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16-05-2006, 01:28 PM
Hi to all bros who cheong KL!!
last sat i went to KL n fuck a prostitute... TO MY HORROR MY CONDOM TORN.
and from what the PRO told me she juz went for checkup last mth n everything is cleared!!!!! she even mention every 3mths she has to go checkup if not she can't work..n also she juz started to work for 5mths now. Please can anyone tell me how safe and clean is KL prostitute?? will she be lying to me?? I'm worrying everyday after tat trip.. plz someone help me...

16-05-2006, 03:33 PM
Hi to all bros who cheong KL!!
last sat i went to KL n fuck a prostitute... TO MY HORROR MY CONDOM TORN.
and from what the PRO told me she juz went for checkup last mth n everything is cleared!!!!! she even mention every 3mths she has to go checkup if not she can't work..n also she juz started to work for 5mths now. Please can anyone tell me how safe and clean is KL prostitute?? will she be lying to me?? I'm worrying everyday after tat trip.. plz someone help me...

no one can tell you how safe thing are... just hope for the best and do go for a blood test and pray... sorry dude

16-05-2006, 03:41 PM
Hi to all bros who cheong KL!!
last sat i went to KL n fuck a prostitute... TO MY HORROR MY CONDOM TORN.
and from what the PRO told me she juz went for checkup last mth n everything is cleared!!!!! she even mention every 3mths she has to go checkup if not she can't work..n also she juz started to work for 5mths now. Please can anyone tell me how safe and clean is KL prostitute?? will she be lying to me?? I'm worrying everyday after tat trip.. plz someone help me...

If you're so worried .. why dun you go for a HIV test ... it's so easy nowadays ... just head down to :

Anonymous HIV Testing & Counselling Centre

This is the only place where anonymous tests is available in Singapore. Experienced counsellors are on-hand to provide pre- and post-test counselling for our clients. Immediate HIV tests are available. Instead of waiting a few days for the result, it only takes 30 minutes at this test site.

The DSC Clinic
Blk 31, #02-16 Kelantan Lane
Saturdays from 1 to 4 pm and Wednesdays from 6.30 to 8pm.
Contact number 62540212

Also you can have your screening at hospitals, gps, etc and also at DSC clinic but these will take 1 week for results.

Hope that helps ... so stop worrying and instead get it done .. once and for all.


16-05-2006, 03:43 PM
Hi to all bros who cheong KL!!
last sat i went to KL n fuck a prostitute... TO MY HORROR MY CONDOM TORN.
and from what the PRO told me she juz went for checkup last mth n everything is cleared!!!!! she even mention every 3mths she has to go checkup if not she can't work..n also she juz started to work for 5mths now. Please can anyone tell me how safe and clean is KL prostitute?? will she be lying to me?? I'm worrying everyday after tat trip.. plz someone help me...

wait 3 months then go take a blood test!! no use crying over spilled milk!! by the way, i think you must be damn rough!!! i have been fucking for so long but my condom never broke before!!!

16-05-2006, 03:52 PM
wait 3 months then go take a blood test!! no use crying over spilled milk!! by the way, i think you must be damn rough!!! i have been fucking for so long but my condom never broke before!!!

There are number of reason why the condom breaks ... maybe it is due to :
1. the size of the dick .. too thick for the condom ..
2. low quality condom ... the one the pros using normally are lousy brand .... not like Durex which has quality checks ...some cheap condom dun have QC done ... that is why it is so cheap.
3. The vaginal of the Pros are too dry ... so it causes abrasive action to the condom .. hence after prolong abrasion, it get torned ...
4. The method of applying the condom to the dick ... maybe the application of the condom is done thru the mouth of the pros .. hence they sometimes uses the teeth to roll down the condom ... so during the process it might have torn the condom ...
5. etc ... other reason which I have not thought of ... but there are so many possibilities for the condom to break ...

Play safe ... wear two condom ... hahahha ...

So far I have also encountered one condom breakage incident ... but I do not dwell over it ... When we go cheong .. you must be prepared to accept all the ill fate that will betow on you ...


16-05-2006, 04:02 PM
Play safe ... wear two condom ... hahahha ...

i don't agree!! wearing 2 condoms is even more dangerous!!! rubber rub against rubber can break more easily!!!

16-05-2006, 04:08 PM
Hi to all bros who cheong KL!!
last sat i went to KL n fuck a prostitute... TO MY HORROR MY CONDOM TORN.
and from what the PRO told me she juz went for checkup last mth n everything is cleared!!!!! she even mention every 3mths she has to go checkup if not she can't work..n also she juz started to work for 5mths now. Please can anyone tell me how safe and clean is KL prostitute?? will she be lying to me?? I'm worrying everyday after tat trip.. plz someone help me...

