23-05-2015, 09:13 PM
** DreamzAngel's
Note: This is a 100%true photo representation. You get what you see. Pls reject if you see a different representation.
★ Attention Gentlemen: Get ready to be seduced by the this ShenZhen Babes brought in specially by DreamzAngel! Providing an all new experience --- Two Hands Erotic Massage with Double Shots! Posh 1800sq ft Environment to WOW you★
Note: Limited Time Only! It's your turn to be WOEed by this sexy babes whom are regarded as the cream of crop in ShenZhen. Experience for yourself what high class erotic massage is all about! No nonsense 90mins of high tension sexy moves by them will simply make you breathless.
Get on the ride now to feel the passion within. Strictly by advanced Booking Only! Note: The masseuse is know to be very selective on their exclusive clientele.
Name: 深田恭子 Kyoko Fukada
Origin: 深圳
Age: 25
Looks: Stunning Pics As Above
Height: 158cm
Weight: 41kg
Body: 34B/23/32 x
☑ 偷食禁果
☑ 宅男杀手
☑ 不一般的激情
☑ 清纯氧气美少女
☑ 清纯的魅力征服你的心
☑ 素颜美少女
☑ 钉子般可爱小乳头
☑ 32度诱惑
☑ 1+1 诱惑
☑ 忍不住的糖果
☑ 夏日激情
Services That She Can Perform/Allow
☑ Two Hands Sexy Relay Massage
☑ Boobs Massage [波推]
☑ HandJob [打飞机]
☑ Face/Head Massage [脸、头部按摩]
☑ Extreme Teasing with AutoRoaming
☞ Big Cozy Room Included ☜
Working Hours : 10.30AM-3AM(Daily).
Damage: SGD150/ Single Lady/ 90min for BM/FANTASY DREAMZ TEASING/ 1xHJ / MASSAGE
Others Service Pls Neg With her Directly
Please Call Or Text 深田恭子 Kyoko Fukada @
+601652 31898 or WeChat: stgz1224
Note: She can speak and understand maindrain only... All Chinese speaking races are welcome ...
Click Here To Access Her Individual's Profile (http://da3377.wordpress.com/JAPS/)
Kindly post the Reports if you are happy with her service.
If you are unhappy with the service you can zap me or flame me .
Kindly refer to newest post for latest updates. Thanks
CERTIFY By DreamzAngel
23-05-2015, 09:15 PM
SOME REPORT for 深田恭子 Kyoko Fukada posted by fellow Bros.
可是!这报告非写不可!而且要大赞一番!漂亮又聪明的女人会不停地求进步-这句话我今天终于领悟并且见识到了。今天一早,好友,A先生突打手机问我今日是否会跟太太和妹妹去新山购物 ? 当然有!需要买什么呢? A先生竟然回我:我要你买两个日本明星回来!我的梦中情人回来客串了,还带了个好妹妹开拓双飞市场。他们 现在短住在新山,我发地址,微信号和照片给你!她们会好好招呼你,我星期五才过去! 老油条的我一打开微信的2张照片都快被吓晕了:深田恭子 (Kyoko Fukada)! x 安室奈美惠 (Namie Amuro)! 这两位深圳靓女竟然敢用超级偶像的名,不怕人笑吗?!
