View Full Version : Viagra

07-06-2015, 11:45 AM
Hi Brudders,

Silly qn...

If 1/2 pill don't work on me, I need to take a full pill instead?

Big Sexy
07-06-2015, 11:57 AM
No, you should go see a qualified doctor instead

Hi Brudders,

Silly qn...

If 1/2 pill don't work on me, I need to take a full pill instead?

07-06-2015, 01:42 PM
Heard even take viagra, still need stimulation also right?

07-06-2015, 04:20 PM
Hi Brudders,

Silly qn...

If 1/2 pill don't work on me, I need to take a full pill instead?

Yes, 100mg (full pill) is a normal dosage. Perfectly safe. Go ahead. If that does not work still then see a doctor for alternatives.

07-06-2015, 04:25 PM
Heard even take viagra, still need stimulation also right?

Need stimulation in the sense that you won't have a boner the entire time. But much, much easier to attain both spontaneous and reflex based erections (by manually stimulating.

08-06-2015, 07:05 AM
Manual stimulating means ?

08-06-2015, 06:13 PM
How long have u used viagra? Sounds like u really need professional help. U shld see a qualified urologist and seek his opinion.

08-06-2015, 09:39 PM
1/2 pill for 2 times.
1st time got feeling.... 2nd time no( perhps i took it while having a flu)

08-06-2015, 10:12 PM
Did you take in on an empty stomach? (at least 2 hours after a heavy meal). Did you allow for a 1 hour window for it to take full effect?

Viagra is very affected by food. Can result in an additional 60 minutes for it to take effect (increae in Tmax), and around 30% less effective (reduction in Cmax). Means if you took with food or near meal times it could take up to 2hrs to take effect, and probably half the effectiveness. Plus the fact that you are only taking 50 mg.

Anyway manual stimulation is stroking, like stroking to get you from flaccid to erect.

09-06-2015, 07:06 AM
I thought is 30 -60min after meals...
Then took the 1/2 pill then went for shower to save time.
realised that my little bro shrink lay. Donno y.

After shower, lay on bed wif wifey. Then stroke myself ... no reaction.
Maybe becoz got flu?

09-06-2015, 08:06 AM
Before meal bro....

My uncle took it after supper and it only reacts the following morning. He was cursing the whole night.

Didnt your GP give you instruction?

09-06-2015, 09:21 AM
You should absolutely see a doctor for proper medical advice. Self-Medication is dangerous and potentially life-threatening. Here are some things the Doctor may advise you:

1. Check your Testosterone levels
If your Testosterone level is very low, no amount of Viagra is gonna help you

2. Increase your dose

3. Take your medicine on an empty stomach
Oily meals are especially bad for absorption

4. Take PDE5 for at least 6 to 8 times
There is a phenomena known as the cumulative effect
In other words, you might only see the full effect of Viagra (or other PDE5) after 6 to 8 pills

5. Try different PDE5
Some respond to Viagra, some to Cialis, some to Levitra

6. Check for an enlarged prostate

7. Get your partner to give you more direct penile stimulation

8. Change your medicines (especially high blood pressure medicines) that may be causing or contributing to the ED

If after all that the Viagra STILL does not work, you can consider:

1. Intra-Penile injections like Caverject
2. Electro Shock Wave Treatment for ED

Special note:
For young patients who have had ED from their very first erections, it could be venogenic. For this you need special investigations and maybe even surgery.

10-06-2015, 02:06 AM
I thought is 30 -60min after meals...
Then took the 1/2 pill then went for shower to save time.
realised that my little bro shrink lay. Donno y.

After shower, lay on bed wif wifey. Then stroke myself ... no reaction.
Maybe becoz got flu?

Try taking before your dinner? Like 1 hour before dinner around 6pm, ready to go around 8pm after dinner etc.


You can time it so that ~2-3 hours after taking it you can be at the highest plasma concentration. If you find it very ma fan and stressful to time it right, maybe try cialis?