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01-06-2006, 09:32 PM

The class arrives at the chalet and quickly, everything was set up and rooms were assigned to each person. The girls were to share one rooms while the guys will have the other. A slow afternoon begins. Everyone was down at the beach, either swimming or engaged in ball games. Richard was hesitant for a moment.

"Hey Rich! Why so gloomy?" He turned around to see Shaan, standing before him with a warm smile.

Shaan was the school belle. She was of middle built, about 1.68 metres tall, but she had extremely beautiful features and was very well built. She had nicely tanned skin and long flowing black hair. Her most outstanding feature was her body. Shaan had full large breasts, a slim waist and a rounded ass with a really sexy pair of legs. She was in the volleyball team in school and everytime the school went for tournaments, Richard would be among the supporters, his eyes fixed on her. She had a tube on and had wore blue bemudas. The clothes could barely hide her perfect figure.

"Well erm.. I'm not really sure what I want to do at the moment."

"Come on!" Shaan's hands clasped on Richard's, and suddenly Richard found himself being pulled along to join the others, who were in a game of beach volleyball. Richard quickly became excited by the pace of the game. And also by Shaan. Her breasts, although covered by the sports bra she wore, shook everytime she forcefully hit the ball. That afternoon continue on till the evening came, and everyone retired to the chalet for a quick bath and some rest.

In the blink of an eye, evening had arrived. Everyone gathered in the living room and prepared to leave for dinner at a hawker centre. Rich quickly stole a glance at Shaan, who was half done drying her hair. Droplets fall and soak her white t-shirt, making the contents underneath it even more prominent. Rich struggled to pull himself away from the sight before he got noticed. He quietly left with everyone for dinner.

Dinner was dull except for an occasional conversation here and there. Rich was gladly finishing up his meal. Abruptly, Shaan walked over to him, looking significantly pale.

"Eh? Hey, are you ok?"

"You want me to get one of the other girls to bring you back to the chalet?"

Rich looked around. The gang had already left for a night of partying at a nearby pub, not knowing the two were left behind.

"Damn. You mind if I escort you back?"

"O... kie..." Shaan manages to finish her sentence, cold sweat now breaks over her face.

Rich and Shaan quickly got back to the chalet. He quickly tried to find anything that might help to bring some relief for her. Incredibly, a glass of water seems to have did the trick. Shaan complexion returned to her usual rosy appearance.

"You ok now?"

"Yerp. Thanks. Must have been something I ate. The rojak maybe."

Richard looked at the clock on the wall, it was ####. Too late to go out to try to find the rest, too early to sleep either. He decided to turn in early, turned to face Shaan, who now was comfortably sprawled across the sofa.

"Hey, I guess I'll sleep early I guess..." The words choked before they came out. Richard was stunned. He could just see her bra peeking out from the collar of her tee from where he was standing.

"What was that?"

"I... err... err..." He had clean forgotton what he had wanted to do.

"Hey they are showing that new movie on the TV, why don't we just watch it and wait for the gang to return?"

Rich wasted no time hopping on to the sofa.

01-06-2006, 09:33 PM
Although classmates for almost 2 years and also close friends, the two have never been alone with each other before. Nervous slience minutes passed by with both of them nervously nibbling on tidbits.

A single sentence broke the ice. "Pass me the Coke please Rich?"

Rich absent-mindedly hands a glass to her, and it spills all over her. Rich at this point panickly grabbed a napkin and try to clean up the mess. His hands rested abruptly on her chest. Her reaction turned from that of shock to astonishment. He was in an undescribable dilemma in which he had to pull his hands off.

"Sorry! I didn't mean to.. I..." He could not move his hands, nor were the words he spoke coherent.

Shaan, a normally bubbly outgoing girl, was at this point flushing red. She spoke the three words that seems incredible to Rich.

"It's... ok, Rich.."

"What??" He could not believe his ears.