可是一打开她们俩的生活照,一个短发美女大眼汪汪,一个长发美女附骨感美。心想:如果真人有照片的六成好看 ,她们都可称美呆了!!!有这么正点吗,不太可能吧? 可是A先生是恭子BB在新加破时的大客,A先生跟我打包票,这对日式组合铁定将会是2015年的炸子鸡。A 先生还提醒我恭子BB本以是网上公认酷像张伯芝的靓女,回深圳疗养了一短时间,这次的状态更佳!而且已A先 生了解恭子BB的性格,如果她所陪同的美惠BB没相当的美色和技巧,恭子BB才不会岭她过来。以上的细节有 待各位玩家去体会,我只想跟大家分享我认为是今年最犀利的90分钟双飞双打经历。当然,在还没跟我 家中两位小姐进新山前,我已秘密通过微信联系恭子BB。约好时间,在放下那两位在Shoppi ng Mall购物后,第一时间飞过去。以下就我去仙游的过程与细节和消费:
价钱与服务: 一点也不便宜。只有一种套餐选择:90分钟感官按摩 + 双飞双打 + 10分头部按摩。何谓双飞双打?:简单来说就是你可以安排 先抱着恭子BB,美惠BB帮打1次, 然后再抱着美惠BB,恭子BB再打1次!(我的安排)不二价:S$300 或 RM800 这绝不是一般的消费;不过肯定是会让你事后最爽而感到超值的消费。便宜没好货,不怕货比货,就怕不识货。。 。一句话搞定。读下去你便了解为何超值!我开心地付了S$300外加RM50小费。据了解,工作时段:11 .00am-03.00am
服务地点与环境: 太豪华,太方便了。我万万都想不到就在购物商场上面的豪华公寓。美女们就在酒店的大堂接应我。他妈的真有气 派,又威风!一到云端的1700方尺三房公寓,告知只有她们俩住,可见她们多会享受并注意隐私。月租一看就 不便宜!赞赞赞!在这么宽大的公寓里,就如大老板被两位小三伺候着。90多分钟后又可在5分钟内回到老婆身 边 :p 赞赞赞!怪不得A先生说星期二要请假,好好试试恭子BB和美惠BB的性感服务;然后再约她们在下面唱K,回 公寓再打。在新加坡哪可这样地玩乐呀!喂,A先生,你行不行呀?小心你像我一样,事后脚软,差点摔跤!豪华 公寓附有美妙音乐,一尘不染,清新的毛巾,超舒适的大床,一流的沐浴设备。赞赞赞!
恭子与美惠: 有多美?太美了!!!照片一点也不假,就是她们一对一的样貌(100%)!赚到了,太久太久没这么漂亮的按 摩BB了!恭子BB果然传言不假,拥有酷像张伯芝美丽的双眼和脸蛋。也有如网名,她的短发造型让她有深田恭 子的影子。如果有人这么写,而我又没亲眼看到本美女的话,我真认为写的人在放狗屁!细腰的恭子BB和她时尚 性感的打扮真是No.1呀。那玲珑的身材。。。一看,就想马上把她的衣裳撕开呀!在这篇报道用了那么多的 呀字,可见我的惊讶程度!美惠BB同样是位细腰长发美女。。。天呀!她们的腰细到。。。我真想马上脱掉衣 服一起抱在怀里。美惠BB拥有的现代骨感美,搭配着那超长的秀发,让我有在她身上射精的念 头 :P 也确实酷像安室奈美惠。妈的,写着写着,她们俩裸体的画面和情景又冲进了我的大脑与小鸟!
感官按摩与情色: 用非常色情这两个字未免有点粗俗不雅,我还是用非常情色来形容她们的服务经过吧!当我享受完她们家 一流的沐浴设备;赤裸裸地躺在床上,用毛巾遮掩住我小弟弟时-节目正式开始!恭子BB与美惠BB先把灯调暗,转开着迷人的红色小灯,马上把气氛变得很色情!。。。对不起 。。。是情色! ;P 跟着她们不约而同,穿上了名牌白色比基尼跳到我的床上到我怀里!天呀!如果我是十七八岁的小弟弟的话肯 定马上射精!:) 四手按摩果然爽!不过最爽莫过于看着之后她们脱光比基尼胸罩。。。露出美妙身段和那漂亮的小乳头们在我身上 滑行的感觉!轮流地挑逗着我,轮流的跟我打飞机。。。天呀!皇帝也莫过于此!不说了不说了!没体验过讲多了 也形容不出那漂浮的快感!
据了解:目前客还不多,每天三四个所以是去的好时段 :) 红爆时,我就不敢打包票了!赞呀!
Visited 恭子 @1pm today. Cumbird's 3rd visit since her arrival. Traffic was surprising smooth & managed to arrive on time. Parked my car at the hotel CP & waited for her friend, 美惠 to bring me up.