Bro, the question u asked is similar to "wat 4D number will open tomorrow?". If u r luck, any number u buy, u will strike. If u r not lucky, how many numbers u buy also tak kena. :D

16-05-2006, 04:41 PM
i don't agree!! wearing 2 condoms is even more dangerous!!! rubber rub against rubber can break more easily!!!

Didn't you hear of those old practise of using two condom ? First you wear the first condom ... then apply axe oil on it ... then you apply the second one on top of the first ...

if the first one break ... the ger will be the first to feel the pain ... if she persist to go on ... and if the second breaks .. you will feel it ... voila .. you got yourself a DIY condom breakage detection system ...

Of cos .. I am joking all along about using two condom ... who would want to spoilt the fun by having two condom ??? Having one already make the experience less "Shiok" .... putting two condom ... like dat might as well ... go DIY using your hand.

Botton line is ... condom is not always the safest ... so be well prepared mentally before you cheong next time ... if your condom break .. dun come here and cry babies ... just go and do a HIV check ... and put your heart at rest ....

Cheers ...

16-05-2006, 06:24 PM

>"Please can anyone tell me how safe and clean is KL prostitute??"

About as safe and clean as prostitutes in Singapore, I suppose. :rolleyes:

But if you want to get into the details, then you need to let us know what sort of prostitute or place of business. Cheonging budget places...well you know lah.

16-05-2006, 06:36 PM
Bro ~ Sorry to hear about the busted rubber.. :o Do hurry now and get your blood tested..


16-05-2006, 07:34 PM
Sori to hear of your misfortune. No point worrying, if kena means kena oredi, if not means no lah...you hv to wait bout 3 mths before a HIV test can be effective. the virus dont manifest till after 3 mths. So do like wat i do when my CD burst many yrs ago....while waiting for the 3mths window period, bonk as much as possible like your life is goin to end in 3mths time!!! he he he :D ..... If you read the latest medical survey, the number of hookers in Malaysia infected with HIV is less than 10% coz they are more careful than the average trusting housewife. Almost the same in Thailand coz very strict control frm Govnt. High risk places are in Cambodia, Indon, Laos and Vietnam. In the meantime,.....KEEP BONKING!!!!

16-05-2006, 08:16 PM
[QUOTE=mbz777]If you read the latest medical survey, the number of hookers in Malaysia infected with HIV is less than 10% coz they are more careful than the average trusting housewife.

bro mbz777
10% is hell of a lot dude! just imagine out of 10 pro that you bonked, 1 is infected!! how bloody scary is that!!!
if like that it is definitely easier than kena 4D!

anyway to that bro who busted his condom, let's do what the other bro said, wait for 3 months and get the test done, and within this 3 months, pls stay the hell out of sex, dont put others at risk!!

moral of the story: dont wear condom next time so it will not bust! :D

17-05-2006, 12:44 AM
bro mbz777 10% is hell of a lot dude! just imagine out of 10 pro that you bonked, 1 is infected!! how bloody scary is that!!! if like that it is definitely easier than kena 4D! ....and within this 3 months, pls stay the hell out of sex, dont put others at risk!!

My dear bro, dont push the panic button yet lah....we are talking bout the whole of Malaysia leh...10% of maybe 100,000 or more....but watever it is, if you choose to bonk hookers then you hv to accept the consequences lah.....the next 3mths b4 getting an accurate blood test result, go ahead and bonk but do it responsibly lah, esp to your gf or wife, go buy good quality latex. if your wife or gf ask y suddenly you x do raw, jz tell them you got new fetish of bonking with fancy condoms with studs etc...say you heard from SBF bros that more shiok to play like tat lah so ur lobang x pecah lor...he he he... :rolleyes: just take it easy Ok? nasi sudah jadi bubur so no point worrying yourself sick....instead, tis a gud time to fast & pray and ask forgiveness fr big bro JC lah....he he..... continue to bonk like there's no tomolo! (remember your durex pls....)

17-05-2006, 02:12 AM
There are number of reason why the condom breaks ... maybe it is due to :
1. the size of the dick .. too thick for the condom ..Most of the condoms here are for Asians unless seekforfl is not.
2. low quality condom ... the one the pros using normally are lousy brand .... not like Durex which has quality checks ...some cheap condom dun have QC done ... that is why it is so cheap.
3. The vaginal of the Pros are too dry ... so it causes abrasive action to the condom .. hence after prolong abrasion, it get torned ...If so dry and she still can tahan until the condom rupture, wow ! sure a wild one
4. The method of applying the condom to the dick ... maybe the application of the condom is done thru the mouth of the pros .. hence they sometimes uses the teeth to roll down the condom ... so during the process it might have torn the condom ...
5. etc ... other reason which I have not thought of ... but there are so many possibilities for the condom to break ...