She reached out, and pressed on his hands, which further made them apply pressure on her breasts.

"Richard, do you like me? I... noticed you were looking at me alot.."

Richard stared into her clear hazel eyes and at this point did what was natural. He leaned forward and gave her a kiss. He was surprised by how sweet her lips tasted. He hesitated for a moment, but then pushed his tongue into hers. Shaan let out a muffled cry of surprise but responded in a similar manner. His eyes half open, he could see her eyes tight shut. He reached for her body, his hands moving slowly in an embrace up her firm tummy, and then over her coke-soaked bra, both covered by her t-shirt. He begun to pull off her shirt.

Shaan was enveloped by a mixture of emotions. She knew it was wrong but she loved the pleasure when Richard touched her, and allowed it to continue. Eventually, she uncontrollably begin to start stripping Rich too. Still locked in a hot french kiss, a fluster of hands were all over each other, and they were about to get into the act when the footsteps were heard outside. The gang was back.

A hasty retreat was made and when the gang finally came in, they only saw two people staring at the television, with their clothes and hair somewhat messed up.

"Everything ok? You two alright?" Hafis, one of the guys, asked.

"Yah!" Shaan and Rich reply in unison.

The gang was too apologetic about having left behind the two and enjoying a great night of partying at the pub without them that that did not notice the two were behaving strangely. Everyone begin to take turns to shower and prepare to sleep. Rich grabbed his towel and saw Shaan coming out of the girls' room with her toiletries. This time their eyes looked at each other much longer.

That night, Rich tossed about his bed. With Shaan still hot on his mind, he decided to go outside for some air. Shaan was there, outside. The same thoughts were in her mind, and her body, never touched by a men before today, were now aching for the sensations she had experienced. Her clothes gave off the same message too, a tight tee plus short hawaiian hot pants were more than enough an invitation for Richard.

"Did I ever said that I love your ass, S'Ann?"

She giggled a little. Both were surprised how obvious their lust was. Rich held her hand and made their way down to the beach, to a section where the trees provided a dark cover. He waited no time, he quickly stripped her while she did the same to him. The sight of Richard's bare muscles lighted by the full moon made her suddenly feel a wetness at her crouch. She realises at this point she was incredibly horny. She reached out for his cock, which throbbed with her every touch. Richard, overwhelmed with the excitement of it all, quickly tugged off her bra. Deeply tanned, the pale contrast of her big tits became like bulls-eyes to his hungry eyes and he reached out and grabbed her breasts. Afterwhile, the initial animalistic action subsided, he calmed down and instead proceded to slowly rub her nipples. A moan escaped from her mouth which only made him more horny. He slided her panties down her legs and tossed them onto the grass, binding her with his kisses. Shaan's magnificent teenage body is revealed to his hungry eyes. His cock throbs again as he gazed at her sexy naked body.

Richard lean over her and began to fondle her pussy. Fringed with dark black hair, he slid his middle fingertip up and down between the two plump lips of her warm cunt. Her pussy began to get slick and wet. He let his whole finger slip in and then slowly began to finger fuck Shaan. The only sound at the beach at this point, was Shaan's ruffled breathing, occasional moans and a squishy sound as he continued to finger her pussy. He spread her legs and then climbed directly on top of her, straddling her naked body. He lowered his groin down so that his cock is rubbing between her wet pussy lips.

Shaan at this point realises what Richard was about to do. She tried to push him away but opened her eyes and froze. Totally captivated by his eyes, she lets her hands limply fall again.

"Fuck me, Richard."

Rich continued. Balanced on his knees and elbows, his hands reach out and begin to fondle Shaan's large tits. He inserted his cock, and Shaan felt a sharp pain as her hymen is torn. He rocked his hips back and forth grinding his dick against her wet pussy. Her nipples stiffen under his fingers and he slowed his thrusting, trying to prolong the exquisite feeling of his cock, pressed against her wet cunt. He pulped and squeezed her big tits as he slowly slide his hard cock through her sopping pussy lips. Shaan was at this point a muttering fool, overwhelmed by the overwhelming pleasure she experienced.

