View Full Version : Puchong Paradise
10-06-2006, 03:37 AM
I think all big bro out there know where is the bonk place right?
Should i list here or PM bro and tai ko?
Please give me feedback.
By the way i'm consider not a newbie but i seldom post report here.:o
Wait for Big bro to give comment.:p
10-06-2006, 04:58 AM
I think all big bro out there know where is the bonk place right?
Should i list here or PM bro and tai ko?
Please give me feedback.
By the way i'm consider not a newbie but i seldom post report here.:o
Wait for Big bro to give comment.:p
must you create a thread just to ask question?
10-06-2006, 08:27 AM
must you create a thread just to ask question?
Zap-boom-ka-boom :mad:
10-06-2006, 08:55 AM
Why newbie never really learn? :eek: :confused:
10-06-2006, 10:31 AM
Why newbie never really learn? :eek:
that how we distiguish them from noobs and regulars.:D
10-06-2006, 10:51 AM
that how we distiguish them from noobs and regulars.:D
Stoopidity cannot be differentiated ... :p
12-06-2006, 10:56 AM
I think all big bro out there know where is the bonk place right?
Should i list here or PM bro and tai ko?
Please give me feedback.
By the way i'm consider not a newbie but i seldom post report here.:o
Wait for Big bro to give comment.:p
In fact I've been to a very happening place in Puchong long ago but have not been there for very long. Do you have any good recomendation for the over night pick-up?
If I'm not wrong the place which I went was called Prince Junior. Hv you heard abt this place? It really happening but the variety there r mostly "Tom Yam" & "Viet"
13-06-2006, 12:33 AM
The same old place already have their business running. PM me if you guys have any question.
13-06-2006, 10:15 AM
The same old place already have their business running. PM me if you guys have any question.
Why not provide more information... what kind of girls... typical damage / expenses ... promotions ... maybe some of ur FRs would help... no point starting a thread and asking others to contribute / ask questions ... cheers
16-06-2006, 11:57 PM
We are now in KL Chinatown area!Is there any good LSB with young gals?
20-06-2006, 12:40 AM
The former Star Inn hotel and opposite IOI MALL there's also hotel . Ask the OKT siting the lobby for lobangssss.
Mostly China Dolls
Damage Rm 208 for one hour.
20-06-2006, 06:22 PM
Puchong places with China dolls have been highlighted recently on TV.
So because of publicity, maybe not so good to go now.
19-07-2006, 11:46 AM
Been observing SBF for few weeks ands seems that everyone is focusing on places in KL and PJ. Any other interesting place like in sri petaling or serdang to share here? :rolleyes:
20-07-2006, 02:19 AM
Been observing SBF for few weeks ands seems that everyone is focusing on places in KL and PJ. Any other interesting place like in sri petaling or serdang to share here? :rolleyes:
Work up ur rep points to at least to 10 points coz u are too low to trust. After i will give u sri petaling and serdang contacts.
Btw, the new bath sri petaling prc's really not bad.
20-07-2006, 10:26 AM
Btw, the new bath sri petaling prc's really not bad.
mudder cockle...said wanna go home, take 4 hrs to reach hor:p
20-07-2006, 10:40 AM
mudder cockle...said wanna go home, take 4 hrs to reach hor:p
I'm still not familar with KL roads mah, take longer to reach home loh... :D
20-07-2006, 11:21 AM
I'm still not familar with KL roads mah, take longer to reach home loh... :DNo wonder last nite ask you go massage you dun want. KNN.... rather take your time and drive 4 hours home.:rolleyes:
21-07-2006, 11:48 AM
Work up ur rep points to at least to 10 points coz u are too low to trust. After i will give u sri petaling and serdang contacts.
Btw, the new bath sri petaling prc's really not bad.
I'm trying my very best to work up my rep points..... what can i say here since you say like that.....
21-07-2006, 12:18 PM
I'm trying my very best to work up my rep points..... what can i say here since you say like that.....Free meet the guys for TCSS. Easiest way to work up your rep points. There was this guy from negative 10 to now positive 30 plus.
The other way would be to provide true FRs.:cool:
21-07-2006, 04:35 PM
Ooohh, izit.....that's better then. Never think to provide any FR tht is not true....but i'm even a newbie in this as i never pay any money to bonk a gal before. Thinking to explore this new adventure with all the bros here and i'm try to get along with you guys.... :o
21-07-2006, 05:42 PM
never pay before for sex...
wah you must be 100 times richer than any one of us here..
the thing is the more you bonk the poorer you are... only if i am innocent like before..
but you will be very sextifying to be one cheongster who enjoyed life.:cool:
21-07-2006, 08:03 PM
Ooohh, izit.....that's better then. Never think to provide any FR tht is not true....but i'm even a newbie in this as i never pay any money to bonk a gal before. Thinking to explore this new adventure with all the bros here and i'm try to get along with you guys.... :o
Never paid for sex b4??!!! Ok ok lah... like tat u go to any HC for ur 1st time pay sex, after u come with the receipt to claim my prc contacts. OK? If not give u contact u oso dunno how to pay them! :rolleyes:
22-07-2006, 09:52 AM
Hoii... pls... where is the FR/Info on Puchong Lobangs... :rolleyes: Not juz TCSS horr... I only know i wanna try the KTV recommended by TCK one day... the SB one.. hehehe.. sounds fun :p
22-07-2006, 03:23 PM
Hoii... pls... where is the FR/Info on Puchong Lobangs... Not juz TCSS horr... I only know i wanna try the KTV recommended by TCK one day... the SB one.. hehehe.. sounds fun
Ya loh.... really sorry to act like i have the contacts!!! Actually bro KLKOOL is the one who has all the PRC's contact in Sri Petaling and Serdang... KLKOOL oso has PRC's contacts in Taman Negara!!! :eek:
Oh... for PRC contacts in Uganda u must pm bro mbz777!! He just buildt 2 toilets over there!! kekeke...
22-07-2006, 04:30 PM
Oh... for PRC contacts in Uganda u must pm bro mbz777!! He just buildt 2 toilets over there!! kekeke...
Ha ha ha ha....knn, like tat oso u wanna take a dig at me ah? the next toilet building project in the pipeline is not in uganda PRCs there. Charity toilet project in Lhasa coming soon....any1 wanna donate to the cause? :D
31-07-2006, 01:44 AM
Charity toilet project in Lhasa coming soon....any1 wanna donate to the cause?
I thinking of changing my jamban can donate the old one? hehehehe :D
31-07-2006, 10:48 AM
Ya loh.... really sorry to act like i have the contacts!!! Actually bro KLKOOL is the one who has all the PRC's contact in Sri Petaling and Serdang... KLKOOL oso has PRC's contacts in Taman Negara!!! :eek:
Oh... for PRC contacts in Uganda u must pm bro mbz777!! He just buildt 2 toilets over there!! kekeke...
Cibai Decup... I fark ur ass horr for talkin cock... later u angry no hiew me again... kekeke... nice to be back south... but now Miss HDY liao :(
04-08-2006, 10:03 PM
as some of the bros here know, i m working in klang. friends brought me down to puchong yday nite and i had one of the best time of my life in my ktv cheonging career.
reached there abt 11pm plus, its a ktv which is hidden, no signboard one, if not regular or recommanded by friends u can never find the place. not disclosing the name and location in public because dont wana lose a nice place like this to raids. bros with good reputation can pm me.
captain came in n serve us, we open 1 chivas which is 345 ++. tidbits and fruits 32 ladies cocktail is 15 each. 4 of us so 60. bill is 519 after add govt n service charge. plus 200 for 4 girls so is 719rm. tips to waiter is 20,captain 30,mummy 50. on top of all that, we still got to tip the girl somemore even though their tips included in bill. as a newcomer there (even my msian frens as its recommanded by one fren who never come) we got chopped bad. can any experience kl bro confirm the tips payment structure?
mummy came in and brought abt 8 girls in, vietnam and 1 prc. we requested for more prc but mummy say tonite very pack so not gd to get them as butterfly very heavily. 2 of us chose 2 viets. next round,2 thais and 5 viets. i chose 1 of the thai, she had dimples and smiled at me and a bit derh derh look with slightly pouty lips and looks chinese. my last fren chose another viet in red with long fair legs and long hair. room was clean as look very new and renovated.
overall, quality of girls was not bad, but we think our mummy lousy cos we saw much better girls in other rooms walking around. lookswise, girls standard average 7/10 and i have high standards. service wise,playability quite limited, not as good as i thought but later then i realise its cos still early and the girls havent take "pills" yet. when they did, the whole room liven up liao. anything also can if u push hard enough.not sure whether other rooms got play until strip in the room but thats not wat i looking for. i like to talk to the girl and get to know her and kiss and i got wat i looking for. she even acted virgin and not let me touch her breasts at first but with preseverance and tenderness and sweet talking i got that too hurhur.
