View Full Version : Newbies HELPLINE.. Newbies Please post your question here.
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22-12-2011, 05:18 AM
Hi all..
merry christmas
23-12-2011, 02:18 AM
hi all ... i come from VietNam
27-12-2011, 09:55 AM
Hi Boss. Why am I still under Moderation? :(
27-12-2011, 10:14 AM
Hi Boss. Why am I still under Moderation? :(
u din hv enuf post, tats y.
also, pls hlp urself wif the 'sticky', then u hv better understanding how the system works! ;)
27-12-2011, 10:19 AM
Hi Boss. Why am I still under Moderation? :(
You've only posted a handful of messages since you joined that's why.
27-12-2011, 11:32 AM
I see.
Thanks for the advice! I will try to contribute more than.
btw. i did not read anything about this - If someone up you or zap you. Will you be notified about it? i know we do not know who upz or zap you. but will we be notified nevertheless? or we should just see from our reputation.
27-12-2011, 02:42 PM
I have posted a post in Sammyboy link/exchange plaza on 25/12 but till now still couldn't be displayed, why? Please help to enlighten me. TQ
27-12-2011, 07:31 PM
I have posted a post in Sammyboy link/exchange plaza on 25/12 but till now still couldn't be displayed, why? Please help to enlighten me. TQ
If you're posting affiliate links in order to make money, please refer to this thread for instructions.
27-12-2011, 07:48 PM
How to post pics?
Big Sexy
27-12-2011, 07:54 PM
read the first page of this thread..
u can find the answer there.
How to post pics?
28-12-2011, 11:37 AM
Hi bigboss my only private space is my iPhone and wish to download movie posted by rest of the bros in this forum ESP media fire .. Any way How can I can download those movie using iPhone ..
08-01-2012, 08:48 PM
Hi Boss,how to increase the power?Are the power and points important?
Thank you:confused:
08-01-2012, 10:37 PM
Hi boss, a newbie here. Can I ask if I have posted my story under" matter of heart",how can I withdraw?Please help. :o
Big Sexy
09-01-2012, 08:56 AM
read here
Hi Boss,how to increase the power?Are the power and points important?
Thank you:confused:
11-01-2012, 01:08 AM
Hi bigboss my only private space is my iPhone and wish to download movie posted by rest of the bros in this forum ESP media fire .. Any way How can I can download those movie using iPhone ..
Any1 with update??
11-01-2012, 12:54 PM
Hi seniors, i want to know about the procedure to book a room in hotel for hourly rate.
Tried the search function but dont get the answer.
Anyone can help? Thanks
Big Sexy
11-01-2012, 01:20 PM
why dont u google it??
here is just an example
Any1 with update??
just bring your gal and check into the hotel with both your IC/Passport.
Hi seniors, i want to know about the procedure to book a room in hotel for hourly rate.
Tried the search function but dont get the answer.
Anyone can help? Thanks
hey, i would like to ask sth regarding verotel quickcharge. I have noted that when i made 2 months payment, they claims that I will be rebilled every 2 months, is there any way for me to stop being rebilled 2 month later?
Big Sexy
12-01-2012, 09:37 PM
I believe u will have to do it manually... hey, i would like to ask sth regarding verotel quickcharge. I have noted that when i made 2 months payment, they claims that I will be rebilled every 2 months, is there any way for me to stop being rebilled 2 month later?
I believe u will have to do it manually...
erm this is just rephrasing my question.
of course i have to do it manually, but how do i go about doing it manually...
please do not tell me that i need a monitor to view the webbie, fingers for clicking and typing?
Big Sexy
13-01-2012, 07:11 AM
there should be a cancellation/stop/terminate subscription option..
look for it and use it!
click on it when u want to stop the subscription..
otherwise they will continue to bill you.
erm this is just rephrasing my question.
of course i have to do it manually, but how do i go about doing it manually...
please do not tell me that i need a monitor to view the webbie, fingers for clicking and typing?
13-01-2012, 07:33 AM
erm this is just rephrasing my question.
of course i have to do it manually, but how do i go about doing it manually...
please do not tell me that i need a monitor to view the webbie, fingers for clicking and typing? and click on "support". It will take you to the page where you can manage or cancel your account.
Big Sexy
13-01-2012, 07:38 AM
here is the direct link;) and click on "support". It will take you to the page where you can manage or cancel your account.
thanks a lot for the spoonfeed MR Big and MR Sammy ^^
Big Sexy
11-02-2012, 09:43 AM
where is the post number?
please note : Clicking on the post number will give the post url. That's what I need when someone wants to draw my attention to a particular post.
Please don't email or PM me telling me to delete "my post in thread xyz page xx. Your page xx is different from my page xx because everyone sets the number of posts per page to suit themselves.
22-02-2012, 11:10 AM
Always thank u u the smexy BS:D
22-02-2012, 11:43 AM
where is the post number?
Clicking on the post number will give the post url. That's what I need when someone wants to draw my attention to a particular post.
Please don't email or PM me telling me to delete "my post in thread xyz page xx. Your page xx is different from my page xx because everyone sets the number of posts per page to suit themselves.
Big Sexy
22-02-2012, 12:23 PM
hi sam...i have insert your post as a quote in my previous post..
easier for them to read..:)
Clicking on the post number will give the post url. That's what I need when someone wants to draw my attention to a particular post.
RK.. is that you??? or microsoft????? ... :D:D
Always thank u u the smexy BS:D
22-02-2012, 04:32 PM
RK.. is that you??? or microsoft????? ... :D:D
Wah! U openly say I clone?
Like tat say me good meh?:o
02-04-2012, 11:16 PM
just being curious, what do Samster (P) and Samster (B) mean? Are they subscribers to any particular section in the forum?
Big Sexy
03-04-2012, 08:14 AM
(P) are those who have access to the private section..
(B) are those who are banned i believe..
just being curious, what do Samster (P) and Samster (B) mean? Are they subscribers to any particular section in the forum?
13-04-2012, 02:32 PM
Can I ask why didnt my post appear?? Does it have to go through the moderator?
Big Sexy
13-04-2012, 03:59 PM
hi...kindly read the forum preamble
there is an option for you to get out of moderation immediately..
check out this thread (
Please note that NEW MEMBERS are on moderation for a couple days in the other forums. However, this test forum is unmoderated & your posts will appear immediately. Note that you are still free to post messages in ANY section you choose but messages that you post in the other sections will not appear until they are released from the moderation queue. Your moderation period is over when the "(M)" below your nick disappears. Reputation cannot be added or deducted in this section.
NB: You cannot get out of moderation by posting in this section ONLY. You have to contribute positively in the other sections.
Can I ask why didnt my post appear?? Does it have to go through the moderator?
18-04-2012, 01:52 PM
How to up points pls tell
18-04-2012, 02:00 PM
How to up points pls tell
Your power is "0" so you can't add or subtract points at the moment. Check the stickies for instructions and illustrations on the operation of this forum.
20-04-2012, 06:16 PM
hmmm.. thanks for the guide =)
nice guide, every newbie need to read this cause it really helpful :)
Big Sexy
06-05-2012, 05:03 PM
you cannot delete a thread..
if you have a good reason to remove a thread..
you can send a pm to the moderator/admin
How to delete thread ?
07-05-2012, 09:58 AM
I would just like to check if im allowed to post items for sales for example sex toys and other products in this forum, and in which thread am I allowed to do that.
07-05-2012, 10:20 AM
I would just like to check if im allowed to post items for sales for example sex toys and other products in this forum, and in which thread am I allowed to do that.
If you want to advertise, please contact the moderator caveat_emptor.
ah rat
10-05-2012, 04:48 PM
HI there
Noticed that the (M) has disappeared from my nick and then it was replaced with a (P) i think, and now its (eP)
what does that all mean?
thanks! =)
Did u pay to access to Private Section :D
ah rat
10-05-2012, 04:58 PM
nope! submitted some pics of me via the email link =)
Sis, whether u able to view the Private Section & whether able to share some pixs.:p :D
Big Sexy
10-05-2012, 05:04 PM
it means your access to the private section has expired.
HI there
Noticed that the (M) has disappeared from my nick and then it was replaced with a (P) i think, and now its (eP)
what does that all mean?
thanks! =)
Big Sexy
10-05-2012, 05:17 PM
kindly drop sammyboyfor a pm
expired? that was quick. i only got access to post today! lol
Big Sexy
10-05-2012, 05:23 PM
just make sure those pictures u upload to the private section meets the requirements .. :)
i think i have to meet a minimum post thinghy. i'll trial and error it. lol. as long my photos are a little more private than the general forum i guess its okay. lol!
19-05-2012, 12:07 PM
can someone explain what does (V) means.. i only saw before (M), (P) and (eP) on this forum. thank you. ;)
19-05-2012, 01:11 PM
can someone explain what does (V) means.. i only saw before (M), (P) and (eP) on this forum. thank you. ;)
Since this is a sex forum, it probably means vagina.
... what does (V) means... only saw before (M), (P) and (eP)
.. sex forum... probably means vagina .