"Ahh... Ahhh.... Ahhhhhh!!!......"

Richard heard her orgasmic screams and could not endure much longer. He felt the pressure building in his balls and knew he had only a few more thrusts left. He realised he would cum in her if he did not stop and quickly sat up, grabbed his straining cock, gave it a few good yanks, and a stream of hot white cum blasts from his cock, shoots up across her body and lands on Shaan's face. He continued to pump his cock and jet after jet of sticky cum pulse from the engorged tip and splashes onto her naked body. Her tits are spattered as his cock slows it's spewing, her chest and stomach become dotted with cum. He let out a breathe and only realized that he had been holding his breathe as he came. Shaan felt Richard's thick cum all over her body and her face. To Richard's surprise, she licked up some of the cum of her face and swallowed it. Smiling, she said, "Tastes just like vanilla ice-cream!"

"I could let you have somemore if you want!~" Richard laughed, still panting from his exertion.

Richard helped cleaned her up before they made their way back to the chalet. They went up to the rooms where, they unwillingly said their goodnights and went to sleep. Richard thought of the pleasure he felt just awhile before. He smiled a little and fell asleep.

01-06-2006, 10:02 PM
Superb story! First camper and supporter here! :)

01-06-2006, 10:32 PM
nice story!!

01-06-2006, 11:32 PM
Good story. Do continue. :)

Big Heart
01-06-2006, 11:59 PM
I'll be checking this thread for the story to continue too.

02-06-2006, 02:12 AM
will be camping here for more, hee

02-06-2006, 09:23 AM
Grrreeeeaaattt Story Bro! Setting up camp here also... :)

02-06-2006, 01:47 PM
Let me help relieve the 'cliff hanger' anxiety some of you may have! :)

By the time Richard woke up and had brushed his teeth, the rest were already all having breakfast. Richard went down went over to get some bread and coffee. Hafis and Noora were in the kitchen, laughing as they made sandwiches. Rich got his food and went to sit in the living room. Chong Seng, Victor, Madeline, Jasmine, Stefanie and some others were either on sofas or on the floor, happily eating. Richard continued to look around and found Shaan, in the corner on the floor. Rich went over.

"Morning Shaan."

Shaan was startled from her daydream. "Erm? Hi! Hi.. Morning."
The two began to talk for a long time, right into afternoon. Even when the gang played several indoor board games, the pair seemed to be especially close. The gang understandably, began to notice.
High noon came and everyone decided to go down to the beach. Shaan and and gurls changed and put on their cover-ups before heading down with the guys. Some of the guys, ready for a swim, had swimming trunks underneath. Rich, a NCC Sea seal, was naturally in his element when he was in the water. Pretty soon, everyone had stripped into their swimming gear and jumped into the sea to avoid the sun.

Rich swam out further. He dived deeper and remained at the depth of the murky waters. He was startled when a hand appeared from nowhere and touched him. He returned to the surface where he found Shaan in front of him.

"Scared you har!?" A cheeky smile appeared on her face. Beads of seawater dripped down as she stayed afloat on the water. Richard was about to reach out and touch her irresistable face when a cry came out.
"Eh Rich! Water polo with us anot?!" Chong Seng shouted in the distance, with a ball in his hands. Victor, as well as Madeline and Stef were nearby. The girls were obviously giggling at him and Shaan being so intimate. Rich suddenly felt embarassed and decided to join in. Shaan followed soon after.
Time flew by fast and it soon evening arrived. As everyone was bathing or cleaning up, Hafis pulled Richard aside.

