View Full Version : What is Mosha?

05-07-2006, 12:30 PM
harlow, i keep seeing the word mosha in the massage thread. just wat on earth is mosha?? anyone can share with me???

05-07-2006, 03:30 PM
摩 means Polish or Rub with hands , 沙 means Sand
摩 沙 in Mandarin literally means polish with sand.
It actually means body scrub with a cream that feels like fine sand.

05-07-2006, 04:48 PM
Mosha is a wet cream apply to massage you...many TN have shiok must try

05-07-2006, 05:26 PM
harlow, i keep seeing the word mosha in the massage thread. just wat on earth is mosha?? anyone can share with me???

mosha was a pretty lady lived in china in the 16th century. she started the rub. her stats was 26 24 28. in those days it was considered perfect

05-07-2006, 06:11 PM
mosha was a pretty lady lived in china in the 16th century. she started the rub. her stats was 26 24 28. in those days it was considered perfect

Hahahaha... good one, that! I wanna see who you say Juagen is...

05-07-2006, 09:04 PM
JuaGen was another lady..only she lived in the 17th century..she introduced the blow.:p

06-07-2006, 02:25 AM
haha, bro good one. so wad would u call, BM n all e other services available? haha.

06-07-2006, 10:20 AM
Haha... bro greenbull, i up you lah. maybe you can work on other stories of women in ancient china, like da feiji, cui pipa...

06-07-2006, 12:50 PM
mosha was a pretty lady lived in china in the 16th century. she started the rub. her stats was 26 24 28. in those days it was considered perfect

MOSHA sounds to me like a beautiful lady from an Arabian Kindom. She danced infront of the KING, teasing him with seductive twists of her sexy body, and stripping off her sari bit by bit....
The KING cannot tahan her slow process and screamed the word "MORE".
She replied "SHA" meaning yes my "ROD"! :D

06-07-2006, 10:10 PM
bro icarus
thanks for upping my points!will repay the favour as soon as i can.

the comments give me ideas liao..i go tink of stories and post asap..:p

08-07-2006, 03:34 PM
A more detailed explanation of MOSHA can be found under the thread :
Frequently used terms in Chinese.
Ba Huo Guan 扒火罐 Ba - pronounced in 2nd sound. It means unplug.
Huo - pronounced in3rd sound. It means fire.
Guan - pronounced in 4th sound. It means container or can.The whole meaning means a Chinese traditional therapy using a bamboo cup to extract air from a patient’s skin. A small piece of cloth damped with alcohol is first ignited and then inserted into the bamboo cup for a few seconds to expel some air inside. The warmed bamboo cup is then pressed firmly onto the patient’s skin where rheumatism or other muscle pains is experienced. As the bamboo cup cools, the air inside contracts and creates suction, which will then sucks out some air and moisture under the patient’s skin. The combination of heat and suction simulates the tissues under the patient’s skin and relieves the patient’s pain. Frequent therapy will slowly heals the patient’s rheumatism. Modern method uses glass containers in the shape of a rounded flask with short neck.

Mo Sha 摩 沙 Mo - pronounced in 2nd sound, meaning polish (Rub)
Sha - pronounced in 1st sound, meaning Sand
It means body and limbs scrub using a sand like cream.
Tui Na 推 拿 Tui - pronounced in 1st sound, meaning push or forward rub.
Na - pronounced in 2nd sound, meaning take or backward grap.

It is a traditional Chinese massage to relieve muscle cramps on the limbs and back.

Jua Gen 抓 根 Jua - pronounced in 1st sound, meaning catch
Gen - pronounced in 1st sound, meaning vein.
Pronounced as jua-gan. The word "gen" sounds like "gan" as in the word "organ". It is a traditional Chinese massage of the Prick and groin areas to straighten the veins for easy flow of blood and so strenghtens the erection.

This thread can close now. :)