View Full Version : Vietnam FL in KL ??
27-06-2006, 11:54 PM
Hi guys,
Any idea where to find Vietnam FL in KL?
I was told Beach Club mostly has Philippians hanging out (no Thai or PRC....).
BTW, anyone tried to bring girls to one of the Hotels around Beach Club before?
Continental, Sheraton (close??) Shangri-La or New R. Hotel?
What is the damage like for a full night?
Appreciate your help!
28-06-2006, 09:14 AM
Bro, tat kinda ang mo joint dun hv Viet lah...viets hang out at feng tau joints with their pimps after work if they dont get booked. u shud get a good cab driver to take u to those techno place but they only start happening after 2am and ends at 9am! if u really wan viets go to imperial lah...dunno where is imperial? ask cab driver loh..there are viets operating in ktvs and certain hotels but tat 1 u hv to go window shopping lah. in malaysia, those 5star hotels no prob to bring gers back to ur room fact, u tip the bell boy they can get delivery service to you oso...hv fun..HAPI BONKING!
28-06-2006, 10:35 AM
Hmmm... no posting... first posting... surprise surprise... ask for info info info... can u get it???... KL FL Scene dead...or comatose... call OKT for call in service... or try ur luck for ONS... or visit HC/KTV... this is not GL or Singapore
As for bringing ger to those hotels... u try and let us know lah..:rolleyes:
And start a new thread somemore... talk abt waste of space...
28-06-2006, 12:21 PM
Hmm.. got zapped by some ppl who feel that every newbie should have the right to start a new thread everytime they have a question to ask... the message is everyone has a first time.... true... but have we not always said... read the stickies... if u dun... kena fark one... hmmm... guess must be another newbie... anyway... if got guts leave nick... if not zap also no use... cos u r chicken... and deserve to be fark like one... I think this Casio must be a clone... :rolleyes:
28-06-2006, 12:42 PM
Hmm.. got zapped by some ppl who feel that every newbie should have the right to start a new thread everytime they have a question to ask... the message is everyone has a first time.... true... but have we not always said... read the stickies... if u dun... kena fark one... hmmm... guess must be another newbie... anyway... if got guts leave nick... if not zap also no use... cos u r chicken... and deserve to be fark like one... I think this Casio must be a clone... :rolleyes:
Aiya... dun mad la....
I bring your Viet Chick up to KL next time can ??
then u can fark her until she knows what is the meaning of "Chi Pek"... think they dun have this word in their volcabuary until they have met u... hee hee :p
28-06-2006, 12:56 PM
..I bring your Viet Chick up to KL next time can ??
Can bring mine from XTD boh?? Still thinking of those nice pretty nips, leh!! Slurrp, slurrpp!! If you dun bring, me and KLKool will have to go to the source, liao!! ;)
28-06-2006, 01:10 PM
Can bring mine from XTD boh?? Still thinking of those nice pretty nips, leh!! Slurrp, slurrpp!! If you dun bring, me and KLKool will have to go to the source, liao!!
OEI !! If u guys going to the SOURCE... better dun forget me hor !!:D
I can bring yourgal up to... no problem... but no guarantee... it'll still be pink and pretty by the ttime the 4 hour drive to KL is over.
U know la... 4 hours... so boring... and her nips so inviting... can't help but to suck & play with it... just to pass the time.. 4 hours... *shivers*... heehee :p
28-06-2006, 02:09 PM
Can bring mine from XTD boh?? Still thinking of those nice pretty nips, leh!! Slurrp, slurrpp!! If you dun bring, me and KLKool will have to go to the source, liao!! ;)
U guys planning on coming up to Vietnam???????????????? :D
28-06-2006, 02:19 PM
Bro Reaper,
Wah!! Didn't know you also come lurk around here, hoh?? :D
Shhh......coming or not is still in planning stage. Nothing concrete yet. But heard the Viet's dishes are nice over there, leh?? Kind to share some preview informations? Oppss...sorry, shd go to Vietnam thread hoh?? :cool:
28-06-2006, 03:47 PM
Bro Reaper,
Wah!! Didn't know you also come lurk around here, hoh?? :D
Shhh......coming or not is still in planning stage. Nothing concrete yet. But heard the Viet's dishes are nice over there, leh?? Kind to share some preview informations? Oppss...sorry, shd go to Vietnam thread hoh?? :cool:
hehehe...dont like that say leh.....JB use to be my play ground leh...not as far as KL lah...hoping to go there in the near future and met u guys for prob....can always share share wan.......hehehe..updated info just ask me...will let writing my memoirs right now...hehehe
28-06-2006, 04:14 PM
Aiya... dun mad la....
