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26-03-2006, 01:01 PM
Sorry if there is already a threat starter on this topic, but i have been searching around, dont seem to have any recent update on this topic leh?

Any bro that cheong Jc can recomment any good KTV in JC?

Went to 2 KTV at JC recently, 1 is jin que KTV, check out the wl there are almost 30plus year old 1, but some have real nice big breast (my weakness, hehehe). Have quite some fun over there, tip wise around $20 (Am I spoiling the market? Bro pls advise). Spend $20 tip, 1 jug beer, 2 plate of fruit and peanut + room cost $75, total damages around 100.

Last week, again cheong JC again, this time, go into another KTV, just 1 or 2 KTV beside Jin Que, but not sure the name. Wow, this joint have wl range from 20 plus to 30 plus, gals to choose from, again, die in the hand of a big nie nie, but only 22 year old, a beauty in my eyes. Nearly go for extra after the KTV, but lucky did not bring enough money, never go second round (she quote for 150, i think abit ex! Any bro can let me know the market?) Spend $30 tip, 1 jug beer, 2 plate of fruit and peanut + room cost $74, total damages around 100.

Btw, these 2 two joint all PRC. Hope to have more contribution to this joint, really enjoy the KTV there, will explore others KTV down the road when there is opportunity.:D

26-03-2006, 11:57 PM
U go alone??

27-03-2006, 08:09 AM
No, I went with 2 of my friends, but, 1 jug of beer is enough, main reason is to rubba rubba mah, hehehe.

Btw, have check with the wl there, there seem to be alot of customer going there alone.

U went there before? any field Report?

27-03-2006, 07:06 PM
Never been there before!!


28-03-2006, 02:00 PM
No, I went with 2 of my friends, but, 1 jug of beer is enough, main reason is to rubba rubba mah, hehehe.

Btw, have check with the wl there, there seem to be alot of customer going there alone.

U went there before? any field Report?

Try doing a search. A couple of threads started on Ktvs along JC. try IV, GS, Echo. Thou not really my cup of tea nowadays, you can still find a couple of gems if u look abit longer....I mean eye level...not chest level....:p

29-03-2006, 07:58 AM
Yummybear, noted that there is are threat on JC KTV, but seem quite long ago liao leh, btw, not much people contribute to this threat, maybe nowaday, everyone goes to the Pub along JC, the threat on the pub almost everyday have people chatting.

Well, I need to put my eye on both eye level and chest level, cos i am a boob lover mah, hehehe.

19-06-2006, 08:16 AM
Wah from April till now, still no contribution from any bro har? JC KTV really no cheonger meh?

Btw, juz came back from oversea attachment, and with some win in the world cup, so went down to the KTV in JC on one weekday with a few friends.

Been away for 2 month, quite a few new faces with big (.)(.) can be seen here, look around 20 plus.....Well this time round sit with 2 gals,
a)1 small size 25 year old with "C" Cup PRC, consider those that the more you look , the more sui she get that type, and in a pink silkly mini dress, very seducing, hehehe.
b)1 "A" Cup Gal, wear a white color tight, 26year old, but to me, consider pretty.
This time round, with a group of my wolf friends, everyone rubba and fingers the gals like no one business (once a while can see gals looking thru the window of the room from outside, but who care heheh.). Well overall experience tis time is very good, although have to run toilet a few time (not to do what, but to wah my hand that is fill with the ladys juice, keke).

Not to advertise on this KTV, juz like to share some Fr on these JC KTV, hope to see bros recommendation and Fr if have any. Cheers.

19-06-2006, 11:26 AM
which ktv bro?

and is your damage the same as above?

19-06-2006, 06:53 PM
Up till now, i still have not check to name of the KTV yet, but it is juz 1 ktv beside "Jin Que KTV".

Damage? you mean the drinks or the ladys? Drinks I think all there about the same rate, go happy hour and order the beer first, which is more cheaper. Ladies tip depends on you, normally i give between 30~50, so far no attidute from anyone of them yet. Well, since there are no mummy, so can save some mummy tips lor, hehe.

Cheers, and enjoy.:D

19-06-2006, 08:44 PM
power lah bro.

thanks... was thinking of going century this week.. mebbe change and try jc ktv instead

19-06-2006, 10:27 PM
Well bro, hope you enjoy there. Btw if you try others KTV along JC, hope you can post FR and share information with me, thks.


19-06-2006, 11:57 PM
Dun mind me asking cos just started to chiong KTV:o ....do JC ktv offer hj, bj or fj in the room? and wat is the damage? cheaper than those hotel ktv? there i was offered hj: $50, bj:$100 and fj:$150...........

20-06-2006, 06:37 PM
Bro, i cant relly answer you the questions, cos personally I have not try nor see anyone there doing the stuff you said over there, I only go there 2 time, so cant really tell you that much too....

Btw, those ktv you try, are the ladies PRC? What I know is only the Viet are so daring in "Playing", but i dont like, cos cant communicate well......

Well, bro, why dont you try out and let us know...hehhe


20-06-2006, 08:59 PM
Well bro, hope you enjoy there. Btw if you try others KTV along JC, hope you can post FR and share information with me, thks.


sure thing bro.. will post FR be it whether i go century or jc...

but my fren still havent call me yet... i itching to go man...

20-06-2006, 09:58 PM
went to GS few months back... CMI guys.... wonder is it better now....

21-06-2006, 07:59 PM
GS? which one is GS KTV? And what do u mean by CMI? Sori, not sure what u mean.....:confused:

21-06-2006, 09:08 PM
GS is beside IV Ktv. if not wrong, same management. CMI = cannot make it :)

21-06-2006, 10:57 PM
GS KTV, I really have no idea (Maybe is Jin Que?), will avoid going there when i go JC then, heheh, thks bro.

BTW, why you say GS KTV CMI? Services?

Btw, if IV KTV is beside Jin Que KTV, I agree with you that the gals in Jin Que is almost in the 30++ zone, but the one beside Jin Que (Maybe is IV KTV? I not too sure, will confirm nxt time i go down), although have 30+ gals, but alot are in the 20 zone, mostly, the gals i sit is between 22 to 26, and service i consider not bad, can touch touch, finger finger, rub rub, dance dance, no problem.


21-06-2006, 11:22 PM
just to confirm, so the charges in IV is $75 for 1jug, 1peanuts, 1fruits?? cos' i maybe going down to give it a try.. =)

22-06-2006, 12:38 AM
Btw, those ktv you try, are the ladies PRC? What I know is only the Viet are so daring in "Playing", but i dont like, cos cant communicate well......

Well, bro, why dont you try out and let us know...hehhe


Yap, Viets, PRC and Msian too. they all can speak england and china well enough so no comm problem leh....:)

22-06-2006, 07:53 AM
just to confirm, so the charges in IV is $75 for 1jug, 1peanuts, 1fruits?? cos' i maybe going down to give it a try.. =)

FYI, I think all the KTV around there is about that price, and i am refering if you order the beer before happy hrs.


22-06-2006, 07:57 AM
Yap, Viets, PRC and Msian too. they all can speak england and china well enough so no comm problem leh....:)

Well, important must be happy.....Mind tell us where you go and whow is the damage?

Happy Choinging


22-06-2006, 04:15 PM
FYI, I think all the KTV around there is about that price, and i am refering if you order the beer before happy hrs.


thanks for the info, i went there for a recce with one of my friend some days back. we reached ard 1150pm thinking GS and IV closed at 1am. to our surprise, at 12am, lights off liao and girls started to come out from GS (customers only a handful, does that means not many people?) then we sit in our car and observe IV, only 1 girl came out and at 130am, we gave up. go eat FEI FEI wanton mee.. i would say the girls have quality on their boobs but face wise have to compromise a little. btw, what time is the happy hour? meaning to say i go around 8pm and sit till 12am, i'll get the $75 deal? if that's the good deal, i'll jio my khakis go and return with a FR, cheers~~

22-06-2006, 09:43 PM
thanks for the info, i went there for a recce with one of my friend some days back. we reached ard 1150pm thinking GS and IV closed at 1am. to our surprise, at 12am, lights off liao and girls started to come out from GS (customers only a handful, does that means not many people?) then we sit in our car and observe IV, only 1 girl came out and at 130am, we gave up. go eat FEI FEI wanton mee.. i would say the girls have quality on their boobs but face wise have to compromise a little. btw, what time is the happy hour? meaning to say i go around 8pm and sit till 12am, i'll get the $75 deal? if that's the good deal, i'll jio my khakis go and return with a FR, cheers~~

If you go at 8pm, i think still happy hrs, if i remember correctly, happy hr is till 9pm? anyway, you can check the signboard outside.

Order 1 Jug of beer + Rm + 1 bowl of Peanut + 2 plate of Fruit, yes around $75
That time i order 2 jug before happy har, the bill come to around $100.

If GS is "Jin Qu", and IV KTV is the one i go (Will confirm the name of the KTV when i go down again), yes to say that the gals in GS is almost average looking, mostly around 30+ (maybe have some change now, i not sure). But IV KTV have more pretty gals (in my own opinion), and age range 20plus to 30plus, good thing is if you dont like the gals, juz dont ask her to sit beside you lor, choose till the one you like, hehehe.

Well the gals tell me KTV closed at 1.30am, btw, now is World Cup Season, i think maybe business not that good ba. But I prefer not so much customer at time, so your gal wont be flying everytime, hehehe.


23-06-2006, 11:57 AM
If you go at 8pm, i think still happy hrs, if i remember correctly, happy hr is till 9pm? anyway, you can check the signboard outside.

Order 1 Jug of beer + Rm + 1 bowl of Peanut + 2 plate of Fruit, yes around $75
That time i order 2 jug before happy har, the bill come to around $100.

If GS is "Jin Qu", and IV KTV is the one i go (Will confirm the name of the KTV when i go down again), yes to say that the gals in GS is almost average looking, mostly around 30+ (maybe have some change now, i not sure). But IV KTV have more pretty gals (in my own opinion), and age range 20plus to 30plus, good thing is if you dont like the gals, juz dont ask her to sit beside you lor, choose till the one you like, hehehe.

Well the gals tell me KTV closed at 1.30am, btw, now is World Cup Season, i think maybe business not that good ba. But I prefer not so much customer at time, so your gal wont be flying everytime, hehehe.


oritey! thanks so much.. =)

23-06-2006, 02:11 PM
zese places always hv ze problem ...

customers will not wan 2 go zare if ze place do not hv many girls ... n oso, ze girls will not wan 2 go zare if ze place do not hv many customers ...

23-06-2006, 06:41 PM
zese places always hv ze problem ...

customers will not wan 2 go zare if ze place do not hv many girls ... n oso, ze girls will not wan 2 go zare if ze place do not hv many customers ...