Usually, I would just take 90mins session w 恭子 alone. Shocked, 美惠 came down dressed in a "ohhh-so sexy" white singlet T with "see through" black sports bra, a super short black mini skirt coupled w high heels gave me an immediate hard-on. My mind says: Tarma Today!
In their posh 3 bedder condo, 美惠 help me to get changed as 恭子 is waiting for me. Just before 美惠 is about to return to her own room, I grab onto her soft little hands and say: "Let's go in together, I want you both today!" You should have seen the shock on her face when I planted a kiss on her, grab onto her waist & led her to 恭子's room!
恭子 baby was equally shocked when both of us entered her room. Got hold of what i wanted & gave me a cheeky smile. Somehow i dunno what's going on with me; maybe 美惠 really turned me on & upon seeing 恭子 dressed sexily in a white bikini lying in the king size bed; i acted like a hungry wolf!I delay no further in helping 美惠 getting her top & bra off within the min. What a sight! Nice toned body w succulent perky tits. I can't resist but kissed them while it's hot! I yelled: Please strip off and let's get sexy!
They smiled & say 发神经呀! What the heck ladies, my testosterone lvl is hitting the ceiling! As i obeyed to them by lying "quietly" onto the bed, 恭子 started stripping off her top; revealing her B-Cup assets. What a steamy sight! Next was the sexy 4 hands massage, teasing my body to the max & 海底捞月. Turned over, they combined to kiss my neck & body sexily w stero-typed soft moans; both intentionally leaving my penie unattended to, standing rock hard! How cruel.
I plea to them emotionally to release the protein filled fluid in my system. The 1st shot was handled by 美惠, it was heavenly, stroke x stroke w the correct amount of pressure & twist. While 美惠 was executing on my penie, 恭子 talk dirty to me & let me grab her tits. Spare me, i came 1st time in less than 3 minutes. They laughed at me on the immense quantity that i shot out.
Round 2 begins: Started by teasing my body with a 2x BM, wow that was really great. My penie actually reacted to their actions in such a short recovery time. 恭子 was in charge of my 2nd shot while 美惠 lay face down on my penie & massage the veins below, arousing the area near my ass. It was the most wonderful tarma HJ stunt i ever encountered! I dunno how i shot my 2nd but i was more intense than the 1st! Shiok Ar!
We talked in the bed nude for 30mins after the session as their next client will only arrive around 3.15pm. Before i left, i took a nice shower to refresh myself for the day. Really feel like my 小三's house.
For those trying to avoid the jam, i suggest you visit them in the early/late afternoon if not after 8pm. Def. worth the money & time!
23-05-2015, 09:16 PM
SOME REPORT for 深田恭子 Kyoko Fukada posted by fellow Bros.
A midweek massage session with 深田恭子 is really a way to keep my engine going from all the stress built up in my body. Have been trying out many girls lately but not many (or i would say none) that fits my high standards in terms of look, not to mention the atrocious skills that I have to bear with so many times. Decided to play it safe and tried making a booking with 深田恭子 on Wednesday; was in luck and managed to get a confirmation sms from her within minutes. Wow, I must say that 深田恭子 still stands out from the crowd, and currently I would dare to bet that she is at her best state with that slim, perfectly sculptured body. If memory never fails me, I remember that I have visited 深田恭子 more than 6 times at her previous location and they had been wonderful sessions so I was really looking forward to the session and perhaps something new from her.
Once she saw me, she immediately commented: 帅哥哥!好久没见你了! This immediately breaks the ice and brought about the friendship moments in the past and we soon chat like long lost lovers while hugging onto her ohhh so damn sexy slim waist which makes me wonder why i go around looking for other places where the best is just within my sight. If you ever have the chance to put your hands around 深田恭子s waistline you will understand what i mean. Thats not all why i decided to write a FR for 深田恭子, but what i encounter that day: The Best Penis Comforting Session that makes me want to share with brothers here. Here is what happened that day
As usual after the long chit chatting, 深田恭子 being very particular about hygiene requested me: 亲, 先去冲个凉, 记得把宝贝洗得香香的! Of course i will lah. Out from the shower facing me is 深田恭子, lying in the bed sexily dressed in another pink see through sleepwear
An instant erection pursues within me! I ask her why changed from white to pink sleepwear when i was bathing, she actually stunned me by replying that she knows i favor pink previously and she changes accordingly to return customers preferences! Mai Tu Liao, i quickly jumped onto the bed and hugged her intensely and she was a bit taken aback. Then i told her i need her dearly to pamper my 2ic, skip the massage first and give me a hj immediately. Smiling bubbly, she skillfully grab my already erected 2ic and again commented: 亲, 好久没见你宝贝它又好像长大了, 又粗了 还剃得干干净的, 你女友肯定很性福. Within minutes under she masturbating techniques, i shot my load the 1st time with joy without even the need to touch her, she is that good. I then told her now that she can pamper my body with a good massage but do remember i still want my 2nd hj shot later and do remember save some time for it! 知道了! 知道你宝贝贪吃! NNB, dare to tease me somemore; later i squeeze your neh neh hard hard then you know ar
Jokingly, how can i bear to do that with such a sweet 靓妹.
The full hour of massage given was heavenly and half way through i informed her i might need an hour extension so do inform your next client about the delay which she did. Whoola, after the smoothing massage i can feel my 2ic ready for the 2nd unloading. I requested 深田恭子 to face and lay next by my side, having intense eye contacts she started fondling me and me move my hands to start feeling her perfectly shaped boobs
So nice and feels so good. She then started some light foreplay on me before moving down to my pelvis area playing with my 蛋蛋 and sensitive area. My body naturally reacted to those sensational feelings and soon my mind was in a world of its own
In emptiness without worries and just enjoying her strokes and the fingers turning around the head of my 2ic. Boom, i suddenly yelled with utmost happiness; i cummed the 2nd time and it was dammnnn dammnn shiok. 天呀! 宝贝! 这么还那么多呀! Yes, i am surprised too that there is so many spermy stuck within me! Tired Tied, i told her i cannot liao please i need some massage around my thigh area which she obliged.
While massaging my inner thighs, she suddenly whispered to me: 亲! 我们来个第三次吧! 我要看看你宝贝有多行! NNB! Lim Peh so shack liao still dare challenge me! But my ego got the better of me, and i replied: 行! 不过我宝贝要你更呵护它, 才可给你看第三次烟花! She smiled and immediately start attacking me again (i will not elaborate as you might not get what i got)
i only can only say that it was a tough order for me but thumbs up to 深田恭子 that she did it. I came the 3rd time! Yes, abit not much load but the feeling can only be described by what she say: 亲! 你没事吧! 怎么没叫人也呆了这样! Please babe! This is the feeling of shiokness in the highest order and i truely feel the man in me and the power of my 2ic. I was in ecstasy for a full 1-2 minutes while still hugging onto her. The rest is history
the afterbath, hug and a peck on her cheek goodbye.
To end, i would say that the $350 i gave her is well spent for 2.5hrs of the best pleasure i encountered. I will definitely RTM given the service level i received. On my way driving back, i can feel my body is at ease and feeling great
but just hoping my gf will not need my service that night
Brothers here will know what i mean!
