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19-08-2014, 11:04 PM
Hi Seniors and Boss sammyboy,

I may not be a newbie in the scene. But I am a virgin photo uploader. Hence seeking some help here.

May I know how can I upload photos on a thread so that photos can be seen automatically (without clicking any links) when the reader is browsing through the thread?



21-08-2014, 07:06 PM
Hi Seniors and Boss sammyboy,

I may not be a newbie in the scene. But I am a virgin photo uploader. Hence seeking some help here.

May I know how can I upload photos on a thread so that photos can be seen automatically (without clicking any links) when the reader is browsing through the thread?



Save the desired photo in your PC.
Go to www.photobucket.com
Upload the desired photo , copy the IMG and paste

http://i152.photobucket.com/albums/s164/spotter542/070722_ss_policeofficer.jpg (http://s152.photobucket.com/user/spotter542/media/070722_ss_policeofficer.jpg.html)

http://i152.photobucket.com/albums/s164/spotter542/images-1.jpg (http://s152.photobucket.com/user/spotter542/media/images-1.jpg.html)

http://i152.photobucket.com/albums/s164/spotter542/59da9925.jpg (http://s152.photobucket.com/user/spotter542/media/59da9925.jpg.html)

07-09-2014, 08:45 PM
Hi all,


11-09-2014, 12:52 PM
Hi, I would like to have some information about advertising rates.

Like put up a thread in the FL local section. Can provide me with the link to read up on the terms and conditions and the rates?


11-09-2014, 01:15 PM
Hi, I would like to have some information about advertising rates.

Like put up a thread in the FL local section. Can provide me with the link to read up on the terms and conditions and the rates?


I have sent you a PM. :)

11-09-2014, 02:13 PM
Thank you sir!

25-09-2014, 07:43 PM
Is the poll results secret?

11-10-2014, 11:44 AM
my premium membership expired, but i have shared alot of materials with bro and got some ups. I wonder why my power went to 0 and into moderation. i have been with sbf for 2 years

11-10-2014, 12:12 PM
my premium membership expired, but i have shared alot of materials with bro and got some ups. I wonder why my power went to 0 and into moderation. i have been with sbf for 2 years

The script will return you to the usergroup you were in when you signed up.

Another script will then take over and promote you to unmoderated status if you meet the criteria.

11-10-2014, 12:17 PM
it is fixed now. thank you. i will continue share my goodies with fellow samsters :D

11-10-2014, 12:47 PM
it is fixed now. thank you. i will continue share my goodies with fellow samsters :D

How about continuing to support the forum as well. ;)

02-11-2014, 12:11 PM
Hmm wondering does d forum timing follows our hp/laptop timing that we set our own?
E.g. now sg time is 12.11pm but my posting here i see is 11.11am


Pls enlighten

05-11-2014, 09:11 AM
Boss / BS ... is there any way to post img direct instead of link in the Adult Discussions about Sex section? Wondering why there's no img icon to select ...


Big Sexy
05-11-2014, 09:26 AM
mate, it is because image isnt enabled in the adult discussion forum
post it as a link until sam decides otherwise :)

Boss / BS ... is there any way to post img direct instead of link in the Adult Discussions about Sex section? Wondering why there's no img icon to select ...

05-11-2014, 09:33 AM
Hmm wondering does d forum timing follows our hp/laptop timing that we set our own?
E.g. now sg time is 12.11pm but my posting here i see is 11.11am.

Pls enlighten

My posting above is the exact time leh.. no issue wor ...

05-11-2014, 09:34 AM
My posting above is the exact time leh.. no issue wor ...

Eh that happen few days ago leh. U go see my posting date. Anyway as wat big sexy stated.. issue solved :)

05-11-2014, 09:53 AM
Boss / BS ... is there any way to post img direct instead of link in the Adult Discussions about Sex section? Wondering why there's no img icon to select ...

That's because that section is for discussions not the posting of images. If the image icon is enabled, it will slow down the loading of threads which contain lots of images.

Those who want to post images should go to the section dedicated for this purpose.

05-11-2014, 09:54 AM
Eh that happen few days ago leh. U go see my posting date. Anyway as wat big sexy stated.. issue solved :)

That's because daylight savings has ended and it takes a few hours for server times to get back into synchronisation.

05-11-2014, 10:05 AM
mate, it is because image isnt enabled in the adult discussion forum
post it as a link until sam decides otherwise :)

That's because that section is for discussions not the posting of images. If the image icon is enabled, it will slow down the loading of threads which contain lots of images.

Those who want to post images should go to the section dedicated for this purpose.

Mate .. thk U ..
Boss.. tks for the enlightenment ..

08-11-2014, 02:12 AM
May I ask how do I become unmoderated?

I see this at the top of this section:
Please note that NEW MEMBERS are on moderation for a couple days in the other forums

I have been registered since last year (very inactive), and have been online actively for several weeks now, but I am still under moderation.

08-11-2014, 02:18 AM
I have been registered since last year (very inactive), and have been online actively for several weeks now, but I am still under moderation.

You claim you have been active but you have only posted 4 messages since you joined more than a year ago.

It brings new meaning to the term "active". :D

08-11-2014, 08:37 PM
May I ask how do I become unmoderated?

I have been registered since last year (very inactive), and have been online actively for several weeks now, but I am still under moderation.

Bro .. u must hv more than 10 posts, not in this section, but in the other open sections to get out of moderation and active means daily sharing and contributing good posts.

See boss's comment .. u only got 4 posts .. nothing to do wif the number of years ..

11-11-2014, 08:44 PM

1) How do i go about posting photo?

2) I use the forum search function and type "how to post picture" but got no match:confused::confused:

Big Sexy
11-11-2014, 08:52 PM
read the first page of this thread


1) How do i go about posting photo?

2) I use the forum search function and type "how to post picture" but got no match:confused::confused:

11-11-2014, 08:53 PM
read the first page of this thread

Thank you very much

Big Sexy
11-11-2014, 08:58 PM
u are welcome, all u need to know is in this thread
if u need anymore advice.. just shoot..
and remember to share some nice photos with us :)

Thank you very much

12-11-2014, 12:29 PM
Hmm wondering does d forum timing follows our hp/laptop timing that we set our own?
E.g. now sg time is 12.11pm but my posting here i see is 11.11am


Pls enlighten

no prob on my side. did u check yr settings?

Big Sexy
12-11-2014, 12:41 PM
that was a old post mate, it has been solved.

no prob on my side. did u check yr settings?

15-11-2014, 08:03 PM
hi senior bros.
I'm not able to post photos here. Pls help. http://http://

16-11-2014, 02:02 AM
hi senior bros.
I'm not able to post photos here. Pls help.

Question 26.. first post of this thread.

03-12-2014, 01:31 PM
Hi all senior bros here, I have been lurking around here for some time. I decide to try "open my eyes".I have read numerous reviews in the various forum sections. Indeed there are a lot of options.

So I want to ask for your advice on a good starting place for a newbie, not just about the thrill, but also the things that newbie should look out for.
I mean it's just browsing through the threads with reviews and contacts, and contact the lady directly? I hope to gain some knowledge and do some homework first before going in.

First post here, please be kind. :o

03-12-2014, 03:00 PM
So I want to ask for your advice on a good starting place for a newbie, not just about the thrill, but also the things that newbie should look out for.

A good starting place for newbies is not to start at all. :cool:

03-12-2014, 09:42 PM
A good starting place for newbies is not to start at all. :cool:

Wah bu yao jiang leh :(
Life is only so short, just try abit mah..

03-12-2014, 11:04 PM
Wah bu yao jiang leh :(
Life is only so short, just try abit mah..

Look out for bad reviews. They are usually more truthful than good ones :D:D

Always use condom, even for bj.

Last but not least, don't get addicted :eek:

The rest, you find out yourself.. want to do it just do it lor.. need to think so much meh?

04-12-2014, 01:17 PM
I am a member since 2009, why am I still under moderation?

04-12-2014, 01:46 PM
Hi bros,

I'm new to sbf how to up power and what does TCSS mean?

04-12-2014, 01:55 PM
Hi bros,

I'm new to sbf how to up power and what does TCSS mean?

If you're new why don't you read the stickies which were compiled over many hundreds of hours for people like you.



04-12-2014, 03:40 PM
If you're new why don't you read the stickies which were compiled over many hundreds of hours for people like you.



Thank you! Hahaha. I think I miss out this 2. Yup cleared my doubt. Anyway reputation score is by the number of post right? The link you gave me only say reputation power is up 1 for every 40 score. Sorry if I missed anything please guide me.