Boss, not happy (or happy?) - teasing U. :p "V" probably means "Virgin" - untested/unproven in SBF. Paid $4.99 to get out of moderation - to lose their virginity!! :
:) Cheers.
Big Sexy
19-05-2012, 04:45 PM
you dont know meh?
you never watch tv program wan meh..
you dont know V is for Vitagen huh???:D
however the V here is probably for Validated.
i cant think of a better word than that...
can someone explain what does (V) means.. i only saw before (M), (P) and (eP) on this forum. thank you. ;)
19-05-2012, 06:09 PM
just try to get more post and rep point in here,is kinda da hard???
19-05-2012, 07:03 PM
just try to get more post and rep point in here,is kinda da hard???
It would be hard for you. I checked all your posts and you have contributed absolutely nothing. All you've done is ask for information while giving zilch in return.
19-05-2012, 08:12 PM
Hey can anyone tell me what's the difference between the 3 FL Domes? I tried searching for an answer but cannot find.
20-05-2012, 07:38 AM
Hey can anyone tell me what's the difference between the 3 FL Domes? I tried searching for an answer but cannot find.
Different nationalities of girls I believe.
20-05-2012, 12:02 PM
Thank u very much boss!
How to I determine how much points to be given to someone if I were to add his reputation?
06-06-2012, 04:48 AM
How to I determine how much points to be given to someone if I were to add his reputation?
It's based on your power. At the moment your power is "0" so if you add points to someone, you'll be adding "0".
11-06-2012, 09:19 PM
Hi all, not sure I'm posting at the correct thread. But anyone encountering page cannot be displayed error on M1 3G?
Big Sexy
12-06-2012, 07:26 AM
mate. the problem lies with your service provider.
give them a call or use another service provider.
Hi all, not sure I'm posting at the correct thread. But anyone encountering page cannot be displayed error on M1 3G?
betsy will
12-06-2012, 09:05 AM
Hello fellow Samsters ...
sorry to use this thread but can pls help me?
i noticed after my name "betsy will" there is a big RED full stop, there are other nicks whose colour are green / blue etc ...
may i know what does the colour mean?
Big Sexy
12-06-2012, 09:50 AM
bluish grey means user is using invisible mode and doesnt want you to know whether he is online or offline..
red means you are using invisible mode. other user wont know whether you are online or offline..(only you will see the red)
green indicates that the user is not using invisible mode and is online..
read this post ( to learn how to how to use the invisible mode
Hello fellow Samsters ...
sorry to use this thread but can pls help me?
i noticed after my name "betsy will" there is a big RED full stop, there are other nicks whose colour are green / blue etc ...
may i know what does the colour mean?
23-06-2012, 11:01 PM
I have a question regarding access to Sam's Private Picture Forum.
If I were to subscribe to Ticketsclub, but still in moderation, would I be able to access and download Sam's Private Picture Forum's contents but can't post anything, or I wont be able to access nor download its contents at all?
27-06-2012, 12:33 PM
I have a question regarding access to Sam's Private Picture Forum.
If I were to subscribe to Ticketsclub, but still in moderation, would I be able to access and download Sam's Private Picture Forum's contents but can't post anything, or I wont be able to access nor download its contents at all?
Access is separate. It's configured for
Downloading will be via that server.
There will be no change in the status of your membership in this forum. ;)
Big Sexy
27-06-2012, 01:48 PM
mate.. if u need more info on the private section..
read question27 on post 1 of this thread.;)
I have a question regarding access to Sam's Private Picture Forum.
If I were to subscribe to Ticketsclub, but still in moderation, would I be able to access and download Sam's Private Picture Forum's contents but can't post anything, or I wont be able to access nor download its contents at all?
03-07-2012, 12:54 AM
What are the rules for graduating th modEration period?
03-07-2012, 06:20 AM
What are the rules for graduating th modEration period?
The only rule is that you post as a normal human being would.
Big Sexy
03-07-2012, 06:57 AM
it is in the first post of this thread.
posting and you (
What are the rules for graduating th modEration period?
14-07-2012, 11:43 AM
Hi Everybody!
Just been informed by a good buddy of mine to join this forum to share experiences and in return, might get to know more online friends alike.
09-08-2012, 07:44 PM
how to edit a post make by myself?
Big Sexy
09-08-2012, 08:22 PM
there is a grace period where u are allowed to edit your post, afterwhich u cannot edit it.
click on question 5 in the first page of this thread for more info on editing/removal of post.
how to edit a post make by myself?
19-08-2012, 03:12 AM
What is the (V)? VIP?
Big Sexy
19-08-2012, 08:33 AM
supporters who paid a nominal fees to bypass moderation..:)
What is the (V)? VIP?
20-08-2012, 07:16 PM
Just a quick question:
In my "Private messages" section, I can see all the msgs sent to me in the Inbox folder, but when I reply msgs, they do not appear in the "Sent items" folder, and it still shows zero msgs.
Is there anyway I can see the msgs that I have sent?
Thanks a bunch!
20-08-2012, 07:19 PM
Is there anyway I can see the msgs that I have sent?
Thanks a bunch!
21-08-2012, 06:45 PM
Is vulgarities allowed in the forums?
What can I do if someone used vulgar words on me?
Big Sexy
21-08-2012, 06:52 PM
there is nothing wrong..u can 'f' him back..
HOWEVER, those who abuse the system by making vicious attacks and spewing vulgarities anonymously (ie without revealing your nick) will have their nicks exposed and placed under moderation if the victim complains to the moderators. If you want to abuse someone using all sorts of profanities via the reputation system remarks feature, you MUST reveal your nick when doing so in order not to be penalised.
read here
Is vulgarities allowed in the forums?
What can I do if someone used vulgar words on me?
21-08-2012, 07:01 PM
Is vulgarities allowed in the forums?
What can I do if someone used vulgar words on me?
You can ignore, ignore + put the member on your ignore list or your can use even MORE vulgar language to fuck him/her back. :p
21-08-2012, 11:36 PM
You can ignore, ignore + put the member on your ignore list or your can use even MORE vulgar language to fuck him/her back. :p
Thank you..... understand how the system works now..... oredi have in mind what to do to teach that bastard a lesson he'll never forget. :)
22-08-2012, 04:13 AM
Thank you..... understand how the system works now..... oredi have in mind what to do to teach that bastard a lesson he'll never forget. :)
You sound really childish. :rolleyes:
22-08-2012, 07:15 PM
You sound really childish. :rolleyes:
Childish or boliao who cares...... but some people must be taught that you dun go around fucking others for no reason..... who are they to tell people to fuck off..... all the threads are public and dun belong to anyone. :mad:
I'll settle this my way..... thank you for your concern but dun get involved. :D
Big Sexy
22-08-2012, 08:02 PM
we aint the less bothered with personal feud..
just don't spam the forum with rubbish..
Childish or boliao who cares...... but some people must be taught that you dun go around fucking others for no reason..... who are they to tell people to fuck off..... all the threads are public and dun belong to anyone. :mad:
I'll settle this my way..... thank you for your concern but dun get involved. :D
23-08-2012, 03:10 AM
all the threads are public and dun belong to anyone. :mad:
I'll settle this my way..... thank you for your concern but dun get involved. :D
All the threads belong to me as they're sitting on a server which I pay for.
Talk is cheap on the internet. If you want to settle matters, do it privately and don't waste my server resources.
23-08-2012, 12:20 PM
hi sam & bigsexy
i'm trying to reply to this thread or rather try to post but not able to do so.
i understand that i'm inactive since sept 2011 but if i am not able to post a reply, how am i going to get out of moderation?
Pls advise. Thank you
sorry found the answer at question 36 at 1st post by bigsexy.
Please ignore
09-10-2012, 12:50 PM
Hi Big Sexy,
I do I see who have upped me? I refer to Qn 21, but "Posted by" column is not there. How do I enable it to see who added to my reputation so I can return the favour?
Big Sexy
09-10-2012, 01:07 PM
u cant see who "up" you.
you can only see the comment the person left ( if any)
Hi Big Sexy,
I do I see who have upped me? I refer to Qn 21, but "Posted by" column is not there. How do I enable it to see who added to my reputation so I can return the favour?
09-10-2012, 03:40 PM
Hi Big Sexy,
I do I see who have upped me? I refer to Qn 21, but "Posted by" column is not there. How do I enable it to see who added to my reputation so I can return the favour?
You are not supposed to return favour. You're only supposed to add to deserving posts. If the person who added to your points is contributing nothing or is posting rubbish, you should zap him in return instead. That's what I have done on numerous occasions.
Big Sexy
14-10-2012, 04:15 PM
to embed a video from youtube simply copy the youtube link and paste it in your post
HOWEVER, those who abuse the system by making vicious attacks and spewing vulgarities anonymously (ie without revealing your nick) will have their nicks exposed and placed under moderation if the victim complains to the moderators. If you want to abuse someone using all sorts of profanities via the reputation system remarks feature, you MUST reveal your nick when doing so in order not to be penalised.
I wrote something which I guess must have raised the ire of someone and as a result got ANONYMOUSLY zapped multiple times with the following comments
Events In CP 13-10-2012 01:11 AM Fuck you, guai lan kia! CCb, you post one time, I zap one time.
