View Full Version : J.b Fr Girl Info...

albert sim
26-04-2006, 11:51 AM
HI all bro.,in j.b got any new FR girl info ???
please pm me they no. because this saturday i`m alone...
my email [email protected]

Ah Dez
26-04-2006, 01:43 PM
HI all bro.,in j.b got any new FR girl info ???
please pm me they no. because this saturday i`m alone...
my email [email protected]

load of shit ..... i don't know wat you want... but your english sucks.

albert sim
26-04-2006, 03:09 PM
sorry ah dez ,my english in not very well ...my meaning is massage girl can call out in j.b...thank you...:)

6" boy
26-04-2006, 05:38 PM
sorry ah dez ,my english in not very well ...my meaning is massage girl can call out in j.b...thank you...:)

Dear Mr Albert Sim Theng Kwei

This Saturday you alone that's your problem la, who care! Go massage parlour and get yourself a massage la, so simple. If not enough go buy some VCD and soap and go home PCC.

From your past postings, I noted that you had visited Tropical Inn and enjoyed a good massage. Beside Tropical Inn where other places that you had visited? Maybe you can share with us on these places that you think worth for money rather than begging for contact.

26-04-2006, 05:54 PM

Also you calls 911 and trust me they also able to ease your needs:mad:


Dear Mr Albert Sim Theng Kwei

This Saturday you alone that's your problem la, who care! Go massage parlour and get yourself a massage la, so simple. If not enough go buy some VCD and soap and go home PCC.

From your past postings, I noted that you had visited Tropical Inn and enjoyed a good massage. Beside Tropical Inn where other places that you had visited? Maybe you can share with us on these places that you think worth for money rather than begging for contact.

26-04-2006, 06:40 PM
haha, 6" boy, nice one.:D

27-04-2006, 08:29 AM
HI all bro.,in j.b got any new FR girl info ???
please pm me they no. because this saturday i`m alone...
my email [email protected]
I think Jln Dobi and Jln Ngee heng might have wat u looking for...

albert sim
27-04-2006, 09:34 AM
hi all friend ,i think in here is discussions.i just want to exchange in j.b massage girl nomber .,why you people always like to laugh me...if you really want to give me they contact please pm me ...if not please <quiet>!!!
or if you very angry me ,nevermind you can come to j.b look for me i waitting you....oh,sorry i forgot all bro i`m j.b boy...

27-04-2006, 09:42 AM
...if not please <quiet>!!!or if you very angry me ,nevermind you can come to j.b look for me i waitting you.......


You have issues??? Have you visited the following thread/post.....


If not, please do so before you post. My kind advise for you.

27-04-2006, 09:48 AM
hi all friend ,i think in here is discussions.i just want to exchange in j.b massage girl nomber .,why you people always like to laugh me...if you really want to give me they contact please pm me ...if not please <quiet>!!!
or if you very angry me ,nevermind you can come to j.b look for me i waitting you....oh,sorry i forgot all bro i`m j.b boy...
relax... ain't worth u being so angry. We are all here for sharing some nice happy hours. So be kewl yar...

but I do suggest u go through other threads before u post something like this. This ain't information counter and no one owes u anything, yar... These bros here got wealth of information than the local newspaper editors.

Take up bro Ciblover's advice and go thru the thread he posted...


27-04-2006, 09:53 AM
HI all bro.,in j.b got any new FR girl info ???
please pm me they no. because this saturday i`m alone...
my email [email protected]

Please do bit of search within this forum before creating unnecessary thread which will result you from being 'fired'. I am sure you can obtain the info you want using the SEARCH function.

You had also started another 'redundant' thread seeking for russian gals ?

27-04-2006, 11:36 AM
Sound like this albert sim is another school mate of TSH and CBM loh! :p

27-04-2006, 11:46 AM

You have issues??? Have you visited the following thread/post.....


If not, please do so before you post. My kind advise for you.

Looks like Bro CibLover is an excellent controller of standards and procedures for SBF. Good, keep it up so that newbies would not get stranded and or eagerly overstepping their lines and in the course of doing so step onto the toes of seniors :D

27-04-2006, 11:52 AM
Looks like Bro CibLover is an excellent controller of standards and procedures for SBF. Good, keep it up so that newbies would not get stranded and or eagerly overstepping their lines and in the course of doing so step onto the toes of seniors :DProf, that is why we bros in KL call him Yee See Heng which means 2nd Tai Kor. We juniors can always be rest assured that our YSH is around to maintain the discipline. One wrong step and we can be prepared to get our ass chewed.:p

27-04-2006, 12:05 PM
....so that newbies would not get stranded and or eagerly overstepping their lines and in the course of doing so step onto the toes of seniors :D

Bro prof,

Me not controller or acting tai-kor, leh....But just a bit uncomfortable with his remarks. We're all newbies once and have been bombarded by seniors every so often. So, we feel for the newbies too.....but not with such an attitude.

However, definitely not trying to act like whatever so-called seniors. Me still can be considered newbie, leh. Joining period not even one year currently.


27-04-2006, 05:48 PM
hi ,ciblover,if you not a tai- kor ,sit they diam-diam la....
i read albert say ,he is right..why you people want to complaint her???
he just want to share with her massage girl no only....
bro ,dont lose face we people...because they say we always like complaints.......

28-04-2006, 11:08 AM

albert sim
28-04-2006, 05:17 PM
men you are right...:D

28-04-2006, 05:56 PM
;) try tis no: 012- 777 7xxx.. maggie (mummy nox at new sanctum).. mostly china gals.. age 25-28.. RM300- short time/ RM500- overnite.. interested pm me...

28-04-2006, 06:03 PM
Haha ..... so funny ...... like farmer come and sak you where is his farm ........ this guy talk cock very good woow ......................................... email so more .com.sg ...... siao lang!!!!!!!!!!!:eek:

28-04-2006, 06:05 PM
tttfck & albert sim,

Me no senior or tai-kor. So, me sit in a corner diam-diam. But me also diam-diam Zap you both when I finished upping other deserving brothers.

Coz, me give up rescuing you liao.

Bro MaXx69,
You edit, I edit too. So, no more posting numbers here, yah??

28-04-2006, 06:15 PM
waliu...dun bombarded me le... peace... bro... peace... just given real contact also kena bombarded... haiz...:confused:

28-04-2006, 06:15 PM
Can i join the zapping party? :rolleyes:

28-04-2006, 06:15 PM
bro tttfck,

Pls get your fact right..since when MR ALBERT has changed his gendre or perhaps he may loss his virginity from male to female hehehe:D

hi ,ciblover,if you not a tai- kor ,sit they diam-diam la....
i read albert say ,he is right..why you people want to complaint her???
he just want to share with her massage girl no only....
bro ,dont lose face we people...because they say we always like complaints.......

28-04-2006, 06:18 PM
OkOk... edit liao... SoRRy har all bro... my MiStAkE....:p

28-04-2006, 06:31 PM
OkOk... edit liao... SoRRy har all bro... my MiStAkE....:p

Hi MaXx69,

Pls dont post contacts openly in the forum... u should PM that person. Pls do read the stickie if u haven't do so.

Enjoy ur long weekend.

28-04-2006, 11:04 PM
hmm ttfck and Albert Sim, u wanna fark around here, better go back home and PCC lorr..., KNN u dun simply come here and post stoopid lanciau post and one come and support his stoopid lanchiau dickhead post. Then wanna act like stupid cuber gangster. Give me a break lah. What is real is we can Zap u, which is what I m gonna do shortly...

28-04-2006, 11:11 PM
hi ,ciblover,if you not a tai- kor ,sit they diam-diam la....
i read albert say ,he is right..why you people want to complaint her???
he just want to share with her massage girl no only....
bro ,dont lose face we people...because they say we always like complaints.......

Blimme...this fella's English is atrocious! "sit they diam-diam la"???
"want to complaint her???" "dont lose face we people...."???

It hasn't reach the threshold to incite me to start zapping him kau-kau. Dun be rude to senior brothers, OK?

29-04-2006, 05:41 AM
Can i join the zapping party? :rolleyes:
can! but I can't zap u already .. coz already up you...kekeke

As for tttfck and albert sim, there are some vacancies at my nearby kindergarten, I believe that's where you should start.. the basics. After learning your A,B,Cs then I'll try to pull some strings to get you into Jalan Alor's primary school.. but no promises! If you can't get in, then I think General Hospital has a special class for retards.. that also have to pull some strings.. hopefully u can scrape in.. just!

Oh yea.. I forgot something.. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzztttt! That's for insulting the people who were trying to help you.

29-04-2006, 09:31 AM
td0620g are you want go to hell???:cool:

29-04-2006, 10:35 AM
HI all bro.,in j.b got any new FR girl info ???
please pm me they no. because this saturday i`m alone...
my email [email protected]

Juz my 2 sense.....
Y v need to keep reminding newbies to read other ppl FR.....
But none of them reading thru our FR and kuai-kuai asking taikor 4 info.....
Please dont simply post question.....

If u'r JB boy or girl, u shld hv 1st hand info..... :D
Some more de way u ask question sound like we owing u $$$.....
Please think thru again.....

29-04-2006, 11:15 AM
after giving up my honest and genorous 2 sense, this fellow email me this....

hi bro ,why you so kei-po??sit they diam-daim lah..,
fuck you!!!!!

What kind of Samster newbies is he...??? :mad:
We are here to exchange info not exchange words.....
Dont act like 3sing.....

29-04-2006, 11:23 AM
bro sgarsemen,

What he was asking for i did him a favour... i saw his point went down by 1. ;)

Broz of TMDK Realm... show me ur power.. in this case show him the negative power.

29-04-2006, 11:26 AM
I got the same message 'hey ,bro.why you so kei-po..sit they diam diam lah .fuck you!!!' :D

Maybe it's kindergarten holidays now... kids are getting more advanced but still haven't mastered their basic A,B,Cs. I hereby suggest donating to the tttfck and Albert Tim retard fund so that they may get a better future, to start the ball rolling, here's my contribution :-

tttfck and albert sim retard fund
1. RM0.10 - TD0620G

29-04-2006, 11:31 AM
do count on me.....
since i already give them my 4sen.....
let me give them another 2sen.....
in total they receive 6sen from me, hope it's enough to get them a "do-nut"..... :D

29-04-2006, 12:07 PM
hi ,ciblover,if you not a tai- kor ,sit they diam-diam la....
i read albert say ,he is right..why you people want to complaint her???
he just want to share with her massage girl no only....
bro ,dont lose face we people...because they say we always like complaints.......

albert sim / tttfck, you created an ineffectual thread called "J.b Fr Girl Info..." dated on 26-04-2006, 11:51 AM, and created a nick "tttfck" dated 27-04-2006. Why create another prick nick to substantiate your nick? :rolleyes:

A JB boy having a .sg yahoo email? Can meh?

29-04-2006, 12:09 PM
nowadays, lotsa noobs comes in and start thinking ppl owe them something.

i wonder when such trends start.

Whether noob or not, common courtesy are important and nobody owes anybody anything.

my 0.002 sen to them. Paisei lar, end of the month, pocket kinda empty lar.

29-04-2006, 01:01 PM

Me too on contributing RM 0.10 for saving this two retarded souls.

We also have consider to contribute funds for buying two cage if things goes out-of control.:D


I got the same message 'hey ,bro.why you so kei-po..sit they diam diam lah .fuck you!!!' :D

Maybe it's kindergarten holidays now... kids are getting more advanced but still haven't mastered their basic A,B,Cs. I hereby suggest donating to the tttfck and Albert Tim retard fund so that they may get a better future, to start the ball rolling, here's my contribution :-

tttfck and albert sim retard fund
1. RM0.10 - TD0620G

29-04-2006, 05:10 PM
I wonder is there a stickies for newbies to read... how can i make frens with sbf broz. :D

Second call for Realm broz... :cool:

30-04-2006, 03:02 PM
I got the same message 'hey ,bro.why you so kei-po..sit they diam diam lah .fuck you!!!' :D

tttfck and albert sim retard fund
1. RM0.10 - TD0620G

I also want to contribute !!!! But not much money ... RM0.01 can ah ??

Find his remarks offensive, zap him liao !!:mad:

30-04-2006, 06:45 PM
I also want to contribute !!!! But not much money ... RM0.01 can ah ??

Find his remarks offensive, zap him liao !!:mad:

Today u so free arr?? Somemore so free can zap ppls... I tot when u are free u wiil go commando mission... the jur ku ku 1! :p

30-04-2006, 10:34 PM
Today u so free arr?? Somemore so free can zap ppls... I tot when u are free u wiil go commando mission... the jur ku ku 1! :p

Hur hur hur !!! Lei Ke Hai !!!:p

01-05-2006, 11:25 PM
hmmm....clone nicks....same pattern of typing...same english dat sucks...deserve the zapping...wait for mine :)

02-05-2006, 02:53 AM
halo tttfck! who the hay do u think u r? dont talk to the seniors like tat! they deserve the respect. u may be lao chiao or some big gangster in the outside world but when u join other ppl's forum as newbie, behave like a small boy lah! dont lcly, where are your manners?! if u dont like y dont u go pay for a server and start your own forum lah. i oso newbie but when read your words i oso beh tahan liao so i had to do the right thing lah....ZAPPPPPPPPTTTT!!!!!

02-05-2006, 03:16 AM
Realm bros and other bros, let's not spread ourselves zapping both nicks. I suspect tttfck is his 2nd nick. Maybe we just zap the first one "Albert Sim" to -ve first.

And then when recover, zap the 2nd nick. Both of them tend to use "his" and "her" interchangeably...

Round 1 done... Mr Albert.
Waiting for Round 2.

Mr tttfck, would you like to send me a "fuck u" by email?? I want to see whether you got the balls to email me. :rolleyes:

02-05-2006, 03:17 AM
Oops... forgot. Should be "Realm bros and other bros/sisters"

sorry ar Satan_Gal :p

02-05-2006, 05:14 AM
HI all bro.,in j.b got any new FR girl info ??? please pm me they no. because this saturday i`m alone...my email [email protected] tq..........

Here u ask bros to pm you the numbers of gers

hi all friend ,i think in here is discussions.i just want to exchange in j.b massage girl nomber .,why you people always like to laugh me...if you really want to give me they contact please pm me ...if not please <quiet>!!!...

Here u say want to exchange...which is which?????? U really deserve to tio kan.....

you can come to j.b look for me i waitting you....oh,sorry i forgot all bro i`m j.b boy......

U if happy not...Singapore lah come....why jb go must?????
PS: Hope the above sentence is retarded enuff for you to understand

6" boy
02-05-2006, 11:03 AM
He had already make a mistake since the very beginning when he started this new thread. Let's pray that his wife or girlfriend will never find out about this thread because she will not want to know that his husband/boyfriend is asking for FL contact during her absence on one Saturday night. Take care Mr Albert Sim Theng Kwei.

02-05-2006, 11:30 AM
let the fool remain foolish while we the wise one congregates and go cheong HC... :D

02-05-2006, 12:02 PM
let the fool remain foolish while we the wise one congregates and go cheong HC... :D

Amitaba...fools rush where angels fear to tread :)

02-05-2006, 04:37 PM
me zap u albert sim

round 1 done :D

02-05-2006, 04:38 PM
Oops... forgot. Should be "Realm bros and other bros/sisters"

sorry ar Satan_Gal :p

its ok dear :)

sexy rabbit
02-05-2006, 05:34 PM
Originally Posted by DeKuip
wonder is there a stickies for newbies to read... how can i make frens with sbf broz.

Second call for Realm broz...

Bro DK, Do I consider one of the realm brudders?? Anyway, follow your lead and brought him down to ZERO liao...:D

02-05-2006, 05:37 PM
Bro DK, Do I consider one of the realm brudders?? Anyway, follow your lead and brought him down to ZERO liao...

huh?? Did some1 kicked u out of the realm group?? I tot u are in our Yahoo group for long time liao!! :confused:

As long i can remember u are 1 of the Realm broz :D

02-05-2006, 05:41 PM
Bro DK, Do I consider one of the realm brudders??

Bro SRabbit, nvm one.... Zap first and then only ask whether you are Realm mar.. kekeke. Right bor, Dekuip?

02-05-2006, 06:10 PM
Realm Bros take note. Heard somewhere that Big Boss do not encourage mass zapping whether right or wrong. Dun advertise here cos we can also communicate in our own group. :)

02-05-2006, 06:43 PM
Big Boss do not encourage mass zapping

Thanks for the head-up bro Shiok.