Big Sexy
04-12-2014, 03:52 PM
not correct mate..

u need to read this sticky (http://sammyboyforum.com/showthread.php?t=60407)again

3. Number of posts have NO EFFECT on reputation power.

When a reputation score of 40 is reached, reputation power becomes 1.
it didnt say every 40

Thank you! Hahaha. I think I miss out this 2. Yup cleared my doubt. Anyway reputation score is by the number of post right? The link you gave me only say reputation power is up 1 for every 40 score. Sorry if I missed anything please guide me.

04-12-2014, 04:00 PM
not correct mate..

u need to read this sticky (http://sammyboyforum.com/showthread.php?t=60407)again

3. Number of posts have NO EFFECT on reputation power.

When a reputation score of 40 is reached, reputation power becomes 1.
it didnt say every 40

Oh okie. So it means power is for u to up ppl reputation and score is ppl up ur reputation?

08-12-2014, 07:59 AM
I received a upz from the below samster but he suppose to be power 39. How do we adjust our upz according?

.08-12-2014 02:25 AM+9 by ebonkie, PLS RETURN YOUR UPZ.. THX

08-12-2014, 08:06 AM
I received a upz from the below samster but he suppose to be power 39. How do we adjust our upz according?

.08-12-2014 02:25 AM+9 by ebonkie, PLS RETURN YOUR UPZ.. THX

Instead of being thankful, you start complaining?!!!! :eek:

08-12-2014, 08:39 AM
I received a upz from the below samster but he suppose to be power 39. How do we adjust our upz according?

.08-12-2014 02:25 AM+9 by ebonkie, PLS RETURN YOUR UPZ.. THX
Upz = power. Cannot adjust. Many samsters have more than one account. The account used to up U has power of 9. :) Cheers.

Instead of being thankful, you start complaining?!!!! :eek:
Message to "yours": Understand you feelings. Should PM him (instead) for more points, if not happy - he may oblige. :p Too much complaining might result in a 39 zap !! Boss can't do anything - unless he changes the rules for U.

08-12-2014, 07:52 PM
I received a upz from the below samster but he suppose to be power 39. How do we adjust our upz according?

.08-12-2014 02:25 AM+9 by ebonkie, PLS RETURN YOUR UPZ.. THX

From his perspective, you can only up him 9, if he up you 39, he lugi.

From your perspective, you see him power 39 but only upped you 9, you feel lugi.

My humble explanation of both persons' perspectives. :D:D

29-12-2014, 10:58 AM
Hi just asking a quick qns here hope the seniors can help this noob here: But how come I try to look for the rep button it doesn't appear at all on my browser? --> IE Kamsia!

Big Sexy
29-12-2014, 11:27 AM
mate... read post 2 of this thread and get out of moderation mode first before u can use the rep system

Hi just asking a quick qns here hope the seniors can help this noob here: But how come I try to look for the rep button it doesn't appear at all on my browser? --> IE Kamsia!

12-01-2015, 01:53 AM
Newbie here, how do i put my signature at bottom like many people?

12-01-2015, 02:52 AM
Newbie here, how do i put my signature at bottom like many people?

Once you are out of moderation you will be able to create and display your signature.

16-01-2015, 03:39 PM
Interesting sharing

another okt con business HERE (http://www.sammyboyforum.com/showthread.php?t=496959) !

as long as you book any girls from any okt in this forum, regardless of their nationalities, you will be hugely disappointed in their looks dept, meaning what you see is NOT what you will be getting !

the prices are also ridiculously high & expensive based on the type of quality they are selling becos all these okts are BLOOD SUCKERS wanting to earn more by providing us with low quality look and also clones themselves writing all the fake report tempting bros to book !!!

the best part is the forum owner Sammyboyfor allows OKT to change their stable name anytime whenever their bad services exposed by genuine bros here :mad: (most of the time they censored the stable name & protect their interest)

the moderators working for Sammyboyfor are the ones always lurking around in all sections of the forum using clones to participate in the thread discussion especially under the section "Adult Discussions About Sex" disguised as if there are many genuine bros participating & surfing the forum which in actual fact old bird bro(S) like us have already long left this con forum becos of okt dishonest practices, price expensive & yet studio pic, what you see is NOT what you get !!!

boycott & stay away from this forum, the only place to pick a good service ladies are those working in geylang legal houses.

FUCK YOU owner of Sammyboyforum, the moderators and the bunch of clone OKTS with full of tricks !!!

16-01-2015, 07:42 PM
Interesting sharing

It is indeed always totally different from the photo. The sian 1/2 feeling one gets when he sees the real person :eek:

I have discovered an accurate way of identifying the prettier ones.. PM me if you are interested. Of course, I welcome all counterexamples to disprove my theory :D:D

26-01-2015, 03:06 PM
any1 can help i paid already for premium but i cannot go private forum except this website only

Thank you for ordering an access key at the following site:

The following codes are to be used to login and will provide immediate access. Please note that the codes are case
sensitive and should be typed exactly as seen below.

Amount USD 19.95 (SGD 28.97)

'Verotel*vtsup.com' will appear on your credit card or bank statement as the beneficiary of this transaction.

For billing questions or remarks, please email [email protected]. Always mention both your usercode and passcode in your correspondence.

Kind regards,

Verotel Support

26-01-2015, 03:56 PM
Which site did you sign up at?

any1 can help i paid already for premium but i cannot go private forum except this website only

Thank you for ordering an access key at the following site:

The following codes are to be used to login and will provide immediate access. Please note that the codes are case
sensitive and should be typed exactly as seen below.

Amount USD 19.95 (SGD 28.97)

'Verotel*vtsup.com' will appear on your credit card or bank statement as the beneficiary of this transaction.

For billing questions or remarks, please email [email protected]. Always mention both your usercode and passcode in your correspondence.

Kind regards,

Verotel Support

Big Sexy
26-01-2015, 04:19 PM
mate, premium member cost is USD17.95 per month not USD 19.95

and if u are accessing the photos via www.asiangirlsnextdoor.com that can only mean that u sign up for asiangirlsnextdoor.com.. not the premium membership... it is a different thing.

any1 can help i paid already for premium but i cannot go private forum except this website only

Thank you for ordering an access key at the following site:

The following codes are to be used to login and will provide immediate access. Please note that the codes are case
sensitive and should be typed exactly as seen below.

Amount USD 19.95 (SGD 28.97)

'Verotel*vtsup.com' will appear on your credit card or bank statement as the beneficiary of this transaction.

For billing questions or remarks, please email [email protected]. Always mention both your usercode and passcode in your correspondence.

Kind regards,

Verotel Support

26-01-2015, 07:50 PM
Pardon me if the answer for this question was posted before.

The letter in brackets that goes with the nickname, what do they mean?

From what I know:

(A) = advertiser
(M) = under moderation
(P) = premium user
(B) = ??? Banned?
(V) = ???

What are the other types of users?

Big Sexy
26-01-2015, 08:37 PM
(p) members who can access the private section.
(B) banned
(V) we have do away with that and replaced it with premium membership

Pardon me if the answer for this question was posted before.

The letter in brackets that goes with the nickname, what do they mean?

From what I know:

(A) = advertiser
(M) = under moderation
(P) = premium user
(B) = ??? Banned?
(V) = ???

What are the other types of users?

27-01-2015, 11:02 AM
Thanks for the explanation!

So under what circumstances can a user be banned?

Using vulgarity in zapping?

I wanted to PM a fellow bro on a contact but realised his status is (B). Can he still receive PMs?

Big Sexy
27-01-2015, 11:09 AM
we hardly banned anyone unless really necessary e.g those who spam non-stop..

there is no point sending PMs to those banned members, they wont be able to access their account.

if he is banned..Thanks for the explanation!

So under what circumstances can a user be banned?

Using vulgarity in zapping?

I wanted to PM a fellow bro on a contact but realised his status is (B). Can he still receive PMs?

04-02-2015, 03:38 PM
I set up a new account to buy advertisement space. Can I be adviced on how to make payments for advertisements?

04-02-2015, 03:44 PM
I set up a new account to buy advertisement space. Can I be adviced on how to make payments for advertisements?

Hi there. If you want to advertise your services or products, please contact the moderator (http://www.sammyboyforum.com/private.php?do=newpm&u=540734) for details. ;)

16-02-2015, 10:55 PM
Hi sorry mind if I ask what does HC stand for? cause the http://www.sammyboy.com/legacy/forumfaq.html
didn't say. Maybe have to update the faq?