"Eh, you really like Shaan ah?"
"Erm? I dun know what you mean?" Richard was startled.
"Eh, dun bluff lah! I understand one. We all brothers right? Me and Nora also like that."
Seeing Richard's redness, Hafis continued. Eh tonight's BBQ, you know right? Going to be quite wild man. I got people from class 4E2, 4E3, 4E4 to join us. Don't worry, all happening one. One somemore DJ somemore, bring turntable. One guy from 4E3 bringing beers and stuff, so tonight good for "happening" ah.. Know what I mean?"

Rich shook his head?

"Wah lau. You virgin right?" Richard did not dare to reply. "Eh Rich, tonight, be a man! Here!" He hands Rich a small plastic piece. "PLAY, but don't PAY ah!!"

Very fast the party sizzled up. The BBQ began and guys and girls began pouring to the chalet. Richard could see that most of the people were geared for a havoc night, some girls were even dressed in low-cut tubes. "Guy-magnet." He thought. The night quickly became wild as "DJ Yaz of 4E2" and "DJ Hafis" spinned out fast tunes after tunes. Everyone got down and threw their hands up in the air. Richard joined in, with a giggling Shaan beside him. Even in his euphoria, he could not help notice that some guys of the other classes had taken some girls upstairs. He remembered the condom Hafis had given him and suddenly had a hard-on. He gave Shaan a smile and danced with her, shaking like nothing matters. Shaan responded with similar enthusiam, and they became the dance pair of the floor. Particularly to the guys. Shaan's hot physique was had not to miss.

Rich had to rest. He went over to sit with Chong Seng and Victor, who were downing glasses of tequilla. That someone from 4E3 had certainly knew where to get the good stuff. Rich drank a cup of beer and chatted with the guys awhile, before Shaan came.

"You guys drinking? Can I join in?" She gamely sits with the three, and grabbed a can of Tiger. Surprisingly, she gulps down the contents swiftly, but from her flushing red awhile later it was obviously she was no drinker. She proceded to get up again, but stumbled back onto Richard. She grinned in a silly manner. Just then, DJ Yaz noticed their hanky-panky and played a hot number. She without thinking, gave Richard a lap dance. Richard was shocked but at the same time, in ecstasy everytime her bum wickedly grinded against his balls. He turned to look at a disbelieving C.S and Victor and could not help but gave a satisfied smile. They looked at each other, and decided to get down on the floor. The alcohol they drank seemed to have boosted their pick-up skills. Rich could see they were pretty hot with girls awhile later. Rich felt the time was right and whispered to Shaan.
"Shall we do IT?"

She dreamingly looked at him and giggled a little, abit on a high from the alcohol. "Sure!"
They left the party and retreated upstairs. They went into the guys' room, but was puzzled to find it pitch black. A exhilarated scream explained the reason. Richard's eyes could not see in the darkness properly but could make out about 3 other groups of shadows, all in vigorous motion. The pair realised the deeds being done and decided to join in on the orgy.

Horny, Rich quickly felt for Shaan's bra restrained beneath her cotton blouse in the dark. He impatiently unbuttoned her top, hungry to get at the contents beneath it. He felt her lace bra in his hands soon. Shaan had already stripped his pants and underwear leaving him half-naked. Rich then stopped to look for the condom Hafis gave him. He barely put it on properly when suddenly, a soft hand grabbed his dick. Rich could only barely make her features but saw that she was naked, and extremely beautiful.
"Shaan must be impatient." He thought. He pushed her onto a matress.

Prepared to take her from the top, Rich suddenly had evil idea, quickly, he flipped the girl over and had her on her hands and knees, her ass aimed at him. The girl, half-stoned by liquour before this, was semi-concious of Richard's intentions.