after 2 hours, my interaction with my girl got so hot i decided to take it to next step. had already asked mummy abt the system there and its 200 rm for 45 mins in their "rooms" if its prc its 220rm. went through a maze and got to the rooms,paid upfront.once in the room, we frenched like no tomolo and without even taking off our clothes and bath we rolled onto the bed.heavy breathing sounds surrounded the small room,gasps,moans and all,she was so into me or so it seems to me and i was so into her all the rest of the foreplay was ommited. we struggled to take off our clothes,and when we did,i decided to make it a " i server her first" i necked her and focussed on her nips,which was light coloured and protuded but small breasts and rubbed her clit and labia. her eyes rolled upwards few times when i look at her gingerly.i was throbbing hard liao but forced myself not to enter.big mistake zzzz cos when she was so high and wanted me in that time i went soft after the condom put on.
so no choice she got to try to wake me up. catbath and rubbing my dick n balls,she worked hard to get me up.after 5 mins she gave i went into plan b,rubbed her with my yi yang zhi and entered her pussy. fucking tightest pussy i ever encountered for commercial sex,but belivable from the things she told me in the index finger went in and no space for 2nd one liao.usually at geylang immediately 2 or 3 fingers can go in haha.worked her into a rhythm tat suit her cos she used both her hands to grab my shoulders and head and used her legs to grip me downwards into her like i m using my dick in missionary position. in that death grip, my arms fast tiring but i can feel her insides cramping so no choice flexed some inner strength and fingered her til orgasms flowed.
i took a rest on top of her for a while, and she lovingly got on top of me body to body face to face and kissed me softly in return for her pleasure. tried to get me hard again but i think i overexerted and cant quite get hard so i asked her to pcc me til i cum, which was a lot as never cum for 2 weeks liao lol.totally exhausted liao, went to shower and went back to the room where my frens were feeding their girls some performance enhancement food.techno disco songs came on and everybody had good fun. my girl stuck with me whole nite liao after that haha no more butterfly til 4am. usually they stop at 3am and after that u have to book the girl for 200 rm and they stay with u til 7am but mummy and captain wan our tips so let us til 4am. think we almost last customers liao.
this was fun for me as chemistry btw me and my girl good. so do not flame me pls if u find the place too expensive and not your cup of tea.Malaysia Boleh~~~~
p.s:edited some info as i read from another thread that raids on this kind of place are fact, this ktv i go just moved from another place and should be a famous place to kl bros.
07-08-2006, 02:59 PM
yo bro...i am real interested in those tom yam and viet...can give me mored details on prince juniour..i appreciated bro...thanks'
08-08-2006, 11:01 AM
SilviaS13 ... nice FR ... Very informative... but quite exp for the place I feel...
Normally tips for mummy is about 50-100 (if there is no room charge...) Waiter is 10 each...
The MO of the place sounds very much like WN in PJ... to me... not worth it lah... wish someone will have a joint in KL / PJ like BS and XTD in SG :(
08-08-2006, 11:14 AM
I guess the place is DW. SB was closed due to the reasons that you know i know. They moved the team to DW and same modus operandi i guess. Look for mummy Sonia la. She is good and will not slash u for the tips and will bring all stock for us to view la...
08-08-2006, 07:46 PM
Hello to all the bros out there...!!! This is my first FR posting, even though i've been a member here for the past few months... :p Neway, i've searched all the posting regarding puchong and old klang road, and i found a HC at Grade Hotel. That place looks very old, and the food is really bellow par... As for the gers, all look like veterans, already past their glory days one. I was quite dissapointed and wanted to go back, but i remembered the bros in this forum said that this place got stock PRC, so i ask the OKT. at 1st, the OKT seem reluctant, but showed me anyway to the gers... the PRC not bad, can be compared to to other reputable HC like CC. but numbers are small, so not much choice... I choose one ger name xiao mi, really nice figure... age 22, and i think she was duped in working there... i know she dun have much experience cos she asked me to stop f**cking her wher she came more than 2 times... she said she got stomach cramps evertime she come.. walau , pussy was tight, and body figure really like guitar.. but, sadly she has gone back last week, back to china...:(
Name: xiao mi
Age: 22
Looks: 7/10
BBBJ: 9/10
FJ: 9/10
GFE: Yes
Attitude: 8/10
WIR: Yes
09-08-2006, 11:38 AM
enigma_cym ... nice FR ... keep up the contributions...