17-02-2015, 01:00 PM
what does HC stand for? cause the http://www.sammyboy.com/legacy/forumfaq.html didn't say. Maybe have to update the faq?
All there for you to see, just scroll down to acronyms (1st one listed).
HC = health centre (aka rub down joint). Not for health's sake though :p

Big Sexy
17-02-2015, 01:31 PM
yy..rub down joint got provide special? :confused::D

All there for you to see, just scroll down to acronyms (1st one listed).
HC = health centre (aka rub down joint). Not for health's sake though :p

17-02-2015, 06:21 PM
...rub down joint got provide special? :confused::D
BS, you shd know better. Hear you accorded VIP card status (comes with privileges?). And you run this forum too ..so what gives with your innocent question?:p:D

Big Sexy
31-03-2015, 12:16 PM
here is how u use the spoiler feature


24-04-2015, 10:19 PM
here is how u use the spoiler feature

What happens to text that is written as a "spoiler"
Does it appear and identified as a spoiler?
Appreciate it if you could explain a bit more what this feature is for.

Big Sexy
24-04-2015, 10:32 PM
here is your answer
u can hide the text using the spoiler quote

What happens to text that is written as a "spoiler"
Does it appear and identified as a spoiler?
Appreciate it if you could explain a bit more what this feature is for.

25-04-2015, 01:43 AM
Fuck the bugger who left me a rep too. Bad rep me for no reason.

27-04-2015, 04:54 PM
Hi new here
Will be travelling to Singapore in a couple of months and I'm trying to some punting research. Can someone explain to me what a CAT is and why there is such big price difference between escorts eg backpage up to $500 and brothels in say the Geylang area around third to half price? Is this just quality or am I missing something.
Look forward to my education process here

27-04-2015, 05:03 PM
Hi new here
Will be travelling to Singapore in a couple of months and I'm trying to some punting research. Can someone explain to me what a CAT is and why there is such big price difference between escorts eg backpage up to $500 and brothels in say the Geylang area around third to half price? Is this just quality or am I missing something.
Look forward to my education process here

All the information is in the FAQs.

Big Sexy
27-04-2015, 05:43 PM
mate.. where are u from? are all the girls in your country priced at the same rate? i would like to think the the scenario is the same everywhere..

for for GL and the categories types..all u need to know about Geylang is in this thread (http://sammyboyforum.com/showthread.php?t=12845) ;)

Hi new here
Will be travelling to Singapore in a couple of months and I'm trying to some punting research. Can someone explain to me what a CAT is and why there is such big price difference between escorts eg backpage up to $500 and brothels in say the Geylang area around third to half price? Is this just quality or am I missing something.
Look forward to my education process here

28-04-2015, 08:34 PM
Hi Bosses,

I would like to seek some help on some technical issues if possible.

Each time i access the user CP tab and under latest reputation received, each time i click on the thread that i received reputation on, i would have difficulty finding my post that received the reputation on.

It only happens on very high volume threads.

Any advice on this matter?

Thank you in advance!

Big Sexy
29-04-2015, 06:39 AM
when u click on the link, it should automatically bring you to the post..

can u provide us with more info ..
Does it happen always even at different time of the day? Do u have problem accessing the other website?

Which high volume thread did u have problem with?

Hi Bosses,

I would like to seek some help on some technical issues if possible.

Each time i access the user CP tab and under latest reputation received, each time i click on the thread that i received reputation on, i would have difficulty finding my post that received the reputation on.

It only happens on very high volume threads.

Any advice on this matter?

Thank you in advance!

30-04-2015, 02:01 AM

Happens all the time, in point exchange threads.

When i click the link of rep given i brings me to the thread page but a posting of a different user.


Big Sexy
01-05-2015, 07:17 AM
the reason i think is because some of the post were hidden (soft delete ) causing the index to go abit haywire.. i will ask the tech guy if he can help on this.

btw, i am not the boss here, sam is. ;)


Happens all the time, in point exchange threads.

When i click the link of rep given i brings me to the thread page but a posting of a different user.


01-05-2015, 11:43 AM
Thanks will follow up after a thorough reading of the FAQ section

13-05-2015, 03:00 PM
Just a suggestion and only if not too complicated to accomplish.

I have of late started to participate on threads other than just those at the International section and I notice that on your main page http://www.sammyboyforum.com/index.php only the latest ONE post on each section is listed out.

How about listing out say 4 or 5 latest posts (or at least more than just 1) for each section - that way easier for readers to figure out which section to go to.


20-05-2015, 01:15 PM
I’m wondering why there is no ban on the posting AND reposting of huge pictures on SBF.

These totally too large pictures must waste/take up a lot of bandwidth and only makes reading threads a chore as they distort the page placements. Especially when such pictures get reposted over and over again in replies.

I know that replying to and reposting whole lengthy posts is being monitored for the sake of conserving bandwidth - these pictures must waste multiple amounts of capacity, no?!

On top of that, scammers regularly post/repost these huge pictures up in order to "bury" anything that is detrimental to their nefarious agenda.


20-05-2015, 11:09 PM
I’m wondering why there is no ban on the posting AND reposting of huge pictures on SBF.

These totally too large pictures must waste/take up a lot of bandwidth and only makes reading threads a chore as they distort the page placements. Especially when such pictures get reposted over and over again in replies.

I know that replying to and reposting whole lengthy posts is being monitored for the sake of conserving bandwidth - these pictures must waste multiple amounts of capacity, no?!

On top of that, scammers regularly post/repost these huge pictures up in order to "bury" anything that is detrimental to their nefarious agenda.


Aiyo master.....nothing compared to your 3over k rubbish posts la!:D

21-05-2015, 05:04 AM
Large images do not use any of my bandwidth because they are hot linked from other servers.

I’m wondering why there is no ban on the posting AND reposting of huge pictures on SBF.

These totally too large pictures must waste/take up a lot of bandwidth and only makes reading threads a chore as they distort the page placements. Especially when such pictures get reposted over and over again in replies.

I know that replying to and reposting whole lengthy posts is being monitored for the sake of conserving bandwidth - these pictures must waste multiple amounts of capacity, no?!

On top of that, scammers regularly post/repost these huge pictures up in order to "bury" anything that is detrimental to their nefarious agenda.


10-06-2015, 06:51 AM
Hi, I just joined this forum but have been browsing and reading it for a few years liao. Just wanted to know if the old birds can provide info on how the payment procedure is like when handling a transaction with a WL on WeChat provided from this forum.

I recently started messaging a tw xmm from tagged.com for services over WeChat, the payment procedure through axs machine, alipay and her "sob story" about selling her body for student loans is exactly the same as the WeChat scam I read about in this forum. Told her I deal only COD but she insisted that I might be a police. After spamming me with her voice clips I decide not to test $100 water and delete her contact. Any lao jiao care to enlighten me ?:confused:

Big Sexy
10-06-2015, 08:43 AM
as far as i know.. we have no Wl on wechat here.

Just wanted to know if the old birds can provide info on how the payment procedure is like when handling a transaction with a WL on WeChat provided from this forum.

10-06-2015, 12:46 PM
as far as i know.. we have no Wl on wechat here.

Hmm, then what about phone numbers posted in this forum say for example liltiger's den, where the girl's number is shown and I have to text/call her. So I book an appointment already then what are the payment procedures like ? Meet up and COD or something else ? Ps new to the scene😓

10-06-2015, 03:04 PM
Hmm, then what about phone numbers posted in this forum say for example liltiger's den, where the girl's number is shown and I have to text/call her. So I book an appointment already then what are the payment procedures like ? Meet up and COD or something else ? Ps new to the scene😓

Piak 1st Talk later...
No need think so much lah...
Btw, u passed legal age to piak a not?

Big Sexy
10-06-2015, 03:27 PM
if the girl is under a OKT.. you should ask the OKT. use the PM feature.

Hmm, then what about phone numbers posted in this forum say for example liltiger's den, where the girl's number is shown and I have to text/call her. So I book an appointment already then what are the payment procedures like ? Meet up and COD or something else ? Ps new to the scene😓

10-06-2015, 04:23 PM
Piak 1st Talk later...
No need think so much lah...
Btw, u passed legal age to piak a not?

Of course bro, gonna hit 30 soon. just abstained from sexual services for a few years until recently just in case next time 2IC cannot roam. HAHAHA:D

if the girl is under a OKT.. you should ask the OKT. use the PM feature.

Will do, thanks for the advice/guidance大哥!:p

13-06-2015, 11:37 PM
Hi Admin and fellow Bros,

I am new to this great and informative online forum. Kindly guide me on how to post a question in a forum.

My question is "where (which forum) can I find information about babes who do outcall to private residences?"

