
This is rather new. An Italian study found that men who did regular Pelvic Floor Exercises for 12 weeks improved from 32 seconds to 2 minutes and 26 seconds!
How to do:
First Identify the Muscles.
Sit upright, relaxed with your knees slightly apart. Tighten your anus like you are preventing a fart. You should feel your muscles tighten and a ‘dipping’ sensation at the base of your scrotum. You can also try to stop and restart the urine flow when passing urine. You should feel the same muscles tighten.
Now that you know which Muscles to Exercise, you can start the training.
Sit upright, relaxed with your knees slightly apart. Now imagine pulling your anus and urethra into your body and SQUEEZE! You should feel the same muscles you have identified earlier working. Hold for 10 seconds then release. Rest for 10 seconds then squeeze again for 10 seconds. Work up to 12 sets if you can. Remember it is Quality not Quantity that counts. In other words, 3 hard squeezes is better than 6 half-hearted squeezes.
To end off, do 5 to 10 short and strong contractions. These are your sprints!
Set aside 10 minutes a day for these exercises. You should see results after 3 months of daily exercises.
30-01-2015, 01:04 PM
Great to have a real doctor who offer real and proper advise and not one who is commercially driven pretending to be professional. Respect!
Should be "... real and proper ADVICE...".
"Advise" is a verb.
30-01-2015, 06:20 PM
All salesman also say they sell the best things la. It gets interesting when a doctor got to stoop to be a salesman. That's really interesting.
Other doctor/s in this forum don't need to stoop to this level n definitely commands much more respect. That's even more obvious.
LMAO...salesman doctor... Ppl asked about PE, he try to sell U pill... Ppl said ED he sell u ED treatment...
BTW P.E main contributing psychological stress....can also go for What is sex therapy right
30-01-2015, 06:24 PM
I try the wet tissue too. It numb the head and also numb the cb
30-01-2015, 10:08 PM
I try the wet tissue too. It numb the head and also numb the cb
Got bro selling gambir or procomil here in the forum. U can ask them how to use it properly so that the cb wun be numb.
30-01-2015, 10:15 PM
LMAO...salesman doctor... Ppl asked about PE, he try to sell U pill... Ppl said ED he sell u ED treatment...
BTW P.E main contributing psychological stress....can also go for What is sex therapy right
Lol, u also noticed? Lucky we can mention about it here cos if you go to his thread and talk about it, it will be deleted away. And talk a closer look in his thread, doctor also know how to play with clone, all the new nick talking to each other. Desperate for biz, maybe the rental at S Bridge Road expensive la. lol.
But seriously, why would u trust a "doctor" that usually does hair go treat your dick?? No brainer.
31-01-2015, 09:14 PM
Uh.. it is applied within the condom... how will it affected her?
Unless condom is wore inside out. Or that guy removed for bj.
Yes, all "Delay" products need you to wash your bro first before bj or inserting.
this is interesting
31-01-2015, 09:16 PM
I try the wet tissue too. It numb the head and also numb the cb
yes you are right......
03-02-2015, 12:07 PM
Should be "... real and proper ADVICE...".
"Advise" is a verb.
Do you keep track of how many times you have said this? It seems to me like quite a few times. Each time I post I watch my grammar with trepidation. :D
04-02-2015, 07:57 PM
there are quite a few delay cream and sprays in the market, can consider looking it up...
06-02-2015, 06:24 PM
there are quite a few delay cream and sprays in the market, can consider looking it up...
Yes, will definitely try to get one. Hehe.
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