09-08-2006, 02:03 PM
yo bro...i am real interested in those tom yam and viet...can give me mored details on prince juniour..i appreciated bro...thanks'
bro, with 2 posts and no reputation u expect me to believe u not mata? u can carry on eating your tomyum at other places.
tck u are right. thanks for the sonia tip will try next time. Cheers
09-08-2006, 02:11 PM
bro, with 2 posts and no reputation u expect me to believe u not mata? u can carry on eating your tomyum at other places.
tck u are right. thanks for the sonia tip will try next time. Cheers
Nice one... agree that have to be more careful of new or unknown member... especially with so much wind blowing nowadays... :cool:
20-08-2006, 11:29 PM
went back to this place again last week, same pricing as above fr i posted. seems like quite expensive to chiong for msians but okie if u earn sgd.
asked for sonia mummy and got quite good service but girls limited so not as fun liao.
met a new mummy there m5 Baby do look for her if u going there say u recommanded by Julian she will take care of u. take care of her too she is a good nice person.pretty to boot haha.better than some girls there.also, look for captain junior he knows me too now.
as for girls, my girl 603 not working there anymore sad.
21-08-2006, 09:54 AM
never pay before for sex...
wah you must be 100 times richer than any one of us here..
the thing is the more you bonk the poorer you are... only if i am innocent like before..
but you will be very sextifying to be one cheongster who enjoyed life.:cool:
how can u said that ?! only rich ppl like u all fella here can go to cheong anytime you wish, not for a poor guy like me...... just worry that i'll be addicted to this later or sooner as i've been observing this forum for quite sometime alr....... Can't deny it's one of the way to enjoy our life but maybe i'm still innocent in this thing gua.....:cool:
21-08-2006, 09:57 PM
hey guys, I am also a frequent customer there during SB times till they moved to DW. I also know Sonia as well (famous mom gua....). Do let me know if you guys have any session there and I can join u all. Havent join a group that goes all the way yet!!. Cheers
21-08-2006, 11:31 PM
what u mean by go all the way??? mass orgy ah
21-08-2006, 11:59 PM
orgy, gang bang, watever...... hehehe. The group that i go with usually dont speak much mandarin (sob sob) and they only play english love songs...... Was looking for other groups to go out with to DW or SB (when it opens back...).
22-08-2006, 10:26 AM
Hey... since when SB/DW can have gangbang one ??? :confused:
22-08-2006, 10:55 AM
no la not literally. What i meant was just wanna have a good time, meet new frens, cheong more girls....
24-08-2006, 06:12 PM
Howdy Bro's,
Am new here, hopefully would be able to join up once fine day. Mind informing what's the damage is like as I'm a low earner. If its affordable, I will make plans to meet up.
Till then, cheers
Hello to all the bros out there...!!! This is my first FR posting, even though i've been a member here for the past few months... :p Neway, i've searched all the posting regarding puchong and old klang road, and i found a HC at Grade Hotel. That place looks very old, and the food is really bellow par... As for the gers, all look like veterans, already past their glory days one. I was quite dissapointed and wanted to go back, but i remembered the bros in this forum said that this place got stock PRC, so i ask the OKT. at 1st, the OKT seem reluctant, but showed me anyway to the gers... the PRC not bad, can be compared to to other reputable HC like CC. but numbers are small, so not much choice... I choose one ger name xiao mi, really nice figure... age 22, and i think she was duped in working there... i know she dun have much experience cos she asked me to stop f**cking her wher she came more than 2 times... she said she got stomach cramps evertime she come.. walau , pussy was tight, and body figure really like guitar.. but, sadly she has gone back last week, back to china...:(
Name: xiao mi
Age: 22
Looks: 7/10
BBBJ: 9/10
FJ: 9/10
GFE: Yes
Attitude: 8/10
WIR: Yes
cost of damage?