Hope you can help me out. And eager to share my experiences here :D



Big Sexy
14-06-2015, 07:16 AM
read the newbie helpline in the signature and earn how to use the search feature

Hi Admin and fellow Bros,

I am new to this great and informative online forum. Kindly guide me on how to post a question in a forum.

My question is "where (which forum) can I find information about babes who do outcall to private residences?"

Hope you can help me out. And eager to share my experiences here :D



14-06-2015, 10:41 AM
thanks bro, slowly but steadily figuring out things here :-)

Big Sexy
19-06-2015, 09:09 PM
How to use the multi quote feature

Step 1
Go to the post you want to quote and click on the multi quote button.
Make sure the post are all within the same thread.

Step 2
Click on the "post reply" button at the bottom left of the last post in the thread or simply click on any of the quote button


Step 3
Type in your reply to the post and then click on the submit button


21-06-2015, 12:27 AM
hi hi.
new to the chiong scene :D

Some FLs posts with "exclude room".. this means I have to book the hotel room by myself right?
I tried searching for "exclude room" in the newbie forum but nothing much came up.. and I read that hotel 81/fragrance now requires 2 IC/passports to register.. Can I book & check in with my own ID first then the FL just go straight to my room or does she need to register as well?

a big thankyou to any senior bros who can help enlighten me! :o

Big Sexy
21-06-2015, 08:06 AM
if it is stated are exclude room then u will have to get a room.
i am not sure about the hotel booking procedure though, most likely the girl would know where to go and what to do so all you need to do is ask them.

hi hi.
new to the chiong scene :D

Some FLs posts with "exclude room".. this means I have to book the hotel room by myself right?
I tried searching for "exclude room" in the newbie forum but nothing much came up.. and I read that hotel 81/fragrance now requires 2 IC/passports to register.. Can I book & check in with my own ID first then the FL just go straight to my room or does she need to register as well?

a big thankyou to any senior bros who can help enlighten me! :o

21-06-2015, 05:36 PM
Is it true that one must his nick/account periodically in order to maintain it's good standing?
Use it or lose it?
Any specific time/frequency requirements to satisfy?

I have hardly ever used this nick since when you suggested I also create a clone - does this post on this section count?


22-06-2015, 12:53 AM
Thanks for the info!
really quite lost with hotel booking etc. haha

Big Sexy
22-06-2015, 07:09 AM
the content of your post determines your standing not the frequency of the post or the amount of post you have.

Is it true that one must his nick/account periodically in order to maintain it's good standing?
Use it or lose it?
Any specific time/frequency requirements to satisfy?

I have hardly ever used this nick since when you suggested I also create a clone - does this post on this section count?


Big Sexy
22-06-2015, 07:13 AM
you are most welcome
We will learn and i am sure you will do well
remember to post the FRs ;)

Thanks for the info!
really quite lost with hotel booking etc. haha

23-06-2015, 04:32 PM
you are most welcome
We will learn and i am sure you will do well
remember to post the FRs ;)

definitely! hope to gain more experience and guidance!

24-06-2015, 12:23 PM
Hi, i have 1 question regarding sticky thread, why some thread are sticky and some not? If start my own thread how can i make it into sticky thread?

Or sticky thread is mainly reserved for BOSS discretion to be there and advertiser?


24-06-2015, 12:34 PM
If you start a thread which is part of an ongoing project that provides useful information, then I'll make it a sticky.

26-06-2015, 10:45 AM
Please PM me for new local malay girls.. :D

26-06-2015, 07:29 PM
Please PM me for new local malay girls.. :D

Is this a paid thingy? If so remember to pay advert fee. Don't short change the boss.

01-07-2015, 11:34 AM
Dear Admin,

I am helping bro Javabeans on this. He changed his email address yesterday but until now he has not received the account activation email. His premium account is still in 'unactivated' mode now.

Please look into it. Thanks.


01-07-2015, 11:44 AM
Dear Admin,

I am helping bro Javabeans on this. He changed his email address yesterday but until now he has not received the account activation email. His premium account is still in 'unactivated' mode now.

Please look into it. Thanks.


We are resolving the issue via email. ;)

01-07-2015, 11:57 AM
We are resolving the issue via email. ;)

Thanks boss :)

04-07-2015, 11:58 PM
Dear Boss:
I see more and more plonkers posting up antagonistic posts on the Zap free zone, quite apparently just to get zapped which of course becomes upz.

The only explanation I recall for Zaps to become Upz is that you want people to read instructions, but this was a few weeks ago and now buried amongst all the subsequent posts/threads etc.

Is it about time you review this policy? It has resulted in too much bile being posted and resultant ill-feelings which I cannot see as being any good for SBF.


29-07-2015, 03:03 AM
I see regular references to both 99 hdly and 72 hdly in massage girls postings... I know what hdly is (*bliss*), but wonder whats the difference EXACTLY?

I can imagine this is difference in the position (as in 69), but who can accurately describe me the difference?

Big Sexy
29-07-2015, 06:36 AM
i have no idea about that too..
i suggest u just pm the person who post that..

I see regular references to both 99 hdly and 72 hdly in massage girls postings... I know what hdly is (*bliss*), but wonder whats the difference EXACTLY?

I can imagine this is difference in the position (as in 69), but who can accurately describe me the difference?

02-08-2015, 05:32 PM
hi all. I am new here

Sorry am i allowed to ask (sex scene) questions here?


11-08-2015, 11:40 AM
The forum very confusing to use.... Been trying to PM or make posts elsewhere but cannot. Seems like I am still under moderation but for how long? And can I pm or post in other threads after moderation?

11-08-2015, 12:14 PM
The forum very confusing to use.... Been trying to PM or make posts elsewhere but cannot. Seems like I am still under moderation but for how long? And can I pm or post in other threads after moderation?

It's confusing only if you don't read the instructions.

Newbie Issues/Say "Hi"/Testing/Tech stuff Test posts & questions regarding the forums. Please note that NEW MEMBERS are on moderation for a couple days in the other forums. However, this test forum is unmoderated & your posts will appear immediately. Note that you are still free to post messages in ANY section you choose but messages that you post in the other sections will not appear until they are released from the moderation queue. Your moderation period is over when the "(M)" below your nick disappears. Reputation cannot be added or deducted in this section.
NB: You cannot get out of moderation by posting in this section ONLY. You have to contribute positively in the other sections.

To find the messages that you have already posted, click on your own nick.

11-08-2015, 12:57 PM
It's confusing only if you don't read the instructions.

Newbie Issues/Say "Hi"/Testing/Tech stuff Test posts & questions regarding the forums. Please note that NEW MEMBERS are on moderation for a couple days in the other forums. However, this test forum is unmoderated & your posts will appear immediately. Note that you are still free to post messages in ANY section you choose but messages that you post in the other sections will not appear until they are released from the moderation queue. Your moderation period is over when the "(M)" below your nick disappears. Reputation cannot be added or deducted in this section.
NB: You cannot get out of moderation by posting in this section ONLY. You have to contribute positively in the other sections.

To find the messages that you have already posted, click on your own nick.

Thanks. Which are the other sections that I can post in? I keep trying to post however the posts do not appear. So not sure if I am spamming.

But thanks for the info. I will try and explore further :)

11-08-2015, 01:24 PM
Thanks. Which are the other sections that I can post in? I keep trying to post however the posts do not appear. So not sure if I am spamming.

But thanks for the info. I will try and explore further :)

Like I said in the previous message to find your own messages click on your own nick.

Your posts are here :





11-08-2015, 06:37 PM
Thanks. Sorry for the spam...

Big Sexy
28-08-2015, 07:19 AM
Question 55. How to upload and share an image from your computer to the forum

Step 1. When you start a new thread or reply to a post, you will see a new "sammyboy image" icon.
click on it.

Step 2. A new popup windows will appear when u click on the the new sammyboy image icon 8002.


Step 3. The popup window will close automatically after you have successfully upload your file. you will now see the image link, Please do not remove the link.


28-08-2015, 01:28 PM
Sorry, just to check, how can I participate in the chat room? I can't seem to find the bar for me to type the message. Thank you.

Big Sexy
28-08-2015, 01:57 PM
u need to be out of moderation mode first

Sorry, just to check, how can I participate in the chat room? I can't seem to find the bar for me to type the message. Thank you.

29-08-2015, 04:47 AM
Question 55. How to upload and share an image from your computer to the forum
Note : This feature is only available for premium members and you will only be able to upload JPG, GIF and PNG files for now.

Step 1. When you start a new thread or reply to a post, you will see a new "sammyboy image" icon.
click on it. ( note : quick reply and edit dont work for now, will come later)

Step 2. A new popup windows will appear when u click on the the new sammyboy image icon 39.