Play safe ... wear two condom ... hahahha ...

So far I have also encountered one condom breakage incident ... but I do not dwell over it ... When we go cheong .. you must be prepared to accept all the ill fate that will betow on you ...


Bro, I like your reasons .Need to add some to point 1 & 3 , so far I've not encountered condom failure but slipping off after little brother getting limp.

17-05-2006, 09:38 AM
Hi to all bros who cheong KL!!
last sat i went to KL n fuck a prostitute... TO MY HORROR MY CONDOM TORN.
and from what the PRO told me she juz went for checkup last mth n everything is cleared!!!!! she even mention every 3mths she has to go checkup if not she can't work..n also she juz started to work for 5mths now. Please can anyone tell me how safe and clean is KL prostitute?? will she be lying to me?? I'm worrying everyday after tat trip.. plz someone help me...

Hi newbie San,

Dun worry too much. You must read up more on HIV transmission before you get panicky!

HIV virus transmission from female to male in heterosexual encounters is NOT efficient as from male to female, due to a large deposit of sperms [in a condomless situation] being transferred from your balls to the box!

HIV virus is a very weak virus and cannot survive outside the host and dies even in water mixed with detergents. You need one thing to let them go into your body.....you suck and lick the vigina fluid and / or menstral blood with some skin breakages along your lips and mouth cavities. The virus is present in very small amount [not enough for infection] in saliva, some how the saliva had weakened the virus. So far, no recorded instances on transmission via BBBJ [or cuninglingus] but the transmission is very efficient if sex is via the anal passage and it is not built for "sex" [kateoy lovers,oops didnot mean to imply our friend KTL of KNN...please beware]

The HIV virus is not usually detectable by lab tests, but the anti-bodies developed by your body to fight them will be detected by the ELISA tests [now, they have developed a test using saliva]. Most of them who got infected will somehow develop a bout of fever [like flu fever] with some rashes due to the body's immune system is fighting them initially.

You might get other common infections but usually your nearest lymph node will swell and be very painful! The most sickening and uncurable is herpes! They [the herpes virus] can not kill you but you can not kill them :eek:

Another thing to worry....you might get a son from this encounter with that WL and maybe you should name your son as "Broken rubber" or "kodomo [in Japanese, it is a term for children, but in Cantonese it is KONDOM-MOU..no condom]

17-05-2006, 09:44 AM
wait 3 months then go take a blood test!! no use crying over spilled milk!! by the way, i think you must be damn rough!!! i have been fucking for so long but my condom never broke before!!!

The 3 month period after suspected infection is known as the "window period" due to the virus has laid dormant in your cells, but they are deadly to the sense that they can be transmitted and infect others. So, if you suspect you get it, dun engage in sex with your usual partner until the green light is given [you need 2 tests at a frequency of 3 monbths to really confirm]

For those aged fellas, dun worry it take 10 years for full blown AIDS to kill you as compared to cancer which can kill you in 6 months [lung cancer] and heart attack in 60 minutes! :rolleyes:

6" boy
17-05-2006, 10:43 AM
Condom is not 100% safe. A friend of mine told me that a friend of his wore a condom and get hit by a bus. Do you know who tell me this? Check Bro AlvinChan signature. Kesian his friend.

17-05-2006, 11:17 AM
Condom is not 100% safe. A friend of mine told me that a friend of his wore a condom and get hit by a bus. Do you know who tell me this? Check Bro AlvinChan signature. Kesian his friend.

That is only a joke! How about wearing a crash helmet when having sex...safe?

Nothing is safe, yes I agree...but wearing a condom can be the safest you can expect compared to not wearing one. I have seen the condom manufacturing process, and I must admit that it is designed and built with the strongest capability to withstand wear and tear. There are cases where it was not the condom that was made with cheap materials, but the condom coming into contact with incompatible chemical found in those cheap K-Y used by the WL's, it was actually a chemical reaction induced tearing! Those condoms that have studs and abberations and splines [known as tiger, tomcat, leopard, snake] that were first marketed had tears along those studs! Now they are safe and very shiok to use!

Check out with your pharmo to get some spermicide and apply to your di-di before wearing a condom and the presence of that can kill any intruding virus and bacterias [those that cause G and Shypillis] Pardon my spelling, I am no medical doctor :D

I wanted to be a medical doctor but I was too hamsup to be one!

