View Full Version : Newbies HELPLINE.. Newbies Please post your question here.
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01-10-2018, 06:10 AM
I got his pm too....
Seriously im very much inactive here. No idea why he pm me?
He pm me for help with no hand and tails details :confused:
The way he spam reminds me of someone which keep spamming for points as well
01-10-2018, 10:55 AM
He pm me for help with no hand and tails details :confused:
The way he spam reminds me of someone which keep spamming for points as well
wah wah! i also got the PM leh.
is it he mass spam PM hoping for pity points to recoup his losses?
01-10-2018, 01:20 PM
Oh no! He mass spam!
Deserves special attention! :D
I got his pm too....
Seriously im very much inactive here. No idea why he pm me?
01-10-2018, 03:43 PM
Newbie question and a really silly one -> I know all new members are moderated, and I read somewhere that it takes around 2 hours for new members to be 'unmoderated'. Can I check is there anything I need to do to be unmoderated?
Asking cause my posts in other forums require some approval before they go live which can be troublesome.
01-10-2018, 04:44 PM
take my is just some rep points and your account have more rep points than warrant..
if you really want to push things further..make sure you are clean and haven't been acting like a mong..otherwise it will only piss people off..
Wah I have only zapped a few if not none. I also give points to negative and low points users regularly. Are you guys mistaking me for someone else? I have been good in the forum(except snap :p, I'm not the only one, surely you can see.)
Pm me the clones you associate me with if you want. :o:(
I only ask other to consider zapping, since that fucker is acting like a lan jiao lang. One bro actually said before it's sway when one's thread is visited by T*****.
zapping and fuxxing someone using the rep system without leaving your nick already warrants some form of punishment
read point 8.
just move on .;)
These people didn't leave their nicks and recent ones have 50+ power. 62a9b756e71206b107c509.jpg
Please investigate :(
Doesn't seem as simple as being zapped for off topic thread since other off topic threadstarters don't get zapped.
I'm totally hands off. I never take sides because I don't track quarrels and arguments and pass judgement.
My job is to make sure the forum is up and running at all times. :p
Hi mod, what's your problem?
The sub forum is Adult Discussions about SEX and I posted a thread about a suspicious drone, most probably attempting to film people nude, which is related to sex.
Meanwhile, someone posted an off topic thread and was she zapped?
"Irritating spam private msg"
Another suspecting the fls he patronized:
"Result of giving HP number to FLs?"
Member rude to another member,
No wonder your points so low, same as IQ
Have they been zapped? Are you bias?
WTF? Sir, what have I done to bring down the forum? Examples of off topic threads in the same sub forum are already provided and only I have been zapped.
Big Sexy
01-10-2018, 05:12 PM
there is no fixed formula.. it is fully automated..
so long you participate enough(with constructive posting) you will get out of moderation in a couple of days.
Newbie question and a really silly one -> I know all new members are moderated, and I read somewhere that it takes around 2 hours for new members to be 'unmoderated'. Can I check is there anything I need to do to be unmoderated?
Asking cause my posts in other forums require some approval before they go live which can be troublesome.
06-10-2018, 05:28 PM
These people didn't leave their nicks and recent ones have 50+ power. 62a9b756e71206b107c509.jpg
Please investigate :(
Please investigate
Tabamo = takk
Fuck tabamo :(
I didn't do this :D
takk ' diu li lou mo'
Ham Kah Chan
Look at tabamo's post!
Big Sexy
12-10-2018, 10:44 AM
wtf.. just when did my Newbies helpline sticky become a moan sob thread...
12-10-2018, 11:35 PM
Hello can you see my avatar? Keep getting 'upload failed'.
13-10-2018, 02:03 AM
Hello can you see my avatar? Keep getting 'upload failed'.
Yes I can see your avatar.
21-11-2018, 12:32 AM
May I know how can I delete pm?
Big Sexy
22-11-2018, 05:43 AM
question 54
May I know how can I delete pm?
25-11-2018, 05:10 PM
For up of rep points, I tried to approve 2, when I tried to up the 3rd, the pop up messaged said "You have given out too much Reputation in the last 24 hours, try again later." Am I right to assume only 2 per 24 hours?
26-11-2018, 08:31 AM
For up of rep points, I tried to approve 2, when I tried to up the 3rd, the pop up messaged said "You have given out too much Reputation in the last 24 hours, try again later." Am I right to assume only 2 per 24 hours?
Yes that is the limit. It is designed to prevent the indiscriminate adding or deducting of points.
Big Sexy
26-11-2018, 08:43 AM
please read this sticky.
and you cannot add/neg any points while you do not have any rep power.
For up of rep points, I tried to approve 2, when I tried to up the 3rd, the pop up messaged said "You have given out too much Reputation in the last 24 hours, try again later." Am I right to assume only 2 per 24 hours?
28-11-2018, 01:04 PM
Hi all newbie here...
Big Sexy
28-11-2018, 01:16 PM are not a newbie.. u are just inactive and u need to be more active
Hi all newbie here...
29-11-2018, 01:02 AM
Hello all. How to post in FL threads?
Big Sexy
29-11-2018, 05:57 AM
no difference from like how u post here and your previous post
but if u want to advertise there... then contact the ad moderator greentea before you post there.
Hello all. How to post in FL threads?
29-11-2018, 11:00 AM
Hello admin...
Can you help to guide how to up point and how to exchange point?
Big Sexy
29-11-2018, 11:19 AM
refer to the first post of this thread.
Can you help to guide how to up point and how to exchange point?
29-11-2018, 02:03 PM
Hi admin, is it possible to change my username? Thanks.
29-11-2018, 02:22 PM
Hi admin, is it possible to change my username? Thanks.
Big Sexy
29-11-2018, 02:29 PM
the simply answer is no... but i think it has happened with donors if i am not wrong( dont quote me on that)
Hi admin, is it possible to change my username? Thanks.
26-12-2018, 02:56 PM
Administrator please help. My points got down by three people in a span of few mins for the same post.
The three account might be belonging to the same user
26-12-2018 05:02 AM Hahaha
26-12-2018 05:03 AM ������
26-12-2018 05:04 AM Heehee hahaha
30-12-2018, 02:34 PM
100+ points
28-12-2018 04:10 PM your problem?
8 points
29-12-2018 03:46 PM Your mother cheebye!!!!
4 or 5 points
30-12-2018 01:32 AM Knn no link - Tabamo
1 or 2 points
30-12-2018 02:19 PM Gals wear Safety Pants so what you see? Why dont you put a chimpanzee wearing skirt, then you peep the chimpanzee LOL LOL LOL
30-12-2018, 02:50 PM
havana was deducted 200 rep points for leaving that remarks Your mother cheeby
vanityandwax was deducted 300 rep points for imposing another nick
there is nothing wrong with the other zaps.
you have been zapped 200 rep points for starting a off topic thread
Wahlao, sir, leave me with 260 points also cannot. start sbs ceo steal eat have sex in "Adult Discussions about SEX" how can be off topic?
update other forumers of current affairs also cannot?
30-12-2018, 10:40 PM
Same same also up him Liao... awaiting for him to return the favour also
Bro, upped your points quite some time ago.
Do return the favour
Points scammer spotted :rolleyes:
Off topic gao gao don't see admin zapping haha
30-12-2018, 10:50 PM
Off topic gao gao don't see admin zapping haha[/QUOTE]
Prepaid, Unregistered, SIM cards with easy-to-remember, personally chosen numbers for sale.
Hurry as I do not expect them to be available for long.