Events In CP 13-10-2012 12:16 AM Not your business.
Events In CP 12-10-2012 03:35 PM ??!
Events In CP 12-10-2012 11:22 AM good calculation
Events In CP 12-10-2012 12:50 AM
Events In CP 11-10-2012 07:55 PM Oh Yes Oh Yes
OK, the first few I guess is acceptable but the last one?!
Man...what is this all about? And it also made me to start to wonder about these "clones" ,mentioned elsewhere. Does this guy have lots of clones etc ergo "fire Power" for him to threaten to zap me multiple times? As I thought that each Samster can only zap/up another Samster once every 1,000 cycle?
Anyway, would appreciate you looking into this matter.
Big Sexy
15-10-2012, 12:24 PM
that guy use vulgarities without leaving his nick..
he has broken the rule.
you should now pm sam to look into the matter..
Events In CP 13-10-2012 01:11 AM Fuck you, guai lan kia! CCb, you post one time, I zap one time.
15-10-2012, 01:21 PM
that guy use vulgarities without leaving his nick..
he has broken the rule.
you should now pm sam to look into the matter..
The script has already taken care of things and placed the nick under moderation.
Big Sexy
15-10-2012, 01:32 PM
another one bite the dust..
they never learn..:D
The script has already taken care of things and placed the nick under moderation.
15-10-2012, 01:42 PM
another one bite the dust..
they never learn..:D
The guilty nick is dan101.
The guilty nick is dan101.
Thank a lot Gents!
Actually I do not want to cause any controversies at all when on a forum and was just gonna quietly take the zaps etc as apparently somebody didn't like what I innocuous as I thought my post actually was.
But that last one was not only offensively worded, I thought it quite threatening. If anybody thinks my posting had been wrong/offensive etc, I certainly would not mind him telling me openly on the thread itself - as at least that would allow me to respond or apologize etc. After all, a forum should be THE place to discuss all sorts of matters, opinions etc right?
But the way he did it, he seems to want to just silence me.
Anyway, Much Thanks to you Gents and I truly hope that I will not get zapped as per his threat.
And BTW - do members here really have clones etc + up to no good?
18-10-2012, 01:23 AM
I tried searching the forum but can't find the answer for this...
How to change the mouseover comment on the reputation tiles? Mine has been "ac171 deserves two tigers! - He's a great guy." since I've noticed it.
18-10-2012, 02:15 AM
I tried searching the forum but can't find the answer for this...
How to change the mouseover comment on the reputation tiles? Mine has been "ac171 deserves two tigers! - He's a great guy." since I've noticed it.
That's programmed into the system.
Is this how things really work on this forum?
Subsequent to my above posting, I had received 27 ZAPS (on top of the original 6 Zaps = 33 Zaps at last count!) totaling I don’t know how many Reputation points. Yes, of course I know rep points means ... not much....but it's the meaning and intention BEHIND zaps that, to me, is more significant
I had originally posted the following which I thought innocuous enough/certainly never meant to be offensive –
WOW!! 65 MM's + 15 Dj's at 300 per totals RMB 24,000 or 2,400 for each of the bros. Just for the gals to be around!!
Then there is all the liquor and food and whatever that you all are gonna be consuming -which, by the way you describe it, is gonna be at least another + 1,500, + plus the 1,200 or so cost of the overnight girl.
So one's looking at RMB 5,100 or over SGD$ 1K @ for one night in CP??!!
Oh MY!!!
But I guess this must have rubbed somebody the wrong way.
Anyway, the Zaps started and I wrote the above post and thought that was the end of the matter – until these further 27 Zaps!!
Is this how things REALLY should be around here? That there are either “gangs” or Samsters with multiple clones able to dictate what can or cannot be said? I thought that a forum is a place where rational adults can discuss differing opinions and participation by more would be encouraged. As I see it, instead of rational discussions, we have somebody or a group of somebodies resorting to hooligan behavior to suppress everything he/they do not like. That unless you bend down to their will and cater to their ego,that you will be shot down.
I mean ForCrissakes, its only a Sex Forum – is it really that important for ANYBODY to get to be Grand Poobah on a sex forum?
On the same Events in CP thread, I have seen multiple examples of the above type of behavior – the latest ones being Suck Harder and wired72 being crucified for just caring by sharing information about Dongguan….but which I guess must have stepped on somebody or another’s fragile ego.
And BTW, action by the Boss sammyboyfor seems to NOT be effective at all as I notice that whilst Boss had originally zapped dan101 to -269, 2 days later he’s back up to +269!
I really would appreciate replies/comments to my above question/observation – with thanks beforehand.
Changping Dongguan 常平东莞...
18-10-2012 01:08 AM gD NITES
Changping Dongguan 常平东莞...
18-10-2012 12:35 AM So active
Changping Dongguan 常平东莞...
17-10-2012 11:37 PM I hate Changping
Changping Dongguan 常平东莞...
17-10-2012 11:04 PM Welcome u back
Changping Dongguan 常平东莞...
17-10-2012 10:08 PM Watch up
Changping Dongguan 常平东莞...
17-10-2012 08:51 PM What's up?
Changping Dongguan 常平东莞...
17-10-2012 10:20 AM No more posting?
Changping Dongguan 常平东莞...
17-10-2012 02:28 AM Zap
Changping Dongguan 常平东莞...
17-10-2012 01:53 AM Yr gd bro nvr come out huh?
Changping Dongguan 常平东莞...
17-10-2012 12:28 AM U think I care?
HK Happening
16-10-2012 11:25 PM U say yrself stupid?
HK Happening
16-10-2012 10:54 PM Think twice bef u posy
HK Happening
16-10-2012 10:02 PM No $$$ dun cheong lah
Changping Dongguan 常平东莞...
16-10-2012 08:37 PM Too busy to check.... So sorry
Changping Dongguan 常平东莞...
16-10-2012 05:49 PM Dun hit the traffic light
Changping Dongguan 常平东莞...
16-10-2012 04:57 PM Dun like yr link
Changping Dongguan 常平东莞...
16-10-2012 04:53 PM zap..zap! bad mood today
Changping Dongguan 常平东莞...
16-10-2012 04:36 PM Did u see the traffic light ahead?
Changping Dongguan 常平东莞...
16-10-2012 04:27 PM Talk too much
HK Happening
16-10-2012 03:10 PM Well say
HK Happening
16-10-2012 02:06 PM why u so kapoh ?
HK Happening
16-10-2012 01:54 PM Long winded
HK Happening
16-10-2012 01:17 PM Sound like OKT
HK Happening
16-10-2012 12:59 PM don't like your posting
HK Happening
16-10-2012 11:03 AM Are u OKT?
HK Happening
16-10-2012 10:39 AM U think u very smart
HK Happening
16-10-2012 09:26 AM Silly what?
Hmmmm.... I guess nobody cares!!
30-10-2012, 03:27 AM
Hi Big Sexy,
I do I see who have upped me? I refer to Qn 21, but "Posted by" column is not there. How do I enable it to see who added to my reputation so I can return the favour?
You are not supposed to return favours. Points should be awarded only for useful contributions.
Big Sexy
30-10-2012, 04:08 AM
Hi there..
sorry...the info given in that post was outdated and wrong.
i have done a update on question 21.
you wont be able to see who "up" you unless the user leave his nick in the comment column. :p ;)
Hi Big Sexy,
I do I see who have upped me? I refer to Qn 21, but "Posted by" column is not there. How do I enable it to see who added to my reputation so I can return the favour?
You are not supposed to return favours. Points should be awarded only for useful contributions.
You are not supposed to return favours. Points should be awarded only for useful contributions.
How about Zaps - especially when it's quite apparent that there's some kind of organized effort to harass and silence one samster or another?
I would have thought that such activites would NOT be favorably looked at as all it does is discourage participation in you forum unless one toes the line and just participate in the brown-nosing and totally useless TCSS.
30-10-2012, 01:38 PM
I would have thought that such activites would NOT be favorably looked at as all it does is discourage participation in you forum unless one toes the line and just participate in the brown-nosing and totally useless TCSS.
It is not favourably viewed either. Zaps should be for rude posts, spam, off topic stuff etc while additions should be for useful information.
However, that's in the ideal world. The real world is an entirely different kettle of fish.
At the end of the day, all I can do is provide guidelines. I can't alter the failings of human nature.
It is not favourably viewed either. Zaps should be for rude posts, spam, off topic stuff etc while additions should be for useful information.
However, that's in the ideal world. The real world is an entirely different kettle of fish.
At the end of the day, all I can do is provide guidelines. I can't alter the failings of human nature.
May I respectfully make a suggestion? That you program your software to auto-show the handle of those who Zap anybody else?
I'd opine that everybody must/should be able to justify his zaps and NOT be able to do it just to be spurious/ spiteful - and cause havoc on your board. I have of late tried zapping others "just for the heck of it" and have NOT had to be accountable for such action - which to me somehow just do not make sense.
In fact - what IS the reason why you deem it necessary to grant anonymity for Zappers? Since they can - and do - affect the "reputation" of others (by reducing their reputation points) without fear of any consequence or even having to justify his own action.