天呀! 昨天小伟我终于约到深田恭子了. 地点优越和宁静的环境不在话下. 与众不同的小公主和她的服务真的值得让小伟花点时间给她写个好评. 小伟一见小公主开门时几乎禁不住欢呼一声,再次感叹上天照化神奇:怎么真的这么像我的偶像张柏 芝! 眼前的小公主已经不是一个美字可以形容,气质可说扑鼻而来. 小公主按摩技术确实一级棒不过我最难忘的就是她非一般的特别服务! 经过一番挑逗,小伟真的受不了叫小公主把她飘逸的性感透视睡衣给我立刻脱掉! 之后小伟目光马上直盯小公主完美的胸部. 美極艷極! 两粒娇小的乳头呈现粉红色,仅有绿豆般大小,衬着铜钱大小的乳晕,煞是惹人怜爱. 小公主还挑逗性的问了声:哥哥,我的乳房美吗?只能抚摸不能舔哦
妈的蛋蛋XX! 小伟我玩过无数美女,这种半球形的玉峰很少见,尤其是如此平均和完整的半球形,更是女人万中无 一的宝贝呀! 小公主的玉乳看上去感觉非常的幼滑,玉峰整体有着绝美的曲线和形态,带给我的视觉神经绝大的刺 激! 若不是公主说不能舔,我早就伸出舌头冲过去好好把她那对咪咪服务一下! 我接着用我的手指在公主身上也挑逗一番,可见小公主非常欣赏我的弹指神功;不久可见她被我挑逗到满脸通红, 樱桃小嘴娇喘吁吁:唔
听到我小二还没被弄就想喷出来! 绝呀! TMD! 如果小公主肯给我触摸她白色三角裤内的蜜桃小穴,我肯定有把握把她那股亮晶晶,粘稠滑腻的美女爱液流个不停 ! 可惜呀
这只是我当时的幻想. 当该为我服务的时候,小公主在我耳边说:哥哥,让我好好看看你的阴茎. 我立刻扑上去抱住公主的纤腰把她紧紧抱在怀里,那种感觉就真是像投进温柔香! 小公主一边帮我打着飞机,我一边用手抚摸着她两半雪白的小屁股,非常有弹性好滑好刺激. 舒服吗? 小坏蛋儿!公主娇柔的说. 嗯嗯
我只是嗯嗯了一声. 小公主接着加速用手来回套弄着我的鸡巴,而我再次将小公主玲珑的身体搂入怀中,摸着公主的美乳,公主的手仍 紧紧的握着我的鸡巴,并接受着我在她身上的热吻,她的手更加用力的套玩着我的鸡巴! 知道小伟我要射时,小公主还激情的叫着:哦
啊! 哦! 亲
美死了! TMD! 一听到漂亮的小公主这么叫我马上像尿失禁一样把我身上的沉淀已久的精液都喷了出来! 好多
真的好多! 一流真的一流! 事候的服务也真到位所以给了公主个惊讶的小费因她也真的让我惊讶嘛
礼上往来. 今天早上我还在床上想如果公主会讲流利的英语的话;真想把她请回公司当我的私人助理,早上帮我办事下午又可 以帮我打飞机! 一箭双雕! 呵呵
我朋友称深田恭子是按摩网络五大美女之一的封号果然不夸. 小伟我肯定会再回头找公主,期待她会有更大的尺度空间那就真的爽死了.
哎呀!深田恭子新放上的秀秀图美極了,不得不写几句来赞美小公主!也就是她那玲珑般的曲线和娇小的脸蛋让我 着迷至今!周末来临我一定要深田恭子小公主穿上那诱人的白色bikini来好好的给我推一下.小公 主不断地有新的花样出现;就算网上来了多少新的美女,我还是会时不时去小公主的家,给她勾引我好色的弟弟一 番!精子与金子也因最近人才的大批涌入而损失不少,不过也因此乐坏了好玩的我! 有一样我不得不赞深田恭子小公主的是我来了她那儿好几次都给我留下不同的快感,又有像家的感觉
真不知她是 怎么做到的!?其他少数可媲美深田恭子小公主的美女也真的不错;可就如其他哥们说的步伐太快,没温柔感和家 的感觉.躺在小公主的床就是特别的舒服,她体贴的服务与拥抱真会让人有中毒的反应,与众不同.亲密指数 真可破表.不说了!期待周末来临, 我真等不及抚摸那白色比基尼
24-05-2015, 03:44 AM
http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-MZDyHYqgf9o/VRwDwuE37YI/AAAAAAAACWg/_VmR4jZz36M/s1600/dreamz.gif (https://da3377.wordpress.com/)
More Babes Below
26-05-2015, 12:35 AM
http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-MZDyHYqgf9o/VRwDwuE37YI/AAAAAAAACWg/_VmR4jZz36M/s1600/dreamz.gif (https://da3377.wordpress.com/)
More Babes Below
27-05-2015, 10:09 PM
http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-MZDyHYqgf9o/VRwDwuE37YI/AAAAAAAACWg/_VmR4jZz36M/s1600/dreamz.gif (https://da3377.wordpress.com/)
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