I bring your Viet Chick up to KL next time can ??
then u can fark her until she knows what is the meaning of "Chi Pek"... think they dun have this word in their volcabuary until they have met u... hee hee :p
Wah... me gian already leh... wanted to ask Rabbit to pack her in a suitcase.. but he takin coach... think die by the time reach KL ... kekeke
28-06-2006, 04:15 PM
Can bring mine from XTD boh?? Still thinking of those nice pretty nips, leh!! Slurrp, slurrpp!! If you dun bring, me and KLKool will have to go to the source, liao!! ;)
Bugger ... u never even get her mobile no.... otherwise next time i go SG i call her mah... kekeke
28-06-2006, 04:17 PM
OEI !! If u guys going to the SOURCE... better dun forget me hor !!
I can bring yourgal up to... no problem... but no guarantee... it'll still be pink and pretty by the ttime the 4 hour drive to KL is over.
U know la... 4 hours... so boring... and her nips so inviting... can't help but to suck & play with it... just to pass the time.. 4 hours... *shivers*... heehee
On lah... den Aug mission is HCMC... :p
As for Cib's girl... make sure u leave some for me horr...
28-06-2006, 04:19 PM
hehehe...dont like that say leh.....JB use to be my play ground leh...not as far as KL lah...hoping to go there in the near future and met u guys for prob....can always share share wan.......hehehe..updated info just ask me...will let writing my memoirs right now...hehehe
Bro... like dat must hear more from u lorr... if u come KL... pls give us a buzz... after what we experience in XTD... and even some viets in GL L7 KTV... must investigate more... kekeke
28-06-2006, 06:30 PM
Hmmm... no posting... first posting... surprise surprise... ask for info info info... can u get it???... KL FL Scene dead...or comatose... call OKT for call in service... or try ur luck for ONS... or visit HC/KTV... this is not GL or Singapore
As for bringing ger to those hotels... u try and let us know lah..:rolleyes:
And start a new thread somemore... talk abt waste of space...
KLKOOL, don't complain :D from what I can see this "newbie" thread gave you a lot of possibilities to express yourself...................
Thanks for the info !
I was hoping it will be easier to find a decent viet chick in KL.
28-06-2006, 11:43 PM
Vietnam FLs....not sure about that. Have you tried Thai Club across from Beach Club? Saw a report that nowadays more Pinoys than Thais over there though.
As for hotels, KL hotels are generally girl-friendly. Those that you mentioned
should be.
29-06-2006, 12:38 AM
KL FL scene got some life around Beach Club. Other than that, got those phone numbers being passed around. Heard some bros scoring some good ones (and bad ones) from other forums - MMS and ISG forums.
You kena zapped? Maybe just let the newbies be. If newbies starting new threads is a serious enough issue, I think the owner of this forum would have disabled this function already (see posting rules at bottom of page).
As for space, lately this forum seems to have been mostly "chatting". I am not saying it is a waste of space but it does make up a significant number of posts. Reports are few and far in between.
29-06-2006, 02:36 AM
U guys planning on coming up to Vietnam???????????????? :D
Bro, dont worry, i like adventure... but must save some bullets 1st then only can travel that far. :D
29-06-2006, 02:38 AM
Vietnam FLs....not sure about that. Have you tried Thai Club across from Beach Club? Saw a report that nowadays more Pinoys than Thais over there though.
Bro, i double confirm the Pinoys issue.
29-06-2006, 08:44 AM
You kena zapped? Maybe just let the newbies be. If newbies starting new threads is a serious enough issue, I think the owner of this forum would have disabled this function already (see posting rules at bottom of page).
As for space, lately this forum seems to have been mostly "chatting". I am not saying it is a waste of space but it does make up a significant number of posts. Reports are few and far in between.
Dathiman.. i dunt think we want SBF to degenerate into the kind of forum that ISG/WSG/MMS have become... anyhow like... start new thread to ask a question.. Is it a wonder that the forum owner put in points system to have the community moderate itself.
TCSS is for a reason... lots of lurkers that take the info shared on the forum without participating, therefore members have come up with their own 'code/language' of how to post here... if u wan more info... can always PM the poster (after all... its free here :D )... thats when ur rep and postings will determine if the poster will give u the time of day...
The fact that I didn't zap him is already a testament to my patience... :cool:
29-06-2006, 11:01 AM
ISG cannot anyhow start thread one. Only the admin can start a new thread. MMS can anyhow start new thread but seems to be under control. Admins there quite proactive - moving threads around to the proper folders and closing off inappropriate or duplicate threads. I suppose they can do it because there are many admins on the forum. (I am an ex-admin. ;) )
TCSS in here is okay. Male bonding mah. :D But seems most threads always have some TCSS going on. Pardon me for saying so, it is kind of clique-ish.
