View Full Version : Massage places near JB customs - with and without special

15-06-2006, 03:44 AM
Have been walking around the places near JB customs, would like to start a simple thread discussing about massage places or places with specials, old or new in the near future, thats within walking distance from JB customs, for those that do not like to travel too far away from the customs.

P/S: please do not ask me to post into dun know what thread, I have looked into that thread and it has a whole lot of unrelated information.
From what I gathered so far:

City Square - Thai Odyssey, confirmed clean, cheapest I can find for thai traditional massage with consistent quality of service, if anybody can find cheaper place that is as good, please let me know, ok?

A' Vista Melati Hotel HC - thai massage, also for those who wants to try thai aromatherapy massage, which one cannot get from thai odyssey, very limited girls and quality of service not so consistent, some very good, some not so good. so far i know its clean unless somebody proves me wrong.

Triump Star Hotel HC - this hotel I look and look but cannot find, either it has changed its name to A' Vista Melati Hotel or to some other names or totally closed down liao, maybe somebody can enlighten?

Merlin Tower massage place - saw somebody posted a year or two back about this place but I can't seem to find the place, maybe also closed down liao, anybody can comment?

Plaza Seni massage place - I think I got the shopping centre name right, I think the place operated by malay, kinda open, walked past quite a number of times but didn't see anybody there to talk to. Anybody who has tried maybe can comment?

Kota Raya massage place - did i get the shopping centre name right? if i am not wrong, operated by malay also, also very open, dare not ask.

Massage place beside the overhead bridge (the overhead bridge thats on the opposite side of city square from the customs, not the one leading to the customs), on the second storey of a shop house, operated by malay, I find it not clean enough for my liking, maybe someone may want to try, this one is as local as it can gets, think this one definitely has no special.

Tropical Inn HC - this one has many info in the forum liao, walking distance still quite ok from the customs, quite easy to find.

Grand Bluewave Hotel HC - many info in the forum liao, finally found the trail to go there, thru the overhead bridge to the customs, a bit troublesome going thru the construction ground, on rainy days makes the shoe very muddy.

Cosmo Inn HC - many info in the forum liao, same situation as Grand Bluewave Hotel HC.

Ocean Hotel girls - many info in the forum liao, this one i dare not try, look look only, to me i find it not so clean bah.

Puteri Pan Pacific Hotel - saw some one posted saying there is a massage place inside the hotel, can someone enlighten whether its the same hotel near city square cos i dun know the address that has been posted? Yhe one near city square i passed by many times look and look, cannot find any sign that says got massage place inside.

Thats all i can think of at the moment, if anybody know of any places I did not find, please post here ok? thank you.

15-06-2006, 08:15 AM
Puteri Pan Pacific Hotel - saw some one posted saying there is a massage place inside the hotel, can someone enlighten whether its the same hotel near city square cos i dun know the address that has been posted? Yhe one near city square i passed by many times look and look, cannot find any sign that says got massage place inside.

come to think of it, i dun think i've ever come across any HC in PPPH leh...

15-06-2006, 10:30 AM
come to think of it, i dun think i've ever come across any HC in PPPH leh...

The massage at the Puteri Pan Pacific Hotel (PPPH) JB was operated by Clark Hatch Fitness Centre. Pure massage + aromatherapy no hanky panky. If you are a hotel guest you can call the Fitness Centre to ask the massage gals (all Aunties) to come to your room.

Clark Hatch Fitness Centre at PPPH has moved out to Danga Bay Festive Mall at Jalan Skudai, JB.

15-06-2006, 10:34 AM
Have been walking around the places near JB customs, would like to start a simple thread discussing about massage places or places with specials, old or new in the near future, thats within walking distance from JB customs, for those that do not like to travel too far away from the customs.

Bro FallenAngel,

I don't see the need to start a NEW thread as there are already threads on all the MPs/HCs mentioned by you. :mad:

This topic should be posted in the " JB Before & After Dark " thread

15-06-2006, 11:19 AM
P/S: please do not ask me to post into dun know what thread, I have looked into that thread and it has a whole lot of unrelated information..

haha bro,
It proved that u r really follow closely on The Malaysian Commercial Sex Scene.

OK, I personally support this thread as we will easy to get massage info at JB.

Opinions are like asshole. everyone has one and it usually stink.
(from bro Big Sexy)

15-06-2006, 12:09 PM
Bro FallenAngel,

I don't see the need to start a NEW thread as there are already threads on all the MPs/HCs mentioned by you. :mad:

This topic should be posted in the " JB Before & After Dark " thread
Hi Bro KatoeyLover69, thank you for the info on PPPH, no wonder I cannot find any sign board or anything.

As for posting into the thread you mentioned, I find it kinda messy lumping all the stuff together, Jb is a very big place with all kinds of massages, HCs, OKTs, LSBs, KTVs, Clubs, Talking Bars, and VCDs. Imagine if a person is only interested in 1 item out of so many, or with a certain criteria, that person will probably end up using search function by posts, sometimes its a pain in the butts doing that and may not even get anything or understand somethings from the posts, especially when Jb is still not a familiar ground to many. Having a thread with a specific criteria, like this thread or maybe things like 'anything within 500 metre radius from holiday plaza', etc, makes more sense cos some people only goes to and comfortable with holiday plaza and not other places else and if that person wants to do or try something, he can just go to the place thats still within his comfort zone.

Anyway, I do not want to babble too much on the subject, just want to prowl every corner thats near to the customs for massages and stuff first before moving to another place.

Forgot to add the following:

Hair salon with auntie or uncle sitting downstairs - finally saw the aunties and uncles and those hair salons, thanks to the info from this forum, i have decided to give this ones a miss.

15-06-2006, 12:32 PM
City Square - Thai Odyssey, confirmed clean, cheapest I can find for thai traditional massage with consistent quality of service, if anybody can find cheaper place that is as good, please let me know, ok?

Bro this Thai odyssey at which floor huh and wat's the damage?:D

15-06-2006, 12:50 PM
Bro this Thai odyssey at which floor huh and wat's the damage?:D
Thai Odyssey is at 3rd floor, inside thai village, some way at the corner, if u can't find your way, grab somebody and ask them where is thai village, ask nicely, people there are friendly, once inside thai village, walk around, that place is not that big.

U can check out the website http://www.thaiodyssey.com.my/ for more info.

That place is very popular, especially saturdays and sundays and sometimes on other days too, the girls there worked nonstop during busy days. As mentioned elsewhere, no special at all. Can bring ladies and kids there for massage too.

15-06-2006, 01:19 PM
Thanks bro but after checking the site "Traditional Thai Massage (90 Mins @ RM 83.00 nett)" is quite steep leh.:D

15-06-2006, 03:28 PM
Thanks bro but after checking the site "Traditional Thai Massage (90 Mins @ RM 83.00 nett)" is quite steep leh.:D
No problem. Actually, there is a 2 hr package at RM98 but is not listed in the website.

I guess first of all it depends on what kind of massage u r looking for, at the moment, out of my head can think of only 1) thai traditional massage with pajamas, 2) oil massage without anything on, 3) normal massage with or without shorts.

For normal and oil massage, price is around RM70 per hour, which in thai odyssey, the aroma oil massage is more expensive than some of the HCs around there but the oil massage there is for ladies only anyway so also cannot try if want to. If i crave for oil massage, i think i will head for one of te HCs around there or simply have it in singapore since the price is not that much of a difference if one is not looking for special.

I guess the main attraction at thai odyssey is the traditional thai massage, at least for me, which is kinda scarce in most of the places. A' Vista Melati Hotel HC also has but a bit more expensive (50 min @ RM 60) and service quality wise I believe would not be any better than thai odyssey if not worse. Searching through this forum and others quite a number of times I also cannot find anything better than the price offered with the quality, somemore its near to the customs and the place is safe.

Getting down to numbers, counting the 2 hr package, the price comes to ((RM98 / 2) / 2.29) = S$21.40/hr or the 90 minute package (((RM83 / 90) * 60) / 2.29) = S$24.10/hr. Where on earth can we find such price in Singapore with that kind of quality consistency? I guess that explains why that place is so jam packed during the weekends with many many many singapore customers.

15-06-2006, 04:11 PM
I guess the main attraction at thai odyssey is the traditional thai massage, at least for me, which is kinda scarce in most of the places.

Getting down to numbers, counting the 2 hr package, the price comes to ((RM98 / 2) / 2.29) = S$21.40/hr or the 90 minute package (((RM83 / 90) * 60) / 2.29) = S$24.10/hr. Where on earth can we find such price in Singapore with that kind of quality consistency? I guess that explains why that place is so jam packed during the weekends with many many many singapore customers.

Now I know why the Causeway is always jammed during the weekends - Singaporeans coming to City Square for the very cheap Thai Traditional Massage ! :D

15-06-2006, 08:32 PM
Thanks bro fallenangel, nevertheless i will try very soon.:p

16-06-2006, 03:31 AM
Now I know why the Causeway is always jammed during the weekends - Singaporeans coming to City Square for the very cheap Thai Traditional Massage ! :D
Haha, oh, singaporean goes to jb for many things:- cheap hair cut, cheap seafood, cheap secret recipe, cheap movies, cheap hc, cheap petrol, cheap grocery, cheap massage, etc on top of the inevitable cheap pirated vcds.

I guess with the opening of city square, the the place looks so much more attractive, at least to me. The place feels like orchard road in singapore, good security, babes factor very high in the scale as well with the young, the trendy and the sophiscated. When the waterfront city opens, can expect the jam on the causeway to be even worse. Whats more wicked is if they open a casino there as well, oh with so many hotels nearby, from 1 star all the way to Puteri Pan Pac, with so many HCs and massage places nearby, with no shortage of quality malaysian fls, besides the prcs which exisits almost everywhere, etc, this place is going to rock, of cos provided the respective organisations don't get greedy and start to impose levy or entrance fees. Anyway, enough yacking, I really do hope the place spices up, kinda gets to like the place.

Rasa Sayang - didn't know this place is so near to the customs as well, didn't manage to catch the hotel while walking around, either it is renamed as Compact Hotel or it is hidden in some corner like Ocean Hotel. Will check it up on my next trip.

16-06-2006, 08:35 AM
Rasa Sayang Hotel is somewhere near the High Court.

After you exited from the Johor Custom, Go straight and turn rite on the first traffic light(nearest to Waterfront City Shopping centre-at your 11 o'clock position). Once you turn, you'll have to stop at another traffic light, go straight and you'll pass the High Court, Jotic which houses the TGIF Restaurant (Johor Tourism Info Centre), the Government Offices Building and a Primary School on your right side and the Indonesian Embassy at your left side. Turn right at the first T Junction right after the school going uphill and right again at the next T junction. Drive for 5 minutes and you'll see Hotel Rasa Sayang at your left side.

Hope this helps.

16-06-2006, 12:17 PM
If you are at the Puteri Pacific Hotel, just walk out to where the Telekom Building is and carry on walking for about 5 minutes and you will see the Rasa Sayang Hotel........... opposite this hotel is the EPF Building (Bangunan KWSP ) and the Menara TJB

17-06-2006, 06:27 AM
Thanks bro zhivago and bro KatoeyLover69 for the direction to Rasa Sayang, will not be going up so soon, will check it up the next time i go.

Apologise for sidetracking a little, just came to know that Lot1 waterfront city has been liquidated, probably the whole waterfront city project will be scrapped. I guess I have mistaken that the construction ground between bluewave and city square is for lot1 where they join the 2 shopping complexes together and maybe with bullet train station there too in the future. If I am wrong, what is that construction ground for since it is still in progress now?

Merlin Tower beer garden - just realised i miss this place, should be 3rd floor of merlin tower, not my cup of tea, maybe good for other bros.

17-06-2006, 08:13 AM
Itz the Johor's future Customs' checkpoint if I get your words rite.:cool:

17-06-2006, 01:17 PM
Itz the Johor's future Customs' checkpoint if I get your words rite.

It is called the CIQ Building

CIQ = Customs & Immigration Checkpoint

The CIQ is supposed to be opened on 1 January 2007. All travellers to and from Singapore (whether by cars/buses/lorries/motorbikes/foot) will have to pass thro' the CIQ Building.

The CIQ will have a Central Bus Station, Railway Station, Taxi Station and in future the JB LRT/MRT will also pass thro' here

09-07-2006, 08:59 PM
Where is Hotel Grand Blue wave?