I'd think that Zapping should only happen when it IS warranted and not just at the whim of the Zapper(s)...and in my case, I feel such has been orchestrated behind the scene by people with their own nefarious agenda ...which I'd think is detrimental to the overall good of this forum.
30-10-2012, 03:30 PM
May I respectfully make a suggestion? That you program your software to auto-show the handle of those who Zap anybody else?
It used to be like that but it ended up as open warfare which spilled over into the real world. There were threats of physical violence.
The problem when nicks are revealed is even worse and there is no way those with low power dare to take on the old timers.
This way is fairer. The weaker ones can show their displeasure without having to worry about revenge attacks from a rabid gang.
Big Sexy
30-10-2012, 03:35 PM
mate.. there is no perfect solution to it.. but here's a thought..
there is no rule in the forum which say you cannot create clones .. get it?? ;)
I'd think that Zapping should only happen when it IS warranted and not just at the whim of the Zapper(s)...and in my case, I feel such has been orchestrated behind the scene by people with their own nefarious agenda ...
mate.. there is no perfect solution to it.. but here's a thought..
there is no rule in the forum which say you cannot create clones .. get it?? ;)
Thank you for "your thought" but this is just too much trouble for one who's just interested in caring by sharing whatever insight/information one is able to contribute to the board. Am not interested in warfare or revenge attacks or forming any rabid gangs or whatever. And the way things are right now stacked up, I think I'll just mostly lurk around here; a pity actually, as I'd think that nobody wins then.
How about making ALL reputation Awards and Zaps out in the open for everybody to see and judge for themselves - if such Awards/Zaps are justified or not...and forming one's own mind about these guys who Zap/award recklessly without rhyme/reason. Then the general board can/would be the impartial judge as to the character/make-up of the Zappper/Awarder. Just another thought with due apologies if I'm straying into areas that is not of my concern.
Ps edit
And come to think of it - why is there no rules against someone having clones?
It would seem to me that only those who are intent on causing havoc on the forum/with their own nefarious agenda would take the trouble to create such clone...or his own army of clones.
So as it is - there ARE members here who just re-inforce himself with his own clones and pull the wool over everybody??!! Just to advance whatever nonsense he's trying to advance? How does that benefit the forum and what I would have thought was one of the aims here...that of providing a forum for a fair and balanced discussion AND to share reliable and accurate information. Anyway....
It used to be like that but it ended up as open warfare which spilled over into the real world. There were threats of physical violence.
The problem when nicks are revealed is even worse and there is no way those with low power dare to take on the old timers.
This way is fairer. The weaker ones can show their displeasure without having to worry about revenge attacks from a rabid gang.
But the way things are - with these clones and it seems to me some kind of concerted attacks by whoever feels slighted - how does "weaker ones" like I who only as his single handle here able to show my displeasure" at anybody and for it to mean ANYTHING? I can only zap him once and he can just as easily awards himself multiple points to negate - and bury from others - such expressions of displeasure. In fact, with that dan101 which I saw being docked to -269 - within one day he was back up to +269!! In effect just showing his middle finger to you and telling you that he reigns supreme/untouchable on here.
So you're OK with Samsters here - who really don't even pay you anything - to just run rampant and dictate their own wishes and rules OVER you?? Heck, I can appreciate allowing clones IF you were to charge each additional handle from each ISP address some kind of "clone fee" or whatever - but as it is - why allow these guys to ride roughshod over you...and you not benefiting in any way (and actually loosing out IMHO)?
Big Sexy
30-10-2012, 04:16 PM
yea mate..just live with it..the current method has proven to be the best after months and years of trying so there really isnt a need to change it for now..
as for clones, there is no way to stop them.. it is a problem for most forum...most members here are on dynamic ip address and if sam ban that particular ip, i reckon 30-50% or maybe more users here will be affected.
I think I'll just mostly lurk around here; a pity actually, as I'd think that nobody wins then.
Ps edit
And come to think of it - why is there no rules against someone having clones?
It would seem to me that only those who are intent on causing havoc on the forum/with their own nefarious agenda would take the trouble to create such clone...or his own army of clones.
30-10-2012, 04:21 PM
Ps edit
And come to think of it - why is there no rules against someone having clones?
It would seem to me that only those who are intent on causing havoc on the forum/with their own nefarious agenda would take the trouble to create such clone...or his own army of clones.
Rules are of no use if they can't be enforced. There is no way of telling which accounts are clones and which are original.
However, if they are used to abuse the rep system, I have a way of finding out and many clone accounts have been disabled because of this. However, with a bit of work, they can easily be recreated and the cycle continues.
My policy has always been one of a very light handed touch. People can pretty much post whatever they want as long as it isn't spam and isn't off topic. I leave it to members to police each other.
Even if you do get zapped, there is nothing stopping you from saying whatever you want. If you don't bother about your points, why worry if they're deducted. You aren't being silenced by anyone.
yea mate..just live with it..
as for clones, there is no way to stop them.. it is a problem for most forum...most members here are on dynamic ip address and if sam ban that particular ip, i reckon 30-50% or maybe more users here will be affected.
Thank you for replying/tolerating these questions/suggestions of mine which are totally out of the sphere of my remit. Thank you.
Some forums I know go ahead and announce a period of moratorium for members to come clean and declare their clones - following which the Mods would just ban those who did not declare and continue to use clones.
In SBF's case such a moratorium could also be announced and SBF could then impose some kind of annual "clone usage" charge - and perhaps doubling or even tripling etc such charge if the guy did NOT declare it/Boss needed to discover it.
As rampant as these clones seems to be on here, I'd think that this would be a nice little earner for Boss - no? And meanwhile allow him to take back FULL control of his board.
Just a thought too.
=sammyboyfor;8004552]. There is no way of telling which accounts are clones and which are original. I believe that you can easily program your software to catch multiple handles from ONE ISP address - that would be the way to catch these clones. Yes, of course they can use Proxies or VPN's - but how many guys would actually resort to such outlandish/labour intensive methods to post - unless of course if he does have some heavy duty reason to do so? But I'd think on a sex board as yours - not that many would have such a heavy duty reason.
However, if they are used to abuse the rep system, I have a way of finding out and many clone accounts have been disabled because of this. However, with a bit of work, they can easily be recreated and the cycle continues.
My policy has always been one of a very light handed touch. People can pretty much post whatever they want as long as it isn't spam and isn't off topic. I leave it to members to police each other. Yes I agree 100% that a light touch is the best way for ANY forum - UNLESS there is rampant and serious abuse of the system in place. And my experience of recent date, IMHO shows that there is such abuse of your board. (33 Zaps over one post - that wasn't even meant to be offensive - and such zaps only stopped since I stopped posting on the general board to NOT give him the opportunity to further zap me). In effect this guy/group of guys have dictated to me what I should or should say or not say....and dictate what goes on in the forum.
Even if you do get zapped, there is nothing stopping you from saying whatever you want. If you don't bother about your points, why worry if they're deducted. You aren't being silenced by anyone.
Yes, I can continue to post - but as somebody who has no agenda - why would I? Yes, the points means nothing - but I've noticed that anybody with negative reputation points here gets routinely ignored and derided - so what's the point of participating? I wonder how many other GENUINE well-meaning members have also stopped posting for similar reasons?
And also, if and when I get zapped to under 40 points - don't I lose my award giving/taking powers? And even gets "moderated" at some point?
30-10-2012, 05:03 PM
I believe that you can easily program your software to catch multiple handles from ONE ISP address - that would be the way to catch these clones. Yes, of course they can use Proxies or VPN's -
Because Singapore ISPs force uses to use proxies, I have seen up to 400 connections from the same IP address at any one time. In fact, my host thought it was a DDoS attack and locked the whole lot out.
Clone creators aren't idiots. You don't need vpns or proxies. Just reboot your modem between each registration and your IP address will change.
There are filters that could be put in place to help control simultaneous log ins from the same computer which would work for forums with lower levels of traffic but if I implemented them here, the whole forum would slow down dramatically and surfing the content would become a pain.
The reason why you are zapped isn't just because of clones. It's also because of how you come across in the forum. I reserve further comment.
The reason why you are zapped isn't just because of clones. It's also because of how you come across in the forum. I reserve further comment.
Guess I'm better off just keeping quiet!!
31-10-2012, 10:00 PM
Guess I'm better off just keeping quiet!!
Why not provide positive contributions to this forum and I am sure bros will reward you for your efforts.
Why not provide positive contributions to this forum and I am sure bros will reward you for your efforts.
Yes, conventional wisdom would think this is the way to go and in fact, it was what I was doing all along - just sharing whatever information I may have, my own outlook on certain topics without purposely stepping on anybody's toes etc. Then came that post I wrote where I was just figuring out the cost that a guy had incurred for a night at a KTV. Not intended to chide, berate or even fault anybody at all and just an observation.
But for whatever reason, it must have have pissed some guy(s?) off and I got zapped 6 times - with the last one ominously stating "Fuck you, guai lan kia! CCb, you post one time, I zap one time." - which I thought a bit much and which prompted me to write my post #1099. This resulted in Dan101 being zapped by the script to -269 and be placed under moderation (as relayed by Boss) and I thought that was the end of that.
WRONG!! Just about immediately I got zapped a further 27 times - thus dan101 and his clones/crews made good on his threat to zap me every time I post - and these zaps only stopped when my last post went past 2 days and thus not rateable. Worse, almost immediately I noticed that dan101 went back up to having a +269reputation points.
And if I now post any other things, I am quite sure that the zaps will resume - thus I think you will agree that it would be counter-productive for me to post anything else?!
03-11-2012, 04:56 PM
And if I now post any other things, I am quite sure that the zaps will resume - thus I think you will agree that it would be counter-productive for me to post anything else?!
You need to rally support. Zaps are half of additions so if you have an equal number of supporters and detractors, your points will still rise as time goes by.
Life is all about forming strategic alliances. Cyberlife is no different.
You need to rally support. Zaps are half of additions so if you have an equal number of supporters and detractors, your points will still rise as time goes by.
Life is all about forming strategic alliances. Cyberlife is no different.
Thanks for your counsel on this matter - but I gotta wonder - is it really worth it? I mean, lets face it, this is just a sex board and one that most would participate in for enjoyment in one's spare time.
Forming strategic alliances? Get to be buddy buddy with who I perceive "decent" members - great! Nothing wrong with getting to know proper upstanding regular guys...but since they're proper guys, they ain't gonna have clones, form unholy alliances with others...just to get ahead on a sex board. And each one of these proper guys I befriend, I would think most likely would only have one handle and no clones....and can only credit me every what - 1,000 cycle?
My "Single-Fire-Power alliances/buddies" against member(s) who do have their own nefarious agenda on this board.... and had gone as far as making up so many clones and enlisted help from his buddies with equally evil intent? (remember, I got zapped 33 times - and only stopped getting zapped when my last post was 2 days old!!) Heck, even before I could get "strategic alliances" - in fact on my next post on the open board - I probably would have already been zapped to kingdom come!!
See what I mean by it not being worth it? And in fact, just coincidentally, I just met up with another Samster who is also of the opinion that things are so stacked up against just regular contributing members, that its futile to even try. That just as long as you allow these guys with their own agenda or whatever to run rampant - and practically dictating the tone, tenor and ethos of the forum - that more and more "regular guys" will also just give up. Too darn many fragile egos, people with their own agendas, control freaks etc
Apologize - this is just what I think and who am I to question such a successful and well participated forum.
The problem when nicks are revealed is even worse and there is no way those with low power dare to take on the old timers.
This way is fairer. The weaker ones can show their displeasure without having to worry about revenge attacks from a rabid gang.
Yes, the weaker ones can show his displeasure ONE time, BUT the downside is that you now actually have a Rabid gang of hooligans using his clones and unholy alliances to dictate what can and cannot be said, who is "entitled" to post or not, demand capitulation from every one - thus in effect taking effective control of the board from you Boss.
PLUS I would think that if any "displeasure" is well warranted/justified AND out in the open, a rational and ADULT discussion could follow instead of these chicken shit and totally juvenile zaps. This I thought was an "adult" forum" - but I see behaviour more akin to a school yard/actions of these cyber bullies.
Ps edit:
A suggestion - how about coming up with a new rule that if anybody zap another member and the zappee appeals to you to investigate and you find that such zap was indeed undeserved, that the original zapper would get zapped double, triple or even 100 X his unwarranted zap?
I mean like in my case - I think you can easily see that most if not all of the zaps were undeserved/spurious/unwarranted and was just malicious. I would appeal to you to investigate and you decide and make the necessary remedies. Oh I of course know that this might bring you a barrage of "Appeals" - but will it really? If you fully announce this new rule I would think that most guys will take heed and stop unwarranted zapping in the first place. It probably would need a few days/week for the new rule to sink in - but I believe that quite soon, you will see such juvenile activities stop.
Big Sexy
03-11-2012, 10:09 PM
mate.. unless you are here for the points otherwise forget about the zapping and move on...
just look around and u will see quite a few with negative points but still continue to contribute constructively in the forum.
they share and pen their opinions, getting zap and having neg points isn't going to stop them from doing so..
at the end of the day, every is entitled to their opinion,
we cant possibly agree with everyone and every comment in the forum.
however, if it bothers you so much, simply create a new nick.. ;)
See what I mean by it not being worth it?
mate.. unless you are here for the points otherwise forget about the zapping and move on...
just look around and u will see quite a few with negative points but still continue to contribute constructively in the forum.
they share and pen their opinions, getting zap and having neg points isn't going to stop them from doing so..
at the end of the day, every is entitled to their opinion,
we cant possibly agree with everyone and every comment in the forum.
however, if it bothers you so much, simply create a new nick.. ;)
Actually I am here/would want to stay here to just share whatever info/input I can contribute and also to learn/get some information/opinion/advise in return; in other, just to be a part of the community. But if every time I post, I get such vile and malicious zaps - what's the point?
Create another nick? Whatever for???!!! Just coz I got another nick I'm gonna be another guy? No, I'm still gonna be the same guy and no matter what nick I am under, I'm most likely gonna get the same reception sooner or later - no?
And YES, of course everyone is entitled to their own opinion and I do know that such is/should be the basis of a great forum; I always look forward to sensible, well thought out discussions and discourse with differing opinions.
But these anonymous zaps are NOT opinions - they are just chicken shit, juvenile nonsense and worse, have now evolved to a method where hooligans can take control of this board.
Big Sexy
03-11-2012, 10:39 PM
mate..i wonder how u deal with vitriol in real life?
if you really want to share and contribute here, do like i suggested..
forget about the zap.... if there are vulgarities involved, the system will handle it....if you really cant live with the way things work here..then it might be good to move on to another forum.
Actually I am here/would want to stay here to just share whatever info/input I can contribute and also to learn/get some information/opinion/advise in return; in other, just to be a part of the community. But if every time I post, I get such vile and malicious zaps - what's the point?
if you really want to share and contribute here, do like i suggested..
forget about the zap.... if there are vulgarities involved, the system will handle it....
Thank you - and I have done precisely what you have suggested .... and registered an additional handle SEAJ2, which I have just used to post on the "Events in CP" thread.
Would appreciate it if you will pass moderation on it and allow it to appear on the thread soonest.
04-11-2012, 02:24 AM
That's programmed into the system.
Boss, I know it's programmed but I've noticed that some fellow bros and sis here have managed to change the mouse over message to something else. Surely there must be a way for me to update/change the mouse over message?
04-11-2012, 02:57 AM
Thanks for your counsel on this matter - but I gotta wonder - is it really worth it?
Whether you find anything "worth it" is entirely up to you and your perceptions about life.
You're the one who has spent an inordinate amount of time complaining about the way this forum operates. Most people wouldn't waste their time expounding their wisdom here. They'd save the effort for real life encounters.
04-11-2012, 02:57 AM
Boss, I know it's programmed but I've noticed that some fellow bros and sis here have managed to change the mouse over message to something else. Surely there must be a way for me to update/change the mouse over message?
Nobody has changed the mouseover message. It's all pre programmed.
04-11-2012, 03:41 PM
A suggestion - how about coming up with a new rule that if anybody zap another member and the zappee appeals to you to investigate and you find that such zap was indeed undeserved, that the original zapper would get zapped double, triple or even 100 X his unwarranted zap?
Dear Sir, there are more than 5000 zaps daily.
If only 5% are disputed, that's 250 cases for me to sort out. If I can clear each case in 3 minutes, that 250x3 = 750 minutes a day or 12.5 hours.
I honestly have better things to do with my time.
Besides I've said this before and I'll say it again... there are far more undeserved additions than there are undeserved subtractions. It would be far easier for me to start with those as they stick out like a sore thumb.
Dear Sir, there are more than 5000 zaps daily.
Besides I've said this before and I'll say it again... there are far more undeserved additions than there are undeserved subtractions. It would be far easier for me to start with those as they stick out like a sore thumb.
Over 5,000 Zaps DAILY???
Oh Wow and OUCH!!
My sympathies/hats off to you Sir!!
What happened to the spirit of sharing and friendship amongst mongers here??!!
05-11-2012, 04:10 PM
Over 5,000 Zaps DAILY???
Oh Wow and OUCH!!
My sympathies/hats off to you Sir!!
What happened to the spirit of sharing and friendship amongst mongers here??!!
There are more than 6500 "ups". That's where the friendship comes in.
Jensen Ang
06-11-2012, 03:41 PM
Hi, how come people having a green online status next to the nick whereas I am having a red one?
Big Sexy
06-11-2012, 03:52 PM
it is somewhere in this thread...
green indicates that the user is online
grey indicates that the user has set himself to invisible mode. he doesnt want you to know whether is if online or offline
u can set it clicking on the usercp > Use Invisible Mode
tick the invisible mode option.
note if you have yourself to invisible mode.. then your status will appear red to yourself but grey to others
Hi, how come people having a green online status next to the nick whereas I am having a red one?
Jensen Ang
06-11-2012, 03:56 PM
it is somewhere in this thread...
green indicates that the user is online
red indicates that the user is offline
grey indicates that the user has set himself to invisible mode. he doesnt want you to know whether is if online or offline
u can set it clicking on the usercp > Use Invisible Mode
tick the invisible mode option.
note if you have yourself to invisible mode.. then your status will appear red to yourself..
Thanks bro for your prompt reply.
Big Sexy
06-11-2012, 04:03 PM
mate i have made some correctiont to my post.. :);)
Thanks bro for your prompt reply.
27-11-2012, 03:42 PM
Hi, understand that I will get my 1st power when my rep point hits 40.
So when will I get my next power point (2nd power point)?
And what is this power used for?
Big Sexy
27-11-2012, 05:14 PM
read this sticky ( sam;)
4. 1 point of reputation power is gained every YEAR.
11. One reputation power is awarded for every 3000 rep points.
Hi, understand that I will get my 1st power when my rep point hits 40.
So when will I get my next power point (2nd power point)?
And what is this power used for?
27-11-2012, 05:21 PM
Thanks Big Sexy.
I do not have any reputation power yet.
So can I know what is this reputation power used for?
Is it that if I have 1 reputation power, I can reward one forumer with 1 reputation point every day, after which my reputation power will go to zero for that day?
I actually read the thread you hyperlinked, but cannot find the answer.
Kindly advise.
read this sticky ( sam;)
4. 1 point of reputation power is gained every YEAR.
11. One reputation power is awarded for every 3000 rep points.
Big Sexy
27-11-2012, 06:12 PM
u can add otr deduct other users rep points once u have gain those rep power.
your rep points will not go down back to 0 after u have used it for the day..
Reputation power reverts to "0" whenever your reputation score falls below 40 points and is restored whenever your score is 40 or more.
Thanks Big Sexy.
I do not have any reputation power yet.
So can I know what is this reputation power used for?
Is it that if I have 1 reputation power, I can reward one forumer with 1 reputation point every day, after which my reputation power will go to zero for that day?
I actually read the thread you hyperlinked, but cannot find the answer.
Kindly advise.
27-11-2012, 07:06 PM
Got it bro. Thanks.
So means that even though you have 17 reputation power, you have as much power to reward/zap fellow members as a 1 reputation power guy?
Time for me to chiong for my first point!!!
u can add otr deduct other users rep points once u have gain those rep power.
your rep points will not go down back to 0 after u have used it for the day..
Reputation power reverts to "0" whenever your reputation score falls below 40 points and is restored whenever your score is 40 or more.
Big Sexy
27-11-2012, 09:58 PM
i have 17 rep power.. so i can add 17 points at any one time.
however i cannot zap 17 points off at one go.
one can only zap about half of what one can add.
Got it bro. Thanks.
So means that even though you have 17 reputation power, you have as much power to reward/zap fellow members as a 1 reputation power guy?
Time for me to chiong for my first point!!!
28-11-2012, 09:54 PM
read this sticky ( sam;)
4. 1 point of reputation power is gained every YEAR.
11. One reputation power is awarded for every 3000 rep points.
No wonder alot of ppl asking to be upped.
So they can get more RP neh......
Big Sexy
29-11-2012, 07:46 AM
rc.. if they didnt contribute enough.. dont up them..
btw.. u up my point already or not???:D
No wonder alot of ppl asking to be upped.
So they can get more RP neh......
29-11-2012, 08:38 AM
rc.. if they didnt contribute enough.. dont up them..
btw.. u up my point already or not???:D
The updated email link is always available at the "contact us" hyperlink at the bottom of the page.
03-12-2012, 10:22 AM
hi big sexy / sam,
1stly, thanks for getting me out of the monadator mode..;)
can i check 2 things - 1) how to up people points? though no one has requested me to do so.
2) how to upload a pic using a smartphone to this forum? as i might wanna provide live FR + pic from oversea to share with sbf brudders.
thank yous.:)
Big Sexy
03-12-2012, 05:07 PM is all in the newbie helpline (
please read it..
however do note that you wont be able to "up" others until you have gain your 1st rep power..
hi big sexy / sam,
1stly, thanks for getting me out of the monadator mode..;)
can i check 2 things - 1) how to up people points? though no one has requested me to do so.
2) how to upload a pic using a smartphone to this forum? as i might wanna provide live FR + pic from oversea to share with sbf brudders.
thank yous.:)
05-12-2012, 07:18 AM
Morning bro,
I realize tat any thing tat I post would go thru moderation, therefore I tested out in the newbie fourm and posted a test thread last night.
But when I went to check it this morning, for some reason my thread has disappear!
I didn't receive any pm from the moderators abt it being deleted, so I was wondering wat happened to my thread? :p
Would be glad if somebody can guide me a bit
Big Sexy
05-12-2012, 07:41 AM
u started 2 threads last night..
here there are. 20yr old male Looking for a female FB.. + Intro of myself :) (
and Looking for a female FB.. + Intro of myself (test) (
both are not in the newbie section..
click on my signature, read the newbie helpline thread and learn how to use the search feature.
Morning bro,
I realize tat any thing tat I post would go thru moderation, therefore I tested out in the newbie fourm and posted a test thread last night.
But when I went to check it this morning, for some reason my thread has disappear!
I didn't receive any pm from the moderators abt it being deleted, so I was wondering wat happened to my thread? :p
Would be glad if somebody can guide me a bit
05-12-2012, 12:21 PM
u started 2 threads last night..
here there are. 20yr old male Looking for a female FB.. + Intro of myself :) (
and Looking for a female FB.. + Intro of myself (test) (
both are not in the newbie section..
click on my signature, read the newbie helpline thread and learn how to use the search feature.
One of the threads was in the newbie section. I moved it to the fuck buddy section this morning because it was a more appropriate place to be based on the subject matter.
I did not realise he had already created a duplicate thread in the fuck buddy section.
Big Sexy
05-12-2012, 01:39 PM
ok noted sam.. :):p
One of the threads was in the newbie section. I moved it to the fuck buddy section this morning because it was a more appropriate place to be based on the subject matter.
I did not realise he had already created a duplicate thread in the fuck buddy section.
22-12-2012, 06:19 PM
Hi all,
No question, just a newbie introducing himself. I'm Stefano fr KL, looking forward to enjoy the company of this great community
27-01-2013, 12:57 PM
Hi, what happens if I reject a friend's add request ?
Will the person be notified ?
08-02-2013, 02:36 AM
Can we post number here, I have good deal.
Big Sexy
08-02-2013, 05:44 AM
no, there is no notification sent
Hi, what happens if I reject a friend's add request ?
Will the person be notified ?
Big Sexy
08-02-2013, 05:48 AM
mate what type of deal are you talking about?
if you want to advertise your services here,
contact the adv moderators, they will be able to help.;)
Can we post number here, I have good deal.
13-02-2013, 09:41 AM
Bro, I wana add points for a bro but cannot find the 'scale' to click to add points leh.
Can help me?
Big Sexy
13-02-2013, 10:13 AM
you need to have a rep power of at least 1 before u can give any points.
also pls note that points cannot be given to post that more than 48hours ago..
read the sticky on reputaton system (
Bro, I wana add points for a bro but cannot find the 'scale' to click to add points leh.
Can help me?
14-02-2013, 08:04 PM
Hi Boss, bro & sis,
How come some bros/sis have rep of 200++ and they have been a member since 2001 but their power is 0??
Big Sexy
14-02-2013, 08:14 PM
it is either they have not enough post or
they have broken one of the rules.
Hi Boss, bro & sis,
How come some bros/sis have rep of 200++ and they have been a member since 2001 but their power is 0??
15-02-2013, 03:06 AM
it is either they have not enough post or
they have broken one of the rules.
Thanks bro.
15-02-2013, 03:43 AM
Hi Boss, bro & sis,
How come some bros/sis have rep of 200++ and they have been a member since 2001 but their power is 0??
Point me to an example and I'll give you the specific reason.
ah rat
15-02-2013, 02:12 PM
Hi Boss, bro & sis,
How come some bros/sis have rep of 200++ and they have been a member since 2001 but their power is 0??
They are either GUEST,so 0 power :)
16-02-2013, 04:01 PM
Hi admin,
can you get me out of the moderator mode? Been trying to post some new photos but the moderating of my post is very depressing.
will contribute as much as i can. thanks!
16-02-2013, 06:36 PM
Hi admin,
can you get me out of the moderator mode? Been trying to post some new photos but the moderating of my post is very depressing.
will contribute as much as i can. thanks!
The process is automated.
Big Sexy
16-02-2013, 08:35 PM
you need to contribute to get out of moderation.
not the other way round.
4 post in a 365 days isnt going to get you out of moderation
if you want a easy way out of moderation.
here is an option ( :)
Hi admin,
can you get me out of the moderator mode? Been trying to post some new photos but the moderating of my post is very depressing.
will contribute as much as i can. thanks!
17-02-2013, 03:12 AM
Thanks 4 instruction. Understood.
Next Q: How / Where to find busty outcall girl in Shanghai? ( D or E cup)
Bros plz help! Some instructions plzzzzz!