Step 3. The popup window will close automatically after you have successfully upload your file. you will now see the image link, Please do not remove the link.


Any maximum size for uploading?

29-08-2015, 07:36 AM
Any maximum size for uploading?

2Mb. Should be enough for most images. :)

05-09-2015, 06:36 AM
How to delete private message, my pm is full, people cannot pm me.

Big Sexy
05-09-2015, 08:22 AM
get out of moderation and you will get alot more pm space

How to delete private message, my pm is full, people cannot pm me.

11-09-2015, 01:15 PM
get out of moderation and you will get alot more pm space

I cannot reply to thread... test...

11-09-2015, 01:16 PM
Oops sorry can alrdy :D

11-09-2015, 11:37 PM
Question 1 How to add or deduct reputation points..

Step 1
Select the post that you want to add to or deduct points from.
There is a 2 days grace period, Points cannot be awarded or deducted after that.
Please also note that points cannot be awarded/deducted in the newbie and soccer talk forum.

Step 2
Look for the reputation button on the right of the post. it looks like this.

Step 3
move your mouse pointer to the reputation icon and you will see the word "add to so and so reputation"
Click on the icon

Step 4
After you have click on the reputation icon. you will see this window..
click on approve to add points
click on disapprove to deduct the points

Hi Boss

When I wan to add reputation on others, after I click the "I approve" icon, & when I wan to key in on the comment box, the box juz disappear & turns to Google box. It juz dun allow me to key in any comment. Why is it so? Can coach me? As if I leave my comment box blank, I can't add point on others.

Pls guide me to use as I'm first time user. Wan to thank those bro or sis who add point on me.


12-09-2015, 03:08 AM
Hi Boss

When I wan to add reputation on others, after I click the "I approve" icon, & when I wan to key in on the comment box, the box juz disappear & turns to Google box. It juz dun allow me to key in any comment. Why is it so? Can coach me? As if I leave my comment box blank, I can't add point on others.

Pls guide me to use as I'm first time user. Wan to thank those bro or sis who add point on me.


Try this. https://www.sammyboyforum.com/showpost.php?p=11587446&postcount=54

12-09-2015, 08:59 AM
Delete of thread.
Dear mods, i have only one thread and can please help to delete?

Big Sexy
15-09-2015, 02:55 PM
Question 56. How to delete your PM (Private Message(s))
method applies to inbox and outbox PMs.

Step 1. Click on the private message link a the top right of the page to access your private message folders

Step 2. Select the message(s) that you want to delete.

Step 3. Once you have select the message(s) to delete, scroll down to bottom of the page and select the delete option. Click on Go and it
will delete the message(s) ticked. (Please note : message(s) deleted cannot be recovered)

17-09-2015, 06:49 PM
Hi fellow samsters, i have replied in other threads but it did not appear. Does anyone knows whats gng on?


Big Sexy
17-09-2015, 09:26 PM
please read the forum preamble

Please note that NEW MEMBERS are on moderation for a couple days in the other forums. However, this test forum is unmoderated & your posts will appear immediately. Note that you are still free to post messages in ANY section you choose but messages that you post in the other sections will not appear until they are released from the moderation queue. Your moderation period is over when the "(M)" below your nick disappears. Reputation cannot be added or deducted in this section.
NB: You cannot get out of moderation by posting in this section ONLY. You have to contribute positively in the other sections.

Hi fellow samsters, i have replied in other threads but it did not appear. Does anyone knows whats gng on?


Big Sexy
26-09-2015, 09:34 AM
Question 57. How to use Comet chat (new chatroom addon)
Note : you can only access the new chat via sammyboyforum.com (without the www. prefix) it cannot be access via other domain url.

Step 1. click on the comet chat link at the top menu bar.

Step 2. Select a chatroom


Step 3. Start Chatting.


Step 4. For private chat, simply click on the user nick and a private chat window will pop up.


30-09-2015, 02:06 PM
I can't edit my own post too many times?

30-09-2015, 02:12 PM
I can't edit my own post too many times?

Which post do you want to edit?

Big Sexy
01-10-2015, 07:31 AM
you can tick the "disable popup notifications "option if you do not want to see them.
the chat option can be found near the bottom right corner of the page.



10-10-2015, 10:59 PM
Hi boss/mod,
Normally when click the nick, there will be options like add that nick to contact list etc.

Instead of adding the nick 1 by 1 by ourselves to the ignore list.
If there are way too many nicks to add to ignore list, does it mean we have to remember the nick & key in the nicks 1 by 1 at ignore list? Or is there other way that i do not know of?

Or is it possible to add 1 more option.. that is to add the nick directly to ignore list?

11-10-2015, 08:23 AM
Hi boss/mod,
Normally when click the nick, there will be options like add that nick to contact list etc.

Instead of adding the nick 1 by 1 by ourselves to the ignore list.
If there are way too many nicks to add to ignore list, does it mean we have to remember the nick & key in the nicks 1 by 1 at ignore list? Or is there other way that i do not know of?

Or is it possible to add 1 more option.. that is to add the nick directly to ignore list?

Let me look into modifying the code. I'll see what i can do.

Big Sexy
14-10-2015, 09:18 AM
there is now a simpler way to add user(s) to your ignore list ;)


14-10-2015, 06:26 PM
Let me look into modifying the code. I'll see what i can do.

there is now a simpler way to add user(s) to your ignore list ;)

Thx boss & mod for the update :)
It really save alot of time copying down n remembering the nicks

ah rat
14-10-2015, 08:11 PM
there is now a simpler way to add user(s) to your ignore list ;)

Tiagong Hippo in yr ignore list :D

14-10-2015, 09:02 PM
Tiagong Hippo in yr ignore list :D

Don't tell the JiBye clones that they are in my ignore list too...
See they can kbkp how long...

15-10-2015, 12:54 AM
Don't tell the JiBye clones that they are in my ignore list too...
See they can kbkp how long...

Later the Rat ask for your Neh Neh and Pussy pictures hor...
I passing by nia...


Big Sexy
15-10-2015, 11:49 AM
there is a 3rd method now.. even simpler than the one added yesterday
good old boss sam has been working hard.
get him a tiger. :p

Thx boss & mod for the update :)
It really save alot of time copying down n remembering the nicks

15-10-2015, 01:04 PM
good old boss sam has been working hard.
get him a tiger. :p
Apple polishing boss will bring you dividends:p

Hang on, isn't this included in your tasks and duties?:D

Thanks for chat bar thingy, sorted out in a jiffy;)

15-10-2015, 01:16 PM
there is a 3rd method now.. even simpler than the one added yesterday
good old boss sam has been working hard.
get him a tiger. :p

Yeah i noticed it too. 1 more icon added beside 'edit' :)
Didnt knw boss will take into consideration my suggestion.

Big Sexy
15-10-2015, 01:59 PM
yy.. can u ask boss sam to increase the dividends? money no enough :D

Apple polishing boss will bring you dividends:p

Hang on, isn't this included in your tasks and duties?:D

Thanks for chat bar thingy, sorted out in a jiffy;)

Big Sexy
15-10-2015, 02:01 PM
Leongsam is the best forum operator in Singapore and JB. Some say in Auckland too :D

Yeah i noticed it too. 1 more icon added beside 'edit' :)
Didnt knw boss will take into consideration my suggestion.

15-10-2015, 02:15 PM
Leongsam is the best forum operator in Singapore and JB. Some say in Auckland too :D

Might as well ask boss to consider giving me free premium membership? lolz :D
Just kidding.
Anyway thx for the efforts in making this works

15-10-2015, 08:57 PM
Yeah i noticed it too. 1 more icon added beside 'edit' :)
Didnt knw boss will take into consideration my suggestion.

No wonder I got this message when I thought I pressed the edit button...
We can't help you ignore yourself.

15-10-2015, 09:09 PM
Yeah i noticed it too. 1 more icon added beside 'edit' :)
Didnt knw boss will take into consideration my suggestion.

So u are one! Boss I protest !!! Please reposition the ignore button beside edit or quote. Like put it right bottom corner. I kept pressing the ignore button when I Want to edit. There is one and only one nick I will press the ignore button for.

Big Sexy
15-10-2015, 09:23 PM
Isn't it already beside the ignore button and they are all at the right button corner??

Please reposition the ignore button beside edit or quote. Like put it right bottom corner. I kept pressing the ignore button when I Want to edit. There is one and only one nick I will press the ignore button for.