17-05-2006, 12:08 PM
Hats off to our big bro Prof! Very informed replies and advice. Heard a lot about you from Bro Bluesman but havnt got the chance to meet you in person.

But prof, if the poor guy dont touch his gf or wife for 3-6mths they will start suspecting sumtin oredi rite? unless he wants to make full confession, i still think he shud bonk with full protection and not so rough so tat dont kena breakage again loh... can recommend which brand of spermaticide ah? i oso interested to use lah...dont mind to post instead of i pm u since i think many other sbf bros can make gud use of the info...TQ sifu!!! :D

17-05-2006, 01:03 PM
Hats off to our big bro Prof! Very informed replies and advice. Heard a lot about you from Bro Bluesman but havnt got the chance to meet you in person.

But prof, if the poor guy dont touch his gf or wife for 3-6mths they will start suspecting sumtin oredi rite? unless he wants to make full confession, i still think he shud bonk with full protection and not so rough so tat dont kena breakage again loh... can recommend which brand of spermaticide ah? i oso interested to use lah...dont mind to post instead of i pm u since i think many other sbf bros can make gud use of the info...TQ sifu!!! :D

I know of a brand that can kill all harmful pest .... it's called "Baygon" ... they sells that in the NTUC .... just spray once ... and you're ready to go ...

Hahaha ... just joking ...

Here's an interesting article :
Lemon juice 'is HIV-killing spermicide
Laboratory tests show that lemon juice is a potent destroyer of both HIV and sperm, Australian researchers say.

If planned tests in primates and people are successful, lemon juice could be ideal for women without easy access to safe barrier contraceptives, such as condoms, says the team at Melbourne University, led by Roger Short.

But experts in anti-AIDS medications warn that the safety of using the juice internally and its efficacy in people are as yet unknown.

Simply go to the market and get some fresh Lemon ... before making love ... apply the lemon juice on your dick and you're ready to go without worrying for HIV infection ... :) TRUE OR NOT ??? Well, it is according to Australia Research ... you test it and let us know

For your infor ... Spermicide only kills your sperm and not the HIV virus ... so dun be silly and go and buy spermicide and thinking you're 100% safe from HIV ...

When you cheong .. there's 0.01% chances of getting HIV infection ... the percent rises if you dun use comdom ...

So be prepared for the consequences ... if you wanna cheong ...

Otherwise ... quit the scene and dun cheong ... that will be 100% HIV free ... or unless your wife is cheating on you .... you might ber it from her.... hahahaa...

Cheers ...

17-05-2006, 01:27 PM
[1] The spermicide that is popular is known as:


The best STD and HIV barrier is a latex condom without N-9. However, a condom lubricated with N-9 is probably better than no condom at all. The protection provided by the condom would appear to outweigh the potential risk of the N-9, at least of low frequency of use and dosage.

[2] Recent studies disagree on safety of lemon juice against HIV

[Ref: Catherine Brahic
12 April 2006
Source: SciDev.Net ]

Potentially contradictory findings on whether lemon and lime juice could safely protect women from HIV infection if they apply it to their vaginas will be presented at an international conference later this month.

Researchers from the CONRAD programme at the Eastern Virginia Medical School, United States are expected to present evidence that lemon or lime juice can damage the cells of the vagina.

Another US-based team, from the University of Berkeley, will suggest however that lime juice is safe if it is used in low concentrations.

Historical documents show that through the centuries, women have used acidic solutions such as vinegar as a contraceptive.

But in the past few decades, research has suggested that the acidic juice of lemons and limes could also function as a microbicide — a product that women apply to their vaginas to protect themselves from HIV infection.

Studies show that this practice is already common among sex workers in Nigeria, and anecdotal evidence suggests it also takes place in other African countries.

But the safety and efficacy of using lime juice has not yet been proven scientifically, and some researchers are concerned that women could begin using lemon and lime juice with potentially harmful effects.

In February, Carol Lackman-Smith of the Southern Research Institute, United States, presented data at a conference showing that 50 per cent solutions of the juices damaged the cells that line the vagina.

The CONRAD team is expected to confirm the finding at this month's Microbicides 2006 conference in Cape Town, South Africa.

According to the team's preliminary results, most women who applied pure or 50 per cent dilutions of lime juice to their vaginas later showed signs of damage to the vaginal tissues.

Lackman-Smith says there are grounds to be concerned about the safety of using lime or lemon juice.

However, Anke Hemmerling of the University of Berkeley will present results in Cape Town that suggest that weaker dilutions of 10-20 per cent cause little, if any, damage to the lining of the vagina.

