View Full Version : Want do you think?

21-04-2006, 01:47 PM
guys....a girl contacted me thru friendster (actually I completely forgotten about this website) and then started chatting with me on the phone.Just 5 mins into the conversation, she started talking about sex and all those stuff. She keeping asking me to go yum cha and also challenge me to a all nite sex marathon. Well, I am going to meet her tomorrow nite to yum cha and she dares me to the all nite sex marathon. Just now a guy contacted me thru msn. He got my contact as the girl sent a hello email to a list of guys. Basically, he wants to know who this girl is and how she looks. So it seems that I am going to be the scape goat as he claims that he spoke to other 14 guys that were in the list and none have met her before. He even claim that the girl never ask them to go mamak either. So what do u guys think? Any warnings? Bro klkool, dekuip and fellow bros, I may need your help too. The girl nick in friendster is nottibabe.

21-04-2006, 02:02 PM
bro , i suggest you ask someone to go along with you..if she is nice then you can ask your bro to make a move off and you go with the gal and enjoy...be careful.....by the way cant find her profile in friendster

21-04-2006, 02:04 PM
hhmmmm...she sure sounds like a nottibabe....well, u can either look at it +ve_ly or -ve_ly.

+ve_ly: she's out to hv fun (maybe get back at her BF) n u're the 1 lucky guy (out of 15 guys in all) she'd contacted for fun...OR..

-ve_ly: she's planning a GB session where after dat, she cries RAPE n....u know wat happen next...lol

wat i wud do....meet her at a public place...crowded (if u can b open abt meeting gers in public)...juz for yum cha....then u she seems ok n u wanna proceed further, u chose the place for action (not her)....so at u know she could not hv set the place up before hand....and then....????....dunno laa...let me think....sori....:confused: :confused:

21-04-2006, 02:18 PM
My bro lingwu,

As u know me long enuff i never believe this kind of things... i shall say just meet her for yum cha wont harm, anything further just forget it. After ur yum cha session with her u call me... our gang go have a good session in a HC.

I wont take the risk. :D

21-04-2006, 02:29 PM
bro lingwu

dekuip is a sifu in this matter.

Bring him along, intro him to the gal and after the gal "rape" dekuip, you can cheong her next time.

See this thread

btw is the gal a NL? oh nvm.. forgot bro Dekuip now become lap sup king liao.. anything that has a lubang between two legs, he ngam liao LOL

21-04-2006, 03:01 PM
wah lingwu, good luck man! 99% chance it will be a kateoy/fei poh/monster or a trick to rob/rape/kidnap so just be careful.

21-04-2006, 03:03 PM
pai seh brother...that is her nick in msn....her fiendster nick is baby23. Dekuip, i feel the same way too. so i just going to see how it goes. Just worry that there maybe some guys there who will then turn against me....some kind of blackmail or shit. I was going to ask u, klkool and gang to be hanging around there. of course the whole yum cha with drinks and food will be on me la!

21-04-2006, 04:15 PM
pai seh brother...that is her nick in msn....her fiendster nick is baby23. Dekuip, i feel the same way too. so i just going to see how it goes. Just worry that there maybe some guys there who will then turn against me....some kind of blackmail or shit. I was going to ask u, klkool and gang to be hanging around there. of course the whole yum cha with drinks and food will be on me la!

Ayohh why think so much guys dream comes true what. not only ONS but sex-aton enjoy while stock last. If you are thinking where got so big turky dancing on the road. just play it cool loh have tea then see how. other then that play everything on your rules only.

21-04-2006, 04:21 PM
juz my 2 cents.....

not worth joining.....
-ve charges is more than +ve charges.....
hope u wont kena charge..... :D

21-04-2006, 04:53 PM
Bro, u r a male right ? Nothing to lose, unless she got STD and plans to revenge on us guys.

Or, she is a "he" and is playin a good 1 on u.
Or, she is your "GF" friend, or spy, or family, or relative, or ...............
Or, u have sum enemies among your friends, or ex or sumthing tryin to revenge ?

Anyway, if u r not attached or with a gf, by all means go all the way. But if u got GF, wife, or commited, then pls think properly.

Else, bring a bro along and always meet at public places, or open space, not sum funny funny places.