Big Sexy
17-02-2013, 07:33 AM
post your question in the correct forum international field report section (
you will get better response there.
Thanks 4 instruction. Understood.
Next Q: How / Where to find busty outcall girl in Shanghai? ( D or E cup)
Bros plz help! Some instructions plzzzzz!
18-02-2013, 01:21 PM
you need to contribute to get out of moderation.
not the other way round.
4 post in a 365 days isnt going to get you out of moderation
if you want a easy way out of moderation.
here is an option ( :)
How do newbies get out of moderator mode?
Under what sercumstances will points been deducted?
Understanding we got 20pts to start off but when I saw less then 20pts or even 1pts on others, what does it means?:confused::confused::confused:
Big Sexy
18-02-2013, 01:28 PM
contribute positively to get out of moderation,
once you have enough post, you will be out of moderation.
there is no specific circumstance..
i have been zapped for reason i dont even know why.
so long you stay above 0 rep points, you wont be in moderation.
if you have less points , that means u have been zapped.
if u have more, it meant some good soul like your contribution and have added your rep points.
read this thread to know more on the rep system (
How do newbies get out of moderator mode?
Under what sercumstances will points been deducted?
Understanding we got 20pts to start off but when I saw less then 20pts or even 1pts on others, what does it means?!
18-02-2013, 01:33 PM
How do newbies get out of moderator mode?
Under what sercumstances will points been deducted?
Understanding we got 20pts to start off but when I saw less then 20pts or even 1pts on others, what does it means? :confused::confused::confused:
Big Sexy
18-02-2013, 01:48 PM
read the post above yours
How do newbies get out of moderator mode?
18-02-2013, 01:56 PM
read the post above yours
Noted and tks...:)
27-02-2013, 05:03 PM
I has been posting and contribute so many but still under moderation? :(
Big Sexy
27-02-2013, 05:07 PM
contribute so many? :confused:
do me a favour.. look at his postings (
this is what i call many..;)
anyway....a few more post and you should be out of moderation.:)
I has been posting and contribute so many but still under moderation? :(
05-03-2013, 12:51 PM
How many posts do I have to have to get out of moderation
05-03-2013, 04:49 PM
How many posts do I have to have to get out of moderation
There is no fixed number. Refer to
03-04-2013, 05:18 PM
After subscribed to the premium membership, I straight away am unmoderated.
some months later i decided to unsubscribe, will i be back to moderated status?
or i remain as unmoderated.
please advise, thanks
03-04-2013, 05:28 PM
After subscribed to the premium membership, I straight away am unmoderated.
some months later i decided to unsubscribe, will i be back to moderated status?
or i remain as unmoderated.
please advise, thanks
Only if your rep points are are negative after the 200 points are subtracted when your membership ends.
07-04-2013, 09:06 PM
may i ask how to up someone rep point??
09-04-2013, 04:07 AM
may i ask how to up someone rep point??
Why don't you read the first post of this thread. :rolleyes:
11-04-2013, 01:23 PM
Why don't you read the first post of this thread. :rolleyes:
thanks for the help :)
20-04-2013, 11:32 AM
one qns newbie cannot post a reply in picture exchange plaza?
i want to share some pic. Must i start a new thread? cannot post in other ppl thread?
20-04-2013, 05:09 PM
Newbie question here, when i read any posts that say exclude room does that mean i will need to bring the FL to a hotel even for a massage? I am looking at a specific post on prcpalace and even for a massage the price says exclude room.
Any help would be appreciated thanks
23-04-2013, 11:58 PM
Hi, may I request a username change?
Big Sexy
24-04-2013, 11:54 AM
sorry mate, you cannot change your username,
you can however create a new nick.. :)
Hi, may I request a username change?
25-04-2013, 08:27 AM
sorry mate, you cannot change your username,
you can however create a new nick.. :)
You mean I cannot change my login name, but I can change the name it's displayed here?
Big Sexy
25-04-2013, 08:33 AM
your login name is your nick in the forum.
you cannot change it, register a new nick if you don't want to use your current nick
You mean I cannot change my login name, but I can change the name it's displayed here?
30-05-2013, 01:50 PM
Sorry, stupid question: How to give more than 1 point to a user? For example I want to add 5 points to the TS?
30-05-2013, 01:54 PM
Sorry, stupid question: How to give more than 1 point to a user? For example I want to add 5 points to the TS?
If your power is 4, all you can add is 4 points no more and no less.
..How to give more .. point ..
Just join Premium Membership: Each Upz will be double: 8 points !! ;) Support/contribute to SBF!!
Otherwise, wait until 19.2.14 or :D get 3000 pts for Power = 5.
Wishing all a nice weekend. :) Cheers.
06-06-2013, 06:53 PM
Hi, newbie here. so I have been going through contacts for massage/juagen and many restrict to chinese only. but i know very little :( Please advice!
is there a thread of masseuses who speak english? what if nothing is mentioned about preference?
Thanks in advance! xie xie!
06-06-2013, 07:25 PM
is there a thread of masseuses who speak english? what if nothing is mentioned about preference?
Thanks in advance! xie xie!
You don't need to indulge in an ongoing conversation in order to get a massage.:rolleyes:
07-06-2013, 01:08 AM
can a Premium Member with a power of 9 to upz a bro with 9 pts instead of 18 ??
07-06-2013, 05:08 AM
can a Premium Member with a power of 9 to upz a bro with 9 pts instead of 18 ??
Premium members have double power.
07-06-2013, 09:08 AM
can a Premium Member with a power of 9 to upz a bro with 9 pts instead of 18 ??
Premium members have double power.
THAT i know but can he chose to opz or zap any pts beside max 18 or fix every upz or zap 18 pts ??
thxs for info boss
07-06-2013, 09:23 AM
THAT i know but can he chose to opz or zap any pts beside max 18 or fix every upz or zap 18 pts ??
thxs for info boss
I don't see any option for that. There are only two choices when you click the icon.. it's either add or zap.
07-06-2013, 10:55 AM
I would like to know whats the duration it takes for moderators to approve the post and or my profile? Its been 2 days already and have unknowingly posted out a number of post but all I get is a message that tells me to wait for moderators to approve(not the exact words but almost same meanings).
Please help to approve fast lei, bro.:confused:
thanks a lot
Big Sexy
07-06-2013, 11:25 AM
u can find all your post by clicking on my nick and then select "find all post by...:
point to note is that you wont get out of moderation by posting in the newb section.. you need to post in the other forum.
I would like to know whats the duration it takes for moderators to approve the post and or my profile? Its been 2 days already and have unknowingly posted out a number of post but all I get is a message that tells me to wait for moderators to approve(not the exact words but almost same meanings).
Please help to approve fast lei, bro.:confused:
thanks a lot
07-06-2013, 01:21 PM
Please help to approve fast lei, bro.:confused:
thanks a lot
Your post here was approved within 2 hours.
Those posted in the newbies section are not moderated and appear immediately.
07-06-2013, 01:33 PM
Hi Big Bro,
Thanks a lot.
A few queries, whats the points and power for? Whats the usage for it? Appreciate your replies again. Thanks.
Sorry to bother u :)
07-06-2013, 02:12 PM
Hi Big Bro,
Thanks a lot.
A few queries, whats the points and power for? Whats the usage for it? Appreciate your replies again. Thanks.
Sorry to bother u :)
Read the stickies in this section on the subject.
11-06-2013, 07:49 PM
Hi Sammyboyfor,
If i am not wrong, i read somewhere, zapping user without leaving nick or comment is wrong?..
Just today, i got zapped probably from same users with two ID, without any nick. anything you can do?
Thanks in advance.
Big Sexy
11-06-2013, 09:54 PM
No, There is no need to leave your nick when u negged someone..
U will only be required to leave your nick if u uses vulgarities while zapping him..
Hi Sammyboyfor,
If i am not wrong, i read somewhere, zapping user without leaving nick or comment is wrong?..
Just today, i got zapped probably from same users with two ID, without any nick. anything you can do?
Thanks in advance.
12-06-2013, 04:08 AM
Hi Sammyboyfor,
If i am not wrong, i read somewhere, zapping user without leaving nick or comment is wrong?..
The rules are here :
Where did you read that? Show me and I'll deal with the person who is posting rubbish.
16-06-2013, 04:16 PM
was reading through the stickies, but still can't understand how to "up" people?
16-06-2013, 04:30 PM
was reading through the stickies, but still can't understand how to "up" people?
You need to gain power first though. Your power is currently "0".
18-06-2013, 12:22 PM
How an account will be banned?
18-06-2013, 12:27 PM
How an account will be banned?
By moving the account to the banned usergroup category from the admin control panel.
18-06-2013, 12:34 PM
May I know the reasons? My account (previous account) was still active this morning before 10.30 AM. I posted a quick reply on a thread to ask for FL's contact as requested but the account got banned after my breakfast.
Banned Reason: Clone
Please advise.
18-06-2013, 01:55 PM
May I know the reasons? My account (previous account) was still active this morning before 10.30 AM. I posted a quick reply on a thread to ask for FL's contact as requested but the account got banned after my breakfast.
