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Big Sexy
19-04-2006, 09:22 AM
updated on 26 jan 2016

Hi Newbies..
A warm welcome to you all...Should you have any questions with regards to the usage of the forum ..... please post it here....
Before we begin.... Click on the link below
posting and you (funny - forums newbie instruction video) - flash (http://gprime.net/flash.php/postingandyou)

*** Important Message - Click here to read it (http://www.sammyboyforum.com/newbie-issues-say-hi-testing-tech-stuff/58035-protecting-your-identity-personal-info.html). ********************

Questions Summary

Question 1 How to Add or Deduct reputation points..

Question 2 Picture cannot be display?????

Question 3 newbie guide on posting pictures from other site

Question 4 How to share big movie.

Question 5 Who can edit or remove post

Question 6 how to delete account
Question 7 WHO is the boss????

Question 8 How to logout?

Question 9 How to clear cookies in your browser?

Question 10 How to reply to a post?

Question 11 How to type special characters... e.g ¼ and not 1/4

Question 12 How to put samster on the ignore list?

Question 13 How come the system keeps Logging me OUT!

Question 14 How to start a new thread

Question 15 How to send a PM

Question 16 How to reply PM

Question 17 Rep points and power ?

Question 18 How to add/edit a signature?

Question 19 Questions on child porno

Question 20 How to subscribe to a thread

Question 21 Learn more about reputation points.

Question 22 read this post before you upload picture to tinypic.com, imageshack etc

Question 23 Why i cannot see my post in the other section

Question 24 Mass Zapping and zapping with vulgarity remarks, what you can do about it?

Question 25 Which website to use to upload pictures to, so that i can share it here??

Question 26 How to upload images from your PC to the forum

Question 27 How do I access "Pictures of our Sexual Escapades (PRIVATE SECTION)" with an verotel account?

Question 28 I cannot view some of the video after i have downloaded them

Question 29 How to Change my Email and Password

Question 30 Advertisements in the forum
click here to contact the Super moderators (http://www.sammyboyforum.com/showgroups.php)

Question 31 Definitions of Abbreviations & Acronyms use here

Question 32 All you need to know about this forum
Sam's Forums FAQ Rev 18 (http://www.sammyboy.com/legacy/forumfaq.html)

Question 33 starting a poll

Question 34 How to rate a thread?

Question 35 How to add a user as a friend?

Question 36 I am a newbie, why cant i post/contribute???

********Click here to view more help******* (http://www.sammyboyforum.com/showpost.php?p=4171500&postcount=861)

Big Sexy
19-04-2006, 09:27 AM
Question 1 How to add or deduct reputation points..

Step 1
Select the post that you want to add to or deduct points from.
There is a 2 days grace period, Points cannot be awarded or deducted after that.
Please also note that points cannot be awarded/deducted in the newbie and soccer talk forum.

Step 2
Look for the reputation button on the right of the post. it looks like this.

Step 3
move your mouse pointer to the reputation icon and you will see the word "add to so and so reputation" Click on the icon

Step 4
After you have click on the reputation icon. you will see this window..
click on approve to add points
click on disapprove to deduct the points

Big Sexy
19-04-2006, 09:35 AM
Question 2 Picture cannot be display

if i am not wrong....the link you post is a referral...that means... it points to another location to extract the picture.... that is why it cannot be display... i stand to be correct...

Hi can anyone help.
i already paste the /[img] betwe the picture link and it still cannot be display?


Big Sexy
19-04-2006, 09:38 AM
Question 3 newbie guide on posting pictures from other sites

Step 1 - Go to the website where your picture is..........right click and select properties on the picture you want to display here.


Step 2 - Use your mouse and highlight the addresses ( URL) See image below
After that right click and select 'copy'

Step 3 Come back to this forum
Click on the image button and paste your link into the box provided
and click "ok"


Big Sexy
19-04-2006, 11:01 AM
Question 4 How to share a file (e.g movie)?

There are afew ways in which you can share a file, here are some of the methods.

1. You can either install a web server in your pc and then share your files thru FTP from there.. try using IIS( Internet Information Services) which comes with windows xp ... for win98 use pws...

2. Install apache server into your pc and share the files from there..

3. The most easy way is to subscribe some web space... there are load of it.. do a search on web hosting services and look at their plans.. chose one which give you the best value... just make sure it comes with a control panel..

GOt some videos that're 200mb and above, however i cant find any good way to share them out.

Have tried websites like Megaupload however the upload speed is slow! 4kB/s.

Whats worst sometimes the uploading just hang there after 10hours!

Is there a more trustworthy site? No torrent becase i find it unsafe.

Big Sexy
19-04-2006, 11:08 AM
Question 5 Who can edit or remove post?

Only sam and his appointed moderator(s) can edit/remove posts...
you can pm sam or his moderators if you need to edit your post... but make sure it is justifiable
Don't ask them to edit just because of typing error...

you can find the admin and the moderators here

Beside sam, are there anybody senior member who can enter somebody's post and do edit? I need help to edit some content on something i have posted.


Big Sexy
19-04-2006, 11:12 AM
Question 6 how to delete account

Only the admin can do that...

i know this is a stupid qn.
but i just lke to ask.
hw do i delete acct?

Question 7 WHO is the boss????

You need to be ZAP if you don;t know who the boss of this forum is.
For the record.. the boss of this forum uses the nick sammyboyfor

mind me asking what is boss nick? or how to pm him?

Big Sexy
19-04-2006, 11:30 AM
Question 8 How to logout?

To logout, click on the logout link on the top right hand corner of the page.
See image


hi peeps...ever since i log into this forum...i cant log out anymore..:( click many times log out but when go back again im still there...wats wrong huh?

Big Sexy
19-04-2006, 11:33 AM
Question 9 How to clear cookies in your browser?

if you are using IE...
Step 1 On the Toolbar...click on tools and then select internet options

Step 2 click on the 'delete' option.

Step 3 click on the 'delete all' option.

eat liao n all cookies clear liao still cannot leh

Big Sexy
19-04-2006, 12:56 PM
Question 10 How to reply to a post?

Step 1. Go to the post that you want to reply.
remember not to quote the whole post unnecessarily

Step 2 Click on the "quote" button

Step 3 reply to the post and then click on the submit button.. Warning! "Do not post the whole message or you might be zapped".

Big Sexy
19-04-2006, 05:12 PM
Question 11 How to type special characters... e.g ¼ and not 1/4

Step 1

PRESS and HOLD down the ALT key on your keyboard.. then press 171 while holding the alt key... you will get ½. make sure the ALT is press down...

HOld down the Alt key again and press 172.. and u will get ¼


Wat is asciiiii code? :confused:
teach me leh, please ..

Big Sexy
20-04-2006, 12:14 PM
Question 12 How to put Samster on the ignore list?

Don;t like a particular samster????? Don't want to see his/her message? Put them on the ignore list then...there are 3 ways to do it.
Note: you won't see their message after you put them in your ignore list, but you can still see the post.
You also wont be able to add a moderator or admin to your ignore list :)

Method 1
Step 1
1. click on the Usercp link

Step 2
2. Select "edit ignore ist".

Step 3
3. Enter the username you wish to ignore and then click "ok".

Method 2
Step 1
click on nick you want to add to your ignore list, from the drop down menu , select
select Add "user" to your ignore list.

Step 2 click yes to confirm the action when prompted
you should received a confirmation message if the user is successfully added to your ignore list. e.g "Username" has now been successfully added to your ignore list. You will now be returned to where you were"


Method 3
An ignore button has been added to all post. Click on it and the forumer of the post will be added to your ignore list.


Here is how to remove the user from your ignore list.

Step 1 Go to any post of the user you wish to remove from your ignore list.

Step 2 click on the link "remove user from ignore list" and confirm the actions.

Step 3 you will get a confirmation message that user has been remove from your ignore list.

how do i put my gay partner wastpastprime in my ignore list

Big Sexy
04-05-2006, 02:21 PM
Question 13 How come the system keeps Logging me OUT! .

Step 1
Always remember to ticked " remember me" when you sign in.

Why is it when I click post, the dammed message always ask me to log in and then said.... u do not have to permision, or yr account deactivated.

Big Sexy
04-05-2006, 02:28 PM
Question 14 How to Start a new thread

Step 1 Select the correct forum you want to post your thread.
Step 2 Click on the 'New Thread' button somewhere on the top left of the page



Big Sexy
04-05-2006, 02:51 PM
Question 15 How to send a PM

Step 1 Select the user you want to send pm to.
Step 2. Right Click and chose the send a private message option

Step 3 Enter your message and click 'submit message' when done

Big Sexy
04-05-2006, 02:54 PM
Question 16 How to reply a PM

Step 1 Click on the private message link to view all incoming message

Step 2 All incoming messages are display here

Step 3 Click on the message you want to read and reply.

Step 4 Reply the message and click the 'submit' button

Big Sexy
15-05-2006, 09:09 AM
Question 18 How to add signature

Note : with effect from 5 Oct 2011(server time)
those under moderation will not be able to create a signature
you need to get out of moderation before you can have a signature

Step 1 Click on the User CP link on the top left corner of the page.

Step 2 Click on the Edit signature link

Step 3/4 Type your signature and then click on the 'save signature' button

Big Sexy
20-05-2006, 08:21 AM
Question 19 Posting underage child porno.

it is an OFFENCE to do that. read this post.

09-06-2006, 09:45 AM
Can't see any pics ?

It may be due to certain reasons....in my opinion if u cant see the pictures, it means:

1) there are no pictures
2) the link is already dead
3) you have no access to it due to membership reasons

most likely your problem can be answered using (3).

Go to: http://www.sammyboy.com/originalpixrules.html an perhaps u will understand more...

Big Sexy
17-06-2006, 09:11 AM
Question 21 Learn more about reputation points.

How do i know who 'up' or 'negged' my points?

You will not know who 'up' or "neg" your points unless the user identify himself

to see your user comment. Do this.

Step 1 Click on the Usercp
Step 2 All record are there.

Green button indicates "Approval"
Red button indicates "Disapproval"
Grey button means the giver is not qualified to give/deduct any points yet

Big Sexy
28-06-2006, 01:18 PM
wowlauer..Ahpek DNAT... here hor.. really need to spoonfeed wan...

ok let me explain more......what i mean is.. if you use imageshack and related hosting services ( e.g tinypic.com)... there is a clause under the term of services which says the following is not allowed..

"Files that are pedophiliac. This includes, but is not limited to, persons under the age of 18 either posing as "models" or taking part in otherwise sexually implicit or explicit situations." and your IP is logged... All images are reviewed. No nudity or offensive images
(xx.xxx.xx.xxx logged) that number is your IP address. and u can be tracked..

Dont believe just goto http://www.tinypic.com/ and see if you see the message there or not with your IP captured..

to get around with it... you either use Anonymous Surfing (e.g)http://www.anonymization.net/

or better still....... chose a website which allows u to host adult contents material....

I got bottom-less pictures, can intro a website for me to post?

28-06-2006, 08:43 PM
Bro Big Sexy,

First of all thanks for this thread that allows me to post questions.

I don' think I remember reading in any thread that if choose a nick like Anti_Vice will kana zap. Hahahaha.

I think two samsters take offence to my nick bcos they did not leave anything behind leh. I cannot think of a name so I thought it was funny to have a nick like Anti_Vice. Hahahaha

Ok getting long-winded liao. My question is with my nick like Anti_Vice, when I pm samsters for contact, will I get it ? Hahaha

Please don't zap me if I ask in the wrong thread.


Big Sexy
30-06-2006, 11:48 AM
people zap for a reason... with your nick.. getting zap is immientent.. it is just human nature... do remember that there are OKTs in this forum..

btw i see you have 14 points.. and have check your posts too.. don;t think u deserved the points though to be honest..

as for whether u can get contacts from PMing samsters.. i don;t know.. but u can narrow it down to 3 possibilities.. being ignore , or kenna zap again and the other is of course u get the contact..

Bro Big Sexy,

Ok getting long-winded liao. My question is with my nick like Anti_Vice, when I pm samsters for contact, will I get it ? Hahaha

Please don't zap me if I ask in the wrong thread.


02-07-2006, 05:23 PM
y my post only appear here but nt other places? when i tried to post?

Why don't you visit your friendly optician....


Big Sexy
03-07-2006, 08:39 AM
so long as your system is connected to a network... u can be tracked down.. they could also block you from surfing certain website if they want...preventing them from checking on you??????

yes it could be done if you know how to remove those system/network policies/security from your PC... but you would have disabled the network and would be found out sooner or later... you really shouldnt be surfing the net when you are working..

i was wondering if the IT department would noe who had surfed which websites and such if this is possible, is there anyway to prevent the IT dept from finding out?

What "stuff" are you referring to? those in the private section??? to download "stuff" in the private section, please read the membership requirements member (http://www.sammyboy.com/originalpixrules.html).. for all other "stuff" .. do what boss has told you to do.. :D

how can i download stuff from here?

Big Sexy
17-07-2006, 09:10 PM
Big Sam once said before that we cannot zap and put other people nick..will lead to moderation..also you got zap more than 10 times in a day.. you might want to Pm the boss and ask him to look into the matter..

Let's say i got power to zap somebody. I zap that bugger and leave someone's else nick to sabo him, can or not ? What is the penalty ?

I ask because Sinfulman zap me twice. Obviously one of them is fake:-

Big Sexy
02-08-2006, 09:46 AM

check this out before you start posting in the forum.......turn on the vol


13-08-2006, 12:30 AM
Thank you for the info.. very helpful to a newbie like me.

Blue Sky
13-08-2006, 06:50 PM
Read and thanks for the information.

13-08-2006, 08:17 PM
Yr information s nice and plenty ..But I wanna know "report bad post", tht is not in yr help information ...

how " report bad post" punish damage backstagger ?

I like to know ... Thanks ...

15-08-2006, 02:53 AM
Hi there,

my actual ID is :rudd1234 .now using my buddy's id as i couldnt submit any posting.What happen is that a couple of months ago, after i changed my password,i realised that some of the features are no longer accessible my my ID e.g search and new post... I can only view posting right now

Can you help...:)

Big Sexy
15-08-2006, 11:29 AM
when you report a bad post with a valid reason....... It is like you are sending a PM to Sam... he will do the necessary actions deem fit then.... be it to delete the thread/ close it or deducted some points, etc..

how " report bad post" punish damage backstagger ?

Big Sexy
15-08-2006, 11:32 AM
hmm.. your account should be a active one....hence if you can login.. you should be able to post.. your last login was on Last Activity: Today 02:49 AM

if you really cannot post.... then do Pm sam and see what he can do...maybe need to reactivate your account...

Hi there,

my actual ID is :rudd1234 .now using my buddy's id as i couldnt submit any posting.What happen is that a couple of months ago, after i changed my password,i realised that some of the features are no longer accessible my my ID e.g search and new post... I can only view posting right now

Can you help...:)

16-08-2006, 04:56 AM
what is sam's ID so i can pm him.thks

Big Sexy
16-08-2006, 10:24 AM
holy cow... you just post the question of the decade.. let's see...

hmm... try here.:D

what is sam's ID so i can pm him.thks

16-08-2006, 02:05 PM
thanks bro big sexy for ur effory and help.really appreciate it very much:)

16-08-2006, 09:24 PM

How i delete my threadstarter or transfer mty thread into other places ?


17-08-2006, 02:59 PM
How do I access "Pictures of our Sexual Escapades (PRIVATE SECTION)". When I click on the image files, I have the error "you do not have permission to access this page. This could be due to one of several reasons."

any big brother's assistance will be appreciated.

Big Sexy
21-08-2006, 08:46 AM
only sam and his moderator(s) can do that.

How i delete my threadstarter or transfer mty thread into other places ?

Big Sexy
21-08-2006, 08:49 AM
Read the comments on the forum...

"This is a Private Section where we trade pix of our sexcapades with wives, girlfriends & broads.To gain access, pls read the membership requirements (http://www.sammyboy.com/originalpixrules.html). Dear Malaysians, If your credit card does not work with Verotel but you have a paypal account,contact me via email and I will do my best to arrange for your access to these contents!"

if boss read this... he would have zap you..

How do I access "Pictures of our Sexual Escapades (PRIVATE SECTION)". When I click on the image files, I have the error "you do not have permission to access this page. This could be due to one of several reasons."

any big brother's assistance will be appreciated.

Emperor Red
26-08-2006, 11:01 AM
info appericated.now i know who to look for to get rep pts...kekekekeke

26-08-2006, 10:05 PM
Hi...could someone advise where to find big-sized fleshy women who love to wear tight and short mini-skirts? I like to have fun and sexual activities with them like touching their bum and breasts, etc....

Big Sexy
27-08-2006, 09:25 AM
damn it...how on earth do you want me to answer this question... i am not even a pimp.... try the health centres....
next question please.

Hi...could someone advise where to find big-sized fleshy women who love to wear tight and short mini-skirts? I like to have fun and sexual activities with them like touching their bum and breasts, etc....

27-08-2006, 11:04 AM
Hi...could someone advise where to find big-sized fleshy women who love to wear tight and short mini-skirts? I like to have fun and sexual activities with them like touching their bum and breasts, etc....

Go to Orchard road when you are free and scan the place for girls that fit your description. When you do see one, walk up to her and squeeze her buns and her titties.

If she likes you, she'll go to bed with you.

04-09-2006, 08:52 AM
i tried posting but cant see my messages. i think i can give a lot of info for those visting cebu or mla since i lived there for 3 yrs.

Big Sexy
05-09-2006, 09:32 AM
Which website to use to upload pictures to??

you can now use our own SBF image uploader. to upload your photos.
here is how to do it.

No, Do not use file hosting site like tinypic etc
your pictures get deleted or block by these site if it violates the rules (porno etc ).. did you read the terms and conditions in those website??

"Your IP address will be blocked and reported to your Internet Service Provider." source from

try using this indeed..

adult images allowed...... and they are a free image hosting provider that allow you to earn $$ with your images. You will earn cash for every visitor that views your galleries/images. :)




wonder whr to upload pic? any1?

Big Sexy
11-09-2006, 09:50 AM
i am greatly amazed, you don;t know how to upload a picture to the forum and yet can have a avatar. anyway this is for the benefit of others as well.

How to upload images from your PC to the forum

Please use the SBF image uploader to share your photos
it is fast,easy to use and safe
here is how to use it

Sorry if I appear stupid but
how do I upload an image from my computer?


02-10-2006, 11:55 AM
one more question, what is that points and power for?

Status symbol.

Big Sexy
03-10-2006, 02:59 PM
wasn;t that what i just said.....

at the rate your rep points is going down... you will never get out of moderation.. read the stickies... espically this one...
http://www.sammyboyforum.com/showpost.php?p=1596974&postcount=120 (turn on your speaker)...

hey means i have to wait for couple of days??

04-10-2006, 04:11 PM
i've been waited for couple of days why still under moderation?? can anyone tell me why?

Your reputation points have fallen below "1". You need have 1 or more reputation points before your moderation is lifted.

Just contribute some useful info and stop posting rubbish and you will be out of moderation in no time at all. :D

Big Sexy
09-10-2006, 01:15 PM
No, you cannot view the files directly from the private section.
But when you sign up with verotel, you can view all the files that are in the private section,
including those in the archive from here

Dear Big Bro, i have already signed up with verotel and have gotten user code and passwords. does this means i can enter the private picture of the forum? Please tell me what access i can get when i subscribe to the verotel program.

Nat Nat
16-11-2006, 12:45 PM
y do i cant view the vidieo at yourfilehost it was always at ready and not loading?

the problem lies with the server side... either there are too many users or there is a problem with the file.

Bro Big Sexy ,
Qns ; How do you post a pix link that is in motion ?
Im my e-mail got a moving picture but when stored & paste , it's
becomes stationary .

the file has to be in animate GIF.... u need to save the file, then upload it to a file hosting server and post the link here..

i already done wat u guys told to do abt uploadin pic frm imagefap..... but hw come e pic is error?

most likely the server is down... most of the server has got down time... imagemap does maintenance regularly.. and thus u are not able to access the files... it should be up after a while...

Oi B S,
I tried to upload jpg image via imagefap but cannot leh ... only got this messageFailed to find flength file/tmp/uber/3286131c4bb386fd0ea54d0a2c1102f9/flength

check your source file... if it is working fine....try to upload the file again...

Hi Sammy

I was wondering if you can help-I am looking for a girl to come over to my place(i will pay) maybe for a few hours or for the night.
I live in Kepplebay-can you please recommend someone?

you are NUTS and i claim my $10/-

ok sorry read the regulation page. im still on moderation hence the (M) under my nick. but who / how my replies / thread get release frm the moderation queue?

read the sticky carefully... u need 10 post(not counting postings in the newbies section) and a fews day to get out of moderation..

Test posts & questions regarding the forums. Please note that NEW MEMBERS are on moderation for a couple days in the other forums. However, this test forum is unmoderated & your posts will appear immediately. Note that you are still free to post messages in ANY section you choose but messages that you post in the other sections will not appear until they are released from the moderation queue. Your moderation period is over when the "(M)" below your nick disappears. Reputation cannot be added or deducted in this section.
NB: You cannot get out of moderation by posting in this section ONLY. You have to contribute positively in the other sections. .

Big Sexy
22-11-2006, 06:20 AM
i tried and had no problem viewing the videos.. which one is it that you cannot view? Please post the direct link to it here......anyway try downloading this codec and see if it helps..


is not 1 or 2 that is not able to be play is all the vidieo it is i need to dl some program?

you have already done it... but as you are still under moderation, your posts will take a while before it appears.

i really don know how to post in fl dome can u help??

Big Sexy
27-02-2007, 04:47 PM
to get out of moderation.. you need to contribute constructively to the BBS. posting here(newbie forum) does not contribute to that.. Once you have acculmated enough posts in other forums you will be out of moderation..and if i am not wrong there is a rule that state you need to be at least 2 days old in the board as well..

i could be wrong as sam has change the rules recently.. PM him only if this doesnt work out.. :)

Hi Newbie here...

On regard to the newbie to be moderate question... Can I know how long this process will take?

Big Sexy
29-03-2007, 11:43 AM
posting of attachment here can only be done in the private section and you have to contribute a pic or video first to the forum..
Dear Bro,
My posting rules says "You may not post attachments", what should I do to get the permission to post attachments?

don;t quote the whole post in future... read the other stickies as well.
Testing for reply.

there is no direct answer for this...it depends on individuals...and you have answered your question by the way.. :)

1. Will PRC (or others except Thais) FL take on other races? (I am a Mat btw)
I suppose most if not all would.

12-04-2007, 07:49 PM
bro two002, hope these points help.

-Please note that NEW MEMBERS are on moderation for a couple days in the other forums.
-Note that you are still free to post messages in ANY section you choose but messages that you post in the other sections will not appear until they are released from the moderation queue.
-Your moderation period is over when the "(M)" below your nick disappears.
-You cannot get out of moderation by posting in this section ONLY.
-You have to contribute positively in the other sections.

these can be found at the front page of the forum.
i cut and paste.:D

17-04-2007, 01:15 AM
Can I change my nick .... Thanks.

Nope you can't change your nick once you are registered. Since you've just joint its easier for you to restart a new account anyway. And get boss to close your old one. :)


Big Sexy
25-05-2007, 07:36 AM
How to Change my Email and Password

Extracted from the FAQ
"It is your responsibility to keep the information in your profile up-to-date. You should especially ensure that your email address is kept current. You can alter any of the fields in your profile, except your username. Once you have registered your username, it becomes yours for life. In extreme circumstances, you may request that the administrator change your username, but he or she will require a very good reason to do so.

Step 1 Click on your userCP
Edit your profile here (https://www.sammyboyforum.com/usercp.php)."

Step 2
]Select 'edit email and password
Fill in the necessary fields and click save changes.
**please ensure that your email address a is valid one.***


sammyboy, ya dun allow pm so the only way is this way to get ya attention...appreciate ya reset my password and send to my yahoo account as the link to resend password to my yahoo account does not work...ty

11-06-2007, 03:42 AM
I understand that a user can get 1 rep power pt per year since registration. But am I right in saying that unless you have 25 rep pts in the first place, even if you registered in 2000, you won't get your 6 rep power pts?

Been trying to contribute actively but I think several things work against me (so far):- (1) I don't go to a lot of joints, but stick to a few, and often these do not have a lot of power users there (2) info I give tend to be more useful for newbies than power users (eg on sexual health in the past). Still, so long as noone zaps me, i'm happy being a simple contributor.

17-06-2007, 11:01 AM
Hi... I started contributing recently... and tap on the contact of bro in FL as well as my own contribution back in the forum... be it good or bad... I tell the truth... even cross path with OKT and I still post truthful FR to be fair to others. I already careful on my response and just stated it as lesson learnt.

Recently, I kanan zap twice and the persons left word like "I support U" and "I agreed"... I know I won't find out who the person is, but at least, the person has the decency to tell me what's wrong. Let me know if possible to initiate an investigation and ensure I didn't kanan zap for mistake by others, or cronies of someone to protect their businessses, whom want to put a stop to what I say. This suppose to be an experience sharing forum.

Big Sexy
17-06-2007, 03:39 PM
where did you find that word? a search on the net reveals
Dine At the Y (slang for female oral sex)

but it could well be typo error...
Excuse me, wat's the full form for DATY?

yes you are right. you need the minimum rep points before you can have the rep power.

continue to contribute.. i believe there are many good souls out there who will add to your points.. :)

I understand that a user can get 1 rep power pt per year since registration. But am I right in saying that unless you have 25 rep pts in the first place, even if you registered in 2000, you won't get your 6 rep power pts?

Been trying to contribute actively but I think several things work against me (so far)

that is how the game is play... win some.. lose some... you have got 18pts from 30 posts.. which is quite remarkable if u ask me... the chap who posted before you joined in 2004 and is still on 10 points.. ignore the zapping and continue to contribute.. i believe you will be rewarded accordingly.. :)

I tell the truth... even cross path with OKT and I still post truthful FR to be fair to others. I already careful on my response and just stated it as lesson learnt.

Recently, I kanan zap twice and the persons left word like "I support U" and "I agreed.

18-06-2007, 02:41 AM
i had trouble trying to post my 1st thread at the picture plaza.. can anyone tell me why??

18-06-2007, 04:32 AM
i had trouble trying to post my 1st thread at the picture plaza.. can anyone tell me why??

..because you haven't read the simple straightforward instructions at the top of this page. :p

20-06-2007, 01:29 PM
may i ask how come i register so long liao still under moderation?

how do i get myself un-moded? is there a benchmark somewhere?


20-06-2007, 02:01 PM
bro jontay, read above the words tat are in red;)
you gonna post postively in other sections.


23-06-2007, 01:42 PM
Excellent info

23-06-2007, 03:53 PM
Its gd to hv all the old bird to guide along cheerio.

Big Sexy
23-06-2007, 05:19 PM
to get out of moderation

minimum post =5( outside the newbies testing forum)
min rep points=1
min days in forum = 2

fulfill all and you will be out of moderation...

may i ask how come i register so long liao still under moderation?

how do i get myself un-moded? is there a benchmark somewhere?


24-06-2007, 06:11 PM
There some threads which are not accessible by me..y is that.. and i know that you have to havevortel to xs it.. also it said i can get xs if i have submit pics of my own..howl long do i get approved ?


24-06-2007, 06:13 PM
There some threads which are not accessible by me..y is that.. and i know that you have to havevortel to xs it.. also it said i can get xs if i have submit pics of my own..howl long do i get approved ?


did you read this: http://www.sammyboy.com/originalpixrules.html :D

24-06-2007, 06:18 PM
Great,..i have pics of me n gf. But i would like to mask her face (privacy) is that acceptable..?

24-06-2007, 06:22 PM
Great,..i have pics of me n gf. But i would like to mask her face (privacy) is that acceptable..?

yup, most of the pics are masked for that reason... its fine :D

06-07-2007, 12:31 AM
sorry to ask. isit right to say that we cant register using hotmail?? coz i tried using hotmail but din receive the activation email

06-07-2007, 12:58 AM
i tink so..i encounter d same problems using hotmail..

Big Sexy
06-07-2007, 11:33 AM
my account is registered using a hotmail account.... shouldn;t be any problem...

07-07-2007, 12:38 AM
actually there is trick you can try if you do not receive the activation email within 3 or 4 days.... log-in to sbf and change your email address (in your profile page) to another address. a new activation email will be sent to the that email address ;)

basically activation is required when you change your email address. so you can use this feature to help yourself. otherwise, the other way is to email the boss with your details and ask him to help :cool:

07-07-2007, 01:10 AM
Hello seniors... recently encountered a prob using sbf...

I can't seem to log in .... it's like, i would only be logged in for a few mins, after a while, say 5 mins or 10, I would be "unrecognised" and need to re login...

sometimes when I try to pm or post FR .... also like tt ... at first click can .. den type all de stuff liao.. when send, den de would be unrecognised again....

why like tt? anyone know how to solve this prob?:confused:

Big Sexy
07-07-2007, 07:15 AM

i would only be logged in for a few mins, after a while, say 5 mins or 10, I would be "unrecognised" and need to re login...

13-07-2007, 02:36 PM
I got a question. Is it true that not all the threads can be rated?

For example, this thread can be rated, but the threads at other topics don't have the function for rating. And the funny thing is, those threads already have ratings.(stars)

14-07-2007, 12:18 AM
Can any kind brother teach me to create a poll thread? Thanks a lot.:)

14-07-2007, 12:19 AM
Thanks ....

Big Sexy
14-07-2007, 10:06 AM
hmm.. i always thought all threads can be rated...
which one is it that u cannot rate... do post a link here..

I got a question. Is it true that not all the threads can be rated?

For example, this thread can be rated, but the threads at other topics don't have the function for rating. And the funny thing is, those threads already have ratings.(stars)

15-07-2007, 04:17 PM
Questions Summary

Question 18 How to add/edit a signature?

Any Bros can offered his kind assistance,
I try linking this thread under my signature-
http://www.sammyboyforum.com/showthread.php?t=71596, but seems that it can't display the thread title after i paste the copy URL. Please kindly show me the correct procedure, thanks in advance.

Some bros have ask me to try "[url=http://forum.sammyboy.com/showthread.php?t=71596]Stephanie's Sexposure[/ url]" but to no avail also.

17-07-2007, 11:34 AM
Some bros have ask me to try "[url=http://forum.sammyboy.com/showthread.php?t=71596]Stephanie's Sexposure[/ url]" but to no avail also.

thanks bro, i get it done

18-07-2007, 11:39 AM

can somebody explain the expressions chio for girl and liao many thanks

jean tan
18-07-2007, 01:21 PM
Am trying to post for the first time. been reading quite abit in this forum and i think its time to contribute...i'll just familiarise with the acronyms and ways in here first.

Big Sexy
18-07-2007, 02:40 PM
chio girl mean... pretty girl..
liao... = singlish for "already"...

e.g i see that chio girl my bird stand liao..
i see that pretty chick. my dick harden already... :D

u understand liao or not??? :D


can somebody explain the expressions chio for girl and liao many thanks

18-07-2007, 02:47 PM
chio girl mean... pretty girl..
liao... = singlish for "already"...

u understand liao or not??? :D
this si called singlish

jean tan
18-07-2007, 03:36 PM
hi, can any kind bro tell me how to access the section with pics and videos? it does not appear on my main page, while some of my frens have it when they log in. sorry i tried searching the sticky pages did not come across any advise so far.

18-07-2007, 09:28 PM
Many Thks for the helpline bro.

jean tan
19-07-2007, 06:39 AM
Bro BS

Don't mind i lobang abit,thx :)

It because u are still under moderation,after the 'M' under ur nicks is gone u are free to access

oh....got it. i'll search on how to pass the moderation period then....thanks alot man...!

27-07-2007, 03:55 AM
i got a question. Is there a list of hotels which charges by hour?

Big Sexy
27-07-2007, 10:04 AM
ring ring....hello... where got hotel charge by per hour wan huh.. can tell me or not???

u think i am telephone operator or what???? this doesnt fall into the catergory of newbies helpline.... post it in the adult discussion forum...

next question please..

i got a question. Is there a list of hotels which charges by hour?

29-07-2007, 11:25 PM
[QUOTE=Big Sexy;2169834next question please..[/QUOTE]

Ok can you give us newbie some tip how to get 3k+ reputation points? :D

30-07-2007, 01:43 PM
Ok can you give us newbie some tip how to get 3k+ reputation points? :D

To get 3k plus rep point you need to be big and sexy. ;)


30-07-2007, 10:39 PM
To get 3k plus rep point you need to be big and sexy. ;)


Thanks for the advice. :)

02-08-2007, 03:52 PM
Hi guys,

Just wanna pop in and say hello to one and all out there.
I’m really a computer nerd and that’s why I’d spent days reading thru this forum trying to analysis how to register and even post much later:o
Anyway, I’m glad to join the elite group of season travelers’ to cheong away…kakaka
However, I’d found that it is very difficult to get connect and constantly getting error message on the screen.
I say that ‘cause if I were to switch to other sites like Google or Yahoo, it switches effortlessly.
Maybe it’s the company’s firewall or something…you think they’re watching?
Hoping to learn the usual slang’s or abbreviations to participate in posting FR’s soon;)

08-08-2007, 05:04 PM
Hi, all bros,

I still can't seem to post on the main forums. Have I missed something? I have read the newbie threads and the only thing I found which might explain it is maybe I got to post 30 practice posts in the newbie section first, is it?

Appreciate very much if someone can help me with this question.

Fed :o

08-08-2007, 05:52 PM
Hi, all bros,

I still can't seem to post on the main forums. Have I missed something?

I guess you are one of those who needs new glasses or contact lenses.

Read the forum preamble above and tell me what it says...

Here it is again just in case you have "missed" it.:p


09-08-2007, 03:09 AM
Hi to all actually i haf an old acc but tat time i accidently delete the activation mail from my eamil so is there aniway to send mi another activation mail to activate my previous account ty for helping....
My acc name is kuku_san ty a million

11-08-2007, 12:21 PM
Boss, possible to have a system where all newbie have to read thru the newbie forum prior posting FR. This is to avoid newbie post contacts etc in the post.

11-08-2007, 12:52 PM
Boss, possible to have a system where all newbie have to read thru the newbie forum prior posting FR. This is to avoid newbie post contacts etc in the post.

How on earth do you expect me to counter the stupidity of others via an internet connection??????

If I could do that, I'd be running the whole damned country instead of this website.

11-08-2007, 12:58 PM
To get 3k plus rep point you need to be big and sexy. ;)


agree with bro.....
maybe post some pics of your gals, it will surely increase ur pts

11-08-2007, 11:52 PM
How on earth do you expect me to counter the stupidity of others via an internet connection??????

If I could do that, I'd be running the whole damned country instead of this website.

Sorry boss. Newbie ma. Though your power could do this wonder. Cannot tahan those people who post contacts and address there.

13-08-2007, 05:26 PM
I guess you are one of those who needs new glasses or contact lenses.

Read the forum preamble above and tell me what it says...

Here it is again just in case you have "missed" it.:p


Thanks for replying. I -did- see the forum preamble but was confused because the last note also says that I cannot get out of moderation by posting in the newbie section alone but must contribute to other sections so I was trying to post to other sections but always got a message saying still under moderation. Also, moderation is typically 48 hours but mine seems to have continued so posted here to ask for advice.

13-08-2007, 05:55 PM
You are still under moderation because you have only posted 3 messages since you joined.

Members who are interested in contributing to the info in this forum would usually have posted at least half a dozen messages within 48 hours.

Thanks for replying. I -did- see the forum preamble but was confused because the last note also says that I cannot get out of moderation by posting in the newbie section alone but must contribute to other sections so I was trying to post to other sections but always got a message saying still under moderation. Also, moderation is typically 48 hours but mine seems to have continued so posted here to ask for advice.

13-08-2007, 06:03 PM
You are still under moderation because you have only posted 3 messages since you joined.

Members who are interested in contributing to the info in this forum would usually have posted at least half a dozen messages within 48 hours.

Haaah, that's the reason ah? Hahahaha, alamak! I haven't posted more 'cos thot I was doing something wrong and dun want to post till I got clarification about whether I was doing something wrong! :D Ok, ok, thanks for the advice! Appreciate very much!

13-08-2007, 06:10 PM
Haaah, that's the reason ah? Hahahaha, alamak! I haven't posted more 'cos thot I was doing something wrong and dun want to post till I got clarification about whether I was doing something wrong! :D Ok, ok, thanks for the advice! Appreciate very much!

If you haven't posted anything offensive, any spam or something illegal, why would you worry about your messages being reviewed before they are posted.:confused:

13-08-2007, 07:18 PM
If you haven't posted anything offensive, any spam or something illegal, why would you worry about your messages being reviewed before they are posted.:confused:

Wasn't worried about posting something offensive or illegal - I thot I missed some rule somewhere about when to post, where to post, and so on laaah, so thot I better check with some bros/seniors and read thru all the rules again. That's why haven't been posting.

14-08-2007, 07:34 PM
Boss/senior bros, something definitely wrong leh. I try to post in other sections but say cannot post there becos I still under moderation. Post here in this section, post don't count so kena say I don't post a lot and post here oso don't count towards being unmoderated. So want to contribute also cannot leh.

I see others like bro Eroticsex can post in other section but he still got the (M) under his name and he's got 2 posts to his credit so dunno how either I got do something wrong with my account or I kena some bad code in the system. :confused: Can you help, boss/senior bros?

15-08-2007, 04:38 AM
Boss/senior bros, something definitely wrong leh. I try to post in other sections but say cannot post there becos I still under moderation.

You need new specs or contact lenses.

Your posts are here!:mad:


Primer minister
15-08-2007, 03:03 PM
Any kind soul can help me?Any other way to reduced the lag and i have been often log by my itself:confused:

Primer minister
15-08-2007, 03:52 PM
Sorry can't edit as there are spelling error

What i mean is i have been keep logging out by itself and keep lagging until no mood to post picture:p
Any other ways to slove the promble?Any advice?

15-08-2007, 08:20 PM
Sorry can't edit as there are spelling error

What i mean is i have been keep logging out by itself and keep lagging until no mood to post picture:p
Any other ways to slove the promble?Any advice?

Bro, just tick/click on the remember me? button just beside the user name box when u loggin. This should slove the problem.


Primer minister
16-08-2007, 12:43 AM
Bro, just tick/click on the remember me? button just beside the user name box when u loggin. This should slove the problem.


Did that but still the same.So any other way to slove the lagness:confused:

16-08-2007, 04:08 AM
Did that but still the same.So any other way to slove the lagness:confused:

If there is lagging, it is not caused by the forum.

I suggest you try another browser... firefox or opera.

Asian Uploader
16-08-2007, 06:35 PM
Thanks for the info

21-08-2007, 11:40 PM
Please help ALEXTAY69 account,he cant do any posting or create pm,what happen to this account,did he make any mistake?or zap by someone??
Thank a lot...ALL BIG BRO BIG...

Big Sexy
06-09-2007, 08:49 AM
u should ask him to PM Boss or his moderater(s)...
we cant do anything..

Please help ALEXTAY69 account,he cant do any posting or create pm...

06-09-2007, 11:17 AM
we cant do anything..
what a useless penguin ..... see the cartoons below

Oh sorry, I forgot you are a penguin too ...


Big Sexy
07-09-2007, 01:54 PM
dnat... why u always must associate with backside one???? : D


what a useless penguin ..... see the cartoons below

10-09-2007, 11:30 AM

sorry hor, the skidingly penguin is you ... look at your avatar, its the same type of penguin - blur fuck type .... heheeheeeheeeeeee

Big Sexy
10-09-2007, 01:26 PM
don;t deny it... a picture tells a thousand words... :D


btw what is skidingly????? u lost something??? kee kee : D

sorry hor, the skidingly penguin is you ... look at your avatar, its the same type of penguin - blur fuck type .... heheeheeeheeeeeee

11-09-2007, 12:59 PM
Hi Big sexy, I m a newbie here reporting in.....please guide me along, many thanks.

11-09-2007, 01:10 PM
don;t deny it... a picture tells a thousand words... :D


btw what is skidingly????? u lost something??? kee kee : D

does everyone get zapp alot around here?

12-09-2007, 01:19 AM
Yes, I just got zapped because someone "THOUGHT" I was a clone.

14-09-2007, 09:23 PM
i think i need a help from any mod here.. well i email sam sammyboyfor (leong@webcom.com) regarding the private photos access 3 days ago but i have yet to get any replies therefore i try my luck pm'ing him here but same thing, its the second day and yet to get any replies, my question is, is sammyboyfor away? or are there any procedures and how long would it take for him to reply? thanks for your time =)

16-09-2007, 10:53 AM
Hi, I am newbie to this forum.

Was reading up the CluB-VaNILLa post but could not find the address anyway in the post?

Can any good bro assist and pm me?

Best Regards

16-09-2007, 11:40 AM
WOW , so many useful stuff to read alot!!

16-09-2007, 12:00 PM
Hi, I am newbie to this forum.

Was reading up the CluB-VaNILLa post but could not find the address anyway in the post?

Can any good bro assist and pm me?

Best Regards

Address???????? Are you nuts?????:eek:

17-09-2007, 10:19 AM

Then can anyone pls PM me?


29-09-2007, 11:21 PM
Boss, if I open a thread and wish to change the thread name, can I do that?:D

01-10-2007, 07:10 PM
tks all bro out there,i had learned a lot from this thread...:)

04-10-2007, 09:38 PM
Hi bro,just want to check with urs if i want to write a fr but i'm still under moderation,must i write it now and wait for it to appear or i write the fr when my moderation period is over?

05-10-2007, 02:42 AM
Hi bro,just want to check with urs if i want to write a fr but i'm still under moderation,must i write it now and wait for it to appear or i write the fr when my moderation period is over?

You can post fr while under moderation, it's take some time to appear. Start posting so you won't be under moderation anyone. :cool:

SBF 密探
05-10-2007, 03:11 AM
Hi bro,just want to check with urs if i want to write a fr but i'm still under moderation,must i write it now and wait for it to appear or i write the fr when my moderation period is over?

Left hands, right hands, use either one to dig nose. It the same theory :p

06-10-2007, 08:52 PM
y i cant post de?when i post it say need to wait moderator give then only can visible actually what time my M will remove i ask some samster they say need 10 post !!!but i post more than 10 post always say wait moderator give then only fcan visible ?thankyou

07-10-2007, 09:58 AM
hmmm.. maybe jus post a few more? i learn alot from this website lol.. thks all the bros for contributing=)

07-10-2007, 10:25 AM
i post so many post liao but no post visible just see my profile 0 postzzzzbut i post so many post

08-10-2007, 03:27 PM
Hey Big Sexy,

Firstly, great thread ! Very useful to help newbies through the minefield ! My question relates to how to rate a post which i didn't see on your summary list of questions as a i scrolled through. Suspect this is very simple lah, but i cannot see how to do it ! Thanks in advance.


SBF 密探
09-10-2007, 03:08 AM
My question relates to how to rate a post which i didn't see on your summary list of questions as a i scrolled through

On the top right corner where you can see a ‘Rate Thread’ just beside the ‘Search this Thread’ ... but not in this section ;)

10-10-2007, 09:29 PM
Dear Bro Big sexy,

After I have posted in a thread, my post counter does not count and my post does not even come up in the thread summary page. Always stuck in 72 posts. But the post can be seen in the thread that I have posted. What is the reason???

Got any clue bro big sexy. Big Boss can you please check.

Thanks in advance


11-10-2007, 08:26 PM
i post so many post liao but no post visible just see my profile 0 postzzzzbut i post so many post

halo every bro can solve my problem???i waiting about 2 week liao my post also havent visible and my m period!!!!!

12-10-2007, 10:58 AM
boss having technical problems so all moderated posts are affected... see his post below :D


12-10-2007, 11:17 AM

Read through these already, will try my best to adhered to the rules & regulations.

Thanks you.

12-10-2007, 03:09 PM
Dear Bro

Im having probs with the search functions, always take very long after i click send and after waiting for a long time the screen become blank (white). Anyone seniors know how to solve this prob?

Thank you.

12-10-2007, 10:29 PM
Dear Bro Big sexy,

After I have posted in a thread, my post counter does not count and my post does not even come up in the thread summary page.

Dear bro big sexy and big boss

It seems that the problem that I have faced had gone away. Sorry to have taken up your time and clog up the data base.

thanks in advance


12-10-2007, 11:00 PM
i cannot reply post...

16-10-2007, 01:33 AM
Hi bros, i jus post a new thread on other forum. After i had compute the Message, than i press sent. But it ask me to logged in. Before that, i remember clearly that i had logged in and i duno y it ask me to log in again. After i log in again, the screen only turn white and nothing come out. So how to check if my new thread had been post out or not?

16-10-2007, 11:38 AM
Hi Boss and all senior bros,

i've post a little contribution in the private pic section, but dunno whether is it the right size for your perusal.
i did a resize with microsoft office picture manager, hope it works.

My apologies in any inconveniences caused in viewing.
Really appreciative for all feedback so i can improve n contribute more in due time.
thank u plenty.

warmest rgds

20-10-2007, 11:54 AM
How long do I stay in moderation ? and how do I get off moderation ?

20-10-2007, 12:00 PM
How long do I stay in moderation ? and how do I get off moderation ?

Yet another member who needs to visit the optician. :rolleyes:


20-10-2007, 12:05 PM
bro, dun worry, the time will come soon. all newbabes like me need to go thru this stage:)

20-10-2007, 06:02 PM
Boss, i came across a few nicks that can hide their power points, at 1 time can see they have 2-3 power points but sometimes dun have. How come? Do we have the availability to hide our power points?

20-10-2007, 06:21 PM
wow, is that possible? Must really learn this.:confused:

21-10-2007, 04:46 AM
Boss, i came across a few nicks that can hide their power points, at 1 time can see they have 2-3 power points but sometimes dun have. How come? Do we have the availability to hide our power points?

I've never heard such rubbish in all my life. Nobody can hide their power or points. :rolleyes:

21-10-2007, 08:24 PM
I've never heard such rubbish in all my life.....

Aiyah, anyway i came across 2 incidents but no proofs, so no case to fight, thanks boss......

21-10-2007, 08:40 PM
Hey Bros!!

Just before I registered with my current nick.... I made a BIG boo boo of not confirming my previous nick and email :eek: . Worst of all, the confirmation was no where to be found in any of my emails. Anyway, to cut it short... I even email the moderator (Sammy himself) to grant me access, but of course no news. Then I realised that I made the mistake, so I had to re-register a new nick....!

Just wanted to let any other blur sotong people like me out there know, you got to verify first then you can post anything.


Lone :cool:

22-10-2007, 07:05 AM
Aiyah, anyway i came across 2 incidents but no proofs, so no case to fight, thanks boss......

The only time members would lose their power is if they change their email addresses and don't verify their new email address with the new activation code.

22-10-2007, 07:09 AM
even email the moderator (Sammy himself) to grant me access, but of course no news.

What the hell do you mean by "of course no news"??? :mad:

I take great pains to resolve all the problems of all members and religiously answer each email that is sent to me.

If you received no response, it simply means that

1) You sent it to the wrong address.
2) You sent it correctly but I did not receive it because of some glitch.
3) I received it but it was sent to the spam box.

All you need to do is simply resend it. Is that so difficult???

Big Sexy
23-10-2007, 04:09 PM
to start with... the 2 or 3 points u are referring to should be rep power and not rep points.

from what i notice some nicks are very similar but with a _ or a - or even a . in it.... did you get them correct???

adn if the nick is correct...the next time it happens. check their points... they probably lose it because they have less than 25 points and then gain it back when their rep points is more than 25 again.

i came across a few nicks that can hide their power points, at 1 time can see they have 2-3 power points but sometimes dun have. How come? Do we have the availability to hide our power points?

Big Sexy
23-10-2007, 04:20 PM
where did u post it.. postings in the newbie forum are not added to the total post.

After I have posted in a thread, my post counter does not count and my post does not even come up in the thread summary page. Always stuck in 72 posts. But the post can be seen in the thread that I have posted. What is the reason???

28-10-2007, 01:39 AM
Got one question to ask. i just posted a FR on the FL dome. after i click post, all dat appeared was an empty screen (totally white). so just wanna check if the thread had been posted or was it waiting to be moderated or simply some internet glitch cause the thread not to load?

28-10-2007, 08:53 AM
[QUOTE=lone_dog69;2340856].... I even email the moderator (Sammy himself) to grant me access, but of course no news. Then I realised that I made the mistake, so I had to re-register a new nick....!

Just wanted to let any other blur sotong people like me out there know, you got to verify first then you can post anything.


Big Bro Sammy

I meant no disrespect in my initial post.

When I emailed you for help, and when they was no reply, I blamed it on my own stupidity for not sending another email to you.

No ill intent was meant, when I mentioned "of course no news", I went on to say that I made a mistake. So I registered again.

My sincere apologise, if I have offended you with my words.

Kindly forgive me.


05-01-2008, 08:16 AM
newbie, still under moderation despite posting quite a few in the EPL's thread...
see 1 or 2 on the thread but under my posting number still remain as 1.
do not know the reason.
can any big brother gives xiao di a little pointer, thks

Posts in the EPL section and in this section do not count towards the total. ;)

The only post that counts so far is http://www.sammyboyforum.com/polls/65287-pussy-hairs-not-33.html#post2501389

Big Sexy
13-01-2008, 02:52 PM
What doesP and Ep besides the username stands for

i was told..
P = member who can access the private forum.
Ep = expired membership of that forum.

Yo Bros!!

I noticed that some samsters got (P) or (eP) together with their nicks, what does that mean?

Big Sexy
01-02-2008, 10:34 AM
as in we can;t guide a book by its cover, we can;t guide a samster by his postings. go with your feelings...

Hi Big Sexy,

Is there any guidelines or threads about the sharing of contacts.
How do we know who to share and who not to share; or is it left to our discretion to read thru' their posting to see are they real "cheongster"?

your membership has expired. (ep) you need to renew it.
Hi, i had posted 4 pictures for the entry into the private section. The webmaster had granted me access but why can't i view the pictures??

01-02-2008, 11:02 AM
Hi, i had posted 4 pictures for the entry into the private section. The webmaster had granted me access but why can't i view the pictures??

Read the instructions in the email that was sent to you regarding how to activate your access.

19-02-2008, 11:25 AM
However I wonder what's Guest about? As they have Reputation Points but do not have any Power?

Thanks in advance for any answers :)

I believe it means what it says - "Guest".

Being still here, the account is not terminated. Rather it is a Guest Account which will probably mean that it will have limited access and probably no privileges.

As for having Reputation Points and no powers, etc the account was probably a regular samster account who have accumulated that amount of points but dos not have any powers now as it is converted into a Guest account.


19-02-2008, 11:34 AM
Hi Big Sexy,

Is there any guidelines or threads about the sharing of contacts.
How do we know who to share and who not to share; or is it left to our discretion to read thru' their posting to see are they real "cheongster"?

To be honest, I read thru' about 15 pages of this thread until OC wanna wake-up already, still dun see any newbies ask this question. So have to post this question straight away; if it is asked before, please direct me to the thread.... :D

This thread may give you some indications.


05-03-2008, 04:11 PM
Hi Mods,

a silly ques to ask, hope u dun mind.

- when msg-ing OKTs, is there a format to follow?
- how about when msg-ing gem?

actually i wan to know the process from msg-ing OKT to meeting the girl.
Can help?

- msg OKT get gem contact
- msg gem for possible slot
- arrive in Hotel ( wats the normal hotel??? H81??? )
- go room meet gal, bonk, pay up, leave, pay hotel room ( normal how much? )

some advice greatly appreciated. i read thru some of the faq and those kinda din mention wat i wan to know... :(

and mods, i will check back definitely ya... :D
Hi Bro,

I'm not a moderator but I had some experience booking FLS from OKTs.

Basically, you join the OKT's group, see which FL you fancy and then sms to the OKT the FL you want and the time slot that you want too. The OKT's contact numbers are in their groups.

The OKTs will then sms back to you the availability as someone may have taken your time slot you wanted. So you mego with the OKT until you come to an agreed time slot.

The OKT will also sms to you the hotel but not the room. When you reached the hotel, and when the FL is ready, then only the OKT will sms to you the room number.

When you got the room number, you go up, bonk & pay the rate you were quoted by the OKT. Room charges are already included so no need to pay for it. Tips are optional.

Some OKTs allow contact by PMs. I guess the method is more or less the same and you need to provide your contact number to the OKT as PM is only initially contact. You can't be bring you computer with you and PM from the hotel lobby, right?

OKT normally don't give you the FLs contact number as you need to make arrangements thru the OKTs.

This is from my own personal experiences. Some other bros may have different and may want to share it here.


06-03-2008, 04:48 PM
MidnightTiger, Thanks for ur patience explanation, i jus need some last answers if u dun mind... :o

- Which are the normal hotels OKT use to book for the GEM? H81 rite?
- im confuse abit as when OKT msg me hotel, it will come together with time slot rite? why do i hav to go to the hotel and wait for the OKT to msg me that the FL is ready? :(
- when paying up after bonk, you say that room charges are included? OKT will msg me the cost upfront or? need more clarification here...

ok i guess that's all for now although i think im askin too detail... sry ya... hope all bro's got some patience with me...

good day good day~

OK, let me try to answer your questions based on my experience. By the way, I'm talking about OKTs will Yahoo Groups or some other groups.

1. The prices quoted by OKTs is nett and will include the room, condoms & GST (just joking). But no service charges so tips are definitely welcome by the FLs. LOL!

2. When you view the FLs in the group & decide on one that you fancy, you communicate with the OKT only thru sms and the time.

3. The OKT will then sms you the hotel. The hotels used by the OKTs are not buget hotels. Not right to list the hotels here for obvious reasons. Anyway, different OKTs have different hotels. An OKT may also change the hotels with different batches of FLs.

4. You go to the hotel & sms the OKT that you are there. Now some FLs may still be working due to the previous customers coming late or the FL needs to clean up the room, or finish her lunch/dinner or whatever.Don't worry, waiting time will not be long. Anyway, if all customers cooperate and not turn up late, there won't be any waiting time. So do turn up on time or early.

5. OKT will not give you the room number first as like above, the FL may be working and we surely don't want to go up to the room and disturb some other bros bonking his life away. (Although I wouldn't mind doing that, LOL!)

I hope this gives you an idea on the "procedures" but like I said, different OKTs may vary slightly. Anyway, it's not as complicated as it sounds. Just try once and you'll be an expert:D


Big Sexy
08-03-2008, 08:49 PM
pay a fee to help run this forum if you want to advertise here.
For advertising. PM the moderator for more details. ;)

hello can i ask is there any threads i can post advertisements etc. services?

10-03-2008, 03:10 PM
a silly qn of mine
wad is the minimum age to visit a prostitute?is 16 able to go?

At 16, you are legally not an adult. You need to ask your parents first.

11-03-2008, 12:47 PM
Since you're 16, you can only go to the legalized Thai houses which are located between Lor 6 to Lor 18 in Geylang.

You can wear your school uniform to get student's price. Or else you can show your student pass to the OKT.

Some FLs entertain 16 years old cheongsters too. You can find them at the entrance of Lor 16. (Entrance according to road traffic). I'm sure you'll remind many of the FLs there of their sons so they'll probably pamper you.

Sidetrack a little.....seriously do the brothels entertain kids in school uniforms......& for that matter can NSmen wearing uniform patronize legal houses?

Big Sexy
31-03-2008, 08:25 PM
you can post in the other forum now.
testing, do i still have a letter M???!?
i can't post in the other topics

just go to the reception and tell them you need a room for 2hour.
Hi to senior,
i would like to know how to book a room just for 2 hours?
What to you tell the staff at the counter of the hotel?

PM means Private PM .. it is used when a user wants to communicate something privately with another user. to learn how to use it.. click on my signature.
Hi ,
I am a newbies here , do not know what is " PM " function all about. Can you PM me to test out this function

Big Sexy
12-04-2008, 10:42 AM
1. http://www.sammyboyforum.com/2047924-post277.html
2. yes he can still zap others, but there will not be any effect.

hi, i will like to find out how to post pic? and if the person got - point can zap ppl? thanks alot

12-04-2008, 01:00 PM
Firstly, apologise to Big Senior Bro (TS) Big Sexy for posting this, as I had posted a thread to help newbie like myself in the wrong place... .. kena zap also in process... .. hehehe

Big Bro Sexy, no offence ok, for posting in your thread ... ..

To Newbie Bros, I had started a thread to Encourage and also leave some tips for you on getting FL contacts

If you need the info, you can view my thread at : http://www.sammyboyforum.com/welcome-fl-dome-free-stds-included/83846-encouragement-all-newbies-seeking-fl-contacts.html

Hope this will be of some help to all of you.

Happy Bonking ! :D

22-04-2008, 07:32 AM
Still a newbie here. Got a question to ask senior.
Got zapped last night and reason given was clocking post in polls. Why will posting in polls get zapped? :confused:

You can get zapped for anything. It's completely subjective. People get zapped for all sorts of reasons... eg "don't like the way you write", "your avatar sucks", "fonts ugly/too big/too small/wrong colour" etc.

Zapping is nothing more than a way of one member expressing their dislike or displeasure towards another.

It works both ways though. If someone takes a fancy to you or you manage to affiliate yourself with a gang of seniors, your points go up even if you post nothing but rubbish.

23-04-2008, 12:33 AM
Hi seniors out there, I have been zapped many times for the reason "cloned".

I do not know why. I have been actively posting in this thread but keep kanna zapped.


Pls enlighten me or can I report to moderator to check who zapped me repeatedly pls?? Thanks

23-04-2008, 04:27 AM
Pls enlighten me or can I report to moderator to check who zapped me repeatedly pls?? Thanks

Reputation votes are secret.

27-04-2008, 01:38 PM
hi there just a quick question, i paid for subscription over at verotel but how do i access any of your contents? so far i dont have any links or what so ever. help please anyone?

Go to the private picture section and click on "verotel members entrance".



02-05-2008, 02:53 PM
Do i login and click on the Enter the Theatre button?

Yup.. click on "Enter Theatre" and you will be taken directly to the private picture forum database which gives you instant access to ALL the contents of the private picture forum from day one (Dec 2001)

Cheers and thanks very much for your support.

02-05-2008, 05:05 PM
Does Sam meet up with the forummers? =P

Paramount rule of the 21st century... NEVER mix cyberspace with real life. The two should be kept distinctly separate. :eek:

05-05-2008, 12:24 PM
how do i view the member pic that they post.. pls advise...

Click on the links. :rolleyes:

Big Sexy
06-05-2008, 09:54 AM
stickies are threads with the word "sticky" before the thread title and is on the top of all other threads.

Sticky: Newbies HELPLINE.. Newbies Please post your question here.
Sticky: What Newbies Need To Know About The Reputation System - revised for 2006

what is that?

09-05-2008, 04:11 PM
Hi, got zapped for nothing, giving me smiling faces, quotes like "m", "what happen"..

Think the point system has been misused. :(

It's being used exactly as it was intended. :p

10-05-2008, 07:35 AM
Excellent thread! Can see your effort there, thanks!

10-05-2008, 02:33 PM
Sorry. dunno wat is the points systems..
anyone can explained to me??

12-05-2008, 11:46 PM
May i know how to post reply with picture ?:confused:

16-05-2008, 08:43 PM
Hi bro. I have post 9 posts....so far no reply....or may I no know where to read the receive message...may be bro ,u can explain to me...thank u in advance/....

19-05-2008, 02:26 AM
Hi bro, probably a stupid question but how do I change username? thanks.

19-05-2008, 05:31 AM
Hi bro, probably a stupid question but how do I change username? thanks.

Usernames cannot be changed.

23-05-2008, 09:35 AM
Dear Boss Sammy and All senior,

Just I want to know. why sometimes I log on in this forum, this forum will bring me to the display want me to log on again? except a mail box full. I want to know what happend. and then tommorrow will be normal again.. and maybe 2 days again will like that problem again. if anything wrong with my side, please tell me and then I will change it. thanks for your suggest. :)

23-05-2008, 09:45 AM
Dear Boss Sammy and All senior,

Just I want to know. why sometimes I log on in this forum, this forum will bring me to the display want me to log on again? except a mail box full. I want to know what happend. and then tommorrow will be normal again.. and maybe 2 days again will like that problem again. if anything wrong with my side, please tell me and then I will change it. thanks for your suggest. :)

You should delete your cookies and make sure you always log on via http://www.sammyboyforum.com in future.

23-05-2008, 09:57 AM
You should delete your cookies and make sure you always log on via http://www.sammyboyforum.com in future.

Oh.. I see.. ok thanks alot Boss Sammy. I just know what can I do. sorry to disturb you for a while. Thanks you Boss Sammy. :D

23-05-2008, 11:36 PM
Broo Sammy. I want to post the picture .. how can I do that ? need to share my storage pic hehheh :D .thanks

01-06-2008, 10:37 PM
Broo Sammy. I want to post the picture .. how can I do that ? need to share my storage pic hehheh :D .thanks

I believe you need to get your pictures hosted on the internet first. There are several free image hosting sites whereby you can do that. Then get the url of the picture, click on the picture icon in your "reply box" & paste the url there.

Anyway, that's how I did it.


08-06-2008, 05:21 PM
three are many free image hosting sites on the net.

14-06-2008, 08:23 PM
why my threads always tio lock?

15-06-2008, 10:34 AM
My avatar does not seem to be working. Any kind bro can help? Please :(

16-06-2008, 10:57 AM
My avatar does not seem to be working. Any kind bro can help? Please :(


Link straight from website you saved from.

16-06-2008, 06:20 PM
i have posted reply to some of the thread. but my reply didn't appear leh.
it's been a few hours liao...
wat could be the problem with my username account?

16-06-2008, 06:58 PM

Link straight from website you saved from.

But my avatar was uploaded from my PC. Somehow it ends up the same no matter which avatar I use.

18-06-2008, 08:32 PM

Hope somebody can help, how do you check if you are out of moderation.:confused:

18-06-2008, 09:06 PM

under your nick,at the top left hand corner.
you see this "Samster (M)" means still in moderation.
if you see this "Samster" without the "M",then you are out of moderation.

i think should be 10 post and you are out of moderation. those posts in this section will not be counted.

there are a few stickys for newbie to see. click the link in brother Big_Sexy's signature,it will also directed you to the thread.

welcome to SBF and Enjoy !!!

19-06-2008, 09:33 PM
Thanks for the help Himerus. :D

20-06-2008, 09:56 AM
I notice when I do a post in the other sections it does not appear immediately. Can anyone advise how long before my posting appears?

20-06-2008, 10:56 AM
Thanks, very well informed now:D

20-06-2008, 12:03 PM

under your nick,at the top left hand corner.
you see this "Samster (M)" means still in moderation.
if you see this "Samster" without the "M",then you are out of moderation.

i think should be 10 post and you are out of moderation. those posts in this section will not be counted.

there are a few stickys for newbie to see. click the link in brother Big_Sexy's signature,it will also directed you to the thread.

welcome to SBF and Enjoy !!!

Bro, since u share abt tis, wat (eP) n (P) stands 4 beside e 'samster' ?iz mean e samster is a contributor in e private section?

20-06-2008, 06:01 PM
I notice when I do a post in the other sections it does not appear immediately. Can anyone advise how long before my posting appears?

If you read the notes above, it would have provided you with an idea.

As for how long before your post appears, it takes about a couple of hours to a couple of years depending on when the Boss or moderator decides to let it out.


20-06-2008, 06:04 PM
Bro, since u share abt tis, wat (eP) n (P) stands 4 beside e 'samster' ?iz mean e samster is a contributor in e private section?

Where did you see the (eP) n (P)?

Go back there and ask that samster. He'll be able to give you the most correct answers. Samsters like us who don't have it probably get the answer from some other posts which may or may not be correct.


20-06-2008, 06:15 PM
But my avatar was uploaded from my PC. Somehow it ends up the same no matter which avatar I use.

Did you read the sticky on "How To Have An Avatar" and followed the instructions?


20-06-2008, 07:10 PM
Did you read the sticky on "How To Have An Avatar" and followed the instructions?


Yes I have bro Midnightiger. When I view the avatar in the user CP it looks ok but on all my posts it comes out as what you see now.

Any other bro got such problems? Would appreciate some help. Thanks :(

21-06-2008, 03:46 PM
Yes I have bro Midnightiger. When I view the avatar in the user CP it looks ok but on all my posts it comes out as what you see now.

Any other bro got such problems? Would appreciate some help. Thanks :(

Think your avatar could be too long (lengthwise).

Redo your avatar on Photoshop to make sure it fits in terms of size and pixel.

If not, try to email me your avatar at midnightiger88@yahoo.com and I see if I can help, no promises though.


21-06-2008, 06:53 PM
Think your avatar could be too long (lengthwise).

Redo your avatar on Photoshop to make sure it fits in terms of size and pixel.

If not, try to email me your avatar at midnightiger88@yahoo.com and I see if I can help, no promises though.


Nope avatar size is 65 x 65 pixels and within the size limit. Same thing results even when I try using other people's avatar.

23-06-2008, 10:52 PM
Hi Big Bros - can you help advice step by step on how to embed a youtube short cut (songs, etc) and link in the sbf n if this can also applies to other ext email eg hotmail.....thanks a zillion

27-06-2008, 02:28 PM
How to unRAR?

I am a techno moron, please teach.

I have Winrar and i added and extracted the files only to have so many of it taking up so much space without a play option.

Please help this techno moron, thanks. :confused:

27-06-2008, 04:22 PM
Boss, How do I get the contacts numbers of the girls recommended by our bros in their report ? Many thanks

28-06-2008, 01:07 AM
Hi. i always haf problem loading into SBF. always lag or cant connect. tried other website all no problem. Don noe y:confused: and help:confused: Thanks in advance :p

28-06-2008, 10:25 AM
How to unRAR?

I am a techno moron, please teach.

I have Winrar and i added and extracted the files only to have so many of it taking up so much space without a play option.

Please help this techno moron, thanks. :confused:

I don't think you will get much attention to your problem as this is generally a sex forum.

28-06-2008, 11:06 AM
Boss, How do I get the contacts numbers of the girls recommended by our bros in their report ? Many thanks

By reading up.



28-06-2008, 11:26 AM
hi tiger,

i joined 4 yrs back. wanted to reply to something yesterday n found the (M) along with my nick. along with 0 post counts :)

maybe i was idle for too long? when will i be able to post again?


30-06-2008, 10:08 AM
I don't think you will get much attention to your problem as this is generally a sex forum.

Thanks for noticing. Actually someone PMed me the solution. You never know, there are many kind souls here too.

30-06-2008, 04:22 PM
Meeting up.
Read that we must keep our identity secret.
Create a new nick for meetups, posting FR etc so that we remain anonymous with original nick.

Question: Do we create new nicks everytime we meet up and use common names, Tom, Dick, Harry when we actually meet?
Chances are we may accidently reveal true names:eek:

Looking at some int'l cheong scene, invitation to meetup seems common (e.g. Will be in bkk fr 1-5 july, any bros interest to meet up for cheong or drinks? PM me) Read their postings later and dont think they have created new nick for such meetups. Seems to be using original nicks:confused:

01-07-2008, 08:26 AM
Him I borrow my bro's account here and I am actually a newbee.
One question I dont know I should ask here or not.

I know I have to precent some indentities while booking a room in Geylang area. Bros, are you using NRIC or something else?

Thanks alot.

Big Sexy
01-07-2008, 03:22 PM
you are still able to post anywhere you want, except that the post will be delayed. The "M" should go off once you hit a number of posts.. i reckon it is 5 or 10.

i joined 4 yrs back. wanted to reply to something yesterday n found the (M) when will i be able to post again?

Why do u need to create a new nick to cover your nick? What you shouldn't do is to reveal your bank account and probably address... other than that... so that if they know your nick or your real name? just remember not to trust everyone and every word you hear in this forum.

Create a new nick for meetups, posting FR etc so that we remain anonymous with original nick.

oh you are using your bro account.. why not ask him directly then??? besides NRIC and passport, i heard can use student pass:D ...but hold on... here's a thought... why not just the bro IC to register?

Him I borrow my bro's account here
I know I have to precent some indentities while booking a room in Geylang area. Bros, are you using NRIC or something else?

02-07-2008, 10:29 AM
More info at:

Newbies Please post here...... (http://123redirect.com/EaHfm)


Newbies Please post here..... (http://123redirect.com/ruHjL)

02-07-2008, 10:59 AM
hi tiger,

i joined 4 yrs back. wanted to reply to something yesterday n found the (M) along with my nick. along with 0 post counts :)

maybe i was idle for too long? when will i be able to post again?


bro jon, i'm in the same situation as you here.. i guess we just have to read up and post more in the newbie section.

09-07-2008, 10:46 AM
Hi Bro,

Sorry to ask this question but at times I really don't understand the short form use here like "TNS, HCS, BBBJ, AR, FJ, CIM, RTF, GFE" etc could you help me out here thks:)

09-07-2008, 10:04 PM
Hi, you can go to the shortcut on your request.:)

10-07-2008, 09:14 AM
Newbie here altho have been visiting this site for many years. I have a question and not sure who can help. When I typed sammyboy's address, I got re-directed to a V-Bulletin site. This never happened before in all these years. I can only get to this site by googling Sammyboy and enter from there.

Can the moderator/administrator or any bro here advise?


10-07-2008, 12:39 PM
Hi bro luv1299 thks for the link :)

Big Sexy
10-07-2008, 03:03 PM
it is a new bbs intended to replace the one in delphi.
sam calls it the New Kopi Tiam(coffee shop)
Newbie here altho have been visiting this site for many years. I have a question and not sure who can help. When I typed sammyboy's address, I got re-directed to a V-Bulletin site. This never happened before in all these years. I can only get to this site by googling Sammyboy and enter from there.

Can the moderator/administrator or any bro here advise?


14-07-2008, 12:46 PM

i cant seem to be able to post my comments on the link exchange plaza.. wat can i do abt it?

15-07-2008, 04:32 PM

My existing account "Adept" is somewhat crippled. What happened was that I was changing my email address of the "Adept" account, but I made a typo in the address, which makes it invalid. Now whenever I login with "Adept", I can't post anything. SO I created a new account "adept6969" so that I can highlight this problem. Please help! Thanks!

15-07-2008, 08:41 PM
Dear bro, whats the meaning of kc. looked around the forums but found no answer? And why got some samsters below their nick got (eP) and (p) one? What does it means?

16-07-2008, 11:04 AM
Regarding my earlier post about my other account (Adept), do I need to PM any moderator and admin (or the Boss) for help? Any senior bro can enlighten me on this matter? Thanks!

18-07-2008, 01:40 AM

Newbie here. I had sent PM for FL contacts but have not been getting replies (not surprising due to newbie status). Question:

1) Normally how long does it take to receive a reply?

2) Since i can only have 10 PMs storage space, does deleting the sent PMs result in the receiver not receiving the PM?

3) Is it within normal and acceptable behaviour to send repeat PMs?


18-07-2008, 09:32 PM
Regarding my earlier post about my other account (Adept), do I need to PM any moderator and admin (or the Boss) for help? Any senior bro can enlighten me on this matter? Thanks!

You can PM the moderator or boss for assistance, if they find that you are the rightful owner, they may give that nick back to you.

Anyway, what's wrong with your new nick with 6969 in it? Unless your old nick is a very powerful nick with high rep points, etc which also doesn't really carry any real weght, just use your present nick and forget about the old nick.


19-07-2008, 11:02 PM
hello all.. am a noob and this is my test post

20-07-2008, 04:29 AM
hi how do i contact the moderator ? I cant delete my post....

Thank you.

28-07-2008, 01:18 PM
Him I borrow my bro's account here and I am actually a newbee.
One question I dont know I should ask here or not.

I know I have to precent some indentities while booking a room in Geylang area. Bros, are you using NRIC or something else?

Thanks alot.

Hahha. THis is a funny post.

There were some typos which I shall presume to be the words "present" and "identities".

Ok. Truth is, the geylang hotel recep recognises the cocks of all the cheongsters in the areas. Show them your cock after you unzip at the recep counter. They will then give you a key or a card to access the room.

Just joking lah.
Wah lao eh...brudder, book anything also need to see ID one mah. It could be your driving licence, your identity card or whatever cards with your name, IC number and photo lah.

29-07-2008, 12:20 PM
aiyoh... all thanks to boss Sam's 100 pt giveaway loh..

Now a lot of newbies with 100+ pt and power 1 without Frs so muz be careful when screening ahaha

Saw this posting. I would like to know how to qualify for the points giveaway? As a newbie, getting contacts harder as criteria is high.

31-07-2008, 10:24 AM
Just testing as I can't post immediately.

It is a normal practise that a new member posting have to go through moderator everytime you try to post something?

Thank you for posting! Your post will not be visible until a moderator has approved it for posting. You will now be taken back to the forum. If you opted to post a poll, you will now be allowed to do so.

Please kindly advise!:D:D

31-07-2008, 12:18 PM
Just testing as I can't post immediately.

It is a normal practise that a new member posting have to go through moderator everytime you try to post something?

Thank you for posting! Your post will not be visible until a moderator has approved it for posting. You will now be taken back to the forum. If you opted to post a poll, you will now be allowed to do so.

Please kindly advise!:D:D


Newbie Issues/Say "Hi"/Testing/Tech stuff Test posts & questions regarding the forums. Please note that NEW MEMBERS are on moderation for a couple days in the other forums. However, this test forum is unmoderated & your posts will appear immediately. Note that you are still free to post messages in ANY section you choose but messages that you post in the other sections will not appear until they are released from the moderation queue. Your moderation period is over when the "(M)" below your nick disappears. Reputation cannot be added or deducted in this section.
NB: You cannot get out of moderation by posting in this section ONLY. You have to contribute positively in the other sections.

It appears on the top of every thread in this section of the forum. :rolleyes:

07-08-2008, 12:31 PM
Hello Bros,

Other than checking on the message we posted, is there any other way that we can check our rep points and power?

Appreciate your help. Thanks. :)

08-08-2008, 07:22 PM
Hello Bros,

Other than checking on the message we posted, is there any other way that we can check our rep points and power?

Appreciate your help. Thanks. :)

Is this (from message board) already simple and straightforward? Why would you want to check it any other way?

Who knows maybe in the future, the Boss may incorporate a system whereby SBF will sms to you whenever your points increase or decrease.:rolleyes:


08-08-2008, 09:20 PM
Hello Midnightiger,

Checking the message board is fine with me, but I'm just curious if there is any alternative way to check the points. :)

Thanks for your reply.. :D

09-08-2008, 10:19 PM
Hello Midnightiger,

Checking the message board is fine with me, but I'm just curious if there is any alternative way to check the points. :)

Thanks for your reply.. :D

No Bro, I don't think there is.