Thank You
08-01-2019, 10:14 AM
Hi. Is there a way to change username??
Big Sexy
08-01-2019, 12:03 PM
no..but u can always register a new nick
Hi. Is there a way to change username??
08-01-2019, 12:41 PM
no..but u can always register a new nick
Ok thank you!!
15-01-2019, 03:23 PM
I really can't find any help for the question I have. If I don't remember wrongly there is a phone number tagged to our account (can't rmb whether it was done at registration or something cause too long ago). Problem is I have changed numbers and now I can't get verified by some of the OKTs. I believe I might have even been blocked because of this. Is there anyway I can change my number tagged to my SBF account?
15-01-2019, 03:53 PM
I really can't find any help for the question I have. If I don't remember wrongly there is a phone number tagged to our account (can't rmb whether it was done at registration or something cause too long ago). Problem is I have changed numbers and now I can't get verified by some of the OKTs. I believe I might have even been blocked because of this. Is there anyway I can change my number tagged to my SBF account?
Registration here does not involve any phone numbers. All accounts are identified by the email address that you supplied when you registered.
23-01-2019, 01:55 PM
Why sometime can log in sometime can’t ah? :confused:
Big Sexy
23-01-2019, 02:41 PM
when did it happened?
the server was down the other day.. sam has already been fixed it..
Why sometime can log in sometime can’t ah? :confused:
sex crusader
23-01-2019, 09:09 PM
Think the search function got issues! It won't show latest posts! All results shown posts dated 19/1.
23-01-2019, 11:20 PM
when did it happened?
the server was down the other day.. sam has already been fixed it..
It happened from two days ago until now. Very unstable. I have to use Chrome to log on using this link -
Some of my brothers using Singtel IP cannot log on leh.
Big Sexy
24-01-2019, 05:51 AM
try clearing your browser cache.. meanwhile the tech guy is looking into it..
Do update here if the problem persist.. thanks
It happened from two days ago until now. Very unstable. I have to use Chrome to log on using this link -
Some of my brothers using Singtel IP cannot log on leh.
24-01-2019, 10:19 AM
try clearing your browser cache.. meanwhile the tech guy is looking into it..
Do update here if the problem persist.. thanks
Yes the problem is cached content. It should resolve itself as the cache is updated.
26-01-2019, 11:44 AM
People keep attacking my CP and i dont know how to up back ..
31-01-2019, 01:59 AM
why got immature sub human scums of society who randomly attack me in the MP ktv forum one???
i suddenly received so many zaps with the comment left behind being
oops, la dee daa, You must be the other culprit, etc????
dafug when i didnt do anything wrong?? just zap cause they feel like it?? :mad::mad:
31-01-2019, 08:03 PM
why got immature sub human scums of society who randomly attack me in the MP ktv forum one???
i suddenly received so many zaps with the comment left behind being
oops, la dee daa, You must be the other culprit, etc????
dafug when i didnt do anything wrong?? just zap cause they feel like it?? :mad::mad:
No meaningful FR and despite the zap, still got 56 points. Not bad la. But no, I din zap.
11-02-2019, 10:34 PM
How to attach or upload pictures?
Big Sexy
12-02-2019, 06:23 AM
read here
How to attach or upload pictures?
24-02-2019, 11:52 AM
How do I delete my account. Thanks
Big Sexy
24-02-2019, 03:12 PM
u cant do that...
my advice is simply stop posting.. inactive/banned accounts are purged during maintenance..
How do I delete my account. Thanks
Big Sexy
24-02-2019, 03:23 PM
Creating your own social group in the forum
step 1 click on user CP link at the top left of the page
step 2 . select social groups under networking..
step 3. create the social group u want.
it is like having your own mini sub forum and looks something like this..
02-03-2019, 02:04 AM
Hi why my private message limit is one only? Recent created account . Old one too easy arise suspicions lol
Big Sexy
02-03-2019, 07:50 AM
that is why being in moderation mode sucks... everyone should get out of mod status asap.
Hi why my private message limit is one only? Recent created account . Old one too easy arise suspicions lol
10-03-2019, 10:48 PM
I cannot post stuffs
10-03-2019, 10:54 PM
I wanna post for threads in fldome1
11-03-2019, 02:34 AM
I wanna post for threads in fldome1
There is nothing stopping you. Please go ahead. ;)
12-03-2019, 07:07 PM
Will there be a notification when someone quote you and reply?
Or have to manually monitor the thread ah?
(I don't want to subscribe to whole thread, I only want to get notifications when someone quote me and reply)
Big Sexy
13-03-2019, 07:43 AM
i know some forum has that.... but i am not sure if sam has that feature here.. u might wanna PM him to discuss..
Will there be a notification when someone quote you and reply?
Or have to manually monitor the thread ah?
(I don't want to subscribe to whole thread, I only want to get notifications when someone quote me and reply)
18-03-2019, 10:51 PM
I am in town for a couple weeks, and am hoping to find a local to spend some time with on a repeat basis so I don't have to go walking the streets etc. I found a few advertisers, but realistically their rates are so high that I could do it once, but not every other day or so like I was thinking. The ones I spoke to don't really take in to account the repeat aspect of it (which I don't blame them, they don't know me and I could be lying to them to try to get a lower rate, so I understand) and while I am tempted to think one good party might be better than multiple crappy ones, I want to be sure of my options first.
I was thinking about posting someplace where interested girls might see, but it's not clear to me where that might be. Please advise a good place on the forum for a posting like that? Or, if there is a better idea I am open to that as well.
Big Sexy
19-03-2019, 08:53 AM
you need to increase your budget and try posting in the Orgies/Swinging/Fuck-Buddies/Sugar-Daddies section
I am in town for a couple weeks, and am hoping to find a local to spend some time with on a repeat basis so I don't have to go walking the streets etc. I found a few advertisers, but realistically their rates are so high that I could do it once, but not every other day or so like I was thinking. The ones I spoke to don't really take in to account the repeat aspect of it (which I don't blame them, they don't know me and I could be lying to them to try to get a lower rate, so I understand) and while I am tempted to think one good party might be better than multiple crappy ones, I want to be sure of my options first.
I was thinking about posting someplace where interested girls might see, but it's not clear to me where that might be. Please advise a good place on the forum for a posting like that? Or, if there is a better idea I am open to that as well.
19-03-2019, 06:57 PM
you need to increase your budget and try posting in the Orgies/Swinging/Fuck-Buddies/Sugar-Daddies section
Thank you for the advice.
What sort of budget is realistic? I would not be surprised if my time other places combined with the geylang prices skewed my perspective on is and is not possible here.
26-03-2019, 10:35 PM
Hi bros. Been here for quite awhile. How to up people points? I also no points can't up people hor?
Big Sexy
27-03-2019, 07:03 AM
it is in the 2nd post of this thread.
but before u can up anyone.... u need to have rep power which u dont have now.... u need a minimum of 50 rep points to have any rep power...
start to contribute and someone will up your points :cool:or do like what people do these days by going to any of the point exchange thread and ask for undeserved points. :eek:
Hi bros. Been here for quite awhile. How to up people points? I also no points can't up people hor?
02-04-2019, 12:48 AM
Tried to up your point. but cannot. hahaha sian. noob sia me.
it is in the 2nd post of this thread.
but before u can up anyone.... u need to have rep power which u dont have now.... u need a minimum of 50 rep points to have any rep power...
start to contribute and someone will up your points :cool:or do like what people do these days by going to any of the point exchange thread and ask for undeserved points. :eek:
02-04-2019, 11:28 AM
Anyone can tell me how long it takes for me to be able to up someones' point?