Banned Reason: Clone
Please advise.
The moderator detected that that the account is a clone account being used for dubious purposes.
18-06-2013, 03:38 PM
The moderator detected that that the account is a clone account being used for dubious purposes.
What can I do to make the account back to normal? :o
19-06-2013, 03:56 PM
hi bro Sam,
need here a while but inactive. can i kindly check what do ppl mean by up their points and zapping? I've read the rep system thread but can't seem to find out how to actually up/zap another user. thanks for the help!
Big Sexy
19-06-2013, 04:26 PM
hi.. please click on the newbie helpline link in my signature to learn how to use the rep system.
hi bro Sam,
need here a while but inactive. can i kindly check what do ppl mean by up their points and zapping? I've read the rep system thread but can't seem to find out how to actually up/zap another user. thanks for the help!
27-06-2013, 10:31 AM
Hey Mate
Silly question, how many days/posts does it take to get out of Moderation?
Big Sexy
27-06-2013, 11:10 AM
didnt u read this thread?
click on question 45.. you will find the answer there.;)
Hey Mate
Silly question, how many days/posts does it take to get out of Moderation?
01-07-2013, 03:01 PM
Thanks for the help here. zzz. really got no idea what r the guys talking abt in terms of L...WH... all this. really need help. plus i just wanna find out the rates that Fls from diff countries their rates. u know singaporean ma. want cheap n good. LOL
01-07-2013, 04:45 PM
Thanks for the help here. zzz. really got no idea what r the guys talking abt in terms of L...WH... all this. really need help. plus i just wanna find out the rates that Fls from diff countries their rates. u know singaporean ma. want cheap n good. LOL
Check the adverts in each section and make a comparison for yourself.
Big Sexy
01-07-2013, 05:09 PM
what type of help do u need?
all the info you need are in the thread.
if you have any doubt, drop a pm to the thread starter. :)
Thanks for the help here. zzz. really got no idea what r the guys talking abt in terms of L...WH... all this. really need help. plus i just wanna find out the rates that Fls from diff countries their rates. u know singaporean ma. want cheap n good. LOL
09-07-2013, 01:00 AM
How many posts required to get out of Moderation ?
09-07-2013, 06:44 AM
How many posts required to get out of Moderation ?
There is no fixed number. The script measures your average posts per day over a few days to determine if you are a spam bot or a real human. 95% of all members are out of moderation within 48 hours.
In your case you have only made 4 posts in 3 years so the script assumes that you are a bot poster.
How many posts... get out of Moderation ?
Generally 10 posts. :D Cheers.
11-07-2013, 01:05 AM
Thanks for the helpful reply !
14-07-2013, 04:04 PM
The web site is designed to sub divide into different session such as FL Dome 1, 2, 3 , sex discussion for ease of members to go into it for their need. (Good job to forum master)
But how come there are still non FJ thread exist in FL dome 2. Shouldn't they be place in local massage service directory.
14-07-2013, 08:45 PM
Nice. Thanks for the guide.
16-07-2013, 03:38 PM
Sorry, guess the answer is sponsors are free to post in any dome be it is a local, Thai, PRC and regardless they are FL or ML since the questions was being ignored. Thank you.
Big Sexy
16-07-2013, 09:46 PM
those who can access the private forum. :)
hi forum experts, what does the (P) next to a nick imply?
17-07-2013, 01:16 PM
The web site is designed to sub divide into different session such as FL Dome 1, 2, 3 , sex discussion for ease of members to go into it for their need. (Good job to forum master)
But how come there are still non FJ thread exist in FL dome 2. Shouldn't they be place in local massage service directory.
Should be so long they pay sponsor, they are free to post anywhere and will not get deleted.
Big Sexy
17-07-2013, 01:47 PM
why do u even bother to speculate ??
i dont even know how it works.
just leave those matter to the adv moderators..
Should be so long they pay sponsor, they are free to post anywhere and will not get deleted.
17-07-2013, 05:22 PM
why do u even bother to speculate ??
i dont even know how it works.
just leave those matter to the adv moderators..
Sorry, my fault as I assume it is since I did not see any moderator reply. That is why I used the words SHOULD BE. So who is the adv moderators?
18-07-2013, 04:24 PM
Hi boss! The icon to up people's points does not appear when I surf using my mobile phone. Its an android phone btw. Able to assist pls? Thanks.
Big Sexy
18-07-2013, 05:55 PM
i have no such problem when using a android phone..
do note that the rep icon wont appear in the soccer/newbie forum,
it wont appear to those post that are older than 48 hours as well.
Hi boss! The icon to up people's points does not appear when I surf using my mobile phone. Its an android phone btw. Able to assist pls? Thanks.
22-07-2013, 12:38 AM
The web site is designed to sub divide into different session such as FL Dome 1, 2, 3 , sex discussion for ease of members to go into it for their need. (Good job to forum master)
But how come there are still non FJ thread exist in FL dome 2. Shouldn't they be place in local massage service directory.
I think the answer is obvious bro. Just whether mod want to caught or not:rolleyes:
26-07-2013, 12:16 AM
May i know how do i subscribe premium member if verotel is not available for my country? fyi, im from malaysia. is there any other payment gateway?
26-07-2013, 04:08 AM
May i know how do i subscribe premium member if verotel is not available for my country? fyi, im from malaysia. is there any other payment gateway?
If you PM me, I'll see what I can work out. ;)
30-07-2013, 09:44 PM
Hi fellow samsters,
I've browsed through the User CP --> Your Control Panel but can't seem to find the option to disable the Last Activity and Current Activity being shown on my profile page (see attached image). How can I go about disabling this and make it not viewable to others? Thanks in advance. :)
Big Sexy
31-07-2013, 06:23 AM
click on my signature, read the newbie helpline
and set yourself to invisible mode
Hi fellow samsters,
I've browsed through the User CP --> Your Control Panel but can't seem to find the option to disable the Last Activity and Current Activity being shown on my profile page (see attached image). How can I go about disabling this and make it not viewable to others? Thanks in advance. :)
31-07-2013, 11:34 PM
Q1: What's a good way to get your first FR or rep without going to GL?
Q2: What are some important words in mandarin for bonkin?
Big Sexy
01-08-2013, 05:48 AM
1. nobody is asking you to go Gl or visit a WL.
u can contribute by sharing a story in the adult discussion forum ( or give some advise in the sex health forum ( if someone likes your contribution, they will "up" your points
alternative, you can also consider signing for premium membership ( ;)
2. read the thread on Abbreviations & Acronyms updated 15 Nov 2009 (
Q1: What's a good way to get your first FR or rep without going to GL?
Q2: What are some important words in mandarin for bonkin?
01-08-2013, 02:03 PM
Hello may i ask if there's any agency has rooms available or can book room for us
Big Sexy
01-08-2013, 03:15 PM
what agency are you talking about? :confused:
Hello may i ask if there's any agency has rooms available or can book room for us
02-08-2013, 01:08 PM
what agency are you talking about? :confused:
sry if its not what ppl call them, maybe stable, not agency :D
02-08-2013, 01:37 PM
sry if its not what ppl call them, maybe stable, not agency :D
For questions regarding each stable, email or PM the OKT concerned and ask the questions you want answers to.
I'm sure each of them operates differently so there is no one answer fits all.
Good day mods, I don't see a button for reporting so I shall post it here
This fella has been advertising.
06-08-2013, 12:41 AM
hi, i signed up for premium membershio but i cant seem to send private pms
help pls
06-08-2013, 04:20 AM
hi, i signed up for premium membershio but i cant seem to send private pms
help pls
I checked your account and your PM feature seems to be working perfectly.
What sort of error message are you seeing when you try to send a PM?
06-08-2013, 10:15 AM
When i click on send somehow the msg just disappears and it does not appear in my sent box. I can receive msgs though
Big Sexy
06-08-2013, 11:32 AM
see here :)
When i click on send somehow the msg just disappears and it does not appear in my sent box. I can receive msgs though
06-08-2013, 01:16 PM
When i click on send somehow the msg just disappears and it does not appear in my sent box. I can receive msgs though
You need to tick the option to save a copy of all sent messages. Refer to the link provided by Big Sexy.
06-08-2013, 03:12 PM
I wish to to have my thread at deleted.
How do I go about doing this?:confused:
Big Sexy
06-08-2013, 04:51 PM
user are not able to delete threads, u can however edit the post.
btw why do want to remove the thread?
did u really scam other users?
I wish to to have my thread at deleted.
How do I go about doing this?:confused:
06-08-2013, 11:28 PM
Nope, I just had enough people already and didn't want other people to PM me.
09-08-2013, 11:51 AM
curious, how many times can a person zapped another (SAME) person in a certain period of time ? many times can a person zapped another (SAME) person in a certain period of time ?
You can only Upz/Zap the same person again after about 3 yrs. See Item (6) :
Happy 48th Birthday Singapore
Wishing all a Happy National Day
11-08-2013, 04:55 AM
Thanks bro
15-08-2013, 05:36 PM
hi, how come I have 0 power even though I got 220 points? must wait one year? thanks in adv for answer :x
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