Well, The place is packed at time, that why i think the gals there stay there. And I try to go during mon to wed, so that i can have more time with the gals, usually on Thur to Sun, almost all room full at around 10plus, then the gals start running around liao, no choice lah, they also come here to make a living, to earn money mah.


26-06-2006, 10:56 PM
Well, important must be happy.....Mind tell us where you go and whow is the damage?

Happy Choinging


Superstar......damage as mention in my last post. Drinks wise definately more costly than JC ktv. Next time will try JC.....:)

26-06-2006, 11:51 PM
went IV last Sat with 5 of my friends. one of my friends booked a room in the afternoon and we reached ard 815pm. we ordered Martell which is $240 nett. asked about the beer, before happy hr ( before 9pm) is $28(1jug) + $20(rm), after happy hr if wans to continue, have to order 1 more jug ($28) + another $10(forgot for what).
Summary on the drinks:
1 x Martell, 1 x peanuts, 1 x fruits => $240 nett (can sit from 8pm-2am)
2 x Beer, 1 x peanuts, 1 x fruits => $86 nett (can sit from 8pm-2am)

girls swarmed in 2mins after we settled down. less than a min, all my friends got 2 each except me. cos' i going for big boobs. finally, a potential playful girl came and rub rub me, then i take her. her name is xiao hua, 28yrs old. boobs i tink ard B. things that the gals do, play with dicks, lick nipples, sit on our laps, seduce u to go HJ. around 11pm+, me and 3 other friends accepted the HJ offer. $40 (HJ + tips) the rest of the girls, all give $20 except for 1, my friend gave $30 cos' she kept on the momentum thru' out. I chaoz ard 1220, didnt stay till 2am but the rest stayed on.
Summary on the girls:
1 x Xiao Hua, perform HJ in toilet + touchy touchy in room + average 20-30mins butterfly => $40

Summary on the songs: Not new and the interface is not idiot-proof

Not all rooms are taken
Around 20girls to go around, rating around 6/10
Songs are not new
Drinks are cheap
Will go back again

hope this FR helps those bro who are tinkin of to go or not to go. =)
Cheers!! ;)

27-06-2006, 09:38 PM
eh bro reallyboy...

i was sitting a few seats away from u. hahahha.. didnt know u will post here.

anyway we all got HJ that night. our mutual friend (u know who) went for 3 times in total. the rest of us each 2 times. each time only $20.

27-06-2006, 11:12 PM
eh bro reallyboy...

i was sitting a few seats away from u. hahahha.. didnt know u will post here.

anyway we all got HJ that night. our mutual friend (u know who) went for 3 times in total. the rest of us each 2 times. each time only $20.

cool cool~ i nv know u r here as well, shd hav discuss more when we met up, next time perhaps. u guys got gd deals. gong xi gong xi~ ;)

28-06-2006, 10:04 PM
iluvgirls, u are a few seat away from reallyboy? Or a few Room away? Hehehe, glad you all enjoys!

BTW, confirm the KTV is IV KTV liao and hav check the following up>>
Happy hour fm 3pm to 9pm, and operate til 1.30am
(according to the gals, 1.30am light open liao, customer still sit and usually closed at 2am)
small rm $10, medium rm $20
Beer $28 per jug
2 plate of fruit & 1 bowl of peanut $30

Reallyboy, i tink your breakdown of the beer abit wrong leh, cos i pay total $96 for 2 jug of beer and sit from 7.30pm til 12.30am.

reallyboy, if you like big (.)(.), there is 1 gal by the name of xiao wen, she is D Cup, soft and tender, hehehe. Another 1 by the name of Tian Tian (Sweet Sweet), i tink have C Cup. There is a few more near C Cup one, but i not sure what is their name.......

Maybe iluvgirls can share his FR n recommend us some good catch? HEHEH


30-06-2006, 01:38 AM
iluvgirls, u are a few seat away from reallyboy? Or a few Room away? Hehehe, glad you all enjoys!

BTW, confirm the KTV is IV KTV liao and hav check the following up>>
Happy hour fm 3pm to 9pm, and operate til 1.30am
(according to the gals, 1.30am light open liao, customer still sit and usually closed at 2am)
small rm $10, medium rm $20
Beer $28 per jug
2 plate of fruit & 1 bowl of peanut $30

Reallyboy, i tink your breakdown of the beer abit wrong leh, cos i pay total $96 for 2 jug of beer and sit from 7.30pm til 12.30am.

reallyboy, if you like big (.)(.), there is 1 gal by the name of xiao wen, she is D Cup, soft and tender, hehehe. Another 1 by the name of Tian Tian (Sweet Sweet), i tink have C Cup. There is a few more near C Cup one, but i not sure what is their name.......

Maybe iluvgirls can share his FR n recommend us some good catch? HEHEH


Tryplay, reallyboy D Cup?!! i love big neh nehz, haa. i walked ard the KTV, never see any, in my room got 1, one of my friend has her, happy for him. anyway, thanks for the info. the girl i sat with, xiao3 hua2, she got very nice body complexion, fair and smooth. when u see the face for the 1st time, okie okie onli, when u start to roam ard, u will be satisfied. :p

30-06-2006, 08:09 AM
Tryplay, reallyboy D Cup?!! i love big neh nehz, haa. i walked ard the KTV, never see any, in my room got 1, one of my friend has her, happy for him. anyway, thanks for the info. the girl i sat with, xiao3 hua2, she got very nice body complexion, fair and smooth. when u see the face for the 1st time, okie okie onli, when u start to roam ard, u will be satisfied. :p

Yap, Xiao Wen neh neh is D Cup, and she is only in her early twenty, but heard she dont go IV KTV everyday, maybe you can check with xiao hua, and ask xiao hua to call her down, they are quite close friend i tink.

Xiao hua, i know who, she did not sit with me, but sit with my friend twice liao, she is one of the more dare playing gal down there. Yeah, you are rite, she look so so onli when she came in, but the more you look at her, the more sexy she look, and abit slut look, heheh, boi ta han sometime.

As for the C Cup gal, Tian Tian, i tink she is going back china end of the month, heard will be coming back maybe end of July bah. Did i mention tis gal like to dance a lot? If you put some fast dancing song, she will dance in front of you, and lap dance too, siok.

Actually there is 1 more sweet little gal, she is those small frame gal, and her neh neh look big for her size, i forgotten her name.

Still waiting for iluvgirls recommendation leh.....

01-07-2006, 01:37 PM
I have been cheonging gs and iv on off for the past few years. Quality of gals is seasonal, sometime good, sometime bad..gs is slightly cheaper but iv got younger gals and nicer room.

Tips, $10 for gals who i dun rubba or regular gals who dun ask permission oso sit. $20 is quite standard liao; dun rubba lugi. $30 means i am impressed and trying to impress. $50 means expect some special; hehe.

Overall, i think jc ktv is value for money. Enjoy la all bros.:p

04-07-2006, 10:00 PM
Just cheong GS ( Bill is IV KTV) so not sure which is which. But the happy hour beer is $18 and room rate as describe..

If bored can go opposite to A..something GUN Pub...Viet girls...cute..can Ta Pao..

Further up near corner another PRC KTV....have not explore yet..Anyone can advise if worth to go or not? Thinking of giving it a shot...

06-07-2006, 04:01 PM
Just cheong GS ( Bill is IV KTV) so not sure which is which. But the happy hour beer is $18 and room rate as describe..

If bored can go opposite to A..something GUN Pub...Viet girls...cute..can Ta Pao..

Further up near corner another PRC KTV....have not explore yet..Anyone can advise if worth to go or not? Thinking of giving it a shot...

GS and IV i supposed belong to the same management. i tried looking up in yellowpages, they only state GS. 'A Gun' pub is always filled with people, might try it out since u say itz gd. how's the charges of the drinks like? always go KTV, never tried pub before, thanks. PRC KTV? what the name of it?

07-07-2006, 01:58 AM

Went IV (door name ) yesterday..and was told that they belong to new management different from GS next door. Girls here are more wild...then GS ---got one CB dancing in g-string in room...Can do HJ also.....Wow..Hot...already

The other next door up the street is called Cashman , anyone tried that place?

07-07-2006, 12:52 PM

Went IV (door name ) yesterday..and was told that they belong to new management different from GS next door. Girls here are more wild...then GS ---got one CB dancing in g-string in room...Can do HJ also.....Wow..Hot...already

The other next door up the street is called Cashman , anyone tried that place?

Last time IV is nt so happening from wat i knw but nw the mm there getting more hiong liao.There is one milf call xiao yun who keep asking ppl to go toilet..Somemore she is quite a big boob..:D

07-07-2006, 04:56 PM
I went to I.V yar the Xiao Yu always jio ppl go toilet handjob b4 tat say free after at toilet wana to take 1 sum of $$ frm u so beware her "Mia Sia" beri smelly aready coz went wif my brother then she jio my brother go toilet b4 tat at the room she told my friend say free then after tat reach toilet liao she ask $$ frm my brother then my brother say "thought at first u say free?" then she say nvm how much u got now give mi lor then my friend kana scam coz when my brother took out his wallet she str8 away take the $50 bucks frm his wallet when he came back to room he told us n 1 of my brother was beri dulan n hot liao he went outside go n find her few mins later my brother pull her inside n my brother kpkb her ask her to return the 50bucks to my friend and we give her 30bucks for tips then ask her go at first she dun wan to give back n act a poor n innocent face after tat my friend dulan bang the door after that she say if i return then we dun give her back the 30bucks how? We say will give her back the 30 bucks in other she return the 50bucks to my friend after she return my brother walk out of the room she cried act pity btw my brudders if happen to go I.V beware PRC Xiao Yu take care my friend. Hmm nx outting will be BS bah

Heart Break Kid
12-07-2006, 04:39 PM
I had visited IV for past two months .. not bad

That Xiao Wen ever one time count the tips received inside our KTV room,
one stack of $10 notes amount to $170 by just at 12 midnight.

In my opinion, $20 tips for them is more than enough liao :p

This sat, I may be going IV to chiong again there also got Vietnam gals :D

14-07-2006, 06:12 PM
Hav Viet gal in IV meh? How come no see them come into my room one? hehhe.:D

14-07-2006, 06:21 PM
Hav Viet gal in IV meh? How come no see them come into my room one? hehhe.:D

I gt saw before..i tik i saw one viet gal at IV before...Btw last time i went to GS gt indonesia gal also but nw still gt or nt,i dun really knw..

Heart Break Kid
14-07-2006, 10:53 PM
Hav Viet gal in IV meh? How come no see them come into my room one? hehhe.