Big Sexy
02-04-2019, 01:29 PM
will depend on yourself...
read this link
1. first, you need to get out of moderation( u need enough post and be more active).
2. you need to have enough post and rep points to have rep power.
3. once u have rep power, you will be able to up others.
Anyone can tell me how long it takes for me to be able to up someones' point?
05-04-2019, 09:23 PM
Great. This was helpful a bit...
17-05-2019, 02:36 PM
will depend on yourself...
read this link
1. first, you need to get out of moderation( u need enough post and be more active).
2. you need to have enough post and rep points to have rep power.
3. once u have rep power, you will be able to up others.
Greatly appreciated bro
28-05-2019, 02:02 AM
Good day. Sorry if I am writing in the wrong topic (I did not find the necessary section). How can I help with the development of the site? Its moderation, design, design, design, etc. I have the skills to work with sites and I would like to transform it.
30-05-2019, 08:06 PM
How can i get points and power fast ? Ty for any replies
Big Sexy
31-05-2019, 06:29 AM
the fastest way to get rep power and points is to sign up for premium membership....
the usual way is to start sharing FRs and lobangs
How can i get points and power fast ? Ty for any replies
I just registered a wechat account and it got blocked ( I have no idea why), it said that I need someone else to unblock it but I'm new to it and doesn't have anyone to help me unblock.
Is there other way to get back my account?
Big Sexy
22-06-2019, 07:04 AM
google for solution..
I just registered a wechat account and it got blocked ( I have no idea why), it said that I need someone else to unblock it but I'm new to it and doesn't have anyone to help me unblock.
Is there other way to get back my account?
05-07-2019, 12:14 AM
why some of the girls i text them they never reply or they ask me to call them when i have reached but never give a specific location? and also how do you know if the action is going to take place at a condo or massage parlour specifically since some do not explicitly state?
Big Sexy
05-07-2019, 05:49 AM
why dont you go ask the gals themselves?
why some of the girls i text them they never reply or they ask me to call them when i have reached but never give a specific location? and also how do you know if the action is going to take place at a condo or massage parlour specifically since some do not explicitly state?
05-07-2019, 06:56 AM
why dont you go ask the gals themselves?
tried asking but no replies :(
05-07-2019, 07:51 PM
I created a new thread in the Health Centre and KTV lounge Tangos but it is missing.
Any idea why? :confused:
08-07-2019, 10:51 AM
When can I leave off the moderation??
08-07-2019, 11:58 PM
Hi. I’m new to this forum. I’ve been wanting to try a stable in FL dome. But in order to book, I need rep power. Can anyone help to teach me how to? cos i’m travelling to Singapore for 3 days and really want to book.
Big Sexy
09-07-2019, 06:02 AM
there is no rule here that says u need rep power before u can try a stable in FL dome... try sending them PM and see what happen.
the faster way to get rep points/power is to signup as a premium member or become a donor.
Hi. I’m new to this forum. I’ve been wanting to try a stable in FL dome. But in order to book, I need rep power. Can anyone help to teach me how to? cos i’m travelling to Singapore for 3 days and really want to book.
15-07-2019, 06:03 PM
Hi bros,
Can someone tell me how to, if possible, insert an image into a PM to another user? Thanks.
Big Sexy
16-07-2019, 07:48 AM
use the "insert link" option or simply copy and paste the link from the sbf image uploader if you have the link.. the link look something like this..
123456 minus the underscore
it should work..
Hi bros,
Can someone tell me how to, if possible, insert an image into a PM to another user? Thanks.
21-07-2019, 01:17 AM
Hi, I'm totally new here. Don't even know how to access inbox. How do i access my inbox and ensure that my message is sent out?
21-07-2019, 01:36 AM
Hi, I'm totally new here. Don't even know how to access inbox. How do i access my inbox and ensure that my message is sent out?
No worries, figured out myself...
21-07-2019, 10:01 AM
Thanks! most helpful post
24-07-2019, 12:01 AM
Hi all, How to delete something I posted?
Big Sexy
24-07-2019, 06:44 AM
you cant delete post/thread
Hi all, How to delete something I posted?
13-08-2019, 01:57 PM
Hi admin, can you delete my account?
13-08-2019, 02:14 PM
Is there any way to tell which post kena zap? Or can only see your points go up down only?
Big Sexy
13-08-2019, 02:48 PM
click on the User CP link somewhere near the top left corner of the page
it will show u the info of the Latest Reputation Given/Received
Is there any way to tell which post kena zap? Or can only see your points go up down only?
13-08-2019, 02:53 PM
click on the User CP link somewhere near the top left corner of the page
it will show u the info of the Latest Reputation Given/Received
Icic thanks thanks. I see which post kena alr :rolleyes:
21-08-2019, 11:12 AM
Hi all, i created a new thread on FL3 and there is really no info...just the new word "test" . How can I delete it? I also read it cannot be deleted? why?:) Appreciate any help. Thanks.
22-08-2019, 02:22 AM
How do I delete personal messages? Both the in coming mail and sent mail?
Big Sexy
22-08-2019, 07:13 AM
read here :p
How do I delete personal messages? Both the in coming mail and sent mail?
22-08-2019, 05:24 PM
Hope somebody can help me clear up the situation.
A friend of mine paid for Premium membership and thought it was sufficient to pose her services but later deleted and a message was sent by GreenTea and as it is considered advertising. She wasn't aware this was necessary and wants to make it right. my question is (1) She no longer appears on the sbf when you search for her despite being a premium member. Why? and for how long? Is there a penalty period? (2) She has already given GreenTea her contact to discuss advertising cost but there has yet to be any contact from GT? Is there again a penalty period? Just want some answers and help her out and perhaps somebody can direct me to the right thread to understand this issue better. Thanks.
Big Sexy
22-08-2019, 05:49 PM
you probably couldnt find her cos she do not have any posting in the forum ... my advise if that u sent a PM to Greentea and see what he say.. he could have miss out on your friends PM..
Hope somebody can help me clear up the situation.
A friend of mine paid for Premium membership and thought it was sufficient to pose her services but later deleted and a message was sent by GreenTea and as it is considered advertising. She wasn't aware this was necessary and wants to make it right. my question is (1) She no longer appears on the sbf when you search for her despite being a premium member. Why? and for how long? Is there a penalty period? (2) She has already given GreenTea her contact to discuss advertising cost but there has yet to be any contact from GT? Is there again a penalty period? Just want some answers and help her out and perhaps somebody can direct me to the right thread to understand this issue better. Thanks.
22-08-2019, 05:51 PM
Hope somebody can help me clear up the situation.
A friend of mine paid for Premium membership and thought it was sufficient to pose her services but later deleted and a message was sent by GreenTea and as it is considered advertising. She wasn't aware this was necessary and wants to make it right. my question is (1) She no longer appears on the sbf when you search for her despite being a premium member. Why? and for how long? Is there a penalty period? (2) She has already given GreenTea her contact to discuss advertising cost but there has yet to be any contact from GT? Is there again a penalty period? Just want some answers and help her out and perhaps somebody can direct me to the right thread to understand this issue better. Thanks.
What is her username? I can refund the membership.
22-08-2019, 06:51 PM
Thanks Big Sexy and SBF for responding so promptly. To answer both at the same time. Her Username is Xxxy. She has already posted stuff yesterday and this morning was deleted. GT has already responded by PM that she was advertising and deleted the thread and GT has asked her to provide contact which Xxx has done but has not received a call from GT to discuss ad cost. All she wants is to resume her thread and pay the appropriate ad cost. Funny is that when I searched for her, she doesn’t seem to be there. Btw, where can I find out the ad cost details? Thanks for help.
22-08-2019, 06:59 PM
Thanks Big Sexy and SBF for responding so promptly. To answer both at the same time. Her Username is Amyy. She has already posted stuff yesterday and this morning was deleted. GT has already responded by PM that she was advertising and deleted the thread and GT has asked her to provide contact which Amyy has done but has not received a call from GT to discuss ad cost. All she wants is to resume her thread and pay the appropriate ad cost. Funny is that when I searched for her, she doesn’t seem to be there. Btw, where can I find out the ad cost details? Thanks for help.
04-09-2019, 07:53 PM
Newbie here. Attempted to contact TRL from Dome 1 today for booking but was blocked.
Wondering if any bros can help out? Would be thankful for any senior here that can help out a bro.
P.S wrote a longer post in Dome 1 but didn.t realise that still needed moderator to check first.
14-09-2019, 08:53 AM
I have been reading the forum extensively since I signed up. Dont know if the senior samster will read this,
but can you guys share a little bit on how to differentiate real FR and fake FR by OKT? I read mixed reviews :confused:
18-09-2019, 09:27 AM
Hi good day to the senior members. Would like to know how I can increase my power points?
18-09-2019, 12:39 PM
I have been reading the forum extensively since I signed up. Dont know if the senior samster will read this,
but can you guys share a little bit on how to differentiate real FR and fake FR by OKT? I read mixed reviews :confused:
Trust the FRs from the reputable members. ;)
18-09-2019, 12:41 PM
Hi good day to the senior members. Would like to know how I can increase my power points?
By contributing to the forum. Original images/videos, juicy information, nice stories, tips related to sex etc.
18-09-2019, 02:44 PM
subscribed to the ticketsclub membership, tried finding "ourworld" pictures but didn't managed to do so.
wanna check whether their pictures are available via the membership as clicking on the thread, was redirected to options to sign up for the ticketsclub membership.
thanks boss.
03-10-2019, 02:23 AM
Can't seem to send PM. Tried to send a few and it showed the next page but Sent folder is empty.
Please advise. Thanks.
Big Sexy
03-10-2019, 06:55 AM
read this sticky.
Can't seem to send PM. Tried to send a few and it showed the next page but Sent folder is empty.
Please advise. Thanks.
10-10-2019, 08:34 PM
Hello! I was wondering what is the difference between the packages of DPS and the Monthly Donor one?
02-11-2019, 06:52 PM
How do I change my password?
02-11-2019, 08:03 PM
I can only post in newbie threads.
Other parts of the forum doesn't allow me to post anything.
Is this normal?
02-11-2019, 09:37 PM
I can only post in newbie threads.
Other parts of the forum doesn't allow me to post anything.
Is this normal?
Yes, you are being moderated until you are a full-fledged member.
Your post will be first reviewed by a moderator before being published
03-11-2019, 02:29 AM
Yes, you are being moderated until you are a full-fledged member.
Your post will be first reviewed by a moderator before being published
Ok, thanks for the information.
Then when or how will I know if I am approved to be a full fledged member?
03-11-2019, 06:36 AM
Hello everyone
03-11-2019, 07:10 AM
I can only post in newbie threads.
Other parts of the forum doesn't allow me to post anything.
Is this normal?
You can post in any section.
To find your posts click on your own nick....
Big Sexy
03-11-2019, 08:49 AM
click on the User CP link somewhere at the top left of the page
you should see the option
Settings & Options > Edit Email & Password
How do I change my password?
05-11-2019, 09:52 PM
click on the User CP link somewhere at the top left of the page
you should see the option
Settings & Options > Edit Email & Password
Thanks I saw it.
Previously when I was using my mobile to access it, I could find anything.
So much more user friendly when using desktop.
06-11-2019, 08:32 PM
Hi, just wondering, if RL requested for sbf nick, but give Liao, no reply. Why uh?
06-11-2019, 09:20 PM
maybe your rep not good , not everyone like to deal with newbie with no record. You need to build up your rep
Hi, just wondering, if RL requested for sbf nick, but give Liao, no reply. Why uh?
06-11-2019, 11:37 PM
maybe your rep not good , not everyone like to deal with newbie with no record. You need to build up your rep
Hi. How do I actually get my rep up? And what is actually considered a respectable level?
Big Sexy
07-11-2019, 07:43 AM
here's a thought....why dont u be more active and start posting in the forum...
surely if you have some interesting stories, experience... etc to share here.
.Hi. How do I actually get my rep up? And what is actually considered a respectable level?
08-11-2019, 01:14 AM
How do I up points/rep for someone else?
Big Sexy
08-11-2019, 07:20 AM
u will need to get out of moderation and have some rep power before u can use the rep system....
How do I up points/rep for someone else?
10-11-2019, 11:20 PM
Hey guys, whats the meaning of "red code"?
Big Sexy
11-11-2019, 07:17 AM
menstruation?? or maybe there is a fire somewhere, a warning sign?
when in doubt, i suggest u pm the user to confirm..
Hey guys, whats the meaning of "red code"?
02-12-2019, 07:41 PM
Boss, please help with how to attach photo in PM to other samster. TIA
01-01-2020, 11:07 PM
Looking in the ktv lounge/health thread... Some says they offer "facial".. Does "facial" means anything? Or does it mean "special"?
Big Sexy
02-01-2020, 06:46 AM
dont think u can do that.... i dont see that option in my pm too..
however u can try copying the url of the photo( have to be already uploaded using the sbf image feature) and paste it in the pm.. it should work..
the link will look something like this..
[s ammyboyimage]the photo number [/s ammyboyimage]
Boss, please help with how to attach photo in PM to other samster. TIA
05-01-2020, 05:29 PM
I saw my post so I should be out of the moderation queue but I just logged in andchecked and I am in moderation again. Do I just head to other sections and post my stuff, then wait when its out of the moderation queue?
Big Sexy
05-01-2020, 06:01 PM
1 post doesnt get you out of moderation. you need to be more active and post more often.
You are only out of moderation when u dont see the (M) status beside your nick anymore..
I saw my post so I should be out of the moderation queue but I just logged in andchecked and I am in moderation again. Do I just head to other sections and post my stuff, then wait when its out of the moderation queue?
15-01-2020, 01:42 AM
Hi bros. Newbie with newbie question here. What does commando/ commando sex mean?
Big Sexy
15-01-2020, 09:20 AM
probably Raw sex? sex without using any form of protection..
dangerous act.. not advisable...AVOID!
Hi bros. Newbie with newbie question here. What does commando/ commando sex mean?
21-01-2020, 10:37 AM
Hi guys, can anybody help with this, I have been here for awhile,but last time due to student and then not earning so much, chiong with budget stables dont need registration. Last year and this year got bonus and abit more money now, wanna bonk also cannot all the stable says need registration with SBF. After I get account in jan 2019, still cannot, cause have no history. Seems like no chance to book then of course no history in sbf right? Chicken and egg story. Unless I tell stories of my exGF bonk times?
Please advice or help if possible quite frustrated for awhile already.