21-04-2006, 05:18 PM
pai seh brother...that is her nick in msn....her fiendster nick is baby23. Dekuip, i feel the same way too. so i just going to see how it goes. Just worry that there maybe some guys there who will then turn against me....some kind of blackmail or shit. I was going to ask u, klkool and gang to be hanging around there. of course the whole yum cha with drinks and food will be on me la!

Bro lingwu74,

Jus follow this simple mantra... "NO SUCH THING AS FREE LUNCH" and u won't go wrong.

Just meet at a 1. public place, since it's thru friendster... means she knows how u look like and u know how she looks like. Like when meeting all strangers, 2. bring a friend and always have an 3. escape plan in case things go tummy up.

Other than that... GOOD LUCK !! ;)

21-04-2006, 08:10 PM
Bro... dun bother... btw.. if u only want the Realm bros opinions... maybe best to just post in Yahoo Group... Cheers

22-04-2006, 05:30 PM
just follow TSH and Dekuip for once this time..seldoms see both of them so united....kekekeke....

also i always support what brudder boinker preaches...about the turkey thing...(cantonese)

Heavenly Viper
22-04-2006, 06:44 PM
I also believe that this is probably is a scam.
Where will you find a girl that randomly search 15 guys to have sex?
There is surely some catch le.

23-04-2006, 11:31 AM
Dun worry too much lar.. I always met net friend for freelunch,, but every time I met new net friend I will becareful lar...

there is a lot gal want to try sex in this world... so that y ppl like us can survive mar...


I am really senior in this kind matter liao...

first KL net friend is at Klang de (year 2004),, damm chio.... and hungry for sex,, she is one of the BEST sex partner in my life (not virgin, but skillful on the bed)... only 20. but too bad she go study at Taiwan already,,,,nice body, nice skin, and wild,, cannt find in HC... haha
Look : 9/10
Body : 9/10 (B cup, very nice skin, below 50kg)
still miss her ler!!!

and 2nd one is stay at chowkit, 21 years old only,, erm,, firgure only A cup,, but virgin, and very very very tight (only 20cent coin).. fuk her 3 times,, and after she move house to other area at KL, i stop find her already...
Look : 7/10
Body : 5/10 (A cup, skin so so,, but quite prety, below 50kg)

after that is a gal at Subang (2005),, 19 years old, i am her 2nd sex partner.. very very hungry for SEX.. and damm shiok!!!
Look : 8/10
Body : 8/10 (B cup, very nice skin, below 50kg)
have a very nice fuk with her at hotel!!

still somemore,, but dun need list all lar..

I also try a lot freelunch at JB lar.. just list out those is very special..

15 years old (the youngest i met).. still keep in touch,, yesterdat SAT just call me for fuk,, but i am on the way to KL already...
Look : 8/10
Body : 9.5/10 (C cup, very very nice skin, below 43kg)
willing to do whatever i want,, even anal!!
one of my BEST sex partner...

17 years old,virgin... lost contact already,, agree to be ONS only,,
Look : 7.5/10
Body : 7/10 (B cup, smooth skin, below 40kg)
but have a nice fuk lar..

there is freelunch lar.. but of course, u need spend some time in order to get them take off their clothes for u,, on bed,,, haha

so for me,, it is better to go to MP or HC, for relax.. ^^

anyway got 2 new target now,.. 1 at JB (i just fuk her, virgin ler) , 1 at KL (ask me go holiday and will 'give' me),,

ab it busy with them.. that's y long time no online liao.. haha

am I bad?

23-04-2006, 01:09 PM
am I bad?

Can I ask something ar? :p

Which school you study last time for your secondary years ar? A lot of bros here would like to know actually... each with different reasons

23-04-2006, 01:42 PM
y need to know? is a malay school lar/// ^^:confused:

23-04-2006, 07:34 PM
y need to know? is a malay school lar/// ^^:confused:

Coz we wanna know whether you also come from kL's No. 1 School for Farkers! Bro KLKool can explain in more details on this... hehe.... he's the President of the School's Old Boys Club here.

24-04-2006, 11:02 AM
Dun worry too much lar.. I always met net friend for freelunch,, but every time I met new net friend I will becareful lar...

there is a lot gal want to try sex in this world... so that y ppl like us can survive mar...