10-07-2006, 09:21 AM
Thanks bro fallenangel, nevertheless i will try very soon.:p

Hmmm... for a person who just until recently started a thread that was finding fault with Malaysia and all Malaysians... u dun seem to have any qualms about coming to cheong in Malaysia... can't get a flight to PRC :rolleyes:

11-07-2006, 02:48 PM
Where is Hotel Grand Blue wave?
If u stand at city square looking over to the side of the outbound malaysia custom, at the backdrop u can see hotel grand blue wave.

To walk there, take the overhead bridge leading to the outbound malaysia customs from city square 2nd floor. Instead of going down to the customs somewhere at 3/4 length of the overhead bridge, walk straight through, pass the fence and go down at the end of the overhead bridge, there u can find a trail that cuts through the construction site and at the other side of the construction site, walk a bit further u can find hotel grand blue wave and cosmo inn side by side.

At rainy days, the trail will be muddy and water will be dripping down from the covering on the top, the construction site will also be muddy during rainy days so if u r dress nicely, dun think that will be a good route. Also at night i believe the trail and the construction site will be very dark cos i did not see any lamp post or any lights anywhere.

Thanks bro KatoeyLover69 and bro zhivago for the info on CIQ building, haven't had a chance to go up yet, will take another look at it, the future customs looks rather big as the construction site if i remember correctly is quite huge.

12-07-2006, 06:21 PM
At rainy days, the trail will be muddy and water will be dripping down from the covering on the top, the construction site will also be muddy during rainy days so if u r dress nicely, dun think that will be a good route. Also at night i believe the trail and the construction site will be very dark cos i did not see any lamp post or any lights anywhere.

Not recommended to walk this foot path during the night, might step into plank with nails, it will be fatal. The muddy slope at times would be rather slippery with trails of lorries tyres.............................

I have inserted the HCs name cards (thumbnails) with locations in another site - click on to my signature will link you there.

12-07-2006, 11:07 PM
Had a second look at the plaza seni and the kota raya massage place, looks like malay tui na place, think scrap these two from the list.

Finally found Rasa Sayang using bro KatoeyLover69's method, haven't check out the HC there yet. I would like to provide an alternative way to reach the hotel from city square, hope it helps someone somewhere somehow:

1) From city square, took the jln wong ah fook overhead bridge at level 2 and corss the road using the overhead bridge.

2) Took the left side of the stairs down from the overhead bridge.

3) once you are down, walk approximately 4 to 5 steps and take the stairs on your right to go up to the street where hotel puteri pan pac is located.

4) cross the road to reach hotel puteri pan pac, take the stairs on the left of the hotel when you are facing the hotel, walk all the way up to the other end of the hotel where u will come across a road and opposite the road you can see a telekom antenna.

5) cross the road, turn right, keep to the left side of the road and keep walking all the while sticking to the left of the road, you will pass by a few food stalls. You will actually be taking a left bent turning into jalan dato dalam instead of walking in a straight line.

6) after you are in jalan dato dalam, keep walking, Rasa Sayang is on the right hand side.

Thanks again for all bros help to enable me to locate the hotel.

12-08-2007, 03:05 PM
City Square - Thai Odyssey, confirmed clean, cheapest I can find for thai traditional massage with consistent quality of service, if anybody can find cheaper place that is as good, please let me know, ok?

Let me revive this one year old thread. I tried this place last week.
Thai massage for 2 hours (around MY105, can't remember the exact amount), tips MY10, is that enough for a 2 hour massage?

The massage is very good, value for money if u compare it with what u get in SG. Not a place for bros looking for special service. The only down side is all the masseurs are aunties.

Is there any place in JB (preferably near custom) that offer good massage with these criteria

1) Nice and clean, good ambience
2) Better looking and young masseur (under 35) than those in Thai Odyssey
3) value for money compare to SG

I'm not looking for TN like those in Pelangi area, just nicer place to relax.

There are many beauty salons in JB that offer massage, but seems like those are for ladies only, any unisex one that are massage by younger girls.


13-08-2007, 01:34 AM
...The only down side is all the masseurs are aunties.
actually, there are younger girls at Thai Odyssey, think some in their 20s, but i think the some of the receps there hate people asking for younger girls, last time ask the plump malay recep and she replied something rather rudely, since then, me not visiting there anymore, maybe they got too many customers already so don't give a damn. Maybe can try chit chatting with the chinese girl, she is very friendly.