21-01-2020, 11:15 AM
Hi guys, can anybody help with this, I have been here for awhile,but last time due to student and then not earning so much, chiong with budget stables dont need registration. Last year and this year got bonus and abit more money now, wanna bonk also cannot all the stable says need registration with SBF. After I get account in jan 2019, still cannot, cause have no history. Seems like no chance to book then of course no history in sbf right? Chicken and egg story. Unless I tell stories of my exGF bonk times?
Please advice or help if possible quite frustrated for awhile already.
This is the problem that lurkers face.
Because of the nature of the trade the OKTs are obviously very careful who they give contacts to as there is always a fear that they will be undercover cops etc.
However they make a calculated risk with those who have been participating in the forum for some time on the basis that no cop would have the time to chit chat about sex stuff for an extended period of time
You joined just over a year ago and if you had participated actively even if it is not contributing FRs you would have a track record here and chances are you'd be recognised as a genuine member of the forum.
So stop being just a lurker and start participating and take it from there. :)
Big Sexy
21-01-2020, 11:18 AM
is it not the same like in real life...
how do u deal with people u dont know and people who dont trust you in real life?
here's a suggestion...start building a reputation here.. you can start off with being more active and psot more. sharing your experience be it.. FRs, love stories , photos.. whatever u need to make people trust you...
Hi guys, can anybody help with this, I have been here for awhile,but last time due to student and then not earning so much, chiong with budget stables dont need registration. Last year and this year got bonus and abit more money now, wanna bonk also cannot all the stable says need registration with SBF. After I get account in jan 2019, still cannot, cause have no history. Seems like no chance to book then of course no history in sbf right? Chicken and egg story. Unless I tell stories of my exGF bonk times?
Please advice or help if possible quite frustrated for awhile already.
Big Sexy
21-01-2020, 11:26 AM
to add on...
for the record, you have 0 post in a year and seriously i will more worried for samsters if a OKT just accept any dicky, tommy and harry with a record like yours.....
just be more active and things will be good after a while.. good thing dont come easy and it is really just a small price to pay by being more active
is it not the same like in real life...
how do u deal with people u dont know and people who dont trust you in real life?
here's a suggestion...start building a reputation here.. you can start off with being more active and psot more. sharing your experience be it.. FRs, love stories , photos.. whatever u need to make people trust you...
26-01-2020, 08:46 PM
Thanks @Big sexy and @Sammyboyfor for the advice.
I will try to get more involved. Actually then what's to stop popo from also staying long and following your advices too? Just saying.
But I know what I have to do alr.
06-02-2020, 12:30 PM
Hi bros,
Im new. Nobody reply msgs. Can i know why?
06-02-2020, 01:33 PM
Hi bros,
Im new. Nobody reply msgs. Can i know why?
Who are you sending messages to?
06-02-2020, 06:58 PM
Hi, may I know why threads are deleted usually? I had a thread titled "Diversity Friendly FLs" in the FL Dome L and suddenly noticed it was missing. I was indenting to enlist the ladies who provide services to other races as well, as personally I found it a hard task to browse and browse only to see ladies not comfortable with my racial background.
If there is a rule I have broken, please let me know so that I can abide by the forum rules more strictly.
07-02-2020, 04:19 AM
Hi, may I know why threads are deleted usually? I had a thread titled "Diversity Friendly FLs" in the FL Dome L and suddenly noticed it was missing. I was indenting to enlist the ladies who provide services to other races as well, as personally I found it a hard task to browse and browse only to see ladies not comfortable with my racial background.
If there is a rule I have broken, please let me know so that I can abide by the forum rules more strictly.
Are the girls in the list advertised in the forum or are they from some other site?
07-02-2020, 06:54 AM
Are the girls in the list advertised in the forum or are they from some other site?
Bro all of them are listed in SBF and in the FL Dome L section.
24-02-2020, 01:08 AM
Hi I got a question for all the seniors here.
Do people usually ask for STD test results when booking FL?
Big Sexy
24-02-2020, 05:02 AM
i doubt so
Do people usually ask for STD test results when booking FL?
24-02-2020, 11:06 AM
i doubt so
If I ask will they provide?
Big Sexy
24-02-2020, 12:12 PM
i dont know.. however my advice to you is not to visit any FL if that is a concern to you.
If I ask will they provide?
24-02-2020, 01:26 PM
If I ask will they provide?
If you want to play safe I suggest you stick to fucking Geylang Whores in the legal houses as they are tested regularly and sent home if they fail.
However take note that they are only tested for a handful of diseases. Many STDs are not covered eg Herpes and Warts.
24-02-2020, 10:47 PM
Thanks for your advice boss and big sexy! I just wanted to understand the risks involved haha
26-02-2020, 12:54 AM
Hi bros.. newbie here just created my account..
Must I have a certain min points/power to be able to make bookings? Am interested to try some ladies from Dome 1.. but not sure if I'll be entertained?
26-02-2020, 01:36 AM
Hi everyone, must I be out of the "Moderation" to make bonking session?
26-02-2020, 03:39 AM
Hi everyone, must I be out of the "Moderation" to make bonking session?
It depends on the stable concerned. Some of them are suspicious of new members as they could be undercover agents. :)
26-02-2020, 10:51 AM
It depends on the stable concerned. Some of them are suspicious of new members as they could be undercover agents. :)
Hi boss... Noted on that. Thanks.
26-02-2020, 12:39 PM
It depends on the stable concerned. Some of them are suspicious of new members as they could be undercover agents. :)
Hi Laoban.. I think you also indirectly answered my question. Will do my best to be active and contribute. Cheers!
29-02-2020, 12:56 PM
Hi sorry new here but can I check, I replied to posts but my replies don't get posted. Might have missed out reading newbie rules but anyone can direct me to the right way haha >.<
29-02-2020, 01:04 PM
Hi sorry new here but can I check, I replied to posts but my replies don't get posted. Might have missed out reading newbie rules but anyone can direct me to the right way haha >.<
Hi sorry please ignore! I just saw the post about the M below the nickname. Guess I have to wait!
10-04-2020, 02:55 AM
Took me some time to read thru the whole thread.
Contributing my post to the newbie section to get out of moderation.a
11-04-2020, 12:18 PM
Hi, need help on the color and font function. Any kind souls can advise?:)
Big Sexy
11-04-2020, 01:21 PM
if you are on mobile mode , switch to full juicy version.. you will see all the options there.
Hi, need help on the color and font function. Any kind souls can advise?:)
19-04-2020, 09:56 PM
Hi guys,
New to the forum here. How can I improve my rep so I can patronise some of the domes here after the CB measures?
20-04-2020, 12:45 PM
Hi, what’s the latest website address to use for this site without the need for a vpn?
Currently using but that requires a vpn. Many thanks!
Big Sexy
20-04-2020, 01:03 PM
be more active , post some FRs, share lobangs with samsters and talk some "cock" here.
Hi guys,
New to the forum here. How can I improve my rep so I can patronise some of the domes here after the CB measures?
Big Sexy
20-04-2020, 01:04 PM
Scan this code for the latest address. Always up to date! ;)
Hi, what’s the latest website address to use for this site without the need for a vpn?
Currently using but that requires a vpn. Many thanks!
21-04-2020, 02:47 PM
Does anyone know how we can get out of the moderation (M) beside our nick?
21-04-2020, 02:58 PM
Does anyone know how we can get out of the moderation (M) beside our nick?
Just carry on participating and mod will be lifted in no time at all.