26-08-2006, 11:13 AM
Originally Posted by enigma_cym
Hello to all the bros out there...!!! This is my first FR posting, even though i've been a member here for the past few months... Neway, i've searched all the posting regarding puchong and old klang road, and i found a HC at Grade Hotel. That place looks very old, and the food is really bellow par... As for the gers, all look like veterans, already past their glory days one. I was quite dissapointed and wanted to go back, but i remembered the bros in this forum said that this place got stock PRC, so i ask the OKT. at 1st, the OKT seem reluctant, but showed me anyway to the gers... the PRC not bad, can be compared to to other reputable HC like CC. but numbers are small, so not much choice... I choose one ger name xiao mi, really nice figure... age 22, and i think she was duped in working there... i know she dun have much experience cos she asked me to stop f**cking her wher she came more than 2 times... she said she got stomach cramps evertime she come.. walau , pussy was tight, and body figure really like guitar.. but, sadly she has gone back last week, back to china...
Name: xiao mi
Age: 22
Looks: 7/10
BBBJ: 9/10
FJ: 9/10
GFE: Yes
Attitude: 8/10
WIR: Yes
cost of damage?
Aiiya, sori to bro cheongsters, 4get the 2nd most important thing (beside the gers), the damages..! They have 2 type of gers there, local -RM188, and PRC- Rm198.. better go 4 PRC since the stock that they usually bring are quite beautiful... If u are a regular there, the OKT might blanja u something to eat (something simple, like roti canai) from outside the HC... heheh
But be warned, OKT at Grade will only give you PRC if you can speak chinese, mandarin preferablly, cos they have bad experience giving PRC to non-mandarin speaking clients...
P/s: saw 1 young local chinese the other day, OKT says she is only 18, but i suspect 18...:eek: (petite!!!) cute somemore... heheh
28-08-2006, 02:08 PM
Haven't heard of Grade, is in Old Klang Road or Sri Petaling?
How's the place and environment....
29-08-2006, 12:04 PM
Haven't heard of Grade, is in Old Klang Road or Sri Petaling?
How's the place and environment....
Grade Hotel is located in Old Klang Road,to be exact Petaling Utama. if u come from KL u should take the NPE highway after u pass Mid Valley. After pay RM1.70, u will see Grade on your right. Do remember to follow subang signboard but not sri petaling.
I have tried a girl there before, she is mid 30s, her name is Pxxxx. Slim with small boobs. Allowed me to do 69, however she has tattoo mos part of her body, which i dont really. Other than that is ok. Consider good fark.
29-08-2006, 04:22 PM
One thing I dun like about Grade is that it has no lift... bugger... try and walk down after a sextifying bonk down 3 flights of stairs... hehehe... :rolleyes: I always wonder if they meant to use Great... but the guy spelled wrongly...
29-08-2006, 04:29 PM
Any action today or tomorrow in Puchong Paradise? How come no more already??
29-08-2006, 06:12 PM
Yeah, when you guys planning to take a move.....Interested to join also, anyone here take a lead ?! :cool:
29-08-2006, 10:07 PM
too tired and broke to go hahah..i called the girl i bonked two visits again and she told me not working there anymore. said she now at COI city hotel at puchong? duno where is that can any experienced bros update ?
30-08-2006, 09:53 AM
aiyoh..... like no syiok jorrr..... somemore tomorrow no need to work. tot can have fun until morning.....
30-08-2006, 10:11 AM
My FR on Puchong Paradise (since today so free mah)
We and my buddy went in there around 8pm yesterday evening cause informed by my regular chick said there is new stock (her friend which is a Viet). We arrive and a got a nice room and called our regular mommy Sonia. Got our girls (my usual one and the new View chick for my buddy). Ordered a couple of jugs and started to sing and talk cok to the girls. Then later one of our other buddies arrived and we ordered more drinks and he picked a PRC (quite cute for my grade but not my type). We also saw two PRC chicks which was quite look like twins!!! The hair and the clothes and body almost the same. I was like drooling and wanted to take those two but my chick was like growling...... so ended didnt take.
So we sang and played when our last buddy arrived!!. Wow this is the best part, our fren brought his own stock man and its a damn chun Mongolian chick. Perferto body especially the half cut dress that she wears that shows a V in the middle (can see like half ball already). Quite tall like around 5' 7" or 5' 8" and a cute face to boot. She was like an angel dropped from the sky.... All of us were just staring at her and her boobs only.... Later on we drank like cows and starting to off the lights and dance. The Mongol was also dancing like crazy and my fren started to french her and raba raba until her left boobs was completely exposed. What a sight to behold man, no sag and dam firm somemore. (I was holding it ma, think it was like 36C:p ....kekekke). Then she was dancing up and down and all over my fren and then I noticed something which amazes me morre!!. She wasnt wearing any panties!!! :eek: Her nice round firm ass is sight.... makes me drool so more... What a teaser....
Anyway we decided to call it a night and left aroun 1am. Damage around RM200++ per person.
PS. dont forget to up me ya!! Thanks bros for reading my FR
31-08-2006, 12:52 PM
My FR on Puchong Paradise (since today so free mah)
Anyway we decided to call it a night and left aroun 1am. Damage around RM200++ per person.
PS. dont forget to up me ya!! Thanks bros for reading my FR
keep it up.
So everyone pay 200++ and TFK athome?
31-08-2006, 09:15 PM
Unfotunately some have to leave early coz of HM and I was pissed with my chick that time no mood liao ....... Anyone going there ? Please PM me to join. Thanks
01-09-2006, 11:08 AM
keep it up.
So everyone pay 200++ and TFK athome?
hahaha...this 1 worst than paying 200++ just to get hj...anyway ktv mah.:D, bro gila2, i show u 1 place 100++ can get hj,bj&fj+drinks;)
01-09-2006, 11:50 AM
hahaha...this 1 worst than paying 200++ just to get hj...anyway ktv mah, bro gila2, i show u 1 place 100++ can get hj,bj&fj+drinks;)Bro, am I thinking where you are thinking? Must be cos where else got so good lobang? If it is a different place, then why never bring me there?:rolleyes:
01-09-2006, 12:47 PM
Bro, am I thinking where you are thinking? Must be cos where else got so good lobang? If it is a different place, then why never bring me there?:rolleyes:
u know i know lor:D ...else where not to say dont have but in my 'upgrading' time i dont dare to do survey on these joints mah...anyway gtm said wana go today wor, u free ah? the okt near yr workplace is back!
01-09-2006, 12:55 PM
u know i know lor ...else where not to say dont have but in my 'upgrading' time i dont dare to do survey on these joints mah...anyway gtm said wana go today wor, u free ah? the okt near yr workplace is back!Today not free. Got SG engineers here in KL doing my system so will be busy during the weekend.:(
That place only the very brave can go. Cheap thrill but must have strong heart.:eek: You sure GTM want to go? Change to next week lah. Me confirm buy him beer if he going. Kekeke.....
01-09-2006, 06:32 PM
hahaha...this 1 worst than paying 200++ just to get hj...anyway ktv mah.:D, bro gila2, i show u 1 place 100++ can get hj,bj&fj+drinks;)
Hey bro when u can bring me there la....
04-09-2006, 10:06 AM
Hey bro when u can bring me there la....
just went last nite myself cant, if u r free in d afternoon then i can show u
04-09-2006, 02:15 PM
Hey bro when u can bring me there la....
Brother Mee too want to follow, email me -> shock togehter-mah, enjoy kau-kau....
05-09-2006, 10:10 PM
just went last nite myself cant, if u r free in d afternoon then i can show u
aiyoh why never call le..... pm here the day b4 ma....
06-09-2006, 09:41 AM
aiyoh why never call le..... pm here the day b4 ma....
sorry bro...that outing was meant exclusively for 1 bro....sssshhh he wont let others know, dont worry...alwaz a nex time leh...:)
02-02-2008, 07:47 AM
Dear bros,
Anyone have puchong freelance FL contact . pls pm me .
so far only try puchong puteri MC with extra service . no other place .
17-02-2008, 02:07 PM
Long time no update for this pg alr... :(
18-02-2008, 05:40 PM
I created this topic then i kena zap.
Damn tu lan. Now active back.
All the big bros here their faces thick like godzilla ass:mad:
18-02-2008, 06:14 PM
Hey khyew,
Sometimes that's the way. Don't get angry over the points. I have been up by some good bro out there.. but also zapped by numerous bad bros. Guess bad bro out-bid those good bro. So don't take it seriously... cheers...
I created this topic then i kena zap.
Damn tu lan. Now active back.
All the big bros here their faces thick like godzilla ass:mad:
14-07-2008, 12:51 AM
Too lazy to rewrite so copied from my post in other forum.
Been a while since I've actually went out to cheong, about a year in fact. With work, and a lack of funds (especially when all those funds being spent at KTV in KL and SG), I haven't gone to cheong in KL for a while. However I was pretty pissed off tonite after having a pointless argument with the GF so decided to head out for some drinks.
Unfortunately my drinking kaki has so called turned over a new leaf so no more drinking for him. Still frustrated and kinda tulan, I ended up driving aimlessly around. My drive finally brought me over to DD Kinrara and I decided, Hell why not, I needed to let of some steam and was kinda horny anyway.
Headed up and was greeted by the OKT. I asked him how many girls were around and he said there were only 4 including an Bakso that only came in 5 days ago. So i asked to mirror them. First the Bakso who was called Ika. Out came a thin waif of a girl who was so small and thin at first i thought she was underaged. However she had a pretty ok face and i'm a sucker for brown meat. Then came the other 3 girls who were all Pho. They were Wendy, Diamond and another which I could not recall the name.
The OKT recomended any one of the 3 Phos and said they were good in service and could speak mandarin. I being the banana that I am decided to contemplate first and finally decided on the Bakso. On hindsight I shouldn't have but what can I say, I was still a sucker for brown meat.
So off to the room I went. Now being out of the game for so long, I can tell you, I was really kaku. Not that she seemed that experienced either. The whole session we didn't really talk much and althouhg my bahasa i considered top notch for some reason I couldn't really chit chat so end up no chemistry with her.
Now first up, when she stripped I noticed how even more skinny she was. Her rib cages were showing and I could even see her spinal chord. Now although i prefer meatier girls, I still don't mind the thin ones, but seriously she was really really thin, which kinda put me off. Her boobs weren't much either. It was practically a landing strip with two beacon jutting out. In the shower she wasn't exactly touchy feely either, even while washing my little bro. I ended up washing it myself.
On the bed her BBBJ was rather weak, which just amounted to her putting my little bro in her mouth and moving it up and down. She had to stop a few times cause she said my member was kinda think and was giving her a mouth ache. I didn't really fault her cause her mouth was kinda small as well. I thought I'd service her as well but after a few licks of her nipples and thighs she said she couldn't tahan as it was too ticklish. By then I almost no mood liao, the combination of her thinness, inexperience and general reluctance was really killing my libido.
I decided to get it over and done with and she put the condom on me. Started of in missionary which was where it started getting weird for me. Now I'm not exactly fat just kinda slightly well built. So you can imagine this 75 kilo guy doing the missionary on a girl that looked as if she could break any moment, which was what I felt throughout the bonking session. She insisted I be on top so I obliged and started pumping, however 3/4 of the time I had to restrain myself from lying on her in case I'd break her, kinda stressful, I didn't want to pay the 158 fee and her hospital fees togehter so finally I coulnd't stand it and asked her to get into cowgirl position.
When she was on me, I finally noticed how light she was as in I didn't feel as if anyone was sitting on me. Admittedly though her pussy was tight, I'd be surprised if it wasn't considering her size. So in the end I think she noticed that I wasn't into it and quickened here pace until i shot into her (with the condom on of course). After that I just quickly cleaned up and got out.
In hindsight, I really should have taken the either one of the Phos. They seemed quite sporting and not to mention quite pretty, and even flirted with me a bit when I was heading out. Maybe I will try them out the next time I go. As for Ika..... well as much as this looks like a pretty negative review about her, I'd still give her the benefit of the doubt. She's new, pretty inexperienced and maybe even the first time doing this. Maybe if she's given some time she might do better, after all I've done some Baksos that gave me a hell of a ride. Oh yeah, she might need to put on a bit more weight as well. So here's my score
Name: Ika
Type: Bakso (Jakarta)
Age: not sure about early to mid 20s most likely early
Face: 7/10 quite pretty for my standards
Body: 3/10 seriously too thin for my taste of course some bros here might like. If she's game you might even try the carry and f*ck style with her.
Boobs: 2/10 I'm no boob man but hey I can tell when a girl just has no boobs
BBBJ:4/10 no technique just put in mouth and move, gets a 4 cause it had a nice feeling though
FK: No
FJ: 5/10 I'll admit she did put a bit of effort into it near the end and her pussy was pretty tight as well.
Overall: Hmmm maybe she needs to be taught but I'd suggest her putting on a bit more weight before she does .
Cheers bros
PS BTW I'm not sure which one is the de facto puchong thread so I'm putting it here for the moment. If any of the other bros here wants me to shift the FR somewhere else feel free to PM but please don zap me hor thanks.
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