Richard's large dick was shoved quickly into her ass. A shriek of surprise and pleasure went on top of the noise of the room. Richard lovingly fucked her, grabbing her buttocks and repeatingly pulled her to his crouch, feverishly fucking her. The girl, blind with pleasure, soon responded by spontenously pushing herself to be filled with his thick cock. Loud moans were heard from her. Richard suddenly realised that this girl was not Shaan. He was fucking another guy's girlfriend. However, he was too high to stop now. He fucked the girl harder and harder until he could no longer endure. He flipped the girl around and pulled off his condom and as he was about to cum, shoved his dick into the girl's mouth. She, again surprised by her "boyfriend"'s creativity did the natural thing began to suckle and nurse at the end of his cock. Rich had not cummed as his had thought he would but strangled a cry as her mouth and lips sucked on the end of his cock. The feeling was incredibly intense and he began to buck his hips in time to her sucking. Holding her head steady, he pushed another inch of his hot cock into her mouth as her tender lips slid over the shaft. He could feel her exhaling through her nostrils on the shaft of his dick. He began to gently move back and forth fucking her mouth as he felt his orgasm finally begin to start. His balls were boiling and he thought that the prudent thing to do was to pull out and cum on her face. But the male instinct when you are coming is to push forward and instinct won out. Involuntarily, his hips rocked forward and another inch of his cock entered the girl's mouth.

Rich was in immense pleasure as his cock spurted its hot load of semen into her mouth. He could feel streams of cum leaking from the corners of her mouth as he continued thrusting his cock into her mouth. Again and again his cock pulsated as cum shot from the tip of his penis into her mouth. He felt her swallow as he pushed even more of his cock into her mouth as the final load of hot cum shot from his dick. He felt a sense of satisfaction as she lurped a few more times as cum dripped from the corners of her mouth. His cock twitched a couple of times as the last of his orgasm flowed into her mouth.

She gently caressed his dick and removed it from her cum-filled mouth. She swallowed the remains and fell into his arms and whispered sweet nothings to him. "Oh Simon, I never knew you were such a stud!!!" Rich struggled to suppress a grin, panting and hugged her tight too. She fell into a deep sleep in his embrace and he lay her onto the matress again. He stumbled about the room and found Shaan on the floor with her legs wide open. Apparently, "Simon" had similarly mistaken her girl for his own too. Rich felt his dick begin to recover from the exquisite pleasure and felt that he was still fit for another shag. He slides his hand over Shaan's waist and lifted her so that her body laid against him. He could feel "Simon"'s cum spattered all over her chest, but was too involved to care now.

"Again? Rich? You have ALOT of energy!" Shaan drunkingly laughed. Rich slightly infuriated, decided to "punish" her. He realised his parents were due back in two days and the chalet would end the next day in the afternoon. He wasn't sure how if he would ever be able to do this or even get Shaan into the frenzied stoned state she's in. Until the perfect opportunities knock on his again, this was his last chance at her inviting body. He decided to forget all his worries and end it with a bang.

02-06-2006, 01:49 PM
He spread her legs and again fingered her young cunt. She voluntarily enjoyed his advances and quickly got wet. As he felt the heat escaping from her naked body. His cock begins to harden as he slipped a second finger deep inside Shaan's hot cunt. He moved himself between her legs and rub the head of his cock between the juicy lips of her cunt. The head of his cock is soaked with her juices as he leaned forward and pushed he felt the head of his cock enter her cunt. It felt tighter and hotter and wetter than he remembered the night before. He pushed forward again and about half his cock sinks into her pussy. He paused acclimating himself to the feeling and then with a final lunge, his cock slides all the way into her cunt and he felt his balls up against the cheeks of her ass. To him, it felt like heaven. His cock is gripped tightly in her pussy, as he leaned forward he felt her tits crush against his body.

