View Full Version : Malaysia Self Make Sex Video
28-02-2006, 02:56 PM
Recently a Singapore's polytechnic student has made herself sex video which making love with her boyfriend. This news also spread even to our country and far to USA. This is make Singapore name again on the top of the list.
Again, few years back we also found that Malaysia has it home make sex video too but it could not found in our Malaysia Commercial Sex Scene. Hope any samster who has the file, pls post the file here in order to let all the brothers enjoy the video.
Since our brother need to pay RM10 for the gal's video which according to the newspaper dated 27 Feb 2006. Below is the link which you may enjoy the ride of the pretty gal.
Thank you
28-02-2006, 03:04 PM
28-02-2006, 03:11 PM
28-02-2006, 03:12 PM
invalid leh.
thanx for the effort.
28-02-2006, 03:22 PM
Please check on this.
28-02-2006, 03:34 PM
this is the spore poly gal which is discussed in the Adult Sex Discussion forum, rite??
I got the file from my fren oredy.
28-02-2006, 03:42 PM
this is the spore poly gal which is discussed in the Adult Sex Discussion forum, rite??
I got the file from my fren oredy.
Yes. This issue being talked in most of the forum and blog now and being the top of the search in the internet.
The main purpose is not talking about the Singapore poly gal here. As read my first thread on top which is request the samster brother to share any video like this. There are plenty in Malaysia but nobody share in the samster forum. Hope with this will awake of our brother here with the spirit of "MALAYSIA BOLEH". :D
28-02-2006, 04:15 PM
Brother micl_ten.... thx for your sharing for the movie....
i deep appreciate for this.....
28-02-2006, 06:22 PM
Please be patient. not everything u ask u can get fast. Ive also take time to search back my malay files. but I will send something.
28-02-2006, 06:28 PM
I dont think that the girl is a malay girl. coz from the look of their faces i think that the girls is from INDON. Anyway the shot was good.
01-03-2006, 02:11 AM
micl_ten,Tq,Tq,Tq...............u make my day...tq
01-03-2006, 08:46 AM
Yes. This issue being talked in most of the forum and blog now and being the top of the search in the internet.
The main purpose is not talking about the Singapore poly gal here. As read my first thread on top which is request the samster brother to share any video like this. There are plenty in Malaysia but nobody share in the samster forum. Hope with this will awake of our brother here with the spirit of "MALAYSIA BOLEH". :D
understood your intention...
Will share when i get any.:cool:
01-03-2006, 01:27 PM
Hi bros, to get m'sian home made video indeed you can get it from outside VCD seller. There're plenty of it. The MAS stewardess, KLCC, picnic, langkawi with all sort of titles. You check out the VCD seller.
I just got another one which show 1 man with 2 malay chics posing to the camera and had fun. You couldn't spot the man face at all. The 2 chcis are sporting enough to pose. So so quality.
Go and check it outlah. Dun wait. Hope this is useful for you.
06-03-2006, 03:35 PM
Hi bro can u repost the link it was expired??
Please check on this.
06-03-2006, 03:42 PM
Hi bro the link was expired can u repost the link TQ
07-03-2006, 05:07 AM
i've got a few too, but am not sure if you guys have them yet...
1) NYP (Tammy) full version (including photos, etc) - (I'm sure you guys should have)
2) 5 guys to 1 girl - (Minah style)
3) Toilet doggie - (Minah style)
4) horny bathtub! - (Minah style)
5) Rabia Botak - (Minah style)
6) Student toilet - (Minah style)
7) Staircase - (yes, the ger wif d red g-string)
8) Janda Free - (Minah style, Droopy titties with U shaped pubes)
9) Mengerang - (Minah style, house session)
10) Malay - (Minah style, senget didi)
11) PK Terlampau - (Minah BJ style)
12) Najwa aka as Airport Girl in this forum - (Minah style)
13) Anak_Nakal - (Indon style, young girls fooling around in class)
Thats bout it folks~!
08-03-2006, 03:20 AM
fellow members,
do be more specific on which vid clip you want and also do give me your email... or can i just attach the clip here?
08-03-2006, 06:59 PM
1) NYP (Tammy) full version (including photos, etc) - (I'm sure you guys should have)
yeah.. already got this from the net.. poor girl
08-03-2006, 09:10 PM
fellow members,
do be more specific on which vid clip you want and also do give me your email... or can i just attach the clip here?
hi bro...can attach the file here...i would to download all of this..:) :D
08-03-2006, 09:12 PM
fellow members,
do be more specific on which vid clip you want and also do give me your email... or can i just attach the clip here?
hi bro..can just attach the file i all bro here can download..
