View Full Version : Stange Thing Happen

06-08-2015, 03:41 PM
Actually I have an old account here but I just don't know why I cannot login at all and suddenly become this one :mad:

06-08-2015, 04:55 PM
Kena hack lor. Your account how old? 1998 ar?

Big Sexy
06-08-2015, 08:26 PM
what do u mean it suddenly become this one?
do u mean u login with your old account and then the username changed to Eddie Tan? :confused:

Actually I have an old account here but I just don't know why I cannot login at all and suddenly become this one :mad:

06-08-2015, 09:49 PM
Eddie tan okay la! if become seaj3 than taiji tuatiao liao!:D

11-08-2015, 11:19 AM
what do u mean it suddenly become this one?
do u mean u login with your old account and then the username changed to Eddie Tan? :confused:

You see my join date you should know.
Actually I very long no login to sbf then last few day try to login with my old account name eddietah to see see look look but it always show password incorrect cannot login. So I thought password incorrect so I requested new password via email then the email show me Eddie Tan and new password and when I login it become like this lol. I also don't know what happened :confused:

11-08-2015, 01:44 PM
You see my join date you should know.
Actually I very long no login to sbf then last few day try to login with my old account name eddietah to see see look look but it always show password incorrect cannot login. So I thought password incorrect so I requested new password via email then the email show me Eddie Tan and new password and when I login it become like this lol. I also don't know what happened :confused:

The system old already ... need to wear specs .


11-08-2015, 02:02 PM
Tiagong I also forgot password for my LAOJIAO account...

11-08-2015, 06:41 PM
Tiagong I also forgot password for my LAOJIAO account...


13-08-2015, 09:02 PM
you see my join date you should know.
Actually i very long no login to sbf then last few day try to login with my old account name eddietah to see see look look but it always show password incorrect cannot login. So i thought password incorrect so i requested new password via email then the email show me eddie tan and new password and when i login it become like this lol. I also don't know what happened :confused:

LOL biatch
........('(...´...´.... ¯~/'...')
..........''...\.......... _.·´

14-08-2015, 10:09 AM
Now I stuck in (M) and all my points and power are gone

14-08-2015, 01:36 PM
You need to post more often in the other sections in order to get out of moderation.

14-08-2015, 05:47 PM
Actually I have an old account here but I just don't know why I cannot login at all and suddenly become this one :mad:

What a liar. Stop lying la.

14-08-2015, 07:07 PM
what do u mean it suddenly become this one?
do u mean u login with your old account and then the username changed to Eddie Tan? :confused:

Jiaobin is spamming . Can u ban him.

14-08-2015, 07:09 PM
Jiaobin is spamming . Can u ban him.

Babarella is a criminal and snipe supporter. Can ban him?

14-08-2015, 07:10 PM
Jiaobin is spamming . Can u ban him.

U scared limbei expose u as kraam so u asking ppl ban me rite?

15-08-2015, 09:37 PM
U scared limbei expose u as kraam so u asking ppl ban me rite?

U are a nut case.

15-08-2015, 09:39 PM
U are a nut case.

Lol u are a motherless dog

15-08-2015, 09:47 PM
Lol u are a motherless dog

Are u SEAJ's kid?

15-08-2015, 09:49 PM
Are u SEAJ's kid?
Are u a nutcase?

15-08-2015, 09:51 PM
What did TS do to u?

15-08-2015, 09:53 PM
What did TS do to u?

He is a liar

15-08-2015, 09:55 PM
He is a liar

What does he being a liar got to do with u?

15-08-2015, 09:57 PM
What does he being a liar got to do with u?

He is like u a motherl3ss dog

15-08-2015, 09:57 PM
Are u a liar police man? U never lie before ? U go around lying every second.

15-08-2015, 09:58 PM
Are u a liar police man? U never lie before ? U go around lying every second.

Hmmm... your points so low. u another liar/stealtg agent too?

15-08-2015, 09:58 PM
He is a liar

I was told u are a liar to. Kraam.

15-08-2015, 09:59 PM
I was told u are a liar to. Kraam.

Stop lying. Kraam. Why u so many clones?

15-08-2015, 09:59 PM
Hmmm... your points so low. u another liar/stealtg agent too?

U sounds like SEAJ.

15-08-2015, 10:00 PM
Why you all never gang rape Johnbass like how you all gang rape SEAJ.

15-08-2015, 10:00 PM
Stop lying. Kraam. Why u so many clones?

U seems to loosing it ...chill ok.

15-08-2015, 10:30 PM
U seems to loosing it ...chill ok.

stop it kraam. U seem to have lost ur mind.

15-08-2015, 10:34 PM
Tiagong strange things really do happen here...
So who is winning here?

15-08-2015, 10:36 PM
Tiagong strange things really do happen here...
So who is winning here?
Hi kraam another clone ?

15-08-2015, 10:59 PM
Hi kraam another clone ?

Why are u misbehaving ?

15-08-2015, 11:29 PM
Tiagong strange things really do happen here...
So who is winning here?

Nothing strange of you and seaj playing each other's si fatt!:rolleyes:

18-08-2015, 12:10 PM
Why argue in my thread :eek:

18-08-2015, 12:42 PM
Why argue in my thread :eek:

Not my fault hor...
I passing by nia...

18-08-2015, 12:45 PM
Not my fault hor...
I passing by nia...

Always your fault.
Farking PUSSY!