"Oh.. Rich.. Fuck me you fucking hunk... Umm.. hmph.. Ahhh..." Shaan just manages to gasp those words before she returns to her moans again. Slowly he move his hips backward until just the head of cock is in her pussy and then he drove his hips forward until he was totally within her again. "So this is what sex is all about", he thought. He reached his hands up and grab her cum-covered tits and fondled them as he begin to move his ass back and forth again fucking Shaan. Her nipples harden under his fingers and he stare into her face, hiddened by the darkness. Her tits flattened under his hands as he begin to thrust harder and harder, driving his stiff cock into her yielding flesh. His hands grow slick as he rub his slick cum onto her tits. He looked downward fascinated as he felt his cock withdraw and then disappear inside Shaan's body. Shaan's eyes were wide shut and she could only respond through screams and then suddenly orgasm erupts like an explosion within her. He felt a sensation in his balls and quickly withdraw and pinch the head of his cock stopping his ejaculation. Richard was breathing heavily and his knees feel weak. he suddenly thought of Shaan's body naked in his reach. Her words were uncomprehensible as she recovers from her own ecstasy, her juices dripping from her cunt further flooding his cock, still tight in her. His own nipples are hard and his cock throbs harder at this point. Amazed by his own stamina, he pulled out his dick and then again guided his cock to the entrance of her cunt and let the engorged purple head slip in. He pushed forward and allow his dick to slowly enter her wet cunt until his balls are pressed firmly against her ass. He begined to slowly and lovingly fuck Shaan as she twisted and buckled from the unbearable sensations. Her tits jiggle from the force of his thrusting which excited him even more. He folded her knees and grabbed her kneecap, pushing harder as he tried and get his cock as far inside her snatch as it will go. He felt it plunged
in and out of Shaan's hot cunt. He grunts even as he plow his cock in and out, her tits flopping around from the impact of the bodies, and her screams piercing the other loud fucking sounds. He feels a familiar rumbling in his balls and gripped tighter, causing her ass to become even tighter as his hips are flying back and forth. He had planned to pull out and shoot his load on her tits and face, but was unable to do it. He dropped her ass and move her thighs so they are together and place his legs on the outside of hers. He squeezed his legs together, which only squeezed her thighs together, which made her cunt grab his cock even tighter. He reached out and held her tits again. His hips are bucking wildly as he fucked her without regard for the fact that he could cum in her at any moment. He felt his penis get even larger as he lunged forward, his cock as deep as it can be in Shaan's cunt. It begins. The first load of cum shoots from his cock into her hot pussy. His ass cheeks are clenched as he squeezed her big tits in desperation as jet after jet of hot cum explodes into her body. Her orgasm seemed to had arrived closely syncronised after his as her scream pierces the room again and he feels her cunt juices flooding and mixing with his own jism in her. He collapsed on the bed next to her, totally spent. They huffed and puffed and had to rest awhile before their breath returned. Rich searched for their clothes and they managed to put on their apparell reasonably before they got up and quickly went out of the room, the moans and screams made by the others were still loud in their ears. Richard decided to return downstairs for some food, but before he did, turned around to catch Shaan unprepared and kissed her on her cheek. He held her hand, and they went down together.

Everyone were engaged in different activities, from the chat of Richard, Shaan, the gang, the eating of constantly ready BBQ-ed food, to the dancing on the floor, to the openly making out of couples at almost unbelievable places. Richard was in the kitchen for a pee when he found Hafis and Nora naked in it, with her seated on the toilet bowl and him on her, hot and heavy. Richard was dumbfounded.

Both disregarded him. Hafis scowled. "What?!? I'm wearing a condom what! Get lost!"

Richard wondered about, and finally returned to the table. He noticed only Shaan there.

"Where were Chong Seng and Victor?"

He did not have to look long. Chong Seng climbed down the stairs, grinning like a Chersire Cat, with Madeline behind her. Both looked messy and Madeline was obviously red in the face. Victor followed soon after, a snug look on his face, with Stefanie and Jasmine both around his arms.
A tradition had obviously started as this point, and every other couple which came down were greeted with loud cheers and hoots.
The party finally ended at an unearthly hour of 4am. Before each went his own way, everyone got together for a loud "Yam Seng". Rich got the guys together.
'DJ Yaz' spoke up. "This to all the brothers who made this the most kick ass party ever! This is also for Victor - The best motherfucker of ALL! Cheers!"