09-03-2006, 06:17 AM
got replies from the old school's of this forum that its not safe to just upload it on the forum....
09-03-2006, 08:37 AM
got replies from the old school's of this forum that its not safe to just upload it on the forum....
then Pm to the bro who request from you lor...
but me must be have it too... ok:p
09-03-2006, 08:41 AM
i've got a few too, but am not sure if you guys have them yet...
Thats bout it folks~!
Bro, u sure have all those good stuff eh... hehehehe
09-03-2006, 01:59 PM
Bro, u sure have all those good stuff eh... hehehehe
Bro, confirm Bro Blow has the vids !!!!
Bro Blow, up u alredy !!!
09-03-2006, 02:02 PM
Bro, confirm Bro Blow has the vids !!!!
Bro Blow, up u alredy !!!
U become by the day more hum sup hor!!?? When u wanna go clean lap sap? Tonite u on boh?
09-03-2006, 02:04 PM
U become by the day more hum sup hor!!?? When u wanna go clean lap sap? Tonite u on boh?
These few days I very sick lah !!!! Food poisoning !!! Today at home. U wanna go I accompany u, no strength in my legs lah !!!:D
09-03-2006, 02:06 PM
These few days I very sick lah !!!! Food poisoning !!! Today at home. U wanna go I accompany u, no strength in my legs lah !!!:D
See... it has proven u ate lap sap again few days ago, if not where got kena food poisoning! :p
I will let u know later... waiting for TSH confirm 1st. I dunno the way to his 2nd.. or is it his 3rd house.
09-03-2006, 02:16 PM
See... it has proven u ate lap sap again few days ago, if not where got kena food poisoning! :p
I will let u know later... waiting for TSH confirm 1st. I dunno the way to his 2nd.. or is it his 3rd house.
GTM ... !!!! Lei Ke Hai !!!! not much strength so small one only.
Waiting 4 ur call.:D
09-03-2006, 02:51 PM
Bro, confirm Bro Blow has the vids !!!!
Bro Blow, up u alredy !!!Lucky I read carefully. I thought you said 'BLOW YOU ALREADY'.:D
09-03-2006, 02:53 PM
U become by the day more hum sup hor!!?? When u wanna go clean lap sap? Tonite u on boh?Tonite where you guys going? Why never let me follow? Me dun want to bonk but if they insist then no choice lah.:D
09-03-2006, 02:57 PM
Tonite where you guys going? Why never let me follow? Me dun want to bonk but if they insist then no choice lah.:D
I correct u lah:
I never screw but if the ger kacau me it's not my fault wah! :D
Waiting for TSH to confirm, will let u know later. I can fetch u oso since YSH not free today.
Oso got the chance to get Fei Low Burns to come KL coz he is on chee bye poisoning leave.
10-03-2006, 02:41 PM
hahaha... farnee conversation ler u guys... wished i was in singapore... sigh...
i've got quite a few SIA crew friends around... so far, only kena a few of them...
anyway, posted to those who PMed d... so er.. if you dont get it, then PM me again ler... i these days a bit busy.. only free during wee hours... sigh.....
10-03-2006, 02:49 PM
hahaha... farnee conversation ler u guys... wished i was in singapore... sigh...
Bro, we are from KL. :D
10-03-2006, 11:44 PM
i've got a few too, but am not sure if you guys have them yet...
1) NYP (Tammy) full version (including photos, etc) - (I'm sure you guys should have)
2) 5 guys to 1 girl - (Minah style)
3) Toilet doggie - (Minah style)
4) horny bathtub! - (Minah style)
5) Rabia Botak - (Minah style)
6) Student toilet - (Minah style)
7) Staircase - (yes, the ger wif d red g-string)
8) Janda Free - (Minah style, Droopy titties with U shaped pubes)
9) Mengerang - (Minah style, house session)
10) Malay - (Minah style, senget didi)
11) PK Terlampau - (Minah BJ style)
12) Najwa aka as Airport Girl in this forum - (Minah style)
13) Anak_Nakal - (Indon style, young girls fooling around in class)
Thats bout it folks~!
Bro, better burn it in a CD la, since so many, lolz....then distribute while TT..
11-03-2006, 04:47 AM
Bro, we are from KL. :D
ooops... i am from up north.. but travel to KL often... kekeke
anyone can share the FoonYew Vid?
11-03-2006, 08:25 AM
Bro, better burn it in a CD la, since so many, lolz....then distribute while TT..
wah... then new members pay membershp fee get the cd.
13-03-2006, 12:26 PM
Brother micl_ten.... thx for your sharing for the movie....
i deep appreciate for this.....
can repost the link ar...
15-03-2006, 12:25 PM
Dear all samester,
I hereby upload the file for a limited days started from 15 March 2006. The download is only available for 7 days only. Who has miss it, please see the zip file below.
16-03-2006, 02:52 PM
many thanks brudder!
16-03-2006, 03:55 PM
I hope with this contribution, our brothers would appreciate by increasing my points as contributed so much and very disappointed, my points and power have been reduction.
Anyway, thanks for all your support.
Best regards/
16-03-2006, 04:04 PM
great to have ya reply but I click on the few links...and got into the website but the pix cant see. they seem to have an axe over the left hand corner in a small white box. Dun know why?
meanwhile, plse teach me how to up ya points and whatever ya asked for as saya tak tahu lah! I hope I can...wiz my low points.
22-03-2006, 01:06 PM
Clip 1 (either produced in Malaysia or Indonesia) :
Clip 2 (looks like Chinese couple):
02-04-2006, 10:16 PM
Yo bro...... Can repost other video for me?? Plz..... The nyp student 1 I already haf...... Thx guys
06-04-2006, 03:27 PM
14-04-2006, 01:36 AM
expired *slap forehead*
14-04-2006, 01:40 AM
me have 40 ++ clips looking for some trade (handphone types) local gers 90% indian, chinese n malay (mostly) .... anyone up to it ??? PM loh
TRADE loh ..... can trade fl ar ons ar hehe ... but condition if fl furthest pj area onli ...... thanks thanks
14-04-2006, 03:31 AM
i've got more than a hundred home made vid clips with me, you wanna trade FL ar ONS ar with me? Sel/KL/KV area is fine by me... :)
14-04-2006, 10:36 PM
i've got more than a hundred home made vid clips with me, you wanna trade FL ar ONS ar with me? Sel/KL/KV area is fine by me... :)
wahh cool sure ... check ur PM
15-04-2006, 03:54 PM
me have 40 ++ clips looking for some trade (handphone types) local gers 90% indian, chinese n malay (mostly) .... anyone up to it ??? PM loh
TRADE loh ..... can trade fl ar ons ar hehe ... but condition if fl furthest pj area onli ...... thanks thanks
i also got alot... trade with me... wat's ur email?
16-04-2006, 08:02 PM
hi guys,
pls re-upload the poly vd0...its expired
16-04-2006, 10:06 PM
i like it please give more
17-04-2006, 12:55 AM
pls reupload the poly girl vdo
18-04-2006, 03:47 PM
I dont think you guys need to trade la. Over at "adult discussion" , some senior had been posting free and over hundreds had been collected. Need to exchange ??? No need, its free.
Dont believe some of you guys are demanding for stuff for exchange. Picture also got la, mostly malay, Ya , can hear them talking too.
18-04-2006, 05:56 PM
sugardad if ud give ur stuff to strangers in this forum ... then give ur movies to me la ... id appreciate if u can honour your statement :) or u can just ignore this ... no harms done
18-04-2006, 06:27 PM
i've got a few too, but am not sure if you guys have them yet...
1) NYP (Tammy) full version (including photos, etc) - (I'm sure you guys should have)
2) 5 guys to 1 girl - (Minah style)
3) Toilet doggie - (Minah style)
4) horny bathtub! - (Minah style)
5) Rabia Botak - (Minah style)
6) Student toilet - (Minah style)
7) Staircase - (yes, the ger wif d red g-string)
8) Janda Free - (Minah style, Droopy titties with U shaped pubes)
9) Mengerang - (Minah style, house session)
10) Malay - (Minah style, senget didi)
11) PK Terlampau - (Minah BJ style)
12) Najwa aka as Airport Girl in this forum - (Minah style)
13) Anak_Nakal - (Indon style, young girls fooling around in class)
Thats bout it folks~!
Do u still got all of these video that u r saying? Ive got a few of them but there is still i didnt get. can u share the video with us. Or do u want me to give my email to u?
19-04-2006, 02:43 PM
Check the other thread, under " Adult Discussion about Sex " , tittle is malay girl . its in this site, go and download yourself. No need who give who or owe favor.
20-04-2006, 03:27 AM
well definitely i need your email add... right?
21-04-2006, 12:45 PM
i have video title awek kemaman full version and awek kelantan 1 minutes. but in 3gp. not clear
21-04-2006, 12:49 PM
i have video title awek kemaman full version and awek kelantan 1 minutes. but in 3gp. not clear:cool:
21-04-2006, 12:50 PM
Hi bro the link was expired can u repost the link TQ
i have video title awek kemaman full version and awek kelantan 1 minutes. but in 3gp. not clear
21-04-2006, 01:24 PM
For NYP (Tammy) full version (including photos, etc), please going to the following thread, its there:
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