29-04-2020, 11:02 PM
Hi bros,
Decided to create a new account today, after months of browsing the forums. Would like to talk with the experts, build some rep, and jump into the action once CB is over. Hopefully June 1st is the last lol
I've used the services of an ML before, after browsing the forums. Wanted to know where I can post her FR (I kinda know the lingo now he he), cos I don't remember which page I got the info from and so thinking of posting in the main English speaking ML page.
After CB, hoping to jump into FL scenes.
04-05-2020, 03:58 AM
Hi please help, any recommendations FL in woodlands/marsiling
04-05-2020, 11:09 AM
Hi I can’t seem to post to other threads except this one for newbies.
Big Sexy
04-05-2020, 03:02 PM
if she has a thread, post it there or start your own thread.
Hi bros,
Decided to create a new account today, after months of browsing the forums. Would like to talk with the experts, build some rep, and jump into the action once CB is over. Hopefully June 1st is the last lol
I've used the services of an ML before, after browsing the forums. Wanted to know where I can post her FR (I kinda know the lingo now he he), cos I don't remember which page I got the info from and so thinking of posting in the main English speaking ML page.
After CB, hoping to jump into FL scenes.
post your questions in the relevant forum. e.g fldome
Hi please help, any recommendations FL in woodlands/marsiling
pls read the preamble... Please note that NEW MEMBERS are on moderation for a couple days in the other forums. However, this test forum is unmoderated & your posts will appear immediately. Note that you are still free to post messages in ANY section you choose but messages that you post in the other sections will not appear until they are released from the moderation queue. Your moderation period is over when the "(M)" below your nick disappears. Reputation cannot be added or deducted in this section.
NB: You cannot get out of moderation by posting in this section ONLY. You have to contribute positively in the other sections.
Hi I can’t seem to post to other threads except this one for newbies.
20-05-2020, 11:16 PM
Thanks for tips
20-05-2020, 11:36 PM
How do you go about private messaging? Unable to private message due to posts..
Big Sexy
21-05-2020, 07:06 AM
u need to get out of moderation mode first
be more active and post more to get out of moderation
How do you go about private messaging? Unable to private message due to posts..
13-06-2020, 04:38 PM
Having the same issue created acc months ago but still cannot pm
13-06-2020, 04:41 PM
Out of moderation but still unable to PM says have 0 post counts basically went everywhere to post something but still unable to pm pls help
13-06-2020, 05:06 PM
Out of moderation but still unable to PM says have 0 post counts basically went everywhere to post something but still unable to pm pls help
Posts in this section do not add to your post count. This section is for testing only.
15-06-2020, 10:46 AM
Hi, cant seem to add or deduct reputation points. Evertime i try to fill in reasons, the whole thing goes it something to do with my keyboard function?
Big Sexy
15-06-2020, 11:09 AM
you can find the answer in this thread.. :)
Hi, cant seem to add or deduct reputation points. Evertime i try to fill in reasons, the whole thing goes it something to do with my keyboard function?
21-06-2020, 11:47 AM
""Reputation spread figure is 1000 which means you have to give reputation to 1000 other members first before you can vote for a particular member again.""
Sorry boss. Referring to above, home work done but still can't find anywhere how to view what's my current Reputation spread :o.
21-06-2020, 01:38 PM
Anyone know why i can’t reply to threads? Is it my account still under moderation? Need help thx~
Big Sexy
21-06-2020, 02:29 PM
i dont think there is anyway we will know that....
""Reputation spread figure is 1000 which means you have to give reputation to 1000 other members first before you can vote for a particular member again.""
Sorry boss. Referring to above, home work done but still can't find anywhere how to view what's my current Reputation spread :o.
Big Sexy
21-06-2020, 02:31 PM
i just did a search on your post... they are all there.. to find your post, click on your username and find all post.... and please stop making duplicate post.... those post are filtered out by the system as spam and wont appear.
Anyone know why i can’t reply to threads? Is it my account still under moderation? Need help thx~
25-06-2020, 10:33 AM
I seem to come across several posts that asks for DM.
I know PM is Personal Message, but what is DM?
27-06-2020, 05:33 PM
Hi I cannot send pms?
27-06-2020, 05:34 PM
Nor can i post in forums?
27-06-2020, 06:09 PM
Hi I cannot send pms?
Yes you can.
27-06-2020, 06:09 PM
Nor can i post in forums?
Yes you can you've just done it twice.
30-06-2020, 03:17 PM
Why cant i see pic?
30-06-2020, 05:21 PM
Why cant i see pic?
Perhaps you need glasses. :p
01-07-2020, 11:39 AM
How do i clear my inbox? I do not have an option to delete. (Using mobile btw)
01-07-2020, 12:19 PM
How do i clear my inbox? I do not have an option to delete. (Using mobile btw)
I will add the feature if possible. In the meantime please go to "full juicy version" to delete your messages. :)
01-07-2020, 12:39 PM
Wow! That helps! Thanks so much
04-07-2020, 08:18 PM
Hi bros. I'm new here. I can't seem to post questions on local massage sticky thread. Did I do something wrong?
Edit: Nvm it appears now. Sorry for bothering you bros
Big Sexy
05-07-2020, 11:12 AM
click on your username to find all your post.. and note that duplicated post are filtered from the system... :)
Hi bros. I'm new here. I can't seem to post questions on local massage sticky thread. Did I do something wrong?
Edit: Nvm it appears now. Sorry for bothering you bros
06-07-2020, 06:41 AM
Wow! That helps! Thanks so much
I have added the delete PMs function to the mobile skin.
09-07-2020, 03:00 AM
Hi I posted 2 posts on the Orchard Towers Forums and apparently the 1st pic is a wrong girl on the photo. How do I edit the pictures out? Because the girl in question is currently distressed and wants the photo to be taken down immediately.
And this one as well
15-07-2020, 02:01 PM
Hello Admin, my account is Pink color word (not activated), where can find the resend email button to my email to activate my account.
Thank you.
Big Sexy
15-07-2020, 02:06 PM
i see your account is already activated and unmoderated ...there is no need to activate it again..
Hello Admin, my account is Pink color word (not activated), where can find the resend email button to my email to activate my account.
Thank you.
15-07-2020, 03:12 PM
i see your account is already activated and unmoderated ...there is no need to activate it again..
Hello Big Sexy, it is another account which is unactivated thus I could not send out messages or post anything online. The account goes as 5cimitar
Big Sexy
15-07-2020, 03:51 PM
check the junk mail box... the email could be there.... if all fails.. try using this link
Hello Big Sexy, it is another account which is unactivated thus I could not send out messages or post anything online. The account goes as 5cimitar
15-07-2020, 08:27 PM
Big thanks to BIG SEXY for helping me activate my account.
16-07-2020, 04:46 PM
Hi everyone, I tried to start a new thread and commented on some other threads but it doesn’t show. Even after refresh.. any idea why?
Hi bros, joined last year but still somewhat new to lots of things.
Want to ask how the point exchange threads work. I know how to add points to people but i see everyone in those threads are able to up more than one point to a person. Can anyone teach me how to do that please?
Big Sexy
17-07-2020, 12:25 PM
for normal members
rep point you can give equal rep power you have....
rep point you can deduct equal half of the rep power you have....
e.g if you have a rep power of 4 you can only give rep points of 4 and deduct about 2 points off the other member....
also read this thread on how to get more rep power..
Hi bros, joined last year but still somewhat new to lots of things.