DAY 3 and Conclusion

Richard and most people didn't sleep at all. Either unable to get into their rooms as both the guys and girls room were virtually converted into orgy paradises the night before, or hit by insommia caused by the excitment, everyone stayed up.
Richard absent-mindedly helped to clear up with the others, the memories of the pleasure he had the night before still clear in his mind. He caught Shaan smiling at him several times as they cleared the rooms, and smiled warmly back. Richard had also managed to talk to "Simon" and his girlfriend the night before at the party, and it turned out his girl was a real babe too. He managed to get her phone number, and fasinated again about the great sex.
Finally, everyone said their goodbyes and left from the chalet for home. Richard reached home with a light-heartedness, and great memories. He soon had others, as his reputation as a stud somehow got spread about and girls were almost always picking him up constantly.

-The End-

02-06-2006, 04:26 PM
Let me help relieve the 'cliff hanger' anxiety some of you may have! :)


02-06-2006, 04:31 PM
aiya bro ... mai hot la ... share somemore stuff la ... the forum is for sharing after all tio bo :o

02-06-2006, 04:43 PM
aiya bro ... mai hot la ... share somemore stuff la ... the forum is for sharing after all tio bo :o

then why dont you start the thread for yourself? i never want to claim credit for any story that i post. but if you have story to share, then dont be 'selfish' share them before anyone start doing it

02-06-2006, 05:13 PM
Well buddy, I don't quite understand why you are so miffed. I am just helping out to finish the story you have posted but yet to complete posting. Afterall, I do have the contents, so might as well lend a hand. In future, if you feel 'slighted' by extra hands, why not finish the story in one go? I think most of the bros here would appreciate the entire plot rather than bits and pieces of it.

02-06-2006, 05:34 PM
then why dont you start the thread for yourself?errr ... could it be b'cos i dun have any stories to share or post and my writing skills suck ???i never want to claim credit for any story that i post. but if you have story to share, then dont be 'selfish' share them before anyone start doing itread my admission above ... i got no stories and i can't write any good readable ones ... but i have shared some original material in my own little way ...

u wanna read all my "original stories" that i've shared here ... just do a search under my nick and dig up all my previous FRs

I just asked u not to get so pissed off ... and i dunno why u're reacting so badly to all this ???

If u dun wanna claim credit and u wanna share ur story wat's the big deal if someone who has the same thing helping u finish ... and since (i'm assuming that this is not ur original material) u're not writing the thing urself why the hack couldn't u just post the whole thing at one go ??? The reposts of bro ONS's stories were done in bulk and in full at a go since it was already complete ... unlike when bro ONS was writing it back then when we waited patiently for the new installments

so just cool it bro ... not as petty as that right ???

02-06-2006, 07:20 PM
unlike when bro ONS was writing it back then when we waited patiently for the new installments

Geez buddy, though bro oneeyesnake had a slew of adventures which stretched far and wide, don't think he wanted to be known as bro ONS (One Night Stand), would he? *LOL* I know you made a mistake there, just wanted to kid you on it. Cheers! :D

02-06-2006, 08:39 PM
Geez buddy, though bro oneeyesnake had a slew of adventures which stretched far and wide, don't think he wanted to be known as bro ONS (One Night Stand), would he? *LOL* I know you made a mistake there, just wanted to kid you on it. Cheers! :Dwahahahahahahahaha ... solly solly ... damn bobo sia ... bro OES if u see this paiseh ah ... was most prob think of bonkin when i posted :o

03-06-2006, 12:51 AM
i posted dis story b4 i tink..

03-06-2006, 01:43 AM
wahahahahahahahaha ... solly solly ... damn bobo sia ... bro OES if u see this paiseh ah ... was most prob think of bonkin when i posted :oOrhhhh....you change the legendary bro OneEyeSnake's nick to One Night Stand....wait he "buay song" and come into this thread to zap you. :D