Nevermindlah, this is just a characteristic/nature of the forum.
There will always be freeloaders around but sometimes there are some newbies who are really lost and clueless and need some help to a good time. So I kasi chance a bit.
29-06-2006, 08:01 PM
Pardon me for saying so, it is kind of clique-ish.
Nevermindlah, this is just a characteristic/nature of the forum.
There will always be freeloaders around but sometimes there are some newbies who are really lost and clueless and need some help to a good time. So I kasi chance a bit.
Bro... thankz for the update :D ... I understand that its clique-ish... but thatz the nature... hope can have more groups and cliques... look at some bros... quite lonely one.. but we are quite cincai i hope...
I am all for helping newbies,... thatz y i never ever really fark one... or zap newbies... unless they damn bohliao... other than that... i also try and encourage them... but in my own wierd way lorr.. hehehe :p
30-06-2006, 03:40 PM
Vietnam FLs....not sure about that. Have you tried Thai Club across from Beach Club? Saw a report that nowadays more Pinoys than Thais over there though.
As for hotels, KL hotels are generally girl-friendly. Those that you mentioned
should be.
Ya, U can store a lot of Viet gals in Beach Club. I wan there two weeks ago & I saw more than 10 gals some are very chio. Price wise for ON around RM$400 ~ RM$500. I manage to bring a Philipino to Sheraton Imperial for only RM$300 after 1 am but do not tell them where do you stay.
Happy hunting.
03-07-2006, 01:29 PM
Ya, U can store a lot of Viet gals in Beach Club. I wan there two weeks ago & I saw more than 10 gals some are very chio. Price wise for ON around RM$400 ~ RM$500. I manage to bring a Philipino to Sheraton Imperial for only RM$300 after 1 am but do not tell them where do you stay.
Happy hunting.
Huh... Pinoys I know... Katoeys alot... but Viets in Beach club ??? :confused: who else can confirm ???
03-07-2006, 01:37 PM
Huh... Pinoys I know... Katoeys alot... but Viets in Beach club ??? :confused: who else can confirm ???
U use your nose cannot find ah?? After some time, ur sense of smell is tuned to their frequency worr..:p
03-07-2006, 06:54 PM
Thanks guys. I might be in KL this week.
Let's hope I have some news soon :D
03-07-2006, 09:18 PM
my investigations have shown.
Filipina inside the Beach club and the majority.
PRC, Vietnam and very few Thai (4 or 5 only) in the sitting area alongside the road.
Also some Indon - when I was there inside the bar watching the band.
04-07-2006, 10:18 AM
my investigations have shown.
Filipina inside the Beach club and the majority.
PRC, Vietnam and very few Thai (4 or 5 only) in the sitting area alongside the road.
Also some Indon - when I was there inside the bar watching the band.
wah.. u like detective horr... MIB arr :p ... anyway... good recce... but what's the quality like... i see normally quite CMI/MILF kind...
04-07-2006, 10:26 AM
I think places like Beach Club and those nearby need to go at the right time.
Too early, they set high price. Too late, all the good ones get taken. Those remaining can't make it, but on the plus side price may start going down.
04-07-2006, 11:16 AM
Hi guys,
Any idea where to find Vietnam FL in KL?
I was told Beach Club mostly has Philippians hanging out (no Thai or PRC....).
BTW, anyone tried to bring girls to one of the Hotels around Beach Club before?
Continental, Sheraton (close??) Shangri-La or New R. Hotel?
What is the damage like for a full night?
Appreciate your help!
I got number of OKT who can provide you with vietnam, china or even thai and sometimes filipino girls. They will send her to your hotel room. charges ranges from RM180 to RM250. PM me if you want the number!!
04-07-2006, 04:32 PM
I think places like Beach Club and those nearby need to go at the right time.
Too early, they set high price. Too late, all the good ones get taken. Those remaining can't make it, but on the plus side price may start going down.
Yes... i agree... hmm.. if it was like OT in SG, then the early crowd ... like ang mohs will take all the less attractive ones... leaving the attractive ones for us at cut prices.. hehehe :D
04-07-2006, 04:33 PM
charges ranges from RM180 to RM250. PM me if you want the number!!
ST right? ON will be about 330 to 350
05-07-2006, 09:24 PM
my investigations have shown.
Filipina inside the Beach club and the majority.
PRC, Vietnam and very few Thai (4 or 5 only) in the sitting area alongside the road.
Also some Indon - when I was there inside the bar watching the band.
Yes I can confirm this now.... The vietnam and PRC girls are not the highest quality. ended up with a filipino.
Next time will try some of the spas. might be better
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