Want to ask how the point exchange threads work. I know how to add points to people but i see everyone in those threads are able to up more than one point to a person. Can anyone teach me how to do that please?
for normal members
rep point you can give equal rep power you have....
rep point you can deduct equal half of the rep power you have....
e.g if you have a rep power of 4 you can only give rep points of 4 and deduct about 2 points off the other member....
also read this thread on how to get more rep power..
ooooh okok got it. Thank you bro big sexy! :)
08-08-2020, 04:31 PM
Hi guys, newbie here. Just tried booking and gt turned away bcos no newbies. 😭.. How do you even start to 'not be a newbie'? And just curious how do OKTs know if you are newbie or not? Sorry in advance if have been asked many times alr.
08-08-2020, 08:11 PM
Hi guys, newbie here. Just tried booking and gt turned away bcos no newbies. 😭.. How do you even start to 'not be a newbie'? And just curious how do OKTs know if you are newbie or not? Sorry in advance if have been asked many times alr.
Is there a way to edit or delete my posts?
10-08-2020, 10:37 PM
Just noticed that there isn't a dark theme/skin option for the forum; having one would be quite useful for evening to night-time browsing. Thanks!
11-08-2020, 12:54 PM
Can someone explain the points, power and rep system in summary? What is the importance of these things actually? Also, i noticed my points are dropping and am unsure why
Big Sexy
11-08-2020, 01:35 PM
try the kiwi black theme and see if u like it..
the option to change the theme is somewhere at the bottom left of the index page if u are using a PC
Just noticed that there isn't a dark theme/skin option for the forum; having one would be quite useful for evening to night-time browsing. Thanks!
Big Sexy
11-08-2020, 01:41 PM
what u need to know abt the rep points and power can be found in this sticky..
just like in real life ...some people value the rep points more than others.. it isnt the end of the world if u have neg does however help u easily in getting contacts and making new friends.. nobody like to deal with dodgy characters with a low reputation.
Can someone explain the points, power and rep system in summary? What is the importance of these things actually? Also, i noticed my points are dropping and am unsure why
11-08-2020, 05:01 PM
try the kiwi black theme and see if u like it..
the option to change the theme is somewhere at the bottom left of the index page if u are using a PC
Everyone wants night mode nowadays but it would be a hell of a lot of work to incorporate a night theme which syncs with the phone's night mode settings.
VB3 is an obsolete platform but I can't upgrade it because the whole foundation of this forum was built on it especially the rep system and the seniority of the members.
If I upgraded and imported the database the date joined may reset for everyone and the rep system would have to be discarded.
12-08-2020, 11:05 PM
Testing 123
14-08-2020, 07:09 PM
How come can't post anything or pm people..? Already more than 48hours..
15-08-2020, 02:55 PM
try the kiwi black theme and see if u like it..
the option to change the theme is somewhere at the bottom left of the index page if u are using a PC
Everyone wants night mode nowadays but it would be a hell of a lot of work to incorporate a night theme which syncs with the phone's night mode settings.
VB3 is an obsolete platform but I can't upgrade it because the whole foundation of this forum was built on it especially the rep system and the seniority of the members.
If I upgraded and imported the database the date joined may reset for everyone and the rep system would have to be discarded.
Thanks, guys!
15-08-2020, 10:55 PM
hi.. i'm new here, trying to get out of moderation.
what does it mean to contribute positively in other forums..? what if i don't have any content to share :(
17-08-2020, 10:18 PM
I seem to come across several posts that asks for DM.
I know PM is Personal Message, but what is DM?
DM could mean Direct Message
10-09-2020, 01:35 PM
Hi guys, newbie here. Just tried booking and gt turned away bcos no newbies. 😭.. How do you even start to 'not be a newbie'?
Your guess is as good as mine... Im also not 100% sure how moderation works. According to the newbie’s guide, it’s supposed to take between 2-48 hrs. But Garudannn has been moderated for 3 weeks?
Also, “you cannot get out of moderation by posting in the newbie section only.” But newbies are advised not to post in the regular forum, so I’m not sure. I’m guessing to escape graveyard, post in the Regular forum so that mods can vet. Can anyone confirm? Thanks!
10-09-2020, 01:37 PM
Is there a way to edit or delete my posts?
Only mods or admin can edit/delete posts. PM them to request, but don’t anyhow lah.
Big Sexy
10-09-2020, 01:45 PM
pls read all the stickies in the newbie section.. esp this one
2. If reputation points drop to 0 or less, moderation starts.
and where do u hear that newbies are advised not to post in the regular forum??? the preamble says
NB: You cannot get out of moderation by posting in this section ONLY. You have to contribute positively in the other sections.
Your guess is as good as mine... Im also not 100% sure how moderation works. According to the newbie’s guide, it’s supposed to take between 2-48 hrs. But Garudannn has been moderated for 3 weeks?
Also, “you cannot get out of moderation by posting in the newbie section only.” But newbies are advised not to post in the regular forum, so I’m not sure. I’m guessing to escape graveyard, post in the Regular forum so that mods can vet. Can anyone confirm? Thanks!
12-09-2020, 11:15 AM
Can someone enlighten me which are the zap free zones?
Big Sexy
12-09-2020, 12:46 PM
What is wrong with posting in the other sections?
We should all be make posting in the most relevant section..(.e.g .health matters in the health section) and not just dump every post in the zap free section.....if you worried about being unfairly mass zapped..... use the report feature...i am sure the admins will look into it.... just play within the rules and you will be fine..
here are some rules on the rep systems.... those who abuse it will be punished accordingly....please read it when u have the time.
Can someone enlighten me which are the zap free zones?
13-09-2020, 11:36 AM
What is wrong with posting in the other sections?
We should all be make posting in the most relevant section..(.e.g .health matters in the health section) and not just dump every post in the zap free section.....if you worried about being unfairly mass zapped..... use the report feature...i am sure the admins will look into it.... just play within the rules and you will be fine..
here are some rules on the rep systems.... those who abuse it will be punished accordingly....please read it when u have the time.
Do not understand how you just jumped to the conclusion you did. I made no note about unfair zapping or reluctance to post in the various sections. In fact i have posted in many sections, domes whatever without ever having a thought about mass zapping or what lol. As a participant in this forum i am interested to learn more and just curious to know besides Adult Discussions what other sections may be similarly zap free. I tried to look it up but its hard to locate with no dedicated FAQ.
Big Sexy
13-09-2020, 01:01 PM
was just saying.. anyway to answer your far as i am aware... the only section which is really zap free will be the newbie section...
there are so called "traps" in some sections which if the admin wanted all to know would have put it in the preamble....they probably have their reasons for not doing so... but you can always explore on your own...:)
Do not understand how you just jumped to the conclusion you did. I made no note about unfair zapping or reluctance to post in the various sections. In fact i have posted in many sections, domes whatever without ever having a thought about mass zapping or what lol. As a participant in this forum i am interested to learn more and just curious to know besides Adult Discussions what other sections may be similarly zap free. I tried to look it up but its hard to locate with no dedicated FAQ.
19-09-2020, 01:28 PM
Thanks for the guide
06-10-2020, 10:07 AM
I don't understand that I still can't send PMs and Post. How long usually do I have to wait?
Big Sexy
06-10-2020, 12:03 PM
get out of moderation mode first..
you are out of moderation mode when the M (Samster (M) under your nick disappear.
I don't understand that I still can't send PMs and Post. How long usually do I have to wait?
08-10-2020, 03:30 PM
Hi, how can we get people in this forum to delete photos?
Big Sexy
08-10-2020, 03:53 PM
please read the preamble...