16-10-2015, 12:16 AM
So u are one! Boss I protest !!! Please reposition the ignore button beside edit or quote. Like put it right bottom corner. I kept pressing the ignore button when I Want to edit. There is one and only one nick I will press the ignore button for.

I only request boss to add in ignore function when click the nick hor.. the ignore icon beside edit is last min boss/mod decided to add in? Sometimes humans are hard to pls, when give u this n u want that ;)

ah rat
16-10-2015, 06:38 AM
Alamak, keep pressing the ignore button.Thinking is Edit button.Must get use to it :D

16-10-2015, 07:39 AM
Alamak, keep pressing the ignore button.Thinking is Edit button.Must get use to it :D

Tiagong should change to UP button beside Edit/Quote button instead...
Then I sure get many UPs...

16-10-2015, 09:28 AM
Isn't it already beside the ignore button and they are all at the right button corner??

By putting the ignore button on the left hand side of the edit and quote button, the users will always make a mistake of pressing the ignore button when they want to use the other two.

Maybe it is old people like me who cannot see clearly and use position of buttons rather than the label on those. It is just an argument on ergonomic.

Big Sexy
16-10-2015, 10:07 AM
thanks for the feedback mates...give it some time.. . i think it is a matter of getting use to it..

however if majority of the member feels the same as you 2 do then i believe sam will act accordingly.... for now, lets wait for more feedback, still early days.. ;)

By putting the ignore button on the left hand side of the edit and quote button, the users will always make a mistake of pressing the ignore button when they want to use the other two.

Maybe it is old people like me who cannot see clearly and use position of buttons rather than the label on those. It is just an argument on ergonomic.

Alamak, keep pressing the ignore button.Thinking is Edit button.Must get use to it :D

21-10-2015, 05:26 AM
Alamak, keep pressing the ignore button.Thinking is Edit button.Must get use to it :D

I have moved the ignore button over to the left so it does not get mixed up with the traditional buttons. :D

No more excuses. ;)

ah rat
21-10-2015, 12:45 PM
I have moved the ignore button over to the left so it does not get mixed up with the traditional buttons. :D

No more excuses. ;)

Boss Sam, Thanks for your effort .See whether I still got any excuses again :D

Big Sexy
25-10-2015, 07:41 AM

New feature for all members once they are out of moderation.

Here is how to upload and share an image from your computer to the forum


25-10-2015, 07:58 AM
New feature for all members once they are out of moderation.

When we use this feature, are the photo store in SBF server?
What is the maximum size allowed?

Big Sexy
25-10-2015, 08:03 AM
yes.. it is uploaded to the sbf servers and u can be assured that we do not use it for any other purposes.. the photos are safe in the sbf servers.

the max size is 2mb for now.. We will consider to allow bigger size files it if there is a demand. :p

When we use this feature, are the uploading and store the photo in SBF server?
What is the maximum size allowed?

25-10-2015, 01:05 PM
yes.. it is uploaded to the sbf servers and u can be assured that we do not use it for any other purposes.. the photos are safe in the sbf servers.

Thanks for reply.
If got feature like share photo through pm even better.:D

Big Sexy
25-10-2015, 01:37 PM
actually there is a photo album feature (https://sammyboyforum.com/album.php)( can be set to private) which i feel u guys can make good use of.
here is how to use it.https://sammyboyforum.com/showpost.php?p=9938983&postcount=1318

u can share the photos via
Private - Only visible to contacts and moderators

however if more people demand for the sharing via Pm feature then it might just happen :p

Thanks for reply.
If got feature like share photo through pm even better.:D

26-10-2015, 11:52 PM
Newbie here,

I joined a few weeks ago, made a few post and met a few girls and have a few points, I'm not a lurker.

When viewing ads on here the house/agency asks you to join the forum to see more girls,get discounts etc.My problem is they always ask for your phone number, why?.
If i book a girl they will have my number but it will drop off due to the other calls received, if i register then its on the books for ever ready for police raids etc.
How safe is it? advice/experience please.

09-11-2015, 12:30 PM
anyone has this problem?

everytime i click on a page in this forum, there will be a pop up with the message " (\\ " when it loads up. i cant find a way to disable it. very annoying as each time i load a new page there is this popup.

using firefox on mac.

no this problem on PC or chrome

Big Sexy
09-11-2015, 12:51 PM
hi... i just tested using firefox on mac.. didnt get any popup message..
can u tell us more abt the problem..e.g which url u use and does it always popup or only for certain pages etc..
possible to do a screen capture?

anyone has this problem?

everytime i click on a page in this forum, there will be a pop up with the message " (\\ " when it loads up. i cant find a way to disable it. very annoying as each time i load a new page there is this popup.

using firefox on mac.

no this problem on PC or chrome

09-11-2015, 01:26 PM
anyone has this problem?

everytime i click on a page in this forum, there will be a pop up with the message " (\\ " when it loads up. i cant find a way to disable it. very annoying as each time i load a new page there is this popup.

using firefox on mac.

no this problem on PC or chrome

I can't imagine why this would happen.

Log out of the forum and go to your firefox cookies location and do a search for all sammyboyforum cookies.

Delete the whole lot.

Come back to this forum and log back on.

Let me know if the pop up still appears with every page.

Big Sexy
09-11-2015, 05:39 PM
anyone else has the same problem?

anyone has this problem?

everytime i click on a page in this forum, there will be a pop up with the message " (\\ " when it loads up. i cant find a way to disable it. very annoying as each time i load a new page there is this popup.

using firefox on mac.

no this problem on PC or chrome

10-11-2015, 12:39 AM

thanks for the quick reply
screen shot here:

it pops up at every page in the forum.
so basically every page i open, the pop up is there.

clear cache and cookie, doesnt help.
chrome on the same mac no problems, only firefox...
(but i prefer to use firefox to surf sbf la.. chrome is for work/ everyday use)

Update: the problem resolved byitself after i removed some extensions in firefox i dont use. i donno which extension exactly was causing it, but it is alright now. thank u!

10-11-2015, 12:59 AM
Any idea how i can delete the whole account? If admin see this msg, please kindly help me to delete the account. Need to clear the trace :mad:

10-11-2015, 03:33 AM
Update: the problem resolved byitself after i removed some extensions in firefox i dont use. i donno which extension exactly was causing it, but it is alright now. thank u!

That's good news. I was struggling to figure out what was going wrong. :)

Enjoy your time here.

10-11-2015, 07:36 PM

I am not allowed to post any attachment.
What is the criteria to be able to post attachment/pics?
Cannot find in yr FAQ.


Big Sexy
11-11-2015, 07:39 AM
click on question 55 to see how to upload a picture
you can't post attachment unless u are a donor or a contributor in the private section.


I am not allowed to post any attachment.
What is the criteria to be able to post attachment/pics?
Cannot find in yr FAQ.


11-11-2015, 08:13 AM

I am not allowed to post any attachment.
What is the criteria to be able to post attachment/pics?
Cannot find in yr FAQ.


What sort of attachments do you want to post?

If the file are huge eg video files then the forum cannot handle the bandwidth. Such files are best uploaded to sites such as mega.co.nz and then linked to your post.

If they are just normal sized images of 100kb to 1 Mb then use the image icon as indicated by big sexy.

If you have special requirements let me know and I'll see if I can come up with a solution.

12-11-2015, 07:45 PM
Boss and Big Sexy,
thk u very much.

Big Sexy
12-11-2015, 08:24 PM
looking forward to your photos/files sharing :)

Boss and Big Sexy,
thk u very much.

13-11-2015, 11:48 AM
I seem to be having an issue with adding rep points

This screenshot doesn't give me the reputation icon.

Is there a setting I need to change to be able to add rep points?

Big Sexy
13-11-2015, 12:04 PM
mate.. read this post

There is a 2 days grace period, Points cannot be awarded or deducted after that.
Please also note that points cannot be awarded/deducted in the newbie and soccer talk forum

u also need to get out moderation mode and earn some rep power before you think of giving out points
u currently have 0 rep power and can thus only give 0 points.
Please read this sticky (https://sammyboyforum.com/showthread.php?t=60407) to understand the rep system better ;)

I seem to be having an issue with adding rep points

This screenshot doesn't give me the reputation icon.

Is there a setting I need to change to be able to add rep points?

15-11-2015, 03:49 AM
it says add 1 rep power every year but i'm still 0 power after a few years. any criteria?

sorry did not feel the need to up anybody until recently

15-11-2015, 06:25 AM
it says add 1 rep power every year but i'm still 0 power after a few years. any criteria?

sorry did not feel the need to up anybody until recently

You have ZERO posts so you're not going to get any rep power till you start participating in this community. ;)

Big Sexy
15-11-2015, 08:00 AM
hi mate, please read this sticky (https://sammyboyforum.com/showthread.php?t=60407) ;)

Everyone starts with 20 reputation points and reputation power of 0. When a reputation score of 40 is reached, reputation power becomes 1.

it says add 1 rep power every year but i'm still 0 power after a few years. any criteria?

sorry did not feel the need to up anybody until recently

15-11-2015, 10:06 AM
it says add 1 rep power every year but i'm still 0 power after a few years. any criteria?

sorry did not feel the need to up anybody until recently

Contribute with 5 to 8 more posts and u should come out of moderation.

PM ebonkie...he will help u. Remember to up him back.


Big Sexy
15-11-2015, 11:21 AM
yes 5-8 posts will get him out of moderation however he wont have any rep power so he wont be able to up others..

a minimum of 10 post and 40 rep points is required before the rep power kicks in. ;)

Contribute with 5 to 8 more posts and u should come out of moderation.

PM ebonkie...he will help u. Remember to up him back.


15-11-2015, 12:17 PM
Thank you senior for all the prompt responses :)

28-11-2015, 10:07 AM
If i lazy to return point for the next few days, can i configure auto-up the nick?

Big Sexy
29-11-2015, 09:09 AM
U can only do it manually for now mate..

If i lazy to return point for the next few days, can i configure auto-up the nick?

06-12-2015, 04:56 AM

Can i use Tapatalk app for this forum.
So far i unable to do it in Tapatalk.


06-12-2015, 06:52 AM

Can i use Tapatalk app for this forum.
So far i unable to do it in Tapatalk.


Tapatalk does not allow adult sites. That's why I use forum runner.

However the best option would probably be to use the mobile skin.

13-12-2015, 01:01 PM
Thanks for the valuable information hope I can get out of moderation soon

13-12-2015, 04:40 PM
Like to know more about the up my point and what is zap point? thanks!

12-01-2016, 04:02 PM
Dear admin I have a question.
When I use the advanced search in a thread to find a post, upon clicking on the post it brings me to the first post of that respective page instead of that post I clicked on.
Why is that so? :confused:

12-01-2016, 04:26 PM
Dear admin I have a question.
When I use the advanced search in a thread to find a post, upon clicking on the post it brings me to the first post of that respective page instead of that post I clicked on.
Why is that so? :confused:

It's probably a bug in vbulletin. It occurs when there are posts in the thread that have been deleted. For some reason the indexing goes haywire when that happens.

It can be fixed only when I eventually upgrade to vb4 but then some other issue may occur. :D

13-01-2016, 12:55 AM
Hi all, i posted something to compliment the story telling section but it was not posted?

13-01-2016, 03:32 AM
Hi all, i posted something to compliment the story telling section but it was not posted?

To find your own posts click on your own nick and do a search.

27-01-2016, 06:29 PM
When I reply to a particular forummer's posting, all I need to do is to click Quote on the bottom right hand corner.

How do I go about quoting various forummers posting in my reply to them?

Big Sexy
28-01-2016, 06:40 AM
question 53

When I reply to a particular forummer's posting, all I need to do is to click Quote on the bottom right hand corner.

How do I go about quoting various forummers posting in my reply to them?

28-01-2016, 01:44 PM
Hello can i ask under the last 10 visitors in your profile, why some usernames have a plus sign and some don't?

Pls advise. Thanks.

28-01-2016, 01:51 PM
Hello can i ask under the last 10 visitors in your profile, why some usernames have a plus sign and some don't?

Pls advise. Thanks.

Your usename has a plus sign in my visitor list.

It is a secret code the forum creator made in a new data analytic program to help user match themselves base on profiles and what they post. It is part of machine learning to take the guess work out of the old world concept called fate.


Big Sexy
28-01-2016, 01:58 PM
are those with + in your contact list or friend list?

Hello can i ask under the last 10 visitors in your profile, why some usernames have a plus sign and some don't?

Pls advise. Thanks.

01-03-2016, 11:59 AM
Question 1 How to add or deduct reputation points..

Step 1
Select the post that you want to add to or deduct points from.
There is a 2 days grace period, Points cannot be awarded or deducted after that.
Please also note that points cannot be awarded/deducted in the newbie and soccer talk forum.

Step 2
Look for the reputation button on the right of the post. it looks like this.

Step 3
move your mouse pointer to the reputation icon and you will see the word "add to so and so reputation" Click on the icon

Step 4
After you have click on the reputation icon. you will see this window..
click on approve to add points
click on disapprove to deduct the points

got a question how come my page only see a red triangle sign and not the sign you showing ?

01-03-2016, 02:50 PM
To Boss Sam,

Thank you for addressing my messages. Now that my nick was sorted out, I am ready to roll.

Best Regards

05-03-2016, 12:09 PM

how many rep points can i add or deduct each time ?

Originally Posted by Big Sexy View Post
Question 1 How to add or deduct reputation points..

Step 1
Select the post that you want to add to or deduct points from.
There is a 2 days grace period, Points cannot be awarded or deducted after that.
Please also note that points cannot be awarded/deducted in the newbie and soccer talk forum.

Step 2
Look for the reputation button on the right of the post. it looks like this.

Step 3
move your mouse pointer to the reputation icon and you will see the word "add to so and so reputation" Click on the icon

Step 4
After you have click on the reputation icon. you will see this window..
click on approve to add points
click on disapprove to deduct the points

05-03-2016, 12:19 PM
bro if u have 2 rep power than u can add 2 points and deduce 1 point(half of your rep power) from the user

now add me points please


how many rep points can i add or deduct each time ?

Originally Posted by Big Sexy View Post
Question 1 How to add or deduct reputation points..

Step 1
Select the post that you want to add to or deduct points from.
There is a 2 days grace period, Points cannot be awarded or deducted after that.
Please also note that points cannot be awarded/deducted in the newbie and soccer talk forum.

Step 2
Look for the reputation button on the right of the post. it looks like this.

Step 3
move your mouse pointer to the reputation icon and you will see the word "add to so and so reputation" Click on the icon

Step 4
After you have click on the reputation icon. you will see this window..
click on approve to add points
click on disapprove to deduct the points

05-03-2016, 12:21 PM
bro red arrow means the post cannot add points because it is more than 2 days or it is in the section(e.g newbie and soccer) that u cannot add. i stand to be correct, wait for big sexy to confirm

got a question how come my page only see a red triangle sign and not the sign you showing ?

05-03-2016, 01:23 PM

walao why like that one ?????????

05-03-2016, 02:11 PM

I have become your Premium - after noticing SBF's Positive effects :eek:

Let me know (just in case) how to stop Verotel subscription - if necessary ?

05-03-2016, 02:15 PM

I have become your Premium - after noticing SBF's Positive effects :eek:

Let me know (just in case) how to stop Verotel subscription - if necessary ?

You can stop at any time by going to http://www.vtsup.com

05-03-2016, 02:27 PM
Samster ATTI

How long it takes to demerit Rep point belonging to "Sabo" post account ?

06-03-2016, 02:07 PM
are those with + in your contact list or friend list?
super SEXY

1 QUESTION : How many REP POINTS i can add / deduct in a single day - to any user ?

06-03-2016, 05:01 PM
SOUNDS GOOD - dude bro,

does that mean everytime i approve a Post - i add 4 Rep point to that 1 user ?

08-03-2016, 01:39 PM

A NEWBIE QUESTION - why can't i save + retrieve my private messages after i sent ?


Question 15 How to send a PM

Step 1 Select the user you want to send pm to.
Step 2. Right Click and chose the send a private message option

Step 3 Enter your message and click 'submit message' when done

08-03-2016, 01:56 PM
bro. you can find the answer in this sticky question 39
just helping out


A NEWBIE QUESTION - why can't i save + retrieve my private messages after i sent ?


08-03-2016, 02:20 PM

GREAT - so i set this option just ONCE ?

08-03-2016, 02:21 PM

How to up you right here ? :confused::confused:

08-03-2016, 02:46 PM
bro from what i know. yes only need to set it once.

GREAT - so i set this option just ONCE ?

bro you cannot up members point in the newb section & soccer section + those post that are more than 2 days old,
btw no need to up me, i am just helping out boss sammyboy, up him if u wan


How to up you right here ?

10-03-2016, 01:20 PM

wow - u are a cool old bird :::) ;)

16-03-2016, 10:47 AM
F*** Bro

Good Day !

How many times can i add to other's REP Points - in 24 hours ? is it once every 24 hours ?

17-03-2016, 06:44 AM
i think there is a rule in one of the sticky. clearly state can only zap OR add 1x in 24hours.

F*** Bro

Good Day !

How many times can i add to other's REP Points - in 24 hours ? is it once every 24 hours ?

17-03-2016, 12:20 PM
Lobang King

Thanks - for your kind advice ::)

17-03-2016, 12:32 PM

As a thread starter - how do I close a thread I created ? Which option i use ?

Thanks !

17-03-2016, 12:45 PM
haha i have been around so long, we never have been able to close/delete any thread so i dont think we can close/delete thread. only way is request admin to help.

btw where is big sexy these days? never see him posting anymore. maybe he go eat wind?:p


As a thread starter - how do I close a thread I created ? Which option i use ?

Thanks !

17-03-2016, 05:38 PM
Bro wu lobang

I thought big SEXY is a she ???😃

19-03-2016, 12:46 PM
oh i didnt know that. paisay.

Bro wu lobang

I thought big SEXY is a she ???😃

23-03-2016, 01:32 PM
Wanna ask

How do I search for my posts in threads that I think have been deleted? It was in a thread about a clean hair studio (I think I posted late last year/early this year) & there was replies to my post asking for the address...

23-03-2016, 02:07 PM
bro. u can just click on your username and select "find all post".

if it has been delete already then it is gone, you wont be able to search for it.

Wanna ask

How do I search for my posts in threads that I think have been deleted? It was in a thread about a clean hair studio (I think I posted late last year/early this year) & there was replies to my post asking for the address...

23-03-2016, 02:58 PM
Wanna ask

How do I search for my posts in threads that I think have been deleted? It was in a thread about a clean hair studio (I think I posted late last year/early this year) & there was replies to my post asking for the address...

I have restored the thread so you can retrieve your posts.

23-03-2016, 07:50 PM
I have restored the thread so you can retrieve your posts.

Thanks boss :)

23-03-2016, 09:15 PM
Anyone faces any issue on unable to view your own posting when using another account or not being logged in? However when you log back in using your own account, the post is there

24-03-2016, 03:39 AM
Anyone faces any issue on unable to view your own posting when using another account or not being logged in? However when you log back in using your own account, the post is there

I checked and your account seems to be fine. ;)

24-03-2016, 09:11 AM
I checked and your account seems to be fine. ;)

Paiseh bro, just checked, still cant leh. I checked with some of my friends they say they cant see too

First Photo, screen image seen using my own account

Second Photo, screen image seen using another account or not logged in

28-03-2016, 08:54 AM
@sammyboyfor, still cannot leh, any idea on the issue?

28-03-2016, 02:40 PM
I checked and your account seems to be fine. ;)

Hi Boss, posting this using another account, as I realise you might not have seen the posting due to the account been somewhat "blocked".

Paiseh bro, just checked, still cant leh. I checked with some of my friends they say they cant see too

First Photo, screen image seen using my own account


Second Photo, screen image seen using another account or not logged in


I only received this issues only after I sent a complaint to your email about one of the mod removing my post due to advert concerns. Just wondering, could I have been delibrately blocked due to it?

28-03-2016, 03:00 PM
bro me kaypoh abit

i cannot see that post of yours too. can only mean that it has been removed by the moderators. in other words you should not be able to see it too. Maybe it is in your cache? clear your cache or use another browser and see if you can still see the post. :p

Hi Boss, posting this using another account, as I realise you might not have seen the posting due to the account been somewhat "blocked".

Paiseh bro, just checked, still cant leh. I checked with some of my friends they say they cant see too

First Photo, screen image seen using my own account

Second Photo, screen image seen using another account or not logged in

I only received this issues only after I sent a complaint to your email about one of the mod removing my post due to advert concerns. Just wondering, could I have been delibrately blocked due to it?

28-03-2016, 03:09 PM
bro me kaypoh abit

i cannot see that post of yours too. can only mean that it has been removed by the moderators. in other words you should not be able to see it too. Maybe it is in your cache? clear your cache or use another browser and see if you can still see the post. :p

@bro lobangking -- been there done that already, also cannot. Just realise my PM also cannot send out, but can receive. Machiam like North Korea now, can only observe silently. Would like to up you, but my this account no points :(

28-03-2016, 03:22 PM
bro. u mean you cannot post with that account anymore? wah so serious
maybe pm boss to help

@bro lobangking -- been there done that already, also cannot. Just realise my PM also cannot send out, but can receive. Machiam like North Korea now, can only observe silently. Would like to up you, but my this account no points :(

28-03-2016, 03:57 PM
bro. u mean you cannot post with that account anymore? wah so serious
maybe pm boss to help

Hahahah i tried emailing boss a few weeks ago, but no reply leh. Now must hope for boss to see this thread liao

13-04-2016, 03:34 PM
Hi, how can i change my user name???

13-04-2016, 03:42 PM
Hi, how can i change my user name???

Or nick name??? pls help

Big Sexy
14-04-2016, 07:55 AM
you cannot change your username, you can however create new account(s)

Hi, how can i change my user name???

14-04-2016, 03:02 PM

I am a girl from Germany, travelling and interested to give it a try. How to find a place where I could try it? Your recommendations?

164 cm
42 kg

Big Sexy
14-04-2016, 03:10 PM
Welcome to the BBS germangirl

what do u want to try? :confused:


I am a girl from Germany, travelling and interested to give it a try. How to find a place where I could try it? Your recommendations?

164 cm
42 kg

19-04-2016, 10:06 PM
Hi Admin/Moderator, due to a another fellow SB bro's request to take down some photos in a thread I created, I wanted to delete some photos from a few of my postings (made in Feb/March).

But the "edit" button/icon is no longer available when I went revisited that particular post.

Any advice on how to delete the photo ?? Appreciate your help.

Big Sexy
20-04-2016, 06:11 AM
you could PM sam and tell him what happened.
he will then decide whether to remove them.

btw, please provide the link to the post.

Hi Admin/Moderator, due to a another fellow SB bro's request to take down some photos in a thread I created, I wanted to delete some photos from a few of my postings (made in Feb/March).

But the "edit" button/icon is no longer available when I went revisited that particular post.

Any advice on how to delete the photo ?? Appreciate your help.

24-04-2016, 10:56 PM
Hello Admins.
I have two questions.

1. Is it illegal to surf this forum in Singapore?

2. Is it illegal to view the nude pictures and porn videos contributed in this forum?

Thank you. :)

25-04-2016, 03:04 AM
Hello Admins.
I have two questions.

1. Is it illegal to surf this forum in Singapore?

2. Is it illegal to view the nude pictures and porn videos contributed in this forum?

Thank you. :)

1. No.

2. No.

30-04-2016, 10:59 AM
is there a minimum number of posts i should make in order to get out of moderation? been reading sticky but couldn't find any about this.


Big Sexy
01-05-2016, 07:56 AM
mate, u can find the answer in question 45

is there a minimum number of posts i should make in order to get out of moderation? been reading sticky but couldn't find any about this.


04-05-2016, 11:52 PM
Tried searching but probably not hard enough. How do I select the number of rep points I want to give someone?

The option I have is, approve or disapprove and reason.
I've given rep points I think but not sure how to confirm this...

Can someone point me to correct place?

05-05-2016, 03:57 AM
Tried searching but probably not hard enough. How do I select the number of rep points I want to give someone?

The option I have is, approve or disapprove and reason.
I've given rep points I think but not sure how to confirm this...

Can someone point me to correct place?

You cannot select the value, It depends upon your power. Your power will kick in when you reach 40 rep points or more. Currently your rep points stand at 26 so you have 14 to go.

Right now your power is 0 so you can't add or deduct rep points as x+0 = x and x-0 = x :)

05-05-2016, 08:32 PM
hi boss, i have pm you twice. i got zapped and called names but not sure if that zapper is penalised? can i know who has zapped me?

8. Reputation votes are secret. In other words, you can vote either way without fear or favour. HOWEVER, those who abuse the system by making vicious attacks and spewing vulgarities anonymously (ie without revealing your nick) will have their nicks exposed and placed under moderation if the victim complains to the moderators. If you want to abuse someone using all sorts of profanities via the reputation system remarks feature, you MUST reveal your nick when doing so in order not to be penalised.

07-05-2016, 04:20 PM

What kind of names these idiots called you ??? 🤕😷🤕

19-05-2016, 10:10 PM
How to post a new thread???

Big Sexy
20-05-2016, 06:26 AM
please read page 1 , question 14 of this thread

How to post a new thread???

03-07-2016, 02:29 PM
Why I can't seemed to find bro " fullofrubbish " posts ?