Hemmerling says the difference could be because it is difficult to assess the extent of vaginal damage.

The prospect of using lemon or lime juice as a microbicide is also complicated by the fact that sperm reduces the overall acidity inside the vagina.

Previous research by Robin Shattock of Imperial College in the United Kingdom shows that in the presence of sperm, anything weaker than a 50 per cent solution of juice does not efficiently inactivate HIV.

You all be the judge!

17-05-2006, 02:19 PM
My dear well informed taikors, these articles are very interesting, thanks for taking the trouble to enlighten us, but i think applying lemon or lime juice to a whore's vagi is not possible lah...imagine the pain when the juice go inside? sumtimes kena a bit of soap oso beh tahan liao....oso, they may decline our biz if we do tat coz they may think we hv sum funny jampi or disease rite? i am interested to find out if those citrus juices are applied on our didi instead? dunno if the acid is strong enuf to damage the CD? so instead of getting baygon (he he) or other spermaticide, wat if we apply citrus juice on didi then put on CD then bonk? Any research tat prove damage to didi's sensation nerves from citrus juices? if such damage do occur then we are slowly castrating ourselves huh?

haiya all this sinful whore bonking so mah fan 1 leh....so those bros with wives and gf if scared better repent and stop lah...but for poor old me, "yan yau lou, cheen yau mo, lo por yau chau lo" (old oredi, not much money, wifey ran away oredi) type then no choice hv to continue to take the risk to enjoy the occasional few minutes of fake intimacy with syt to cure my loneliness and middle age crisis lah.

Hope to learn more from my well learned sbf taikors!! TQ TQ

17-05-2006, 02:40 PM
Seriously those method that was discussed earlier is meant as jokes ... I am surprised that you're thinking of applying Lemon Juice to your dick ...

If you're using comdom ... then it is good enough. Remember do not play RAW !!! Life is short .. but dun make it shorter by playing RAW ....

Seriously ... I do not advice you to apply lemon juice on your dick .. or any other people's part ... just put on the condom and enjoy ...

Risks we have to take to bonk ... consequence we have to bear when mishap happens ... but precaution is the key to lessen risk and avoid consequences ... be safe, play safe and wear protection.

Cheers ...

17-05-2006, 06:47 PM
aiya bro alvin, itu macam ka? but prof PRT sounded so convincing lah....like got big time research being done on it leh...but ultimately i agree with u, watever it is, must have full face helmet lah...but a word of advise, again i repeat....dont bbbj with CD on....the whore's teeth might inadvertantly cause micro tear in the rubber tat ultimately cause leakage or breakage....

17-05-2006, 07:08 PM
aiya bro alvin, itu macam ka? but prof PRT sounded so convincing lah....like got big time research being done on it leh...but ultimately i agree with u, watever it is, must have full face helmet lah...but a word of advise, again i repeat....dont bbbj with CD on....the whore's teeth might inadvertantly cause micro tear in the rubber tat ultimately cause leakage or breakage....

Hi Bro mbz777,

My posting was never meant to be a joke, otherwise I would have mentioned that as a joke.

You should say: "Yan ng low, chin yao wan dou, leng lui yam nei yatt jou yeh jou!" [Not old yet making a lot of money, and all pretty girls ley you do what you like to do day and night!] OK? :p

In my case, I still have the raw materials but my legally established factory has been closed or ceased operations, so how? :confused:

18-05-2006, 10:57 AM
Hi Bro mbz777,
My posting was never meant to be a joke, otherwise I would have mentioned that as a joke. You should say: "Yan ng low, chin yao wan dou, leng lui yam nei yatt jou yeh jou!" [Not old yet making a lot of money, and all pretty girls ley you do what you like to do day and night!] OK? In my case, I still have the raw materials but my legally established factory has been closed or ceased operations, so how? :confused:

Sifu, sori lah. i tot bro alvin was speaking for evy1....ok, so your posting is based on facts 1 lah...hmmm....i will try it out with 1 of my regular "part time GF" soon. at least she wont freak out if i squeeze lemon or lime on my didi...i think being viet, she may like it even more if i give some flavour for her to bbbj!!! he he he...

Thanks for your super positive word of encouragement...i actually needed that lah....come to think of it oso true lah...last time everyday eat choy sum....nowadays everyday can change menu....hmmm, looks like the grass on the other side IS greener eh?

If legal factory ceased operation then i think the best biz solution is to keep the old premises for storage purpose and rent/lease new factory to continue operation lor....if raw materials still abundant then dont waste....wastage of raw materials means inefficient operation mah! he he he :rolleyes: