View Full Version : Hello

18-05-2015, 06:59 PM
Hi everyone! Nice to meet you!

I'm still a little confused over the moderation thingy. To become an unmoderated member, I have to post enough in this section to earn enough points? Is that it?

Or is it just simply an issue of time? Sorry, I skipped the newbie section completely when I registered (sigh) and only realised there was a moderation period when I tried to post. :)

ps, I created this account a long time ago but forgot about it until recently

18-05-2015, 07:05 PM
Welcome to MY sub-forum!
U must post outside this sub-forum to get out of Moderation.
By the way... Read the thread below to stay safe in this forum...



18-05-2015, 07:43 PM
Oh, I see. I've tried posting, but they've all been subjected to the moderation queue. So, do I just wait for them to be approved now?

Thanks for the help, man =D

Big Sexy
18-05-2015, 08:14 PM
dont let the posting stop..
u can still continue to post while waiting for the them to clear the moderation queue
it will help u get out of moderation faster.

and remember to read the stickies;)

Oh, I see. I've tried posting, but they've all been subjected to the moderation queue. So, do I just wait for them to be approved now?

Thanks for the help, man =D

18-05-2015, 08:19 PM
Okay! Thanks for the help!