13-08-2007, 11:19 PM
actually, there are younger girls at Thai Odyssey, think some in their 20s, but i think the some of the receps there hate people asking for younger girls, last time ask the plump malay recep and she replied something rather rudely, since then, me not visiting there anymore, maybe they got too many customers already so don't give a damn. Maybe can try chit chatting with the chinese girl, she is very friendly.

This will be a bit paiseh and I didn't see any young one there. I don't mind the slim Malay recep massage for me though:D

Are such places I'm looking for non existence in JB? :(

13-08-2007, 11:59 PM
This will be a bit paiseh and I didn't see any young one there. I don't mind the slim Malay recep massage for me though:D
maybe the young ones have bookings already so they dun stay around outside and I don't think they have too many, maybe just a couple.

The chinese recep is very friendly but I don't know whether she is still there, never go around there for quite a while liao, not need paiseh lah, just chit chat with her when she is not busy, ask her about the girls, etc, talk to her nicely, i think she will be nice to you also cos she is very nice to me, very polite and all. if she tell you don't have young girls, then say u come another time and leave loh.

Are such places I'm looking for non existence in JB? :(
JB is so big, sure have but just not around the town area loh, town area not much choices. Thai massage only have this one and the one in melati hotel but both not so young girls loh. Further down a bit got new york hotel one recomended by some bro, this one me haven't try yet.

17-08-2007, 11:11 PM
maybe the young ones have bookings already so they dun stay around outside and I don't think they have too many, maybe just a couple.

The chinese recep is very friendly but I don't know whether she is still there, never go around there for quite a while liao, not need paiseh lah, just chit chat with her when she is not busy, ask her about the girls, etc, talk to her nicely, i think she will be nice to you also cos she is very nice to me, very polite and all. if she tell you don't have young girls, then say u come another time and leave loh.

JB is so big, sure have but just not around the town area loh, town area not much choices. Thai massage only have this one and the one in melati hotel but both not so young girls loh. Further down a bit got new york hotel one recomended by some bro, this one me haven't try yet.


That's sad. :( Seems like no one know any good place with clean massage with nice gals. I guess I have to stick to Thai Odessey for good massage, but with aunties. :(

22-08-2007, 08:40 PM
There's a new hotel called Hotel Central just opp the railway station.

In front of the hotel is a banner ad for a spa on the 4th floor of the hotel.
Says that RM45 for full body msg.
Not free so didn't check it out.

Any bro tried it yet?

23-08-2007, 06:15 AM
[QUOTE=ray922;2205305]Let me revive this one year old thread. I tried this place last week.
Thai massage for 2 hours (around MY105, can't remember the exact amount), tips MY10, is that enough for a 2 hour massage?

The massage is very good, value for money if u compare it with what u get in SG. Not a place for bros looking for special service. The only down side is all the masseurs are aunties.

Is there any place in JB (preferably near custom) that offer good massage with these criteria

l've been there a few times. foot massage is good as well.

03-09-2007, 11:33 PM
There's a new hotel called Hotel Central just opp the railway station.

In front of the hotel is a banner ad for a spa on the 4th floor of the hotel.
Says that RM45 for full body msg.
Not free so didn't check it out.

Any bro tried it yet?

I saw the banner (at Merlin Tower) on the way to City Square last week,
thinking that Central Hotel is at the upper storey of Merlin tower, walked up to third floor of this extremely run down building, found no more stairs to 4th floor. I didn't bother to continue since the place is soooo... run down.

Went to Thai Odessey again yesterday, finished early with some time to burn, so decided to look for the place one more time out of curiousity, finally found Central Hotel. It's actually part of Merlin Tower (behind the building and close to City Square) but much with better condition.

Took the elevator to 4th floor. Just asked around but didn't try as I just came out from Thai Odessey.

Here's the price if u guys r interested.

Foot massage
40 mins - RM28
60 mins - RM39

Body massage
40 mins - RM45
60 mins - RM60
90 mins - RM90
120 mins - RM110

90 mins - RM110

Body scrub & massage
90 mins - RM150

90 mins - RM25 (Free if you take up massage, ot too sure of the detail)

Please write an FR if u try this. Happy massage.

10-09-2007, 10:11 AM

That's sad. :( Seems like no one know any good place with clean massage with nice gals. I guess I have to stick to Thai Odessey for good massage, but with aunties. :(

Bro ray922, there is another good original Thai massage with younger chics at Bangkok Massage at Taman Maju Jaya, JB. The place is very class with all the decor tastefully done. No hanky panky at this place. They got ancient thai massage, oil massage n foot massage. I tried the aromatic oil massage quite good the massage. The masseur quite friendly and chat wif you in hokkien in thai style. Damage is RM110-00 for one hour. Place quite crowded on weekends i heard from my friends in JB. I went on week day so not so many people.

12-09-2007, 12:02 AM
Bro ray922, there is another good original Thai massage with younger chics at Bangkok Massage at Taman Maju Jaya, JB. .

Thanks bro mlkfcuk

Can you give me more detail of the place? I tried to googling "Bangkok Massage" but can't find anything.

I don't drive, so I think it will not be easy for me to go there. Moreover, RM110 for 1 hour is very very expensive, we can even get cheaper one in SG.
I'll give it a try if I have spare time and cash though.

12-09-2007, 11:12 AM
Hi Bro Ray922, this place is at Jln Abiad at Tmn Maju Jaya. I don't think googling can give u location of this place. Still quite new. The Aromatic oil massage is with aromatic oils not just ordinary baby oil. They serve u ginseng tea after the massage. Masseurs are not auntie type. I won't call them young chics but still young lar!:D

12-09-2007, 11:36 PM
...I don't drive, so I think it will not be easy for me to go there. Moreover, RM110 for 1 hour is very very expensive, we can even get cheaper one in SG. I'll give it a try if I have spare time and cash though.
Try googling Taman Maju Jaya, found out the Taman is between plaza pelangi and crystal crown hotel, on the plaza pelangi side. Compare to other places, this place is closest to the town liao.

13-09-2007, 11:09 PM
Hi Bro Ray922, this place is at Jln Abiad at Tmn Maju Jaya. I don't think googling can give u location of this place. Still quite new. The Aromatic oil massage is with aromatic oils not just ordinary baby oil. They serve u ginseng tea after the massage. Masseurs are not auntie type. I won't call them young chics but still young lar!:D

ok thanks. maybe I should wait for other bros to try and give me a more detail direction of this place. But the price is not cheaper than Singapore,
so I'll have less incentives to try.

I'll probably try the massage at Central Hotel next week, will give an FR.

17-09-2007, 11:56 PM
last weekend just try this place- Central Hotel

everything is new .i think just operate in one month old only . the service so so .mayb they have not much experience yet .

tried this sarawak gal - Jenifer .
massage quite good . HJ so so
for those bro look for massage shld try her .

look - 7 / 10
massage - 8/10 (strong )
hj - 4/10

i mention the service so so ect they didnt offer me drink . while i am goin to steam / suana they just start to on the machine ... let mi wait quite sometime for it .

17-09-2007, 11:57 PM
last weekend just try this place- Central Hotel

everything is new .i think just operate in one month old only . the service so so .mayb they have not much experience yet .

tried this sarawak gal - Jenifer .
massage quite good . HJ so so
for those bro look for massage shld try her .

look - 7 / 10
massage - 8/10 (strong )
hj - 4/10

i mention the service so so ect they didnt offer me drink . while i am goin to steam / suana they just start to on the machine ... let mi wait quite sometime for it .

18-09-2007, 12:05 AM
paiseh due to server prob . double post .

whatever drink
19-09-2007, 12:59 AM
Hi Bro Ray922, this place is at Jln Abiad at Tmn Maju Jaya. I don't think googling can give u location of this place. Still quite new. The Aromatic oil massage is with aromatic oils not just ordinary baby oil. They serve u ginseng tea after the massage. Masseurs are not auntie type. I won't call them young chics but still young lar!:D

Wow bro, still young! How about their massage skill?

