View Full Version : Raw Anal & Possible Diseases

06-05-2015, 07:28 PM
What are the diseases or HIV/ STD type diseases which one is likely to catch when having unprotected anal penetration?

Big Sexy
06-05-2015, 07:48 PM

The risks: HIV, herpes, HPV (warts), syphilis, chlamydia, gonorrhea, hepatitis B

Unprotected anal sex, regardless of whether it is practiced by straight or gay couples, is considered the riskiest activity for sexually transmitted diseases because of the physical design of the anus: It is narrow, it does not self-lubricate, and the skin is more fragile and likely to tear, allowing STDs such as HIV and hepatitis easy passage into the bloodstream.

"Anal sex produces a certain amount of trauma to the body and that's a problem, especially for HIV," says Myron Cohen, MD, director of the Center for Infectious Diseases at the University of North Carolina School of Medicine.

To make matters worse, the area is an ideal home for STDs. Bacterial infections such as gonorrhea and chlamydia love warm, moist environments and the type of cells that line the anus.

While unprotected anal sex is much more risky for the receptive partner, the insertive partner is not free from risk. And both partners are susceptible to picking up herpes, syphilis, and HPV even if they use a condom, because sores and warts can reside both inside and outside the anus. In the case of herpes, transmission can occur even in the absence of any genital lesions.

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What are the diseases or HIV/ STD type diseases which one is likely to catch when having unprotected anal penetration?

06-05-2015, 09:36 PM
Thks for the heads up Bro BigSexy.

16-05-2015, 05:28 PM
To make matters worse, the area is an ideal home for STDs

Never knew that actually :o

17-05-2015, 11:03 AM
In other words, do not have any anal sex. Do not do bj without a condom but there is also risk of mouth getting hurt from friction with condom. You can get injury from fingering too because finger nails can hurt the membrane of inner wall. So no aj no bj no fingering. That leaves good old normal lovemaking. Oh and no kissing.

Btw If I'm not wrong there is no cure for virus. There is med for bacteria but it relies on how strong is your own immune system. So have enough sleep plenty of water n fruits n veggie, exercise regularly. And of cos Piak safe(definition of "safe" varies..but for example. .commercial sex isn't as safe as compare to sleeping with someone else' wife during couple swing..)

18-05-2015, 09:15 AM
I would also like to add that aside from HIV/STDs, you can catch many other "non-STD" bacteria from anal sex for example Klebsiella, E. Coli, Pseudomonas etc

These bacteria can cause Urine Tract Infections, Prostate Infections, Epididymitis (infection of the tubes behind your testis) and even orchitis (infection of your testis themselves)

So even if your partner is a virgin and you can confirm that she does not have any STDs, you still can get other infections. These bacteria are always found in the anal canal.

18-05-2015, 06:50 PM
During intense anal orgasm, how many people have frequent whitefish or clear fluid flowing smoothly out from the penis? If it’s precum, does it contain sperm? Or it’s urinating cause by weak bladder during intense orgasm?

19-05-2015, 09:43 PM
At times i wonder whether a woman actually love varginal penetration? Can she really reach orgasm when ass fcuk?

19-05-2015, 11:12 PM
At times i wonder whether a woman actually love varginal penetration? Can she really reach orgasm when ass fcuk?

Tell you a secret. Many ladies have said they enjoy anal sex more than vaginal sex. Although reluctant to try it initially, they become hooked once they have experienced anal penetration. :p

20-05-2015, 08:00 AM
Hi, just shoot 11 bullets

At times i wonder whether a woman actually love varginal penetration? Can she really reach orgasm when ass fcuk?

20-05-2015, 08:06 AM
Tell you a secret. Many ladies have said they enjoy anal sex more than vaginal sex. Although reluctant to try it initially, they become hooked once they have experienced anal penetration. :p

Wow..I just knew it

20-05-2015, 02:00 PM
Wow..I just knew it

Surely you don't believe such hogwash. :rolleyes:

20-05-2015, 09:35 PM
Hi, just shoot 11 bullets

Haha. I thought u done anal penetration 11 times.:eek: Cos if thats the case i must start taking bamboo shoots daily.:D Power lah u.:)

03-06-2015, 09:19 PM
Tell you a secret. Many ladies have said they enjoy anal sex more than vaginal sex. Although reluctant to try it initially, they become hooked once they have experienced anal penetration. :p

Ten rules of anal sex leading to orgasm:


08-06-2015, 04:35 PM
These bacteria are always found in the anal canal.

I read that somewhere as well