If you've seen something on the net that has given you an instant hard on, share it with the rest of us in this section. [Notice : No rape, bestiality, incest, UPSKIRTS!, SNIPES!, underage material (including simulations), depictions of death, or material that infringes copyright laws. Report Infringements to the Moderator]
Please note that none of the images here are stored on the forum server as attachment uploading is disabled. All the images that are displayed are hotlinked from external servers that I have no control over. I am unable to remove images at source as they are NOT on my server. However, I can remove and censor the links to inappropriate material. ADULTS ONLY!
Hi, how can we get people in this forum to delete photos?
10-10-2020, 11:10 PM
Wondering if we can sell some of our used lingerie in this forum?
21-10-2020, 12:20 PM
Thanks for this thread. I'm not sure why it took me a while to find this.
I went to the FAQ but it kept linking to the legacy FAQ which isn't there anymore. Perhaps it can be updated to link to this thread?
Just a suggestion...
22-10-2020, 12:21 PM
Hi , I tried to post under Swinger Thread twice already but I did not see my post. Is there anything I missed?
26-10-2020, 02:20 PM
hi, I am wanting to get a membership and a little confused between the 3 membership levels. What is the difference between DPS premium membership and monthly donor? Also, it says for one off payment contact 'me' for special privileges package... what is this?
thanks for your help and looking forward to joining :)
Lord of Sex
26-10-2020, 02:37 PM
dps is premium membership and your rep power is x 2.
other premium membership priv is listed in the premium membership thread.
2 type of donorships, one is for lifetime and the other is monthly.
re power is x 3. and enjoy everything a premium member enjoy plus more
the contact me for special priv package is as stated. You need to contact boss sam to discuss the generous priv offer but it is only for long term and big donorship. hint, i am an example of special priv from boss because i donate more than the required sum. :)
hi, I am wanting to get a membership and a little confused between the 3 membership levels. What is the difference between DPS premium membership and monthly donor? Also, it says for one off payment contact 'me' for special privileges package... what is this?
thanks for your help and looking forward to joining :)
26-10-2020, 03:09 PM
dps is premium membership and your rep power is x 2.
other premium membership priv is listed in the premium membership thread.
2 type of donorships, one is for lifetime and the other is monthly.
re power is x 3. and enjoy everything a premium member enjoy plus more
the contact me for special priv package is as stated. You need to contact boss sam to discuss the generous priv offer but it is only for long term and big donorship. hint, i am an example of special priv from boss because i donate more than the required sum. :)
legend. thank you :D
26-10-2020, 03:17 PM
I just joined and did one time donation. During sign up it says 99 years is the subscription length but how come when i log in it says expiry 02 - 01 - 2038?
28-10-2020, 01:35 PM
Your submission could not be processed because a security token was missing.
If this occurred unexpectedly, please inform the administrator and describe the action you performed before you received this error
Got the above message while trying to upload image throught the "LOAD PICS" Icon.
28-10-2020, 03:57 PM
I just joined and did one time donation. During sign up it says 99 years is the subscription length but how come when i log in it says expiry 02 - 01 - 2038?
Because of the limit in the forum calendar. It does not extend beyond that date.
06-11-2020, 09:26 PM
Hi Mod, consultant and Sammyboyfor, may I know what is the below script for? Below indicated query - “Is user a mod of any forum?” :confused:
07-11-2020, 01:42 AM
Without the debug info it is not possible to debug problems so i need the info for the time being.
Hi Mod, consultant and Sammyboyfor, may I know what is the below script for? Below indicated query - “Is user a mod of any forum?” :confused:
10-12-2020, 01:20 AM
boss, how do I delete some of my posts? I am unable to do so.
Big Sexy
10-12-2020, 10:05 AM
see if you can edit those post..... if it cannot be done then drop the mod or boss sam a PM ( remember to put a reason for the request)
boss, how do I delete some of my posts? I am unable to do so.
13-12-2020, 04:28 PM
Testing the post functionality. I guess my account is prevented from posted In other forums until a few days has passed?
16-12-2020, 01:52 PM
Hello, today when I log in, I found myself struggling to log in just to realized my account name has been changed =,=
Does anyone have any idea how to change my account name?
16-12-2020, 04:41 PM
MA;20376234']Hello, today when I log in, I found myself struggling to log in just to realized my account name has been changed =,=
Does anyone have any idea how to change my account name?
Well its obvious you created your account to try to troll me.
So guess what? :D
20-12-2020, 01:42 AM
Well its obvious you created your account to try to troll me.
So guess what? :D
I don't like to feed trolls.
Blocking you for good.
20-12-2020, 02:06 AM
MA;20382054']I don't like to feed trolls.
Blocking you for good.
Lol, very funny. You created your account to troll me, even used my avatar image and tried to use the same nick spelling. Your account got changed by the mods after I complained to them. Sammyboss highlighted to me you used a hidden text in your nick to get by registration, so guess what? They know all about you liao.:D
Also, I'm sure the mods will know what your original accounts are, since you upped yourself by 12 points, then 10 points. Very dumb - did you check who viewed your public profile? GreenTea the SuperMod right? :rolleyes:
So who's the troll? A brand new account copying a 6 year Premium account? :D
06-01-2021, 08:11 AM
Wat is consider or count as a post?
Replying to or requesting for ctc in ts post?
Creating a new thread?
Or by posting fr Mr in thread?
04-02-2021, 10:41 AM
Yo guys. Long time since I used telegram, can anyone here teach me how to bypass the blocked channels? Last time, I just used Android system and it will be auto unblock, but now when I login, it become blocked. Thanks in advance
04-02-2021, 05:08 PM
Yo guys. Long time since I used telegram, can anyone here teach me how to bypass the blocked channels? Last time, I just used Android system and it will be auto unblock, but now when I login, it become blocked. Thanks in advance
Have you tried using web telegram?
04-02-2021, 05:08 PM
Wat is consider or count as a post?
Replying to or requesting for ctc in ts post?
Creating a new thread?
Or by posting fr Mr in thread?
A post is a post it does not matter where or how it is posted. :p
06-02-2021, 04:57 PM
Can any kind bro pm me telegram channel for leaks pls
08-02-2021, 05:46 PM
So giving my SBF nick to VP premium is ok or not ?
How do I PM them ? Do I have to have paid for an account ? Says I need to make one post before I can do that ?
can someone explain?
10-03-2021, 07:27 PM
Question 12 How to put Samster on the ignore list?
Don;t like a particular samster????? Don't want to see his/her message? Put them on the ignore list then...there are 3 ways to do it.
Note: you won't see their message after you put them in your ignore list, but you can still see the post.
You also wont be able to add a moderator or admin to your ignore list :)
Method 1
Step 1
1. click on the Usercp link
Step 2
2. Select "edit ignore ist".
Step 3
3. Enter the username you wish to ignore and then click "ok".
Method 2
Step 1
click on nick you want to add to your ignore list, from the drop down menu , select
select Add "user" to your ignore list.
Step 2 click yes to confirm the action when prompted
you should received a confirmation message if the user is successfully added to your ignore list. e.g "Username" has now been successfully added to your ignore list. You will now be returned to where you were"
Method 3
An ignore button has been added to all post. Click on it and the forumer of the post will be added to your ignore list.
Here is how to remove the user from your ignore list.
Step 1 Go to any post of the user you wish to remove from your ignore list.
Step 2 click on the link "remove user from ignore list" and confirm the actions.
Step 3 you will get a confirmation message that user has been remove from your ignore list.
Testing 123...
08-04-2021, 01:56 PM
Testing 123
09-04-2021, 05:27 PM
testing post:)
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