19-09-2007, 01:23 AM
last weekend just try this place- Central Hotel

everything is new .i think just operate in one month old only . the service so so .mayb they have not much experience yet .

tried this sarawak gal - Jenifer .
massage quite good . HJ so so
for those bro look for massage shld try her .

look - 7 / 10
massage - 8/10 (strong )
hj - 4/10

i mention the service so so ect they didnt offer me drink . while i am goin to steam / suana they just start to on the machine ... let mi wait quite sometime for it .

Hi, I went to the place too. My girl is Mai from Thailand. 30++ if not 40.
Massage is good but not a looker, JG for MY50, didn't bother to auto roam.

Saw 2 more girls, I think Thai too, not my type in terms of look.
All 3 of them are quite big size, not the tall and slim type.

Hmm.. u rated your girl Jennifer 7/10, can u give a brief description of her?
Did you get to auto roam?

20-09-2007, 01:21 PM
Wow bro, still young! How about their massage skill?

Hi bro whatever drink! their massage skills are good. But this place no hanky panky one oh! No Hj or raba raba allowed.:D

22-09-2007, 12:15 AM
Hmm.. u rated your girl Jennifer 7/10, can u give a brief description of her?
Did you get to auto roam?

erm tat day i was saw 4 gals include jennifer .
one is quite tall with spec / one its nearly 40yos chinese /another its quite young but abit palm .

j look like early or mid 30 . if i am not wrong . i manage to crap her melon n play with her eraser . but boobs about A to B cup only .

26-09-2007, 10:53 AM
Last week, went JB and went to Merlin Tower toilet. I saw the banner just outside the toilet with “ Massage at Central Hotel”.

I checked with the counter lady boss that they operate about one month old. The lady boss is about 30 plus, but she still maintained her body. She shown me around the place and asked me whether wanna try Thai or Normal massage. I choose the normal massage. I told her any girl as Chio Bu as her. She laugh and said the girl is better that her.

I was assigned with a room and below is my FR;

Name : Jenifer
No: 18
Age : 26 She told me
Nationality : Malaysia, Sarawak
figure : 6.5 a bit bak Chai
looks : 6.7
boobs : B…. I measure with my hand….look like papaya.
catbath : 6
Massage: 8 strong and soft….can made me sleep like baby
Body massage: 6.5
BBBJ : She dun allow.
BJ: 5
FJ : 6 …A bit rush due to time going to up soon….i do the job more…
Damage : Massage 1 hr ($63) + FJ $120
Rtf : Yes….

26-09-2007, 04:51 PM
Name : Jenifer
No: 18
Age : 26 She told me
Nationality : Malaysia, Sarawak
figure : 6.5 a bit bak Chai
looks : 6.7
boobs : B…. I measure with my hand….look like papaya.
catbath : 6
Massage: 8 strong and soft….can made me sleep like baby
Body massage: 6.5
BBBJ : She dun allow.
BJ: 5
FJ : 6 …A bit rush due to time going to up soon….i do the job more…
Damage : Massage 1 hr ($63) + FJ $120
Rtf : Yes….

Bro, nice FR..anyway not even S$100 can bonk mah:D

26-09-2007, 05:04 PM
bangkok one.. clean nice massage from aunties...

but those recept... really hope they can do it.. :) they look good.

27-09-2007, 03:23 PM
Bro, nice FR..anyway not even S$100 can bonk mah

Aiyah, is about S$82. So in summary, S$32 for massage & S$50 for FJ. Hehehe
But if more than S$50, i will go Geylang for PRC liao :D :p

10-03-2014, 09:42 PM
Was at thai odyssey. It seems all of them are unlookable. Lucky I got one that looks decent (prettiest of them already), and massage was good, and she can speak chinese. My friends not so lucky, no look and lousy massage. No hanky panky. Her number is 935, just don't go there for SYT.

31-01-2017, 03:36 PM
does anyone know any others aside from thaiodyssey?

All the info seems quite outdated already.. going to thaiodyssey's website, its nearly 50% increase from the earlier posting prices.

Anyone know any massage places near customs thats not so ex? both special and without

31-01-2017, 08:20 PM
does anyone know any others aside from thaiodyssey?

All the info seems quite outdated already.. going to thaiodyssey's website, its nearly 50% increase from the earlier posting prices.

Anyone know any massage places near customs thats not so ex? both special and without
go to the subforum specially for JB, bro