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24-04-2006, 01:28 PM
Report from The Malay Mail dated Monday 24 April 2006 :-
Coming soon: An all-new The Malay Mail on 15 May 2006
This is when The Malay Mail will be relaunched with a whole new look.
Started in 1896, this Klang Valley icon will retain its present format until Saturday. The Malay Mail will not be published between May 1 and May 14.
When the reinvented The Malay Mail returns on May 15, it will be published from Mondays to Fridays.
A new addition to The Malay Mail family is a weekend edition, Weekend Mail, which will be available on Saturdays and Sundays. It will replace the Sunday Mail as your weekend companion.
The reinvented The Malay Mail and new Weekend Mail will retain the strength of the current newspaper and Sunday Mail, and include new sections to provide a total package to cater to the needs of today’s readers.
25-04-2006, 01:32 PM
Report from The New Straits Times dated Tuesday 25 April 2006 :-
The Scenic Bridge Saga: A well-considered move
PUTRAJAYA: The tone was respectful and the language polite, but the Government yesterday demolished the notion that the scrapping of the scenic bridge was not well thought out.
In pulling the plug on the over-a-decade-old issue, the Government had, in fact, thoroughly weighed four options before making a collective political decision in the national interest.
In a statement yesterday, Ministry of Foreign Affairs ambassador-at-large Tan Sri Ahmad Fuzi Abdul Razak said Malaysia had tried its best to realise the bridge project. Singapore, however, had linked approval for the bridge to a "balance of mutual benefits" which included the sale of sand and the right to use Malaysian airspace.
Ahmad Fuzi revealed that Malaysia even offered the possibility of considering bearing the entire cost of constructing a full bridge in return for Singapore’s agreement without linking it to other issues.
He said one of the four options crafted by the Malaysian delegation to the talks was a broad political understanding (BPU) to secure a full straight bridge. The BPU would provide the basis for detailed technical and legal negotiations, including a consideration of Singapore’s request that Malaysia lift the 1997 ban on export of sand and the reinstatement of the right to use Malaysia’s airspace as among the trade-offs.
"As a strong Government with more than a two-thirds majority in Parliament, the Government could have gone ahead with the BPU and subsequently persuaded Malaysians to accept the compromise and enjoy a new full straight bridge after its completion. "
The Government also quashed a second option, which was to proceed with the scenic bridge and join it to the Singapore part of the Causeway.
This option could have left Malaysia with a huge problem as it would still need to obtain Singapore’s approval for the relocation of its Public Utilities Board water pipelines (in the context of the 1961 and 1962 Water Agreements and the 1965 Separation Agreement). Singapore had written to say that "international facilities such as the Causeway" could not be demolished without its approval.
The Attorney-General’s Chambers, in confirming Singapore’s interpretation of the 1961 and 1962 Johor-Singapore Water Agreements, said "Malaysia is required to obtain prior approval from the PUB in relation to the alteration of the water pipelines necessitated by the construction of a bridge, whether it is a full straight bridge or a scenic bridge (half bridge)."
Ahmad Fuzi said Singapore could even stop KTMB from using the Singaporean part of the Causeway if Malaysia demolished its part of the Causeway unilaterally. If KTMB trains did not go into Singapore for six months, KTMB’s land on the island could revert to Singapore under Section 4 of the Singapore Railway Transfer Ordinance (Chapter 320).
The third option was to unilaterally build a half bridge that could eventually be linked to become a full scenic bridge. However, there was no guarantee Singapore would agree to build a bridge on its side without asking for sand and airspace usage. The end result could be a "hanging bridge" which would invite ridicule and affect the image of Malaysia.
The fourth option was to scrap the bridge. Now, Malaysia need not have to consider lifting the ban on the export of sand (imposed on Jan 15, 1997) and granting Singapore the use of Johor's airspace (the rights were withdrawn on Sept 16, 1998).
Taking the fourth option would prevent the two countries from being embroiled in endless political bickering and legal disputes, he said.
Ahmad Fuzi said: "Malaysia did not really lose even if it did not get the bridge. Singapore too did not look at Malaysia’s decision in terms of victory or defeat. After all, Singapore did not get what it wanted in respect of sand and airspace."
'What Dr Mahathir Said'
FORMER Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad said the Government should have gone ahead with the construction of a bridge unilaterally, regardless of any threat of legal action by Singapore.
By not doing so, he charged, the Government had conceded defeat without a fight.
On April 15, in saying the bridge project should have gone ahead, Dr Mahathir added: "Let me say it frankly that I do not agree with the Government’s view that the people do not want the crooked bridge."
He had said this after visiting the site of the Southern Integrated Gateway project in Johor.
Dr Mahathir said Singapore had opposed the bridge from the start, which was why just before he retired in 2003, he had proposed the building of a "crooked bridge" to replace half of the Causeway.
He maintained that despite Singapore’s threats of legal action, Malaysia should have proceeded with building a bridge on its side of the Tebrau Strait.
"We should have taken the issue to the International Court, just as we did with Pulau Sipadan-Ligitan, which we eventually won. But in the case of Singapore, we have conceded defeat without putting up a fight."
He said fears of a face-off with Singapore because of the relocation of pipes carrying water from Johor to Singapore were unfounded.
"Under the Separation Agreement, Malaysia can move the water pipes by giving Singapore six months’ notice, after which Singapore would have to comply at its own expense.
"This has already been done with Singapore’s Public Utility Board moving some of the water pipes on land near the Causeway to facilitate work on the Customs, Immigration and Quarantine complex."
Dr Mahathir also claimed that former Singapore premier, Goh Chok Tong had written to him saying that "if we wanted to build a bridge on our side, he would respect it even if it was not ideal to him. No conditions imposed".
Dr Mahathir said it was because the Government had negotiated with Singapore, instead of proceeding to unilaterally build the bridge, that the island republic had come up with unreasonable demands such as asking that sand be sold to it and that Singaporean military aircraft be allowed to use Johor airspace.
25-04-2006, 01:40 PM
Report from The New Straits Times dated Tuesday 25 April 2006 :-
The Scenic Bridge: Peek behind the scenes
So much has been said since the Government announced that it was scrapping the plan to build a bridge to replace the Causeway. A clutch of critics, including former Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad, has argued that Malaysia should have gone ahead and built a half-bridge. They say the law was on Malaysia’s side to proceed unilaterally. Yesterday, Tan Sri Ahmad Fuzi Abdul Razak, ambassador-at-large at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, offered a peek into what went on behind the scenes.
5 July 1996: Dr Mahathir announces plan to build a bridge while launching the JB Waterfront City.
17 December 1998: Dr Mahathir and the then Singapore Prime Minister Goh Chok Tong agree to treat the proposed bridge outside the package of unresolved issues, including water and airspace. Events make it difficult for the bridge to be discussed separately from other issues.
March 1999 to Sept 2002: Despite negotiations and an exchange of letters between Dr Mahathir and Senior Minister Lee Kuan Yew and among officials, both sides fail to reach agreement on technical aspects of the bridge, as well as other issues.
4 March 2002: Dr Mahathir writes to Lee on the package of issues covering water, the bridge, CPF, airspace, etc. The Government’s proposal on the road bridge, railway bridge and water pipelines are as follows:
“A new bridge will be built to replace the Causeway. Malaysia will build the bridge on the Malaysian side at its own cost, while Singapore will build the bridge on the Singapore side at its own cost. The bridge will connect at the common boundary in the Strait of Johor. Once the bridge is completed, the Causeway will be demolished.
“Should Singapore decide not to build the bridge on its side, Malaysia intends to build the bridge on the Singapore side at its own cost. The new bridge will join the remaining Causeway on Singapore’s side. Once the bridge is completed, the Causeway on the Malaysian side will be demolished.
“Malaysia will build a new railway bridge across the Johor Strait. This railway bridge will include a railway swing bridge on the part of the strait that will be deepened for navigational purposes.
“Should Singapore decide not to build the bridge to replace the Causeway on its side, Malaysia will build a railway on its side in the Johor Strait.
This railway bridge will include a railway swing bridge on the part of the Johor Strait that will be deepened for navigational purposes. The new railway bridge will join the existing railway track on the remaining Causeway on Singapore’s side.
“New water pipelines on the Malaysian side will be installed by Malaysia and will reconnect with the Singapore water pipelines under the new bridge.
“Should Singapore decide not to build the bridge to replace the Causeway on its side, the new water pipelines on the part of the Johor Strait that will be deepened for navigational purposes will be buried under the seabed and will reconnect with the Singapore water pipelines.”
11 April 2002: PM Goh gives Singapore’s response to Dr Mahathir in a letter. On the bridge, Singapore’s position is:
“Between a new bridge to replace the entire Causeway, and one to replace just the Malaysian side of the Causeway, I like the former. Once the new bridge is completed, the Causeway can be knocked down, which I prefer to be done after 2007. But if you wish to proceed immediately to replace just your side of the Causeway with a bridge, I shall accept it, though I think this is not ideal.’’
July and Sept 2002: Two ministerial meetings held to discuss package of issues, with little success.
7 Oct 2002: Dr Mahathir writes to Goh:
“As you are aware, since our above decision, several meetings both at ministerial and officials level, have been held on the package of issues. Regrettably, three rounds of talks at the senior officials level in 1999 and two ministerial-level meetings in 2002 did not meet with any success.
“In addition, Senior Minister Mr Lee Kuan Yew also had several sessions with me discussing the same package but no agreement could be reached.
“I think we have now come to a point where it would be important for us to prioritise our discussions. The approach that both sides have adopted so far in dealing with the outstanding issues in a package has not yielded any meaningful results.
“In view of this, Malaysia has now decided to discontinue the package approach and to give the highest priority to first resolving the long-delayed water issue, particularly the price of raw water.
“Once this issue is satisfactorily and amicably resolved, I am confident that Malaysia and Singapore would be able to move forward much faster in finding solutions to the other outstanding issues that stand in the way of our bilateral relations.”
14 October 2002: Goh writes to Dr Mahathir, saying he has decided to withdraw the concession he had said Singapore was prepared to make as part of trade-offs involving the bridge and related issues.
In a diplomatic note, Singapore explains that the agreement given by Goh was “made in the context of the then ongoing negotiations between the two Governments as an overall package of bilateral issues. With the termination of the package negotiations, the underlying basis for the statements in the letter of 11 April 2002 no longer exists.”
25 Oct 2003: After Malaysia decides to proceed with building the CIQ complex in Bukit Chagar and awards contracts to build a half-bridge, Singapore issues a diplomatic note. The republic refers to an order by the international tribunal on the Law of the Sea in 2003 concerning land reclamation by Singapore in and around the Johor Strait.
It contends that Malaysia made a unilateral decision in announcing the plan to build a half-bridge, and maintains that international facilities such as the Causeway cannot be demolished without its approval and agreement.
Singapore’s position on the CIQ complex, half-bridge and railway projects is reflected in its decision to relocate the Public Utilities Board water pipelines.
It invokes PUB’s ownership of the pipelines under the 1961 and 1962 water agreements, subsequently guaranteed under the 1965 Separation Agreement.
The Attorney-General’s Chambers in a legal opinion says “Malaysia is required to obtain prior approval of PUB in relation to the alteration of the water pipelines necessitated by the construction of a bridge, whether it is a full straight bridge or a scenic bridge (half bridge)”.
4 and 5 Oct 2004: Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong visits Malaysia and agrees to revisit idea of straight bridge.
13 December 2004: Senior Minister Goh visits Malaysia. Malaysia officially presents designs of the straight bridge for Singapore’s consideration.
Singapore maintains the bridge would bring no benefit but it would have to fork out S725 million for its part of the project. Goh says it would be easier for Singapore to consider the project if Malaysia lifts the ban on export of sand and reinstates all rights to use Malaysian airspace.
This is the first time sand is linked to bridge project.
Sept 2005 and 11 March 2006: Five meetings held by senior officials from both sides. Focus is on the straight bridge. Malaysia’s position is to discuss the full straight bridge proposal as a stand-alone issue. Malaysia also offers the possibility of bearing entire cost of project in return for Singapore’s agreement.
Singapore more interested in negotiating on basis of mutual benefit involving sand and airspace. Also wants to build on basis of cost-sharing if agreement reached between both sides. Dawns on Malaysian delegation that, short of calling off the meetings, progress can only be achieved on basis of balance of mutual benefits.
Armed with expert advice and the Cabinet mandate, Malaysian delegation crafts a “Broad Political Understanding”, meant to provide the basis for detailed technical and legal negotiations.
In including sand as an element, consideration is given to Malaysia’s precedents in exporting sand to Singapore, the quantity, royalty,etc.
With regard to airspace, Singapore wants all privileges reinstated, but with the Defence Ministry’s approval only two privileges, namely search-and-rescue and northern corridor transit, are considered.
Government decides to give itself some time before deciding on the BPU, considering the socio-political dynamics prevailing in the country.
28 March 2005: Foreign Minister briefs Barisan Nasional MPs. At the back of the Government’s mind is the need to make a decision that would reflect consensus among Malaysians. This is consistent with the approach of the current leadership.
29 Nov 2004: Singapore made clear of the distinction between the relocation of PUB pipelines on mainland Johor and relocation of pipelines along the Malaysian part of the Causeway.
26-04-2006, 12:56 PM
Report from The STAR dated Wednesday 26 April 2006 :-
Dr M issues six-page open letter on scrapped bridge
KUALA LUMPUR: Former Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad has issued a six-page open letter to explain why he thought the scenic bridge project to replace the Johor Causeway should have gone ahead unilaterally.
The letter also had an appendix of 13 pages of correspondence between the former prime minister and Singapore leaders Lee Kuan Yew and Goh Chok Tong.
According to an aide of Dr Mahathir, the open letter was sent to politicians and community leaders who wanted to hear his exact position on the matter.
He said the letters were sent out shortly before Dr Mahathir went for holiday in Europe last week. He is expected back in Kuala Lumpur next week.
Yesterday, Dr Mahathir’s former political secretary Matthias Chang questioned how Malaysia’s negotiating team had been outflanked by Singapore on the bridge issue.
He alleged Malaysia was not prepared for the talk and had been out-manoeuvred by the Singaporeans.
“Malaysia did not have a comprehensive strategy in dealing with Singapore. Malaysia has not learned from past experience in her dealings with Singapore,” he added.
He said the negotiations on the issue had been going on for more then 10 years.
“Time after time, what was deemed agreed between the two countries was overturned subsequently. Singapore seems to have the right and privilege to agree and then disagree,” he added.
Chang said that in two letters, dated Sept 8, 2001 and April 11, 2002, from Lee and Goh respectively, both leaders had indicated their agreement to having the bridge and had no objections to it being built.
He said Malaysia should not have given way to the Singapore demand but instead pursue the matter for international arbitration or refer the issue to the International Court of Justice for resolution.
On Monday, ambassador-at-large Tan Sri Ahmad Fuzi Abdul Razak, who has been directed by the Government to explain the bridge issue, said the decision to scrap the project was the best option, given the strong public sentiment on the issue.
26-04-2006, 01:01 PM
Report from The New Straits Times dated Wednesday 26 April 2006 :-
At the Dewan Rakyat yesterday: Kit Siang: Are bridge letters under OSA?
OPPOSITION leader Lim Kit Siang wanted to know whether the correspondence between Malaysia and Singapore on the "scenic bridge" was classified as an official secret.
If it was, then former prime minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad should be charged under the Official Secrets Act for leaking government secrets, he said at the Dewan Rakyat yesterday.
Lim noted that ambassador-at-large Tan Sri Ahmad Fuzi Abdul Razak had revealed that there were two letters pertaining to the issue, and asked if there were any more such documents.
Ahmad Fuzi made public some contents of the letters when he explained the rationale for scrapping the bridge project.
"While we welcome the exposure of the letters, we want to know if there were more of such letters, and if these letters were official secret documents," Lim said.
"If they were, they should be declassified. We want to know what went wrong to the extent that the construction of the bridge had to be scrapped."
Foreign Minister Datuk Seri Syed Hamid Albar said Lim had bad intentions in raising the bridge issue.
"I do not think Dr Mahathir had any such intentions," Syed Hamid said.
"He was merely voicing his opinion. It is not right to drag him into the argument when he is not here to defend himself."
He said it was ironic that Lim, who was always against the OSA, was now keen for it to be used.
Syed Hamid did not respond to the question of whether the letters were classified as official secrets but said in this particular occasion, the OSA need not be used.
26-04-2006, 01:04 PM
Report from The STAR dated Wednesday 26 April 2006 :-
MRT in the works for Johor Bahru
JOHOR BARU: Smooth flowing traffic and an efficient public transport that includes a mass rapid transit (MRT) system are some of the future perks that will be enjoyed by people here.
Seven development projects worth RM10bil are in the pipeline to develop southern Johor, mainly focusing on infrastructure.
The Federal Government will chip in RM5bil while the other half of the expenditure will come from private funded investments (PFI).
Mentri Besar Datuk Abdul Ghani Othman said part of the plan would be an outer ring road to connect the eastern and western parts of this city.
An MRT-like system had also been included in the project, aimed at providing a public transportation service of the highest quality, he told reporters after launching the re-branding ceremony of the Zon Regency Hotel By The Sea here yesterday.
“We are serious in making the city a service hub that would cater to different kinds of activities, from entertainment to sports,” he said adding that he was confident the projects could be completed within the next five years.
Ghani said the state government had a good track record of managing major projects, claiming that 98% of allocated projects under the two previous Five-Year Plans had been completed.
He said the seven projects were the first phase of a major development programme for southern Johor that would see 13 others being implemented in future.
26-04-2006, 01:08 PM
Report from The STAR dated Wednesday 26 April 2006 :-
Modesto’s enters Middle East
JOHOR BARU: Heritage Group of Restaurants and Clubs, the owner-operator of Modesto’s food and beverage outlets, will open its first outlet in the Middle East in June.
Within the next five years, it hoped to set up 10 outlets in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) in view of the positive economic performance in the kingdom, said chairman Bob Wong.
Located along the waterfront promenade in Abu Dhabi and occupying 3,000 sq ft, its maiden fine dining outlet, with 300 tables, would be one of the biggest restaurants in the UAE, he said.
“The Abu Dhabi restaurant will pave way for more outlets in the UAE,” he said, adding that the company would invest about RM4mil in the outlet.
Wong was speaking at the signing ceremony between Heritage Group and The Zon Johor Baru, a member company of DFZ Capital Bhd, for the opening of Modesto's latest outlet in Johor Baru at The Zon.
Heritage Group was represented by its managing director Modesto Marini and The Zon Johor Baru by general manager Lina Ng.
Wong said the Johor Baru restaurant was the company’s 11th outlet, with an investment of RM500,000.
Modesto's also has outlets in Kuala Lumpur, Penang, Jakarta and Singapore.
Opened yesterday, the Johor Baru outlet has a floor area of 3,500 sq ft and seating capacity of 160.
Elaborating on plans for UAE, Wong said the company would focus on developing Easy Pizza outlets at shopping complexes and would only operate one fine dining restaurant.
“UAE is very cosmopolitan and fast becoming a global village where citizens from all over the world can be found,” he said.
Developed as a fuss-free laid-back restaurant chain, Modesto Easy Pizza serves pizzas, pasta, soups, sandwiches and pastries.
28-04-2006, 12:39 AM
Report from The New Straits Times dated Thursday 27 April 2006 :-
Modesto's spices up Johor Baru dining scene
MODESTO'S, the Italian food and beverage (F&B) chain, has opened an outlet at The Zon shopping complex in Johor Baru.
The opening of the RM500,000 restaurant, owned by Heritage Group of Restaurants and Clubs, is expected to help jazz up the mundane night life in Johor Baru.
It will be Modesto's 11th outlet in South-East Asia, making this the firm's first foray into the southern region of Peninsular Malaysia.
The outlet seats 160 people in a relaxing ambience.
A deal was sealed with the signing of a memorandum of understanding between the firm's managing director Modesto Marini and The Zon complex general manager Selina Ng recently.
Also present at the signing were Heritage Group chairman Bob Wong and director P.Y. Wong of Naluri Corp Bhd, which owns and manages The Zon.
"It is our intention to offer both the residents of Johor Baru and guests of The Zon the best in F&B and entertainment all contained in the safe and convenient environment of The Zon," said P.Y. Wong.
He said The Zon draws more than one million Singaporean shoppers and visitors annually. He added that the newly opened Modesto's will attract even more Singaporeans to The Zon.
Bob Wong told reporters that the group is eyeing a slice of the United Arab Emirates (UAE) market and is venturing into Abu Dhabi in June.
"Abu Dhabi will be a stepping stone in our move to capture the Middle East market," he said.
He said Modesto's will open 10 outlets in the UAE but nine of the outlets will be Easy Pizza outlets and only one will offer the fine-dining concept.
The firm, which has outlets in Bangsar Baru, Damansara Heights and other parts of Kuala Lumpur, rakes in RM30 million in annual turnover and expects the Johor Baru outlet to generate RM3 million a year.
28-04-2006, 12:47 AM
Report from The STAR dated Thursday 27 April 2006 :-
Busted football syndicate took bets from as far away as Spain
PENANG: The football betting syndicate busted by the George Town police was accepting online bets from countries as far away as Italy, Spain and Britain.
OCPD Asst Comm Hamzah Md Jamil said at a press conference here Thursday that investigations showed that the bookie was able to rake in bets of more than RM5mil in a day from a variety of leagues such as the Spanish La Liga and Portugal Super Liga.
“That amount is only for the weekday matches. He can easily accept bets of up RM10mil for the weekend matches when popular teams such as Manchester United, AC Milan, Barcelona and Liverpool are playing.
“Eight computers are switched on at any one time and he will be busy keying in the bets for his customers.
"Communication are usually via email and payments are made via on-line banking,” he added.
“The bookie, who is from Padang Besar, Perlis, had been active since early this year."
He obtained the online betting expertise when he worked as a runner in a similar syndicate in the Philippines last year.
Eight personal computers and accessories such as modems, a television set, a printer and 25 betting sheets were seized with the arrest of the bookie on Tuesday.
ACP Hamzah said the bookie is liable to be charged under the Common Gaming House Act 1953 which carries a jail term of up to five years and a fine of up to RM200,000.
28-04-2006, 12:52 AM
Report from The STAR dated Thursday 27 April 2006 :-
Good response to e-Filing
KUALA LUMPUR: More than 50,000 taxpayers have submitted their tax returns through e-Filing and over 200,000 have downloaded the tax form.
Internal Revenue Board (IRB) chief executive officer Tan Sri Zainol Abidin Abdul Rashid commended Malaysians for their swift response to e-Filing, introduced this year for individuals.
“We are happy to have reached our target of getting 50,000 taxpayers on the first year of e-Filing for individuals.”
Last week, he said, an average of 2,300 taxpayers had filed their returns electronically per day while the number now was between 4,000 and 5,000 daily.
Zainol Abidin said many taxpayers were also coming to IRB offices to learn about e-Filing.
“We have that facility in every office, with the biggest one in Jalan Duta here, where we have about 30 PCs (personal computers) for people to practise on,” he said.
He advised taxpayers to file their returns early in the morning or late at night when the traffic was less busy.
“At lunch time, there is a great number trying to e-File their tax returns, so avoid peak periods,” he said.
On the security of the e-Filing system, he assured the country’s four million taxpayers that there was no cause for worry as their particulars could not be destroyed or even accessed by hackers.
“The e-Filing system is a very secure one and has been tested for about a year. It is very difficult to get into anyone’s personal tax file because the hacker needs to have both the PIN (personal identification number) and a password,” he said yesterday.
He also warned hackers that they could be identified and tracked down.
28-04-2006, 12:55 AM
Report from The STAR dated Thursday 27 April 2006 :-
New deadline for e-Filing : 31 May 2006
PETALING JAYA: Non-business taxpayers have until May 31 to submit their income tax forms via the e-Filing system.
Those submitting their forms manually have until Sunday to do so.
A statement from the Inland Revenue Board said the extension of the deadline for e-Filing was to encourage more people to use it. It is in its first year of implementation.
The penalty for late submission of forms via e-Filing will take effect from June 1.
28-04-2006, 12:52 PM
Report from The New Straits Times dated Friday 28 April 2006 :-
The Scenic Bridge: ‘Fuzi’s just rambling...’
KUALA LUMPUR: No one is being spared Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad’s venom these days — not even Tan Sri Fuzi Abdul Razak, the seasoned, mild-mannered and respected diplomat.
In the latest instalment of his attack on the Government for scrapping the plan to build the bridge to replace the Causeway, the former prime minister took issue with Fuzi’s comprehensive defence of that decision on April 25.
He called the explanation rambling and unconvincing. convincing at all.
“Tan Sri Fuzi’s rambling explanation about the bridge serves only to convince that the Government’s priority and intention is to sell sand to Singapore. If it is not allowed to do so, then Malaysia will not get its bridge,” said Dr Mahathir in a 16-point statement.
The ambassador-at-large had said that scrapping the bridge was the best option given the strong opposition to Malaysia selling sand to the republic and allowing the use of Malaysian airspace by Singapore’s air force.
The first option was to proceed with negotiations to reach a deal with mutual benefits.
Based on Singapore’s immediate needs, Fuzi said, Malaysia would have had to lift the ban on the export of sand and reinstate the use of Malaysian airspace.
But public opinion in Malaysia indicated these concessions were seen as giving away too much in exchange for a new bridge.
The second option was to proceed with a scenic half-bridge within Malaysia, that would join the Singapore’s half part of the 80-year-old Causeway. But this required getting consulting Singapore’s to get its approval to relocate water pipelines, which could lead to a request for a balance of benefits.
Option three was to unilaterally build a half-bridge that could eventually be linked to become a full scenic bridge with Singapore. But this would have resulted in endless political bickering and legal wrangle.
The fourth option — not to proceed with a new bridge — was the Government’s best choice after much deliberation.
Tun Dr Mahathir said that his reading of the Wayleave Agreement signed between both countries showed that there was no specific provision for Singapore’s approval before relocating the Public Utilities Board water pipelines.
He noted that there had been many alterations to the Causeway and pipelines in the past without any objection from Singapore or Malaysia.
Tun He also Dr Mahathir called attention to a letter he received from former Singapore Prime Minister Goh Chok Tong stating that he had no objections if Malaysia intended to replace its side of the Causeway with a bridge.
“Thus a unilateral decision became bilateral when Singapore acceded and accepted. Any change must similarly be agreed to by both sides,” he said.
In his statement, Fuzi had put Goh’s statement in its proper context. He noted that Goh had written a subsequent letter to withdraw that concession after Dr Mahathir signalled intention to call off talks on the package of issues and concentrate on settling the niggling question of water supply.
Goh wrote: “With the termination of the package negotiations, the underlying basis for the statements in the letter of 11 April 11, 2002 no longer exists.”
Dr Mahathir said that when Singapore stated that it wanted sand and airspace, it was adding conditions to what had been decided by him and Goh.
Malaysia should have rejected the new conditions. He argued that by aborting the plan to build a bridge plan, Malaysia had tacitly agreed to Singapore unilaterally changing what had been decided.
between him and Goh.
If Malaysia was uncertain of its right, the proper thing would have been to refer the matter to arbitration or take the issue to court.
“It gave in supposedly because the Malaysian legal authorities believe Singapore is in the right. It would be interesting to read the grounds for the Attorney-General to conclude that Singapore has what amounts to extra-territorial rights and Malaysia has no sovereign right within its own territorial waters.” he said.
Dr Mahathir said that he did not believe that Singapore would refuse to allow the half- bridge to connect with its Singapore’s side of the Causeway. “That would certainly constitute an unfriendly act. It would be tantamount to Singapore cutting its nose to spite its face.” he said.
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'Main points of contention:'
* Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad says that he informed the then Singapore Prime Minister Goh Chok Tong that Malaysia intended to build a half bridge to replace the Causeway.
Goh said that he would accept that decision, though he did not think that it was ideal.
Mahathir took this to mean that he had Singapore’s agreement to build a bridge, since the exchange between both of them was in writing.
* Tan Sri Fuzi put Goh’s letter in context. He noted that following Goh’s letter, Dr Mahathir wrote to the Singapore PM and said: "I think we have now come to a point where it would be important for us to prioritise our discussions.
"The approach that both sides have adopted so far in dealing with the outstanding issues in a package has not yielded any meaningful results.
"In view of this, Malaysia has now decided to discontinue the package approach and to give the highest priority to first resolving the long-delayed water issue, particularly the price of raw water.
"Once this issue is satisfactorily and amicably resolved, I am confident that Malaysia and Singapore would be able to move forward much faster in finding solutions to the other outstanding issues that stand in the way of our bilateral relations."
After receiving this letter from Dr Mahathir, Goh replied that he had decided to withdraw the concession Singapore was prepared to make as part of trade-offs involving the bridge and related issues.
In a diplomatic note, Singapore explained that the agreement given by Goh was "made in the context of the then ongoing negotiations between the two Governments as an overall package of bilateral issues.
"With the termination of the package negotiations, the underlying basis for the statements in the letter of 11 April 2002 no longer exists.
29-04-2006, 11:58 AM
Report from The New Straits Times dated Saturday 29 April 2006 :-
Scenic Bridge: 'Dissenting views won't change our decision'
KUALA LUMPUR: The dissenting views, even from former Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad, are not going to make any difference.
They won’t affect the decision not to proceed with the bridge project across the Johor Strait.
Foreign Minister Datuk Seri Syed Hamid Albar said although democracy meant there would be differing views, he did not think they would change the Government’s decision. The most important thing, however, was to ensure that there was no fight or argument about this, he added.
He said when there was a leadership change, people had to accept that the current leadership might not make the same decisions as the old guard.
"This does not mean we base our decisions on feelings. We have our own rationale."
He said those who did not agree with the Government’s decisions should not raise sentiments that could harm unity.
Syed Hamid said Dr Mahathir was aware that selling sand to Singapore was not unheard of.
"The proposal to sell sand was made by Singapore, not us. Sand was not on the plate because Singapore wanted a balance of interest," Syed Hamid said.
Selling sand was still at a proposal stage before the bridge project was scrapped so "it is not quite true to say that we negotiated on the sand", he told reporters after a luncheon with delegates of the 6th Malaysia-Republic of the Philippines Joint Commission Meeting.
"What I don’t understand is that he (Dr Mahathir) knows that the sale of sand has been done before to Singapore," he said, adding that much reclamation in Singapore used Malaysian sand during the 1980s and 1990s.
Dr Mahathir had criticised the explanation given by the Foreign Ministry’s ambassador-at-large, Tan Sri Ahmad Fuzi Abdul Razak, calling it a "rambling explanation that serves only to convince that the Government’s priority and intention is to sell sand to Singapore".
Fuzi had said that scrapping the bridge project was the best option given the strong opposition to Malaysia selling sand to the republic and allowing the use of Malaysian airspace by Singapore’s air force.
Syed Hamid said the difference in the negotiations this time was an intention to have things better regulated and controlled so that the environment remained protected, "the very thing that he (Dr Mahathir) is talking about".
Asked to respond to Dr Mahathir’s claim that Malaysia did not need Singapore’s approval to build the bridge, he said:
"The very fact that Tun is talking like an advocate shows that it is very litigious.
"Someone with a high standing and who is highly respected by the rakyat has the right to express his disagreement.
"But the issue should not cause a situation that could lead to a political crisis when our country is stable and secure," he said.
29-04-2006, 12:00 PM
Report from The New Straits Times dated Saturday 29 April 2006 :-
Eight years' jail for pimp
KUALA LUMPUR: He was a contractor by day, and a pimp by night.
Tong Chai Hing, 38, was apprehended by police following a tip-off by a 17-year-old Indonesian girl who was initially hired as a maid but was later forced into prostitution.
Tong was found guilty by the Sessions Court yesterday and sentenced to eight years’ jail and ordered to be given one stroke of the rotan.
Tong was found guilty of being an agent for prostitution activities in front of Mentari Condo, Bandar Sri Permaisuri, Cheras, about 10.30pm on April 13, 2004.
Deputy public prosecutor Rahayu Abu Talib, in pressing for a heavy sentence, said the victim came from a poor family and entered Malaysia to earn an honest living as a maid.
"Instead, she was forced to go to karaoke joints and get involved in prostitution against her will," she said.
Describing the offence as a heinous crime, Rahayu said the case had tarnished Malaysia’s image and should be treated as a case of public interest.
Furthermore, she said the ensuing trial was lengthy and the court should take this into consideration when passing sentence.
Tong’s counsel, Bernard Francis, applied for his client to be bound over for good behaviour.
Judge Rosenani Abd Rahman said the court could not accept his defence as it was merely a denial and ordered the sentence to begin yesterday.
29-04-2006, 12:07 PM
Report from The STAR dated Saturday 29 April 2006 :-
Fined for sex with call-girl
IPOH: It was his 20th birthday but lorry driver Wan Mohd Farhan Khairuddin did not get to blow any candles.
Instead, the son of a policeman was slapped with a RM1,000 fine for having sex with an Indonesian prostitute.
Magistrate Teoh Chin Chong also yesterday ordered Wan Mohd Farhan to spend a month in jail if he failed to pay the fine.
Last month, Wan Mohd Farhan had pleaded guilty to having sexual intercourse with 23-year-old Kesy Manda and abetting her in promoting prostitution at 4pm on March 3.
According to several lawyers, this was a rare case as in most cases only those soliciting for immoral purposes were brought to court.
On March 3, a team of policemen had raided a hotel in Jalan CM Yusuf. When police arrived, an alarm went off at the hotel to warn those involved in prostitution activities.
While others tried to escape, Wan Mohd Farhan was caught in flagrante delicto with Kesy in a room.
When asked by Teoh why he had sought the services of a prostitute, Wan Mohd Farhan remained silent. He later denied frequenting prostitutes.
At the same court, Teoh sentenced Kesy to four months’ jail from the date of her arrest.
She had on March 9 pleaded guilty to soliciting for the purpose of prostitution at the same time and place.
“It was my second day at work,” she said during mitigation.
Asked who had introduced her to the “job”, Kesy told the court she had found it on her own.
She later admitted to having served two months’ in jail for entering the country without a permit and possession of a fake identity card in 2004.
In an unrelated matter, two women pleaded guilty to soliciting for the purpose of prostitution at Hotel Cowan on Jalan Raja Ekram here at about 3.15pm on April 24.
Hoong Lay Lian, 45, and Wong Poh Hiong, 40, were asked to pay bail of RM2,000 each pending sentencing on June 14.
29-04-2006, 12:15 PM
Report from The STAR dated Saturday 29 April 2006 :-
Lightning strikes depot in Pasir Gudang
JOHOR BARU: Lightning struck and caused a massive inferno at the Johor Port in Pasir Gudang that could be seen 10km away and from across the Straits in Singapore.
The bolt came during an evening thunderstorm, striking a tank that held nearly 90,000 litres of petrol.
When the sparks flew, two bigger tanks – with a total capacity of about 700,000 litres – also went up in flames.
All the tanks were situated at the Petronas Dagangan Bhd fuel depot, with two tanks holding petrol meant for Petronas service stations in the southern region while the other stored jet fuel to be supplied to the Sultan Ismail International Airport at Senai.
No casualties were reported in the 6.20pm incident but by midnight the first tank was completely razed and more than 100 firefighters were attempting to stop the blaze from spreading to a fourth tank.
In yesterday’s port fire, the lightning first struck at Tank No. 14 in the Petronas depot, and then spread to Tank No. 15, about 10m away, which held more than 450,000 litres of petrol.
The fire then spread to Tank No. 16, about 2m away, which held 250,000 litres of jet fuel.
By midnight Tank No. 14 had collapsed and firemen were trying to prevent the flames from spreading to storage Tank No. 7, which held more than three million litres of fuel.
The Petronas depot housed at least 15 tanks of various sizes and holding different types of fuel, including petrol, jet fuel and palm oil.
The nearest housing estate, Taman Mawar, is 2km away and curious onlookers came out of their homes to watch the red skies that loomed above Pasir Gudang.
The tanks, it is learnt, have heat protectors but no lightning protectors.
When the fuel storage tanks went up in flames, at least three explosions rocked the port area.
Reporters standing about 1km away heard a loud explosion at about 11.15pm but no immediate information on its source could be obtained then.
Petronas Dagangan issued a statement later to say that the Fire and Rescue Department and the authorities had secured the perimeters of the depot for safety reasons.
Petronas Dagangan assured its customers that supply to the service stations and its other customers would not be disrupted as the company has made arrangements for the products to be sourced from other depots.
Besides the firemen from the port, Johor Baru and nearby Permas, there were also volunteer firefighters from nearby factories.
Most of the port workers rushed out when the emergency sirens went off.
29-04-2006, 12:20 PM
Report from The STAR dated Friday 28 April 2006 :-
Letter to The Editor : Thieves working on LCCT luggage
THIEVES in the luggage department of the Low-Cost Carrier Terminal have reared their ugly heads barely a month after the terminal is in operation.
We were a group of 10 retired teachers on our way back from Chiangmai waiting to retrieve our bags at the LCCT when we noticed something amiss.
Normally all bags will roll out on the conveyor belt in a sturdy stream but that was not the case at about 3pm on April 13.
After the first batch rolled out, we had to wait for about 20 minutes before we saw ours appear. My friend immediately saw his bag unlocked and upon checking found the few hundred ringgit he placed inside missing except for a few ringgit covered by some scraps of paper.
The combination lock on my new Mont Blanc was damaged, a zipper handle was missing and the leather scratched.
We reported the incident to AirAsia and the police at the LCCT. My friend had to drive all the way to the Sepang police station to make a statement and was told that such thefts had been very common.
Apparently, the authorities have not been committed in weeding out the scum.
If with all the security cameras at airports, simple crimes like this cannot be solved how are we going to solve the more complicated ones?
If we are serious about giving our country a good, clean image, something had better be done quickly.
By S.B.
29-04-2006, 12:33 PM
Report from The Malay Mail dated Saturday 29 April 2006 :-
Highway Privilege card launched
FATIGUE, according to statistics, is one of the major causes of road accidents in the country.
Many drivers tend to pull their cars off the road and settle for an inadequate nap before journeying to their respective destinations.
Now, with the recent launch of Malaysia’s first-ever Highway Privilege card, road users can use it to rest and refresh themselves at hotels in selected locations.
Grand Paradise Highway Hotels Sdn Bhd executive director R.S. Ram said there are five such hotels with three already in operation.
The ones in operation are located strategically at the resting vicinities of Rawang, Gunung Semanggol (heading to the northern region) and Ayer Keroh (southern direction).
The other two hotels are on both sides of the North-South Expressway in Seremban. They will be open to the public sometime next month.
Each of the hotels has 32 rooms except for the hotel in Ayer Keroh which has 42 rooms. All are under the Grand Paradise Group.
Going by the theme, “Tiredness Kills: Stop, Revive, Survive”, members can purchase a Bonus Plus Highway Privilege card for only RM36 which is valid for a whole year. Among the benefits are six blocks of complimentary stay at any one of the five Highway Hotels.
Each block can be used for a maximum of two hours. Members can choose to rest for a mere two hours and up to 12 hours. They can also enjoy refreshments like tea and coffee at the Bonus Plus Lounge.
Additionally, they can enjoy the use of the lounge and facilities at all Grand Paradise Highway Hotels, and the next time they decide to stay at any of the Grand Paradise Group of Hotels, they will receive a 20 per cent discount on their rooms. Furthermore, they are also covered by personal accident insurance worth RM20,000 which has 24 hours worldwide coverage.
Ram said this service is in line with the wishes of the Government to help reduce the appalling rates of road accidents which are increasing year by year.
What is also interesting is that members of this Privilege card can also choose to stay overnight at any of these hotels for a mere RM39 with the use of all the facilities at their disposal. Indeed, it seems very convenient for travellers to either rest for a few hours or even stay the night.
Parents can also turn a boring trip along the highway into an adventure for their children if they choose to stay and enjoy the facilities of the hotels.
Membership registration is very simple and hassle free. Your membership can be activated simply via SMS by typing Bonus Plus and sending it to 32728/Dapat. The membership number is etched at the back of the card.
At this initial stage, the company is targeting a membership of 120,000 road users based on the encouraging response demonstrated by the public so far. Those interested can contact the toll free number 1-300- 883535.
29-04-2006, 01:39 PM
Report from The STAR dated Saturday 29 April 2006 :-
123456 moment that comes only once in a century
PETALING JAYA: Do you know that at exactly one hour, two minutes and three seconds after midnight on the fourth of May, the time and date will read: 01.02.03 04.05.06 ?
This combination comes together only once in a hundred years, so we can consider ourselves fortunate that it is happening in our lifetime.
So do not let it be said that you slept through this 123456 moment.
Come up with something to do at that point in time and The Star will help you to record this historic hour.
Plan something meaningful, if not spectacular.
It could be the perfect time to uncork that 15-year-old Burgundy that you have been saving for the right occasion.
If you have agreed to marry him but do not know how or when to break the news to your parents, try 123456.
Or, if it is your wedding night, you could choose that moment to ...... :p well, you get the idea.
So at that precise moment, tell us what you are doing. Watch out for more details in the Sunday Star tomorrow.
29-04-2006, 05:05 PM
Report from The STAR dated Saturday 29 April 2006 :-
Fuel tank fire at Pasir Gudang put out
JOHOR BARU: More than 100 firemen battled the inferno at the Petronas Fuel Depot in Pasir Gudang for almost eight hours before completely dousing the blaze at about 2.49am.
State Fire and Rescue Department director Yusof Muhammad said the department used foam to fight the blaze, which started at about 6.05pm on Friday.
He said the fire, which was sparked off after a lightning bolt hit Tank 14 during a thunderstorm, completely destroyed the steel tank containing 85,000 litres of petrol.
“Explosion caused the fire to engulf other nearby storage tanks located about 10m apart,” Yusof said, adding that fires at Tank 13 and Tank 15 were also put out before they got out of hand.
He said Tank 13 contained 2.5mil litres of petrol while Tank 15 contained 450,000 litres of aviation fuel.
“The firemen used hundreds of litres of foam to battle the blaze,” Yusof said, adding that they also used ski lifts to “cool down” the other nearby tanks including Tank 16, which contained some 3.4mil litres of petrol, to prevent the fire from spreading.
Yusof said that although there was no immediate danger of the fire spreading, the department has stationed a fire engine and a team of firemen at the scene.
A Petronas Official said the fuel from the affected tanks was meant to be supplied to petrol stations in the state as well as for the Sultan Ismail International Airport at Senai.
He said there would be adequate supply of fuel in the state despite the temporary closure of the depot as arrangements had been made to bring in fuel from other depots located in the country.
30-04-2006, 09:15 PM
Report from The New Straits Times dated Sunday 30 April 2006 :-
‘Re-negotiate bridge issue’ : UMNO(Pulai)
JOHOR BARU: Several current and past leaders participated in the Pulai Umno Forum which discussed Malaysia-Singapore relations.
A common topic raised by the speakers and participants was the issue of the bridge between the two countries, which has been aborted.
Among the panellists on the forum were Umno Youth executive council member Datuk Mukhriz Mahathir, former minister and ex-menteri besar of Kedah Tan Sri Sanusi Junid, Tan Sri Abdullah Ahmad, Datuk Dr Hassan Ahmad and Datuk Ruhanie Ahmad.
The forum was chaired by Datuk Syed Hussein Sayed Abdul Kadir Alhabshee.
Mukhriz said the bridge issue was the least complicated between the two countries and should be re-negotiated. The other issues such as water, air space, Central Provident Fund and KTM Berhad land in Tanjung Pagar were a good deal more complex
30-04-2006, 09:18 PM
Report from The New Straits Times dated Sunday 30 April 2006 :-
Umno delegates accept bridge move
KUALA LUMPUR: Umno delegates who attended a meeting to discuss current issues accepted the reasons for scrapping the "scenic bridge" that was to have replaced the Causeway.
Foreign Minister Datuk Seri Syed Hamid Albar who explained the Government’s stand on the issue received thunderous applause at the end of the meeting. He fielded a string of questions from the delegates.
"The general consensus among the delegates was that they accepted the decision and they want the Government to be given the mandate to decide what is best for the country.
"The sentiment was that people can have differing views but it is crucial that they follow the leadership. The delegates realised that many are watching the reactions of the leaders on the issue," he said when contacted last night.
Among those present at the meeting were Umno information chief Tan Sri Muhammad Muhammad Taib and all division information chiefs.
Syed Hamid said the issue of correspondence between Malaysia and Singapore was raised as it had created a lot of confusion among the people.
"The delegates agreed that even if there were different interpretations of the matter, they did not want the issue to have an adverse impact on Umno and cause disunity among the people."
30-04-2006, 09:26 PM
Report from The STAR dated Sunday 30 April 2006 :-
The book of lucky numbers ( for 4D & 3D )
ON April 16, Sunday Star carried a story about a long-tailed toad that gave a lucky number to the villagers of Kampung Bekoh near Tangkak in Johor. The number 3071 was obtained by shaking a box of numbers near the toad until four numbers came out. Readers thought at first that the number was based on the number that represented a toad in the special dictionary that has been part of Malaysian life for many generations. We sent our intrepid reporter CHOONG KWEE KIM to investigate how the dictionary came about and how it has evolved to keep up with the times.
PENANG: Whether it is a nuclear bomb, the act of kissing, or an event like Easter or even April Fool’s, 4D punters have a special dictionary to look up specific numbers attached to these events.
Many who rely on such booklets have struck it rich and of course others have also suffered the fate of burning a hole in their pockets.
The dictionary is considered good reference material for punters who, especially after a dream, would refer to it and then place bets on the numbers.
The 4D dictionary has 9,999 numbered items that are different from the 3D dictionaries that come in two versions featuring the deities Tua Pek Kong and Kuan Yin Ma, both having different sets of 999 numbered items.
Van Hin Book Co owner Chong Yao Tuck said the books, in pink and red, have been around since his father opened his shop at Carnarvon Street in the 1950s.
“The 3D dictionaries were out first, followed by the 4D but there has always been more demand for the 3D ones.
“It is amazing that there are people, particularly housewives, who memorise all the numbers, usually from the more popular Tua Pek Kong version,” he said.
Demand for the dictionaries usually picked up at year’s end, probably as part of the Chinese New Year purchases, he added.
He said the items in the dictionaries have remained unchanged over the years except for image retouching, improvement and addition of colour, adding that the 4D dictionary had more modern items compared to 3D.
Xiao-En Cultural Endowment chief executive director Dr Ong Seng Huat said before 4D and 3D, 2D lottery was popular in the northern states in the early 1950s, according to a May 1952 article in Nanyang Siang Pau.
“The dictionaries were likely a Malaysian creation based on an earlier dictionary of 36 names that originated from mid-Qing dynasty (1644-1911) in China,” he said.
He said some of the modern dictionaries still carried the 36 personalities whose origins were a mystery until a new discovery in the late 20th century linked them to the anti-Manchurian Qing movement.
“Chinese scholars recently found in Fujian a secret doctrine which was over 200 years old belonging to a subversive religious group called the Fragrant Flower Monks which identifies the 36 as anti-Qing martyrs,” he said.
Ong said the 36-character lottery was probably created in China as a tactic to spread the revolutionary message, but the tradition evolved here and was kept alive by the Malaysian entrepreneurial spirit.
According to another Nanyang article in 1952, a temple deity in Tanjung +++ong “condemned” the widespread punting, especially among housewives, through a divine message conveyed through a temple medium in trance.
“Devotees then distributed the message to the Chinese community scolding housewives for neglecting their motherly duties by getting obsessed with punting,” said Ong.
Nevertheless, lotteries have also been used for a good cause.
Ong said MCA started a welfare lottery in 1950 to rescue some 500,000 Chinese from being deported from Malaya by the colonial government, and helping them resettle in new villages.
The colonial government then banned political parties from operating lotteries in 1953, but it started a government-operated lottery instead, Ong added.
Today, lotteries are mainly operated by licensed gaming companies while illegal ones have always been around.
02-05-2006, 09:43 AM
Fined for sex with call-girl
IPOH: It was his 20th birthday but lorry driver Wan Mohd Farhan Khairuddin did not get to blow any candles.
Instead, the son of a policeman was slapped with a RM1,000 fine for having sex with an Indonesian prostitute.
Magistrate Teoh Chin Chong also yesterday ordered Wan Mohd Farhan to spend a month in jail if he failed to pay the fine.
Last month, Wan Mohd Farhan had pleaded guilty to having sexual intercourse with 23-year-old Kesy Manda and abetting her in promoting prostitution at 4pm on March 3.
According to several lawyers, this was a rare case as in most cases only those soliciting for immoral purposes were brought to court.
On March 3, a team of policemen had raided a hotel in Jalan CM Yusuf. When police arrived, an alarm went off at the hotel to warn those involved in prostitution activities.
While others tried to escape, Wan Mohd Farhan was caught in flagrante delicto with Kesy in a room.
When asked by Teoh why he had sought the services of a prostitute, Wan Mohd Farhan remained silent. He later denied frequenting prostitutes.
At the same court, Teoh sentenced Kesy to four months’ jail from the date of her arrest.
She had on March 9 pleaded guilty to soliciting for the purpose of prostitution at the same time and place.
“It was my second day at work,” she said during mitigation.
Asked who had introduced her to the “job”, Kesy told the court she had found it on her own.
She later admitted to having served two months’ in jail for entering the country without a permit and possession of a fake identity card in 2004.
In an unrelated matter, two women pleaded guilty to soliciting for the purpose of prostitution at Hotel Cowan on Jalan Raja Ekram here at about 3.15pm on April 24.
Hoong Lay Lian, 45, and Wong Poh Hiong, 40, were asked to pay bail of RM2,000 each pending sentencing on June 14.
02-05-2006, 09:59 AM
Contractor jailed for pimping Indon girl
KUALA LUMPUR: A 38-year-old contractor was jailed eight years after a Sessions Court here found him guilty of pimping a 17-year-old Indonesian girl two years ago.
In sentencing the man yesterday, Sessions Court Judge Rosenani Abd Rahman also ordered him to be given one stroke of the rotan.
Tong Chai Hing, from Kajang, was found guilty of pimping the Indonesian girl on April 13, 2004, around 10.30pm in front of Mentari Condo, Bandar Seri Permaisuri here.
The girl had told the court how she was promised a job as a maid here.
However, she said she was forced to work at a karaoke joint before eventually being made to prostitute herself.
Deputy Public Prosecutor Rahayu Abd Talib urged the court to impose a heavy sentence, saying the offence was a serious one that was punishable with mandatory imprisonment and whipping.
“Cases such as this tarnish our country's image. A young and innocent girl from a poor family in Indonesia was taken advantage of,” she said.
In mitigation, Tong's counsel Bernard Francis said his client had a family to support and claimed he only acted as a middleman and was not directly involved in the girl's prostitution.
The lawyer then asked for his client to be bound over on good behaviour.
Judge Rosenani shot down the request saying the case was a serious one that could not be taken lightly.
The judge ordered Tong's sentence to commence from yesterday
02-05-2006, 12:26 PM
Report from The STAR dated Tuesday 2 May 2006 :-
Entry fee for foreign-registered vehicles under study
KANGAR: The Government has to study the appropriate mechanisms before enforcing the RM20 entry fee for Singapore-registered vehicles entering the country.
Internal Security Minister Datuk Seri Radzi Sheikh Ahmad said the Government was awaiting recommendations from the Attorney-General’s Chambers on the relevant laws to be perused.
“We have decided that the fee is to be collected by the Immigration Department. In principle the Government has agreed to the RM20 fee.
“We will implement it as soon as all the matters are settled,” he told reporters after handing over Takaful Insurance Certificates to the Village Security and Development Committee (JKKK) chairmen and computers for schools in the Kangar Parliamentary constituency.
It was reported earlier that all Singapore vehicles entering Malaysia would be imposed a RM20 entry fee effective May 1 but to date there has been no directive from the authorities. – Bernama
02-05-2006, 12:31 PM
Report from The New Straits Times dated Tuesday 2 May 2006 :-
Dr Mahathir: Malaysia a ‘half-past-six country with no guts’ if .........
PUTRAJAYA: Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad returned from a two-week holiday in London yesterday as defiant as ever, refusing to cease disputing the Government’s decision to scrap the Johor Strait bridge project.
He said as a citizen, he had a right to do so if the country’s sovereignty was surrendered.
"If you surrender your sovereignty to Singapore ... I think this is a half-past-six country which has no guts," the former prime minister told reporters at the Kuala Lumpur International Airport on his return.
"I promised not to interfere in politics and I have not said anything about many things done which were wrong.
"But this is the limit — to surrender your sovereignty to Singapore as if you are scared of them.
"This does not speak well of your self-respect."
Asked to what extent he would pursue the matter, Dr Mahathir said:
"I cannot go to war ... I have no power."
He dismissed talk that Umno members were worried that his conflict with the present administration over the bridge issue would disunite Umno.
The bridge issue, he said, had nothing to do with disunity and was about self-respect.
Asked why he had not given his recent open letter to Prime Minister Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi instead of distributing it to Umno members, Dr Mahathir said:
"I did not write the letter to him. What for? Even if I talk to you (the media), it won’t see the light of day in the papers.
"Even if I were to give it to you to publish, you will not do it.
"Even if you do, Kalimullah will chop it," he said, referring to New Straits Times Press deputy chairman and editorial adviser Datuk Kalimullah Hassan.
However, Dr Mahathir described his relationship with Abdullah as "very fine and very good".
"I am unhappy only when you kowtow. This is our country, yet we have to seek permission from another country to build a bridge on our side. Where is the sovereignty?"
************************************************** **************************
Report from The STAR dated Tuesday 2 May 2006 :-
Dr M: I have the right to speak up
SEPANG: Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad said he has decided to voice his concern and views on the scrapping of the scenic bridge project, despite making a promise not to interfere with government matters, as “this is the limit.”
“I had promised not to interfere with politics and I have not said anything about the many wrong things which have been done. But this is the limit.
“When you sell your country and allow other people to direct you in your country, I think I have limits. To surrender your sovereignty to Singapore as if you are scared does not speak well of the self-respect you have for yourself.
“I will continue to write letters if necessary – if I feel the country’s sovereignty is surrendered to other people. Even as a citizen, I have the right,” he said, when met at KLIA upon his arrival from London yesterday.
Asked to comment on Backbenchers Club chairman Datuk Shahrir Samad’s statement calling for him to stop commenting on government projects and be happy that his Vision 2020 was being upheld by Prime Minister Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi’s administration, Dr Mahathir said he did not “care what other people said against him.”
The former prime minister said that his questioning the decision to scrap the bridge project had nothing to do with causing disunity within Umno.
“I am talking about Malaysia’s self respect and sovereignty. This is our country and we are building a bridge in our territory but have to ask the permission of another country.
“Where is the sovereignty?” he asked.
02-05-2006, 12:34 PM
Report from The STAR dated Tuesday 2 May 2006 :-
Singaporeans celebrate Workers' Day in JB
JOHOR BARU: Singaporeans flocked across the Causeway here as they not only had the long Workers Day weekend to enjoy but also some extra money to spend.
This was because more than two million Singaporeans began receiving their “Progress Package” bonuses of between S$200 (RM445) and S$2,600 (RM6,135) yesterday, one of the biggest bonuses ever paid out.
Over the weekend, shopping complexes and hotels here were packed with Singaporeans.
Although it is the norm for them to cross the Causeway during weekends, this weekend saw heavier traffic than usual.
At the Xtra hypermarket in Jalan Tebrau, Singapore-registered vehicles were seen waiting in the car park as early as 7am.
Johor Baru-Singapore MBJB Taxi Owners and Drivers Association president Muhamad Najib @ Nagaji Abdul Rahman, when contacted, said there was an increase of at least 30% of Singaporean passengers.
When unveiling the Budget in February, Singapore Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong allocated S$2.6bil (RM6.34bil) for a “Progress Package” to share part of the government’s surplus.
A government servant who only gave his name as Mohamad, 34, said the bonus helped to cover unpaid bills and loans.
“I am spending my share on household items and clothes for my kids,” he said.
02-05-2006, 12:37 PM
Report from The STAR dated Tuesday 2 May 2006 :-
He’s 33, but his wife is 104
HE IS 33 and single while she claims to be 104 and has been married 20 times.
When Muhamad Noor Che Musa tied the knot with Wook Kundor in February, it was his first marriage and her 21st.
The 71-year age gap did not seem to pose any barrier to the unusual couple from Kuala Berang, Terengganu, Harian Metro reported.
The ex-serviceman was quoted as saying that he had found peace since marrying Wook and did not have any qualms introducing her as his wife.
“Before meeting Wook, I never stayed in one place for long.
“However, about a year ago I secured a job at a sawmill in Kuala Berang and stayed at Wook’s house for months without paying a single sen,” he said.
Muhammad admitted that many did not understand his decision to marry Wook and felt that their marriage was weird. Some even questioned his motive for marrying a woman old enough to be his great grandmother.
“But this is Allah’s will. My intention towards Wook is very sincere. I am not after her money as she is poor. Her only asset is her deep religious knowledge.
“Through her, I can deepen my knowledge of the religion while at the same time help her master the Romanised script,” he said, adding that their love was based on mutual respect and care.
Initially, Muhammad said he sympathised with Wook as she was all alone in the world, but over time, that feeling turned into love.
Wook, who is childless, hoped that people would not judge them.
“I hope people will view our marriage in a positive light as we have not done anything that is against the religion,” she said.
02-05-2006, 12:42 PM
Report from The STAR dated Tuesday 2 May 2006 :-
Many doubts over e-Filing
PETALING JAYA: The Inland Revenue Board's (IRB) decision to stop mailing income tax returns forms to taxpayers from next year has received a mixed reaction from the public.
Some supported the decision to go paperless via e-Filing, while others preferred the conventional way for security and other reasons.
Siti Salamah Yusof, 38, from Klang, said that going paperless saved time and paper, but added e-Filing has to be made more user friendly.
So Tze Shen, 39, from Petaling Jaya, who submitted tax returns by post this year, said:
“The IRB needs to give taxpayers the option of either filing returns on paper or via e-Filing. The process of going paperless should be done gradually. On the other hand, implementing e-Filing may create business opportunities for those who are IT-savvy as they can charge to assist others file their tax returns!”
Robert Chelva, 46, from Petaling Jaya, said he had tried going online a few times to do e-Filing but had not been able to access the website.
“I had to resort to mailing my tax returns as I couldn’t e-File before the initial April 30 deadline.”
A USJ Subang resident who didn't want to be named said he did e-Filing this year and found it fast and convenient.
“I think it depends on the individual. If he is computer literate, then there will be no problem.”
Mohd Nizam Affundi, 24, from Damansara said e-Filing was a great idea as people could do it at their own pace and time.
“There are flaws, though. Those who are not PC-literate, like older people or those from rural areas, may not have any idea how to do anything online.”
An anonymous Puchong resident said she wanted to know how IRB decided that e-Filing was popular as only 100,000 out of a few million taxpayers had filed returns online.
“Not everyone has access to a computer. Though e-Filing is easy, I still prefer doing tax returns at IRB offices and having an officer validate all my paperwork.”
Kajai Priya, 28, from Brickfields, said Malaysia’s technology was not advanced enough to provide enough security to do transactions like e-Filing online.
Twenty-two year old Michelle Lee, who resides in Ampang, said e-Filing was a good idea but felt it was still too new.
“Many people would be afraid that something might go wrong, like online fraud.”
02-05-2006, 12:48 PM
Report from The New Straits Times dated Tuesday 2 May 2006 :-
Causeway blues for 4,000 students
JOHOR BARU: Malaysian students commuting to Singapore have been late for school the past week due to massive traffic jams at the Causeway.
The South Johor School Bus Association yesterday said the long queue of motorcyclists at the Causeway was one of the causes of the traffic gridlock.
"The rising number of motorbikes and the fact that they do not stick to their lanes is causing traffic to come to a standstill, especially when they reach the checkpoints," said association vice-chairman Lee Sin Min.
Lee said he had to pick up the children at 3am instead of 4am to beat the jam.
"A normal one-hour journey on the Causeway now takes more than two hours," he said, adding that stringent security checks at Woodlands in Singapore also worsened the jam.
About 40 schoolbuses ferry some 4,000 students to school in Singapore daily.
More than 110,000 daily commuters, including some 30,000 motorists, crossing from Johor into Singapore every morning are also affected by the stringent inspections.
Pan Malaysia Lorry Owners’ Association president Er Sui See called on both Governments to resolve traffic woes on the Causeway.
Johor State Public Works Committee chairman Datuk Baderi Dasuki said he was aware of the problem.
"A meeting with representatives of the Immigration Department, traffic police and Customs will be held on Wednesday to address this," he said.
02-05-2006, 12:52 PM
Report from Business Times dated Tuesday 2 May 2006 :-
The Gardens - ultimate evolution for Mid Valley City
DAVID McCracken has a big job at hand.
As the executive director of Mid Valley, he is responsible for the development of The Gardens project, an upmarket retail, commercial and hospitality component to be added to the popular Mid Valley City in Kuala Lumpur.
With The Gardens coming into the picture, the existing shopping-cum-business area will not only be tapping into the mass market, but also the higher income group.
McCracken said it will reposition the Mid Valley City as an alternative to the Kuala Lumpur city centre.
"The Gardens is the ultimate evolution for Mid Valley City," he told Business Times in an interview.
The Gardens comprises a shopping centre, a five-star hotel, a five-star all-suite hotel, two office towers and 4,500 additional car parks, with a gross development value of RM2 billion.
McCracken is happy with the progress so far. After all, he managed to secure all its four anchor tenants 17 months prior to the launch of the shopping centre.
"We have also managed to lease about 40 per cent of our retail space," he added.
Although construction of the shopping centre had slowed down in December last year mainly due to bad weather, McCracken said it will be completed in September next year.
The retail component of The Gardens is made up of a four-and-a-half-level shopping podium, costing about RM575 million in development.
It has a gross floor area of 1.83 million sq ft (excluding car park) and can accommodate around 230 retail shops.
The five-star hotel and the five-star all-suite hotel, meanwhile, comprise 27 and 30 levels respectively, and will be connected to The Gardens retail centre.
The two office towers, dubbed the North and South Towers, are made up of 31 levels of Class 1 offices. Leasing of these office units will commence after the completion of its show-units.
Both hotels and office towers are expected to be completed in 2007 or 2008.
Strategically located, McCracken said The Gardens will attract people who are living in areas such as Bangsar, Hartamas and Mont Kiara.
Anticipating the heavy traffic flow to the Mid Valley Megamall, the company is currently in talks with the local authorities to build a bridge to connect shoppers to a Putra LRT station.
It also plans to upgrade the road system, which involves the construction of four underpass and one overpass and is expected to cost about RM150 million.
02-05-2006, 12:56 PM
Report from The New Straits Times dated Tuesday 2 May 2006 :-
Letter to The Editor : Improve on the basic facilities at LCCT
I RECENTLY travelled with my family and friends to Bandung using our low-cost carrier and, of course, had to use the newly-opened Low-Cost Carrier Terminal in Sepang.
Before using the terminal myself, I had always felt that Malaysians were just being overly fussy about anything that’s new and that’s why there were so many complaints about the new terminal.
But when my father, who is 65 years old, and sister, with an eight-month-old baby, had to walk a long distance to get to/from the aircraft and when young people nonchalantly elbowed their way through so that they could get better seats on the plane, I knew then why the LCCT has received endless complaints.
Just because AirAsia is a low-cost carrier, that does not mean it cannot cater to the old, ailing and women with children.
If it can’t invest in a facility to service the passengers to/from the terminal to the aircraft, people will start to turn to MAS because they provide better service.
Last year, I was in Australia and had the chance to travel on their version of a low-cost carrier. I was pleasantly surprised that the seats on board their low-cost carrier were numbered. Hence, boarding the plane was done in an orderly fashion.
The same can’t be said about AirAsia. It is bad enough that most Malaysians have the "Me first" attitude. With AirAsia’s free-seating policy, the airline’s standard has been reduced to the same level as a minibus.
Numbering the seats, I’m sure, will not cause AirAsia any additional cost.
Instead, people not having to rush to get seats would make the carrier more attractive, on top of the affordable tickets.
If AirAsia wants to continue to be the No 1 low-cost carrier, it needs to go all out to ensure that passengers are kept happy with its services.
No frills, definitely, but improve on the basics. If it doesn’t, it will soon lose out.
It is not just the price of the tickets, it is also about the satisfaction that the passengers get when they travel with AirAsia through the LCCT.
03-05-2006, 01:38 PM
Report from The New Straits Times dated Tuesday 2 May 2006 :-
The rotten years : Men living longer but spend latter years sick
KUALA LUMPUR: The good news - Malaysian men are living longer, at an average of 72 years. The bad news - Their healthy days are over 14 years earlier than men in Western countries and Japan.
In other words, they will spend their last 14 years battling ill health.
"This is very uncomfortable because Malaysian men do not die, they suffer ill health," says Datuk Prof Dr Tan Hui Meng, president of the Malaysian Society of Andrology and the Study of the Aging Male.
He said studies showed that an average Malaysian man gets his first heart attack in his 50s. In Western countries, this happens to men in their early 70s.
A random study of 4,000 men in Petaling Jaya in the last few months revealed that the average age of those who got their first heart attack was 58.
The study also showed that 87 per cent of the respondents had one major illness while 67 per cent had two.
Dr Tan, a professor at the Faculty of Medicine, Universiti Malaya, said men did not take potential risk seriously and unlike women were reluctant to seek treatment.
The risk factors for diseases include lack of exercise, excessive smoking, drinking and eating, inadequate sleep and obesity.
Dr Tan said these factors accumulated and exploded when Malaysian men reached the age of 50.
"It is payback time for abusing the body and leading an unhealthy lifestyle.
"The result is that when men should be enjoying their most productive years, they suffer from diseases such as diabetes, hypertension, heart attacks and strokes."
Dr Tan said Asean and the rest of the world could learn a lot from the Japanese experience in men’s health and aging, as its population had the longest life expectancy in the world.
He said doctors should be "men-friendly" and educate them on the importance of having a healthy lifestyle from an early age.
"There is a need to create an environment for men to have easy access to information and to talk about their problems, including sexual problems."
03-05-2006, 01:45 PM
Report from The New Straits Times dated Wednesday 3 May 2006 :-
Shahrir: Dr M cannot expect all views to be accepted
KUALA LUMPUR: Former prime minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad is entitled to express his views like any Malaysian, but he should not expect his views to be accepted by everyone, Backbenchers Club president Datuk Shahrir Samad said yesterday.
Shahrir said it was not rational for those who give their opinion to demand that their views be accepted by all.
Referring to the scrapping of the bridge project over the Johor Strait, Shahrir said the Government had made a decision and this should be respected.
"In this era of openness under Prime Minister Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi, anyone can give their opinion. What cannot be accepted is that we expect our opinions to be accepted by all.
"In fact, it is our responsibility to give our views as long as it is not done with ulterior motives," he told reporters after a function to present women MPs with the first anti-snatch theft handbag.
Shahrir was asked to comment on statements by Dr Mahathir disputing the Government’s decision to scrap the Johor Strait bridge project.
The former PM had said on Monday that it was his right as a citizen to voice his opinion on the matter if the country’s sovereignty were threatened. Dr Mahathir had said if Malaysia "surrendered its sovereignty to Singapore", it was a "half-past-six nation with no guts".
Asked to comment on Dr Mahathir’s contention that it was "no use" talking to the media as they would not have published his statements, Shahrir said the media had the right to choose what to publish.
"We are free to give our opinions, but we have no right to tell the media what to print. They have the right to decide themselves what they want to print," he said.
Shahrir said he has had on many occasions issued statements that were not picked up by the media.
He said he was only against the media twisting statements or taking statements out of context. "That I cannot accept," he said.
03-05-2006, 01:47 PM
Report from The New Straits Times dated Wednesday 3 May 2006 :-
I paid for sex with medium, says woman
KUALA LUMPUR: A woman had sex 51 times with a medium, paid between RM20 and RM50 per session — all in the name of healing.
The medium had allegedly told her that her financial and domestic problems stemmed from the fact that she was possessed and that he could rid her of the evil spirits by having sex with her.
The 41-year-old housewife believed him and resorted to having sex with the 52-year-old medium once a week for the past seven months.
The "treatment", however, ended abruptly last week when the woman’s husband, a construction worker, found contraceptives in the bedroom and confronted his wife.
By that time, the medium, who called himself "The Ninth Emperor of the Kingdom of God", had gone missing. When they contacted him on his cell phone, he warned them that he would cast a spell if they bothered him.
The couple and their only child, a three-year-old girl, were at the MCA public services and complaints department yesterday to warn the public on dangers of resorting to mediums.
Department head Datuk Michael Chong said stories of mediums preying on women were nothing new to his department.
"I have received at least five similar complaints in the past year," Chong said.
"In two cases, the husbands claimed they understood their partner’s plight and promised to stand by them. But within days, both men left, accusing their partners of being unfaithful."
Chong believed there were many more victims who were ashamed to lodge reports. He advised them not to suffer in silence but to seek help.
In the latest case, the couple have yet to lodge a police report. The woman said the humiliation was too much for her and she simply wanted to warn others.
Recounting her seven-month ordeal, the woman said she confided in a friend about her financial and domestic problems, who then introduced the medium to her.
The medium allegedly visited her home in Cheras and told her that she and her house were possessed and a week after "consultation", he came up with the sex therapy.
After each session, she allegedly paid him between RM20 and RM50. Three months ago, he persuaded her to shift into another house within the same area, alleging that the spirits in her home were too powerful.
The woman obliged and even allowed the medium to stay with her.
03-05-2006, 01:50 PM
Report from The New Straits Times dated Wednesday 3 May 2006 :-
More Bigfoot footprints found near Kota Tinggi waterfall
KOTA TINGGI: The Johor Bigfoot, it seems, is still alive and kicking.
Kampung Lukut’s well-known Bigfoot hunter Kong Nam Choy said yesterday that he had seen a set of eight fresh giant footprints, which he believed were made by Bigfoot, in the vicinity of the Kota Tinggi waterfall last Wednesday.
He said a friend from the village had come across the footprints while fishing in the area.
"The footprints, measuring about 60cm by 30cm with a diagonally positioned big toe, appeared fresh and were scattered along the banks of a stream," Kong said.
Residents of Kampung Mawai, meanwhile, believe the strange animal calls they continue to hear in the jungle are Bigfoot’s.
Bigfoot mania was set off by a New Straits Times report at the end of last year on the purported sighting of a Bigfoot family of three at Kampung Mawai by three workers building a fish pond.
Kong, 38, who loves jungle-trekking in the area, found the first clear Bigfoot footprints on a tarred road in Kampung Temening near here in January.
In an incident last month, a Kampung Mawai prawn catcher who identified himself only as "Soma" said he heard a strange howling sound while out in his boat on the Sungai Sedili in the late afternoon.
He said: "The loud, throaty ‘Ohh...’, which sounded almost human, droned on for a few minutes. I have heard the calls of elephants and other animals but this was unlike anything I’d ever heard."
Soma said another fisherman friend of his heard the same eerie sound at the same place a day later.
Plantation workers at a 40-hectare oil palm plantation at Kampung Lukut had reported hearing similar sounds at 4am in mid-February.
Checks in the area at daybreak revealed huge footprints, like the ones found before, on a sandy riverbank nearby.
03-05-2006, 01:53 PM
Report from The New Straits Times dated Wednesday 3 May 2006 :-
Johor Police in a spot over errant bikers
JOHOR BARU: The traffic police are in a dilemma over how to resolve the chronic morning peak hour jams at the Causeway caused by motorcyclists who cut into bus and car lanes.
Johor Baru (south) acting traffic chief Assistant Superintendent Harun Idris said police were hesitant to mount a blitz on errant bikers as this would only aggravate the problem and worsen the jams.
"It will not help if we start booking the offenders. The number of motorcyclists using the Causeway during the morning rush hour would only cause the traffic congestion to worsen.
"More people will end up late for work in Singapore. We are trying to figure out the best solution to this complex problem," he said.
More than 110,000 daily commuters, including some 30,000 motorists, cross from Johor to Singapore every morning. Bikers account for more than half of them.
Bus operators and motorists have complained of motorcyclists cutting into their lanes, holding up traffic unnecessarily during the peak period.
The worst-hit are the 4,000-odd Malaysian students who take school buses to Singapore. They are forced to get up as early as 3am to make it on time to school every morning.
03-05-2006, 01:56 PM
Report from Business Times dated Wednesday 3 May 2006 :-
AirAsia Q3 passenger traffic surges
BUDGET carrier AirAsia Bhd said it flew 55.3 per cent more passengers in the fiscal third quarter ended March 31 2006 from a year earlier.
The number of passengers totalled 2.53 million passengers compared with 1.63 million passengers in the last corresponding period.
Of the total, passenger traffic for its Malaysia operations grew by 42 per cent to 1.56 million, followed by Thailand with a 61 per cent growth to 658,672 and Indonesia with a 161 per cent growth to 313,099, said AirAsia in a statement yesterday.
In March alone, the airline flew 927,492 passengers, up 55.8 per cent from 595,128 passengers in the last corresponding period.
Malaysia accounted for 557,079 of the total, followed by Thailand at 246,409 passengers and Indonesia at 124,004 passengers.
For the nine-month period, based on figures obtained from its official website, AirAsia carried a total of 6.5 million passengers, up 43 per cent from 4.56 million passengers in the last corresponding period.
03-05-2006, 02:00 PM
Report from The STAR dated Wednesday 3 May 2006 :-
Board any MAS flight with an e-ticket by next year
KUALA LUMPUR: All Malaysia Airlines (MAS) flights will be completely ticketless by next year, including those booked through travel agents.
This follows the successful launch of the e-ticketing system for domestic and Malaysia-Singapore flights on Monday.
MAS assistant general manager for distribution Md Saat Abd Samad said there were no complaints from customers of the 2,250 e-tickets issued on the first day that brought in a revenue of RM500,000.
“This system is as convenient as booking tickets at our 39 ticketing offices, through our call centre or website.”
He said passengers only needed to bring their identity card and booking reference number to board an aircraft.
MAS expected to sell some 2.5 million e-tickets this year.
MAS said in a statement on Sunday that it was on schedule to meet International Air Transport Association's (IATA) requirement that all airlines fully implement the e-ticketing system by the end of next year.
Md Saat assured travel agents that MAS would implement IATA-compliant e-ticketing solutions for them next year.
He said MAS' ticketless system started in 1997 when purchases could be made through Maybank ATMs.
He said the current phase of e-ticketing took MAS 30 days to carry out.
Md Saat added that 1,250 employees were trained to use the system.
He said MAS was starting a direct debit system called FPX which would allow it to connect to many banks through a single channel.
“At the end of the day, the customers will be the biggest beneficiaries.
“They can now book online or through the call centre 24 hours a day, with flexible forms of payment.”
03-05-2006, 02:03 PM
Report from The STAR dated Wednesday 3 May 2006 :-
Sarawak Tourism Board launches revamped website
KUCHING: With a click of the mouse, holidaymakers around the world can now access and choose from hundreds of Sarawak tour packages on offer.
This has been made possible with the new Sarawak Tourism Board website which was launched by state Urban Development and Tourism Minister Datuk Wong Soon Koh here yesterday.
The board's chief executive officer Gracie Geikie said provides a platform for local tour operators and other players in the tourism sector to market their packages, products and services.
She said it would enable tourism players to interact directly with potential clients.
“The old website, which recorded an average of 400 hits a day, has been totally revamped to make it interactive,” she added.
05-05-2006, 12:21 AM
Report from The STAR dated Thursday 4 May 2006 :-
Former PM's comments on bridge:
Nazri: Criticise, but don't undermine Government
KUALA LUMPUR: Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad’s repeated admonition of the Government and his action in writing an open letter to Members of Parliament and politicians on the matter is an attempt to undermine the present administration, Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department Datuk Seri Mohamed Nazri Abdul Aziz told the Dewan Rakyat.
Calling on the former prime minister to keep his word not to interfere after he retired from the Government, Nazri said it was all right not to agree with the Government.
"But when he repeatedly attacked us openly, it seems that Tun is trying to undermine the Government."
He said 21 of the 32 ministers in the Cabinet were appointed by Dr Mahathir when he was Prime Minister.
"The Cabinet is made up of 32 people who gave their views before a decision was made. And when Tun says the country is half-past-six with no guts, his statement is aimed at all Cabinet members.
"I don’t think he meant what he said as this would raise more questions. I don’t think he is half-past-six with no guts," he said while replying to points raised by MPs during the debate on the Supplementary Supply (2005) Bill 2006.
Several backbenchers had earlier called on the Government to make its position clear on the criticisms by Dr Mahathir over the decision to scrap the bridge project to replace the Causeway across the Johor Strait.
"What is the Government’s position on Dr Mahathir’s attacks? We would like to know if the Prime Minister’s Department is going to reply," asked Datuk Rosli Mat Hassan (BN-Dungun)
Agreeing with him was Datuk Mohd Said Yusof (BN-Jasin).
"This involves all Malaysians. So we want an official statement from the Prime Minister’s Department on this matter. Enough is enough, let us put this matter to rest," said Said.
Datuk Kamaruddin Jaafar (Pas-Tumpat) urged the Government to reply.
"The problem cannot be ended or willed away just like that. It deals with the way we handle our foreign affairs," he said.
Opposition leader Lim Kit Siang suggested a select committee be appointed to get to the bottom of the affair.
Nazri said it was not true that the Government had surrendered its sovereignty by not going ahead with the bridge project.
"We are not building a bridge where both ends are on our side.
"The southern half is in Singapore and we don’t have the right to build there if Singapore does not give us permission. So, the question of surrendering our sovereignty does not arise."
On Dr Mahathir’s claim that the Cabinet was only interested in selling sand to Singapore, Nazri said:
"It is a wild allegation from a former government leader towards his former colleagues who had been loyal and worked hard for him when he was prime minister.
"It is because we did not want to sell sand that we decided to scrap the bridge project."
Nazri said the current Government was open in all matters though some quarters felt the previous administration did not practise openness.
"Tun Mahathir is entitled to give his views but in a democracy no one can deny the Government’s right to respond to his views.
"The Government respects Dr Mahathir as one who has done a lot for the country, but this does not mean he has a blank cheque to criticise without receiving any criticism from anyone who disputes his views."
Nazri said it was on this premise that he was replying and hoped the former prime minister will not be offended.
"I hope Tun will not be offended by my statement. I hope the public will not consider me as being disrespectful and ungrateful to him."
In the Parliament lobby, Nazri said he had no choice but to reply to the queries from members.
"I take full responsibility for my answers," he said.
Asked if the Cabinet would endorse his decision, Nazri said every Cabinet member had little choice but do what he had done and reply the way he had.
"Any Cabinet member will say the same. No member of the Cabinet can run away from this. We will not change the decision not to build the bridge."
On his claim that Dr Mahathir was trying to undermine the Government, Nazri said it was based on what the former prime minister had been saying and doing.
"You can give your criticism. But when you write to the MPs and division chiefs, that is undermining the Government."
05-05-2006, 12:30 AM
Report from The STAR dated Thursday 4 May 2006 :-
'Problems caused by Singapore's new demands'
KUALA LUMPUR: Malaysia would have gone ahead with a new bridge if Singapore had not introduced new conditions into their negotiations.
Foreign Minister Datuk Seri Syed Hamid Albar said the sale of sand for 20 years and the use of airspace for military practice were conditions introduced recently.
"Earlier discussions on the bridge had been unsuccessful, so when the Government noticed an improvement in relations in November 2003, it decided to reopen negotiations.
"If Singapore had taken advantage of our renewed ties without bringing in the issue of sand and airspace, no problems would have arisen."
Interviewed over RTM1 by Bernama chairman Datuk Mohd Anuar Zaini, Syed Hamid said the country’s past relations with Singapore had not always been rosy.
"Historically, if you look at Singapore’s separation from us, the past has not always been sweet. There have been some bitter moments. And perhaps, because of that, Singapore has always felt the need to compete with us."
The idea for a bridge to replace the Causeway was mooted by former Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad in 2001.
"As a way to reduce pollution, building a new bridge would have been the best solution," said Syed Hamid.
The new bridge would have been a symbol of Malaysia-Singapore co-operation and friendship, he added,
In 2002, Singapore informed Dr Mahathir it did not want to build a new bridge.
Syed Hamid said after Prime Minister Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi took over, the Government became confident the issue would be resolved because of a positive change in the relationship between the two countries.
Syed Hamid stressed that the Government had deliberated over the matter thoroughly before coming to a decision to scrap the project,
On whether the Government had sought adequate legal advice at the outset, Syed Hamid said: "The Attorney-General’s advice has always been consistent from the start."
The minister, however, did not exclude the possibility that negotiations on the bridge could be reopened in the future.
05-05-2006, 12:49 AM
Report from The STAR dated Thursday 4 May 2006 :-
Foreign vehicles to pay entry fee
PUTRAJAYA: The Road Transport Act 1987 will be amended to levy a charge on foreign vehicles that enter the country.
Deputy Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak said the Cabinet would also decide on the quantum of levy to be imposed once the amendment was incorporated.
Speaking to reporters after chairing a Barisan Nasional meeting at his office here, he said the move would affect vehicles from Singapore and Thailand.
Tourism Minister Datuk Seri Tengku Adnan Tengku Mansor said last month that visitors from the two countries who used their cars to enter the country would be charged RM20 for an entry permit .
Najib, who is also BN deputy chairman, said the Government had received various views pertaining to the fee.
"Some people say we should not have it as it will discourage visitors," he said.
Transport Minister Datuk Seri Chan Kong Choy said motorcycles and heavy vehicles would be exempted.
Johor Tourism Committee chairman Freddy Long had said Johor's tourism earnings of nearly RM5 million a day from Singaporean visitors would be in jeopardy if the Government went ahead with its plan to impose foreign vehicle entry permits.
About 20,000 Singaporeans drive into Johor daily.
05-05-2006, 03:56 PM
Report from The New Straits Times dated Friday 5 May 2006 :-
Najib: Cabinet stands by decision on Johor Bridge
KUALA LUMPUR: The Cabinet is standing firm on its decision not to proceed with a bridge on the Malaysian side of the Johor Strait to replace the Causeway.
This is not tantamount to surrendering the country’s sovereignty as suggested by some quarters, the Cabinet declared at its latest meeting, chaired by Deputy Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak on Wednesday.
"In fact, to accept or accede to Singapore’s request for sand and airspace, taking into account public sentiments and sensitivities, could be perceived as Malaysia compromising its sovereignty," Najib said in a statement yesterday.
"The Government, from 2000 until now, has not changed its decision not to export sand to Singapore."
"The Cabinet considered that the decision taken by the Government was a correct decision and should not in any way be construed as giving up the right to proceed with the bridge proposal to replace the Johor Causeway," he said.
Najib said the termination of the half-bridge contract with Gerbang Perdana Sdn Bhd could not be construed as a sign that the Government had surrendered Malaysia’s sovereignty.
As an independent and sovereign country, Malaysia had complete power and authority over its territory, he said.
In exercising that authority, he added, no other country could interfere with its affairs.
Malaysia’s aim and focus during discussions between both countries’ senior officials had been to secure Singapore’s agreement to build a full straight bridge.
The issues of airspace and sand were proposed by Singapore on the basis of "a balance of mutual benefits".
The mandate given to the Malaysian delegation to discuss the two issues with Singapore was never intended to be the Government’s final decision to agree to Singapore’s request, said the Deputy Prime Minister.
"Having taken into account all factors, the Government decided not to go ahead with the construction of the bridge as it did not agree to give airspace and sand.
"As such, the issue of Malaysia giving up its sovereignty, or Malaysia being a ‘half-past-six country with no guts’, does not arise," he said.
Former prime minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad, upset with the decision to scrap the bridge project, criticised the Government for turning Malaysia into "a half-past-six country with no guts".
He also accused the Government of being interested only in selling sand to the republic.
On Wednesday, Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department Datuk Seri Mohamed Nazri Abdul Aziz, during a Parliament session, criticised Dr Mahathir for trying to undermine the Government.
Dr Mahathir had also claimed that the Wayleave Agreements made it clear that there was no specific provision for consulting and obtaining the necessary approval of Singapore for the relocation of Singapore’s Public Utility Board’s water pipelines, to allow Malaysia to build the bridge on its own.
Najib explained that the Wayleave Agreements, which purportedly allowed Malaysia to remove PUB water pipelines on six months’ notice, should not be looked at separately.
"I would like to point out that the Wayleave Agreements, the 1961 and 1962 Johor-Singapore Water Agreements respectively, and the 1965 Separation Agreement must be considered in their entirety to determine the rights and obligations of both Malaysia and Singapore," he said.
He added that any further clarifications, if necessary, would be made by the Attorney-General, taking into account Malaysia’s national interests.
06-05-2006, 04:32 PM
Report from The New Straits Times dated Saturday 6 May 2006 :-
‘Unfair that landlords be liable for tenants’ actions’
PETALING JAYA: Owners and landlords of commercial complexes have come up with a list of reasons why they cannot be held liable for copyright infringements by tenants.
International Real Estate Federation Malaysian Chapter (FIABCI Malaysia) president Datuk Teo Chiang Kok (pic) said it was unfair for owners and landlords to be criminally responsible for what tenants did.
He said it was difficult to enforce the terms of sales and purchase agreements held by owners or tenants and to determine the status of goods sold by tenants.
"Owners and landlords will have to constantly prove the authenticity of their tenants’ merchandise before legal action may be taken," he said.
He said even if it was proven, owners and landlords may require a court order to evict tenants which would take time.
In the meantime, the defaulting tenants might continue their illegal activities, he added.
"While we support the Government’s effort to fight copyright infringements, we do not agree with the ministry’s proposed legislation amendments," he told a Press conference.
The event was jointly organised by FIABCI Malaysia, the Real Estate Housing and Developers Association, Malaysian Association for Shopping and Highrise Complex Management and the Associated Chinese Chamber of Commerce and Industry Malaysia.
He said, however, that the association would support measures to hold owners and landlords liable if they were proven to be commercially involved in such illegal activities.
Last month, the Domestic Trade and Consumer Affairs Ministry said it planned to amend copyright-related laws to make it a criminal offence for anyone to allow their premises to be used for such activity.
"The passing of such amendments would also affect the property market in Malaysia. It would put a damper on efforts to attract foreign investors to purchase commercial properties in Malaysia," Teo said.
He said the associations were seeking a dialogue with the ministry on the matter.
"We made the request about two months ago but so far the ministry has yet to respond. We want our voice to be heard before the amendments are made," he added.
06-05-2006, 04:39 PM
Report from The STAR dated Saturday 6 May 2006 :-
AirAsia mulls northern hub
ALOR STAR: AirAsia will choose either Penang or Alor Star as its northern region low-cost-carrier hub.
Chief executive officer Tony Fernandes said the decision would depend on cost, support and packages offered by Malaysia Airports Holdings Bhd.
“There is a great demand from tourists from China and India to fly to southern Thailand, Penang and Langkawi.
“But we can only have one hub. Our decision will depend on the cost and support, as we are starting something new,” he said at the new RM162mil Sultan Abdul Halim terminal here.
Fernandes had accompanied Transport Minister Datuk Seri Chan Kong Choy aboard an AirAsia flight to the terminal yesterday morning.
The Airbus A320 with 79 passengers, including the minister, was the first plane to land at the new terminal, which began operations yesterday.
The terminal has the capacity to handle 38 commercial aircraft a day but is currently only handling an average of four flights daily.
The old terminal, located more than a kilometre away in Kepala Batas, was officially shut down yesterday after being in service for 26 years.
Fernandes said AirAsia flights to the Alor Star airport would be increased from seven a week to 14 next month.
“We are also reviving the coach services (from Alor Star airport) to Haadyai next month,” he said.
Chan said the airport would be declared an international airport once it attracts international flights. He said it was up to the state government to promote the state to draw tourists.
“When there is demand, the international airlines will come in,” he said.
Kedah Mentri Besar Datuk Seri Mahdzir Khalid said a taskforce had been formed to woo international airlines.
06-05-2006, 04:44 PM
Report from The STAR dated Saturday 6 May 2006 :-
KL-Singapore flights to cost more from 15 May 2006
PETALING JAYA: The airfare for MAS flights from Kuala Lumpur to Singapore is set to rise on May 15 by more than 55% for first class passengers and almost 20% for economy travellers.
First class one-way fare at present is RM314 and will be increased to RM488 while the economy ticket at RM222 will increase to RM266.
These prices are only for confirmed tickets and not shuttle fares which are sold like bus tickets at the KLIA.
This increase also does not include the surcharges and taxes, which total RM264.
According to Malaysia Airlines sources, the increase was meant to bridge the fare gap between flights from KLIA and departures from Changi Airport in Singapore.
The one-way fare from Changi is S$211 (RM469) for first class seats while economy is S$152 (RM338).
“Bridging of the fare differences is part of the MAS Turnaround Plan, which among others aim to reduce loss of revenue due to poor price implementation,” said one insider.
The national carrier had issued a notice to all travel agents about the new prices.
Industry sources said they first got wind of the increase when Singapore Airlines issued a similar note on March 28 and that the increase was to take place on April 1.
However, SIA withdrew the letter on March 30 after it became apparent that MAS was not ready to make a similar announcement.
Sources said SIA was now expected to re-issue the notice soon for their fares, which will also increase on May 15.
The two airlines have a code-sharing agreement for flights between the two destinations and any price increases would be done in tandem.
This is the third fare increase announced by MAS since the new management took over last year.
On Jan 1, the airline raised its ticket prices by between 5% and 14%. Two months earlier on Nov 1, MAS increased its first class and business class fares to the United States by between 48% and 167%.
06-05-2006, 04:54 PM
Report from The STAR dated Saturday 6 May 2006 :-
Death threat may be a joke
JOHOR BARU: The e-mail death threats received by local paranormal investigators The Seekers could be a prank.
Ampang OCPD Asst Comm Azri Ahmad confirmed that a police report was lodged on Monday by a group member.
“I think it is a prank, but because the e-mail contains a clearly-worded threat, we have opened the case,” he said.
He also said investigations would be conducted under Section 507 of the Penal Code for criminal intimidation by an anonymous communication.
“We will be cooperating with (Internet service provider) Jaring to obtain information based on the e-mail address of the sender,” he said, adding that the threat could be from someone who did not like the group's nature of work.
Members of The Seekers investigate mysterious incidents connected with supernatural entities, spirits and ghosts and have their own documentary programme on television.
The e-mail threatening to kill everyone in the group came last Saturday and questioned why they were so interested in looking for supernatural entities.
A group member, Muhammad Zulizzi Othman, 26, said this was the first time The Seekers received such a threat.
Muhammad Zulizzi said the threats made the whole group feel unsafe as they did not know the identity of the person who sent the threat.
“We have also stopped all out paranormal investigations while awaiting the results of police investigations,” he said.
07-05-2006, 12:31 PM
Report from The New Straits Times dated Sunday 7 May 2006 :-
Book has Bigfoot pictures
JOHOR BARU: A book on the Johor Bigfoot, said to include exclusive photographs of the elusive creature, has caused a stir among cryptozoologists around the world.
The book authored by local writers and researchers, including the man in the thick of Bigfoot research in Johor, Vincent Chow, is set to be released in the next few months.
Chow said yesterday he had seen the Bigfoot photographs, which belonged to an individual.
He added the individual wished to remain anonymous for the time being.
"The owner of the photographs has only agreed to allow them to be used in our book.
"All I can say is that the photographs are convincing and all visible signs point towards the possibility that the Johor Bigfoot could be a variant of the Homo erectus species of hominids (creature resembling humans), thought to have gone extinct some 50,000 years ago or that it is an unknown hominid."
Loren Coleman, a leading cryptozoologists, in his website, open- ed a discussion on Thursday on the new book and received a flood of comments from the international community of cryptozoologists and Bigfoot enthusiasts.
Coleman, who has authored several books on the Bigfoot subject, said Chow’s revelation that the photographs showed the creature’s genitalia, could be proof of the creature’s sexual dimorphism.
"When Vincent Chow’s book shows the Bigfoot photographs, I will shout a hearty ‘congratulations’ to him.
"Yes, as he says, many will have the last laugh on this one. I will be especially happy for all the (Bigfoot) eyewitnesses who have had to tolerate ridicule merely for reporting what they saw."
Coleman said the reality of a living fossil existing, such as Homo erectus, would be earth-shattering.
"If Chow’s findings pan out, look for some revolutionary new thoughts within anthropology, palaeoanthropology, hominology and cryptozoology. As Chow has told me, what he is talking about are ‘photographs of the real McCoys’.
"I am happy to announce I will be one of the contributors to his book."
07-05-2006, 12:39 PM
Report from The STAR dated Sunday 7 May 2006 :-
New Pasir Gudang-Permas Jaya link
JOHOR BARU: The new RM175mil access road linking Pasir Gudang with Permas Jaya here will give residents an alternative to the busy Pasir Gudang highway.
Entrepreneurial and Cooperative Development Minister Datuk Seri Mohamed Khaled Nordin said the new highway, to be constructed under the Ninth Malaysia Plan, would use coastal roads to link Pasir Gudang Baru and Permas Jaya.
“The date for the project to start has not been confirmed. It will be up to the Public Works Department to make the final decision,” he said.
He said the new highway would provide an alternative to the only link to the port.
The post-mortem on the recent Petronas Depot petrol tank explosion also proposed that an alternative link to Pasir Gudang be built.
08-05-2006, 10:09 AM
Report from The New Straits Times dated Mopnday 8 May 2006 :-
Boy caught having sex with ewe
BACHOK: Police are looking for a boy who is alleged to have committed bestiality with a ewe in Kampung Pengkalan Chengal on Saturday.
District police chief Deputy Superintendent Nazley Mohd Said said in the 6.30pm incident, the animal’s owner, a 36-year-old housewife, was cleaning her house when she heard the frantic bleating of her ewe.
The sound came from beneath the lower portion of her house, which is built on stilts, where she kept her livestock.
On checking, the woman found the youngster naked with one of her ewes.
"When she screamed, the youth jumped up and fled. She lodged a police report," Nazley said.
Police are looking for the 15-year-old, who also lives in the village.
--- KatoeyNewsNetwork
09-05-2006, 10:45 AM
Report from The New Straits Times dated Tuesday 9 May 2006 :-
Sex with ewe: Boy also a thief
KOTA BARU: The teenager who allegedly committed bestiality with an ewe in Kampung Pengkalan Chengal, Bachok, on Saturday, is known in the village as a petty thief.
State Deputy CID chief Superintendent Shafie Ismail said the 15-year-old school dropout, who comes from a broken family, was employed at a scrap metal yard and is believed to have been involved in several break-ins and thefts.
Saturday’s incident was the second time the youth had sodomised the ewe.
"The suspect, who was staying with his aunt after his parents divorced, is wanted by the police," he said.
--- KatoeyNewsNetwork
************************************************** **********************
Wonder whether he screwed the SAME ewe or another ewe and whether the ewe is now pregnant with his child ! kekekekekekekekekekekekekeke............. :D
09-05-2006, 10:49 AM
Report from The New Straits Times dated Tuesday 9 May 2006 :-
23 PRC Chinese on hunger strike
PUTRAJAYA: Twenty-three Chinese women in their 20s and 30s in detention are on a hunger strike.
Some of them inflicted injuries on themselves when Immigration officers tried to talk to them.
Enforcement chief Datuk Ishak Mohamed said the women were brought to the detention centre in Machap Umbu, Malacca, on Sunday after being detained at a holiday resort for working illegally as guest relations officers.
"We suspect the women were told by their agent to be unco-operative. They refused to talk or eat. Two of them reportedly passed out after repeatedly slamming their he- ads against the wall," he said.
Of the 23, two claimed to be married to locals but their social visit passes had expired, while one claimed she worked as an engineer in a company in Ampang. The rest had valid social visit passes.
All of them had been in Malaysia before.
--- KatoeyNewsNetwork
12-05-2006, 10:06 AM
Report from The New Straits Times dated Tuesday 9 May 2006 :-
Journalist to be quizzed over ‘auction of Vietnamese woman’
KUALA LUMPUR: Police will question a reporter from a Chinese daily over a report last week alleging that a Vietnamese woman was "auctioned off" at a wet market.
The report dated May 3 said the auction was held at Kampung Baru Rawang and it was lifted by newspapers in Vietnam, Singapore, the United Kingdom and Turkey and published in their websites over the past few days.
Wisma Putra yesterday confirmed that it received a protest note from the Vietnam Embassy here, dated May 9.
Vietnam Women’s Union chairperson Ha Thi Khiet is also said to have sent letters to Women, Family and Community Development Minister Datuk Seri Shahrizat Abdul Jalil and National Council of Women’s Organisation deputy president Ramani Gurusamy.
Selangor Criminal Investigation Department chief Datuk Hadi Ho Abdullah said police had not received any report on the alleged incident. They, however, started probing yesterday and initial investigations revealed that the report in the Chinese daily was based on third party information.
"The reporter said he received a telephone call from a housewife. But when he went to the market, there was no auction, so he spoke to several hawkers, but he could not name them," he said.
Hadi declined to comment further but it is believed that police are contemplating action against the newspaper concerned if investigations revealed that the report was false.
The report stated that the 21-year-old woman was brought to the market at 7am earlier this month by a pedlar and that she voluntarily offered herself up for auction and set the price at RM18,000. It added that a 60-year-old man paid the money and took the woman home.
Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department Datuk Seri Mohamed Nazri Aziz said yesterday: "If this is true, I am disgusted. This is 2006 and there are Malaysians behaving in a very medieval way."
Opposition Leader Lim Kit Siang who had highlighted the matter during a Press conference at the Parliament lobby urged the Government to get to the bottom of the matter. He distributed copies of the newspaper and said going by the report, it was an embarrassment to the country.
--- KatoeyNewsNetwork
12-05-2006, 10:51 AM
Report from The STAR dated Tuesday 9 May 2006 :-
Malaysian sex slaves sold to vice rings in London
LONDON: Police believe the 19 Malaysian sex slaves who were rescued from two brothels in Britain could have been sold to vice rings for £2,000 (RM13,496) each.
Detective Supt David Eyles of the London Metropolitan Police's clubs and vice special unit said it was common for girls lured to Britain to work ending up as prostitutes to be sold for such a sum.
“Big crooks are making millions of pounds of them,” he said here yesterday.
Det Supt Eyles said the Malaysian women were probably looking for work in Malaysia when they were targeted by crooks with false promises of lucrative jobs in Britain.
He said the victims were not just from Malaysia but from all over the world.
“We see a change now from the past trend where it usually involved East Europeans,” he said, adding the sex rackets were a major problem across Europe.
On Wednesday, 13 women, aged between 19 and 25, were found in a six-bedroom townhouse in Hyde Park here and six others in another brothel in Birmingham, after police conducted pre-dawn raids as part of the biggest ever crackdown on trafficking of prostitutes.
They had been held prisoner and forced to provide sexual services, earning pimps tens of thousands of pounds.
It is believed that as many as 40 men a day are said to be paying more than £100 (RM671) each time for the services.
Twelve men, including the suspected Vietnamese ringleader of the vice racket, were also detained during the raids on at least seven houses here, in Hertfordshire and Birmingham.
The raids were executed following a five-month intelligence operation.
London Metropolitan Police press officer Charlotte Phillips said specially trained officers were currently looking after the women and making sure they were all right.
“No charges will be brought against the women as they are the victims and have not committed any crime.
“We will send them home if they want to. Otherwise, they will have to be dealt with by the immigration authorities,” she added.
She confirmed that all 19 women were Malaysians.
A Malaysian High Commission spokesman however said only two women had been confirmed as Malaysians as they were still trying to verify the status of the rest.
In Kuala Lumpur, Malaysian police are liasing with Interpol on the case.
Deputy CID director Senior Asst Comm (I) Datuk Syed Ismail Syed Azizan said police wanted to know how the women were taken to Britain and if Malaysian syndicates were involved.
“We hope to hear from them soon. We, too, are keen to know the details of their operation,'' he said.
SAC Syed Ismail said police here were always on the lookout for such syndicates and would share intelligence with their counterparts overseas.
He said police would also check if the women had been reported missing or been abducted and forced into vice.
--- KatoeyNewsNetwork
12-05-2006, 11:06 AM
Report from The STAR dated Tuesday 9 May 2006 :-
‘Sultan’ wants finery verified
THE man claiming to be the 44th Sultan of Malacca has sent his heirloom which include a keris, a jewel-encrusted tiara with the star and crescent insignia and a necklace to the National Museum for authentication.
Raja Noor Jan Shah Raja Tuah, 44, took the finery to the museum's deputy director-general Paiman Keromo on Wednesday.
However, the property developer was advised by Paiman to officially present his case to a special committee.
“I have been told to make an official application and will do it as soon as possible so that the items can be analysed for authenticity.
“The authorities can check their age and also the meanings of letterings found on the keris,” Raja Noor Jan was quoted as saying in Kosmo.
He was responding to a challenge by historian Prof Khoo Kay Kim to have his “royal regalia” authenticated by the National Museum.
Last year, Raja Noor Jan staked his claim to the Malaccan Sultanate's throne, which is no longer in existence.
Calling himself “Sultan Ahmad Shah,” he claimed to be a descendant of the sultanate's last-known ruler, Sultan Mahmud Shah (1488-1511).
--- KatoeyNewsNetwork
12-05-2006, 11:09 AM
Report from The STAR dated Tuesday 9 May 2006 :-
Johor slowly losing pineapple fame
JOHOR BARU: Sixty years of farming has taken a toll on the land.
Johor now stands to lose its position as the top pineapple producer due to reduced soil fertility. Production has declined as the earth is losing vital nutrients.
Malaysian Pineapple Industrial Board assistant director of marketing Hisham Salleh said efforts were being taken to maintain Johor as the country’s main pineapple producer.
“There is very good demand now for pineapples but the shortage of the fruit is a very big problem for us,” he said.
“We have also expanded production to the other states.”
Hisham said that under the Ninth Malaysia Plan the target was to increase acreage to 49,000ha in 2010 from the existing 15,000ha.
“It is very challenging trying to maintain the production of pineapples as we don’t have enough land,” he said.
Johor has some 9,000ha of pineapple plantations.
Hisham said any soil was suitable for pineapple growing, dispelling the notion that peat soil was necessary.
--- KatoeyNewsNetwork
12-05-2006, 02:38 PM
Report from The STAR dated Tuesday 9 May 2006 :-
Malaysian sex slaves sold to vice rings in London
LONDON: Police believe the 19 Malaysian sex slaves who were rescued from two brothels in Britain could have been sold to vice rings for £2,000 (RM13,496) each.
Det Supt Eyles said the Malaysian women were probably looking for work in Malaysia when they were targeted by crooks with false promises of lucrative jobs in Britain.
--- KatoeyNewsNetwork
Another example of :
13-05-2006, 08:22 AM
i think u are in the wrong forum
pls refer to media any other forum
13-05-2006, 01:49 PM
Report from The New Straits Times dated Saturday 13 May 2006 :-
‘Auction of woman’: Sources deny speaking to reporter
KUALA LUMPUR: A Chinese daily’s report on the alleged auction of a Vietnamese woman at a market in Rawang, which created an international stir, appears to be false.
Police have ascertained that the report was based on hearsay and two sources quoted in the report yesterday denied that they had spoken to the reporter.
Selangor CID chief Datuk Hadi Ho Abdullah said police, accompanied by the reporter from the daily, spoke to two of the four sources at the market yesterday.
"There was no auction. They cannot remember speaking to the reporter," Hadi said yesterday.
"There is no indication of an auction having taken place, nor can we be certain if the woman in question was a Vietnamese."
Investigations revealed that a pedlar of kitchen utensils had brought along a woman when he opened his stall at the market on May 2.
The pedlar, according to witnesses, operates a stall there once a month.
They said he came with a "beautiful" woman who was overheard conversing with him in Mandarin. She helped him set up his stall and sat at a table nearby.
Several regulars at the coffee shop allegedly asked the pedlar about the woman and he gave them vague answers, which started rumours of "an auction of a Vietnamese woman".
Four hours later, the pedlar and the woman left together in his van.
Several people questioned yesterday said they saw the woman seated at the table, and later heard rumours that she had been auctioned off.
"We are looking for the pedlar and the woman to clear up this issue," Hadi said.
Yesterday about 7.30am, a police team from Gombak led by Chief Insp Mohd Fazley Abdul Rahman took the reporter to the market in Kampung Sungai Terentang , Rawang.
The reporter led police to a coffee shop where they met two of the sources — a cake seller and a noodle stall operator.
Both denied having spoken to the reporter but said they saw the woman and explained how she came to the shop with the pedlar.
They denied there was ever an auction.
However, they said, several hours after the couple left, others came enquiring about an auction.
Several people questioned yesterday claimed they only knew of the alleged incident after reading the newspaper report.
The probe at the market was sparked off by a flurry of foreign media reports alleging that a Vietnamese woman was auctioned off for RM18,000 at the market.
The reports further said that a 60-year-old local man took the woman home after paying the amount.
The reports were based on an initial report by a Chinese daily on May 3.
On Thursday, police contacted the reporter, who is based in Petaling Jaya, and ascertained that his report was based on hearsay.
The reporter came to know about the alleged auction on May 2. The next day, he went to the market and got the story from sources.
An earlier report stated that police might take action against the newspaper if the report was found to be false.
Hadi, however, declined to comment.
He said that their priority was to get to the bottom of the story.
--- KatoeyNewsNetwork
14-05-2006, 12:43 AM
Calling all SBF bros, i will be stuck in Malacca for 4 days next week.....any leads for cheonging? Any SBF bros from Malacca wanna tcss from 17-20 May?
14-05-2006, 12:34 PM
Report from The New Straits Times dated Sunday 14 May 2006 :-
Johor to verify Bigfoot tales
MUAR: Menteri Besar Datuk Abdul Ghani Othman wants to get to the bottom of the Bigfoot mystery. The Government, he said, would like to verify the Bigfoot tales.
He said the State Government’s Bigfoot Steering Committee was collating media reports, eyewitness accounts and evidence of their existence.
"Although the committee was set up in February, the State Government will only launch a search expedition when we have concrete evidence of the existence of Bigfoot," Ghani said.
He said he was aware that Bigfoot had aroused global interest and this made it necessary to do a careful, comprehensive and orderly scientific study of the phenomenon.
Meanwhile, Russian hominologists have turned their attention to Malaysia, hoping for a breakthrough in unravelling the mystery.
Dmitri Bayanov of the International Centre of Hominology in Moscow in an Internet posting, congratulated Malaysian Bigfoot researchers, saying: "The priority for researchers should be to obtain photographic evidence and describe in writing their observations and experiences.
"Malaysian Bigfoot researchers such as Vincent Chow are doing the right thing in carefully studying and compiling whatever evidence they have in a book rather than simply publicising it."
--- KatoeyNewsNetwork
14-05-2006, 12:53 PM
Report from The STAR dated Sunday 14 May 2006 :-
Dr Wee: High levy will chase away Singaporeans
JOHOR BARU: The levy to be charged on Singapore-registered vehicles entering Malaysia should not be reciprocal to the amount charged by the republic, said Johor Baru MCA Youth chief Dr Wee Ka Siong.
“If the levy is too high, Singaporeans won’t come to Johor Baru. If they charge us S$30 (RM70) a day, we should not charge the same.
“We can impose a RM70 levy but will lose millions of ringgit if the Singaporeans do not come,” he said after launching the traffic information service counters at the City Square shopping complex yesterday.
He was commenting on the Road Transport Act which was amended by Parliament on Thursday to allow the Road Transport Department to impose a fee on foreign vehicles.
Dr Wee, who is Ayer Hitam MP, said the Government must also consider Malaysians who drive Singapore-registered cars as they work in Singapore but reside in Johor.
“The levy should be on a per entry basis and not on the duration of the stay.
“I feel RM10 is reasonable. If more, than it should not be more than RM20,” he said.
--- KatoeyNewsNetwork
16-05-2006, 11:13 PM
Report from The New Straits Times dated Tuesday 16 May 2006 :-
Monk caught off-guard in temple with naked woman
IPOH: A police team which visited a monk’s private chambers at a temple here found him in a compromising position with a woman last Tuesday night.
On a second visit to the temple on Thursday they seized seven pornographic VCDs, several weapons, including a parang, kris and a cane with a concealed blade.
The police team had gone to the temple to interview the 47-year-old monk following reports lodged by members of the temple committee that he had intimidated them when questioned about money missing from the donation boxes.
There were also alleged discrepancies in fees collected to store ashes in the temple compound.
The committee members said he had allegedly threatened to kill the temple president, a well-known businessman with the title "Datuk".
Ipoh city police chief Assistant Commissioner Che Sab Hanafiah, when contacted yesterday, confirmed that there had been a 30-year-old woman in the room.
He, however, added that it was not an offence for two consenting adults to do what they want in private.
He said police who were initially investigating the monk for criminal intimidation had expanded their probe to possession of smutty VCDs and weapons and he could be charged under the Corrosive and Explosive Substances and Offensive Weapons Act 1958 and the Film Censorship Act 2002.
The suspect has been working in the temple for 27 years.
--- KatoeyNewsNetwork
16-05-2006, 11:38 PM
Report from The STAR dated Tuesday 16 May 2006 :-
View of Malay culture in Johor Bahru City
Smack in the middle of Johor Baru city is a little house depicting the Malay culture.
Located along Jalan Inche Besar Zubaidah, the atmosphere around this house is serene as it is situated away from the busy main roads of the city.
This traditional Malay house owned by Kampung View Sdn Bhd was turned into a tourism spot to showcase local lifestyle and cultural performances, and had been attracting busloads of tourists since 1988.
“The house was built in 1946. I decided to convert it into a tourism destination because there was nowhere in the city where foreigners could get a feel of traditional kampung life.
“They had to go to the outskirts or the districts and this was too much of a hassle for some as it was time consuming,” said Kampung View director Ungku Abu Bakar Salim.
He said they had a good mix of tourists mainly from Japan, South Korean, Europe to Indonesia and the Philippines.
“The place gets between 6,000 to 7,000 visitors a month, while in May, we get up to 10,000 as it coincides with the Japanese school holidays,” he said.
Kampung View is more than just a traditional Malay house on stilts. There is a durian tree, a rubber tree and an oil palm in its little garden to portray some of Malaysia’s traditional agricultural produce.
Inside the house, visitors witness demonstrations of how pewter and silver is shaped and moulded into souvenirs. There is also a souvenir shop for visitors to buy some mementos.
At the front lawn is a little stage where dancers perform a variety of Malay dances such as the ronggeng, zapin, pincang, kuda kepang and joget.
“We do not just accept any dancers. Our dancers are well-trained. Our current line-up consists of dancers who formerly danced for Yayasan Warisan Johor,” said Ungku.
To cap it all, there is a bridal dais where a mock bersanding ceremony is held.
Visitors can even adorn traditional Malay wedding costumes complete with tengkolok (headgear) for a photo shoot.
--- KatoeyNewsNetwork
17-05-2006, 12:03 AM
Report from The New Straits Times dated Tuesday 16 May 2006 :-
At the Dewan Negara yesterday: Massage parlours 'a front for prostitution'
THE message on massage parlours was clear yesterday: They are little more than a front for female and male prostitution.
Senator Datin Dr Nik Azizah Nik Yahya had fellow senators nodding when she said that some massage parlours offered more than the kneading of tired muscles.
She said that while masseuses were available for sex acts with men, there were also parlours that operated as rendezvous points for gays.
Qualifying her statement by saying that some were above board, she said her research had revealed that most had breached the fine print on their permits.
This prompted Senator Dr Mohd Puad Zarkashi to ask if any of the parlours were only for men.
"Some of these massage parlours are fronts for gays. They are used for sex parties. I have heard stories. The media, too, have highlighted this," she said while debating the Royal Address at the opening of the session.
Nik Azizah had the House in rapt attention when she spoke about "women in glass cages" in some "red light" areas in Kuala Lumpur.
"You don’t have to go to the Netherlands or Thailand for this. The girls are kept in an aquarium and only have numbers and a letter to indicate their nationality."
Nik Azizah’s reference to glass cages caused some confusion, with Senator Siw Chun Earn rising to ask for clarification. "What are the numbers and letters that you talk about? Can you tell us where you got the details from?"
Nik Azizah said she had been referring to the fact that some parlours or spas had women sitting in glass enclosures with numbers and large letters like "F" or "T" on their person.
"Some even operate in hotels. The women wear little more than a bikini. Examples, of what the letters stand for: C for China, F for Filipina, V for Vietnam, T for Thailand and I for Indonesia."
This, she said, was to allow customers to call out numbers and be entertained by the women.
She told senators that a newspaper report had highlighted a parlour in Damansara which had a "glass cage".
At this juncture, Datuk Rizuan Abdul Hamid asked if Nik Azizah’s research had indicated if the parlours "treated" men with flagging libidos.
He told the House that some female employees were paid about RM6,000 a month to keep older men "happy" in suburbs of Kuala Lumpur like Cheras and Kepong.
Nik Azizah, however, was at a loss for words, looking distinctly embarrassed by the course the discussion had taken.
She ignored Rizuan’s comments to urge local authorities to keep an eye on the parlours.
"Surely we don’t want our concept of Islam Hadhari to become a joke among tourists who come across these illicit services," she said.
--- KatoeyNewsNetwork
17-05-2006, 02:27 PM
Report from The STAR dated Wednesday 17 May 2006 :-
300 retail outlets in Malaysia selling pirated CDs and VCDs
ALOR STAR: The Recording Industry Association of Malaysia (RIM) has identified more than 300 retail outlets in major shopping complexes nationwide that are selling pirated CDs and VCDs.
It has sent notices to alert the owners of the complexes that the lots they rented out were being used to sell pirated CDs and VCDs.
RIM chief executive officer Tan Ngiap Foo said complex owners would be taken to court if they failed to take action within two years.
“The owners cannot give the excuse that they are not aware of their tenants’ activities as we have alerted them.
“We are also giving them ample time to take action,” he told a press conference at the Domestic Trade and Consumer Affairs Ministry office here yesterday.
Tan said Johor had the highest number of outlets selling pirated VCDs and CDs, followed by Penang and Malacca.
He said RIM stumbled on a case in which a 37-year-old Malaysian, purportedly working in Australia, signed a tenancy agreement in two shop- ping complexes in Sungai Petani.
“We are baffled how a man who is working in Aus-tralia could sign the agree-ment.
“This goes to show that pirated CD sellers could be using other people’s identity cards to sign the agreement,” he said.
Tan said RIM was targeting shopping complexes as the sale of local recordings had plummeted from RM280mil in 1996 to RM200mil in 2000 to RM100mil in 2004 and RM80mil last year.
Tan said pirated copies of Siti Nurhaliza’s Transkripsi Album were found at an outlet in an Alor Star complex even before the album was launched.
Tan later handed over to Domestic Trade and Consumer Affairs Ministry enforcement division director M. Guna Selan a list of 43 outlets in shopping complexes in Kedah where pirated VCDs and CDs were being sold.
--- KatoeyNewsNetwork
17-05-2006, 06:42 PM
Report from The STAR dated Wednesday 17 May 2006 :-
Embattled chief monk out on bail
IPOH: The chief monk of a temple here, who was found with a naked woman in his private chambers by a police team investigating allegations of criminal intimidation last Tuesday, is out on police bail.
Ipoh OCPD Asst Comm Che Sab Hanafiah said the chief monk, who had been detained since last week, had given his statements to the police following a report by the temple committee chairman.
“Investigations on the matter are ongoing,” he said here yesterday. “Once completed, we will hand over the investigation papers to the Deputy Public Prosecutor.”
It is learnt that the chief monk left for Kedah yesterday to attend an inquiry over the incident.
The monk was said to have been embroiled in a dispute with the temple committee over the alleged non-submission of financial accounts and his close association with the woman, who the monk had insisted was his “god-daughter”.
He had also allegedly threatened to kill the temple committee chairman for “interfering” in the temple’s financial matters.
In a follow-up operation last Thursday, police recovered pornographic materials, weapons and liquor from the monk’s chambers.
Following the discovery, the temple committee wants to disrobe the chief monk.
The monk is in his late 40s while the woman, who has been living in the temple grounds for about a year, is in her 30s.
--- KatoeyNewsNetwork
17-05-2006, 06:47 PM
Report from The New Straits Times dated Wednesday 17 May 2006 :-
At the Dewan Negara yesterday: LCCT facilities to be improved
THE Low-Cost Carrier Terminal in Sepang will be improved to ensure smoother travel for the public.
Deputy Transport Minister Datuk Seri Tengku Azlan Sultan Abu Bakar said the ministry was aware that LCCT users faced problems when boarding and leaving aircraft, particularly during heavy rain and thunderstorms.
He said the problem arose as there was no covered passage from the terminal to the aircraft parking bay.
"The ministry is making efforts to address all shortcomings at the LCCT for users’ comfort," he said when replying to a supplementary question from Senator Datuk Dr Chin Fook Weng during question time.
Refuting claims that construction of the LCCT was a waste, Tengku Azlan said the terminal was crucial for the growth of the nation’s aviation industry.
He said the LCCT did not affect passenger arrivals at the Kuala Lumpur International Airport as the country’s premier airport.
"Last year, about 25 million foreign passengers used KLIA. This shows that the LCCT did not pose any problems."
Neither did passengers face prohibitive transport costs to get to the LCCT from KLIA, as the Government had provided "budget fare" bus and taxi services, Tengku Azlan said.
Three bus companies had been given permits to operate from 5am to midnight daily, charging RM1.50 for a one-way trip per person, while 18 taxi companies were operating between the LCCT and KLIA for a one-way fare of RM18.50, he added.
--- KatoeyNewsNetwork
17-05-2006, 06:54 PM
Report from The STAR dated Wednesday 17 May 2006 :-
Lorry ramp part of new CIQ link in Johor Bahru
JOHOR BARU: Part of the permanent link to the new Customs, Immigration and Quarantine (CIQ) complex in Bukit Chagar will be made up of the existing lorry ramp on the Causeway.
Expected to be completed in July next year, the new 800km link will be 16m high, and a section of it will run above the Tanjung Puteri Bridge and Jalan Tun Razak.
Meanwhile, a separate short-term access road will be built by January next year to ensure that the CIQ complex opens according to schedule.
Rejecting four other links proposed earlier, Works Minister Datuk Seri S. Samy Vellu said this option was the best one under the circumstances as the existing CIQ complex would be left undisturbed.
“If we went with the old suggestions, we might have to demolish up to 60% of the complex,” he said yesterday.
Demolishing part of the old complex before the new one is ready will mean disrupting CIQ operations.
According to Samy Vellu, the new RM250mil eight-lane link is more appropriate as its height will also allow it to connect easily with the new complex and it will not disrupt operations at the complex.
However, upon reaching the Causeway, the link will narrow down to six lanes to accommodate the existing width of the Causeway.
Samy Vellu said the new permanent link would also alleviate traffic woes in the city as vehicles moving in and out of Singapore would be using this route.
“At the moment, the vehicles entering Singapore use the same roads as those moving around in the city and this obstructs traffic flow,” he told reporters yesterday after a visit to the site in Bukit Chagar.
The minister said that when the new CIQ complex was completed, the old one would be demolished and the site landscaped.
Once the proposal for the new link was finalised, it would be tabled in Parliament, he added.
--- KatoeyNewsNetwork
17-05-2006, 07:01 PM
Report from The STAR dated Wednesday 17 May 2006 :-
Do other jobs, Judge tells callgirls
IPOH: Two women told a magistrate here that they chose to be prostitutes because the work gave them more money to support their families.
Chye Pik Wan, 36, said she prostituted herself to support three children, aged between three and seven, after her husband left her.
When magistrate Teoh Chin Chong suggested that she could work at a factory or a restaurant, Chye, from Kuala Lumpur, said other forms of work would be “too taxing” on her.
“Why choose prostitution when there are many other jobs out there? If a clerk who earns RM500 a month can support 10 children, why can’t you?” the magistrate asked.
The other woman, Yeoh May Lee, 42, also told the court that she chose to become a prostitute to take care of her mother as her siblings were too occupied with families of their own.
The magistrate advised her to work as a maid instead, and help the country reduce its intake of foreign workers.
Both Chye and Yeoh pleaded guilty to soliciting for the purpose of prostitution at the Kam Ah Hotel in Jalan Masjid here at 3pm on May 9.
According to the facts of the case, Chye was caught with a Bangladeshi customer while Yeoh was in the same room with a local man when police raided the hotel.
In fining each of the women RM1,000, in default a month’s jail, Teoh advised them to find proper jobs.
“Do not do this any more. Your family and relatives would be embarrassed and ashamed if they found out what you do for a living,” he said.
“The court feels that a jail sentence is too harsh for a first offence. At the same time, it feels you would not learn if only fines are imposed.”
Teoh, however, warned them that the court would not hesitate to impose a jail sentence should they commit the offence again.
Both women paid the fines.
--- KatoeyNewsNetwork
17-05-2006, 07:12 PM
Report from The STAR dated Wednesday 17 May 2006 :-
New Year’s eve romp pictures circulated, sold
KUANTAN: A 25-year-old woman who allowed her Indonesian boyfriend to record their New Year’s eve romp in her parents' home is regretting it now.
It all started on Dec 30 when the woman met one of the Indonesians who was working at a Felda scheme in Kuala Krau, where her family lives.
Just a day later, she met up with the Indonesian again and brought him back to her parents' home, which was empty as her family had gone to Kuala Lumpur.
The woman, who works in Temerloh, slept with the Indonesian and even let him take semi-nude pictures of them.
He took at least 19 shots of various poses with his handphone that has a camera function.
The secret affair came to an end in January when several family members and neighbours found out about it.
However, the episode did not end there as several months later, VCDs and printed material of her pictures were distributed and sold.
The woman found out about it and lodged a police report.
The police found out that the Indonesian had sent his handphone for repair shortly after the incident.
State commercial crime chief Supt Zaini Jass said police believed the shop owner had downloaded the pictures into his computer and was producing the images for sale.
“We have remanded the 34-year-old owner to assist us in the investigation,'' he said.
--- KatoeyNewsNetwork
************************************************** *********************************
Report from The New Straits Times dated Wednesday 17 May 2006 :-
Unsuspecting porn 'actress'
TEMERLOH: A woman executive never thought that a pornographic VCD distributed in her village since early this year actually contained a footage of her with her Indonesian boyfriend.
The VCD, priced at RM10 each, was selling like hot cakes in Felda Kuala Krau here where both live.
It is believed the couple had taken the video footage using a handphone on Dec 31 last year.
When the 30-year-old Indonesian sent his handphone for repairs at a shop in the area, the man who repaired it is believed to have downloaded the file into his computer.
The man is said to have burnt the footage into VCDs before selling them.
Upon finding out that she was featured in the VCD, the executive lodged a police report. A man was picked up on May 8 for questioning.
State commercial crime chief Superintendent Zaini Jass said the video footage was taken at the victim’s home.
Police also found other pornographic VCDs on the suspect’s premises.
--- KatoeyNewsNetwork
18-05-2006, 02:33 PM
Report from The New Straits Times dated Thursday 18 May 2006 :-
Monk loses job but not robes over woman
IPOH: The chief monk of a temple who was found with a naked woman in his private quarters has lost his job but not his robes.
Temple committee chairman Datuk Shum Long Sang said the 47-year-old monk had been relieved of his post as chief monk, a decision made by the Malaysian Thai Council.
The 13 Sangha members of the council, however, granted the monk a month’s stay at the temple to clear his belongings.
They also ruled that the temple’s financial records be audited before being passed to the next chief monk.
"There was no mention of disrobing the monk," Shum said, adding this would be the prerogative of the council.
The chief monk and the temple committee presented their case in a two-hour inquiry held at Wat Padang Sera in Kedah on Tuesday.
Asked on his submissions to the council, Shum said he presented facts which were highlighted in the media, and raised issues concerning temple accounts, the chief monk allowing a woman to stay at the temple grounds and making threats, including to close the temple.
It was reported earlier that the monk was in a dispute with the temple committee for allegedly failing to submit financial accounts, having close association with his "god-daughter", a woman in her 30s, and threatening to kill Shum for interfering in the temple’s financial matters.
Shum also issued a reminder that future donations, especially those in the form of cheques, should be addressed to the temple directly or channelled through the treasurer, Chan Poh Kuan.
He said the council agreed to appoint a caretaker monk, adding that the next chief monk would be appointed by the council with the consent of the temple committee.
--- KatoeyNewsNetwork
19-05-2006, 02:44 PM
Report from The STAR dated Friday 19 May 2006 :-
Letter to The editor : Nothing done to improve image of KLIA
I REFER to the letter, Tourists harassed by touts at KLIA (The Star, May 18).
This is a long-standing problem and has been since the airport opened on June 28, 1998.
Despite Malaysians and tourists having highlighted the problem in the newspapers many times, the authorities have failed to arrest it.
Saying that there is no law to arrest and charge these people for touting is an easy way out. If there is no law then the authorities must gazette a law.
This problem is getting serious. It is not only giving the airport a bad name but also Malaysia. Unless and until something is done, these touts will continue to flourish.
Please allow me to also highlight a few other issues. The drop-off point for taxis on Level 5 is conveniently being used by private cars.
Some motorists wait in their cars and some even have the audacity to park their vehicles there.
To discipline such inconsiderate drivers, the police should issue summonses without hesitation to those who wait or park.
As a frequent traveller I have observed that over-sized cabin bags being allowed on board flights from KLIA is worsening by the day. There is no enforcement by Malaysia Airports Holdings Bhd (MAHB) or the airline concerned.
On July 15, 2004 MAHB and the Airline Operators Committee (AOC) Sepang announced that the one-piece cabin bag ruling with the stipulated measurement would be enforced.
Recently, on a flight to Bangkok, a suitcase which should not have been checked in was allowed on board and stored in the business class cabin.
These over-sized bags are not only a nuisance to other passengers but also deprive others of the space in the overhead bin, especially those travelling with their laptops.
The respective authorities or agencies should act immediately to arrest the problems at the airport and not allow the situation to deteriorate.
By William Dennis
Subang Jaya.
20-05-2006, 05:04 PM
Report from The New Straits Times dated Saturday 20 May 2006 :-
‘Posing nude my worst mistake’
KUANTAN: "It was the worst mistake I have ever made. I am so embarrassed and this will haunt me forever".
Those words were uttered by Ina, an IT executive whose semi-nude images became the talk of Temerloh after video compact discs (VCDs) of her and her Indonesian boyfriend were sold for RM10 each.
The 25-year-old victim said she allowed her boyfriend to snap photographs of them using his handphone because she loved and trusted him.
Unfortunately, the images were copied and distributed when her beau sent his handphone for repairs.
"It was my fault for allowing him to take the pictures at my home. He knew how to convince me to take off my blouse but we never did more than that," she said in a telephone interview yesterday.
"I know that there are several negative versions of the incident and my family has been badly affected by it," said the sixth child of nine siblings.
Ina said she lodged a police report on May 8 after she knew that the VCD had been sold in Temerloh, including in the Felda settlement where her family live.
Her boyfriend returned to his hometown after he was beaten by villagers agitated by the incident. But Ina has had to pick up the pieces and try and get some normality back in her life.
"I can no longer shed tears because of the incident. Now I have to wear a thick skin whenever I go out as people look at me differently. No man will want a woman like me."
She said her experience should be a lesson for other women.
--- KatoeyNewsNetwork
20-05-2006, 05:08 PM
Report from The New Straits Times dated Saturday 20 May 2006 :-
Part-time work nod for expats
KUALA LUMPUR: Expatriates who come to Malaysia under the Malaysia My Second Home (MM2H) Programme may be allowed to work here on a part-time basis.
Tourism Minister Datuk Seri Tengku Adnan Tengku Mansor said that curren
Tourism Minister Datuk Seri Tengku Adnan Tengku Mansor said that currently, MM2H participants were not permitted to work while they were in the country. Discussions are underway among various ministries to relax the conditions to make the programme more attractive.
Many MM2H expatriates complain of boredom because they have little to do. They say they would like to be able to work part-time.
Jack Beetson, an Australian race-horse breeder says: "I would love to teach horseback riding but under the current conditions of MM2H I can’t."
Tengku Adnan explained at the relaunch of the programme yesterday, that the Government would be particularly interested in allowing MM2H expatriates whose expertise can serve the country, for example in biotechnology, to work.
He clarified that MM2H, which replaced the Silver-Haired Programme, is not targeted at retirees who want to live here permanently or wealthy people. It is designed for those wanting to set up a second home and enjoy a better quality of life.
"In Japan if you have RM300,000 you cannot live like a king. But over here you can build a house and even have a maid," he said.
To participate in the programme, they must have RM300,000 in fixed deposit upon their arrival. Once the application is approved, they can withdraw RM250,000 to buy a house, or for education or medical purposes.
In another move to make MM2H more attractive, the present five-year multiple entry visa has been extended to 10 years and is renewable.
There are 8,574 MM2H expatriates from China, Bangladesh, the United Kingdom, Taiwan, Singapore, Indonesia, India, Japan, Pakistan and Hong Kong in the country. Most have set up home in Penang and Sabah because of the scenic beauty there.
--- KatoeyNewsNetwork
22-05-2006, 01:54 PM
Report from The New Straits Times dated Monday 22 May 2006 :-
Enforcement team to have base at Holiday Plaza, Johor Bahru
JOHOR BARU: The Domestic Trade and Consumer Affairs Ministry will station enforcement officers at the Holiday Plaza Shopping Centre to end the sale of pirated software and optic discs.
Their job is to check the activities of 31 outlets known to sell pirated goods.
Acting state enforcement director Adilah Aziz said 30 officers would be stationed at the complex from 10am to 10pm daily for at least a month.
"With this strict enforcement, we hope to eventually wipe out the illegal business and clear the complex of its reputation as a hub for pirated products in the district," she said.
--- KatoeyNewsNetwork
22-05-2006, 02:24 PM
Report from The STAR dated Monday 22 May 2006 :-
The changing face of Klang
DRIVING in to Klang via the Federal Highway, NKVE or Kesas, one can’t help but notice several multi-million ringgit development projects nearing completion.
This resurgence in property projects has reversed the alarming trend in recent years of people moving out of the Royal Town for a better standard of living elsewhere – hardly surprising, because Klang has long been saddled with an image problem: dirty, traffic-congested and crime-ridden.
But there are encouraging signs that Klang is changing for the better.
Well-known property developer Datuk Teo Chiang Kok of the See Hoy Chan group is undertaking one of the biggest rehabilitation projects in the municipality.
He is turning an almost decade-old abandoned hotel project into a RM120mil, iconic and cutting-edge office and retail complex called Centro.
The 28-storey freehold office tower over a three-storey retail podium will be the tallest building in Klang and boast a million sq ft in built-up space. Work is going on at a feverish pace to complete the retail podium by this November and the office tower by May 2007.
Over at the southern part of the town, new housing estates have sprung up. Bandar Puteri, Bandar Botanic and Bandar Bukit Tinggi have provided Klangites with gated-community type homes on par with similar ones in Subang Jaya or Petaling Jaya.
Enroute to Port Klang, a new shopping centre – Harbour Place – is taking shape. Next to it the new Pantai Klang Medical Centre is nearing completion.
These and other projects have given Klang a new vibrancy.
With a host of highways connecting it to Shah Alam and other parts of the Klang Valley, a growing number of commuters have made the Royal Town their home. Many of them are not put off over the 30min-45min commute to Kuala Lumpur or Petaling Jaya.
For these people, the municipality’s reputation as a food haven and the relatively cheaper houses are a powerful enough incentive to make Klang their home.
It’s not all good news though. While the Klang Municipal Council (MPK) has shown vast improvement since Abdul Bakir Zin took over as president last year, much still needs to be done.
The township, including the famous Klang River, is still dirty. It’s no surprise that Klang has a reputation for being a crow’s town. With so much juicy garbage on offer, why should the crows leave?
The traffic is still horrendous, making driving into Klang’s central business district a daily chore.
A new traffic system needs to be implemented in this area, and Klang is badly in need of a third bridge connecting its northern and southern parts.
As far as serious crime is concerned, the police should intensify their efforts in ridding Klang of its gangster-infested areas. The crime rate in the municipality has dropped, and for that the police should be commended, but they need to remain vigilant because incidences of snatch thefts are still common.
--- KatoeyNewsNetwork
22-05-2006, 02:28 PM
Report from The STAR dated Monday 22 May 2006 :-
Mental disorders afflict 21% of Malaysians
KUALA LUMPUR: 21% of Malaysians have mental disorders as a result of the pressures of life, and the figure is rising.
According to clinical psychologist Mahadir Mohamad, based on a survey from 1995 to 2000, depression topped the list, followed by psychosis, and drug and alcohol-related mental disorders.
“Based on year 2000 statistics by the Public Health Institute (Disease Burden Department), 108,324 people suffered depression.
“Those between the ages of 30 and 59 were most affected by this disease, and the figure is rising by the year,” he said at a forum on recognising mental health and illness organised by KL Clinical Psychology Counselling Centre here yesterday.
He said anxiety was also a form of mental disorder, with 33,714 people diagnosed with it.
Mahadir, who works for the Health Ministry, said 24,647 people were diagnosed with psychosis. Alcohol and drug-related mental disorders accounted for 21,441 and 27,522 people respectively.
“One of the main reasons for mental disorder is the pressures caused by life, love and marital problems.
“Many are not aware that they are suffering from such a disease because they refuse to spend money to get professional help,” he said.
He said that based on statistics, in the year 2000 there were 319 deaths caused by mental disorders. Drug-related mental disorders topped the list with 187 deaths, followed by depression with 94, psychosis (eight) and alcohol-related mental disorders (30).
“These figures were only reported cases, what about those that went unreported?”
He added that there was insufficient publicity on mental illnesses to warn the masses of this silent killer.
“Some of them don’t even know that they have a mental illness, and also there is a social stigma that when you see a shrink, you are deemed insane.
“This perception is wrong and those who feel that they have a mental illness should come forward to get counselling from any government clinic before it becomes acute,” he added.
KL Clinical Psychology Counselling Centre director Ray M.K. Choo said people are ready to seek professional help.
He said his company charged RM130 for an hour’s session and that many were willing to spend money on mental health.
“We have had hundreds of patients since this company was opened five years ago, and the awareness among urban people is on the rise.
“This awareness is good for society.”
--- KatoeyNewsNetwork
22-05-2006, 02:47 PM
Its looks like the Malaysian authorities are bent on imposing the $20 RM entry fee to Malaysia by Singapore registered cars.
My opinion of this move is that the Malaysian Authorities are killing the tourist businesss from Singapore.
Although $20RM is not a large amount of money, nevertheless it will affect visitors who want to go in and do some shopping and have a meal.
Their answer is that that need to control the foreigner using Malaysian govt subsidised petrol. Come on, Singapore cars have a three quarter tank rule and we are talking about $10RM to$25RM.
The number of day trippers will certainly drop and many Hyper markets like Giant and Carefour will close some outlets. Most hawker centres and restaurants are doing a thriving business because of Sinaporeans. Less turnover will lead to less sale of luxery goods like new cars,TVs Handphones,etc etc.
This will cost a chain reaction when Malaysians are retreached and many will be jobless and the econmy of the country will fall.
Unemployment will lead to crime, etc, etc.
I hope the Malaysian authorities will study their plan in detail before implementing it.
22-05-2006, 03:06 PM
For more info on the proposed car levy please go to :-
The amount had not been disclosed yet ............. it may be RM 20 or RM 10 but the relevant laws had been amended to allow the Immigration Department to collect the levy
I think it might be imposed on 1 July 2006, 1 August 2006 or 1 September 2006
23-05-2006, 12:23 PM
hi bro out there,
sorry , not sure if this is e right place 4 this.........
happens to have some drinks in this pub or disco "mondo" (somewhere near to new york hotel) ............ overheard FL-ing involve. too bad i've made a wrong decision to have brought my gf along ....
will update all bros (my next visit "if i confirm there's FL-ing in this place"):D
23-05-2006, 01:15 PM
hi bro out there,
sorry , not sure if this is e right place 4 this.........
happens to have some drinks in this pub or disco "mondo" (somewhere near to new york hotel) ............ overheard FL-ing involve. too bad i've made a wrong decision to have brought my gf along ....
will update all bros (my next visit "if i confirm there's FL-ing in this place")
You have posted in the WRONG thread !
Please re-post in the " JB Before & After Dark " thread
23-05-2006, 01:18 PM
hi bro out there,
sorry , not sure if this is e right place 4 this.........
happens to have some drinks in this pub or disco "mondo" (somewhere near to new york hotel) ............ overheard FL-ing involve. too bad i've made a wrong decision to have brought my gf along ....
will update all bros (my next visit "if i confirm there's FL-ing in this place"):D
Good luck for FLs hunting ... do share with us your experiences ... FR ... etc ...
Cheers ...
23-05-2006, 01:59 PM
Good luck for FLs hunting ... do share with us your experiences ... FR ... etc ...
You have posted in the WRONG thread !
Please re-post in the " JB Before & After Dark " thread
sorry & thanks bro, 4 e info :o
24-05-2006, 12:16 PM
Report from The Nation dated Wednesday 24 May 2006 :-
Malaysia's Proton suffers new blow as overtaken by Perodua
Kuala Lumpur - Malaysian carmaker Perodua has overtaken its lumbering competitor Proton to become the nation's leading manufacturer thanks to a nifty new model, industry experts said Tuesday.
The development is the latest blow for Proton which is struggling to survive in the face of competition from foreign automakers as well as more nimble Malaysian producers like Perodua and Naza.
The Malaysian Automotive Association said that after jockeying for position in recent months, Perodua outpaced Proton to sell 13,574 cars in April, a 44 per cent market share against Proton's 9,290 cars sold for a 30.35 per cent market share.
Deputy Prime Minister Najib Razak said the development, which observers credited to the success of Perodua's new compact Myvi model, should "spur Proton to do even better in the future".
"We like this sense of competing with one another in a friendly manner. I think that's good for the consumers," he told reporters at an automotive conference.
Najib said both manufacturers should now redouble their efforts to crack the export market which they have so far failed to penetrate.
"It is obvious that they need to go abroad. The local market is the biggest passenger market in Asean but it is not enough for us to sustain," he said.
Proton's market share has fallen steadily in recent years due to the whittling away of import duties, and a persistent reputation for poor quality and unimaginative models.
In a telling tale, Proton's new Savvy model launched a year ago has been ignored while Perodua's Myvi with its better looks and high-quality interior has a nine-month waiting list and is outselling the Savvy by six to one.
"Most people perceive the Savvy as less reliable, more problems with the quality. It's all hearsay though, possibly because of previous Proton models being that way," said AmResearch analyst Gan Kim Khoon.
"They (Proton) don't need us to tell them to buck up, they can see the numbers themselves. I'm sure they are monitoring the numbers very closely."
Primary national carmaker Proton was set up in 1983 as part of Malaysia's drive into heavy industry, while Perodua began operations in 1995 as a producer of small and fuel-efficient compact models.
Japanese small-car maker Daihatsu Motor Co. Ltd., which is a subsidiary of Toyota, owns a 51 per cent stake in Perodua.
--- KatoeyNewsNetwork
24-05-2006, 12:31 PM
Report from The New Straits Times dated Wednesday 24 May 2006 :-
Lido Beach projects going ahead
JOHOR BARU: Johor is going ahead with its planned mega-developments along the waterfront at Lido Beach.
Despite the Federal Government’s decision to abort the scenic bridge, Menteri Besar Datuk Abdul Ghani Othman said developers behind the multi-billion ringgit projects were committed to the original plans.
"We are going full steam ahead. There will be no scaling back on the waterfront development," he said after opening a fashion show on Johor traditional costumes here.
Following the decision to scrap the bridge, speculation has been rife that developers would pull out from planned projects.
Ghani refuted these claims categorically.
"They (developers) are committed and will fulfil their promises.
"We will help them realise their projects. There will be no turning back or scaling down of the development plans."
Ghani said the developers would adjust their plans to maximise returns now that the bridge project had been cancelled.
"The primary concern is the water quality in the Johor Strait. To overcome this, we will launch large-scale dredging of the strait. The developers are willing to finance this," he said.
More than 3,250ha of prime waterfront land along Lido Beach have been earmarked for major redevelopment with a myriad of commercial, residential, recreational and leisure projects.
Much of this is green-field development and will stretch from the present checkpoint at the Johor end of the Causeway to Nusajaya — the site of the new State Government administrative capital.
Leading the pack of developers is Danga Bay Sdn Bhd, building an integrated waterfront city covering 809ha.
The site will be developed in phases over 15 years.
Already a favourite with locals for leisure and recreation, it will contain financial, commercial, educational and technology centres when fully developed.
Since 2001, Danga Bay has poured RM650 million into developing various facilities.
Another major waterfront development is Lido Boulevard — an integrated project spread over some 540ha by Century Malaysia Properties Sdn Bhd.
Its developments include condominiums, a theme park featuring an indoor snow park, a cultural centre, a hotel and a shopping mall.
With a gross development value of RM1.8 billion, it is one of the biggest projects in the State.
However, the Walker Group of Australia, which was eyeing another Lido Beach site, has pulled out of the project.
Ghani said several other players were willing to take over Walker’s site.
"There is a great deal of interest in the waterfront development. We will have no problems finding other players."
--- KatoeyNewsNetwork
24-05-2006, 02:11 PM
Report from The STAR dated Wednesday 24 May 2006 :-
Giving cabaret shows a miss for movies
MENTION Bukit Bintang of old and Yee Man’s eyes will light up.
His excitement is not for the cabaret or the pulsating nightlife, but movies.
“Only 40 cents and I could watch a movie in the cinemas,” said the Yee Man & Co chairman.
“And, for 10 cents, I see it at the open-air theatres,’’ said the 58-year-old.
Yee said going to the movies was fun in the old days.
“The theatres were big and the open-air ones was an experience in itself,” he said, adding that cabaret stars, like Rose Chan’s performances, did little to impress him.
“They were an embarrassment.”
Yee’s favourites were Chinese fantasy movies and the cowboy flicks.
“My favourites include Ben Hur and The Sound of Music,” he added.
Yee said Bukit Bintang was not a shopping haven like it was now. Back then, he said, Ampang Park and Campbell Complexes were the place to be.
Yee, a pioneer tenant of Sungei Wang Plaza, said it paved the way for other shopping malls’ presence in Bukit Bintang.
Built in 1977 by Tan Sri Chong Kok Lim, a tin miner from Perak, Sungei Wang began on a slow note.
“But, it survived two recessions and then emerged as one of the most popular shopping centres in Kuala Lumpur,” said Yee.
Related Story:
It’s all happening in an old cowboy town
--- KatoeyNewsNetwork
24-05-2006, 02:16 PM
Report from The STAR dated Wednesday 24 May 2006 :-
It’s all happening in an old cowboy town
IT is all glitz and glamour in Bukit Bintang today. But, it’s hard to imagine that about 50 years ago, it was an almost dreary area. Its origins were modest.
The cabaret joints, strip-tease acts, joget clubs and open-air theatres gave Bukit Bintang the life it needed back in the 1950s and 1960s.
These early-era entertainments paved the way for the cleaner image Bukit Bintang has today.
It has “come of age,” sporting a more stylish and cleaner entertainment scene with fancy hotels, sidewalk cafes and spacious shopping malls.
It has become the place to be for the young and trendy.
Going back in time, the location near where Park Royal Hotel stands now was once a coconut estate.
A wet market made way for Lot 10, while a Chinese theatre brought its curtain down so that the Yayasan Selangor Building can take shape.
And, Jalan Alor could very well have been named Jalan Gangsters back then.
“The younger generation will not believe how Bukit Bintang was,” said 57-year-old Nancy Huang.
The Federal Hotel Kuala Lumpur rooms division manager ought to know. She was only 18 when she began her career with the hotel as a receptionist.
Built in the 1950s, the hotel opened for business three days before Malaysia attained her Independence.
Though not the first hotel in the Golden Triangle, The Federal Hotel was the first with five-star status.
“The road in front of The Federal, Jalan Bukit Bintang, was a two-way lane,” said Huang. “What was once a petrol station that stood in front of the hotel is now a restaurant.”
Huang remembers fondly of the shops that existed in the old days.
“The Malaya Bookstore was a landmark, and Asia Motor sold Peugeot cars in those days,” she said. “Today, the Royal Bintang Hotel has taken its place.”
Huang’s colleague K.M. Tang is another person who has seen Bukit Bintang grow.
The 63-year-old banquet assistant manager joined The Federal Hotel in 1961.
“Physically, everything is different now,” he said. “Plaza Low Yat used to be Federal Hotel’s open-air car park.
“We used to have two cinemas in the vicinity – The Pavilion and Cathay – and B.B Park was, of course, our ultimate amusement centre.”
Chin Poh, a durian seller who gave up his business, said Bukit Bintang was famous for its gangsters.
“There were gangland fights,” said the 70-year-old who had witnessed a man killed by a gun shot.
“We keep out of the fights and mind our own businesses,” said Chin Poh. “That’s the way to stay alive back then.”
--- KatoeyNewsNetwork
25-05-2006, 01:40 PM
Report from The STAR dated Thursday 25 May 2006 :-
DVD stakeout at shopping malls
KUALA LUMPUR: In a move to stamp out DVD and VCD pirates, enforcement officers from the Domestic Trade and Consumer Affairs Ministry will be stationed at popular shopping complexes in five towns and cities.
Deputy Minister Datuk S. Veerasingam said the officers had been stationed in complexes in Kuala Lumpur, Penang, Kota Kinabalu, Johor Baru and Kuantan.
In Johor Baru, 50 officers have already been monitoring the situation round the clock at the Holiday Plaza since last weekend after a raid on one of the shop lots at the mall in which 200 pirated DVDs and RM100,000 worth of pirated goods were seized.
“DVD and VCD piracy is still under control but we're intensifying our efforts to wipe it out,” he said.
“We have taken action against a lot of people and have closed down four companies in Kajang, Batu Caves and Johor while another seven are under investigation.”
He said the ministry had also set up an intelligence unit to gather information on the peddlers as well as factories producing the pirated DVDs and VCDs.
“The unit was set up recently with a small workforce. We hope to score some successes soon,” he told The Star.
After evaluating the progress in the five areas, the monitoring might be extended to other towns, Veerasingam said.
The Motion Picture Association of America, he said, had also sent a letter to Prime Minister Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi thanking him for action against piracy.
He said it was part of the National Integrity Plan to enhance good business ethics and urged consumers to play their part by not buying fake products.
He said that most of the raids were made after complaints were made by the intellectual property owners who had purchased the pirated goods.
“Sometimes our officers would go in plain clothes to try and buy the fake items. Normally the items are not displayed openly but upon request the operators would bring them out for the customer,” he said.
Between Jan 1 and April 30, 2006, the enforcement officers had undertaken 6,634 inspections, with 1,005 cases registered and goods worth RM54.3mil confiscated.
--- KatoeyNewsNetwork
25-05-2006, 01:48 PM
Report from The STAR dated Thursday 25 May 2006 :-
Crackdown on fake goods in JB
JOHOR BARU: The state Domestic Trade and Consumer Affairs Ministry has taken the piracy war a step further by clamping down on premises selling fakes.
On Saturday, some 60 officers from the ministry, police and the Johor Baru city council (MBJB) raided the Holiday Plaza here, checking 31 outlets and seizing more than 200 DVDs. A day later, 10 other premises were raided and the enforcement officers seized more than RM100,000 worth of pirated goods.
“The pirated goods were cheap imitations of branded items, like belts, wallets, handbags and sunglasses,” said the division's acting director Adilah Abd Aziz.
“On the same day, a 20-year-old youth was also arrested for selling pirated DVDs in Pasir Gudang, and 530 DVDs were seized from him,” she said, adding that he would be charged under the Copyright Act 1987.
She said a team of 50 enforcement officers were being stationed at Holiday Plaza to monitor the situation.
The move is believed to be a last resort following numerous reminders to shopping complexes to voluntarily refrain from piracy.
“As of now, these personnel are being divided into three teams, with each team in charge of a zone at the shopping complex, and working in shifts of two,” Adilah said.
She added that the officers would check every outlet.
Adilah said the officers would be stationed there from the time the shopping complex opened for business until it closed at night.
“We plan to do this for at least one month and hope to curb piracy at this complex,” Adilah said, adding so far none of her officers had been harmed.
She said other than Holiday Plaza, the department also raided a hypermarket in Tampoi last week. The division has stationed five officers at the premises.
Holiday Plaza is similar to Petaling Street in Kuala Lumpur, and notorious for the sale of fake and pirated goods. The complex has been raided many times and some of the outlets have secret doors, which are monitored by closed circuit television cameras.
--- KatoeyNewsNetwork
25-05-2006, 02:04 PM
Report from The STAR dated Thursday 25 May 2006 :-
Electricity up by 12%
PUTRAJAYA: Electricity tariff in the peninsula will go up by 12% from June 1.
However, the increase will not affect the low to medium income group which uses less than 200kWh of electricity per month as the existing rate of 21.8 sen per kWh remains unchanged.
Announcing the Cabinet’s decision yesterday, Energy, Water and Communications Minister Datuk Seri Dr Lim Keng Yaik said those unaffected by the tariff increase made up 60% or 3.036 million of the 5.1million households in the peninsula.
This group, he said, paid a monthly electricity bill of less than RM43.60.
The original tariff proposal by TNB would have seen only about 40% of consumers unaffected by the increase, but the Government asked the national utility company to come up with another proposal that would see more households not having to pay more.
“TNB had asked for a 20% increase in tariff but after much deliberation the Cabinet allowed only a 12% increase,” said Dr Lim.
He said almost one million households which used up to 300kWh of electricity per month and pay between RM44 and RM70 would experience a minimal monthly increase of between 3 sen and RM3.10.
“The new tariff structure encourages consumers to conserve energy instead of using electricity as if there is no tomorrow,” he said, giving an example that consumers need not set their air-conditioner at 16°C and that 24°C was good enough.
Even with the 12% tariff increase, he said, Malaysia still had the cheapest electricity in the region with the exception of Indonesia.
In line with the Government’s policy to support the agriculture sector and modernise activities such as poultry and animal husbandry, growing of vegetables and fruits, and fish breeding – currently classified as commercial activities – Dr Lim said a special tariff which is lower than the rate for the commercial sector has been introduced.
The special industrial tariff would be retained for industrial consumers whose electricity consumption represented 5% or more of their operating costs.
Lower rates during off-peak hours between 10pm and 8am for both domestic and commercial sectors remained unchanged, he said.
Also retained is the 10% discount in electricity tariff for government schools and institutions of higher learning, welfare homes, and places of worship.
Dr Lim said TNB, which would make an additional RM1.5bil in revenue per year with the new tariff structure, would have to improve its service and reliability of supply in return for the tariff rise.
He suggested a client’s charter, and TNB to compensate consumers in the form of rebates if it failed to provide good service as agreed in the charter.
“This first increase in electricity tariff since 1997 is to offset escalating fuel costs – coal by 69%, and oil and gas by 230%, which have affected TNB,” he said, adding that the Government planned to concentrate on hydro electric power in future.
Stressing that there would be no more new gas and coal-powered Independent Power Producers (IPPs) in future, Dr Lim said the ministry was now having discussions with the existing IPPs over a supplementary agreement.
The agreement included reducing the energy reserve margin from 40% to 20% and reducing the capacity charges on TNB, currently at RM3.3bil.
The third principle was to have a bidding process for energy required above the agreed reserved margin, he said, adding that the lowest bidding price would most probably get the contract.
--- KatoeyNewsNetwork
25-05-2006, 02:13 PM
Report from The New Straits Times dated Thursday 25 May 2006 :-
Power up : 'TNB must improve service'
KUALA LUMPUR: The dreaded day came yesterday. Electricity tariffs will go up by an average of 12 per cent from next month, the Government announced, putting a full stop to one of the most asked questions in the country.
But with the news there were a few slivers of information that may warm the hearts of some Malaysians.
The good news: 59 per cent of domestic consumers — three million households — will not be affected by the increase.
These are households consuming less than 200 kilowatt- hours (kWh) a month, or whose monthly bills amount to RM44 or less.
Energy, Water and Communications Minister Datuk Seri Dr Lim Keng Yaik said: "The more you use, the more you pay. Low-income consumers won’t be affected."
The good news: Tenaga Nasional Berhad has to provide better service to the commercial sector.
"TNB must come up with a clients’ charter to cover industrial and commercial users," Dr Lim said.
"They must commit to a service-level agreement and if the company fails to live up to that, it will have to compensate consumers in the form of rebates."
The utility which supplies two-thirds of the country’s power, last raised prices by 8.3 per cent in 1997.
The good news: A special tariff for the agricultural sector has also been introduced to support the Government’s commitment to that segment.
This tariff is lower than the commercial tariff.
Dr Lim said in a briefing that the Government had considered raising costs and the need for TNB to replace ageing supply equipment, before making the decision.
He said the hike was "reasonable", considering that TNB had proposed a 20 per cent increase for all categories of customers in the residential, commercial and industrial sectors.
Dr Lim noted that 18 per cent of TNB’s customers, or about a million households, used between 201 and 300kWh of electricity per month, with a monthly average of between RM44 and RM70.
This group could see monthly bills increase by between three sen and RM3.10.
With the new tariff, TNB will be able to re-invest in existing infrastructure from 2006 to 2010, to improve reliability and supply quality.
Fuel costs, a critical factor for TNB’s oil-and coal-fired power plants, have risen dramatically since 1997, when the rates were last reviewed.
--- KatoeyNewsNetwork
25-05-2006, 02:27 PM
Report from The New Straits Times dated Thursday 25 May 2006 :-
What you can do to lower monthly electricity bill
Nearly 60 per cent of Malaysians will not have to worry about the 12 per cent electricity tariff rise. For the rest, the challenge is to conserve. Nobody says it’s going to be easy.
HERE are some ways to reduce that monthly electricity bill:
The air-conditioner. Most urban homes have at least one. But there are cheaper ways to cool down than running the AC. It should be the appliance of last resort. Install ceiling fans to circulate air in the room. Even if they are left running full-blast 24/7, it still costs less than turning on the AC half the day.
Complement the fans with open windows, and replacing the clear glass panes with dark-tinted ones which cut down the glare.
Running a one-horsepower air- conditioner for around six hours a day amounts to RM43.60 per month — and that’s without factoring in the fridge, television, computer and all the other things that vie for electricity in most urban homes.
If you cannot live without air-conditioning, know how to make the most of one: Buy less powerful units for smaller rooms, and set the temperature to the mid-range instead of super cold, say 24-26°C.
Repeatedly opening and closing the refrigerator door is a no-no. Do not put uncovered liquids in the fridge — these produce vapour which adds to the compressor workload. Ensure that you clean the condenser coils (usually found under the unit) every three months or so, to allow them to exchange heat efficiently.
Finally, perform the RM1 test: Place a RM1 note against the frame of the fridge and close the door on it. If you can tug the note out without much effort, the rubber gasket needs replacing, because energy is being wasted through poor insulation.
Go for compact fluorescent light (CFL) bulbs. These cut down on electricity usage by as much as 70 per cent compared with regular filament bulbs.
How much can you save if you switch to CFL? Use this formula:
Let’s say you replace 10 regular 60-watt bulbs with 10 15-watt bulbs. You save 45 watts per bulb, or 450 watts for all 10. Let’s say all your lights are on for six hours a day, five days a week. That’s about 1,500 hours a year. So your 450 watts multiplied by 1,500 hours equals 675 kilowatt-hours (kWh). If you’re paying 21.8 sen per kilowatt-hour, you’ll save RM147.15 a year.
For those who leave their porch lights on all night long, why not replace them with motion-sensor lights, or light-sensor bulbs?
Make sure your water heater is an individual unit instead of a central one that provides the entire household with hot water.
While most Malaysians still use gas stoves, a few use electric ovens for cooking. If you do, just remember these tips:
If you are cooking on the stove, use a cover to contain the heat within pots and pans, which quickens the cooking process.
If you are baking, use glass and ceramic containers. Their heat-retention properties are better than metal pans.
Boil water in large volumes and pour it in vacuum flasks the old-fashioned way, instead of using electric water kettles and flasks. If you need a small quantity of hot water, use a microwave.
Change your old TV sets for one of the new LCD/plasma models. Not only do they look cool, they use less power.
Many people leave their television sets on standby when not watching — a glowing LED (usually red) on the unit is the giveaway.
This standby mode exists on many electronic devices with remotes. If you are not using the TV or radio or Astro decoder for a while, don’t leave them on standby, turn them off.
Computers, on the other hand, are best left on standby unless you are leaving them alone for more than 12 hours. This is because shutting down and starting up a computer strains the circuitry within. But you should make a point of setting your computer on standby or "sleep" mode if unused for more than 15 minutes.
--- KatoeyNewsNetwork
26-05-2006, 04:48 PM
Report from Bangkok Post dated Friday 26 May 2006 :-
Malaysia seeks bigger role in auto world : Motor show aims to raise profile
Kuala Lumpur - Malaysia has stepped up its efforts to compete against Thailand to become a regional hub for the automotive industry, using a major motor show to raise its profile.
The Kuala Lumpur International Motorshow 2006 (KLIMS), which runs from today to June 4, is expected to draw 350,000 visitors and showcases 242 companies with 176 brands from 16 countries.
While it is not on the official international motor show calendar like the Bangkok International Motorshow - which attracts five times more visitors - KLIMS 2006 is the biggest in the region based on exhibition space of 33,000 square metres.
The event, organised by the Malaysian Automotive Association (MAA), is using the theme ''Accelerating Towards a New Horizon''.
Malaysia needs a jumpstart for its auto industry, which has fallen behind the ''Detroit of Asia'' as Thailand is known.
Thailand has become a global production hub for one-ton pickup trucks, with nearly every major international player represented with manufacturing and assembly plants.
Malaysia, on the other hand, has resisted competition by placing the emphasis on its national-car programmes, Proton and Perodua, which are based on Mitsubishi and Daihatsu technologies respectively.
There was a time when the two brands combined for an 80-90% share of domestic sales, helped by preferential taxes and financing for buyers. However, their share had slipped to 55% as of last year.
Thailand, despite the absence of a national car programme, has a market dominated by three Japanese brands: Toyota, Isuzu and Honda.
Out of total vehicle sales of 223,000 - 138,000 of them pickup trucks - from January to April of this year, Toyota accounted for 38.6% and Isuzu 27.4%. Isuzu dominates the one-ton pickup segment with 40% against Toyota's 33%. Toyota (48%) and Honda (36%) lead the passenger car segment that totalled 60,000 units in the first four months.
Malaysian Transport Minister Chan Kong Choy said his government had introduced measures to support expansion of the local motor industry and related downstream activities such as component manufacturing and niche ventures.
''In line with these initiatives, our government will continue to support the development of Malaysia as a regional hub for the automotive industry,'' he said.
Aishah Ahmad, president of the MAA, said the Kuala Lumpur show differed from its counterpart in Bangkok, taking as its role models high-profile events such as the +++yo and Geneva motor shows.
''KLIMS is an event where the latest models are displayed and exhibitors show off their technologies to the public, with some concept models. In Thailand and Indonesia, the motor shows are used to generate sales and they are quite successful at that too,'' said Mr Ahmad.
According to the MAA, the 2006 event is displaying a total of 14 concept cars and boasts a handful of Asean firsts such as the LDV Maxus, the Mazda CX-7, the Suzuki Swift Sport and a new Proton.
While Malaysia may have regional ambitions, it has a way to go, if figures from the Japan Automobile Manufacturers Association (Jama) are a guide. Local assembly of Japanese makes totalled 460,000 units last year in Malaysia, versus more than one million in Thailand, which also has a thriving automobile export sector.
Domestic vehicle sales in Thailand last year totalled 703,000, against 551,000 units in Malaysia, which has less than half the population of its northern neighbour.
However, soaring oil prices and the continuing political stalemate have applied the brakes to Thailand's drive to become the outright regional leader of the automotive industry.
Malaysia is not lacking in potential, and the fact that it is on the Formula One calendar with annual races on the Sepang Circuit is good from an image standpoint. It certainly has the resources, capability and market potential to build its automotive industry to new heights but is still behind Thailand in sheer volume, production capability and export-hub status.
--- KatoeyNewsNetwork
26-05-2006, 05:13 PM
Report from The New Straits Times dated Friday 26 May 2006 :-
Naked truth about the 'Malaysian Playboy'
KOTA BARU: It may look like the real thing but everything about the "Malaysian" edition of Playboy on sale at some news vendors here is fake.
Nothing is what it seems, right from the Internal Security publishing permit (PP) number on the upper left corner to the advertisers who "bought" space in the magazine.
The greatest disappointment for buyers, however, is the fact that there are no titillating photographs of young women inside as promised in the screaming headlines of tak bogel tapi lucah (contains no nudity but is erotic).
In fact, the contents of the 24-page edition largely explain the controversy surrounding the publication of the Indonesian edition last month.
There are no erotic stories or articles exploring sexual subjects as is the hallmark of the international girlie magazine.
Calls to the cellphone numbers provided in the advertisements went unanswered.
It appears that the publishers of the magazine have so far targeted only the Kelantan market.
Internal Security Ministry Publications and Al-Quran Control Division head of operations Nik Kamarul Ariffin Mohamad Kamal said the PP number "11650/9 2006" was false.
He said the publishers had violated Section 11 (2) and Section 8 of the Printing Presses and Publications Act 1984.
Conviction under Section 11(2) carries a maximum jail term of a year and a RM5,000 fine, while Section 8 provides for a prison term of up to three years and a fine of up to RM20,000.
"We bought a copy from a newsstand in Tanah Merah about a week ago. When we queried the kiosk owner, he claimed to have sold about a dozen issues and this was the last one.
"He told us that a distributor had come around to drop off a stack of them earlier in the month. But he did not know the person," Nik Kamarul said when met at his office here.
Checks at several newsstands and vendors in Kota Baru showed that the majority of them had not heard or seen a copy of the magazine.
Nik Kamarul said the Kelantan division was monitoring newsstands to track down the magazine’s publisher.
He said the publisher had also violated Section 7 of the Act for publishing a magazine that could threaten public morality.
He said although the magazine’s contents were not pornographic, its title was one that was closely associated with sex and eroticism.
--- KatoeyNewsNetwork
26-05-2006, 05:21 PM
Report from The New Straits Times dated Friday 26 May 2006 :-
Johor orchids robbed of their name
JOHOR BARU: Johor is being robbed of its reputation as one of the world’s biggest growers of orchids because many of these cut flowers are now exported to international markets through Singapore.
Because the orchids end up being labelled as a "Product of Singapore", global customers have no clue that the flowers were grown and harvested in Johor.
Menteri Besar Datuk Abdul Ghani Othman, opening the Johor International Orchid Show 2006 here, said it was time Johor regained its status and position as a leading producer and exporter of high-quality orchids.
He said orchid growers should work with the authorities to improve the branding of Johor orchids. "We cannot allow others to steal the glory when this is a home-grown product."
Ghani said Johor was making concerted efforts to position itself as a "kingdom of orchids", which he added was a natural thing to do as the whole State was a greenfield and orchids were its pride.
Some 1,000 species of the 25,000 known orchid varieties grow in Malaysia, and Johor has perfected the art of growing them commercially, with over 470ha under cultivation.
The State now accounts for 85 per cent of the nation’s orchid exports. Malaysia is the second-largest exporter of orchids after Thailand. In 2002, Johor exported RM30 million worth of cut orchids.
Ghani said because the orchid business was a high-growth economic sub-sector, especially now that the Government was promoting agriculture with renewed zeal, Johor wanted to cash in on this sector in a big way.
The orchid show at Danga Bay has won an entry in the Malaysia Book of Records for the biggest landscaped orchid exhibition.
Taking part are 22 teams from 18 countries, including Australia, New Zealand, Switzerland, Germany, Italy, Holland, China, South Korea, Japan and Thailand.
The four-day event features one of the biggest orchid collections ever assembled in the country. Admission is free.
The show is open to the public from 8am to 9.30pm daily.
In conjunction with yesterday’s opening of the show, the Menteri Besar and his wife, Datin Prof Jamilah Ariffin, were presented with a hybrid orchid variety called "Ghani and Jamilah".
The flower, in striking white, purple and yellow, was cultivated by Adisak Hongsip of Thailand and is now registered with the International Orchid Registrar in England.
--- KatoeyNewsNetwork
26-05-2006, 05:31 PM
Report from The STAR dated Friday 26 May 2006 :-
Project to help men with ED speak out
KUALA LUMPUR: About 42% of Malaysian men above 40 years suffer from erectile dysfunction (ED) but only 7% admit it.
Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia Hospital head of urology unit Dr Zulkifli Md Zainuddin said many Malaysian men with ED chose to suffer in silence.
He said this at the launch of pharmaceutical company Bayer (South-East Asia) Pte Ltd's “Thumb Campaign”, a project to help Malaysian men deal with the taboo subject.
The company will distribute pamphlets, questionnaires and bags with a picture of a thumb to denote their ED status.
Asian Society of Andrology treasurer Dr Mohd Ismail Mohd Tambi said ED had a long-term impact on the psychological and sexual well-being of sufferers.
”ED is a couple's problem and requires a couple's solution. The women can play an important role in improving the sexual relation of their partners by encouraging them to talk about ED with doctors,” he said.
“Once accomplished, they can normalise their sexual relationship and intimacy as well as enhance their communication.”
--- KatoeyNewsNetwork
26-05-2006, 05:37 PM
Report from The STAR dated Friday 26 May 2006 :-
Malaysian mobile user base reaches 20 million
PETALING JAYA: Malaysia’s mobile subscriber base hit the 20 million mark as the penetration level reached a staggering 80% in March this year. However, experts are predicting that this could go up to 85% by year-end despite a saturating market.
A slower single-digit growth in subscribers is seen for the second half of this year (H2) compared with double-digit growth rates charted previously.
Analysts expect that by year-end, the country’s mobile subscriber base would reach 22 million, of which a third would be prepaid users, considered by some operators as active mobile subscribers.
“It would be a challenging second half, with competition heating up again in the prepaid segment since price cuts have already been introduced for the post-paid segment.
“Churn would be another issue operators have to face in H2,” an analyst said, adding that some downside in the post-paid segment could be expected.
The country’s three celcos recently announced their financial results for the first three months ended March 31.
Maxis Communications Bhd remained the market leader, controlling 40% of Malaysia’s mobile subscriber base, Celcom (M) Bhd came in second with a 35.2% market share, while third-placed DiGi.Com Bhd’s base inched up to 24.8%.
Meanwhile, a mobile subscriber base of 20 million means that four in five persons are mobile subscribers but in reality, one person may own one, two or even three SIM cards.
Of the 20 million, analysts said about 17.5 million are prepaid users, where the churn is said to be nearly 60%.
Six months ago, the country’s mobile penetration was at 68.2%, with mobile subscribers reaching 17.5 million out of a population of nearly 26 million.
The analyst said there was bound to be some double counting, given the widespread prepaid penetration but with churn, the market should “stabilise at some point”.
He said the ongoing registration of prepaid users should help weed out the non-active users and could possibly give a more accurate picture of the actual mobile base, although this would be more evident early next year.
Getting a new subscriber in a saturated market and hoping to earn more from that subscriber can be a challenge, given that consumers move networks for the best bargains, and this would continue to put pressure on celcos’ average revenue per users (Arpu) in H2.
For the first quarter of this year, the post-paid Arpu for Maxis, Celcom and DiGi stood at RM137, RM109 and RM96 respectively, while that for prepaid was RM49, RM38 and RM51 respectively.
An analyst expects single-digit growth in revenue for the three celcos for the full year.
For the first quarter of this year, Maxis’ revenue grew 1% quarter-on-quarter despite a subscriber growth of 4% due to weaker Arpus, said an analyst in his report.
During that quarter, Maxis earned RM484mil in net profit (from its Malaysia operations) on the back of RM1.69bil sales, up from RM1.68bil in the previous quarter.
Celcom’s revenue, however, fell to RM1bil in the first quarter of this year from RM1.1bil in the fourth quarter of 2005, while that of DiGi rose to RM861mil from RM826mil.
Maxis still dominates in market share in terms of revenue at 47%, Celcom at 29.1% and DiGi at 23.9%, compared with 46.3%, 30.9% and 22.8% respectively in the last quarter of 2005.
An analyst said that while the second half of 2006 would be tough for celcos, the “risks would heighten with the expected introduction of mobile number portability by year-end.”
--- KatoeyNewsNetwork
27-05-2006, 02:46 AM
Report from The New Straits Times dated Friday 26 May 2006 :-
Malaysia's 40 richest persons
Here are some mind-boggling facts - Malaysia's 40 richest businessmen are worth a collective US$26 billion (RM95.4 billion). Also, the country's nine billionaires account for a whopping 82 per cent of that sum.
The man at the top, Robert Kuok, has been Southeast Asia's richest man for years. In contrast, there are 12 people worth less than US$100 million.
Forbes Asia, which compiled the list, estimated that most of the 40 richest are entirely or mostly self-made, having built fortunes in diverse sectors such as ceramic tiles, airlines and banks.
Commodities such as rubber, timber and palm oil are the biggest source of fortunes.
To compile this list, the magazine looked at shareholdings in publicly-listed companies as well as in private company filings. For people with publicly-traded fortunes, net worths were calculated using current share prices and exchange rates. For privately held fortunes, it estimated what companies and assets would be worth if they are public-listed.
1. Tan Sri Robert Kuok US$5.6b (RM20.55b) - 83
Got started in 1949 trading rice, sugar and wheat flour. Today heads multinational Kuok Group and owns Pacific Carriers Ltd, a leading dry-bulk shipper in the pacific basin; air cargo company Transmile Group and 10 Coca-Cola bottling plants in China.
2. Tan Sri Ananda Krishnan US$4.6b (RM16.88b) - 68
Former oil trader's holdings include Maxis Communications, Tanjong Plc and racetrack betting and lottery systems.
3. Tan Sri Teh Hong Piow US$2.1b (RM7.71b) - 76
Former bank clerk used profits from real estate deals to open small bank in 1966. Today Public Bank is the second-largest lender in Malaysia.
4. Tan Sri Lee Shin Cheng US$2.05b (RM7.52b) - 67
Started out as field supervisor in plantation industry. Now heads IOI, with interests in palm oil, property development and hotels.
5. Tan Sri Quek Leng Chan US$2b (RM7.34b) - 65
Heads Hong Leong Group Malaysia and Asian financial services giant Guoco Group.
6. Tan Sri Lim Goh Tong US$1.5b (RM5.51b) - 88
Former public works contractor turned his idea for hilltop resort on outskirts of Kuala Lumpur into one of the world's most successful casino resorts.
7. Tan Sri Yeoh Tiong Lay US$1.1b (RM4.01b) - 76
Patriarch of Yeoh family heads YTL Corp, with interests in construction, utilities, hotels, property development and technology.
8. Tan Sri Tiong Hiew King US$1.05b (RM3.85b) - 70
His Rimbunan Hijau Group has operations in Malaysia, New Zealand and Africa. His publishing house, Ming Pao Enterprises, has introduced local editions of Chinese-language daily Ming Pao in cities like San Francisco, New York, Vancouver and Toronto.
9. Tan Sri Syed Mokhtar AlBukhary US$1b (RM3.67b) - 54
Started out as rice trader. Today controls Malaysia Mining Corporation (MMC), container port Tanjung Pelepas and nearby Senai Airport and has stakes in an automaker and book retailer.
10. Tan Sri Lim Kok Thay US$440m (RM1.61b) - 54
Became chairman of Genting Group when his father, Lim Goh Tong (number 6), retired in late 2003. Has been key driver of its Star Cruises, world's third-largest cruise line.
11. Tan Sri Azman Hashim US$405m (RM1.49b) - 66
Forty-six-year veteran of banking industry. Bought own bank in 1982 and eventually built it into diversified AM Group.
12. Tan Sri Vincent Tan US$355m (RM1.30b) - 54
Acquired Berjaya in 1984, built in into conglomerate with interests in financial services, hotels, theme parks, lotteries, education, real estate and manufacturing.
13. Tan Sri Kua Sian Kooi US$285m (RM1.05b) - 54
14. Datuk Lim Wee Chai US$210m (RM770m) - 48
Son of rubber plantation owners and traders, he and wife started trading latex gloves in 1991 and opened first factory the next year. Today his Top Glove is one of the world's largest producers of rubber gloves.
15. Datuk Anthony Fernandes US$205m (RM752m) - 42
Spent 14 years as music industry executive, lastly running all of Warner Music's operations in Southeast Asia before quitting to launch what is now Asia's biggest discount airline, AirAsia.
16. Datuk Vinod Sekhar US$200m (RM734m) - 37
Founder and majority owner of privately held Petra Group. Among its many technologies, one of the most promising is involved in "green rubber", a revolutionary process to cheaply and efficiently recycle used rubber.
17. Tan Sri G. Gnanalingam US$170m (RM623.9m) - 62
Chairs Westport, the largest privately owned port in Malaysia, which he started in 1994.
18. Kamarudin Meranun US$165m (RM605.6m) - 45
Quiet bean counter helps more public partner Fernandes (number 15) run AirAsia. Kamarudin is the airline's executive director, looking after corporate finance.
19. Puan Sri Chong Chook Yew US$145m (RM532.2m) - 84
List's only female chairs Selangor Properties. Became chairperson after the death of her husband and Selangor founder, Wen Tien Kuang.
20. Tan Sri Hamdan Mohamad US$140m (RM513.9m) - 50
Runs Ranhill Group of companies, which includes power and utilities firms.
--- KatoeyNewsNetwork
------------- continued ---------> Part 2
27-05-2006, 02:49 AM
Report from The New Straits Times dated Friday 26 May 2006 :-
Malaysia's 40 richest persons
--------- continued ---------( from Part 1 )
21. Tan Sri Jeffrey Cheah US$125m (RM458.8m)
Started with a tin mining company in 1974. Has built the Sunway Group of companies, which develop properties, run tolls and many quarries.
22. Tan Sri Mustapha Kamal Abu Bakar US$120m (RM440.4m) - 57
He and partner K.L. Palaniappan (number 40) built up MK Land, now one of the country's largest property development firms.
23. Datuk Abdul Hameed Sepawi US$120m (RM440.4m) - 55
Heads timber outfit Ta Ann.
24. Ahmayuddin Ahmad US$115m (RM422.1m) - 50
Board member, along with G. Gnanalingam (number 17) of Westport.
25. Datuk Syed Mohd Yusof Syed Nasir US$110m (RM403.7m) - 59
Former chairman of Southern Bank Berhad. He remains chairman of Killinghall, one of Southern Bank's largest shareholders.
26. Datuk Lee Hau Hian US$100m (RM367m) - 53
Datuk Lee Oi Hian US$100m (RM367m) - 55
Datuk Lee Soon Hian US$100m (RM367m) - 49
Sons of late rubber baron Lee Loy Seng have equal holdings in two listed companies: Chemicals company Batu Kawan and Kuala Lumpur Kepong, former rubber company that expanded into other commodities like palm oil and also owns retailer Crabtree & Evelyn.
29. Datuk Tiah Thee Kian US$95m (RM348.7m) - 58
Runs TA Enterprise. Aside from sprawling interests in financial services, which include stockbroking, asset management and derivatives, also has property arm that operates in Malaysia, Australia, Canada and South Africa. Tiah's wife, who has a degree in economics, is the company's chairman.
29. Tan Sri Tan Teong Hean US$95m (RM348.7) - 63
Chief executive director of Southern Bank Berhad for 23 years until bank was bought out in May. Remains chairman of MasterCard International's Asia Pacific board and a member of MasterCard International's global board.
29. Datuk Lim Thian Kiat US$95m (RM348.7) - 57
Former head of Multi-Purpose Holdings, one of Malaysia's biggest conglomerates. Resigned in 1999 after big losses at the group. Still retains stakes in some of its public entities.
32. Datuk Yaw Teck Seng US$90m (RM330.3m) - 68
Head and founder of the Samling group, considered second-largest timber group in Sarawak, after billionaire Tiong Hiew King's (number 8). Has two listed companies, Lingui Developments and Glenealy Plantations.
33. Datuk Lim Tong Yong US$85m (RM311.9m) - 56
Chief executive of the Pantai Group, the largest chain of private hospitals in Malaysia. Was bought out of group in September last year by Parkway, Singapore's leading hospital chain. Still retains small stake in Pantai; has shares in listed soapmaker Paos.
34. John Chia US$80m (RM293.6m) - 54
Only high-tech tycoon to make the cut, Chia is the chairman of Unisem, a semiconductor testing and packaging firm.
34. Tan Sri Rozali Ismail US$80m (RM293.6m) - 50
Executive chairman of Puncak Niaga, a water-treatment firm that treats the water of Kuala Lumpur, among other places.
36. Ong Leong Huat US$75m (RM275.3m) - 62
Runs OSK group, which includes three publicly listed groups: Financial services firm OSK Holdings, OSK Property and OSK Ventures.
36. Datuk Seri Lau Cho Kun US$75m (RM275.3m)
Big shareholder in Malaysian Mosaics, maker of tiles. Also has interests in property development, plantations and trading.
38. Tan Sri William Cheng US$70m (RM256.9m) - 63
Head of Lion Group of varied businesses including steel manufacturing and retailing as well as plantation management. President of the Associated Chinese Chambers of Commerce and Industry in Malaysia.
39. Shaari Ismail US$70m (RM256.9m) - 63
Elder brother of Rozali (number 34) also a shareholder in Puncak Niaga but has no executive role.
40. Datuk K.L. Palaniappan US$65m (RM238.6m) - 63
Trained as architect, Kasi is now second-largest individual shareholder in MK Land after Mustapha Kamal Abu Bakar (number 22).
--- KatoeyNewsNetwork
27-05-2006, 01:33 PM
Report from The STAR dated Saturday 27 May 2006 :-
Teens unaware selling pirated discs is a crime
JOHOR BARU: Selling pirated CDs and DVDs is fast becoming one of the most sought after part-time jobs among teenagers here, but many are unaware that they are breaking the law.
State Domestic Trade and Consumer Affairs Ministry enforcement division acting director Adilah Abd Aziz said close to 30% of those caught selling pirated optical discs in raids since January last year were minors.
“Out of the 65 caught, a total of 18 were below 18 years old,” she said in an interview yesterday.
She said most of the minors arrested said the job was a way to fill their free time and earn some extra pocket money, adding that they took home about RM700 per month for their work.
However, she added that few realised they were committing a crime and most of those caught were shocked to find out they could face stiff penalties such as serving time in a juvenile centre.
According to Adilah, while some parents did not know of their children’s involvement in the illegal activity, others were ignorant of the fact that it was a serious offence.
“Some parents do not understand the law pertaining to this crime and don’t stop their children from continuing with such jobs. Parents should be more aware of their children’s activities,” she said.
It was unfortunate, she added, that teenagers were being exploited in this way.
“Those who are caught will be released on bail and put under observation but the record could ruin their future.”
Parents, Adilah said, should play a more active role in monitoring their children’s activities so that they would not fall into a life of crime.
Aside from the 18 minors, the others arrested were aged between 19 and 30.
Late last month, a 16-year-old was caught in possession of over 3,000 pirated optical discs at Taman Setia Indah.
He was arrested and has been charged under the Copyright Act 1987. His trial begins on Aug 2.
--- KatoeyNewsNetwork
29-05-2006, 10:44 PM
Report from Today (S'pore) dated Monday 29 May 2006 :-
Disney plans a Malaysian adventure in Johor
KUALA LUMPUR — Malaysia is in talks with the Japanese operator of +++yo Disneyland to bring the first Disney theme park to South-east Asia, a report said yesterday.
Malaysian government officials and representatives from the government-linked conglomerate UEM World are negotiating with Oriental Land to bring the theme park to the southern state of Johor, the Edge financial weekly said. "The discussions are progressing well. The Disney theme park may occupy about 2,000 acres (800 hectares) of Nusajaya," said the unnamed source..
Bandar Nusajaya is UEM's 23,000-acre township on the southwestern tip of Johor. A Disney theme park would be a major boost for the tourism industry in Malaysia, which competes with Singapore to attract visitors. The Edge said the planned Disney theme park would be bigger than the two casino-based resorts being planned in Singapore. It said Disney is interested in Nusajaya as it would not compete with its other parks in Hong Kong and +++yo and a new one planned in Shanghai.
On Friday, Las Vegas Sands won the bid for Singapore's first casino licence, giving it the right to develop a multi-billion dollar gaming, entertainment and convention complex. Las Vegas Sands edged out MGM Grand-CapitaLand, Harrah's-Keppel Land and Malaysia's sole casino operator, Genting International.
--- KatoeyNewsNetwork
30-05-2006, 11:34 PM
Report from The STAR dated Tuesday 30 May 2006 :-
Making of Johor Disneyland?
Comment by WONG CHUN WAI
THERE has been no official word but the talk is that preliminary meetings have been held to get Disneyland to Johor.
Prime Minister Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi, who was in Japan for a five-day working trip, reportedly met officials from Oriental Land, the Japanese partner of +++yo Disneyland.
The plan, according to speculation, was to bring Mickey Mouse and the fantasyland to the proposed 9,645ha Nusajaya, a massive new township in the southern Johor corridor.
The state is said to have set aside 960ha and investments worth RM2bil for the plan, which could create 20,000 jobs.
Interestingly, in April last year, Abdullah said he had no objection if Disney were to come to Johor.
Following that remark, Singapore’s Straits Times contacted Michelle Nachum, the spokesman for Disney theme parks in California for a confirmation but all she was prepared to say was that Disney constantly evaluated strategic markets around the world.
She would not confirm or deny that Johor was on the list.
No one is surprised that Singapore is keeping a close watch on developments in neighbouring Johor. The Lion City, in fact, almost got its own Disneyland in the Seletar area but the plan fell through.
It was reported last year that negotiations went so far as identifying the site and the government was even prepared to add another station to the North-South MRT Line, with the reservoir as a backdrop.
Singapore Trade and Industry Minister Lim Hng Kang was quoted in the Straits Times as saying that in the end, it did not work out because Disney wanted a 300ha chunk of land and was not prepared to pay for it.
Lim told Parliament that this happened in the 1990s when the government was keen to attract a major theme park like Disneyland or Universal Studios to set up in Singapore, saying “theme park operators are actually content providers, they really only provide the software and the intellectual property.”
He said they wouldn’t “want to put in too much of their own money” and that “they earn a development fee even before the theme park operations starts” – management fees would be added when operation started, followed by a cut of the gate takings.
Johor, on the other hand, has plenty of land. It is ready to offer up to 1,000ha of land and in comparison to Hong Kong’s 70ha and Singapore’s reluctance to give up 300ha, the southern state has a distinct advantage.
But running theme parks is not easy, especially in South-East Asia. The humid weather obviously works against us in Malaysia, especially when visitors have to do plenty of walking and waiting in a sprawling theme park.
The theme park in Genting Highlands is successful because of its cool weather and not forgetting the casino element.
The Sunway Lagoon’s wet concept is also successful, given the fact that Kuala Lumpur and Selangor, which have no beaches, have a big market.
The present Disney locations are in California, Florida, Paris, Hong Kong and soon, Shanghai.
Florida has warm weather but it is not humid, unlike Malaysia, and can be windy at times.
But our hot weather need not necessarily be a minus point.
The Formula One race in Kuala Lumpur is now touted the “hottest race on earth” and even the monsoon season in Terengganu has helped put Malaysia on the world map with the Monsoon Cup.
Singapore has had two bad experiences – the 12ha Tiger Balm Gardens, set up in 1935, which later became the Haw Par Villa. It had over 1,000 statues depicting Chinese legends but visitors found them gruesome.
It lost RM72mil.
The Tang Dynasty City was another flop, with one report finding the place too hot on sunny days, having too much concrete with too few shelters and people having to queue up for 40 minutes for a boat ride.
It was part of a comprehensive finding by National University of Singapore’s Associate Prof Peggy Teo, who does research on tourism.
Since then Singapore has played safe, preferring the air-conditioned indoor kind of theme parks such as Underwater World and Snowcity.
Malaysia has taken the right direction by planning new tourist attractions as scenic spots and shopping malls alone won’t do, especially if we wish to get repeat visitors. That was the view of some Arab tourists, interviewed by a newspaper here recently. Our country should also not be in the category of short-stay destination.
More attractions need to be created as the tourism industry becomes more competitive.
Huge sums of money have to be invested to shift world attention to Malaysia.
For example, Brazil paid more than US$1mil (RM3.6mil) to the Rolling Stones for a one-night concert recently. Although the city treated its people and tourists to the free concert, it drew world attention. Shanghai also paid for the ageing rockers.
But in Malaysia, our politicians and some sections of the people may not be so receptive; but it is a small sum to pay for assured global advertisement.
As travelling becomes easier, tourists have also become more demanding. They expect their tour guides to know what they are talking about, having done their research on the Internet before they started their visits.
If they wish to visit a zoo, it must be like San Diego Zoo, a world-class outfit, or a safari park, where animals are allowed to roam freely and not locked up.
Snakes and crocodiles are also passe now.
Plenty of homework needs to be done, especially on the financial prospect of attracting regional visitors, if we wish to set up world-class theme parks here.
Malaysians would surely like to see Mickey Mouse in Nusajaya but we believe careful planning and plenty of common sense are needed as massive public funds would be involved, so that no one takes the mickey out of us.
--- KatoeyNewsNetwork
30-05-2006, 11:48 PM
Report from Bangkok Post dated Tuesday 30 May 2006 :-
Malaysians very satisfied with their sex lives
Singapore - Southeast Asian couples make love less frequently and are less satisfied with their sex lives than people in other parts of the world, a global survey showed on Tuesday.
French people have sex most frequently while Mexicans are the happiest couples at bed, according to the survey commissioned by drug giant Pfizer, maker of the anti-impotence drug Viagra.
The survey of almost 13,000 people across 27 countries revealed the global sex frequency average to be 6.5 times a month, with 50% of those surveyed saying they were very satisfied with their sex lives.
Southeast Asian couples fell below the benchmark levels, with Indonesia coming closest to the global sex frequency average at 5.75 times per month.
Singapore was at 4.55 times per month, Thailand at 4.30 and Hong Kong at 3.55. Thailand was also below the global satisfaction average at 32%.
There was no direct connection between frequency of sex and satisfaction.
Malaysians, who scored a low frequency average of 3.50 times per month, came out the happiest among the Southeast Asian countries surveyed with 42 percent saying they were very satisfied with their sex lives.
Indonesia tied with Hong Kong on the unhappiness front, with only 27% surveyed saying they were very satisfied.
South Korea fared much worst, with only eight percent saying they were very satisfied with their sex lives.
Increased stress levels caused by economic prosperity and modern Asian lifestyles, including unhealthy eating and drinking habits, contributed to poorer sex performance, said Peter Lim, a senior urologist.
"They (executives) are all stressed out and that contributes a lot to a poorer performance in the bedroom," said Lim, an erectile dysfunction expert with a local hospital who was invited by Pfizer to comment on the survey results.
"The second reason is the pace of life, the drinking, eating, smoking has caught on," Lim said.
Urbanized Hong Kong was similar to Singapore in terms of stress affecting bedroom performance, he said.
However, in developing nations like Thailand and more relaxed areas of Asia like Penang and Malacca, men's failure to have an erection was the main reason for poorer sex performance.
Globally, the French had the most sex at 7.7 times a month, followed by Germany at 6.45 and the United Kingdom at 6.40.
Mexicans scored the highest sex satisfaction levels with 74.5% declaring they were very satisfied, followed by Brazil at 64.5% and Spain at 56.6%.
--- KatoeyNewsNetwork
30-05-2006, 11:55 PM
Report from The New Straits Times dated Tuesday 30 May 2006 :-
Girl, 18, gang-raped by nine men
MALACCA: A 17-year-old girl managed to escape being gang-raped by nine men when she told them she was "underage".
But her 18-year-old friend was dragged into an empty hut and raped by the suspects.
The incident happened at Pengkalan Balak, Masjid Tanah, near here, at 1.20am last Thursday. The two girls were double-dating with two boys.
State CID chief Assistant Commissioner Mazlan Kesah said the two couples were strolling along a beach when they were approached by two men posing as policemen.
He added that the two suspects asked for their identification cards and handphones and they handed them over.
"After taking their ICs and phones, the two suspects were joined by seven others, who demanded the girls have sex with them if they wanted their ICs returned," said Mazlan, adding that the suspects also beat up the girls’ boyfriends.
Mazlan said the older girl, fearful of what might befall her and her friends if she did not comply, agreed to the suspects’ demand while the other girl told them she was underage.
"After raping the older girl, they sent her back to the beach before fleeing the scene," said Mazlan.
The victim lodged a police report at 4.45pm on Saturday and three men, aged between 20 and 23, have been detained in connection with the case.
--- KatoeyNewsNetwork
31-05-2006, 12:48 PM
Report from The STAR dated Wednesday 31 May 2006 :-
Student raped in front of boyfriend
JOHOR BARU: A student watched helplessly as his girlfriend was gang-raped by four men after they were abducted while out on a date.
The suspects, all believed to be in their 20s, also forced the victims – both final-year students at a local polytechnic – to hand over their belongings and cash during the 9.15pm incident along Taman Cahaya in Masai, 25km from here.
Initial investigations revealed that the four men on two motorcycles had forced the couple, also on a motorcycle, off the road.
The men approached the couple and threatened to harm them with a knife if they tried to escape.
They took the couple to a secluded area in Pasir Gudang.
The 19-year-old girl begged the men to let them go but they took turns to rape her near an abandoned bridge.
Her 20-year-old boyfriend, who was held at knifepoint, was beaten up when he put up a fight.
After the attackers fled, the couple lodged a police report at about 2am before seeking medical treatment.
This is the second incident around Pasir Gudang in recent months involving motorcyclists who waylay couples and gang-rape the women.
A police source said they were looking for four men to assist in investigations.
--- KatoeyNewsNetwork
31-05-2006, 12:55 PM
Report from The STAR dated Wednesday 31 May 2006 :-
Effendi: We’re in talks with Disneyland
PUTRAJAYA: It's confirmed! The Government is in talks with Disneyland officials in +++yo and in the US to lure the international icon to set up a theme park in Johor.
Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department Datuk Seri Mohd Effendi Norwawi said yesterday that the Government was exploring the options.
“We are talking to both +++yo and US Disneyland. We have to see which one is the more realisable option for us,” he told newsmen yesterday after launching the Economic Census 2006 in Putrajaya.
“This is because we want to make sure that the Southern Corridor is comprehensively developed with theme parks and hotels,” he said, in response to talk that preliminary meetings were being held to get Disneyland to Johor.
Meanwhile, in Johor, the idea of Mickey Mouse and his gang frolicking in Nusajaya has generated much excitement.
Johor Tourism Malaysia director Ahmad Esa said Disneyland was an international brand with a solid record as a crowd puller.
“To have something of that magnitude is great. It will definitely pull tourists here,” he added.
Johor's location, he noted, was a strong selling point and a Disneyland in the state would attract visitors from neighbouring countries, such as Singapore and Indonesia.
Johor Tour Guides Association chairman Jimmy Leong concurred, saying that any international icon would benefit tourism.
“We welcome having a family theme park here,” he said, adding that Johor could also capitalise on tourist arrivals via Changi Airport.
“But let’s be mindful it is only a proposal. Let’s keep our fingers crossed and hope the plan materialises.”
Meanwhile, state tourism and environment committee chairman Freddie Long said he was not privy to the proposal of building a Disneyland in Johor.
“But if approved and implemented, it will be good for tourism. The spin-offs will be great. Hotels, food outlets, entertainment centres, transportation – all these players would benefit as well,” he said.
--- KatoeyNewsNetwork
01-06-2006, 11:47 PM
Report from The STAR dated Thursday 1 June 2006 :-
Sex romps going cheap in Johor Bahru
SEX for sale for as low as RM3 per session. China Press reported that this is the situation at a certain red-light district in Johor Baru, following keen competition among the women and transvestites there.
The daily said most of them are Indonesians in their early 20s, who would sit at roadside stalls and alleys from about 8pm and approach potential customers.
A stall operator said the women would dress modestly and pretend to wait for transport in the area.
“They look like ordinary people but regular customers and we, the stall operators here, can identify them,” he said.
The bolder ones, he said, carried out their “business” with equally bold clients in the dark alleys, oblivious to those who passed by.
--- KatoeyNewsNetwork
01-06-2006, 11:54 PM
Report from The STAR dated Thursday 1 June 2006 :-
Two companies interested in building Johor Bahru Monorail
JOHOR BARU: Two local companies with foreign partnerships have expressed interest in the state monorail system project estimated to cost more than RM1bil.
Mentri Besar Datuk Abdul Ghani Othman said the state government was considering the proposals handed in by the companies’ interested in building the monorail.
“We are considering and looking into all areas of the proposals, such as the most suitable technology, the project cost, funding, and routes.
“We hope that we will be able to firm up the details and design by end of this year or early next year,” Abdul Ghani told reporters after launching a seminar here on Thursday.
He added the project should be completed in three years time (2009).
The monorail is expected to ferry passengers from the heart of the city to Tebrau, Senai, Skudai and Nusajaya – densely populated areas where people need public transportation.
Abdul Ghani said the project would be implemented with support from the Federal government, adding that the state government would request for funding from the allocation set aside for upgrading transportation systems in cities.
--- KatoeyNewsNetwork
02-06-2006, 12:07 AM
Report from The STAR dated Thursday 1 June 2006 :-
MyPR card for permanent residents introduced
PUTRAJAYA: A new identity card for permanent residents in Malaysia has been introduced effective Thursday.
The red MyPR card contains all information about the bearer including the country of origin.
Previously, permanent residents had to carry a PR MyKad, which is similar in size and colour to Malaysians’ MyKad.
Home Minister Datuk Seri Mohd Radzi Sheikh Ahmad said the only distinguishing feature between PR MyKads then and Malaysians’ MyKads were the “four red squares”.
“Most of the time, people just miss the red squares and assume the card was MyKad. This gave rise to cases of impersonation and forgery. Even government departments can be fooled because the resemblance is so close,” he told reporters, after launching the MyPR card at the National Registration Department on Thursday.
“Although we don’t have the actual figures of such cases, the trend was disturbing enough for us to introduce the MyPR card,” he said, adding that the card came with high security features.
Permanent residents, he added, have until Dec 31 next year to apply for the new MyPRs, failing which their status could be revoked by the department.
Mohd Radzi said that as at May 22, there were some 378,088 foreigners with permanent residence status living in Malaysia.
“So far, only 114,615 have applied to have their old red ICs changed to PR MyKads. We hope that with this new exercise, we will be able to trace them and update their records.
“This is to ensure that they are really living in this country and not abusing their residency status,” he said, adding that each application would be charged a fee of RM40.
--- KatoeyNewsNetwork
02-06-2006, 12:13 AM
Report from The STAR dated Thursday 1 June 2006 :-
Disneyland report not true, says Effendi
KUALA LUMPUR: Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department Datuk Seri Effendi Norwawi has denied saying the Government was bringing Disneyland to Malaysia.
“At no point did I categorically say we are bringing Disneyland to the country,” he said in a statement yesterday.
He was responding to enquiries on his comments yesterday on the economic and development benefits Malaysia could reap from the setting up of a major theme park in Johor.
He said a theme park would be a feature in the Southern Corridor development.
“However, this is subject to commercial viability,” he said.
As such, he said, all options are being explored, including Disneyland.
“Efforts are ongoing to explore the most commercially viable theme park option,” he said.
--- KatoeyNewsNetwork
02-06-2006, 12:38 AM
Report from The STAR dated Thursday 1 June 2006 :-
More police presence to curb crime in JB
JOHOR BARU: More police personnel, better equipment and a concerted plan of action.
This is what the public can expect in the next few months to help curb crime in the city.
Deputy Inspector-General of Police Datuk Seri Musa Hassan gave this undertaking in a special briefing on the crime situation here to the Johor State Executive Council yesterday.
Public safety has become a major concern following a series of murders, armed robberies, kidnappings, snatch thefts and carjackings.
The problem has been compounded by the Singapore media highlighting these cases and depicting Johor Baru as an unsafe destination for tourists.
The State Government called for the meeting with Musa to secure police commitment to tackle crime in the city and to reassure the public that Johor Baru was safe.
Menteri Besar Datuk Abdul Ghani Othman said the State Government was working closely with the police.
Ghani said among the new strategies agreed upon was a bigger police presence on the streets.
The ratio of policemen to population in Johor currently stands at 1:800, way off the ideal ratio of 1:250.
"We have got a firm commitment from the Deputy Inspector-General of Police that a sizeable number of the 5,000-odd manpower added to the police force every year will be deployed in Johor.
"A big chunk of the Ninth Malaysia Plan budget allocation for the police will also be used to improve police equipment and facilities in the State," he said.
--- KatoeyNewsNetwork
02-06-2006, 04:09 PM
Abt JB having more policemen patrolling, does it help? Cos most likely they will be looking out of traffic offences, eg beating traffic lights, turning illegally. N most likely the pple that commit these offences are not those that r likely to commit crime cos those commiting crime would b busy planning n carrying out their crime right? These traffic offence pple are more likely to commit the crime of bribing the policemen than being a snatch theft! My point of view is that jb will remain as it is or worsen, just accept that n learn to live with it. If you can't, just have to go elsewhere.
6" boy
02-06-2006, 06:08 PM
Abt JB having more policemen patrolling, does it help? Cos most likely they will be looking out of traffic offences, eg beating traffic lights, turning illegally. N most likely the pple that commit these offences are not those that r likely to commit crime cos those commiting crime would b busy planning n carrying out their crime right? These traffic offence pple are more likely to commit the crime of bribing the policemen than being a snatch theft! My point of view is that jb will remain as it is or worsen, just accept that n learn to live with it. If you can't, just have to go elsewhere.
Who ask you to beat the trafic lights, turning illegally and end up being fine? If you are a law abider why worry about that? If you did not offended any law, there is no reason for them to stop you, unless you look like a pirate driving an "Ah Beng's" car.
02-06-2006, 06:09 PM
Abt JB having more policemen patrolling, does it help? Cos most likely they will be looking out of traffic offences, eg beating traffic lights, turning illegally. N most likely the pple that commit these offences are not those that r likely to commit crime cos those commiting crime would b busy planning n carrying out their crime right? These traffic offence pple are more likely to commit the crime of bribing the policemen than being a snatch theft! My point of view is that jb will remain as it is or worsen, just accept that n learn to live with it. If you can't, just have to go elsewhere.
I totally agree with your notion. Those mata-mata dont even bother to catch those who blatantly ride motorcycles with helmets and front lights on [very obvious offences] and maybe they are riding with a valid licence too [not so obvious offence] how can we expect them to catch those stealth snatch thieves!!! Except for those in the serious crime unit [in charge of murders, kidnapping...] most of those mata-mata fail to live up to their duties and expectations of the rakyat! They are good in catching traffic offenders and our beloved city halls [including the upcoming MBPJ] are very capable and co-operative to install ATM along roads for those mata-mata to "cash" from unsuspecting road users [examples of ATM's: 3 lane roads with 60kph speed limit; double lines are junctions without road signs to catch those unwary that wanted to change lane last minute realising they are in the wrong lanes!; road curbs are larger than the roads in surface area whereby cars had to park along roads without yellow lines and get summoned! in KL, there is a turning into Hotel Instana where a very tiny insignificant sign showing that turning left is strictly meant for public transport and there are always 2 ~3 mata-mata waiting there to cash-in the ATM...just imagine if you wanted to enter Hotel Instana you need to proceed straight to Jalan P Ramlee and turn back:eek: Why the fuss over that road anyway??] I have lost much confidence in our mata-mata.
02-06-2006, 11:57 PM
Report from Business Times (Malaysia) dated Friday 2 June 2006 :-
Khazanah to invest in South Johor
Khazanah managing director Datuk Azman Mokhtar says the agency plans to intensify local investments, adding that among targeted investments are the South Johor Economic Region and investments in new agriculture
MALAYSIA'S state investment agency, Khazanah Nasional Bhd, plans to invest in Johor, particularly in the southern part of the state that has received special attention from the Government.
The Government may also unveil its masterplan for development of the South Johor Economic Region (SJER) in the second half of the year.
Khazanah managing director Datuk Azman Mokhtar said broadly, the agency plans to intensify local investments.
"Among targeted investments are the South Johor Economic Region and investments in new agriculture," he said.
He was speaking to reporters at his office in Kuala Lumpur yesterday, after giving an update on Khazanah's operations.
Yesterday also marked his second year at the helm of the agency.
Azman did not give details on Khazanah's possible investments in Johor, but said the agency's task is mostly as a planner.
The Government is budgeting some RM12.2 billion to develop the SJER under the Ninth Malaysia Plan, and this will go towards building up Nusajaya, a state administrative centre, the Danga Bay waterfront, a transport hub and a high-speed rail link connecting Johor Baru to Kuala Lumpur.
The development in Johor would also complement Singapore's plans to build casino resorts, Azman said.
"There is strong complementarity between us and Singapore,” he said.
Nusajaya is a massive 9,720ha piece of land and Khazanah’s unit, UEM World Bhd, owns 6,480ha of it.
Meanwhile, Khazanah said its net growth expanded by a fifth to RM40 billion over the last two years.
The value of its investment portfolio has grown by 28 per cent to RM65 billion over the same period. Khazanah also made 12 new investments over the two years, resulting in gains of RM318 million.
It has spent about RM3.2 billion since January last year buying stakes in overseas firms, including Apollo Hospitals Enterprise Ltd in India, Parkson Retail Group Ltd in Hong Kong, MobileOne in Singapore and PT Bank Lippo in Indonesia.
--- KatoeyNewsNetwork
03-06-2006, 12:08 AM
Report from The STAR dated Friday 2 June 2006 :-
Who is behind local Playboy?
SHAH ALAM: The so-called local version of Playboy has authorities guessing as to who was really behind the magazine.
When Internal Security Ministry enforcement officers went to the publisher Syarikat Penerbitan Ilham Sarjana’s address in Kampung Baru, Kuala Lumpur, the premises was occupied by another business.
So far, all investigations have revealed that the magazine was printed under the permit given to Mingguan Seni, published by Penerbitan Ilham Sarjana, said Deputy Minister Datuk Fu Ah Kiow.
Investigations commenced after copies of the local Playboy surfaced in Pahang and Kelantan recently.
Fu announced yesterday that Dunia Madani, another magazine with sexually explicit content, had also been printed by another publisher without a valid permit.
“The permit for this magazine was issued in 2002 but has not been renewed since,” he said.
He added that permits for Mingguan Seni and Dunia Madani would be cancelled.
However, the publishers of Warta Seni, Tras Efektif and Getaran Jiwa were let off with a stern warning.
“They were found to have valid permits but had strayed from the original concept by publishing sexually explicit content,” said Fu.
He said stern action would be taken against companies that published without valid permits.
“Companies publishing without valid permits from the ministry can be prosecuted under Section 5 (1) of the Printing Presses and Publications Act 1984,” said Fu.
--- KatoeyNewsNetwork
03-06-2006, 01:06 AM
Report from The New Straits Times dated Friday 2 June 2006 :-
Penang transsexuals scrutinesed
George Town, Penang : Transsexuals who congregate in several parts of George Town, Penang have come under scrutiny following complaints by the public.
4 of them were nabbed when Police launched an operation named "Ops Waria" on Wednesday.
NorthEast District Police Chief Asst. Commissioner Hamzah Md. Jamal said the transsexuals most congregated near Lebuh Muntri, Lebuh Leith and Lebuh Love, near Upper Penang Road here.
" 3 of the 4 nabbed were from Indonesia while the other was a local," he said at a Press Conference yesterday.
--- KatoeyNewsNetwork
05-06-2006, 10:25 AM
Report from The New Straits Times dated Sunday 4 June 2006 :-
RM20 levy for cars : It is confirmed
JOHOR BARU: Some 20,000 Singaporean motorists and other foreigners who drive into Malaysia daily will have to pay a levy of RM20, possibly as early as August.
The amount will be payable at exit points and is part of a move by the Government to defray the petrol and fuel subsidies that it shoulders.
"It does not matter how long the foreign vehicles remain in the country," said Deputy Home Affairs Minister Datuk Tan Chai Ho after opening a Rela operation centre at Taman Bukit Indah here yesterday.
Tan said amendments to the Road Transport Act were passed by the Dewan Rakyat and Senate recently and would be gazetted within two months.
The Immigration booths at exit points for vehicles will collect the levy.
Tan said the Government decided to collect the levy at exit points instead of entry points to avoid traffic congestion, especially at the Causeway.
--- KatoeyNewsNetwork
05-06-2006, 10:28 AM
Report from The New Straits Times dated Monday 5 June 2006 :-
RM20 levy will affect day-trippers to Johor
JOHOR BARU: The decision to impose a RM20 levy on foreign-registered vehicles entering Johor from Singapore will affect day-trippers and Malaysians working in Singapore, according to businessmen and those in the local tourism industry.
"Many Malaysians working in Singapore are required by their employers to drive Singapore-registered cars. If they have to pay a levy each time they come home, they may think twice about spending their hard-earned money here," said Malaysian Tourist Guides Council (MTGC) president Jimmy Leong.
Johor Indian Businessmen’s Association (Jiba) president P. Sivakumar cautioned that the levy might affect the Government’s own efforts to boost tourism.
"The Government organises activities and sports to draw tourists from across the Causeway. The levy may force them to think twice about coming here," Sivakumar said.
Johor Baru Chinese Chamber of Commerce (JBCCC) secretary-general Ng Yeow Song said the levy would hurt locals more than foreigners.
Deputy Home Affairs Minister Datuk Tan Chai Ho announced the RM20 levy here on Saturday, saying the amendment to the Road Transport Act 1987 had been passed by both Houses and would be gazetted within two months.
The levy, to help defray petrol and diesel subsidies, will be collected at the Immigration booths at exit points to prevent traffic congestion.
--- KatoeyNewsNetwork
05-06-2006, 10:40 AM
Report from The STAR dated Monday 5 June 2006 :-
‘Woman’ barred from beauty contest
NANYANG Siang Pau reported that a 32-year-old man, who underwent a sex change operation, was not allowed to participate in a beauty contest in China.
Identified by her surname, Gao said the advertisement did not state that participants would not qualify if they had undergone a sex change operation.
Gao had signed up for the contest on May 28.
“But an official told me that they had to check if I could take part,” Gao said, adding that she was informed on June 2 that he did not qualify.
Gao was married in 1998 and has twin daughters.
“We were not happy and decided to end the union in January 2004,” he said.
Gao underwent the sex change in June 2004.
--- KatoeyNewsNetwork
07-06-2006, 05:39 PM
Report from The STAR dated Tuesday 6 June 2006 :-
18-year-old girl conned into having sex to help lover
KUALA PILAH: An 18-year-old girl slept with a bogus medium so that he could transfer “powers” that could cure her boyfriend of his sexual problems.
The girl sought the help of the medium, who is in mid-30s, after her 20-year-old lover developed erectile dysfunction.
The medium convinced the victim that the only way to cure her boyfriend was by transferring his “power” to her through sex.
The girl had sex with the medium on several occasions but when her boyfriend's condition failed to improve, she told him about what she had done. The couple lodged a police report yesterday.
Deputy OCPD Deputy Supt Mohad Isa Hussin said a suspect had been detained.
--- KatoeyNewsNetwork
07-06-2006, 05:42 PM
Report from The STAR dated Tuesday 6 June 2006 :-
Eloping couples now head to Setiu
THERE is no need to elope to Thailand to get married because such a service is available in Kampung Air Sejuk, Guntung in Setiu, Terengganu, Kosmo highlighted in its front-page report.
More than 200 couples with problems, including VIPs with the title of Datuk, have received marriage certificates from the religious office in Songkhla, Thailand, after paying RM500.
The certificates were purportedly issued three days after their marriages were solemnised by an unauthorised kadi known as Pok Leh in Kelantan.
Kosmo received a public tip-off about Pok Leh, who is in his 50s and has been providing the service for three years.
Pok Leh also takes on the role of wali hakim if the bride does not have a wali (guardian) present.
Pok Leh claimed that he could get marriage certificates from Songkhla because of his close ties with some religious officers there.
“The process is the same as that in Thailand,” said Pok Leh.
“After obtaining the marriage certificates, the couples should go back to their respective state religious offices to register their marriage. They must say that they got married in Thailand, not Setiu.
“Normally they will be fined but there will be no problem in registering their marriage.”
--- KatoeyNewsNetwork
07-06-2006, 11:15 PM
Report from The STAR dated Wednesday 7 June 2006 :-
RM400m to curb crime in Johor
JOHOR BARU: The state government has announced that it will be spending almost RM400mil on measures to curb crime in the state.
These include the installation of more close circuit televisions (CCTV) and increasing the number of police patrol cars.
The police force will also be beefed up to lower the current ratio of one police personnel to 1,800 residents.
“We have a rather unusual ratio as the international ratio is 1:250,” said Mentri Besar Datuk Abdul Ghani Othman.
He was speaking to reporters after a two-hour meeting with Dep-uty Inspector-General of Police Datuk Seri Musa Hassan and Johor Baru City Council mayor Datuk Abdul Latiff Yusof.
Abdul Ghani said he hoped some of the manpower from the increase in police personnel under the Ninth Malaysia Plan would be channelled towards the state.
“We will concentrate on fortifying three main zones, including the southern, central and eastern part of Johor,” he said.
Plans are underway to add ICT- based facilities and equipment to assist the police force particularly in connecting policemen to their command control centre.
Besides that, he said the state would also concentrate on eradicating crime syndicates before they could grow.
“We need more proactive measures now to deal with the syndicates,” he said.
Abdul Ghani said that it was also possible that auxiliary policemen would be deployed if necessary to raise the level of safety.
“We encourage members of the public, particularly in the private sector, to work closely with the police in fighting crime,” he said adding that businessmen could install CCTV and police posts on their premises.
Abdul Ghani said that at the moment the state government was in the process of doing the design and planning and the implementation of the plans would begin by the end of the year.
--- KatoeyNewsNetwork
08-06-2006, 01:42 PM
Report from The STAR dated Thursday 8 June 2006 :-
Dr M slams Pak Lah
PUTRAJAYA: Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad levelled his strongest criticism yet against Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi, accusing the Prime Minister of dismantling many of his policies and projects.
The former Prime Minister, who retired in 2003, said Abdullah had not been his first choice as successor but second after current Deputy Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak.
Dr Mahathir said he was hurt by allegations that he “finished all the Government's money, and that the Government was bankrupt” because of mega-infrastructure projects that marked his 22 years in power.
Dr Mahathir said Najib received the highest votes but he decided to choose Abdullah anyway. However, Dr Mahathir did not elaborate.
He said this at a press conference with local and foreign journalists, which lasted more than an hour, at the Perdana Leadership Foundation yesterday. The media was invited there to cover a briefing on the upcoming Perdana Global Peace Forum to be held in Kuala Lumpur later this month.
The former Prime Minister said the Government was “out of my control”, and he did not know if things would be any different if he had picked someone else as successor.
“I expect a reasonable degree of gratefulness, but instead I was told that I have indulged in mega projects and finished the country’s money,” he said, adding that he had made many mistakes in his life, such as helping many people only to have them stab him in the back.
Asked if Abdullah had stabbed him in the back, Dr Mahathir replied: “Minor bruises.”
He added: “I have a habit of choosing the wrong people, perhaps. But the present Government can still do a good job; the means are there.
“But if they come under the influence of people with other agendas, it cannot be helped.”
When asked who were the influential people with other agendas, he declined further commenting, stating that the media was already in the know.
Dr Mahathir said he was not interfering with the Government of the day, and it was not his plan when he decided to step down as Prime Minister.
“When I decided to step down, I planned not to interfere with the Government of the day,” he said.
“There were certain things that were promised by the incoming government but it not only did not do things as promised but reversed many decisions made (by the former Government) when he (Abdullah) was still in the Government.
“I thought this would be carried out during his period in power but new things cropped up and promises were not kept.”
Dr Mahathir said he had not broken any promises after making public his undertakings.
He said he was not campaigning within Umno to unseat Abdullah as “I am not capable of doing that” and “I cannot have him removed”.
“I am not going about campaigning, (but) I would be failing in my duty as an ordinary citizen, as an ex-PM, if I did not direct my attention to issues affecting national interests,” he said.
“I cannot remove the present leadership, I will support the Prime Minister, but I will voice out my opinion if I see something wrong.”
Dr Mahathir said he would continue to stick his neck out to be chopped by opposing decisions made by the Government, as he had done in the past.
Asked to comment on PAS’ suggestion that he be an Opposition Leader, Dr Mahathir said he did not want to have anything to do with PAS as he believed it was not an Islamic party but a deviationist.
“What PAS proposed to do is not practical for the country. Of course, they think they can make use of me, (but) I will not be made use of by anyone,” he said.
“Even when I was thrown out of Umno, I was not disloyal. I never wanted to have anything to do with the opposition, not for emotional reasons, but simply because I don’t think they have anything to offer the country.”
He also said he would not be forming another party and that he was happy being a retired man.
On being Proton advisor, Dr Mahathir said he valued the appointment and that he would not quit, but added that he could be removed if the Government felt he was an obstruction or nuisance.
--- KatoeyNewsNetwork
08-06-2006, 01:51 PM
Report from The New Straits Times dated Thursday 8 June 2006 :-
Dr M hits out again: There won’t be a confrontation
PUTRAJAYA: He has been unhappy for some time now. A whisper here. A barbed comment there. And sharp remarks sprinkled here and there.
But yesterday, Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad dropped all pretence and laid bare his anger towards his successor, Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi.
All decorum was tossed aside as he accused Abdullah of betraying his trust by reversing many of his decisions, going so far as to imply that he had picked the wrong person to lead Malaysia.
"It is, unfortunately, a common trait for me," Dr Mahathir told reporters he had invited to the Perdana Leadership Institute.
"I make a habit of choosing the wrong people perhaps... I chose him and I expected a certain degree of gratitude."
The Government has not publicly accused Mahathir of excessive spending, and ministers and other politicians reacted with surprise to the personal nature of yesterday’s attack.
Deputy Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak, who is on a working visit to India, said that Abdullah should not be burdened with this attack as all decisions in the Cabinet were made collectively.
Sabah Chief Minister Datuk Seri Musa Aman was moved to declare that the State Government and Sabah Umno were fully in support of Abdullah. This decision was reached after the state Umno liaison met yesterday.
Most had held their tongues until now, because Abdullah had repeatedly reminded Cabinet ministers and other politicians to remember Dr Mahathir’s great service to the country.
Foreign Minister Datuk Seri Syed Hamid Albar said yesterday that Abdullah has not said anything negative about his predecessor. "Not once have I heard him do so," he said.
Reporters rushed to the World Islamic Economic forum last night hoping for some choice soundbites from Abdullah. He disappointed them and Dr Mahathir — it is not in his nature to get personal.
When Abdullah does speak in the days ahead, his words will not likely be steeped in venom. He knows some people on the sidelines want a confrontation, but he also knows that is not what 25 million Malaysians want or need right now.
Too many years in the past three decades have been spent in fighting mode, turning friends into foes and distracting the country from its goal of becoming a developed country by 2020.
Too many years have been wasted trying to paper over fissures in the ruling party.
Abdullah is not willing to go down that path again. Whatever the provocation. That is why even after being told that he headed a "half-past-six" administration, and after being chided in public for not going ahead with the bridge to replace the Causeway, Abdullah was happy to meet Dr Mahathir in +++yo recently.
There was no shortage of provocative remarks in Dr Mahathir’s interview. Here is a snapshot of what he said:
* Dr Mahathir complained that the new Government had cancelled several major projects initiated during his two decades in power, despite assurances they would be carried out after he left office.
"I was not the one to first break the promise, the undertaking given. I made my undertaking publicly, the leader of the new Government did not. But the fact is that promises were made on both sides," he said.
He is also upset that the pace of development of Putrajaya has slowed; peeved that the Johor bridge project has been scrapped; and angered that the National Automotive Policy has put Proton at a disadvantage.
Agriculture and Agro-based Industries Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin noted that all decisions reached by the Abdullah administration were collective decisions of the Cabinet. He noted that many ministers had also served under Dr Mahathir.
"Maybe what is decided by Pak Lah is not the same as what was decided in Tun’s time, but decisions are based on current needs," Muhyiddin said.
* Dr Mahathir said he disagreed that the Government has no more money for big projects: "I know full well that the Government has never been richer."
"To say the Government has no money because the previous PM spent all the money is not supported by facts," Dr Mahathir said. "My contention is that the Government has plenty of money."
Datuk Seri Nazri Aziz remarked that no one had said the Government is penniless. "That is just coffeeshop talk. But it is widely known that we finished our allocation for the Eighth Malaysia Plan two years ago," he said.
* Dr Mahathir did not openly say that he regretted choosing Abdullah to succeed him instead of current Deputy Prime Minister Najib Razak, but he claimed Najib had obtained more votes in Umno to inherit the party leadership, and by extension that of the Government. This is an interesting nugget of information, but not without precedent.
After his falling-out with Tun Musa Hitam in 1986, Dr Mahathir picked Tun Ghafar Baba as his deputy, although Abdullah was a more senior vice-president in Umno.
So what is provoking this no-holds- barred attack? Concern that his legacy is being undone? Concern that the country is on the wrong track? Or is it prompted by disappointment that the man he put in office has not turned out to be a yes-man?
"One cannot tell what a person will do when the person is out of your control," Dr Mahathir said yesterday. "I thought I had made the right choice."
So what’s his end game? Dr Mahathir said he would not work to topple his successor: "I am not capable of doing that."
But he did say he would continue watching the Government. So will the millions of Malaysians who gave Abdullah the biggest mandate in history at the 2004 general election.
--- KatoeyNewsNetwork
08-06-2006, 01:58 PM
Report from The New Straits Times dated Thursday 8 June 2006 :-
Q & A with Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad
Q: Can you describe your relationship with the present administration? It looks very fragile.
A: When I decided to step down, I gave an undertaking that I would not involve myself in politics and not interfere with the Government. On the other hand, of course, there were certain things the incoming Government promised to do but did not. In fact, the incoming Government reversed many of the decisions made while its leader was in the (previous) Government.
There were no objections and we agreed fully with all the proposals. And I would have thought that they would be carried out. I understand of course that new leaders want to have an impact and make their mark during their time in power. The times may change, but what was undertaken before would have to be carried out, and new things can be introduced. So the decision not to keep to promises was not mine.
Of course I made my undertaking publicly. The leader of the new Government did not, but the fact is that promises were made on both sides. So if I have to comment, I think I have the right to comment. At present I support the Government, but if they do what I consider to be wrong and nobody seems to be able to voice their opposition, then I will have to stick my neck out.
Sticking my neck out is very familiar to me. I’ve done it many times within the country and outside. So I will again stick my neck out for it to be chopped.
Q: Do you regret quitting?
A: No. One cannot tell exactly what a person will do after he is out of your control. So I thought I made a good choice. I wouldn’t know if, had I picked somebody else, these things would not have happened. They might very well have happened.
Q: Is this your biggest blunder?
A: I have made many blunders in my career. I helped many people up, only for them to stab me in the back. So it is a common trait for me. I’m in the habit of choosing the wrong people. But the present Government can do a good job if they want to. The means are there but if they come under the influence of people who have other agendas, then I can’t help.
Q: Who are you referring to?
A: It is up to the Press to know. You know more than I do.
Q: But during your time the media was controlled and constrained.
A: During my time the Press was quite free. I admit there were certain restrictions because we live in a multiracial society where there are a lot of sensitivities. So we tell them not to stir up racial hatred or we’ll take action against them. You must remember many newspapers printed in the country have not complained to me about being censored. Harakah and Rocket condemned me all the time; they break the law as distribution is for members only. I did not act on them as they did not stir racial hatred.
Q: Pak Lah backstabbed you?
A: Minor bruises, like saying I finished all their money when I know full well it has never been as rich as it is now. Having chosen him as my successor... in fact he was not the first choice, he was second, as he didn’t have the highest vote. Najib had. I chose him and I expect a degree of gratitude. But I was told that I had been involved in megaprojects and finished the money, and nobody has the money now.
Q: Are you engineering the early departure of the PM?
A: No, I’m not capable of that. When he does the right thing, I would have nothing to say or I would support him, but if he does the wrong thing and undermines national interest, then I will have my say.
Q: Are you trying to remove him?
A: I can’t have him removed. It is for his own party to remove him. For Umno to remove him. I’m not helping or going around campaigning and telling people to please remove this man. But I’m supportive of Umno, my party.
Q: Any confidence in the present management?
A:If he keeps on doing the wrong things, I cannot be confident so I’ll keep watching. But it must be something substantial before I pass my comments. Simple things people do, like getting contracts, I will not say anything.
Q: Malaysia has sold sand to Singapore before.
A: Yes, sand was sold to Singapore in small quantities and used for reclaiming areas that didn’t affect us. Once it did, we had to put a stop to it.
Q: Has corruption increased since you retired?
A: Some people think there is more now than before. I don’t have the statistics on corruption during my time or now.
Q: Is Putrajaya not developing since you retired?
A: Putrajaya was built largely on Petronas funds. Petronas made a profit of RM50 billion last year and RM80 billlion this year. Petronas has a lot of money. Petronas can build if you want them to. Of course, it is 100 per cent owned by the Government and pays taxes of RM53 billion. Considering their total income, their inland revenue tax is about RM55 billion. This year it made RM83 billion and spent RM13 billion to subsidise petrol prices for the public, and it still has about RM70 billion, of which it will pay tax of RM30 billion and still have RM40 billion.
Petronas belongs to the Government, so to say the previous Government spent all the money is not supported by the facts.
Q: People are complaining the economy is slower than before.
A: A lot of people are complaining that the economy is not moving at the same rate as before. But the figures show otherwise. So I’m glad for the people who say it is moving. We need to have a breakdown of figures to see if we are looking at the wrong indicators.
--- KatoeyNewsNetwork
08-06-2006, 02:02 PM
Report from The New Straits Times dated Thursday 8 June 2006 :-
I’ve been stabbed in the back, says Dr M
PUTRAJAYA: In his strongest criticism yet of the present Government, former Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad yesterday said he had been stabbed in the back by the very people he had appointed.
He also accused them of not only backtracking on their word, but also of having reversed many decisions made during his time.
Dr Mahathir said he had no qualms about "sticking his neck out for the chopping board" by criticising Prime Minister Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi and his administration if national interest was at risk.
Short of expressing regret in having chosen Abdullah as his successor, Dr Mahathir said he had made many blunders in his career by helping many up, only for them to stab him in the back.
He said this to reporters after announcing details of the upcoming Global Peace Forum organised by the Perdana Leadership Foundation.
The Press conference attracted a large turnout of journalists, including those from foreign wire services, who asked him many questions on current political issues.
To a question, he said Abdullah, whom he said he had chosen over Datuk Seri Najib Razak, had inflicted "minor bruises" on him when his (Abdullah’s) administration hinted that he had used up all the money when he was prime minister.
Dr Mahathir said this was said against him when it was known "very well the country has never been as rich as it was now. Having chosen him as my successor, when he was not the first choice, I’d expect a degree of gratefulness. So, it is a common trait for me. I’m in the habit of choosing the wrong people.
"But the present Government can do a good job if it wants to. The means are there, but if they come under the influence of people who have other agenda, then I cannot help."
Asked who it was he meant, Dr Mahathir said it was for the Press to know as they knew more than he did.
He said although he had given an undertaking to not involve himself in politics or interfere with the Government, the Government had backtracked on its promises to him.
"Decisions were made then and the leader in the incoming Government was part of it. There were no objections and we agreed fully with all the proposals. I would have thought that they would be carried out.
"I understand, of course, that new leaders want to make an impact and their mark during their period in power. Times may change, but what was undertaken before would have to be carried out and new things can be introduced," he said, adding that the present Government was first to break promises.
Dr Mahathir lashed out at claims that his administration caused the present one to go "bankrupt".
"I tolerated this for as much as possible, including the charge that I finished all of the Government’s money and that they couldn’t have any more projects.
"I would be failing my duty as an ordinary citizen and an ex-prime minister if I don’t direct attention to the wrong things being done."
He described as unacceptable the Government’s move to seek Singapore’s approval for what is done within the country’s territory, the abuse of Approved Permits and "selling something for only RM4 when it had been bought for RM500 million".
He went on to express regret that nobody seemed to be able to say anything on the matter.
Dr Mahathir said he could not have confidence in the Government when it kept making bad calls.
"When he does the right thing, I will say nothing or I’ll support him. But if he does the wrong things, I will have my say.
"At present, I support the Government. I’ll keep watching ... but it must be something substantial before I pass my comments. Simple things like people getting contracts, that I will not say anything."
On claims he was engineering an early departure of the Prime Minister, he said he was not capable of that and it was up to the ruling party to do so.
"I’m not helping or going around campaigning, telling people to remove this man. But I’m supportive of Umno, my party."
Dr Mahathir, who retired in 2003 after 22 years in power, also said that many thought corrupt practices were on the increase now compared with during his administration.
However, he said he did not have statistics on them.
He also reprimanded the Government for the regress in Putrajaya’s development saying the excuse of being penniless was used to discontinue concessions.
"That’s what they say to stop many projects. They have shelved the mosque and the monorail.
"My contention is the Government has lots of money and Putrajaya is built largely from Petronas funds," he said, pointing out that this year it made RM80 billion.
As the oil company was wholly owned by the Government, he said projects in Putrajaya could go ahead as planned if the Government wanted to, as Petronas’ revenue was indirectly theirs.
"So, to say the previous Government spent all the money, that is not supported by facts."
--- KatoeyNewsNetwork
08-06-2006, 02:58 PM
Report from The New Straits Times dated Thursday 8 June 2006 :-
Unhappy robbers rape wife of victim
PETALING JAYA: Three men, who abducted a salesman before robbing him, returned to the victim’s home later when they were not satisfied with the loot and raped his 24-year-old wife.
The salesman was earlier taken on a terror ride and forced to withdraw RM150 from an automated teller machine. Angry with the meagre sum, they tied him up and dumped him near a lake in Shah Alam.
They then returned to the victim’s unit at the Palm Springs condominium in Damansara where they attacked his wife, who was asleep.
The drama unfolded at 6.30am on Monday when the newly-wed salesman, 26, was about to leave for work. He saw three men trying to remove the tyres from his Proton Wira.
The suspects overpowered the salesman before snatching his keys and bundling him into his car. They drove to an ATM in Klang where he withdrew the money for them.
Not satisfied with the amount, they assaulted him before tying him up and leaving him at the lake.
Armed with the keys to his unit, the three robbers decided to ransack his home. They were not stopped for checks at the condominium guardhouse as they had the access card.
The robbers entered the unit and found the salesman’s wife asleep.
While one of them ransacked the unit, the other two took turns to rape the woman. The woman later told police she was raped at least twice by two of the suspects.
The suspects also took RM3,000, a mobile phone and the keys to the woman’s Perodua Kelisa before tying her up. They then drove both the cars out of the condominium compound without raising any suspicion among the guards.
Petaling Jaya deputy chief Superintendent Abdul Rahman Ibrahim said the salesman freed himself several hours later and sought help from police in Shah Alam.
"His wife lodged a separate report at the Damansara police station. She was then sent to the University Malaya Medical Centre for an examination," he said.
Abdul Rahman said the suspects were in their 30s.
"We are trying to ascertain how they got the access card into the place. When they initially arrived at 6.30am, they had the access card with them.
"The card could have been stolen from other residents or they could have had inside help."
He added that police would be questioning the security guards, some of whom were foreigners.
--- KatoeyNewsNetwork
08-06-2006, 03:02 PM
Report from The New Straits Times dated Thursday 8 June 2006 :-
Johor MB: Cargo hub project proceeding smoothly
JOHOR BARU: Plans to build a cargo hub by the Senai Airport Terminal Services Sdn Bhd (SATS) are progressing smoothly, says Menteri Besar Datuk Abdul Ghani Othman.
He skirted questions about a reported dispute between SATS and the land owner, Lee Rubber Co.
He reiterated that the project would bring long-term benefits to the State and complement plans to transform south Johor into an economic growth area.
The project involves the acquisition of 1,600ha from Lee Rubber.
The land parcel is sandwiched between Senai Airport, Port of Tanjung Pelepas and Universiti Teknologi Malaysia.
"Senai’s strategic location can bring rapid growth to the state’s economy and the land acquisition will speed up the process," he said yesterday.
The major shareholder of Lee Rubber is the family of the late Singaporean tycoon and philanthropist, Lee Kong Chian.
The New Straits Times reported on Tuesday that the project had been held up by a price-offer dispute and the size of land needed.
An English financial weekly also reported that the issue boiled over when SATS placed a deposit of RM190 million with the Johor Land Department for the compulsory acquisition of the land.
It is learnt that Lee Rubber was willing to give up a substantial portion of land for the hub but had sought a guarantee that it would not be used for residential and commercial development.
--- KatoeyNewsNetwork
08-06-2006, 03:08 PM
Report from The New Straits Times dated Thursday 8 June 2006 :-
JB family thrives on success of ‘pisang goreng’
JOHOR BARU: The way Mohd Syukri Zulkafli buys bananas, one would think he is in the retail fruit trade.
In fact, the 150kg of fruit that the 25-year-old buys daily ends up as pisang goreng (banana fritters) at what may be the most popular stall in town.
The pisang goreng at Syukri’s stall in Stulang Laut here are usually sold out by the end of the day.
Syukri’s customers range from ordinary folk to Johor royalty.
Even Singaporeans make a beeline for his stall when in town.
His is not newfound fame: Syukri’s family has been running the business for the past 30 years with similar success.
His grandmother started a stall at the Old Market on Jalan Trus here. She moved to the current location 17 years ago.
"As the market was demolished to make way for development, my grandmother moved here," Syukri said.
His father, Zulkalfi Jaafar, took over the business some time after that. The stall changed hands to the third generation of owners in recent years.
Apart from pisang goreng, the stall also sells up to 15 other types of fritters.
They cost between 20 sen and 50 sen a piece, with customers spending from RM5 to RM100 in a single purchase.
Syukri’s daily preparations for business start as early as 8am as the stall is opened at noon.
Akiko Foo, 58, a regular customer, discovered the stall 10 years ago.
"I was curious and went to look as I saw people buying pack after pack of pisang goreng. Since then,I have not stopped patronising the stall."
Businessman Goh, 62, has been going to the stall for more than 10 years "as it sells the best pisang goreng in town".
"When I first visited the stall, Syukri was only a little boy. Now he has taken over the business and is still able to maintain the quality," he said.
--- KatoeyNewsNetwork
Ah Dez
08-06-2006, 03:23 PM
Report from The STAR dated Tuesday 6 June 2006 :-
18-year-old girl conned into having sex to help lover
KUALA PILAH: An 18-year-old girl slept with a bogus medium so that he could transfer “powers” that could cure her boyfriend of his sexual problems.
The girl sought the help of the medium, who is in mid-30s, after her 20-year-old lover developed erectile dysfunction.
The medium convinced the victim that the only way to cure her boyfriend was by transferring his “power” to her through sex.
The girl had sex with the medium on several occasions but when her boyfriend's condition failed to improve, she told him about what she had done. The couple lodged a police report yesterday.
Deputy OCPD Deputy Supt Mohad Isa Hussin said a suspect had been detained.
--- KatoeyNewsNetwork
pop too many pills... till she go haywire..
08-06-2006, 03:25 PM
Report from The STAR dated Thursday 8 June 2006 :-
New hotline for tourists : 1300-88-5050
KUALA LUMPUR: A new tourism information hotline has been launched to cater for the influx of tourists during Visit Malaysia Year 2007.
Tourism Minister Datuk Seri Tengku Adnan Tengku Mansor said the new infoline, 1300- 88-5050, would replace the existing 1300-88-5776.
“The new infoline starts operating today but the old one will still be operational until Dec 31,” he said.
He said the new infoline would connect the caller to the nearest tourism call centre at a Tourism Malaysia office or Tourism Information Centre.
“The new infoline has 21 call centres but the old one only connects the caller to four call centres in Kuala Lumpur – at the Putra World Trade Centre (PWTC), KL International Airport, Malaysia Tourism Centre and KL Sentral.
“The infoline will provide as much information as possible to foreign tourists, and our front liners are all well-trained,” Tengku Adnan said after launching the new infoline at the PWTC here yesterday.
He said the call centres operated from 11 Tourism Malaysia offices and 12 Tourism Information Centres.
“To commemorate the 50th anniversary of the country's independence next year, we have chosen 5050 as the last four digits of the infoline.”
Tengku Adnan also said the ministry would hire multi-lingual operators during peak holiday seasons to cater to non-English speaking tourists.
He said the call centres would operate from 8am to midnight, adding all calls would be diverted to a mobile line after midnight.
“One officer will be on duty answering calls after midnight.”
On another matter, Tengku Adnan said the ministry would soon launch its own real-time statistics on tourists arrivals, as it was getting the data directly from the Immigration Department now.
--- KatoeyNewsNetwork
12-06-2006, 12:19 PM
Report from The STAR dated Sunday 11 June 2006 :-
Brother of raped schoolgirl gets help to bash up suspects
JOHOR BARU: Hell broke loose when a brother found out that his sister was gang-raped.
He rounded up some friends and went to the house where the young men who allegedly brutalised his kid sister stayed and assaulted three of them.
After beating them up, the brother and his friends took the alleged culprits – aged 18, 20 and 23 – to the police station, where they were remanded for questioning.
The police are looking for two other suspects to help in the investigation of the rape several days ago.
For the Form Two victim, it had started as a fun outing with friends.
First, they went to see a movie and then the three girls took up an offer by a friend to watch VCDs at his house in Kampung Pandan in Tebrau on the outskirts of the city.
At the house, a group of other guys later turned up with tit-bits and drinks.
Hours later, the victim’s two girlfriends decided to head home while the student stayed on to watch more movies with at least five men in the house.
And then the teasing and molesting started, leading to the young girl being dragged into a room where the men took turns to rape her.
She was only allowed to return home the next day.
Her brother, suspecting something amiss when she did not come back home that night, questioned her about what had happened.
The victim, who was initially reluctant to reveal much, broke down and told her brother what had happened.
He then rushed her to a nearby clinic for a check-up.
Furious at what had happened to his sister, the brother called up several friends and went to the house where the rape was said to have taken place.
A fight ensued and the three suspected rapists were overpowered and handed over to police.
--- KatoeyNewsNetwork
14-06-2006, 11:16 AM
Report from The STAR dated Wednesday 14 June 2006 :-
‘Touch ’n Go’ girls Teenagers let young men fondle them for a fee
THERE is a new term in Sungai Petani – “Touch n' Go Girls” .
This is not because the girls, some of whom are as young as 12, work at tollbooths but because of the illicit services they offer.
A source from the Kuala Muda District Religious Office told Kosmo! that the girls would let men touch their breasts and private parts for a fee.
Because of this, the girls are known as “Touch n' Go Girls”.
The daily said the girls were runaways and their modus operandi was to hang out at a shopping mall in town to offer their services. Their clients are mostly young men who hang out at the mall.
The source also revealed that the religious authority was monitoring the girls' activities.
“Their behaviour is simply outrageous,” said the source.
--- KatoeyNewsNetwork
15-06-2006, 02:32 PM
Report from The New Straits Times dated Wednesday 15 June 2006 :-
37 foreign women held in anti-vice raid in Banday Sunway
PETALING JAYA: Police detained 37 foreign women believed to have been involved in vice activities at an entertainment outlet in Bandar Sunway yesterday.
The women were found entertaining clients in a pub and in several karaoke rooms of a three-storey shophouse during the midnight raid.
Some of the women, all in their 20s and with valid travel documents, were found in a room waiting for customers.
The shophouse was turned into an entertainment outlet with a pub operating on the first floor, a karaoke outlet on the second floor and a disco on the third floor.
A police spokesman said 16 of the women were from Vietnam and 14 from China, while the others were from Thailand (5) and Cambodia (2).
He said police also detained a man, believed to be the operator of the disco, and a woman, who is believed to have been arranging customers for the foreign women.
"Initial checks revealed that action had been taken against the operator seven times previously for running vice activities."
--- KatoeyNewsNetwork
16-06-2006, 01:32 PM
Report from The New Straits Times dated Friday 16 June 2006 :-
Johor's new top cop pledges to keep JB safe
JOHOR BARU: Newly appointed state police chief, Deputy Commissioner Datuk Hussin Ismail, has an important agenda.
Making his return to Johor, Husin, who was the deputy police chief in Batu Pahat from 1984 to 1989 before his promotion to police chief in Terengganu, has pledged to keep the city safe.
"I will work closely with the media and non-governmental organisations to maintain the standard set by the former police chief," Hussin said at a Press conference after the swearing-in ceremony yesterday.
He takes over from Datuk Amir Sulaiman, who has been promoted to the rank of commissioner and is the new Bukit Aman director of management.
"There are no borders in the fight against crime. I may no longer be in Johor, but I will continue to work with Hussin to keep the state safe for locals and visitors," said Amir, who served in Johor for two years.
He replaced Commissioner Datuk Kamaruddin Md Ali who just retired.
The swearing-in ceremony was witnessed by Criminal Investigations Department director Datuk Mohd Fauzi Sha’ari, who represented the Inspector-General of Police Tan Sri Mohd Bakri Omar.
--- KatoeyNewsNetwork
17-06-2006, 01:37 PM
Report from The New Straits Times dated saturday 17 June 2006 :-
Rapist seen on CCTV stalking stewardess
PETALING JAYA: The rapist who abducted a stewardess from a shopping centre’s basement car park in Damansara on Tuesday was captured on close-circuit television camera stalking the victim before pouncing on her.
He was seen hiding behind a pillar where the stewardess parked her car and waited for five minutes until the 24-year-old victim returned.
Footages then showed the suspect pushing the woman into the car and taking over the wheel. They were in the car for about 10 minutes before they left the car park, with the rapist driving.
The rapist drove around the car park for several minutes searching for an un-manned exit. Finding one, he drove through, shielding his face with a baseball cap from a CCTV at the exit.
The stewardess was spotted seated at the front passenger seat and her face was turned away from the rapist. Her hands were behind her back but it is not known if they were bound.
Sources told the New Straits Times that the suspect, described as fair-skinned and stocky, was wearing beige pants, blue shirt and a white baseball cap.
He was first seen walking down the staircase from the ground floor of the shopping complex to the basement car park.
For several minutes he loitered in the car park, shielding his face from the CCTVs. Footages then showed the stewardess driving into the car park. She parked next to a pillar.
After she left her car, the rapist was seen walking towards the car. He then hid behind the pillar and waited for her.
The 30-minute recording from at least four CCTVs placed at various locations in the car park, was seized by police to facilitate investigations.
Police are tight-lipped over the matter but it is learnt they have several leads on the suspect.
The rapist had allegedly demanded money from the stewardess, who only had RM50 on her. He then demanded the PIN number of her ATM card but she could not remember it as she was overcome by fear.
Frustrated and not satisfied with his loot, the man drove the stewardess to a park near the shopping centre and ripped off her clothes and raped her in the back seat.
He then drove to a secluded area and raped her again despite her pleas to be released.
The man left the stewardess in her car where she stayed for an hour before she drove home and related her ordeal to her husband.
It is learnt that the stewardess had given birth six months ago and was at the shopping centre to buy milk for the baby. Her husband is also said to be a steward and both are in the same local airline.
Checks by New Straits Times at the basement car park showed the spot, where the stewardess parked her car, was not far from a security booth, where one guard was stationed. However, the view from the security booth was obstructed by several pillars.
It is learnt there were six guards on duty at the centre on the night of the incident. But they were patrolling other levels of the four-storey shopping complex. None were at the basement car park at the time of the incident.
A manhunt has been mounted and witnesses are urged to contact the Petaling Jaya district police headquarters at 03-7956-2222.
--- KatoeyNewsNetwork
21-06-2006, 11:06 AM
Report from The New Straits Times dated Wednesday 21 June 2006 :-
Surprised by our more 'active' women
KUALA LUMPUR : "Sex is like a curry puff. You have all these little things that make it up," says urologist Dr Peter Ng, adding that it is a crucial element of a good marriage or relationship.
On the whole, both Malaysian men and women are happy with their sex lives.
According to the findings of the Global Better Sex Survey (GBSS), Malaysian women are the most sexually satisfied in the Asia-pacific region, while our men come in second after Singapore, and fourth after Indonesia, Australia and Singapore when asked whether they were "very satisfied".
What surprised Dr Ng, who was explaining the results of the survey commissioned by Pfizer Inc, is that Malaysian women do it more often than men.
"Malaysia is the only place in the world where women are having more sex. Men always outnumber women in frequency. It must be some sort of biased sampling," Dr Ng said.
The survey polled 12,563 people aged 25 to 74 from 27 countries to gauge their level of sexual satisfaction and gain an insight into people’s sexual needs and aspirations. There were 253 respondents from Malaysia.
Another surprise for Dr Ng was the fact that "older men, especially those above 40, seem to be having more sex than younger men" and added that "we must question that result. We also must take a look at the statistics on Malaysia because it says that 51 per cent of men, when they were asked the question, had not had sex in the past four weeks."
Both men and women are pretty much in agreement that the pleasuring should be mutual, with 64 per cent of Malaysian men thinking that it is important to satisfy their partner, and 66 per cent of women.
Malaysian men also seem to be quite generous, 52 per cent said it is their responsibility to satisfy their partners, and 50 per cent of women agreed.
Women give their men better marks for performance than they give themselves. Thirty-five per cent of men thought their ability to perform would decline as they age, but only 24 per cent of women thought it did. Forty-two per cent of the men give themselves good marks for learning with experience, though, but an equal number think experience doesn’t matter.
"The best sex occurs when couples are in communication and are emotionally connected, but the GBSS also shows that physical factors are important," concluded Dr Ng.
--- KatoeyNewsNetwork
21-06-2006, 11:15 AM
Report from The STAR dated Wednesday 21 June 2006 :-
Insurance cover for AirAsia passengers
KUALA LUMPUR: AirAsia, the leading and largest low-fare airline in Asia, has partnered with AIG South East Asia Pte Ltd to become the first low-fare airline in Asia to offer a web-integrated travel protection sales platform.
AirAsia GoInsure Travel Protection offers affordable premiums from as low as RM6 for a domestic one-way flight to RM18 for an international return trip.
It is insured by America Home Assurance Company Malaysia (AHA). AHA is a member company of the American International Group Inc (AIG), a world leader in insurance and financial products.
Depending on the type of protection plan purchased, GoInsure Travel Protection will provide coverage for among others trip cancellation, 24-hour personal accident, emergency medical evacuation and flight delays.
According to AirAsia, following a soft launch in April more than 80,000 passengers had taken up the policy.
Currently, the plan is only available to AirAsia customers departing from Malaysia. GoInsure Travel Protection is available online at
--- KatoeyNewsNetwork
21-06-2006, 11:21 AM
Report from The STAR dated Wednesday 21 June 2006 :-
Theme park venture in Johor Bahru on UEM World list
KUALA LUMPUR: UEM World Bhd is in talks with “at least four” theme park operators on the development of its leisure and entertainment zone in Bandar Nusajaya, Johor.
Managing director and chief executive officer Datuk Ahmad Pardas Senin said although discussions were still at the exploratory level, there was a general acceptance that Bandar Nusajaya was an excellent location for the operators.
“We are talking to more than four parties, including the big one that we are being speculated with (Disney).
“It will take some time (for the talks to concluded) because we have to talk from the commercial and financial standpoints,” he told reporters after the company AGM yesterday.
Asked if UEM World was in talks with Disney +++yo or the parent company, Ahmad Pardas said there were talks at various levels.
“You start by talking with the party closest to you and then move to the epicentre,” he added.
He said it was hard to forecast how long the talks would last because it involved more than two parties.
“We have started to create interest and they are looking at the region seriously,” he said.
Bandar Nusajaya was taking shape compared with two years ago, he said, adding that the township would site the Johor government's new administrative centre, a medical city, and an education hub.
--- KatoeyNewsNetwork
22-06-2006, 04:47 PM
Report from The New Straits Times dated Thursday 22 June 2006 :-
At the Johor State Assembly yesterday: 'Reinstate Senai as a MAS hub'
JOHOR is seeking an urgent meeting with Transport Minister Datuk Seri Chan Kong Choy to reinstate Senai Airport as a major hub for Malaysia Airlines.
State executive councillor Tan Kok Hong said Menteri Besar Datuk Abdul Ghani Othman had been scheduled to meet Chan on May 18, but the meeting was postponed.
Tan assured the House that concerted efforts were being made to reschedule the meeting soon to convince the ministry to recognise Senai Airport as a strategic national aviation hub.
It was announced in March that the Kuala Lumpur, Kuching and Kota Kinabalu international airports would be the only main MAS hubs for trunk routes.
Under the domestic route rationalisation exercise, MAS will operate 19 trunk routes, while AirAsia has been entrusted with 96 low-cost operations.
Tan said MAS handled 285,566 passengers last year at Senai Airport, while Air Asia flew 75,039 passengers during the same period.
He said the traffic was especially high on the JB-Kuching sector, which recorded a 42.8 per cent increase during the first four months of this year, with 69,717 passengers compared with only 48,930 during the corresponding period last year.
AirAsia recorded a 22.6 per cent increase on this route, with 28,940 passengers between January and April compared with 23,669 passengers during the same period last year.
Tan said the cancellation of MAS’ services to Kuching and Kota Kinabalu from Johor Baru had deprived consumers of a choice, as many corporate passengers preferred the national carrier instead of Air-Asia.
He said the termination of MAS flights had adversely affected other sectors as well, including hospitality, food, transportation and entertainment.
"MAS flights should be reinstated as its customer base from Senai Airport stands at more than 75 per cent. The national carrier also handled more than 400 tonnes of cargo a month, with 65 per cent being imports and exports from Kuching and Kota Kinabalu."
He said for MAS not to serve Senai would negate the Federal Government’s intentions to develop Senai as an integral part of a southern regional logistics hub.
On foreign investment, Tan said Johor received RM5.8 billion in foreign direct investments last year, making it one of the most sought-after States in the country.
State executive councillor Freddie Long said Johor would position itself to receive the spillover of tourists from Singapore when the republic’s "integrated resorts" (casino) projects were fully operational.
The State would actively woo tourists from across the Causeway, he said.
"We will entice them with extended tours to Tanjung Piai, Taman Negara, islands off Mersing and Desaru," he said.
"We could also get tourists to stay in our five-star hotels, which have cheaper rates than those in Singapore due to the lower exchange rate."
--- KatoeyNewsNetwork
22-06-2006, 05:44 PM
Report from Business Times dated Thursday 22 June 2006 :-
Tune Hotels to open first no-frills lodging in fourth quarter
TUNE Hotels Sdn Bhd, a planned regional chain of no-frills hotel privately owned by a group of businessmen including AirAsia Bhd's chief executive officer (CEO) Datuk Tony Fernandes, will open its first lodging in Kuala Lumpur by the fourth quarter of this year.
Tune Hotels on Monday started calling for tenders from pre-qualified contractors for construction of its flagship 180-room no-frills hotel in the city.
This confirms a Business Times report in April this year which said that the AirAsia CEO was to enter the budget hotel business.
"By 2010, Tune Hotels will establish a no-frills hotel in every major city and resort destination in Peninsular and East Malaysia," the tender notice added.
It is believed that the first hotel, to be located in the city centre, involves the takeover of an existing operational hotel and expanding the number of rooms.
The hotel openings are in Fernandes' personal capacity to synergise with low-cost carrier AirAsia's airline business.
The hotels will be called Tune, after AirAsia's holding company, Tune Air.
Business Times reported that a chain of 60 and 70 budget hotels is being planned, starting first in Malaysia before expanding across the region later.
Each hotel will have between 100 and 250 rooms, depending on the location and with room rates ranging between RM50 and RM100.
Tune Hotels is expected to either purchase or lease existing hotels and remodel them, or build completely new ones, as part of its plans to eventually have hotels in all AirAsia destinations.
The region's most successful low-cost carrier's domestic destinations include Penang, Langkawi, Kuching and Kota Kinabalu.
Within the region, the airline flies to cities such as Phnom Penh, Bali, Phuket and Manila.
Fernandes was unreachable for comment.
--- KatoeyNewsNetwork
23-06-2006, 03:10 PM
Report from The STAR dated Friday 23 June 2006 :-
Restricted passports can be used until 31 October 2006
Malaysian restricted passports can continue to be used for travel to Singapore until October 31, Home Affairs Minister Datuk Seri Mohd Radzi Sheikh Ahmad said Friday.
The Government had initially ruled that the validity of the passports would expire on July 1.
The impending deadline has seen demand for international passports increase sharply at the Johor Baru Immigration Department, as Malaysians, especially those working in Singapore, scramble to replace their restricted passports.
--- KatoeyNewsNetwork
24-06-2006, 03:32 PM
Report from The STAR dated Saturday 24 June 2006 :-
Smoother entry for 100,000 Malaysians
SINGAPORE: Malaysia and Singapore have resolved the long-standing problem over the use of passports by the 100,000 Malaysians who commute daily to the republic for work and other purposes.
Home Affairs Minister Datuk Seri Mohd Radzi Sheikh Ahmad said the Singaporean authorities had agreed to the following:
MALAYSIAN workers only need to show their international passport with their work permit or green card issued by Singapore when passing through the immigration checkpoint.
PASSPORTS will not be stamped by either Malaysian or Singaporean Immigration authorities.
SINGAPORE will continue to accept Malaysian restricted passports until Oct 31.
Mohd Radzi said the agreement was reached after his meeting with his Singaporean counterpart Wong Kan Seng here yesterday.
“With this ruling, the fear of passports running out of space is no longer there,” he told a press conference after the meeting.
As a result, the issue of Singapore recognising the MyKad as a travel document will no longer arise.
Mohd Radzi said the decision would also lighten the work of Johor Immigration Department officers because the number of passport applications would drop.
He said the officers had been processing an average of 1,200 applications daily when the capacity was only 750 per day.
“Many of the officers in Johor had been working late into the night to cope with the huge number of applications,” he said.
Asked about the status of Malaysians who commute to Singapore but do not hold work permits, like taxi drivers and students, Radzi said they could apply for a frequent traveller card issued by the republic.
“Their Immigration Automated Clearance System (IACS) card is a smart card which contains the holder’s fingerprint data,” he said, adding that students and taxi drivers could easily enter Singapore by placing their thumbs on the biometric reader.
On the restricted passports, Mohd Radzi thanked the Singapore Government for agreeing to the extension.
“I want to remind Malaysians who are still holding the restricted passport not to wait till the last minute to apply for an international passport,” he said.
The Immigration Department stopped issuing restricted passports from Jan 1 last year.
The response from a random selection of Malaysians to the move to extend the deadline for restricted passports was mixed.
While agreeing that it was helpful to the holders, many said they still expected crowds at the department as Malaysians would wait for the last minute to apply for passports.
“The mindset will not change. There will be a huge rush in about four months' time,” said R. Shaktivel, 39, who works as a senior project manager in Singapore.
Johor Baru-Singapore MBJB Taxi Owners and Drivers Association president Muhamad Najib @ Nagaji Abdul Rahman welcomed the announcement, saying that it was for the best.
Some 200 taxis ply the Causeway daily.
--- KatoeyNewsNetwork
26-06-2006, 11:44 AM
Report from The New Straits Times dated Saturday 24 June 2006 :-
Spectres the new tourist spectacle
KUALA LUMPUR : Spooks and spirits, haunted castles, legends of pontianak and jin. Who hasn’t experienced that chill down the spine over an evening of ghost stories?
The Tourism Ministry is looking to the other world to attract more visitors. It is planning to use Malaysia’s treasure trove of haunted buildings, ghostly tales and folk legends as a draw for Visit Malaysia Year next year.
Tourism Malaysia director-general Datuk Kamarudin Siaraf said paranormal tourism was "in" overseas but had yet to be explored here.
He cited Kellie's Castle in Perak as an example. Promoted these days as Malaysia’s version of the Taj Mahal, it was a fairy-tale mansion built by an eccentric Scotsman as a symbol of his love for his wife, and never completed.
"We never tell people the place is haunted by the spirits of Kellie’s family for fear we may scare tourists away.
"However, we have realised that people really are interested in ghosts and enjoy such tours. So the onus is on the tour operators to come up with an enthralling package."
Kamarudin said there were many places with interesting stories to tell. The ministry was aware that some of these historic places, many built by the British and used by the Japanese during the occupation of Malaya during World War Two, may be haunted.
A ghostly tour could easily take in the whole country, and all its other places of interest. Istana Menanti in Negri Sembilan, built around 1905, is believed to be haunted by the spirits of palace aides.
Students of the Malay College Kuala Kangsar often see the headless "Green Lady" when they go to the toilet at night. So often, in fact, that former students have written about the apparition of a Japanese woman brutally murdered in the building during the Japanese occupation.
Pulau Besar in Malacca is said to be haunted by the spirits of traders and missionaries from the Middle East buried there in the 1800s.
Kuala Lumpur has many spooky places, but one that stands out is Pudu Prison, where many notorious criminals, including Botak Chin, were hanged. There are stories of the apparition of an Indian man walking the prison corridors and disappearing in front of a particular cell.
Kamarudin advised tour operators to research the country’s history and folklore. Tourism Minister Datuk Seri Tengku Adnan Tengku Mansor said the "paranormal heritage" could be promoted the way the British promote their castles — livening up tours with tales of ghosts that inhabit them.
26-06-2006, 11:50 AM
Report from The New Straits Times dated Saturday 24 June 2006 :-
Chilling tales surround Kellie's Castle in Perak
BATU GAJAH : It was almost dusk and Kamazan Yeop was on his usual patrol of the sprawling Kellie’s Castle, making sure no tourist was left behind after it closed its doors at 6pm.
From the front hallway and into the courtyard, Kamazan (Pak Naman to the kampung folk), walked around the castle with a shotgun slung over his right shoulder.
As he walked past an angsana tree with overhanging leafy branches behind the castle, he heard a rustling sound. He stopped in his tracks and looked back. What he saw made his blood curdle. A white apparition with long black hair had appeared beside the tree and was making its way towards him. He muttered some Quranic verses, raised his shotgun, aimed and shot at the thing. Nothing happened. The phantasm simply glided by and floated away.
Pak Naman’s encounter with the vampire, or "langsui" as he calls it, is just one of many chilling tales surrounding Kellie’s Castle, the haunted mansion of William Kellie Smith, a Scottish planter who built the castle as an expression of love for his wife, Agnes, in 1915.
Smith had come to Malaya in 1890 and made his fortune in rubber and tin mining.
His grandiose plan to have the one and only castle in the small town of Batu Gajah never materialised, because Smith died in 1926 of pneumonia before the castle was completed.
His wife sold the estate to the Harrisons and Crosfield plantations concern, and it became part of the Kinta Kellas Estate.
With the passing of time and the end of colonial rule, the castle faded into obscurity.
Speaking at his home recently, Pak Naman, now 74, said the incident happened about nine years ago while he was employed as a security guard at the castle.
Pak Naman said he saw a second apparition at a surau near the castle several days later.
This time it was just a figure in white.
"I couldn’t see its face and it glided by me. But strangely enough at that time I didn’t feel afraid," he said.
Tajuddin Yaacob, director of Aqfast Enterprise, which manages the castle and operates tours, said the castle had acquired a reputation for being haunted because it had not been completed and had been left in ruins for many years.
"Supernatural beings are often said to reside in such abandoned dwellings," Tajuddin said.
"I remember leading a group of tourists through the castle a few weeks ago, and suddenly one of them came up to me and said he felt someone pulling at his trousers."
28-06-2006, 08:25 AM
Girls be very careful. Guys, forward to your girlfriend.
Husbands, forward to your wife....!!! Indonesian gangs rapes any females - BEWARE !!!
These creatures that look like human called Indonesians are now raping 8
years old girl....!!! Please set up an alarm system in your house...!!! The money
is not worth saving....!!! It will be too late for all you know. These Indonesians would rape any females ranging from 1 year old to as old as 90 years old.
Police have mounted an inter-state manhunt for a notorious gang which robbed a couple before raping their eight-year-old daughter in their Kepong home on Monday. They believe the same gang is also behind Tuesday's incident where a 31-year-old housewife was gang raped by five men in front of her husband at a house in Kelana Jaya after relieving them off RM30,000 in cash and valuables. In the first incident on Monday, three knife-wielding men broke into house in Bukit Maluri, Kepong, at 2.30am and held up the family. The robbers, who entered from the back door, then threatened the couple and their three children before tying them and ransacking the house.
Several minutes later, two of the robbers took the couple's eldest daughter to a room and allegedly raped her. The gang then fled after 40 minutes with about RM5,000 in cash and valuables.
City police chief Deputy Comm Datuk Meor Chek Hussin Mahayuddin said police had also beefed-up patrols in the area. They are liaising with their counterparts in Negri Sembilan where the gang is believed to be also operating.
p/s. I suppose it serves as a warning to ppl working late...... esp gals...... don't work too late and be alone in shady places..... take care........
28-06-2006, 09:08 AM
Bro jbguy,
This piece of news is more than a year old. Anyway, it still adviseable to take caution
6" boy
28-06-2006, 09:50 AM
Bro jbguy,
This piece of news is more than a year old. Anyway, it still adviseable to take caution
This news may be more than a year ago but such inhuman acts by those foreign workers still happened rampantly. Economy is bad now and thats the only way for them to get fast cash before they go home. The act of rapping is unacceptable. Hope the authority will do something to tighten up the security.
05-07-2006, 04:36 PM
Report from The New Straits Times dated Wednesday 5 July 2006 :-
Bullet train to Singapore: From KL in 90 minutes - YTL proposes RM8 billion high-speed train link
KUALA LUMPUR : Imagine zipping in a bullet train from the KL Sentral station into the heart of Singapore in 90 minutes flat. That is something that will become a reality if tycoon Tan Sri Francis Yeoh’s plan to build and operate such a train service at a cost of up to RM8 billion takes off.
Yeoh told the New Straits Times that the Malaysian and Singapore Governments had been informed of the proposal by YTL Corp for the fast train service.
If approved, the project will become the largest to be launched on a private finance initiative (PFI) basis, as encouraged under the Ninth Malaysia Plan.
Construction will take three years but it could be two years before cross-border approvals and land acquisition are obtained.
Yeoh said that if the project is approved, YTL would go to the global capital market to raise the needed funds to finance it. Partners providing the rail and train technology for the project could be either Japanese, French or German operators of fast train services.
"Every single fund manager loves this project and a lot of consumers want it. The industries want it. It’s a no-brainer. It’s the perfect alternative to air and land transport between the two hubs and will integrate them," he said.
"This is not a dream and a project that can’t be done. It can be done if there is a will to do it. And I pray that there will be this will to do it," he said.
"It will help move the economy ahead. The country now needs the boost of fresh private sector investment and we can do that with projects like this."
Yeoh said the KL-Singapore fast rail link could be an extension of the Sentral-Kuala Lumpur International Airport train service that is currently operated by YTL majority-owned ExpressRail Link (ERL).
The ERL was built at a cheap cost of RM35 million per kilometre compared to other train projects in the developed world built at between RM120-RM150 million per kilometre. The ERL project received no government subsidies.
"We can extend the airport line to Singapore. We can also find ways for the rail link to pass through the newly developing southern Johor Corridor enroute to Singapore," he added.
Under the YTL proposal, a new standard gauge railway line would have to be built across the southern states to accommodate trains with wider wheels that can travel at a speed of up to 350km per hour.
The metre-gauge railway lines currently used by Keretapi Tanah Melayu (KTM) can only accommodate trains with a smaller wheel size and a maximum speed of 140 km per hour.
Yeoh said the timing was just right for the launch of the project now as the Malaysian Government was keen on it and the cost of land acquisition to build the rail connection was relatively cheap.
Land cost usually accounts for 70 per cent of the cost of such rail projects while the cost for the technology accounts for 30 per cent.
"It is the land value that is important. The land cost is still affordable now in Malaysia, unlike in Hong Kong, the US or Europe."
Yeoh said Singapore has also had a look at the project.
"I don’t think they will be that difficult. We have been chatting with them for quite a while now."
Yeoh said he was ready to accept Malaysia Airlines and Singapore Airlines as well as the airport operators of both cities as "cornerstone investors" in the project to ensure relevant entities from both sides had a stake in the project.
The direct rail link will provide commuters with an alternative to expensive air travel and the slower journey by car or bus.
--- KatoeyNewsNetwork
06-07-2006, 03:10 PM
Report from The STAR dated Thursday 6 July 2006 :-
Malaysians invited to apply for access card
SINGAPORE: Singapore has invited Malaysians who are frequent visitors to the republic to apply for its Immigration Automated Clearance System (IACS) access card.
The invitation was contained in a letter dated July 1, copies of which were placed at Immigration counters including the Woodlands checkpoint.
With the card, passports need not be stamped on each visit, said Singapore's Immigration and Checkpoints Authority (ICA).
Singapore initially set July 1 as the date to cease accepting the Malaysian Restricted Passport (MRP) for entry into the republic following Malaysia's announcement that the MRP would no longer be valid after Dec 31 this year.
After a discussion between Malaysian Home Affairs Minister Datuk Seri Mohd Radzi Sheikh Ahmad and Singapore Deputy Prime Minister Wong Kan Seng on June 23, Singapore agreed to extend the deadline to Oct 31.
From Nov 1, only the Malaysian international passport will be accepted.
As for Malaysian workers who commute daily between Singapore and Malaysia, both ministers agreed that their passports would not be stamped if they produce their Singapore work permits.
Frequent travellers using the IACS access card can enter or exit the checkpoints via automated lanes. The card is inserted into a reader and the right thumb scanned for verification
--- KatoeyNewsNetwork
13-07-2006, 06:05 PM
Report from The New Straits Times dated Thursday 13 July 2006 :-
Housewife an online DVD pirate
JOHOR BARU: A 41-year-old housewife thought she had found a foolproof way to get rich online.
After making a small fortune selling pirated DVD movies and games on an auction website last December, she decided to set up her own website in May.
For a while, it seemed that she had struck gold as orders poured in for the pirated DVDs priced at RM7 or RM8 each.
All she had to do was monitor the website to ensure that payments had been made before sending the pirated products to her clients by courier service.
Operating from the privacy of her home, she was confident she would never be caught and even offered her top 20 clients a loyalty reward programme.
On Monday, however, the housewife’s illicit operation was exposed when an enforcement team from the Domestic Trade and Consumer Affairs Ministry’s Internet Piracy Unit raided her house.
Led by enforcement officer Aswadi Jaafar, the team found 3,769 pirated DVD movies and games, envelopes, acknowledgement slips and a computer in the house in Bandar Seri Alam here.
The total value of the seizure is estimated at RM35,000.
The team had put the house under surveillance for weeks before raiding it at 3.15pm.
The ministry’s Johor branch chief enforcement officer, Fahmi Kasim, said apart from the woman, a 60-year-old man and a 12-year-old boy, believed to be her father and son, were in the house during the raid.
He said the suspect operated independently but was believed to have been supplied by a syndicate.
"We believe the suspect shifted her operation from the auction website to her own to avoid detection.
"She operated her business from her home, posted all orders from the Tampoi post office and opened her bank account in Taman Sentosa. All three locations are situated a distance away from each other."
The suspect had hundreds of regular customers in Johor and Singapore, and the biggest order she had received was worth RM900.
The suspect, who is under remand, is expected to be charged under the Copyright Act 1987. It carries a fine of not less than RM2,000 and not more than RM20,000, or a jail term not exceeding five years, or both.
Her website has also been shut down.
The raid was conducted with the co-operation of the Motion Picture Association.
--- KatoeyNewsNetwork
13-07-2006, 06:18 PM
Report from The STAR dated Thursday 13 July 2006 :-
Big draw for Bigfoot site
JOHOR BARU: A website dedicated to the Malaysian version of Bigfoot has created a buzz among enthusiasts of the enigmatic creature worldwide.
The site (, which has sketches of a ape-like beast and a hairy paw , has attracted some 16,000 hits.
Vincent Chow, a Johor branch member of the Malaysian Nature Society, one of the two persons who developed the website, said the sketches were authentic reproductions made from a picture taken of the creature.
"I have seen the image but the owner of the picture does not want it to be out yet.
"So I have only been able to draw a sketch of the creature," he said, adding that his partner Sean Ang, a palaoanthropologist (one who studies extinct members homo sapiens genus) was also convinced after seeing the pictures.
In the website, a sketch that was purportedly made from an actual picture captioned JH001: Joman (Johor Man) depicted a hairy paw with short fingernails.
Chow said that the picture would be shown when the time was right.
"We do not own it. The owner is worried that people may hunt this creature down or what could happen to it if captured," he said, adding that it was the only website in Johor dedicated for discussions and to promote awareness on Bigfoot
--- KatoeyNewsNetwork
17-07-2006, 12:52 PM
Report from The New Straits Times dated Monday 17 July 2006 :-
Rape of model at condo: Duo detained
PETALING JAYA: Two men were arrested on Thursday in connection with the rape of a 24-year-old model early last month.
The first suspect was nabbed in Petaling Jaya in the Proton Wira stolen from the victim’s boyfriend in Kota Damansara.
The second suspect was detained hours later at his home in Klang.
Petaling Jaya police chief Assistant Commissioner Mohd Hazam Abdul Halim said both men had been remanded until Wednesday. A third suspect is still at large.
Police are investigating whether the three men had used a stolen access card to enter the Palm Springs condominium complex or had inside help.
In the 6.30am incident on June 5, the victim’s boyfriend stumbled upon three men trying to remove the tyres from his car. The suspects overpowered the salesman, bundled him into his car, and drove him to an ATM in Klang.
Not satisfied with the RM150 he withdrew, they assaulted him and then drove back to the condominium where they ransacked the victim’s apartment and raped her.
--- KatoeyNewsNetwork
20-07-2006, 01:16 PM
Report from The New Straits Times dated Thursday 20 July 2006 :-
Sex lure at salons and eateries in Tumpat
TUMPAT: A number of beauty salons and restaurants here are enjoying brisk business.
However, it has nothing to do with the latest David Beckham hairdo or an exceptionally innovative menu.
Instead, customers are being offered call-girls who meet them at nearby budget hotels or at their homes.
It is believed the sex trade moved here early this year from the border town of Rantau Panjang in Pasir Mas following raids by religious and law enforcement authorities.
"Most of the people involved are Thais who moved their operations to Tumpat after the authorities disrupted their activities in Rantau Panjang. So we are now concentrating enforcement activities on the Tumpat district," State Local Government, Housing and Health Committee chairman Takiyuddin Hassan said.
Residents in the district became aware of the activities in at least 10 beauty salons and restaurants in a number of villages, including Kampung Jubakar and Kampung Bunuhan, when they spotted customers leaving the establishments with female workers.
A police source said the migration of sex workers began last year after the unrest in southern Thailand drastically reduced the number of Malaysians crossing the border for illicit sex.
District police chief Superintendent Nor Azizan Anan said police are monitoring the areas that are suspected of being fronts for the sex trade.
--- KatoeyNewsNetwork
20-07-2006, 01:26 PM
Report from Business Times dated Thursday 20 July 2006 :-
Jalur Mudra to build, run Johor monorail system
A COMPANY to build and run a planned monorail system for Johor Baru has been identified, and construction work could start as early as next year.
The Johor State Government has issued a Letter of Exclusivity to a RM10 million company called Jalur Mudra Sdn Bhd to fund, design, build and operate the system.
The Johor State Government will have a 30 per cent stake in the company through its education investment arm, the Yayasan Pelajaran Johor.
Phase 1 of the project may cost over RM1.3 billion, Johor Menteri Besar Datuk Abdul Ghani Othman said yesterday.
Jalur Mudra has appointed former Johor deputy state secretary Datuk Rashidi Mohd Noor as its chairman.
It is a special purpose vehicle set up exclusively to develop the project and among the first private finance initiatives to spearhead infrastructure works in the state.
No details of the company shareholders were immediately available.
Ghani said Jalur Mudra was the only one to make a firm bid for the Johor monorail project.
"The company is very upbeat about the viability of this project. Initial market feasibility findings show very strong demand for the service," he told reporters after the weekly state executive council meeting in Johor Baru.
It is learnt that the system will be fashioned after China's monorail network in Beijing based on the "maglev", or magnetic levitation technology - an advanced technology in which magnetic forces lift, propel and guide the trains over an elevated guideway.
Ghani will lead a high- powered state delegation to Beijing and Chengsha in China from July 23 to 27 to get a close look at the workings of the monorail system there.
Chengsa is China's test centre for the maglev monorail system, which comes directly under the purview of the National University of Defence Technology there.
It is learnt that Jalur Mudra will initially build a 13km-long track stretching from the Johor Baru city centre to the Majidee Camp near Pandan.
When fully developed over the next five years, the monorail will serve a 50km route covering all vital residential, business and recreational spots in the city.
Ghani said the monorail is an integral part of the state government's plans to enhance public amenities and services in Johor Baru, in line with the Federal Government's plans to position the city as one of the country's new growth corridors.
--- KatoeyNewsNetwork
22-07-2006, 05:20 PM
Report from The STAR dated Saturday 22 July 2006 :-
Never try to pee in beer bottle when drunk
A MAN, apparently drunk, was found with his penis stuck in a beer bottle at a bus station in Johor Baru, reported China Press.
The man, in his 50s, is said to have inserted his penis into the bottle to urinate.
A security guard spotted the half-naked man there at about 8.30am on Wednesday.
Fire and Rescue Department personnel, who arrived half an hour later, were at a loss over what to do and the man was sent immediately to the Sultanah Aminah Hospital.
However, upon entering the emergency ward, he asked to “go out for a while” and then fled the hospital.
It is learnt that the department is still trying to trace him.
--- KatoeyNewsNetwork
25-07-2006, 12:57 PM
Report from The STAR dated Tuesday 25 July 2006 :-
Danga Bay to spur south Johor growth
JOHOR BARU: Danga Bay Sdn Bhd (DBSB) expects real estate prices in Malaysia's premier integrated waterfront city project – Danga Bay – to rise significantly in the next few years. This will be buoyed by the RM12bil allocation to support development in the South Johor Economic Region under the Ninth Malaysia Plan (9MP).
Convinced of the project's commercial viability, DBSB and the Johor government's development arm, Kumpulan Prasarana Rakyat Johor, have invested a substantial amount in the bay and its surrounding areas.
DBSB is a privately held company in which Ekovest Bhd executive vice-chairman Datuk Lim Kang Hoo is a substantial shareholder and director.
Lim is also a director in Limbongan-Ekovest Management Sdn Bhd, the project manager of Danga Bay, in which Ekovest holds a 49% stake and the Johor government 51%.
Lim said since the 9MP announcement on the south Johor development, there had been a flood of foreign investors and established developers wanting a slice of the planned mega projects in the area.
“We are in talks with several world-class developers for some of the projects,” he told StarBiz.
Lim said Limbongan-Ekovest Management, as project manager appointed by the Johor government, would assist in the development of the mega projects. They will be mostly for consulting work related to design and construction.
“We hope to get about 8% to 10% of each project's gross development value for our consultancy work under Phase 1 which is centred mainly in the bay area,” he said.
The project management company welcomed international and established developers to bid for the mega projects, he added.
“We want Danga Bay to be internationally recognised and are prepared to work with the best developers in the world to make the bay a favoured destination for business and leisure.”
Lim said Phase 1 would have over 15 mega projects worth RM5bil to be completed within five to six years.
It will have a financial and commercial hub, hotels, and residential properties comprising apartments, condominiums, villas, water chalets and houses.
Lim said DBSB saw the potential of the bay six years ago and had kick-started much of the initial commercial and retailing developments seen today, which included several residential suites, a hotel and restaurants. It had also cleaned up the waterfront.
“DBSB has shown its commitment to the development of Danga Bay, which is why the Johor government has entrusted us, via Limbongan-Ekovest Management, to assist with future project developments,” he said.
Lim said Danga Bay, spread over 1,850 acres with about 25km of waterfront, was a perfect setting that could be turned into a commercial zone to rival Singapore's development across the Johor Straits and Tebrau Straits, and attract the island's residents to invest in the bay.
“Currently, we are looking at property projects valued at RM400 per sq ft in Danga Bay, which is still very cheap compared with property projects in Singapore,” said Lim, noting that property developments in Sentosa Island were now valued at S$1,007 per sq ft.
Lim said it could take a further 10 to 15 years to develop subsequent phases in the outer bay.
“The future development of these areas hinges on their potential commercial viability and investor interest,” he said.
On Ekovest's interest, Lim said besides projects in Johor, the infrastructure company had bid for projects in east and west Malaysia as well. However, he declined to elaborate.
On talk that other mega projects like the YTL group's proposal for a RM5bil bullet train project linking Kuala Lumpur and Singapore could further fuel the prospects of Danga Bay, Lim said: “It would be good for Johor and we hope it happens.”
--- KatoeyNewsNetwork
25-07-2006, 01:35 PM
Gwahahahaha .... so damn funny ... that guy who try to piss in the bottle ... I bet he is thinking otherwise ... got drunk and think that the hole is the pussy ... and trying to pleasure himself ... upon erection .. it got stuck .. if not how can he possibly get into the hole in the first place ...
Poor guy ... thinking that he might get "Cut" .... so he fled .... right thing to do ... in my own senses .... Hahaha ...
Next head line ... Johor most wanted bottle penis guy .... whoever spotted a man with a hugh bulk which look like a beer bottle in his pants .. please report to the police ...
25-07-2006, 02:21 PM
Gwahahahaha .... so damn funny ... that guy who try to piss in the bottle ... I bet he is thinking otherwise ... got drunk and think that the hole is the pussy ... and trying to pleasure himself ... upon erection .. it got stuck .. if not how can he possibly get into the hole in the first place ...
Next head line ... Johor most wanted bottle penis guy .... whoever spotted a man with a hugh bulk which look like a beer bottle in his pants .. please report to the police ...
Any reward offered for capturing the man ? :D
25-07-2006, 05:13 PM
Any reward offered for capturing the man ? :D
Free empty beer bottle ... maybe with some leftover cum or pee in it ... gwahahaha
26-07-2006, 10:41 AM
Free empty beer bottle ... maybe with some leftover cum or pee in it ... gwahahaha
You want me to pass the bottle to you ? :D
27-07-2006, 12:37 PM
Report from The STAR dated Thursday 27 July 2006 :-
Sex trade a lucrative business in Malaysia
KUALA LUMPUR: The lucrative sex trade is attracting not only local but also foreign women, some as young as 14 years old, with vice syndicates in the country raking in at least RM1mil daily.
Police findings have shown that these syndicates are operated by locals with international connections.
Women working for these syndicates are able to earn an average of RM100 per customer.
The younger and better looking sex workers are branching out on their own and are able to command three times or even more from their clients.
According to police, sex workers are coming to Malaysia from all over the world, with China, Indonesia, Thailand and the Philippines providing the largest numbers.
Other source countries include Russia, Uzbekistan and India while syndicates have started taking in more Vietnamese women following “current market demand”.
Given the situation, Bukit Aman's anti-vice, gaming and secret societies division has set up a special task force to crack down on these syndicates.
Division head Senior Asst Comm (II) Sidin Abdul Karim said the police needed public assistance now more than ever in their fight to wipe out vice syndicates.
The syndicates, he said, had created websites and placed advertisements in newspapers on the pretext of offering escort services and were sending sex workers to nightspots to pick up clients.
They had also moved on from just operating in hotels and budget motels, he added,
“It is getting harder to track them down as most are now working from apartments and condominiums and through door-to-door delivery to avoid detection.
“That’s why we need the public’s help. If people notice suspicious activities taking place in their housing area, they should contact us,” he said.
SAC Sidin said the women were smuggled into the country through various means, both legal and illegal.
In some cases, he said, they were brought in as maids and later referred to local pimps.
“The local pimps have connections with vice syndicates overseas, and their foreign counterparts will have also informed women coming to Malaysia to contact them for better jobs,” he added.
Sex workers are also known to have entered the country hidden in the baggage compartment on buses, which are seldom checked by Immigration officers. Others have used fake passports as well as student and tourist visas.
SAC Sidin urged the public to contact the Rakan COP hotline at 03-2115 9999, send an SMS to 32728 or go to the nearest police station if they had information on vice activities.
In their efforts to wipe out vice, police have smashed 428 vice syndicates operating nationwide since 2000 and rescued an average of one sex worker every other day since 2004.
Since 2000, police have arrested 30,107 sex workers of various nationalities in 84,359 raids nationwide, but the number of sex workers operating at any one time cannot be established as they are constantly on the move.
--- KatoeyNewsNetwork
27-07-2006, 12:40 PM
Report from The STAR dated Thursday 27 July 2006 :-
Cops: Prostitutes charging between RM200 and RM300
KUALA LUMPUR: Police claim foreign and local prostitutes charge between RM200 and RM300 per customer per session.
Police also found that most women had become willing sex workers, contrary to the commonly held notion that they had been forced into the flesh trade.
“They know that they can make more money on their own,” said Bukit Aman anti-vice, gaming and secret society division head Senior Asst Comm II Sidin Abdul Karim.
“They also know that it’s more difficult for police to trace them if they worked on their own.”
He said women who prostituted on their own often canvassed for customers at nightspots or discotheques.
“Most of these women work alone or in pairs,” he said.
According to police, there was also another category of sex workers who would work for syndicates for a few months before breaking away and plying the trade on their own.
He said, however, there were cases where pimps still tricked women into marrying them before forcing them into prostitution.
The foreign women are usually promised citizenship while locals, often from poor families, are forced to be sex workers.
SAC II Sidin said members of the public, non-governmental organisations or their own sources would tip off the police on the location of such victims.
“Our standard operating procedure is that we must first verify if the victims were genuinely confined by their pimps,” he added.
“We found that in some cases the victims were self-employed and simply wanted to return home after several months of work.”
SAC II Sidin said in some rescue missions, sex workers were found confined in houses and flats in poor conditions.
From 2004 until June this year, 365 sex workers had been rescued, with Indonesians being the highest number, at 150, followed by Chinese nationals (76) and Thais (74).
--- KatoeyNewsNetwork
31-07-2006, 04:56 PM
Report from The New Straits Times dated Sunday 30 July 2006 :-
Johor Hits It Big : Abdullah’s baby, a super corridor in south Johor
JOHOR BARU : The Prime Minister arrived here in a take-charge mood yesterday and made the biggest announcement the country has heard from him this year since the Ninth Malaysia Plan: Johor is the new growth engine for Malaysia. It will create a million new jobs over the next two decades.
Prime Minister Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi picked the southern State to lead the way as the first of four new power-corridors in the country, including Sabah and Sarawak.
They are aimed at magnetising billions of ringgit of global investment to sprout jobs and growth for the nation.
To kickstart this new engine, he said that foreigners were ready to invest RM15 billion in the new initiative, dubbed the South Johor Corridor (SJC). It will be a priority development by the Federal Government under the Ninth Malaysia Plan.
His announcement, made in an off-the-cuff speech at Senai Airport to a crushing crowd of 5,000 supporters, was greeted with thunderous applause.
"This is for the people of Johor. Let them hear it first from me. I want Johor to develop and prosper just like in the old days under rulers like Sultan Abu Bakar, who is the founder of modern Johor," declared Abdullah.
He said when fully developed, the super corridor could surpass Klang Valley as the nation’s number one growth destination and even give neighbouring Singapore a run for its money.
The Prime Minister will take personal charge of the project as the joint-chief of a new body expected to be created specially by Parliament, called the South Johor Authority. The other chairman of the authority will be Johor Menteri Besar Datuk Abdul Ghani Othman.
The proposed authority is aimed at giving focus and direction to the separate plans of private investors, which sources told the New Straits Times involves billions of dollars to be pumped into prime land stretching over 10,000 hectares, more than twice the size of Singapore.
Sources told the NST that Middle East investors are poised, together with Malaysian companies and private investors, to invest billions of US dollars in a wide range of breakthrough projects.
These include an education hub with state-of-the-art facilities supported by world-class brand name universities. Also on the cards is a medical centre of excellence, with top-end private hospitals and research facilities.
Tourism, already a big earner for Johor, is to get a bigger push with higher-end hotels to draw big-spending visitors.
In pushing for faster growth in Johor, Abdullah, who is also the Finance Minister, said the new super corridor would be developed the same way as Hong Kong and Shenzhen in China were, to emerge as special economic zones and the focus of investors.
The SJC’s sprawling physical presence will stretch from the Causeway to Gelang Patah, embracing Senai Airport and Johor’s two biggest ports.
Abdullah is confident the SJC can compete for business and investments from around the world with its strategic location and built-in advantages.
"Let me stress that this is my idea. It did not come from anyone else. It is my own vision and plan to create this super corridor in south Johor to make it the nation’s premier growth centre," he said.
__________________________________________________ _______________
New administrative capital by next August
JOHOR BARU : The South Johor Corridor will include:
• Nusajaya: The Johor Government’s new administrative capital, which is now under construction and is due for completion by August 2007.
Spread over 130ha and costing RM400 million, it will have a new legislative assembly complex and State Secretariat and enclaves for State and Federal Government offices;
• Danga Bay: An integrated waterfront city covering 809ha, which is being developed in phases over 15 years.
• Cybercity: This will be Johor’s version of the Multimedia Super Corridor with the creation of a Cyberport at the 30-storey Menara Sara- wak here. A cybercity will be built in Kulai;
• Logistic hub: The port of Tanjung Pelepas, Senai Airport and Johor port in Pasir Gudang will be synergised to provide air, sea and land/rail links to woo multinational corporations; and,
• Senai-Desaru Highway: This project will open up Johor’s southeast coast and spur development in Desaru, where Korean investors will spend RM2 billion building a resort.
--- KatoeyNewsNetwork
31-07-2006, 05:34 PM
hi y'all... howz everyone?
hopez u guys still bonking aight...
31-07-2006, 06:48 PM
hi y'all... howz everyone?
hopez u guys still bonking aight...
Hi Bro Zhivago!
How have you been doing? I thought that you have got fed up with our threads that are persistently filled with "mud-slinging" and "lightning zapping" and no FR's :o
01-08-2006, 08:13 AM
dun say that... Just came back from some hiccups in life...
Furthermore, no face in here coz have been tight to go bonking and giving FR.
how're u prof, u coming to JB rite??:D
01-08-2006, 12:30 PM
Report from The New Straits Times dated Tuesday 1 August 2006 :-
10 years to develop Johor corridor
JOHOR BARU : The eagerly awaited South Johor Corridor (SJC) will be fully developed within a decade.
The key components are expected to be in place in half that time, Menteri Besar Datuk Abdul Ghani Othman said.
In thanking Prime Minister Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi, who unveiled the plan for the 2,200- sq-kilometre SJC on Sunday, Ghani said the master plan would be ready within two months.
"It will ensure that there is no overlapping of facilities in line with our plan to turn the area into a new metropolis," he said at his official residence yesterday.
Abdullah had announced that southern Johor would be transformed into a new metropolis to become the nation’s, possibly even the region’s, latest growth centre.
Revealing the plan for the first time, Ghani said that the SJC would be a priority development by the Federal Government under the Ninth Malaysia Plan.
He had also said that the SJC would be developed in the same way as Hong Kong and Shenzen in China which had emerged to become special economic zones and the focus of investors.
Ghani gave the assurance that the State Government, with the co-operation of the Federal Government, would have no problems implementing the project.
"We have all the necessary assets in terms of land, strategic location and world-class infrastructure.
"Everything is in place for the formation of the logistics, manufacturing, educational, medical, financial, IT and tourism hubs."
Ghani said that as a first step towards realising the IT hub, the Prime Minister had accorded MSC status to the Johor Baru Cyberport.
The State Government had received an official letter on the matter last week.
Ghani pointed out that with the three international ports, railway system, Senai airport and highway linkages, the SJC would be within five to six hours of major economic centres in the region, including China, India and Indonesia.
He said investor interest in the SJC was highly encouraging, with the State Government receiving response from all over the world, including from educational institutions in Europe, the Middle East and Japan.
"I will be visiting Japan next month for talks on the setting up of a five-star hotel at Danga Bay and possibly a theme park."
Ghani said in anticipation of the SJC, the State Government was looking into ways to produce more skilled workers.
"On the security aspect, we have entered into an agreement with Bukit Aman to increase the manpower and facilities to meet the security needs of the new metropolis."
Ghani also dismissed speculation that the South Johor Authority (AJA), to be set up by an Act of Parliament to plan, monitor and implement the SJC’s development, would reduce the State’s control over the area.
"The AJA will serve as a one-stop centre to speed up the development work."
--- KatoeyNewsNetwork
01-08-2006, 12:37 PM
Report from The New Straits Times dated Tuesday 1 August 2006 :-
Taxi drivers in Penang to use fare meters from today
GEORGE TOWN: After a 10-year delay, taxi operations in the State is entering a new era today with the implementation of the fare meter.
With the implementation, passengers no longer have to worry about being overcharged.
Taxi drivers too should be happy as the fixed fare of RM3 for the first 1km and 10 sen for every subsequent 150m are higher than those allowed in other States.
Taxis in other States are only allowed to charge RM2 for the first 1km and 10 sen for every 150m thereafter.
Commercial Vehicle Licensing Board chairman Markiman Kobiran reminded all taxi drivers in the State to use meters or risk having their permits revoked.
He said the implementation of the new ruling had been put on hold for so long that it had to be implemented at whatever cost this time around for the benefit of all parties, including the taxi drivers themselves.
"I really hope the implementation of the new ruling will proceed smoothly," he said.
A total of 1,043 taxis operating on the island have been directed to have their meters recalibrated (according to the new fare structure) as well as to obtain approval from Puspakom.
The fare meter ruling was supposed to have been implemented in June 1995, but it was delayed due to various reasons given by the taxi operators.
Their action had resulted in the public refusing to use the taxis for fear of being overcharged. This subsequently contributed to the traffic congestion in the State.
Markiman said the board was willing to discuss with taxi drivers if they faced any problems following the implementation of the ruling.
What was important, he said, was for the drivers to change their attitude and abide by the ruling so that more people would be encouraged to use taxis.
He said the Entrepreneur and Co-operative Development Minister Datuk Mohamed Khaled Nordin was determined to see the new ruling implemented and would not tolerate excuses from drivers who failed to abide by it.
"Refusing to use the meter, refusing to pick up passengers and overcharging are serious offences.
"Action will be taken against these culprits," he said, adding that the board, the Road Transport Department and the police would monitor the situation.
Meanwhile, State Local Government and Transport Management Committee chairman Datuk Dr Teng Hock Nan also reminded taxi drivers to abide by the new ruling.
"I have spoken to them prior to this. Let us work together to ensure the successful implementation of the new ruling," he said, adding that such a move would ensure a win-win situation for all parties.
--- KatoeyNewsNetwork
01-08-2006, 12:42 PM
Report from The New Straits Times dated Tuesday 1 August 2006 :-
Fuel price pushes up MAS airfares
KUALA LUMPUR : It will become more expensive to travel by air domestically. Malaysia Airlines (MAS) said that from Aug 15, its economy class fares will increase by 15 per cent and business class fares by 25 per cent.
The loss-making national carrier will also increase its fuel surcharge on domestic flights from today, due to rising fuel prices.
Managing director Idris Jala said MAS would increase its fuel surcharge from RM15 to RM20 for travel within Peninsular Malaysia and Sabah and Sarawak.
For destinations between Peninsular Malaysia and Sabah and Sarawak, the fuel surcharge will be raised from RM36 to RM51.
He added that an administration fee of RM14 will also be imposed, as is practised by budget carrier AirAsia Bhd.
"The new fuel surcharge on our domestic flights, however, recovers only half of our incremental fuel costs.
"For example, even with the increase in fuel surcharge from RM36 to RM51 for destinations between Peninsular Malaysia and Sabah and Sarawak, it is not enough to cover the RM95 cost of fuel.
"This is based on the jet fuel price of US$80 (RM290) per barrel," he told a news conference in Subang yesterday.
Yesterday’s announcements are part of the Government’s new domestic aviation policy which will see MAS taking back the profit and loss of the domestic operations from Penerbangan Malaysia Bhd (PMB) from today.
It is also the deadline set by the Government for both MAS and AirAsia to complete the transfer of operations and schedules in relation to the rationalisation of domestic routes.
Under the rationalisation, MAS will also cut its current domestic routes from 118 to 22 main trunk destinations while AirAsia will take over 99 routes.
"On Aug 1, we will take full accountability on the profit and loss statement on the local business.
"In the next five months, we expect our domestic business to break even and to turn a small profit next year," said Idris.
He said this optimism was not solely due to the increase in existing fuel surcharge and forthcoming hike in domestic airfares, but a combination of the airline’s cost-saving efforts, including pushing ticketless travel for domestic flights and cutting labour costs.
Meanwhile, Idris said MAS would reveal full pricing details for its domestic airfares on Aug 15.
This includes the percentage discount travellers will receive when they buy their tickets online.
However, he assured that Malaysia’s domestic airfares would remain one of the world’s lowest. Currently, the cost per passenger mile of MAS domestic fares is 62 sen, compared with Thailand’s 63 sen, China’s 0.80 sen, the Philippines’ 0.86 sen, Vietnam’s RM1.32 and Indonesia’s RM1.49.
In the UK, domestic fares per passenger mile is RM3.84, in the US RM9.06 and Japan RM43.41.
Idris said senior citizens, the blind and disabled groups and students would still enjoy a 50 per cent discount on the basic domestic airfares while families would enjoy a 25 per cent discount and security forces a 20 per cent discount.
"There will also be a six per cent to nine per cent rebate for corporate customers," he added.
In an immediate reaction, AirAsia chief executive officer Datuk Tony Fernandes said: "If we can avoid a bruising price war, then Malaysia is indeed on its way towards creating two national champions.
"We are indeed pleased with the development made by MAS and we in AirAsia are looking forward to the creation of a stronger aviation sector in Malaysia."
OSK Research Sdn Bhd manager Chris Eng, commenting on the airline’s new domestic fare structure and marketing approach, said: "There are possibilities that MAS’ domestic service could break even this year."
--- KatoeyNewsNetwork
01-08-2006, 12:50 PM
Report from The STAR dated Tuesday 1 August 2006 :-
Pregnant woman among 12 addicts held at orgy
A WOMAN who is eight months pregnant was among 12 drug addicts caught having a sex party when police surprised them on Sunday, according to Harian Metro.
The addicts, aged between 15 and 30, including five women, were high on syabu on the 17th floor of an empty building along Jalan Pudu in Kuala Lumpur.
The daily said the group took syabu to increase their stamina for sex.
Dang Wangi police chief Asst Comm Kamal Pasha Jamal said when the police raided the place, one of the suspects, in his teens, wanted to jump off the building but was too frightened to do so.
Thirty policemen and Rela volunteers were involved in the operation.
--- KatoeyNewsNetwork
01-08-2006, 01:13 PM
Report from The STAR dated Tuesday 1 August 2006 :-
RM5b to upgrade South Johor Economic Region
JOHOR BARU : The Federal Government is allocating RM5bil for infrastructure projects in the South Johor Economic Region (SJER) under the Ninth Malaysia Plan (9MP).
Sources told StarBiz the allocation, part of the RM12.2bil package for SJER, would be used to upgrade existing infrastructure and construct new facilities.
“The money is ready to be released any time now as the Prime Minister wants the infrastructure projects to start as soon as possible,” said the sources.
They said the tendering process for the projects would be through relevant departments such as the Public Works Department and the Economic Planning Unit. A view of Johor Baru, The South Johor Economic Region is poised for tremendous growth under the Ninth Malaysian Plan.
They said Khazanah Nasional Bhd, which had been given a mandate to act as planner and co-ordinator, would not be involved in awarding the projects.
Many had thought Khazanah would award the bulk of the infrastructure projects to government-linked companies, including UEM World Bhd.
“It is wrong to say that Khazanah will have the final say. The process will be transparent and everybody can vie for the projects,” the sources reiterated.
The sources said Khazanah had no interest to hold on as the SJER planner and coordinator, and that a consortium would be set up to monitor the progress of SJER.
Khazanah is likely to hand over its “power” early next year and Konsortium Prasarana Rakyat Johor will be one of the bodies in the grouping.
SJER, covering Senai in the north, Pasir Gudang in the east and Tanjung Pelepas/Gelang Patah in the west, is one of the key areas that have been identified for expansion under the 9MP.
Among the new infrastructure projects in the SJER are the Permas Second Bridge, 11km coastal road from Danga Bay to Bandar Nusajaya and 11km coastal road from Permas to Pasir Gudang.
Existing roads to be upgraded include the Inner Ring Road from Jalan Storey near the Gerbang Perdana complex and Jalan Yusof Taha.
The upgrading also involves the Middle Ring Road from Jalan Tun Razak to the Senai Highway and the Outer Ring Road from Jalan Tebrau to the Pandan intersection.
From there, the Outer Ring Road would be extended to Ulu Tiram where it would link up to the Senai-Desaru Highway.
“The construction of new roads and upgrading of existing roads is important to ensure that the anticipated increase of traffic volume is efficiently catered for,” said the sources.
Part of the infrastructure allocation would be used for cleaning rivers, security enhancement and upgrading the sewerage and drainage systems in the Central Business District (CBD).
Rivers to be cleaned up are Sungai Segget, Sungai Pandan and Sungai Skudai. The main objective of this exercise is to bring life back to these rivers.
The high crime rate in Johor Baru has caused concern among many parties and money will be spent to enhance security.
Sources said it was important to improve security as the large scale development in the SJER would pose a challenge for the police force.
“Johor Baru is in the limelight for the wrong reasons; we have to do something to gain the confidence of visitors and investors,” the sources added.
The sewerage systems in the CBD from Jalan Datuk Sulaiman to Jalan Wong Ah Fook and Lido beach will be upgraded.
There is a dire need to replace these systems as most of the piping is old and cannot cope with the rapid development in Johor Baru district.
The drainage and irrigation at the estuaries of Sungai Tebrau, Sungai Masai, Sungai Skudai and Sungai Plentong will be improved to prevent flash floods.
The package will include the beautification of the 20km waterfront promenade starting from the Tanjung Puteri Customs and Quarantine Complex to the state’s new administrative centre Nusajaya.
Reviving the seafront and water-related activities is one of the main objectives under the tourism-related component in the SJER.
Facilities for the water transport system will include water taxi services and cover Tanjung Puteri, Danga Bay, Tanjung Pelepas and Nusajaya.
“The water taxi services might extend to Singapore to attract visitors from there, especially with the upcoming casino and integrated resort,” the sources said.
Prime Minister Datuk Seri Abduallah Ahmad Badawi is scheduled to visit Johor on Aug 14 to announce details of the SJER.
--- KatoeyNewsNetwork
01-08-2006, 01:18 PM
Report from The STAR dated Tuesday 1 August 2006 :-
South Johor set to be new growth engine
PETALING JAYA : The Prime Minister’s focus on the South Johor Economic Region (SJER) as the country’s new growth engine is expected to turn the area into a magnet for local and foreign investments.
An analyst from UOB Kay Hian said world-class logistics infrastructure was already in place – including a network of two international airports (Senai and Changi), three international seaports (Pelabuhan Tanjung Pelepas, Pasir Gudang and Pasir Panjang Terminal in Singapore) and the North-South Highway – to attract more foreign investors and internationalise the SJER.
He believed the area could also be a hotbed for joint venture and merger and acquisition activities with local and foreign parties as corporates try to beef up to take advantage of the various opportunities available.
The analyst said a development that could take place included bigger corporations acquiring smaller companies to expand their range of skills, products and services to fully capitalise on their assets in the SJER.
“Another possibility could be Singaporean property companies getting involved in developing parts of the SJER as land is limited in Singapore,” he said, adding that it would benefit the SJER as the development in Singapore was world-class.
UOB Kay Hian’s pick as the main beneficiary of the SJER was UEM World Bhd, with its 15,343-acre land bank in Johor.
Limbongan Ekovest Management Sdn Bhd director Datuk Lim Kang Hoo said the company was in negotiation with parties from Australia, Japan and the Middle East to invest in its Danga Bay development, an integrated waterfront city project in the SJER.
Lim said the investments could be in the region of “a couple of billion ringgit.”
“We have quite a number of callers requesting to look at various portions of the development – there are opportunities for joint ventures and also an outright sale of some of our land,” he said, adding that the investments and development of the SJER would provide a big spin-off to the economy and the public.
Limbongan Ekovest is the project manager of Danga Bay.
However, UOB Kay Hian’s analyst noted that other than world-class infrastructure and a competitive package of incentives, international investors required an efficient policy framework and a hassle-free operating environment.
He said Malaysia would have to address its three shortcomings – Foreign Investment Committee guidelines, investment red tape and real property gains tax.
“Liberalisation in all three areas would give the SJER the best chance of success and the most compelling case to attract both foreign and local direct investments.
“It would need to be aggressive enough so that the SJER package is internationally competitive on a total cost-benefit basis for investors. The bargaining position must favour international investors as they are spoilt for choice,” he said.
--- KatoeyNewsNetwork
01-08-2006, 02:45 PM
In the UK, domestic fares per passenger mile is RM3.84, in the US RM9.06 and Japan RM43.41.
The usual excuse: it is lower than UK, US and Japan [used by Samy Vellu often to explain the rising toll charges]
They think that we are so stupid to compare like that! What about their earnings. If compared using "dollar to dollar" principle, it is still cheaper for those in the US, UK and Japan to fly than what Malaysians are paying for flying!
Why doesnot MAS serve "roti jala" on flight to cut costs?? The costs of fuel is not the only factor [it is a scapegoat in this manner]as many other greated factors; like low productivity, wastages, over-staffed [the recent VSS had not cleared out those dead woods, only those competent ones were flushed out] and too much unnecessary spending!!
01-08-2006, 02:56 PM
Why doesnot MAS serve "roti jala" on flight to cut costs?? The costs of fuel is not the only factor [it is a scapegoat in this manner]
Prof. by serving roti jala they cant make $ leh, at least hav to upgrade into roti sardin+planta+telor+etc. :)
Datuk Boleh
01-08-2006, 09:08 PM
Like that next time I no need buy the newspapers. Just come in here to read the latest updates.
Good job, brudder.
01-08-2006, 09:52 PM
Just out of curiousity after reading the article on "Taxi drivers in Penang to use fare meters from today." Does jb taxi also able to use meter or up to the driver? Cause everytime i go jb, the driver refuse to go by meter, n we onli able to quote the price we want to the destination.
02-08-2006, 12:58 AM
Like that next time I no need buy the newspapers. Just come in here to read the latest updates.
Good job, brudder.
Our Bro KTL is the head of the KNN [Malaysian alternative to CNN] and we get better updates that the Star and NST papers. Occationally you get those news in BM too!
02-08-2006, 01:02 AM
Just out of curiousity after reading the article on "Taxi drivers in Penang to use fare meters from today." Does jb taxi also able to use meter or up to the driver? Cause everytime i go jb, the driver refuse to go by meter, n we onli able to quote the price we want to the destination.
Ya, JB taxi drivers are another "nonsense"....they used to be using meters many years ago but now...very bad for JB tourism...wait till the monorail is in place.
Like in Bangkok, I stop using taxis unless no choice. The Bangkok LRT is so efficient that you dun need the services of those rippers!
Maybe if our taikoh Bro KTL becomes the mayor of JB, things will be very much better ;)
02-08-2006, 11:04 AM
Just out of curiousity after reading the article on "Taxi drivers in Penang to use fare meters from today." Does jb taxi also able to use meter or up to the driver? Cause everytime i go jb, the driver refuse to go by meter, n we onli able to quote the price we want to the destination.
no wonder u are always got ripped off... no offence.
next time, state where u wanna go, then how much is it? if you think itz expensive than suppose to be, just say thanks and close the door...
itz better and safer this way.
Didi Notty
03-08-2006, 02:38 PM
Hi All Bro,
Trust all has heard some news of the 2 Rahman Students been murder & rob recently with few minutes at the same area...
Here is a link where exRahman student take a lead & organise to gather 100K ppl signature to submit...
Hope yours can spend little times to go thru and support...regardless where u from...
10-08-2006, 01:23 AM
Report from The STAR dated Wednesday 9 August 2006 :-
JB monorail to be ready by 2009
JOHOR BARU : The RM1.3bil Johor monorail project is expected to ferry some 98,000 passengers daily on its 12.5km line along Jalan Tebrau.
The project, which will see all its structures elevated, will have eight stations between Johor Baru Sentral located next to the Causeway and Aeon Jusco near the Pandan Hospital.
Once it is completed by 2009, the project is expected to ease traffic along the congested Jalan Tebrau – known as the street with the highest number of traffic light junctions in the state. There are nine.
Tickets are also expected to be priced competitively from RM1.50 to RM2.60 for the 13-minute ride between Johor Sentral and Aeon Jusco.
The project has been awarded to Johor-based Jalur Mudra Sdn Bhd, a special purpose vehicle created for building and operating the Johor monorail project under the Private Financing Initiative (PFI) of the 9th Malaysia Plan.
Its chairman Datuk Mohd Rashidi Mohd Noor said Jalur Mudra was in the final stages of preparations, including the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) report and soil tests.
“We hope to start physical work on the project within the next six to nine months. Our initial work will also include a 2km test line,” he said.
Mohd Rashidi said the pillars to support the two-way glide-way lines will be built on the divider space along Jalan Tebrau.
He said the monorail would run about 6m above the road, and about 50m above where the sections go over a flyover.
Although the locations of the stations have not been finalised, Mohd Rashidi assured the people that the stations would be located strategically next to bus stops and would have ample parking bays.
He said the maglev or magnetic levitation technology from China was efficient as there would not be any noise, friction or smoke emitted from the two coaches which could accommodate about 200 people each.
“People also need not worry about anything falling on them as this technology does not have any wheels or moving parts.
“Even if there is a blackout, the batteries on the train can take it another 6km to the nearest station,” Mohd Rashidi said, adding that the train would be travelling at about 20-30kph.
He said during peak hours from 6am to 9.30am, and from 5pm to 10pm, there would be a train every two minutes. During off-peak hours the interval is four minutes.
“At any one time there will be about eight trains plying the route,” he said, adding that this would greatly help improve the city’s public transport system as people would be assured of prompt service.
--- KatoeyNewsNetwork
10-08-2006, 01:30 AM
Report from The STAR dated Wednesday 9 August 2006 :-
JB monorail 80% foreign-funded
JOHOR BARU: A Dubai-based investor is among several potential foreign investors expected to finance 80% of the RM1.3bil Johor monorail project which is set to begin operations within the next three years.
The balance will be sourced from the shareholders of Johor-based Jalur Mudra Sdn Bhd, a special purpose vehicle created to build and operate the monorail under the private financing initiative of the Ninth Malaysia Plan.
The 80% is expected to be raised through the issuance of hybrid private debt securities bonds, which will have a 20-year maturity period.
It is learnt that the foreign investors gave their undertaking to participate in the project about two months ago.
Jalur Mudra has since engaged a consultant to advise on corporate matters, especially on the bond issuance.
Chairman Datuk Mohd Rashidi Mohd Noor, who declined to name the investors, said in a press briefing that the company had sufficient funds for the first phase of the project – a 12.5km elevated line along Jalan Tebrau.
“We anticipate return on investment in about 10 years,” he said, adding that this was relatively good for an investment in a railway system.
Similar to the KL monorail project where all the structures are elevated, the project will have eight stations between Johor Sentral, located next to the causeway, and Aeon Jusco near the Pandan Hospital.
“This project will be a catalyst to promote growth along the Tebrau corridor through the appreciation of real estate,” Rashidi said, adding that the monorail project was part of the Johor Baru Masterplan, which included plans for three light rail transit systems, two mass railway transit systems and a monorail.
Rashidi said the monorail project was a local initiative and would include a maximum 30% participation by the state government through Yayasan Pelajaran Johor (YPJ) or Johor Baru City Council (MBJB).
“It is still not finalised whether it’s going to be YPJ or MBJB.
“Although the state has a stake in the project, it may not have to fork out any money,” he said, adding that they hoped to finalise details, including soil tests and environmental impact assessment soon.
Rashidi said under the agreement with Beijing Enterprise Holdings, a Chinese government subsidiary which funded a 10-year test by China’s National Defence University on magnetic levitation (Maglev) technology, Jalur Mudra had exclusive rights to develop and pattern both the urban and high-speed Maglev trains.
“This means we can also bid for the bullet train project linking Singapore and Kuala Lumpur as our trains can easily touch 500km per hour,” he said, adding that all it needed was to build the elevated glideways or rail on the divider along the North-South Highway.
Rashidi also said Jalur Mudra’s proposal would cost about RM100mil for each kilometre, which would be much cheaper than other rail projects.
Asked why the relatively new technology was used instead of other systems from Germany or Japan which had a proven track record, he said cost was an important factor.
“Anyway, this technology was created by China’s National Defence University for the government and military based on almost 10 years of trials.
“They have just started commercialising the technology and we managed to acquire it at an attractive price,” he said, adding that quality would be assured, as the Chinese would be held responsible for any failure.
Rashidi said although Johor Baru would be the first city in South-East Asia to use this technology, Maglev trains were already operational in Shanghai for the past three years.
Jalur Mudra expects the Johor monorail to ferry some 98,000 passengers daily with tickets priced between RM1.50 and RM2.60 for the 13-minute ride between Johor Sentral and Aeon Jusco.
--- KatoeyNewsNetwork
10-08-2006, 01:32 AM
KL69,I think they missed out the 1, should read "JB monorail to be ready by 2019"
10-08-2006, 11:04 PM
Report from The New Straits Times dated Thursday 10 August 2006 :-
Jais officer charged with sex offences
AMPANG: A 22-year-old woman was caught in a raid by the Islamic Religious Affairs Department last week for khalwat (close proximity).
Thinking she could settle her case amicably, she went to its office in Gombak the following day. However, she claimed she got more than she bargained for.
The woman claimed she was molested and forced to perform oral sex on a Jais officer as an inducement to let her off the hook.
Yesterday, enforcement officer Muhamad Hafiz Kanimon, 21, was hauled to the Sessions Court to face two charges.
He was charged with forcing the woman to perform oral sex, and using criminal force to outrage her modesty by caressing her breasts and kissing her on the lips.
He allegedly committed the offences at the Jais office at Jalan AU2A/17 in Taman Ke- ramat at 11am on Aug 1.
In objecting to bail, deputy public prosecutor Muhamad Asyraf Md Kamal said the offences were serious. "The accused took advantage of the situation when the victim went to his office after being arrested for khalwat," he said.
Counsel Ariff Azami Hussein, who was assisted by Azizzul Shariman Mat Yusoff, urged the court to grant bail as the accused is supporting his parents.
"My client is the fifth child of 11 siblings and has been working with Jais for two months. The possibility of him tampering with witnesses is low as he did not know the victim before the incident."
Judge Noradidah Ahmad granted Muhamad Hafiz bail of RM8,000 in one surety.
She ordered him to report to the nearest police station once a month, and fixed Jan 22 and 23 for trial.
--- KatoeyNewsNetwork
14-08-2006, 03:10 PM
Report from The STAR dated Monday 14 August 2006 :-
JB CIQ complex sees 18-month delay
JOHOR BARU: The cancellation of the scenic bridge project is taking a heavy toll on the new integrated Customs, Immigration and Quarantine (CIQ) complex, which is expected to be delayed — by as long as 18 months.
It is learnt that the contractor for the complex has written to the Works Ministry asking for more time.
The original deadline for completing the project is next month, when more than a dozen government agencies are to begin trial runs at the complex.
“The situation has been caused by the sudden termination of the bridge contract in April as well as the Government's delay in deciding on the new RM250mil permanent flyover linking the Causeway and CIQ complex,” said a source familiar with the project.
“Cashflow is also hampering work on the project.”
It is understood that Gerbang Perdana Sdn Bhd submitted an 18-month extension of time (EOT) request recently to the ministry's director-general, Datuk Dr Wahid Omar.
The integrated RM1.3bil CIQ complex is part of the RM2.4bil Gerbang Selatan Bersepadu project, which included the RM1.1bil scenic bridge.
It comprises a new fourstorey CIQ block, the Johor Baru Sentral (JBS), which is a bus terminal cum business centre, and other infrastructures. The CIQ building – expected to house the offices of 16 government agencies – and JBS will be linked by a sky bridge.
“The CIQ building is almost completed. What remains to be done are mainly putting together the electrical wiring and some finishing touches,” the source said.
However, he added, JBS was only 50% completed.
The source said subcontractors had insisted on payment before carrying out any job, especially as the Government had yet to make a decision on the compensation for scrapping the bridge project.
The source said the Government will have to decide whether to grant an EOT or subject the contractor to liquidated and ascertained damages (LAD) for failing to complete the project on time.
“This will require the company to pay compensation, which is likely to run into substantial amounts each month,” he said.
He added that if an extension was granted, the Government might have to fork out more as the contractor could submit higher claims involving items such as the rising cost of raw materials, particularly steel.
In April, Works Minister Datuk Seri S. Samy Vellu had informed Parliament that the CIQ complex would be completed on schedule.
--- KatoeyNewsNetwork
14-08-2006, 03:21 PM
Report from The STAR dated Monday 14 August 2006 :-
Transvestites nabbed after robbing man
KUALA LUMPUR: He didn't want their sexual services and this angered two transvestites, who robbed him.
The two didn't get far in their women's clothes and high heels and were nabbed by policemen.
The 30-year-old man was walking along Lorong Haji Taib 1 at 11.50pm on Saturday when the two transvestites, aged 25 and 29, approached him.
Dang Wangi OCPD Asst Comm Kamal Pasha Jamal said the transvestites offered their services but the man wasn't interested in having sex.
“On hearing this the transvestites, who were very sweet and gentle at first, turned violent,” he said.
The man screamed for help, which alerted policemen who were on their crime prevention rounds under the Ops Zero Crime Zone programme.
“The transvestites tried to flee, but they did not get far.
“Initial investigations revealed that the suspects had previous criminal records, including arrests for robbery,” said ACP Kamal Pasha.
--- KatoeyNewsNetwork
17-08-2006, 02:44 PM
Report from The New Straits Times dated Thursday 17 August 2006 :-
Crying in court does no good for convicted GRO
IPOH: Sobbing in court and seeking leniency is of no use after committing an offence.
This was the Syariah High Court’s message to 37-year- old guest relations officer and mother of two, Zuraidah Zahari, during her sentencing for an offence under the Perak Syariah Criminal Enactment.
Zuraidah was fined RM1,000 and bound over for two years for behaving in a manner which promoted vice at Miki Lounge, an entertainment outlet, in Jalan Yang Kalsom near here, at 12.45am on July 15.
She was working as a GRO at the outlet at the time of her arrest.
Appearing before Syariah judge Hassan Basri yesterday, Zuraidah sobbed during her mitigation plea, seeking leniency and saying that she missed her 10-month-old baby.
Hassan told her it was no use crying in court to get leniency.
"Crying now will not help you," he said. "You have to face the responsibility for your misdeeds.
"You should have thought carefully about the implications of the job before you took it up. In Islam, we should ensure the purity of the income we earn for our family."
Zuraidah said her housemate, who worked at a restaurant, was currently taking care of her baby.
She has another child aged five and was also looking after her 15-year-old brother who was still schooling.
When asked about her family members, Zuraidah said she did not know where her father was and her mother was ill.
Zuraidah is currently in jail serving a four-month jail term after failing to pay a fine of RM1,800 imposed by the Ipoh Syariah lower’s court on Aug 7 for drinking liquor.
Zuraidah was also fined RM700 by the same court for lewd behaviour.
Both offences were committed at Miki Lounge at the same time.
Prosecuting officer Shahrun Nazri Abd Samad told the court that Zuraidah was a repeat offender with another conviction for consuming liquor.
On June 12, she paid a fine of RM1,800 for committing the offence at Miki Lounge at 11.50pm on May 13.
Zuraidah was among 20 GROs who appeared at the Syariah High Court yesterday.
The women were picked up by the Perak Islamic Affairs Department during raids at several entertainment outlets around the city on July 14 and 15.
Most of them were sentenced to RM1,000 fine and placed under good behaviour bonds for two years.
--- KatoeyNewsNetwork
28-08-2006, 02:40 PM
Report from The STAR dated Sunday 27 August 2006 :-
Two gigolo wannabes come clean with story
KUALA LUMPUR: Two men who were promised lucrative jobs as gigolos by an “escort service company” ended up being duped of their cash.
The victims, who only wanted to be known as Martin and Alan, said they answered an advertisement in a Chinese newspaper last month which said it was looking for young and handsome men.
“When we contacted the company, we were promised a monthly salary of US$10,000 (RM37,000) if we did more than just escorting women.
“But the catch was that we had to deposit RM1,000 to an account belonging to the company,” said Martin, 22.
He was informed that the RM1,000 was a fee to become a member of the company.
Alan, 28, said to convince them, the company assured that their clients were all young and wealthy foreigners.
They took the bait and were later instructed to wait for clients at a five-star hotel in Kuala Lumpur. They realised they were duped when they tried to contact the company and discovered that its handphone number was terminated.
“I worked out in a gym to make sure I looked good and was strong for my clients. I even drank lots of essence of chicken,” lamented Martin.
“I actually walked up to several foreigners and asked them if they were my clients. I was nearly slapped by two women,” Alan chipped in.
MCA Public Services and Complaints Department head Datuk Michael Chong said there were probably many others who were duped but were too embarrassed to come forward.
--- KatoeyNewsNetwork
30-08-2006, 12:37 PM
Report from The STAR dated Wednesday 30 August 2006 :-
Playing Cupid to call girls
KOSMO! reported yesterday that officials in Dungun, Kuala Terengganu, are trying to play matchmakers to “veteran” call girls.
The tabloid reported that the officials wanted to get husbands for the women in the hope that they would turn over a new leaf.
It claimed that several such women had found husbands through this initiative, which was aimed at overcoming social ills.
Rantau Abang state assemblyman Za’abar Mohd Adib said he was aware of such activities and knew that some of the women had been prostituting themselves for decades.
“For the prostitutes who are no longer accepted by their families, we will look for suitable partners for them; one who can accept them as spouses,” he said, adding that there was one such marriage last year.
“If they are agreeable, then they will be married so that they can start a new and better life.”
However, he said there were still many who were already in their 50s and still involved in prostitution. He hoped they would turn over a new leaf.
--- KatoeyNewsNetwork
30-08-2006, 12:42 PM
Report from The STAR dated Wednesday 30 August 2006 :-
Panties snipper strikes again
KUALA TERENGGANU: A pervert who breaks into homes to snip pieces of panties off sleeping teenagers has struck again.
His latest victims are two teenagers from Kampung Tanjung Jaafar in Gong Badak, near here.
Following the first scare two weeks ago, villagers had warned their daughters to wear track pants or slacks over their panties when going to bed and also to cover their body with a thick blanket to deter the hantu gunting.
However, this did not work as the culprit could deftly cut through the thick protection to reach the panty and slice out a piece from the groin area.
Since Aug 11, several teenage girls from Gong Badak, Pengkalan Arang, Taman Baiduri and Taman Desa Bakti have become victims of the “panty snipper.”
From descriptions given by them, the culprit is short and has body odour.
Initially, the suspect was thought to be a ghoulish figure or someone who was getting snippets of panty for black magic. However, police suspect that he is just a perverted sex fiend.
Siti Aisha Rashid and Nurfiri Razali, both 15, told The Star that the culprit broke into their homes several days ago while they slept.
Siti said she was asleep in the hall when she sensed someone touching her thighs, causing her to wake up.
“He had cut my tracksuit and was trying to pull at my panty,” she said, adding that she kicked him on the chest and he fled through an open window.
“I could not catch a glimpse of his face as it was wrapped in a towel. But he had bad body odour,” Siti said, adding that her fisherman father was at sea when the incident occurred.
She said a window had been forced open, and that she later found her cell phone missing.
Nurfiri, who lives next door, said she was fast asleep and did not realise that someone had cut her long pants and sliced off a piece of her panty until she woke up.
“I must have been hypnotised,” she said, adding that she was shocked to find a hole in her thick blanket.
--- KatoeyNewsNetwork
30-08-2006, 01:32 PM
Report from Today (Singapore) dated Wednesday 30 August 2006 :-
No foreign car levy
A RECENT proposal to levy a RM20 tax ($8.50) on foreign cars entering Johor from Sept 1 has been scrapped, according to Malaysia's Minister for International Trade and Industry Rafidah Aziz, who is in Singapore on a business visit.
"Johor says 'tak ada' (don't have), otherwise there will be an announcement," said Ms Rafidah.
This turnaround comes after the Malaysian government confirmed in May that an entry levy into the country would be implemented. Singapore currently imposes a $20 entry permit fee on all foreign cars and $4 for foreign motorcycles from 2am to 5pm on weekdays.
Malaysian Domestic Trade and Consumer Affairs Minister Mohd Shafie Apdal had been quoted then as saying the levy was to offset some of the petrol subsidy that is lost to these foreign vehicles.
While a slash in fuel subsidies in March saved the government RM4.4 billion in annual subsidies — and pushed up petrol prices by between 19 and 23 per cent — Malaysia still pays RM12 billion annually to keep fuel prices low.
--- KatoeyNewsNetwork.
30-08-2006, 03:14 PM
Hooooooray!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!dun need to buy motorbike o' reidi
08-09-2006, 02:45 AM
Report from The New Straits Times dated Thursday 7 September 2006 :-
AirAsia’s Singapore plans irk Johor
JOHOR BARU: Johor is unhappy that AirAsia, which has reneged on its promise to make Senai Airport its hub, is now keen to secure landing rights in Singapore.
The State Government will send a protest note to the Transport Ministry to voice its reservations and concerns over the budget carrier’s latest move. This was decided at the State Executive Council meeting, chaired by Menteri Besar Datuk Abdul Ghani Othman, yesterday.
State Exco member in charge of Tourism, Freddy Long, said: "AirAsia’s Singapore dreams might be the start of Senai’s nightmare. What is worrying is that should it secure landing rights at Changi Airport, Singapore low-cost carrier Tiger Air will also win rights to fly to Kuala Lumpur.
"This effectively means Senai Airport will be completely cut off," he said, adding that travellers from Singapore, who now take flights to Sabah and Sarawak via Senai Airport, would opt to fly on Tiger Air to Kuala Lumpur for AirAsia connecting flights to East Malaysia.
"Johor will end up as the loser."
AirAsia chief executive officer Datuk Tony Fernandes met Singapore’s Transport Minister Raymond Lim on Tuesday to discuss the landing rights.
Indications from the meeting are that the Singapore Government might finally open its airways to AirAsia.
AirAsia had submitted its request to Singapore authorities and a decision is expected within a week. If successful, it may start with two flights a day by end of the year.
--- KatoeyNewsNetwork
16-09-2006, 05:51 PM
Report from The STAR dated Saturday 16 September 2006 :-
AirAsia forced to suspend Ipoh-JB flights
IPOH: There were cheers when low-cost carrier AirAsia began its four weekly Ipoh-Senai flights at the under-utilised Sultan Azlan Shah Airport here on Feb 1.
But the cheers have now turned into dismay as the carrier had to suspend the sector from Monday.
The reason is that the runway at the airport cannot accommodate the newly acquired A320 Airbus.
AirAsia chief executive officer Datuk Tony Fernandez said the airline had no choice but to suspend its services.
“The airport’s runway is simply too short for our Airbus,” he said yesterday.
There have been complaints from passengers when told of AirAsia's decision.
Fernandez said there had been discussions to extend the runway.
“However, the talks have remained as talks. Nothing has materialised,” he said, adding that the state government officials had informed the airline that they were looking into the matter now.
Fernandez said it was uncertain how long the suspension would take effect.
Passengers who had bought flight tickets from here to Senai could either get a refund or exchange it with credit shell, he said.
On another matter, Fernandez said AirAsia had yet to decide whether to make Ipoh its low-cost carrier hub.
“We now have three choices, Alor Star, Penang or Ipoh,” he said.
Perak Mentri Besar Datuk Seri Mohamad Tajol Rosli Ghazali had been quoted as saying that he would ask the Federal Government for allocations to extend the runway.
--- KatoeyNewsNetwork
18-09-2006, 01:11 PM
Report from The STAR dated Monday 18 September 2006 :-
Latest Johor icon - Persada Johor
JOHOR BARU: The new RM50mil Persada Johor is expected to become both a state and national icon that will form a crucial part of the South Johor Economic Region.
Located in the middle of the city, the four-storey International Convention Centre, which resembles the shape of the Johor military force’s cap is expected to begin operations next month.
(The Sultan of Johor is the only ruler in country who has a private army, the Johor Military Force, as his bodyguards.)
Puteri Hotels Sdn Bhd managing director John Roozemond said Persada had access to air, sea and land links, thus making it a conducive business hub within the government’s Southern Gateway strategy.
He said that with a maximum seating capacity of 3,500, it is designed to host international-level conventions, exhibitions and meetings.
“We offer the location, facilities and services to successfully host major business events,” he said during a site tour of the Persada along Jalan Abdullah Ibrahim recently.
Puteri Hotels acts as the management company of Persada Johor.
The building features two main halls, including a carpeted ballroom, which is the largest in Malaysia and Singapore.
In addition to the main exhibition and convention halls, the Persada also includes auditoriums, meeting rooms, VIP lounges and a shopping arcade.
Puteri Hotel’s communications director Yvonne Loh said Persada had been designed as an “intelligent” building and has the latest in communications technology.
“The Persada incorporates state-of-the-art audio-visual, wi-fi, Internet broadband and video conferencing facilities,” she said.
“We have also spent RM4.5mil on the kitchen and catering facilities which will offer Western, Chinese and Johorean cuisine,” she added.
The finishing touches are being applied to the Persada, which aims to be up and running in the middle of next month.
The project, developed by Johor Corporation, is the Johor government’s investment arm.
--- KatoeyNewsNetwork
20-09-2006, 08:55 AM
Report from The New Straits Times dated Wednesday 20 September 2006 :-
PRC woman killed over ‘refund’
KUALA LUMPUR: He paid her RM300 for sex. And when the "service" was not satisfactory, he demanded a refund. When she refused, he strangled her.
This is the theory police are working on as they piece together the events which led to the murder of Chinese national Hu Xin Yu, 24, at a budget hotel on Jalan Scott, Brickfields, on Friday.
Following the arrest of the main suspect in Bangsar yesterday, police believe the victim was involved in the flesh trade and that the suspect was her client.
Initial investigations revealed that the suspect attacked the victim when he demanded a RM200 refund as he was not satisfied with the "service".
Police are tight-lipped over the motive but they believe they have solved the case with the arrest of the 27-year-old suspect.
Brickfields police chief ACP Mohd Dzuraidi Ibrahim confirmed the arrest, but declined to elaborate.
It is learnt that the suspect from Kapar, Klang, was nabbed in front of a restaurant about 2pm after having his lunch.
He was believed to have been hiding in Penang for several days and was arrested within hours after arriving in Kuala Lumpur.
Hu was clad in her underwear when she was found by housekeeping staff about 7am on Friday in her room toilet.
The hotel operator told police that a man arrived at 2am and demanded to see her.
Hu had checked into the hotel four days earlier.
When hotel staff refused to allow him in, he demanded that the front office call the victim, who then came down and took the suspect to her room.
Three hours later, the suspect was seen leaving the hotel hurriedly in a metallic green Proton Waja.
Police tracked him through the vehicle’s licence registration and from the name in the visitor’s register.
Police sources also revealed yesterday that a Police Volunteer Reserve (PVR) personnel, who is a friend of the suspect, was also nabbed when he tried to "cash" in on the murder case.
The 34-year-old PVR personnel was not directly linked to the murder but was arrested for trying to dupe the suspect’s family into believing that he could "settle the case" for RM50,000.
The PVR personnel had allegedly told the suspect’s family that he had connections within the force and for the said fee, he could get the suspect off the hook.
He has been remanded for 10 days.
--- KatoeyNewsNetwork
25-09-2006, 04:10 PM
Report from Malay Mail dated Monday 25 September 2006 :-
PRC call girl curled up in a closet
SHE curled up in a closet, trying her best not to make any noise, hoping the police party that raided her house would not notice her.
But luck was not on her side as every inch of the house was checked by police, who found the woman, in no time.
The woman was among seven Chinese nationals arrested by Sentul police for alleged involvement in vice activities at two houses in Taman Mastiara on Saturday.
Police moved in on the two houses at 12.30pm and managed to arrest seven women.
Still in their nightgowns, some tried to make a hasty exit by hiding in the closet or locking themselves in a toilet. Others continued sleeping through the din.
Sources said five women, also believed to be Chinese nationals, managed to give police the slip.
The women, believed to be living in a third house nearby, managed to contact their ‘leader’ who arrived and took them away in a Proton Wira.
The arrested women, aged between 18 and 25 years, have been remanded.
Of the total, two have no valid travel documents while some entered the country using student visas.
Initial investigations revealed that the women entered the country earlier this month.
It is learnt that the women were only sent out to ‘serve’ customers upon receiving calls and usually, during the night.
The women would be sent by a driver to the place specified by the client.
--- KatoeyNewsNetwork
26-09-2006, 02:55 PM
Report from The STAR dated Tuesday 26 September 2006 :-
Man forces girl to masturbate him
KUALA TERENGGANU: A college student was humiliated in front of her housemates by a masked intruder who ordered the girl to masturbate him during a break-in at their house.
The man, wearing a Zorro mask, also robbed the girl and her terrified housemates of their belongings, including hand phones and cash.
The frightened girls, all in their early 20s, also handed him their writing materials in the 5.30am incident at Taman Tanjung Permata in Gong Badak, near here, yesterday.
The man broke into the house while the six students were taking their sahur, the last meal before the start of fasting.
The intruder, armed with a fluorescent light tube, herded the girls into a room and threatened to harm them if they did not do his bidding.
Terengganu deputy CID Chief Supt Khairi Ahrasa said the man then ordered the girls to hand over to him their belongings.
He said the man then picked one of the girls to massage his private part, forcing the others to watch the despicable act.
After he fled with his loot, the victims lodged their police reports.
“We believe the suspect is a local man and are on the lookout for him,” said Supt Khairi.
--- KatoeyNewsNetwork
REMARKS : Luckily the man didn't force the girls to BBBJ him !
02-10-2006, 03:48 PM
Report from The New Straits Times dated Monday 2 October 2006 :-
More hooked on child porn
Porn VCDs are the hottest selling items in the market today. What’s worse is their content — children in sex acts with old men, write PATRICK SENNYAH and YONG TIAM KUI.
MALAYSIANS are a perverted lot. They are snapping up pornographic VCDs of children — some no older than seven — indulging in sexual acts with men old enough to be their grandfathers.
These VCDs and those depicting bestiality are among the hottest selling pornographic items in the market today.
"Sick! That is so sick," said Women and Family Development Ministry parliamentary secretary Datin Paduka Chew Mei Fun.
"This is worrying and frightening. It is frightening to think that people who get pleasure out of watching children and animals are walking around today."
The VCDs were handed to us by a reader who said he paid RM15 for each from a peddler in Puchong.
A check with VCD peddlers in other areas, including Subang Jaya, Petaling Jaya, Bangsar and Klang, tells the same story: child pornography is the biggest draw.
"These VCDs are normally from South America and the United States. Asian versions come from Thailand and Cambodia," said one peddler.
"We have not come across any featuring local children."
A "normal" porn VCD sells for RM5, while those featuring children and involving bestiality are sold for RM15.
"Why do we care... as long as there is a demand, we will get the supply," said another peddler.
"It is not easy to get child porn and these VCDs sell fast.
"Be realistic, my friend. We can sell up to 50 of these VCDs a night and make good profits. Cracking down on us is not going to solve the problem."
There has been increasing global concern over the increasing number of Internet child porn sites and the authorities are cracking down on offenders.
On Sept 1, a former US government employee was sentenced to 14 years’ jail for possessing more than one million sex images, including those of a young relative.
The pictures were in photo albums, DVDs, CD-ROMs and computers.
The accused admitted downloading child pornography for about 10 years.
There are also various websites, including the Association of Site Advocating Child Protection, which allows the public to report any website hosting child pornography.
The Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission said it had no means to monitor porn downloads.
"We know that many of these peddlers download their material from websites, especially stuff like child pornography," a spokesman said.
"However, there is nothing much we can do. In Malaysia, everyone is free to surf the web... we do not have any national firewall like the one used by the Chinese government," he added.
Chew said pornography was bad enough, but "watching children... that is something so unimaginable. We have no idea how widespread the availability of such material is.
"We can tighten our enforcement, but this alone is not enough."
So what is the solution?
Chew suggests getting all the agencies to crack down on illegal VCD peddlers altogether, regardless of the kind of pornography they were selling.
"Earning money is one thing. But not through the exploitation of poor, innocent children."
She said people who bought and watched these VCDs should go for some form of counselling.
--- KatoeyNewsNetwork
12-10-2006, 03:40 PM
Report from The New Straits Times dated Thursday 12 October 2006 :-
4 Malay women charged in Court for performing strip-tease show
One of four women, charged with performing a striptease show for a group of Singaporean businessmen, leaving the Petaling Jaya magistrate’s court yesterday after the trial was postponed as the main defendant is heavily pregnant.
Zainah Abdul Rahman, 23, Nor’ain Mamis, 20, Zaleha Abdul Rahman, 30, and Rena Miasin, 25, were charged with behaving in an obscene manner by exposing their bodies at the China Town Nite Club in Damansara Utama, Petaling Jaya, on Dec 16 last year.
The four, employed as waitresses at the club, face up to three months’ jail or a fine, or both, if convicted. Roslie Sulle, counsel for Zainah, said she applied for the postponement as the defendant is due to give birth soon.
Magistrate Khainur Aleeza Ismail set Sept 18 next year for the trial.
--- KatoeyNewsNetwork
17-10-2006, 06:54 PM
Report from The New Straits Times dated Tuesday 17 October 2006 :-
Transvestite pays dearly for cheap sex offer
KUALA LUMPUR: A transvestite approached a man in Lorong Haji Taib last month and offered him sexual services.
However, luck was not with the transvestite because the man turned out to be an undercover police detective.
Chanthara Mohan Ramia was promptly arrested and charged with offering sexual services for the purpose of prostitution.
In the magistrate’s court yesterday, Chanthara Mohan was fined RM1,000 or a month’s jail for the offence.
According to the facts, Chanthara Mohan approached Lance Corporal Ding Usat and offered sexual services.
"Bang, marilah. Murah je, RM60. (Brother, come on. It’s cheap, only RM60)," he told the detective.
Counsel Vinesh Satkunanathan, who represented Chanthara Mohan, urged magistrate Nor Aziati Jaafar to impose a light sentence on his client because he was supporting his father and only earned RM800 a month working at a club.
"He has also regretted his actions," Vinesh said.
DSP A. Vasu, prosecuting, asked the court to pass an appropriate sentence.
--- KatoeyNewsNetwork
17-10-2006, 07:02 PM
Report from The STAR dated Tuesday 17 October 2006 :-
Panty snipper now turns panty thief
KUALA TERENGGANU: First he snips, now he steals.
The panty pervert struck again on Sunday after a month's layoff, this time preying on two sleeping sisters in Chukai.
The sisters, one 16 and the other 20, were asleep at their home in Kampung Bukit Kuang when the man entered through a window at 2.30am on Sunday.
State Deputy CID chief Supt Khairi Ahrasa said the elder sibling sensed someone fondling her private parts.
When she woke up she was shocked to see a man with his face wrapped in a towel, he said.
“She kept silent due to fright but her sister shrieked, causing the man to flee via the window,” he said.
The girls later found their panties missing.
From the description given by the sisters, the culprit has a strong body odour.
The girls' 42-year-old father lodged a police report the next morning.
On Aug 30, The Star reported that two teenagers from Gong Badak fell prey to the panty snipper.
The man was then content with just snipping off pieces of the panties of sleeping girls.
--- KatoeyNewsNetwork
17-10-2006, 07:06 PM
Report from The STAR dated Tuesday 17 October 2006 :-
Girl alleges rape by ustaz
A UNIVERSITI Teknologi Mara undergraduate has lodged a police report that a man who claimed to be an ustaz had raped her during an anti-vice raid purportedly conducted by the Selangor Islamic Affairs Department.
Harian Metro said the girl had alleged in her police report on Friday that the religious teacher detained her in a hotel room in Shah Alam after accusing her of committing khalwat (close proximity) with her boyfriend in July.
She alleged that the man, who purportedly told her he was from a private counselling centre in Kuala Lumpur, raped her in the hotel.
The tabloid added that the so-called ustaz made a counter-report in Ulu Langat on hearing that the woman had lodged a police report.
The paper said the police would interview the alleged victim and other witnesses.
--- KatoeyNewsNetwork
19-10-2006, 01:15 AM
Report from The New Straits Times dated Wednesday 18 October 2006 :-
PRC woman found dead in Genting Highlands Hotel
BENTONG : A woman was found murdered in a hotel room in Genting Highlands on Monday — the second such incident involving women from China in the past month.
The latest victim, a 22-year-old, was found face down between two beds in a room on the 18th floor of the First World Hotel on Monday night.
She had bruises on her face and was believed to have been strangled.
There were no signs of a forced entry into the room and her valuables including her handbag, mobile phone and travel documents were intact.
Police are investigating the possibility that the victim could have been involved in vice activities and they are now tracking the man who was last seen going into the room with her.
Police have so far detained one suspect, a 52-year-old man from Negri Sembilan, under whose name the room was registered.
They believe that he could have been her pimp.
He was produced at the Bentong magistrate’s court yesterday where police obtained a 14-day remand order.
It is learnt that the victim and two other women from China were taken to the resort on Monday morning by the suspect.
Several hours later the other two women tried to contact the victim and when they could not reach her, they contacted the suspect.
The suspect checked the room about 11pm and found the woman.
It is learnt that police have seized the tapes from several closed-circuit television cameras in the hotel to help in the investigations.
They also recorded statements from the two women.
Resorts World Bhd public relations and communications senior vice-president Datuk Anthony Yeo confirmed that the body was found by the man who had earlier booked the room.
On Sept 15, another Chinese woman, Hu Xin Yu, 27, was found murdered in the toilet of her room at the Hotel Classic Inn in Jalan Scott in Brickfields.
Police arrested a 27-year-old man from Klang who was charged with her murder.
--- KatoeyNewsNetwork
19-10-2006, 02:19 PM
Report from The New Straits Times dated Thursday 19 October 2006 :-
Police identify murder suspect
BENTONG: Police have identified a suspect in the murder of a Chinese woman at a holiday resort on Monday.
Recordings of closed-circuit television cameras at the First World Hotel showed the suspect entering the room with the victim and leaving alone later.
Investigations revealed that the suspect worked for a vice syndicate.
Bentong police chief Superintendent Mohd Yusuf Mahmood said the room on the 18th floor of the hotel, where the victim was found was booked under the suspect’s name.
Police now believe the suspect booked rooms for vice syndicates before “selling” them to pimps at a higher price.
So far, police have arrested a 52-year-old man, believed to be the victim’s pimp.
On Monday, the pimp was believed to have taken three Chinese women to “service clients”.
The two other women tried to contact the victim in her room for several hours and when they failed to get her, they contacted the pimp.
He checked the room at 11pm and found her dead.
She had bruises on her mouth and was believed to have been strangled. Police are trying to identify her.
“The pimp claims he does not know the suspect who booked the room,” Yusuf said.
“The victim is believed to be in her early 20s.
He said no identification papers were on her. Police seized a bag filled with clothes in the room.
Meanwhile, police are looking for See Kong Hoi, 36; IC number 700414-10-5003. See’s last known address is 763, Pandamaran, Klang, Selangor.
Those with information on his whereabouts can contact the nearest police station.
--- KatoeyNewsNetwork
25-10-2006, 10:12 AM
Report from The STAR dated Wednesday 25 October 2006 :-
Africans in flesh trade
AFRICANS are no longer just customers at brothels in Kuala Lumpur's Bukit Bintang area – now many of them are the ones running the business, Harian Metro reported.
The daily said many Africans have been running some of the brothels since the middle of the year.
It is understood that they could earn up to RM1,000 a day as pimps compared to their previous job of selling watches and leather products.
A survey by the Metro team found that the awang hitam (black guys) gang loitered around the area and sat in front of brothels.
They offered prostitutes in their premises only to foreigners, as it is easier to make a bigger profit, the paper said.
The Africans are also rich enough to spend thousands of ringgit every month on rented cars to chauffeur prostitutes from their homes to the brothels.
Dang Wangi OCPD Asst Comm Kamal Pasha was quoted as saying that many of them continue to live a life of crime as they had no proper occupation.
He said the crime rate involving Africans was lower this year than last year as there had been more operations conducted by the police at their usual haunts.
--- KatoeyNewsNetwork
07-11-2006, 05:13 PM
Report from The New Straits Times dated Tuesday 7 November 2006 :-
Consultant, 2 cops helping in missing woman probe
KUALA LUMPUR: Three people, including a prominent political strategist, are assisting police in their probe into the disappearance of a Mongolian woman following an alleged extortion plot.
Investigations are expected to cover various scopes, including the possibility that the strategist, well known on the international lecture circuit, fell victim to a US$500,000 (RM1.9 million) blackmail pulled off by the woman.
Last night, police cordoned off an area in Puncak Alam near Shah Alam as forensic investigators combed the area. It is understood that they were looking for remains of the foreigner.
The strategist remains free as he is co-operating with police but the other two suspects have been placed under remand. They are a police officer from the elite Special Action Squad in Federal headquarters in Bukit Aman, and a woman detective from the anti-vice and gaming branch in Selangor.
Checks revealed that the woman, in her 20s, was among several from Mongolia who entered Malaysia on social visit passes early last month.
Accompanied by another foreigner, whose nationality could not be immediately established, they checked into a hotel in the city centre.
Details of their stay here remain sketchy, but investigators are now looking at the possibility that this "missing person" incident has brought them up against a sex-cum-blackmail scam whose players have international links.
The foreigners’ presence here went undetected until some 10 days after their arrival when the woman went missing.
Subsequent events remain sketchy but it was understood an investigation was initiated by the foreigners themselves beginning Oct 19.
It is still not known how police got wind of the foreigners’ activities.
The curtain raiser to their probe was the possibility of the blackmail pulled off by the Mongolian woman.
An investigation, under Section 365 of the Penal Code, was initiated as police were looking into the possibility of kidnapping or abducting with intent to secretly confine a person.
Last week, the two police personnel were taken into custody and a 14-day remand secured.
--- KatoeyNewsNetwork
07-11-2006, 05:19 PM
Report from The STAR dated Tuesday 7 November 2006 :-
Political analyst held in connection with murder
KUALA LUMPUR: Police have picked up a prominent political analyst of a well-connected private think tank for questioning over the gruesome murder of a Mongolian woman.
The man, in his 40s, was taken from his office in Ampang by several policemen at about 10am Tuesday, following the arrest of three policemen implicated in the killing of the 28 year old woman, whose body was also reportedly blown up with plastic explosives.
The three police personnel detained earlier were a chief inspector, a woman detective and corporal attached to the Special Action Force, a commando squad set up to protect VIPs.
The corporal who was on duty with the Prime Minister in Pakistan was asked to return earlier than the Prime Minster’s entourage and was nabbed at the airport.
The analyst, who has written books on politics, defence and foreign affairs, is regarded as one of the top intellectuals in the country. He has served senior politicians in an advisory capacity.
Police are probing the relationship between the man and the woman who was believed to have been shot and her remains blown up with explosives near the Subang Dam in Puncak Alam, Selangor.
--- KatoeyNewsNetwork
08-11-2006, 02:59 PM
Report from The New Straits Times dated Wednesday 8 November 2006 :-
Top political analyst arrested! Explosive end to affair that turned sour
An affair gone sour. A woman spurned. Blackmail. Murder...
Prominent think-tank head and three police personnel likely to be charged today.
KUALA LUMPUR: The country was abuzz yesterday after a prominent political analyst was arrested in connection with the abduction and brutal murder of a Mongolian woman.
The New Straits Times understands that Attantuya Shariibu @ Aminah allegedly demanded US$500,000 (RM1.85 million) as payment after he signalled the end of their affair. She claimed that she had given birth to his child and threatened to go public if her demand was not met.
After checking and finding her claim to be false, he lodged a police report last month. What happened next is a bit murky but three police personnel — including two from the Special Action Squad — have been arrested and are likely to be charged with murder. It is believed that she was shot execution-style somewhere in Puncak Alam before her body was placed over some explosives and detonated.
Using a battery of metal detectors, sniffer dogs and post- blast investigation equipment, police personnel examined a shallow grave and surrounding areas for nearly eight hours. They found a handful of bone fragments.
Aminah’s case came to light after Aminah’s sister lodged a missing person’s report on Oct 21. In it, she identified the political analyst as a suspect. Bit by bit, the police dug and managed to put together a mosaic of what took place.
They learnt that she and the analyst — who runs a think- tank — were introduced to each other at a party abroad a few years ago. They struck up a relationship and had been seeing each other off and on abroad.
Several months ago, the analyst told her that he wanted to end the relationship.
Early last month, Aminah, her sister and cousin turned up in Kuala Lumpur. She hired a private investigator to obtain as much information about the analyst. She also bombarded him with SMSes.
She attempted to visit him at his office and home in Damansara but was prevented by security staff. The analyst also engaged the services of a security consultant to make sure that she did not continue to harass him.
On Oct 19, she showed up outside his home and created a ruckus.
Her sister said that Aminah did not return to their hotel in Chinatown and lodged a police report two days later.
Top-notch investigators were yesterday interrogating those in custody to fill some important blanks in the case, namely how the police personnel got involved. The analyst, in his 40s, is expected to be produced before a magistrate today.
Meanwhile, the Prime Minister’s Office yesterday clarified that the member of the Special Action Squad detained in connection with the murder was not part of the Prime Minister’s permanent personal security team.
A spokesman told Bernama that the police personnel was only a member of a team whose duties include providing security on a rotational basis to Malaysian VIPs when they travel overseas.
--- KatoeyNewsNetwork
08-11-2006, 03:03 PM
Report from The Straits Times (Singapore) dated Wednesday 8 November 2006 :-
Shock waves over detention of Najib's close aide
POLITICAL and intellectual circles here are abuzz with talk of the detention of one of their own in an investigation into the death of a Mongolian woman.
Abdul Razak Baginda, who is in his 40s, is a close associate of Malaysian Deputy Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak.
He set up the Malaysian Strategic Research Centre (MSRC) in 1993, a private think tank specialising in defence and strategic issues, when Datuk Seri Najib was first appointed Malaysian Defence Minister.
He is said to be in the inner circle of Datuk Seri Najib's supporters and aides and has been frequently quoted in Malaysian and international publications.
'I am in shock. I do not know why he has been arrested and how he can be involved,' said a close associate of Mr Abdul Razak, who declined to be named.
Mr Abdul Razak is well-known not just in Malaysia but also among the region's many research organisations for his moderate views on politics and security issues.
The suggestion of involvement in any extramarital affairs is a shock to many who know the man.
Mr Abdul Razak is married with children, and is known to be obsessed with his work in the MSRC.
He is also a regular on the lecture and seminar circuit and a talk show host on national television. His qualification as a stellar analyst is backed up by his qualifications.
He was previously the Head of Strategic Studies and International Relations at the Armed Forces Defence College here.
He is a graduate of King's College London and is a member of the World Economic Forum's (Davos) Global Leaders for Tomorrow as well as the London-based International Institute for Strategic Studies.
--- KatoeyNewsNetwork
09-11-2006, 04:57 AM
Link posted in MSF and ISG
09-11-2006, 04:49 PM
Out of curiosity, has anyone known the suspect before as a Sammyboy forum enthusiast?
09-11-2006, 05:03 PM
Out of curiosity, has anyone known the suspect before as a Sammyboy forum enthusiast?
How do you know that Abdul Razak Baginda was a Samster ? What was his nick ? :confused:
09-11-2006, 05:12 PM
Out of curiosity, has anyone known the suspect before as a Sammyboy forum enthusiast?
i don't think...
24-11-2006, 07:21 PM
Report from The STAR dated Friday 24 November 2006 :-
Pupil made a sex slave
KUALA TERENGGANU : It all started with an invitation from her classmate who lived in the same village to play badminton at an open area near her house in Kampung Catak, Dungun, about 149km from here in November 2001.
The then 11-year-old Year Six pupil had no inkling that a second invitation from the same friend to stay for a drink after the game that evening would be the beginning of her ordeal as a sex slave and “porn star.”
After having the drink, her classmate’s father led her to a bedroom where he plied her with gifts and promised her more presents if she came over often.
State Deputy CID Chief Supt Khairi Ahrasa said the then 39-year-old computer technician asked her to take off her clothes on her visit the next day while his two children went for tuition classes. During that meeting, the man took pictures of the naked girl and fondled her.
Supt Khairi said police believe some of the victim’s nude pictures have been posted on child porn websites.
He said the girl was paid RM5 to RM30 every time she was raped or had her nude pictures taken. She visited the man several times a week.
“The suspect threatened to show the naked pictures to friends and family members if she related her ordeal to anyone,” he said.
Supt Khairi said the victim, who is now 16, was last raped by the suspect two months ago.
He said that on Wednesday, she broke down and told her mother everything.
Supt Khairi said a police report was lodged in Dungun the same day.
Yesterday, police detained the man at his home and seized a computer and several discs.
--- KatoeyNewsNetwork
Ah Dez
25-11-2006, 04:40 AM
JOHOR BARU: A 28-year-old son of a budget hotel owner was shot dead by his would-be abductors.
Tay T Tong and his girlfriend were at a traffic light junction near his house in Jalan Kuning at 3.20am when a car pulled up behind them.
Two men, one armed with a pistol, got out and rushed towards T Tong who was seated in the passenger side.
They opened the door and tried to force him out but he resisted.
On seeing this, T Tong’s 24-year-old girlfriend slammed on the accelerator as the gunman opened fire hitting him in the arm and rib.
The girl drove for about 2km and stopped at Jalan Kelabu when she was sure she was not followed. She called the police.
T Tong, a former top student who was in the school basketball team, had been managing the family’s budget hotel in Taman Pelangi the past three years.
“My son was a good man and has no enemies. “I don’t think anyone want to abduct him for ransom as we are not millionaires. We just own a budget hotel,” said the father Seow Buey, 60.
He said T Tong, who represented his school in a basketball tournament in Taiwan, has a degree in marketing from University of South Australia and had been taking care of the hotel since he was retrenched from his previous banking job in Singapore.
Johor Baru (South) OCPD Asst Comm Shafie Ismail said police were still investigating the motive for the murder.
anyone can check where is the wake? happen to be a friend of mine.
25-11-2006, 05:41 PM
Report from The New Straits Times dated Friday 24 November 2006 :-
Gunman kills hotelier’s only child
JOHOR BARU : Her son’s body was slumped in a pool of blood in his car, but as she bent over him, her maternal instincts came to the fore.
All she wanted to do was comfort and reassure her only child that everything would be alright, although there was no sign of life.
She refused to believe that the light of her life was gone. And with tears streaming down her cheeks, she cried out: "My son, you will be fine, mummy will take you to the hospital."
But for 28-year-old Tay T Tong, it was too late and there was nothing his grieving mother could do to save him.
Tay, who was in the car driven by a woman friend, died after a gunman fired a shot at him with a pistol. The single shot hit him on his left arm and penetrated his chest.
Tay is believed to have died within minutes of the shot.
In the 3.20am incident, Tay, who helped run his family’s budget hotel, was returning home from a pub in Jalan Abdullah Tahir.
His woman friend, who was driving his Toyota Vios, noticed a Proton Waja tailing them.
As they got to the traffic lights in Jalan Kuning, the Proton Waja, with four men inside, pulled up next to Tay’s car.
Two of the men alighted and ordered Tay to get out of his car. When Tay refused, one of the men whipped out a pistol and fired a shot at him.
Tay’s friend, who is in her 20s, immediately drove off but crashed into a divider. The men, meanwhile, fled in the Proton Waja.
Tay’s companion, who was not harmed, said she had noticed the Proton Waja tailing them but had not suspected anything.
Police are withholding her identity.
Tay’s parents and other relatives, meanwhile, rushed to the scene of the crime after being told of the incident.
His father, Tay Siow May, 60, said his son had only recently completed his studies in Singapore and Australia.
His son, he said, was working in Singapore but the family persuaded him to return home to run the budget hotel.
Siow May said he knew most of his son’s friends but had never met the woman driving his son’s car.
Johor Baru (South) police Chief Assistant Commissioner Shafie Ismail said police had yet to establish the motive for the murder.
But for the victim’s mother, however, nothing can ever bring back her beloved son.
--- KatoeyNewsNetwork
25-11-2006, 05:45 PM
Report from The STAR dated Friday 24 November 2006 :-
Jais raids exposed on the Net
PETALING JAYA : Video clips of teenage couples caught hugging and kissing during the Selangor Islamic Affairs Department's (Jais) raids have been exposed on the Internet.
The clips were uploaded on a free video-sharing website that can be accessed by anyone.
The video clips, each lasting 20 to 30 seconds, also showed Jais officers questioning the couples.
In one of the clips, a girl said she regretted her actions and thanked God that she was given a chance to repent.
In another, a couple was questioned for suspected khalwat.
When contacted by mStar Online, The Star’s Bahasa Malaysia news portal, yesterday, Jais enforcement division assistant director Akmal Senin said they usually recorded their raids.
He said that the video clips were sometimes used as evidence in some khalwat cases.
When asked about the video clips that were exposed on the Internet, he said they could not verify or deny that the clips were from them as they had yet to watch them.
Akmal also assured that Jais would take disciplinary action against any officer involved in uploading the clips on the Internet.
--- KatoeyNewsNetwork
25-11-2006, 05:47 PM
Report from The STAR dated Friday 24 November 2006 :-
Jais raids exposed on the Net
PETALING JAYA : Video clips of teenage couples caught hugging and kissing during the Selangor Islamic Affairs Department's (Jais) raids have been exposed on the Internet.
The clips were uploaded on a free video-sharing website that can be accessed by anyone.
The video clips, each lasting 20 to 30 seconds, also showed Jais officers questioning the couples.
In one of the clips, a girl said she regretted her actions and thanked God that she was given a chance to repent.
In another, a couple was questioned for suspected khalwat.
When contacted by mStar Online, The Star’s Bahasa Malaysia news portal, yesterday, Jais enforcement division assistant director Akmal Senin said they usually recorded their raids.
He said that the video clips were sometimes used as evidence in some khalwat cases.
When asked about the video clips that were exposed on the Internet, he said they could not verify or deny that the clips were from them as they had yet to watch them.
Akmal also assured that Jais would take disciplinary action against any officer involved in uploading the clips on the Internet.
--- KatoeyNewsNetwork
30-11-2006, 02:08 AM
Report from The STAR dated Wednesday 29 November 2006 :-
Man claims woman threatened to cut off his genitals
KUALA LUMPUR : Spare parts salesman Y. K. Wong almost had his genitals cut off by a woman whom he thought was in love with him.
Wong, 49, claimed he was held captive for more than 11 hours in a condominium in OUG Garden here on Nov 27 by the woman, who allegedly threatened to cut off his genitals with a pair of seven-inch-long scissors.
Throughout the ordeal, Wong had kept his legs tightly crossed while the woman, a masseuse only identified as Tan, 24, unleashed her fury.
He said he befriended Tan in June after regular visits to see her at a spa where she worked.
Hoping that the friendship would blossom, they regularly went out on dates but strangely enough she would never allow Wong to send her home.
However, Wong related that she had a peculiar habit of being unable to resist the sight of gold.
“She would get very excited whenever we passed a goldsmiths shop and always begged me to buy her gifts of gold items.
“Within a few months, I had reached the limit of all my eight credit cards and had spent more than RM30,000 on her,” said Wong.
Once Tan realised he had no money left, she threatened to leave him unless he borrowed money from loan sharks.
Out of desperation, Wong gave in to her demands and borrowed RM4,000 from loan sharks.
“I then bought a RM2,000 necklace for her and also gave her RM1,000 in cash to spend,” he said.
Fortunately, Wong's five brothers, who were by then aware of the woman's malicious intent, brought him back to his senses.
His third brother plucked up enough courage to confront the woman on the phone and questioned her motives, which, as Wong later found out, angered her.
She sent an SMS to Wong inviting him to her condominium so that she could give him some money to spend.
However, the moment he arrived the woman locked all the doors and said: “I'll teach you a lesson.”
She allegedly started cutting his hair with a pair of scissors and also beat him up with a golf club, while threatening to cut off his private parts.
Wong only managed to escape after the woman had cooled down, but she did not release him until she had another man cut up his clothes.
After much coaxing from his brothers, Wong decided to seek the help of MCA Public Complaints and Services Department chief Datuk Michael Chong yesterday.
Chong said this was only the second time in his 20 years of service that he had heard of such a terrible incident, relating a similar incident eight years ago that involved an angry wife threatening to cut off her husband's genitals.
“We are now trying to contact the woman to get her side of the story before we take any action. After investigations are done we will help to lodge a police report to clear up the matter," he said.--- KatoeyNewsNetwork
19-12-2006, 03:22 PM
Report from The STAR dated Tuesday 19 December 2006 :-
Men 'buy' Viet wives off bridal parades in small-town coffeeshops
KUALA LUMPUR : Marrying a Vietnamese girl in Malaysia is no longer done the conventional mail-order way – it is now conducted in the buy-on-the-spot style.
Young and attractive Vietnamese girls are being paraded at coffeeshops and agents’ homes in some small towns for the prospective grooms to pick and choose, and seal the deal there and then.
MCA Public Services and Complaints Bureau head Datuk Michael Chong described the practice as “sickening and immoral”.
“The agents have always charged a huge amount to provide local men with girls of their choice using runners, distributing leaflets and operating from offices filled with Vietnamese girls’ photos and profiles,” he told The Star.
”Of late, these agents have simplified the process by going straight to the buyer. The practice of parading the girls and selling them off to local singles or divorced men mostly take place in rural areas that are highly populated with Vietnamese such as Triang and Jerantut in Pahang,” Chong said.
ON SHOW: Chong holding up some of the photos of Vietnamese girls that are being offered to men at coffeeshops at his office in Kuala Lumpur on Monday.
“You do not need to go through the hassle of selecting the girl from the photos, flying to Vietnam to meet her and flying back to Malaysia to register the marriage. This practice of ‘buying’ wives paraded in coffeeshops is faster and the potential buyers get to have a first-hand look at the girls.”
The girls are paid for on the spot and taken away by the men as their wives.
Chong said the “price tag” ranges from RM20,000 to RM30,000.
“The prettier and sexier the girl, the higher price she fetches,” he added.
Chong said such a practice is no different from the sex slave trade.
“It is a sickening practice and shames our nation. Women should be treated as equals and by no means are they to be paraded and ‘sold’ in such a manner. This is definitely not showing respect to women,” Chong said.
He added that the authorities have no power to stop the unscrupulous agents as most of them had registered businesses.
“All they need to do is pay RM50 to register a company and conduct their business. We cannot stop them from making money by selling foreign girls for marriages. But we can definitely stop them from parading the girls,” he said, adding that if the bridal parades continued, he would inform the Vietnamese embassy.
“I think the Vietnamese government needs to know about their people being sold off to local men in such a manner. The Vietnamese authorities can then be on the look-out for the agents when they enter Vietnam to ‘recruit’ more girls.”
Most of the girls are from poor families and want to marry Malaysian men for a better life.
There have been cases where the girls were sincere and genuine in marrying local men and hoped for love to grow over time. But there were also reported cases where the girls were only after money or were tortured by their husbands, Chong said.
He also said an agent informed him that most of the men were single, divorced, rich or old. Some were even old enough to be the girl’s father.
He added that many of these buy-on-the-spot brides ran away after marriage.
“Some of them were bought by old and wealthy men, and some by men who wanted nothing but sex. And after their wives ran away, the men complained that they had been cheated by the agents, and demanded their money back,” he said.
Chong urged local men who wished to marry foreign girls to be more careful and consider the consequences.
“Some of these foreign girls are underage or have ‘certain intentions’ and the men only come to know about them when problems start piling up after their marriages have been sealed,” he warned.
“Always keep your foreign wife’s passport, and always consider things like the hassle of renewing the permit, the stigma and shame of being cheated, and the three-year agony you have to endure before you’re legally separated and able to re-marry.”
Chong said most of the men who married Vietnamese wives claimed that they sought the agent’s services because they had been rejected by local girls.
--- KatoeyNewsNetwork
6" boy
19-12-2006, 07:35 PM
Bro KTL, you 2 more points to hit 100. Keep on with the good job.
10-01-2007, 05:25 PM
Report from The STAR dated Wednesday 10 January 2007 :-
Couple caught by angry hubby
KUALA TERENGGANU: A month-long secret love affair between a mother of two and her colleague ended when the woman’s husband caught them having sex in a car late yesterday evening.
The car that was parked under a coconut tree at a secluded spot near the Gong Badak housing estate here at about 8pm.
The couple, in their late 30s, were engaged in sex, not realising that the husband was watching them.
The husband had been suspicious about his wife when she became cold towards him and started neglecting their children for the past month.
Upon seeing the furious husband running towards them with an iron rod the couple dashed out of the car naked.
They escaped by running towards a secondary jungle while holding their undergarments.
After losing them the husband smashed the car belonging to his wife’s lover.
The smashing sounds attracted the residents of the housing estate. The husband also loudly muttered: “Tak adil isteri ada hubungan lepas macam gitu tapi lelaki yang selalu disalahkan (It is not fair when a woman having an affair is let free but the man is often blamed).”
The husband then lodged a police report at the Gong Badak police station at about 9.30pm.
OCPD Asst Comm Abdul Manan Alwi when contacted confirmed receiving the report.
--- KatoeyNewsNetwork
11-01-2007, 01:53 PM
Report from The New Straits Times dated Thursday 11 January 2007:-
Jailed for forcing sister into vice
KUALA LUMPUR : A Cambodian who forced her 17-year-old sister into prostitution was sentenced to three years’ jail and fined RM30,000.
Cambodian Somira Pheap, 27, pleaded guilty in the Sessions Court yesterday to acting as an intermediary in the prostitution of her sister and two Cambodians here.
Deputy public prosecutor Nur Ariffin Hisham, in pressing for a heavy sentence, said the offence carries a maximum of 15 years’ jail with a fine and whipping which reflected the seriousness of the offence.
The offence with which Somira was charged took place at Nilam Apartments, Sri Sinar, Segambut, Sentul, on Aug 18 last year.
The two Cambodians were brought to Malaysia on Aug 18 and were promised a job in the business of the accused’s husband.
However, upon arrival they were met by three men who took them to the apartment and locked them up.
The two women were soon joined by Somira’s sister.
Every night, the three were brought to a karaoke joint where they were forced to entertain customers and have sex with them.
Somira kept the passports of the three women and threatened to hand them over to the police if they refused to provide sex to customers at the karaoke.
On Nov 17, the three women escaped with the help of two patrons of the karaoke outlet and lodged a police report.
The police raided the apartment on Nov 23 where they found 114 condoms.
--- KatoeyNewsNetwork
13-01-2007, 01:32 PM
Report from The STAR dated Saturday 13 January 2007:-
JB schoolgirls competing to be No.1 in sex game
A GROUP of female students in a secondary school in Johor Baru are said to be competing among themselves to be the one with the highest number of one-night stands, Nanyang Siang Pau reported.
Each of the 10 students in the group, aged between 13 and 15 years old, would fork out between RM50 and RM100 to be in the game.
The student with the highest number of sex partners within a month would get a “reward”, which ranged from between RM500 and RM1,000, said the report.
Usually, a student would need between 13 and 15 sex partners to claim the “reward”.
It was learnt that the school had expelled some students involved in the activity, but the report added that it was still going on.
--- KatoeyNewsNetwork
14-01-2007, 03:54 PM
Report from The STAR dated Saturday 13 January 2007:-
JB schoolgirls competing to be No.1 in sex game
A GROUP of female students in a secondary school in Johor Baru are said to be competing among themselves to be the one with the highest number of one-night stands, Nanyang Siang Pau reported.
Each of the 10 students in the group, aged between 13 and 15 years old, would fork out between RM50 and RM100 to be in the game.
The student with the highest number of sex partners within a month would get a “reward”, which ranged from between RM500 and RM1,000, said the report.
Usually, a student would need between 13 and 15 sex partners to claim the “reward”.
It was learnt that the school had expelled some students involved in the activity, but the report added that it was still going on.
--- KatoeyNewsNetwork
any bros know about this game?? it came out in the papers yesterday.
23-01-2007, 01:36 PM
Report from The New Straits Times dated Tuesday 23 January 2007:-
Mother forces girl to commit incest
TUMPAT : It was the ultimate betrayal. A mother forced her 8-year-old daughter to have sex with the girl's stepfather — not once but many times.
According to a police report filed by the child's grandmother, the 32-year-old woman would strip her daughter, from one of her previous marriages, and then force the child to have sex with her 69-year-old husband, while she stood by and watched.
The woman was also said to have forced her daughter to sit down and watch while they had sex.
The pair, from Pengkalan Kubor, were arrested on Sunday after the girl told her 67-year-old grandmother what was going on.
Police are said to be investigating several incidents dating back to last October.
The man is the woman's third husband while the daughter is from her second marriage.
They face 10 years’ jail and whipping if convicted.
23-01-2007, 01:48 PM
Report from The STAR dated Tuesday 23 January 2007:-
9 Thai women and their clients held in raid
NIBONG TEBAL : 9 Thai women were detained along with five clients in a raid on an unlicensed massage parlour on Jalan Nibong Tebal here.
South Seberang Prai district OCPD acting Supt Zainal Abd Aziz said a team led by Chief Insp S. Morgan raided the two-storey shop house at 6.20pm on Sunday.
“Police also detained the care-taker of the premises,” he said at a press conference here yesterday.
Statements were recorded from the nine women and five men. All were aged between 20 and 30.
“Statements have been recorded from the five men who are suspected to be the women's clients,” he added.
The women had entered the country as tourists but were working illegally, he said.
“They will be charged under the Immigration Act for flouting the law,” he said.
“The massage parlour could be a front for something bigger,” Supt Zainal said adding that police would increase enforcement to check prostitution and gambling in the district.
24-01-2007, 03:08 PM
Report from The New Straits Times dated Wednesday 24 January 2007:-
Couple running vice ring held
KOTA KINABALU : Police arrested a couple allegedly involved in supplying prostitutes after seven Filipino women escaped from the vice ring.
The 38-year-old Malaysian man and his Filipino girlfriend, in her 20s, were arrested at an entertainment outlet in Penampang on Monday. The women escaped on Jan 7.
The women, aged between 19 and 27, told police the suspects kept them at an undisclosed house.
They were ferried to a nightclub in Penampang daily and their clients paid RM300 for a sex session.
Sabah Deputy CID chief Asst Comm Ahmad Lofti Khalid said investigations were being carried out on whether the girls were forced into prostitution.
It is learnt that the suspects had promised the women from Manila high-paying jobs as waitresses.
On arrival about a month ago, they were made to accompany guests.
“If they refused, they were fined RM800,” a source said, adding that of the RM300 fee, RM100 would go towards paying “employment agency fee” incurred by the syndicate in bringing them to Sabah.
The girls met a local Filipino who gave them refuge and later helped them to inform the Philippines embassy in Kuala Lumpur.
The embassy later informed the police here.
--- KatoeyNewsNetwork
28-01-2007, 01:48 AM
got any good recommendation for urut batin (manhood therapy) or solid massage or not?
29-01-2007, 08:13 PM
Report from The STAR dated Monday 29 January 2007:-
Two teenagers gang raped in Johor
KOTA TINGGI : Two 15-year-old girls were gang raped by their boyfriends and friends in two separate cases last week.
Kota Tinggi acting OCPD Deputy Supt Muhammad Shamsuddin said that in both cases, the girls had followed their respective boyfriends home before being raped.
DSP Muhammad said that in the first case on Jan 23, the victim met up with her boyfriend at 6pm after sports practice in school.
“She then followed her boyfriend, who was also 15, home to his rented house, where he asked her for sex. The victim agreed to this,” he said.
DSP Muhammad said her boyfriend later asked her to sleep with two of his friends as well to settle his debts.
“She was then raped repeatedly by the two, who were aged 15 and 17. She was then sent home at 8.45pm. She, however, only lodged a police report on Jan 26," he added.
Police detained all three boys the same day while the victim was sent to the Kota Tinggi Hospital for a medical check-up.
DSP Muhammad said the second incident happened on Jan 25.
"The victim met up with her boyfriend in his 20s at Plaza Kota Tinggi. She then followed him home to his house in Kampung Lukut Cina, where she claimed she was raped three times by him.
“After that, two of the suspect’s friends took turns to rape her before sending her home at 1am.
"A police report was lodged on incident the following day,” he added.
DSP Muhammad said police had identified the three suspects and were tracking them down
30-01-2007, 11:51 PM
Report from The New Straits Times dated Tuesday 30 January 2007 :-
Bra thief caught red-handed
GEORGE TOWN : Losing 30 brassieres in two years is enough to distress any girl.
And so it was for the two Chow sisters, who were at their wits’ end trying to prevent their undergarments from being stolen.
Even fencing up the patio where they dried their laundry had not kept their bras safe.
However, their ordeal ended at 1am last Sunday, when the undergarment thief was caught red-handed by the girls’ father and brother.
Chai Chen, 22, and her younger sister, Chai Peng, 15, can now hang their laundry out to dry with peace of mind.
Recalling the incident on Sunday, Chai Chen said her sister had just finished doing her laundry when they heard a noise near the patio.
They went to check and were shocked to see a man lurking about there.
"My sister screamed and my father, who had just came home from work, and my brother rushed out and went after the man.
"They managed to corner the man and upon searching him, found a bra belonging to my sister inside the pocket of his pants."
The man was then handed over to the police.
Chai Chen said she and her sister had been losing their bras since they moved into their Bandar Baru Air Itam flats here two years ago
Northeast district police chief Assistant Commissioner Azam Abd Hamid said the suspect had been remanded for three days to facilitate investigations.
He said the suspect would also be sent for psychiatric evaluation, adding that the man did not have a criminal record.
31-01-2007, 12:33 AM
how come all the bad news sia.....
01-02-2007, 12:14 PM
Report from The New Strais Times dated Thursday 1 February 2007 :-
Selangor exco to check on vice at massage parlours
SHAH ALAM: Massage parlours in Selangor will be seeing VIP customers every night for the next two weeks.
The state executive councillors will not, however, be going there for strong hands to soothe their aches and pains.
Rather, they will be on the lookout for establishments that offer more than a massage to customers.
The move is part of Menteri Besar Datuk Seri Dr Mohd Khir Toyo’s plans to bring errant operators of massage parlours to book.
Dr Khir, who announced the extraordinary move yesterday, has not exempted himself from going to ground to monitor the activities of massage parlours.
Exco members will be accompanied by officials from local authorities, police and Immigration.
They will ascertain if the establishments have licences to operate and if they are following the rules.
He said the move was necessary because of the inordinate number of massage parlours in the state which gave the impression that "the people of Selangor had a chronic problem with aching backs".
Licences for massage parlours have to be renewed on an annual business and can be revoked if illegal or immoral activities occur on the premises.
Dr Khir said the state government planned to take the fight against vice to spas and health clubs in hotels and restaurants next.
He said the authorities were aware that vice was big business in some restaurants in Kuala Langat.
"Customers are even willing to pay to have girls sit on their laps," he said.
01-02-2007, 12:25 PM
Report from The New Straits Times dated Thursday 1 February 2007 :-
Hell hath no fury like two men fooled
DUNGUN: A two-timing woman ended up being chased down the street here for 1km by two enraged lovers after they found they had been cheated.
A police corporal who came to the woman's aid, thinking she had been set upon by bad guys, was also assaulted with helmets by the two men.
It is learnt that the 25-year-old woman was on a date with one of her boyfriends at a stall in Jerangkau here on Tuesday evening. The other stumbled upon the couple, who were having an intimate conversation.
He walked up to confront them before discovering the woman was two-timing them.
Both men became furious when they found they had been fooled by the woman and demanded an explanation from her.
The two angry men were hot on her heels with helmets in hand when the woman from Kampung Bukit Merah here bolted.
Police in a passing patrol car spotted the woman being chased by the two men at about 8.10pm.
When the corporal pulled the car over, the woman ran inside. The policeman then tried to arrest the two but the infuriated men used their helmets to assault him and even damaged the patrol car.
The two then shouted that the woman had cheated on them and later left the scene.
The injured policeman returned to his base where he lodged a report at about 9.30pm.
State deputy CID chief Supt Khairi Ahrasa said the two men, aged 25 and 30, were arrested yesterday morning.
01-02-2007, 12:43 PM
Report from The STAR dated Thursday 1 February 2007 :-
Shocking find by Selangor Exco councillor
KLANG: A Selangor state executive councillor was shocked to find teenagers working at a massage parlour near his service centre.
State Islamic Affairs Committee chairman Datuk Abdul Rahman Palil was taken aback when he found out that some of those who were working at a massage parlour in Bukit Tinggi were from his Sementa constituency.
Twelve girls in the parlour were detained.
“I am going to see their parents and tell them about their children's activities,” he said.
Abdul Rahman was one of the exco members in Selangor who led raids at massage parlours throughout the state.
Selangor Mentri Besar Datuk Seri Dr Mohd Khir Toyo, who announced the state-wide operations earlier yesterday, said all exco members and local council presidents would be conducting raids at such outlets for the next two weeks.
He said reports on all the raids would have to go straight to him.
“We are going to be very thorough in our inspections. We will check the licence, building layout, those employed there – everything,” Dr Khir said, adding that the state had stopped issuing licences for massage parlours last year.
Raids were also conducted at Bandar Baru Klang, where 20 Chinese nationals were detained to facilitate investigations.
Klang Municipal Council president Abdul Bakir Zin said his enforcement officers would check on all 57 massage outlets and 52 entertainment outlets throughout Klang.
In Banting, OCPD Supt Zulkifli Mohamed said three raids were conducted in Taman Banting Baru, Taman Chempaka and Jenjarom.
He said 11 Chinese nationals aged between 22 and 35 were arrested.
12-02-2007, 02:39 PM
Report from The New Straits Times dated Monday 12 February 2007 :-
JB prostitutes give police the slip with new tactics
JOHOR BARU : Prostitutes in Skudai, Pulai and Kulai were operating in smaller groups and using private homes to avoid detection.
This was discovered by police when they came out empty-handed after raids in popular red light areas and budget hotels.
They are now concentrating on high-rise apartments and houses.
Johor Baru (north) police chief assistant commissioner Ruslan Hassan said the flesh syndicates now managed small groups of prostitutes, mostly foreigners, to avoid suspicion.
"They also operate from apartments so that people would not realise the number of guests visiting a particular unit."
Ruslan said police had arrested 44 people this year, including 28 foreign women suspected to be prostitutes and local men who were suspected syndicate members.
Out of the 28 women, 15 were Thai nationals, 11 Indonesians and two Chinese nationals and all were aged between 21 and 30.
Police made 10 raids last month, one at a budget hotel in Skudai, while the rest were at private properties that included apartments and shophouses.
--- KatoeyNewsNetwork
14-02-2007, 02:19 PM
Report from The New Straits Times dated Wednesday 14 February 2007 :-
End of the road for 8 teen masseurs
KLANG : THE 8 young girls wanted to earn some easy cash while waiting for their SPM results and thought they found the perfect “job” - as masseurs.
Their days entertaining clients came to an end when authorities in Klang conducted raids at various massage parlours over the past 2 weeks.
State executive councillor Datuk Abdul Rahman Pahlil said four of the girls had been sent to girls’ homes for rehabilitation as they had been detained before.
The others will undergo counsellng sessions by the State Relgious Affairs Department.
“They were attracted to the work because of the high income. When their parents were informed, they were shocked as they thought their daughters were working in fast-food outlets,” he said.
Selangor authorities launched the two-week operation to identify illegal parlours and vice dens operating as massage parlours.
Abdul Rahman said 50 of the more than 60 massage parlours checked in Klang have been ordered to close. He said the State would no longer issue new licenses for massage parlours. However it will consider applications for health and spa centres.
--- KatoeyNewsNetwork
15-02-2007, 02:41 PM
usually bfore cny.. a lot more raids and robberies...
22-02-2007, 03:57 PM
Report from The New Straits Times dated Thursday 22 February 2007 :-
Woman tricked into having sex with medium
KUALA LUMPUR : A superstitious woman was conned into parting with her money and having sex with a Chinese medium who told her it was necessary to rid her body of bad aura.
The woman, 40, who only wished to be known as Chang, said that she was initially asked by the medium to help with chores, such as cleaning, at the temple in Cheras where she prayed regularly, MCA Public Services and Complaints Department head Datuk Michael Chong told a press conference.
The man, in his 50s, then asked her to donate money for the temple's maintenance. Inexplicably, the woman, a tuition teacher from Ampang, was persuaded to donate more than RM15,000 over three years from 2003 which was banked into the medium's personal account, he said.
Just before Chinese New Year in 2003, the medium asked her to have sex with him to rid her or bad vibes and retain good energy, Chong said.
“The victim claimed the medium tapped her on the head and then she was unable to resist his advances.”
But by the end of the year, the woman began to feel uneasy and stopped going to the temple and having sex with the man.
However, a year later in 2005, her mother had an accident and she returned to the temple to seek solace.
”She continued to donate money but when she brought her mother to the temple late last year, the medium told her that she was cursed because she stopped seeing him.
“That's when she decided she had enough and came to see me and she lodged a police report,” he said.
This case was the latest in a string of similar reports, Chong said.
Last year, he received six cases where four women and two men were cheated in similar way by rogue mediums.
“It's difficult for the authorities to take action because the money was taken in cash and there's no proof. The female victims were tricked into having sex, but the mediums denied forcing themselves on the women.
“I will meet Deputy Internal Security Minister Datuk Fu Ah Kiow soon to discuss the cases and suggest that the police use the Emergency Ordinance against such rogue mediums in the future,” he added.
Chong urged victims of rogue mediums to lodge police reports.
--- KatoeyNewsNetwork
23-02-2007, 04:24 AM
“They were attracted to the work because of the high income. When their parents were informed, they were shocked as they thought their daughters were working in fast-food outlets,” he said.
Dudes... it WAS fast-food outlets... their daughters were the main-dishes!!!
and btw, dunno why these authorities are so uptight about moral issues... I was in an IPD near the Chin Woo stadium and when they brought in the people that kena raided - they got half dozen Arabs as well... and they were all quietly released :confused: ( why the double standards... ???)
and also... OKT? Thats not the short-form/abbreviation for the MCA president ya... *LoL!*
23-02-2007, 10:16 AM
and also... OKT? Thats not the short-form/abbreviation for the MCA president ya... *LoL!*
OKT = Ong Ka Ting :D
So the MCA is a party consisting of pimps ??? :mad:
08-03-2007, 02:02 PM
Report from The New Straits Times dated Thursday 8 March 2007 :-
Youth in trouble over topless pictures
KULIM : The boyfriend of a 15-year-old girl who took shots of her posing topless is in hot water after copies of the pictures were distributed in her school.
The 19-year-old welder has been arrested and is facing a rape charge. The underage girl had informed police that she posed for the pictures after having sex with him.
Schoolmates found copies of the pictures strewn in the school compound on Monday morning and handed them to the principal.
The principal then lodged a police report.
Kulim district police chief Superintendent Abdul Majid Hashim said police had remanded the welder for 10 days.
Majid said police were also investigating who was behind the circulation of the pictures.--- KatoeyNewsNetwork
09-03-2007, 03:26 PM
Report from The New Straits Times dated Friday 9 March 2007 :-
Smut VCD ex-steward in the dock again
KUALA LUMPUR [/B]: A former flight steward, who was convicted of making pornographic VCDs four years ago, is in the limelight again.
Mohd Rizal Mat Yusof, 35, has yet to serve his 18 months’ jail sentence imposed in the first case.
Yesterday, he was slapped with a new charge of criminal intimidation at the magistrate court.
Rizal, a father of two, is accused of recording his girlfriend in the nude and then threatening to spread the recording.
The girlfriend is a 23-year-old nurse. He allegedly threatened her at her apartment in Menara Orkid, Bandar Baru Sentul, about 11.30pm on Feb 23.
Rizal, who is unemployed, claimed trial.
Deputy public prosecutor Tetralina Ahmed Fauzi urged the court not to grant him bail as he knew the victim.
She said the accused had been sentenced to 18 months’ jail for making the smut VCD titled Kehidupan Pramugara Yang Terlampau by the Klang Sessions Court in 2004.
"The court allowed a stay of the sentence and he is currently out on bail. His previous case caused an uproar as it upset a lot of people," she said.
The VCD showed the accused having sex with several women said to be flight attendants. The video was distributed in the Klang Valley.
Rizal, however, told the magistrate that this was a new case.
"I am not guilty of this charge. While on bail, I co-operated with the police and did not run away," he said.
"I am not a violent person and I cannot afford a lawyer after having paid RM18,000 bail for my first case."
Rizal also said he would not make any attempt to meet the victim.
He also told the court that he had two young daughters and was supporting his elderly parents.
Magistrate Azniza Mohd Ali granted bail at RM5,000 in one surety and fixed April 10 for mention. Rizal’s father posted bail.
Rizal was a steward with Malaysia Airlines when he recorded sex scenes of himself with several women. --- [B]KatoeyNewsNetwork
16-03-2007, 03:40 PM
Report from The STAR dated Thursday 15 March 2007 :-
Secret life of varsity student
The student from a public institution of higher learning said that she got to know the 55-year old through an Internet chat room and trusted him because he fulfilled her every whim.
Diana (not her real name) told Harian Metro that she had entertained more than 100 men in the past two years and was constantly in demand for the unusual way in which she entertained her clients.
She would surf chat rooms in search of new clients or through clients who gave her telephone number to their friends.
Diana said: “I gave up my ‘call girl’ days after realising that I was getting older and my studies had suffered from entertaining clients during the day.”
--- KatoeyNewsNetwork
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