Nowaday IV got few Viet gal .. introduce by IV manager :D

btw Bro Tryplay .. GS got one waitress called Jessie, she do go out with customers who tipped her well

Name: Jessie
Age: 20
Look: 6/10
Attitude: 4/10
Personality: She loves $$$

15-07-2006, 11:38 AM
Hav Viet gal in IV meh? How come no see them come into my room one? hehhe.:D

last time when i went, IV manager did bring in a vietnam girl but she on the plump side so we rejected her.. that's the only 1 i saw.. :)

15-07-2006, 03:42 PM
Nowaday IV got few Viet gal .. introduce by IV manager :D

btw Bro Tryplay .. GS got one waitress called Jessie, she do go out with customers who tipped her well

Name: Jessie
Age: 20
Look: 6/10
Attitude: 4/10
Personality: She loves $$$

Bro, her attitude 4/10 so poor har? you go out with her before bo? Tip her well? how well is well? heheh.

care to tell us more?

Btw, the waitress in IV look cute too, dont know whether can befriend bo, anyone have any ideas? :D

15-07-2006, 04:19 PM
Nowaday IV got few Viet gal .. introduce by IV manager

btw Bro Tryplay .. GS got one waitress called Jessie, she do go out with customers who tipped her well

Name: Jessie
Age: 20
Look: 6/10
Attitude: 4/10
Personality: She loves $$$

No wonder tat time she went inside our rm and chat wif us for very long.She came in our rm many but nt juz pour beer but sing some song for us as well.But when the bill come we din give her tips.She seem like vey angry.Btw she is quite a cute syt and she do go out wif customers?:confused: If i knw i sure tip her well...:D

Heart Break Kid
16-07-2006, 04:46 PM
Bro, her attitude 4/10 so poor har? you go out with her before bo? Tip her well? how well is well? heheh.

care to tell us more?

Btw, the waitress in IV look cute too, dont know whether can befriend bo, anyone have any ideas?

That GS Jessie ..my friend tip her $50 then went out with her, according to him cannot kiss cannot touch :mad: I do go to GS too but there mostly old ladies .. sianz

IV got one waitress called Kris .. quite pretty but a bit fat, one occasion after 2pm when the light are on .. I saw her inside one KTV room she was drunk and one young guy was kissing her and squeezing her big breasts :D

Heart Break Kid
16-07-2006, 04:51 PM
No wonder tat time she went inside our rm and chat wif us for very long.She came in our rm many but nt juz pour beer but sing some song for us as well.But when the bill come we din give her tips.She seem like vey angry.Btw she is quite a cute syt and she do go out wif customers? If i knw i sure tip her well...

Aiyoh, those malaysians young CB only want to make more $$$ without selling their backsides. :D

The last time I went to GS there do charge an additional $3 tips on the bills :mad:

22-07-2006, 08:51 PM
That why I perfer to go IV, the girl more younger and prettier than GS. BTW, any Bro try the rest of the KTV along JC?

IV go till abit sian liao, those gals that sit with you tend to come in auto and sit with you again, although more fun as you get to know the gals more, but sometime juz wan to have new fresh face, heheh.

Any recommendation from bro here?

22-07-2006, 09:21 PM
Aiyoh, those malaysians young CB only want to make more $$$ without selling their backsides. :D

The last time I went to GS there do charge an additional $3 tips on the bills :mad:

I tot she is like cannot go out wif customer.Cos i knw some waitress at other ktv din even wana go out wif u even u r very close to them..Very dao one...

Heart Break Kid
25-07-2006, 08:00 PM
That why I perfer to go IV, the girl more younger and prettier than GS. BTW, any Bro try the rest of the KTV along JC?

IV go till abit sian liao, those gals that sit with you tend to come in auto and sit with you again, although more fun as you get to know the gals more, but sometime juz wan to have new fresh face, heheh.

Any recommendation from bro here?

Bro Tryplay, from the last 4 weeks I been visiting Bunker, Blue Lagoon and Club V so called the Blue Zone by Sunday Times :D only 3 Viet gals there in total can consider young, pretty & sexy.

$100 (one shot) + $20 (Hotel 81) = $120

Don't go SSS (zhen qing) that is a grandfather pub..all white hairs people (include women) plus minimum must buy 3 jugs of beer.

Katong KTV not bad, I opened 1/2 bottle of Martell VSOP with fruits .. the whole bills only cost $158. Located at Tanjong Katong Road but only got a chinese young gal there.. the rest all old ladies :cool:

Heart Break Kid
25-07-2006, 08:07 PM
I tot she is like cannot go out wif customer.Cos i knw some waitress at other ktv din even wana go out wif u even u r very close to them..Very dao one...

Bro dap26 .. if you date them after 2pm of course cannot lah if very dao one then forget it.

1.5 years ago, I ever tried to date a KTV waitress out but she act dao.
I know she love my $$$ .. I send her roses to surprise her :p she moved.

Later we went dating for 4 months and I spent about $900+ to up her as many times as I can.

Those malaysian waitresses' vagina is much fresher than whores :D

25-07-2006, 09:20 PM
Hmm, been chionging a lot of BS and New Shanghai but only went to jazzy at JC before with some friends. Read this thread liao feel maybe can give this place a try.

Any bros going for outing there and dun mind me tagging along pm me k ? Thanx bros. :)

Heart Break Kid
26-07-2006, 09:15 PM
Hmm, been chionging a lot of BS and New Shanghai but only went to jazzy at JC before with some friends. Read this thread liao feel maybe can give this place a try.

Any bros going for outing there and dun mind me tagging along pm me k ? Thanx bros. :)

Sure Bro Piglet, btw have try jing ge KTV in Geylang Lor 31 ?

Need some comments before I go :cool:

26-07-2006, 10:41 PM
Sure Bro Piglet, btw have try jing ge KTV in Geylang Lor 31 ?

Need some comments before I go :cool:

Hmm, yeah, visited before but that was a year ago liao. There mostly PRCs, might find a gem or 2 there. Concept is more or less like BS. Expected budget is around 115+ after happy hours. That includes 2 plates fruits and 2 jugs of beer. Not sure whether they changed it though.

Tipping system is more or less same as other ktv. 10 bucks if she jus sit with u no raba, 20 bucks for standard service, 30 and above for good service or if u trying to fish the gal.

Hope thats enuv info, theres a thread on jing ge KTV, is called TH KTV. Go check it out, can ask the bros there. :)

27-07-2006, 08:14 AM
Bro Tryplay, from the last 4 weeks I been visiting Bunker, Blue Lagoon and Club V so called the Blue Zone by Sunday Times :D only 3 Viet gals there in total can consider young, pretty & sexy.

$100 (one shot) + $20 (Hotel 81) = $120

Don't go SSS (zhen qing) that is a grandfather pub..all white hairs people (include women) plus minimum must buy 3 jugs of beer.

Katong KTV not bad, I opened 1/2 bottle of Martell VSOP with fruits .. the whole bills only cost $158. Located at Tanjong Katong Road but only got a chinese young gal there.. the rest all old ladies :cool:

The above spot you mention are all pub rite? btw, there are a threat on all the pub in JC, and is a very active one. I am not realy interested in Pub, juz wan to check out other KTV along JC.... Cheer

Sure Bro Piglet, btw have try jing ge KTV in Geylang Lor 31 ?

Need some comments before I go

You better check out the threat on KTV at Geyland, you will have more infor there....

27-07-2006, 03:26 PM
Bro dap26 .. if you date them after 2pm of course cannot lah if very dao one then forget it.

1.5 years ago, I ever tried to date a KTV waitress out but she act dao.
I know she love my $$$ .. I send her roses to surprise her :p she moved.

Later we went dating for 4 months and I spent about $900+ to up her as many times as I can.

Those malaysian waitresses' vagina is much fresher than whores

Nowadays sianing a waitress is like sianing a mm at ktv.Nt much different,only different is waitress is more harder to sian to me and as u say much fresher then whores bah..:D

Heart Break Kid
28-07-2006, 03:29 PM
Bro Piglet & Bro Tryplay, Thanks for the info ;)

I know that TH KTV is jing ge ..Keke

Bro Tryplay, not much KTVs in Joo Chiat happening nowaday.

Mi & my friends many times try to go S-Box but always no room available.
I heard people that S-Box also mainly old ladies .. :cool:

Heart Break Kid
28-07-2006, 03:30 PM
Bro dap26,

Screwing malaysians mei mei got more feeling than PRC KTV whores.
PRC mainly entertaining you only !!

btw .. have you guys been to the 6th floor KTV @SAFRC Town Club in carpenter street ..near Clark Quay there ?

28-07-2006, 10:46 PM
Safra there only drinking only nothing to play.
Have waitress talk to u loh, can buy them drinks if u want. 1 or 2 Syts.

CHill out place not a "Play" place.

Play along Blue or Jazzy better.

28-07-2006, 10:54 PM
Been there before when Medicorp artiste Florence Tan went there to celebrate her birthday party..KTV at SAFRC Town Club is the decent one.

No happenings at all. For your info, do you think SAFRC will tarnish its image when President of Singapore and Minister of Defence and 2nd Minister of Defence are on SAFRC Board of Director?

btw .. have you guys been to the 6th floor KTV @SAFRC Town Club in carpenter street ..near Clark Quay there ?

Heart Break Kid
29-07-2006, 04:50 PM
Been there before when Medicorp artiste Florence Tan went there to celebrate her birthday party..KTV at SAFRC Town Club is the decent one.

No happenings at all. For your info, do you think SAFRC will tarnish its image when President of Singapore and Minister of Defence and 2nd Minister of Defence are on SAFRC Board of Director?

Sure :confused: I been there once two years ago .. I thought there got Chinese mama-san :D

Heart Break Kid
02-08-2006, 12:45 PM
I will be at IV KTV for happy hours from 3pm to 9pm this sat.

Likely I go in at 4pm .. can also to see those old men distributing $$$ to those China gals :D :D

02-08-2006, 12:52 PM
bro could u provide the address for IV KTV? may join you there on sat.

Heart Break Kid
02-08-2006, 01:17 PM
bro could u provide the address for IV KTV? may join you there on sat.

255-257 Joo Chiat Road .. (One lane Joo Chiat Road)
Near Dunman Food Centre. (Car owners & taxis)

Bus 33 from Bedok Interchange stop actually outside IV KTV.. :cool:

I will call Xiao wen & Xiao xue all this China morons to be there around 4-5pm


02-08-2006, 08:47 PM
Bro Hear Break Kid, I got something on early sat but i try to arrange it so i can join u. Confirm with u on fri nite again k ? Seeya dude ! :)

03-08-2006, 12:56 PM
yo man! let's party.....:)

Heart Break Kid
03-08-2006, 06:46 PM
yo man! let's party.....:)

On lah .. all Bros will have a happening happy hours. :p

04-08-2006, 10:41 AM
Lets do a head count, whos going on sat happy hours to IV KTV k ? :)

04-08-2006, 12:51 PM
Lets do a head count, whos going on sat happy hours to IV KTV k ? :)

count me in, time to conquer vietgal again :) . last night at New shanghai, level above BS, not enough fun ..

04-08-2006, 02:14 PM
count me in, time to conquer vietgal again :) . last night at New shanghai, level above BS, not enough fun ..

Bro seems like IV nt much viet mm,u should say time to conquer prc gals....:D

04-08-2006, 02:40 PM
Bro seems like IV nt much viet mm,u should say time to conquer prc gals....:D

IV happy hour for prc(main course), supper time(eat vietnamese pho as not so full and got that kind smooth feeling, just like touching thier smoth skin thru their thin and sexy dress without bra) for vietgal, as the whole street of jc full of vietgal what, just miss 51 ..:D

04-08-2006, 03:59 PM
IV happy hour for prc(main course), supper time(eat vietnamese pho as not so full and got that kind smooth feeling, just like touching thier smoth skin thru their thin and sexy dress without bra) for vietgal, as the whole street of jc full of vietgal what, just miss 51 ..:D

Hope u can eat until very full on tat day....Enjoy yr day.....:D

Heart Break Kid
04-08-2006, 05:54 PM
All Bros .. Its confirm. 4pm tomorrow meet outside IV KTV 1st
Introduce then decide whether to open bottle or just buy jugs of beer.

I had pm you all my contact numbers.

Samster Gathering List.

(1) parttimer29
(2) Piglet
(3) dap26
(4) carmeo88
(5) HBK

Total expenses include foods will be share evenly .. :D

Heart Break Kid
04-08-2006, 06:04 PM
All Bros .. sat party will be a budget one :p

Need not worry about spending too much (foods included) :D

05-08-2006, 10:18 PM
All Bros .. sat party will be a budget one

Need not worry about spending too much (foods included) :D

Dear All, sori i cant make it, i am now in Batam, hope all of you have fun!!!

Maybe some FR for me to read? hehhehe.


06-08-2006, 10:25 AM
Nice meeting bros carmeo88, Parttimer29 and Heart Break Kid.

The bros arrived at IV KTV at around 4 while I got there around 5. The lighting inside quite dark, almost like lsb. After walking under the hot sun for 10mins, almost like blind mouse inside the joint.

Rooms were quite ok in terms of cleanliness and smell. The songs system similar to BS KTV, quite updated. Girls available at the earlier hours around 3-5 around average and below. (age and looks) The better ones come in around 6 plus. The cost of drinks there quite cheap imho, 4 jugs of beer with fruits and nuts at $135. But the quality of play there quite low cos some gals cannot raba or very wooden (dunno how to play).

Once I got in, intro myself to the bros and the gals start to come in. I took 1 with a bit of sharp milf features, small sized and looked friendly enough. Her name was Xiao Fang but shes going back to mainland tmr so i'll jus spare the bros the details. Gave me a bit of massage here and there, kissed a bit and she did some dry humping on me. At around 6 plus got another gal called Shan Shan. Looks quite good to me but tummy area got spare tyre. She wore a white dress with a white jacket on top. I'm a sucker for milfs and cuties and shes a bit of each so I called her. Shes got soft skin and i sense some slutiness in her so test test water see she can play anot. Wow, she kisses with feeling and gives nice soft moans time to time.

Overall, this joint is for budget outings and u hav to gamble a bit see if u find gems there. I'm definitely going back for my milf though, lol. :D Slurp Slurp.

After leaving the joint at 9, we left for jazzy51 cos the bros didnt get enuv outta the previous joint. Had some beer, and enjoyed myself watching the dancers, Ice and Stephanie. Stephanie very nice, Dances well, knows how to shake and looks damn chio also. Thanx bro Carmeo88 for intro to her. Hot babe sia.

Thanx bros for a good time. Been great chionging with u guys and looking forward to next trip yah? Seeya around dudes . :)

Heart Break Kid
06-08-2006, 02:36 PM
Thank Bros carmeo88, Parttimer29 & Piglet.

Very nice meeting with you guys .. we had enjoyable evening except the weather os hot in the afternoon :o

I will again plan for more dinners & KTV outing in coming weeks & months :D

06-08-2006, 06:08 PM
bros, it was nice knowing u guys, hope to meet up more often and let's party!:D

07-08-2006, 10:25 AM
bros, it was nice knowing u guys, hope to meet up more often and let's party!:D

anytime bro, anytime :D . Just worried of u after yr 3 shots in one night keke. let go again when u start feeling hungry....

Heart Break Kid
07-08-2006, 08:57 PM
Thanks .. I will arrange a streamboat dinners at Tan Quee Lan Street somewhere in Sep ;) after that chiong again.

Happy Pay Streamboat Restaurant (Tian Tian Huo Kuo)

Full out stomach 1st then energy to shoot :D

07-08-2006, 10:57 PM
Tian Tian Steamboat? I had before there, i think other steamboat better in terms of quality and variety leh. Hmm.

08-08-2006, 01:09 AM

just came back from IV KTv...

hmm.. i must say standards pick up much better than last time.

I got myself a SYT gem....very cute ,fair and pretty.

my collegue is damn hungry hahahaha. he got a super big boobs milf ..
saw a few MILF ... festish .. again ..ahahha

Budget place and nice place to go before 9pm $18 per jug

enjoy all!
Standard really MUCH better now over there !

08-08-2006, 09:50 AM
Hmm, I heard of IV KTV from forum long time ago but didnt go cos frens say there not fun. This time visited there with fellow bros, felt there still ok lah, still got potential to do better. So might jio ppl down for some budget spending. Enjoy, bro ronvo ! :)

08-08-2006, 11:20 AM
Standard(looks dept) got improve abit from last time.
But hor.. biz now also better due to some(really a few only) younger chicks floating in there and they're pretty popular.
Not spoiling the fun but dun raise ur expectations.

08-08-2006, 11:29 AM
It's not $18 per jug.

The bill came to $108.
- $30 for room
- $40 for 2 jugs
- $30 fruits
- $4 nuts
- $4 towels

Damn heng... I was the last one left in my room and only $106 on me. If my girl wasn't so steady, I'd have been in trouble. Next time must err on the side of caution when calculating. IV's cheap but not that cheap.

08-08-2006, 06:05 PM
It's not $18 per jug.

The bill came to $108.
- $30 for room
- $40 for 2 jugs
- $30 fruits
- $4 nuts
- $4 towels

Damn heng... I was the last one left in my room and only $106 on me. If my girl wasn't so steady, I'd have been in trouble. Next time must err on the side of caution when calculating. IV's cheap but not that cheap.

Yah, budget wise hard to compare with DALU, lol. Btw, u got a medium or big room is it? Thought for small rm charge is only 10 bucks ? :confused:

Heart Break Kid
08-08-2006, 08:47 PM
Tian Tian Steamboat? I had before there, i think other steamboat better in terms of quality and variety leh. Hmm.

Any recommendation ? :cool:

Or I can also plan a dinner @ KIM Restaurant in Joo Chiat Road :D

09-08-2006, 12:40 AM
Yah, budget wise hard to compare with DALU, lol. Btw, u got a medium or big room is it? Thought for small rm charge is only 10 bucks ? :confused:

We took a medium room at $20, but since we stayed until midnight, there was an extra $10 charge.

09-08-2006, 01:07 AM
We took a medium room at $20, but since we stayed until midnight, there was an extra $10 charge.

wa actually cheap leh ... compared to BS , NSH , TH

this place is getting better ... hmmmm

09-08-2006, 02:29 AM

any bro interested to go down IV this saturday? 1st time going also so hope bro whom frequent can come along also. PM me:D

Heart Break Kid
09-08-2006, 04:28 PM
Last night .. there is a getai opposite IV :p

Heart Break Kid
09-08-2006, 05:04 PM
Happy National Day 2006

:D :D

10-08-2006, 08:14 AM
Any recommendation ? :cool:

Or I can also plan a dinner @ KIM Restaurant in Joo Chiat Road

Hmm, any simple dinner will do, its the after meal activity that matters yah ? :D

Heart Break Kid
10-08-2006, 02:07 PM
Hmm, any simple dinner will do, its the after meal activity that matters yah ?

Kim Place (open air not res) offers simple dinner ..:p

Club Echo KTV is not bad as I recce there,, got few chio ones
.. maybe a bit expensive then IV.

Alternatively we can go to 51 Jazzy or Cherry KTV ... :D

10-08-2006, 08:06 PM
Kim Place (open air not res) offers simple dinner ..:p

Club Echo KTV is not bad as I recce there,, got few chio ones
.. maybe a bit expensive then IV.

Alternatively we can go to 51 Jazzy or Cherry KTV ...

Can do. I feel like going tmr happy hour leh. IV KTV. Lol, itchy for milfs. As for the next outing, bro heart break kid plan lor, or we can go chiong devils also can. Hmm, fishing. :)

Heart Break Kid
10-08-2006, 08:44 PM
Can do. I feel like going tmr happy hour leh. IV KTV. Lol, itchy for milfs. As for the next outing, bro heart break kid plan lor, or we can go chiong devils also can. Hmm, fishing. :)

Bro Piglet .. you means Friday or Sat happy hours :confused:

Heart Break Kid
10-08-2006, 09:32 PM
Club Echo KTV

Small room + 3 jugs of beer = $150 nett

Medium room + 4 jugs of beer = $200 nett

Big bottle Martel VSOP or Chiva $268 nett
1/2 bottle $200 nett
One jug of beer $40

I made enquire through phone call :D

11-08-2006, 10:45 AM
Bro Piglet .. you means Friday or Sat happy hours :confused:

OH, i meant fri happy hours. Cos sat got family outing, lol. Interested to join in ah ? :)

13-08-2006, 11:07 AM
It's not $18 per jug.

The bill came to $108.
- $30 for room
- $40 for 2 jugs
- $30 fruits
- $4 nuts
- $4 towels

Damn heng... I was the last one left in my room and only $106 on me. If my girl wasn't so steady, I'd have been in trouble. Next time must err on the side of caution when calculating. IV's cheap but not that cheap.

was at IV ytd, my 1st time. not bad. had a middle room n 2 jug beer. total bill comes out to $97. thanks guys for the lobang :)

Heart Break Kid
13-08-2006, 11:18 PM
Maybe I will be going to IV this coming sat again :D

14-08-2006, 01:04 AM
can join ?

Maybe I will be going to IV this coming sat again :D

14-08-2006, 01:05 AM
can join ?

Maybe I will be going to IV this coming sat again :D

14-08-2006, 07:53 AM
Maybe I will be going to IV this coming sat again :D

Thought u sian of this place liao ? :confused:

17-08-2006, 07:56 AM
So bros, any plans for this coming sat ? Jazzy or IV ? :cool:

19-08-2006, 12:22 AM
bro no problem, let's make it happen this sat. and we can head down to Blue lagoon or jazzy pub after that. how abt it?:D

19-08-2006, 07:50 AM
bro no problem, let's make it happen this sat. and we can head down to Blue lagoon or jazzy pub after that. how abt it?:D

Onz lah !!! I will contact u all later then. Wonder if Parttimer free to join also ? :)

19-08-2006, 08:20 AM
Hey bros, count me in. Can't have enough yesterday night at JC (Cherry). Do sms me ya.

19-08-2006, 09:27 AM
Onz lah !!! I will contact u all later then. Wonder if Parttimer free to join also ? :)

already sms him this morning, waiting for his reply.

20-08-2006, 10:30 AM
Hey bros, nice meeting you guys yesterday. The power and mood was not at the maximium yet leh.Hope to mend things up at BS later. Follow by last burst of fire at JC before standing down. Cheers:)

Heart Break Kid
20-08-2006, 03:47 PM
Sorry for the late reply .. very busy with works for the past weeks.
No time to go online until now :o

Nice meeting with uncle sam yesterday .. overall is a good night out there

We will make this a monthly gathering :D

20-08-2006, 06:19 PM
Nice meeting with uncle sammi and the rest of the bros last nite. Indeed the atmosphere not very high yesterday, but i'm sure it'll only get better the next time we meet yeah ?

So hows the viets last nite? Heard from Heart break kid u all went to Jazzy51 later on. :)

Heart Break Kid
20-08-2006, 09:26 PM
Nice meeting with uncle sammi and the rest of the bros last nite. Indeed the atmosphere not very high yesterday, but i'm sure it'll only get better the next time we meet yeah ?

So hows the viets last nite? Heard from Heart break kid u all went to Jazzy51 later on. :)

We first went to Blue Lagoon then to 51 Jazzy..
Blue Lagoon - a mixture of old viets & young ones.
51 Jazzy - still the same those regular viets are still there.

Next month gathering .. maybe we shall go to Katong KTV.
As we can enjoy half bottle of Martell VSOP plus duck meat (lu ya) :D

21-08-2006, 12:00 AM
We first went to Blue Lagoon then to 51 Jazzy..
Blue Lagoon - a mixture of old viets & young ones.
51 Jazzy - still the same those regular viets are still there.

Next month gathering .. maybe we shall go to Katong KTV.
As we can enjoy half bottle of Martell VSOP plus duck meat (lu ya) :D

Hmm, sounds good. I should rest a while away from IV liao. Hahaha, think the bros would agree with me too. Thinking of shifting to maybe Jazzy but i cant speak in viet leh. Uncle Sammi and Cameo, must impart some skills over yah ? *wink wink* ;)

21-08-2006, 09:52 AM
Yo Bros, OC will be back today. Sianz, got to stand down for the time being. Anyway, last night was at Jazz51. Will stick to this joint for the time being.

As spoken last week, remember to log into skype. My username is sam_wm. Here is another lobang to find an educated viet gf or wife. www.vietnamcupid.com pay the 1 month fee and you won't regret for $ well spent.

Next month outing sounds good. Make it a weekend (Fri or Sat). If keen to go JB in the afternoon and back to SG in the evening for ktv. Time is precious, play hard every seconds. :)

21-08-2006, 10:30 AM
Tiger airway offer 50% round trip for September about $160.48. Yum yum very tempting to fly over. Two Ba xa waiting for me there but no time to go. So sad.

22-08-2006, 03:36 PM
After two sexxion at IV, without raba/touching here an there (make my own record cheong ktv while my little bro can keep idle all the time). Really felt mission incomplete. This weekend was thinking heading down to bs or new shanghai for HH, to let my bro get bully there again....then follow by 51 at night. bro carmeo,piglet,hbk, on bo?? bro duck84 welcome to join....

22-08-2006, 07:40 PM
Neber jio me huh???

22-08-2006, 10:57 PM
After two sexxion at IV, without raba/touching here an there (make my own record cheong ktv while my little bro can keep idle all the time). Really felt mission incomplete. This weekend was thinking heading down to bs or new shanghai for HH, to let my bro get bully there again....then follow by 51 at night. bro carmeo,piglet,hbk, on bo?? bro duck84 welcome to join....

Actually, tonite i jus dropped by 51, got 2 small ladies to accompany me. Wow, their figure really nothing to say, perfect hourglass ! Plus cute face to add on. A pity the second lady not so friendly, felt that she was nervous throughout the nite. Oh well, gonna pit my chips on the first 1.

Bro Parttimer, u organise, i on u. Lol. Uncle sammi feel free to join in too. The more the merrier. :D

23-08-2006, 08:51 AM
Neber jio me huh???

tot u got stuck for the time being since monday??ofcoz u always welcome...keke
piglet buai sui lar, go 51 never jio, no wonder everytime we go 51 u either left early or not appear, u chose to go alone so we can't learn form u your 'zhua nei qin na shou' izzit??haha

23-08-2006, 09:13 AM
Bro Partimer, stand down is no word in my dictionary la. Tone down maybe. Keke. Just need advance notice before getting an off pass. HH on weekends not an issue. See you guys soon.

Heart Break Kid
23-08-2006, 01:06 PM
After two sexxion at IV, without raba/touching here an there (make my own record cheong ktv while my little bro can keep idle all the time). Really felt mission incomplete. This weekend was thinking heading down to bs or new shanghai for HH, to let my bro get bully there again....then follow by 51 at night. bro carmeo,piglet,hbk, on bo?? bro duck84 welcome to join....

Most likely I will join you guys .. sat right ?

Wah mid-week liao .. hope friday come faster & get away from work :p

23-08-2006, 07:36 PM

let's PARTY!!!! :D

24-08-2006, 12:34 AM
tot u got stuck for the time being since monday??ofcoz u always welcome...keke
piglet buai sui lar, go 51 never jio, no wonder everytime we go 51 u either left early or not appear, u chose to go alone so we can't learn form u your 'zhua nei qin na shou' izzit??haha

Aiyoh, dun say like that leh. I cant join u all cos weekends normally hav to accompany wife mah. So go out for HH, at nite she sure pester me 1. So boh bian. If fri can, anyone on ?

Tom Telex
24-08-2006, 01:09 AM
4pm thurs or friday if can join

Thinking of IV first....Friday better cos OC leaving town

Heart Break Kid
24-08-2006, 08:27 AM
I go IV until sianz liao .. must changing location :cool:

24-08-2006, 09:23 AM
One session in IV last week is enough. Not going to RTR (Return To Rubba). Maybe because tried a few budget places with better level of service quality. BS, Dong Guan, Peach and Lisbo are so much entertaining. Better place my chips on Jazz51, returns will be long term. See you guys soon.

Heart Break Kid
24-08-2006, 10:31 AM
One session in IV last week is enough. Not going to RTR (Return To Rubba). Maybe because tried a few budget places with better level of service quality. BS, Dong Guan, Peach and Lisbo are so much entertaining. Better place my chips on Jazz51, returns will be long term. See you guys soon.

OC back liao :D

24-08-2006, 02:38 PM
Yes, but the natural instinct of man cheonging still runs deep in my blood. Just have to control lor. Btw, going to HCM on 8/9/06. See you guys this sat at BS.

24-08-2006, 10:32 PM
Eh, guys, this sat at BS who go book room huh ? :confused:

Heart Break Kid
25-08-2006, 08:22 AM
Eh, guys, this sat at BS who go book room huh ? :confused:

What time you guys will be at BS ? Wanna go L9 for Beef Hor Fun 1st ?

Its Friday liao .. tomorrow :D

Heart Break Kid
25-08-2006, 08:23 AM

:D :D

25-08-2006, 08:43 AM
Eh, guys, this sat at BS who go book room huh ? :confused:

who else? only u and unclesammi got the number right :). why not u help to book room, we let u chose the first meimei, sui bo?

25-08-2006, 09:31 AM
who else? only u and unclesammi got the number right :). why not u help to book room, we let u chose the first meimei, sui bo?

I will call this afternoon to make a booking. Hope to find some new syt & cfm babes there. Meet 2pm at the coffeeshop. Late comers buy 1 jug ya.:cool:

Heart Break Kid
25-08-2006, 11:02 AM
I will call this afternoon to make a booking. Hope to find some new syt & cfm babes there. Meet 2pm at the coffeeshop. Late comers buy 1 jug ya.:cool:

Wow so early .. soon or later BS will operate 24 hours then we will even see students skipping lessons & chiong in the morning :D

25-08-2006, 11:04 AM

2pm tomorrow at BS. Let's relieve ourselves cos it's weekend! POWER!!!:rolleyes:

26-08-2006, 12:04 AM
I will call this afternoon to make a booking. Hope to find some new syt & cfm babes there. Meet 2pm at the coffeeshop. Late comers buy 1 jug ya.:cool:

Roger that, I made a reserve booking at new shanghai in case we fail to get a room in bs. Back-up plan. Seeya tmr then guys! :)

26-08-2006, 11:18 PM
It was a good session with the bros at New ShangHai KTV for Happy hour. Hmm, viets there are small and sexy. Slurpppp !!!

Wonder if i should up the slutty one first or the "ex classmate". Decisions, Decisions ... *rubs chin thoughtfully*

Each outing we go jus gets better and better doesnt it? Lol. :D

My 2 Shifus, must teach ur disciple viet hor, dun let the girls bully me leh. :eek:

27-08-2006, 12:05 AM
Yup today was fun, but can be better each time. Too bad cannot join them for 2nd half at BS. Remember to PM me the contact. You know which one? Si beh envy u and partimer. His babe also chio leh. Why the moon on the opposite always looks brighter??? Shits man, next time must go racky more and turn the place upside down. Bros enjoying at BS while me at home facing the PC and my baxa. Sianz.:(

Heart Break Kid
28-08-2006, 08:38 AM
My weekend field reports.

The 2nd half session @BS I get to know Lili & Kelly (China gals) with their contact no. Lili asked me to go toilet but I turn down. And offer her a FJ session on Sunday afternoon. Lili accepted.

Sunday 1:30pm called Lili & set a time at 7pm. I waited for Lili an hour as she claim busy collecting tips & having dinner. No patient to wait I sms Kelly.. and Kelly responded. 3 BS gals walk back from Lorong 9 (dinner). Kelly called & approach me .. to my surprise :eek: one of other 2 gals was Lili.

Kelly took me to Lorong 7 Regin Hotel for 2 hours session. Room charges is $25. We have a good screwing session that cost me $100. And I also took some digital photos of Kelly.

Name: Kelly
Look: 6.5/10
Attitude: 6.5/10
Height: 1.75 m
Weight: 56 Kg

Midnight 1am at home, Lili phone me about her disappointment. So I book a FJ session with her in coming weekend. :D

28-08-2006, 09:07 AM
Since carmeo will be leaving SG for 2 mths on fri, shd we hv a crazy farewell party for him? nsh or bs? bro carmeo, yr call man, if not u got to eat vegie for 2 mths if u dunno any lobang over there, so make it one time jialat jialat one b4 u leave, sound good??..just pity u..but dont worry, we will keep u update our weekend party...:D

28-08-2006, 10:42 AM
My weekend field reports.

The 2nd half session @BS I get to know Lili & Kelly (China gals) with their contact no. Lili asked me to go toilet but I turn down. And offer her a FJ session on Sunday afternoon. Lili accepted.

Sunday 1:30pm called Lili & set a time at 7pm. I waited for Lili an hour as she claim busy collecting tips & having dinner. No patient to wait I sms Kelly.. and Kelly responded. 3 BS gals walk back from Lorong 9 (dinner). Kelly called & approach me .. to my surprise :eek: one of other 2 gals was Lili.

Kelly took me to Lorong 7 Regin Hotel for 2 hours session. Room charges is $25. We have a good screwing session that cost me $100. And I also took some digital photos of Kelly.

Name: Kelly
Look: 6.5/10
Attitude: 6.5/10
Height: 1.75 m
Weight: 56 Kg

Midnight 1am at home, Lili phone me about her disappointment. So I book a FJ session with her in coming weekend. :D

bro, read the BS ktv thread abt Lili, bad comment, so be reconsider...anyway $100 2 hrs for Kelly is a gd deal...happy bonking..

28-08-2006, 02:13 PM
I dont know if i can wait untill weekend HH, still so many days to go, maybe take half day and going down HH tmr...:D ..anyone??

28-08-2006, 04:41 PM
I dont know if i can wait untill weekend HH, still so many days to go, maybe take half day and going down HH tmr...:D ..anyone??

Wa liew, bro you so active huh? Salute you la. Tonight strike Toto, I accompany you.

28-08-2006, 05:53 PM
Wa liew, bro you so active huh? Salute you la. Tonight strike Toto, I accompany you.

I not reallya active lar, but my little head keep pushing my big head ler...
NO need to strike toto lar, 4d can liao..:D

Heart Break Kid
28-08-2006, 06:30 PM
Wa liew, bro you so active huh? Salute you la. Tonight strike Toto, I accompany you.

Wow .. less than a week itchy liao apply half day leave & chiong again. :D

Mi need to close month-end accounts & prepare papers for Board meeting..
will be busy until 20 Sep 2006 :o then can chiong again.

28-08-2006, 11:07 PM
I dont know if i can wait untill weekend HH, still so many days to go, maybe take half day and going down HH tmr...:D ..anyone??

If got more bros join in then i on u. :)

Heart Break Kid
29-08-2006, 09:37 AM
So you guys .. are going to BS for happy hours later in the afternoon ?

:p :p

29-08-2006, 09:42 AM
Hmm, so far still no relpy leh. Bros, if hav later sms me lor. I doing ground work today. Sianz. Leaving office soon. :(

Heart Break Kid
29-08-2006, 09:48 AM
Hmm, so far still no relpy leh. Bros, if hav later sms me lor. I doing ground work today. Sianz. Leaving office soon. :(

Ok ..I will sms at 6pm to go Geylang :D

29-08-2006, 10:05 AM
So how confirm or not? Give notice in advance. Need to apply leave from OC before 12 noon.

Heart Break Kid
29-08-2006, 07:30 PM
So do you guys go to BS this afternoon happy hours ? :p

Well I am still working in office :(

29-08-2006, 09:03 PM
So do you guys go to BS this afternoon happy hours ? :p

Well I am still working in office :(

Going tomorrow afternoon.

29-08-2006, 09:35 PM
I tmr not free, haiz. Carmeo's farewell party can hold on thur or fri ? Sorry huh. :(

29-08-2006, 11:18 PM
According to bros unclesammi and parttimer, the farewell party shall be fixed on this fri, HH at BS. Should i fail to get a room, i will book at New Shanghai again as a backup plan. Any problems with that?

Suggestions are welcome. Attendance is compulsory. :D

Cannot go say early hor. 0_0

Heart Break Kid
30-08-2006, 08:25 AM
Thurday & Friday .. I cannot because need to stay back overtime. :(

Saturday .. still got go back office to work maybe available after 6pm :o

30-08-2006, 09:00 AM
Carmeo shd be very bz these few days, i not sure he got time for any party, if i not wrong, his flight shd be on 1/9(fri), got to check with him again...

30-08-2006, 09:29 AM
Fri onz. See who will be going. Might be poping down alone today.

30-08-2006, 12:59 PM
Thanks guys for organising the party.:) I myself is not sure going on the 1st/Sept or not as visa still yet to apply, need to wait for my lady boss back tomorrow.:(

30-08-2006, 07:41 PM
Bros, I called earlier but BS is fully booked for tmr. The guy said we can try for walk-in if anyone fails to turn up, but that’s unlikely. So I got a reservation at New Shanghai instead. Apologies.
Wanna shift to other spot pls inform. Else its 3pm at the coffeeshop, k ?

30-08-2006, 09:50 PM
ok. see ya.

Heart Break Kid
31-08-2006, 05:17 PM
Now all my Bros are enjoying thenselves happy hours @ BS on a good Thursday afternoon, mi still suffering in office :(

Heart Break Kid
02-09-2006, 02:38 PM
unclesammi, where are you ?

02-09-2006, 06:34 PM
unclesammi, where are you ?

Sorry ah, went to BS alone.:D

Heart Break Kid
04-09-2006, 08:21 AM
Sorry ah, went to BS alone.:D

Sat, you went BS alone huh ? .. Never jio mi :mad:

04-09-2006, 10:16 AM
Sat, you went BS alone huh ? .. Never jio mi :mad:

Wa Liew, you working in the office, how to jio? Finished your closing 1st lar.:D

05-09-2006, 06:46 PM
Hi guys, glad you guys are enjoying yourselves at JC KTV, but seem like you guys are start moving out to explore liao, heheh.

Let arrange for meeting for all.


06-09-2006, 01:13 AM
Bros, anyone been to MG KTV, IV KTV or GS KTV within the last week? Are the gals now big tits and fun? Please advise

I have been supporting TH and BS KTV since April 2006. Thot of changing to Joo Chiat as I always seem to bum to ppl I know in geylang. Sometime quite uneasy.

Thank you veri much!

06-09-2006, 10:18 AM
Seriusly, in terms of looks and play.. u have a higher hit rate at ur fave locations.
Going over to JC, there are some gems for sure, but have to lower ur expectation abit.
If u just want playable ones it's not dat tough if u ask for it. The looks dept might be challenging to find a match.

06-09-2006, 10:38 AM
HH at BS or SXH tomorrow. Anyone? Dun say bo jio ok?:D

Heart Break Kid
06-09-2006, 02:23 PM
HH at BS or SXH tomorrow. Anyone? Dun say bo jio ok?:D

Yo .. weekday afternoon need to work leh :cool:

06-09-2006, 03:25 PM
Seriusly, in terms of looks and play.. u have a higher hit rate at ur fave locations.
Going over to JC, there are some gems for sure, but have to lower ur expectation abit.
If u just want playable ones it's not dat tough if u ask for it. The looks dept might be challenging to find a match.

Thanks for ur feedback bro. Noted.

07-09-2006, 01:24 AM
Hi guys, glad you guys are enjoying yourselves at JC KTV, but seem like you guys are start moving out to explore liao, heheh.

Let arrange for meeting for all.


Looks like a big outing is in order. Hmm, TryPlay organise leh. I'm sure got ppl join wan. :)

07-09-2006, 11:03 AM
Looks a bit hard for the rest of them. Bro PT and Bro Cam is going to HCM for livefiring this weekend. I dun think can join them. My OC want to tag along, so no choice stay in SG.

Anyway got to start work on 8/9/06.

Today will be going BS HH. Free do pop in for a drink.:)

Heart Break Kid
11-09-2006, 05:45 PM
Just wondering what Bro Piglet & Bro PT doing lately ? ;)

11-09-2006, 10:29 PM
Just wondering what Bro Piglet & Bro PT doing lately ? ;)

Bound down due to some family matters. Haiz. Maybe going out later next week. Catch up with ya guys yah ? :)

12-09-2006, 10:23 PM
Bound down due to some family matters. Haiz. Maybe going out later next week. Catch up with ya guys yah ? :)

bk from hcm city last night...city of lust, but i go no luck :(
anyway bro piglet where u got yr wet juicy girl?bo jio again, next time bring me along ok...

13-09-2006, 10:48 PM
bk from hcm city last night...city of lust, but i go no luck :(
anyway bro piglet where u got yr wet juicy girl?bo jio again, next time bring me along ok...

Hmm ? Go Vietnam no luck ? Dun b sad bro, love is hard to find but sex is all around. My girl was intro to me by my fren. Anyway he said she is easy so i try try lor. Lucky find i guess. But she go overseas for training liao, not back soon. :(

16-09-2006, 09:59 AM
Went to Jaz51 yesterday about 7.30pm to recce. A lot of tables reserved liao. About 5 tables occupied. As it was still early, ordered a jug at 27bucks. Sit and wait for stocks to come in. Good to be early bird as u can really take ur time to chose the best gem among all the stones.

By 8.30pm the house is full, Gals are still available, never shoet of supply. As for quality, still better than blue lagoon. Left at 10pm and concluded that this place is still going strong. A few new ktv pop up on the down side. Will check it out next time.:)

16-09-2006, 04:43 PM
Went to Jaz51 yesterday about 7.30pm to recce. A lot of tables reserved liao. About 5 tables occupied. As it was still early, ordered a jug at 27bucks. Sit and wait for stocks to come in. Good to be early bird as u can really take ur time to chose the best gem among all the stones.

By 8.30pm the house is full, Gals are still available, never shoet of supply. As for quality, still better than blue lagoon. Left at 10pm and concluded that this place is still going strong. A few new ktv pop up on the down side. Will check it out next time.:)

Yo, all bro, seem like uncle sammi had found some more ktv along JC, can check them out liao, down side where har?


16-09-2006, 07:48 PM
Yo, all bro, seem like uncle sammi had found some more ktv along JC, can check them out liao, down side where har?


Walking distance from IV and AA Gun. Both side of the road all the way down to the cross junction toways parkway.:D

17-09-2006, 04:41 AM
Yo, all bro, seem like uncle sammi had found some more ktv along JC, can check them out liao, down side where har?


Organise outing and the bros will join in. :)

17-09-2006, 05:17 AM
Went to Jaz51 yesterday about 7.30pm to recce. A lot of tables reserved liao. About 5 tables occupied. As it was still early, ordered a jug at 27bucks. Sit and wait for stocks to come in. Good to be early bird as u can really take ur time to chose the best gem among all the stones.

By 8.30pm the house is full, Gals are still available, never shoet of supply. As for quality, still better than blue lagoon. Left at 10pm and concluded that this place is still going strong. A few new ktv pop up on the down side. Will check it out next time.:)

bro , thks for the info,

anyway if u go there, if u want to reserve a table , u should approch the outside counter or inside counter ppl?
paiseh , never go there b4 , only all other places.

thks dude!

17-09-2006, 05:13 PM
bro , thks for the info,

anyway if u go there, if u want to reserve a table , u should approch the outside counter or inside counter ppl?
paiseh , never go there b4 , only all other places.

thks dude!

if u r a regular there, call the waitress to reserve for u over the phone.

New patrons, please arrange with the guy sitting outside the door counter.:)

Heart Break Kid
19-09-2006, 01:14 PM
Any Bros .. go Marine Parade U-turn lately ? :p

20-09-2006, 08:18 PM
HBK when u free to go out huh? Me roaming around NSH,BS and Jas51 lately.:D

U turn, as usual gals flock in 10.30pm onwards from JC. After try ur Kelly, my taste bud now on PRC liao leh.:D

Heart Break Kid
21-09-2006, 08:29 AM
HBK when u free to go out huh? Me roaming around NSH,BS and Jas51 lately

U turn, as usual gals flock in 10.30pm onwards from JC. After try ur Kelly, my taste bud now on PRC liao leh

Hello unclesammi, China is the best country in my opinion producing cheap whores :D and I think your recruitment exercise should focus mainly on China cos most men when come to entertainment still prefer PRC :p

I will available to cheong at Dec 2006 .. near Christmas season.

Heart Break Kid
26-09-2006, 05:28 PM
What happen to Joo Chiat recently ? No news at all ? ? :p

26-09-2006, 08:50 PM
bro, nvr contact the rest of our bros to go there meh? If i can, will join u guys. too bad, i am still stuck here in china.:(

27-09-2006, 08:11 AM
bro, nvr contact the rest of our bros to go there meh? If i can, will join u guys. too bad, i am still stuck here in china.:(

Hmm, everyone waiting for u to come back then go outing leh. Come back soon bro !

Btw, hows the chiong scene at china suzhou ? Enjoying urself ? :D

Heart Break Kid
27-09-2006, 09:05 AM
bro, nvr contact the rest of our bros to go there meh? If i can, will join u guys. too bad, i am still stuck here in china.

Hi Bro carmeo88,

Mi still keeping in touch with Bro Piglet & Bro PT29 .. how is the gals in china ?
Are there as loose as the ones in S'pore ? :D

So you will be back somewhere in Nov right ? Then I organise a welcome back seesion for you :p .

27-09-2006, 09:42 AM
[QUOTE=Heart Break Kid]Hi Bro carmeo88,

Mi still keeping in touch with Bro Piglet & Bro PT29 .. how is the gals in china ?
Are there as loose as the ones in S'pore ?

So you will be back somewhere in Nov right ? Then I organise a welcome back seesion for you

Oiii, your keep in touch is by phone/msg or go cheong? Now all go happy secretly without jioing huh?:cool:

Heart Break Kid
27-09-2006, 09:47 AM
[QUOTE=Heart Break Kid]Hi Bro carmeo88,

Mi still keeping in touch with Bro Piglet & Bro PT29 .. how is the gals in china ?
Are there as loose as the ones in S'pore ?

So you will be back somewhere in Nov right ? Then I organise a welcome back seesion for you

Oiii, your keep in touch is by phone/msg or go cheong? Now all go happy secretly without jioing huh?:cool:

Alamak .. don't tulan leh :D , nowaday I arrange night time activities while you need to work wattt !!!

27-09-2006, 12:10 PM
Wa liu, dun assume me not free leh. Ask me along, will try to make it for brudders right? Bo Sim lar you.:D

Heart Break Kid
27-09-2006, 01:14 PM
Wa liu, dun assume me not free leh. Ask me along, will try to make it for brudders right? Bo Sim lar you..

Don't say like that leh .. ;) Bro camero88 welcome back party I will definite inform you OK :D

27-09-2006, 01:21 PM
Don't say like that leh .. ;) Bro camero88 welcome back party I will definite inform you OK

So meaning that Carmeo dun return, you not going to jio me lar?:mad:

Heart Break Kid
27-09-2006, 01:57 PM
So meaning that Carmeo dun return, you not going to jio me lar?

Aaaa .. I don't mean that :p , as you know I stop cheonging for a while and target to make a comeback upon Camero return.

If Camero really don't return.. I will still jio you to go KTVs ones ok :D

27-09-2006, 08:30 PM
Aaaa .. I don't mean that :p , as you know I stop cheonging for a while and target to make a comeback upon Camero return.

If Camero really don't return.. I will still jio you to go KTVs ones ok :D

yeah bros, from the 1st time we met, we are all bond to cheong together. w/o me, no problem lah. juz make sure to come out wif some FR so when i'm back, no need to hunt again mah rite?

27-09-2006, 08:34 PM
yoooo...carmeo dont hv time to entertain u guys lar, once he tested the suzhou chai, he will ask for extention to stay longer there, or even permenant transfer, forget about vietnam pho soon.....tio bo carmeo??:D

27-09-2006, 08:57 PM
I still prefer to be in S'pore or HCM bro partimer29. u know why? not much kaki here and they dun like to cheong much. If u guys are here, wah...havoc man!!!:) :D

28-09-2006, 09:56 AM
Ah Boon, Ivy from NSH is back 2 days ago. Fast leg fast hand go for bonk.:D

Heart Break Kid
28-09-2006, 01:24 PM
yeah bros, from the 1st time we met, we are all bond to cheong together. w/o me, no problem lah. juz make sure to come out wif some FR so when i'm back, no need to hunt again mah rite?

Bro Carmeo, as you are away for quite sometimes .. hmm my bank accounts $$$ exhausted & my sperm bank also need time with healthy food to rebuild to peak. :D

All thanks to china gals ... :p

28-09-2006, 04:12 PM
Bro Carmeo, as you are away for quite sometimes .. hmm my bank accounts $$$ exhausted & my sperm bank also need time with healthy food to rebuild to peak. :D

All thanks to china gals ... :p

bro heartbreak kid, u should be the one in china while i shld be in HCM or JC since yr favourite are all here....

Heart Break Kid
28-09-2006, 04:25 PM
bro heartbreak kid, u should be the one in china while i shld be in HCM or JC since yr favourite are all here....

I love china gals. They are able give men things which s'pore old ladies can't.


29-09-2006, 12:02 AM
Ah Boon, Ivy from NSH is back 2 days ago. Fast leg fast hand go for bonk.:D

Aiyo, recently very busy due to a part time assignment i took up outside. So maybe need to postphone the rendenzous till later date. Haiz. Miss u guys. :(

Heart Break Kid
29-09-2006, 04:57 PM
This sat evening 7:30pm .. I will be at BS KTV.

Attention: Bro unclesammi

I would like to formally jio you down to BS for a drink.

Kindly make yourself available. :D

Thank you

Best Regards,


30-09-2006, 08:35 AM
Going at night is like going to a bachelor club. 75%man 25%gals. Thanks will give it a miss. Will be at JC.:D

Heart Break Kid
05-10-2006, 02:35 PM
To: Bro Piglet, PT29 & unclesammi.

Are you guys applying leave on 23 Oct (Mon) for a super long holiday ?

Deepvali together with Hari Raya Puasa .. any plan of going out for a meal.

btw .. is there any malay KTV around in S'pore ? :D

05-10-2006, 02:40 PM
To: Bro Piglet, PT29 & unclesammi.

Are you guys applying leave on 23 Oct (Mon) for a super long holiday ?

Deepvali together with Hari Raya Puasa .. any plan of going out for a meal.

btw .. is there any malay KTV around in S'pore ? :D

No leh, still working on 23/10. But evening after 6pm free lor. There agin that night might be working. A lot of people cheonging.

You now into minah huh? Can try K2, tuberose or my SSH.:D

Heart Break Kid
05-10-2006, 02:53 PM
No leh, still working on 23/10. But evening after 6pm free lor. There agin that night might be working. A lot of people cheonging.

You now into minah huh? Can try K2, tuberose or my SSH.

Really ?? your side SSH or K2 .. got melayu that sell smile :D

What is the tipping structure like ? :cool:

05-10-2006, 02:59 PM
Usual $50 lor. Very happening in room if you get the minah group in. SSh is my territory. K2 jio me go next time when I am free. Dunno happenning or not after my favourite mamasan left. But 1 thing sure go there sure life firing in the room one lor.:D

05-10-2006, 03:02 PM
[QUOTE=Heart Break Kid]Really ?? your side SSH or K2 .. got melayu that sell smile :D

Is that the smile u want? I thought u always wants more, n more....
I guesss that smile must be come from another mouth to serve u...:D

Heart Break Kid
05-10-2006, 03:03 PM
Usual $50 lor. Very happening in room if you get the minah group in. SSh is my territory. K2 jio me go next time when I am free. Dunno happenning or not after my favourite mamasan left. But 1 thing sure go there sure life firing in the room one lor.:D

Good, I will definitely go there one day :p

Heart Break Kid
05-10-2006, 03:15 PM
Really ?? your side SSH or K2 .. got melayu that sell smile

Is that the smile u want? I thought u always wants more, n more....
I guesss that smile must be come from another mouth to serve u...

Yo .. Bro PT29, you are an intelligent rabbit who able to read my mind.

Have you book a air ticket to Shenzhen during the super long holiday ? :D

05-10-2006, 09:19 PM
bro patimer29, u goin china nvr tell me? wanna drop by my side for a short drink?:D

06-10-2006, 12:17 AM
Minah? Are they Local Minah or Indonesia Ceweh or From Malaysia? Btw, where is SSH?:confused:

Heart Break Kid
06-10-2006, 08:46 AM
Minah? Are they Local Minah or Indonesia Ceweh or From Malaysia? Btw, where is SSH?:confused:

SSH should be New Shanghai @ Excelsior.

Maybe unclesammi can provide more info .. :p

Heart Break Kid
06-10-2006, 02:45 PM
Tonight is Lunar Chinese Aug 15 - Mooncake Festival

Any KTV near Chinese Garden ? :D

06-10-2006, 03:43 PM
Tonight is Lunar Chinese Aug 15 - Mooncake Festival

Any KTV near Chinese Garden ? :D

Nearest is Yuan Ching Road Peach Garden aka Si Wai Tao Yuan.
Come to SSH lar. Tonight I branja eat mooncake for all my supporters :D

09-10-2006, 08:46 AM
To: Bro Piglet, PT29 & unclesammi.

Are you guys applying leave on 23 Oct (Mon) for a super long holiday ?

Deepvali together with Hari Raya Puasa .. any plan of going out for a meal.

btw .. is there any malay KTV around in S'pore ? :D

Paisay, recently so busy till only able to log in this morning. Stressed, maybe changing job soon.

Got go out jus inform me lor. My weekends are normally booked by OC liao though. Haiz, I wanna go chiong !!! :(

Heart Break Kid
09-10-2006, 08:51 AM
Spent happening weekend @ IV KTV as there are few chio ones working.
With one outstanding wl sitting , licking with mi. :p

My field report :

Name: He Li (Taiwanese Tian Xin look alike)
Look: 7.5/10
Attitute: 8/10
Figure: 7/10
Breast: Small/ Medium size

Hope all JC lovers can try her out :D

09-10-2006, 11:27 AM
Organize outing this 27/10/06 (Fri) 2pm - 3am. Advance notice given now. Pls report in. BS, NSH, IV,afternoon. night 51 end at U-turn.:D

Heart Break Kid
09-10-2006, 01:16 PM
Organize outing this 27/10/06 (Fri) 2pm - 3am. Advance notice given now. Pls report in. BS, NSH, IV,afternoon. night 51 end at U-turn.:D

I will try to make it in the evening :p

09-10-2006, 10:52 PM
Organize outing this 27/10/06 (Fri) 2pm - 3am. Advance notice given now. Pls report in. BS, NSH, IV,afternoon. night 51 end at U-turn.:D

What this gathering about? More detail pls... :D

09-10-2006, 11:05 PM
Budget hunting for new Prcs and Viet SYTs in town. Operation start from Geylang to Joo Chiat.:cool:

10-10-2006, 09:15 AM
Organize outing this 27/10/06 (Fri) 2pm - 3am. Advance notice given now. Pls report in. BS, NSH, IV,afternoon. night 51 end at U-turn.:D

Hmm, if at IV then i try to join u. Cos later at nite got something nearby. Should be able to join from afternoon on. Parttimer and HBK fall in ! :)

Heart Break Kid
10-10-2006, 10:42 AM
Hmm, if at IV then i try to join u. Cos later at nite got something nearby. Should be able to join from afternoon on. Parttimer and HBK fall in ! :)

Bro Piglet, you had been missing in action for quite a while. We thought that you went to the moon to visit Chang Er during Mooncake Festival.


11-10-2006, 08:02 AM
Bro Piglet, you had been missing in action for quite a while. We thought that you went to the moon to visit Chang Er during Mooncake Festival.


Something happened in the department so jialat that even i also affected. They checking through records and doing restructuring of hierachy and duties. Sian. Now that things tide over a bit liao, i can relax a little. :)

Heart Break Kid
11-10-2006, 08:43 AM
Something happened in the department so jialat that even i also affected. They checking through records and doing restructuring of hierachy and duties. Sian. Now that things tide over a bit liao, i can relax a little.

Do take care.. Bro Piglet, in that organisation you worked in,
no need to work hard wann


Heart Break Kid
11-10-2006, 08:51 AM
Brief updates on GS KTV:

Last night I was there for a drink with my friends. A prc gal named Grace sit with my fren. She is meaty & playable (look: 7/10). There is also one indonesian gal (young one) sitting around so ang-pai.

Other than this two, the rest are just super old prc ladies. YUCK !!!!

Management still the same, msia Jessie is the cashier, May with another gal are the waitresses.

Small room with 1 jug of beer cost $91. :mad:

Overall rating of GS is 1.5/10 :eek:

11-10-2006, 09:38 AM
Brief updates on GS KTV:

Last night I was there for a drink with my friends. A prc gal named Grace sit with my fren. She is meaty & playable (look: 7/10). There is also one indonesian gal (young one) sitting around so ang-pai.

Other than this two, the rest are just super old prc ladies. YUCK !!!!

Management still the same, msia Jessie is the cashier, May with another gal are the waitresses.

Small room with 1 jug of beer cost $91. :mad:

Overall rating of GS is 1.5/10 :eek:

tat indonesian gal very happening de.. if she click with u can go hotel with u de.. F.O.C.. but HJ onli la..

11-10-2006, 02:43 PM
Brief updates on GS KTV:

Last night I was there for a drink with my friends. A prc gal named Grace sit with my fren. She is meaty & playable (look: 7/10). There is also one indonesian gal (young one) sitting around so ang-pai.

Other than this two, the rest are just super old prc ladies. YUCK !!!!

Management still the same, msia Jessie is the cashier, May with another gal are the waitresses.

Small room with 1 jug of beer cost $91. :mad:

Overall rating of GS is 1.5/10 :eek:

weekend IV, yesterday GS, so i guess both your $$ and sperm bank are reloaded pretty fast ya....or maybe these are consider nothing to you, wait till DEC then having the SUPER BIG ACTION huh..haha

11-10-2006, 03:43 PM
Brief updates on GS KTV:

Last night I was there for a drink with my friends. A prc gal named Grace sit with my fren. She is meaty & playable (look: 7/10). There is also one indonesian gal (young one) sitting around so ang-pai.

Other than this two, the rest are just super old prc ladies. YUCK !!!!

Management still the same, msia Jessie is the cashier, May with another gal are the waitresses.

Small room with 1 jug of beer cost $91. :mad:

Overall rating of GS is 1.5/10 :eek:

Ya lor, ask u go SSH say wait till Dec. Cheong IV & GS cheap right? If HBK no $ then I must become begger at Bugis temple liao.

11-10-2006, 04:13 PM
Brief updates on GS KTV:

Last night I was there for a drink with my friends. A prc gal named Grace sit with my fren. She is meaty & playable (look: 7/10). There is also one indonesian gal (young one) sitting around so ang-pai.

Other than this two, the rest are just super old prc ladies. YUCK !!!!

Management still the same, msia Jessie is the cashier, May with another gal are the waitresses.

Small room with 1 jug of beer cost $91.

Overall rating of GS is 1.5/10 :eek:

wah.. 1.5 so low... :eek: think i better give it a skip

Heart Break Kid
11-10-2006, 05:18 PM
Bro PT29 & unclesammi,

My company reinburse mi a sum of transportation allowance for overtimes
work in past two months.

btw .. for your info, I spent it all on KTVs liao :D

Heart Break Kid
11-10-2006, 05:29 PM
tat indonesian gal very happening de.. if she click with u can go hotel with u de.. F.O.C.. but HJ onli la..

My friend tip her $10 only ;)

11-10-2006, 05:32 PM
Bro PT29 & unclesammi,

My company reinburse mi a sum of transportation allowance for overtimes
work in past two months.

btw .. for your info, I spent it all on KTVs liao

STEADY LOR, never save some for 27/10/06. Enjoy urself only. :D The most angry thing is never spend on ur bro's joint. :mad:

11-10-2006, 05:37 PM
STEADY LOR, never save some for 27/10/06. Enjoy urself only. :D The most angry thing is never spend on ur bro's joint. :mad:

DONT CARE he got save any cents or not, on 27/10/06, make sure he bring his CREDICT CARD!!!!!!!!

Heart Break Kid
11-10-2006, 05:37 PM
STEADY LOR, never save some for 27/10/06. Enjoy urself only. The most angry thing is never spend on ur bro's joint.

Your joint is high-end ones .. no bros wanna join mi to SSH.

And I am too poor to go alone :(

Heart Break Kid
11-10-2006, 05:42 PM
DONT CARE he got save any cents or not, on 27/10/06, make sure he bring his CREDICT CARD!!!!!!!!

I had cancelled all my credit cards & will forever never apply again.

Because with credit limit ..all my $$$ went to vaginas :o

11-10-2006, 05:51 PM
I had cancelled all my credit cards & will forever never apply again.

Because with credit limit ..all my $$$ went to vaginas :o

Wa Lau BLUFF also think of a better reason. You think KTV gals accept credit card after to bed them? Swap card on the vagina after the session and goes to her bank account???:eek:

11-10-2006, 07:32 PM
Organize outing this 27/10/06 (Fri) 2pm - 3am. Advance notice given now. Pls report in. BS, NSH, IV,afternoon. night 51 end at U-turn.:D

u organising ar bro,may i propose it to be on 28/10/10 Sat instead,fri me wrking afternoon leh~:p

11-10-2006, 08:35 PM
Try to take leave like me. See the kakis here how lor. Me no issue lar.:)

11-10-2006, 08:46 PM
Try to take leave like me. See the kakis here how lor. Me no issue lar.:)
now on trg,cant apply leave leh.hopefully can be on weekend bah.arbo i just join the nite session bah;)

Heart Break Kid
12-10-2006, 11:44 AM
Wa Lau BLUFF also think of a better reason. You think KTV gals accept credit card after to bed them? Swap card on the vagina after the session and goes to her bank account???

Long story lah .. bank account exhausted again :o

Mi had decided to quit cheonging KTVs :cool: .. just read forum will do.

12-10-2006, 02:15 PM
Long story lah .. bank account exhausted again

Mi had decided to quit cheonging KTVs :cool: .. just read forum will do.

Sure or not? Dun let me see you in KTVs and pubs after tonight ya. Tomorrow I go past your photo at the entrance of all your frequent joints. Ban from entry.:D

12-10-2006, 03:45 PM
Bro sammi, ur mailbox so hot till all full ah ? Power leh.

Tmr I free to go HH. Prob go IV or some budget joint. Anyone wanna join in ? I stress till gonna break liao. :mad:

Heart Break Kid
12-10-2006, 04:09 PM
Sure or not? Dun let me see you in KTVs and pubs after tonight ya. Tomorrow I go past your photo at the entrance of all your frequent joints. Ban from entry.:D

I think mi maybe go KTVs just for singing purpose, no gals anymore :p

Heart Break Kid
12-10-2006, 04:10 PM
Bro sammi, ur mailbox so hot till all full ah ? Power leh.

Tmr I free to go HH. Prob go IV or some budget joint. Anyone wanna join in ? I stress till gonna break liao. :mad:

7:30pm can ?