I am really senior in this kind matter liao...

first KL net friend is at Klang de (year 2004),, damm chio.... and hungry for sex,, she is one of the BEST sex partner in my life (not virgin, but skillful on the bed)... only 20. but too bad she go study at Taiwan already,,,,nice body, nice skin, and wild,, cannt find in HC... haha
Look : 9/10
Body : 9/10 (B cup, very nice skin, below 50kg)
still miss her ler!!!

and 2nd one is stay at chowkit, 21 years old only,, erm,, firgure only A cup,, but virgin, and very very very tight (only 20cent coin).. fuk her 3 times,, and after she move house to other area at KL, i stop find her already...
Look : 7/10
Body : 5/10 (A cup, skin so so,, but quite prety, below 50kg)

after that is a gal at Subang (2005),, 19 years old, i am her 2nd sex partner.. very very hungry for SEX.. and damm shiok!!!
Look : 8/10
Body : 8/10 (B cup, very nice skin, below 50kg)
have a very nice fuk with her at hotel!!

still somemore,, but dun need list all lar..

I also try a lot freelunch at JB lar.. just list out those is very special..

15 years old (the youngest i met).. still keep in touch,, yesterdat SAT just call me for fuk,, but i am on the way to KL already...
Look : 8/10
Body : 9.5/10 (C cup, very very nice skin, below 43kg)
willing to do whatever i want,, even anal!!
one of my BEST sex partner...

17 years old,virgin... lost contact already,, agree to be ONS only,,
Look : 7.5/10
Body : 7/10 (B cup, smooth skin, below 40kg)
but have a nice fuk lar..

there is freelunch lar.. but of course, u need spend some time in order to get them take off their clothes for u,, on bed,,, haha

so for me,, it is better to go to MP or HC, for relax.. ^^

anyway got 2 new target now,.. 1 at JB (i just fuk her, virgin ler) , 1 at KL (ask me go holiday and will 'give' me),,

ab it busy with them.. that's y long time no online liao.. haha

am I bad?

that's 2 diff kind of shiok.
was having it while in 20++. so nice .. best was in car ..
hope to have more time to make a come back ..
some i still contact after about 8yrs.. hehe


24-04-2006, 12:23 PM
I am not amazed that you find so many free lunches over the Internet. What I am really amazed of is all those lunches being rated at 7 and above, with nice breasts, smooth skin and all, and I am speaking from experience. :D

24-04-2006, 12:32 PM
Bro lingwu,

since you my brother, let me tell you.

that ger stay in ss2 right? n her name is irene right.

she gives good bbbj and she can even do it in the car... however looks is 4/10 only.

24-04-2006, 12:58 PM
that ger stay in ss2 right? n her name is irene right.

she gives good bbbj and she can even do it in the car... however looks is 4/10 only.

Like that after all bros have screwed her and kau tim... we intro her to bro Burns lah. :p

25-04-2006, 11:53 PM
Like that after all bros have screwed her and kau tim... we intro her to bro Burns lah. :p

!!!!!LEI KE HAI !!!!!

25-04-2006, 11:55 PM
Bro lingwu,

since you my brother, let me tell you.

that ger stay in ss2 right? n her name is irene right.

she gives good bbbj and she can even do it in the car... however looks is 4/10 only.

Bro HSC, sounds like she 'service' u b4 ;) !!!! Where the FR ?:D

25-04-2006, 11:58 PM
think i got heard of this nottbabe before, quite famous i think.. erm.. :D

26-04-2006, 12:53 PM
since is freelunch , MUST choise the NICE one to fuk lar...

I only come out to met those is with nice height and weight,, and also with pics one mar....

I will ask pics from them, immediately after know them on net,,,

so,, :cool:

although is free,, but take ur own risk lar... hehe:p

28-04-2006, 10:01 AM
Ok lar back to topic brothers.

to the bro who started this pic.....

make sure wearing rubber la....

28-04-2006, 10:48 AM
Bro lingwu,since you my brother, let me tell you.that ger stay in ss2 right? n her name is irene right.she gives good bbbj and she can even do it in the car... however looks is 4/10 only.
what the fxxk! so she is famous la! dun want to meet liao cos dun want to have yoour sperm in my cock la! last nite already swimming in bro klkool sperm liao...:mad: